🌻Chapter 42🌻

I'll stop making promises! Anytime I mention a day I'll make an update. Village people will cut short the supply of electricity. 🤣😂

I heard it was all over Lagos! They apportioned ten minutes of light each day for our street since last week Monday! They only just repaired it yesterday.

Thanks for your patience🙏🏼

Please Vote. I wasn't thrilled when I saw the vote from the last Chapter. It's really bad!

Chapter 42


Emmanuel 👆🏼


ABC law firm

Emmanuel walked past the secretary of the small firm in the small space carved out for her to sit. Suddenly he walked back to her and a smile formed on her face, "I thought you weren't going to say hi to me. I supposed the bail didn't go well."

He clearly didn't pay attention to the words as his fingers pointed at the sunshine yellow dress she wore. "Corper, this your new dress is fine oh" He complimented and the young girl gasped, "Jesus Christ. You guys have seen me finish in this State. See finish is a very bad thing"

"What?" He asked laughing to himself.

"How do you know it's a new dress?"

"Because you've not worn it before now. I've seen all your cloth, no matter how well you mix it, blue on red, black on yellow, I can still recognize it but this one." He points again.

"It's new. I just gave you a compliment, you're supposed to say thank you. Don't be like those African women who don't say thank you to compliments"

"This one is more like an insult oh"

"Corper, a simple thank you will suffice"

"Oya Daalu!" The Yoruba girl managed to say, "Thank God it's just two months to POP, let me go and leave this place for you guys! I didn't even know you'll come back, how was the adventure?"

Emmanuel sucked his teeth, "Don't ask oh. As a lawyer, If you're going to bail a member of your extended family, you'll end up paying the charges. I didn't come back with anything added, something was deducted from me."

The secretary laughed, "Ehya, and there are no cases these days" "It shows that people are behaving this days now which is a good thing but bad for business"

"They should not behave, let criminals be caught so that people like us can have money" "A whole government pikin like you is complaining. You're receiving two salaries oh"

"Two salaries ko! You guys have not paid me for last month."

"You're charging your phone right?"


"We've paid the light bills that's why now" He confessed withholding his laughter then she frowned, "What's my business with the light bills? Abi did I say we don't have light where I stay?" She asked then she hissed watching him laugh. , "But for real? When will you guys pay me?"

"I'll talk to the Boss on your behalf" He smiled and scratched his head, "How far? Any message for me?" "Yes. You just missed one like some minutes ago" "From who? Don't tell me it's about Monday's case."

"No. It was a woman who called but she didn't drop a name, she was making inquiry for one Barrister Emmanuel" "It might be Umeh" "She specifically asked for a bald man"

Emmanuel laughed sarcastically, "Your father is the bald one" "My father still has front hair, yours have gone too soon. We should be holding a burial for it, it's a painful exit Sir" She snapped and he laughed pointing at her.

"That's a very good one. First to do no dey pain oh, you know I always drop my own like bomb. So you didn't get a name, did she at least drop a message?" "No. She said it won't be necessary and she's not even calling from here"

"From where then?"

The secretary shrugged, "She didn't say" "She didn't drop a name or where she was calling from, what did she drop then?" "Nothing." "Corper, what's your job sef" "You guys should stop calling me Corper, I have a name, Oluwafunmilayo Aderogba and i should be a lawyer but I'm working as a secretary in a law firm that doesn't get customers"

"Nigeria did that to you, don't blame me! Nigeria did this to me too. Don't worry, e go better ehn, at least, you for collect name from her"

"As if I didn't try. Will you be staying for long?" "Nope. I forgot something that's why I'm here" He replied walking past her.

Temi walked into an eatery, one of thid newly opened 'eat and greet' in Lagos. She was about to ask one of the waiters of Tani when he signal his presence by waving from the empty booth where he was seated. She smiled and walked up to him. She had mixed feelings, it was her first time meeting him In person after her mother revealed the secret.

"Good evening Aunty mi" He greeted and she smiled taking a seat opposite him, "Finally!" She exhaled, "After all this your busy busy"

"I'm sorry Ma, it wasn't intentional" He replied with an apologetic look etched on his face, "How are you? How's brother Alade, how's Brother Manny"

"He's fine, I'm fine. How is you? How is work?" She asked in a cute way and he laughed.

"I'm fine. Brother Manny is angry at me for hiding this right? I don't need a soothsayer to tell me this, he is angry with me. I messaged him yesterday, i told i wanted to check up on him but he replied, 'OK' instead."

"He was in Ghana, he had a very busy schedule. Don't blame him" "He's still angry, just be honest"

Temi exhaled in defeat, "He's hurt. You have to understand him, you two talk, he has always seen you as a brother. You talk to him, to us about everything! From your first girlfriend to your first date but you now had the mind to keep this to yourself"

"Mom would have killed me!"

"You should have said something at least! I had another brother who has my blood flowing in him and I never knew! It's painful to think of it." "I'm sorry Ma but it was the arrangement"

"I didn't want to talk this over on phone.. How did you find out?" "I found out in ...i think SS1, JSS3 going to SS1. After I was out of the house, I was staying with Aunty Lolade"

Temi shut her eyes, Lolade was her Dad's sister, "She knew and she kept quiet" "They were trying to keep this within the family, no one was supposed to know. There are people in Daddy's family that don't even know. Dad had to let Aunty Lolade in when he needed me to stay with her; only a few know this secret. Those who know will never breath a word about it. Dad's position in church depended on it so... even though he doesn't care about the position anymore, I didn't want to see that happening. I'll really hate myself if he gets suspended because of a mistake he made years ago. It was during that period Dad told me, I felt indifferent cause I already saw him as a father. I couldn't even get angry cause it fnally made sense what I did to Mom. How I ..." He trailed off in hurt leaning his hands against the table top, "How i ruined her marriage" he continued looking away.

"Tani, you didn't"

He faced her with so much remorse on his face, "I did. If my real mother didn't seduce Dad" "Hey!" Temi snapped placing her hands above his, "It wasn't your fault" "How is Mom doing? Dad says she's going through therapy and you're her therapist"

Temi nods, "Yeah. It's slow but she'll get there" "Good to hear. I'm sure she'll flip if she find out you're seeing me" "She knows we're meeting" "Really? I don't want her to getting angry Aunty Temi. Maybe we should stick to calls"

"No! Read my lips Tanimola, no! You're my brother and she'll have to get used to it. You can't continue to live in fear of her"

"It's respect. I broke it when I came to see you at your wedding, It actually hurt me that day knowing my elder sister was getting married and I couldn't be there for her. I had to see you and damn the consequences."

Tears trickled down her eyes, "I have the videography if you want to watch" "I'll like that" He replied then they both chuckled. "What's new?" She asked wiping her tears, "How's your baby girl?" "There's no baby for now, not when I'm still dealing with Mommy issues."

"Ehya. Guess what?"

"You're pregnant?"

"No! Get away!" She tapped his fingers and he laughed, "So you're not going to give us s nephew anytime soon!" "If you make me an Aunt what will happen? Will the world end?"

"It's turn by turn now"

"Well, you have a nephew. Manny has a son." "What?" "His girlfriend's son but technically, it's his son so my dear Tani, you're officially an Uncle"

"I told you he's angry at me. He would have mentioned It"

"Don't overthink It. I think we should have a get together or what do you think?"


Manny heard a knock on the door, so he rushed to open the door. The moment he did, Ossy hurled himself into him . He groaned moving backwards in order to gain stamina. "Ossy! shey I told you to stop doing that! You think you're a baby right?" Hilary warned looking into her bag to keep her phone.

"It's his first time having a physical father. Let him feel free to be a baby"

She laughed in mockery, "You should kukuma wear him pampers" She snapped back and they both laughed, "Mommy i was going to say the same thing" "Don't worry Ossy, remind me when we go to the mall to get you pampers since we're treating you like a baby" She teased watching her son laugh into the living room.

"Where does he know he's going to?" She asked, "Just let him"

"How are you?" Manny asked with a smile, "Fine" She replied watching his eyes scan all over her body. At that point, he was admiring her in the emerald knee- length gown she had on.

He managed to keep himself from catching hold of her hand and jerking her into his arms so he could ravish her lips. "You look beautiful" "And you look sleepy"

"Seriously? You couldn't even return the favor. Ossy, that's one thing about African women, they don't know how to react well with compliments, you tell them they look beautiful and they'll tell you, you don't look bad yourself. How is that a compliment?"

"How is it not a compliment?" She giggled and he walked in laughing while she locked the door. "It's not a compliment period, compliments are you're looking good too, you're handsome, you're hot" "You're pretty"

He turned back raising his brow at her and she laughed. "You wanted a compliment right? What time did you get back?" "I think three, I slept off the moment I walked in. I've been sleeping since. I'm sorry" "Its fine. Not like you had enough sleep last night. Have you even eaten?" She asked concerned about him.

"No" He replied groaning then he searched around for his phone, "What will you guys like let me order? Ossy?" He asked turning towards Ossy who was staring at the decorative sculptures on a shelf.


"Pizzas!" "Pizzas kor! Pinnacolada ni! Why waste money when we can cook something"

"Don't stress, they won't even take one hours and they'll be here"

Ossy jumped happily meeting his mother's glare, "Daddy, are you sure you don't want mommy to cook" "No. Babe, stop threatening this boy now. Let's eat pizza, Netflix and chill" "Yes!" Ossy smiled looking away from his mother.

Sewuese rubbed some serum on her face staring into the mirror. She folded her hands almost feeling Sam behind her with his arms wrapped around her.

Imagination no go wound her!

She picked up her phone to checked through for responses from him but there was none. So she sent in another message.

Hey Baby
Are you fine? You're not picking my calls, neither are you answering my messages.
Let me know if you're fine
And stop reading my messages without answering it! I don't like it! 😩
I'm pissed off yet I miss you so badly.💔
Answer me jhoor!😭

A strange number called her so she picked up creasing her brow in uncertainty. "Hello, good evening" "Good evening" Jamal's voice sounded off and she tightened her fist angrily.

"Uncle, why are you calling me?"

"Please don't hang up, I'm begging you"

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't. What is it? What do you want, why are you calling me with a strange number"

"Because you blocked me"

"And I'm blocking this one too"

"Please wait!" He begged. She exhaled rolling her eyes, "What?" "I'm sorry. I know I've been a jerk"

Sewuese hissed ending the call then she marched into room laying on the bed where Sefa was already asleep. Kilahi glanced her her, "Are you okay?" "Yes" "Are you sure? If It's about Sam, we can just" She asked while tears poured down Sewuese's eyes, "Good night Kilahi"

Deja's family house

Deja's mother entered into the kitchen to find her daughter washing the dishes. "Guess who's here?" She asked atrracting her daughter's attention when Bella embraced the woman from behind.

Mrs Lewis laughed pushing her away, "Isabelle, let me go jare. It's your friend you came to see right?" "And you too. When she told me she's been staying here, I knew I had to pay a visit"

Deja scoffed with her wet arms akimbo, "I told you since on Tuesday but you chose to come on Saturday"

Bella gasped, "Why is this girl casting me? Mummy don't listen to this big head, I've been busy" She explained with her arms still wrapped around the woman's waist. "I've heard. I'll have two daughters in Lagos but they don't come to visit me"

Deja laughed returning back to rinsing the plate under the running tap, "Mom, you only have one daughter, moi! Emi (me) Adejare Lewis. Any other one is a counterfeit" She snapped receiving a slap on the back of her head, she turned to see Bella with her hands raised.

"Aw! That was painful"

"Shey you're the one bragging about being the only daughter. Your mom is my mommy too"

Deja poured sprinkled water from the plate on her face and her mother laughed. "Iyama! That water has entered into my mouth" "I hope you drink it" "You two should quit acting like babies" Mrs Lewis yelled.

"I remember those days, to think I saw Bella when her breast was almost the size of a tiger nut"

Bella laughed throwing her hewd backwards, "Or those days when Deja will walk around with socks because she wants a big breast now she has a mighty one" She joked squeezing her breast.

"Bella, I feel molested."

Mrs Lewis smiled, "I'm glad you two are still keeping in touch, being sisters, standing up and being supportive of one another but Bella" Mrs Lewis stood akimbo. "I hope you're talking to Deja with this her Pastor issue and how she fell in love with the man. I hope you're advising her"

Bella gave Deja a look, "You finally told your Mom" "I had no choice. I was really downcasted on Sunday, I had to come over" "Mommy, if you ask her, I'm the chief advisor in this issue. If there's a committee of people who advised her against falling in love with her Pastor, I'll be the head of the committee but you know how stubborn Deja can be" She exhaled.

"You don't have to say it twice. I wish you saw her on Sunday, I was scared for a moment. I was wondering what happened, I even thought someone raped her" She approached the plate rack to pick a flat breakable plate.

"God forbid!" Bella snapped her fingers.

"It was until she told me everything and why she was rude to me that I finally understood the whole drama. I don't know why she'll be keeping things from her mother. I hope you're talking to her Bella"

Bella folded her hands, "I'm trying my best oh" She replied and Deja shot her a look. If only her mother knew she was the bad influence. "Mom, that reminds me, Papa extends his greetings to you" "Ehya, that's very good. Isn't it high time you give me this your Papa's number so I can be calling him personally and thank him for always asking about me. Always speaking to me on your phone or some other phone."

Bella laughed, "You don't want your Mom to have his number? Why?" "Shebi she was hiding It because of the lies that she always lie about my health. No doubt I had high blood pressure but mo sha n so ri pe (I noticed) my health kept depreciating. I knew I should be okay by now but I didn't know this girl was using me to claim a forever illness" She complained scooping jollof rice from a pot.

Deja rolled her eyes, "I already said I'm sorry." "Mommy" Bella called out staring at the food in the plate, "Is that for me?" "Yes" "Mommy I'm okay.. I ate before coming" "Ni bo? Don't even try me. Gba jhoor!" She yelled stretching the plate at her.

"You must eat oh!"

"Mommy at least reduce It"

"You must finish it or tell your sister to help you" She opened a food flask selecting the biggest fried chicken then she placed it on the rice.

"How will I finish this?"

"Iyen ko kan mi oh. (That's not my business) She answered leaving the two of them alone. "Who cooked the food?" "Me" Deja replied drying off her hand with a towel.

"Now I see the plot... Mommy is looking for a way to finish the rubbish you cooked"

"Who cooked rubbish?"

"Deja, you can't cook to save your life"

"I can cook better than you"

"Nibo? (Where?) Even if we conduct a competition, I'll beat you hands down" She snapped tasting the food, "Hm... Not bad, it can use a little salt and pepper" "Get out! Can your food taste like that?" Deja snapped and they both laughed.

Bella cleared her throat, "So... Will you be going to church tomorrow?" "I will. My clothes are here" "Great! You have a partner" "How?" "Guess what?" "I can't guess right now. My head is full"

"Say hello to your newest member baby!"

"Who?" Deja asked looking around, "Haha...very funny. Me of course!"

"I don't understand, all those years of insulting Papa"

"What's there not to understand?"

Deja blinked, "You, making a decision to attend the church of a man you hate" "Water under the bridge, i didn't know any better and God has already forgiven me for my sin. Last week's message really got to me, that was why I wanted to talk to him"

"You said you wanted to talk to him about his mother's birthday, something about getting his opinion"

"Yeah... As a basis for our conversation but I had personal questions for him too and after I got back home questions kept coming and I lost all form of peace. I had this leading to attend church service this Sunday, i'm born again and I've seen the light. I know what I want to do now"

"And that's...."

"To attend your church so I can get more illumination and enjoy the presence that I enjoyed last Sunday"

Deja smiled, "This reminds me of the first time I came" "Oh please! You were obviously lusting over Gbadamosi" "I was... but I was blessed and I wanted to live my life for God. I really wanted to. So you no longer think Papa is an oniranu that's probably having sex with the whole world"


"After all those things you said when you saw that picture of him and Kilahi. Let me just call her Mama already cause, the reality is seeming already. I hope you're aware you'll be calling the one you called tirin gbeku (Thin and dry), Mama too"

Sure! She said within, she'll be calling her Mama and also assisting her Mamahood!

Bella faked a chuckle, "I'll call her Mama, maybe someday assist her and alleviate the whole burden on being Pastor Gbadamosi's wife" "How will you do that?" "I'll help her to preach now"

"A newly born again like you"

"The fire inside me is hot and it's ready to burn the world"

"Calm down oh, evangelist Bella. I don't know who you're planning to burn. So, does that mean no more fake life?"

"What concerns my fake life with being born again?"


"Whatever. Do you happen to have that picture of Pastor and Kilahi?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"You just spoke about it now, so I remembered."

"I don't have it any longer, I deleted it. I didn't see the use having that kind of thing. Papa is not that kind of person anyways" "You didn't ask him"

"How will I explain how I got the pictures without implicating Tega? Just like I told the whole story without letting Mom know you're my bad influence"

Bella laughed, "Now I'll no longer be a bad influence. I'm born again" "Awn. Congrats. Welcome Sister to the fold" She embraced her and Bella withdrew dancing to herself.

"You had better welcome me well on Sunday." "Sure I will. Will you join the ushering unit? Issssh... But Bimbo is the head now"

"Olorun ma je! I'd rather die that be under that fucking bitch"

"I thought you're born again"

"I did not born again to that level please. I'm not going to mingle with that bitch because I'm trying to prove something, no! Omo jati jati yen, aunty Ode!"

"It's okay! The person you're even abusing is not here." "Let me kukumaly and jejely join the media department." "Not bad. You'll find Lanre interesting, the guy is calm"

"I hope to enjoy my stay in this church"

"You will dear. You will"

Bella took another scoop,"What's new in your life? Any new gist?" "Nothing but my gratefulness to God for not contacting HIV and STI, thanks to you"

"Hallelujah to that one. What about your Vincent?"

Deja pouts, "He posted the picture of that girl again. Today is her birthday" She walked towards her phone in order to show Bella the pictures from earlier on.

Bella laughed throwing her head backwards, "Why is it that is only lenge lenge lenge lenge babes that love taking your men away from you" "Vincent is not my man" "You wish he was! Just like you wished Gbadamosi was. Look how skinny this one looks oh"

"She's pretty and she has a nice smile"

"And your own is what? Babes, you've got the nice smile, face, hair, boobs, ass and everything a man can ask for." "Except Good content! My content is bad, I don't have a good character, I'm just filled with regret"

"Babes, the content in this context should be sex. What else does a man want other than good sex?" She whispered rushing out of the kitchen to check if Deja's mother was around.

When she realized she wasn't close she walked in taking another scoop from the food, Deja scoffed at her pretense. Well, she is not different from her anyways.

"Well, I've come to realize that sex doesn't keep marriage, it's character that does the trick. No man will want to stay with a woman that gets angry easily"

"Motivational bullshit! What about Money? Where does it come in this your unbalanced thought process?"

"Bullshit or not, i'm trying to piece my life together again. And I need money oh" "See! That's where a good man comes in, i prefer the married politicians, those ones are generous." "I thought you were born again" "Abeg! Is this how Christianity is? Must you remind me?"

"I must. Iron sharpeneth iron, I'm the iron to your iron just like Bimbo is the iron to my iron. Don't tell her oh!"

Bella rolled her eyes, "How will i do that? I don't even talk to the idiot. Well, why don't you ask your parents" "I want to be independent" "Independence kill you there! You? Can you live on your salary? I dare you to!"

"I'm thinking of selling the car, what am I using it for? I wasted my money"

Bella gasped, "Something has happened to my friend! This is unbelievable, what should I call this? Redemption or Vincention?"

Aunty Abebi folded her legs while her arms leaned against a one arm sleeper sofa as she drowned herself in paperwork's for the following week. Her attention cut off from the work after she heard a knock on the door. She didn't invite anyone so she wondered who could be knocking at her door that evening.

Could It be the security? He would have given her a call!

"Who is that?" She yelled, "A thief coming to rob your home" Mrs Aisha answered from outside and then she rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to trim your gardens why else will I be here?'"

"I didn't invite you to trim my gardens"

Of course she knew her sister was being sarcastic about the gardens but she didn't like the idea of having visitors even though she's family.

Mrs Aisha knocked again, "Are you going to keep me outside?" "I don't recall inviting you over""Seriously? Aunty Abebi!" She screamed then Aunty Abebi walked frantically to the door.

She stomped her feet on the floor before opening it up to her with a frown, "Don't ever say I'm not nice" She replied walking back in almost immediately. "Am I not lucky to have the sweetest big sister on Planet earth?"

Aunty Abebi witheld her laughter after her sarcastic remark.

"Please shut the door when you're done"

Mrs Aisha rolled her eyes entering with a food basket that had a lid over it. "And good evening to you too" "Good evening Aisha." She replied returning back to the chair then she folded her legs now taking notice of the basket in her sister's hands.

"What's that? Sacrifices for the gods?"

"It's a good thing you're trying to be funny"

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't a sister decide to see her big sister?"

"Depending on the relationship"

"Haba! You're my sister and my blood, I can decide to see you anytime." She picked up some of the documents to she could join her sister on the sleeper couch. "This place is mess"

"I was working"

"Or you were drowning yourself in work so you won't be bored." She paused looking at the headings of one of the document, "All these not even necessary" "Give it to me!" She snapped dragging it from her.

She cleared a space for her then Aisha sat still dropping the basket on the side stool. "So I brought Masa and sauce, I also made kunu. I decided to bring it here so we could both eat. Lammy isn't sleeping over tonight"

"Hmmhm" She chipped in suspiciously, Aisha was used to her sister always accusing her politician husband of cheating.

"He had a political meeting"

"I don't trust men"

"You'll have to, I mean, you're going to get married to one, won't you? So you have a bed partner tonight" "I didn't ask for one"

"Manage this one until you get married"

"Why is everyone suddenly talking about marriage ? I'm a 45 years old woman, what if I don't want to get married?"

"Your age doesn't matter. Age is but a number and ..... Don't get angry at what I'm about to say. Doyin called in specificity to a particular issue" "Professor Folorusho?" "Yes" "I can't" "Okay.... I told her that I can't force you but why are you not considering him?"

"Are you married to an old man?"

"No. I got married to a man that I love"

"Exactly! I spoke to him and it was an interesting conversation but he referred to me as an option to warm his bed. I want to be more than that! Can't I also be with someone I like? Someone I'm attracted to and in love with, someone that makes me happy?"

Aisha scoffed, "Toor, dan Allah (For God sake), you're the most difficult woman I've ever met. You're my sister and you've not even open to me? Who's that man that will make you happy? Who can you be attracted to? Your walls are impene...." She trailed off watching her sister's face soften up.

"Okay... Okay. Is there someone?" She asked but Aunty Abebi hissed and rolled her eyes. "I need to move closer for this gist. No! We need to munch on something while you give me the full gist" She lifted up the basket.

"There's no gist"

"I'll force it out of you If I have to!" She snapped in Hausa, "Try me!"

Manny watched Hilary thoughtfully as he chewed his dinner. Ossy was chatting away but for the first time, he clearly wasn't listening. All he could do was jealous those pizzas as they made way into her mouth doing what he couldn't do himself.

Hilary noticed his stare then she giggled at some point. "What" she mouthed but he winked at her. "So Daddy can I do it?" Ossy asked looking up at him. Manny nods casually.

"Yes, you can. There's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it"

Hilary laughed, "Did you even hear what he asked you? You might just have willed your entire organs to him."

He laughed looking at Ossy, "What did you ask me? Your mother's beauty was distracting me, can you please tell her to cover her face with a grocery bag or indomie carton, I have some in the foodstore"

"Are you saving it for a raining day?" Hilary asked and he gave a nod, "In case we don't find a venue for your work, we can just set up cartons and build you a carton shop" He snapped causing Ossy to laugh.

"That one entered" he whispered to his mother but she gasped, her eyes rounding in mock anger then she poked his nose instead, "Is that the support I deserve for being your mother. Well, I hope when he's building the carton shop the umbrella I'll be using won't be made from the carton too cause it's the two of you that will stay in that building. Rubbish!" She snapped cackling to herself and they both joined her.

"Mommy's laugh is infectious"

Manny gasped, "How do you know infectious?" He asked and he shrugged, "Well, it's laughter not laugh sha" "Mommy's laughter is infectious"

Hilary exhaled looking at the wall clock. It was past 9 already. "Let me quickly order an uber" "You don't have to. I'll drop you home" "There's no need to. Shebi when I offered to cook, you said no, oga rest! You need to the strength." She picked the last slice of pizza dipping it slowly into her mouth.

Manny groaned, "Can't you stay the night?" "Yes Mommy can't we stay the night?" "No! Ossy don't say that, it's wrong for two people that are not married to coexist or live together. You're not allowed to even spend a night in his house" "But Daddy spent the night in out house"

"Because it was late and I didn't want him to go back. That's a different case! Don't even suggest that please!" She snapped shaking her head while swiping to the ride App on her phone.

Manny gathered up the pizza cartons, "Let me go keep this in the kitchen" He muttered giving her a look and she witheld her laughter while putting up a serious look. "Daddy, should I help you" "No. I need to do the dishes too so I might be taking time. Let me leave you with your Mom"

"Okay Sir" Ossy replied watching him leave.

A number called her and she answered, "Good evening Ma, are you Miss Hilary Nnamdi" "Good evening, yes I am. Where are you?" "Gregory Avenue, close to where you are. I'll be there, give or take ten minutes"

"Perfect. Will be expecting you" She replied and he ended the call then she exhaled turning towards Ossy.

What will she use as an excuse to meet Manny in the kitchen?

"Baby, the rider says he'll be coming in ten minutes, and there's something I need to tell your father before comes" "Okay Mom" "I'll be back" She cleared her throat handed her phone to him so he could play games while he waited for them.

She quickly walked into the kitchen then she laughed quietly on seeing Manny close to the sink. The empty carton of pizzas has been set on the kitchen counter.

"Are you also going to save that carton for the raining day too" She put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips to hide her smile. He grinned,"I definitely won't be using to make an umbrella for you" He replied and they both laughed. "I can't believe you used that primary school trick to lure me here"

He bit his lower lips and crooked his finger, "Just come here," he saif and tilted his head in an adorable way that charmed her. She walked towards him, letting her fingertips graze the counter, "Look at me walking towards you as though you used juju on me"

"I should be the one accusing you of that. I could barely concentrate tonight." "Haven't you seen me before?" "It felt like I haven't seen you in years. I miss you" "I miss you too" "I miss your lips" "Not as much as I miss yours"

"You think so?"

"Yeah." She whispered softly, sucking in a deep breath as she felt his forehead dip to hers. She smiled and opened her eyes, his lips now an inch from hers. "This one you're doing slow motion, should I remind you that my uber is just five minutes away from being here"

He let out a quiet laugh as his lips grazed her, he enjoyed teasing her. She knew it! "You're such a tease!" He cupped her face with both hands and owned it with his full chest, "Yes i am" And then he snatched up her lips.

She literally melted.

Their mouths crashed together. Tongues tangled. He kissed her as if he wanted to consume her and devour her alive. Hilary was just as hungry for him. His arm went around her waist, pulling me onto him further, and his other hand slid up the back of my neck, getting entangled in my hair. He took his lips away from her mouth, gently trailing kisses down to her neck.

She gasped clearing her throat, "I guess I won, I miss you most" "I said I miss your lips, you're necking me. That wasn't part of the agreement mister Coker"

He skimmed his hands up the outside of her dress, pulling her forward as he went in for another intense kiss. Hilary's hands moved beneath his shirt then he pulled away staring at her lips.

The swells of her breasts pressed against him through her dress. It wasn't enough. He wanted bare skin to bare skin, but he didn't want to miss taking one step at a time.

The right step!

Marriage first!

Marriage first before sex!

Hilary exhales, "I love Ossy, of course I'm his Mom but we need an alone time, like a date without Ossy, you get?" She requested and he laughed making her feel flushed. "What's funny? I know it sounds somehow but... " she rubbed the back of her neck. " I just want to be alone with and kiss you however way I want. We won't be going further but.."

"Are you sure? I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands off you"

She snorts out a laugh and brace her forehead on his chest, then look up at him and glide her hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck, "That's sweet" "Hilary I'm being truthful, I won't be able to keep my hands off you. I am struggling to do that right now, much less being left alone with you. The only reason why I'm not doing what the man in me feels like doing is one because of my fear of God and my decision to stay clear from that life, two, I respect you too much to take advantage of you before our wedding night and three, Ossy"

"You're saying it like I'm a virgin"

"No but you're mine and as much as I want you here, I want to wait till we say I do"

Hilary bit her lower lips, "Gosh I love you more" "I love you too" He replied returning back to the kiss then they heard the sound of a car horn.

"My ride is here"

He pinched his eyebrows together, his nose scrunching up in disappointment.

Temi walked into her matrimonial home. She found her husband sitting in front of the television with a laptop on his laps, "Good evening love" She greeted taking off her shoes at the entrance then she approached him glancing at the sports highlight on television.

"Which one are you watching? Football or laptop cause I don't understand"

Alade smiled staring at him, "Now I'm watching you" "Oooh, really?" "I can multitask" He added and she laughed lowering herself to kiss him on the cheek, "Good evening Baby" "Just that?" He asked pulling her by the arm.

"See, I'm sweaty and I need to take my bath. I smell like I work in a fish pond."

"I don't care, let me your fellow fish monger" He replied pushing his laptop on to the chair with his free hand while pulling Temi close and then she climbed on his laps.

"You'll just spoil your laptop"

"Give your baby a proper kiss" He demanded and the two kissed passionately. "How's Mommy? He asked breaking up the kiss then he wrapped his arms around her waist and she exhaled, "She's fine.... She's fine... She's still finding it difficult to accept the hard truth that Manny loves that boy."

"Give her time. She'll come around"

"I hope"

"How was your meeting with Tanimola?" "It went well, Tani has always been like my little brother. I guess it's different now just knowing the same blood flows through him too."

"What did you two talk about?"

"Siblings stuff"

"What's sibling stuff"

"Why are you suddenly up in my business?"

"Maybe because you're sitting down on mine" He answered and she laughed throwing her head backwards, "You know how i love to hear you gist when you're in this position until you can't speak any longer" He winked and she bit her lips understanding the dirty message in it.

Anyone that sees Alade, will think he's completely reserved, they won't know the craziness behind him. One minute they'll be talking and the next he's already doing things that will stop her from talking while he's still requesting for gist!

"Enough talk about me. What did you do today?" She asked and he shrugged, "Tech stuff you won't understand then I watched the football match and then i started to miss my wife" He grabbed her butt cheek and she jerked up, "Someone is in the mood" "I've been watching football, I guess it's time to play football but first I want gist"

Temi grinned in understanding, "Baby first... I just wanna say thank you" "For what?" "For condoning my excesses for believing in Mom even when I didn't and I'm sorry too" "You already apologize" "No amount of apology will suffice for how I reacted on Sunday. Even if I sing an apology song or I write the longest letter it won't be enough. I don't know what I would have done without you"

"It's fine" He touched her lips softly with his, gently, tentatively. Her eyes closed as she freely allowed this and his arms tightened around her as he pressed more firmly against her lips and they both got lost in a kiss that deepened.

"I think we might be pregnant " she whispered against his mouth while his brow arced questioning the possibility.

"Yes. I'm not sure but I'm still expecting my period"

"That period better not come"

"Really? What happened to you holding off on having children"

"I didn't mean that.You're going to be expecting that period till the next 9 month cause maybe I scored some goals" "Calm down, it might be a false alarm, what if my period comes tomorrow?"

"Why don't we make sure it doesn't. We can't be too relax" He teased causing her to open her mouth in a small gasp then he spread his fingers on her lower back and brought her body even closer, going in for another kiss.

Aunty Abebi cleared her throat after drinking the kunu from the bottle, "You do know how you make a good kunu" "Is that a compliment?" Med Aisha asked flashing a proud smile. "No" "She replied and her sister broke out in laughter. "I haven't had Masa in a long time, Mom made the best Akara and Masa, even though she wasn't an hausa woman. Thanks"

"You're welcome." She replied giving her sister an uncomfortable stare.

"What is it?" Aunty Abebi asked, "It's just weird to think you'll ever like someone"

"Huh huh.... I didnt say i like him! That's the point! The man only tickled my fancy, something no one has ever done! He had the nerves to ask me out for lunch even when he felt intimidated by me, that tskes guts."

"What are you going to do? Go after him?"

"Is this some fairy tale? He does mainly charge and bail? How can i deal with that?" "You don't know that for sure. He works in a law firm" "ABC law firm"

Mrs Aisha laughed, "Sorry but the name gets to me every time you say it. You can't jump into conclusions just yet" "This guy isn't the best lawyer I've seen" "You can make him into what you want? Aunty Abebi, you're the best mentor and teacher I've ever seen. So what if he's not rich? You're doing well yourself, you can squeeze him somewhere in one of these firms. If you don't want to make the request, leave it for me"

"Don't be too excited"

"This your first time Indicating interest in a guy"

"That is all the way in Ebonyi, what if he doesn't want to leave his state?" "I hate to say this but, i'll miss you Aunty Abebi"

Aunty Abebi shot a glare then she laughed throwing her hesd backwards, she was really enjoying her sister's misery. "Sorry but really, what if it turns out to be a love story?" "Oh please! What am I? A 25 years old woman? I don't know if I'll end up liking him when I see him? What if I see him and the excitement dies off. You know I can be that way"

"Well, you'll never know unless you try. It's either that or Professor Folunrosho or some other man Doyin might want to pair you with" "Oh God!" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to be smiling the next time she tries that"

"What's your decision?"

Aunty Abebi bit her lower lips, "I don't have his contact" "But" "I called the company line and there's no way they'll still be at work till now." "Tomorrow is Sunday" "Yeah.... Although the secretary said something about blocking him in court on Monday. Apparently he has a case"

"Great! You'll call her on Monday, get an address and then meet him. If you feel you're not interested, great!" She shrugged, "Come back to Lagos but at least give it a try"

"Okay...." She replied nodding her head to her beating heart. "Why am I suddenly scared?" She asked throwing her head backwards then she ran her hands through her all back weave. A worried sigh escaped her lips.

Mrs Aisha laughed, she has never seen her sister that way. "Stop laughing at my misery! This isn't funny. Let's change the topic" "What about we talk about Baba?" "Another topic" She answered through gritted teeth.

"Kai Aunty Abebi! This isn't fair, the poor man doesn't want to go to court, he wants to see you" "Any more discussion about this, I might have to show you the door" "Who's going to take the fatherly aspect when you get married?"

"He has never been my father and he'll never be one!" She snapped in tears. "Aisha!" "Okay fine! Let's talk about the Gemini project then"

Aunty Abebi rose up sniffling, "Excuse me" "You can always cry in front of me, my shoulder is yours to ..." She trailed off watching her leave. She knew her sister would go into the toilet to cry her eyes out.
"Aunty Abebi!"

After a day dedicated to sorting one issue or the other, Gbada finally created a personal time with God on his keyboard. Three hours ago, one of his church member called about his wife getting into labor, two hours later, he called to tell him she was having issues with the baby's position.

He directed the husband to give thanks for the victory ahead while he poured his heart into worship and prayer. Two hours he spent basking in the euphoria and presence of God.

No calls....

No distraction....

Nothing, just him and God.

🎶 I am glad, my heart is calm, you are my peace. I can't be moved, like Zion's hills, my feet are still. You are my God, you are my God, You are my God. You are my God, in You I trust in You I trust in You I trust.🎶

He finally ended the song and exhaled in relief and a scripture dropped in his spirit. Mark 4! When Jesus rebuked the sea and the wind obeyed.

"It is settled in Jesus Name." He muttered, "It is settled!" He added getting up from the chair then he strolled to where he was charging his phone.

There were about 20 missed calls!!! Not like he didn't expect it. The one he didn't expect to see was the one from Pastor Noah.

Sister joy 2 calling.....

Gbadamosi answered the call with a smile, "Hello" "Good evening Papa" The woman's voice came in chirpy, she didn't even sound like someone that just gave birth. "Good evening. How are you the one calling?"

"My husband said he's been calling you but you've not been answering."

"I was busy, I had to keep my phone away"

"Okay. It's a boy oh, Daddy I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy that came out looking like me. Kamsi is so angry! But who cares?" She laughed and he joined in.

"But Papa, that's not the testimony. I couldn't show up for the clean up today because I was feeling somehow that morning" "What would you have been able to clean? You that can't even pick your pen"

"Even though it's supervising, I would have done now. But I showed up for rehearsals later on, it was when I was leaving that the contractions came in stronger. Thank God brother Lanre was around, he drove me to the hospital. Me that I thought that I was due to just born the baby, they said it's only how many cm that opened that I was just starting. Papa! I wanted to get mad!"

Gbadamosi laughed.

"After a while, they now told me the baby is not properly positioned that i should prepare myself for CS. He explained to me that he couldn't take the risk of using the leg or they'll tear me. Everything he was saying did not enter my head. It's now that I'm reflecting on it. It wasn't my plan, that was when I told Kamsi to call you cause he was in there with me. I kept on making the new month declaration, my month of emdless possibilties, and today's declaration. While we were preparing for CS, oh my God, it was like film trick oh that was how I kept telling the nurse to check me that I'm sure was dilating. Those evil nurse did not pay attention, they said we first time mothers love being dramatic. That was how i pushed and this wonderful boy pushed his head out and the medical team did the rest."

Gbadamosi felt his head swell while tears built up in his eyes. "Didn't they say he wasn't in the right position?" He couldn't help but wave. "They were all shocked! How he changed position is something they can't phantom but I know that I serve a God in whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning. What about the placenta? That one is a different story, i shouldn't complain much about that one. I give glory to God because, my status has changed oh! I am now Mama born boy.

"Hallelujah! Congratulations, you have no idea how happy I am to hear this. The consolation is that you can now bend and pick your things and you'll stop troubling all the ushers especially Ade"

Joy laughed from the other end, "That's me personal name for him, I don't know about my husband. Look at the way he's looking at me!" She laughed even more. "Papa, the nurse said I should keep my phone"

"Let's pray first"

Gbadamosi paused listening to her argue with someone on phone, "Please, my Papa wants to pray, after the prayer, you can cease the phone after that...... I say lailai! I'm not giving you the phone unless. Oya one second! Papa please pray but you'll still come and pray physically oh"

He laughed shaking his head, "Lord i thank you for this wonderful gift you have given Sister Joy and her family. We pray you grant to this one, all that is required for a good way of life and for a good way of living which is according to your plan and purpose"


"Let this child will bring joy and pride to his family in Jesus Name"

"Amen. Papa thank you for all you do and"

The call ended, he assumed someone ended the call on her behalf.

Pastor Noah calling....

"I was planning to call you next. Good evening Sir" "Good evening Pastor. I called you like one minute ago, you were on a long call" "Yes Sir, I'm sorry" "I also called you hours ago" "I didn't see the call, I'm sorry. I wasn't taking calls that moment."

"Oh... I understand. So how are you son?" He asked and Gbadamosi arced his brow in shock, 'Son?'

Why the sudden use of 'son?'.

"I'm fine Sir and you?"

"I'm just outside of my house, receiving fresh breeze. I pray it doesn't rain but even though it does, we'll still thank God shey?" "Definitely Sir!"

Pastor Noah let out a deep sigh, "Have you guys worked on erm.... What's the name of that thing, invitation card for the wedding?" He asked but Gbadamosi witheld his laughter, he didnt understand why Pastor Noah asked knowing fully well that the date choice depended on him.

"We didn't want to go ahead without getting an approval from you. Even though we knew what God wanted, we thought it will be rude to make that decision without you involved"

"Good. I guess I owe you and Kilahi an apology then"


"You heard what I said, you just want me to repeat it" He teased provoking a small chuckle from Gbadamosi.

"I'm sorry for the delay. After you came to my office that Sunday, i was ignorant, I didn't seek God's wisdom. I acted in my own pride because I felt hurt that everything was a conspiracy and I also realized that I've been harbouring secret malice. The one we feel it's out of concern for the salvation of the church but we end up keeping it inside our heart. You should understand what I mean"

Gbadamosi nods, "That's why there's emphasis for us to guard our hearts with diligence and daily examine yourselves each day to know if we're still in the faith." "Well, while I was speaking to you this afternoon and you spoke about God's will, 1 peter 2:15 dropped in my heart and when I got home I opened it and read it. I've been in my closet crying and asking for mercy that after so many years of walking with God, that I can still act foolishly. Do you know what that verse say? I have it here written here, let me read in NLT version. It is God's will that your good lives should silence those who make foolish accusations against you. You are not slaves; you are free. But your freedom is not an excuse to do evil. You are free to live as God's slaves. Show respect for everyone. Love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God. Show respect for the king. I made wrongful accusations against you, I did evil by making a decision to move your wedding date, I felt like God that can make any decision he damn well pleases. I was there reminding Mama Sewuese of something she did.... I broke my own heart when I started to examine myself and then I thought of how disappointed God would have been. I didn't even seek his face. Without doubt, I can say you are God's will for that woman Kilahi Agbo. When a man try to battle against God's will the outcome is not always funny and I won't want to come in between God's will for the 22nd of April. You have my blessings to print the invitation and make whatever preparation you want including moving the venue to another Venue"

Gbadamosi exhaled in relief then he looked up the ceiling in appreciation to God, "Thank you so much Sir but venue is not necessary" "My wife already spoke about it too that the venue will be too small. Maybe if we can get an open venue, a place that will be conducive, that encourages good values. I'll still be the one to officiate it though"

"Yes Sir, definitely." Gbadamosi replied.

"No problem but your wife... Sorry fiancee, I'm calling her your wife already. She's truly God's will"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Yes she is" "She will still need to complete her discipleship class maybe in the course of the weeks" "I feel you should speak to her personally on that, I really can't make that decision for her. She has her schedule"

"I will. Congratulations to you two"

"Thank you Sir" He replied. Pastor Noah ended the call while he fell to the ground in honour whispering words of gratitude to God for coming through even more than he asked for.

His phone vibrated again, this time it was Kilahi, "Good evening love" "Good evening Choicest" "Sorry I missed you call" "When I called the second time I already took a wild guess why you didn't answer the call. You were praying right?"

"Yes. Thank you for understanding"

"You're welcome. Oya come and share revelation with me, what did God tell you?"
Gbadamosi laughed sitting on the floor, "Be still and know that he is God. Be still and know that God is still charge of everything, no matter how stormy it is, when he's in it, we are sure to win. We are defined by the nature of Christ, we are defined by who we are in Christ and Christ isn't a loser, is he overcome the work, there's no amount of difficulty that comes our way that we can't deal with. Because by the virtue of our nature in Christ in we are not to be surmounted by our problems, our problems surmount to us"

Kilahi exhaled, "This word is for me. I was worried earlier on seeing the whole celebration and everything that was on ground. Adiya never went directly to university, according to grandma, she learned a trade and stuck with it. It's was just last year she started per time in the university, she really had something saved up"



"Don't worry your pretty head about the finances"

"I also want to do something too, I was just thinking about it. That was why I called you that time. I needed someone to talk to" "What happened to Sewuese?"

"She's not in the mood. That reminds me, when last have you heard from Sam?" He asked and Gbadamosi laughed, "I feel like you're showing me the spec in my eyes"

"No! It's just a question jhoor"

"I think five days. I haven't spoken to him why?"

"He hasn't replied Sewuese's messages"

"He must be busy"

"Worst, he has been reading it"

"That's strange"

"Exactly. Sewuese is hurt, she doesn't like anything getting to her but this one is really getting to her. Even more than her break up with Jamal or more like her break up with Jamal. She's beginning to feel like he's tired, so he's looking for a way to let her off Is there anyone you can call to ask of him? Is he fine or not? My sister is really worried and anxious"

"I'll see what I can do. Sam loves her"

"Toor, same thing I told her. Please oh help me do something. And you? How did your day go?"

"One of our members just gave birth"

"Awn, to what?"

"A boy"

"That's sweet"

"Pastor Noah called me, I'm sure he'll be trying to call you now." "What did he say?" "It'sApril 22nd for us baby" "Really? He said that or you're just whinning me?" "No. He said we can change the venue too"

"Oh my God. There's really nothing God cannot do" She suddenly broke down in tears, "My love?" "Sorry... I'm sorry, I'm just really touched right now. How? How did this?..... Just like that! Oh God! Who says there's no God?" She sniffled, "You're going to give me full gist of how it happened and..." She trailed off then she continued. "Mom just walked into the room, I can guess the news already. I have to end the call, it's sweeting my body"

He chuckled, "When are you coming back to Lagos again?" "Monday evening, Mrs Bakare already booked the flight" "I was thinking we go on a date maybe on Tuesday night or what do you think?" "That will be lovely. I'll love that. Good night Choicest" "Good night Babe. I love you"

"And I love you too"

There was another incoming call from opulent, his security guard. "What's up?" "Yes Sir, Mr Muyiwa is at the gate, should I let him?"

Deja heard her phone ring from where she was charging it on the floor close the edge of the bed where Bella laid . She was doing some lazy editing job on some articles for work when it rang.

If wishes were horses, she would have answered the call with her mind. She wondered how she was going to get it the phone! Bella unplugged the phone then she passed it to her but the call had ended already.

"Please put that thing on silence or vibration abeg!"

"Thank you. I was even thinking of how I'll even get to the phone"

"Ole! (Lazy bones)" She snapped closing her eyes then the phone rang again. "I'll kill you oh" Bella snapped, "Put it on silence" "Sorry" She apologize answering the call.

"Hey Bimbs" She whispered walking out of the room. "Hey. How far?" "I'm good, are you missing me already?" "What's there to miss? Complain? Abi is it the fact that you've turned me into a motivational speaker and philosophy in how many years of living with you"

"If you look on the bright side, I've given you degree in wisdom"

"Me I'm kukuma wise before, my wisdom was made to compliment your stupidity"

Deja frowned.

"Thank God you're having sense small small. How is mummy? I hope you're not given hercause to word more about you" "It's raining insults from you" "Pele, don't you have umbrella?"

"I threw the only one i had, how has it helped me over the years? Your insults are more like advice, I just haven't paying attention and the stupid umbrella I kept using stopped the insults from penetrating into the right spot. I'm not bothering Mom for your information, and she's doing well."

"This one you're you're comfortable there, you're sucking breastmilk right?"

Deja laughed, "You're crazy" "I'm serious. You had better suck exclusively cause the next time you come back to this house, I want to see you act like someone that has sense" "You're a very stupid girl Bimbo! I have sense" "You did not hear that your sense went on vacation, it's now that it's coming back."


"This one you're comfortable there. I hope you're not planning to leave me alone to pay this rent on my own"

"Of course not!"

"Bera!" Bimbo answered. Deja cringed from the noisy background. "Why is that place nosy? I can hear sound of a grinder or something"

"Oh. Someone just came in to grind something, might be pepper, cassava... I don't know"

"Huh?" Deja asked as the noise gradually reduced, "I'm in Ijebu" "What are you doing there?"

"They called me"

"Oh. Has your grandma finally died?"

Bimbo paused, "Your grandma Is already dead so there's no stone I'll throw on you that will not come back to me" "Because I'm a glass house" "I believe now, alabajo, after all you're in a season of self reflection. I hope you find yourself in that looking glass and change your ways"

Deja gasped, "Ki la gbe, ki le ju?" "What did i say?" "No wonder they say those that live in glass houses should never throw stone." "Miss Glass house, now you get the point" Bimbo replied and they both laughed.

"But you used my problem against me" "You that said that my grandmother has died" "It was a question. Oya how is she?" "She's fine, I walked in to the house to see her turning amala, I was like, is it not the woman they told me shivering how many hours ago? She said she heard I was coming so she had to make the amala herself." Bimbo laughed.

Deja chuckled, "Awn. Your grandma can be cute like that. Sha bring garri Ijebu for me" "I don't always bring garri ijebu for people that wish evil on the grandmother that made the garri" "It was a question!" "So if she had died, would I have carried it?" "You ...." She trailed, "Sweetheart, you don't have to carry it. I'll pay my way to carry it. I will completely understand you're grieving and grieving people don't like to carry load cause there's a load on their head already so, I'll joyfully carry the garri on my head to Lagos"

Bimbo laughed sarcastically, "You're not funny" "At least I tried but I'm serious about the garri ijebu" "If someone sees you outside, they'll think you don't drink garri. They won't know that boya ko kun paint kan..wa mu tan! (even if it's up to a paint of garri, you'll finish It in one gulp)."

"Eh hen, guess what? We have a new member?



"Which of the Bella?"

"The Bella that is when you are mine or Bella Naija"

"Bella Afrik"

"When you say new member, which fraternity or maternity or witch craft coven are you talking about cause I did not follow you guys and register for any. It's only ajo that I registered for nitori Oloun, cause as you are saying our member, aya n ja mi (I'm scared)."

"It's the church. She's joining the church"

"How, did she see angel Gabriel? That one is Gabriella she will see! Or maybe Luciana, It can't be Angel Gabriel. Is she there?

"Yes. She's in bed. It feels like old times... She said God touched her heart. Can you believe it?"

"No! I can't believe it and you shouldn't too. Don't believe whatever that bitch tells you. God forgive me but that girl's a bitch from the pit of hell! The devil's bitch herself"

"You're speaking out of hate"

"No! That's why we have discerning spirit"

"Are you discerning or speaking out of flesh?"

"Oh now you're deciding to play wise. Pastor Counsellor, slash therapist Deja, I am speaking out of both. Don't believe that manipulative bitch! Someone I spoke to on Sunday that was feeling herself" "She wanted to talk to Papa cause she was touched by the message"

"Oh. Something touched her alright but it wasn't God, be not deceived" "I experienced the same thing the first time I walked in here"

"You liked Papa"

"I didn't like him like that from the beginning. It was sort of an admiration kind of feeling. If only you heard her when she was talking about how she felt. She has found Jesus" "No, sorry oh but who gave her the map? Ta lo fun ni map? Someone that has not even seen map to where Jesus is. You are saying she found........ Wo, the only thing she can find is man. She's only out for a man"

"Which man?"

Bimbo hissed, "What other...." She groaned loudly then she whispered, "Let me not shout it, people are here. It's not something we can talk about on phone. I was even supposed to discuss it with you if not that you left to Mommy's place last Sunday. While I was speaking to Bella last week, I saw right through her"

Deja rolled her eyes, "Bimbo" She cuts in letting out a sigh, "I know you and Bella don't always see eye to eye and I get it, Bella has her own crazy acts and all. She has stepped on your toes more times than I can count but i am not innocent too, I'm also starting afresh. Who am I not to give her a chance too? Can you just be happy for her? She has been born again into the fold and has opened her arms wide to receive."

"Receive what? Ah! Gbogbo èèyàn oníwà tùtù kọ́ lonínúure (Not everyone with a pleasant disposition is kind-natured.) I'm not trying to sound bias but the only thing that girl can open is her laps, to receive gbola . There is nothing born again about that girl. The only way she can be born again is if she enters into her mother's womb and come out again"

"Bimbo, that's not possible"

"My point exactly! It's not possible for her to be born again, you see the lady I spoke to on Sunday. She's a lost cause"

"Weren't you living the street life before God chose you? What makes her different? If God never gives up on us, why should we give up on others."

Bimbo kept quiet, "You're turning this thing around, making me look like the bad one" "Now you see point? Let's give her the benefit of the doubt" "Well, the benefit of my doubt is in short supply, I won't be giving it anyhow to people who don't deserve it" Bimbo snapped and Deja squeezed her eyes in defiance at how dogged she was, not wanting to break or believe Bella's change.

"Someone I spoke to on Sunday that opened her mouth to"

"Good night Bimbo" Deja snapped angrily, "Iwo naa good night" Bimbo snapped too ending the call.

Muyiwa sucked his teeth on entering into Gbadamosi's sitting room. "This is the third time you've been here this month" "Look who's counting" He answered watching Gbadamosi walk towards him.

"That your security guard can be mad oh.. Wasn't he the one that let me in the other day?"

"He could smell the stench of alcohol from miles away"

"Abegi! How many did I take?"

"Did you drive here?"

"Yes I did"

Gbadamosi frowned, "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He snarled causing a anxious reaction from Muyiwa but he hid it under a playful smile. "Awn, someone cares about me" "Cut the crap! I'm serious, you don't drink while driving"

"Says the king of drinking and driving" He replied sniggering, "Remember those days? Those days that never lasted, you just changed, just like that. You left, turned your back against us"

"I gave you all a choice"

"Well not all of want to pastor's holding Bibles, preaching the gospel all across the world. That life is not cut out for everyone, we just want to live life"

"There's no life outside Christ, you're a living dead, you just don't know. You receive real life when you accept Christ, I received a new life after I said Yes to God's will. What I enjoy, the things I enjoy lately, is far better than when I was in that world"

Muyiwa scoffed, "No girls, no sex! N booze! Your life is practically boring, you've been celibate for like 230 years, what can be worst than that?" "A life of communion with God" "My only consolation is that you'll be breaking that fucking celibacy come next month. This time next month, you'll be planning to say goodbye to your virginity"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Shut up!" "I know you guys don't do alcohol, don't worry, I'll help you drink orange juice to it" "There's something called wine" "I almost forgot, Jesus turned water to wine"

"Wow he knows"

Muyiwa laughed sarcastically, "I go to church" "I think the right word should be used to" "Didn't I attend your church service?" "So you can see Sharon, I know the full gist"

"When you and Manny gather together, I don't know who gossip the most, men or women cause the level that Manny gossips"

"It's not gossip, he was expressing a concern"

Muyiwa laughed, "You two won't make heaven I swear" He snapped and Gbadamosi laughed. "There's nothing I'll tell Manny that you will not hear" "He's concerned" "Manny is a man gossip, if you have secret plans in this life, don't ever tell Manny. The funny thing is that, this Manny himself is a secretive guy but he can leak all secrets that is not his"

Gbadamosi laughed out then he perched on a chair focusing on Muyiwa. "If you say he's expressing concern again, I'll just buy a gun and shoot you. Shebi he's still in Ghana?" "No he's back" "See! Very secretive a person"

"Let's not deviate from the actual topic Muyiwa, don't drive drunk. I want to eat your burial jollof rice when you're 90 year old and above, not when you're 36 years, still a sinner"

Muyiwa laughed, "Wait, you're older than me, are you trying to tell me I'll die first" "If Jesus tarries, I have a long life covenant with God" "It's me that have short lived covenant with the devil, I don't understand"

"Not when you're driving drunk"

Muyiwa scowled at him, "Driving drunk... I feel like I'm listening Dad" "True. How's your P man?" "I don't know I remember the last time I called that man last. My father is like your mother so it's better we don't call each other at all. Sometimes I picture him with wigs and skirts, that man can complain. Like what the fuvk?"

"I know I've had my share of bad moments with my Mom but you have to do your part to honour them even if it means you calling them or sending gifts once in a while"

Muyiwa exhaled, "Do you know what he said the last time we spoke?" "What?" "When are you going to grow up and live responsibly? Is it not Gbadamosi that's doing something meaningful with his life?" "I'm sorry"

"That's not even the point Gbada. I have a job oh, I am doing well in it but this man doesn't see it! He only sees what he wants so I'm not living life to satisfy any man so he can as well go...." He trailed off on meeting Gbadamosi's glare.

"Go ...go to church and ask for forgiveness, you know what? Screw it! He can as well go fuvk himself! I have never seen a man more womanly in my life. Maybe if he was man enough..."

"Muyiwa!" Gbadamosi snapped back, "You're drunk" "For real Gbada, I looked at that man and I chose a path for my life, a life never to be like him" "Are you proud of yourself?" "Hey! I'm no President but I did accomplish something. I'm not like him, I'm not trampled, I am strong, when I rock the ladies world, that look on their face, it feels like I get handed an awarded every time and ladies love it. That I'm proud of"

Gbadamosi focused on him, he felt sorry got his ignorance. "Is God proud of you?" He asked and Muyiwa held out his fingers at him then he looked up, "God" He called out with a smile, "Are you proud of me?" He asked then he busted out laughing.

"How do you ever know he's satisfied or proud of you?"

"Muyiwa, you don't have to know, you don't have wait to that confirmation as long as your doing His good will and walking in His ways. God delights in us walking in accordance to his ways, there's a way we're supposed to walk through that's why the Bible says, there is a way that seemeth right in our own eyes but the end thereof is destruction."

"Why do I feel like I'm stuck in a Bible verse? Gbada, no use me rehearse tomorrow message"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Why are you here Muyiwa?" "I don't know" He shrugged, "I needed a friend to talk to, I already told you now, my guys continue to annoy the hell out of me. Today, I was this close to sucker punching Bola. The way be was bad mouthing Sharon was just repulsive"

"You gave the room for that"

"Oga referee, I didn't come for criticism"

"I'm still going to tell you the truth, you gave room for it. Your friends will respect your woman in measure to how you respect her." "She wasn't my woman" "But If you has spoken well about her, they wouldn't have had the nerves to throw shades at her"

Muyiwa shut his eyes, "Bottle opener was something I called her from the beginning" "Why will you even call someone's daughter a bottle opener?" "It was a joke, when I met her, she had that character that caught my attention. Calling her bottle opener was just a way to get the guys off my back and make them feel like I'm still in control. It's still me Muyiwa, not a man being controlled by a woman. I will shade her to feel powerful, it kept me in the game, it kept me going. God, I was a jerk to her! Sharon is that one woman who really understood me, I really don't say this out in the open when I talk about her, sharon was more than just that girl whose virginity I took away, she was a friend. She'll practically make me do everything for her, even if she had to take it by force. I've had awkward situations with her with her and her periods and the pads, the funny moments. I never mentioned those part, she became a part of me that I found it suffocating, like I needed a break from the couple life. I made my those idiots push her away"

"No, you pushed her away because nothing would have stopped you from warning the guys from insulting her but you folded your hands and did nothing. That part was on you! You were supposed to stand up for you"

"As per what?"

"A friend but apparently you're the bigger idiot for not realizing the need to stand up for your own friend. Those guys bullied her but you did nothing to help her, you betrayed her. I'm sure she feels that way too"

Muyiwa exhaled, "I'm having the worst week! I can't think straight, I've lost my peace, I literally sneak up to check her status, but she doesn't know that" "You're lucky she didn't block you"

"She's the first woman I allowed stay so long in my home, the house still smells like her, I haven't even changed the sheets yet. Today I went out with the guys and I thought I could hit it off with Nova" He paused seeing through the disapproving cringe on Gbadamosi's face.

"I sort of mentioned Sharon's name in between the whole... You know, you should understand as per once upon a time bad boy"

"I understand"

"To think I had to picture her as Sharon. The truth is, I miss her presence, I miss her jokes and taunting. This is something I'll never admit but I'm saying this in confidence to you. I don't know how you're going to zip that mouth of yours, but you have to. Manny doesn't have to know."

Gbadamosi scoffed, "I'm not a blabbermouth, I'm a Pastor, I keep things in confidence" "I didn't say you are, I'm just saying don't slip before Manny will use me as a topic on his radion show" "You're not serious" He hissed watching Muyiwa laugh half-heartedly.

"What should I do?" He asked afterwards, "What do you want me to tell you?" "Anything, at this point, I don't know what to do." "If you want my opinion, I think you like Sharon" "As a friend" "More than a friend"

"Nah.... I can't.... Not now" He shook his head in denial, "See, that can't happen? I'm in control of my heart"

"Why then have you not washed the sheets? Why then do you want her smell around? Those are pointers to the elephant in the room"

"There's no elephant in this room"

"Your feelings is the elephant you're trying to ignore"

Muyiwa covered his ears, "Blah blah blah blah, I am not listening" He rambled while Gbadamosi laughed in mockery then he took his hands off his ears then Gbadamosi continued. "We can't continue to play bad boy for life"

"Guuuuuuyyyy!!!! Which one sef?"

"You wanted me to say something, this is me telling you the truth. At some point in everyman's life, something must capture his heart; it can be God or a woman as the case may be. I think Sharon has captured your heart, I think you're"

"Don't say the word"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Which word? That you might be in love with her?" "Aboki! Is your understanding anticlockwise?" "I'm not the one in love" "Gbada!" "But..." "I'm not in.... that word. Abeg, who break my leg way I fall in love? I haven't even seen the fall, I am a strong man"

"Even strong men have their weak points and I think Sharon found yours"

"Gbada now!"

"It's okay to be in denial, it happens to the best of us. You, losing peace, is a call to make things right'

"With who?"

"I'm trying to look past that stupid question"

"Uncle calm down, i've broken some heart so who am I making things right with?"

"With God and Sharon"

"I haven't offended God"

"An unexamined life is not worth living, sometimes we need to put our life under the microscope" "I'm not Mr Perfect, I tried to apologize to her that Sunday but she made it clear she didn't want anything to do with me. What am i supposed to do? She's angry and I believe she has every reason to be mad at me. All I want is to be rid of this guilt that I feel, be at peace with myself and also be myself."

"You know the right thing to do"

"I already apologize"

"Not that" Gbadamosi replied and Muyiwa closely read the expression on his face; was he advising him to date Sharon for real?

He shook his head in disagreement, "I can't do that" "Do what? I haven't said anything" "I can't date Sharon" "Why? Because of the sex?" "Not really. Just because we have more of a short time sex doesnt mean we haven't had our moments. Sharon deserves, she deserves the best in the world, a good man, a God fearing man who will Love and respect her unlike a certain asshole we all know of. She's better off alone than with a guy who doesn't give rat ass about her"

You've reached the end of the chapter, now vote!

Thank you very much❤

What do you guys think about the update?

Will Aunty Abebi go all the way to Ebonyi?

Friends like Bella

Bella's plans though.....

How Will she accomplish it? Will it even work?

Our wedding is on! Let's resume plans!

Drama incoming......

Love stories.... Coming soon....

Or not?


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