🎨 Chapter 57 🎨

Hello guys.....

I can't count the number of times I've had to stay without light, pay to charge my phone or wait to charge in church.

Guess what?

It's a double update today!

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🎨Chapter 57 🎨


Kilahi swallowed hard, the gun pressed against her forehead. For a fleeting moment, she regretted coming over. Maybe she should have come with the police. Wasn't God trying to send her a message? Why was a gun pointed at her head then?

Mercy burst out of the house, having watched the scene unfold through a hole in the window. "Ladi, please put the gun down!" she exclaimed.

"Look who is out," Ladi sneered, his eyes fixed on Mercy.

"Mercy, go back inside!" Kilahi snapped.

"No, Ma, I can't," Mercy replied, her voice trembling. "It's me he wants, let him take me and leave you, Ladi... This isn't you, it's the drugs working, you're better than this. I sure say you smoke that rubbish!"

"Shut up!" Ladi barked, his grip on the gun tightening.

"Put the fucking gun down! I know say you dey mad, but you no mad reach this level!" Mercy snapped, tears streaming down her face.

Kilahi spoke up, her voice soft and gentle. "Godswill, put the gun down. You're not a murderer."

"God'swill?" Mercy asked, wondering who Kilahi was calling by that name.

"You don't know me," Ladi snarled.

Kilahi managed a weak smile. "God knows you, before you were born, He knew you. He knows that someday you'll come to know Him, and He can wipe your sins away. Godswill, why not give Him a chance?"

Ladi's expression faltered, and he fought back tears.

"Jesus is the way, the truth, and life," Kilahi continued. "Let Him change your ways, allow Him to show you the truth because the devil has lied to you for far too long. Let Him give you a better life than this because you're dead, dear. Romans 6:38, for the ways of sin is death, and Jesus Himself has come that we might receive life and have it more abundantly. More abundantly, Godswill. Just drop the gun down and let us talk amicably."

Just then, a lone tear trickled down Ladi's cheek. "Please," Kilahi begged. "Put the gun down!"

The sound of approaching police officers interrupted the tense moment. "Put the gun down!" Garba shouted from behind, flanked by uniformed officers training their guns on the group.

The men attempted to speed away, but Garba fired a warning shot into the air. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Capricorn slammed his hands against the car in frustration.

Ladi's eyes darted to the police officers, his gun still pressed against Kilahi's head. "You brought police to us," he accused, his gaze shifting to Kilahi.

"I warned you," Kilahi whispered.

"Slowly drop the damn gun now and your hands in the air," Garba warned.

Ladi hesitated, then slowly bent down to drop the gun. "Your hands in the air!" Garba ordered.

Ladi lifted his hands in surrender, and the police officers closed in, handcuffing him and the other men. "You're under arrest," Garba declared, his eyes locked on Kilahi with a mixture of disappointment and frustration. Why didn't she answer his call?
Then he continued, "Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law."

Ladi glanced at Kilahi then he shut his eyes.

Tokunbo 👇🏼

Paint and Chill

Muyiwa made way to the beautiful reception then he smiled at the receptionist, "Good morning Sir, do you have an appointment for today?" She asked staring at the bouquet of flower in his hand, "Or is your partner in already?"


"What's your name?" She asked checking her log book.

"You won't find it there cause I really don't have an appointment."

The lady rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry, you can book another time." "Please let me in." "No, we are fully booked for the day. We work through bookings. There are ten chairs per couples or friends, we are booked for the day."

Muyiwa exhaled in frustration, "There's someone in there that I need to profess my love to." He answered lifting the flower. "There's nothing I can do Sir." "I can pay."

"Sir, it's not just the money. What if the table gets filled up and the client walks in to find it that way? They won't be happy cause we don't operate that way. " She answered then she answered a call from the office line.

"This is Chill and Paint, who am I on to?" She paused waiting for the caller to speak, "Okay...Okay.. There's no problem Ma. We'll add to record. Congratulations Sir." She chipped in staring at Muyiwa.

"A customer just cancelled for today, how much are you willing to pay to get to see the love of your life?"

Sharon stood before her easel, her brushes dancing across the canvas set with bold strokes of green paint. Her eyes flicked between her canvas and the prototype in front of her - a tree basking in sunlight.

Nearby, Muyiwa pretended to paint, his cap pulled low over his face. He was faintly listening on Sharon and Tokunbo's conversation, trying to gauge the state of their relationship. He fidgeted with his brush, not applying any paint to the canvas.

The male supervisor approached him, a smile on his face. "How's it going, Sir?" he asked, eyeing the blank canvas. "Not feeling inspired to paint?"

Muyiwa hesitated, trying to come up with a convincing excuse. "I'm still observing." "Creativity is from within, you channel your emotions into magic." "So I can draw whatever I feel right?"


Muyiwa smiled, "You just gave me an idea." "I'm glad I could be of help Sir." The supervisor answered moving on to the next client.

"I'm Picasso right now!" Sharon declared, her confidence soaring. "And I'm Leonardo di Caprio" Tokunbo replied and Sharon laughed.

"That Leonardo Da Vinci actually."

Tokunbo arced his brow in realization, "Ah it's true. Di Caprio is the one that did the Titanic movie." "Yes. One of the greatest movie of all times." She complimented but he raised his brow in doubt. "You don't think it is?" She asked but he shrugged.

"Did you watch it?" She inquired, "Well, at the time." He answered without much excitement.

"Why do you sound that way?" She probed, "Like how?" "Like the movie was crap." "The movie wasn't crap, just that I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact Jack sacrificed himself for Rose. I don't mean to come off as insensitive but, i feel it was insensitive for Rose to agree to it."

Sharon gasped, "It was love!" "Love doesn't override thoughts." "He wanted Rose to leave a better life" "He had chances of living a better life too Sharon. Let's be honest here." "Haven't you done something crazy for love?"

"I got caught in the University for cheating, I was helping a girl I liked out. I didn't rat the girl out and at the time, my Uncle was the VC so they overlooked the matter. Two weeks later, this girl that was all lovey dovey with me, dated another guy in the same department. It was the first and last thing I'll do for love. I can't be that stupid again. Women will always be women."

"That sounds sexist."

"No! It's the fact, they'll always go for what they want." "As as men too."

"Not every man is like Muyiwa."

"Not every woman is like.... Whatever her name was."

"Funny, her name is Roseline Bassey and don't say I'm transferring anger at Rose in Titanic because of her. I watched Titanic when I was maybe fifteen years old or so."

Sharon continued painting, her brush strokes smooth and confident. "Every woman needs a man who can go lengths for her, just saying," she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Tokunbo raised an eyebrow. "Would you prefer I lie to you or pretend?"

Sharon chuckled. "No, I love your honesty. But I'll love my future man to do something stupid for me."

Tokunbo's curiosity was piqued. "Like what?"

Sharon's eyes twinkled. "I can think of twenty things right now."

Tokunbo laughed. "The stupid thing I can end up doing is kneeling down in public when proposing to her."

Sharon gasped, her expression playful. "That's a normal thing now."

"It's a trend!" Tokunbo exclaimed. "A white man's crazy trend. Who set the standard of kneeling down when proposing? The whites did! Who set the standard of white wedding? The whites did! If it's up to me, I'll just do my traditional wedding and court wedding."

Sharon shook her head, a smile still on her face. "Hm hm, you shouldn't have done court now. After all, it's not traditional."

Tokunbo chuckled. "I'm a man of the law now."

Sharon teased him, her voice light. "Yes! You should kukuma join vigilante group or local police, tie wrapper and bubba, and leave shirts and trousers for the white man."

Tokunbo laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I get your point."

Sharon's expression turned serious for a moment. "You look like a colonialist!"

Tokunbo held up his hands in mock surrender. "Point taken."

Sharon's eyes sparkled again. "I don't even want to look at your traditional face right now! I'm picturing you chewing stick right now. Are you sure you own a toothbrush, Tokunbo?"

Tokunbo laughed, his voice deep and rich. "Point taken now." He noted wanting to end the banter. "No oh! I'm known for landing points, you can ask Mumuyiwa, he knows..." She trailed off then she shut her eyes. Her expression turned somber, and Tokunbo's face softened in understanding.

"Sorry I brought that human being up." She apologized and he waved his hands, "It's fine." He answered grabbing her hand across the table. "I get that you still like the guy. Mumuyiwa is a good word play by the way, it's suits the guy." He teased and she laughed reminiscing on the day she gave him the name.

She cleared her throat, "He's my past now. The guy can go and do whatever for all I care!" "I love the sound of that. The guy doesn't deserve a sweet soul like you." He answered with a wide smile then he added, "I know I'm quite traditional but I know my future wife is going to want her white wedding."

"Then when she enters the house, you're going to burn her English cloth and replace with wrappers."

Tokunbo laughed, "Do you ever let go of something?" "Am I holding on to anything?" "What part of point taken didn't you get?" "The part where you called kneeling down a crazy trend."

"Is it our tradition? No! An African man doesn't kneel, it's always the other way round." "Your true sexist colors are showing, I need to repaint your life." She picked up a paint brush pointing towards him but he lifted up his hands in defense.

"Please don't." He begged but the paint already stained his white shirt. Sharon gasped hiding laughter in her mouth then she noticed his serious face. She swallowed her smile, "I'm sorry, I wasn't going to, it was when you lifted your hands."

"It's fine." He answered sharply.

"How is your drawing coming up?" She asked trying to look past his angry face.

As they continued painting, the supervisor approached Muyiwa, who had covered his canvas in a solid green. "This is...interesting," the supervisor said, trying to hide his confusion. "What's your inspiration Sir."

Muyiwa's face twisted in a scowl. "Jealousy. You said I should channel my emotions, and that's what I just did."

The man blinked his eyes leaving him to his painting. He suddenly approached Tokunbo, "Good job Sir." He muttered moving behind Sharon. "Nice angle. Are you an artist ?" "No, I'm a kitchen chef. This just reminds me of how important it to plate food beautifully."


Sharon beamed with pride. "Whenever I put my mind to doing something, I get the best out of it." "Is it that good?" Tokunbo asked wanting to peep at Sharon's canvas."Better don't look before you'll turn to stone."

The man laughed heartily at her humour, "Good job Ma.""Thank you Sir, it means so much getting this comment from an instructor. Do you really mean it Sir or you're just trying to win a customer cause it's working." She laughed at the end.

"Well, at least you're doing better than some." His gaze drifted to Muyiwa, who was still scowling at his canvas. Sharon followed his gaze, and their eyes met for a brief moment before he looked away, "Shit!" He muttered.

Sharon rose up, "Muyiwa?" She called out but he quietly lowered his head, "Abi am I blind? Muyiwa!" She called out again then she approached him. "What are you doing here?" She asked and he looked up at her, "Oh my God Sharon is that you?" "No it's my look alike, what kind of stupid question is that? Who do I look like?"

"I heard the name Muyiwa, Muyiwa, I was just wondering why the name sounded familiar."

"Mumu, because it's your name!"

"Sorry, I meant why the voice sounded familiar." He corrected looking around, "So You're here too, wow. Small world." "Cut the crap!" She snapped shaking her head, "I knew that car was familiar! I just knew it! So you followed me."

"I.... It's a coincidence."

"Why were you hiding them? Why do you have a cap on? You don't even like cap you prefer hats."

Muyiwa smiled, impressed. "Wait, how did you." "I live with you Moron!" "Sharon." "Better start speaking and no more lies or I swear I'll jump on you."

"Option B sounds sexy, just jump on me, I'll catch you."

Sharon scoffed, "Really?" She snapped off pulling him out of his imagination, "Oh sorry... What were you saying, oh you were talking about jumping. Yeah..." He blinked and laughed.

"Sorry, you know how wild my mind can be."

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that. What are you doing with him?"

"Well, God gave me a new friend."

"Tokunbo is an annoying ass!"

"And what should we call you?" "I'm annoying, I'm nowhere as annoying as that asshole there." He pointed and Tokunbo approached him. "Muyiwa, what are you doing here?"

"Will you shut the fuck up? Like you didn't know I was here?"

Tokunbo scoffed, "How? Rather than pointing accusing fingers, why not get the hell out of this place." "Come on now, are you scared to let Sharon know who you truly are? How can a policeman like you not notice you were being followed."

"Oh please... Don't paint me as a bad person."

"I don't need a canvas to paint who you truly are. You're just as fucked up as your useless painting." Taking a quick glance at his painting, "Damn I was right, fucked up!"

"Screw off Muyiwa, you're interrupting our date."

"I know what you're trying to do you manipulative son of a bitch! Don't try to cut me off. You think I didn't see the little look you gave me when Sharon looked towards my direction earlier on after you guys parked the car. I don't know what she was saying but for a moment I thought I had being caught but the moment you looked towards my direction without blowing alarm, I knew you were up to no good."

Sharon faced Tokunbo, her brows raised with questions, "Is he saying the truth?" Tokunbo scoffed, "Are you going to believe this idiot? He's just raising dust, trying to create a mountain using a mole." "Turns out you're that mole." Muyiwa snapped then he looked towards Sharon, "If you know what's good for you, you won't trust this fool."

"Who should I trust? You?" She snapped back at him and he nodded with so much sincerity then he shook his head.

"You have every reason not to trust me but this idiot, he's worst than me. He's an immature douchebag!" Muyiwa answered, "What's your fucking definition for immature?" Tokunbo asked, "Get over it bro, we were too consenting adults, I didn't exactly rape her."

Tokunbo punched him on the face and he fell back against the table and all eyes fell on them. "Jesus, Muyiwa!" Sharon gasped and Muyiwa laughed tasting off the blood from his lower lip, "If all the punches you've given me for years cannot take away the hurt, then you're nothing but a fucking woman!"

"Fuck you Muyi!"

The supervisor approached, "Is everything okay?" "Fuck off!" Muyiwa and Tokunbo yelled at the same time.

Muyiwa picked up where he stoped, "That's what you are Toks a woman! A bloody immature policewoman!" "You could have kept your hands off her."

"Ogbeni I did! Your sister came on to me and I did try to be a friend but it's not my fault she's hot. Why are you always acting like a girl? Sometimes I think it's this your name that's affecting you. Everything about you Is just Tokunbo, (second handed), your level of maturity, your self esteem, your stupid car, the women you're into."

"And me?" Sharon asked and he scoffed, "I didn't say that." "Sounded like it." Tokunbo chipped in with a grin, "He sees you as a hand me down product." He added and Muyiwa tightened his fist then he scoffed.

"I see what you're doing Toks, well play. What's Sharon to you? A war loot? A prize? Or you just want to feel like you took something from you, something you know I like. "

"This conversation isn't about that."

"Everything is about her Toks! I care about her enough to make her end up with an idiot." "And you're the real idiot."

"Guilty as charged. At least I'm an idiot who's in love with her." He confessed looking towards Sharon who stood still in shock. "Yeah I said it, babe I'm in love with you. These past few weeks without you have been hell. The plan was to get rid of you, make you tired of me but you put with all my shit. I miss your smell in the house, I miss rubbing your feet and tummy when those ugly cramps come, I miss your food, I miss your presence, I miss your jokes, I miss you calling me Mumuyiwa at every slightest chance and I miss cooking with you and filming your contents."

"Muyiwa." She muttered softly.

"I'm not done " He cuts in grabbing the flower from the table beside the canvas set, "I prepared to deliver a speech so I got to the house to tell you how i really feel then I saw you with him, and I got jealous. I was supposed to go back but I couldn't. I was compelled by something I've never felt before. No woman has ever made me feel this way. I've been love sick and I feel like a god-damned patient in a hospital. I need you Sharon, I want you back."

Sharon exhaled, this was her first time seeing Muyiwa this way; pouring out his feelings shamelessly. Tokunbo scoffed, "You're not believing his lies." "Tokunbo, I'm sorry but can you just shut up for some seconds let me hear myself think."

Tokunbo sucked his lips then Muyiwa pushed his tongue out in mockery while Sharon allowed the confession sink in.

Muyiwa continued, "I want to start something I've never imagined doing. I want to start a relationship with you." "With this bottle opener?" She pointed at herself.

Muyiwa grimaced, "Sharon I'm sorry, I'm not perfect but I'm promising to do better. I feel like a fucking patient in need of treatment and you're my drug."

"Another question Muyiwa, do you want me because you want to feel less guilty about what happened, because you want to feel better about yourself Or because you truly love me."

Muyiwa scoffed, "I shouldn't have said that. Sharon I like you." "Think about and give me an answer." "I have." "Think deeply on it, don't act irrationally, you have two days to think this through. I'll be waiting for your answer."

Tokunbo scoffed, "You can't possibly be buying all these."

Sharon gently returned back to the painting and Tokunbo joined her, "You can't possibly be buying his story. Muyiwa is just trying to get back at me because he knows I like you."

"Do you?" She asked arcing her brow, "You know I do. I won't be here painting rubbish if I didn't like you." He confessed and she gasped.


Tokunbo slapped his face, "Babe.." "Did you notice we were followed?" She asked lifting her gaze away from the drawing. She noticed he scoffed, "What does it matter?" "All I want is the truth. You've been honest about your opinions all day, what's wrong in giving a simple answer to this question?" She asked and he leaned backwards nodding his head.

"Why didn't you tell me we were followed the moment you noticed?" "I..." He trailed off, "Was this some sort of game to you?" "Come on! I didn't think it was necessary." He explained.

"Can we just draw? We've paid for this already, we can as well sit and enjoy through the painting. We can't let good money go to a waste." She answered looking towards the angle where Muyiwa was seated to noticed he was no longer there.

The man had left, her heart broke, thoughts ran through her mind, things she wanted to say but she could only convey it in painting.

Ire stepped out of the Adzer household with Sefa. "Looks like Daddy has found a new friend." She teased and he laughed. "I've always been that way around older men." He answered and she creased a brow at him.

"Older men shey?" Her voice mocked and he stood still turning towards her, "It didn't sound that way." "I wasn't the one who said it." "I definitely didn't sound that way. You either have a corrupt mind or the food just left the middle floor elevator to the upper floor." He answered laughing and Sefa shoved him.

"Well, I've always had this aura with parents. I remember my ex-girlfriend, her parents knew we were dating and they allowed me visit." "So you dated?"

"I'm not an Eunuch now, abi do you see me on white regalia? Abi mo jo Reverend Father? (Or do I look like a Reverend Father?)" He asked and she gave it a thought, "Says someone who wears white for a living." She snapped playfully and he laughed. "Bah, i know the food was delicious but haba now! What's all these whine-ing?" He asked watching her smile.

"Yes I've dated. The last one was during my housemanship, I just decided to chill out for a while and rest from the whole thing."

Sefa smiled, "Bad experience?" "Not really, every relationship was making me drift away from God, dimming my discernment. I wasn't comfortable with a lot of things and it felt like I was gratifying myself than God. The guilt ate me up so I did what I had to do." He glanced at her, "Surely you understand the parable."

Sefa chuckled, "Yes I do. Same here you know, unlike you, I was comfortable deceiving everyone. There was not even a single guilt! Sometimes I wonder if that event never happened, what would my life had been like."

"Sometimes, God puts us through trials and temptations so we can be closer to him. I know Him as a God who pull his people out of the most ugly situation and then make everything beautiful. It's just a matter of time. I pray the same happens for Faith."

She smiled holding his hands, "It will. I'm not exactly a prayer warrior but I promise to always put her in my prayer. Just as I escaped from that den, God will make her escape."

"Amen." He answered then a thought crossed his mind, "Wait... You said a man drove you out of the what can we call that place."

"Zoo, it's filled with animals."

Ire laughed faintly, "Okay, um....do you know the name of the place?" "No. I never bothered to ask." "Mom has called the police division in Anambra and they said they'll release information when they have it but Anambra is a big place to search for a girl. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack but if we could limit the location to a particular place, the search can be well executed and more thorough."

Sefa smiled, "You're really thinking." "I'm smart now, what do you expect?" "Get out!" She snapped playfully. "I don't have their number, I spoke to them on Aunty Kilahi's phone. She has their contact, I'll call them, whatever information I have will be relayed to you."

He smiled and nodded, "Thank you." "No. Thank you for making my Saturday. It was looking boring before you walked in." "I didn't even think your parents would agree, with the whole ex-boyfriend drama but then I remembered that I had this natural aura with parents."

"Gosh Ire! Can you be more modest?"

He laughed then he let out a sigh, "Thank you for turning my mood around. It's been a wonderful day from where it started till now. I can't believe I'm going back." "Give your Mom a break, she's healing. You need to understand she doesn't hate you but at the same time, you need her to understand that you're also going through the same pain and you need her too. That was how I felt, I personally had to speak up after the silent treatment Mom gave me. In that time, I didn't care if they beat me, in fact I wanted them to beat me if it would take it off their chest. Trust me Ire, I know how you feel."

"Thank you."

Editi Communication

Vincent glanced at his phone, there wasn't even a single message from Deja. So he called Adufe, "Before you'll ask me over again," Adufe's voice came back frustrated, "I have called her number like how many times, it's either not reachable, switched off or not available."

"Do you think she's okay?"

"I don't know. I can't say for certain."

Vincent rolled his eyes, "Did she mentioned anything about not feeling too well? You saw her yesterday at work right? How was she?" "Fine, she was a bit depressed." "Depressed? What happened?"

"That girl's only problem is you."

"I just hope this girl hasn't done anything stupid. I have a lot on my plate, Mom wants me to come home early so I can celebrate. This is the worst birthday ever, I don't have peace. I lost every peace the moment i didn't get a happy birthday message from her."

"Ouch. So we that sent you happy birthday kor?"

Vincent hissed, "On behalf of those who wished you happy birthday, we take it back." She joked and he laughed, "I don't want to laugh." "It's your birthday?" "I just realized it's not the same without her being present in it. I'm hoping she walks through the door screaming April fool with gifts."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Then Mohammed might just have to visit the mountain."

Adufe laughed, "I love the sound of that. What's Mohammed going to do in this context?" "I don't know, as long as I know she's alright, maybe then can I find peace."

Ossy rolled his eyes over the noise from the other end of the video call. There was an argument between his cousins about who to hold the phone. Isioma was definitely bullying her other cousins.

"Everytime na you dey wan hold phone. Na only you miss Ossy?"

"Big mouth, na who say I miss Ossy," Isioma argued.

Ossy laughed on seeing some eye shadow on her face. "Are you now Chinaza's apprentice?" "Applentis kor, Chinaza has gone to Abuja now." "I know, it's like she left her make up spirit behind. It's either that or the spirit that allows her do funny make up refused to follow her to Abuja now it has found a willing vessel."

"Ewoo! It's your body that spirit will live in."

"I'm not the one looking like a masquerade apprentice."

Isioma hissed, "As you just talk about masquerade, you remind me of something that happened. Guess the person that break her back when she is running from masquerade?" "When she was running." Ossy corrected, "Meshionu! Are we in English class? You did not see as I dey to break my english. I dey try make I no bite my tongue, you come dey fall hands."

He smiled, he really missed them, these were children l he crawled and learned how to walk with. "Who was the person that fell?" "Papa Ogechi the village drunk that always stay beside the woman who sells Ofe Akwu after Lolo's shop. He jumped inside gutter."

He laughed, "So his eyes was clear to run after seeing masquerade okwaya?" "E shock me." Isioma replied " "Or maybe he jumped into the gutter thinking it was someone's shop." He assumed and everyone laughed from the other end. Ossy almost laughed himself to tears.

"This one there's good network for video call today. Have your village people gone on holiday?" He asked and everyone laughed again.

Isioma exhaled after laughing, "You will not kill somebody will laugh." "You that always say that I'm not funny." "Which Lagos food did you eat today?" "Jollof Spaghetti and fried turkey." "Ossy will not kill me with all this Lagos food."

"People eat it in Ebonyi now, it's not Lagos food."

"Do we eat it here? Is it not overnight banga soup that we eat here? Banga banga banga everyday, I already tell Chinedu that I'll go to farm and cut down every palm kernel tree or anything that looks like palm kernel. The part that pain is that Grandma now use that pot cover that has bend the one that before night you'll see cockroach coming out of the pot. Yesterday Chinedu removed cockroach leg from the soup. Mama said it's crayfish leg, my maybe she did not pound it well. You know cockroach leg and crayfish leg look like twins so Chinedu now eat the thing."

Ossy grimaced.

"Grandma says cockroach is protein now."

"I don't need that kind of protein." He answered and she chuckled. "When are you visiting? I know that the city life is sweet but you will visit us villagers at least." Isioma begged teasingly and Ossy shrugged. "Ossy, when are you coming back?" He heard his other cousin ask while trying to show in the video.

Isioma frowned, "Video call is for one person! You want the phone to break? It cannot carry many face!" She screamed making Ossy laugh. "You can't be serious Isioma, I know you don't have sense but you're not that senseless. More than one person can be on a video call."

"Their face is too ugly, the video call will stop." She teased getting all form of disapproval and physical assault from her cousins while Ossy laughed and added, "You guys better not break someone's phone. Grandma will just sell you guys to the owner of the phone."

He heard his grandmother's voice afterwards, "So I sell my grandchildren now okwaya." "Grandma!" Ossy smiled now watching the position of the camera at the other end settle on his Grandma's nose, "Ossy! See as you be. You dey chop Akpu at all?"

"Mama I can't see you." He complained, "I dey hold phone now." "Na your nose I dey see. Grandma move the phone to the back." He pleaded and she moved it away from her face completely.

"Now? You dey see my face?."

Isioma stepped in and helped her grandma. "Ossy, how body?" "Fine." "How school?" "Fine." "You don chop?"

Kilahi ran her fingers through Mercy's face, "You still look scared?" "I was not scared for myself, it's my mother." "Would he really hurt your Mom?" "Not when he's himself, it's that stupid drugs he's on. He's always on it, when he takes it, he's not even himself. He grows worst everyday."

Kilahi exhales, "Is he a good person? How is his personality like?" "Why are you asking?" "I saw something when I was talking to him. Did you know his name is Godswill?" "No Ma'am, I've known him as Ladi for a long time, everyone calls him Ladi."

"Do you know anything about where he comes from?"

"The only thing I know is that he used to stay with one Uncle that died some years ago. I wasn't even close to him then, I just knew him as Ladi. We don't even know what the name means."

"You don't know anything about his parents and how he ended up here?"

"He doesn't like to talk about his private life. He gets violent when you do." Mercy answered and Kilahi scoffed. "You're safe now." "No we're not, the other guys on the street will come for us once they know it's because of me them arrested Ladi and once he gets released, he'll get angry and I'm not sure he'll stay for long. He doesn't spend the night in prison."

Kilahi exhales again, "You're right. Um..." She trailed off, "I'll try to find a way to get you guys to another location." "Mom already said we'll travel to Auchi to stay in one of her friend's house, until the matter dies down."


"Tomorrow but we don't have that kind of luxury sef."

Kilahi lifted her hands then she called Mrs Aisha. "Kilahi, can I call you back?I had plans to call you but I'm at the airport at the moment." "You're travelling?" "Yes, something came up." "I'm sorry Ma. I just wanted to say thank you for the help. The police came just in time."

"Garba informed me. He said you had a gun to your head. How could you go without the police?" "Ma'am...." "It was careless of you Kilahi! What if something bad had happened?"

"I'm sorry Ma."

"I don't have the time yet. How's the girl?"

"She's fine, she's only worried about what the other member of the gang will do when they find out their leader got arrested because of her."

"Hmm, true. She can't sleep there. You should call Yusuf immediately, there's enough space at the refuge."

Kilahi exhales in relief, "Thank you so much Ma, you just spared me the explanation. I was already wondering where to start from after the first favor."

Mrs Aisha laughed, "You're welcome dear. I'll call you back." She promised the she ended the call.

Kilahi flashed a positive smile at Mercy, "That was my boss, you guys can stay at the refuge till this is sorted out." "Really? How's the refuge like?" "Well, it's a home where we keep people who are less privileged or clients who need a place to stay till we sort out their issues."

Garba approached Kilahi, "Can I speak to you?" "A minute, I'm with Mercy at the moment." "My team is about leaving, it's now or later."

Mercy lifted her hands, "Excuse me Aunty Kilahi, I better tell Mom the good news." She smiled looking at Garba then she bowed her head leaving.

He scoffed looking down at Kilahi, he had a lot in his mind, he didn't even know where to start. Should he start by how pretty she looked or should the criticism come first.

"What?" She asked noticing the stare, "What are you still doing here?" He asked, "I..." She trailed off with a shrugged then she continued, "I'm waiting to make sure everyone's safe." "Well you're not exactly a fairy godmother."

"Excuse you!"

"Why...." He exhaled angrily, "Why didn't you answer my call?" "I didn't know you were coming and it wasn't a good time."

"You called Mrs Bakare didn't you? Why didn't you add it up?"

Kilahi answered sarcastically, "Forgive me for my inability to solve that coincendental equation when I was busy trying to save someone's life." "Cause this is right time to be sarcastic." "Well I didn't think she'll send you. She said she knew just the right person to call, I don't live in her mind, how was I supposed to know?"

"What you did, it's the most foolish move I've ever seen. You're so impulsive."

"Toor, so coming out to save someone is foolish."

"You're not exactly bulletproof are you?"

"I know I'm not bulletproof but I had a cause."

"Many have died foolishly in the name of a cause."

Kilahi rolled her eyes then she switch into Hausa,"By the grace of God, I had the issue under control." "With a gun to your head." He asked in English and she scoffed, "He wouldn't have shot me." "How sure are you? You could have been dead if we didn't show up when we did."

"God would have kept me."

"I know you have a passion for humanity but I thought you were wiser than this or maybe I was wrong thinking you were wise." "So I'm now stupid." She assumed and he rolled his eyes, "Your actions are, sometimes you need to put yourself first."

"That's called being selfish."

"No Kilahi, it's called being human, maybe you should remember that the next time you venture on another suicidal mission." He snapped walking away.

"Garba" She called out sucking her lips. In between his selfish speech, he did save her and she also owed her gratitude to him.

He turned back arcing his brow arrogantly, "Nagode." "Thank me after we've gotten you out of here." "I'm not leaving yet." She answered and he scoffed, "Except I'm not Garba Dantata, I'll take you out of her even if I have to lift you myself. Are you that desperate to die? The only reason this place has not been raided is because the police are here. What do you think will happen if..."

"I want to get Mercy and her family to a safe spot first."

"Can you be selfish for a day?"

"I know you're not selfish too."

"I am." He disagreed.

"You helped a girl the other day," "I did it for you." He answered . "A selfish man will not do what you did. Please, help me get them out of here. Please." She begged clasping her hands and he groaned. Suddenly he looked down at her awestruck by her passion.

"What kind of person are you?"

"A person that will feel bad if something bad happens to Mercy and her family. Please just help me out, I'll owe you one, no, two. Just help me out, please!" She begged pouting her lips. His heart and defenses melted to the ground. He hissed and rolled his eyes. "Fine."

"Yes!" She jumped happily then she embraced him, "Thank you so much. I won't forget this in a hurry."

Mrs. Arolowo sat in the sitting room, glancing back at her husband in the dining room as he ate his lunch. His phone had been ringing for a while, and she finally spoke up.

"Darling, you have a call."

"I'll attend to it," he replied, not looking up from his food.

She glanced at the caller ID. "It's from Gloria D."

"Oh, she's the new consultant," she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

He lied, "Everyone's a consultant."

She whispered to herself, "What did you say?" But when he asked her to repeat herself, she feigned deafness.

"Should I put the phone on silence? I'm not comfortable with it. It's messing with my movie time," she said, her tone laced with sarcasm.

"Movie time. I'm shocked you're not out lavishing money at a wedding you weren't invited to," he teased, raising an eyebrow.

She scoffed, "I'm shocked you're at home with your wife too."

Mr. Arolowo's expression turned offensive. "What does that mean?"

"I'm surprised you're not spending time with one of your consultants," she replied, her words dripping with meaning.

He turned to ensure they were alone, and Mrs. Arolowo scoffed again. "Oh please, there's no need to look around; I sent the maids on errands."

He retorted, "You have no right to say that to me."

She continued, her voice heavy with implication, "Darling, what did I say? I'm grateful to God you're not spending time with your consultants. What's so bad about that? Instead of spending time with consultant Gloria, who hasn't stopped calling you, you're here with your beautiful wife."

The phone rang again, and Mrs. Arolowo groaned, rising from her chair to hand it to him. "Can you please tell your consultant to stop calling?"

"I'm eating," he replied, hesitating.

"Should I answer it?" he asked, but then instantly grabbed the phone with his left hand and answered the call.

"Miss Glory," he said, clearing his throat. "Whatever information you want to pass can wait. I have plans to stay with my family today. I thought I mentioned it to you... You can send it to my email instead. We'll talk more about the content when we see each other. Bye."

As he hung up, his wife laughed. "As the year goes by, you get good at hiding your tracks."

"I'm not comfortable with you talking about this with Brenda around. You know how she feels about this topic," he said, his voice laced with concern.

"You know how she feels, but it doesn't guilt you enough to stop cheating with girls your daughter's age," she whispered, her eyes flashing with anger.

"I'm not having this conversation with you," he said, avoiding her gaze.

"As usual, dear, and as the dearly beloved wife you married, I'm quick to shove the whole thing under the rug," she replied, her voice heavy with sarcasm.

The conversation continued, with Mrs. Arolowo asking about their daughter Brenda's whereabouts. "Where is Brenda, I noticed she hasn't been out. Is she okay?"

"Brenda has gone out," she replied, her voice nonchalant.

"When?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

"In the morning. How did you miss that?"

"Cut me some slack, I was probably at the gym," he replied, his tone laced with defensiveness.

"Father of the century," she muttered, her eyes rolling in exasperation.

Mr. Arolowo scoffed, "Where did she go to?"

"She went out with someone," she replied, her voice neutral.

"Who?" he asked, his brow raised in surprise.

"She's an adult, she can go out with whoever she wants," she replied, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

"I'm not disputing that fact. I just spoke to the young millionaire a while ago, apparently Brenda isn't answering his calls and mine too," he said, his voice laced with concern.

"Perhaps she's having fun," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Who did you say she went out with again?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

"A friend," she replied, her voice neutral.

"Male or Female?" he asked, his brow raised in surprise.

"Male," she replied, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

"Brenda doesn't have any male friends that I know about. Is there something I should know?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

She rolled her eyes. "Daddy Anu, I'll be in the storeroom, if there's anything you need," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Honey," he called out, but she walked away, teasing him. "I need

Ugo walked into Brenda doing dishes while his mother pounded yam. "What can I help with?" He asked and his mother instantly rose up from the short stool.

"That was rhetorical but as we have it, you can't be rhetorical in an African home." He mounted on the chair then he continued pounding.

"Brenda," Mrs Ebele called out, "Can you pound yam?"

I can make a mean spaghetti balognese."

Ugo and his mother laughed, "What's funny?" "Is that not spaghetti and stew?" He asked, "I was about to ask the same thing." Mrs Ebele answered so till laughing. "It's not the same, you'll see the difference when I make it. You guys are gonna beg for more of my limited edition balognese"

"I hope you balognese stew will taste as nice as you say."

"It's not stew."

"What else can you make?"


"Is there any soup you can make?" "Not really. I've watched Mom cook several, I've never really put them into practice." "Why?"

Brenda shrugged, "I didn't intend getting married to a Nigerian man." "What if the opportunity comes? Did you think of that?" "It wasn't a choice at a time."

"But now?"

Brenda shrugged looking over at Ugo then she quickly looked away, "Why the questions?" "Cause I'm obviously pitying the Nigerian husband that will get married to you. You're going to subject him to eating spaghetti and stew. What happened to Egusi, Ogbono, okro soup, Oha, Ofe Akwu?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I suppose when the time comes, I'll learn."

Mrs Ebele handed a tray containing Oha soup and pounded yam." Please help me give it to my daughter when Ugo pounds this one, you two will eat it." "Sure Ma'am." She replied leaving the kitchen.

Mrs Ebele turned towards her son, "Don't lie to me Ugo, who is she to you?" "My friend." "I've seen you with Shalewa but the way you look at this one, do you like her?"

"Yes Mom."

"Chai! Chim'o!" She hissed and rolled her eyes. "Do you have any intention of taking you guys friendship to the next level?"

"Yes Mom."

"Kai!" She hissed, "I've never been the kind of mother to impose on my children and I won't start now." She exhaled and he smiled, "Thank you." "I trust you guys to make the right choice. If you have chosen her, I believe there's something you see in her and I might not be able to see it now but what do I know?" She trailed off with a shrug, "But, didn't you see a hard working girl? I've always known you'll bring a Yoruba girl home, but this one that can't cook Ewedu soup talkless than Egusi and Oha, how will you cope?"

"I don't know Mom. You heard her, she'll learn."

His mother exhaled then she laughed, "Well, I pity you cause you're going to be eating Spaghetti and stew for a very long time." She blurted out, "Mummy it's called spaghetti balognese." He teased and they both laughed.

As the police van unloaded Mercy and her family's property in front of the Revive Foundation refuge, Kilahi flashed a smile at Garba. "You have no idea how happy I am about this."

Garba raised an eyebrow. "Thank God you're not frowning."

Kilahi's smile widened. "You've won my affection right now."

Garba's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I have?"

"Yes, and that reminds me," Kilahi said, her expression turning serious. "I'll be starting a new project, PAD - the girl child project, and I'm soliciting support."

Garba's interest was stirred up, "Pitch your ideas to me." Kilahi hesitated, then burst into Hausa, "You wouldn't dare! Because of I asked for a favor?"

Garba chuckled. "Try me. You need to present it convincingly."

Kilahi's eyes flashed with amusement. "Dan boro uba Garba! Has anyone ever told you you're a jerk?"

Garba grinned, "This is the one million and one times."

Kilahi laughed. "You're a real jerk!" "One million and two times." Garba chuckled, a hint of smile playing at the corner of his eyes. "It's either you pitch a line or you show me something tangible like a flyer." "I've not printed it out yet, I've not worked on it. It's a new idea."

Garba's expression turned into a disappointed one. "You don't say that to a prospective client, Kilahi. You simply tell them you're not with the card at the moment, but you'll send it to them as soon as possible."

Kilahi rolled her eyes. "Then I'll be lying." "You're looking for possible sponsors, a little white lie won't hurt anyone." Garba's smile was charming. She waved her hands as her face set in determination, "You can forget about being one of my sponsors, keep your money, I don't want it."

She snapped her hands dismissively, but Garba caught her hand, his fingers wrapping around her wrist, "Really ?" "Yes. My soul is damn too valuable to sell it off because of sponsorship. Are you donating the whole of Kaduna state?" She asked and he laughed.

His laughter was infectious, and she found herself smiling. "What happened here?" Garba asked, his thumb tracing the scar on her wrist.

Kilahi's eyes clouded for a moment. "I was involved in an accident when I was a child."

Garba's expression turned sympathetic. "Sorry."

Their gazes locked, and Kilahi felt a strange feeling in her chest. "Why the stare? It's not that deep, it's an old injury." she said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"It must itch sometimes." He assumed then he continued, "I have an injury like that somewhere at my back."

"It does itch atimes." She answered then she quickly pulled her hands. Her eyes darted around, remembering they were in public.

"Whoa, you just made it seem like I'm infected with a virus."

"I'm sorry. I'm in public, and my fiancé is a public figure. Before people start talking and asking questions, I know how it is to assume things, so... I'm sorry."

She suddenly took out her wedding invitation card from her bag then she handed it to him, her eyes sparkling with joy. "You're invited. When I have an official flyer for the PAD a girl child movement, I'll definitely send it to you." "And you might just have your support." He assured.

She raised her nose, a playful gesture. "You're suddenly feeling proud, why?" She paused then she yawned, pointing towards the building, Garba's smile softened. "Thanks for... " Her voice trailed off, and she added, "I'll handle the whole situation from here."

He nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "You're sure?" "Yes, Sir, I'm sure. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He replied with a warm smile. "Be safe, Kilahi, and no more irrational and impulsive missions."

With a final glance, he turned towards the police van.

Brenda felt a sudden rumble in her stomach shortly after finishing her Oha soup and pounded yam. Her composure began to lessen as she approached Ugo, who was laughing with his brother-in-law.

"Um, Hugo..." she called out, her voice tinged with urgency.

As she drew closer, she whispered into his ear, "Where's the toilet? The Oha doesn't agree with my belly and I have an emergency, if you know what I mean."

Ugo's expression turned concerned as he quickly pointed her in the direction of the restroom.

Temi sat in the living room, waiting for her Aunt Mrs. George to wake up from her afternoon nap. When Mrs. George finally emerged, rubbing her eyes, Temi quickly knelt down to greet her.

"Good afternoon, Ma," Temi said respectfully.

"Good afternoon, dear," Mrs. George replied, sitting down beside her on the sofa. "Have you heard from Gbadamosi, I hope you're calling him." "Yes Ma. I even spoke to him this morning Ma." "Please do, the way him and Kilahi are acting like the wedding is still far away. It's this month oh."

"Wedding plans can be quite overwhelming Mom, sometimes every bride needs to breathe." Temi answered.

"Breathe shey? No problem. Why didn't you go into the kitchen to make something to eat?"

Temi hesitated. "Mummy, you were sleeping."

Mrs. George raised an eyebrow. "And so? When did you start caring about that in your own house? Have you forgotten it's your house as well?"

Temi whined, beating her legs. "Mummy, the truth is, I'm not really hungry. I only came to see you about something."

Mrs. George's expression turned serious. "Is that so? I hope you haven't been waiting for too long."

Temi confessed, "No, Mummy, I feel bad for waking you up."

Mrs. George waved her hand dismissively. "Don't be silly! I know you would have left the moment you heard I was sleeping, but for you to still stick around, it has to be important."

Temi nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is. Mom and Dad are out on their afternoon lovecation, and I just don't want to go home and talk to Alade about this. I want to talk to people who can actually help out."

Mrs. George's eyes narrowed. "Don't scare me, oh. What's going on?"

Temi took a deep breath. "I went to the hospital today, and..."

Mrs. George's eyes widened in alarm. "Don't tell me it's what I'm thinking? God forbid!"

Temi quickly reassured her. "No, Ma, my baby is fine."

Mrs. George exhaled in relief. "Thank goodness! What is it then?"

Temi hesitated before continuing. "I bumped into Mrs. Salome."

Mrs. George's expression turned curious. "What's wrong with her?"

Temi's voice dropped to a whisper. "She's not even the problem, it's her daughter Nancy. She's been hospitalized, but I'm sure her mother doesn't want anyone to know."

Her Aunt's eyes sparkled with concern. "Depending on what she's going through. Did you find out anything?" "She lost her baby." Temi whispered.

Mrs. George's eyes snapped shut, and she exclaimed, "Jesus Christ!" When she opened them again, her eyes were filled with remorse. "What happened?" "According to the nurse, who is a very close friend of mine, she came in with her husband, and apparently, she was all bruised."

Mrs. George's eyes widened in disbelief. "You're not saying her husband did that to her, are you?"

Temi's voice was laced with concern. "Who could have? She lost her baby, and... they have her in a different ward with limited access. I went to see her, Mommy. She looks pitiable. I've dealt with cases like that; she's traumatized."

Mrs. George's face contorted in disgust. "Jesus Christ! I knew that boy was not to be trusted. God forgive me if I'm making a wrong accusation, but... I remember the wedding and how loud it was, and the manner of people that came in. I remember whispering to your mom about how I felt about the boy. With all those tattoos and earrings..."

Temi scoffed, "Mom, it's not even about the tats, I've seen people with tattoo that are better than those that have no ink on their skin. The man is an animal."

"That's if he was the one who did it. Let's not jump into conclusion yet." Mrs George advised.

Temi hissed and shut her eyes, "Mommy, I wish you saw the look in Nancy's eyes." "The worst mistake a woman can make is get married to the wrong man." "It's sad to think Mrs Salome isn't doing anything."

"Why will she? All Salome cares about Is the money. That was how she pushed Tatiana to get married to a rich business man, just the way she got entangled with her husband."

Temi arced her brow, "I heard she was a maid." "Yes she was. She was lucky to find her husband, the man has no issue. She got pregnant and the man gladly married her against all odds." "Maybe you can talk to her to know what's going on? If you can convince her to help her daughter."

"It's not in my place to do that."

"This is very important Mommy, I know it's not in your place to talk to her Ma but if something bad happens..." "Nothing bad will happen in Jesus name. I'll pray about it and then talk to Salome, there's no assurance that there'll be a solution cause I know how stubborn that woman can be but let's just hope and see."

Vincent sat among his colleagues in the staff meeting, his mind elsewhere. He struggled to focus on the discussion, his thoughts consumed by Deja's silence. Why hadn't she called to wish him a happy birthday?

Mr. Carson's voice broke through his reverie. "What do you think, Mr. Vincent?"

Vincent's colleagues nudged him, snapping him back to attention. "What?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion.

Mr. Carson repeated his question, but Vincent remained lost. "Since Mr. Vincent has nothing to share, we'll stick with Mr. Jerry's idea. That's all for now. Any further changes will be communicated to everyone. Thank you, you may all leave except Mr. Vincent Edobor."

As the staff filed out, Vincent remained seated, a sense of anxiety settling in. Mr. Carson cleared his throat, his voice firm but gentle. "Mr. Vincent, are you okay?." Yes, sir." Vincent nodded, trying to reassure him.

Mr. Carson's eyes narrowed. "Are you sure? You don't look okay; you seem distracted. You've been lost in thought since the meeting began. How do you plan to complete today's tasks in this state?"

He hesitated, his mind still preoccupied with Deja. "Sir... I'm worried about someone."

Mr. Carson's expression softened. "It's natural to worry about people, which is why we have phones to check in and ensure they're fine."n"I can't call this person, sir." Vincent sighed, feeling a pang of frustration. Mr. Carson's gaze lingered on him, his concern evident.


"I haven't called her since she broke my heart."

Mr Carson leaned against the table, "I think I can guess who the heart breaker is at this point." "We're cool but I'm not comfortable calling her the way I used to. I was head over heel in love with her." "Was? I think that reality is still in the present. I don't know how deep you guys were but I'll tell you this for free, there's no relationship without hurdles and bumps, it's how you jump over it that matters. There are people who see the hurdles as mountains so they recede and call off the relationship sometimes it's a call or opportunity to be mature and do the right thing. My wife and I have had so many hurdles, it made us grow more understanding of each other at some point. I'm not a relationship expert, but I can tell you like this woman, the ball is in your court Mr Vincent, are you going to put your pride aside and do the needful or you're going to be like those who made mountains out of hurdles?" He asked patting him on the back.

"Choose wisely." He muttered leaving the board room. Vincent pulled out his phone to dialed her number but it was out of range.

During the break, Deja sat in a church auditorium, an earpiece in her ears blasting "Without borders". A lady sat close to her, she recognized the woman from the flyers she was one of the organizers of the program.

"Hello Ma." She waved and Deja quickly took off the earpiece, "Good afternoon Ma." She greeted, "Good afternoon, how are you doing?" "I'm fine" Deja answered.

She soon started to access her, "I hope you've been blessed so far." "Yes Ma." "It's called a meet and greet for a reason, you're supposed to retreat and have conversations with others, share experiences and help one another overcome challenges. Shake off the whole stranger feeling and come out of that depression, God doesn't want you to stay in it."

Deja chuckled softly, "Is it obvious?" "My dear," The woman trailed off, "I actually came here to retreat and just stay without thinking of Vincent or how pathetic my life is." "What makes it pathetic? What's your definition of pathetic?"

"I used to have this pride like I was going to get married to my Pastor. I almost stepped on everyone's head, I had this pride but I didn't see it as one."

The woman smiled, "I love the fact you're using past tense." "Well, I treated like trash, the only man that has ever loved me for me. Only for me to realize it later but by the time I did, I already pushed him away."

"Into the arms of another woman?"

"I don't know, I don't know. I seriously don't know, I just feel like I've lost him already and I'm only grasping at straws and I once thought I'll be the first to get married and Bimbo got engaged before me and the whole thing is just flashing right in my face and there's this part of my mind laughing at me." She answered and the woman smiled in understanding "So you feel pathetic because you dont have a man and your friend does."

Deja rolled her eyes, "When you put it that way, I sound selfish. I'm happy for Bimbo, I really am, she deserves all the happiness in the world, I've been the bitch all along." She snapped then she apologized for using a foul word in church.

"That shouldn't make you feel pathetic, joy comes from within."

"I broke my celibacy oath with a complete stranger and I can't seem to forgive myself no matter how hard I try." She confessed and tears poured down her eyes. "God has forgiven you so you need to forgive yourself."

"It irritated Vincent, no matter how much I try to forgive myself, I am irritated at the very knowledge of it."

The woman's phone rang then she exhaled looking at Deja, "I pray God reveals to us why he brought you to this place. Forgive yourself dear, God isn't counting your sins or holding grudges because of it. " She rose up leaving her alone.

A bald guy sat close to her, "I knew this face was familiar." He said and Deja turned towards the familiar face. It was the stranger she had sex with. "Jesus Christ!" She gasped shamefully, she searched around for where to hide her face but there was none. She wondered what the man was doing in that same venue with her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Um, we didn't really introduce ourselves the last time we met. My name is Michael," "I don't care if you're Gabriel and your first name is Angel, what are you doing here? Are you following me?"

"The world is too big for that now." He answered then he arced his brow, "On second thoughts, the world is actually small. I mean look at me meeting you again."

She scoffed, "Can you just get the hell out of this place." "I can't." "Why?" She asked perturbed, "It's my church, I'm one of the media team, we're broadcasting live so I'm sorry to bust your bubbles but I won't be leaving till the end of the program."

Deja shut her eyes in shame, "Can you please leave me alone then?" "I can't." "Why? Uncle just leave me alone before I say what I shouldn't. I came to see God, I came to retreat, I didn't come to meet a blast from my past."

"But we happened to meet again and frankly, I don't think it's a coincidence."

Deja hissed, "God forbid you! You better get off the cloud cause God is not bringing us together." She snapped and he laughed. "I know. You know I've been meaning to see you again." "Not me, I prayed that I never cross paths with you but apparently God didn't answer my prayer."

"But he answered mine." He answered leaning against the chair.

"Uncle, whatever you're thinking, I don't like you and I can't like you."

"Chill, I don't like you too. I've just been feeling bad since the last time we..." He trailed off, "See, it wasn't the best circumstance, the things I said afterwards they were derogatory and insensitive. After you left, I started to think of everything that happened and I realized that I was wrong. I took advantage of you and I still called you a prostitute even after it. I've had one night stands, about three or four but you're the first angry woman I've had it with. I wasn't even drunk but I took advantage of a drunk woman. You were hurt, you were crying about all men being a bunch disappointments and I saw the opportunity and I took it. I've not had peace since that day."

"My life turned upside down after that day." Deja confessed in tears, "I broke my celibacy oath, I wasn't a virgin but I haven't had sex for long cause I was saving my body for my future husband."

He nodded, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for doing what I did. I didn't know better, I was stupid, I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me. Life hasn't been the same, I haven't been able to live my normal life, forgive me." He begged almost kneeling down and Deja held him back.

"Please don't before people will start looking."

Michael sat letting out a sigh, "I felt filthy after that day. I was irritated by my existence, I felt dirty." "I'm sorry, it's my fault." "I was drunk, it was my fault too." "I was the one who took advantage of that, you wanted sex but I should have been smart enough to know that you weren't in your right sense but I looked beyond that I followed my desire instead and even after it, I acted like a complete douchebag. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Deja opened her mouth in shock, "I don't know what to say." "Say you forgive me." "Well, only if you don't let this happen to another woman. I've never felt more horrible about something in my life." "You think you've been feeling terrible, try been in my shoes these past few weeks." He explained with a scoffed then he sighed, "Well I promise. Just say you forgive me."

"I'll have to think of it."

Michael chuckled, "Really?" "Yes, maybe one more day of guilt so the message can sink in more." She replied and he threw his head backwards in laughter, "I'm not going to push."

"Just kidding, I'll forgive you."

3:12 pm

Ugo knocked on the guest room door, and Brenda opened it, wearing a comfortable cream-colored gown. "Hey, how do you feel?" Ugo asked, his eyes filled with concern.

Brenda smiled wryly. "You mean if I still feel like using the toilet after the laxatives? No, but I'm tired and weak to my knees. There's nothing more uncomfortable than standing while doing your business because you're not comfortable sitting on the toilet, especially when you know your body is sensitive to toilets."

Ugo chuckled. "I'm sorry." He apologized, "Have you rested enough?"

Brenda raised an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

Ugo's expression turned thoughtful. "I assume you'll want to leave after all this."

Brenda laughed, her eyes sparkling. "It's fine, it was unprecedented, these things happen. I've had continental dishes, I never knew my system would hate Oha soup."

Ugo apologized again, "I'm sorry."

She playfully rolled her eyes. "If you apologize again, I might have to punch you." "I'm sorry." He apologized with a smile. She tapped his arm then let her palm settle on his chest, "None of this is your fault, there's no point feeling bad. Today has been quite eventful, I broke history, this is my first time staying this long in a stranger's house, I carried a baby, and I ate Oha soup. It's been quite eventful, and I love a good adventure, so why not?"

Her touch sent shivers down his spine. His eyes locked onto hers, gaze intense. "You forgot the part where you got to spend time with a handsome doctor."

Brenda's cheeks flushed, and she laughed, "You're so full of yourself, Hugo or Uugo, I'm trying to pronounce it correctly."

Ugo's expression turned serious, his voice low and husky. "Brenda, I know you said you're still trying to figure things out and what you want for yourself, but my proposal still stands, will you like to take a chance with this doctor?"

Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed into his eyes, "Hugo..." She trailed off biting on her lower lip, "I know you're still figuring what you want. I know I want you but do you? Do you like me?"

Her heart raced as she nodded,. "I do." She whispered, "Then what's stopping you?" His face lit up with a radiant smile.

Brenda's eyes dropped, her voice filled with doubt. "I'm not wife material, Ugo."

Ugo's expression turned thoughtful, "As long as you're a material, we can definitely sew something off you." He said with conviction. Brenda's eyes sparkled in surpris, "I'm a one-yard material." "Even one-yard materials are not entirely useless, they are the perfect scarf." He replied sharply with a grin.

Her laughter filled the room, "Should I remind you that I can't cook Oha soup and pound yams?" "We'll get around with spaghetti and stew for now." He replied sarcastically.

"It's spaghetti bolognese." She replied slapping his chest and he laughed. His eyes locked onto hers. "See, I don't know what I'm doing, but I feel this connection to you. Apart from the attraction because you're hot, really, really hot."

Brenda's cheeks flushed, she kept quiet and listened to him continue what seems to be a speech, "Right from the first day I saw you in that gym, I just felt like nudging to talk to you, and when I did at the salon, I thought it was a start of a beautiful friendship until...." "Until I screwed thing up." She concluded.

"We both screwed things up. Brenda, I believe there's more to our love story. We can't know if we don't try. I like you, Brenda, I really do." Ugo's expression turned serious, his voice filled with conviction. "Do you like me enough to start this journey with me? I want to be with you, this might sound old school but I want to court you, Brenda."

Her heart skipped a beat, her voice barely audible. "Courtship is a strong word." "They're my intentions towards you. I'm not looking for a fling or a girlfriend, I've had that in the past. I promised myself that my next relationship was going to be a serious one. I've spent almost a year looking. For some weird reasons or call it a nudging, I think I've found one."

"It has to be the craziest nudging ever!" She confessed, "I don't feel I deserve it, I've got problems, issues I haven't dealt with. I have anger problems, I use foul words most of the times, are you sure you're making the right decision?"

Ugo smirked, "As crazy as it sounds, it looks like it. We just need to explore the possibility of us, you know, get to know each other better, know our secrets, share our stories. Find a way to help each other through it."He suggested holding to her hand and she bit her lower lips and rolled her eyes playfully.

"And here I was thinking I'll leave Nigeria and get married to some Prince charming in London or maybe a French man. I love the accents and yea...I don't have to worry about Oha soup or shitting out my intestines."

Ugo laughed, "Your French boyfriend will eat spaghetti to death." "Fair enough, at least, he gets to serenade me every night with those sexy accent."

He furrowed his brow in displeasure, but she burst out laughing, seeing right through his jealousy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her voice teasing. "I guess I'll just have to make do with this Nigerian man."

He raised an eyebrow, his tone laced with insecurity. "Why do I sound like a second choice?"

She shrugged, her smile still in place. "Maybe it's because Tommy promised to take me all around the world."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "He did?"

She giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Call it a bribe, but it's quite a tempting offer."

As they stood there, the tension between them was palpable. Brenda knew she couldn't resist his charms. With her arms still wrapped around his neck, he pulled her close, his lips claiming hers in a long, passionate kiss.

"Shoot!" she exclaimed, breaking away. "I'm in your sister's house, and your mom is around. I shouldn't be kissing you."

"Yeah, you shouldn't," he agreed, his arms still wrapped around her waist. Then he lowered his lips against hers again, unable to resist.

Brenda giggled, her voice husky. "Really, Ugo?"

"You have no idea how long I've been thinking about it since the last time," he whispered, his lips tracing hers.

She looked towards the door, her voice laced with concern. "Someone might walk in."

"I don't care," he said, his voice firm. "I'm kissing my girlfriend."

He resumed kissing her, but she squirmed uncomfortably, her voice barely above a whisper. "Ugo?"

"What?" he asked, his lips still on hers.

"Are you sure about this decision?" she asked, her eyes searching his face.


"I just want to be sure, I don't want another heart break. I'm not sure I'll be able to take this one."

"I'm sure." He kissed her again moving backwards till they bumped into the cupboard then she bit her lower lips regretfully. If it was in a different circumstance; if she wasn't born again, the story would have been different. "I think it will be best I inform you that I'm a newly registered born again Christian. For a spilt second, I felt myself straying." "Hold on Brenda, I wasn't planning on having sex with you here."

"It's not you, I was thinking of it, and according to Bada during Bible study, he said sin is a subject of your imagination and conception. You don't want to know what I'm thinking."

Ugo laughed and she slapped his arm, "Not funny." "I'm sorry." He apologized then she groaned, "Ugh! Now I'm beginning to sound boring." "You don't sound boring, you're beginning to have perspective. It's the truth and I needed to be reminded of it too as a Christian."

"When was the last time you had sex?" She asked and he laughed in thought, "Whoa.... Uh .. That's over a year or so."

"Shut up!" Brenda snapped playfully, "I'm serious, i've not really paid attention to relationships. Lota still thinks I'm sleeping around with small girls because I'm hot and single."

"Who wouldn't think so? Are you being for real? I'm sorry but it's so hard to believe."

Ugo laughed, "Whatever you want Brenda, whatever your choice is, just let me know. I'll respect your decisions. I won't want to be the reason you disappoint God or you lose sight on what you want to do. If there's anything I want to do, it's to support you and see you become the best version of yourself." He answered kissing her on the forehead and she suddenly became emotional.

Ugo smiled, "I'm free today, we can go see a movie." "That's a wonderful idea, sure! Why not?" She asked then she remembered her arranged family dinner with Tommy.

"Shit!" She blurted out shutting her eyes, "Sorry, I'll have to cancel." "Why?" "Yeah, I have this family thing tonight. I wish I can cancel." She wished pouting like a baby.

"It's fine. We've got all the time in the world." He answered planting a sharp kiss on her lips.

At the police station, Garba sat in the worn, wooden chair in the DPO's office, his eyes fixed on the older man's weary face. "Sir, I need a favor," he said, his voice low and urgent. The DPO looked up from the stack of files on his desk, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What is it, Dantata?" His voice laced with an hausa accent.

"I need to keep the new prisoners in custody for at least a week," Garba replied, his hands clasped together in a tight knot.

The DPO snorted, his expression skeptical. "You know that's not possible, Garba. Their boys will come for them, and it won't be pretty. They might even start a war to get them out. And I won't have that on our plate, not with everything else we're dealing with."

Garba leaned forward, his eyes locked on the DPO's. "I know, sir. But I need them to cool off a bit and two days is not going to do that." "Dantata, you know how these things work. We can't just keep someone in custody without evidence." "One of them was caught putting a gun on a face of a friend, if we didn't come when we did. They would have killed her or and had her body thrown in a lagoon or canal. Just a week, sir. That's all I'm asking for."

The DPO sighed, rubbing his temples. "Do you think our station could handle the heat from their boys? We're already up to our necks in reports of kidnapping and missing persons. And their people are breathing down our necks, as if we're the ones responsible for their troubles." She slammed his hands on the desk.

Garba's face was set in a determined expression, "I'll take full responsibility, sir." "Well, they won't be breathing against your neck but rather the girl that caused their arrest, the young girl and her family." "Nothing can happen to Kilahi, she was just trying to help."

"Let's hope this one of those situations. The DPO raised an eyebrow, " Alright, I'll give you 72 hours. But if their boys come knocking, you're on your own. And don't say I didn't warn you."

Garba's phone rang. He answered, and his expression turned concerned as he listened to the caller. "I hope Kilahi is out of that place and safe?" Mrs. Aisha's voice echoed in concern, and he smiled reassuringly. "Yes." "I already got a call about the girl and her family. They are settling already in the refuge, I hope you guys weren't followed," She asked, "We weren't. The boys have been apprehended." He announced, his voice firm. "Are you sure they won't want their own pound of flesh? Release them." Mrs. Aisha demanded, her voice rising.

"They'll still want it anyway." He paused, "Does that mean Kilahi is in danger?" Mrs. Aisha asked, her voice laced with concern.. "Let's just hope it doesn't come to that." He responded.

"Gosh Kilahi! That girl can be so stubborn, she shouldn't have gotten herself involved directly." Garba chuckled, a hint of amusement in his voice. "She's just like you, cousin."

Mrs. Aisha laughed, a brief moment of levity in the tense conversation. "Once upon a time, this happened to be and I had to take drastic actions. We might need to teach her how to defend herself. We'll put her on a self-defense program. You should get someone to do it." She suggested. Garba's eyes narrowed, a hint of defensiveness in his voice. "Sounds like something I can do myself."

Mrs. Aisha hesitated,. "Um... I can't do that, Garba." "Why?" He asked, his tone neutral.

Mrs. Aisha's expression turned cautious. "What about your feelings for her?" Garba's eyes flashed, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "What feelings?" Mrs. Aisha's eyes locked onto his, her gaze intense. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm saying. Remember the last time you told me you developed feelings for her while working on a job."

His expression turned cold, his voice firm. "How convenient was it for you to call me to rescue her today." "Garba, I knew if there was one person I trusted to act quickly, it would be you." "In other words, you used me." He accused, his voice rising.

"I... I didn't. I needed professional help, and I called for it. In helping her, I'll need professionalism at its peak, not someone who has feelings for her. We don't want to turn this into an action romantic movie, not when she's getting married this month." She answered in a defensive tone and his eyes narrowed, his voice cold. "I'll be professional."

Mrs. Aisha paused as though searching for any kind of weakness, "And your feelings?" Garba's expression turned detached, his voice neutral. "The only thing I feel is pity for her. She needs to know how to defend herself, and I'm just the right guy to teach her."


"You don't have to worry about anything."

"Are you sure? Don't make me regret this."

. "You won't." He replied confidently, "How is Baba? How is his health?"

Editi Communication

Vincent walked through the TV studio set and the bustling crew. His phone suddenly rang, piercing the air with its insistent tone. He quickly pulled he device out of his pocket hoping the caller was Deja. He groaned in annoyance on realizing it was his cousin Mercedes.

"Hey." He managed to say and she laughed, "Not who you were expecting right?" "What do you want?" "I just wanted to ask if she has messaged you."

"No. Have you called her?" "Yes, it's switched off." He answered, "Vincent, for the years I've been with you, I know you're good man, you're not hateful, you're not vengeful, it's not part of you, hence, it doesn't suit you. I know I once wanted you to forget her and move on with Irene but apparently it seems like fate has something different to say about you two. Some people are meant to be friends while some people's love story are clearly written in the sand of time. So, this is the part where I advise you to stop pretending and own up to the fact you're still in love with this woman. Forgive, forget and start over. Everyone deserves a fresh start or what do you think?"

Vincent chuckled, "Why is everyone saying the same thing?" "Maybe it's a sign duh! With all these speech I'm giving, you had better not dish the whole, 'I'm not in love with her' crap to me cause I'll just come over there and slap some sense into your head!" She threatened and he laughed uncontrollably.

"All these threat for what?"

"Because it's your birthday big head but you're there glooming away because of one person did not call you. How important is one person to your entire friends and family? One woman oh! One woman you claim to be angry with."

"She's......" He trailed off smiling, "I love you guys, I'm not in love with you guys."

Mercedes shrieked joyfully, "Why am I excited by your admittance? I mean there's this sense of joy in my belly. Dude, I'm literally having butterflies in my belly."

"Ishi!" He snapped playfully.

She laughed.

"I guess at this point, I have no choice but to talk to her," he resolved.

"Before nko?" she asked.

He sighed, "Go get her tiger." She added, her voice trailing off.

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