🍊Chapter 51🍊

Beautiful day everyone!!!

Hope you're all fine. Here is Chapter 51, you guys didn't have to wait weeks for it😂.

There are messages in this Chapter, sometimes I want to skip but I can't cause I'm being led to put it out there. It's not copy and paste, its by the leading of God.

In as much as it's for the characters in IMU, i believe it's for someone out there too.


Vote ehn.... Please Vote, it's not fair that I put so much effort to type and I don't get votes😣.

Just click on that orange star. E nor hard ehn😂🤣

I better leave you to it then!

Love ya'll

Chapter 51



5:35 am

Two sisters walked by the walk way while a man walked behind them. "Tara, we should have waited till six or past six before leaving church. I don't see the point of leaving so early" The younger one asked.

"Venita, I have a wedding to attend and I need to sleep even if I have to do that for three hours. I can't go to a wedding with sleepy eyes. No way!"

"Sister, I'm not comfortable walking around at this hour. My mind is not just settled, with all these kidnappings everywhere. I'm just scared and everywhere I weirdly quiet."

"Look at this child of Zion, you no dey even act like Ikwerre girl. You stay PH at all?"

"Heaven help those who help themselves"

"Is it scriptural?"

"Daniel didn't walk into the Lion's den, he was pushed into it. Walking by this time is just like walking into the Lion's den. God didn't send us this one." "God still has the glue to shut the mouth of every damn lion that comes our way"

The girl shuddered, "See ehn.... I'm not just comfortable, imagine this man that has been walking behind us. What if he's a kidnapper?"

The man walked past them and the Venny exhaled in relief. "Babe, you fear a lot, you had better stop calling yourself daughter of Zion cause I don't know what you're zioning"

She rolled her eyes and noticed a brown sienna driving behind them. Her heart jumped as she once again recalled the video  that had surfaced the Internet the entire week about the so called Brown sienna that operates on Saturday mornings.

"Hei God!" She muttered and her big sister scoffed, "What is it again O daughter of Zion?" "I know you're going to laugh at me but something is telling me that that Sienna there is the same Sienna that girl talked about. The video i forwarded to you now"

Her big sister laughed throwing her head backwards, "Venny, you can't be serious" "That story is real" "I'm not saying the story isn't real, I'm just saying there are 100 thousand brown sienna car in Nigeria, this is just one out of it, so....." She trailed off seeing the car slow down.

"See! The car is slowing down, my God, we shouldn't have left"

"Babe calm down, it might be a coincidence."

"Doubting Thomasina! I must not get kidnapped this morning, nobody would have killed us if we had stayed in church. If we even get kidnapped, the wedding will still go on, no one will stop their wedding for you."

"We are not getting kidnapped, not today or any other day." "Why?" "Have you forgotten? He that dwell in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow. Let's just chill in the Lord, I'm sure it's nothing" She exhaled they she heard saw the car stop and two guys step out  including Alonso.

"Hey beautiful, looks like you're going our way"

"I'm sorry, you're not going our way"

"Where exactly are you going to? We can change direction"

The big sister quickly brought out her phone dialing a number, "Uncle Mark" She called out loudly, "Where exactly are you, we're almost at that signboard" She said hastening her footstep and the guy with Alonso laughed. 

"You think say that shit fit work for us? The oldest trick in the Bible"

Alonso brought out the stone and the little sister pointed at it. "That's the stone she talked about, it's them." She screamed  and they both ran away screaming for help.

Alonso grabbed the youngest by the arm, quickly he grabbed her by the neck and placed the stone on her head and she went out cold.  Tara turned back slightly then she muttered in fear, "Jesus Christ" when she noticed her sister already in the arm of of the kidnappers.

Her human instinct kicked her to run but she couldn't leave her sister alone, after this was all her fault! She turned to the other guy who had a similar piece of stone in his hands.

"Why you no calm down enjoy the ride? This road na quiet road. You better shut up or else..." He pulled out a gun and she gasped in fear.

"Oh God we need your help"

"The only help wey fit come your way na if you take your own leg enter that car there"  The driver in the car had driven close to them. 

"No!" She replied in tears, "I'm not going to walk into the Lion's den, no way! Even if I enter, that car will explode and I my sister will walk out free"

Alonso sniggered, "There's no time for this, alaye grab the bitch let's go!"

She moved backwards, "I rebuke you to touch me, you might be  yahoo boys but we are Kingdom girls, we belong to greater altars than yours. My blood is too consecrated to be made money!" She snapped and for some strange reason, Alonso felt his heart cringe in fear.

What's it with these kingdom people? He was marvelled by her bravery despite the threat. How can someone trust a God they can't see?

"If you scream, I'll snap your sister's neck right in front of you and I'll kill you too" He threatened. "I don't need to scream, Abel was already dead but his blood still spoke volume, I might be quiet but I'm sure God is still hearing my SOS cry deep within."

The second guy charged forward but she moved backwards quickly, "This babe still get mouth"  "Because i know the God that i serve. I just got out of a vigil" "Most people sef commot for vigil way when we catch them"

"Well those people are not me. You may not know but you have gotten the wrong people, our blood cannot work for your useless juju! I'm a consistent tither, I'm a service provider in the church. I cannot be of service to the kingdom of darkness, no! God cannot put me to shame, not now, not ever" She muttered. Fear loomed in Alonso's heart after she said those words.

Deep down he knew this one was going to be trouble. Suddenly they heard siren noises coming from afar, "Shit!" He muttered and the driver drove the Siena towards them. He quickly dropped the girl on the floor and rushed into the car with the guy.

"Move move move!"

"Why you drop boss investment?" He asked as the car drove off but he quiet instead.

"Oh my God! God showed up!" She rushed back to her sister who was lying on the floor. "Venny? Venny!"

Gbadamosi shared the day's devotional to the workers group.


In accordance to God's original blueprint,  man was created to have dominion over every creeping things on earth- Gen 1:28. He conferred and delegated in man the authority over every thing that creeps on earth. In case you're imagining animals and birds in your natural mind, I want you to step out of that domain and think wild: You are to exercise authority over every named things, PRINCIPALITIES, POWERS (Luke 10: 18), POVERTY, INFERTILITY (Spiritual or Physical) even STAGNATION. As long as they exist in this world, your Father in heaven already conferred on you authority to dominate over them!
When a President decides to give his seal of authority to a young child. No matter how insignificant that child may look, with that seal he can make certain decisions he naturally wouldn't have. The Dominion life here is a life away from the natural and into the supernatural.

Learn to use your God-given seal and stamp of authority! You can change the natural order of things in your life, you can either grant positivity entrance into your life or block out whatever you don't want to see! It depends on you!

The blueprint of God was for man to have fellowship with him while exercising authority over other things. Therefore, it is a high level of insubordination as believers to live below that expectation!

One of the duty God gave to man was the power to name all he has created. Whatever Adam called the creatures, that was the name thereof (Gen 2: 19). God didn't argue with him! I've seen a few women that felt strange lumps in their breast and instantly called it breast cancer!

Is that what you're using your own authority for? To call forth negative things that be not as though they were?

Don't give conclusive names to that situation you're going through, God isn't done with it yet. It might have grown into a cancer but God can still turn it around. Why not stop calling it cancer and call it a miracle-in-the-making?  The worst kind of cancer is the one that eats up your faith. The one that makes you see every situation as an infinite maze that leaves you dazed. You are responsible for the turn out of your life, season your tongue with positivity and begin to rename those situations that have held you bound.

Congratulations to the fruitful ones, your womb is housing babies already! 
Congratulations to the Future Grooms and Bride!
Congratulations to God's Miracle vessels and testifiers! Start renaming! Make it a ceremony! Get your wine, cook something special and toast to to the things that be not as though they were. God's original plan was not for us to walk in fear, sickness, poverty and bareness. No! Call forth those things you want to see now. Take that step and walk in the dominion life God has called us into!

Today's declaration:
I walk into all God has for me, koinonia, dominion, peace, abundant joy, fruitfulness and multiplication. I have the seal of authority to establish realities and I will not disappoint God with unbelief.

Blessed morning to everyone. I trust you had a wonderful night. Please make this declaration before leaving home. The day Is blessed for our sake in Jesus Name.


Amen 🙏🏼



Did you notice the "Blueprint" in line with the women programme? I always say there is a word for the season; when you find yours, grab it! I congratulate the women for yesterday's meeting. I was really blessed in all ministration. I pray God strengthens everyone of you and grant you all a successful conference.



I walk in dominion in Jesus Name

My body ache receives comfort🔥🔥

I step into fulfilment.

Gbadamosi moves to the WhatsApp group for Ushers only.

Blessed morning Protocols. Who is ready for the program tonight?

Ade sends in a picture.

I was asking the female ushers. It's a women's conference. The only men permitted are those in the media department.

Papa, it's called the home builders conference. If the men didn't supply, how will the women build?😂. If you know, you know.

In preparation for the Conference this evening, there'll be a surprise proposal after service. We need able hands for decorations, the Chief Usher should make sure of that.

Usher Bimbo: Sure Sir! Chief Usher ready to charge into action. But Papa, before we'll go an kill goat they've not paid money for. Who is getting engaged? We cannot decorate and not know who we are decorating for.

Usher Chioma: Daddy, who is getting married? Pray tell?

It won't be a surprise again if I tell will it? Let's all ushers work hand in hand to ensure everything goes as planned.

Ade: Papa, it is the available Maggi that will determine the amount of rice to cook. What if our future bride doesn't like red balloons?

Usher Bimbo: Good point!

Ade: What if she doesn't like balloons at all? We need to know who she is so we can know how to arrange our minds towards the decorations.

Gbadamosi typed laughing to himself.

Papa left the group.

Ade: Maybe I'm the one getting proposed to💓💍

Obi: You aff ment!

Ade: What if a woman in church Is planning a surprise proposal for me?

Bimbo: I don't understand, who are you dating in church that will propose to you?

What God cannot do,  doesn't not exist.  Am I a wood?

Deja is typing......

Bimbo quickly drops a voicenote: 🎙 Ngbo...Uncle, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you're not fine, I'm just saying that before any girl will knee down to propose to you, it's frustration and desperation that must have cause it. I'm sure gan the person is using desperado perfume cause kilode gan. What will carry a woman to go on her two knees to propose, Iwo naa, is it that your knee is paining you that you cannot propose? Who is giving her punishment?

Deja is typing......

🎙 That's why it's called a surprise proposal but I'm sure Ijebu people don't understand the meaning of surprise.

Deja is typing........

Bimbo send a voicenote laughing loudly.

🎙 Leave Ijebu people out of this, If you go there, I will come for you with all I have! But come to think of It, your girlfriend will be very lucky, she doesn't have to worry about make up, she'll just share your own. The only thing that remains for you to wear is heels. If you just start wearing heels lasan lasan like this, proposals will come from different corner, even me that's talking will propose.

What God cannot do does not exist.

Deja is typing.........

Usher Obi: Is it just me or Sister Deja has been typing since? Are you typing epistle?

Deja: I hate to be the parry pooper, but when the purpose of something is not known, abuse is inevitable.This group was not created for this purpose. Let's all send direct messages to ourselves and not disturb the purpose of this group. Thank you! I apologize in advance to those that may feel offended by this post.

Ade: Noted Ma.

Ade laughed from the toilet where he sat, then he quickly slides into Lanre's DM:

Your future bride is trying to dig for gist

🤣😂. Really? I'm busy right now, I just received a message from her now. I'll respond to it. Whatever you do, do not tell her.

Lips sealed

Gbadamosi edited and forwarded the declaration to Kilahi.

You'll walk into all God have for you, koinonia, dominion, peace, abundant joy, fruitfulness and multiplication. You have the seal of authority to establish realities and you will not disappoint God- Amen!

Good morning Baby💗.

Good morning Love.

It hasn't been long since I finished reading the devotional. Powerful message Sir.

Sir? 😂
Are you whine-ing me?

Are you not older than me? On a serious note, it spoke to me on different levels, on a personal level, and I could relate to a person I met yesterday. God bless you for giving me this devotional, my life hasn't remained the same.

You're welcome.

How was your night handsome?

Splendid. Yours?

As beautiful as this baby. I come in peace⚒🏹🔫⚔🗡⛏

My God, where did you get that picture from?

E shock you?

Yes! I haven't seen the picture in years, who sent that to you?

I won't reveal my source.

My family members be snitching on me😅. It must be EreAdura. You two were really close yesterday and from the way he was looking at me. It has to be him!

My lips are sealed. 

See how cute I look there? Imagine our children with that face.

Kilahi sends her childhood picture.

You're making crave for Fatherhood.

Am I still on with Pastor Gbadamosi George or did a carnal man grab his phone from him?

It's not a carnal craving!

Oh, now i get it, you're having heavenly cravings for fatherhood cause children fall from the sky.


Wait Kilahi, what's making you think this way?

You're turning tables right?

😅. It's a pure craving. The truth is, I can't wait to have a family with the one the world's most beautiful woman.

Same here, with you Choicest. What's the matter arising?

I have about seven meetings I've been invited to for the month of April.


The first is a Prayer summit in Ibadan. I'll send the rest when they release flyers and date for it.

I hope one won't fall on our wedding day.😂

Nah. I'll be free a week before the wedding and after so I can give full attention to my wife.

Kilahi's heart raced in anxiety on hearing him use the word 'full attention'.

Define full attention.


How many days?

At least a week or less.

A week?

Yes, do you have any contrary opinion?

Not exactly. Ignore me, I have questions brewing in my mind.


So you can laugh me shey? Thank you! Do you travel this often?

Yes. Get ready too, you'll be following me too on several occasion.

Travelling wearies me out😖😖. I pray God gives me the strength.

He has already!

What do you think Mommy will like to have as a birthday gift?


Ha ha ha

On a scale of one to ten, the number one on mom's wish list will be grandchildren. Two... I don't know, maybe a trip to the spa or a gift. I haven't even gotten her anything.

What kind of son is this?🙄 Mommy's birthday is tomorrow. It's mothering Sunday for crying out loud. Be a good son!

Let's join hands and get her a gift today now.

It's today or never. Sorry, i have to go, I have an incoming call from Mrs Temi.

Why is Temi calling you?


"Good morning Mrs Temi"

"Good morning dear. Happy weekends to you" Temi's voice echoed.

"I wish you the same Ma. How are you Ma? How's the family, including the baby?"

Temi laughed, "I can't have a normal conversation with my family members without them including my baby in it." "Babies she attention, even when they're in the womb, they still do! How are you doing Ma?"

"I'm fine! I only just found out about my pregnancy, you guys should not make it look like all my hormones are supposed to change all of the sudden. I'm fine! Now how are you?"


"How's Gbadamosi treating you?"

"Sweetly" She giggled, "You probably can't wait to get married right?"

Kilahi stalled on that response, "Ehn... Yes" "Kilahi, you don't have to pretend to me, forget that I'm your fiancé's cousin. You can talk to me, is Gbadamosi falling your hands?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes! He's been too sweet and understanding."

"You stalled."

"I just have my personal fear, not fear perse, God has not given us the spirit of fear. It's just personal and I find it embarrassing to talk about. I'm just trying to prepare my mind for it."


Her heart jumped, "Yes! It's not supposed to be a big deal right? Why do I get scared when I hear the word or why my heart melt and race at the same time when Gbadamosi talks about children. It's not a big deal right?"

"Sweetheart, it's a big deal. You're losing your virginity to a man you love, it's completely okay to see it as a big deal but when the fear gets to you, it can psychologically become a proble or something worse."


"Have you heard of vaginismus?"


"Look it up! Have you ever had sex education?"

Kilahi shut her eyes, "From Mom. It's just the conventional, don't touch boys, even if you want to have sex, have safe sex but I beg you not to have sex at all." "In marriage it goes past that! It's not the highlight but it's necessary to know some limited information to avoid awkward moments. Thank God for my cousin, I would have had more fear if you were getting married to a virgin"

Kilahi laughed, "The man is a virgin in Christ" "Old things might have passed away, I'm sure he still remembers a thing or two on how to make a woman feel good."

"Oh God!" She muttered slapping her face, "Can we not...." "Not what? This is going to be your reality in matter of days. Prepare your mind psychological to accept sex, vaginismus is real, it doesn't make you enjoy sex, it makes love making feel like you're making pain instead."

"I rebuke it, whatever it is! I'm going to enjoy sex in my marriage!"

"That's the spirit! I've seen some women depressed over this and it all starts with that 'I don't want to talk about sex' mentality. You're quarter to be married, its okay to have discussions with mature people you're free with. Ask questions, no matter how dirty that might look to you as a virgin, just ask. Virgins have a lot of questions on their mind, they're just too concerned to ask especially the spiritual ones."

Kilahi laughed knowing Temi was right.

"You can ask Gbadamosi those questions if need be, you don't have to be scared of what he'll think of you."

She chuckled again, "Has he been speaking to you?" "No, my husband and i were actually having my prayer time when I felt it in my heart to call you. This is one of the major hurdle you must jump before marriage. Many people avoid it and end up meeting it in their marriages. I'm not speaking as an experienced marriage counselor, no! I'm speaking as someone that has seen from others experience. Relationship is all about communication."

"The truth is, I don't talk because I don't know anything and I'm always ashamed to ask. Like asking how to calculate my menstrual cycle, at this age? I'm uninterested in it and when I think of asking, I wonder what will be in people's mind, like maybe she's trying to calculate her safe periods. She's definitely having premarital sex. Personally, I've always felt like calculating periods was for those having premarital sex. When my mentally changed, I don't know how to ask."

"Aunty ask! Very important!" She replied chuckling. "We'll talk more in person, duty calls dear. Bye and have a lovely day."

"You too Ma, my regards to your husband and the baby"

"They'll hear." She replied hanging up.

Sewuese walked into the room holding on to an empty laundry basket. "Are we going to surprise Sefa or not?" She asked, Kilahi rolled her eyes and let out a troubled sigh.

"Madam what happened?" She asked and Kilahi exhaled, "I've always wanted to ask you this question, I don't know it will sound" "What question?"

"Nothing... Maybe we'll talk later"

Sewuese scoffed, "No! You don't put in that kind of suspense and tell me we'll talk later. What's up?" She moved towards the bed raising her brows at her cousin.

"How..." Kilahi exhaled, "How do you calculate your period?" She asked and Sewuese smiled then she jumped on the bed embracing her. "I knew this day was going to come! I've been waiting for It"

"Why do i even have to learn this? What's the importance"

Sewuese laughed, "So you'll ....." She trailed thinking of a '+14 rated' way to explain it to her, "Weren't you paying attention in fertilization class?" "I hated fertilization class, the way all the guys will be smiling from cheek to cheek when the teacher is talks about genitals"

Sewuese laughed. "God knows there's no time for this conversation this morning. We'll definitely move this to this night. Prepare to the sexducated!" "I only asked about periods, I didn't ask how to get pregnant!"

She laughed and threw her head back, "Same thing, different terminology" "Get away! I'm scared already, you're too excited for this! I'll report to Sam, you weren't even this excited when he proposed."

"I'm excited because my big sister is growing" She replied wiping some tears off her eye lid. "Are you seriously.... crying?" She asked and Sewuese nodded.

"Do I have a choice? I'm quarter to being married, I need to prepare not just for me but for others too." Kilahi replied. "Gosh, I'll miss you sis"  Sewuese embraced her then she began to sob. Tears rolled down Kilahi's eyes too.

Bimbo tapped her legs impatiently while waiting for Lanre to respond to her message. "This person that I even want to ask, even though he knows, he will not even tell. Even though they tie him to a pole and threaten to remove his eyes, Uncle will not speak. There's no harm in teasing sha." She muttered staring at her message.

Any idea who's getting proposed to? You know you guys are the media so I'm sure you're going to have one or two idea.

Papa said it's a surprise, the person doesn't want anyone to know.

In order word, you know but you don't want to tell me.

In order word, I don't want to lie to you. It's a surprise. Let's all be left in surprise.

I think pe you should rephrase that statement, let some people be left in surprise and let those that know be looking at us like as if we just woke up to realize today is Christmas day.


Brother Lanre, so you can still laugh.

Brother Lanre? 😂

Ehn now, since you don't have trust in me, I guess I'm dating myself now.

Rolling on the Floor Laughing

You didn't roll from the bed? Roll from the bed to the floor laughing.

I already rolled from the bed to the floor the first time, now I'm rolling on the floor😅

Ehya, I don't know what is giving you menstrual pain that you're rolling oh but sha use Andrew liver salt.


You can be secretive for Africa!

How was your night?

Smooth! Trying to change the topic huh? Well, it was beautiful and yours?


Deja knelt down with her hands clasped, she looked up to her ceiling as though beholding God one on one, "Oh God, I am here once again to disturb you. I don't want to bother you again so if you don't want me to continue, just do what this one thing for me. Are you not tired of me askng for the same thing over again? Are you? I mean, if you're not tired, to be sincere, I am but I must press on in faith just like today's devotional stated that we shouldn't give conclusive names to whatever situation we're going through, God isn't done with me yet. I live in dominion, I take authority over this daily depression, Wednesday I felt better after Papa spoke about the heart, today I'm depressed again. I take authority over heartbreak, this heaviness that I feel. God, why don't you just answer me so we can get this over with? I can forge ahead and you can move on to the next agenda in my life. If not, we're going to remain on this matter oh, you see this Vincent matter, if Vincent doesn't forgive me like Jesus forgive sins, I will die on the matter like Jesus died on the cross of Calvary. I'm not threatening you, no! It's not a threat or emotional blackmail but I can't live knowing he hates me" She paused letting out a tired sigh. 

"But.....if I have the stamp of authority to speak to whatever has name. Vincent, I speak with the authority conferred upon me as a daughter of God, he said I will decree a thing and it shall be established. I ask that this day Vincent grants me his ears and have mercy on me. Your heart of stone has become soften in Jesus Name."
"Your. .."
Her ring tone soon interrupted her prayer so she groaned in response lifting the phone up to check the caller ID. She hissed and answered the call. "Hello" She snapped at Lanre with a low hiss. "Bad timing?" He asked and she nodded.


"Should I call you back?"

She groaned and rolled her eyes. "There's no need for that. It's your day, what do you want?" "Is Bimbo aware of the proposal?"

Deja arced her brow, "No. Why do you think so? Has she said anything that gave it away?" "No but I just imagined her faking after knowing about it. You ladies are capable of it" "Yes! Especially because I have a big mouth"

"You do have a big mouth"

Deja pouts, "That was rhetorical, you were not suppose to give an answer." "I know what the word rhetorical means" "Well, my big mouth certainly hasn't said anything to her" She replied and he laughed, "I don't see why you're taking it personally" "I'm sorry," She apologized with a click of her tongue, "It's just a really bad time"

"When is it ever going to be a good time with you?"

Deja shut her eyes, "I'm in a bad place right now. I'm going through a phase" "Nah, ever since I've known you, you've been going through that phase. When will it end?" "When God finally answers me" "See, I know this is none of my business and I'm just nothing but your best friend's boyfriend"

"Future husband" She chipped in and he chuckled softly, "Yeah but if we attach our happiness to how frequently God answers our prayer, we might end up sorrowful. I'm sure Father Abraham would have died of depression if he had lived that way waiting for the promises of God, not wavering at all. Whatever it is you're praying to God for,"

Deja rolled her eyes, "As if you don't know" "Hey! Bimbo can be discreet too, she has a big mouth like you but she doesn't reveal all. Just have faith in God, unwavering faith! I know there have been disappointments ehn but be happy in it still! Papa will always say, Be the happiness you want to see in your future, it's not easy but it's the life of a man of faith."

Deja smiled, "Thank you Pastor Lanre" "Abeg! You guys should not ordain me before my time. You're welcome dear." "Who else is in on this plan?"

"Just me, Papa, women presido, you and Ade"


Aunty Abebi opened the curtain to the sight of splattering rain against the window. She groaned in disappointment but Emmanuel tried to cheer her up from the other end of the phone.
It began to rain by past 4 and till that moment, it still rained and it didn't seem like it'd be stopping anytime soon. They already made plans to journey to Ndibe beach, probably have a picnic and enjoy the moment together. She had plans to leave the following morning! Who better to spend her last days in Ebonyi with?

"We had plans and I was really looking forward to going to the beach with you" She complained with a frown.

"Same here. I miss you already as much as you miss me, it's mutual feeling"

Aunty Abebi chuckled, "Rain cannot ruin our plans, we'll do it some other day. Raincheck?" He requested and she busted into full laughter. "Yeah... Raincheck."

Mrs Arolowo walked into the room laughing on a phone call with a woman. "Sọ totọ (Truly?). You don't mean it? A cruise on a yatch for their honeymoon? I can imagine them falling deeper in love already."  She cackled alongside the caller.

Brenda who was dressing her bed gazed at mother with a side eyes.

"Hopefully God will do mine someday." She added then she noticed her daughter roll her eyes. "Is Tomisin still coming to the party?" She asked with a smile, "Perfect! Brenda is coming too!"

Brenda widened her eyes in surprise, "What party?" She mouthed but he Mom laughed instead. "She's here do you want to talk to her?" "No!" Brenda mouthed but her mother handed the phone to her irrespective.

"Good morning Ma" She paused and waited for the caller to speak, "I'm fine Ma, I guess it has been a longtime as you've said" She paused again.

"Ohkay... I was heading out before this call. Bye Ma" She ended the call and shot a look at her mother. "I have no idea who I just spoke to"

"Mummy Tomisin"

"Who the hell is she?"

"It doesn't matter, you'll see her at the party"

"What party?"

"It's a wedding ceremony of my friend's daughter. She's getting married to a politicians. She's a doctor by the way"

"Congratulations to her, why do I have to go? I don't know anyone there"

"To keep me company, your days are numbered here in Nigeria, it's only fair we spend some time together."

Brenda groaned, "That's emotional blackmail Mom." "No it's not. Besides, OluwaTomisin just flew all the way from Malaysia for the wedding." "How is that any of my bizwack?"

"It's his cousin's wedding and he personally funded her honeymoon to the Maldives."  "I still don't get it, wait.... " Brenda scoffed.

"Tell me, it's not what I'm thinking?"

"How am I supposed to know what you're thinking?"

"Tell me  I'm not being match made right now."

"I can't tell you that"

"Mom!" She screamed.

"You're leaving Nigeria soon, when Mummy Tomisin suggested it, I jumped at it. What's the harm in you two meeting each other and having normal conversations like two adults?"

"I hate blind dates!"

"Who said anything about a date? Honey, I'm not forcing you to like him. I want you to fall in love and be with the man you want." "You want a Nigerian man!" "Truly. If your conversation with Tomisin goes well, knowing how the young man can be, he loves to spend and he has been disturbing his mother to find him a wife" She winks at her, "We might start planning to a wedding soon, of course if you like him."

"Just like that?"

"A mother can dream!"

"Wake up from that dream Mom, it's just not feasible! Once bitten!"

Sewuese and Kilahi snuck into Sefa's room, they found her asleep on her jamb question text. Kilahi had a box finely wrapped in her hand. "Should we come back later?" Kilahi whispered, "She must be tired from reading"

"I have a colleague's event to catch up with, I don't want to miss out of this surprise" Sewuese replied tapping her legs and Sefa jerked up screaming.

"Jesus! It's you" She muttered  exhaling in relief. Kilahi and Sewuese shared a worried contact then they both sat on the bed. "Sefa, are you okay?" "Yes" She replied taking a deep breath.

"Are you sure?"

"It was a bad dream, I was just reliving everything I went through. It looked real, someone pulled my leg before I felt someone's hand on me in reality. I just flipped. Sorry, I guess I'm overreacting"

Kilahi exhaled, "You're not. I'm speaking as someone who used to have nightmares about how her parents died. Trust me, it doesn't come easy except with God."

Sewuese quickly scrolled through her phone then she scoffed, "This is exactly one month after she got kidnapped, the same date she got kidnapped. Traumas are real"

Kilahi pulled Sefa's head close enough then she leaned against her big sister while Kilahi patted her on the back. "Traumatic experiences are not part of God's plan for us, he said if a man be in Christ, he is new, old things have been cast away, behold all things  have become new. All things, not some, trauma should be a thing of the past because you're in Christ. I cast, bind and root out every evil traumatic experience that have not been planted by the Father."


"You bear good fruits and walk in dominion."

Sefa withdrew and smiled at her, "Amen. Thank you Mama." She answered then she began to wonder why they were in her room at that hour.

"Why are you two in my room by this time? Have I committed a crime?"

"No." Sewuese replied lifting the gift from the bed to her view. "Tada!!!!" "What's that?" "Call it an early birthday gift."

Sefa gasped observing the shape, it looked like a phone pack but she didn't want to be too forward, "Tell me it's what I think it is" "Open and see" Sewuese replied and Sefa grabbed the box unwrapping it quickly. She paused in tears when she saw the phone pack revealed.

"Oh my God...." She paused getting emotional then she hugged Sewuese "Thank you sis." "You've not even checked if it's just oraimo cord that's inside, what if we're just playing a prank on you?"

She chuckled and quickly opened up the pack to see the phone in it. "This isn't oraimo cord. I don't understand what's going on, how?" "Well, don't thank me alone, this is all thanks to Kilahi. If she didn't suggest it, it probably would have been on my to do list till now"

Sefa embraced Kilahi then she busted into tears. "Thank you Aunty Kilahi." She withdrew pouting, "You got me a phone when you needed it most" 

Kilahi laughed and at the same time her eyes became heavy. "You're going to make me emotional now. Besides, this was  joint effort from everyone of us, including Terdoo" 

"And Dad?"

"Mom and Dad"

"My love for this family just increased. I love you all"

The brown sienna was driven into a garage where two ladies were seated with hands bound. Alonso stepped out angrily and his partner on the  mission stepped out too. He was murmuring about the lost investment. "If I hear you complain again" "Wetin you go do?" He asked sticking a cigarette in his mouth. "Wetin you go do? You don lose boss investment. How you juju girl, you come drop her, for why?"

"You no hear the siren?"

"No be siren matter be this, you do am on purpose!"

"Because na bad investment the girl for us"

"Na how you know?"


"Na guts we dey use now shey? I no know why Boss for HQ dey always send you errand, all the hype on top rubbish"

Alonso scoffed, "You know hear wetin that babe talk?"

"So? Because of you now we don lose one investment. How you go explain am give the boss"

"How he go take know?"

"Records now! We don use the stone"

"This one dey off the book"

"You say?"

Alonso pulled out a gun to his head, "Off the fucking book! Or I off your brain, pick one" He asked seeing the fear in the man's eyes. The driver opened the door of the car widely revealing two women and a very young girl.

"Make I offload?"

7:34 am

Tara went live on Facebook in a hospital lobby, she was still shaken after what she just experienced. She seemed uncoordinated. Her eyes were swollen. "My God.... This is my first time going live. I just had to. Let's not take this for granted, it you feel the need to share, please share this cause there's someone who needs to hear this. If I didn't experience it, I probably would have brushed it off and feel like, it can't happen to me. So... after a church vigil I left very early by some minutes before five, hoping to get home by past 5 so I could sleep and attend a wedding. I left church with my little sister. She was ready unsettled about the time we left because of the video this young girl put up this week concerning her kidnap and the brown sienna. Guess what guys? I had an encounter with that Sienna this morning. There was this stone in their hands which they used on my little sister. She fainted after the stuff was used on her. At that point, I couldn't run seeing my sister in their arms" She cried.

"All I could do was pray to God for some sort of intervention and He came through after they heard a police siren from God knows where. If it had not been God, I don't know where my sister and I would have been. Even after I took my sister to the nearest clinic, I was even worried whether to give her medical treatment or just pray to God.  My sister is fine by the way, she's still in the hospital. Please be careful out there, things are happening. After that babe reported a similar incident, talking about the brown Sienna, i was one of those people that felt like she was out for fame or maybe it was exaggerated. Guys, the reason why I'm alive, apart from the fact that God loves me is because my kid sister remembered in detail what that babe.... What's her name, Sefa girl say. It was her warning that made me conscious to whether or not the car coming was...." She trailed off blinking her tears.

"Let's not stop talking about this, we can't emphasize it enough. If these guys have the audacity to act even after this girl called them out, it means they're not scared of anyone... Them no send anybody Papa! Please my fellow ladies, don't move out too early or too late, even if you have to, please do in massive group, I'm talking massive group cause they're not walking empty handed. If you serve God, please do it with all your heart ehn, if you don't, you dont know what you're missing out on.  Please keep yourself safe. That's the lesson I've learned today, let's all stay safe ehn... Please! Abeg!" She hissed and went offline.

Brenda walked through the double doors of the gymnasium, carrying her gym bag filled with workout clothes and sneakers, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was different. She glanced around and noticed a few pairs of eyes following her every move. It made her feel self-conscious, as if she were under a microscope. She wondered why she was suddenly the center of attention. Was there something on her face? Did she forget to zip up her bag? Or was it something else entirely?

She held her head up and tried her best to ignore the glances, she made her way towards the treadmills but then saw two girls pointing at her while whispering to each other. She exhaled and slide her gym back off her shoulder.  One of the girls rolled her eyes an scoffed loudly.

"Na wa oh. Wahala for who no go British school!"

She turned towards the ladies then faked a smile, deep down she knew they were talking about her. "Good morning ladies, I hope you're aware it's actually rude to point at people" "What are you going to do? Have us arrested for it?" She snapped clicking her tongue then Brenda scoffed, picked up her bag pack walking past them to another section that had punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

As she stepped in, she couldn't help but notice that the stares hadn't ceased. It was as if her presence alone was causing a stir among everyone. People were literally whispering. She felt a mix of curiosity, apprehension and agitation.

"Can you all fucking mind your business and if I have something on my face, it'll be best to say it to me" She snapped at everyone with her distinct British accent. She wasn't comfortable with the stare.

She approached a punching bag in the gym read to unleash her pent-up emotions.  As she stood in front of the punching bag, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. It was as if the bag was a metaphor for the challenges she faced in her life.

When she felt the need to let off steam, the punching bag

She took a moment to calm her mind and focus on her intention. With each breath, she could feel her determination growing stronger. She raised her fists, ready to let go of the weight she had been carrying. The bag swung back and forth, taunting her to give it her all.

Dr. Ugo got out of his office bumping into Dr Ire then a smile formed on his face. "Good morning Sir" Dr Ire greeted, "Good morning Doctor Ire. Do you have work?" "Nah.... I'm heading home, I learned some of our people are attending a colleague's wedding party" "Yeah. You?"

"I'm not sure. I really don't know the lady, I plan on sitting it out."

"Are you in anyway passing through Reins Water company? I can drop you off."

"Nah, different direction"


"No problem Sir, thanks for the offer."

"You're welcome. That reminds me, have you been able to reach your sister?"

Dr Ire sighed sadly,  "No" "Just be hopeful. I'm sure you'll find her one of these day" "Hopefully." "I think you should turn up for the wedding. It'll be a good distraction for you."

"I'll think of it and maybe have a change of mind. For now, I need my sleep." He clicked his tongue walking past him. Ire quickly checked his Instagram inbox to see if there was any esponse from Sefa but there was none. He plunged his phone into his pocket and walked away.

Just as Ugo watched a pathetic Ire leave, the gym CEO called his phone line, "Chris what's up?" He asked on  picking the call. "I dey jhoor. I just......" He stalled, "Well  I was thinking about the whole thing, coupled with the pain I'm feeling. When ... When should I come in for surgery?"

Ugo exhaled in relief,  "Finally!! I no see why you dey stress sef. It's just a less than two hours surgery"

"Don't you guys have women on your team? I can't stand the thought of you touching my stuff." "Men mostly handle women's delivery" "That one is different case, putting our hands there is not a first time thing. It's not everyday I open my leg for bunch of male surgeons to use me as guinea pigs"

"Calm down, we're not trying to rape you. It's your life we're trying to save"

"Wow, I feel much at ease." He replied sarcastically. 

Ugo laughed hard.

"That reminds me, guess what?"

"What? You have a special request on how to handle our mantle?" Ugo teased, "Come on! That's not funny. That's just gross! Ugh!" "What information do you have? I don't do gist"

"Jack is jail" "Which Jack?" "Jack now... Jack with the smelly armpit, the one that tried to harass" "Oh... Why is he is jail? The last time I checked body odour is not a federal offence"

"His kind of body odour should be made one so people can breath. But I didn't bring this up to talk about that" "What happened? Why was he arrested?" "Mehn... Where should I begin the gist?"


"After that altercation on Tuesday now, it was a normal Wednesday at the gym until the police came and had him arrested for assaulting Brenda"


"The babe you were holding off, the one with the Brit accent"


"Yes. She's always regular whenever she's in town"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes now, she comes in every now and"

"Not that! I meant the Jack guy"

"Yes oh! The guy was jail on Wednesday and released on Friday."

"Didn't he have family members to get him out?" "The ones that tried were not able to do shit, they said someone was paying the police to keep him there" "Was she the one?"

" Not directly, Anifowose Arolowo instructed the police to teach him a lesson. That man owns one of the biggest law firm in Lagos and he's pretty damn rich too, enough to do that to him."

Ugo blinked, "Anifowose.... Anifo...." He trailed off wondering where heard the name from.  "Jack has finally bitten more than he can swallow, I just feel bad for the guy sha"

"That's injustice now. The stupid lawyer that paid to keep him in jail should be a shame of himself" Ugo hissed while the gym owner sighed. "Well na so the man dey do oh. Mr Arolowo patronizes the gym, one of my most generous customers, chronic womanizer but minds his own business. One thing he doesn't joke with Is the women in his life, touch them and you're in soup"

"Even side chicks"

"Even his side chicks"

"What about her?"

"She avoided the gym like a plague" "Perhaps she knew everyone will rope her" "Until this morning. People at the gym are not smiling oh, shortie said they're just giving her space and attitude. They're really mad at her. If you make the guy sleep for jail for one night, that one na injustice but e still fair as per say Jack push boundaries but two nights? Haba! That's the greatest form of injustice ever! Wo, na surgery make me call you, I just say make I yarn you wetin dey sup, since you join be party to the fight that day."

Ugo hissed, "No wahala now.  I'll call you back" He ended the call putting a call through to his friend Shalewa. "Hello Shalewa" He called out, "Hello bestie, good morning" "Good morning. How are you?"

"Bored, will you be free later on today?"

"I have a wedding to attend, I mentioned it to you now. That colleague of mine" "Oh." "I won't be taking too much time though, you know me, I love to breeze in and breeze out."

"Sign attendance and leave! How will you get married with this kind of behavior?"

"Am I attending the wedding to meet women?"

"No of course, duh! But in weddings magical things happen, I met Usman in a wedding party. I was 19 years old but it was a fated meeting, I know I had met my soul mate even though he was older than me. Oga, do and get married, your mates have grandchildren" She teased and they both laughed.

"I haven't seen my type"

"Hmnnn!" She hummed in disbelief and Ugo arced his brow in surprise, "What's that?" "Nothing, you haven't seen your type right?"

"Are you whinning me?"

"I hope you find a type today"

"Don't hold youe breathe. Does the name Anifowose Arolowo ring a bell to you?" "Yes! I never forget a name, it's the name of that man that left his sidechick outside only to ask me out. Remember he gave me his business card. Why did you ask? Did you meet her again? The first time can be neglected, second time, a coincidence, meeting her a third and fourth time can be fate calling out to you"

"Slow down Cinderella, I didn't meet her."

She sniggered from the other end, "What happened?" "Can you believe she sent her Sugar Daddy to do her dirty job?" "I'm lost"

"Remember the guy I told you about? The one who was having that heated argument with her"  "The one that called her names and touched her bumbum but you were too judgmental to listen to her."

"That's not the point."

"I'm just trying to remind you're also guilty in this."

"Thank you very much! He was arrested by that man and released yesterday" "That's what you get for touching a lady without her permission."


"I'm not into the whole arrest but I'm also a lady, when it comes to those sensitive matters, I no dey like join body cause I know I wouldn't have taken it easy on any guy thats touches me in sensitive parts without my permission. She was angry the day it happened, I would have broken the guy's head with a bottle."

"Two days in jail! I'm sure he wasn't allowed to get a lawyer for him to stay two days in the cell. That's cruel!"

"You're doing it again"

"Doing what?"

"Making assumptions about things you don't know" "What assumption have i made now?"

"You've just assumed she had him arrested" "Who else would have?" "What if it was another person?" "Who else would be connected to this same Anifowose?"

"Maybe you should find out her own side of the story. You've not even apologize for the last assumption you made, you're adding more icing on the assumption cake you've already baked. Even you will not be able to eat that cake!"

"She didn't give me a chance to apologize and this case is different. She had someone arrested, just like that! What happened to fairness? Why did her Sugar Daddy have to pay the police"

"Did you see him pay them?"


"See, assumption again!"

"You can't tell me she's not aware of something her Sugar Daddy did. She probably requested it."

"Maybe, maybe not. That girl has issues, from the way she reacted at the salon, initially, I called her an Olosho with fake accent! I assumed because I was just jealous in my own way, I admit it! From the standpoint of what transpired between the two of you the last time and the time before, I think there might be more to this whole situation than what we can see"

"Like what?"

"A ghost feeling brewing"

"Ghost kor, spirit ni"

"I'm feeling this weird chemistry between you two; all you have to do is stop assuming and find out what's going on. Like I said, once is negligible, twice can be considered a coincidence but meeting her the third time kind of makes you think, what is the Lord saying?"

"The Lord is not saying anything?"

"Abi you're the one that isnt ready to hear. Whatever, after all what do I know? I'm just a hopeful Gen Z who is friends with an older generation."

"There's nothing going on"

"Issokay now, no one is arguing with you. There is absolutely nothing going on."

Ugo scoffed, "What's that tone for?" "Nothing! I just think you should find a way to apologize to her shikina!" "She also spoke rudely to me"

"The Ugo I know does not have pride, if this babe is bringing out pride in you, I'm sure there's more to this story that a guy with a smelly armpit"

"I'm lost"

"Don't pretend you don't understand, na so e dey start"


"See, I'm preparing to attend this women conference, Tayla Perry will be there. I don't have the time to listen to you deny your attraction to her."

"She is beautiful alright but I don't see her that way"

"Whatever gives your ego muscle! Bye then!" She ended the call and Ugo scoffed.

He shook the thought off then he glanced at his wrist watch. He needed to get home and change up in time for the wedding reception.

Emmanuel sat on a soft single seater couch in his small living room,anticipation and fear building within him because of the supply of electricity despite the heavy rain. "Nepa!" He muttered laughing to himself, "You guys have tried, ngwanu, come take light ya light so we can have light another day" He pleaded for the tenth time since it started raining.

The thunder clapped and he held his breathe, eyes fixed on the white bulb. He sighed in relief when he noticed there was still light.

"Nepa, NEPA, NEPA, how many times have I called you guys? Take the light before you'll hear something something happened and transformer exploded from NEPA office" He complained.

Engrossed in his thought, he heard his phone ring. The sound pierced through from under his book, he quickly fumbled through the books on the stool and foumd his phone. He glanced at the screen before answering. 

"Hello Ike?" He spoke into the phone, "You see wetin I dey see?" His friend paused busting into Igbo then he continued. "They haven't taken the light since it started raining"

Emmanuel busted into laughter, "My brother oh, I'm sure that's the same fear in everybody's mind. Nigeria my country." "I no know who send them make them bring the light."

"If them no bring am, na we go still complain. Just charge your phone, you might not see light again till next month"  Emmanuel replied back in Igbo then he heard a knock on the door.

"Have you watched the news this morning? Makachukwu, the government needs serious deliverance"

As he pushed the door open, the refreshing scent of rain filled the air and there he saw Aunty Abebi shivering on his front porch.

Her clothes clung tightly to her body, drenched from the downpour. Drops of water cascaded down her face and she shivered from the cold.

"Ikechukwu I'll call you back" He ended the call raising a brow at her, "Jesus Christ, Ababy!" He called out her pet name and a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Emmanuel smiled back.

He gently placed a hand on her trembling shoulder and pulled her in. Water cascaded down his tile, "Your floor will be wet" "I'll mop. You shouldn't have come in the rain now."

"Are you not happy to see me?" She asked in trembling voice.

"I am. I don't like that you had to enter into the rain. Now look at you, you're all cold!" He replied, concern evident in his voice.

Aunty Abebi looked around the apartment, it was a single room with a small kitchen and a bathroom. His bed was folded up against the wall . There was a sofa, a side stool and an blue and white shade rug in the the middle. The small coffeetable was piled with books in front of the single seater sofa.

She assumed he was working before she came. Her heart thomped in fear of the unknown as pertaining to their relationship. Will she move into his house? Or will he agree to move in to hers?

Wouldn't that mean telling him to leave his life in Ebonyi?  Which man in his right sense will do that kind of thing?

She took the next ten seconds alone to take a deep breath. Being around him was hard enough, now she had to add the cold and nerves to it. She needed to brush the thought off. She'll cross the bridge when the moment comes to make that decision. 

Emmanuel held her hands into bathroom. "You should take off the...wet clothes" He paused clearing his throat, "I'll get you a clean shirt and shorts." He suggested then he shut the door.

Aunty Abebi felt her cheeks go hot then she exhaled heavily asking herself if coming here was the right thing to do.

Sharon knocked on a door with an assistant. They were both clad in white chef uniform. Her assistant clutched a big bag containing tools and ingredients for cooking.  A light complexioned woman, about seven months pregnant opened up with a smile.

"Good morning Ma" Sharon and her assistant greeted.

"Good morning. You're the first Chef that has ever kept to time! I even told him to inform you to come an hour earlier because I was scared you'll do African time. Please come in" She replied entering into the house.

They both walked in while the assistant shut the door behind them. "Where are my manners?" The woman turned towards them,  "My name is Ukeme Francis, wife of Francis, the man who called you"

"It's nice to meet you Ma."

"I'm so happy to see you, I'm so tired! Look at me that wanted to do everything on my own, I have managed to clean the house, I can't go through the stress again. I never knew I could still bend until today. I would have allowed hubby hire someone. Look at me pinning my problems on you."

"Not a problem Ma. So... Isiewu right?"

"Yes! Did Francis make other agreements with you? That man can decide to surprise me."

"Just goat meat pepper soup, Isiewu and suya." "I hope you came with the ultimate ingredient cause I have newspapers in the house" Ukeme teased and Sharon laughed.

"Sorry to ask Ma. I've been curious  not this." "What?" "Your husband said someone referred me, was it a friend of yours. I have referrals but I love to know them so I can thank them for referring. It's my way of showing gratitude"

Ukeme blinked, "Wait.... He didn't mention it to you?" "He didn't" "I wonder why" "Do you happen to know the person?" "I don't know whether to mention it to you right now cause my husband suspected it was a chyking game. In fact, the referrer boldly requested he mentions his name to you. Maybe Francis didn't because he wasn't sure what your reaction will be."

Sharon scoffed in realization, "By chance, does the name of this referrer start with a M"

Ukeme nods, "Are you one of Muyiwa's acquaintance? That man is a bloody womanizer!" She asked and Sharon rolled her eyes, "Tell me he's not coming" "He's not coming, that I can assure you. If he was Francis would have mentioned it. Get it off your mind, Muyiwa won't be coming to the party."

Bimbo creased her brow in deep thought as several guesses wandered through her mind while she broke eggs into a plate in kitchen. She found herself lost in a world of curiosity and anticipation. She couldn't help but wonder who among the church members would soon be the recipient of a life-changing proposal. The mere thought of it sent butterflies down her belly and ignited a flame of excitement within her.

"Can it be  from choir department or prayer department? Or is it sister Joke?" Her guess took flight, and her mind became a platform for countless options. Deja entered into the kitchen, she opened up the fridge.

"Why are you talking to yourself?" She asked and Bimbo chuckled, "I was just thinking of the proposal thing" "Oh"

"It's actually sweet"

"Hm hm" Deja agreed not sure of how more to respond. She reached inside the fridge and her hand clasped around the familiar shape of a cold, plastic bottle. With a gentle twist, the cap popped open and she took a quite refreshing sip.

Bimbo didn't back down. "Who do you think it is?" "I don't know" She replied with a shrug.

"I'm thinking it's Sister Joke. She's in a serious relationship, very serious relationship. We, we are learning relationship from her. When people like her talk, we sit and take note." She imagined a romantic scenario of the proposal.

"The way I will hold my camera to video the proposal ehn... Just imagine how that her guy will just knee down and just say will you marry me?" She blushed waving a finger. "Ah! God when?" She screamed and Deja scoffed.

If only she knew!

"I don't know jhoor"

Bimbo rolled her eyes, look at her hoping to engage in a interesting conversation but Deja clearly didn't seem to be in a good mood. "What's wrong with you?"

Deja downed the water again. "The truth would only be revealed in time so what's the point of being fidgety?" "I'm not being fidgety, I'm just curious and excited at the same time. On a serious note, I am sincerely happy for the person even though I don't know her. Her dating status will change and it's a time for us to pray for ourselves for God to give us the right relationship according to his will and purpose."

"You have Lanre"

Bimbo nibbled on her lower lips, "Shey? Sometimes I wonder if I'm God's purpose for him? What if he wakes up realizes he doesn't want to do forever with me?"

"Don't say that?"

"Life happens. Its his choice but I'll be happy for him still. Although I'll be pained, I've expressed this before, I'll be very pained. Lanre is everything I wished for in a man."

"Life sure has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. Let's get ready for the first session of the conference. What are you cooking?"

"Yam and egg Sauce, it's even the egg sauce I'm working on." Bimbo replied then she heard the door open.

"Did someone just open the door?" Deja asked, "Let me check" She added walking into the living room to find Bella flipping her hair. "Guess who's here?" She asked staring repulsively at Deja.

"Someone looks ugly. You had better not take that ugly face to church with me"

"Which church?"

"Uh.... Ibere oshi! (Stupid question). How many church do you have? I missed the conference yesterday. I was busy making arrangements for Mrs George and Mrs Comer's birthday party. All these last minute work be making me work my ass off!"

"You have the nerves coming here."

Bella hissed, "What's wrong with this one? Please cut out the drama, I am so famished. What do have?" She asked and Deja stood still, struggling with her emotions. A surge of anger took over, she swung her hands and slapped her on the face.

Bella stood there, stunned and in disbelief. "What the fuck was that for?"  She never expected such a reaction from her. She didn't couldn't understand why she slapped her. Did she do anything to upset her? Did she unintentionally cross a line?

"Something you fucking deserve"

"Is this because I didn't pick your calls?"

"And it was so convenient to show up now! As the best friend that you are."

"Was that why you slapped me?" Bella, still seething with anger, tried to push forward to confront Deja but Bimbo stood in the way, refusing to let Bella engage in a physical altercation.

"Bimbo get the fuck out of the way, I owe someone a slap"

"The only thing you owe Deja is an apology, I don't know who you want to slap but I'm sure pe it's not her."

"Bimbo move away!" She snapped stretching her fingers at her.

"Or what Bella? You know that if they put the two of us in one room, it's ambulance they will use to carry out cause they did not born ten of you well to face me so just know where you're pointing your fingers to."

Bella scoffed, "So i get slapped for visiting a friend. Bi Aunty Ode ti o je,  owa la ẹnu idoti yen lati sọ rada rada. (As the Aunt of Foolishness,  you had the nerves to open your dirty mouth to tell me rubbish). Who owes an apology? Me? I just got slapped"

Deja jumped up, "For being a deceitful bitch Bella!  How dare you? You're in love with Papa, you had a past with him yet you kept quiet and made me think you hated him. How dare you look me in the eyes to deceive me? I was supposed to be your sister"

Reluctantly, Bella paused and took a deep breath. "And so? Was I supposed to tell you everything?" "I tell you everything about my life and it's your fault Vincent hates me" "Your pathetic, useless life! Get over yourself! It's not my fault Vincent hates you, didn't I tell you to give him a go?"

"You made me sleep with that strange guy and he found out!"

"That's on you! I mean, Ìwọ ni asewo tí ó bá bobo yen sùn now. (You're the prostitute who sleep with him).  Did i force you on him? No! Was I there when he fucked you? No! How is it my fault? How?"

Bimbo frowned pointing at her, "You knew she was drunk, you were supposed to be a friend." "Oh shut the fuck up Bimbo, what do you know about friendship." "I really don't want blood on my hands Bella so here I am begging you to please leave my house. I even added please to it, please, leave my house."

Broken and hurt, Deja's immediate instinct was to retaliate. With anger boiling inside her, she charged towards Bella, ready to pounce on her again.

"Touch me again and I swear I'll beat you real good"

"Who? I'll press you with my hand!"

Bella hissed walking towards the door, "Fuck the two of you! Asewo lasan lasan. Christian sisters my ass!" "Let go of me Bimbo!" Deja snapped trying to push her way to Bella but Bimbo was effectively blocking her path.

"You know you two are going to be shocked when I become the side chick to your blessed Papa."

"That's how bitches dream!" "Wasn't that your dream? Now you know you're also a bitch too!"
"Alaileko, Ikeji Aja oshi! (Second to a dog)"

"Ni Iya re! (Your mother!)"

Bimbo faced Deja, "Calm down" She encouraged pressing her palm on her chest, "Just don't pay attention to her, like Lanre will say, you don't spit words with mad people, we know she's a pig so you don't have to rub yourself in the mud with her."

Bella hissed and walked out of the house.

"You should have made me beat the  hell out of her"

"Walai they would have wheeled her out in an ambulance. Besides, we're going to church, you don't want to go feeling heavy inside do you?"

"No. Can you believe she called me a prostitute?"

"Pot is calling kettle black, e did not know that it's the same fire that did the work. Now are you a prostitute?" "No!"

"In that case, that answer settles it. A dog will always bark because it's in his nature to bark. When you start barking with her, you reduce yourself to a dog."


Aunty Abebi got out in clad in a white shirt and a blue short. Emmanuel sighed in relief, he wasn't sure the shorts will fit. "Ababy my baby" "Are you sticking with that name?" "Too local?"

"I didn't say so"

"You're dating a local man now. The shirt looks good on you, are sure it's not yours? You made shirt and short look sexy and coperate at the same time. Sexoperate or coperatexy "

Aunty Abebi shot him a look and he giggled. "I was beginning to doubt if the shorts will fit"

"I'm not that fat"

"I know, I had doubts"

"That I was fat?" She teased and he laughed, "Don't start with me, I'm the Prince when it comes to that parole"

She chuckled looking around, "Your house is neat and comfortable" "Thanks, it's my man cave." "It's unlike a regular man house, and to think I surprised you."

"Maybe you're just lucky" He replied looking up at the bulb, "God, can these people just cut off the light supply already?" He asked and she wondered why.

"Why? Won't be in the dark?"

"We all know the relationship between Rain and Nepa light. Before you know, you'll find out the transformer is no longer transforming"

Aunty Abebi laughed.

"They've tried oh, I acknowledge that but the truth is I don't need the light for now. I want them to take it, the last tragic experience we went through when it rained, we spent three weeks without light. Even the officials in NEPA office were using generator"

Aunty Abebi laughed. "Are you not going to offer me a sit?"

Emmanuel pointed at the short side stool. "You can sit there." He answered taking a deep breath and then she pushed the stool close to him. Gracefully, she sat on of the wooden stool looking into his face.

He took another deep breath. "Do you have to come closer?" "Why? Are you uncomfortable? Do I stink?

"No. I don't think I'm comfortable with you close to me"


"I want to kiss you but I don't because we're alone in my home. No secretary to stop us, just the two of us. I don't want to wake up the sleeping dragon and that dragon has been sleeping for a long time."

Her heart beat steadily and her stomach flipped in a slow, lazy somersault. "What should we do about that now?" "Maintain social distancing.  Right now, you're the corona virus I'm trying to avoid even though I'm in the same room with you; breathing the same air with you, gosh you have no idea how badly i want to be infected." He confessed giggling to himself. Before he knew what was happening, Aunty Abebi brought his fantasy to reality by rising up and leaning towards  him.

"Ababy, no!" He shook his head and she pushed the cofeetable away. "I didn't come all the way here to sit far away from you. If not for the rain, we would have been on the beach, holding hands but like they say, when life gives you lemon, you make lemonades" She climbed on him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Emmanuel felt his breathe seize and his blood go hot. "I'm a hot blooded male specie,  a pure Igbo breed to be precise, do you know what this is doing to me?"

"You tell me" She replied pressing her lips to his but he intentionally refused her.  "Wait, what should I offer you?" He asked looking for an escape.

"For starters I want kisses" She replied shyly and he chuckled at her confidence. It would have taken a lot to have her say that! He loved the fact she was warming up easily. He slipped his hand into hers.

"Let me not be the bad host that didn't offer her guest what she wants." He leaned in and she shut her eyes sensationally.

"What do you want the kiss with?"

"Plenty of love" She replied with an opened eyes.

"No spit?"

Aunty Abebi grimaced, "You sure have a way to put someone out of the mood" "Well, kisses with plenty love coming right up" He responded pulling her closer for a kiss.

Aunty Abebi welcomed his kiss. Suddenly his arms went around her, hugging her tight. Her head dropped to his shoulder and his mouth pressed into her neck. 

Her hands slipped up the smooth,  skin of his arm, over to his shoulders. Then she felt the hard bulge of his erection pressing into her hip, Aunty Abebi grew nervous.

She shared a look with Emmanuel who chuckled nervously, "The sleeping dragon is awake. I warned you but it's fine. I can put it back to sleep"

Aunty Abebi pulled back, gasping then she pressed her hand on his chest. She licked her tingling lips and touched them with her fingertips. She pondered on her choices, especially with the sleeping dragon underneath her.

Was she ready to go down the deep lane? She might get burned but at burned but at that moment, she didn't care.

She kissed him despite his declination. "Ababy... Have you heard of bridge of no return?" "I don't care, right now, just make me your slave, I don't want to return from this" 

"I can't believe you're saying this"

"I can't believe myself either" She  lifted off his shirt all the way off his head then she threw it away now unbuttoning hers.

In that moment, they stared intently into each other’s eyes. Emmanuel's lips were only inches from hers. He kissed her deeply and a soft moan escaped her lips.

Sefa's social media space was filled with messages she couldn't go through all at once. The first message she read on Instagram discouraged her.

Mini celebrity wey dey find attention! Faker! Na who sabi you?


You don't come out to call kidnappers, I hope you know that. Babe, you should be happy you escaped, why not keep your mouth shut? I have once escaped kidnappers den during one of my job interview days that year. Did you see me announce it to the whole world? All these gen Z generation be seeking popularity. Seek your life first cause when these guys will come for you, you'll wish you never went live! -Official_ritorita

She shut her eyes and instantly called Gbadamosi, "Hello Sefa"  "Good morning Papa" "That doesn't sound like the voice of a person that been longing to use an android phone"

She chuckled softly then she exhaled, "Well, there's a disadvantage too! I have a lot of messages to read" "Celebrity Sefa" "Pastor G, it's not funny, the first that I read on Facebook just discouraged me, Instagram too, it's the same thing. These guys think I'm seeking attention and popularity, they don't know that I'm really trying to warn them " She whimpered blinking her tears in, "Don't let it get to you"

"It is! No one believes me"

"We believe you, what they say shouldn't matter to you. We are your family and you've got us." Gbadamosi chuckled, "Cheer up! Will you be in church this morning?"

"Yes! I've opted as a volunteer so, I'll be available till Sunday. It's just sad that you and your wife won't be staying till the end of the morning service" "I'll be in church, only that I won't be staying for long. We have a family meeting" "I'm aware." "What's my future wife doing?" "She's cooking"

"What is she cooking?"

"Egusi soup"

"This morning?"

"Daddy doesn't want her to escape again. He has her on a leash, the man can't seem to shake off the reality that his favorite chef is about to become one with another man."

"Very soon"

"Yeah.... Scares me too! The house will be empty very soon when Aunty Kilahi and Sewuese leaves" "Where is Sewuese going to?"

"I'm aware Aunty Sewuese is working on her visa, Brother Sam might decide to shock us with a wedding date. I'm not holding my breath" "You're leaving too"


"Faithless generation"

"It's the cut off mark for law that scares me and the way I've been sleeping on my jamb question. I feel like I haven't studied enough."

"Have faith."

Sefa laughed then she noticed an incoming call from Teju. "Hey Papa, can I call back? I have an incoming call". Gbadamosi ended the call and she answered the video call.

Teju flashed a smile at her and she waved and folded her hands shyly, she wasn't comfortable with the fact he was topless. He had his camera positioned in a we that showed midriff his entire body.

  "Hey Teju!" She said and he smiled. "Did you out for a swim?" "Yeah ... I sort of followed Cole, remember Cole right? I think I've mentioned him to you"

"Yes you have. After you'll start dropping epistle about how bored you are in Ghana"

Teju laughed, "It's boring without you." "Lies, you're enjoying yourself" "For a moment, I miss Nigeria. It's not the same without you here."

"Are you working out?"

"I told you now, Dad works out so, we've been going out together."


"Do you like what you see?" Teju asked sensually and she chuckled nervously. But her mind kept drifting to his bare body. She tried to ignore his ripped abs, but they were impossible to miss. she wondered when he got this developed! She cleared her throat, she felt like she was committing a sin by sight and thought!

Help me Lord! She said within.

"Can you get cloth to cover up?"

"I'm at the pool side, I'm not with my clothes but does it bother you?"


"Omo, It's so hard to believe you've been given a phone. I thought your parents were going to make you wait till 2000 and forever.  I've got gist for you, I couldn't start bombarding you with the gist about my father on phone call."

"I hope he's okay?"

"Yeah... I'll give you the gist later. Mehn i've missed video calling with you, seeing your face, your hair is scattered, when are you going to make them? Or is that a born again routine?"


Teju laughed, "Sorry, that's basically all you ever talk about. Have you been able to do the assignment Pastor Gbadamosi asked you to do?" "I'm not going to answer before I get accused of only talking about my born again experience"

"Why do you sound that way?"

"That should be my cue, not yours."

"Look at your cute face.The last video call we made..." He trailed off, "Was on Friday the 25th of February"

She shut her eyes reminiscing on it, "I'm sorry" "It's fine" She opened her eyes with a small shrug,  "I don't even want to think of it, I cast out every thought and imagination that want to take over my mind"

"What's that?"

"Something Aunty Kilahi asked me to say when the bad thoughts come into my mind" She took a deep breath search in for an escape topic. "I heard they'll be calling the strike off soon" "Hopefully, I can't stay here again. I miss your lips"

"Teju we can't.... I don't want to go back to that life. We're not even dating again"

"Wait, we're not?"

"Yes. I've mentioned It and inkeep mentioning it every time we speak but you're just feigning ignorance. I need to create time for this new relationship" "There's another guy?"

"Yes, his name is God, dummy!"

Teju laughed, "I'm jealous of God right now" "Why?" "He's closer to you than I am now." He answered and she giggled loudly. "We don't have to break up okay? We can still date and not do anything, anything you don't want to do"

"Really? What part of 'I'm born again' don't you get?" "The part where you can't date any man because of it" She heard a guy answered from the other end.

"Shut up!"

"Who said that?"

"It's Cole"

"He knows..."

"He's my only friend here"

"Doesn't mean you'll go around saying private things to him" "Babe, this isn't even private" "Don't babe me, we're no longer dating remember?"

"You saw what happened after I tried to fool God"

Teju scoffed, "Are you doing this as compensation for your sin or you really mean it" "What are you trying to say? That my decision to be born again is borne out of pretense or guilt do getting kidnapped" "I wouldn't have put it any way better"

Sefa scoffed, "Really?" "Let's be honest here. I get that you're born again, we're both Christians for crying out loud" "Christians who were strafing each other, that's hypocrisy in disguise of being a Christian."

"And I'm sure God will forgive us but you breaking up with me because of it, it's just wrong. I would have preferred you broke up with me because of your parents than the whole 'I'm trying to protect my relationship with God excuse'"

"Yes, I feel guilty about my past but I'm willing to start afresh on a clean slate he has given to me and I'm writing my own vision and plans and having this distraction is not part of it. I'm willing to start over, if you don't believe it, suit yourself"


Sefa ended the call then she hissed. "Did you go to Ghana to be annoying?" She asked and rolled her eyes then her phone beeped. She sighted a message from a Dr_Iremide.
It was a link to a video.
Have you seen this? He asked then she responded with a

No. What's this?

Someone finally decided to answer my message.

I'm sorry. I had I just got an android phone. I lost the old one.

She quickly glanced at his previous message.

Good evening Miss Sefa. I hope I can call you that. I shouldn't ask this but, are you 100% sure about what you said on that broadcast? You can't go around spreading fear with fake news online, I hope you know that.

So... Is it real?

Just call me Sefa. You're not the only one with doubts.

I don't have proof to make anyone believe me, God is my witness in all this, if I can't call God to literally speak for me, there's nothing I can say that anyone will believe.

That was why I asked if you've watched the video. Someone just bared witness to what you said.


There was a near kidnap this morning. A brown Sienna car.

Jesus Christ! I hope the victim is okay?

Yes they are.


Two. You should watch the video.

Okay. Thanks for sending the link.

You're welcome. You didn't take long in there right? I meant in Anambra.

I barely stayed for a day. If you watched the video well, I'm sure you won't asking this. Why are you concerned?

My sister is missing.

Oh. Are you sure? It might be a coincidence.

The last time I spoke to her was on Friday evening.... That was the last time I heard her voice. Something tells me she has been kidnapped. In as much as I'm trying to be hopeful, I'm convinced she has been kidnapped.

Don't wish for it! Please don't! They do horrible things there!

Like what?

I can't talk about it here.

If you're not too busy, we could grab lunch.

With a complete stranger? I just escaped from kidnappers den, you think it'll be easy to trust a stranger?

Okay fair enough. It'll be in an open place, there's a wedding party of a colleague of mine, we can meet at the reception or You can pick any place and I'll meet you there.

Thank you but I'll pass.

Please. I need to find my sister, I can't sleep, I can't think straight, I need to find my sister.

I'm sorry about her hopefully she'll be found. Hopefully she wasn't kidnapped, it's not a place I'll wish on my worst enemy so you shouldn't wish it upon her. Good day! ☹


Brenda answered a call from Kilahi on her way back home, she was in the back seat of a car. "Hey Kilahi" "Tell me you're on your way to church" "Oh shit!" She cussed then Kilahi added, "Where are you?" "I just left the gym. I completely forgot about the morning service, I made plans with Mom to attend this wedding function of someone I don't know"

"Gosh, I hate those kind of functions! One of the reasons I've been pitying myself as the future Mama, I have to go for events and meet unfamiliar faces and also try to familiarize myself with them"

"You definitely have your work cut out for you. You'll be fine"

"You too."

"Ugh! Not when she's trying to match make me with her friend's son."


"Nah! It's not cute, don't 'awn' tp this. His name is Oluwa something something and I'm supposed to like him because he flew from Malaysia and sponsored his cousin's honeymoon to the Maldives. Give me the Women Conference any day! After Mummy Bada's birthday party, I'll be leaving so I'm just trying to spend the little time that I have with her. Connecting more."

"That's good."

Brenda exhaled, "What choice do I have, she's my mother." "Are you okay?"  "Not exactly. It's like everyone in the gym woke on on the 'I hate girls with British accent' part of the bed. It was like everyone made me a center piece on a chopping block!"

"Did you dress provocatively?"

"I'm in a crop top and a sweat pant. Am I supposed to come to the gym in suits and shirts?" Brenda snapped and Kilahi chuckled, "Calm down, I wasn't the one staring."

"Sorry, I'm just so pissed off!"

"It might be your mind, I've had moments when I felt people were staring at me when they weren't. We've all had that moment."

"It wasn't my mind, I know what I saw" She paused. "I need a real distraction right now."

Realm Fm Studio

Manny entered the studio with Ossy. Hilary didn't want to take Ossy to the conference so she called in special favor. Manny decided to turn the day into a 'Take your child to work' day.

Ossy looked around in awe. The walls were adorned with posters of famous musicians, old and new. He could hear the faint sound of music playing from the speakers.

Manny introduced him to his coworkers as his son and they greeted him with warm smiles.

"Can I see the studio?"


Ossy gasped on entering the studio, "Is this where you talk and everyone in Lagos hears" "As long as they're tuned in to the frequency"  

Manny introduced him to the On air Personality set to go live. Ossy was filled with excitement. It was his first ever excursion.

As the clock struck 9 o'clock, the OAP on duty took a deep breath and pressed the "On Air" button. The red light illuminated, signifying that he was live. "Hello hello!!! This is yo girl Eso and you're tuned to Morning delight.  First off, I want to give a big shout to everyone whose birthday fall on this day, to every mother in the world. Tomorrow is mothering Sunday, and to every mother at heart. Men with motherly heart, like Oga Manny that brought his son to work today! Happy mother's day to you Sir"

Manny laughed looking down at Ossy. His excitement was quite infectious. He felt nothing but bliss knowing he was happy being at the studio.


Word Foundation Church

As the keyboardist played majestic notes that resonated throughout the sanctuary, Tayla Perry, a black American televangelist strode to the altar embracing the women president who had called her out. Her  presence commanded attention and applause, her heart quickened with excitement, eager to capture every word, every message that God had for his people. She grabbed the microphone smiling in between the standing ovation and applause.

"I can sense the Spirit of God in this room calling us to a place of intimacy. Can we just worship a bit, there's this Nigerian song that has been ringing in my ears during the week. I had to call my Nigerian friends to help me with the lyrics and I feel the presence of God trapped in that songs. Choir please help, Alade Ogoooo, Alade Ogo"

Everyone chorused the song.

🎶Alade Ogo, O O O
Alade Ogo,
O gbe Ogo, k’ari Ogo o o
Alade Ogo M’a wole (King of glory welcome)🎶

"Father we thank you for your presence this morning, for we are nothing without it. I subject myself before you this morning and I ask that you make me a vessel to speak your word and as I speak, let the entrance of your word, give light and understanding. Let it pierce even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow in Jesus Name we pray. Amen!" She paused flipping her book open.

"This is a day the Lord has made and it is marvelous in our sight. I thank God for an opportunity to stand in front of these beautiful souls once again. I bring greetings from my husband, Pastor Paul Perry, my family and the church Tehilla Tabernacle!" She yelled and everyone clapped.

"I want to thank Pastor G as I fondly call him, for yet another opportunity to step on this magnificent altar and this beautiful nation Nigeria. I love this man of God genuinely and I follow him judiciously. He might not believe It but I've listened to about ten to fifteen of his messages and I still use them as source. God bless you Pastor"

Gbadamosi nods, "My greatest joy is that very soon he'll be having a seat partner. I'll really really love to come for the wedding by God's grace cause I made him my prayer point."

Everyone chuckled.

"I'm not trying to shame him, my prayer point was God help him marry the set woman for the ministry, a woman that will do by him; God's own choice. For the few minute that I spoke to Mama, I think I like her already"

Kilahi witheld her laughter as everyone clapped their hands.

"Halleluyah, greetings to my women president, her Vice and the entire women wing. Permit me to welcome you to Home Builders Conference!"

Everyone broke into a round of applause.

Pastor Tayla looked around the hall to see people still coming in despite the fact there was little space in the auditorium. "The hall is packed already, while I was praying towards this program, God opened my eyes to see that the next HBC wouldn't be held here because the number was more than the capacity the building can contain and then i asked God the meaning of that revelation cause I didn't want to think God meant it literally and then I heard God say this clearly that he's building capacities In men and women, more than they asked for."


"Whatever capacity or measure you're praying for. God has positioned his angels to give you according to your hunger. Can I get an Amen?"


"I hope ya'll came hungry this morning"

Everyone screamed excitedly.

Bella stepped into the auditorium and Bimbo blocked her, "What are you doing here?" "What does it look like? One, I'm a woman just like you are in this conference, 2, i'm a worker and 3, I'm on duty"

"After what transpired this morning. You sure have the nerves to come here"

"How is Judas' betrayal the disciple's business?"

"It's funny how you made that analogy cause I'm sure you probably have the dairy of Judas you probably learn from" "Oh please! Even Jesus prayed for the thief on the cross, what gives you the right to judge me?"

"Have i judged you now? I'm just saying you're not invited"

"I never knew they shared invites"

"Please leave before I show you the way out"

"I dare you to. I promise to cause a scene right here and right now. I can assure you this service won't continue and I'm not bluffing. I'm quite aware you've got your madness and I have a reputation to maintain so get the fuck out of my way Bimbo, Kuro l'ọna fún mi kí n to fi werey hàn e  (Get out of the way, before I show you how a mad man acts)"

Bimbo scoffed, "You're lucky I'm in a peaceful mood" "No Bimbo, you're the lucky one" She snapped walking away and Bimbo exhaled deeply. "Calm down, just let her go, this isn't 2020, this is a new year and a new you Bimbo, just ignore her and focus on your service to God."

Deja clutched a notepad to her tummy, her pen poised and ready to capture the essence of the sermon about to unfold. She watched Ade usher a woman as she settled into her seat. She glanced around and noticed Bella moving to towards the media stance. She scribbled the date furiously on her notepad, her pen dancing across the pages. Ade stood close to him.

"Your best friend is here"

"Don't tell me strangle you for saying that"

He chuckled as his eyes followed her. "How did you guys manage to get by without strangling me when I was Chief Annoying Usher?" "The same way you managed to get by without strangling me too. We deal the best way possible" "I feel like dragging her by her hair."

Pastor Tayla clears her throat, "The theme for this year's HBC conference is the Blue print unmasked. I love the fact that this meeting is not secluded to the married women only. Let the young ones learn what makes a home work from Godly perspective. This morning we'll be looking at It from the dimension of worship to God. I titled this Tailored for intimacy and worship. Can we open to the book of Isaiah 43:21 quickly." She paused staring at the screen, "Glory to God! This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. This gives us a blueprint of what God wants from us as believers. He formed us for himself, I love that verse cause it gives me a glance of how God can be so possessive about us. He didn't form us for the devil, nah! He formed us to himself! We were wired and created to build intimacy with him through worship. An intercourse ensues and then you become pregnant with his glory." She paused as her eyes scattered everywhere.

"So if you're not showing forth God's praise you become less of what he has created you for. The moment you find yourself Inhibited to praising Yahweh, just know your life is taking a drastic shift away from the the original purpose of God for your life. Did someone hear that part?"

Yes Ma!

Preach it!

"Emphasis on drastic shift. We have been tailored and designed according to specification to worship God. These people have I formed for myself that they may show forth, emphasis on show! Show means to make something visible, If you're not showing his praise, if people don't see God's praise enough radiating off your life, cause there's a glory that comes on you when you're living in that purpose so it's going to radiate. If your life is isn't praising God, you become less of what he made you. No wonder scripture spoke in the book of Luke 19, when Jesus replied, “I tell you, if these people keep silent, the stones will cry out in praise! When you become less of what he has created you to be, he can command even the lesser things to take your place. I refuse to be less of what he has created me for"

I refuse to be less than what he created me for!

Bella who was seated at the media stand, opened Tega's laptop then he turned It on. "Password?" She requested looking up at Tega who had a camera in his hands. "What do you want?" "Movies" She whispered and he scratched his head.

"I don't really use my laptop in church if I've not reshuffled, if you know what I mean"

Bella laughed and whispered, "Bad guy!" "But..." He paused looking around, "If you can be discreet and not check the movies."

She smirked biting her lower lips sensually, "What about your pictures?" "Erm... Can we talk about this later? Don't worry about the password, we'll do this later" He asked then he whispered into her ears.

"I'll show you everything."

"No problem. Bad guy"

Tega laughed and handed the camera to her, "You carry complete woman asset but na me way be man dey take picture for women's conference"

Bella chuckled rising up then she walked off holding the camera while Tega's eyes remained on her water buttocks.

"Is that the God you're supposed to set your eyes on?" Ade asked. Tega quickly adjusts, he cleared his throat looking into the congregation.

"I was looking at a camera friendly position"

"Without a camera abi, is it the camera in your eyes? I hope you've captured well, are you sure the lighting is good from this angle, should be add more light to the view since you were so lust and lost in it"

"Which one be your own sef?"

"I just want to offer spiritual advise"

"Start with yourself first, wetin you dey find for women's conference?" "Shebi you sef wear skirt now, abi no be man you be?" He snapped walking away.

Tega frowned. Then he balled his fist angrily.

Pastor Tayla continued, "God inhabits in the praises of his people, Psalms 22 verses 3! He dwells in it, he sits on it, he rest in it. Here's the irony that gets to me every time, a God so big and mighty formed us that we might show forth his praise but yet he craves our praises that he might dwell in it. I don't know how well to put it but it gives me the goosebumps everytime I think of it. Why hold back your praise? There is he that is the inhabiter of the praises we bring, which is God, we are the exhibitors of his praise and there are inhibitors that tries to stop purpose from coming to past in our lives.  The inhibitors come in to change our perfectly designed DNA.  Mutation then occurs in our spiritual DNA, changing the structure of our gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations. We must becareful of these inhibitors of praise because it can transmited to our generations. Slowly we'll begin to have a praiseless Generations, praise less seeds!. Someone say, not in my generation!"

Not in my generation!

"Not my seeds!"

Not my seeds!

"My children will serve God!"

My children will serve God!

"What are these inhibitors? Take your note and start jotting. Sin is the number one factor. It limits your access to the heavenly Father. Please put up, Hebrews 10:38 very quickly." She looked up the screen to see the scripture up there.

"Thank you Media. Now the just shall live by faith: But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. If any soul goes astray, God delights in right living because is a holy God and his eyes cannot behold iniquity so vehemently, we write ourselves off and come to Him feeling like He hates us, feeling like no matter how much we praise or pray to him, he's not going to accept us, after all our righteousness are like filthy rags to him. And the devil the accuser starts to stream live accusations through your mind and slowly you begin to replay them back and forth. I've come to announce to someone this morning that God's eyes may not behold iniquity but his heart is sure full of mercy and compassion!"


"When you're looking down on yourself, God is up there looking down at you with mercy waiting you to come back home to Him! Don't give the devil a chance, those accusations should not make you stay in your sin, come out of it and come as you are, don't let the sin inhibit you from exhibiting praise to the inhabiter of the praise! He has called us for that purpose. Shake the sinful life off! God is interested in you! I rebuke you being a vessel in the hands of the devil."


"I don't know who I'm talking to but I rebuke you being a vessel in the hands of the devil."


"I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!"

Bella looked up at her, she felt like the woman was referring to her. Could she be referring to her?

"The devil lies when he says God isn't interested in you, God is interested. Daughter of God, shake off whatever evil plans crafted in your mind, the grudge, shake it off and come to him. Let him cloth you with a new garments, oh my God! I see God giving new garments all over this place, he's taking that garment of heaviness, depression off you and replacing with praise. Amen?"


Bella scoffed, hissed within and rolled her eyes, ministerial blackmail 101! Everyone knows she's probably referring to more than 10 people in the congregation!

She rolled her eyes and brushed the thought off.

Oshisko! Ministerial scam jare!

She walked up to where Kilahi was seated with a grin on her face. For a few second, they shared a look then Kilahi looked sideway to be sure Bella was actually staring at her.

Why is she even here? Doesn't she have birthday party plans to prepare for?

Her gaze deepened almost boring holes in Kilahi. She had to look away and pretend she didn't notice.

Bella smirked and took pictures of her, she looked into another direction then she took more snapshots. 

What do you guys think about today's chapter? 😎

If Bella is an animal, what animal will best represent her?

Me? 🐏

She's stubborn and unwilling! Her character annoys even me the writer.

Love Bugs still moving about. 🐞🐞

Aunty Abebi oh....   Hello tueh tueh, woman down, I repeat woman down🤧

Will Muyiwa show up?😂

Bimbo is getting proposed to, 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽  who saw that coming?

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