💫 Chapter 58💫
Dig in guys
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Chapter 58
5:34 pm
Vincent knocked on the door, and Bimbo opened it, her eyes widening in surprise. "Ah han," she exclaimed, wiping her face as if to confirm her eyes weren't deceiving her. She paused, wiping her face again, though it wasn't necessary. A loud, sharp clap of thunder boomed outside, making Bimbo jump, "Aya mi ja sha. (I was scared for a moment." She admitted, her eyes darting towards the sky as if seeking answers then she returned her gaze back to Vincent.
"Back to you , I don't understand why you're here" she said, her eyes fixed on Vincent. "It's either, I'm imagining things, or I've fallen into Deja's dream or you're really standing on our front porch."
Vincent smiled, "Good evening, Bimbo. How are you?" He asked but she scoffed, "I'm shocked that you're here. Did you miss your road? I think you have the wrong address."
His smile never wavered as he uncomfortably scratched his head, "I do have the right address. I'll like to see Deja. She hasn't been online the whole day. I'm worried about her. Is she okay?"
Bimbo raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "This is none of my business, but why do you care? I mean if I got the story right, you liked her, you heard she had sex with a stranger, you got angry cause she wasn't exactly the virtuous woman you thought she was. You ignored her, she finally reached out to you and you agreed to be friends but still you barely respond to her messages, and suddenly you care because her phone isn't turned on. How does the equation add up? Ko o balance."
He sighed, his shoulders sagging in defeat, "See, I get your point, maybe there's no balance to the equation but I'm really worried. Is she fine?" "What makes you think she's not?" Her response, curt and sharp.
Vincent's expression turned pathetic, and he begged, "Please."
She rolled her eyes, her tone softening slightly. "Deja is fine. She's not home, though. She's been out all day." "Where is she?" His curiosity was aroused.
"I can't say."
Vincent's mind raced, wondering if Deja was on a date with someone else. "Did she...did she go with someone?"
She folded her arms across her chest, her expression unyielding. "I can't say."
Vincent struggled to ask the question without sounding superficial or selfish. "Um...do you know if Deja is currently with someone?"
Bimbo feigned ignorance, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I don't understand your question."
His face was suddenly plastered in embarrassment and he trailed off, unsure how to ask the question without sounding selfish. "Has.... Has she...?" He stammered, "Is she dating?" He finally asked.
Bimbo arced her brow, "One week, she's professing her feelings to you and the next she's already with another man. Is that how low you think of her?" "Come on Bimbo! That wasn't what I meant." "Well, it sounded that way to me. See, whether or not Deja found someone, that's none of your business. But if you're interested, maybe you should ask her when she finally turns her phone on."
Vincent exhaled, resigned. "Can I wait for her?"
Bimbo hesitated, her expression switched into a shocked one, "Truthfully, I don't know when she'll come back." "I don't mind, i'll wait, even though I have to wait outside." His resolved hardened.
She hid a smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She finally saw the man who brought Deja in after she got drunk, that sensitive and good man. "You can come in." "No, I'll wait outside. It's not wise. Not because I don't trust myself or anything, but what people may say."
Bimbo laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "My fiancé is in. There's nothing to fear. We won't bite you or suck your blood."
Vincent's expression turned skeptical. "Won't I be invading your privacy?"
Her laughter was husky. "Would you rather wait outside and get drenched because it looks like it's going to rain on oh."
She soon led him to the living room and Lanre looked up from the Bible on the table, "Good evening." He answered a bit confused and Vincent nodded responding to his greeting. Bimbo quickly approached him then she whispered.
"That's Vincent,"
"Oh." He muttered, "What's he doing here? I thought he didn't want to see Deja?" "Apparently, he doesn't want to leave without seeing him and as it's looking as if it's going to rain, I had to let him in."
Lanre smiled, "Whatever Deja did at that retreat must have worked magic." He whispered back then he glanced at Vincent was seated on one of the chairs. His thoughts drifted back to Deja, wondering where she was and what she was doing.
Ire emerged from his room, clutching his school bag, and bumped into his mother, who was about to invite him to dinner. She noticed his blue shirt and trousers, which puzzled her since it was his day off.
"Going out?" she asked.
"Yeah, work calls," Ire replied. "I got an emergency call about one of my patients."
His mother had prepared his favorite meal - beans and plantains. "I made dinner," she said. "Your favorite, extremely ripe plantains like you love it."
Ire raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
She shrugged. "Is there supposed to be a reason?"
Ire argued, "Not when you're angry at me. You haven't had a decent conversation with me, and now you're making my favorite meal."
His mother sighed thoughtfully. "Did Dad put you up to this?" Ire asked, and she rolled her eyes.
"This hasn't been easy for me, Ire," she said.
Ire responded, "And you think it has been for me? It's just as hard for you as it is for me. What about how I feel? Do you care to know? Mom, I feel horrible. I wake up feeling it's my fault, and you're not making it better. I feel worst each day. This is a moment where we need to be strong for one another. As a son, I need you, Mom, and you don't realize it."
His mother embraced him, tears in her eyes. "Ire, I'm sorry. I blame myself just as I blame you too." She pulled away, her voice cracking. "I blame myself for letting her visit you, for trusting too much."
Ire shared, "I trusted her too. I trusted her to take care of herself. She told me she had female friends with her. I wanted to tell you about the rape, but she made me promise. She said she was going to kill herself if you guys found out. I thought I was looking out for her."
Mrs. Ogunmolu leaned against the wall, her eyes welling up with tears. "I knew something was wrong when she got back. Faith was different, but I trusted you to take care of your sister like you've always done. You've always been good at it." Her voice broke. "Until now."
His expression turned somber. "She'll probably be in the baby making factory now, just waiting for help."
His mother's eyes widened in surprise. "Baby making factory?"
, "That's where they took Sefa to."
His mother's curiosity aroused. "Sefa?"
"My friend, the one who escaped the lion's den," Ire replied.
His mother's eyes sparkled with interest. "How did it happen?"
Ire smiled wistfully. "Didn't you watch the video I forwarded to you? It's a long miraculous story, Mom. I'll love to explain, but I have to go. All I can say right now is there is hope for a tree if it is cut down; it'll sprout again. I have faith. Bye, Mom."
As Ire turned to leave, his mother asked, "Who did you go out to meet? Your girlfriend?"
Ire turned back, a smile on his face. "No, I went to meet Sefa. She's just a friend."
His mother teased, "Are you sure? The smile on your face says otherwise."
Ire chuckled. "Mom, when did it become a crime to smile? She's the same age as Faith; we're just friends."
His mother laughed, her eyes shining with warmth. "Okay..."
Ire warned, "Mom!"
She laughed, watching him move backward. "Let me at least package your food."
Ire grinned. "Thanks, but I won't want to be caught farting on duty. Good night, Mom."
Hilary stepped out of her room, clad in a brow and black spotted dress. Jennifer couldn't help but turn her head in admiration. "Where are you going to?" She asked and Hilary smiled, "I have a date,"
"With Manny?" Jennifer inquired, her tone laced with curiosity.
"Who else?" Hilary responded with her shrug.
"Wow, you guys are in a serious relationship, oh." Jennifer exclaimed. "Yes, we are. Is there anything wrong with it?" Hilary asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.
"How did you manage to be so lucky all of the sudden?" Jennifer wondered aloud. "You moved from being the most unlucky woman in the world to having a man like Manny. I don't understand this life."
Hilary chuckled. "It's God."
Jennifer raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" she asked, her voice laced with skepticism.
Hilary scoffed. "Do you think I have him on charms?" she asked, her tone incredulous.
Jennifer's eyes betrayed her, and Hilary's expression turned to disbelief. "You think I'm using charms on Manny? Is it a bad thing for me to be in a good relationship?"
Jennifer shrugged. "Not when my own is crashing."
Hilary's eyes flashed with annoyance. "Do you realize how selfish you sound?"
Jennifer rolled her eyes. "I've always been selfish."
Hilary shook her head. "No man wants a selfish woman."
Jennifer snorted. "If I want lectures, I'll ask Ossy for one. Where is Ossy?"
"With his grandma," Hilary replied. "He'll be sleeping over."
Jennifer raised an eyebrow. "Are you sleeping over at Manny's?"
Hilary's expression turned stern. "No!"
Jennifer scoffed. "You had better open your legs before they'll end up serving you breakfast like that Chris did."
Hilary's face twisted in disgust. "Sex is not everything." "Sex is everything!!!!" "With all the sex you've been having, how many has led to marriage?" She snapped and Jennifer scoffed, "I'm sorry." Hilary apologized, "That came out wrong." She added.
"I didn't mean it."
Jennifer's voice turned bitter, "You're right, I have sex with them every time, yet they still leave me for ugly girls." She hissed and wiped her tears. "Beauty is the eyes of the beholder."
"Oh screw it! So no one can notice that I'm beautiful right?"
"Relationship transcends beyond beauty, you need character to build a good relationship. Character sustains marriage."
Jennifer rolled her eyes, "And you're in the best position to give me this advice because.....?" She trailed off widening her eyes, "You didn't even last a year." "Because my husband died! Can you just stop being bitter about someone's happiness?"
"To think you were lonely on Valentine's Day and I had someone. Why is life so unfair?"
Hilary shook her head, "I'm not going to listen to this. I pray that God pours honey into that bitter heart of yours. There's food in the fridge. Just take care of yourself.
As Hilary stepped out of the house , she spotted Osita approaching her. "Who is this beautiful woman?" he asked with a warm smile, and she rushed to embrace him.
"Oh my God, it's an been a whole. What brings you here?" Hilary asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.."My wife is visiting her friend, so I thought I'd drop by and see my own friend," He replied, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "You're looking stunning, by the way. Are you going on a date?"
Hilary blushed, feeling a flutter in her chest. "Yeah. Guilty as charged." She replied dancing off a bit. "With Manny, I presume?" Osita asked, his eyebrow raised in inquiry.
Hilary smiled, "Who else? Abeg oh, how many boyfriend do I have?"
Osita chuckled. "And where's my namesake, Ossy?" "With his grandmother, Manny's mom," She replied, her smile faltering for a moment.
"Wow, I hope he'll be fine." "Yes! I'm sure he must cracking jokes right now. They want him around Osita, there's nothing to be worried about."
He sighed in relief, "You're radiant! Happiness suits you, Hilary."
Hilary's eyes welled up with tears. "I am truly happy, Osita." "I'm overjoyed for you, Hilary. After Odefa, you deserve someone who makes you happy. I can hear it in your voice, and it's beautiful. You that's always sitting on the chair crying about one thing or the other."
"Yeah...I'm just grateful for Manny. He's a blessing after everything I've been through." Hervoice cracked as she spoke.
Osita placed a comforting hand on her arm. "Odefa would want you to be happy and look at you now - you're thriving. You have your son, your friends, your job, and Manny. That's a beautiful life you're building."
Hilary laughed, wiping away her tears. "God is working on me, Osita. He's making everything beautiful in his time, and I'm just grateful to be alive and happy." "I am proud of you and the woman you're becoming."
"Thank you." She replied clasping her hands.
Deja walked into the room, her dress slightly wet from the rain outside. "Bimbo, If famished was a person..." She stopped short, her eyes fixed on Vincent. Her voice was hesitant. "Vincent?"
Their eyes met, and the air was thick with tension. Deja's gaze shifted to Bimbo and Lanre, who waved at her in greeting. "Good evening, guys."
She turned back to Vincent, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of surprise and wariness. "What are you doing here?" "I.... You didn't send me any messages today."
Deja's brow furrowed as she tried to understand his response, "So you're here to find out why I didn't send you messages today." "Not exactly how it sounds, I was worried. You didn't check my status, you didn't even send a simple message."
"I have a life that's more than checking your status Vincent and waiting for you to reply my messages. I know I did the same to you and now I know how it feels but I made a decision today to stop."
"Are you seriously asking that Vincent? Because I'm going crazy that's why! If it isn't Irene on your status, it's Mercedes or Portia or Dupe. I don't even know where to place them." "Mercedes is my cousin."
"I know but there's Irene."
"Irene is a friend. At some point, I wanted to move on with her but she didn't want to be a rebound. But she's cool."
"Dupe, Portia, Veronica."
He withheld his laughter when he sensed she was jealous, "Dupe is my friend while Portia and Veronica, are my cousins." He replied with a smile and she rolled her eyes, "I don't know where to place them and I feel my heart squeeze everytime I check your status. I try to be happy but when I remember that you don't want much to do with me, my heart literally breaks and it's not healthy for me." She confessed in pain. He smiled, "Are you trying to say they make you jealous?"
She rolled her eyes and avoided the question, "What are you really doing here Vincent?" "Isnt it obvious that I came to see you?" "Obviously but the real question is why?"
" I've been asking myself that question throughout the day. Why? Why can't I stop thinking about you? Why today? Why am I so stuck in love with you? Why is it so important to get a message from you every day? Why am I here?"
Her eyes widened, her heart melting at the confession. "Did you just say you're..."
He nodded, his eyes locked on hers. "Yes. As much as I tried shutting my heart, as much as I tried moving on, my feelings didn't."
Tears built up in Deja's eyes. "Why are you saying this?" "Is there someone else?" He interjected, and she shook her head, her eyes searching his face. "No. Why?"
Vincent explained, "Bimbo said you've been out all day." "I went for a church retreat, I realized that I needed to take time off social media and my phone and just focus on God."
His eyes widened in realization, "That explains why you didn't wish me a happy birthday."
Deja gasped, "Jesus Christ! I didn't know. Oh my God, I'm sorry I didn't know." "It's fine." He shrugged, his hands plunged into the pockets of his trousers. "Whatever prayer I prayed in church must have worked because I couldn't help thinking about you."
Deja giggled, her heart racing with excitement then he continued, "I mean, it started with, why isn't she sending me a message, to she hasn't checked my status yet, to is she fine? Is she okay? Is she safe? I had to rush here after work to see you."
Vincent nodded, his eyes locked on hers. "You can say that. Truthfully, I missed the attention."
She smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. It finally made sense why God instructed her to stay away from her phone for the day. He had the day planned out for her already!
"That makes the both of us. I miss getting flowers that I won't appreciate. I promise to appreciate them from henceforth. I'm sorry for being such a bitch all those times, and I'm sorry for disappointing you. I know I'm not the best..."
Vincent silenced her, his finger on her lips. "I want to put it behind me, I want it to be in the past. I'm tired of dwelling in the past. The truth is, you've always been my future, and after that event, my life stopped moving. Whatever happened is in the past. If you're not too angry, I hope you won't mind me being a part of that future? Let's chart a future together. If you say yes, it will be the best birthday gift I've ever gotten."
Deja smiled, her heart racing with excitement. "Yes."
He sighed, a look of relief washing over his face and Bimbo smiled then she glanced at Lanre who was smiling too. He cleared his throat, "My mom came around to celebrate my birthday, and there's a small party in the house. I don't want to spend this birthday without you. Would you be my date?"
Her eyes widened in surprise. "Jesus Christ! And your mom will be there?"
Vincent nodded, his eyes locked on hers. "Yes, I'll love her to meet you before she goes back to Sapele." "Let me quickly change up, I'm all sweaty from this one." "Happy birthday!!!!" Bimbo yelled and Deja laughed. "How did you know it's his birthday? Have you heard of privacy?" "At least I wished him a happy birthday."
"That's true." She smiled giving him a hug, "Happy birthday to you Vincent" She pulled away with a smile, "Finally, she'll stop crying and I'll stop being a motivational speaker." Bimbo chipped in and everyone laughed.
Deja moved backwards, "I better change up."
Kilahi stepped out of the house, followed by Gbadamosi, into the wet and drizzly evening. The ground glistened with rainwater, a testament to the downpour that had just subsided. Kilahi wore a black knee-length gown, her expression still shaken as she recounted her near-death experience from earlier that day.
"For a moment, I was terrified," she admitted, laughing nervously. "I thought, 'God, if I die now, does it make me a martyr of the gospel?' Another part of me thought, 'God, at least let him repent afterwards.' And another part regretted not coming along with the police."
Gbadamosi exhaled worriedly, and Kilahi noticed his silence. "You're being quiet again," she teased. "What's wrong?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Nothing, really."
Kilahi chuckled. "Now you're lying. You're thinking about my 'heroic movie' today, aren't you?"
Gbadamosi smiled sarcastically. "Jamie Bond 007 Oshey! You deserve an Oscar."
Kilahi playfully rolled her eyes. "You're angry."
Gbadamosi's expression turned serious. "I told you to wait. You could have saved Mercy with the police."
Kilahi sighed. "I know you're worried, but I had to act fast."
Gbadamosi's eyes filled with concern. "I get it, but wisdom is profitable, Kilahi. What if that guy had pulled the trigger?"
Kilahi's voice softened. "You're not sounding like a man of God, Gbadamosi."
He gently placed his hands on her cheeks. "If God didn't send you on an errand and you walk in foolishly without applying wisdom, sometimes he'll allow the bullet to graze you a little bit so the pain can give you sense."
Kilahi's laughter filled the air as Gbadamosi chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's not funny, babe," he said, his tone playful.
"It's a bit funny," Kilahi teased, tickling his underarms. Gbadamosi's chuckles deepened, and he pulled her close.
When he pulled the gun on my face, I saw my life flash before my eyes," Kilahi said, her voice softening. "I thought of you and how I haven't even gotten to live my life with you. My Choicest, I'm sorry."
Gbadamosi's expression turned serious. "I'll hate to see you get hurt, Kilahi. You were impulsive and didn't stop to think or ask God for permission."
She groaned, "I'm not impulsive, you guys should use another term. Garba called me impulsive too, I am rational."
Gbadamosi laughed, "You say?" He asked, "Did you say rational?" He asked and she rolled her eyes, "So I'm not reasonable." "I believe rational means being able to make wise decisions and emotions-based decisions."
Kilahi pouts, "Every decision is made via emotions." "I don't like a man but he has the skills that I need to get a job done. I choose him not because of what I feel but the results he can bring to the table."
She sighed loudly in defeat, "So I'm unreasonable." "Women and gaslighting sha. I think overly passionate is the word, you won't mind paying someone's transportation from Benue to Lagos, only for you to trek down to that same Lagos from Benue."
She gasped and then busted into laughter, "Geskia! That's a very unnecessary analysis." "You can do it.""Just avoid me right now."
"You can do it, is it not you again?" Gbadamosi teased, grinning. Kilahi laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Just avoid me right now."
Gbadamosi chuckled, moving away from her. "I'm sure while trekking, you'll still be doing humanity a favor, distributing your clothes to everyone. By the time you get to Lagos, mah, your bags must have been donated already."
She playfully ran after him, but he hid behind the car, laughing hard. She quickly swerved to catch him, but he dodged her again.
"Let's go before I start sweating," Gbadamosi said, still chuckling. "We have a date to get to; you better come let me pinch you in peace, let's go on our date, jeje." She negotiated, "Never, I'm a man of peace, no pinching." "Toor, let the violent take it by force then." She said with a wicked grin that scared him.
"I'm scared now."
Kilahi sighed, her expression playful. "Oya, I'm not pinching you again. Let's go."
Gbadamosi snapped his fingers, his eyes twinkling with playfulness. "It's a lie," he teased.
She responded, her expression serious. "I'm a serious-minded person." She dusted off her bag, maintaining a solemn face.
But her facade was quickly shattered as Gbadamosi approached her. With a sudden burst of energy, she jumped on him, grabbing his neck. He erupted into laughter, his eyes shining with delight.
"You lied!" Gbadamosi accused, chuckling.
"I didn't pinch you, did I?" Kilahi asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Gbadamosi pretended to be strangled, his voice strained. "You're strangling me!"
Her fingers danced across his ribs, tickling him mercilessly. "Jesus Christ, Kilahi!" he exclaimed, his laughter echoing through the air.
As she ran away to the other side of the car, Sefa watched from the window, a smile spreading across her face at the joyful scene unfolding before her. She closed the window, sat on the bed and then glanced at the number she had gotten from Kilahi.
She dialed the number and waited for it to get through, the response was quite disappointing: The number you're trying to call is not available at the moment, please try again later.
Sharon laid in bed playing sad songs when a message from Tokunbo popped up on Whatsapp:
Good evening Sharon.
She rolled her eyes and responded to him.
Hey Toks
How are you?
Sincerely? I don't know. I'll be fine.
Can we reschedule our date? I didn't like how today ended. Thanks to that idiot.
It's a two-sided blame. You should have said something rather than gaining pleasure from seeing Muyiwa jealous.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too, I need time.🤧
To do what? Think of Muyiwa's proposal? Don't tell me you're thinking of that punk's proposal.
I'm sorry. Before you'll think of giving that punk your number, there's something you should see.
He sends in a picture of Muyiwa in a bar and others that had girls around him.
Sharon sat up in surprise.
That's Mr I'm in love with you at the moment with prostitutes. Should I drop his location?
Where are you? Are you following him?
No, I'm not, I'm at work.
How do you have this? Did you have Muyiwa followed?
Muyiwa is an idiot and I need to prove it however way I can.
You'll go to an extent of following him.
So you can know what kind of person he is. He's deceptive and a damn liar! Don't believe him, that idiot needs help.
Good night Tokunbo.
Good night.
She typed then she viewed the picture again.
Muyiwa sat alone at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey. A girl approached him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "Hey Muyi." She said, her voice barely audible over the loud music. "Can I just have this night alone?" He asked with a wry smile. "It's cold, you know. Weather for two."
"That's why I have whiskey here to keep my company." He answered pointing towards a glass of whiskey on the table.
"You've chased all the girls here, what's going on?"
"Maybe I want to be alone, is that so hard to understand?" He snapped.
The girl rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving Muyiwa to his drink. That's when Garba walked in, his eyes scanning the room before spotting Muyiwa. "I need something strong," he said, dropping into the stool next to him.
Muyiwa turned to him, a grin spreading across his face. "Aboki! What are you doing here? Did I just ask this asewo what he's doing here? You're probably here for the booze and girls."
Garba chuckled. "Look at this pot calling a kettle black."
Muyiwa laughed. "So detective, are you here on undercover or did you come to uncover clothes from girls?"
Garba shook his head, a smile still on his face. "I came to uncover clothes from girls idiot!" He snapped and they both laughed. The he cleared his throat, "I came to have a drink and just think some things through." "When does drinking ever make someone think well?" Muyiwa asked and they both laughed.
"I still lie to myself that drinking clears my head but the reality is quite the opposite. It makes me screw up everytime, I lost control of my ability to think well, I spill rubbish and hurt the one I love."
Garba laughed, "If I didn't know you any better, I would have thought you were referring to a girl." He jeered observing Muyiwa, "You like someone."
"Change is constant Aboki."
Garba scoffed and Muyiwa laughed, "I did more than that. That moment when you realize all your defenses have been broken. My firewalls have been cracked, I turned from being the Casanova to lover boy giving love poems and speeches. Omo! That was when I knew my bad boy days was over. I'm sure when you finally meet that person, you won't be acting all impenetrable."
"Not when that person will be getting married this month." He confessed undeniably broken.
Muyiwa grimaced, "Eeesch... Pele (Sorry)" "She gave me her card and I just felt this heart break, can you believe it, me Garba, heart break over a girl."
"She must be something." Muyiwa assumed.
"She is. I've never met any woman like her, she's sweet, she's selfless, she's smart, impulsive. I wish I met her earlier." "Well, it's not too late to try your luck. I mean, she's not married yet right? Fight for what you believe in. If she makes your heart tick, it's worth the try. For me, I'm not giving up without a fight. I've screwed up in the past and Sharon is my redemption."
Garba nodded, "Redemption.." he muttered, "Do you know the girl in question?" "Who?" "Gbadamosi's fiancee." "Wait what? Kilihu or Kimali or something."
"Fuck! Guy, shit! Can we just forget that I advised you to fight for what you believe in. I'm not a love activist, what do I know about love? let's focus all that energy on girls that are not engaged to be married okay?"
"I've never felt this way about a person. I love the idea of fighting."
"This is off limits, you know how Gbadamosi gets, you know you guys already have that strained relationship. Forget that the man is a lead Pastor in his church. He'll kill you if you touch his fiancee and I know you, you sleep with every girl you touch."
Garba smiled, "I don't think Kilahi will be that easy." His smile suddenly turned into a smirk, "Or will she?"
Aunty Abebi sat across from Professor Folorunsho at an upscale restaurant, surrounded by the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses. A man had just proposed to his girlfriend at a nearby table, and the atmosphere was electric with excitement.
Professor Folorunsho's eyes twinkled with nostalgia as he spoke. "I remember being overly romantic when I was his age."
Aunty Abebi raised an eyebrow, her voice laced with amusement. "And now?"
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I really don't think I kneel so comfortably to propose to a woman at my age."
Aunty Abebi faked a laugh, her eyes scanning the restaurant. "And you want a woman by your side."
Professor Folorunsho's gaze locked onto hers, his voice sincere. "What can I say, Abebi? A man wants what he wants. I mean, you're a very beautiful and determined woman. I am intrigued by your works, I mean the ones that made it to paper. I can't even begin to speak for the ones that didn't make it to Punch news."
Aunty Abebi's expression turned skeptical. "Which one is your favorite?"
He shrugged, his smile wry. "They're all the same, right? Always one unfortunate situation, it's always one man raping a little girl or someone cheating a family member."
Aunty Abebi's eyes narrowed, her voice cold. "You don't sound too intrigued."
Professor Folorunsho laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I am intrigued by your passion for winning. You've never lost a case, well except the Babalola's case."
Aunty Abebi's expression darkened, her voice tight. "Don't remind me." "Come on, people don't even add to the memoir of Abebi the Great." He teased, his tone light. The name struck a chord in Aunty Abebi, and she felt a surge of emotion.
She scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "The case was a basket case because a useless man decided to play God.". Professor Folorunsho's expression turned serious, his voice measured. "I believe in law, there's something called a witness statement. Wasn't it the so-called victim who came out to confess shamefully that she lied against Babalola?"
Aunty Abebi's eyes blazed, "She was bribed." Her voice fierce. "That doesn't answer the question, Abebi. That answer won't suffice in court, and you know it." He countered, his voice firm but gentle.
"Aunty Abebi, I believe in law there's something called a witness statement," Professor Folorunsho said, his eyes locked onto hers. "Wasn't it the so-called victim who came out to confess shamefully that she lied against Babalola?"
Aunty Abebi scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "She was bribed."
Professor Folorunsho's expression turned serious. "That doesn't answer the question, Abebi. That answer won't suffice in court, and you know it. Wasn't she the one who came out on the news to admit that she shamefully accused Chief Babalola because she wanted to gain popularity?"
Aunty Abebi's eyes narrowed. "She was."
Professor Folorunsho nodded. "That settles it."
Aunty Abebi's voice rose in frustration. "If Hafusa had the least integrity, we could have proved your dear friend guilty of those charges."
Professor Folorunsho shrugged. "Sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie."
Aunty Abebi's eyes flashed with anger. "While the guilty roam free, that's called injustice."
Professor Folorunsho's expression turned philosophical. "The word injustice is quite relative, don't you think? Some of my students still think I'm oppressing their rights by giving them term papers to submit or that I attach 20 marks for every material they purchase from me, while other students see it as a just act. I don't know what happened, who is innocent or not, but what I believe in is witness statement about a particular event, so long it wasn't out of duress. She came out in public and announced it on the news, no gun was held to her head. She's fine, I believe she's living well and doing well for herself. I never brought it up to make you feel bad, that's one of the things I love about you; your passion for the disadvantaged."
Aunty Abebi faked a smile, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I hate politicians."
Professor Folorunsho laughed loudly. "The world needs politicians."
Aunty Abebi's eyes blazed with intensity. "No, the world needs good, courteous leaders and legislators, not corrupt and self-seeking idiots who want nothing but to fill their belly before making others benefit from the nation's wealth."
Professor Folorunsho shrugged. "It's a capitalist world, Abebi. We can't have it otherwise. Have you finally read my book?"
Aunty Abebi scoffed, her voice venomous. "I'd rather soak my tongue in bleach and watch it turn white!"
Professor Folorunsho laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Honest, one of your attributes that drills into my marrow. You're a wonder, Abebi, a wonder to my soul. You should read the book, maybe then you'll come to terms with what is, rather than hanging on to unrealistic paradigms of what the world should be. Selfishness creates productivity and profit in the capital world, and until humans start to think in that light, you would leave the box of poverty. Quote by Professor Folorunsho."
Aunty Abebi's fists clenched, her anger boiling over. How could a Professor be so thoughtless? She definitely couldn't argue with stupidity.
"Are we going to make tonight's date about you and your capitalist-glorifying book?" she snapped, her voice dripping with disdain.
Professor Folorunsho smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "No."
He pulled out an attractive ring box from his suit pocket and placed it on the table. Aunty Abebi's eyes widened in surprise, her heart racing with uncertainty.
"That's a ring to further show my intentions, Abebi. I know we talked already; I already revealed my intentions to you. I need a wife, and I'm not looking for a child. I need a woman, a strong woman to stand in the gap. My children may be grown up, but if they ever seek counsel, I want them to find a smart woman there, not some unintelligent woman who seeks nothing but my wealth. Will you marry me, Abebi?"
Aunty Abebi's heart skipped a beat as she gazed at the ring, her mind reeling with uncertainty. She looked up at Professor Folorunsho, her eyes searching for answers. "I don't know what to say?" she whispered finally.
He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Should I help you? Say yes."
Aunty Abebi chuckled softly, her eyes darting away from his. "I'll have to think deeply about this."
Professor Folorunsho nodded, his expression understanding. "No problem. Keep the ring, and when you're sure of what you want, give me a response."
As Aunty Abebi pushed the ring box back towards him, Professor Folorunsho's hand closed over hers, his eyes locked on hers. "Keep it, Abebi. When you're ready, I'll be waiting."
Mrs. George sat in her bed room, her Bible lying open on her lap. She had been reading from the book of Proverbs seeking comfort and guidance. As she read, her mind began to wander to Salome and her family. A sudden surge of concern prompted her to reach for her phone and dial Salome's number.
As the phone rang, Mrs. George's eyes drifted to the drizzling rain against the window. She listened as Salome's voice answered on the other end of the line. "Hello Temi,"
"Good evening Salome, how are you?" Mrs. George asked, her voice warm and friendly.
"I'm fine. To what do I owe this call?" she asked.
Mrs. George shrugged in thought, even though Salome couldn't see her. "I was just thinking about you."
"Hope no problem," Salome said, her tone polite but cautious.
"Temi said she bumped into you today at the hospital," Mrs. George said, her voice laced with curiosity.
"Yes. I understand she came for antenatals," Salome assumed, her tone neutral.
"It's rather too early for that, don't you think?" Mrs. George asked, taken aback. "It's no news that your niece was heavily pregnant during her wedding," Salome assumed, her tone matter-of-fact.
Mrs. George laughed. "Where did you get that from?"
"Information spreads like wild fire," Salome said with a chuckle.
"Wild fires are hard to quench, just like fake rumors," Mrs. George said then she quickly dismissed the idea, "but I didn't call because of that. I heard one of your daughters is sick."
Salome scoffed, "God forbid! It's not any of us, we are fine oh! Tatiana is doing well, she just got back from her trip in Dubai, and Nancy is not even in the country at the moment."
"You don't say," Mrs. George trailed, her tone skeptical. "She's in Colombia." Salome lied, trying to throw Mrs. George off the scent.
Mrs. George was not convinced. "Colombia must not be far, cause Temi saw her in the hospital."
Salome hesitated, caught off guard. "I don't know what you're saying."
"You know exactly what I'm saying," Mrs. George insisted. "Why are you lying? Temi saw Nancy laying down in the hospital bed."
Salome kept quiet, unsure of what to say. Mrs. George continued, her voice softening. "I heard she lost her baby. I'm sorry to hear that."
Salome still said nothing, her silence fueling Mrs. George's curiosity. "How did it happen?" Mrs. George asked gently.
But Salome was not ready to open up. "This is clearly none of your business, Temi," she said, trying to shut down the conversation.
Mrs. George pressed on, her tone slightly accusatory. "For someone who loves to make other people's business her own business, you're jittery all of a sudden. What happened? Temi said there were bruises on her."
"Temi does not know what she's saying. I'm sure she's high on pregnancy hormones."
"How did she lose the pregnancy? Was she beaten or something? I might not be the closest person to you but one thing I know is that I watched those children grow and It's not my prayer to see something bad happen to them."
"Nothing bad will happen to her. It was a minor accident, she fell off the stairs."
"Was that what her husband said?"
Salome scoffed, "Are you insinuating that her husband pushed her." "I didn't. Was that what happened? Did he touch her?" "Temi George, you're overstepping your boundary and I'm going to advise you to mind your business."
"Salome, if the man is beating her. I think it's best you step in as a mother."
"Husband and wife must have issues, it is an unavoidable fact, when has that ever meant evil?" "Arguments that don't progress to beatings. Yes, we have arguments but a man must never lay his hand on a woman!" She raised her voice watching her husband get out of the toilet in a round next white top and stripe shorts.
The man wondered who had made his wife angry.
Salome snapped, "This is not your business! E' nu go? (You hear me?) Stop poke nosing, Nobody made you Chief Judge over this matter, leave my married children alone and face your unmarried ones! Stop stand to give meaningless points of view without experience." She ended the call and Mrs George scoffed.
"Can you believe this woman?"
As the Arolowo's sat around the table, enjoying their meal, with Tommy and her mother. Tommy couldn't help but boast about his accomplishments. "I'm telling you, real estate is making waves," Mr Arolowo said and Tommy's eyes gleamed with excitement. "I've got properties in Nigeria, South Africa, the UK, Malaysia, and let me tell you, the profits are mind-blowing. I've been able to start up a Non-governmental organization that helps young people."
Mr Arolowo glanced at Brenda, "Have you heard? He does charity too, does Gbadamosi do charity? Does he have properties in countries? Let's not even go far, the London he stayed in, does he have a property there?"
"Dad, that wasn't necessary." Brenda snapped trying to stay collected.
"Who is Gbadamosi? An ex?" Tommy's mother asked and Mr Arolowo hissed, "Someone who felt like he was too good for my daughter."
Mrs Arolowo laughed nervously, "He simply made his choice." "Well, I won't be like him that I can assure." Tommy confessed staring at Brenda passionately. "I won't toss you aside Brenda, I'll make you feel like a Queen. You know we spoke about travelling the world together right?"
Brenda cleared her throat, "Yeah.... We talked about that." "With all due respect to everyone on this table, I want to ask Brenda a question." He said and she quickly lifted up a cup of juice sipping it.
Questions ran through her mind.
Where would you love to have our first date?" He asked, "I mean what country?" He asked and she gasped. "Tommy, uhm..." She trailed off and her father cleared his throat, "I'm sure the choices must be tough. You should give her time, first date must be special. I remember my first date with my beautiful wife."
Mrs Arolowo laughed.
"From first date, we'll be celebrating weddings and anniversary." He chipped giving Tommy's mother a familiar look and she laughed out loud. "And children too?"
Mrs Arolowo cleared her throat, "What's the rush, these two are friends. They still need to get to know each other." "What's there to know again? Tommy is doing well." Her husband asked.
Tommy's mom smiled proudly, nodding in agreement. "Yes. Tommy has done very well for himself. He's always had a zeal for business."
Tommy grinned with pride, happy to share his successes. "I do! And it's not just about the money. It's about building something that will last. I mean, land is one thing that will always appreciate in value. And I've got plenty of it!"
Brenda rose up, "Excuse me, I'll like to ease myself now."
The band in the restaurant played and sang Johnny Drille's "Wait for me".
🎶Darling, na you hold my love
You are my price
And I'll run to the finish line
My love, I no go leave you run
I no go bounce your call
You'll be always on my mind, yeah-yeah🎶
Hilary and Manny's laughter intertwined in harmony to the beautiful song. "I adore this song," Hilary said, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Unfortunately, I can't sing to save my life.." She added, chuckling. "Leave it to Ossy." He joined in, and they shared a warm laugh.
As the music continued to play, Hilary let out a contented sigh. "This is the perfect way to unwind. Not like my day has been strenuous but for the whole week, this is just the perfect way to feel relax. Thank you, Manny. You always know how to make me feel special."
Manny smiled genuinely, "That's all I want to do - make you happy, Hilary." he said, his eyes shining with pleasure. Her face glowed with joy. "You have no idea how much I'm enjoying this moment. I feel like I'm overflowing with happiness."
Just then, Chris appeared with a woman, the moment he sighted someone who looked like Hilary, he walked backwards, his eyes fixed on Hilary. "Hilary, wait!" He called out, his tone dripping with condescension. Hilary's expression turned uneasy, and she offered a hesitant greeting. "Hey."
Chris's scoff was palpable, and the atmosphere shifted from warm to tense. "Wow. This one you're looking pretty, looks like you're putting in more effort. It's like this single life has tired you." He snapped rudely then she scoffed facing Manny.
"The food is nice Manny, don't you think?"
Chris laughed, "Food, food food, that's all she knows oh. You haven't changed since the last time we saw. Have you heard of the gym?"
"Excuse you?" Hilary snapped, "I heard your colleagues are going under the knife to lose fat now. If you can't run, save up money and do surgery so your figure zero can turn to eight."
"What the..." Manny cuts in, his eyes widened in disbelief at Chris's rudeness.but Hilary waved her hands, "You don't want to exchange words with someone who is need of some serious brain surgery and major deliverance. There's nothing worse than a mad man on suits."
Chris laughed then he faced Manny, "Babe, let's go." His date called out holding on to his hand but he lifted his fingers at her.
"One sec." He muttered now facing Manny, "I'll be honest with you as per guy to guy. Don't have high hopes on this one, I know you're probably just trying to see if show go dey but I'll tell you for free, show no dey."
"Whoever you are, I don't care about your opinions. You're rudely interrupting our date. Now except you don't like the structure of your face, leave with your girlfriend. Now that I'm trying to be civil." He requested now looking up at the lady Chris came in with.
"Please take your boyfriend away."
The lady Chris came with called out to him, but he scoffed in anger. Then he lowered his head, whispering to Manny, "She's a waste of time, she has bad breath, body odor, the worst is that she won't even let you have a taste of her, she married once probably killed her husband and she had a son and dreadful stretch marks everywhere. You can even see the one on her cleavages."
"Chris!" Hilary blurted out and Manny arced his brow in realization, Chris was her ex, the one who body shamed her and still had rhe nerve to hit her on the face. His eyes blazed with anger. He tried to maintain his composure, but his fists clenched in rage. He never knew the man before him was the one who once hit Hilary in the face. He stood up, his fists clenched. Chris looked up, a sneer on his face. His eyes locked onto Chris's, and he punched him squarely in the jaw.
Chris's head jerked back, and he stumbled backwards, his eyes wide with shock. His lady friend gasped, and the restaurant patrons turned to stare.
Manny's punch was swift and precise, but it carried all the anger and frustration that had been building up. Chris crashed into a nearby table, sending glasses shattering to the floor.
The restaurant fell silent, and all eyes were on Manny and Chris. Hilary's eyes widened in shock, but she quickly regained her composure. "Manny, stop!" She cried out, tugging on his arm.
But Manny was beyond reason. He pulled free from Hilary's grasp and advanced on Chris, his fists clenched against his suit. Chris managed to scrambled to his feet, his face pale with fear.
"Manny, stop! Please! He's not worth it." She cried out, her voice trembling with fear. Slowly, Manny's anger subsided, and he turned to Hilary. His eyes still blazed with anger, but he let her pull him away from Chris who busted into laughter afterwards. "You must feel like Cinderella now, thinking someone's fighting for you, Hilary. You're worthless, nothing but a—" Before Chris could continue his verbal assault, Hilary's fist connected with his face, sending him crashing to the ground. He lay there, unconscious, as his lady friend stared in horror.
"Chris?" she called out, but he didn't respond.
Victor Uwaifo's 'Kirikisi' filled the air as Vincent's mom danced to the tune. Mercedes requested a change in music, but her mother shot her a glare. "Una no sabi better thing." Just then, the door opened, and Vincent stepped in with Deja.
His mother was about to scold him for coming late and ignoring her calls, but her gaze fell on Deja, and she refrained."Ijeme! You bring person come, I see why you no pick call."
"Good evening Ma." Deja greeted lowering her knees and bowing her head.
"My pikin come inside! How na?" She asked and Deja smiled, "I'm fine." "Na your friend?" She asked giving Vincent a suspicious look. "Mummy, meet my girlfriend, Adejare but you call her deja."
"My pikin don reach now. What's the point of calling her by her name, as she be your own, she's mine automatically. My pikin, welcome. Let me get you something to eat." She rushed off and Irene approached them with a smile.
"Is it just my ears or I heard you introduce her as your girlfriend?" She asked and he blushed.
"You finally did it!" She replied and he smiled. Deja meet Irene, Irene Deja."
Irene stretched her hands and Deja shook her hands, "Good to finally meet the woman that charmed this man." "Nice to meet you too, until this night, I thought you two had something going on."
Irene laughed, "Well, this coconut head had an undeniable feelings for you. I knew he was off limits from the first day we met." "I'm right here." Vincent noted smiling bashfully and Deja chuckled. "I'm happy he's finally taken the chance, please make him happy."
Osasu charged towards them, "What's this rubbish I'm hearing?" He asked and Deja blinked on recognizing him. He was the one who knocked on the stranger's house. He had to be the cousin who broke the news to Vincent.
"Mama just tell me say you come with your girlfriend and when I look to see who the girl be, e come be this one." He analyzed in contempt pointing at Deja.
Vincent exhales, "Osasu rest." "Rest? Say Mama know say na ashawo you bring come?" "Osasu!" Irene gasped, "That was uncalled for." "Na ashawo she be now." He snapped and Vincent tightened his fist, "Don't ever call her that."
"E get wetin I call her way no be her name?"
"If you no rest, I swear I go treat your fuck up like this."
Irene laughed nervously, "Please let's not make a scene before your Mom will start asking questions and we know how persistent she can be. This is a new relationship." "New wetin?" Osasu asked, "Tueh! God forbid this ashawo."
"Yes, me sef na Ashawo now since I don sleep with man before. Your girlfriend sef na Ashawo." "You no sleep with stranger, she sleep with my neighbor, person way she just meet. Na only ashawo dey do that kain thing."
Deja shut her eyes in shame, "I was drunk." "Don't explain yourself to him." Vincent snapped, "Osasu this is unnecessary, I know you're looking out for him." Irene paused and Osasu cuts in, "At least someone realizes it. See Irene here, you no date her, na this fallen angel you go meet." He snapped walking away and Vincent tightened his fist.
"I'll talk to Osasu."
"You had better do." He snapped watching Irene leave then his gaze returned to Deja. "I'm sorry about that."
Deja, feeling ashamed and overwhelmed, apologized and tried to leave, but Vincent persuaded her to stay. He reassured her that Osasu's opinion didn't matter and that he would handle the situation. "The mistake is your past." "Here it is taunting my present, I won't want you fighting with your cousin because of me. Maybe dating is not a good idea." "Are you giving up on us already?"
Deja remained hesitant, fearing Vincent's mom would find out and cause more trouble. He convinced Deja to stay, promising to take care of Osasu and his mom's potential reactions. He touched her cheeks, and she reluctantly agreed to stay.
Brenda escorted Tommy out after the dinner date. He quickly turned back to see if his mother was following behind him. When he realized she was far away, he quickly pulled a kiss move. His lips landed on hers but she moved back.
"What?" He asked, "At least a good night kiss." "No. Why?" He asked but she hesitated.
"I'm not feeling too well. I've had a long day. Good night Tommy."
"Good night Brenda. Have a good night rest."
Brenda bowed her head gracefully, "I will."
Kilahi leaned against the windshield, her mind preoccupied. Gbadamosi noticed and called out softly, "My love."
Kilahi turned to him, forcing a smile. "I was just thinking of something funny now."
Gbadamosi raised an eyebrow. "If it's not funny, I won't laugh."
Kilahi playfully snapped, "Way to burst the bubble. I'll keep it to myself."
Gbadamosi chuckled, shaking his head. "You'll tickle it out of me."
"Why must you tickle your way out of everything?" Kilahi asked, laughing. "You know I'm sensitive to tickles, but you use it against me still."
Gbadamosi grinned. "What were you thinking of, jhoor? Do you want me to beg?"
Kilahi's expression turned serious. "I was just thinking of how you have more of black and red dresses. Are you sure you're not a brand ambassador for one native doctor?"
Gbadamosi laughed, and Kilahi pinched his ribs, making him hiss. "Ouch, are you trying to remove my ribs?"
Kilahi teased, "Yes, maybe you can find your missing ribs elsewhere."
"I found one already," Gbadamosi said, glancing at Kilahi with a wink. "Watch the road!"
Kilahi giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Someone's blushing," Gbadamosi teased, his smile returning to the road as he navigated the steering wheel.
Kilahi's cheeks flushed, and she playfully rolled her eyes. "Toor! I think the charms my native doctor gave me are working in opposite direction. I like you too much."
Gbadamosi's expression turned tender, his voice filled with affection. "And I'm head over heels in love with you."
Kilahi's gaze dropped, "You don't wear heels." "Head over shoes and sneakers in love with you."Gbadamosi chuckled, his eyes shinning and Kilahi's giggles filled the air, then she sighed, leaning against the windshield again.
"A penny for your thoughts," Gbadamosi asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Kilahi's laughter faded, and she gazed at him, her eyes serious. "My thoughts are not that cheap!"
Gbadamosi's expression turned somber, his voice filled with concern. "Don't tell me you're thinking of the gun incidence?"
Kilahi's sigh gave away her thoughts, Gbadamosi's eyes locked onto hers quickly, his gaze filled with understanding. "Babe, your thoughts are not that cheap, but if I can pay to stop you from thinking about it, I will."
"Choicest... " She called out, her voice filled with conviction then she continued, "I realized there was more to me going to that place than meet the eyes. The boy who pointed the gun at me, I think God is interested in him."
Gbadamosi's expression softened. "God is interested in everyone. We are the ones avoiding and evading Him."
Kilahi shook her head, her eyes filled with conviction. "I'm serious. I think God is interested in him, God told me his name, and I saw flashes of him running away from his home. He was vulnerable and young. This is the second time I'm experiencing this, and I feel bad that I wasn't able to talk sense into him."
Gbadamosi's eyes filled with understanding. "You want to win souls, Kilahi."
Kilahi's passion shone through. "Plenty of them. Imagine those guys preaching the gospel. It's a kingdom investment I'm willing to make."
As they approached home, their conversation lingered, a mix of playfulness and seriousness, their love and faith a beacon of hope in the face of danger.
"I know your passion is rising, and you want to win souls," Gbadamosi said, his voice laced with caution, "but these guys are dangerous, Kilahi."
Kilahi's faith was unwavering. "I have God with me."
Gbadamosi's eyes locked onto hers. "I'm not disputing that fact, my love. We need to be rational and act wisely. Where are they now?"
Kilahi's gaze drifted away, "In cell."
Ladi leaned against the prison wall gritting his teeth angrily. His mind raced back to his conversation with Kilahi. He still couldn't make out how she knew his real name.
He could hear Kilahi's voice loud and clear!
"God knows you, before you were born, He knew you. He knows that someday you'll come to know Him, and He can wipe your sins away. Godswill, why not give Him a chance?"
"Jesus is the way, the truth, and life, Let Him change your ways, allow Him to show you the truth because the devil has lied to you for far too long. Let Him give you a better life than this because you're dead, d
In the hospital, Hilary walked side by side with the Senior Pastor from her other church. "The doctor said they'll keep him under observation till tomorrow then they can discharge him." "At least I can go now." She answered and he hissed.
"I can't believe Pastor Chris will do this kind of thing. I hope it will interest you to know he has been suspended indefinitely."
Hilary scoffed, good for him! He had it coming! The Pastor stared at her having questions run through his mind, "I can't believe I have heen deceived. Look at me thinking Pastor Chris was a man of God."
"You didn't know about his charades?"
"There has been one complaint, just one but I overruled it as a rumour thinking the man in question can't hurt a fly. To think he assaulted you." "If there's any consolation Sir, I slapped him."
"Doesn't give him the right to slap you back. You don't hit a woman no matter what and I'm just so surprised by this news." "With all due respect Daddy, that man is an idiot. An animal that should be left to be in the zoo."
"Pastor Chris shocked me oh, how he managed to fool me, I don't know. Under my own nose, to think that that girl inside the ward, the one he was with, to think that she is a new comer. She came two weeks ago to church and I personally handed the girl to Pastor Chris. I called him capable hands, I didn't know that the man's capabilities was more carnal than spiritual." The man hissed then he continued, "Pastor Chris shocked me oh. Why am I still calling him Pastor sef. It's even paining me, imagine me putting him in charge of all the youth as a shepherd, ah God! I don't want to imagine what he has been..." He trailed off biting his fingers.
Thoughts ran through his mind, "Abi is that why...." He trailed off, "It better not be what I'm thinking cause if this guy have anything to do with my children, I'll be the one to knock him unconscious." He confessed and Hilary laughed.
"I'm sorry for laughing, it's just funny." She apologized.
The Pastor hissed again, "Why didn't you let me know what happened? You just left, at the time I called but you didn't pick." "I was depressed and angry that you match made me with a man like him."
"I did not know. God did not open my eyes to see it, I didn't even suspect the young man."
"It's fine. At least I don't have any man's blood on my hand and this is finally out of my chest. You were the only one I could call, thank you for coming Sir."
"Well, should I be expecting you tomorrow?"
Hilary laughed nervously, "No Sir. I'm sorry but I found a new tribe, I'm already a worker there and I've found purpose there." "Your ... is it boyfriend that you guys call it. Is he from the same church?" He asked looking towards Manny who was leaning against the wall.
"Yes Sir."
"Is he a good man?"
"I can say for certain that he is God sent. God gave me more than I asked, he gave me a friend and a father to my son." She replied with a smile, "Your son? Is he here?"
"Yes. I have my son back."
"Wow, things are really working well for you."
Hilary bowed her head, "Well I thank God for that Sir. Sir, if you don't mind, I'll like to meet my...." She trailed off and the nodded in understanding.
"Sister Hilary" The Pastor called out and she faced him, "I'm happy for where you are now, it's nice to see you not looking completely sad." "Thank you Daddy, good night Sir."
"Good night."
Hilary bowed her head and watched him walk away then she approached Manny with a sigh, "He's fine. It wasn't a death blow." She teased and he laughed. "Remind me never to make you angry." He replied pulling her close and they both laughed.
"I noticed you were tensed when you saw him." He noted and she shrugged, "It was the insecurity I saw the few minutes we got talking the first time we met. Babe, I don't want you to be insecure around me."
She sighed, "I know." "I saw a glitch of it." "When he mentioned food and gym, I realized that I don't exercise to burn my fat and I eat a lot." "I love you the way you are, I love your body, I love your smile, your infectious laughter." He confessed and she laughed.
"You're beautiful, that idiot is just too blind to see it." He confessed wrapping his arms around her waist and she gasped looking around, "We're in a hospital."
"I know. There's no one here yet."
"There'll still be."
"I love you Hilary." He confessed kissing her on the forehead, "I love you too."
What do you guys think about this update?
Uncle had it coming and finally got what he deserved huh?
Can someone tell Uncle Garba to remove his eyes from Kilahi???
Two ships have sailed....... Yay💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
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