🌹Chapter 46🌹

Beautiful morning everyone

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Chapter 46


Bimbo 😂👆🏼

Bimbo laid in bed faced down while on a video call with Lanre. They were having an argument on feminism and gender role appropriation. Bimbo brought up the topic as a result of Kilahi's post on WhatsApp.

"You think we men don't find it unfair when you women feel like you're the best cook? You think because we're men, we're lazy. That ideology had been etched in most women heart to the point when you tell a woman that you can cook they laugh and say, iffa hear? Women are fighting against these things but we men need to be judged based old fact and generalization. Fine, the men those days were not partial in their judgement, it doesn't mean all men think the way they do. I know for a fact that i don't!"

"Well, it clearly doesn't mean we'll fold our hands and just wait for you guys to get the point. That's why the feminist evangelize. I am not a feminist per se and I don't buy into some of this ideologies. Especially awon extremists side set awon, I'm not gonna submit to my husband, if he's wearing trousers, I must wear trousers, if he wants me to submit, let him wear skirt to the public"

Lanre laughed.

"You know the ones ti mo ba wi. When God said let the man be the head of the home as Christ the head of the church, I'm sure pe he was not drinking Guinness stout when he said it, neither was there water in his mouth. Eyen clear but emphasis sake, there is a need to buttress the point even more. Everyone knows rape and HIV is real but people still host programs to educate the people. Everyone knows that politicians always lie in every political campaign yet we'll still come out and show support, you get my point"

Lanre laughed, "You lost me at that last point though. But I get it, every woman deserves to be treated with respect." "Yimmu! That's what they always say until marriage and then you start to see the man in different shades, you will now be like Shebi Lanre was always blue, but why am I seeing royal blue in this marriage"

"See! That's another ill ideology you women need to change," "What?" "That all men like faking during dating and courtship, not everyone fakes." "Ngbo? So now, if you now marry somebody, are you saying the person will not see indigo, purple, black and the red side of you?"

"That one is normal"

"So what are we saying? Me like this, it's what man can do, woman can do better that I want to do. I don't want to on generator sha, anything apart from turning on generator that does not have button, i resign myself! Like this like this, I want to learn coding"

"You want to learn what?"


"Which code? Is it code for airtel night plan, code to check your nin, code to check your BVN or code to load airtel card"

Bimbo gasped, "No, it's code of conduct, abi you did not see codeine." She replied and he laughed, "Ah! Oye mi! (I understand) you are showing me another shades of Lanre" "I should be the one worried for myself, you're beginning to grow on me. I learned from you"

Bimbo sniffles, "Why am I smelling barbecue? Is someone cooking Suya in the house? I've been smelling it since... Oh crap! I hope this girl has not burnt the house" "Who?"

"Deja. Bye Babe, I'll call you later" She hopped out of bed and dashed out of the room. "Deja!" She screamed rushing into the smoking kitchen. She turned off the gas but left the pot unopened. She didn't want to worsen the smell.

Deja entered into the kitchen coughing "Oh my God! Did it burn?" "No, it cooked." Bimbo answered in between her cough then she stepped out of the kitchen, " You did not see that it's boiling" "I only wanted to make goat meat pepper soup" "Don't tell me you took the last pieces of goat meat in that 'fanice' plate?"

"I wanted to eat pepper soup"

"Now you have steaks instead! Abi ki n pe ni suya (Or should i Call it suya). I don't want to imagine the color of that meat. It's you that will kukuma wash the pot. What were you doing? You want to burn down a house we haven't even gathered rent for. Have i built a house in my life? Deja answer me, have you built a house before?

"I just stepped into the room to urinate, after that I got lost in my own thought"

"Boya you will go and download Google map inside that your mind cause at this rate that you're getting lost inside your mind. I should not sleep and wake up one day and find out that have turn into suya"

Deja exhaled, "I'm sorry." She apologize then they heard a knock on the door. "Bimbola!" The Landlord yelled from their front porch, "What's going on there?"

Bimbo faced Deja, "Problem!" She muttered rolling her eyes.

Hilary and Ossy folded their legs on the couch eating munching on pizza. Ossy lifted a slice of the pizza up, "Oh pizza, I'm sorry we didn't meet soon enough. I'll never leave you again, sorry I'll have to eat you" He dipped it into his mouth and Hilary laughed.

"Must you be dramatic?"

"Pizza is so sweet"

"Pizza is overrated"

Ossy gasped then he grabbed the pizza box then he lifted up planting a kiss on it, "Forgive Mommy, she didn't mean it." "I meant it. Give me?" "Why are you eating it when it's overrated?"

"Someone still has to give it ratings" She answered grabbing the box from him. "Congratulations Mommy" "For the third time, thank you" She answered. "So will the school bus be dropping me off at your work place from now on?"

"When work starts, for now we're starting. It might take a while, for now, I'll try my best to get home before the school bus arrives"

"Daddy said he'll pick me up and bring me to the place if he has time"

Hilary raised her brow, "When did you guys have that conversation?" "When I spoke to him" "That won't be too convenient for him" "That was what he said" "What did he say again?" "Nothing" "Have you made your choice for career day?"

"God has not spoken"

"Ossy now, I need to buy the costume. God should just help me, if you choose law at the last moment, I'll give you my wig to wear"

He laughed, "Just give me your gown too, when they ask me what I am, I'll tell them I'm a Mom. If they ask me why? I'll just ask them, is it easy to be a mother? Is it easy? It's hard to be a mom right?"

"Who said so?"

"Greatness and Goodness' Mom. I heard her telling the teacher that being a mother isn't easy." "I haven't been that shoe for long but I can get relate to what she means. You're waking up by 5 to prepare for school but you're not the one going to the school"

Ossy smiled, "Grandma tried oh" "Yes she did" "Can I talk to her tomorrow?" "Sure you can, even if you want to talk to her now, feel free. You miss her?" "Yes" "You can see her when the term ends. I won't stop you from seeing her if you want to"

He leaned against his mother's arm, "I won't call her today, I'll do it tomorrow, let her miss me small" He replied provoking laughter from her."Thank you for being a wonderful Mommy" "I've not even started"

Jennifer walked into the house frowning, "Good evening" Hilary greeted, "Good evening Ma" he said too watching Jennifer observe the living room, "Your legs are on the chair" "We'll clean it" "The parlor is not a place you eat pizza"

"We'll clean it up Jennifer" Hilary answered, "Aunty Jennifer, guess what?" Ossy asked, "I'm not in the mood to guess any stupid thing" "Is there ever a time you're in the mood?"

"Ossy I don't have the time for you smart mouth right now"

"I'm going to tell you anyway. I don't want to put you in suspense. Mom is starting her own business, we're celebrating it with pizza, orange juice and ice cream. I got Ice cream and I got one for you too"

"It's true. He insisted on getting one for you"

"The Sunday school teacher in the children church said we should learn how to love our enemies and pray for them too"

Hilary covered his lips with her palm, "Ossy!" She snapped giving him a look while she withold her laughter , this boy really don't know how to lie!

"Baby, you shouldn't have said that. That's not a nice thing to say" She replied taking her hands off. "Jennifer is not an enemy, she can be impulsive and insultive but Mommy doesn't consider her as an enemy" She added looking at Jennifer who scoffed.

"He wouldn't have said that if he didnt hear it from somewhere"

"The boy has a mind of his own"

"Maybe you should train up your vilage child well, correct the errors your stupid mother in law made and stop raising a brat." "Don't even go there Jen, I won't take it. Whatever thing your went through outside should be dropped outside before coming into the house. Don't use my son and I as a punching bags to throw punches of insult on or transfer aggression on."

Jennifer hissed and walked past them. Then Ossy turned back kneeling on the chair, "So now as you're doing like this, you think someone will not see you as enemy?" He asked and she halts. Hilary pinched him then she whispered, "Ignore her"

"When I asked the Sunday school teacher that what if this person that does not like me, doesn't like to see me or answer my greetings? He said I should always be the bigger one that each time I greet and the person refuse to answer that means, no matter how old the person is, I'm older than the person in wisdom. I'm a village boy but at least mother trained me to greet you. You, you're a city woman but you don't know how to answer people's greeting. Mommy greeted you didn't answer, I gave you a gift you did not say thank you, I told you mommy is starting something, you did not even say congratulations."

Jennifer rolled her eyes then she walked away. Osay sat down turning towards his mother, "Mommy, i'll understand mathematics more than this woman" "Just ignore her, she might be going through stuff. She doesn't look happy" "She and unhappiness must be five and six then"

Hilary laughed, "This boy will not put me in trouble" "In the morning frown, afternoon frown, evening frown, her face did not always pain her? Me I cannot frown like that oh. Is it a lobby?" "Hobby, HOBBY, not lobby"


Aunty Abebi placed her phone against her ears. Her heart beat was everywhere as she waited for Emmanuel to answer the call. She was so close to having a mental breakdown. Her hands were shaking too. "Hello and good evening" His voice came back hoarse then he cleared his throat.

"The voice was supposed to come out sweeter than that. Too much groundnut has spoilt my game voice"

Aunty Abebi laughed, what's a game voice?

"Good evening Emmanuel" She greeted then she paused completely blank in thought. "Um.... " "Um?" "It's raining here, is it also raining there?"

"The one here is sprinkler, not rain. If I may ask, are you still in Ebonyi?"


Emmanuel exhaled in relief, "Thank God. God no dey sleep on top my matter" "What if I had left?" "You would have come back to me" "Oh wow, please tell me why I'll travel down here to see you?" "One, I have good looks"

"Get over yourself"

"Be doing shakara. Two, you won't deny we have chemistry and three... I have nothing but I have this feeling you'll come back." "You wanted to know if I can be free for a date, it's a yes. I just cleared my schedule"

"I knew it! You just want to see me again"

"Dont push your luck"

He laughed, "Am I still going to give you a tour around?" "Yes. I cleared important schedules for this, you better make it worth it. No pressure" "Yeah.... No pressure at all" He answered and they both chuckle.

"Good night" She chipped in and he groaned in pain, "Why? I enjoy listening to your voice" He replied and her heart skipped then she ended the call placing her phone on her chest.

"What's going on with me?"

Afterwards, she began to make assumptions to excuse the way she felt that moment. It might be something he says to every woman he meets! He might be a womanizer Abebi! Get your damn acts together!


Bimbo stood in front of the door, she took a deep and long breathe then she opened slightly and pushed her head out to see her Landlord with an usual frown on his face. He had a Yoruba Fila on a grey polo shirt and a black shorts. "What is going on in there? I can smell something burning"

Bimbo laughed, "Everyone can smell things, whether you are small, big, average, we all have sense of smell, thats why we have the nose which is an organ of the body but I'll have to congratulate you Sir cause you met us well. We were cooking"

"Or burning my house down"

"Ah! When is not as if we are not children...We were experimenting continental dishes"

"Ninu ile mi? Kaare, awon science student. O ti sọ ile mi di laboratory. (In my house, well done Science student. You've turned my house into a laboratory"

"Sir, ko bajẹ bo se ri yi (it's not as bad as it looks), a very smart philosopher, boya it's a scientist, I don't know but i sha know pe he said, something very interesting, he said all life is an experiment, the more we experiment, the better we get."

The man looked up, he looked apprehensive "Se o ni tenant kankan to gbádùn nínú ilé yi? (Is there any tenant that's normal in this my house?)" He hissed now glaring at her, "Deja nko?" "She's inside" ""Kilode to se nrun bi eran to ti jona? (Why does it smell like burnt meat?)"

"We were experimenting goat meat for steaks, "Ṣe o mọ eran yiyan?( Do you know steaks?) Nigerian suya with gas cooker. We call it steaks over gas cooker"

"Steaks? Let me in so I can see the steaks?"

"Baba, as you can see, I even the door is openedhalfway. God will not allow you to see the thing that will make them reduce my bride price."

The Landlord looked defeated that moment, "Forget about Steaks, if you dare to burn my house, the stakes will high for you, I hope you're a stakeholders or you're dating a stakeholder"

"The only stake I know the steak that looks like meat"

"I hope you're a shareholder"

"The only thing I always hold in church is chair and people, feel free to call me a chairholder."

"Isokkay! Just know that if you burn this house down, even if you sell all the chairs in your church, Ko to lati k'ole yi (It's won't be enough to build this house)"

"Baba, the house can't be burning and we'll be inside breathing the fire Igbati a kì nṣe sango (When we are not Sango) . Everything is under control, not like there was anything that needed to be controlled anyways. Just like gold must pass through fire, meat must get burnt to become steaks"

The man frowned, "You want to use experiment to burn my house, you call it steak" "All life is an experiment. Baba, there is need for us to experiment. Even the Egusi we are eating, if somebody did not experiment on melon, how will we know it can be made soup? Who told people that blending beans partially will make Akara and blending it smoothly makes moi-moi. How did they know that if you blend rice, it will turn to tuwo? How did we"

"O ti to! O ti to! Ma jo ile temi o,o ti sọ nkankan nipa ọwọ ile to nbọ yi,jeki owo ile mi ti wa nlẹ,In case ti mo ba fẹ fún ẹlòmíràn (It's okay! It's okay! Don't burn down my house oh, you've not said anything about the rent that will still expire, let my house be in good shape, in case I want to give it to another person)"

"Yes Sir."

"That's why I don't like to give houses to women. People that should be in their father's house. You guys should kuku do and get married"

"Good night Sir" She said shutting the door. "God forgive me for everything that sounds like a lie. Gosh! If you hear trouble in fila, that's our landlord."

Deja hissed, "Was it necessary to say that rubbish?" "It's not my business, the thing did not even touch me" " I don't think he bought the lie" "It was just to waste time and avoid the whole drama of him entering into the house." "Why will he enter into our house in the first place? I wouldn't have taken it easy on him. I'll just forget that I'm trying to be nice and give him a proper word. I don't see why he calls it his house when we're the ones paying the rent." She snapped.


"I'm sorry for the stress Bimbo" She hissed and sat on the chair. Bimbo joined her. "You better not kill yourself over Vincent" "If only you saw his face. I don't know whether to chase him or just let the whole thing rest. I told Adufe that I'll chase him but what do you think?"

"Don't ask me. Take it to the Lord in prayer, consult God, I'm not your consultant, it's God. You know when the bible said, 'And David inquired of the Lord, should I pursue and overtake? Sister Deja of the most high, you are gonna go down on your knees and ask God, should I pursue and listen if God will say, pursue, overtake and recover all. Vincent might be angry just as the people were angry at David but when he consulted God he had an answer. I'm not gonna be your therapist, you're not paying me so you're going to go to God and seek his face." She chuckled.

"But I messed up"

"Remember when Papa was preaching about how God is always interested in everything we do and doesn't want to be left out, even when he is all knowing. He's even interested in our relationship! God bless Papa wherever is he right now, I feel like I can hear his voice right now. Tell God!"

Deja chuckled, "Adufe said she was already shipping Vincent and i. I didn't even let the ship sail" "Not all ship go through smooth sailing, some go through tides, waves, storms. You know who has the power to calm storm?" Bimbo asked and Deja nodded in acknowledgement.

"Can we pray together?" Bimbo asked, "You're right Bimbo. I've turned you into a motivational speaker, therapist and Pastor" She blurted out and they both laughed. Bimbo stretched out her hands to her, "Let's pray"

Kilahi roamed around the party hall in search of a familiar person to chat with. It wasn't until she got there that she realized it was a fund raiser. Apart from Mrs Mba, she only recognized a few others she didn't't interact with durong the Marathon walk. She seemed disappointed that Oche didn't show up.

She finally leaned against the wall watching a man speak passionately on the stage. He was making comparison of modern ideologies on female children as opposed to ancient ones.

"You seem a bit out of place" She heard a familiar voice say, she turned to find Freeda approaching her with a glass of cocktail in her hand. She wore a long cowl back sequin dress.

"Good evening"

"It's a good evening alright but apparently you're not making good use of it"

"I don't understand"

"I take it you're an introvert"

"Geez I wonder what gave it away?" She replied sarcastically and Freeda laughed throwing her head backwards. "You're not chatting with anyone and one of the Criteria of working in the foundation include your ability to communicate well. Who employed you?"

"What's your point?"

"My point is..." She trailed off scanning the entire room, "Look around this hall my dear Kilahi, what do you see?"

"Am i supposed to answer that"

"I'm trying to arrive at a point darling. Whst do you see?"

"People, dignitaries, politicians seated and standing, walking around"

"Where you see people, I see opportunities seated, opportunities standing, walking around this room and I'm not going to let it slide. I'll advise you don't too"

Kilahi blinked her eyes, what's her deal? Can't she just leave her alone? "I don't understand". Freeda hissed and rolled her eyes, "For real? Where do you come from? You don't come to this kind of event to sit and look pretty, you make a mark for yourself. Use what you have to get what you want"

Kilahi cringed in disgust.

Is she asking her to throw herself on rich politicians as a means to climb the ladder of success? God forbid!

Freeda laughed from the look on her face, "Not in that respect, although if you want to do that, who am I to judge you?. We girls have to do what we have to do to survive, if you know what I mean" She replied with a wink at her.

"You don't know me, I'll never do that"

"Abeg! Wash!"

"I don't care about the opportunities"

"Don't be stupid! You seem very naive, well let me educate you. You move close to these women and men to either get their help or sell an idea to them, these guys have money they're not using so..." She shrugged, "Create false motives, impression and initiative to siphone from them. As long as it will boost their image and present them as a prairie to the whole, these guys will jump in"

Kilahi scoffed, "I won't do that" "Why? Hei God! I don't know why I'm telling you this, it should be a secret but I'm just letting you know because I know how it feels to earn peanut like you're doing right now. Ehya, it's just 21st of March, how many days to month end and at the end how much gets into your account and how long will It last?"

"Will you please leave me alone? What's your deal?"

"My deal is that I pity you! Look at how you're dressed to a meeting like this, no class whatsoever. Look at the shoes you have on,"
They both took took a few moment to stare at the three inch Black teracotta sandal she wore. It was the same thing she wore for her cousin's wedding.

The world didn't end did it? Why is she making a fuss about the whole thing?

"Gosh! It's pathetic and your perfume smells like cheap flower"

Kilahis gaze shifted from her shoe to Freed a's face. "Well, that's the smell of dignity and contention" "Oh wow, the second name for poverty. Two words I hate the most in the world. You only have dignity because you haven't been presented with a life changing opportunity, and you're contented because of a caged mentality"

Kilahi shut her eyes then she shook her head tiredly, how can one human have so much damage mentality? Who broke her heart or what did she experience in life to have her think in opposite direction.

"Having dignity is honorable!"

"Just like they say there's dignity in labour but we all know the mentality is crafted by unprofessional who wants to give themselves hope. There's no dignity in labor, what we have in reality is the upper class strata, the money spenders, business moguls versus poor salary earners especially you"

Kilahi shook her head, no! It is finished! She'll just be wasting her spit on this one. "Um...um" She stammered, "Freeda right?" "Yes darling." "I don't want to be rude, please leave me alone, I'd rather be alone than entertain this much negativity" "Have you seen the way you're dressed? All those designers bags, shoes and dress Aisha wears, do you think you don't deserve it too? Madam, that 60k or 70k might look big to you for now but I tell you, you're going to wake up one day to realize it's small and then you're going to regret not following my advice." She whispered.

"Sorry, I don't take all advice, especially when they have no intellectual backing"


"Don't be offended, I've been trying to understand you and your point of view but apparently I'm at my wit's end"

"Aisha won't give you what you want, she's just a selfish person and a user" "Don't speak badly of Mrs Aisha, you can call me names, I don't care, just leave her out of this" "Why? Because she's perfect?" "She's handling a non profit organization where she pays workers, I count myself lucky to be a part of it"

"Ehya, poverty must have dealt with you to think she's helping you!"

"It's not poverty, I'm not grateful to her because of poverty. I was in a fix before i got the job but I was comfortable, I had a great family, a roof under my head. I count myself lucky to have met a woman like her! Mrs Aisha only thinks of others more than herself"

"Wow, that explains the peanut salary, what a big hearted woman." Freeda answered sarcastically, seasoning each word with hate. "Her husband Is a politician and all those funds that comes into the foundation, why didn't she use it for us? Are we not also less privileged? Yet she has the nerves to take her children to a fancy school. Do you know how much they pay?"

"Jesus Christ! What has that got to do with anything?"

"Everything!" She whispered, "They stand there make pant they wear you!" Freeda whispered, "They'll only use and give you peanut, you'll be here, they'll fly their children abroad, they'll go on expensive vacation while you stay working your ass off for 70 thousand naira. Take this as a warning, no one will tell you the truth, only me."

"All I see is greed and envy. Do you know what the bible say about the way of the greedy?"

Freeda laughed and lifted the glass up, "The bible can say all it wants, at the end when i pay a fat cheque to the church, no one will be asking me how I got the money, whether through greed or envy. I call it determination, different words but same meaning and I'll definitely drink to that." She sipped from the glass of wine.

"Do you take alcohol"

"No. I love my sanity, I won't want to start walking around doing negativity evangelism. I only get drunk in the spirit and spread the good news of Jesus Christ" Kilahi replied deadpanned.

Freeda laughed, "You sure have ways of throwing suggestive insult" "Apologies if you're offended" "You must hate my guts"

You have no idea!

"There you are!" Oche said from behind then he approached Kilahi, "How far, I've been looking for you"

Freeda bats her eyes at him, "Are you mannerless? Can't you see, I'm still speaking to her" "Not anymore, it apparent you're bothering the lady. I sighted the tiredness in her eyes all the way from"

"Zip zip zip. Not interested, you're not someone I'll talk to on a normal day so don't try to take advantage" She sniggered then she moved her face close to Kilahi's then she whispered into her ears, "You had better leave cause very soon, Revive Foundation will be a thing of the past"

"God forbid!" Kilahi snapped quietly then she shook her head in disagreement, "Not when I'm there"

"Sorry, who are you?" She asked then she scoffed turning towards Oche. "Who knows her?" She asked now looking up at her. "A nobody like you. I've checked your profile now. Or is it because 15% of Nigerians know you as a beauty advocate? Or maybe it's ten percent anyway, who cares? How many days did you trend? One? Two? See...." She trailed off laughing quietly in mockery, "I don't want to come off as if I'm fighting with you, no, i'm fighting for you. I'm the advocate here for inhuman justice"

"You don't say"

"I'm just advising you cause you look like a nice person to be used by Revive organization. Save yourself while you can and get another job whenever the opportunity arises or you find that opportunity yourself"

An usher walked towards them with a smile on her face. "Good evening Ma" She greeted bowing her head towards Freeda, "Mrs Mba requested we bring you to the table, there's a special seat for you"

Freeda smiled, "Wow... I won't say I'm surprised but..." She paused with a shrug, "What can I say?" She whispered, "We special people don't have to make announcement you know" She chipped in walking off with the usher.

"God bless that usher." Kilahi muttered, "I can see the frustration on your face" Oche replied, "Toor"

He hissed looking towards Freed a's direction, "Women sha, this one na trouble on high heels" "You can say that again" "Why is she insisting on you leaving your work?" "Toor, I don't know for her. I don't know who died and made her my fairy God mother"

He laughed and coughed, "Maybe it's God" "God what? It doesn't take a second to discern the kind of person she is! Nah! This one needs God herself. If she has issues let her call on God to help her, I'm not her problem."

"Don't worry your pretty head about that one jhoor. You look beautiful tonight"

"Awn. Thank you, I didn't think you'll come"

"I was waiting for my team. Those guys are late comers, so how's our beauty advocate doing?"

Kilahi gasped the slapped his arm, "How did? Was it because she said it?" "No. I did my assignment"

The same usher walked up to Kilahi with an apologetic look on her face, "I am so sorry Ma, there was a mix up. The seat was for Ms Kilahi Agbo, I... thought she was the..... " She trailed off and exhaled filled with guilt, "No amount of apology is enough for this error in judgement. Please forgive me Ma"

Oche grinned looking towards Freeda who was now hiding her face in shame. Kilahi restrained herself from laughing in mockery, pride engulfed her knowing how embarrassed she'll be! "Um... " She trailed off staring at Oche, "I'm with a friend, I possibly can't"

"No oh, please go to the high table you deserve to be in"


"I have my crew here, go! If not for anything, at least go there and pepper her"

Kilahi laughed, "You're wicked" "She won't think twice to pepper you too" "See you around Oche" "You too" He replied.

The usher instantly bowed her head in an apologetic manner, "I'm sorry once again Ma" "No problem. After you" Kilahi answered following the usher to a seat that had bee reserved for her.

She felt like a big Madam! Omo, she wished she could look at Freeda in the eyes and stick her tongue out at her.


It was a quick, involuntary thought, and she recoiled as soon as it had passed through her mind.

She was led to the third row and the lady removed the 'reserved' plaque from the chair. Kilahi couldn't believe it, she even hand her name tagged on the chair. "Thanks" She said slowly pressing her buttocks on the chair.

Is it a prank?

She sat down greeting the woman and man close to her. She was seated with people that looked like dignitaries, she was even the youngest there! Mrs Mba turned back and flashed a smile at her.

Oche approached Freeda who was still trying to nurse her embarrassment, he was coming for violence. He leaned closer and whispered into her ears, "For someone only 15% of Nigerian knows, Mrs Mba considers her even more important than you"

"Shut up!" She hissed walking past him with a frown.

Dr Ire👆🏼

Dr Ire snuck up on a patient's who was watching a video of Sefa. "You should be sleeping" He muttered and she gasped turning towards him with her hands grabbing her chest. "God you startled me!" "Who did you think it was?"

"The grim reaper coming to steal my soul? Ready to take me to hell with him" The sixteen years old answered and he scoffed, "There's nothing like Grim reapers, your imagination is wild. I blame Netflix! I'm sure that's what you're watching!"

"I need to run a test, my blood pressure just increased "

Ire laughed, "That will be a good thing for your health" He replied and she chuckled and paused the video. "I'm sorry for the scare but you should be resting" "I just wanted to know what was happening, current news and videos" "Health first" "I might as well die today or tomorrow so why should I not know what's happening in the world?"



"This is not ethical but I need you to trust in medical doctors to their part and most especially God" "God doesn't exist" "Toluwani, so you know what your name implies?" "Yes. A mistake my parents made, I really can't change it can I? I can tell you three reasons why I say God doesn't exist, not as a father, not as an entity but an imagination in people's mind"

"Here we go again!" He said rolling his eyes. Toluwani was a tough patient! Ever since he started working at the hospital, he has been trying to convince her otherwise.

"A father will never watch his children suffer. There's a lot of suffering in the world, people are dying, I am dying and you stand and say there is a God that cares, no! The world is a global place controlled by the forces of demand and supply in high places." She explained waving her hands.

"Witches I believe in, demons, sure! God, no!"

"Why do you believe in witches? Because of Netflix?"

"No. There's this witch i saw when I visited my village, I saw it. Seeing is believing, that's why I don't believe in this God. Being an atheist gives me freedom to see life as it is and accept it the way it is. Not like those who go around believing there's a God in heaven" She laughed nervously waving at the ceiling.

"Hello God? Are you there? Wait... " She paused as though waiting to get a response, "I thought as much! Abeg!"

"No matter what we go through, even through the pain, even though we can't see God. A little faith is keeps us going"

"Speak for yourself, you're not on the verge of dying" She snapped her eyes heavy with tears.

"That mistake wasn't God's mistake, it was the ignorance of your parents. Don't blame God! You can make it through, I've seen sickle cells patients survive this!" "Ten in a million survive to adulthood, I'm 16 years old and I'm tired, I can't have a normal life. You went to a school, I was home schooled, I can't remember how a secondary school feels like. You're a young doctor, I can't be like you, I can't have the life you have. You have so much to live for, me? I don't even want to live. This pain is something I don't want to go through again." She answered then she exhaled blinking her tears in.

She faked a smile and she lifted her IPad up. "Its Netflix and chill, not Netflix and sick. I wasn't watching Netflix by the way, it was YouTube"

Ire knew she was going to change the topic! She didn't like to dwell on how pathetic she feels.

"Guess what's happening now?"


"Kidnap. This girl in this video is talking about how she was kidnapped and how other girls have been kidnapped in Lagos. According to her, there are number of missing people but the police are not doing anything about it"

Dr Ire grabbed the IPad then he played the video beholding Sefa's face. "I'm not doing this for popularity. I'm begging Nigerians to wake up and be alert, this is warning to us and a wake up call for the police. We need you guys to be alert and take us seriously."

Dr Ire felt his hands tremble, he didn't want to believe his sister had been kidnapped. "No way" "What?" "No... Nothing... What's her name? The name of the pretty girl speaking?" "She's fine right? One Sefa Adzer, ADZER. She even dropped her Facebook ID, twitter and Instagram. It's on the bio"

Aunty Mabel walked into Sewuese's room to see her daughter in a peach nightie, glued to her laptop, she was working from home. Not like it was necessary, she only wanted to do something to distract her. "Can I come in?" "Mommy you're in already?" "I still need to ask. I don't want to be up in your space"

"Mommy you're already in my space, you can as well feel at home, it's your house" She faked a smile and her mother walked behind her gazing at the laptop, "What are you doing?" "Work" "Work? You? This late?"

"It's not late" She replied picking up her phone then she double tap to get the screen on. "It's just past 8. Something must kill a man, I'm just looking for a distraction before thinking will kill me"

"Watch a movie"

"Movie? Except it's an horror movie"

"You sound like the old Kilahi right now"

Sewuese felt her eyes get heavy, her mom is right! "Mom, this is my second relationship" "People have had their worst days too, five relationship and they're still waxing strong." "Is it an achievement?" "Not like I'm wishing that on you but, the Sewuese I know is stronger than this problem"

She suddenly busted into quiet sobs, "Because I dared to love again. Mom I fell in love again and this time it's more than Jamal and it hurts. The pain I'm going through" "Are you accepting defeat?" "Defeat? Was I fighting with someone?"

"You always dare to dream!"

"This one feels like a bad dream that I can't wake from. Mom, he broke up via a message. As much as I don't want to believe he's the one who sent the message, I need to wake up to the possibility so i can have my life back."

Her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter's neck while she continued in tears, "It's going to be fine okay? You need to wipe your tears ehn... Who knows, Sam might just be on his way to apologize" "For breaking up with me? Wow! Your imaginations are running wild Mom"

Her mother laughed, full aware Sam was on already on his way! "Never say never"

"Mommy... See," She paused wiping her tears off, "I need to stop mopping, before I get sick. I don't want to remember this.." She trailed off watching Sefa walk into the room. "Don't tell me you're still crying"

"Urgg! You guys should not talk about this thing again" She hissed, "Can I do without hearing Sam for like..." She trailed off feeling her heart sink. "Oh God... Let's talk about something else"

Muyiwa's pulled over some meters away from Adzer's family gate. Sam got out with a bouquet of flower in his hands then he leaned into the window staring at him. "Thank you for the drop off. I know if Gbadamosi didn't call, you probably wouldn't have shown up but I appreciate this"

"Save the speech. I feel you're going to proposed to me anytime soon." He cringed and Sam laughed, "As i was saying, will you marry me?" "Screw you! How do you feel?" Manny asked and a wide smiles formed on his face, "Elated, not because I screwed up, I'm just happy about seeing her physically again. I just hope I don't end up with a black eye" "You should end up with one on your left eye for chilling with your ex"

"At least I didn't go around telling everyone my girlfriend sucks in bed"

Muyiwa groaned, "Manny is such a gossip" "By the way, i still think you're a jerk" "You're not helping me" "You're not helping me either"

"I'm trying to prepare your mind for what's coming"

Sam laughed, "You should probably give that advice to your conscience. You have a girlfriend to appease" "She's not my girlfriend" "I only wanna hear the good stuffs, you look like one bad belle right now" He snapped and Muyiwa laughed, "Wow... I can't believe you just called me bad belle"

"Trying to pour sand in my garri"

Muyiwa laughed, "You're more Nigerian now" "Yes and I have a Nigerian Queen to appease" "Wahala! Okay, you guys that are just falling in lobe anyhow. Good luck, I wish you guys kiss and have an angry make up sex" "Its her father's house, have some self respect"

"May God help you guys and all of your boring relationships"

"God help you too and Thank you nan for this, I can't thank you enough" "You're welcome, just make things right, go get your queen" "Right back at you."

"Good luck Sam and please, try not to get kidnapped

"Thank you" He pulled back laughing then he stared at three men with musical instrument who just got out of a car. One had a saxophone, the other two were holding on to guitars. They seemed to be having a disagreement.

Muyiwa drove off.

Sam arced his brow and perplexedly watched them. "Are you guys ready? Or is there something wrong?" He asked interrupting their conversation then one of them walked up to him with an unsure look on his face, "So, my guys and I were rubbing minds Sir... So according to Mr Muyiwa, you requested for forgiveness and love songs. What kind of sin did you commit let's know boya someone's daughter will not go and pour acid, hot water or hot oil on us"

He laughed throwing his head backwards, "I don't think that will be happening...." He trailed off in thought. "Hopefully" he added. "Ehn?" One of the guys asked then they all heard the gate open.

Sefa looked out then she waved at him. For a minute, he stalled, then he took a deep breath and got out, wrestling with imagination of how the night will turn out.


Dancers about the age group 8- 14 years danced clad in a traditional attire took to the stage dancing the Atilogwu dance. There was a loud round of applause after the dance ended. Then Mrs Mba quickly rushed to the stage picking up a microphone seated on the acrylic podium.

"Can we give another round of applause to no other than these beautiful dancers, they call themselves Dance Republic. Are they not wonderful?" She asked and the room launched into another round of applause.

"They are a nation of their own! Children of different tribes coming to celebrate under a united front which is quite commendable. As a philanthropist and human activist, It has always been a thing of joy for me to see children being given opportunity to follow their passion. These ones were groomed in the Abuja foundation and I remember many years ago the oldest came to me to express her passion to me. What did I do? I created opportunity, an avenue for them to explore and learn all kinds of dance. From the international to local standard and I'm proud to announce that Funke Adeboye is currently in Julliard dance Academy in the United State, one of the few Nigerians admitted in the institution." She was interrupted by another round of applause.

"Sometimes we look at the world and we are tempted to give up it. I see a wicked world with wicked people doing all sorts of evil but then again, I look and I see a silver lining, a generation is rising in between the evil we see, beautiful souls like everyone here today to support this move! To support every girl child. Just like one beautiful soul I met today. My wonderful friend Mrs Aisha Bakare was unable to make it, however, she sent a replacement. When Ayi Kwei Armah said the beautiful ones are not yet born, I met one today. For reasons I don't understand yet, I have found a liking to this particular woman. I just want to call her up, I feel she isn't given much credit as she should. Ladies and gentlemen, another round of applause as I welcome Kilahi Agbo from Revive Foundation"

Kilahi widened her eyes in surprise, it reminded her of the last conference she attended and how Dara casted her in front of a large crowd!

One of the ushers walked up to her with a smile on her face then led her to the stage. Kilahi stood close to Mrs Mba, she wasn't sure whether to smile, cry or scream! She was nervous too!

She handed the microphone to her and for some seconds she was quiet, she didn't even know where to start from.

Greetings and appreciation! Start with greetings and appreciation.

"Good evening to all seated this beautiful evening. I feel honored to be standing here, I do not take it for granted. I read in an article that Value is a lighthouse that gives direction and purpose. Revive Foundation Is a Value to the society, Go initiative is a Value. I want to appreciate the pioneers of this Initiative for running with this excellent vision and project. I pray God continually uphold you all and increase your enterprise. Over the years, the kitchen mentality about the girl child has change. When we talk about the girl child, people usually have this feminist believe attached to it. They feel it's a move propagated by feminist who want to pollute the system of old as they will say. This initiative goes beyond feminism! It goes beyond humanism! We have seen a significant change over the years how people rate the girl child. This doesn't mean the boy child isn't important, he is just as important as the girl child child. Every child should be treated equally irrespective of their gender. A lot of girl child has been trashed... Over the weeks, Revive Foundation, our team generally have dealt with cases where female children have been trashed so much they begin to feel like garbage and this affects their mental state. I stand to believe this initiative is a call to recycle those trash they see themselves to be and transform, refine and furnish their minds in order to strengthen others girls who may be like-minded. No more trashing of the girl child aside, rather we should encourage and motivate them and finally dump the idealogy that the girl child is insignificant. Thank you" She concluded handing the microphone to Mrs Mba.

She was surprised at the outburst of applause from everyone.

"Well said Miss Kilahi, well said." Mrs Mba replied nodding in satisfaction.

Sewuese heard strings of guitar playing outside the house. This was followed by the sound of the saxophone. She turned towards her mother with an arced brow, "Is that coming from our compound?" "Where else do you think?"

Sam cleared his throat picking up the first verse in "Please Forgive me".

🎶 It still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss
It's getting better baby
No one can better this
Still holding on
You're still the one
First time our eyes met
Same feeling I get
Only feels much stronger
I want to love you longer
Do you still turn the fire on?
So if you're feeling lonely, don't
You're the only one I'll ever want
I only want to make it good
So if I love you, a little more than I should🎶

Sewuese peeped at the window to see Sam, "What is he doing here? After sending me a break up text message." She hissed and hurled up from the bed getting out of the room in the short peach nighties she had on. "You're not fully dressed oh!"

She returned back to wear a blue robe. Sefa walked in, "Is it just me or someone singing downstairs?" She asked looking completely clueless.

🎶Please forgive me, I know not what I do
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you
Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me, if I need you like I do
Please believe me, every word I say is true
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you🎶

Sam stopped singing then he faced the musicians. "Oyinbo, you will be not offended, Nigerian girls are special kind of people, they don't like all these kind of song. Maybe we can try a different approach"

"Like what?" He asked open to their advice, "On second thought...." The saxophonist said pointing towards Sewuese who was slowly approaching them with her hands folded.

Sam stood there in silence, just staring at her, taking in how beautiful she looked in her natural weave, her rouged cheeks, the fullness of her lips, he missed those lips! He really missed her!


"Hey? Really? You broke up with me yesterday, the nerves you had to come here." She snapped and the musicians moved away to give the both of them space. "Did you have this planned out with Mom and Dad? Why will they even agree with you?"

"Cause I explained everything that happened to them"

"Did you lie to them?"

"No! Why will you say that?" "I don't know, I mean, I don't know if I know you any longer. Maybe you pretended to be a good guy just as you pretended to like me"

"Jesus Christ Sewuese, I never pretended. If there's something I never faked right from the beginning, its how I feel for you. I loved you from the start, it was love at first sight Babe and you know it"

"How do you explain that message? Even though it didn't look like something you'd do, the message came from your phone"

Sam smiled, "Wait, you had second thought?" "Yes! But It was from your phone so i have no choice but to believe unless you were abducted"

"My phone was"

"What? By who?"

Sam clasped his fingers with flowers wrapped in his hand, "This is where it gets messy. It was Samantha" "Who is Samantha?" "Tess' little sister" "Why will her sister take your phone?" "She's my ex girlfriend"

Sewuese took a deep breathe, "Okay... Obviously you have a list of exes but... How did she get your phone?" "Promise me you won't get mad" "Did you sleep with her?" "No" "Did you kiss her?" "No. She kissed me, I didn't, I swear I didn't. Samantha is sick in the head, after the wedding I went to, remember the second wedding? I stayed over at Tess' place. Sam was there and we decided to play catch up"

"Play catch up"

Sam groaned, "It's not as bad as it sounds" "How will you feel if I decided with my full chest to okay catch up with Jamal?" "Huh...... Okay, good point but it was a friendly catch up. I told her about you, she acted cool. We even went out to see a movie"

Sewuese tighten her fist, "You went to... Sounds like a date to me" "I'm sorry, it was stupid of me. I completely underestimated the power of an ex girlfriend. It wasn't until she entered Into the bathroom when I was bathing that I realize she had been faking all along!"

"She entered?"


"Did she see..." She trailed off, "It's nothing she hasn't seen before"

Sewuese lifted her palms up, "Was she naked? Why am I asking? Forget it" "Not exactly. Thank God Tess came in and we dealt with the drama. It was after this that I realized my phone was missing. I didn't know she was using it. I've been trying to get to give it back. Tess begged me not to press charges. I would have involved the police"

"You could have called me, even if you don't know my number, you could or informed me on Facebook"

"I knew your number, I just didn't know how I was going to explain the wahala to a Nigerian girlfriend I love so much"

Sewuese laughed, "Sam and Sam, sounds like a couple name" "Just like like poles repel, i'm repellant to her. It's Sam and Sewuese forever" He moved closer and tears built up in her eyes.

"These past few days have been the worst days of my life. My eyes e don see shege" He continued in pidgin and she laughed even more. "Same here" She replied looking into his face.

The guitar strings played African queen intro and then Sam turned giving them a thumbs up and Sewuese laughed. Someone that was angry some minutes ago! Look at her blushing her sorrows away!

He looked down at her and she stared into his blue eyes almost dazedly and dizzyingly. Gosh she missed staring into those eyes! She missed a whole lot! Video calls does no do any justice!

"Do you love her?"

"Who? Sam? No! Not the least bit, the only thing I feel for her is pity, it's quite a shame but I do feel pity for her. Babe I'm sorry"

"Well..." She trailed off taking the flower from him, "I completely know how it feels to give someone a chance only for the person to misuse it"

Sam groaned, "Now I feel like that jerk that broke you heart." "Well, it's funny you just mentioned his name in this context. He kissed me" She replied watching his face contort in disappointed.

"What? When?"


"Wh... Why will he do that? What was he thinking of kissing another man's woman. Did you tell him about the text?" "No! Dude I'm a spec, you better be careful of what you do cause this girl isn't off the market yet"

Sam groaned, "The nerves! You're my woman, did he stick his tongue in?" "Well I slapped him before he did. I didn't kiss him too so we..." She trailed poking his chest, "We are even" "Why do i suddenly feel jealous of him? I hate that I'm jealous of him"

"I'm not complaining"

"He kissed those lips today when it was just an imagination to me. God knows if we weren't at your parents, I would have kissed you right now"

Sewuese giggled rubbing her neck then she bit her bottom lips, "Well me too" " I just want to grab and kiss you till there's no memory of Jamal's lips on yours" He whispered and she laughed in most sweetest way he could ever imagine! "Well me too" She replied embracing him.

Gosh she missed his smell too!

When their bodies pressed together, his hands rubbed her back and electricity coursed through her body then he pulled away staring down at her face.

"Well, I think you better go inside right now," Sam said with a sharp laughter. "So soon?"

"Yeah, because if you don't get out of my sight, I might kiss you and God knows I've been trying my best to keep it all together"

Sewuese cheeks flushed with pleasure. "I don't want to say good night just yet. You might leave tomorrow" "I'm not leaving anytime soon" "What about Tess?" "Her sister already did enough damage, this one is on her and besides I missed you like the very air I breathe. Living in London is not living without you"

"Me too"

"God help me if I don't kiss you in your father's house"

Sewuese giggled, "See you tomorrow, after work then." "Yeah..." "Good night, Sam"

"Good night, Baby"

Dr Ire sat in his office face palmed, Sefa's testimony scared him to death. The correlation and patterns matched! His sister arrived Lagos on Thursday, Friday was the last time he heard from her!

"It can't be! How am I sure this girl is even saying the truth?" He muttered then he did a quick search on Instagram after which he sent her a request then he slides into her DM.

Good evening Miss Sefa. I hope I can call you that. I shouldn't ask this but, are you 100% sure about what you said on that broadcast? You can't go around spreading fear with fake news online, I hope you know that.

So... Is it real?

Temi sat in bed with her phone, she was contemplating checking her email but the fear of getting a negative result taunted her.
Alade got out of the bathroom while brushing his teeth, he was talking at the same time. "It's one thing to say you have a crush on a Pastor, that was is normal but when you are now" He pulled out the brush and the foam poured on the floor.

Temi shot an irritated glare at him, "You didn't have to come out" "It's that Gbadamosi's matter that's annoying me. Advances will come from girls oh but mehn.... Not to that extent, anyone that goes that far with me will face the wrath of the law cause I'll sue you for sexual harassment. As gentle as I am, there are some things I can't take. Rubbish ni yen now"

Temi blinked wondering why he suddenly started speaking clearly. "Wait, don't tell me you swallowed the foam?" She asked and he laughed embarrassingly. The way she said it made it look like he committed a crime.

"It doesn't kill now"

"There's a reason why we are asked to spit it out"

"Who set the standard?" He asked laughing childishly, "I just remembered something now... There was a time when I used to lick MacLean that year. You too you licked MacLean now"

Temi laughed, "MacLean or toothpaste?" "It was MacLean that time now" "They said this part about marriage I just never knew you had so many bad habits. You swallowed all the rubbish you brushed" "Uh... I also swallow my spit too now duh? Is it not the same?"

"Good point"

Alade laughed getting into the bathroom, "Babe" She called out and he got out holding a rag, "I know, I'm coming to clean it" He approached the spot he spat on then he mopped off the foam.

She blows kisses at him, "You know I love you still right?" "I know." He answered walking back into the bathroom. Temi checked her emails finally then she saw one from her GP. "Babe, I have an email from the GP"

"Oh. Check it now!"

"I can't"


"Nothing... I don't want to check it"

Alade walked into the room, this time without his toothbrush. "Why?" He asked, "What if it's negative?" "So?" "Babe.... I know we were celibate for a while before we got married but you know we've had sex before and remember that time I had that scare"

"My pull out game was good"

"No! I was lucky!"

"We went celibate and did the right thing in God's sight so what's your point?" "I'm just scared"

Alade grabbed her phone, "Let me save you the stress" "No. Let's check tomorrow" "To what end, the result will not change now?" He asked and she exhaled in fear. "Okay check!"

He chuckled shaking his head then he grabbed her hand, "Babe... No matter the result, I'll still love you and we'll keep trying okay?" He encourage her and she responded with a nod then she quickly grabbed a pillow and hugged it.

"He should have put in an heading at least... Something like, oh it's positive or negative! Not this suspense"

Alade clicked on the email then he went through it and then he lifted his head staring at her. "Babe... I still love you" He said and Temi covered her face, "Oh God!" "Hey!... It's better for worse right? In sickness and in health, in pregnancy and in time of anticipation."

Tears ran down her eyes, "Are you seriously crying right now?" "I really wanted this. You kissed my belly this morning and Gosh, this is embarrassing, I should have kept this false alarm to myself. I said it, I wasn't even ovulating!"

Alade laughed and she laughed too. "Babe, this isn't funny, next time I have symptoms of pregnancy, God knows that I'll be keeping it to myself!" She hissed but he continued laughing, "It's Mom and Dad I blame for this!"

"Why are you blaming your poor parents?"

"They made me believe... Urgh! The pregnancy was just in my mind"

"Well, The pregnancy was not in your mind, I was using you to catch cruise. I didn't know you'll cry" He confessed to her surprise, "We're pregnant, it's positive."


"You heard me right baby, we'll be having a baby"

Temi screamed in joy then she frowned at him, "Tell me you're serious" "I'm serious babe" She handed the phone to her and she went through it, "The congratulations from the doctor kind of gave the whole summary" He chipped in.

She didn't hold back her tears, "Hey" He whispered leaning in to her then she wiped them off, "It's just tears of joy. I'm so grateful to God right now" "God is ever faithful" He muttered then she slapped his arm.


"Don't ever do that to me again! You had me at for better for worse" She pouts and hissed at him and a smile etched on his face, "I'll love you regardless" He replied and they both kissed. Temi, tasting the mint from the toothpaste withdrew staring into the face of her husband.

"You didn't rinse your mouth did you?"

"Now you've rinsed it for me"

"That's disgusting"

He braced himself for her to retreat, but instead, she tightened her arms around him and kissed him again, her tongue tangling with his as she explored her husband's mouth.

Kilahi sat in the living room with her shoe in her hands. She was giving her grandmother a low down of everything that happened at the party. "The way I was welcomed, the way everyone clapped and celebrated me, It was unbelievable. They even sent an escort to drop me home? Mrs Mba's PA approached me and apologized for the mix up again after the Usher apologized."

"Eh hen?"

"Yes. She told me Mrs Mba will not be available to see me because she was busy. She wanted me to lounge into a hotel because of the time but I declined that was when they had this escort drive me home."

"Hm hm?"

"A whole me? Kilahi Agbo, who am I? I just couldn't stop laughing at Freeda in my mind, If I had laughed out, she would have cried, I'm not a wicked person. She was just going on and on about how cheap I look, how cheap I smell, even my shoes" She complained waving her shoe.

"I was just tired of her! Even with the cheap things i wore, who ended up on the VIP seat? Me, not her. Grandma I wish you were there to see the whole thing, channels news was covering the event. The thought they'll show me on the news is scary. I pray they cut it off" She complained covering her face.

"I just can't believe the night went this way, it's not as if I'm that special. I'm just shocked" She blabbed staring at her Grandma, "Grandma, you're not saying anything, didn't you hear all my story? You're only humming"

Her grandmother laughed, "The only thing I heard was I, I, I, I, I, you're so much absorbed in what happened. You've made over ten sentences about the night and not once did you say thank God, for it"

Kilahi's lips trembled as she sucked up in thought replaying all she had just said. "I ... No... It's not..." "Self glorification is synonymous to Pride" "This wasn't pride, I was just" "It isn't? Sorry for that hasty conclusion but what does an old woman like me know?" She rose up from the chair, "Do you want anything to eat?"


Kilahi shut her eyes in guilt. Memories of she how proud she felt when she was following the usher to the her reserved seat and how proud she felt seeing her name tag on the chair and how she restrained herself from giving Freed a a mocking eye.

"Oh God... " She admitted looking up her mother.

"I'm not a proud person, I thought i was just being human"

"No one is, sometimes situation brings out the worst in us"

"It wasn't even intentional" She replied busting into tears. "Wipe those tears Kilahi, this is just the beginning of the good things that are bound to happen to you. Greater things are coming your way, you might not have lust for the flesh, or lust of the eyes but you see pride of life, when it creeps slowly into your life, it's like a chameleon, sometimes It can camouflage or mask under humility mah, that's why we need to examine our lives, out it under the microscope and die daily to our fleshy desires. You have not died enough, need to die daily Kilahi. Good night my child"

Kilahi sucked her lips muffling up her tears.

Gbadamosi stepped into his bedroom, obviously fresh from the bathing with his hair wet and only a towel knotted around his waist. He had water rolling from his hair down his face. His phone buzz. It was a strange number but he knew who the caller was. It was Bella.

He ignore it but she kept calling. "Urgh!" He groaned answering the call, "I'm going to say this once and I hope it gets into your head" He paused when he heard her moan. Could she be doing what he thinks she is?

"Do you hear that Papa? That's what you" He quickly ended the call then he dropped the phone on the bed shaking his head. "Hm hm...no.. no no... This one..." He paused pacing left and right.

"This woman has to go Lord, I don't know how you're going to do it. I badly want her to repent from her sinful ways but then again, she doesn't look repentant. I know I'm not suppose to judge but she's not making it easy for me to look at her in a good manner. God please... Please do something, show me a way to deal with this!"

He reached out to his phone to call Kilahi so he could give her a low down of everything but he couldn't bring himself to describe all that went down at the table. He felt molested!

Tomorrow then!

Mrs Coker stared into the mirror rubbing a serum on her face. Her husband on the other hand couldn't stop complaining about the traffic they encountered. "My buttocks and back hurts from waiting for that horrible traffic"

"You were seated all through the dinner, it might be a factor"

"I wasn't in traffic was I? Traffic has a way of messing with your mind. I wasn't the one driving but I'm emotionally stressed already. I need a massage. What's that smell? Are you rubbing perfume on your face?" He asked laughing to himself.

"No. It's an anti-aging serum"

"What do you need an anti-aging serum for? You're still very much beautiful and young as you've always been" He complimented but she concealed a smile. "Not as young as your other female acquaintances and mistress" She rose up

Rev Coker rose up, "Come on! Not again with this talk about me having a mistress. You know I don't why do you bring it up?" "Because I don't trust you!" She snapped getting up from the stool, "I did once and I got burned. You did this to me! Imagine how you were talking to Bella"

"Oh God! How can you even think I was making advances to her! She's young enough to be my daughter" "What's your type then? Fairly mature"

"You're my type"

"Oh please! I've heard enough" She lifted the duvet on the bed but he quickly intercepted her, "You're not sleeping yet"

"You're joking right?"

"No!" He reached for her, his hand sliding around her back. His wife was too startled to move or breathe, her entire body stiffening as he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Teni for the billionth time, I have never cheated on you. Not since what happened, and that was a mistake, a seduction I fell for. You're my type honey, it has always been you and no one else" He confessed.

Tears rolled down her eyes then he lowered his face to hers, he waited for a form of restraint but there was none so he ceased the opportunity and kissed her lips. The kiss lasted a long time.

His hand came to the side of her face, his fingers curving over her cheek, his thumb brushing the corner of her mouth. He cupped her chin while a big smile formed across his lips. "This feels like old times, I've missed kissing you, I've missed real intimacy with you. Like old times" He continued, "I could really use that full body massage. What do you think?"

Mrs Coker moved back shaking her head, "I've been burned once" "I know but I'm sorry, honey I'm so sorry. We need to get back together, for this family sake. Our children needs us and if we can't be examples to them, then we've failed completely. We have failed to some extent but we can turn this around. It will be hard to give me your heart like you used to but all I'm asking for is a chance. One more chance, one more chance my dear"

Mrs Coker leaned against her husband's chest then she muffled some sobs. "Hey" He muttered patting her on the back.

What are your thoughts on the chapter?

What's gonna happen to Mrs Coker next?

Who's ready for a meeting between Mrs Coker and Hilary?💃🏽💃🏽

Was Kilahi proud? Do you have a second view? Let me know😃

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