🧤 Chapter 50🧤

Good morning my people😀

I had to change this from 'Good evening' to 'Good morning' after my phone went off yesterday evening while I was trying to update.😅

I'm sorry but my phone + infrequent power supply + adulthood, life and reality is preventing me from posting frequently.

I'm sorry.

Please vote, comment and enjoy!

Thank you❤💓

Chapter 50


On Wednesday morning, Just as Gbadamosi drove out of his gate, he sighted Brenda waving her hands at him. She had been waiting out in the cold for several minutes. She didn't want to risk the embarrassment of asking his security to let her in when she knew clearly the guy wouldn't budge; not after how she reacted the last time she was at the house.

She was pretty sure her name will be top on the list of uninvited guests! She would rather spare herself the humiliation.

He slowed down and pulled the car over.Then he watched her walked up to him. "Hey Bada" She said with a pretty smile and a half shrug, "Sorry, I believe the Nigerian way should be Good morning" "Good morning applies in all the world"

"I can bet saying 'Hey' to a regular Nigerian must be regarded as an innocent."

Gbadamosi smiled, "You do have a lot of convictions about Nigerians when you're one yourself" "The moment I try to forget that I'm one, it's like a reminded pops up on my phone! Thanks for the reminder too."

"It's free of charge"

Brenda chuckled softly then she exhaled, "You going out? Sorry, stupid question, of course you're going out. Where are you going to?" "Church business. I was just called on an impromptu to visit out of Lagos" "Impromptu doesn't sound like your thing"

"Church matters"

"Does that mean you won't be coming back?"

"Its Ibadan I'm traveling to not Wales"

Brenda chuckled then he creased his brow wondering what she was doing at his gate at such early hour. "What are you doing here? It's not even 8 in the morning yet."

"I happened to be on your street so I decided to stop by and say Hi"

Gbadamosi shook his head and raised brows in doubt, "Really?" "No! That's a stupid question from you too! Of course I came to see you! Who else do I know here?" "I didn't want to jump into that conclusion just yet."

"Do you have like five minutes to spare?"

"I don't see your car around, don't tell me you walked down here" He joked and she chuckled softly. "Um.... I know you probably don't want me close because of what happened between us and all the times I tried to seduce you so I don't mind if you want to keep the distance. I just want to say that I'm sorry for being a bitch and I'm sorry for the way I acted the last time I came to your house. I felt embarrassed and I flipped, I just wasn't thinking of the position you were in and I guess I hated you the more when I figured you went on that trip with Kilahi. I just felt it in my guts something was going on, my initial thought was sex so I got angry because i thought you were pretending to be holy when you're screwing her personally. I ended up putting the anger on you and her. I heard you're both getting married in April, I just want to say Congratulations and I do hope you forgive me." She sighed and Gbadamosi smiled.

"Come in" He replied and she opened up the other side then she got in letting her tears out. He drove off listening her to her sob quietly.

"Brenda it's fine"

"I'm sorry and no it's not... I still feel guilty and I feel the need to apologize to Kilahi for the way I acted and the things I said to her. Gosh, the things I said."

"I'm sure she's not holding it to heart"

"Manny said the same thing but I don't believe it." She replied wiping her tears off.

Gbadamosi smiled, he was so sure the matter was already water under the bridges for Kilahi! "Why not talk to her?" "I heard she won't be at work again. I checked on Monday" "She has another day off but she'll be going later on today, let's say by twelve after school evangelism. You can see her then."

"Thank you Bada. I was this close to asking for an address. Thank you for having mercy on this rude girl."

"You're lucky your name is Anuoluwaposi"

"Screw you! I knew the moment I said mercy, you were going to say that!"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Watch your language, you're in a Pastor's car" "Screw that too! For real! Mom is going to driving me crazy very soon" "No one will drive you crazy in Jesus name" "Can we not be spiritual?"

"Everything is spiritual, I'm a spiritual man"

She rolled her eyes, "I'm serious! She wants me to stop cussing and it's so hard not to say 'I'm fucking tired' or 'what the fuck is going on here?'. It's a culture over there. Ever since I came to Nigeria, I feel like nothing I do is ever right and it's so annoying. How can I please an average Nigeria without coming off as rude?"

Gbadamosi grinned, "Are we still talking about your Mom here or someone else?" He asked suspiciously but he clicked her tongue instead. "I'm just really tired of trying to satisfy everyone at the expense of my happiness. Mom thinks I don't care about her happiness, what about mine?"

"Will you be in church tonight?"

"No, why?"

Gbadamosi shrugged, "God laid something in my heart and... The books I was supposed to give you before you went skinny dipping in my swimming pool." "That's not fair... I wasn't even naked." "One minute I was enthusiastically searching for books to give to you, not knowing you had premeditated agenda"

She shut her eyes and covered her palm on her face. "You're exaggerating. That has got to count as a lie and you're a Pastor" "Well, I'll like to give you the book now."

"I'll pass"

"Are you sure?"

"Not on the book, church. Thanks for hearing me out, you can drop me off somewhere here, I'll find my way home."

"Are you going back to London soon?"

"Yes. After your mom's party, I'll be saying good bye to Nigeria and everyone in them. I don't think I'll be coming back anytime soon"

Gbadamosi laughed and she creased her brow in confusingly, "What's funny?" "Life is, cause I don't see you leaving" "What do you mean?" "You might not understand now but I really don't see you leaving anytime soon"

Brenda opened her lips to speak but he quickly interrupts her. "You'll understand in due time" "Understand what?" "It's not clear to me either, do you have plans on setting up something or getting a job in Lagos"

"God forbid! The thought has never crossed my mind, that's mom's dream"

He smiled widely, "You'll understand in due season" "I'm lost Bada, what the ...hell are you talking about?"

Kilahi watched the students march into the classes after her evangelical session. Mercy approached her and embraced her from behind. Kilahi faced her chuckling, "There she is! Future disciples of God" "I know I'll get scolded for this but I miss you already. I and a few others were shocked when you didn't show up on Monday"

"Someone did right?"

"Yes. One Evangelist Manasseh"

"He's worded too"

"Somehow but I wished it was you instead of him"

"I've been procrastinating on calling you"

"I'm sure you were busy. How was the thing you traveled for?" "I thank God, it was successful. How is your spiritual life genrally?"

Mercy shrugged, "Well....I don't know oh, I can't really say but all I know is that I spoke to two girls on my street just like you spoke to me, exactly the same thing and I told them that I've had the best peace that I've ever experienced so they agreed to experience the peace of Jesus with me. They accept Jesus Christ."

Kilahi gasped in shock, "Are you serious?" "I'm serious! Although I saw Ibinabo still talking to Peter yesternight in front of his house" She noted and Kilahi waved her hands, "It's gradual, keep talking to her and leave the rest for God." "Knowing that Heaven is rejoicing because of the two of them makes me happy. Is this how you feel?"

Kilahi smiled, "Yes." "I want to continue winning souls." "I just wish I can use my own words. I've been reading the um... what's the name of that thing, the daily devotional you send. I've been listening to the messages and I love them. I'll like to meet that Pastor Gbadamosi" "You might get to someday. How is your mom and baby?"

"They are fine" She replied then her countenance changed into a gloomy one. "What's going on?" "I haven't gone back to her Father since"

"That's good news"

"He has been sending people to me"


"He said, if I don't come back to him, he's going to kill my mother and then take away my daughter and I'll never see her again"

Kilahi scoffed, "Lies from the pit of hell, nothing will happen to your mother! Do you believe that God can protect you?" "Yes, he can do anything, this world and everything in it belongs to him." "Don't be scared, nothing will go wrong okay? There's nothing beyond God. Let your mind be at peace, your baby Daddy is just giving empty threats. If he needs sex, let him get it elsewhere! Your body is now the temple of God, you don't bow to him, you bow to God and no one else!"

Mercy nodded then she smiled and sighed, "I feel more relieved speaking to you. Thank God I did" She answered and her eyes caught the Principal's then she scurried off. "I apologize for her, she just needed to speak to me before I leave."

"No problem Ma. "Thank you for coming once again for this evangelism work. Although some of the children are still as wayward as what I don't know but I have personally seen changes in some especially a big named Cornell. He was a bully, he and Mercy came to the office on Monday to talk about opening a fellowship group in the school. I told them unless they have a teacher to supervise their activities, it is subject to review."

"Wow. That's a great step, I can't come here everyday. Planting souls in different location is the best, I'm sure the harvest will be plenty." "Hopefully, I've been praying for a day like this. I'm happy it happened in my tenure"

"I'll be on my way Sir, thank you for accommodating me"

"You're welcome Evangelist"

Kilahi laughed nervously, "Kilahi is fine Sir"

Revive Foundation

Kilahi stepped into Mrs Aisha with a wide smile on her face, "Good morning Ma" "Good morning dear" She replied arcing her brow in surprise, she wasn't suppose to turn in till the following day. She returned smile recalling the sweet things Mrs Mba said about her and how she had turned her request down out of loyalty.

"You were supposed to take the day off"

"I took yesterday off"

"You arrived in the afternoon, where's the rest in that?"

"I miss work, today's break was not necessary even though i appreciate it Ma."

"It was well deserved for stressing you. How was your trip generally?"

Kilahi gave it a thought, "It was great, I learnt a whole lot and I'm grateful to you for it." "You're welcome" She replied. Mrs Aisha flipped a newspaper to the middle page then she handed it to her. Kilahi gasped on seeing her picture with Mrs Mba and other dignitaries.

She skimmed through only to see her name listed there along with the organization she represented. "How is this possible?" "It was a dignified event" "I didn't think It'll end up being on the newspaper Ma." "Didn't you tune in to last night's channels news?"

Kilahi gasped, "I was on a date" "Oh wow. Well, the sky is not your limit Kilahi, you'll definitely go places and I promise not to hold you back but support you where you need it"

Kilahi paused and wondered if her boss was saying this because of her conversation with Mrs Mba. After all, Mrs Mba revealed her Intentions to her before making the move to hire her.

"I don't understand Ma"

"You have a shinning star and i promise not to shadow it or stop it from shinning. If you feel the need to seek other opportunities, don't hold back, just let me know and I'll wholeheartedly support you. Don't just zoom off without a word."

"Was that how she left?"


"The one who worked before me, Freeda."

Mrs Aisha arced her brow, "I don't think I've mentioned her name to you." "Let's just say I met her in Benue" "Oh really? Mrs Mba mentioned something about that, I didn't think you two will cross path."

Kilahi smiled.

"What did she say? I mean Freeda, if I know her very well, she must have left a mark."

Kilahi shrugged moving backwards, "It doesn't matter any longer." "There's a board meeting" "I was informed the moment I walked in, to think I was going to miss it. Is Aunty Abebi in? I miss her so much"


"Really? Is she out on duty?"

"She's in Ebonyi State"

"Oh." She paused in thought, what could she be doing in Ebonyi? Wild guesses popped in, could she have gone after the lawyer? She asked within, then she blinked out of the thought, there can be other reasons, why was she being forward?

"Is it Duty call?"

Mrs Aisha cleared her throat, "Let's just say she has business there" "I need to stop procrastinating and just call once and for all."

Mrs Aisha managed to keep a straight face.

Ebonyi State

Aunty Abebi held a bright blue dress to her body then she shuddered in horror hanging the dress back in the hanger stand. "Ma that looks nice on you" "Don't start with your Marketing skills today, I'm not buying it and that's period"

The girl sucked her lips, this woman must have definitely have something against blue!

"I'm sorry Ma"

"How is Ndide beach like?" "You mean Ndibe beach in Afikpo" "I guess so" She replied and the young sales girl smiled. "Well, I've only been there once on a picnic but it's a beautiful place. Ma, are you exploring Ebonyi or something?"

"I only asked a question, you're suppose to answer and then mind your business."

"I'm sorry Ma" She apologize again pointing at the dress, "The blue looks good on you Ma, and I'm not saying it because I'm marketing" She bowed her head leaving then Aunty Abebi's phone rang in her bag.

She took It out and glanced at the ID.

Kilahi calling .....

She smiled and answer, "Very thoughtful of you to call three days after" "Good afternoon Aunty Abebi" "Good afternoon Kilahi, how are you?" "Happy hearing your voice"

"And I'm supposed to believe that"

"Believe it or not, I miss you and I'm sure you miss me too"

Aunty Abebi witheld her laughter, "See! You can't even deny it Ma" She chipped in and Aunty Abebi busted into a loud cackle. "You were on the news last night, someone is making a huge wave" "Life of a celebrity, I'm sure you want an autograph now"

"Tone the pride, it doesn't suit you" Aunty Abebi replied and they both chuckled. "I didn't call to talk about myself Ma. I learnt you're in Ebonyi, my mind is running wild here but first, is it a duty call?" "Not exactly." Aunty Abebi shrugged, "I came to see something for myself"

"I know you hate when people intrude into your business but I can't help but ask, like what?"

Aunty Abebi shut her eyes shamefully. Where will she start? "Remember the conversation we had about..." " I knew it! I just didn't want to be too forward. I guess Mohammed went to mountain after all." "I guess so. I decided to give it a try" "And?"

"Well...I met him and... Let's say I'm enjoying my week. I kept postponing and clearing my schedule until I cleared my entire schedule for the week."

"And you didn't even mention it to me and I was going to get you Chicken and chips."

Aunty Abebi shut her eyes in guilt, "Sorry. Raincheck?" "I'll definitely rain check this one cause this mission was really necessary" "What if I had gotten kidnapped" "By him? That's a welcome development" Kilahi joked making her laugh.


"Yes but the kidnap here is a different kind in my mind but you get my point right?"

"I guess so. I feel that way too, I mean look at me! Lounging in a hotel because I want to see a man for a week."

"The mission impossible finally became possible. So much for the reluctance, I guess someone finally squeezed water from the stone"

Aunty Abebi blushed, "Oh God! This girl!" "Toor! Just making side comments. So... on the scale of 1 to 10, how in love and happy are you?"

Aunty Abebi laughed, "I've never been this happy in years. I'm not even with him, he's at work and I'm here anticipating to see him again, curious about what we'll talk about." "That sounds like there's attraction, I anticipate to see Gbadamosi every now and then and I feel the same way about our conversation. I'm not a love expert, but i think that's a sign that you might really really like him"

Aunty Abebi smiled, "I feel it's too early to be catching feelings" "I don't know about you but I'll be getting married in April to a man I only met in January and spoke to in February." Kilahi answered and she laughed at the same time.

"Take your time to observe and study him"

"I should probably take my bags and move in to this state" Aunty Abebi replied sarcastically then Kilahi laughed spotting the sarcasm in her tone. "I might sound spiritual right now but if he's your own, trust me, no matter the distance or even denial, the truth will only validate itself right in your face and you'll feel it deep down Ma."

Mrs Aisha entered into the elegant conference room. The room was filled with anticipation as executives from different departments gathered around a long, polished mahogany table. As she prepared to address the team. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of his colleagues then she noticed Kilahi was missing. Before she could ask, she saw her quickly walk in. "I'm sorry for coming in late" She glanced at her wrist watch. She was on time but she wanted to come in before Mrs Aisha.

She quickly snaked through and sat on an empty seat. Mrs Aisha rose with a smile, "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen," She began, "Today, we have gathered to reflect on our recent achievements and chart the course for our future endeavors."

The room fell silent, all eyes focused on her. She continued, "First off, I want to acknowledge and celebrate Kilahi for a job well done in the Benue marathon for the girl-child. Our commitment to empowering young women and promoting gender equality has never been stronger. Even though it was on short notice, she obeyed and represented us well. Kilahi's support in this event signifies our dedication to fostering a brighter future for the girl-child in our society."

A ripple of applause filled the room, a collective recognition of the organization's efforts. "Thank you and she delivered a wonderful speech. If you want a full clip of it, it's online. She's ... What do these young ones call I again? Trending... Yeah she's trending and also making Revive Foundation trend. A wise person once said, Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. You started on Valentine's day and till this very moment, I've never had a reason to regret saying yes. You've been a wonderful part of this company along with its Awesome, I want to say, continue being good and you'll see the result."

"Thank you Ma" Kilahi replied bowing her head.

"Now," Mrs Aisha continued, "I want to thank everyone for being part of this team. I pray God blesses us and rewards us"


"Let us delve into the matters at hand. Our financial reports indicate steady growth over the past quarter, thanks to the dedication and hard work of each department, I count myself lucky to have such an amazing and workable team" She paused applauding them and they all joined in. . "However, we must not relax on our laurels. There are more lives to impact, more people to save so let's adapt the demeanor and mindset of achievers, movers, shakers and good trendsetter."

After the meeting, wave of excitement filled Kilahi. The air was abuzz with chatter and the sound of congratulatory cheers to her. "More milestone to unlock" A man said to her and she smiled bowing her head in appreciation.

"Thank you Sir"

As she walked out of the board room, a sense of purpose fueled her steps. Moni called to inform her she had a visitor waiting at the lobby. Fear settled in her heart when she found out it was Brenda who was at the lobby.

What could she be coming to do again? Didn't she travel? Or perhaps she heard about the wedding date and had come to give her another stern warning.

She was worried; it was a genuine concern for her own safety but mustered up courage to meet her. What's the worst that could happen?

At the lobby Brenda stood there, wearing a surprisingly apologetic smile.

"Good afternoon Kilahi, it's been a while" Brenda said, her voice filled with warmth. Kilahi's fear began to subside as she saw the sincerity in her eyes. "Good afternoon" She replied ad Brenda moved close to her.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see at the moment but can we just talk? I know the last time I came, I wasn't exactly in my best behavior because I misunderstood the whole situation. Can we talk somewhere private? I know you probably don't trust me. I promise you, I'm not planning on pouring acid on you. I came with a white flag of peace"

"I wasn't thinking of that until now" Kilahi replied chuckling softly.

Mirabel, one of the staff present as the meeting held Didi's hands into Kilahi's office, "What's going on?" A perplexed Didi asked in surprise, "What do you think of the meeting we just had?" "Am I supposed to express my thoughts on it?" "I'm sure you have thoughts. For me, that's the worst meeting we've ever had. I feel like the only reason Mrs Aisha called for that meeting was to praise that...." She cringed at the thought of Kilahi.

"It's the audacity for me. What right does she have to...?"

Didi laughed in mockery, "Of course she's the boss." "And so? So what are we? Cockroaches to trample on? When did that cockroach start working sef? Just last month oh and now she's seen as the special one. I've been working one year and that woman has not given me any reasonable assignment. It's just to be sitting in the office monitoring and evaluating. It's not fair, I've been in this NGO longer than her. Yet they moved her to administration, can I not administer programs too? Or look into people's problem and treat them like mine. Or am I not a good person? I means the way Mrs Aisha commended her as if everyone of us there are decorating chairs. She's this, she's that.... Nah! I have never been more offended in my life."

"Mirabel, what do you want me to say? You're offended, take the matter to Mrs Aisha."

The jealous woman scoffed, "It's like this thing isn't disturbing you oh. You've even been here longer than I, why didn't she send you to Benue?" "Kilahi already had plans that conformed with"

"Oh please! What plan?"

Didi stood akimbo and sighed, "She had her cousin's wedding. She posted it on her timeline and Instagram page". Mirabel hissed, "I think Mrs Aisha is just being partial because she's one of her 'Sanu' person, Hausa and Hausa"

"Kilahi is not even Hausa, she's from Igede" "What's the difference? Doesn't she speak Sanu?" She scoffed, "She's an Igede woman" "Girl abeg! How old is she? Is she not 25? Girl abeg! Clean your mouth when you say woman. Who dash her woman?"

"She's getting married next month?"

"She is?" She asked in surprise then she hissed, "When then? Me too, I'll get married someday, just that men don't know what they want these days."

"See, I want to go and grab lunch like this" Didi said to avoid the topic but Mirable was ready to stay on it like it was a right someone stole from her. "Imagine the expense paid trip, free return flight ticket and even a day off, I even heard it was supposed to be two days but the girl decided to force her big head to come today so they can praise her during the meeting."

Didi laughed, "Jehovah! The babe wasn't aware of the meeting, it wasn't until she came" "Abegi! All na wash, pretense! We know how these things play out now. Why are you even supporting her? When did she start work, before you know they'll increase her pay. Abeg oh! Girls like that are dangerous, period. "

Didi exhaled, tired of the unhealthy conversation. "Kilahi is not a bad person, don't paint her as one. She has her own scars, her life wasn't perfect, she has gone through a lot and I speak base on relationship being office partners. If things are going well for her now, congratulations to her. I'm happy for her"

"So you're not going to get angry at her? Didn't you also go for an assignment? Why didn't she call you out?" "She commended everyone of us"

"That was the worst part."

"What was she supposed to do? Call our names one after the other? What is it? An award ceremony?" "Exactly how it felt like when she was dishing that crap about Kilahi! Who is she sef? When did she start working? When did she even graduate? How many experience does she have? You're not reacting the way I want you to. With Freeda, you no dey gree"

"Because Freeda had her madness so I needed to match up to her. Kilahi is a different person, the babe carried a warm spirit. Even Aunty Abebi has warmed up to her. See, in this life ehn, even man is born with different stars, mine is different, Kilahi's own Is different. You must learn to celebrate people for their rising so you can attract what they carry"

"So I should"

Kilahi walked in with Brenda and Mirabel smiled nervously, "Oh my God! Just the person we were talking about" "Really?" Kilahi asked curiously, "Yes. Congratulations ehn.... Wehdone, you've tried." She faked a smile then she walked away while Didi folded her hand glaring at Brenda.

"What's she doing here?"

"To talk to me."

"The last time she came she was here barking like a dog."

"Will you just fucking mind your business, the last time I checked, I'm not here to see your ugly face."

"Well it's my ugly face and my office too so the get the fuck out"

Kilahi gave her a look, "What happened to 'I came with a white flag?'" "I really did, she called me a dog." "I clearly said the last time you came, I believe with your english accent, it will be easy to understand that the statement was made in past tense"

"Didi! This isn't necessary. I know you're sticking up for me but..."

"This babe made you cry the last time she came, she called you a bitch, a slut, a whore."

Brenda scoffed, "Okay.. Fine! I know we started on the wrong foot from the last time but I'm not here to insult Kilahi, I promise you." "What if you have a bottle of acid in your bag. Fear women!"

She moved close to her and opened her bag, "Feel free to check inside. I won't do that to a fellow woman" "But you came here the last time to fight over a man"

"I'm not proud of it myself. I don't mean Kilahi any harm, so you can put your protective shield down, I didn't even come armed, I came for a personal amnesty"

Didi gave Kilahi a look to be sure she agrees with the idea. Kilahi nods and then she left them to be alone.

Kilahi stretched her hands to a leather chair, "Please seat" "No. I don't recall sitting the last time I came, I didn't ask questions, I just assumed and accused you wrongfully." "I've also been guilty of assumptions too. That day you came, I was so confused, we had something good going on."

"I know... I felt betrayed that was why I reacted the way I did."

"I'm sorry I didn't mention that I liked him too. The truth is, I wasn't too sure of my feelings then. I was just evading. I totally understand why you thought I was pretending, in one way or the other, you might be right."

"I thought you and Gbadamosi went off to Anambra to hit it off"

Kilahi laughed, "Oh my... No way! My sister got kidnapped, it's a really long story" "I heard, how is she?" "Fine, Gbadamosi was the shoulder I leaned on through that crisis." "I'm sorry for calling you a slut, I've been feeling guilty about it ever since Manny told me about the whole thing. I owe you an apology. I know I'm sorry might cut it but.... what can I say?"

Kilahi exhaled, "Its fine" "No its not, don't pretend it's fine, I'm sure you must have been mad at me." "I wasn't" "Thats a lie" "I wasn't. I was much more guilty about not telling you how I felt about Gbadamosi and I felt bad for losing a new friend. To think I was already making plans so we could grow our spiritual life, that was basically all I was angry about, nothing else."

Tears rippled down Brenda's cheeks, "I don't even know what to make of this" "If you don't see It as weird, I know you probably still like Gbadamosi and you two have history together but, my right hand of friendship is open" She stretched her arms wide and Brenda embraced her sobbing quietly.

"I'm so sorry"

"It's fine" She patted her back then she pulled away intently staring at her in worry. "Why do I feel like there's something bothering you more than this? What's going on? You can talk to me Brenda. If you want a friend to talk to, I can be that friend"

Brenda wiped her tears, "I just feel so unfulfilled in life, I feel like a complete let down and no matter how I try to run away or take a holiday to make myself happy, the reality dawns on me. I feel unloved, I feel a lot of anger and every fucking time I just feel the need to transfer it, even with wealth, I still feel fucked up like my life is going to end up badly, my life is in a dark place and no holiday has been able to take me out."

"The fact we travel around doesn't mean we've automatically leave our problems behind, every average human being with his or her own Kaya (baggage) but for us believers. Thinking of it, when you give your life to Christ, your life no longer belongs to you, you don't have to worry about whether your life will turn out right or not. If he's the one riding your life, he can't lead you astray or into a dead zone. Even in the Lion's den, he'll shut the mouth of the lion and bring you out. The so called 'problems' no longer belong to us, it's his own problem let him fix it! The question here is have you given your life to be saved by Him?" Kilahi asked seeing an avenue to win a soul.

Brenda gave it a thought then she shrugged and scoffed, "I was born into a Christian home, i never took religion seriously until I learned I was going to be betrothed to a Pastor." "Christianity is beyond religion, what you need is an intimate relationship with God and a every holiday with him" She replied stretching her hands at her.

"Holiday with God should be fun."

"Ever since I found purpose and I started knowing him personally. It's been an interesting ride, I don't know for others, for me, I've seen different shades of God and I'm hungry to see more and just experience him more"

Brenda chuckled, "You make this things sound cool" "Well, I don't like to see relationship with God as complicated. Why complicate things when it's so easy? If God can converse with Abraham as a friend and promise him generations. I feel he wants more of that friendship from that generation but it's we that don't give him that much chance to come in. Really, it just comes from yielding to his will. It's not favorable, yes, it's not what you like that moment. Your part is to yield and just see him become your friend. I've not gotten to where I want yet... From the time we spoke during Mrs Temi's wedding till now, I've grown spiritually and I know I'm his friend. God is ever interested, if you are."

Brenda cried staring at Kilahi's hands then she grabbed it and a smile curled Kilahi's lips.


Gbadamosi leans against the glass pulpit looking back at the graphics on the screen while giving an announcement.

"The month is gradually coming to an end, glory to God."

Glory to God! The church chorus and a few people shouted.

"This is the last Wednesday of the month, therefore, for the month of April, we'll be dwelling on a new theme, the 'heart series', just like the media have put up on the screen. There's a word for every season and I sense in my spirit that God is going to be fixing a lot of hearts throughout this series."


"This one doesn't require amen, God is going to be fixing some hearts whether you're intentional or unintentional about it. Broken hearts will be mended, fragile hearts will receive strength, confused hearts will receive direction. There's going to be spiritual heart transplant for those who need new ones, it's scriptural, David said in psalms, create in me a clean heart. When you talk about the word 'create', we are talking about the producing power of God to bringing into existence something new. God is going to create a new heart, a clean slate for you in this season.


The message bible version puts it as, God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. I so much love this version, God is going to shape a Genesis month from whatever chaotic battles going on in your heart. He's a heart fixer, there's no better person to meet to fix your heart than he who created it."

Yes Sir!

"I don't think you heard that part well. There's no better person to fix a heart than the one who created it!"

He knows all the fragments and intricacies of the heart, the doors and windows. A very good mechanic from listening to the explanation of the car owner knows the part in the car to touch, in order to get the car kicking again. They don't do trial and errors!

Not those Carpenters that touch the whole parts of the car and later say it's the carburetor, only for you to fix and wake up to another problem.

Everyone chuckled.

"The Power tool to fix hearts lies in his hands but as humans we usually run into the hands of men to fix our broken heart. We try to solve the problems of our heart using men or women as the case may be, rather than go to God to fix it! Opeyemi broke your heart, now you're looking for someone better than him to take the hurt away. Your earthly father disappointed you and now you're going around looking for a father figure in every guy when you have God the father Himself. Those men will not fix that broken pieces in you, the truth is, if you don't let God help you deal with those matter of the heart, they are going to surface and might pose as a threat to that relationship. We are going to be talking about matters of the heart, the importance of the heart and why the scripture was so particular and intentional about how we should set our hearts right. No wonder the warning to guard our heart with all diligence cause out of it are the issues of life. The heart is one of the most important part of the human part, if anything happens to the heart, if that heart stop pumping, brethen flat lines will happen! A person is gone, some of us now, if we're to carry spiritual monitors around, your hearts are beeping like the ones in the hospital. You know the ones that are ten seconds away from going beyond. Beep beep beep beep" He sounds quickly and everyone laughed.

"See, spiritually, if the devil gets to your heart and make it stop pumping, what this means is that he has attacked and flattened your faith, you're as good as dead. You know why? Romans 10:10, For with the heart man believeth unto what?"

Righteousness! The congregation chorused.

"Unto Righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. It is by believing in our heart we are made right, sometimes, the reason why some people do not convert after preaching to them is because this matter of the heart. Something someone did, something a church or a Pastor once did to them, the list continues. Whatever goes on in your heart, projects in your physical. I can't remember the verse, that part in the book of Luke in message version that says, the health of the apple tells the health of the tree. The State of your heart, tells a lot on your outside. This month we'll have our Pastor and ministers divide the word, we'll talk about the connectivity between the brain and the heart. What's the problem in your life that has made your heart so heavy laden. Why not hand It over to the heart fixer, let him fix it for you. We are going to learn how to guard our hearts diligently with the word, we are going to be kicking depression away, those dirty thoughts you conceived in your mind that has found permanent residence in your heart, we are going to send them packing in Jesus Name.


Gbadamosi sighs, "Whoa! This is just an introduction and I can feel the move of God here already. You are God's battle-ax and sword. With you he will shatter ungodly nations and destroy many kingdoms. You can't be his battle axe if your heart is not in the right state. He said give me your heart, give him your heart and see your eyes and the rest part of you begin to delight in his way. The hand of God that fixes all things, that creates is here, it's going to come upon you in your number, Just say this pray this scripture to God, say, Examine me, O LORD"

Examine me, Oh Lord!

"And try me!"

And try me!

"Test my mind and my heart."

Test my mind and my heart!

Kilahi quickly flashed through her last moment in the car with her parents before the accident then she smiled placing her right palm on her chest.

Gbadamosi laughed, "The heart fixer is here, you might start to feel emotional, you might start to have flashes of those hurts, about ten of you are already having flashes, don't hold back, God is working to create in you a clean heart, for a few of you, today is going to be the Genesis of how God helped you. Those fainting hearts, he's touching someone right now, revival is coming"

A girl cried out from behind then followed by another.

Brenda shut her eyes in tears and Kilahi clasped her palms around her palms muttering prayers. Bimbo rushed to the rescue of a girl that fell on the floor.

Gbadamosi smiled and raised a song, "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters. Wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger. Choristers help me here"

"🎶Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters. Wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger, in the presence.....🎶

Ossy hugged Kilahi after the close of the service. "Look at my handsome Prince." Kilahi complimented and he blushed. "How was Benue? You didn't bring anything for me" "We brought fruits, it's your mom that come to take it" "So i'll order uber to come and collect fruits, weldone, it's not as if fruits have finished in Lagos" Hilary replied.

Kilahi gasped, "This kind of twin sister sef. That fruit was from my heart" "I love you too but I reconsidered oh" She replied and Ossy faked a frown. "So no fruits from Benue" "Blame your Mommy, your Mom I already having pride because she's a CEO"

Hilary danced and they all laughed. "Congrats babe, I'm so happy for you" "Thank you"

Kilahi touched Ossy on the cheek, "This one your cheek is smooth like this, what's your secret?" "Vaseline, mommy has been emptying the whole cup on my face. It's either that or the glory of God. I heard it makes people's face shiny and beautiful like the way you're looking"

"Oh my gosh... Where are learning your lines from?" Kilahi blushed staring at Gbadamosi who was talking to Lanre then he turned his back at her, "I'm even taking notes from here" He answered and they all laughed.

He was even listening! How was he listening??

"How was school?"

Hilary stepped in, "Don't let him start cause he won't finish the story" "What about your career day Ossy? Has God finally spoken to you?" "No but I'm going to go with law but I don't know where we'll get a wig from." "I can give you mine" Kilahi answered and Hilary busted out in a wicked laughter.

Ossy frowned, "Your twin sister said the same too, you two are really twins, it's today that I believe" "Ehya Sorry, shebi I told you to make up your mind since, don't blame me if you go to school wearing my wig"

"So when others will be coming out dressed as doctors, firefighters and even electricians, I'll come out looking like a professional mad man that went to study madness in university. My life will finish before It start cause Isaac will laugh me"

Kilahi and Hilary laughed. Gbadamosi and Lanre chuckled from where they stood while trying hard to keep up with their conversation.

"I'm sure he's going to say something like, when God wanted to make your wig, I was the one that cut the light so manage this one you're wearing. Don't worry, when God touches my heart, I'll give supply you enough electricity to complete your future."

Hilary laughed, "He's not going to say that" "It's as if you don't know that Isaac Oldton, his head does not invent good things, it's always abuses. He was even bragging today about the cable wire his father gave him. He should not even come to my side or I'll use the cable wire to flog his bumbum"

Gbadamosi laughed out loud then he turned back at them. "Ossy!" He snapped and Ossy whispered. "I thought Pastors do not always do amebo" "Not this one" Kilahi answered, "This one had PHD in Amebo things!" She answered and he turned his gaze at her, "I heard that!"

Ossy smiled, "But I'm sure Mommy is not going to make me leave home wearing her wig cause it will make her look bad. Besides, grandma already promised me a wig" "Which of the Grandma?" "Grandma Coker. Aunty Kilahi, I have levels, three grandmother only me" "I feel like crying right now, God when will be lke Ossy like this?"

"You're feeding his ego"

"Your Mom is jealous, how many grandmother do you have Hilary? Is it easy to have three grandmother??"

Brenda approached them holding on to a bible and the inspirational book Gbadamosi gifted her. "I'll be heading home. Thanks for today" "I didn't do anything." "Good night" She waved her palms then she walked away.

Ossy looked up at Kilahi then he whispered. "Is she an American girl? She's talking like she's straight from one cartoon"


6:32 am

Ossy paced left and right in his black coat and mini lawyer wig while Hilary took pictures of him. "You stand one place now" "Lawyers do not always stand in one place, walking around makes them think fast" "You don't mean it, Barrister Ossy" "Esquire" "Where did you hear that from?" "Daddy.... He said I should add it. I'll sue Isaac to court and I'll have him... what's that word, I'll have him something for not supplying electricity"


"Yes! I'll charge him for not supplying electricity, I'll charge him like battery. He'll shine light in villains' prison"

"Don't wish bad on people"

Ossy laughed, "Sorry. The imagination was funny that was why I said it out." He stood still smiling and his mother took a stable picture of him. "Cute" She complimented then he resumed pacing. "Send it to Grandma"

"Which of the Grandma?"

"All of them, send to Chinasa, since she's still around, she'll show grandma. Although Mama will not be happy I choose black robe instead of lab coat."

"Same thing on my mind, it's just a career day and you made your choice, that's what is important."

"Objection your honour, the mitigation of legislation is not meeting the circumference of the triangle"

Hilary laughed, "What are you saying? Where did you hear mitigation from?" "I just formed it, does it exist" "I know it's a law term, don't ask me the meaning. I'll have to check it first."

"Lawyers always blow English, you did not see Aunty Abebi? I didn't even understand many things that she was saying, it's that other lawyer that was just using Ebonyi English"

She gasped.

Which one is Ebonyi English again!????


ABC law firm

10:00 am

Corper Funmilayo, the secretary at the firm stood swiping through her Facebook feeds then she scrolled through a lawyer's association page. "God knows I don't have data as I'm streaming through feeds like this oh but my eyes must feed on something apart from looking at this four corners of this building before depression will kill me. Even the things I'm feeding my eyes on is enough to make you depressed" She smiled running her hands through an ad on a Tecno phone.

"My dream phone! Don't worry, by the time I'll want to buy my own, there'll a new model." She smiled and kept scrolling then she sighted a picture of Aunty Abebi. "Mehn...Mehh! There are lawyers and there are annoyers, some people were called to bar while some didn't even receive flashing, they are just wearing black and white up and down forming Esquire. Awon Esquire committee. God will make me a lawyer someday" She exhaled scrolling through her feeds.

Aunty Abebi who was clad in a V neck top grey gown, cleared her throat attracting her attention. Her widened nearly popper out of her socket in fear. "Good morning" Aunty Abebi greeted but she lifted a finger at her instead. "Wait..." The secretary paused swiping back to the picture then she glanced back at her.

"This must be Oxford dictionary meaning of coincidence.Oh my God! I can't believe this, wow! Good morning Ma" She greeted bending her knees slightly behind the counter where she stood.

Aunty Abebi automatically knew the secretary has fore knowledge of her. "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm in the same room with.... Good morning Sir, Ma, my name is Oluwafunmilayo Aderogba, I am first a lawyer, then a corp member and then a secretary. Ma, i'm a fan, I've read your works on Facebook and social media, all your pro bono cases and how you stand up for human rights and the less privilege even though you don't like to publicise it." She paused then she blinked.

"Forgive my manners, welcome to ABC law firm, how can you serve us? I dare not use how can I serve you because we don't have anything to serve, it's you that can serve us. How can you be of help to us Ma?"

"I need to see Mr Emmanuel if you don't mind"

"Which of the Emmanuel?"

"I don't want to see Emmanuel Umeh or Okeke"

"You want to see Emmanuel Oliver.... Oh my God, you are the one that called. I didn't know I was you. I would have paid more attention"

"Can I see him?"

"Yes Ma. I would have put a call through to him but I don't have airtime at the moment" "Perhaps a surprise will do." "Okay Ma, I'll show you to his office"

"How are you sure I'm not an hired killer?"

"You're a darn good lawyer, I'm sure you'll be able to get yourself out of that situation"

Aunty Abebi laughed. "Just kidding, I'm sure as an awesome lawyer as you are, you know the consequences of such crimes" "Even criminals know the consequences but still commit." "Should I inform him first?" "Where's his office?"

Emmanuel sat in his office flipping through case files, "The headache I'm having from looking at these things. Sometimes I go dey wonder who send me study law." He commented and laughed at his comment. "Mehn... Na only goat, chicken and farm dispute person dey settle. Very soon, they're going to bring two chickens to us and tell us to sue the cock for unlawful penetration. Chai!" He clicked his tongue then he heard his stomach rumble.

"Beans and plaintain na your mate?" He muttered laughing to himself, "Omo, if I say I should release this mess from my belly, that's when all my family people will storm in with their problem and add this smell to their mountain of problems" He laughed hearing the door creak open.

Emmanuel lifted his head surprised to see Aunty Abebi. Deep down he thanked God for not releasing what would have been a horrible smell into the air. "Is this a dream?"

When she shut the door, she leaned against it and smiled. "Maybe you're daydreaming" "What are you doing here?" "I was bored so I decided to stop by and check this law firm out" "I hope it wasn't difficult getting here"

"Easy as ABC" She answered provoking a chuckle from him when he replied she just played upon the firm's name. "I get it, because the firm's name is ABC"

"Yeah. First off, I hate the name. What kind of horrible name is that? They could have used XYZ like we usually use in voting examples."

"Have you seen our slogan?"

"I can't decide which I hate the most, the name or the slogan"

Emmanuel laughed nervously, "We crack case like ABC, and apart from that, we're cheap so..." His laughter faded away leaving him with a smile as he admired the dress she had on. "I love your dress. You really did pack up for someone who only wanted to try me out"

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself. Thank God for boutiques, I probably would have been stranded"

"Sorry for the stress"

Aunty Abebi shrugged, "It's not a bad dress, although it's really not my fashion but I can manage." "This is a pleasant surprise" Emmanuel rose up and tucked his hands in the pocket of his trousers and shuffled towards her pulling a chair for her to sit on. She glanced around at his office, her eyes skimming over the shelves of books and the ones on the table.

He chuckled and his gaze drifted downward ever so briefly to the V-neck of her top, but as quickly as the glance was there, his attention was back on the desk. He quickly managed to organize it.

She smiled and slipped her bag off her shoulder. "What should I offer you?" "You don't have to stress yourself" "This is your firdt time coming to my office, permit me to treat you to something you love" "Don't bother"

"Shh... What should I get you? I'll ask Corper Funmi to get it for you. What's your favorite?"

"Chicken and Chips. That's my favorite, only a few people know this about me"

"Feel free to call me few people" He teased and she laughed. Then he watched him beg the secretary to run the errand on his behalf. He grinned afterwards, showcasing his bright smile. "What was it that brought you here?" He asked sitting on the desk, his legs a few centimeters away from her.

"I was just bored so I decided to check on the law firm"

"Ah... The law firm and one handsome man that works in it"

"The law firm"

"Can you just admit it already"


"You're already feeling the Butterflies in your tummy"

Her heart fluttered, sickeningly because as much as fought hard, her feelings fought back. At the same time lovingly because it felt good!

She looked away completely flushed then she rolled her eyes and looked up at him. "You know what? I think I should go" "Why?" "I've overstayed... I was coming in to check the firm, now that I have, I should be on my way"

"Is it so hard to admit you like a person like me? See, I'm not forcing this on you" "Did I say you are?" She snapped at him but he scoffed.

"You're acting like it"

"Like what?"

"You know exactly what I mean. I mean the way you stared at office like I had cobwebs hanging. Apart from this handsome young man, you probably came in to check the firm so you could weigh the reality of falling in love with an average Igbo man like me. Maybe give yourself a reality check and leave before it becomes too late. Am I right or wrong?"

Aunty Abebi scoffed rising up, "That's probably an excuse to escape now. At least wait for Chicken and Chips" "You can as well eat It" "I'm a village man, I don't do chicken and chips"

"Give It to Corper Funmi then, do whatever you want with it. You know what? Good bye, so much for anticipating our trip to the beach" She walked away but he held her back.

"I'm sorry"

"For what exactly?"

"I don't know why I'm apologizing, probably do being too truthful. I know I'm not your usual Rich man, I made that clear and I gave your a choice but you chose to spend the rest of the week. If this....what I'm sure we feel for each other. If you're still in denial, I'm not cause I'm a man of perception and reality. I know what's right in front me and I know it's love, deny it all you want. The only obstacle is you accepting it for what it is."

"I stayed didn't I? Do I need to profess that I like you for it to be real?"

"Same thing is obtainable in the court of law. At least admit it and stop making it look like a fool in love, I'm not the only one feeling this, we're both feeling it. What's the problem? It's my status right?"

Aunty Abebi's eyes glistened with tears, "I don't trust you" "Okay. That's a start. Whatever the past men in your life" "Urgh! It's not even that! You men are the same, you can profess all the love in the world but when a younger and more beautiful woman comes your way, it's good bye to the old"

"I love you the way you are"

"Love doesn't maintain beauty does It?"

"You didn't strike to me as one with insecurities"

Aunty Abebi pushed him backwards, "Damn you" "I like you okay?" "Like? Admiration or Fantasy, which one of it?" "Love. You're one of the most beautiful woman I've ever set my eyes. I can't quantify or describe why I like you the way I do but one thing I love is your heart. It's one part people can't see but it's made of gold, i'm sure you are misunderstood most of the time but I see beyond your demeanor."

Aunty Abebi blinked her tears, he just completely read her like a book.

"Is it because of your father? Did he.... Did he abandon or cheat on your mother?" He asked and she tightened her fist. "I don't want to talk about this"


"Please! I don't want to talk about that man. Please!"

"Did he leave?"

Aunty Abebi turned back fanning her eyes while witholding her tears. Her lips quavered as she struggled to hold back the flood of emotions welling up inside her.

"I'm not him, I won't abandon you or cheat on you" "I'm sure he said he same to Mom before he left"

Emmanuel finally got his answer, her mother was abandoned! "Hey" He touched her shoulder to turn her towards himself but she refused. "It finally makes sense why you're tough-skinned and still alone" "Don't insult"

"I mean it in a good way. I'm just saying a lot of things finally make sense. The dots are connecting, my observation... Was that why you wish he was rather dead"

Aunty Abebi muffled her sobs, as the tears streamed down her cheeks, leaving a trail of vulnerabilities. "Mom was in love too, she ended up pregnant for a man who left her because of the difference in religion and class. He finally wakes up one day to realize he doesn't want to be the daughter of an Akara (Bean cake) seller's."

"Did he reach out"

"When it was late, that was the period Aisha, my sister reached out too." "At least he tried to be a father" "I grew up without a father and I'll like it to remain that way"

"At least you have a father"

"You should be lucky you didn't have a man like that man as your father. All I want is for him to pay for every suffering my mother went through, every tear she cried" "How do you plan to do that?"

"He'll pay with every last penny he has"

Emmanuel creased his brow in thought, "Why does that sound like you're filing a law suit against him?" He asked and she scoffed, "Seriously?" He asked and she finally faced him. "In Hausa, there's a proverb which says, Hakki da ka rena shi kan soni maka ido, do you know what that means? It means the grass which they disregarded will injure their eye. I'm the grass they disregarded and I want more than anything to injure their eyes"

"What joy will it constitute?" "I won't know until i have tried" "Then what's holding you back? What has held you back all these years?"

Her lips quivered, not from fear, from the raw intensity of the emotions that coursed through her. "If this was a case of a client? Would you have hesitated?" "No." "Why?" "Just stop with the question" "Because you have no business with her, she's not your family but this one is. He's your father" "A father who never cared about me" "It still doesn't change the fact he's your Father. Without his sperm, you wouldn't have existed and I probably won't be as happy as I am this moment." He teased but she kept a strict face.

"He discarded me, I'm only suing him for negligence"

"You suing me your own father is taking it too far"

"We probably shouldn't sue a father that rapes a girl because he's the child's father." "That's a different case, you're more rational than that. Don't let revenge cloud your judgement. I know how it feels growing up without a father too, my life was never rosy"

"You had a father figure, I never did! My mom was both a father and mother, I had to put up with abusive whispers about my mother meanwhile he gave his love to his other children. So I wasn't deserving of his love right?"

"Do you hate your siblings?"


"Do you consider them as your blood?"

"Yes, what choice do I have?"

"Your father shouldn't be an exception, you said it yourself, he tried to reach out"

"It was too late"

"The man was willing to make up for lost times but you refused so how it is his fault?"

Aunty Abebi sucked her teeth, "You know what, I'm not going to have this argument with you. I think I made a mistake coming here" She said turning to leave when he held her by the arm, stopping her from leaving.

She tightened her fist, her heart pounding in her chest. As she faced his intense gaze, she became filled with regret about all she said. She wondered if his mind had changed about her.

Can he still profess love to a heartless woman like her?

The room was tense, filled with an uncomfortable silence. Aunty Abebi could feel the weight of their words hanging in the air. "You have Daddy issues I hope you know" "Really?"

"I'm sorry but that's the truth and with issues like this, you'll never trust any man enough to take that leap with, no matter who he is. No matter how much he loves you or how much he tries to show it."

Tears rippled down her eyes knowing he wasn't far from the truth. The tension between them began to dissipate. He wiped her tears with his fingers and Aunty Abebi felt so vulnerable.

"I feel horrible"

"Or you feel vulnerable because you're crying in front of me. Even soldiers get wounded in battle. The strongest have their moments of fragility." He cupped her chin gently, his touch tender yet firm. He leaned his face closer to hers. He waited, patiently, giving her the time she needed to make her choice. In as much as he wanted to kiss her, he wants to be sure she feels the same way too.

With her permission granted, he closed the remaining distance between them, he leaned forward and press his lips to hers. His body tenses as hers softens into him. Aunty Abebi slides her hands up his chest at the same time her tongue slips between his lips. His strong palms slide slowly up her bare arms as they both sank further into the kiss. Emmanuel withdrew satisfied seeing the gasp that escaped her lips, she sounded disappointed to.break the kiss.

He smiled biting his lower lips.

"Remind me, Why did you say you were here again?" He asked and she chuckled. "Does this mean...." He trailed off but she silenced him with another kiss then she wrapped her arms across his neck.

And as they pulled away, their foreheads touched.

What do you guys think of today's Update? 🤣😂

Yay💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽. One ship sailng.... Others to go!

Brenda and Kilahi finally reconciled.

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