🌾Chapter 6🌾
Happy Sunday!!!!
I just want to use this privilege to thank you all for the comments and votes on the last chapter. I was left in an emotional and appreciative state. God bless you all.
Don't let it stop, let it keep rolling.
I want to know your opinion every step of the way. Thank you!
Chapter 6
🎶Eyes are unveiling
Hearts are aligning
Dead bones are rising
His Spirit is moving
Eyes are unveiling
Hearts are aligning
Dead dreams are rising
His Spirit is moving
He's breaking addictions" Estelle raised and the chorister responded with 🎶Amen Amen🎶
🎶And breaking religions🎶
🎶Amen Amen🎶
🎶His Spirit is moving🎶
Amen🎶 amen🎶
🎶His Spirit is freedom🎶
Amen amen"
Deja pressed her leg between Kilahi's laps trying to curtail her outburst. By this time, they were now at the back of the auditorium because Kilahi had done spiritual race to the back. It took some other women to hold her down while Deja used her leg as support.
She still she was still screaming and tonguing!
Deja's wig was no longer on her head, in the bit to hold Kilahi down, her wig flew off. It was now at the corner of the floor alongside two of her acrylic nails and Kilahi's white headband.
She sighted Ade laughing then she frowned at him.
Amazing lifted her hands, "You can let go of her now, God is cutting some edges off, he's breaking and moulding her"
Deja quickly moved away while Bimbo picked the wig for her giving her a familiar mocking look and she dragged the wig angrily from her.
She moved towards Hilary who was already seated, "Can you see me shortly after the service? Thank you" She asked walking back to the altar, "Thank you Holy ghost. We are set to continue, amen! For those that can still get up, do so. If they can't, just leave them, we need to continue. I promise not to take your time. Thank you Lord. How do you Sustain Relationship, get your pen ready.."
While Hilary waited for Amazing, she sighted Manny with Brenda then she hide her face. She noticed he looked towards her direction so she made a run for it when Brenda placed her hands on his arm, "Hey" She called out and he faced her, "Hey" He paused turning back but found no one.
"Who are you looking for?"
"Huh... I thought I saw someone, I guess I was wrong. What's up?"
"Have you seen her, your girlfriend"
"She's not my girlfriend"
"Whatever, with all those pushing of chairs, running around, are you sure she's fine? It's crazy"
"Get used to it, it's going to be your world very soon"
Brenda grimaced, "Eeesh"
Amazing sat on the floor hand in hand with Kilahi who was mumbling and crying. "Be still and be strong" she said placing her hands on her cheek and Kilahi exhaled. "God is set to do something, I don't know what but he wants you to find yourself again"
"Toh, I don't know how?"
"Well... Your Pastor is there, you can talk to him"
Kilahi squeezed her face in disapproval, "He's not my Pastor" she sucked her teeth, "And I don't really like him like that"
"I fear handsome men of God, toh especially the ones that are not married"
Amazing laughed throwing her head backwards, "I can tell you for a fact that my husband Is handsome and I trust him. You can talk to me if you want, you can have my number and call me when you have any difficulties," "I always have difficulties!"
"When you have questions, i trust God to help me give answers to them"
Kilahi smiled, "Thanks" "Gbadamosi Is someone you can talk to, he's easy going, humble, funny" "I just don't like him," "Why?" "Number one, is good looking, two he's not married, the guy talks too much, doesn't keep to time, and toh, i can't help but stress the singular factor that he's a single Pastor, you just don't know the number of choristers he's sleeping with"
Gbadamosi who was behind her arced his brow in disgust, "What the..." He mutttered, he wasn't even sure whether to bust her bubble and let her know he heard her or let the whole thing slide.
Why will she think he's sleeping with the choristers??? Humans and their opinions sha! At least she added good looking to his qualities!
"Pastor Amazing" He called out from behind.
"Talk about the Angel..."
"Were you guys talking about me?" He pretended as though he wasn't listening all this while. "No." Kilahi lied looking up at the good looking man he was talking about. "We were talking about phone numbers before a discussion that seems like erm... something that happened." She stammered looking at Amazing, "My phone Is not here now, it's in my purse and my purse is with a friend"
"My phone Is not with me either"
"Let me get it real fast" She tried rising but he stretched his hands at her then she reached out to it groaning. Her body pressed against him and they both stared at each other's face for a while and he felt a leading to also get her number.
Can he even call it a leading??
He scoffed within. How crazy will that sound? Can I get your number? Mtchew! Rubbish! It'll only feed her doubts about him and probably make her think he pulls the move on every new member that comes into church.
"Bless you" He muttered and she nodded leaving then he looked at Amazing laughing, "Do I look like a womanizer?" He asked and she busted into laughter, "You heard it?"
"Yes I did. How can one person have bad impressions about me?" "I guess it's not your first time hearing it?"
"It's not her first time saying it"
Kilahi bumped into Brenda, "Hey you, are you fine?" She asked and Kilahi nods, "Yes" "Nice dress by the way" "Oh. Thanks yours too" "Where did you get it?" "I made it" "Wow. You know what? I think you're gonna have to make me a dress one of these days"
Kilahi laughed nervously, Is this one whinning me? She asked within then Brenda walked away to Gbadamosi's side. "How long are you going to keep me waiting?" She asked and he groaned.
Sewuese watched Sam bite a Jam donut, "This tastes magnificent" "It's normal jam donut, don't you guys eat donut there?"
"Appreciating food is a culture where I come from, even though we've eaten it lots of time, there's that feeling of appreciation that comes with every bite" He closed his eyes moaning.
"Don't do that, you're in church"
"Do what?" He moaned again, "That?" He asked and she frowned. "You have a Dirty dirty mind" "Agreed"
"Eat yours"
"It's party souvernir, my mother raised me to eat when I get home. Home training will not allow me"
Sam laughed, "Okay, that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. You're not going to eat that until you get home?" "Back in the days, mom will give us eye signals not to eat outside and if we dare eat, she'll kill us. There was this day I didn't get her signal, I was 8, my brother, Terdoo was 5, Sefa was still a baby. We ate at her friends house, it was eba and egusi soup, when we got home. Mom locked the door"
"Oh my God"
"Made a mountain full of eba for us, do you know how Eba looks like?"
"Yeah.. Like the fufu"
"It's fu-fu, pronounce it"
"Fu-fu?" He pronounced it wrongly still and she laughed, "It's my accent getting in the way, just like you've got accent too" "You're hopeless!" "I do have high hope about getting lucky tonight"
"Iew! I won't have sex with you".
"I didn't mean it that way. I meant asking you out"
Sewuese cleared her throat, "You're crazy! It's like you took weeds before coming. Where was I? Yes! Mom made Eba the size of a watermelon along with ogbono soup, she told my brother and I to eat it"
"Shut up!"
"Why are you telling me to shut up?"
"Shut up is a thing, don't you know pop culture? What year are you stuck in? 1939?"
"You had to mention when we were colonized"
"Darling, it was the British who colonized you guys, not me. " "Are you not British?" "It was not me who led the colonialism" "You might just be a distant relative" You might want channel the anger elsewhere, miss beautiful Activitist, or should I call you a nationalist"
Sewuese laughed, "I'm African, I know African culture but you, Americans, whites generally, you guys don't have culture" "Ouch. I can argue that" "Well, you've just picked the right person for that arguement cause i'll beat you hands down"
"Just so happens that I'm really not in the mood to argue." He bit his lower lips and she moved back clearing her throat, at this point, she was uncomfortable.
She wondered why everywhere suddenly got hot even with the fans still on.
"Where was I? I keep diverting because of you"
"Your mom told you guys to eat it"
"Yes! And we had no option"
"Did you finish it?"
"Hell no! How could we? She didn't beat us but we learnt our lessons the hard way. My souvenirs always follow me home"
"Okay..." He pushed the donut against her lips and she blinked In shock, "We are in church" "I'm not doing anything wrong, just have a taste and appreciate it"
"Give me part you've not bitten? How am I sure you brushed your teeth today"
"Oh... That's just mean" He turned the donut to the other side and she bite it, the jam spilled into her mouth and she smiled, "The jam.... It's nice sha, it tastes like normal donut"
"God you're boring, even the donut is disappointed"
Sewuese laughed, "I'm a Nigerian! Jam Donut is donut! It tastes like red toothpaste" She laughed and he shook his head watching in shock. "Did you just compare Jam to tooth paste?"
The look on his face make her lean against his chest, not able to control her laughter anymore.
Kilahi walked up to Manny feeling ashame about her reaction and how the spirit carried her. She couldn't exactly remember all she did but she had a feeling it was embarassing. "Hey" "Hey, are you done?" "Not exactly"
"I'll like us to talk, if you have time to spare"
"I wish I do. Toh, It's... It's late and my cousins are ... are waiting"
"Cool. Are you okay? From the way you stumbled on chairs and all.... "
Kilahi covered her face in shame, "I'm so ashame" "Hey" he dropped her hands smiling. "It's nothing, I notice you were struggling with it during the programme" "I haven't felt that way in a long time"
"There's nothing to be ashame, it's normal and it's beautiful"
Kilahi's heart raced on hearing that word. "Really?" "Yes. Can I drop you and your cousins off?" "I don't exactly know you well" "Well, I'll like to know you better, if you'll give me the chance to"
What? Wait, did he just ask her out?? Did someone just.... Calm down Kilahi.... Calm down
Her lips trembled, "Errr....." "I promise" He paused lifting up his palm up, "I'm not a stalker or an armed robber seeking to know your address so I can come and rob you of your valuables later at night"
Kilahi laughed nervously, "And you're not a serial Killer?" "No."
Was she close to losing her bet????
"It's fine if you don't want to"
"No, it's not that. Won't you get home late too?" "Let me worry about myself"
"Okay.... Sure but first... I want to get Pastor Amazing's number. If you can wait"
"I'll wait"
"Cool" She replied walking off with a smile and he smiled too.
Gbadamosi entered into his office to find Bamidele reading a book, "The only person i can leave alone in my office. Sorry for keeping you waiting, i had to address a few things and also inform the workers to wait"
By a few things, he meant, see Kilahi.
He cleared his throat sitting on the edge of his desk just close to Bamidele. "I'm surprise you and Amazing waited. Thank you for coming once again" "It was nothing. When I was talking about women on wedding gowns, I saw you too"
"On a wedding gown?" He asked they both laughed. "I saw you getting married this year, when I saw it I was a bit confused cause I know you don't have anyone, I've been asking you and you still give the same response"
Gbadamosi exhaled, "I'm a bit confused, this is a big decision for me, this is the woman who's going to be building this ministry with me. It can't be just anyone"
"True, anyone in mind? I'm sure some people in church might be rooting themselves as the next Mummy GO"
Gbadamosi laughed, "You know that right?" "Yes but there's nothing i can do about it. I have never given anyone the reason to feel that way. I don't give special treatments, I'm just me. I told you about Brenda now"
"True... The seduction and all"
"She's under trial, I'm watching her. I don't know what I want"
"So there's no one?"
Gbadamosi exhaled, "Okay, over the week, there's this person that has been... She came to church once last month for her friend's thanksgiving. I only saw her picture when the media team were trying to post the picture. One of them called her ugly and I got pissed off and uploaded her picture. Ever since that day till now, the picture keeps coming to mind, Temi even spoke about her to me. Randomly.... And I saw her today"
Bamidele smiled, "Okay ....." "She's the one who fell under anointing, the one Amazing..." "Oh... The one with the head band" "I kept on stealing glances at her through out the whole programme, it was really childish" He paused laughing at himself then he cleared his throat.
"I don't know, I had this leading to get her contact, even tell her she looks beautiful and just add light to her face. I just wanted to tell her she looked really beautiful in that red dress. I couldn't and it's leaving this pain in my heart. I've not felt this way in.... donkey years. She thinks I sleep with choristers, I overheard her"
Bamidele smiled, "Okay..... So what's your move?" "What move? I'm a Pastor, I only move towards God" "Pastors no day marry? Listen to yourself now. You're not doing anything immoral, you're making a move"
"I haven't had any contact with this part of me in a while. There is a high tendency, it might just be my will. I still need to pray towards it"
"There's a reason why the bible said watch and pray. While you're praying to hear from God, even afterwards, God Is not going to come down and make the move for you. Maybe His own move was bringing her here to you, yours is to run the parole. I don't know, see, whoever your bones of bones is going to be, you'll still have to drop the whole 'no dating', shackles you've held on to for years and ask the lady out then court her"
Gbadamosi exhaled, "After all my bad boy experience hen.... Guy..It's official oh, I'm scared"
Bimbo entered into the office bending her knees slightly, "Weldone Past Bamidele. More grace Sir" "Amen" He replied and Gbadamosi pulled out two books from his shelve packaging it in a brown envelope then he handed it to her.
"What should I do with it?"
"Give it to the lady on red"
"Ah! Papa, almost everyone is on red, I can even give it to myself" She teased and he laughed rolling his eyes, "The one with the white head band" "Oh. That Aunty that spirit carry... That Aunty is a good person"
"I didn't ask for your opinion Bimbo."
"So I should give it to her"
He gave her a 'Before nko' look, "Yes but don't let her know it's from me"
"I should not let her know it's from you"
"That's what I said"
"Who should I say it's from?"
"I don't know, anyone"
"Ah! Papa, shebi you're the one that always say we should not lie"
Bamidele laughed while Gbadamosi shut his eyes, "I didn't say you should lie, I trust you to use your discretion" "Ah! No wahala discretion is my third name, Usher Bimbo Discretion, I'll be discrete Sir"
"Bimbo?" He called out in all seriousness and she gave a nod, "Don't worry, I'll tell her it's from the church"
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome Sir" She bowed her head leaving.
Bamidele laughed out loud, "Stop it! It's just a book, I feel she needs. I'm just trying to be a good shepherd, nothing attached"
"What brought you to Naija?" Sewuese asked Sam, looking up at him in interest, "Huh... I came for an art exhibition on the island. Some group of student artists in Nigeria caught our attention two months ago. I'm trying to give their art the popularity it needs"
"Are you an artist or some kind of influencer"
"I am an artist"
"Wow, you draw?"
"No I plant on people's farms," He replied and she slapped his belly laughing, "A little yes would have gone far" "Well, welcome to Nigeria too"
"Do me I do you, man no go vex. I don vex"
"Is this like a Nigerian thing? I mean I already said I'm an artist and you're going around in circles asking if I draw" "What's bad about that? Artist do stuffs, they have their genre, can i call it genre or area of expertise, drawing, painting, sculpting or sculpturing, whatever it's called"
"Both can be used" He replied and the both laughed. "See, I sabi book"
He chuckled glancing away, "I draw, paint, sculpt.. I'm basically good with my fingers, the wonders I can perform" He lifted his fingers and she widened her eyes, "Should I remind you we're in church"
"I didn't say anything...God Sewuese, you have a dirty mind. I meant cooking"
"It's a lie"
"I promise you, I meant that in the cleanest version ever. Your mind is polluted. I should have Gbadamosi conduct a deliverance on you"
Sewuese shut her eyes, "I thought" "I'm not that perverted and yes I do have respect for the house of God" "I'm sorry. So you cook?" She chipped in to escape her embarrassment. "I'm the best you've ever encountered"
"Kilahi is the best I've met so far"
"She's my sister"
"You mentioned Terdoo and Sefa, is she after Sefa?" He asked and she gasped giving him a cause for worry. "What? Did I pronounce it wrongly?" "Not that, how did you..?"
"Um.... When you talking about your Mom and the eye signal"
Sewuese chuckled, "I didn't think you'll remember" "Well.. I'm that sensitive and cool" He responded and she smiled, "Wow. Kilahi is my cousin, she's more like a sister to me. She's an Amazing cook"
"I guess you haven't met Chef Sam then, one of these days..."
What days? Sewuese, just do and tell this guy you have somebody, or are you enjoying the attention? Wait... Is she really enjoying the attention.
"So I guess in this hierarchy, you're the first, then Kilahi"
"No. Kilahi is two months older than me, my mom and her sister were pregnant almost at the same time"
"So it's, Kilahi, Sewuese, Terdoo and Sefa, strange but beautiful names."
"It's the way you say the Sewuese for me, sometimes, I might have to start schooling people to pronounce it as Say-way-say. Why do you pronounce Gbadamosi wrongly then"
"Probably because he's not a woman" He replied and she laughed shaking her head.
"Does your parents support your career?" "Initially they didn't but I'm a kind of person that follows passion over what people say. What people say about me is not my business, all that matters is what I feel, my choice, what makes me happy"
Sewuese smiled, "That's a good thing, that's sweet, not everyone will be that brave to stand up to their parents and make that decision on that kind of course of study, they'll just end up sponsoring themselves to school. I'll be damned if my son walks up to me one day and say, I want to draw for a living"
"People's choices should be respected, that's why I live to make sure artists all over the globe, especially in Africa, receive local and international recognition"
She smiled, "Wow" "See, I'm not racist" "I think you just established that or maybe, just maybe you're giving yourself this hype to make me think you're not racist."
Sam laughed, "God! I've never met anyone so difficult, what can I do to show you that I'm not racist?" "Election is at the corner, why don't you denounce your citizenship and take ours so you can vote in this year's election" She suggested laughing to herself and he smiled.
"I'll agree, only if you agree to marry me and indoctrinate me into the Nigerian culture"
Sewuese scoffed, "Marry who? Wow, someone you just met today?" "You presented your condition, and I'm presenting mine" "So you'll get married to a stranger you just met and endure Lagos traffic and all" "As long as I'm the traffic all day long with you, I know i'll be fine"
She kept quiet staring into his face, he had this seriousness plastered on it. Hei God! She's just playing oh!
"Can I take you on a date now?" "No" "Why? I know we just met but i like you, trust me, it's not sex appeal"
"In a single night? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard and Kilahi says a lot of crazy things"
"Crazy is a culture, or you can call it, love at first sight, what do you say? I don't usually play this card, trust me, i just don't want you walking out of here without me pitching my tent somewhere in your heart. You heard Bada, I mean he's the servant of God, perhaps this is one divine arrangement"
Divine arrangement ke? She that has a boyfriend!
Sewuese shut her eyes, her heart was breaking for the guy, he seemed so sincere but the truth remains, she has Jamal. "I .... I can't" "Why? You don't like whites right? Because of the colonial masters?" He joked laughing to himself but she shook her head instead, "No, i .... I have a boyfriend"
"All the flirtings.... Gosh! You could have said something"
He's right! She could have said something, why did she kept quiet set? She has never been an attention seeker oh? She just enjoyed the attention the guy was giving her! It's not everyday a white guy crushes on you! "I'm sorry" She apologized then she cleared her throat, "I have to... go" She paused and he exhaled.
"Can I at least get your contact?"
She paused for a thought, giving a crusher your number usually doesn't work out in movies, she won't want to star explaining to Jamal why she has the number. So she walked away meeting Sefa and Teju, "Where's Kilahi?" "Are you no longer chatting with your new Oyinbo friend?" "Please don't ask"
Kilahi walked up to them, "I'm sorry for wasting you guys time. I'm done! Teju, won't you be going home?" "We live in the same estate Ma" "Sorry, don't mind me. Are your parents not going to be worried?"
"They are out of town for a short vacation"
"Yes Aunty Kilahi"
Kilahi tapped Sewuese who had drifted off in guilt land, maybe she should have said something to him since! "Sewuese!" "Huh?" "What are you thinking of? Manny said he'll be dropping us off"
Sewuese pushed Kilahi aside, "I don't think I'll be going home tonight". Kilahi widened her eyes, "What was all the preaching was for? Didn't they speak against pre-marital sex?" "I am having sex already, there's nothing more pre-marital than that and I can't un pre-marital it" "Soothe yourself"
"I'll be soothing myself alright"
Kilahi's face fell, "Here i was thinking you'll come and give me gist about you and that white guy" She teased and Sewuese rolled her eyes, "Okay, did something bad happened?" "It's a long story, half of it is my fault sha, that's why i need to see Jamal this night."
"Is everything okay?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow"
"I have work"
"After work. Okay? I have to go dear. But Looks like Manny is feeling Mami here" "You don't know that for sure"
"Oh I know that look anywhere, the way he just looking at you earlier on. Babe, we are so winning this bet. You're getting married this year, you had better prepare our prize money!"
Kilahi scoffed, "Like for real? So fast? Just like that? Is that how people always marry, I literarily just met him" "Yet he's dropping you off, the Kilahi I know would have just assume he's a serial killer aiming to use her family to ritual or an arm robber who wants to know her address and then sneak up in the night to rob them"
Sewuese laughed, "What changed your mind?" "Curiousity" There's truly a God in heaven for you to agree to this. I think the deliverance Is working". Kilahi groaned, " Don't remind me!" She hissed rolling her eyes, "He looks like a good guy"
"You had better collect his number. Remember what Pastor Bamidele said, he was talking about you"
Manny walked up to them, "Are you ready" "Yes, Sewuese won't be going"
"Ma!" Bimbo called out to her, "Can I see you in camera?" She requested and Kilahi walked up to her, "Thank you for helping me earlier on" "Abi it's me that should be thanking you for the gift. Erm..." She stretched the envelop at her and her head band that had turned brown at this point.
"This is from the church to you, call it a valentine gift"
"Oh. You didn't need to reciprocate"
"The gift is certainly not from me, it's from the church"
Kilahi looked around to see it anyone was carrying similar envelop, "Why am I the only one?"
"It's Valentine's day, God always reward cheerful givers so, this is God rewarding you. Happy Valentine's day Ma, the church appreciates you for coming" She smiled and Kilahi received the envelop running her fingers around to know what sort of gift it is.
It's a book, it's definitely a book! Two books sef!
"Thank you!"
Sam walked into Gbadamosi's office, "Hey Gbada" He called out and they shook hands, "Hey Man, thank you for coming" "Anything for a best friend" He replied leaning his hands against the desk, "Just wanted say goodbye before leaving"
"Are you sure you're fine?"
"No. I just got served"
Gbadamosi creased his brow in thought, "The girl you were talking to?" "Yes! She has a Boyfriend" "Oh" "My first Nigerian crush" "Better luck next time mate" "Sure. Remind me Gbada, why are you still not married?"
"Can we not have this discussion now? I have a meeting with the workers and it's getting rather late. Raincheck?"
Gbadamosi gathered all workers in the auditorium, after gifts had been randomly distributed he decided to address them. "I know it's late and some of you are probably grumbling deep down. My deepest apology but I promise, it's only going to take ten minutes or so. I want to appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart, you all looked amazing"
Thank you Papa!
"To those that had to suspend their dates, sister Joke is very angry at me" He laughed out loud staring at her, "She begged me, I know a whole lot that begged me and some I agreed to because I had proof of where they're going to be. Part of me just want to take you guys home so I'll know you're not committing atrocities tonight"
Everyone laughs and he laughed too.
"If I want to continue, I'll start preaching so I'm drawing the curtain by saying, thank you for the sacrifice, God that sees you will definitely reward you openly"
"Any observation?"
Deja raised her hands, "Sister Deja" He called out and she rose up, "I think the working force in the ushering unit needs to be reshuffled, some people need to be benched because of their incapability, if they can't do the job, let them quit" She sat down and Ade pointed to the front, "There's a front door here, Aunty is using back door to talk to me"
"Oh please, if I want to talk to you in the face I will! Ade, if you know you can't do your job properly, leave the unit! Can you believe he was laughing during service"
"Madam Diva queen, I was not the one that fall your wig down, why are you getting angry? Just because you have teeth and cannot smile doesn't mean I will not use my own to smile"
"The two of you should rise up now!" He snapped and they both did, "Arguing right in my presence"
"I'm sorry Sir" Ade and Deja apologized. "Deja is the head of department and she's entitled to some level of respect Ade"
"I'm sorry Sir"
"Keep on standing"
Deja sat down, "The both of you" He stated and everyone broke into chuckles then she rose up clearly embarassed.
"Any more observation"
Ade lifted his hands, "Speak as long as you're not trying to spite your leader" "Papa, I think we need to know the thin line between when Male and Female ushers can work. Everyone knows I am the laziest usher in the department"
"Laziest worker" Tega noted laughing, "Tega, stand up too"
"Sir?" He asked rising up.
"Abi tani mo se, (Who did I offend) that I'll be carrying all the work on my head, after all the saying goes 'All hands on deck', not one hand, not two hands. Should male ushers attend to females? First, Ah! The color of pants that I've seen today ehn... It's enough to shake the foundation of my salvation" He paused and everyone laughed.
"But that one Is by the way, me that I don't have six packs, what is my weight sef, 45, I will be carrying people that weigh more than one bag of garri, me that cannot carry half bag of garri. They say cut your coat according to your size, if there's a consolation, me I'm catching people according to my size" He concluded and everyone laughed.
Gbadamosi tried not to.
Lanre lifted his hands too and all the workers grumbled, "I'm sorry guys... I know we all want to leave but... Papa, today we had the highest view we've ever had" "Wow" "Yes. From the comments, testimonies already coming in. Apart from the fact Pastor Bamidele added to the increase, I'll have to commend everyone on the level of publicity they made concerning this show. From the radio, to the stickers, I was driving through, I can't remember where but I saw our sticker plastered on someone's shop. Mehn... From the bottom of my heart guys... I celebrate your effort" He concluded and everyone applauded him.
"Let's also celebrate the media for their effort too, from the varieties of invites we had, from flyers to sticker to cards. Let's celebrate Lanre and company!" Gbadamosi encouraged and everyone clapped.
"Let's celebrate the Choir unit, Ushering unit, musical team, every unit seated here, except Technical, they came late. Oya plus Technical, cause I can see some of you shooting bullets from your eyes."
They all chuckled clapping.
"Don't worry Sister Chioma, you'll soon go home"
Sister Chioma chuckled softly.
"Who was blessed tonight?" He asked and everyone lifted their hands with a loud shout of celebration. Knowing the end was near!
"So... For those that came from 5 pm to 5:30. Get ready, we'll be going out this Saturday to Palm Groove delight, trip and bills on me!" He shouted walking away and the others that came late ran towards him.
"Papa now!"
"Papa I came exactly 5:31!" One of the choristers yelled laughing.
Gbadamosi watched Brenda stand by the door, "Papa now!!" The guys complained and he rolled his eyes, "I'm not changing my mind! I have to go guys... I have someone waiting for me"
"Divine arrangement shey?" Tega yelled and everyone laughed except Deja who was angry at the sight of her!
"You guys should turn off everything before leaving!"
Gbadamosi shook his head approaching her, "I didn't know you were still waiting" "I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. Besides, I'm not going to leave without getting a compliment from you." She answered and he smiled then they began to walk out of the church.
"You look beautiful, sorry I forgot to mention it"
"Apology accepted. You don't look bad idea"
"Thanks. What do you think about today's meeting?"
"It was unlike anything I've ever seen... I was just kind of shocked for a moment, for a moment, I started to ask, isn't the programme supposed to be romantic in a Christian way? Why all the fall and tears?"
Gbadamosi laughed, "There's no meeting God can't manifest himself. I actually saw it coming, I never knew He was going to manifest that way" "How did you see it?" "It's.... It's the gift we tap into from being with God"
"Can you make me understand"
"You know when you're playing games and you can't unlock certain levels because you don't have certain coins. That's an analogy of how these gifts operate"
"So I can't unlock it except what?"
"You develop interest and press"
"Is it compulsory for a Pastor's wife have it too? All those prayer things, I don't think I'm cut out for it but I want to learn for you Bada"
Gbadamosi shook his head, "You don't learn for me, you learn for yourself and to get closer to God" "Whatever you say then. Ali left with the car as soon as he dropped me off in church, do you mind dropping me back home?"
"I don't"
Hilary walked into her room feeling bad about not seeing Amazing before leaving. She didn't expect seeing Manny there! Of all places! She hissed picking up a pack of cigarette from the top of the cabinet when Bamidele's word rang in her head.
He took some people out of your life, people you love. He started to plant negative seeds in your life, seeds that makes you feel less of yourself...
Hilary flashed back to eight years ago when she was informed about the death of her husband, "I'm sorry Ma, there was nothing we could do"
Just recently, I see one of you back to your old habit of smoking, stop it. The more you indulge the more you make the devil win
Hilary exhaled, "I just want to feel less messed up, that's just all I want. God, I know I'm not your favourite but just help me win this war going on inside of me" She looked closely at the cigarette, she had no idea where the strength came from.
She entered into the toilet, emptying the pack into the toilet then she flushed it down.
Manny pulled over watching Kilahi who couldn't help but smile, she has never thought in her life that a man will someday drop her off at her house. "Thank you for..." "Babe, I think we should get going." Teju said giving Sefa a look, " Thank you Sir for the ride"
"You're welcome" Manny replied and they both stepped out. "Thank you for dropping us off" "It's nothing" "It is. You think it isn't but I know you're going to get home late, toh, coupled with traffic again. You just inconvenienced yourself to please us"
"It doesn't matter, it was worth knowing where you live"
"Am I safe?" She asked and they both laughed.
"Yes. At least I know where exactly to pick you up on our first date" He answered and she giggled, "You never said anything about a first date"
"Well, here I am asking you. Will you be free this Saturday?"
Kilahi shrugged, "I just started work, I don't know" "It's in the evening" "I don't know, toh, I'll have to ask my Aunty" "What?" He asked in shock, was she being serious or she's just creating excuses.
"I live with my Aunty, if she approves, I'll call you" "Uh..."
He wanted to ask her if she has ever gone out on a date but he didn't know how it will sound? It's the 21st century, even her cousin has a date for Valentine!
"Okay" he added, "Let me get your contact then"
Teju hugged Sefa, "I better start walking home" "Good night Babe" "Good night" He waved walking away. Then Kilahi stepped out of the car shutting the door then she waved Manny goodbye.
"Someone finally has a boyfriend"
Kilahi clicked her tongue, "Stop it! He's not a Boyfriend" "Yet!"
Sewuese knocked on the door and after five minutes of waiting, she heard Jamal's voice echo from inside, "Who is it?" "It's me" "What are you doing here?" "Surprise!!!" She screamed then she knocked again, "Open up! Don't keep me waiting"
"I'm looking for the keys"
"Where did you keep it? Is it not always in the keyhole?"
"Huh....I removed it. I don't know, give me a minute. Did you bring your spare?"
"I didn't, I wasn't planning on coming"
"Just wait"
"This your forgetful habit ehn! Is your key not supposed to be in the keyhole?"
"Are we going to start fighting again?" He asked staring at the key in the keyhole and then she rolled her eyes, "Sorry but babe... Key is not someone's name oh that you'll forget"
"Just give me a minute, I'll find it" He ran into his room, "Took you long enough. Who was that?" Ada asked underneathe a bed sheet and he placed his hands on his head, "Your friend Is here" "Which of my friend?" "What kind of stupid question is that?"
"Is there anyone I know that you have not slept with?"
"It's Sewuese, my main girlfriend"
"Shit! Shit! I thought you said she was not coming now"
"That was what she said, I don't have time to talk, start leaving" "Will I pass through the wall? You don't have a back door oh" "Find somewhere to hide, go into the guest room, anywhere! Even the toilet I'll find a way to make her leave. Just pack all evidence" He wore a top, picked her bra throwing it away!
"Why are you throwing my bra away like that?"
"Like seriously? Are you seriously asking that question? If she sees you, we're both screwed!" He snapping rushing into the sitting room, "Found it!" He screamed opening up the door and she frowned folding her arms, "Seriously Jamal!" She shook her head, "If I talk you'll say I'm nagging. I already told you to keep your things properly, even your tooth brush, you'll be looking for it. Haba Jamal!"
Jamal chuckled, "Are you done nagging?" "Yes" "Can you kiss me now?" He asked moving his lips close to hers and she kissed him, "Hm.. Your mouth tastes funny, softer than usual and swollen. What did you eat?"
"Goat meat pepper soup"
"Where is my own?"
He laughed nervously, "I didn't cook enough, i thought you said you weren't coming. Why the change of heart" "Well, I don't really know, there was this White guy that close to me today during the meeting"
"White guy"
"London guy.. He's fine sha, nice accent, he was just flirting with me and I was giving him attention. I'm sorry, I feel bad, I should have told him since but I kind of led the guy on! I was engaging him and all, then he asked me out for real but I said no, I now told him i had a boyfriend. I felt bad, I said I should tell you personally"
Jamal chuckled, "Babe, it's fine. Why will you come because of that?" "You're not angry?" "Why will i be?" "Awwwn, that's a first. You that would have gotten jealous now, you would have blamed me for giving him attention"
He scoffed, "Come on! I know my girl loves me" He said wrapping his arm around her waist and she smiled, "You bet I do baby" "You know what? You must be tired, you can go back home and rest"
"I'm here already, I want to rest in your arm"
"I don't want you complaining about sex cause just seeing you already puts me in the mood"
Sewuese laughed, "Is there anytime you're not in the mood?" She asked sniffing, "Why am I smelling feminine perfume?" "My sister came over" "Aww ....Really?" "She sent her greetings" "That's sweet"
"Babe, I can see you're tired. Monday is always a stressful day coupled with church stress, come on! Besides, I'm worried about what your parents might think about me, always taking you away from home. I don't want to be painted at the bad guy. You should go home"
Sewuese exhaled, "Toh you're right! There goes my free ride home oh, this guy wanted to drop us home" "The white guy?" "No! This guy that was eyeing Kilahi. Remember that deal we made?"
"What deal?"
"Kai! This guy.. That deal that if Kilahi gets married...." She trailed off seeing how clueless he was. "You're like a wood when someone is talking, you don't listen. Whatever, good night baby"
He moved his lips close to hers and she shook her head, "Brush your teeth" She teased and he planted kisses on her neck while she sniffled his neck. "Mehn... This your sister's perf"
"You know she likes hugging"
"Whatever. Good night again"
He smiled grabbing her ass and she squirmed, "I hate to see you go but it's the right thing to do" "I love this new mature Jamal oh!" She smiled turning her back to leave.
The moment she walked up to the door, she sighted a silver heel by the door. "Bye Baby" Jamal chipped and she faced him pointing at the shoe, "Whose shoe are those and why does it look familiar?"
"They're my sister's shoe"
"That's not her size, she has small legs. This one looks like size 40"
Jamal scoffed, "That's my problem with you Sewuese, you're not sure of something, yet you'll be arguing as if you've seen it. It's her shoe" "So she left without her shoe" "Yes! She said it was itching her, she said something about collecting it tomorrow"
Sewuese shook her head, "What did she leave with?" "Slippers, you girls always carry back up slippers around now." "This shoe... I know this shoe" She replied looking around then she sighted two glasses on the dinning table. "And that drink? Let me guess, she left it there"
"God Jamal, do I look like a fool?" She asked dropping her hand bag on a chair then she busted in.
Jamal held her by the hand, "What are you doing?" "Looking for your sister" "Babe!"
She pushed his hands away walking into the room, the bed was slightly scattered, although there was no one so she walked into the toilet finding Ada sitting on the toilet seat. "Jesus Christ! Ada?" She gasped now turning back at Jamal, "Babe I can explain"
She flung her hand slapping him on the face, "Okay I deserve that, just hear me out. I can explain" "Explain what? What other lie do you want to tell? I just caught you red handed with my friend"
"This Is the first time, she came in to tempt me"
Ada scoffed, "Jamal, you dey mad for that thing way you talk. Na your Mama seduce you! Are you stupid? Weren't you the one who called me when you complaining about Sewuese making plans without your consent, weren't you the one who told me to show up that you were lonely"
Jamal rolled his eyes, "Babe, she's lying. I'm innocent" "Thunder fire you! Jamal, I say thunder fire you! Now you're trying to push the blame on me and act like it's your first time. When you were fucking Hannah and Doyin, was that your first time too?"
Tears poured down Sewuese's eyes, "What?" "This maggot here is not a Boyfriend, I dey always use my corner eyes look you if you dey talk about boyfriend. You never get boyfriend oh cause this one na dog"
"And you're a bitch!" He retorted.
"Ada what gave you the right to sleep with my own boyfriend? You're a friend, i invite you into my house" "He was always complaining about not getting the satisfaction he wanted. Since he was claiming to be a monster in bed, in quote" She twitched her finger, "Everyone was having their share, I wanted mine too"
Sewuese slapped her on the face, "Yei!" She screamed, before Ada could say anything, Sewuese held her by her installed wig, opened up the toilet pressing her head into it and she screamed. "Don't you ever call me or come to my house, I don't ever want to see you have you heard?" She asked letting go of her.
After which she pointed at Jamal, "Babe, I'm sorry. Let's make that wedding plan"
"Fuck you and your wedding plan!" She snapped leaving she picked up her bag leaving the house in anger.
"Babe! I don fuck up!"
Aunty Mabel walked into Kilahi's room giving her a concerned look and she laughed sitting on the bed in her pyjamas "Why do I recognize that look? Sefa has said something!" "When you passed beside your mother without telling her anything, why won't she give me the gist?"
"Mom I want to have my rest, it's been a long day" "So you don't want to give me the gist"
"Okay... What part did you hear?"
"Start from the beginning" She sat on the bed and Kilahi laughed. "How was the church service?" "It was great, there just something about it that seemed like it was for me. I just can't put it in words, the things I felt, things I haven't felt in a long time. I felt God there, underneath my hatred for the Pastor, I saw God there"
"You hate the Pastor?"
"Not hate parse.... It's just that, this man takes time and he's a single Pastor Mommy, like! And damn he's handsome, you know how many ladies will be clawing at him or how many he'll be sleeping with"
"But you felt God there... Doesn't that tell you something?"
"I don't know.... I still don't trust him, moving on! So... I met this guy his name is Manny" "Manny?" "Maniola Coker, funny thing is that I also know another Coker and she's just as nice as this guy. He told me I look beautiful, no guy has ever said that to me, it was as if someone played music and my whole heart started dancing"
"Awww. He dropped us off and he asked me out of our first date" "What did you tell him?" "I said I'll ask you"
"Are you a baby?"
"It's in the evening, I've never gone out in the evening with a man on my own under your roof, I didn't want to disrespect"
Aunty Mabel laughed, "Darling, you're an adult and I trust you to make the right choice. This is your first date and I'm happy about it, this is the time to open your eyes, ask for guidance, know him well, if he's the right one or not. I won't want you deceived because your heart danced to one music he played from his lips, the heart was made to dance to complimentary tunes which confuses us ladies. But there's always that main one, that's the kind I want for you so sweetheart, my darling, look well, don't make mistakes you won't be able to correct. You know why I'm saying this"
She nods, probably because of her inexperience!
"Sleep well!"
"You too Aunty Mabel"
"From Mom to Aunty Mabel, you can break a woman's heart sha" She complained walking out then Kilahi picked her phone dialing Manny's number.
"Hey dear... What Is it?"
"Yes, my answer I yes. I'll go on that date"
Manny smiled, "Thank you" "For what?" "Making my night" "Good night Manny" "Good night" He replied then she ended the call.
Her eyes caught the brown envelop from the shelf so she walked up to grabbing the brown envelop from the top. She opened it bringing out the two books.
One was WFC daily digest, the other was a book by Caroline Leaf, 'Who switched off my brain?' The title was quite intriguing so she laid in bed looking through the content outline of the book.
Deja hissed staring at her hands after she got home, "See how my hands are paining me, okpelenge sef get weight. If someone sees her, they'll think she does not have weight, they won't know that" She paused letting out a loud hiss.
"Who's that?" Bimbo asked chewing on a popcorn.
"Is It not that okpelenge that wore white head band that was shaking as if she had epilepsy." "Don't insult my okpelenge oh, shebi it's her gift I'm eating like this. Very nice lady, she gave me gift they gifted to her"
"Maybe she had no use for it! I'm so mad at her! She pushed me, I'm sure she was possessed by a demon"
"Haba! Take it easy, you heard what Pastor Amazing said. Personally, I like her"
"Because of a stupid gift"
"It's far from the gift..... She has this friendly aura, you know. Even Pastor Gbadamosi...." She trailed off, she wanted to talk about the gift Pastor Gbadamosi gave to her but on second thought, she waved It off.
She was asked to be discreet and discreet she'll be.
"What did Papa do?"
"Nothing. I just think you should blame her for your misfortune"
Deja rolled her eyes, "Is it not those people they even invited, is it not Valentine's day? Must you turn it into deliverance service, they'll say God said, God said, what did God say, abi they just want to show off"
"You had better control your mouth"
"Abeg! I'm cranky, just leave me alone! This is another Valentine's day I'm spending alone and I'm tired and cranky. My mom called me today and said all sorts! Did you see Pastor Gbadamosi with that.... Ugh!" "You're the one that wants to spend it alone now, all the guys you've been rejecting all in the name of waiting for Pastor Gbadamosi"
"He said they're just friends but I'm sure the woman is trying to shoot her shot. When will he make a move on me now? Abi should I make the move?"
"You want to make a move bawo? On your Pastor? Are you a chess box?"
"I need to do something, I'm the right woman for him, it's me that has been with him since he opened this church. I'm the oldest worker, I know all there is to know"
"Someone that punished you this evening"
"Because he didn't want to be unfair"
"When God was sharing spirit of discernment, where were you?" "I went out to drink juice Bolo!"
"Makes sense cause kanipe ( you were there, you will have known pe you and Pastor are not meant to be together"
"I saw it in a dream"
"Pele, Josephina the dreamer, why didn't he see It his dream too? You've forgotten he's a man of God and he hears directly from God, why will you have a dream and God didn't show him? Because you're both not operating on the same frequency period! Find the person on the same frequency with you?"
"What kind of frequency?"
"96.9 cool FM, Ode! All the talk that Pastor Bamidele was saying what were you thinking of?"
"I'm really anticipating this outing on Saturday, I'll make sure he keeps to his plan, perhaps I'll make him fix it in the evening so that it'll be an evening date"
Bimbo rested her chin against her palm, "There'll be like six or seven of us with him" "So?" "I'll dress beautifully and I'll make sure he drops me off that night" "Me kor? Won't i follow you?"
"Oooh oh! You'll just ruin our moment. I can imagine it playing in my head."
"Imagine dragons. You've forgotten you have your own car"
"I won't carry it that day"
"Wow. Master Planner, Saturday has not come oh, you have ended the day in your head"
"I wish you can enter into my head to see the vision I have for the church already. There's no other woman fit to stand by Gbadamosi George except yours faithfully, Adejare. Did you notice that Pastor Gbadamosi was wearing the top I bought for him? That has to mean something right? He looks so handsome" She threw her head backwards and she snapped her fingers.
"Ah! Alaru t’onje buredi, se awo ori e lo n je ti o mo. (You're doing more than yourself), you better don't tree that is higher than you before you break your waist." They have do you, your own has pass problem! It's becoming an obsession! Well, what gift did your receive from the worker, I received perfume"
"Same here, one cheap perfume like that"
"You have a problem and it's only God that can deliver you, I rest my case, Good night." She concluded leaving the sitting room.
Manny dropped a message on Temi's whatsApp,
As a woman, brother to a beautiful sister, can you suggest a romantic, yet outdoor place for a date. Let me know when you come online.
Thank you🙏
Amazing laughed flipping through pictures on her phone, "Fisayo will be oppressing somebody on this her family vacation to Dallas" "Oppression Mama. You know, Bassey somehow has Gbadamosi's face"
"Small sha." She exhaled, "Thank God for today" "It's only God"
"I'm thinking of the young girl, Kilahi"
"You've join Gbadamosi"
"Join who? Wait..." She arced her brow and Bamidele laughed, "Don't get ideas yet, the guy is scared and confused. Years of not dating, we need to pray for him"
"Funny thing... I noticed this moment between them for a bit. She claims she doesn't like him blah blah blah"
Bamidele laughed, "Abegi! No be today! Like how you hated me" "Abi, and I ended up falling in love head over heels. Do you think they're..." "I don't know, God only showed me his wedding this years, I don't know. There's Brenda, it could be this girl, or any other person. He doesn't want to marry the wrong person and I get his fears. Let's just constantly put him in our prayers."
Amazing nods, "You're right, I'm rooting for Kilahi though" "Amazing!" Bamidele snapped playfully and she laughed.
Sewuese walked into the room crying and Kilahi who had already slept off while reading the book turned towards her direction. Since she's not a heavy sleeper. She sat up shaking her head, "You guys fought again" "No. We broke up"
"The usual break up or..." "This time is for real. I can't believe I've been wasting my time with that...."
"What happened?"
"He's cheating on me, with Ada and every other girl"
Kilahi scoffed, by this time she was fully awake "Which Ada?" "How many Adah do we know?" "The same Ada that told me I look like a freak with my scar" "Yes" "Wonders will never end! How could she do that to you?"
"I'm so angry right now! Even dipping her head in the toilet was not enough for me," "You dipped her head? Remind me never to make you angry"
"I just knew something was different, even his lips tasted different. And the stupid guy kissed me. Who knows if he has used to that mouth to..." She trailed off and Kilahi's mind roamed in thought, "To what? Is it not just kiss? Abi is there anything they use mouth for? Maybe Ada's mouth was smelling"
Sewuese rolled her eyes, Kilahi was really naive when it comes to sex. "Not kiss... Like using it there"
"Oh... Wait, why will somebody, guys go there? Jesus! For what?"
"To study and get certificate, what other reason? It's fun, It's just foreplays before sex. Let me not corrupt you"
The horror on Kilahi's face was funny but she was too sad to laugh. "Gosh! Sex is weird" "You'll have it oneday. I'm just so angry"
"Good riddance to bad rubbish, don't cry, you should even testify in church instead. I'm just happy that it's finally over! That guy didn't deserve you in the first place. Remember they said some relationship will be breaking off after the meeting... Maybe it's God that orchestrated this to open your eyes"
Sewuese sobbed, "I love him! My heart is breaking Killi... My heart is aching"
Gbadamosi walked into the kitchen groaning in exhaustion. He opened the fridge because needed to warm something to eat, it was late but he had to eat something at least. "This is why you need to get married Gbadamosi" He muttered closing the fridge then he laughed.
He was too tired to do anything! Let him just fry some eggs and eat with bread.
Kilahi crossed his mind again, "I better stop thinking of this girl. I know I shoud have approacjed her, but what was I supposed to do? You heard her, she said I'm a womanizer, I didn't want to prove that to her." He paused looking up.
"Is this what you want? Is she the one?" He asked, "Don't keep silent on me on this one, I need your help here." He paused chuckling ib a shy manner to himself, "I've not done this in forever. Okay fine, if she's the one, let us meet again and then I'll do what I'm supposed to do. I just scared myself saying this" He laughed.
"How will I even...." He continued laughing, "Hey Kilahi, don't worry about how i know your name, it wasn't the Holy spirit either. I've been talking about you with my cousin Temi. And then she'll look at me and be like, omoh, this man is stalking me oh." He paused.
"Or i'll say, Hey Kilahi, can I take you to the inner court of God my Father because you have somehow captured by attention" He laughed at his attempt.
"Eweh! God help me, you're the master planner, plan it well. I take my hands off and leave it to you to do the rest"
What do you guys think of this Chapter? 😎
What will you have done if you were in Sewuese's shoe? God forbid!
Who's shipping to Sam???
Is something brewing like this between Manny and Kilahi??
Hehehe, Pastor Gbadamosi at the end😂
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