🍃 Chapter 8🍃
Hello everyone!!!🙌🙌🙌
Good morning
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who prayed for me. You motivated me, and I feel more better now.
Thank you again!!! I'll definitely respond to all messages
Chapter eight is up! I had to divide it.... I'm sorry🙈
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You.... You want to be sturbborn shey?
Oya vote now.
I want one or two of my silent readers to break their silence today. Who will do it?
Chapter 8
19th of Febuary, 2022
The long awaited Saturday was here, there was no wedding invitation or Impromptu family gathering so Kilahi laid in bed planning her day. She had a mountaineous pile of launderies to wash, it wasn't just hers, her Uncle and Aunty's dirty laundries.
Then she'll work on finishing the dress for the date.
The date! A smile curled up her lips, her first date! She has already imagined how the whole thing will play out like 109 times! The words she'll say!
She quickly pulled her phone close going through the 'dos and donts in dates' video she downloaded from you tube.
She went online hoping to find Pastor Amazing online, lucky for her, she was.
Good morning Ma
Amazing switched to video call and answered, "Good morning pretty" "Good morning Ma, ignore my morning face" "Is mine an afternoon face?" "No"
"How are you?"
"Fine but i've got questions Ma. I've not exactly prayed for myself, not a single word of prayer for myself, all I keep sensing is to pray for Caroline, pray for Sefa, pray for the today's youth. I want to ask God to help take me to the top, I want him to bless the work of my hands, protect my family, yet for the past night, I've been waking up to pray for these three things, for Caroline, Sefa and the youths. It doesn't make sense"
Amazing laughed, "Oh God! I love that word so much, it doesn't make sense! That's what he does, he uses the foolishness of man to confound the wise. Sweetheart, stay on those three prayer points, if you can't pray for yourself, praying for this people will be all prayer you want. He knows your heart desire, as long as he's dropping this in your spirit. Continue, don't deviate, there's a reason why. You won't see it immediately, but you're sowing seeds of an intercessor. I think God is calling you towards that ministry".
"Ministry what? No oh! I'm not a Pastor, I don't want to become one, not in ten years"
"Intercessors are not generally Pastors, most times, they are not known. Just there, quietly doing damage to the kingdom of the devil. They stand in the gap like you're standing in the gap now for these three people. Who's Caroline?"
"The rape case I told about"
"Oh and Sefa should be your cousin then I'm catching up. Let me not assume what you're not. You might be more than that but it's a beautiful thing"
Kilahi rolled her eyes, "Urgh! I don't want to do ministry" "One secret, the more you act stubborn, the harder it's going be." "I just want to be me, just me"
"What if God makes you a Pastor's wife?" She threw in a joke and she laughed throwing her head backwards, "One? Which Pastor will want to marry me? Two, never! No offense to God but I'm sure he has eyes, didn't he see other people with confidence, self esteem and body built?" "Like I said, He's not out for the most qualified"
Kilahi groaned, "You're scaring me Ma" "I'm sorry, I was just joking"
Gbadamosi brushed his teeth, wore his jogging clothing, a sweatpants and a black t shirt then he into the living room where Sam, Manny and old friend Muyiwa was already waiting for him, "What's Muyiwa doing here?" He frowned and Muyiwa cackled annoyingly like an hyena , "I told you he'll frown. I wanted to see him frown, now I'm fulfilled in life, I feel like Dangote right now. "
Baaj Adebule as Muyiwa
While they all jogged across the street arguing football when a lady joined in beside Gbadamosi who was at the extreme. She was chocolate in complexion. She had a body hugging White and yellow stripe crop armless top and a spandex shorts. She had a cat eye contact installed.
The girl was fake from up to down but Muyiwa didn't mind, his eyes was ogling ready.
"Morning sexy" She said smiling at Gbadamosi who pointed at himself, "Me?"
"Of course you!"
"Good morning" he replied, he didn't stop, he wasn't ready to pay her attention, he's not his first time encountering flirts while jogging. It will shock you the number of girls who just want to have a go at him even being aware of his status.
"It's definitely a good one here having to jog side by side with an hottie like you. My name is Katty AKA, kitty Kat"
"Kitty Kat" Muyiwa whispered to Manny then he purred and scratched.
"And I'm Pastor Gbadamosi"
"And I know where you live too"
"I don't think you heard the Pastor Gbadamosi part"
"Oh I did, guess what? I don't fucking care about it for all I know, I don't see a woman in that house, you know what I think you need, a woman's scent all over you, all of her scent." She moaned a bit and Sam muffled a laughter while Manny gave him a look.
Gbadamosi finally stopped jogging, so did Muyiwa but Manny gave him a stern look instead, "Let's go" "I can't miss this gist for anything. I must hear the whole thing"
"If you've been paying attention, you'll know I don't accept invitations" He said to her and she pushed her tongue out.
"I could be a first, people have always said you're hard to get but i can be quite convincing" She bit her lower lips while blinking her eyes. "No" "Come on, at least think about it, I promise to give you a time of your life, I promise we'll be speaking in tongues all through the day and night, yes I also speak tongues, depending on the fire you bring"
Muyiwa chuckled, "She's good!"
"I seriously don't want to be rude but ..." He pulled out a pamphlet from his bag handing it to her and she received it laughing and glancing through the topic: Say yes
"I'm not offended at all" She laughed dipping it in her breast. "I just wish you said yes to me. Nice ass though" She slapped his ass jogging off and he hissed touching his buttocks.
He felt violated, "Is that even legal?"
"Feel free to stare at the ass baby!" She yelled and Muyiwa laughed, "Damn! That's crazy Kim K ass! You've got some nice ass too" He yelled chasing after her.
"Jesus!" Gbadamosi shook his head, "Look at this guy" "Muyiwa gets shameless everyday" "I think this guy needs prompt deliverance"
"That's what we have a Pastor here for" Sam pats him and he laughed.
"The number of the sane people in this country keeps dropping by the day" Gbadamosi complained looking around to make sure people weren't looking at him but there were other morning joggers too.
"Great! I should be used to this but why am I not? Everyday they come at me, like I'm some meat ball" "You do have the meats and balls they're after" Sam teased and Manny fist bumps with him, "You're right about that"
Gbadamosi rolled his eyes, "Well this balls are reserved for my future wife"
Sam smiled, "When are you going to make a decision on that one? You're going to be 37 years soon" "Look who's talking! I can't wait to be jogging side by side with my future wife, I really look forward to it. Maybe then all this madness will stop!"
"Let's go jogging?" Sewuese who was already dressed in a grey sweat shirt and pants said to Kilahi who was packing her hair in a hair bonnet getting ready to do her laundry. She stood for about a minute shaking her head, "It's now I know that you don't have my best interest in heart. Look at me, as if fasting Is not enough, you want to jog and disappear patapata. Weldone but I've never had interest in marathon races, why am i running? Who is chasing me? Two things that I think are illogical sport in this life is running and swimming. You run when you're in danger and you swim never! Why will I want to enter water when there's land, am I a fish? Water my dear Sewuese, is only sweet in the cup"
Sewuese laughed, "You and your ishi philosophy sef. Why are you fasting?"
"It's personal, probably to feed my spirit man"
"Jogging is good for the soul too, we're going to stop at the woman that sells bole and fish at the bus stop" "My soul is not lacking anything, abeg leave me"
"It's lacking positivity"
"I don't want to jog, is It by force? Abeg go, so if I jog and come back tired, who's going to do my laundry for me"
"Lazy ass Kilahi"
"Yes! If jogging is a criteria that makes my wife material shrink more than it is already, fine! I'm a lazy ass somebody!" She carried a basketful half full of dirty laundries out of the room.
Sefa walked into the room afterwards clad in her pajamas. "What do you want?" "Good morning" she greeted folding her arms underneathe her breast; she wasn't wearing bras.
"What....do you want?" "It's been three days now since you've been beefing me" "Who's beefing?"
"In this context, you're beefing me, I know I did wrong but you're supposed to be my big sister not ignore me for life" She walked closer jumping on the bed.
"Big sister? Sorry, i thought I was the bad influence"
"I'm sorry now. I'm very very sorry, you know I can talk rubbish sometimes"
"All the time"
"All the time but I'm sorry, please forgive me. Please, I promise not to screw up again"
Sewuese exhaled, "Tell me that at least make use of condoms" "Sometimes" "Have you seen your period this month?" "Yes" "Sewuese, you're my little sister and I don't want you making any stupid mistake okay?" "Teju and I are not going to make mistakes, we have this whole relationship figures out, by the time I'm 23, we'll be married"
"Wow. So it's that easy?"
She rolled her eyes at the pessimism and sarcasm in her sister's tone, she obviously thinks they're just wasting each other's time but they both love each other. "Sweetheart," She paused sitting on the bed with her, "I just broke up with the only guy I've known right from time. The guy I lost my virginity to, the guy i thought I was going to get married to. Shit can happen within five years"
"God forbid!" Sefa rebuked while snapping her fingers.
"This is not the matter of God forbid! Even marriages are collapsing, how much more baby relationship. No offense"
"Teju doesn't have faults, I'm serious. The guy is just the calmest person I've ever met, you know i can be a drama Queen right? He's that only person out of my male friends that gets me, I was even the one that inititated the whole thing. My dream is to be 25 and married with at least one child"
"If you're not careful, when you turn eighteen, you'll already have a seven years old boy because you got pregnant when you were eighteen."
"We're being careful, you don't have to worry, I won't make you an Aunt just yet, you will do that before me"
"Can you not even have sex? If Dad finds out, I'll get blamed and he'll kill me, literarily"
"He'll kill us both" She added and they both chuckled. "You know I love you right and I don't want to see you waste your life"
Sewuese embraced her.
Gbadamosi sliced yam into flat and rectangular shape while Sam sliced up the tomatoes. "So how many yards of the husband do I deserved huh?" Sam aske and Manny chuckled, "For disecting a tomato? Really Sam?"
"Dude, I make the sweetest dishes, from French to spanish to italian. I make the meanest Mac and Cheese you've ever tasted"
"I hate Mac and Cheese" Gbadamosi and Manny both replied and Sam scoffed, "You guys are just village men, who will believe you guys grew up"
Muyiwa walked in doing a break dance, "Gbadamosi, remember all those your break moves that year." He paused laughing to himself, "Dancing to Usher's song, Usher and Micheal Jackson were your favourite"
Gbadamosi had no choice but to laugh, he loved Usher that year sha! His years of blasting usher's songs while driving and how he got a black hat and a black shades like him. Things he did when he was a crazed fan! But now.... He's a Jesus Fan.
All he wants is to look and talk like Him!
"What was that your song"
"This Is my confession" Manny chipped in, "No... You got it you got it bad, lala LA LA.. when you call right back! Mehn! I miss you"
"Thank you for missing that part of me. It means I'm doing good" He packed the yam into a bowl of water.
"How was your babe runs?" Manny asked and Muyiwa purred like a cat, "Kitty Kat scratched my heart. Well, it didn't go as planned, although I got another girl's number. Glory Halleluyah!"
Sam chuckled.
"Apparently, she said she wants to fuck a Pastor instead"
"Language!" Gbadamosi warned.
"Dude, it's a reported speech. Gosh! That girl has some real ass, Gbadamosi you're missing. What I'll give to be a Pastor right now"
Gbadamosi smiled stretching his wet hands at him, "Come Son, I'll kindly lead you to the way, the truth and the life" "I'll pass, you think I want to live this spiritual life and live celibate for ten years like you? Guy, are you sure you'll still know how to use your tools after your wedding day? I'm sure they must be rusty, you might need to oil it"
Manny hits his head, "Ouch, it's you guys that are thinking dirty. I didn't even mean it that way" "Really?" Sam asked and he laughed, "Okay, you guys got me, I meant it. But Gbada, I'm serious, on your wedding night"
Gbadamosi rolled his eyes while he washed the yam into a blue rubber sieve wondering what rubbish will come out of his mouth again, "On a serious note oh, I'm sure on that night she you're holding your anaconda, it's going to be like unwrapping a gift you've kept locked up for ten years, you might even need a manual for it but be rest assured old comrade, i, Comrade Manny and Sam got ya back"
Gbadamosi was forced to laugh this time then he hissed, "When will you have sense?" "That's like asking him when he'll get married so, don't bother" Manny snapped and Muyiwa scoffed, "I hope you realize we're all on this table you're shaking, even you but, I'm serious Gbadamosi, call me Asewo and all but damn, you need a good time. I clashed into Brenda during the week, it took a whole lot of restraint to hold me back. Damn, she looks like a freshly baked cake with all the fruity thini and icing on it, I mean don't you just wanna jump in and lick her"
"God, will you shut up or I'll show you the door?"
Muyiwa looked up, "You do realize you're asking the big man upstairs to shut up. God forgive him cause he knows not what he's doing" "Shut up!" The three of them snapped at the same time and he laughed.
"Guys, I can't shut up cause she was looking fly. If not that i uphold to bro code and I don't dig wells already dug by friends. I would have been drinking water from that well. Like damn!"
Sam lifted his hands, "Muyiwa might be stupid most of the time, I still wonder how a person can grow and still not have an atom of sense added to his pattern of thoughts"
Muyiwa laughed painstakingly, "Sam just use style insult me" "It's not an insult, I was wondering" "Well wondering kill you there" "You sef, woman kee you there!" He snapped back and everyone laughed.
"But he's right about Brenda, I mean didn't you two have a thing here in Nigeria?"
"We did, it's all in the Past, I'm not really feeling it any longer. I'm just keeping her there, I don't know... What we had, it's not rising"
"How can it rise?" Muyiwa asked and Gbadamosi threw a yam peel at him, "Ouch" "The feeling Is kinda dead, I want to wake it but at the same time, I don't want to give her false hope"
"That Kitty Cat is right about something though..." Sam trailed off, "We all need women in our life. A female scent, all I can smell is manliness, loneliness and lots of sweats" He added and Manny gave him a thumbs up.
"There must be girls at the church" Muyiwa added, "None that I see that way" "My God!"
"How is my singlehood your business, you've not even dealt with your own problem"
"Ouch. I just want to see you have sex after ten freaking long years"
Gbadamosi, Sam and Manny shook their heads, "What?" "There's way you're going to see me" "That's just gross mate, not cool" Sa chipped and Muyiwa scoffed.
"Guys... That wasn't what I meant now! I meant I can't wait to see him, not watch him"
"Still not cool" Manny added and they laughed at him. "You guy are all crazy. So Manny, when last did you have any action?" He asked and Manny hissed.
"Not your business"
"What's your excuse for not having any woman"
"Speak for yourself, I have a date tonight. She last did you go out for any date?"
Muyiwa laughed, "That question should be directed to comrade Gbadamosi, he's the reverend Father not me." "So a date huh?" Gbadamosi paused as though he wasn't aware of it.
"Who's the lucky girl?" He asked and all eyes fell on him.
"My lips are fastened like a pilot's belt, I can't tell. Not with Muyiwa here"
Muyiwa chuckled, "Wahala be like... Is she fine? Sexy, does she have big back side. You and Gbadamosi have always been infamous for loving women with big bakassi" "Iew! Who uses bakassi any longer?" Manny snapped.
"Muyi... I don't want to end up sending you out"
"Pastor Chill... I'm sorry"
"I'm not talking about her"
Muyiwa pointed at Sam, "This is the one that shocked me the most, I thought you would have married since college" "Unlike you, I had direction, motiff and goals in life that are other than women" He snapped opening up Gbadamosi's freezer and everyone busted into laughter.
Then he pulled out a bottle of water shutting the freezer.
"Sam, always the low key savage with you. Haven't you fallen in love?"
"Well...." Sam trailed off, "I have, lots of times and I've had my heart broken but.. I came close to falling in love on Valentine's day."
Gbadamosi started to fry the yam, "True, we were supposed to have a talk about it. I'm sorry" "It's fine, we've been busy." He exhaled, "Sewuese is the most prettiest woman I've ever laid my eyes on. She has that poetic and dramatic look, I don't know if you understand what I'm saying"
"Uh.. No we don't, we're not boring people" Muyiwa chipped in and Manny laughed, "This guy, you be goat!"
Sam exhaled, "Do you have any idea how it feels to see someone once and have the person flashing through your mind every second of the day"
Gbadamosi thought of Kilahi that moment, "Even when you try to distract yourself from thinking about her, the thought of her overshadows you. The harder you fight, the greater it becomes" He paused and all eyes fell suspiciously on him.
Manny arced his brow, "Wait, who's the girl flashing through your mind?" "God forbid!" Muyiwa snapped his fingers playfully, "I cover your mind with the blood of Jesus, no girl can penetrate God's vessel"
Gbadamosi faked a laughter, "Hahaha, very funny" "Who the girl?" Sam asked and he exhaled, "A girl that came to church twice" "Didn't you get her number?" Muyiwa asked, "How am I supposed to do that? I'm a Pastor?"
"Abeg to toast girl na sin again? It's not a sin to fall in love, or Is it? I don't know if my bible is outdated or there has been some new update in you guys bible. let me know. Is it a sin?"
Manny exhaled, "Muyiwa is right though. There's no harm done in liking a girl and just walking up to her to let her know how you feel" "I'm not even sure I like her! She just keeps coming in my mind"
Muyiwa grinned at the word, 'She keeps coming....' There are so many dirty things wrong with that word and I don't even want to" "Shut up!" "Sorry but... Guy, no harm done in saying, babe how far? Are you available to be use by God side by side with me or however way you Holy brothers do it"
"I'm not in love, there's just something that calls me to her"
"Oshey Pocahontas, before you know you'll start seeing colors of the wind. Oga, different statement, same meaning. Whatever is calling you to her, I'm sure it's not your village people so do the needful and ask this babe so you can give her the knacking of a life time"
Sam slapped his face, "For a moment, you were going to end your sentence well but you had to add that to it. Real mature" "I hope this babe is hot like pepper"
Gbadamosi smiled, "Shhh... Can you guys get out of my head?" He asked taking out the yam from the frying pan. "Do you have ketch up?" Sam asked and he shook his head.
"No. Someone can get it"
Muyiwa looked away, "It's like you have cobwebs in this your kitchen. Don't send me grocery shopping, i hate it. Let's send the youngest person amongst us" "Inie Minnie Manni..." Gbadamosi trailed off.
Manny faked a laughter, "Moo, all of una na cow!"
One by one Kilahi and Aunt Mabel removed the washed clothes, squeezing and drying it on the wire. "To wear it is not hard, the hard part is washing it! Your father can wear two in day especially when he's not going to work"
Kilahi chuckled picking two clothes from the bucket when the song from the bluetooth Switched to Jireh by Elevation Worship. For no reason, the image of Gbadamosi singing on the altar flashed through her memory and she smiled. She cannot lie about that fact, the man can sing, maybe he was in the choir before he went into Pastoral ministry.
Music ministry wouldn't have been bad for him too, his voice was not conventional local voice, he can even pass for the all those Chandler Moore and Brandon Lake's voice.
Aunty Mabel's tap brought her back to earth, "You're drying clothes on the top of the cloth that you've already dried" "Jesus!" She gasped, "I didn't..." "What were you thinking of that's making you smile and act all childish? Is it your date tonight? " She asked and Kilahi laughed.
Funny story, the man she was even thinking of was not even her date!
"Yes" She lied then her conscience started to haunt her.
"No! It's this song that's making me think o someone. Someone sang the song during Valentine's day at that church, he sang it well so I was just reliving in"
"Reliving ooor? Is the person a chorister?"
"Maybe in his former life"
"Male or Female?"
"Male but what's the essence of this question? Let's not pretend I don't know where that question is heading to. Sorry to burst your bubble Mom, but he's the lead Pastor of the church"
Aunt Mabel rolled her eyes, "Ehya, that means he's married" "No! Why are yousm saying ehya?" She scoffed, "Well, that's the worst part of this story, he's not married, how can a good looking man like that not be marrried?"
Her frown suddenly curled into a smile, "Wait... He's not married and you just called him good looking" "Yes! Not in that way. I'm sure he's doing secret things, even some married men of God are, how much more people that are unmarried"
"And he's not the one you're going on this date with"
"No! His name is Pastor Gbadamosi, this one is Manny, completely different human being" "This Pastor Gbadamosi sounds like an interesting personality to have you uncordinated"
Kilahi groaned, she didn't like where the topic was heading to at this junction, Aunt Mabel was going to start talking about her liking the man, how many people does she want to like at once?
She likes Manny
At this bus stop sef, she's just confuse, the date will give her proper cleavage and clarity to what those dancing hearts meant. "It's not what you think, it's just his voice that's sweet that's messing with my head"
"So he's messing with your head and you say it's not what I think"
"I hate him!"
"I also hated the fact your father was fond of looking under the gate to see if I was around in the eighties. We all know how that story ended. Sometimes you hate their guts, you hate the way he makes you run after the car every Sunday morning" She laughed to herself, "These spices usually come together and form love"
Kilahi laughed then she leaned against the wall still laughing, "Me and... Come on! I'll just have issues with him cause the things I want to tell him, he takes time in church, always doing unnecessary things"
"And how many times have you gone there, tell me, twice and you're judging him because of that. You're better than this"
She nods, "Have you been to Palm Groove Delight before?" She asked changing the topic, "No" "I'm nervous. I don't want to screw up, this is the hardest leap I've taken this year"
Aunty Mabel touched Kilahi's cheek with her wet palm and she shuddered, "Sorry, she apologized for it then she removed her hands, "za ku kasance lafiya (You'll be fine dear) "
The music was interrupted by her ring tone so she rushed to the short stool where her office was upon along with a blue bluetooth speaker.
Then she answered the call turning off Bluetooth at the same time. "Hello, good morning Ma" "Good morning dear. How was your night?" "Fine and yours?"
"Super! I just received the best news I've heard all week and I decided to let you in"
"Mrs Ogar... Or ex Mrs Ogar, called, she said Caroline spoke today"
"After three days of being mute, she finally spoke."
Kilahi looked up at the bright clouds, "Thank God!" She muttered, "According to her, she looks fine, she woke up to watch cartoon. She said I can come, I just wanted to inform you"
"I'll like to come along"
"Oh, there's no need for that"
"Please Ma"
Hilary pushed the shopping cart almost weeping from her menstral pain. She can swear she already saw her period that month, that was the same complain she made the previous month and the months before.
She cussed under her breathe, at least with delivery she didn't have to wait three days before the pain goes away.
Urgh! The heavy flow!!! Thank God for the one pad she found that saved her life, or else she would have begged from her proud flat mate. Frankly, she didn't want that kind of contempt - breeding familiarity that morning!
She finally got to the pad section, they didn't have the product she wanted so she had to settle for anyone. She threw detergents in the shopping cart before walking towards the food stuff section where she saw Manny holding a bottle of ketch up.
She reversed the cart but the noise only drew his attention, "Hilary?" He called out and she rolled her eyes, oh God! Just what she needs that morning; Menstral Cramps + A guy she wants to block from her life!
This is just great! The universe is just being unfair!
She turned the cart hitting a man on the leg, "Aw" "Sorry, I wanted to... Sorry, it was actually smoother in my head and it's smooth when they do it in movies! I'm sorry"
The man walked away and she rolled her eyes, "This is just great" "I'm sorry, that's my fault" he acknowledged moving close to her, he overjoyed seeing her face again. Thank God the lot fell on him! Maybe he can finally redeem himself and take his name out of her bad book.
Does she live around?
He had that smile on his face as though he was hiding a laughter beneath his cheek! The escape plan didn't work as she intended, he probably wanted to mock her! God the man had a killer smile!
She missed the smile sha... And they only met one day oh! Killer smile or not! She's mad at him legitly! If such word exist! He should better leave before she causes drama.
Menstral Cramps + Stress= Mood swings which is equals to Drama too!
"Manny, please just leave me alone. This is a large space, you can buy what you want to buy.." She groaned in pain. "Buy what you want to buy and go your way. Please!"
"Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay?"
"No. Do you need to go to the clinic?"
"Wow, you're suppose to know this why? Because you studied Medicine and surgery. What I need is you away from me, you're adding to my pain"
His eyes fell on the sanitary pad and the whole thing made sense! "Oh... Menstral cramps" "Ooh" She tightened her grip on the shopping cart, bent her head slapping her feet continuously on the floor, "That one was wicked!" She cried out. There have been times she suspected having fibroids because of the heavy flow and painful menstration but results have shown otherwise.
"Have you used pain killers?"
"He's still asking questions. What part of leave me alone was hard to comprehend?"
"Every part of it. Hilary, I'm sorry"
"What are you sorry about?"
"Everything, the cramps, for telling your story on radio. If only you can just give me a chance to explain why I did what I did" "You did it because you're nothing but a greedy and selfish opportunist, you saw an opportunity to squeeze a story out of me and you jumped at it"
Manny felt his heart break again, "Can you just listen to me" "Listen to you?" She raised her voice then she quickly toned it down, "So you can use whatever we discuss on radio; perhaps tomorrow. Let's see, how are you going to start up this conversation on air, Yes! I met someone who was having cramps today, what do you suggest women should do to prevent cramps"
"Jeez Hilary! Is that how you see me?"
"Oh! That's just the least way I see you right now, your ratings have gone down in my app and my reviews are bad too so Manny, why don't you get the hell out and look for another blood to leech from"
"I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry doesn't cut!" She cried out, wiping her tears at the same time, it wasn't the cramps this time, she wasn't even feeling the pain again, it has been replaced with anger.
"That's the godamn bluntest word you can use this moment cause it wasn't just about you telling my story, you broke our trust. You broke a shattering trust I was trying to build, you shattered it again. Thank you Manny, can you just let me be? That's the least I'm asking for" She asked pushing the cart away.
"Damn it!"
Mrs Ogar opened up the gate for Temi and Kilahi walked in, "Good morning Ma" Kilahi greeted and she smiled, "Welcome dear" "Good to see you smiling today"
"My children are my joy, These days I've been dreaming of Caroline committing suicide or harm to herself, I've been feeling like I'll wake up and see her dead. But this morning, at first when I didn't see her in her room, I was scared, then I saw her watching Henry Danger on nickelodeon. I called her name and she said Mommy good morning, after three days. I was so happy, then she said, Mummy I'm hungry" Tears trickled down her eyes.
"I had to quickly prepare breakfast, then I called you. She has returned back to watching television with her little sister. They all entered into the house and the two girls glanced at her.
Seven years old Sophia who was playing with the remote pressed a number and the channel switched into an adult station, there were two couples kissing and the man pushed the woman to the bed laughing.
"Off it! Turn it off!!!!" Caroline screamed and Kilahi quickly turned off the GOTV from the decoder. Caroline cried running off and her mother followed her.
"What did I do?" Sophia asked crying and Temi held her close. "Nothing dear, it wasn't your fault"
Mrs Ogar sat in bed with her daughter who was sobbing, "I'm sorry you had to see that Sweetheart" "Don't call me sweetheart! He called me sweetheart too" "Okay... Okay dear. You need help, if you don't get help, you'll get panic attack like this everytime. That woman from the other day, it's her job to help you. Let her talk to you, cause the truth is I don't know what to do" She cried and her daughter felt bad for her.
"Mom, don't cry"
"As long as you're crying, I'll cry too. It's breaking my heart, just let her talk to you"
"Can the other one talk to me?"
"Can I talk to the other one?"
"She's not a therapist"
"She's the one I want to talk to"
A bored Sewuese scampered into the living room where her father was seated reading the newspaper, "You know you can actually browse the news rather than reading the paper" "So that my eyes will get strained from too much light"
"There's an eyecare feature on your phone"
"Handset is for making calls, it's you people that spoilt the use. Now all you do is become addicted to the light and endless scrolling on facebook and Instagram."
"I'm just saying, no one really uses Newspaper again"
"Leave me to be old fashion, you only see what you search for on the internet, at least with newspaper, I don't have to click before I see the full news, everytime click to read more, click to read more"
Sewuese laughed, "God you're old school!" "Oh oh, what's the latest news today?" "ASUU is set to go on strike again" She answered and he hissed, "What about other news? I'm not talking about big headlines like federal government and ASUU. If i don't read this, how will i know that the retired teachers in Anambra are protesting about non-payment of pension arrears or that one Sam Thompson is carrying a noble act of helping Nigerian students across the globe to exhibit their art?"
"Yes! I think they are six students set or seven Or that a man was arrested for stabbing his neighbour because he eat his food everytime he's not in the house, that the most stupid thing I've ever seen today but this small small news"
"Daddy rewind"
"A man was arrested"
"No, rewind again" She rose up walking towards him, "Where is the remote you're using" "Dad!" "Is it the one about the art?"
"Yes! That one" She answered chewing on her fingers.
"Oh one Sam thompson, is helping Nigerian student across the country to exhibit their art, the headline, he calls it raw talent extraction"
She grabbed the paper from him, searching for the news then she saw his picture along with the headlines, "Oh my God! Look the fish I've been looking for" "Who?" "Sam!"
He grabbed the paper from her, "How do you know him?" "Long story!" She chuckled, "This one that you're laughing after long story, i hope it's not the long story i'm thinking of"
Sewuese laughed, "Daddy and doubts, are you sure you're not doubting Thomas' elder brother?" "And I'm also Mary Magdalene!" He snapped watching her leave the sitting room. "Henhen! This Jamal own has not even cool down, it's still hot and you're writing long story. Very soon, the long story will cut short. They'll serve you breakfast and you'll come back crying"
Sewuese unplugged the cord from her charger then she began a search of him on Google. To thinks she has been using facebook only!
The results had her in shock, Sam Thompson, Artist, writer, owner of Emerge (The redefined) galleries Lagos.
She further went ahead to click on the news online about the exhibition to be held on the 4th of March, 2022.
Kilahi entered into Caroline's room not sure of what to say, God help me! She cried within. She sat on the bed while Caroline who was lying down sat up, "Hey. Good morning Caroline" "The morning just turned to bad morning"
"This is a weird thing for a pessimistic like me to say but, don't say it's a bad morning" "What's pessimistic?" "Always speaking negatively" "So you say negative things?"
"Most of the time but I'm trusting God to help me so I'm also trusting God to help you too. I'm not even the right person to speak to you, why did you call me in?"
Caroline cried, "Because i saw you in my dream, you held my hand" Her hands glides down Kilahi's arm, folds over her hand and her fingers lace with mine, both her hands tightly. "Like this... And you prayed for me, I woke up this morning feeling better until that video " Her eyes moistened.
"Does it remind you of..."
She nodded, "It was the same thing he did" She sobbed and Kilahi hugged her, "Shh, it's fine, it's going to be fine" "Why did this happen to me? Why did God let this happen?"
The same question she asked after her parents accident. Funny thing she was also ten years old too when the incidence occured. "Why?" "I don't know!" Kilahi cried pulling back too, "When I was ten, there was an accident and my parents died. I asked this same question, do you want to talk about what happened?"
"Me too, I don't like talking about it. But it doesn't mean God doesn't care or love you cause he does. You know how I know? He told me to pray for you, toh It didn't make sense at first but now it does. He was healing you slowly. I can't believe i'm saying this but he spoke to me to pray for you and I've been doing it all week"
"Could that be why I saw you in my dreams?"
"Maybe. A wise woman told me that God is beside me, Caroline, inrespective of what has happened," She paused wiping Caroline's tears while hers kept rushing down like a tap. "God loves you, he's here to heal you of this wound"
"Can he make me forget it? It keeps playing in my head"
"Kilahi shrugged, " I still have nightmares myself about the accident. I'm not helping am I?" "No" She answered and they both laughed. "I don't know how to paint the truth, I held on to the pain and it virtually ruined my thought process, I didn't have any friends, I lived a boring, insecure life, tor, I'm still insecure about a lot of things but you can be better than me. Scratch that! Caroline I want you to do better than I did and I know that's possible because God is praying for you, the angels are praying for you, I will be praying for you"
Caroline wiped her tears off, "You're crying more than me" She complained and they both laughed. "Sorry, I'm supposed to be the bigger one here" She paused wiping her tears, "Do you know the story of Job?" "I'm not stupid, I attend bible study too"
"Remember when God said, have considered my servant Job, when i was young i was so devoted to God. I always think that God someday bragged that have you seen my servant Kilahi, that's my name by the way"
Caroline laughed, "Didn't you see how the devil took the opportunity to walk over his life, kill his children, take all he had." "Thinking of it, Job's case is worst than mine" Caroline added.
"Shey?" Kilahi asked and they both laughed.
Temi stood by the door listening to their laughter while Mrs Ogar stood still in surprise. "What is she doing?"
"I don't know but It works for me. She's laughing" Temi replied smiling.
"If I was Job I would have been more angry" Kilahi confessed, "Do you remember when he was asked to curse God and die" "He didn't" "Exactly Caroline! He didn't. At the end of it, his end was better than the beginning, he got everything back. Tor, even the devil who started this was put to shame"
"In his face!"
"Exactly! In his face! He might have taken my parents from me but in his face! I'm old but i'll bounce back someday. You on the other hand, you have your whole life ahead of you. You're not going to let one careless mistake stop your life, or are you?"
"No, but it's going to be hard"
Kilahi waved her hands, "Oh please! You underestimate God! The one who replaced every Job had, tor is there anything to hard for him to do?"
"That's the spirit. Let me not lie, it might be hard sha...."
"Pick a side" Caroline held her hands and they both smiled, "But a therapist can help you, Miss Temi will help you"
"What's a therapist?"
"Um... Someone who talks to you and make you feel okay"
"Like you"
"No. She's a professional, this is what she studied, she'll know what to say, drills to give you" "By chance, will she have a magical wand that can make me forget?"
"She might just have it. Tor, I want one myself too" She confessed and they both laughed again. "Why do you keep saying tor?" "Um.... Tor, is..." She laughed, "It's a thing for some Northerners like abi, bah, shebi or like the Ilorin people will as faa. The northerners have theirs"
"Are you from the North?"
"North Central, Benue"
"So... Should I call Miss Temi in?"
"Don't go. I've not laughed in a long time, you can call her but stay with me"
Kilahi nods, got up from the bed then she pushed the door open only to see Temi and Mrs Ogar standing by the door. "What's going on? You two have been laughing?" Mrs Ogar asked, "We were speaking.... We had an understanding. Miss Temi, she'll see you now but she asked that I stay with her, if that will be okay with you"
"Sure! As long as I get to talk to her"
"Weldone dear"
"Thank you Ma"
"You did good job today" Temi repeated again while her hands were on the steering of her car, driving along the road "Thank you Ma, I only just spoke to her, not like it's a big deal or anything" "It's a big deal, if not for you, i wouldn't have gotten through to her. I don't know what it is you did but you deserve the accolades"
"Let me not take credit for everything, God has a big share in all of this. It sounds unbelievable but for the past night, God has been laying it on me to pray for her, I wasn't sure it was God at first but when she told me she saw me holding her hands in prayer, i became certain."
Kilahi nods, "It sounds surreal right?" "I come from a family of Pastors, Apostles, Reverends and Bishops, I think I've spent practically all my life witnessing surreal things like miracles and all. I'm just glad I met you when I did and Kilahi, there's no other person fit for the job than you."
"Thank you Ma"
Temi decided it was time to initiate in the whole suicide conversation, "Makes me wonder why you almost committed suicide"
Kilahi sniffles, "During Durojaiye's wedding, the woman that did her Thanksgiving the day we met. She's my best friend. During the picture moment at the wedding, this photographer said I should leave the group, that I was spoiling the picture so.... The funny thing is that the man still attends Word Foundation Church, he's a worker there apparently"
Temi rolled her eyes, why hasn't Gbadamosi suspended the moron?
"Is it because of that?"
"It's not the first, no one likes taking pictures with me. When they want to post pictures they look beautiful in, my mouth will be either looking weird or they'll completely block my face with an emoji. I know that I'm not fine, but did he really need to use a poop emoji to block my face"
Temi scoffed, "Someone did that?" "During our sign out after our final exam. He posted it" "That isn't enough to... Are you sure I won't bring you in for therapy?" "I'm fine, I'll be fine. After the Valentine service, Ifeel different, I feel like God is working on me"
"You think so?"
Temi removed her phone swiping to Camera then she turned the phone at her, "Say cheese"
Kilahi covered her face, "No! Don't take the pictures" "Thought so" Temi laughed, "No, you're driving" "Lies! Kilahi, you're beautiful the way you are. Don't wait for someone to tell you you are before you believe it cause then you're only going to end up believing in anything you're told, no matter how negative they are. Have you read, Who switched off my brain by Caroline leaf?"
"I'm currently reading. Funny thing... Someone gave me as a gift, Usher Bimbo said it's from the church"
Temi chuckled, definitely Gbadamosi! There's something fishy about his interest in Kilahi, she doesn't want to forward but can he be he has a thing for her?
"Well, you need to flush down those toxic thoughts by first believing in yourself" She advised bumping into a traffic caused by the traffic light. Beside her was a car designed with all manner of ribbons, there was a bride and his groom in the car.
"That's a quick one" Kilahi comments, "I thought Nigerian weddings usually end late. Why are these ones leaving now?" "Who knows?" She asked turning towards the couples who were now kissing.
Kilahi looked away blushing, "They should better watch the road oh" "So sweet." "That's going to be you in a week time, you must be so excited"
"My mother Is more excited than I am, when you go past thirty, you become a prayer point but mine was intentional and boo was just the most understanding man I've ever met. If it was up to him, we would have been married three years ago but I had plans for my career, I wanted to get my Phd first"
"What? You're a Doctor?"
Temi laughed taking note of the traffic light, "I don't want to be proud but yes and an associate lecturer who has been working as graduate assistant since she finished school" "Wow" "I get that everytime" "Then how do you juggle it together?" "I have four sources of income, in this Nigeria, it's just necessary"
"God when? I want to be like you when I grow up"
Temi laughed driving the car, "Stop it. Let's have lunch together" "Sorry Ma, I have something I have to do" "Oh... Is It house chores? You couldn't do it because you followed me" "No! It's ...a .. date"
"Why are you saying it as though you're ashame of it. Wait...is it your first date?"
Temi gasped, "Wow..... wow" She exhaled, "Your records says you're 26, wow" "Yes..." She drummed on her laps, "No wonder you were doing like that when those couples were kissing"
"It's one thing watching it on movies, it's another thing seeing it in front of you"
"Because you've never kissed anyone before"
Kilahi nods, "What do they do on dates? I already downloaded a bunch of videos and it's a fancy place again" "Where?"
"Palm Grooves Delight, have you been there?"
"Wait.... Palm.. Are you by any chance going with a big headed guy name Maniola?"
Kilahi widened her eyes then she tried to add the dots together, "Maniola Coker, Temiloluwa Coker" "Yes, he's my elder brother" She confirmed in laughter, "This is a small world, it's really a small world indeed."
"Wow... So you and Manny.... Wow"
"We're not dating"
"The outcome of this night might determine that."
"Any dirty expo about your brother? I've never loved, except Kunle, that one wasn't really love like that but... I've not been taken serious to the point of being called for a date so, if Manny has a bad side, just let me know before I give myself hope"
Temi shrugged, "Everyone has a bad and good side, Manny is a good guy, that I can vouch for, the rest Is left for you to figure out yourself. Let me not ruin the suspense"
Kilahi exhaled, "Any tips" "For any date, brush your teeth because you don't know when that first kiss is going to come in" "Huh?" "Just kiddding but be opened for whatever. Let every event be on you, don't be afraid to be who you are, not what some stupid you tube videos wants you to be. Follow your heart, okay?"
Kilahi nods nervously, her heart was beating fast this time at the thought of getting kissed.
Meanwhile Temi looked away as the thought of Gbadamosi crossed her mind, if he likes her then.... No way! For God sake, she won't want to be dragged the cross fire!
What do you guys think of today's Chapter?
I had to cut it because I was getting to 16, 000 words....
I'll drop the other one tomorrow or Friday 😌
What are your opinion about the the new character, Muyiwa?🤔
Next Chapter is going to take a whole different turn than you think😆
Will there be a kiss?😂
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