🏳 Chapter 48🏳

Good morning everyone.

ALAS ..... A stable light to finally update😌

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Someone asked me why i bother putting up pictures and stressing myself with the graphics.... Well, it's because I want them to get a mental image of what's going on. 😂

I had to divide this Chapter into two. It was too long!

Will be dropping another chapter soon unfailingly...
I'm not going to say when, I'm using my bombastic side eyes to look at NEPA😂🤣

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Thank you❤💓

Chapter 48


Word foundation Church

Gbadamosi drummed on the table uneasily, he had just received message but he didn't know how to deliver it. He picked his phone putting a call through to his Aunt.

"Hello" He heard Mrs Coker's voice then he exhaled, "Good morning Ma" "Good morning Gbadamosi, I have to say that I'm shocked to see your call. It's not everyday we see this happen. Is everything okay?"

"Yes. How are you Ma?"

"I'm.." She paused clearing her throat, "I'm fine and you? How's the ministry?" "We thank God, God is helping us"

"And your fiancée?"

"She's fine"

"Okay... Have you heard from your Mom?" "I have"

"Okay... I don't even know what to say or ask again. Urm.... Why did you call?"

Gbadamosi chuckled, "While I was praying a while ago, God dropped a scripture in my heart and it was pertaining to you. Please don't tsk this as an insult, I wasn't comfortable with it but I have to deliver it, if you don't mind Ma"

"Go ahead"

"I John 4 verse 12. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. God is pointing to towards opening your heart to love, I'm not saying this because I know what's going on and I'm trying to do this to my advantage. On the contrary, I didn't want to call but... I had to. It's going to be fine Ma, everything will be fine, trust that process and stop fighting the process. Don't fight it, something is about to take flight in our family, it has taken flight already but your actions can make it crash. I already made a decision that I wasn't going to butt in, I'm sorry if you feel offended"

"No continue dear, I can hear you" Her voice broke, she was obviously broken. "Romans 5:5 tells us that hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. You need to open your heart to love. Let go of bad energy. the hate, the malice, the grudges. Those things are like clogs in a pipe" He said remembering Kilahi's analogy.

"With it you can't really move from where you are. The pipe is going to burst and the damage will be irreparable. May the love of God be shed abroad in our hearts in Jesus Name"

"Amen. Thanks you. I was...contemplating calling my son. You know how Manny can be, we can't have a normal conversation without him ending the call on me. I know I have my excesses but... I don't know where to start"

"Start somewhere Ma, start somewhere" He advised, "Have a lovely day Ma" "You too. Thank you for calling. I know i don't say this frequently , but his means a whole lot to me"

"You're welcome Ma." He replied ending the call then he sighed.
Bamidele Jones pushed the door slightly then he pushed his head into the office. "I come in the name of the Lord" He whispered to Gbadamosi's shock. He lifted his head up at the familiar voice. "What's this man doing here?" He asked and Bamidele walked in innocently.

"I hope I'm In the right office. I came to see a man of God, I heard God is using him mightily"

"Gee, I wonder what his name is"

"Gbadamosi George"

"Abeg sit down jare!"

Bamidele sat down laughing, "Baba how far?" "What are you doing here?" "Isn't it obvious? I came for counselling now" "What's your problem?" "My problem is that I have a God that loves me so much even though I don't deserve it. My hunger for him has gone up and to top it up, I'm in love with the most amazing woman in the world and I have three super amazing children."

"God when?" Gbadamosi teased and they both laughed. "I envy your problem right now, if all problem can be like you own. How's the family?"

"Great. Before you'll ask of the triplets, they are fine"

Gbadamosi swiped through his gallery then he showed him the design Lanre messaged to him, "That one na sample sha...I said I was going to send across to everyone"

Bamidele viewed the picture, "Who is this fine guy?" "Shey? That was what I was thought when I saw the picture, almost as though God used the complete seven days to create me, Abba didn't take a break, he knew his son had to look handsome"

Bamidele scoffed, "Baba calm down, I was talking about this fine man on blue suit. All this epistle you're giving, do I look like Kilahi?" He asked and Gbadamosi laughed and blushed. "See that smile? Only God and a woman can do that"

"Avoid me!" He snapped shutting his eyes then he slapped his face, "That's Kilahi's favorite phrase, its funny how i start to sound like her and pick up her phrases in such short period"

"That's the best you can in your short span of courtship, it's a very short one! So, you need to make the most of it, it's good to sound her like, it means you're bonding. I just thought to stop by and say hi and congratulations on getting rid of the Bella girl."

Gbadamosi let out a deep sigh of relief. "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I feel mostly sorry for her for refusing to come into the knowledge of Christ" "She wants to know man but she doesn't want to know the God that created that man. It's carnal knowledge she wants, something that can only sustainable to the flesh and not the spirit. Something that isn't even eternal"

"She doesn't know"

"Knowledge is power mehn"

"She was really pained, she even threatened me before leaving. I'm sure it's just all barks" "Don't ignore the teeth though, as long as a dog has teeth, it can still bite. I always tell people that no matter how empty a barrel it, it has the power to create echoes. No matter how empty her threat may look, there's still echoes it can create, it might not be loud now but the sound waves can ripple out. But God is ever faithful to keep us from every darts of the wicked ones. You still have to be prayerful and watchful still."

"Look at you counselling me already. God when?"

"Get out!"

"No Sir, I celebrate grace, when you see grace, you just need to take a step back and"

Protocol Michael knocked and entered, "I'm sorry Sir but the elders are gathered already" "Oh. Thank you Sir" He replied watching him shut the door.

Bamidele smiled, "I guess that's my cue to leave then"

It was a sunny afternoon. The sun was high up and lofty. Uju sat outside the building waiting for Hilary. The only thing that shielded her from the sun was an overhang in the building. She and Zoe had been sitting out there for two straight hours until Zoe left a while ago to get snacks.

Hilary was held up in traffic on her way to her former organization so they had no choice but to wait. Zoe returned holding a nylon wrap that had tiger nut in it then she sat close to Uju. "Why are things so expensive in this part of Lagos, they just derive to add price to everything"

"They're paying close to a million for a shop"

"Small malaam kiosk that I went to, guess how much they sold this tigernut? Something that I'll even bargain for something better if it was all those ones that push it in trucks."

Uju laughed, "If I'm paying that much for rent, I can sell one satchet water for 100 naira" "Uju, you're a ritualist" "No! Let's reason this thing!" "Can you believe this tigernut man? He wanted to blow into the nylon with his mouth"

Uju laughed, "The spit is part of what makes it sweet" Iew! I thought I was gross, you're grosser. I told the Aboki to give me the nylon and then I opened the nylon with my hand, then I showed him that he didn't need to put spit in it for it to open" She grabbed a palmful then she threw one it into her mouth.

"Bad habit" She muttered when she realized then she stretched it to her, "Do you care for some?" "It won't be sweet without their spit oh" "Should I do you the honors of spitting in it? It's you like spit" She asked and they both laughed.

"The spit has to come from the seller, just like suya isn't sweet without being wrapped in paper"

"Abi! Putting it in plastic wrap is the highest form of colonialism!" Zoe agreed and they both chuckled.

Soon they were munching on the nut and conversing like old friends.

Manny pulled over at the car park then he approached the both of them. "Good afternoon ladies, I am sorry for keeping you for this long. I had a show"

Zoe gasped, "Oh my... Why do I feel like I've just seen a celebrity? Good afternoon Manny, Hilary only said, sorry let me rephrase, Boss Hilary only said her boyfriend will be coming with a spare key. She left out the part that it was you. "

"Good afternoon, you must be Zoe"

"In the flesh"

Uju bowed her head, "Good afternoon Sir"

Tee's Decor and Logistics

Madam Tatiana watched one her workers show her a home presentation slide on her laptop. "I hate the brown color, change it." "I chose it because it's traditional and stylish"

"Change it!"

"Okay Ma"

Madam Tatiana's phone beeped and she turned to see a debit alert on her phone then she looked up at the employee who was showing her the next slide. "You know what? I hate everything, do it again"


"Are you deaf? I said do it again!"

"There's no one to meet, assuming Hilary was around. I would have" "Do you still want your job?" "I'll go Ma" She closed her laptop and zoomed out of the office.

Madam Tatiana puts a call through to her husband, "Babe I just saw a debit alert" And?" "What do you want to use all that money for?" "Why do you care? Isn't it my money?"

"Really?" She asked and he ended the call.

She tightened both fist together. "I just want to strangle this man" She muttered. Her beeped again, this time it was her mother.

"Hello Mom"

"Who are you fighting with? What kind of hello is that?"

"Mom, please can you go straight to the point"

"Your daughter said she's not feeling fine. I think she's coming with something. I want to take her to the hospital"

"For what?"

"For what else again? What do they do in the hospital again?"

"I'm not going to sleep a night in that hospital. You know how I hate hospitals. Please give my daughter the phone" She requested picking up a pen on the table.

"Hello Mommy"

"What's wrong with you"

"Mommy I'm weak and my body is "Your body is what?" "My nose" "Must you be the only one getting ill? Why must you be giving me headache like your father?"

"Mommy, it's blood"

"Blood what? Today is flu! Tomorrow malaria, are you cursed or something? Anymore complain from you and I swear I'll go mad. Maybe then you'll understand that Mommy is tired! Princess I'm tired!"

Her mother grabbed the phone back, "Lower your voice when you're talking to your child. Was that how I spoke to you when you were her age?"


"I'll pretend I didn't hear that! Sweet mother!" She chipped in sarcastically then she hissed, "What's wrong with you? Your daughter needs you"

"You know what's wrong with me! Princess is the least of my problem right now"

"She doesn't look too good"

"Why don't we park our stuff and live in the hospital then because I gave birth to a sickler" "God forbid, my grand daughter is not a sickler"

"My point exactly! She's not but every now and then she wants to go and lie on hospital bed as if its am addiction. Maybe you guys village people are out for my life. I don't even have her time and please, unless she's fainting, don't call me to complain to me about that attention seeker, that's just what she is"

"Thank God she took it from you"

"Thank God I took it from you too, the apple doesn't fall far the tree does it?" "Will you keep your temper in check? I hope you're aware you're speaking to your Mother"


"You won't be the first person experiencing problems neither will you be the last. Now you'll start carrying your face and everyone will know you're going through problems. Keep it together, it won't last forever."

Tatiana shut her eyes in tears, "Just leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it" She snapped and ended the call. Her secretary called her on her intercom. "Miss Hilary is here" "Please let her in" She answered then she swiped her face dry.

Hilary knocked and entered, "Good morning Madam Tatiana" "Good morning Hilary, please have your seat" She forced a smile, "No. I'm fine, I won't be staying for too long" She replied bringing out the document.

"First off, I apologize for coming late. There was an accident that blocked one of the route or BRT was stuck on a one way lane along with other buses not until we approached the BRT lane." She explained, then she stretched it at her, "I've come to return this"

Madam Tatiana grinned grabbing the document then she flipped it open. "You didn't sign it" "No I didn't." "Why? Do you want a change in the condition? We can talk" "No. I won't be working with you, I have my vision and I'm set on running with it"

Madam Tatiana sniggered, "You must be stupid to think you can start up your own company. Where are you going to set it? Where are you going to get the Capital from? Don't start what you can't finish" "That's where your wrong. I'm not the one who started this, God did and he'll definitely see to the end. Good day!" She snapped walking out of the office.

Madam Tatiana puts a call through to the human Resource Manager, "Put a call through the best candidate during the interview and hire her"

Gbadamosi rose up from the chair after playing the recording then he stood in front of the sitting of 7 elders of the church. "First off, before I'll get on to listen to what you all have to say, I want to express my appreciation to everyone. Pa Akin wasn't even in Lagos as at when I called so also Pastor Kay. The man was in Abuja when he flew in.

"Even me I was in United Lagos State when i flew in, I even went to Oshodi town sharp sharp then I flew back in to church" The women president teased and everyone laughed.

"Madam Lizzy can play like a child"

"All work and no play makes..."

Gbadamosi chuckled, "Even Elder Victor and Elder Samuel flew from United State of Lagos too" "Our own is Emirate of Lagos" Elder Victor corrected and Madam Lizzy laughed.

"Una see!" She chipped and everyone laughed again.

"Thank you for honouring me whenever I call, without considering the age difference. May God continually reward your labor of Love"


Pastor Kay smiled, "Papa it's not that deep, you're the spiritual leader God has given to guide. It's not a question of Age. Age is but a number in the spiritual race. We are running with the vision God gave you and that's it. Shikina"

"You've all listened to the recording. I apologize for skipping a few conversation"

Pa Akin nodded, "We understand Sir. Ethics demand that you don't even reveal things like this us except in when the case is beyond what you can deal with"

"Exactly! It was a knowledge God gave me about her past and because she's a public figure and I won't want you all looking at her that way"

"We understand Sir"

"I'm going to reiterate on what i already said. Just like the bible says in Matthew 18, If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. That's why this committee exists. What you've just listened must not leave the corners of this room. It's a conversation during counseling and just like Pa Akin said, it's not ethical to leak information said during counselling especially when I've pointed out the person involved. So, what's your opinion"

Pa Akin rose up, "You can sit Sir" "I'm fine Papa, Bí irùngbọ̀n alágbàṣe bá gùn títí tó ńwọ́lẹ̀, ẹni gbé oko fún un lọ̀gá a rẹ̀ /
Even if the beard of a hired hand is so long as to sweep the floor, his hirer remains his boss"

Gbadamosi disagreed but he had no choice. "There is a proverb in the Yoruba land that says, I'll interpret it, all lizards lie flat on their stomach and it is difficult to determine which has a stomach ache. We never knew such a thing was bothering Papa. I must commend you Sir for trusting us enough to reveal this to us. Díẹ̀ díẹ̀ nimú ẹlẹdẹ̀ẹ fi ń wọgbà (Little by little is how the pig's nose enters the yard). I know everyone here understands Yoruba despite our tribes so... let me not interpret that one. A problem not shared can end up bitting one back and when it bits the head, the whole body will feel it and we all one way or the other that we too will feel it. So, whatever decision we'll all arrive at today, must be done judiciously because from what we've heard, she's public figure. Irrespective of the fact that Papa has an evidence against her, my counsel is that we should call her as fathers and mothers and discreetly dismiss her from the church to avoid scandals. There's no smoke without fire, especially when the smoke will still be attending church services, it means fire can start anytime oh"

The women President lifted her hands up then she rose up to speak. " Pa Akintola has mentioned something that makes sense. God bless you Sir but let's not be too hasty to drive her out. We all listened to the conversation, that woman must have gone through something. I'm a woman, but first I'm a Nigerian who watches a lot of African Magic and I don't need to all the conversation to have my guess. Just like the way you watch a movie and you can guess the end. This woman might look unrepentant, yet we can't push her into the world"

"Did you hear the conversation? Someone that wanted to have carnal knowledge with Papa in the office. The woman is the world herself" Elder Victor chipped in, "I feel like she might strike again, she might be relentless. I've seen women like her, relentless set of creation!"

"She might be the world but there's something that happens when the world meets with the word. Let's not underestimate the power of redemption. God is still in the business of saving men! Should we begin to call names of people and how they came into the church and how God has transformed their lives?" She asked, "True" Pastor Kay nodded, "She's right. I understand Pa Akintola and Elder Victor's concern but then again, we can't drive her away from the church. We can call her and have a formal conversation with her to maintain distance from Papa. This should give her a sense of fear that all eyes will be on her from henceforth"

Hilary arrived at the new site quite late. She wanted to rush into a meeting since Manny was around so she could let him leave but Zoe insisted on an interview. After a fifteen minutes interview, they both moved into a room where Manny had arranged some chair.

The meeting was opened with a short prayer from Manny. Hilary cleared her throat, she couldn't contain her joy. It felt like a board meeting. "I feel like this is the first board meeting we're having" "First of many" Manny chipped and she smiled.

"We've given reference to God but can we just give a round of applause to someone who saw this dream and supported it with every iota of him."

Manny gave her a look, is she doing what he thinks she's doing?" "I'm sorry Baby but I have to do this, please let's just celebrate Manny Coker" She requested and they all clapped him except Manny who buried his face in his palm in shame then he managed to look up.

"Thank you all. Even though I think it was unnecessary"

Hilary cleared her throat again, "He's trying to humble, thank you. God has given us the grace to start a company even though we've not legalize the whole thing but we don't have fears, we have the word of the owner. The building will be leased to us and we'll start working on the outlook, designs and all"

Zoe lifted her hands, "What's the company name?" " Yes! i have, through God's leading, decided to name the company Hilltop interiors ... What do you think?"

Uju smiled, "It's sounding Posh and nice, sounds like a place I'll want to go to. I like it" "What's the idea behind the name?" Zoe asked, "Reporter" Uju teased stretching her fist at Zoe as though it was a microphone for her to use. She chuckled instantly then she held Uju's hand. She pretended it was really microphone, "As a matter of curiousity, I'll like to know the inspiration behind the name"

Hilary laughed from the display from the two of them, they were really getting along. "It was gotten from matt 5:14, a city set upon the hill that cannot be hidden. We'll be creating light, beautifying companies, homes, it's more like adding light to people's life. There's something about a good decor that brings light to a building or a sitting room or an office lobby. You walk into a company and it feels homely, not jut because of the staffs but the ambience and decoration structure of the place"

Uju nodded, "True, I mean hilltop has a nice ring to it cause just as a hill cannot be hidden in Jesus Name this company will not be hidden" "Amen" Hilary, Manny and Zoe echoed.

"Prospective eyes shall see us and patronize"


Zoe nods, "Uju is right, and you know one peculiarity about hilltops?" She asked and everyone peered at her to hear what she has to say. "There's no need to be be too serious guys, It's not that deep. Now I'm shy" She replied and everyone laughed.

"Where was I before everyone made me a point of concentration. I'm not a book guys, I'm just a smart woman" "She sure knows how to hype herself" Manny chipped in and Hilary laughed, "I wish you listened to her interview!"

"If someone doesn't hype me, I'll hype myself. So one peculiarity about hilltops is that you actually stand from the hill and see everything going on. So the company is on the hill, we cannot be hidden and also we have better insight to what our customers want which makes us better than others. That alone should make us stand out, our ability to see from client's perspective and bring their perspective, imagination and designs to life."

Hilary nods in agreement, "Our view of what the customers want and how we're able to better interpret it" She chipped in with a smile. Manny creased his brow, an idea was coming into his mind, "What about Hilltop view interiors?" Manny asked, "Interior and designs" Zoe added and Uju bumped fist with her.

"It'a s mouthful but it makes sense. It's just Hilltop View but what we do interior designing, I like it!"

Zoe lifted her hands, "It's a big building and you guys can't just invest on just interiors, we can sell crafts too. The up or down floor can be used to purchase materials, customers can look around and pick what style they want and those we don't have can be bought outside"

Manny smiled, "I like how you think" "Wait... We're taking baby steps first, that one going to take a lot of capital" Hilary whined staring at Manny who chuckled, "Baby..." She trailed off and Zoe drummed on the table, "Should we leave you two?" "No! We'll deal with this later" She answered exhaling loudly.

"We still have to set up the place, employ, run adverts and pay salaries. As it is, we need to hire a secretary. Someone that will be available to receive applications and answer inquiries.

"Your royal highness" Uju called out, "You're dating a media personelle, a celebri" She paused on catching Hilary's stern gaze. She cleared her throat and looked away. "I just want to say,he can run the ad.. No wahala"

Manny chuckled, "Before we dismiss this meeting..." Everyone turned their gaze at him, " I just want to say Hilltop view is not going to be just an interior designing company, its going to be a hub of creativity where we bring people's desire, imagination and perspective to life and you two are our first set of employee. Hilary is a great personality and I'm sure you guys will not regret working with her. You all will need to pool resources together, I'm talking human resources for the sale of productivity and I pray God in his in infinite mercy keeps us to witness the greatness of this company"


"Meeting dismissed"

Everyone left and Hilary gave Manny a look, "Baby you've done enough" "It's a good Idea" "Yes it is but baby steps first. We don't have that kind of capital, let's start first, we can plough back into the business much later."

His felt the vibration of his phone going off in his pocket. He dug out the device and glanced at the caller ID, "Who is it?" "It's Mom" "Answer it now"

He swiped to answer the call then he grudgingly placed the phone against his ears, "Hello, good afternoon Ma" "Good afternoon. I hope you're fine" "Am I not supposed to be fine?" "You can just say fine and ask her how she is?" Hilary whispered.

"What's the point of asking that question?" She grumbled.

"I'm fine" He replied then he mouthed, "Are you happy" "No!" She mouthed back.

"How are you too Mom?"

Hilary gave him a thumbs up and a faint smile formed on his face.

"I'm fine"

"And the... Therapy with Temi?"

"It's ... fine"

"Great then. Bye Bye"



"I was hoping we'll talk about your girlfriend"

"I'm not going to have that conversation with you Mom. Whether you choose to accept the both of them is your headache, not mine, I'm not going to help you nurse it"

"Will you stop being rude! I just want to have a normal conversation with you" "When last have we ever had a normal conversation? When? The last one going smoothly until it went South remember?"

"I'm trying my best here"

Manny exhaled, "Best for who? Me or you? I get it Mom, you don't buy the idea that's fine. I'm having the best moment of my life, all I want is your support and I know I might never get it and I'm ready to live with it. You were not there for Temi during her wedding, you can as well not be there for me too. Just don't complicate my relationship, Hilary is listening and I know we'll probably argue over this, just don't complicate the only thing that isn't complicated in my life; that's my love life and being a father"

His mother sniffles, , "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you, I really meant it when I said I wanted to have a normal conversation with you. I didn't mean to annoy you. I promise not to call again I'm sorry" "Mom Wait" He exhaled, that tone sounded remorseful, it struck guilt in him. He moved towards the window then he blinked his tears in, "What were you going to say?"

"There's no need" She sobbed quietly.

"Mom you're crying, is everything okay?" He asked and she busted into loud sob. "Mom, are you okay?"

"I listened Manny... For the first time I finally listened to the radio after so many years. I just want to say I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, okay I meant it. I thought I was doing it for your good. I spent years hoping you'll live in regret, I didn't pray for you. Not, not.once did I pray for you, I just prayed you regret your choice, i couldn't wait to tell you that I told you so, I stopped listening to the radio the moment you showed interest. I spent years of my life, hating my own children for pursuing their own interest and dreams. I just want to say I'm sorry for every....." She paused and heaved heavily as she spoke, "Every inconvenience and ....and you can go ahead and do whatever you want with your new family. I promise to stop bothering you and I won't call you again. You don't have to worry about me" She ended the call and Manny quickly called her back.

"Mom?" He called out listening to her sob loudly, "Mom...." He called out but she didn't give any response, only more tears. Tears poured down his eyes too, "Mom I'm sorry... I thought you were just going to make me mad, I'm really sorry and I mean that from my heart" He sniffled in between his tears.

"I know. It sounds different from the others"

Manny nods wiping his tears off his face, "Mom" "Hm?" "Hilary is an amazing woman, Ossy too, I'm sure you'll love them when you meet them. Maybe one of these days we can fix a date night" "Hopefully you don't end up storming out as usual"

He laughed throwing his head backwards, "Is there ever a dinner you don't storm out of?" "Maybe this one" "How does tonight sound? You and..." "I'll have to ask first. Mom are you sure? You can take some days to let in sink in"

"The sooner, the better"

"I'll talk to her and get back to you" He answered, "Bye" "Bye Mom" "Manny?" "Ma?" "Nothing... I'll be happy if you come"

"Okay Mom. Bye"


Manny ended the call and Hilary approached him, "I take that as a reconciliation then" "Yes it is." He replied with a wide smile. "Men and pride! That was how Odefa will complain about his mother but doesn't joke with her. Even after 28 years of feeling neglected, a mother will always be a mother and the truth Is, I'm not ready to live that life of being in that cross fire between a mother and her son"

Manny smiled, "You're happy despite all the yanga" "Mom is inviting you and Ossy to dinner today" "For real? Should I be scared?". He shrugged, "She sounded sincere. Don't worry, if she tries anything weird, we'll both storm out together" "Well..." She trailed wrapping her arms across his neck. "There will be no need for that because I'm sure this is one of my answered prayers"

"Maybe" He replied blinking his tears, "This feels like a dream"

Mrs George sat in the living room while her house help opened the door for Bella to come in. She approached where Mrs George was seated then she settled on the same chair with her. "Good afternoon Ma" She greeted dropping her handbag bag on her lap. "Good afternoon Bella, how are you?" "I'm fine Ma and you?" "Great and expectant;" She replied then she turned to the help.

"Please get something for my guest" She demanded glancing at Bella, "What do you care for?" "Wine... Anything Ma" "Please get her something from the cellar"

"Yes Ma" The help bowed her head leaving the both of the alone.

"As I was saying, i am quite expectant with the birthday coming and my son's wedding, or should I say my children's wedding, I'm really expectant as a mother"

"Wow but time is ticking and there's still so much to do, the Photoshoot isn't ready, my interview and a whole lot. So I was thinking.... What about we do a pre and post birthday magazine.. The pre will entail your history and family history, interviews with your children and that of your sister's and photoshoot and the post will entail all that happened during the party. Apart from the fact I'll give my reviews on my blog, there'll be another mini magazine that will entail pictures of events that happened in the course of the event, like a real bronchure and it will be issued out with the names of all the invitees while thanking them officially for coming. It's only going to cost an extra but you're definitely going to be a trendsetter and who knows your son might pick up the trend too for his wedding"

Mrs George forced a smile, anyone listening will be unsuspecting of her intention, "You're a Remarkable planner, right from the beginning, I fell in love your ideas" "Thank you Ma'am" "You know one peculiar thing about being a mother?" "No, I've never been one" "Oh. I'm sure you'll be someday and you'll understand this step I've decided to take today. A mother is a watchman doesn't fold her hands and allow darts go through her children. She takes the darts herself, she doesn't mind the pain, let's talk woman to woman. I'm not going to reemphasize this cause I'm sure you have an idea where this is heading to. You're quite the talent, I'll give that to you but my son has an assignment to God and I'll admit he's handsome and quite the sight to behold but soon he'll be married and trust me, I won't appreciate any form of scandal you might want to pin on him, if you understand what I mean. It's okay to like him, it's quite understandable, we're humans, sometimes we can't control our feelings but I beg you in the name of God to please control this one. For professional sake, I won't have you fired, but for the sake of my son and my daughter-in-law, I'll appreciate your distance from them henceforth. Whether you're in the same room with them, cause that's definite. I want you several meters away from them. I hope you understand this" She asked Bella who was quiet all through.

"I hope we have an understanding Bella, do we have an"

"Yes Ma.." She cuts in.

Mrs George looked around, "Why is she delaying with the wine, we should probably drink to this"

Aunty Abebi and Emmanuel visited the popular Okposi Lake in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Emmanuel gave her a run down of historical facts; she couldn't ask for a better tour guide.

"It is rumoured that if you bring the woman you like to this lake, you have a higher chance of getting married to her" Emmanuel chipped in while they walked back through a muddy track.

Aunty Abebi laughed, "Is that part of the fact or a figment of your imagination?" "I just made it up but who says you're not allowed to add a little jara to spice up history?" "No way, history should be voluble and never be altered. That's why it's history, or else we'll have no choice but to tell an altered story to the coming generation"

"What does Abebi mean?"

"Google it!"

"Come on! Don't ruin the fun, What does it mean?"

"You have a phone, search for it. Don't be lazy"

"I want to hear from the great Abebi's mouth. I'm sure it must mean something like The great child"


"Someone born to rule"


"Then what? The suspense is killing me"

"It means we asked for her and she came. Abebi"

Emmanuel smiled, "Your parents must be lucky to have you. Your biography online doesn't talk about your parents. You must be like an answered prayer for them" "Her.... It was just my Mom... She was the only parent i had."

"Oh. Sorry"

"I still don't know why she gave me that name. He didn't ask for me" She answered.

"Who.. your father?"

"I don't have a Father"

"I'm sorry, but is he dead?"

"To me he is"

"So he isn't dead."

"He is dead to me"

"But he's not"

"Can we just drop this? Why are you making my life your personal business all of the sudden?" "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you upset, I just.... I never grew up to see my father. He was a police man.... They said he and my mother died in the cold hands of armed robbers in the 80's."

"Oh my God... I'm sorry"

"I was just three, according to history, Dad arrested the gang leader of a cult, they said they raided the house, killed him and my mother but they left me probably because I was cute"

She laughed shaking his head, "Was that why?" "No. I just love to see it that way cause I really ask myself everyday what I did that made me live and why they died" "I'm sorry" "Anyways..." He shook the heartbreak off, "That cute boy became an handsome young man" He teased and she chuckled softly noticing the pain that clouded his face afterwards. "That was how they kpaid (Killed) my family, so my Dad's friend took me in as his own. He's also a policeman, when I grew up and heard the story of how they killed my family, I grew up in fear praying that history doesn't repeat itself again. Uncle Ken took care of my education from primary to University to Law school. Before he died"

"He died?"

"Yes but he wasn't ended by a bullet, I'm sure that was what you were thinking. It was stroke. Of all his children and family, I was actually the only one who successfully completed his study.... After law school, I became the family's saviour for anyone that gets into trouble. They have my number on speed dial, any small thing, they're calling Barrister Emmanuel, small mess that someone will mess in front of my relatives, they'll pick their phone and call me to sue the messes to court. Someone will cough, it's my phone they'll call. You wanted to know why I misrepresented in court, there you have it"

Aunty Abebi exhaled, "You more than anyone know you have a right to say No," "I do but if my Uncle had said no to raising me, I would have probably been a drunk on the street or maybe a tout, or worse dead! I only do it as an act gratitude. If Uncle was alive, he would step in whatever way he can. My point is, I still miss my father who wasn't even my real father... If yours is still alive, I don't see any reason why you should see him as a dead person. What was his sin?" "Please don't ask, please" She requested then he stood for seconds reading her face.

She was already fuming! He knew he had to do avoid the topic.

He stretched his hands at her and a smile formed on her face, "Let's go then"


Sam got out of the bathroom with a white top and a jean on. He was wiping his hair dry with a towel. Sewuese was seated on the couch reading a book she found lying somewhere. Beside her was a box of chocolate. She laughed when she saw him all dressed up, "So you changed in the bathroom because of me" "I didn't want to leave you with dirty thoughts, you know I'm a hot Oyinbo guy"

She chuckled then she bit her lips, "Makes sense, I won't say I'm not disappointed though. The flesh wants what I it wants" She replied laughing at herself, "Kilahi will kill me if she knows these thoughts still live rent free in my head"

Sam laughed and entered into the bathroom to keep the towel then he got out smiling. "How is she?" "Who Kilahi? She's fine... That's true oh. She should be in Lagos already" "You should call her" "I'll call her later, this is me and you time. I'm not going to compromise our time" She replied then he sat on the chair.

"I think you should call her"

"No, later" She pouts shaking her head then she leaned in for a kiss. A smile began to warm his face again and he leaned over and kissed her. "When last did you call her?" He spoke between long, drugging kisses that consumed her senses, "I don't know, yesterday.. Sorry today" She rambled.

He laughed into her mouth he cupped one cheek in a strong, warm hand, and met her gaze with a searing look. Her hands found their way into his thick, blonde hair as he caught her bottom lip in his teeth, nibbling and licking at it until she thought she might faint from the intensity of the feeling. She whimpered at the sensation and he lets put a low growl in his throat then he stopped leaning against the chair then she leaned on him.

"I'll call her later, tomorrow you might decide to carry your kaya and leave again and I won't have to see you for another how many weeks"

"I already told you, I'll stay for Mrs George and Mrs Coker's birthday party." "It feels like it's tomorrow, will it be selfish to ask you to stay?" "No babe, I wish I can too but" "I know..." She whimpered.

"How many ex do you have in total?" She asked and he laughed, "You don't have to worry about Sam, once bitten, twice shy. I love you and only you" "You too baby" She replied then he smiled plunging his hands into his pocket then he pulled out a ring.

"How was you cousin's wedding? Adiya right?"

Sewuese giggled, "You can remember things for Africa and you're not even from Africa. It was fine" "Did any of your Aunt say anything spiteful?" "A few of them but Kilahi was the one that almost got it but the ring in her finger silenced them all. I was so happy. And you, how was the wedding?" Sewuese asked, "There was no jollof rice so the party wasn't exactly complete, and I also mean my physical jollof rice" He whispered nibbling her ears and she jerked from the jolt on electricity that passed through her, "Don't do that" She warned waving her fingers.


"We won't want to start something we can't finish"

"I really want to finish this Sewuese" He confessed and she turned her head towards him in surprise, "I didnt mean that... I meant.. Be with you till the end. Will you marry me?" He asked lifting the ring to her view.

Sewuese gasped and rolled over facing him, "Oh my God" She blurted cupping her palm over her lips, while her eyes widened in shock. That was the least thing she expected to see! She didn't see a ring springing up so early in her relationship. "Was that with you since?" "I kind of kept it in my pocket, I knew I had to bring in my best surprise element"

"Are you serious?" "I can't possibly be joking about this" "Na lie. Is this because of what happened? Sam if you're doing this out of guilt" "I'm not... You can be rest assured that this isn't out of guilt, it's out of love for you. From that day you told me that seat was empty on Valentine's day, I had a conviction that I was the man set aside to be beside you. Call it love at first sight! I found a person with which I wanna pitch my forever tent with, a woman I want to build my home with, who I want to be the mother of my children. This line sounds old school but I wanna be as old school as possible"

"I don't mind, the oldschooler the better" She replied forcing a sharp chuckle from him. "Oldschooler?" "It sounded better in my mind" "I should be on one knees" "I don't mind, just continue, don't interrupt the moment, you were saying something"

"Where was I?"

"Old school as possible"

"I love you Sewuese. I want to be your husband, a support system to hold your arms when you feel weak, the friend you talk to, your baby so you can tuck me into bed every night, I wanna be your green card" He chipped and she laughed out loud, "Jesus Christ Sam! That's should be the first time someone's using that line. I'm not doing this for the green card"

"I know but that's one of the perks of being with an Oyinbo. You'll make me the happiest man if you accept this ring. Will you marry me Sewuese Adzer? "

Sewuese nodded, "With my full chest, Yes to being your wife, support system, friend, baby and ....." She trailed off then she laughed out loud. "Green card... Gosh you're crazy!" "Crazy in love with you" He replied moving his lips close to her and she bit her lower lips leaning so close then she waved her finger over his face.

"You're forgetting something that should come before the kiss" She kept her fingers still. With all seriousness, he slipped the ring into it. "I've always been a firm believer of dreams coming true but this is unbelievable! It feels like a dream. I feel like I'm going to wake up anytime soon and find out I'm dreaming."

He pulled her into his arms. His lips descended on hers in a kiss so passionate that she could not help responding. "Does this feel like a dream?" He asked and she shook her head in disagreement, "Hm hm. It's real" Sewuese swayed against him, groping for his hard shoulders then she wrapped her arms around his neck while his tongue searched her mouth.

Sewuese inhaled sharply. She tilted her head back against his chest then she shrieked happily. "Na so them dey engage person like that? I can't believe I'm engaged...Oh my God," She sat up and shrieked, " I need to call Mom and Dad... Should I call Kilahi first?" She turned facing Sam who shrugged, "I don't know"

"Am i freaking out? Am i? I feel like I'm freaking out. I want to scream... I'm just trying to be compose... Give me one second" She lifted her fingers running into the bathroom where she screamed and jumped happily. She got out playing cool and collected and he laughed at her act.


"What's cute?" She asked scratching her neck while her eyes searched for her phone, "Where's that my phone?" She added then he picked it from the rift on the couch then he handed it to her. Kilahi's call came in, "Talk about the angel. Hello?" "Hello," "Someone sounds tired" "Tired is an understatement compared to what I feel. I was even planning on calling you sef"

"What happened?"

"I'll give you the gist later but how far that your phone plug. The one that sells second hand phones in computer village"

Sewuese laughed, "I'm the only one that always have second hand plugs right?" "Every plug must enter socket, without you we can't enter the socket." "Babe, you're not serious" "I'm serious about the phone plug oh" "Thank God you're finally changing that your rubbish phone. The Holy spirit must have really hammered on it!"

"Ouch. I'm not changing my phone, the phone is not for me. It's for Sefa" "You do realized they won't pay you your salary till month end right?"

"Mrs Mba gave me some money. I'll just remove my tithe and sow the rest to get her one second hand phone. She needs it, especially with this whole video she posted. People will have questions, have you checked the comments on YouTube? She can't even view it"

"This girl be the doing the most!"

"Be doing what?"

"You're making me feel bad now, me that I'm her sister" "What am I?" "I'm sorry. Your heart is so big! How much do you have there?" "I've not counted It, I don't want someone beating me up because of money"

Sewuese laughed, "You know what? Let's not buy anything yet. Let's talk to Dad, I'll add my own and see how we can get her something better." "Sounds great." "Babe, you should change your phone too" "Is this one complaining?"

"Are you not tired of seeing System UI has stopped, WhatsApp has stopped everytime?"

"Aunty Rest!"

"When you're ready, just know I'll.be ready contribute too. Guess what?" "Jamal came to visit you at work again" "I'm not at work oh. I called in sick?"

"You don't sound sick"

"I was love sick. I needed to see my boo"

"Aunty repent, the kingdom of God is near"

"Love sickness is thing. You also miss Gbadamosi" "Don't use that one to justify the lie, you don't see me lying do you? That aside, what happened? Has the embassy called to give you your visa?"

Sewuese laughed, "Yes and one dollar is also equals to one naira" "Never say never" Kilahi laughed. "Guess who proposed to me?" "Oh my God..... Jamal finally proposed" She teased and Sewuese frowned. "Kilahi! What do you eat?"

"Kilishi, I bought plenty. Sorry. I'm trying to hide my excitement right now. Oh my God.... I'm so happy for you. Congratulations. I just got home sef"

"Thank you babe."

" How did it happen?" "I'll also gist you later" "Awn. How is Sam? Did he bring anything for me?" "Yeah.... There are cookies and chocolate" "You can take some Kilishi to him if he wants it. Wait.... Am I the one that called or you're the one that called me?"

"You called me"

Kilahi groaned, "My airtime!" She hissed then she made way into Sefa's room. "Bring our chocolate and cookies on your way back. Bye bye" She ended the call glancing at Sefa who had taken her glance away from her bible she was studying.

"Ish..." Kilahi felt bad for interrupting her, "I'll come back later"

A wide smile formed on her lips, "Welcome back Aunty Kilahi" "Thank you" "How was the journey?" "Quick. Let me leave you to your study" "Pastor G gave me an assignment" "What? The other one he gave you, you've not successfully completed it"

"He said it's my punishment"

"Toor, you still have to read for jamb oh. There's no John 3:16 in government"

Sefa laughed, "He's your future husband, you can put in a good word for me" "You sef, do and submit your assignment now. See, if you fail Jamb again, I'll just squeeze your load into one small bag and ship you to one convent" "I'm not a virgin"

"You don't have to be a virgin"

Sefa heave a fearful sigh, "Don't tell me that's fear on your face?" "Ya think?" "Affliction will not rise again the third time, believe it". Sefa exhaled, "Amen" "Guess what? Sam proposed to Sewuese" Kilahi revealed sitting on the bed. "Are you whining me?" "For real. Our sister is engaged" "Jeez! And I can't even post it. Geraldine called me, she said something about seeing the news on opera mini."

"You can use my phone for a while now. Just charge it sha"

"Thank you. I thought I could get used to being without phone but today I woke up with the urge to check through my messages. It's well sha" "Don't feel bad about it, who knows, your phone might be coming soon"

Sefa laughed in disbelief, "I'm not holding my breath. Mom and Dad are really serious about this punishment thing. By the time I'll get a phone. I'm sure we would have had another President" "O ye of little faith"

"I know you're tired but do you have time to spare? I can't seem to understand this scripture I'm reading." "Which?" Kilahi asked laying comfortably in bed then she yawned, "Where?" She pulled thw bible close to glance at it, "Holy Spirit help me. I'm not an expert but... Let's see how we can dissect it together. Which verse?"

In a lounge pool, Muyiwa stretch his fingers toward the slick wall of the pool. The water rushing over his extended limbs as he glide through it on pure momentum and adrenaline. He finally break the surface, gasp for air.

Then he heard he sighted a friend walk towards the pool while on a call. He haul himself out of the pool and grab a towel from the bench. The man hissed after the call then he went ahead to smile at him.

"Muyi Muyi" He called out and they both shook hands and clashed shoulders. "This one way your face be like this?" "Wife wahala" "I don't want to be in your shoes" "Soon you'll be wearing those shoes"

"When I'm fourty something"

"Marriage is a beautiful thing"

"No wonder your face looks like this"

The man laughed, "It's my birthday week now and wifey didn't really want to do much. She just wants to just thank God on her own, we just paid school fees now. She didn't want extra expenses but as per that's how I roll now. I'm throwing something really small, we were arguing about hiring a Chef to handle the whole thing. She said she'll cook, my guys at my work place are demanding isiewu. I don't know where I'm going to get a chef on such short notice"

Muyiwa smiled, "It's funny you asked cause I might know just the right woman for the job but you're going to do me one favor, you're going to tell her that I referred her to you"

"Okay..... Who is she to you"

"A friend... Just tell her, an awesome guy named Muyiwa referred her"

"Are you trying to score points with her? Don't tell me this is a chyking game"

"I wish!"

4:30 pm

Aunty Mabel stared at the ring on her daughter's finger, in between the joy, she was filled with uncertainties. It a joy of every mother to see their children get married and start a family but for her, it was happening all too fast. "Are you sleeping with him?" She whispered and Sewuese puffed a gasp in disappointment, "No! I already told you before now. Did you think I was lying?" "I don't know... I'm just shocked. The proposal is sudden. We don't even know his family, it's better when you know that the parents are within not half way across the world"

"I spoke to his Mom today"

"And they accept you?"

"She sounded like it"

"When is Sam going to leave?"

She shrugged, "I'm not certain" "All this is too sudden". Sewuese arced her brow, "What about Kilahi?" "Same thing! It's like you guys are all leaving me the same time!" "Unlike Kilahi, my wedding date is not certain. It might be next year"

"Before you know! You two might decide to shock us with a wedding date. I don't think i have enough shock absorber for everything happening this year. This time next month Kilahi will be out of the house, who knows when your visa will be ready? Whether it's your masters that will take you out or marriage, who knows? Then Sefa will leave too to the university and then this house all be lonely and quiet" She fought back her tears.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I am happy dear, don't get me wrong but"

Sefa interrupted the both of them,"If it's not future Mrs Thompson" She exclaimed then she glanced at her sister's fingers to see the ring for herself. "Congratulations sis." "Thanks" "I hope Sam doesn't make you wear this ring for long"

"I'm sure It won't be for as long as you've been waiting for your admission" "Ouch!" Sefa express her hurt and her mother laughed, "Good one Sewuese"

"Mommy look at what you're encouraging"

"Just make sure you get admitted before they fix a wedding"

"My God will shock you guys"

"Please! This year has been a shocking year already, I think I need to get myself a shock absorber. My dear, please shock me" "It's God that will shock you guys"

Sefa faced Sewuese, "Will I be your Chief bridesmaid? Since you'll be Kilahi's" "Kilahi has not made me her bridesmaid" "Who else will she make her chief?"

Sewuese shrugged, "There's Hilary" She replied and Aunty Mabel scoffed, "I don't have against the woman but you're her sister" "Manny will Gbadamosi's best man. It only makes sense for Hilary to be her Chief. It's her decision and I'm ready to respect it even though it will hurt." She exhaled.

"Talking about the bride to be? Is she preparing for her date?"

Sefa shook her head, "She's sleeping in my room, she was really tired" "Jesus Christ! Kilahi has a date! Look at me thinking she's getting ready so I can start her make up and nails." She hissed walking towards Sefa's room.


Jamal frowned at a call from Ada who called to inform him about Sewuese's proposal. "You think I'm joking shey? Why not go through Kilahi's WhatsApp status? Sewuese has blocked me, when I saw the repost from one our secondary school friend. I had my doubt so I checked Kilahi's status. You can check if you have your doubt" She ended the call and Jamal quickly scrolls to his WhatsApp.

Then he went through Kilahi's status one by one.

My Mama is going to be ministering at Home builders Conference 4.0. Can't wait for what God is set to do!

And She said yes💃🏽💃🏽 Congratulations Sis

Jamal quickly messaged her:

Is that really Sewuese?

Deja sat in the lobby of Editi Communication, a media house in Lagos where Vincent now works in. She was looking through a magazine when took a quick glance at her phone. It was already past past 6.

Shouldn't he be done with work already?

Vincent walked over to the lobby perforced. Deja stood up from the reception chair to acknowledge him. She didn't think she'll be so excited to see him in person, knowing she won't be seeing him at the office again.

Wait.... It has only been a day Deja!

"Hey Vincent, good evening" Her voice betrayed her, she wasn't supposed to sound croaky like someone held her voice and slithered it down a grater. She cleared her throat for clarity.

"Good evening" He replied, "What are you doing here?" "I came to..." She trailed off as her eyes caught the glimmering hate in his eyes. This knocked her off balance, she didn't even know what to say again!

"I... I just... I... " She stuttered then she exhaled to gain composure. It wasn't as if he was holding a cane to her head but it felt that way.

"What time do you close?"

"How is that relevant to this conversation?"

"It is relevant cause it'll determine the succeeding question in my mind"

"What's the question?"

"I was wondering if you're free to have an early dinner and maybe talk" "Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about with you. We already had all the conversation yesterday"

"Well I don't care about the conversation we had yesterday, today is another day" She snapped arrogantly then she continued, "So what time do you close?"

"I'm not free"

"I don't believe you. I mean you just started work, what kind of editing works do you possible have waiting on your table?" "Well some of us don't work for our Uncles" He snapped back then he rolled his eyes.

"Deja, I don't have time to waste"

She shrugged, "How many more minute do you have? Is it hours? I'll wait" "You can't wait" "Why? I didn't say I'll be tired" "No one said you're tired" "Fine! I'll wait" She replied taking her seat, "I'm not complaining" She replied point in towards the newscaster on the television."I'll watch news and wait, or I'll press my phone"

"You just got back from work. You probably need rest"

Deja's heart melted like wax close to a flame when she heard those words come out from his mouth. He still cares about her!

Vincent shut his eyes then he opened them, "Just go" "I'm not going" "Go" "I said I'm not going" "What do you want?" "I want us to talk" "We did that yesterday"

"Talk more" She insisted now rising up.

"I'm done"

"No. I'm not done yet with you!"

"Will you just go already" He snapped walking away, "Vincent, I'm not going anywhere until you give me your ears!" She screamed attracting worker's attention.

He quickened his pace and walked up to her, "Are you trying to get me fired on my first day?" "Maybe then you can come back to work" "And see your face everyday? No way!"

"I really don't mind seeing yours everyday"

Vincent scoffed, "Who are you fooling? You just miss the attention I give to you" "No... It's more than the attention" "What is it then?" He asked and then she blinked her tears in. "I know and I admit that I've been a horrible person to you all these while. I.... Is it too late to say I'm starting to like you?" She asked and he scoffed. "I don't believe you" "It's the truth" ""What about the guy you like"

"I wasted my heart and time"

"Let me guess, he's getting married right?"

Deja rolled her eyes, he took that response as a a 'yes'. "He's really getting married right?" "Yes but that isn't why..." "Just leave already! I have a girlfriend"

"Ah! Lies!" She bobbed her head at him, "My source says Mercedes is not your girlfriend so you're still pretty much open" "You're too late Deja... You're much too late" He snapped leaving and she once again blinked her tears in.

"Hey!" She screamed, "I know I treated you like trash but you didn't stop coming because you liked me" "What are you doing?" He mouthed from the distance he was.

"Now it's my turn to be stubborn, you'll see my here everyday! I'll be breathing down your neck, until you say yes. You know what happens when I like someone? I don't give up easily, even though it meant that I wasted years of my life doing so. I don't care how many months it takes, you're going to be seeing me here everyday. I don't want to believe there isn't an iota of love for me still in there. You might hate me but I'm willing to fight for that iota and I won't stop trying" She picked up her bag from the chair then she walked out of the building.

All eyes fell on Vincent afterwards. He wished the ground could swallow him up!

Brenda leaned against kitchen counter chewing a green apple, her mom was talking about an event she went for the previous week but her mind was far from the kitchen. "Ugh!" She scoffed and her mother laughed, "My exact reaction, I seriously don't understand why grown up will be fighting and exchanging blows in a burial ceremony. I'm sure Mummy Rotimi will be rolling in her grave in shame. May her soul rest in peace''

"Amen. Even though I have no idea of what you were saying"

Her mother gasped, "You can't be serious." "Ish.... Sorry" "What were you thinking of" "Ugh! Is it not that big head!" "The one who touched your buttocks?" "No! The other dark guy! Whatever his name is!"

"You're not worried about the one that touched your bum bum, you're not thinking of the other one that prevented you from being slapped"

"He wouldn't have dared"

"Well, this one has done no wrong"

"How he just make sick assumptions about me. Like I'm some trouble maker"

Mrs Arolowo pinched a little boiled fish from the bowl, "Well, you're a trouble maker" She admitted throwing the piece of fish in her mouth. "Mom!" "Ehn now. You've always been one from high school" "Mom! You're not helping matters" "Forget about the guy and focus on this Efo. That's the name of what we're cooking"

"Ugh! I wish I gave him a slap"

"Who the one who touched you"

"I gave that one a slap already. I should give the both of them a slap." She confessed biting the apple, "He's not a gentleman" She said mouthful.

"Pass the Iru"

"That smelling thing! No way!"


"Mom... There's no way I'm touching that thing. Nah!"

Kilahi stood akimbo in a towel while she watched Sewuese ransack her own side of the wardrobe in search for a date-worthy dress for the date. She pulled out the a purple organza dress with a smile, "What about this one?" "Isn't that what we wore during Durojaiye's wedding?" She asked recalling Tega's spiteful words to her.

Sewuese went ahead to remove a red gown, "That's the one I wore on valentine's day" "We have gone through all the English gown you have"

Kilahi groaned, "Choicest will be here any moment from now. I wish I woke up early." "This one you're speaking english, I'll still do your make up" "I say I'm almost late, this one is talking about make up?" "It's your second date, you must go there looking beautiful" "And who says I'm not beautiful without make up?" She snapped and Sewuese laughed.

"Oshey! Confidence overload. I'm proud of you baby" She answered lifting a black seude gown up, "Wear this one now" "That's the one I wore when I went on that date with Manny. Toor, Gbadamosi was even there" "Madam, kukuma wear Ankara now as stop doing mosquito noise in my ear, whee whee whee whee" Sewuese snapped deadpanned.

"Whee whee whee whee" Kilahi mimicked, "Look at someone's future wife doing like a baby" "Look at someone's future wife doing like a baby" She mimicked and Sewuese threw the suede gown on her face and she laughed then she pouted, "Is it not you that called ankara into this busines. It's a date, not a naming ceremony" "It's not as if he'll remember the gown you wore that day! I mean you weren't on that date with him, it was with Manny. Didn't you say he was with church members?"

"True sha..." She replied lifting the gown, "This one it is then!" "After all you'll now end up spoiling the dress with all you pampers underwear

"Leave me and my pampers pant"

"Don't worry... Next month is around the corner!" "What will you do?"

"I don't like to make noise, you'll see"

"Sorry dear... I'm not wearing catapult if that's what you're thinking. I don't know how you guys think and walk freely on that thing. Gaskia, my hand will be removing the rope every time." She grimaced.

"Dan boroba." She shuddered in horror and Sewuese laughed. "No oh! Comfortability is key! As long as my bum bum is comfortable, I don't know... I'm fine!" She shrugged shaking her body happily.


Hilary looked at her reflection in the mirror, unsure of the Kampala gown she had on. She was even on the verge of changing it. "Ossy, have you turned off the laptop" She asked turning backwards to take a peek at her back view.


"Have you checked the bathroom to see if I left the tap running" "Yes." "Have you" "Mommy yes" "You haven't even heard what"

Ossy stood beside his mom, "I hope this dress does not make me look too round" "I don't understand" He replied creasing his brow in thought. Then he took some seconds to admire his mother from the mirror.

"Mummy is the cloth new?"

"No. Is it fine cause I'm not sure" She answered arranging the neckline.

"Mommy, are you scared?" "Do I look scared?" "Yes Mommy" "I'm not scared, I'm just nervous."

"About what Uncle Manny's Mom will say?"

"Uncle Manny? I haven't heard that in a while. Well, yes" She replied then she opened a jar of Vaseline dipping her finger in it then she rubbed her palm together.

While Ossy wondered why she was rubbing the Vaseline, he felt those palm rub his face passionately, "Your face is looking dry" "This night?" "Yes. I remember the first time your father took me to see your grandmother. It was a disaster, there was arguments between your father and Mama. The next thing, he fixeda wedding and Mama didnt agree."

"You're worried she won't agree"

"Not exactly. I feel like this is one of God's move, this is an answered prayer, just like God answered our prayer and gave me a job of my own. I'm just worried about how she'll feel about me"

"I'm sure she'll like you"

"Baby, do I look old? Maybe I should change the dress, it's giving mother of three." "You're a mother of one" "I know right? maybe i should wear something that will make me look younger shey? One mind is saying, of all days you chose to wear something that will make you look like Manny's Mom"

"Mommy, you look beautiful"

Hilary laughed, "I know I look beautiful, I just want to be sure of it" "Well if this mirror is not show in you the right thing, let me your mirror, anyone that doesn't see how fine you are does not have eyes." He replied picking up his mother's phone scrolled to Kilahi's number then he dialed it.

"What are you doing?" She asked and then she heard the phone ringing. "Who are you calling?"

"Hello twinnie"

"Aunty Kilahi, good evening"

"Awn. My little boo, good evening. I wanted to say wrong timing but what the heck, I still have time to hear your voice. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Mommy is here and she said she's not looking fine. Can you help me tell her she's the most beautiful woman in the world" "What about me?"

"You're also the most beautiful woman in the world"

Hilary laughed, "Kilahi, you're shameless" "I love you too! Twinnie, what's up? Are you ready to go?" "Yes but i wore one kampala like that"

Kilahi laughed, "I had my cloth crisis too but I'm sure you'll look pretty regardless. You're one the most beautiful woman in the world, in and out so don't stress about it. I'm sure the dinner will go well, Mrs Coker will like you and Ossy. Ossy is lovable now"

Hilary chuckled, "It feels nice talking to you" "You too! I have to go, bye bye" "Bye!" Hilary concluded then she ended the call flashing a smile at her son.

"Thank you!"

He held the phone camera towards her, "Mommy pose for me" "Really? Our ride is almost here" "Mommy just pose, Nnem oma (My sweet mother)" He teased and she chuckled while he took pictures.

"Let me know if you've taken it. Is it fine?" "The camera did not capture the beautiful part, we'll use Daddy's camera." He answered showing it to her and she admired it.

"Awn, see my fine face"

"Mommy ozugo (enough), let's do and go. My future third Grandma is waiting for us."

Deja laid in bed with her hands up her chin, she was going through her Facebook feeds laughing to skits, something to just while away time. She could hear bust of laughter from the living room but she didn't want to come out because Ade was around. She didn't want stray bullet hitting her from a careless comment. She has endured a lot of emotional damage for the day.

Let her not come and add Ade to it jhoor!

Lanre fastened screws into Ade's laptop with the use of a screw driver. He had messaged him concerning a minor problem so he decided to check it out himself. Bimbo and Deja's home was used as a meeting point instead of his.

Bimbo got out of the kitchen with a plate of fried potatoes and a Chivita juice pack. Ade smiled on seeing her, "Brother Lanre, when they say he that findeth a wife has found a good thing, you have found a good thing."

Bimbo dropped it on the small center table, "The fried potato is even giving! God bless you for me and Brother Lanre"

Bimbo laughed sarcastically while clapping her palm dramatically, "Hey! Ade, if they don't pass through your lip gloss to kill you it's food that will use sha. Just because of common food you are already offloading and transfering Abraham's blessing to me. Even Isaac did not do this one, you don't know boya it's initiate I want to initiate you, you are already proclaiming blessings"

"It's not a bad initiation process, I just hope your witch coven has good decor and ambience cause me, I don't always stay in places that are not fine, o maa n choke me (It chokes me)" He asked taking a slice of potato, "This one cannot choke you, it's we that choke people for a living, ambience 100 over 100. Even AC gan, we have"

Lanre laughed with screws sucked to his lips. He hoped he doesn't swallow it because of these two clowns.

Ade chewed, "And i hope you guys good sound system so that when they call me, I can hear well" "Don't worry se, we just bought new sets of speakers and microphone. You know that they always call people three times, If they call Ade once, nothing will stop you from waking up"

"Wow, wow, I'm impressed"

Lanre spat out the screws into his palm laughing at the two display their unseriousness with serious facial expression. "Are you guys really kidding right now?"

"Shebi it's your girlfriend that wants to initiate an Initiate, you don't know the blood of Jesus that I drink on daily basis wo, if you even have luck to call my name lasan, even that new sets of speaker will bust, you guys will go and buy another speaker. Rubbish"

Bimbo laughed, "Don't threaten us, we just bought that speaker" "You will buy another one." "O laya oh! (You're daring). You aff mind, with your full chest, you are still eating the potato"

Ade picked another one waving it in the air, "Potato Potahto, I'm not scared. I cannot even imagine myself, me Ade as a witch. If I want to add witchcraft to the natural witchcraft I have, I don't know what will happened. Please Please please! I love my sleep too much to be waking up 12 o'clock every night to perpetuate what I don't know cause even half the discussion these witches have is about people that they don't know. When I'm not PJ masks, into the night to ruin people's day. There's NEPA wahala oh but they will never convince NEPA to bring the light, they will never convince the President to distribute 1 million naira each to every citizen, it's to be wearing one cloth every night to dance Ikoto Aye in one ugly building that they know how they got there. Matters of the state does not concern them, it's matters of the poor, making the poor poorer, what the difference between them and the government. They can't even make themselves richer"

Bimbo gasped, "No, Let's enter into the minds of the witches, people will suspect them, its a strategy" She replied will all manner of seriousness. "Suspect them of being what?" "Me that If I become a witch today, first thing first. I won't pay rent till thy kingdom come, when I get to heaven"

Lanre and Ade gave her an askance look, as a witch??? "Boya when I manage to get to heaven, I will continue the rent free life and secondly I won't sit in traffic laye laye! (again!), I will disappearing from home to work. Home to church, if I want to go lasan, I'll just raise my leg up and di'ofe (become like wind)" She blushed.

"Witch life, I'll just be living soft life but what is paining me is that, even the witches still use public transport, is that one witchcraft instead of aircraft"

Ade picked up the juice pack, it had been half drunk. "You're going to manage that juice, you and Lanre going to administer it as if it's the last supper. This meeting was unannounced, I didn't have anything in the house"

Lanre turned on the laptop then he exhaled tiredly, "Done!" He muttered handing the laptop to Ade. "I feel like sending you money, what's that your account number" "002378321 Bimbola Momodu GT bank, if that one does not work, you can try my FCMB"

"You don't have shame"

"There's no shame in money matter, money is the only thing that can slap me on my face and i'll turn other cheek willingly." Bimbo replied then she sat on the arm of the chair at Lanre's side. "Should I bring my own laptop?" She asked and he laughed, "No! Ade's own is minor issue, any computer engineer will know how to find it's way around it, you own will take God to breathe on it"

Ade laughed out loud and Bimbo gasped.

"Hm hm, you should have kukuma say they will use defibrillator to wake it up." "Honestly babe, your laptop can be liken to a human on constant oxygen supply, the monitor is just waiting for someone to pull the plug. I think you should consider doing an early burial for that guy"

"Laptop that I've been using for years, if you know how many years I've been using this thing, walia that thing you said will be heavy in your mouth. You are going to say it with remorse. Bury which laptop? That laptop saw university shege with me! My companion in school, even when I graduated with second class lower, my consolation was that I graduated with my laptop."

"Buy another one"

"It's me that's looking for house rent that will now buy laptop, sorry, mi o se graphic designer, I don't do graphics. Will I live inside the laptop?"

"You can create one folder inside the laptop and live in It" Lanre replied and Ade laughed. "Good one, I like that silent bomb"

"Babe, you guys are having bad influence on me" "Don't babe me, shebi it's me that will open a folder to live inside"

"Funny thing is that you're already living in my heart and head rent free now. There's a folder in my heart saved in your name"

Bimbo blushed then she faced Ade, "Please don't allow the singles that are here to choke to death. Ade,I hope you're taking note on how to win a woman's heart" "With a punchline made by a computer geek to extinguish the fire he personally put on"

Lanre chuckled "As long it works, result trumps the means. Where's Deja, I haven't seen her since" "She's in the room, probably sleeping by now"

"Is she fine?"

"She'll be fine"

Lanre cleared his throat, "Bella was in church today" "You say? Come again?" Bimbo asked and Ade scoffed, " And I had a feeling to be in church today. Shoot!"

"Did you stop her from seeing Papa?"

"I wanted to"

Bimbo hissed, "Brother Lanre, shey I already explained to you what that snake wants" "Yes! I went in to ask Papa for permission but he requested that I let her in"

"And you didn't deem it fit to tell me? Why?"

"Cause I knew you'll react this way! I knew you'll even leave work to the church" "I would have. What was she thinking of? I just hope she didn't do anything stupid in there cause with Bella, we can expect anything"

"Apparently Papa had it under control. She left angrily, she wasn't as happy as she was when she came."

Bimbo laughed, "That cannot be good. I wonder what Papa said to her, hei God! I feel like calling her. I should look for small trouble" "Stop it!" Lanre chipped in.

"I want to know but I can't ask Papa. I hope to God she doesn't come back to church again and her seduction plan will come to an end finally"

"Amen" Ade answered while Deja made way into the living room with her hands folded her hands, "I couldn't' help but overhear you guys conversation. What seduction plan are you talking about and what does Bella have to do with it"

Bimbo sucked her lips then she faced Lanre, "Wahala"

Ghen Ghen..😂🤣
In portable's voice, "Wahala wahala wahala"

What do you guys think of today's Chapter?

Finally Deja will get to know who BELLA IS!!

Talk about Deja's Audacity with Vincent! Awn😂💓

Ossy is still a Darling....💓❤


Sewuese is engaged💃🏽💃🏽. Engagement is raining, who's next? 😂

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