❣ Chapter 49 ❣

Good afternoon everyone!!!

Eku Jo meta!

It's been a long while😩

Thanks for the love and prayers. The love has been massive! I've had messages from left and right.

Truth be told, it inspired me to write.

Thanks for the concern.
I'm fine guys.... God is taking control.

Please Vote




My phone is about to go off. Seriously unedited!

Chapter 49


Kilahi stepped into the sitting room in the black dress. Sewuese followed her now clad in her sleeping pyjamas. Gbadamosi who was speaking with Uncle Adzer and Aunty Mabel rose up with a smile plastered on his face. The dress looked familiar, he wondered where he had seen it before, then it occurred to him how she had worn it on her date with Manny and how she literally sucked the air out of him that day, leaving him breathless.

The effect was very much there! The dress ticked all the right boxes!

Suede, Black, Long, beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!

"I'm ready to go" She muttered smiling sheepishly, her face instantly flushed from the look on his face. She didn't need a magician to know the man was too swoon to speak.

"You look beautiful" He compliments and she blushed, "Thank you." She curtsied then she looked towards Uncle Adzer, "Daddy, you didn't say anything" "Because he stole the word out of my mouth"

Sewuese quickly interrupts to greet Gbadamosi before she gets drawn into the compliment. "Good evening Pastor Gbadamosi, I apologize for keeping you waiting, I juet needed to showcase my talent on her face. Our future bride Is looking all dolled up" Sewuese said and he chuckled, "Thank you. Talking about future brides, when should we be expecting a wedding date?"

Sewuese laughed then noticed Sefa hiding from him.

"That small madam is hiding! Hide very well, even if I can't see you, I hope you know God can"

Sefa got out covering her face then she slowly dropped them while hiding a smile at the corner of her cheek., "I know my assignments are piling up and i was supposed to see you at the office today" "Se,I have a date tonight, I don't even have your time yet. I'll deal with your case later"

Sefa chuckled then he chipped in, "How are you doing?" "I'm fine Sir" "Before you guys will steal my choicest's attention from me this evening cause I'm supposed to be the only one stealing his attention"

"Abi oh" Aunty Mabel seconded.

"Must all women be jealous?" Uncle Added asked, "Honey it's necessary, it's their evening for crying out loud. Kilahi has not even said much when Sewuese dragged the conversation and now Sefa"

Sefa laughed, "Wahala for those that don't have fiancés" "Or those that don't have date nights" Sewuese chipped in and Kilahi laughed. "Come and do and be going abeg"

"Toor" She muttered holding on to Gbadamosi's hand. "Bye bye" She waved watching Gbadamosi laugh and shake his head.

"Aunty Kilahi, I hope you know your days are numbered in this house" Sefa chipped in, "I'll miss you too!"

As soon as Kilahi stepped out of the house, she began to complain about the pinchy heels. "You should have worn something comfortable." "Tell that to Sewuese" "Do you want to go back?" "I'll be fine."

"I love the dress by the way, is it the one you wore on your date with Manny or is it another one?"

Kilahi shut her eyes in shame, "You remembered?" "Yes" "Jesus Christ! I'll change it right now!" "Why?" "How did you remember? Why will you even remember that?" "Well.. Where should I start from was it the way you sucked the air in the room after you came in?"

She hide a smile and waved her palm in disbelief. "You're just exaggerating" "What? I almost made a fool of myself in front of everyone the day you wore it. Thank God for Bimbo who covered me up. I was just there wondering, how a woman can you look good in red and black too? Gosh!"

"A lot of women look good on red and black"

"Yours was different. I might have to start walking around with an oxygen mask and tank cause you steal with breath away every damn time. I'm only standing here by the ever renewing mercies of God"

Kilahi giggled, "Have you ever tried getting a career in hyping?" "It's not a hype though, I love the dress and you look beautiful in it" "Thanks. My wardrobe at the moment looks like an herbalist home straight from African Magic, it's black and red everywhere."

Gbadamosi laughed and she blushed, "Now I feel terrible wearing the same thing i wore on a date with your cousin" "You still look beautiful like you did that day" He commented squeezing her palm. "I hope you know you owe me plenty gist" "We can't exhaust everything today even if i try" She laughed as they walked towards the gate.

"First thing first, let's talk about Bella"

"The only thing that matters is that she's out of our hair" "What really happened in that office? Is it attached to a confession code? I'll understand if it is

"Not exactly"

Deja paced left and right in her room as she listened to the network provider remind her she barely had airtime on her phone. She stalled and recharged her phone while she imagined how she was going to snap at Bella for being such a deceitful bitch!

She redialled Bella's number then she tapped her legs waiting for her to answer the call. "Hello" Bella's voice resounded alongside loud music from the other end. Apparently she has gone clubbing! "Get out of that place, I need to talk to you now!"

"I can't hear you from the loud music!"

"I said"

"I'll call you back!" Bella ended the call then Deja tightened her fist in anger. She dialed the number once again all to no avail.

"Okay..." She scoffed then she nodded hysterically swiping to her text message. "Get get ready for a harsh and long epistle" She muttered then she typed:

Hey Bella, or should I say hey bitch! I've always seen you as a sister, I never knew you're a lying, conniving and deceitful bitch! The devil is actually learning work from where you stand. How dare you look me in the face and cuss Papa when all you wanted was him for yourself? I hope you burn in hell and...

She paused then she erased the message. She would rather say to her personally. She paced left and right fuming. "Argh! Self control Deja, let it slide, cage the anger" She tightened the phone around her fist.

"Don't make someone's mistake turn you into a rabbid dog, cage it in." She grabbed the bed sheet on the bed. "Argh!" She screamed, "Deja you're so so stupid! If they're giving award for the most stupid personality in this life, guess who will take the golden globe, me! Stupid me! When will you learn, when will you?" She trailed off standing upright with her phone in her hands then she began to hyperventilate.

"What can you ever do right Deja? I fell in love with Papa, I was blind to see Vincent, Is there anything I can get right in my life? Gosh!" She screamed throwing her phone on the door.

It wasn't until it landed and crashed that her anger wore off. "Oh God.." She pouted in shock. "Jesus..." She muttered. Slowly, she sat on the floor regretfully.

Bimbo pushed the door open, "What was that noise?" She asked noticing the damaged phone on the floor. "Jesus Christ! Is it your phone that's on the floor, you collected props to shoot movie cause I don't want to believe this is your phone"

Deja sobbed quietly.

"In this period that we are saving for house rent that you'll be planning to buy phone." She lifted the phone up then she groaned. "I thought you were going through all those online anger management class" She paused then she hissed.

"Okay now, the person that made you angry is out there care free about what she did. Do you have to be the one to lose something? You had better don't kill yourself."

"I want to be alone"

"I want KFC chicken like lowolowo (right) but i guess we're both disappointed." She hissed and sat on the floor with her, leaning her back against the bed side.

"I know how you feel"

"Do you? I feel deceived" "We've all been deceived one time in our life, they are lessons we learn from. I wasn't deceived by Bella, not even once! That was what I was trying to let you know but you made it me look like the devil who didn't want to give her a chance. I'm not God but I'm sure the devil is really using her an Evangelist."

"I thought...." Deja trailed off, "She was like a sister to me. I can't believe Mom called her my sister. Mom thinks she's a good influence on me, meanwhile she's the reason I had that stupid one night stand and the reason Vincent is angry at me. I am so mad at her, if I see her, I swear, I'll probably strangle her"

"I'm not in the best position to advice you on that. Every knows that when I'm angry, I don't always understand english but what I can say is, this is something you're working towards controlling. Don't end up doing something you'll end up regretting."

"I want to break her head"

"I also want to hand you the Kondo (rod) to execute that action but let's just leave her for God to deal with. I know it's not going to be easy to let go or forget this betrayal. Just know you have my shoulder to lean on anytime"

Deja chuckled then she leaned against Bimbo's shoulder.

Rev Coker watched his wife look out the window for the twelfth time. "Are they coming?" She asked, "Yes they are. I'm sure they are just being held up by traffic" "Or has Manny changed his mind?"

"Temi please help me call your brother and find out if he's coming"

"Which of my brother?" Temi asked spitefully. She thought her mother will at least bring her pride down enough to invite Tanimola for dinner.

Mrs Coker scoffed, "That's not fair" "This dinner is not complete without Tanimola" "Temi" Rev Coker called out to her daughter while shooting a look at her. "Give your mom a break, I can't believe I'm saying this to a person that calls herself her therapist" "I know I'm her therapist, I know it's a gradual process but i won't stop saying the truth because I'm trying to pamper her ego."

Alade butted in with a lift of his finger then he held his wife away, "Babe you sef chill" He whispered, "Whatever" She replied rolling her eyes. "When are we going to break the news to the family about our baby?" "Tonight sounds like a good night for it. I was really expecting Tanimola"

"Baby steps"

"I know but my baby brother has been through a lot, if there's going to be a reconciliation, it should have started with him" "You know you're Mom, I'm sure all these is strange to her, it's not everyday we have dinner as a family, now we are. Today is for Manny, tomorrow might be for Tanimola, let's be hopeful dear. This is a huge step for this family"

Rev Coker moved close to his wife whose eyes was heavy with tears, "Is that why he's not coming? Because of... Tanimola?" "He's coming." His phone buzzed in his pocket then he answered it, "Where are you?" He asked, "I'm outside the house, I'm only waiting for Hilary to arrive with the uber"

"Oh. I thought you two were supposed to come together"

"I had something to do at the office"

"No problem. Your mom was worried, she thought you changed your mind"

Mrs Coker gasped in shock, "Did you have to say that to him?" She snapped and he laughed, "See you later son" "You too Dad"

Rev Coker ended the call flashing a smile at his wife, "Did you have to make it sound like I was desperate?" She asked then he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Weren't you desperate?" "I was only worried." "Maniola and his future family will soon be here"

Her leapt on hearing that, despite approving the relationship, she still felt a her heart cringe at the sound of future family. Why does she still geel the need to validate the relationship? Isn't she supposed to be supportive wholeheartedly, whether she likes it or not.

At least for peace sake!

"My heart jumped after you said that " "It's normal, eventually, you'll get used to it. I know this is hard for you." "You have no idea but if that's the price to pay to have my family back. I don't have a choice."

"Who would have thought? You know, life has a way of throwing unexpected curve balls our way, forcing us to deal with uncertainties" "True. What did Maniola say?" "He said he's just outside waiting for Hilary and her son to arrive" "Are you sure he's not avoiding me? I know we've spoken but... maybe he's feeling awkward"

"He's not avoiding you. He's just being a gentleman like his father" "You're not a gentleman" "So what am I?" "An old man who left the heart of his wife broken for 28 years" "And I've spend twenty eight years apologizing, I'm not going to get tired of it." He closed in his lips on hers and she kissed him back soothing his heart. She felt herself melt into his love. She moved back instinctively then she looked sideway to see Temi and Alade staring.

She almost died of embarrassment.

"You two can continue, we didn't see anything" Temi chipped then she whispered to her husband, "Why did we have to come back in? Let's go" She held his hands and they both left the sitting room again.

"They saw us"

"And so?" He asked holding her close, "What's wrong with you? Our daughter and her husband just walked in on us" "My point exactly! Our daughter, not a stranger and besides, Alade is like a son to us. Can we continue where we left off?" "Does this look like our bedroom?"

"I wasn't talking about Item 7"

"Oh God!" Mrs Coker gasped while an endearing laughter broke free from her lips , "I might not recognize you when we get to the room, you might decide to ghost me. I miss this level of intimacy with you. Being able to laugh with my wife all I want, being able to kiss you whenever I want." He leaned his head into her but she pushed it backwards.

"Do you want Manny and his guest walking in on us kissing? I'll just drop dead from being embarrassed."

"Let me just bask in this moment where your stare is saying things like 'I can't believe i still love this man'"

Mrs Coker laughed, "My eyes are not saying that, why are you being silly? Of all days Badejo. Can we skip this? We have guest on their way" "Im aware but what i want to know is what you think your eyes are saying. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I'm the one beholding, I know what your eyes are saying"

"Can we continue this later?"

"You're going to change" "I'll try not to" "How do I know that?" He asked and she quickly pressed a long kiss on his lips then she pulled back. Rev Coker caught her perfect smile hidden behind the fear of being caught again. "Later" She whispered wiping the red lipstick off his lips.

He brushed his fingertips against her dark eyebrows then he pressed his lips to her forehead. "Sounds like a plan"

"Evening beautiful" Manny said to Hilary after the uber driver left. "Good evening baby. Does my cloth look okay? I feel like I should have worn something that makes me look younger instead of this Kampala gown"

"You'll still look good even if it was Agbada. You don't need much effort to look beautiful, God already broke the mold when he created you"

Hilary giggled, "Thanks" "Mommy you're supposed to compliment him back" Ossy complained walking in between them and Manny laughed, "Your mother has pride" "Ossy, he's wearing the same cloth from this afternoon."

"And so? Because I'm wearing the same cloth I wore in the afternoon, I don't deserve a compliment she?" Manny asked and Ossy shook his head, "Did she even compliment you when she saw you that afternoon?"

"No oh! She didn't, pride"

Hilary faked a frown, "Are you two ganging up against me?". Manny laughed, "No. Sorry I couldn't pick you guys up" "You had an engagement, there's no need apologizing" "Hey Champ" He said rubbing Ossy's head, "I hope you were not stressed" "Nope"

"How was school?"

"Fine. I have ple....plenty of gist"

"I'm sure but we'll talk later ehn? Why are you stammering?" "I'm n....nervous and my village have finally found me"

Manny laughed, "You don't have to be nervous. Just be yourself." "That's the plan but Mommy's anxiousness have transferred into my body" "I believe the word is anxiety not anxiousness. I have to say your face is really shining oh, what's your secret?"

"Mummy emptied the whole Vaseline container on my face"

Hilary arced her brow. She wanted to object but when she remembered the only thing standing in between her and her future mother-in-law was just the gate, she ignored his exaggeration.

Mrs Coker hesitantly peeked after she heard the gate open. She looked out the window to see Manny driving in. "They're here! Temi!" She screamed, "They're here!" She added facing her husband. Her stomach churned with anxiety.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart, "Do I have lips stick smudged on my face?" "Let me see?" He leaned in wrapping his arms around her waist and she pushed his head away again.

"Badejo stop this! Must you be playful?' She asked turning towards Temi and Alade who had walked back in. She blinked at her daughter, angry to be found once again in an awkward position with her husband.

"It's not what it looks like"

Alade cleared his throat, "We didn't see anything" "Yes, we didn't see dad aiming for a kiss" Temi responded sarcastically. "Do you guys still need sometime alone? Maybe you should get a room."

Mrs Coker hissed and slapped her face, "Your father is set on embarrassing me today. Let go of my waist" She muttered through gritted teeth. "It somehow happens to be glued to you waist" "Honey"

"One kiss on the cheek" "Don't push it"

"Mom it's just a kiss on the cheek" Temi teased watching her Mom kissed her father on the cheek. "Happy?" She asked and her husband muttered a quick, "Yes" with a smile then he took his hands off her waist.

Manny knocked and pushed the door open then he walked in with Hilary and Ossy. Mrs Coker exhaled in fear while Temi approached them with Alade. She hoped for the love of God she doesn't ruin the introduction before the dinner!

Her gaze remained on Hilary and her mind drifted off to the dress she wore, she loved a good kampala but hwr size, she began to wonder why Hilary looked bigger in size. She looked fatter than she did in the picture! She had to blinked out of her thought!

For the love of God Teni, don't ruin this!

Mrs Coker watched Temi embrace them all.

"I really don't think we've seen each other since Gbadamosi's proposal" Temi said to Ossy. "Yea.... Yea... Yes Ma." He stammered. "My village pe..people has followed me" He chipped in and Temi squinted.


"When I start stammering too much. It means that I'm scared and I haven't stammered in a while. I think my village people have finally found the manual to the telescope, now they're watching me"

Hilary shook her head, "You and these village people". Alade laughed, "I like this boy" "I liked him from the first day i spoke to him. This is my husband, Aladewura" She pointed towards him. "You can call him Uncle Alade"

Ossy sighed, "Thank God! I thought you were going to ask me to call him that full name. Thank God for short names, i would have just been calling you Uncle Aunty Temi's husband"

Alade chuckled, "Aladewura is not hard" "Even Daddy's full name is hard, thank God for Manny or else I would have called him Uncle or Uncle Mommy's friend. Yoruba names are hard to pronounce but I'm learning more than my Mom"

Everyone laughed while Hilary gasped, "That's not fair, look at this boy, when did you arrive Lagos and you're already running your mouth like tap?"

"But..... Mo mo Yoruba so ju e lo (I speak Yoruba more than you can)" Ossy meandered through speaking those words and everyone laughed again at how cute he sounded.

Hilary gave Manny a look, "I'm sure you taught him that." She watched Manny search for words to say, "No, deny it. How long have you guys been practicing to use that against me?" She asked and he laughed out loud and then sucked his laughter back.

"For a week now" He replied turning his gaze at Ossy. "He wasn't supposed to say it until he has perfected it" "Oops, sorry Dad." He replied and everyone chuckled this time.

Mr Coker gave him a proud smile, "Oh wow. So you're learning Yoruba?" He asked Ossy gave a nod. "Yes Sir. They say if you are in Rome, you act like a Roman. I cannot be in roman and not know how to speak..." He paused turning towards his Mom, "Eweh... What do people in Rome speak? Romania?"

Hilary laughed, "They speak Italy!" She replied, "Italy?" Manny asked giving her a look, "Yes now! Or am I wrong?" "I'm sure you meant Italian" "Yes now! Wasn't that what I....." She paused then she gasped, her face buried in her hands. The weight of her actions bore down on her, shame grappled her.

"Jesus Christ, oh my God. I am literally dying of shame right now" She complained putting her hands down.

Mr Coker smiled, "There's no need to be ashame. I went to a conference once and I completely forgot what pull and push meant just after seeing the sign on the door. I kept pushing from my end, in my mind I thought I was pulling. We've all been in that situation"

"Dad is right" Temi agreed, "There's no point of being ashamed, after all, we are about to be family."

Hilary gasped, "If my future daughter in law comes to my house to tell me, the language spoken in the UK is London. I'll definitely have a secret opinion about her" "I once argued openly that Tai Solarin was a Chinese man" Alade chipped in and everyone laughed.

"See!" Manny chipped in, "We're all know you didn't mean to say it. It was probably the nerves. Everyone knows the capital of Rome is Italian, sorry Italy" He chipped in and another burst of laughter broke out while Hilary slapped his chest playfully.

"Manny!" Temi snapped playfully.

Hilary felt mocked and Manny held her hands and she pouted like a disappointed child, "Babe it's fine" He whispered but she rolled her eyes and whispered, "It shouldn't have been in front of your family"

"Everyone makes mistake, yours was just nerves. You look cute when you pout"

Hilary blushed.

"Everyone knows except me. At least now I know that the capital of Rome is Italian and Rome speaks Italy" He chipped In playfully and everyone laughed again.

"This boy" Alade muttered.

"That's why I'm learning Yoruba so this Igbo boy from the village don't end saying thank you when someone calls me Olori Nla (Big head)"

Mrs Coker watched from her distance as everyone laughed. They've all been laughing since they got in. The little boy seemed to have an interesting personality."

Mr Coker gave his wife a look to then she cleared her throat attracting everyone's attraction. "Good evening Ma" Hilary greeted slightly bending her knees while her head bowed low. Ossy followed suit.

She stepped forward to where they were. The room became quiet, one could hear the slightest sound. "Good evening" She replied opening her arms wide, then she embraced her, "Welcome to my home dear, Manny says the sweetest things about you" "Thank you Ma"

Ossy embraced her before she made attempt to move to his side then he looked up at her with a smile., "Your house is fine Ma" "Thank you" "You're beautiful too, you don't look like Daddy though. Daddy is black, he looks like Grandpa"

Rev Coker laughed.

"How is possible that someone be fair and give birth to black children? Didn't the person come from your belly?"

Mrs Coker struggled to answer the question, "Is he this inquisitive?" "Yes" Hilary answered, "And a talkative when he wants to be" "What's inqui...what what what?" He asked and she smiled.

"Wanting to acquire knowledge at any given time my dear, that's inquisitive. You must be Ossy, Manny hasn't stopped talking about you in every conversation we managed to have. What's your full name"

"Ositadinma, but if you can't pronounce it, there's Osita and Ossy. Can I call you Grandma?" He asked and everyone chuckled. "Ossy!" Hilary called out in a warning tone but his head was still up staring at Mrs Coker.

"No. You can call me grandma, no one has called me grandma before"

Ossy embraced her innocently, "Now I have three grandmother, I won't make you regret having me as a grandson, the only thing is that I'll kill you with talk" He noted and everyone laughed again.


"Huh?" She replied emotionally, being called 'Grandma' was stirring up emotions from her. She would have loved being called by her own blood but with this cute boy in front of her, all she wanted to do that moment was embrace him.

"I love the way you speak your English, it's almost as if it's not Nigerian English"

"Oh." Mrs Coker chuckled and placed her palm against her chest, quite flushed."Thank you dear and aren't you a shinning young boy?"

Ossy smiled, "Is it not Mummy that emptied the Vaseline on my face? I can use the oil on my face on twenty more people and it will still remain."

Mrs Coker along with everyone laughed while Ossy continued in his overstatement. "I'm not exaggerating oh, you can even turn my face into a mirror now. The way it's shining like Daddy's forehead"

Manny laughed throwing his head backwards, "My head is not shinny, have you seen my father's own? " Mr Coker chuckled, "A dig was a directed at a father and the father turned and digged at the grandfather, this one isn't even a case of what goes around comes around. What should we call this one?"

"What comes around goes around" Manny and Ossy said at the time, "Jinx ya!" Ossy said looking up Manny who sucked his lips staring at Hilary. Ossy has just jinxed him, he needed Hilary to call his name.

"What's that?' Rev Coker asked, "It's a game, when two people say the same thing, the first person to say jinx ya will have full control of the other person. Daddy is always slow, ever since we started playing the game, I always get to make him keep quiet."

"You just called my name" Manny said laughing hard, "I didn't" "You said Daddy and as far as I'm concerned, that was a deal breaker"

Ossy touched his invisible beard, "Aaaaah, very smart one Dad." "So the game ends when the name of the person jinxed is being called out" Mrs Coker asked out of curiosity. "Yes Ma and if the person I jinxed speaks when I've not unjinx him, he'll have to give me gift" Ossy replied.

Mrs Coker turned towards Manny, "Agbaya, so you couldn't even lose for him" "I've never won, I deserve to win at least once" He replied placing his hands on Issy's shoulder. "Is Agbaya a bad word? Usher Aunty Bimbo always say It. I'm being intititive again"

"Inquisitive" Mrs Coker corrected, "Well, Agbaya is what your father is, a father that cannot let his own son win." She replied and Hilary smiled on hearing her say those words. It was the acceptance she prayed for.

Ossy really made the whole night easy! He was taking the spotlight but she didn't care at that moment. As long as everything goes well.

Mrs Coker stalled after saying those words, it struck her like a lightening, "Talking about Agbaya, I've also being one for years too" She added giving Manny at glum look. "I'm sorry dear" She added.

Manny laughed nervously, "Mom, we've all been one way or the other, not now or here Mom" . He watched his mom exhaled deeply then she faced Hilary, "You haven't said much since" "I'm sorry Ma, Ossy is quite the talkative" "Good evening dear" She walked up to her embracing her again then she withdrew holding both her hands.

"You look beautiful in this dress"

"Thabk you Ma. You look beautiful too Ma."

"I understand you're probably nervous, I make myself nervous too"

Hilary chuckled, "But don't be. You're welcome once again dear" She said as she felt her heart becoming light, almost as though there was previously something mounted on it which was just lifted. "Thank you Ma"

Mrs Coker approached Manny with her arms opened "I wasn't sure if you were coming." They kissed on both cheeks. She turned to Hilary, "Thank you" She whispered then she chuckled, "Lets go have dinner before it gets cold" She announced then she led them to the big room that led to the patio. The door was open. There, framed in the doorway, was Helen, an hired Chef with a welcoming smile.

Aunty Abebi got out of the taxi, she was in an all black, off shoulder dress with a kind of cape hanging down the back. Her black razor cut wig sat still on her while she clutched on a purse she bought from the boutique.

A whole lot of expenses for just a date!

She wouldn't have gotten the damn purse if that sales girl wasn't so damn persuasive about It and how nice it would look if she was going out for a date.

She pretended as though she didn't care about the bad but she ended up buying it! The girl's good marketing skills dug through her thick skin!

She cast her eyes on the restaurant just opposite her- Namdi's Place. When Emmanuel mentioned the name, she expected it to be a one-star rated restaurant, maybe a famous Mama PUT but the outward look of the place told a different story.

Above the entrance, a neon sign proudly displays the name of the restaurant, written in elegant, yet legible, typography. Soft, warm lights illuminate the exterior, casting a gentle glow on the surroundings.

She shut the door of the taxi and approached the restaurant steadily. She stepped in hoping the interior will be better that the outward. The scene was charming as soft jazz music fills the air, the cozy ambiance was one that could beckon visitors to enjoy an evening of delectable flavors and delightful conversations.

Her dark eyes wobbled until they finally focused on Emmanuel who was already approaching her in the black suit, white shirt and black bow tie. It wasn't his conventional look!

He looked absolutely breathtaking! She couldn't deny it. Aunty Abebi was short of breathe as he approached. She swallowed a big lump. "You didn't have to come here, I would have walked up to you." "What kind of man will that make me? Igbo men are usually particular about their women. I didn't even know when I stood up, maybe there's something about your beauty that pulls this man to you"

She blushed then she quickly hid it under a frown. "Flattery will not get you anywhere" "At least it made you smile" "Who smiled?" She snapped and he laughed knowing fully well she smiled even if it was for two seconds. "You this akpuruka woman," He smiled plunging his hands into his pocket, "You look ...." He trailed off then a chuckle escaped his lips.

"I'm looking for another adjective, since I have a limited vocabulary"

Aunty Abebi giggled, "I haven't even said the adjective and you're blushing, what if I had something horrible in mind to say" "I dare you to" She replied staring sternly at him then he sucked his lips, "You're right. That's one dare I can't afford to do, you look beautiful"

"Thanks" She replied then she shrugged, "Are we going to stand here the whole evening" "Bad manners" He replied walking her to one of the empty seat, "Is that how you keep you dates standing?" She asked.

Emmanuel laughed pulling a chair out for her.

Aunty Abebi hid a smile, " At least he knows how to be a gentleman" "Don't get used to it" He replied and she laughed taking her seat then she crossed her legs. "Did you read a thing or two about date nights, maybe something like 102 ways to act like a gentleman during a date"

"Ouch" He responded sitting just opposite her, "You're being a gentleman, almost as though you watched it in a movie or you read some online article or book"

"Ouch... The last one I read was how to keep a woman by one Isreal Ekwensi. I've never read any book on date nights though. I just love to be myself, I don't want to be a product of a book. One thing I've come to realize is that these people write from their perspective of relationship and what works for A doesn't necessary work for B. Most men might not be into ladies that are older in age but I don't mind, as long it's my heart drawing me to the person and I really really like this person in question"

Aunty Abebi felt her heart melt then she let out hot air from her mouth. "Um..." She stammered, he just made her feel uncomfortable.

He noticed.

"So you haven't read 102 ways of being a gentleman" She tried to swerve out of the awkwardness.

"How can you read what you are already?"

Aunty Abebi laughed, "Wow, he's also marketing himself" "Calm down, I'm not marketing myself. It's like saying, I know I'm handsome, I don't have to market myself for you to know that fact. I'm clumsy, I can act stupid, I don't need to market that part of me, you'll know from being with me. I'm not perfect but I feel I can fall into the column list of a gentleman if there's one." He paused.

"You've not answered my question"

"Okay fine! I went online to read articles about a perfect date though. How not to screw up"

"Not that one... Wait, you did?"

"Yes. What Question were you referring to then?"

"Do you usually keep your date standing?" "No! And I've been on many dates" "How come you're still single?"

"One, some women hate it when you have them figured out and and the worst part is when you're an average man in the lower echelon of the society, no woman wants to end up with a man that can't buy them Gucci bag. Only a few women are willing to start from the scratch with a man, the bible says do no despise the days of little beginning but you see some women, they despise it. I don't want to be bias with the term all women but it's really prevalent in today's world. For instance, i know i can dream big but, in the real sense, can someone like the great Abebi settle for a poor lawyer like me?" He asked then she kept her head straight.

The question replayed in her mind. "Why did you bother asking me out on this date?" "At least I'll have something to remember for the rest of my life. The day the great Abebi went on a date with me" His eyes held steadfast to hers.

She darted her tongue out to her tingling lips as he leans a broad shoulder against the table and stares at her. His head angled to the side in discomfort as he touched the bow tie hanging loosely around his neck.

"You know that moment when you've made a decision and you start to question the decision?" "What decision?" Like when you put on a shirt and you begin to ask yourself na who send you?" He pulled at the strap of the bow tie, "E choke"

A loud laughter escaped her lips then she hovered her palm over it in embarrassment. Although she covered her hands over her mouth, she couldn't stop herself from snickering. This man will be the death of her! One cannot even be classy with him!

"Did you have to say that?" She asked looking around in concern. She wanted to be sure no one was looking at her.

"Why are you laughing as if there's someone standing by to charge tariff for it? Happiness is free, I'm already leaving my life to please people, I don't let people control how often I laugh. Happiness is free and you look more beautiful when you laugh"

"Again with the flattery"

Emmanuel chuckled, "They are not flatteries, they are the confession of an admirer" He replied and a silence set in between them. The silence sparks between them only to be interrupted by the waitress who came to take their order.

Aunty Abebi drew in a breath and then she shook her head, . "When I heard you say Nnamdi's place, the first thought that popped into my head was, where is this man taking me to?" "You thought it was a Mamaput joint"

"Guilty as charged"

He chuckled then he clapped his hands, "Well, this place has been here for about five years now and over the years, it has delivered efficient services" "How will you know if you're not a regular?" "Guilty as charged. Besides as a regular customer, I know that I can at least wash the plate if I can't pay for the bills" He joked and all form of smile disappeared from her face then he broke out in laughter.

"Just kidding oh... I wish you can your face right now"

"I'm not sure"

"I was just joking, don't take me serious. I can pay the bills"

"Are you sure?"

"I am. I'm sorry for that awkward and extreme joke"

Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "You definitely be the one doing the washing"

"And you'll rinse?"

"Hell no! I'll sympathize and be a source of motivation and support, I didn't ask for the date, you did! So you if you're unable to pay, why should I pay for your crimes? It goes against criminal law and ethics." "Not the one in Nigeria"

"I can't be serving punishment for your crime! That's injustice, after sympathizing with you and after you're done washing the plate, I'll sue you to court"

Emmanuel's laughter provoked her into laughing, "It's not funny. You'll pay for damages too" "I washed the plate" "And I'm the victim who had to go through it. I'm a good lawyer and even if I wasn't, if I get a good lawyer on that case, I'll strip you of every money you'll make in the next six months" She continued then a smile curled his lips.

"Why are you smiling? You won't be smiling when I take you to court"

"You're effortlessly beautiful Abebi. I'm sorry, I really have to say it"

Aunty Abebi took a deep breath, her cheek was burning from the urge to blush.

Muyiwa sat in a bar downing his sorrows in drinks. "Oga Muyi, this one you're drinking your usual but you're not in your usual mood and you're not even hitting on any girl" The bartender said giving him a kindred grin. "Mood is just like the clothes we wear, it's prone to changes it, especially when the weather is a hot one and you're all sweaty"

"What's sweating up your mood?"

"The weather is hot"

"No it's not

"The weather in my life for now is shifty, I've not found my bearing yet. Lately I've been feel like a wandering man, have you ever felt that way?" "You just need to be pointed to the right direction or you find the right direction" "The bummer here is that, there's no compass or on and off button for that. That's one shitty thing that happens in life and for a moment you wish there was a button for every mess you create, a compass or an eraser to erase your mistake or change some details"

The bar tender raised his brow in confusion. Muyiwa appeared slightly drunk. He reached for his glass cup then he glanced over his shoulder at the TV, which now featured football.

"How do you feel less fucked up?"

"Watch a movie, find a distraction" The bar tender shrugged, "I dun know. This sounds strange cause I know you don't have a girlfriend Oga Muyi but this your case is sounding like a girlfriend wahala" He laughed but Muyiwa hissed.

"Okay why are you here Sir?"

"I don't know. This was where I met her, I mean how can you not like something but when it's gone, you begin to crave for it?" "You never know the worth of something good until you've lost it."

Muyiwa flashed back to the night he met Sharon some time in the previous year. He assumed she was one of those loosed girls he could have a one night stand with but it was different.

She was different.

He got to find out she was only at the club because a client invited her. She wasn't the prettiest girl in the club that day. His friends had made funny remarks about her teeth but they had a wonderful and interesting conversation.

He realized the woman he wanted to have a one stand with was not just a smart and funny woman, but also a church girl! He recalled his flirty lines and how Sharon rubbished him.

"You're an excellent Chef, apart from food, what else can you cook?" He asked taking a bite out of the cake.

"Anything you cook that isn't food is probably baked or"

"I love then taste of this cake, but i want to have a taste of your cake" "This is my cake, I..." " Sharon cleared her throat, "I baked it" "I know but I'm talking about the other cake that gets unveiled in the room with all the icing and toppings on it"

Sharon sucked her laughter in, "You want to dip your hands in the cookie jar" "You got it." "So you want us to go into a room so you can start licking the ice cream and the toppings, you want to taste the chocolate and even the vanilla cream flavor"

"You're speaking my language. I love a good dessert but there's something about the main course that's satisfying"

She instantly busted into laughter and Muyiwa remembered moving from being excited to being confused, "You didn't think I was being serious did you? You thought I'll sleep with a guy I just met for the first time. When I'm not mad!" She chipped then she continued laughing.

"You know what else I can cook apart from food? Sense! Maybe I should give you sense so you can eat till you're satisfied. Cause I don't think you have one, haba! no offense sha"

"None taken"

"You're a fine guy and all, but you clearly don't have sense."

He frowned but she laughed instead, "Sorry but i feel it's true, until you prove me other wise"

Manny blinked out of his memory, he could have stayed away after that incidence but there was something about her that struck a chord in him. He found every part of her fascinating! Even though dramatic part!

Especially the dramatic part!

Muyiwa checked through Sharon's whatsapp status.

Sharon blanked out for a moment while watching a culinary art video. It was an online course Muyiwa paid for without her knowledge. She had tears running down her eyes almost as though she was watching a sad movie. She didnt want to sit for the course but she didn't want the money going to a waste.

She felt like crap! She still can't believe she lost her virginity to the fool! Her virginity was the painful part of the story, even though she gave it willingly and even though she knew he was a jerk! She was in love for the first time in her life and hoped to be loved back.

Her mind traveled back in time when they met.

"You know what else I can cook apart from food? Sense! Maybe I should give you sense so you can eat till you're satisfied. Cause I don't think you have one, haba! no offense sha"

"None taken" She could feel the heaviness in his response.

"You're a fine guy and all, but you clearly don't have sense."

He frowned but she laughed instead, "Sorry but i feel it's true, until you prove me other wise"

Sharon exhaled shutting the laptop, "You didn't prove me otherwise Mumuyiwa!"

Gbadamosi and Kilahi strode into the beautifully lit up restaurant hand in hand, their eyes sparkling with excitement and affection. The waitress leads them to a cozy table near a large window, offering a breathtaking view. They have been eagerly anticipating this evening, a chance to escape the busy day and simply revel in each other's company.

As they settle into their seats, their gazes lock, and a wave of tenderness washed over them. They exchange loving smiles, while their hearts fluttered with happiness so pure!. A waiter approached them and they both looked up at the man who was waiting to take their order.

"What do you want?" Gbadamosi asked and Kilahi laughed, "What do you want?" "I want whatever you want. My menu depends on you" "Wow, why do I feel like doing you bad all of the sudden? I'll just call one odd dish so we can both struggle to eat it"

Gbadamosi laughed, "As long as we're both eating it, it's fine by me". "Sweet mouth will not kill you" She answered lifting the menus off the table then she looked through the delectable culinary delights in it. "Wow... All these sounds tempting even though I don't have any idea how they look."

"I can give you a tour on how the dishes look like"

Kilahi waved her hands, "Let me not stress you Sir. Um.... Wow, awn, there's Ofada" She watched Gbadamosi peruse through options in the menu. "I thought you said my menu is your menu, why are you looking at the menu too?" She asked provoking a hearty laughter from him.

She noticed the young man by her was sucking his laughter in.

"Oya, what's your excuse?" "My hand has a mind of it's own but of course, your menu is still my menu"

"I'm stuck between Ofada and Chinese rice, i don't want the regular. I'll take the Chinese rice" She said giving her date a look, "Are you okay with it?" She asked and he smiled. "We'll take the Chinese" He noted and the waiter walked away.

With their choices made, the couples shared a long gaze then they both giggled. "I have a beautiful idea, I picked the menu right? Why don't I end up paying?" "Big woman! Sounds like a beautiful Idea" "It's so sure you'll wash dirty plates before leaving"

Gbadamosi laughed.

"The first time Sewuese and I went to a restaurant, I was like maybe 20 at that time. we were like if no one takes us out, we'll take ourselves out. That mentality died when they told us Pepsi was 500 naira. I had to ask if it was a different brand cause there was no advertisement about a different kind of Pepsi"

Gbadamosi laughed.

"Don't laugh oh. It was that bad, how much was in my hand?" She whispered, "I was even in the university then oh, I concluded in my head that soft life wasn't for everyone. Shame did not allow us leave the restaurant without buying anything" "What did you end up taking?" "I wanted rice oh but Sewuese and her big eyes requested for peppered goat meat. I think I ate the toothpick too. I didn't want my money to go to waste"

Gbadamosi almost choked from laughing, "Now you're exaggerating" "Okay... I didn't chew the toothpick but I was thinking of it. In my mind ruled out going to restaurants. I remember when Chicken republic started their 500 naira refuel then with Chicken. I didn't believe it, the day I tried it, I had to confide in the waitress first" Her laughter blended harmoniously with the soft music. Laughter fills the air, punctuating their stories and creating an atmosphere of joy and contentment.

His resigned gaze locked with hers.

"What Is it?" She asked uncomfortable with the stare, "Is there something on my face?" "No. I'm just here thinking... What the hell Tega ate that day to say you were ugly. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on" "Awn. If he never did, you probably wouldn't have taken notice of me"

"God would have laid in my heart one way or the other. I look at you and I bless God for clothing you with his glory. Damn, I don't think you're aware of it but God really crowned you with beauty and splendor, its radiating, I'm already blinded by the light already."

"I'm that beautiful shey?" She asked, is she not allowed to hype herself? He rubbed his neck as a flush of heat crept up his cheeks. "You are.". He lifted his gaze to hers. The tenderness on her face held him spellbound.

"I deserve a monthly salary for just looking beautiful"

"You really do"

Kilahi heaved a sigh, their eyes locked in an unspoken promise of everlasting love.

Gbadamosi broke the silence, "We've not started wedding plans, even Mom is more prepared than us" "We've been busy" "Our photoshoot... I'll make some quick calls and probably book an appointment on Saturday, possibly in the morning"


"If it's not fine by you"

"It is"

"I won't want to impose"

"It's fine Choicest."

The meal arrived, the Restaurant signature Chinese rice dish with a medley Of Vegetables, Carrots, Fresh Herbs, Shrimps served with Chicken. Her eyes widen with delight. The presentation was exquisite, each dish a work of art. "This looks good" She muttered.

As they savor every bite, relishing and exploring the flavors that dance on their tongues. The lovers steal glances at each other, their eyes filled with admiration and adoration. "Kilahi Agbo?" A guy called out from behind. Kilahi turned to see her friend Kelvin with shock clearly plastered on his face.

"Wow." He muttered approaching them then he bowed his head towards Gbadamosi, "Good evening Sir" "Good evening" "I'm so sorry Sir. I was just shocked to see her"

Kilahi cleared her throat, "Um.. Choicest, this is Kelvin, we were in that same fellowship in school campus." "Oh" "Yes. Kelvin, I might not need to do an introduction for P G, Pastor Gbadamosi is my fiancé"

Kelvin's lips dropped, "Wow. God is really good, wow. That's good to know, I work here, I just wanted to confirm whether it was you or a look alike. Wow, nice to meet you in person Sir,"

"You too"

"Nice to meet you again Kilahi. You look good"

"Thanks. Greetings to the family"

"Sure" He replied walking out of the restaurant.

Gbadamosi cleared his throat then he closely observed Kilahi, "Okay, who is he? Spill" "Kelvin was my first crush" "I thought I was your first crush" "You're my first love. We were close then, I thought we were going to get married but he shocked everyone after he proposed to one of the sister"

"Everyone or you"

Kilahi laughed, "I was really shocked, i won't lie."

Soft jazz music fills the air, creating an intimate ambiance. Emmanuel had Aunty Abebi eating out of the palm of his hand, but she tried to keep it all together. Her fingers trace the base of her glass as her lips curve up half notch. "What are your ambition Emmanuel?" She asked out of the blues then she cleared her throat, "I mean, I believe you should have one"

"I... I want to make a difference in the world. I want to be that professional lawyer that affects people's life positively. I want to publish my books, I'm working towards that one sef"

Aunty Abebi arced her brow in surprise, "You write?" "Yes." "About what?" "The first book I wrote was Tumult, it's a book that rants about the negative heights of colonialism in Africa as a whole using the Igbo precolonial diplomacy and also Jaja of Opobo of Rivers State then I compared it to the world of today and how the rich colonize the poor and we boldly say we're past the period of colonization. What will you call the poor being impoverished day by day just so we rise to support the political party that doesn't deserve to be on seat only because they brought shinny things that glittered and glimmered into our own eyes? We all shout, 'not all the glitter is gold' but when election comes, It's funny how all that glitters becomes gold instantly. That was how how our traditional leaders fell for mirrors, shook hands with the same people that ended up putting us in bondage. Isn't that what is happening now? Isn't that colonization that is wearing agbada and Isiagu?" He asked then he scoffed, "Let me not bore you with my ranting"

"No. Your arguments are solid, it's your opinion." She blinked at her. "It sounds like a book I'll read." She reached our for the wine glass and took a sip. "I can send you a soft copy so you can leave criticisms much later"

"Do you have others?"

"Political Viruses and it's cure."

"That sounds interesting. What is it about?"

Emmanuel lowered his head, he suddenly felt shy. "Um..." He trailed off then he lifted his head,
" Viruses seem to exist solely to wreak havoc on it's host, in this case, the host is the society and it also bring suffering to humanity. And that's what the political system is turning into these days. The viruses have taken over the host, the host now is now hosting the virus, we are the ones entertaining corruption, justice level has gone to it's barest. The only justice that looks like justice these days is jungle justice"

Aunty Abebi chuckled, "I hate Jungle justice, I hate the concept and the act., When you place these cases of jungle justice under the microscope, not all the offenders deserved the so called 'justice'. Some were victims" "True but when you can't trust the police system any longer, these guys feel the need to take justice in their own hands. That's one of the virus in the system that we need to evacuate. The 'how' is what I'm selling but what haven't we seen? All the professors that I've spoken, who have listened to them?"

"Don't look down on yourself. You can never fly high when you have low opinions about yourself. People are going to sniff your low self esteem from afar and they'll use it against you. It's a dog eat dog world, you need to stand up and be a wolf. In this context, you need to be strong, get your shit together and face your fears."

"Sounds personal"

Aunty Abebi nods, "It's a dog eat dog world, people are going to always try to oppress the weak as long they continue to be weak. That's why I work to make sure the justice system in my mind is not as messed up as that in the country."

"I guess that's why you work with the foundation"

"Yes. The first time I had the opportunity to work there, it was a pro bono case, a rape case and after that, I realized that if I spend my life getting justice for those who can't get it themselves, I'll be fulfilled in life. I sleep at night knowing my girls are safe, knowing that man got justice, knowing that woman got justice"

"You certainly don't look like a hero but what the hell? Not all hero's wear cape but some wear black and white and wear frowns intead of smiles and make other lawyers pee in their pant"

Aunty Abebi laughed, "Really? That's unfair" She heard herself say, cracking a smile and shaking her head from side to side. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I almost peed in my pant when I went against you in court"

"Was I ...." She trailed off, "That scary?"

"I'm sure it was intentional."

"It was actually. Who knew I'll be on a date with someone I thought was a clown the first day I saw him" "I feel like my wish has become a horse and I'm riding on it. Even if this will be the last I'll spend with you, I know it's worth it"

Every woman wants to be swept off her feet, and Emmanuel had done just that.

As the evening progressed, Manny couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and announced, "I have some incredible news to share with all of you. The clinking of silverware against plates was momentarily silenced as he cleared his throat. With a beaming smile on his face, he looked at each family member's eyes, one by one. "I have been given a promotion," he announced, his voice filled with pride and excitement.

His parents' eyes widened with pride and joy as they exchanged delighted glances. Temi clapped her hands in excitement. "That's the reward for your dedication, it was well deserved"

"Thank you"

His mother smiled, a wave of regret washed over her. I had chosen her personal ambition over family, but the pang of disappointment soon fade away. She knew deep down that I had made the right decision, to support her children henceforth. "Congratulations, many more heights to jump my dear. I never knew you had so much people listening to you" "Your son's a celebrity and I was once a fan" Hilary chipped in and he chuckled.

"A fan turned lover and a friend" He muttered and then she cleared her throat, "Baby, have you told them about the show?" "No. I was going to do that later"

Rev Coker shook his head, "I have never seen any man so secretive in my life like my own son. Maniola is a handful, I hope you're aware" He directed at Hilary who acknowledge it with a nod, "I can handle his handfulness"

"What kind of show is it?" Mrs Coker asked excited to know what was happening in her son's life. "It's a television program that will airing soon on DSTV, and yours only will be hosting it. I won't be disclosing anything other than that"

"Congratulations to you"

Alade gave Temi a look then she cleared her throat too, "Since we're in the mood of serving good news, My baby and I will be having a baby. We're pregnant"

Mrs Coker gasped in excitement, "Are you serious?" "I can't joke about this kind of thing. We ran a test and it came out positive"

As the news sunk in, the dinner table erupted with cheers and wishes. Rev Coker stood up, raised his glass, and proposed a toast to the good news. . "This is the day orchestrated by God himself and we will rejoice and be glad in it. My heart is filled with unquantifiable joy, I have my family here finally having a successful dinner without a single argument. It's a day I've long to see and I'm glad to be alive to witness this. The psalms says, i will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. pray God gives us the grace to continue on this path we have began. May this promotion be the beginning of many more achievements to come, even in your future home!"


"Temi and Alade, I wish you two safe delivery and the very best that comes from God. May joy and laughter never cease from your home"


"To my daughter in law and my grandson, you both have set a pace for new things, I am more than happy to have you two as new members of my family. Welcome to Cokers'"

As the room buzzed with excitement, Ossy filled the air with questions. "Does this mean that when you and daddy get married, my name will change to Ossy Coker" He asked, curiosity shining in his eyes. Hilary cleared her throat, "Ossy!"


Buchi ended a call. The toothpick clenched in his teeth danced left and right then he clicked on a link that forwarded him straight to you tube. It was a short clip of Sefa. "This is a warning to everyone to beware if these kidnappers"

He looked over to the left at Ray who leaned against the wall.

"Call Alonso" He demanded pouring himself a full shot of dry gin with his left hand. His right hands still hurt from the previous accident.

Ray rushed out and rushed in with Alonso.

"Boss, you call me"

He stretched the phone at him. "See wetin this fucking bitch post. I been dey pray say make e no be true but see wetin I come carry my eyes see?"

Alonso scoffed, "This one na trouble" "Which kain trouble? Na today? Which noise she dey make wey people never make before?" "Make I find the full clip"

Buchi hissed then he glanced at his bandaged charred hands. "Wetin that bitch go carry eyes see ehn..." He scoffed, "Her mouth no go fit talk"

Mrs Coker held Hilary to a corner away from everyone. They could still hear Ossy's voice and everyone's laughter. Hilary's heart thumped as they moved farther. Mrs Coker saw the worry on her face.

"You don't have to be scared dear, I just wanted to have a talk with you, woman to woman and don't worry, I'm not calling you out to warn you against dating my son like a regular future mother in law. I just want to have a talk with you. it's something I can't say in front of everyone"

"I'm still worried" Hilary confessed and they both chuckled, "There's no need to be. First I want to apologize" "For what?" "I'm sure you must be aware of my defiance, how I refused to acknowledge your relationship with my son"

"I don't know think there's any point apologizing. I'm a mother and I'm sure motherly instincts must have kicked in. Not every mother - in -law will open their arms to a woman who already has a son. I'm sure you're still not thrilled about it"

Mrs Coker exhaled in acceptance, "When Manny sets his mind on something, he goes for it against all odds. But one thing I've come to realize after listening to his radio show today is that, he made a great choice not to listen to me. He loves his job, I can tell from listening"

"Yes he does. Once upon a time I was a listener, Manny helped me in my darkest hour, he was the shoulder that I had to lean onto." "How did you two meet?"

Hilary smiled, "I was once a caller who was on the verge of committing suicide cause I got so tired of life Itself. I got tired of the body shaming from people, Manny helped me, he instilled confidence in me. He means a lot to me and I really love him. I know I shouldn't say things like this"

"I once tried committing suicide too you know. After my husband cheated, I'm sure you're aware that Manny has a brother"


"I was depressed and mentally sick and unstable. I wasn't fit to take care of anyone, I tried to take my life, thank God for my sister. I know what it feels to be depressed, I'm not going to judge you for it. I heard you lost your husband"

"Yes Ma, barely one year into my marriage."

"Must have been hard"

"The hardest part was having my son snatched from me because my mother in law assumed that I killed her son. I know what it feels to be at loggerheads with a mother-in-law, I just pray it will be more different with you."

"I didn't want history repeating itself on your son."

"Manny loves Ossy like his own, sometimes I feel like he gives more attention to him. Thats genuine love and I'm sure it's going to be at it's peak even after I give him children. I understand your fears but I know God is definitely behind this love story and he can't stop halfway. He has given me a man that loves me for me and Ossy a good father. There's no better happy ending than that"

Mrs Coker held Hilary by the arm, "We are both alike in many ways than i think. Wounded warriors who have been spending years trying to heal from hurt. I didn't think in my wildest dream that I'll succumb to this idea but you look really genuine and you most importantly, you make him happy. I love your son, he hasn't stopped making us laugh. He reminds me of Manny when he was little, he was a talkative too."


"Yes he was."

Emmanuel plunged both hands in his pocket while Aunty Abebi made attempt to go into the taxi. He approached the driver, "Drive carefully oh, you're carrying a Queen"

"When I get kidnapped, at least well know whose fault it is" She teased and he laughed. "This is the second day and you've not been kidnapped. I wish I could kidnap you though"

"How much would you charge for ransom?"

"I think you being with me is enough ransom"

Aunty Abebi blushed for the umpteenth time that night. "Good night Great Abebi" "Stop making me feel like a monument, you call me Abebi in the course of the dinner. I prefer that"

"I guess it's good night here Abebi. See you... Till when? A month later? Two? I'm sure you'll be on your way to Lagos. I guess our arrangements ends here then"

Aunty Abebi opened the taxi then she turned back at him, "Well, that depends on you." "How?" "Tonight was quite interesting, if you tomorrow is worth it, you might be seeing me all week"

"I have work"

"Who said anything about it being working hours?" She asked entering into the car and then she shut it flashing a grin at him.

Emmanuel smiled at he watched the taxi drive off then he jumped in excitement. "Yes!"

With hands on the car steering, Manny drove on the highway in order to drop Hilary and Ossy off. The traffic light ahead blinked, transitioning from green to red, warning him to slow down.With a calm demeanor, he gently pressed the brakes, bringing his car to a gradual stop. He glanced around, observing the other cars patiently waiting for their turn. The traffic light turned red, signaling everyone to halt.

He lets out a tired sigh and Hilary felt guilty. "Pele" "Huh? Did you just speak Yoruba?" "Really Manny? Anyone can say Pele" "What are you apologizing for?"

"For taking your time, you've had a busy day, going to and fro. You're even burning your fuel, now you're going to have to drive back home. You look so tired"

Manny exhaled, "I'll be sleeping over at Gbadamosi's place" "Oh. My regards to Papa" "Sure." He answered letting out a deep breathe. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah...." He trailed off turning back at Ossy who was sleep at the back seat. "I'm curious. Will Manny take my surname? I know I shouldn't ask, we're taking it slowly. But will he take my surname? I'll want that"

Hilary shut his eyes then she opened it up. "Nnamdi is his father's name. Mama might not agree with it" "Oh. When he asked the question, I'll want everyone of our children having the same surname; Ositadinma Coker, even if he has to add Nnamdi to it"

Hilary smiled, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Thank you for helping me out earlier today, for your support, Dir everything. Baby, I can't thank you enough"

"Shh! I haven't done anything as far as I'm concerned but you're welcome." The traffic light transitioned from green to yellow. He instinctively pressed his foot against the pedal. The car surged forward, propelling him closer to the intersection.

As the night progressed, Gbadamosi drove Kilahi back to her home. The atmosphere becomes even more beautiful as they both sang to "Folabi Nuel, satisfied". Gbadamosi stopped for a while listening to Kilahi sing the song at the top of her voice. Kilahi stopped giving him a questioning look, "What happened? Did I go flat?" "No." His half smile made her heart flutter, the sensual power of it like a physical blow.

"Sing jhoor...why did you stop?"

"The way you were looking at me as if I've moved from Key A to Z flat"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Sing jhoor" He requested, "You want to mock my ugly voice bah? Avoid me"

"No. I love your voice"

"Lies! You're the amazing singer, me I'm a bathroom singer"

"I'm sure angels congregate to hear you sing" "Tooe, hypeman, weldone oh"

"You have a sweet voice, it needs training, I can train you if you're ready. I can be strict when it comes to that part, you might not like me again." "Leave me and half baked voice. I still want to love you"

"Funbi said something one day when I was chastising her for being a lazy singer. She said Pastors like me usually end up get married to wives that can't sing. I remember that first time you sang. God! In my mind I was like Ope oh! (Thank God) My future wife can sing"

"Future what? You were already calling me future wife, you didn't even ask me out then "

"Yes now. Is it not the next day you broke my heart"

Kilahi laughed covering her lips, "I can still recall the look on your face. You were so heart broken, almost like you expected a yes like that" "Why are you covering your lips now?" "Nothing" She replied taking her hands off.

"You're doing that thing you did during Temi's wedding that made me want to give that wedding program to you" She laughed harder recalling the funny turn out of the day. "Jesus! I remember that day like it happened yesterday" "It hasn't been that long... It's hasn't been up to a month"

"Really? Why do I feel like I've known you for years?"

Gbadamosi winked at her, "Cause i make it easy" "Be fooling yourself." "You shouldn't hide your laughter from anyone, especially me, it's a crime punishable under the law of this courtship. You have a beautiful smile and I can listen to you laugh all day"

She blushed and shrugged, "Sai Godiya (I'm grateful)" "You're welcome. " "Did you understand or you just took a would guess" "Sai Godiya is like saying thank you now. That's basic Hausa jhoor" "Toor, Kekadaice azuciyata ( You are the only one in my heart)" She paused, "I hope you know right?"

"Now you're just trying to sell me"

Kilahi laughed, "You're the only one in my heart." "I guess this is part I say Inasonki" "Jesus! How many girls have you used that line on?" "A few in my past now i'm staring at my present and future" He confessed taking a quick glance at her.

"Our present and future depends on how well you drive this car. Please eyes on the road. Let's not tempt God." She replied exhaling.

"Are you going to teach our children Hausa? I wonder what they'll learn" "I can't speak Yoruba well, I'll teach them what I know. You can do well to teach them Yoruba but I can assure you they'll speak Hausa, I'm always more excited to speak Hausa"

"So... Do you want to have children at once, or you'll wait"

"Why did you ask?" "It's a question" "I'm not comfortable with it, we'll deal with it when we get to that bridge"

Gbadamosi laughed, "On our wedding night?" "Are you a man of God? I thought you fasted today? Shouldn't you be thinking spiritual things?" "My love calm down, It's part of the things we need to sort out before marriage. That's why it's called courtship. I can have my opinion in this court but you can also say objection my Lord and bring your strong reason for objecting. I don't want you to keep quiet about your opinions, we've already established that"

"Objection my Lord, I'm not comfortable with that question"



"I have my reasons for asking." He paused then he laughed at her. "Why do I feel mocked?" "No. I wanted to paint a scenario but I don't want you doubting my spirituality. You said we'll cross the bridge on our wedding night, fine!"

Kilahi gave it a quick thought, copulation takes place on the wedding night, the copulation depends on both couples but further entrance depends on agreement.

"Wait... Now my naive mind has finally gotten it"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Personally, I want children. I'm 37 years, I have waited this long already so why not start as soon as I get married but if you have your convictions, why not? I have to respect your decision"

"That's sweet but what I'm I waiting for?"

Gbadamosi nodded, "Good talk" "Thank you for tonight. I had a nice time, for real. The awkward part was meeting Kelvin but at least.." She exhaled.

He chuckled.

"That reminds me, with all the assignments you've been piling up for Sefa, are you aware she is writing Jamb like next week? " "Spiritual growth is necessary too. You know what I noticed about your sister?"


"She's lazy, if someone doesn't force her to do something, it's not even the force, she must be monitored and held accountable to someone or else she won't move a muscle and the truth is she needs to grow. There's a whole lot she needs to do for her generation. There's a whole fire she needs to fan but if she doesn't, she's going to have a spiritual life like that has not been lit"


"You're going have to monitor her"

Kilahi scoffed, "How many people am I monitoring? Ugh! That reminds me, I said I was going to call Mercy" "Mercy?" "Mercy Enogie" "Oh. The Secondary school girl" "Awn. I love how you're able to remember these listen conversations we have. Mehn God! I ran out of airtime while talking to Sewuese. I think maybe what's left shouldn't be up to three naira, and that's not a cue for you to recharge my phone"

Gbadamosi laughed.

"God! The way I've been making long calls like my father is Dangote"

"Don't belittle yourself, your Father is the king of kings"

Kilahi giggled, "Good thing we don't have to use airtime to call God. I wonder what heavenly tariff would have looked like." "Heavenly tarriff is free of charge. Jesus paid it, he made it so we can come boldly into his presence. We don't have to go through networks like MTN, Glo, etisalat, visaphone who in the old times were the priest who stood as mediators between us and God. All those tariffs life ended"

"Now all we just have to do is call him at the comfort of our home, even when you're walking you can even holler at him . You don't have give excuses like, babe I'm currently in the toilet, I'll call you back. Or I'm bathing, or i'm walking on the main road, I'll call you back. Free access"

"Free access" Gbadamosi repeated with a smile, "But we find it hard to put the call through to him but it's easier to burn airtime and complain about our problems to friends that can't solve it" She exhaled. "May God have mercy on us"

"Amen" He replied smiling uncontrollably at her, "What?" "Nothing" "But on a serious note, the way I make calls, I'll load airtime to call about six people. Then I'll decided to call Hilary first, oh my God! All the airtime in the whole world is not enough to call my twinnie... Or is it Sewuese... even though we'll still gist that gist at home. We'll still speak for over 10 minutes and this my network is not smiling with their tariff! If you see the way I was trying to manage airtime with her, till the point I had to ask her, aunty are you the one that called"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Use WhatsApp call at once now" "Is it every time that someone will be online? Is it not still data? The way this people deduct data these days! I remember when I could use I gig for three weeks! Sometimes i won't exhaust the whole thing but now. It's like I'm sharing my data with my village people"

Gbadamosi laughed.

"Choicest its not funny. Do you know, I think three nights ago, I just got blank for like some minutes just thinking how the data left my phone. I was even about to ask if they always hack data account balance, Instagram is the worst!"

Gbadamosi shook his head laughing, "I really don't have any business with data or social, mine was to go on WhatsApp to give announcement. Answer Temi and Manny messages, some messages. You're the one that even made me a social media person. Conversations with you Is always good! Too good, I just don't want it to end"


"Just like I don't want this one to end"

"I feel like a talkative right now"

"Before nko?" He asked and she slapped his arm, "I'll zip up from now" "I dare you too"

"Don't you dare challenge an introvert, if I channel the introvercy if such word exist," She paused laughing at herself then she continued, "If i channel the introvercy in me, you'll beg to hear my voice, I won't even cough"

Gbadamosi threw his head backwards, "I dare you raised to power 10" "Okay.... Let's start now" "Let's start now"

Kilahi looked out the window then she began to hum the song playing quietly from the speaker. "Do you know that an endless Ocean will be coming for Rehab this year?" He asked and Kilahi widened her eyes in surprise then her eyes melted in realization. He was only trying to trigger her into talking, "My God is bigger than you" She sang pointing to the roof of the car, "He's bigger than all of your scheme"

"Wow. You should probably release a song, I like your version"

Kilahi laughed.

"Manny has not even given me gist"

"It's true oh! I should probably go on WhatsApp" She answered then she shut her eyes, "I was supposed to say that thing in my mind" "The introvert in you was supposed to say it in your mind but the extrovert that comes out when i'm around said It out. I won"

Kilahi winced, "I just allowed you to win." She answered then she paused. "Choicest" "My love?" "You know you can find trouble shey?" "I know"

"Which one is the album you said I should release?" "You should release the album, don't worry, I'll sponsor the videography, we'll find one palm tree in Benue State for you to stay under and then I'll tell Lanre to make the background like waterfall.

Kilahi laughed out loud, "Ah!" "You can do the song in Hausa and Igede version" He continued in teasing her so she sucked her lips short for words to say.

"Avoid me!"

Gbadamosi laughed, "I expected that!"

What do you guys think of today's Chapter? 😂🤣

Our reconciliation Alas!

It's love love love !!

I love love jare!

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I love you guys


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