♻️ Chapter 60 ♻️

The last one is coming up!

I shocked myself too! 🤧

Chapter 60


In the evening, Kilahi threw her head backwards in mock horror while on a video call with Manny. Manny had just revealed how Gbadamosi ate three wraps of Amala he took from his parents house.. "Your future husband is a foodie when he's not fasting," Manny said, trying to stifle a grin.

"I thought he didn't like food like that," Kilahi replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Not when he likes the food," He clarified. "If the food tastes great, he might sneak up at night to eat it. I've seen him devour an entire pot by himself."

Kilahi's eyes widened in alarm, "It's a lie! This is definitely a pot of surprise." "The things you'll end up finding out about Gbadamosi will be too much to write a book about. It might end up being to a Netflix series - 'The Secret Life of Gbadamosi'." He revealed laughing and Kilahi giggled.

"Toor ..Where is he?" She asked.

"In the pool, swimming to burn off calories." Manny replied.

"This evening?" Kilahi asked.

Manny nodded. "Another disclaimer, your future husband is a fish too - he swims more than he walks."

Kilahi's expression turned worried. "And I don't even know how to swim." "Apart from preaching, one of the activities he loves doing is swimming. I'm sure you'll learn."

Just then, Gbadamosi appeared behind Manny, his wet shorts clinging to his body, his torso glistening with water droplets, and a towel casually draped around his neck. He waved at Kilahi. "Hey love."

"Jesus Choicest, put some clothes on!" Kilahi exclaimed, hastily covering her eyes. Gbadamosi burst out laughing.

"I didn't hear your voice, I thought he was on with Temi," He gave an excuse then he laughed at how cute she looked with her eyes closed. "Don't worry, I'm not naked - I have shorts on."

"Good evening," Kilahi replied, still shielding her eyes. "Manny, can you tell this my acquatic-husband-to-be to leave before my eyes will be flooded with unwanted thoughts." Kilahi peeked through her fingers. "Why will you be walking around with nothing but shorts on?"

Gbadamosi grinned, "It's my house, and I just finished swimming." He answered walking away and Manny smiled, "Besides, he's giving you a sneak peek of what's to come after married life." He chimed in and Gbadamosi's voice echoed, "Remind me again - how many days to 'I do'? And more importantly, how many days until I can convince Kilahi to join me in the pool?"

Kilahi didn't respond, still covering her eyes, "I told already, water is only sweet in the cup."

"After saying I do, your fiance on shorts would be the last thing you'll be complaining of," Manny teased watching Kilahi gasp and he laughed. "He's gone. You can stop being silly, Kilahi."

Kilahi dropped her hands,. "You call it silly, I just guarded my heart from vain imagination that won't glorify God... and my future husband's six-pack."

Manny's laughter echoed, "They're not up to six but I guess you'll be the judge of that when the time comes." "Toor. So, how's everything with my twinnie and nephew?" She asked and the smile on his face almost said it all.

"What do you want to know?"


Sefa paced left and right in her room she held her Bible as she paced. She was studying the book of Daniel and a particular chapter resonated in her. Specifically in second chapter of Daniel. Her phone rang for the fourth time but she ignored it. It was Teju. She was avoiding interruption but she knew if she didn't answer the call, he's going to continue distracting her.

She lifted her eyes to the ceiling, "God, please hold on ten seconds." She begged and quickly picked the phone from the bed and answered the call. "Can you call me back in the next one hour?" "Why?" "I'm busy." "Doing what?" "None of your business Teju." "Ouch." He muttered and she shut her eyes in guilt.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound rude but I'm just busy."

"With what?"

"I'm studying."

"What are you studying for? I thought you've written jamb."

"I'm studying the Bible." She answered rolling her eyes and he busted into laughter, "That's funny." "What's funny about that?"

"The Sefa I know only opens her Bible in church now."

"Well, the Sefa you once knew is dead and resurrected in Christ." She replied and he laughed. "Wait, are you really taking this Christian thing serious or you're trying to deceive your family?"

Sefa scoffed, "You ask that stupid question everytime and I always give you the same answer. Except you have a memory problem, take it however way you want." "That's the saucy Sefa I know, as much as I didn't like it all that much, I feel it suits you more than this Christian front you're putting on."

"Did you go to Ghana to become stupid? Cause I don't understand how I'll be repeating one thing a hundred and ten times. Have you been eating ghana jollof rice through your ears?" "Ouch." "I'm taking my Christian walk more seriously, I want to work for God, I want God to love me."

"What about me?"

Sefa rolled her eyes, "Teju, do you have boiling water in your ears?" "Don't speak like I'm an atheist, i'm a Christian too. We were Christians all those times." "We were in sin and didn't know what we were doing." "We did know what we were doing. You knew going to church was the right thing. Heck! I wanted us to stay the night in that church but you were so damn horny, the only thing on your mind was just sex! There's nothing you can tell me, this is just religion guilt-tripping you because you got caught In the name of going to a church. What you're practicing is guilt, not Christianity."

"Jesus Christ and taken my guilt away and acquitted me."

"Are you free from those guilts? Answer me Sefa, are you?"

"The Bible says, 'Come all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I'll give you rest.'" Sefa quoted and he interupted her, "Can you repeat that word again?"

Sefa smiled, unaware of the impending mischief. "Which word?"

"The first one," Teju replied.

She obligingly repeated, "Come"

Teju's tone turned playful. "Again."

Her patience was wearing thin, but she repeated it again still, "Come?" She asked, just then, Teju's true intentions dawned on her. She rolled her eyes, exasperated at his sexual insinuation!

"Teju, you're just sick!" she exclaimed.

Teju let out an outrageous laughter, "What about the part that says, 'Come all ye that are sex-starved, and I'll give you pleasure?" "Teju, God forgive me but you're just stupid! I'm sure your village people have used your brain to appease their gods. I can imagine your brain sitting in one bottle in one altar like that." She snapped and he laughed.

"It's not funny. You should be praying cause whoever exchanged your brain doesn't have good thoughts towards you."

"Sefa, I miss us!"

She kept quiet then her face heated up. She rolled her eyes and swiftly ended the call.

As she placed her phone on mute, another call came in - this time from Ire. She looked up to the ceiling, "This last call." She muttered and welcomed the distraction. "Can you call back let's say in one hour, I'm in between my study and prayer time."

"I'm sorry for the disturbance. I just felt led to ask if you wanted a prayer partner."

"I don't understand."

"I don't either but who am I to say no to a leading from the Holy Spirit?" He asked and she smiled, "Are you trying to say, you were lead to ask about me? Who am I?"

"David asked the same question, who am I Lord that you are mindful of me."

"I was studying the book of Daniel and I stumbled upon this verse in Daniel 2, from verse 19." She paused, "Okay...." He trailed off, "Okay, I'm there." He finally added them he read it out.

"He alone controls the changes of times and seasons. He enthrones and dethrones kings, he imparts wisdom to the wise, and he pours out revelation-knowledge to those with understanding. He alone reveals deep secrets and mysteries and knows what lies in darkness, for he radiates glory-light all around him."

Sefa shrugged, "I've been stuck on this scripture. I am dazzled by this God who has so much power but yet permits all these things. When he can stretch his hands and their counsel into foolishness." "As long as the earth remains, bad things won't stop happening to people but those who know the Lord. The same Daniel 11 stated clearly those that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. There's a time for everything under the sun, there's even a time for the thief to go about his activities, there's a time for that thief to get caught. The God that knows what lies in darkness will one day reveal it to the light. That should be one of our prayer points this evening."

A smile formed on her face, is this not someone's child that has positive thoughts and not like that Teju! She thought within.

"So, prayer partner, where should we start from?" She asked in interest.

"Let's thank God for being God, for his wisdom and revelation through his word."

Sefa laughed, "I'm shy. I don't like praying to people's hearing." She answered and he laughed. "I'm not going to judge you. Let me be the iron that sharpens your iron, I really want to be that iron."

"Thank you."

"Thank God. Let's pray."


Alonso sat in the darkness. His mind, however, was elsewhere, consumed by the thought of Sefa. Memories flooded his thoughts, each one more unsettling than the last.

He recalled the day she regained her memory on their way to Anambra. The image of him pointing a gun at her flashed before his eyes.

Then he thought of the baby factory. How Sefa had been brought in, just another commodity to be exploited. But she had proven to be more than that. She had escaped, vanishing into thin air. His brow furrowed. There had been no footprints, no trail to follow. It was as if she had dissolved into the night.

And then, there was Buchi. His thoughts turned to the damage Sefa had inflicted upon his Boss. The fire that had burned Buchi's hand still lingered in his mind. How did she do it? The question echoed through his thoughts. How could someone be elsewhere and yet wreak havoc with such precision?

Sefa's bravery was scary. She was reporting their illicit activities to the world, exposing their secrets. Alonso's unease grew. What kind of power did she possess? On what authority did she stand?

Questions swirled in his mind, pulling deeper into confusion.

Alonso lit a cigarette then he took a long drag. He puffed up the smoke then he returned back to his thoughts.

Could Sefa be their undoing? The possibility sent a shiver down his spine.

Kilahi sat on a stool adjacent her reading table. She smiled glancing at Sewuese who was laughing loudly on a video with Sam.

"This kind of love. God when oh, I go love oh." She teased and Sewuese threw a pillow at her.

Kilahi groaned then she picked up the pillow from off the floor. "As if you knew I was in need of this." She whispered them she turned on her laptop with the aim of going through her mails.

Sewuese blushed and moved towards the window then Kilahi glanced at her and laughed, "Kukuma enter the wall!" She commented and Sewuese rolled her eyes.

"Don't mind Kilahi, she is just jealous you stole my attention." She replied, "I'm not jealous!" Kilahi corrected, "Sewuese has no loyalty! She had to cut me off the moment she saw your call. God when oh!"

Sewuese laughed, "Lamentation of a jealous sister." "I'm sorry Kilahi!" Sam yelled, "Can she hear me?" He asked and Sewuese shook her head."No, it's not really on loud speaker." "Oh. I should let you two go back to your conversation."

"I'm missing you already."

Kilahi rolled her eyes then she chuckled.

"I love you." Sam echoed, "I love you most." She replied ending the call and Kilahi looked up to the ceiling then she broke into pretense tears, "God when?" She asked and Sewuese broke into laughter. "Kilahi, you're a fish! What did you eat at your in law's place?"

Kilahi smiled, "The word is orisirisi (varieties)." "Are you sure your didn't inhale too much pepper, it's like there a pepper somewhere in your oblongata." "Oblangata, in Mr Abraham, our biology teacher's voice." Kilahi answered and they both laughed.

"How did the conversation finally end?" Sewuese asked and Kilahi rolled her eyes.

"Don't ask. It was awkward, and the way Gbadamosi looked at me, I'm beginning to doubt that man's salvation." She remarked playfully and Sewuese raised her brow.

"Just kidding! But, the look was uncalled for and the way he said the we don't want to be exhausted, even though he said everybody, everyone just assumed he meant..." She trailed off running her fingers against her forehead,
"The graphic jokes that followed afterwards ehn.... Parental guidance Is advised, even Sefa had to leave. Even mummy was saying, sex is part of service and impartation."

Sewuese did a quick salsa, "Why not? Receive it Kilahi!" She chanted receiving a glare from her sister.


"You know that moment when you've been searching through wedding stuff and it's not looking like the only thing Facebook can do is bring up anything that has to do with wedding? So I bumped into this woman's confession about how she couldn't consummate with her husband a week after their wedding. Being a virgin and all, she faced difficulty, as I'm even saying it sef, I'm running out of breath." She confessed laughing nervously.

"The reality of me losing my virginity is becoming real each day and I just don't to freak out or let it get to me but I'm low-key freaking out. I don't want my inability to be out of fear that I've pumped my mind with. In as much as I'm trying to go with the flow, omo! I pray I don't run out of the room that day." She confessed then she laughed throwing her head backwards.

"My dear, you'll be fine."

"Amen. I'm trying to imagine Gbadamosi's face right now when I run out of the room." She paused in thought then she laughed even more.

"Hey God!" She muttered skimming through her mails, "Toor, I have my work cut out for me tomorrow, when am I gonna sleep bayii?" "Oshey! It's like this small meeting has opened up a Yoruba portal." Sewuese joked.

Kilahi laughed clicking on one of the mail:

Subject: Compulsory Self-Defense Program Enrollment
Dear Kilahi Agbo,
You have been enrolled in a compulsory self-defense program organized by Revive Foundation. This program will equip you with essential skills to defend yourself in various situations.
The program is mandatory and will run over from tomorrow to the coming weeks. We look forward to your participation.

She blinked her eyes after going through the mail, "I'm lost." "What is it?" Sewuese asked walking behind her to see the content on the laptop screen. "The foundation just enrolled me into a compulsory self-defense program. Why?" She asked and Sewuese rolled her eyes, "I can't believe you just asked! After that on useless stunt you pulled."

"Come on! I was trying to save Mercy."

"Bottom line is, you walked into a dangerous place unprepared. If this Self defense program is going to give you sense, why not?" "Geskia, I'll throw this pillow on your face." "And It's not like you're paying for it or are you?"

Kilahi glanced at the mail, "Nowhere says I'm paying. Just that I have an training exercise by 9am tomorrow." "See! Your work place is giving you an opportunity to properly put this your James Bond character into proper practice. Go and learn some monkey in the evil shadow move so I can start looking for trouble everywhere." She teased and Kilahi laughed.


"Awn. My Jet Li sister in the making!"

"Stopeeet!" Kilahi yelled and rolled her eyes.

Aunty Mabel looked into the mirror and applied a cream on her face then she sat on the bed her husband laid. "Terdoo needs to stop all these night journey, couldn't he come in the day?" "The man is a fellowship Papa, I'm sure he had a lot to do."

"Papa or not, it's not safe to be returning home late at night. Honey, talk to him please." She requested laying in bed.

Her husband exhaled in thought, "My dear, I was thinking of the conversation at our in law's place. My conclusion after today's meeting is that, I'm concerned for Kilahi." "Why?" His wife asked with scrunched up brow, "Is there something you noticed about the family? For me, I think they are not pretentious, they are clear about the way they feel. I mean right from when Gbadamosi's mother didn't accept our daughter till she agreed. They've been nothing but sincere about how they feel."

"It's not the family I'm worried about. Maby, I don't know if you noticed but Gbadamosi looks like a very difficult person." He noted and Aunty Mabel nodded in understanding, "Same thing I had in mind, I just didn't want to say it."

"He reminds me of Kilahi's Father." He chipped in and she laughed, "Thank God he had someone like my sister to handle him. My brother in law was always so stubborn and difficult, I'm sure Kilahi will handle him. They're in love and he's not a bad person at all."

"I'm not saying he is, I'm just worried for our daughter. Kilahi is a softie, you know how emotional she can get and how secretive she can be when she's hurting. She'll want to sponge the whole thing."

"I do but it's in the nature of men, they can be dictatorial atimes!"

"Am i?" He asked and his wife laughed, "Do you want me to count the times I've had to tie my gele in the car because you don't want to be late to church and you've driven the car out of the gate?"

Uncle Adzer laughed, "That doesn't make me difficult." He stated but his wife gave him an obvious look, "It doesn't? Remember when Sewuese forgot one of her shoe and you didn't even go back to get it."

"I don't like going to church late, you know it, you all know it." He answered feeling a bit guilty.

"Yes but the point remains, my mother will always say something that even if you get married to a man younger than you, the moment you say I do, he must try to exercise authority as a man and some form of respect." She paused, "Marriage is about endurance. When things get tough, focus on the love and vows you shared, and use those to balance out the hard times. The sweet moments can be used as a restitution too."

"Is that what you do?" He asked and she laughed.

"Sometimes." She replied holding back her laughter. She knew she had touched a soft spot. Then she held his hands, "My dear, I didn't say it to make you feel bad."

"Really? How come we've never had this conversation? You've never complained about the way I drive off without warning."

Aunty Mabel laughed out loud, "I guess we learn more each day." "I'm sorry. Any other annoying traits you want to talk about?" He asked and she nodded leaning against his chest. "Do you really want to hear them?"

6:32 am

Kilahi breezed into the dining room, her new navy blue shirt gown commanding attention. Terdoo's eyes twinkled.

"Our very own Bruce Lee has come to grace this table." Terdoo exclaimed, and everyone at the table erupted into laughter.

Kilahi chuckled, her eyes sparkling. "Haha, very funny!" She playfully snapped her fingers.

Sewuese's mischievous grin hinted that she'd already shared stories about Kilahi's self-defense training. "Wow Sewuese, you couldn't wait to spill." Kilahi said.

Sefa jumped into the fray. "I hope by the end of the program, you'll be the next Monkey King! The fate of the world depends on you."

Kilahi feigned seriousness. "Don't worry, I'll be teaching self defense 101, very soon. You'll be learning my favorite move, the Snake in the monkey shadow." Her skittered her fingersover to Sefa's neck then she pinched her.


"Who deeyyyy!!!!" Sewuese chimed in and everyone's laughter intensified, and Kilahi laughed then she settled in close to Terdoo to eat, she flashed a smile at him, "Welcome back. I hope you'll be staying for more than a day." "Yeah... Apart from the fellowship, I have my sister's wedding to plan."

"Are you sure all your fellowship sisters won't miss you like this? Won't you miss the cooler ministry?" She asked and he laughed. "Why will I miss the cooler ministry when I have to eat from the best chefs in the world? Well, except Sewuese and Sefa of course." He answered getting a slight hit on the head from Sewuese.

"Ouch. I pity you future husband sha, the two of you."

"Brother T, I still have time." Sefa claimed and Kilahi giggled.

"Is this how you sweet mouth the girls in your fellowship? I'm sure about five of them must be feeling like you're their future husband." Kilahi asked and everyone laughed. "Leave him! Christian brothers and dating deception are five and six." Sewuese noted and her mother scoffed.

"Jamal deceived you and he's not even a Christian brother." She pointed out and everyone held back their laughter. That was a mean come back.

"Haba Mommy! Well, I would have said all men are scum if God didn't me Sam." Sewuese confessed lifting a fork from the flat plate.

"Terdoo, pray for us." Her father requested and Terdoo laughed, "Toor, you guys couldn't wait for me to come back bah?" He asked and everyone broke into chuckle.

Brenda sat in bed, a radiant smile still plastered on her face as she replayed the memories of Ugo's kisses from the previous day. She has never felt more at peace with her decision.

Her favorite part of the day was him agreeing to her terms and new found values. In as much as it won't be easy, she still felt at peace. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, like a surgical operation had taken place, freeing her from all her worries.

"Thank you Lord for giving me this peace of mind that money can't buy. I've gone on vacations upon vacation and I didn't know that all I needed was a vacation with me. If this is what peace feels like, I don't want to lose it. This is one thing I can't afford, I don't know how to pay for this, I just want to say thank you." She muttered stretching her hands in careless abandon as she stifled a yawn.

Suddenly she remembered the worst part of the day; her conversation with Tommy!

"Help me Lord and lead me not into temptation, even though I've led myself into one, deliver me. I lack the power to deliver myself, deliver me Lord. Please." She begged.

Her phone rang, breaking the thought and she answered, expecting to hear Ugo's voice on the other end.

Instead, Tommy's cheerful tone resonated through the line. "Hey babe."

Brenda's smile faltered, and she sat up straight, her voice mixed with confusion. "Excuse you?"

Why in the world was he calling her babe? Was there something she missed??

Tommy chuckled. "Too common?"

Her tone turned icy, "I didn't get the memo that I'm your babe."

"Should I make it more obvious?" He asked laughing hard.

She rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin. "Tommy, there's something I have to tell you."

"What?" He asked, his curiosity grew.

"I'm no longer going back to London for now."

"Because of me?" Tommy asked, his voice filled with hope. "Not that." She answered, swift and firm.

"I know you're shy to admit it. Girls and their pride when it comes to admitting they actually like a guy." He persisted, his tone teasing.

Brenda's frustration grew, "Not that either." "I like you too, and I'm not scared to admit it."

Her inner scream was loud and clear: Fuck! How did she end up in this situation? Dude, you're not my boyfriend! I have one!

Tommy continued, oblivious to Brenda's turmoil. "That's why I made reservations at the Leon's Club House. It'll be you and our parents there, and maybe we can have a good time afterwards or not."

"I'm sorry, I can't. You can't make reservations without seeking my approval." She snapped and he maintained his casual tone, "I asked your father instead, and he jumped at the idea."

Brenda's eyes widened in dismay. "He did? Of course, he will." She groaned within, rolling her eyes then he continue, "I just thought... Since he's the man of the house, right? Who better to tell. So why shouldn't I be a gentleman and seek his approval. I want your family to have a good time; call it a tip of the iceberg when you eventually take up my last name."

She bit her tongue, holding back a sharp retort. She couldn't let her anger get the better of her- one of her new values.

"Next time, you might want to call me first. I might have plans," She said, trying to keep her tone even.

"I'll put that in mind." He answered in a conciliatory tone.

Just then, Brenda's phone flashed with an incoming call from Ugo. Her heart skipped a beat as she quickly wrapped up the conversation with Tommy.

"I have to go, Tommy." She ended the call and answered Ugo's, her voice filled with warmth.

"Hey Baby."

"Good morning, baby." Ugo's voice sent shivers down her spine. It resonates differently now they're dating. "Good morning. I'm sorry; I was supposed to say good morning first."

Ugo laughed, "It's fine." His respondee with affection.

Her cheeks flushed, "Hey baby, how was your night? Was it as dreamful as mine? I saw you like three times in my dream, even when I tried to change it from excitement; you're still there."

"I guess you can call me your dream man." His soft response sent her heart racing. He wasn't even trying hard.

"You can say so." She replied with a giggle, feeling like a lovesick teenager. "Look at me grinning like an idiot."

"The feeling is mutual." He responded and they both laughed.

"I'll be heading to work now. I just wanted to hear from you before I get in the thick of surgery." Ugo said and Brenda's heart swelled. "That's so thoughtful of you."

"Relationship is a lot of work! How did calling you suddenly turn into an obligation? On a normal day, I'll think of you all day and not call; I feel like if I don't call, I might just as well get charged for a criminal offense."

She laughed, her eyes sparkling, "Well, I'd definitely be the one filing the suit against you. And don't think being a doctor will get you out of jail free."

Ugo chuckled. "Shoot! I forgot; I'm dating the daughter of a Barrister."

Brenda playfully snapped back, "A damn good one at that! Dad will definitely sentence you for breaking his baby's heart. You might have to pay bail to maneuver you way out ." "Or your bride price, in no particular order." He answered and they both laughed.

"I'll love to do a video call, but I'll be damn late if I do." He expressed regretfully.

Her practical side took over. "I think you should go now."

"Do you want me gone that badly?" Ugo asked, he feigned hurt.

Her tone softened, "No! I don't want you to be late." "Is it your lateness?" "Oh kay! Suit yourself, doctor." She shot back playfully and he laughed. "Let's go on a date tonight, if you're not too busy." "Sure, I'm not doing any..." She trailed off, her mind racing. Her heart skipped a beat as she hesitated, recalling Tommy's earlier plans.

"Fuck! Sorry, I said fuck..." Brenda apologized, shutting her eyes in frustration.

"What up again?" He asked and she thought of a well fabricated excuse, "Um, Dad fixed dinner tonight, it's a family dinner."

"Like last night?"

Brenda's guilt gnawed at her, "Yes! Dad's on leave; he's going to be planning impromptu meetings from henceforth. He's that way! Full of surprises and demands."

"Raincheck? Maybe tomorrow?" His understanding response pierced through her heart even though she felt relieved too.


"No problemo. See you on video call. Bye"

"Bye Baby," Brenda replied ending the call.

She groaned, burying her face in the pillow, her emotions in turmoil. She screamed silently, the pillow stifling her sound.

Just then, her mother walked into the room, concern etched on her face. "Ah han! What's going on?" She hurried towards her towards her daughter who looked like she was drowning in something.

Brenda quickly composed herself, trying to hide her distress. "Good morning Mum, what's up?"

Her mother's eyes narrowed. "What's going on, Brenda? You look like you're torn between heaven and hell."

Brenda forced a smile. "I'm just stressed out." She replied and her mother's gaze lingered. "I was going to ask you to help with breakfast but your father wants to talk to you."

She groaned and rolled her eyes, "Ah han. What was that for?" "What?" "You just rolled your eyes after I mentioned your father. What's going on?"

"It's nothing. I'm just mentally drained."

"What's draining you? Your Dad?"

"Personal stress. Mom, I'm fine."

Her mother rolled her eyes, "I'm not stupid Brenda, what's going on?" She asked settling on the bed. "Are you feeling funny or sick? What's draining you mentally?"

Brenda exhaled, her shoulders sagging in relief of having to talk about it with someone. "Mom..."

Her mother's eyes locked onto hers, filled with concern. "What? My dear, if this has something to do with you traveling, if it will make you happy, do so. In as much as I want you to be here with me, I want a daughter who is mentally sound too and happy."

Brenda's face lit up with a warm smile. "Awn, that's sweet, but Mom, I am happy!"

Her mother's brow furrowed. "This doesn't look like a happy face."

Brenda's grin widened. "I am sincerely happy. I've never been happy about something in a long time. I'm in a relationship with a man I love, Mom."

The room fell silent for a moment before her mother's voice filled the air. "Oh. Tommy?"

Brenda's laughter echoed, "No! Ugo!" "Ugo?" her mother repeated, her voice laced with surprise. "Wait... Same Ugo?"

Brenda nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Mom!"

Mrs. Arolowo's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I knew it! I was never a science student, but I know chemistry when I see one! At the wedding, even with the whole 'I hate him' charade, I literally saw the way you had your big eyes on him, and how he was staring at you. It was like the movies, deep down I was like, 'e ro ra oh' (take it easy), the whole argument couldn't even deceive me, I knew there was something there."

Brenda chuckled, her cheeks flushing. "Mom, chill! You're exaggerating it."

Her mother widened her eyes, a playful glint in their depths. "Exaggerating ke?? Something I saw, in fact, I and what's her name, Tumi abi, we were talking about it. Sweetheart, what an elder can see sitting..."

Brenda interrupted with a roll of her eyes and a grimace on her face. "You're not going to dish the whole elder proverb on me now, are you?"

Her mother teased, "Allow me to complete it now."

They both laughed and they sighed in unison.

Mrs. Arolowo smiled, This is good news, Ugo is a good man. I may not have a really personal relationship with him, but I've always felt this bond with him for no reason. I didn't think God would turn the story around this way. I mean, from Gbadamosi to this, this looks like an answered prayer from God himself. And not because I want you in Nigeria, but because I've always prayed for God to give you a man after his heart, someone that isn't like your father, someone to make you experience real love. My baby, is that how you feel?"

Brenda nodded affirmatively.

"When did it start?" Her mother asked, holding onto her daughter's hand.

"Yesterday," Brenda replied.

Mrs. Arolowo's eyes widened, "What then is now draining you?" "Ugh! Tommy."Brenda replied, her expression turned sour.

Mrs. Arolowo blinked, confusion etched on her face. "Ko o ye mi (I don't understand). Can you be more clearer?" "Tommy is my headache right now. Remember he was your choice. Dad wants him for me now," Brenda complained.

Mrs. Arolowo's voice turned stern. "What does it matter what your father wants? Your father doesn't even know what he wants."

"Ouch," Brenda muttered, and they both laughed it off.

"I'm serious," Mrs. Arolowo continued. "I mean, he looks at a beautiful woman like me and goes on to chase after young and ugly girls. The man doesn't even know what he wants. Don't let him bother you."

Brenda's eyes locked onto her mother's. "I lied to Ugo about last night. I told him I had a family dinner. I didn't tell him Tommy would be around, and he tried to kiss me after the date."

Mrs. Arolowo's sighed in thought, "One, if you want to look at it on the good side, it was a family dinner, but I'll tell you this for free: in every relationship, secrets are a breeding ground for sin and distrust. It breaks the cord of trust and love that every relationship should have."

"Tommy fixed another meeting today," Brenda said, her voice laced with frustration.

Mrs. Arolowo's voice turned firm. "Bluntly tell him no!"

"Dad already accepted, and I'm sure that's why he wants to see me," Brenda replied.

Her mothers eyes flashed with anger. "Why will he accept a date on your behalf?""It's in the guise of a family meeting," Brenda explained. "Tommy is trying to buy you guys approval, at least, that's what I feel."

"Why wasn't I informed?" Her mother asked, a little anger was evident in her voice, "This man is just full of surprises!'"

"You can imagine my surprise when he told me he already asked the man of the house already," Brenda said.

Mrs. Arolowo's eyes narrowed. "Ah! O ti ye MI bayii, (it's clearer now.). I didn't know when I match made you two. Since he didn't stay in this part of the country for long. I felt he'll be different. He's a sexist like your father and a sexist like his father too. You know what they say about birds of same feathers, right?"

Brenda exhaled. "Tommy doesn't seem like a bad person. At a time, he seemed like a choice."

Her mother's expression turned stern, "You had better take note of the red flags now. I didn't see your father as a sexist until I got married to him, two weeks later he demanded that I quit my job. At the peak of my career, I resigned."

Brenda smiled wistfully. "I wouldn't mind being a housewife." She confessed and her mother scoffed. "Are you sure?"

Brenda shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just... I love the easy life, I've always had it easy, the traveling and my expensive life. I don't know how I'm going to work around it with Ugo being a surgeon and all."

"You're going to be fine," Mrs. Arolowo reassured. "I mean, you have your father and I to give you all the support you want. Just because you've cleaved to a man will not stop us from being you parents. There's nothing better than finding a man that will help you find your purpose in life, a man that will bring your dreams alive, support it, and watch it grow. They'll think they can use their money to silence you and make you feel loved, no! Do I feel loved? I wouldn't want you to end up like me, only staying in a failed marriage to avoid being shamed."

Brenda nodded, her mind racing with the impending dinner and Tommy's plans. How would she navigate this tangled web of relationships?

"Should I tell Dad?" Brenda asked.

"The earlier, the better," Mrs. Arolowo advised.

Just then, Brenda's father knocked on the door and walked in. "If it's not my two favorite people in the world."

"Good morning, Daddy," Brenda greeted, forcing a smile.

Her father smiled. "How is my princess doing this morning?"

Brenda pouted, "Not good Daddy." "Who dares to put you in a bad mood, Is it your mom?" he teased.

Mrs. Arolowo raised an eyebrow at him, "How is it me?" "It's not Mom." Brenda replied innocently.

"Then who?" Her father asked.

"Mention their names, and let me deal with them," he said, in a protective tone.

"Like you dealt with Jack, huh?" Brenda snapped.

Her father rolled his eyes. "Again with that idiot! The fool got what he deserved, and I have no regrets for putting him in jail."

"Dad!" Brenda exclaimed.

"Forget that idiot! I have something that will turn your smile upside down," he said, taking his seat.

Brenda already knew what it was about - definitely about Tommy's impromptu date! She wanted nothing but to wipe that proud smug off her father's face.

"Dad, I have something I want to tell you too, and I think I should go first. " Brenda said.

"After I tell you this good news, you'll forget about all your worries. Tomisin invited our family to Leon's Club House," he announced.

Brenda frowned, "He called me already." "How thoughtful of him to," Her father said.

"Thoughtful? He didn't even ask my permission," She snapped and a smile formed on her father's face, "That's how real men do, they take charge, they lead the way for the women to follow. Tomisin is a real man who is ready to do all to conquer the heart of a woman, one who is ready to spoil his woman, he's not like that useless man," her father said.

"Gbadamosi is not useless, Dad!" Brenda protested.

"He is!" Her father insisted.

"He's useless to me. What's the term for anything that has no use for you? Useless, right? That's exactly who he is to me. Tommy, on the other hand, knows what he wants," He assumed.

Brenda exhaled. "Dad..." "See, I know you're still hung up on Gbadamosi," Her father said. "Can't you listen to her." His wife yelled and he shot a look at her.

"This is a father daughter moment, no one asked for your opinion." He snapped, "We need to talk this girl out of being hung on Gbadamosi George."

"I'm not, Dad! We're more like friends now," Brenda explained.

"My dear, I'm happy about Tommy coming into the picture. This is more like an answered prayer from God," Her father confessed.

Mrs. Arolowo rolled her eyes, "I'm surprised you pray." "Yes, I do!" Mr. Arolowo replied sharply to his wife. He could denote the sarcasm in her tone.

"I prayed after Gbadamosi disappointed us, and God sent that young, handsome, and rich man, Tommy. A man who will be able to take care of you; a man who will fund your travel expenses. Or else, you won't be traveling for a long time. When you finally get married,... it won't be me taking care of your expenses. Or do you think I will?" Mr. Arolowo asked and Mrs Arolowo scoffed.

"We're are her parents."

"All the more reason for her to look before leaping."

"Can you listen to yourself?"

"Mom, Dad!" Brenda yelled then she laughed nervously; she didn't want to break her father's heart at the moment.

There's just something about arguing with Dad that makes her weak! Who would turn down his heart's desire?

"Well, Brenda has something different in mind," Mrs. Arolowo stated, staring at her daughter.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" She asked, her eyes locked onto Brenda's.

She got out of bed, unsure of the right response to give. "I'll love to have my privacy, I want to have my bath." She said. "Please." she added.

As they left the room, she couldn't shake off the feeling that her life was about to become even more complicated.

Bella who was seated in her car, checked her iPhone watch, her eyes hidden behind black sunglasses. The time read 7:02 am.She watched Kilahi stand on the sidewalk, waiting for her Uber ride. She dialed a number, her eyes never leaving Kilahi. "Hey, any information about him?" she asked, her tone low and urgent.

The female voice on the other end answered promptly. "He's currently still having counseling. I'll follow him when he comes out. That's the plan."

Bella's eyes narrowed, "Why not go in and try to seduce him?"

The pause on the other end was palpable. "No way! Bella, that wasn't the plan." "You do know the perks of not doing as told." A sly smile spread across Bella's face, her voice dripping with persuasion.

The response from the lady at the other end was immediate, laced with a hint of alarm. "Babe, that's not part of the plan abeg. I'm not going into a church to seduce a man of God. Not in a church now, I'm a lot of things but not a church slut! I'll follow him okay?"

As Bella listened, her mind wandered to the driving force behind her actions. Revenge and anger seemed to be her only fuel- a recompense for her humiliation! She couldn't believe it had come to this - stalking Kilahi, using others to gather information, all to exact a twisted vengeance. A pang of disgust aroused within her.
How low had she sunk? What depths of pettiness had she reached?

Bella shoved the doubts aside, her resolve hardening. She would see this through, no matter the cost!

As she watched Kilahi slide into the arriving Uber, her thoughts snapped back into focus. The moment the door closed, Bella started her engine, following the Uber.

Buchi stood tall, his commanding presence filling the cramped, dimly lit room where the watchmen had gathered. Alonso and Ray exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the gravity of the situation. The air was thick with tension as Buchi delivered the news he had received.

"As e dey hot, the breaking news way just reach my ear from our trusted informant na say, our location don dey compromise," He announced with a loud voice. "As e dey so, them dey make plans to allocate police put for surrounding areas as monitoring spirits, so we gats dey on guard." He warned.

Alonso's brow creased in concern, his eyes narrowing. "Person snitch?" He asked, his tone laced with suspicion. "Gbam! You don get the gist abi?"

Buchi's expression turned grim. "According to my source, the order come from Lagos. Anybody way wan poke his nose, no go smell anything for him life again."

Ray shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting around the room. "Na wa oh, na who come give Mopol Intel like this?" he asked, his voice laced with unease. He wondered who ratted them out. He didn't know which to be angry about- the fact the whole police now knows the location or the fact there was a mole in the force working hand in hand with these criminals!

"The informant no talk anything?"

"Na as him receive the news naim I get this information. The matter never cold at all." Buchi's gaze swept across t the room, ensuring everyone understood the severity of the situation. "I no know who the snitch be but if I venture find out say I get one here, heads go roll. Una know wetin this thing means abi? E mean say we dey danger zone. Whoever betrayed us get ties to very important people for Lagos, and now the police wan close in on top our matter. We need to dey vigilant, them no fit see this place even though them try but our eyes need to dey the back of our head too and your ear must dey ground."

The room fell silent, the weight of Buchi's words sinking in. Alonso's face darkened, his mind racing with questions. Who could have betrayed them? And what did they want? Was this another bad luck from Sefa?

Buchi continued where he left off, "From now on, make una hand all of una kpalasa over, now!" He snapped and everyone exchanged uneasy glances, reluctant to part with their devices.

Alonso hesitated, his hand instinctively reaching for the phone in his pocket, "Oga Buchi, why we need to surrender our kpalasa?" He asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"Because, my friend," Buchi replied, his tone firm, "I go x-ray every message inside am. Yes! So I no gree una use Android but as I take dey allow una family member fit call una, one of una still get mind pour sand inside this business way I dey use chop my garri?" He laughed hysterically then he continued, "We need to cut all those unnecessary ties. Who no comply, na enemy."

The men slowly began to comply, handing over their devices to Buchi.

Buchi smirked, "Time don reach to plan diversion. Make we see how una go snitch now without una phones."

Sefa sat in the living room, her fingers flying across the screen of her phone as she responded to a message from Ire. A faint blush crept onto her cheeks, and before she could react, Terdoo snuck up behind her.

She was scrolling through her comments on YouTube."God saved you, I thought you were chatting with a boy," Terdoo said, relief washing over his face as he saw the YouTube comments on her screen.

Sefa gasped, her palm flying to her chest. "Gosh, brother Terdoo! That was unnecessary!"

Her brother's eyes sparkled with amusement, "What?" " I was scared." "Who did you think it was? A ghost from your mother's village?"

Sefa chuckled. "Thank God it's your mother's village too." She snapped sharply.

"Why were you scared?"

His expression softened as he noticed his sister's shoulders sag. "I'm not used to the fact you're back home, and everything scares me lately...and..." Her voice trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes.

Terdoo's eyes shut in realization. He knew Sefa was still reeling from the kidnapping experience. "I'm sorry, I just didn't know."

"It's fine, I'll be fine," Sefa said with a low voice. "How are you dealing?" He asked and she forced a smile.

"I'll be fine."

"God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Know that and know peace, whatever 'shit' you experienced there." His voice filled with conviction.

Sefa's lips curled into a smile. "Pastor Terdoo, just said shit."

Terdoo laughed. "For real, whatever you went through, I might not know to some extent, but what I can say is God is definitely going to see you through. I watched that YouTube video of yours, and I literally saw you a flash of you preaching the word of God and winning souls. Then I just had this deep conviction that you'll be fine. The word has not heard the last of you."

"You again?"

"Ahhhh... This one you're saying, you again, I'm guessing someone has spoken to you about it."

"Hm." She replied with a nod, "P. G and Pastor Nath, well you don't know Pastor Nath, he's a Prison evangelist. I went with him for prison evangelism. Like Pastor Gbadamosi intentionally pushed me to him and...." She shrugged.

"How can God use me? I disappointed him, I low key still feel like a disappointment."

"He appoints even the ones who disappoint him and uses them for his glory. Apostle Paul is a perfect example, from being a persecutor to executing kingdom realities. Peter denied Jesus thrice, God's strength is made perfect in your very weak state. He uses the weak to establish his kingdom here on earth."

Sefa smiled, just then, a message popped in from Ire, and Sefa tried to hide her smile.

I've checked the Jamb score, are you ready to know what it is? Tell me.
Hm! I don't know how to tell you.

Sefa's face lit up with a smile.

"This one you're smiling, is that a boy?" Terdoo asked, his neck craned to peek at the contact ID.

"Who is Dr. Ire?" He finally caught a glimpse.

"Brother T! I deserve my privacy."

"Not when you might end up going out to meet him."

She rolled her eyes, "Haba! Well, he's just a friend.""That's making you smile like that." "Brother Terdoo, Ire is just a friend and besides, he's like 10 years older than me. He has a career and I haven't even started mine. I'm still struggling to pass Jamb, that's if I eventually pass it."

"Exactly! That should be the only thing on your mind, not guys! You have no business with boyfriends or sex. For real Sefa, you don't need someone like Teju."

"I actually cajoled Teju into having sex in the first place. I take full responsibility for my first time."

"This is a new life, you can't afford to make any guy talk you into what you don't want to do. I know my gender, I know how conniving and manipulative some of us can be. You've just left an old life, don't make someone drag back."

"Brother T, Ire is not dragging me back. He thinks his little sister has been kidnapped too so, she's eighteen. I'm the same age with his little sister, do you get the gist now? We have a lot in common and he's helping me, he's the first genuine male friend I've had. He's my prayer partner too."

"Do you have feelings for him? The way I'm looking at your face.. it's like you do."

"No." She answered sharply then she rolled her eyes, "But if I want to be honest, he's perfect example of a man I'll one day love to get married to. The way he speaks, he's word-articulate and he's just too good to be true. I'm even tempted to think he's faking it."

Terdoo smiled, "I can relate, I'm too good to be true too." He bragged and Sefa raised her nose in disbelief, "Iffa hear."

"What do you mean? I'm good looking, spiritual and well-behaved, I'm a spec."

"Abeg! All these bragging is making my ear bleed!" She snapped playfully and they both laughed.

"Ehn hen.... What's up about your JAMB now?" He asked and Sefa stared at the phone screen, "That's what we're about finding out. I sent my number for him to help me check, tension won't let me."

Hello?? Are you still here? Or... Has fear made you run? 😅

Sefa exhaled glancing at the message then she proceeded to type:

I'm with you.

Guess the score.

I can't guess! My head is so hot, you can boil water on it right now.

Mad oh! But really, the score wasn't what I expected.

🎙️ Is it bad?

Sefa sent in a voicenote , her brow furrowed.

Not really bad.

What's the score?

hether I pass or not, God will still be glorified, that's what I know.

That's what people say when they start entertaining doubts. Or maybe you can change course...

The prophecy written about me is Law. Maybe I'll study political science and maybe switch to law.

O ye of little faith! What happened to speaking the word?

There's the word and there's reality. If I score 210, will speaking the word increase the score?

Never be void of God's word. Congratulations Sefa you scored 282.

Sefa gasped, "Jesus Christ!" She screamed loudly then she typed.

Are you pulling my leg?


e quickly sent in an image:

She gasped in shock and sent a voicenote.

🎙️"Oh my God! How is it possible?" She asked looking at her brother Terdoo. She stopped the voice note still in shock.

"With God, all things are possible." Terdoo answered.

She glanced down and noticed Ire also gave the same response. "Brother T, I scored 282, how? I can't even believe myself."

Terdoo smiled. "Didn't you study?"

Sefa nods, still in awe. "I did! This is more than I bargained for. I was expecting 250 or maybe two hundred and forty something, you get now."

"And when God turned again the captivity of Zion, they were like them that dream. Congratulations, Sefa." Terdoo said with pride, 'You did it, Sefa! You actually did it!"

"God did oh!" Sefa replied with a scream, a testament to her hard work and faith. She quickly rushed off to her status and posted.

Enguarde security service Academy.

Just as Bella approached the receptionist, her phone rang and she slipped it out of her bag answering a call from her PA, "Bad timing, bad timing." "I'm just calling to remind you of your interview with Cheap Talk on Peach FM by five pm." "I'm aware." "Remind me again Ma, what are you doing?"

"None of your business! Whatever news you might have, make the post and stop humming like a bee every god damn time." She snapped ending the call then she approached the woman in a navy blue a uniform and a cap. "Good morning Ma." "Good morning. What's your purpose here?" She asked and Bella shrugged, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Are you here for visitation or training?"


"Do you have an appointment?" She asked looking into the log book, "Your name? Or Can I see a pass or written note?" She asked and Bella looked into her bag scouring for nothing.

"Shoot!" She blurted out staring at the woman, "I forgot mine." "Do you have an email evidence, we can work with?"

Bella exhales, "The thing is...." She trailed off and the woman laughed, "You think you can fool me bah? Why didn't you just say you're here on visitation? You're probably one of those girls here to see man, let me guess, is it Dantata? That one prick no dey stay one place."

Bella shut her eyes admittedly in shame, "You got me. Can I go in to see him?" "No! This is a professional place. Before him go carry you go one corner, abeg! I no get time for this."

"Ma, I'm a Yoruba girl and from your accent, I can tell you're not so, can we speak in one language? Give me your account number." She asked pulling out her phone from her bag and the woman grinned.

Kilahi was led into the training room by a security personnel. Her eyes scanned the space as she noticed people scattered around. Some were in uniform, while others wore training gear. The trainers wore some kind of navy blue singlet that had ESSA on it.

On the other hand, the navy blue gown she wore seemed out of place among the athletic attire. As she entered, gazes turned toward her then she felt a bit embarrassed.

Uncle Garba! 😂

Garba, lifting weights topless in a corner of the room, caught sight of her through a tap on his shoulder. He stopped mid-rep, rose to his feet, and picked up a towel to wipe the sweat from his body. Kilahi gasped in shock as he approached her, his chiseled physique on full display.

"Hey you!" Garba said with a smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Kilahi's gaze drifted to his abs before she quickly looked away, her cheeks growing hotter. "What are you doing here?" She asked, her tone curious.

"Uh... I train here," He replied and she raised an eyebrow, his gaze locking onto hers as he noticed her discomfort. "Oh wow," Her eyes widened, she seemed distracted by the expanse of his bare chest, her gaze roaming over his defined muscles and smooth skin.

Why did I say oh wow? She asked within?

Garba chuckled, It tickled the bad boy in him, and he couldn't help but assume she was somewhat attracted to what she was staring at.

Bella stepped in then she approached a guy handing a pass to him, "I'm here to train." She said stealing quick glances at Kilahi. "Hm..." The guy paused staring at her face closely, " Are you not one of those celebrity girls that appear on television, you look like a musician."

"Oh. Wow, you think so? Do I look that pretty?" She asked watching the young guy smile, "You have a nice smile, has anyone ever told you you have a nice smile?" She asked and he laughed nervously.

"Keep smiling. Can I just chill for a bit and take pictures? For my mental health? I'm so stressed out."

"No problem. When you're ready, you'll let a trainer know or maybe you can let me know. Anyone you prefer."

"Sure." She replied winking at him.

Kilahi pulled out a printed copy of the training program form and waved it at Garba. "I've been listed to train. Does that make me sound like I made the army list?" She asked holding back herself and they both laughed at the same time.

"It does."

"Looks like Mrs. Bakare made it compulsory, and apparently, I couldn't say no." She sighed, her eyes darting around the room. "I'm supposed to meet my trainer here."

"Well, you're looking at him." His smile grew wider while her eyes widened in surprise. "Whaaat?!" "Yes," Garba confirmed, his grin still plastered on his face.

Shei scoffed in disbelief, "Wait... Do you have anything to do with this?" "Depending on the context." "What context? Was this your suggestion?" "Not exactly." He shrugged, his expression nonchalant.

"Oh please! You almost had me fooled. Did you suggest this, yes or no?" Kilahi snapped in Hausa, her voice firm.

His grin returned. "In a way." "Yes or no?"She rolled her eyes, her frustration evident.

He chuckled.

"I wonder what you find amusing in this Garba."

"What does it matter, eh? Your life was in danger; you almost lost it. It's clear you don't know the first thing about a rescue mission. If you're going to keep putting yourself in harm's way, you'll need training." He stepped closer, his voice low and intense. Kilahi's breath caught in her throat, the proximity of his near-nakedness making her uncomfortable. It was draining like oxygen was being sucked from her very being.

She has never been comfortable staring at topless men, now she had one in front of her!

"Step back."

He took a step back, creating distance between them.

"Toor, of all trainers, it had to be you. Did you have anything to do with that?" Kiilahi asked, her eyes narrowing.

He shook his head. "No. Aisha saw me fit to train you. Not like I suggested it to him."

She quickly looked away, focusing on the mats lining the floor. She had to look at something! "Can you... Can you put on something?" Kilahi exhaled, her shoulders sagging.

"In simpler terms?"

"Put on something like clothes, rather than walking around naked," she clarified.

Garba chuckle echoed through the gym. "I'm not naked." He answered, his tone playful. "Are you not?" She asked, her voice laced with skepticism. "If you're panicking over this," he said, gesturing to his body, "What will you do if you really see me naked?"

Garba's grin lit up the gym, and he charged towards her and she blinked, taken aback by the question. She scoffed and denied the hint of flirtation in his tone.

"Can you be less crazy?"

"That should be my cue! With the way you ran after Mercy yesterday, one would think it was your sister that was in trouble." He said and she rolled her eyes. She tried to brush it off, focusing on the task at hand. "Let's get started then."

Garba's eyes roamed over her, assessing her dress from head to toe. "You should get yourself into something comfortable too. You're too formal. Did you come with any training suits?" He asked, "Don't worry, the academy will give you a uniform after today. Okay?" He informed and walked away, leaving Kilahi to let out a loud sigh of relief.

She rolled her eyes. "Must he be naked?" she thought, seeking a private spot to change into her trainers.

A penny for your opinion ?? 🤣😂

Is Kilahi bitting more than she can chew or she's just being plain stupid, ignorant or naive?

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