"Come on kids! Your father has a game today!" Harry says holding Ashton on his hip trying to get his kids out before they're late.

"Coming" the older say walking into the room her hair in a messy bun. "Hey sweets" Harry says kissing her cheek, she only returns a smile and grabs Ashton from him walking towards the door.

Harry makes sure to having everything ready, he gets the rest of his kids out and walks to the car carrying Ariana, who was still tired. He holds he to his chest walking to the car holding bags he knew he'd need.

Harry watched from the crowd as his husband yelled and coached. He enjoyed it, and his children did as well which made him happier.

He smiles when seeing Louis run up to the bleachers, he always did this during his breaks.

"Hey baby" Harry says bringing his husband down for a quick kiss. Louis smiles running his hands through his hair.

He looks to the rest of the kids visiting them each, placing kisses to their foreheads.

"Hey dad, the games going well. As always" his eldest said, smiling to her dad. Louis smiles brightly, bringing her into a hug.

She pats his back before pulling away, watching as he walked back down to the field to coach. The stadium was packed with many people.

You see, Louis is the coach of the famous Doncaster Rovers. Pretty much everyone's heard of them, or Louis. Normally tickets costed alot, but being married to the coach had it's perks.


"We won, we won, we won!" Louis cheers jumping around. Harry smiles fondly, and leans over to him pressing a light kiss to his earlobe sending shivers down Louis' spine.

"Dad, I'm gonna take them to get something to eat" the eldest says. Louis responds with a nod, watching as they walk away. Harry focusses his attention back onto his husband smiling.

"You won, again" Harry laughs, Louis smiles up at him.

"Well, I am Louis Tomlinson" Louis says flipping his imaginary hair. "Correction, Louis Styles" Harry says smirking at him. Louis rolled his eyes fondly at Harry.

"You dork" Louis giggles, Harry gives him a derpy smile "Your dork" Louis nods. "All mine" He says, standing on his toes and pressing a kiss to Harry's lips. Harry wraps an arm around Louis' waist pulling him closer.

"And you're mine" Harry whispers in his ears, resulting in a dark blush yo form across Louis' cheeks. "Yes, all yours" he responds before connecting their lips again.


Louis layed on his husbands chest, smiling as Harry played with his slightly curled hair. He traced shapes onto Harry's toned chest humming lightly to a song he remembered.

"Hungry babe?" Harry's deep voice interrupted the silence. "A bit, but I just want to stay here". Harry smiled before placing a sweet kiss to his forehead and burying his head into Louis' feathery hair. He inhaled the vanilla scent, sighing in content.

"I love you Hazza"

"Love you too baby, more than you know" Louis smiles, before drifting off, loving the feeling of Harry's arms wrapped around his petite frame.

Harry smiled, but all things must come to an end. And that happened when Ariana bounced into the room giggling, jumping onto her dads. Louis whines trying to ignore the weight on his small body.

Louis, failing to ignore begins whining loudly.

"Off, please. I wanna sleep!" Louis whines, and Harry can old laugh but pulls the small body of his husbands and places her next to him.

"Go to sleep love" Harry says kissing Louis' cute nose, which scrunches up making Harry coo.

Louis finally starts to drift off and falls into a much needed sleep. Harry smiles noticing Ariana looking up at the two, with big green eyes.

Ariana looked like Harry, but had Louis' small nose. She may have looked like, but her personality was a mixture of the two. She was sassy, but shy. She was caring but had her times when she wouldn't like to share.

"Daddy?" She asked in a soft voice."Yes princess?" Harry responded looking down at her.

"Why is there never princes marrying princes on movies?" She asked.

"Well, you see. Some people don't like it. But who needs a movie when we have real life?" He says, dimples displayed.

"But you're not a prince?" She says tilting her head to the side, resulting in her curly, brown locks falling to the side.

"Maybe not like in the movies, but your father is my prince. And you're our princess". He smiles fondly at his husband and daughter. She giggles into her small hand, and hugs her father.

"Love you Ari"

"Love you too daddy"

And with that she drifts off, Harry stays up stating up at the ceiling and thinks.

Remembering the day he first met Lou, the beginning of his happiness.
He reminisces about the past, smiling go himself.

Sixteen year old Harry watched as the much taller man held him up against the locker, not being able to do anything but let it happen.

He watches as he shouts profanities at Harry, Harry's so lost. All he recalls is the words "Faggot" and "Disgusting" at this point be really didn't care. Just waiting for a hit that would never come.


"Come on Lou" Zayn whines.

"Sorry, can't. Gotta exam Tuesday. Gotta study" He respond with a pout and returns to his walk towards his locker. He whistles to himself, but it soon comes to an end when hearing shouts and grunts.

He walks closer, coming in face with the scene. He bites his, racking his mind if things to do in this situation. The only thing him coming up with, was dive head first. So he does.

He runs up to the two, shouting at the taller male.

"Hey! Put him down!" He shouts. Harry's eyes flicker over to Louis. He looks up his small frame. He can't help the smile on his face. But he snaps out of it, realizing where he was.

"Trying to save your fag boyfriend, what a joke" The male snarled.

Louis places his hands on his hips, and rolls his eyes, but sighs in relief realizing he had distracted him into letting Harry free from his intense grip.

"Last time I checked, he was a human. Not a bloody cig." He responded sassily, only pissing the other off even more. "Dumb ass". He mumbles under his breath, quickly regretting it as the other growls at him.

"What did you call me?!" He shouts, grabbing Louis by his collar. Pulling him closer to his face.

"You better take that back!" He shouts, Louis only shakes his head. Smiling, a hint of nervousness visible. Well, not very noticeable. But Harry noticed.

"Never would I ever, I don't like to lie" and just like that a punch was delivered to Louis' eye. And many more. Harry quickly jumps up rubbing for help. Screaming, and he tugged a teacher towards the scene.

His heart beating 100 miles per hour. The adult quickly pulled the male off of Louis and pulled him away, as Louis lied on the school ground groaning. Some bruises already forming around his eye and cheek. His lip cut, as blood spilled from it.

But strangely, Harry still found the boy to be beautiful. He quickly run to his, giving him as much assistance as he possibly could. He picked him up, his arm wrapped beneath his knees and other arm wrapped around his upper torso, and runs to the nurses office.

He runs in placing Louis onto the bed and holds his hand as he is tended to.

Hours later Louis was finally cleared to go to the rest of his classes.

"Hey um, thanks for saving me. Sorry this happened" Harry bites his lip nervously.

Louis only smiles sweetly at the boy. "It's fine, either you or I. And I'd much rather it be me than a pretty face like yours" Louis says and raises his hand up to Harry's face pulling his lip from the hold of Harry's teeth.

Harry can't help the blush that covers his cheeks. "B-but you're beautiful" He curses himself for the stutter. Louis only smiles a bit of blush on his cheeks. "Thanks" he smiles.

"Anyway, what's your name?"

"Louis, most call me Lou or whatever's fine" he says with a shrug.

"Well I'm Harry, it was nice meeting you. But uh gotta get to class"

Louis nods, and stands up on his toes and places a soft kiss to Harry's cheek. "See ya curly" he says then walks away with a smile on his face.

Harry can't help the smile that tugs at his lips, along with the blush in his cheeks. He was attracted to Louis, more than you'd ever know.

Harry smiles at the memory, he still geeks the same way. He loves him do much. And doesn't know what he'd do without him.

He looks down at Louis and smiles, his eyes then move to Ariana. His smile only becoming bigger. His family truly did mean a lot to him.

And waking up to Louis' face everyday and able to call him his husband made him feel like the luckiest man to live.

And Louis felt the same.


I genuinely liked this chapter, did you??? Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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