🍒 Chapter 41🍒
Another Update ooh💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
E shock you?😂
Another one will be coming tomorrow or Tuesday. I'm not sure😂🤣
Forgive my Yoruba in advance😂🤣
I will be doing some face reveal of some of the characters😎
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God bless you.
Chapter 41
Word Foundation Church
🎶Chains are breaking for my sake, hey for my sake!🎶
The choristers yelled and jubilated playfully.
Bimbo walked away from the church speakers with an incoming call on her phone. "Hello" She said to the caller, "Good afternoon to the best sister in the whole world" "Ah.. That's the set up of life, set up ayeraye. That is a soundtrack to disappointment cause the number you're trying to dial is not reachable at the moment. So, whatever you're looking for, just know in advance that you won't find it. Boya you should go and find your best sister and call her. Aunty Arike is still there, her number is available"
"Can't a sister call her elder sistter without her thinking she wants something?"
"That you are calling me, you're sounding like pe you're talking to your boyfriend. Oda Naa, let's hear you out, what do you want?" "Okay, it's something simple sis." She switched into a fake British accent and then back to Nigerian. "Can you invest into my life, Aunty Bimbs i need like 100 k in my life right now"
"Issokay, is that all you need, I need about 800k to renew my rent"
"Ha! Aunty Bimbo," She paused switching into a British accent, "It's not right to present your problem to people when they present theirs to you" "Very good, o tun lo british accent. What am I supposed to do?" "Grant me the request"
"When am not God, its only God that entertains one sided problem. We don't want to know boya something is disturbing God aha, our own is to ask and ask"
"Well we are all guilty one way or the other. Aunty mi, I need 100 k like very urgently"
"Ask God"
"But you said we should not ask God"
"I didn't say so.... Ashabi abi what's your name"
"Call me Ash, Ashley or Ashanty" She replied in a British accent, "Ash kor, you did not see ash Wednesday. Ashley KO, ashtray ni. Ashanti weldone! You I didn't get the memo you're from Ghana. We are mad in this our family sha" "In exception of me"
"So it's you that's using British accent to answer me that's okay like this. You that you've not smell or seen snow before"
"Wo Aunty mi, I need money"
"Look up to Jesus, he shall supply your needs. The bible says we should not trust in man but God, youarr trusting man, you don't know that man always disappoint"
"God uses man to bless man"
"Ṣe oju rẹ fọ ni (Are you blind?)...Do I look like man to you? I'm a woman Don't trust in man, put your trust in God"
"That's the advice of a stingy person"
"I'll be praying for you"
"Se ma je adura ni? (Will I eat prayer?). The only reason I called was because I saw your status update" "Igbayen kor?" "You said Hallelujah, your status is changing"
"That was our declaration for the day"
Her sister immediately busted into a mock cry, "Sister mi, adulthood is a scam! You guys did not explain this adulthood thing for me well. You guys should have left like a manual of how to survive adulthood" "That's why we have you to write a book on it"
"It hasn't been long i receive my first salary and I can't account for it, o ko do fe ni (It went with the wind" "It didn't. You're the one who spent it" "It's not even end of the month yet and I'm broke. I just want to make one investment. My left kidney is just wasting away, I think i should just sell it off" She exhaled as an emotional blackmail to change her sister's heart.
"If you find a buyer for yours, tell them I have one for sale"
"Aunty Bimbo!"
"After selling your left kidney, also sell your left eyes and the left side of your brain. What is left will be sold at the right time, period! Ode! Is it me you want to use that gimmick on? Emotional blackmail for ABimbola?"
"So I can't see like 100 k"
"If you go to the bank, any kind of bank, whether normal bank, Microsoft bank or microfinance, even though It's LAPO building. You know what you will do? You are gonna stand in front of the hall to beg every customer, you might get 100 k before the days ends. If you do not get 100 k, patapata let's just say 80 k is sure for you. You know you're kukuma crazy before, it's not something you cannot do. What Ashabi cannot do does not exist"
"You amaze me big sis"
"Or you can rob a bank"
"If I get a gun, I'll stop by your house to rob you first"
Bimbo laughed, "Wa fe na mi pa, (You'll beat me to death). You know why you are gonna beat me to death? Because it's gonna be the money or my life, either I give you the money or i sleep under the bridge and I'm not ready to sleep under the bridge" "You have your father's house, you don't have to pay rent"
"I'm not going back under their roof"
"Me either"
"All my money is going into contribution for my house rent" "So I can't see like 10 k... 10 k pere!" "Ashabi" "Okay! Okay! Use your church mind to send me anything. Aunty Bimbo, I said church mind oh"
Bimbo rolled her eyes, "I've heard! Ashabi, I know the country is hard and no amount of money you make will be enough but please save. It's necessary" "I've heard. Thank you! You're still the best sister In the world"
"And you're the worst!"
"I love you"
"I don't!" She snapped looking up, "Billing left, billing right, billing center." She complained catching a glimpse of Deja clutching at her bag. Then she walked towards her, "Madam" "What?" "I was just thinking, Jesus said in my house there are many mansions he said it if was not so, I wouldn't have told us. But he did not tell us if we'll pay rent for it" She joked and Deja arced her brown repulsively.
"Why will you be thinking of that? If he gave us everything for free, why will be get to heaven and pay rent?"
"I was just joking! I was just thinking about our rent. I hope you're thinking of it too"
Deja nods, "Yes" "Are you already leaving?" "I'm not the chief usher, my work is done here."
"Are you going to Mom's place?"
"Yes." She replied, "Who called? I saw you answering a call" "It was Ashabi," "Oh. How is she?" "She's...." Bimbo trailed off carefully observing her friend's face. "What?" Deja asked,"Why are you looking at me that way?"
"You're not okay"
"Ki lo sele gangan. O ti n leju lati aaro, (What is really going on... You've been frowning since morning). Even when you were cleaning the church. O damiloju pe Olorun gan o le gba iru ìsìn bẹ ( I'm sure even God cannot accept that kind of service) Are you fighting with God? I don't understand how you'll squeeze face and clean church. Even the angel that God sent to bless you will not even recognize your face, he'll be using torchlight to find you. Kilode, what is it gan?"
"I saw Vincent's post in the morning." "I thought you said you won't check his post again"
"Yes. I was really determined but his post was the first on the status list 5 minutes ago. I didn't have a choice."
"Ask him, you will not ask... Now you won't allow me breathe."
"She was in his room"
"Who else? Mercedes"
"How do you know it's his room? Monitoring spirit, shebi you've grown spiritual powers"
Deja hissed, "It's her birthday too" "And so?
"I even saw his slippers on the floor"
"How are you sure it's his slippers?" She asked clapping her hands, "Are you normal like this?"
Deja extracted her phone from her hand bag, "Let me show you his status again..." "Just say you're trying to satisfy your curiousity of whether he has made a new post or not" "I'm not"
He had new status and she couldn't wait to view it. Hopefully it won't be about Mercedes!
Bimbo glanced at the picture of Mercedes. "The girl is fine, lepa babe that has sense" "That doesn't make me feel better"
"Do I look like paracetamol in your eyes. Anytime you want to feel better, I'm suppose to have the right word for you. Pele oh! I'll be adding tarriff for every conversation now"
Deja swiped to the next picture of him having lunch.
So she decided to take me for a treat on her Birthday but I ended up paying😂 It was even her suggestion!
Deja whimpered handing the phone to Bimbo in anger, "Tell me this isn't a date. Look at it now, it's a date! He's going on a date" "Igbayen kor? (And so?) Is there any rope tied to his neck that he shouldn't go on a date?" "But he likes me." "I am thinking that is in the past tense cause this smile I'm seeing is a shy smile and the only person that make a man shy is a special woman"
"You're not making me feel better"
Bimbo laughed, "If you want to feel better you better go and take Ibruprofem cause the way I'm seeing you like this, it's like you'll have a panic attack will soon. "
Bimbo swiped to the next picture of him in the pool then she gasped.
Women like Mercedes have a way of forcing you to the pool. Now that I'm here, how far? How has it added to your life? 😂🤣
"If you're having panic attack for all those picture l, I wonder what you'll do when you see this one" She pressing hard on the screen to stop the picture from moving.
Deja bit her nails, "Are they together in the picture?" "Look at it yourself" She handed the phone over to her and Deja shut her eyes in regret. "Gbam! That was the response I was expecting. Look at someone you rejected, someone you felt wasn't hot enough"
"I didn't say that. I was..." She paused whispering, "In love with Papa"
"Mehn... That guy is handsome, you had him in your hands and you missed him. Now you're jealous over some girl you've never met"
"I'm not jealous... You don't understand. I just...." She pouts folding her arms, "I just miss that attention, he hasn't smiled that way to me since forever and now.... What I'll give to have someone look at me nicely and say hello."
"Deny it if you like! You're already liking this guy. Why don't you call him aside or chat him up to know who this girl is to him"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Well, it looks obvious but we can both be wrong. So instead of sulking, pick the damn phone and ask him the question.
She hissed checking through his last post.
The eyes I'm using to look at those that are asking me to get married already.😂
"Do I need to?" She asked showing her the post.
Vincent sat on the blue pool side lounge watching Mercedes use his phone. "Adufe just messaged you right now" "You this girl! Have you ever heard of privacy?" "Have you ever heard of I don't care?" She snapped pushing her tongue out.
"It's still my birthday"
"You're too controlling. How is he handling you?"
"He's handling me alright" She replied winking at him and she rolled her eyes, "Go get some sense... You're one year older but I don't understand why your sense is not multiplying"
"He loves me the way I am. You know how guys love women no matter how crazy they can be"
Vincent nods, "Yeah.... I can relate" "I dare not see you sulk. I swear if I see you as much as sigh I'll push you into that pool and baptize that girl out of your brain!" She threatened and he laughed. "Thank you Mercedes" "For what?"
"Being there for me"
"Urgh! Boring!" She groaned rolling her eyes. Vincent collected his phone responding to Adufe's message.
For the umpteenth time Adufe, she's my cousin😂
"What about this Adufe girl?"
"Nah! She's just a colleague"
"You need to get Deja out of your system"
"I will"
"Vincent you have a new job you're supposed to resume but you don't want to because of her" "I'll be resuming on Monday" "Buy you've been staying because of her right?" "I was also helping her my boss with the summary of"
He shut his eyes and blew out hot air from his mouth. "I won't be seeing her again, that was why I resigned in the first place" "Vincent," "What? I said I'll resume on.." "Not that. You know you're my favorite and I love you more than all my cousins and brothers combined together. I'll go extra miles to make sure you get that woman out of your head and when I say extra miles, you know what I can do"
He blinked his eyes in fear, "I'm already scared. What do you have planned?" "I don't have anything planned, I only invited a friend" "Female?" "Yes" "Jeez! You know how I get around females"
"Yet you had the balls to ask that one out and you kept asking her out and taking her shit every time"
"Because I like her"
"Liked her"
"Liked her. I can't talk to girls"
"Exactly why I called Irene cause she's our home girl and a friend. You love crazy girls right? She's crazy, a bit extreme and honest but she's a good person. That I can promise you"
"Hey Baby gal!" Irene screamed walking towards them in a green bra and skirt. Mercedes chuckled and Vincent took a glance, "She's already dressed up?" "She has been here for a while" Mercedes rose up walking towards her.
Vincent exhaled scratching his head nervously while he watched them walk up to him. "Irene, meet Vincent my handsome cousin" "Hm hm... Did you didn't call him a wimp? This one looks hot"
He gasped then glared at Mercedes, "Madam you sef! Your mouth no get control?" "Hey Vincent..." Irene waved moving close to him, "Can I call you Vince?" "Yeah... S...sure" He stammered. "Don't be scared, I won't bite" She answered winking at him.
"My name is Irene, Mercedes right hand girl."
"Nice to meet you Irene. Um.... I'll like to get dressed now so we can talk better"
"Don't baby..." She replied running her fingers across on his chest, "There's no need for that baby. On the contrary, I love the view"
Gbadamosi sat in the Cafe section expecting Pastor Noah to show up. He had a laptop on the table. he had his eyes glued to the laptop screen and was fully immersed in work wwhen his phone beeped. He took a quick glance at his phone and discreetly read the text in notifications bar.
It was a message from MTN
Then he swiped to WhatsApp then he clicked on Kilahi's status.
Have you ever been to an Igede wedding? 💃🏽💃🏽
Congratulations Adiya, may joy never depart from your home. May the sound of laughter never cease on your lips. God bless your new home.
Gbadamosi replies:
I've never been to one. Our wedding will be my first time ❤
Kilahi's response came in almost immediately!
Shouldn't you be busy? 😂🤣
Look who's asking? Aren't you supposed to be the bridesmaid?
I came online to chat with Durojaiye not you.
I'm waiting for Pastor Noah. He's calling right now. I'll talk to you later
Okay. Enjoy!
Gbadamosi answered the call, "Good afternoon Sir. Where are you now?" "Outside the building" "I'll be with you shortly Sir" He answered signaling Kike who was at the counter to watch his laptop. He rushed outside to meet him then he showed him the way in then they both had their seat.
Pastor Noah looked around the Cafe, "So this is where you sit out" "Yes Sir" "Is it your private hide out?" "It's my Personal get away but not in the way you're thinking Sir."
"You don't bring girls here?"
"Just my cousin Temi and Kilahi"
"Where do you go to afterwards with Kilahi"
"I usually drop her home. Sir, I thought we made it clear that nothing is going on between the two of us"
"I know but I don't trust all you young Pastors"
"And I totally understand Sir."
"The atrocities some young Pastors cause in church is something we can't take our eyes away from. That was how one young Pastor impregnated a chorister in the teenage choir. During our time, things were not like this"
Gbadamosi arced a brow that showed disapproval.
"I'm not saying it was not there, it wasn't as pronounced as this time. Especially all these fine Pastors, you'll see them with side beard, full like Osama Bin Laden's" He paused observing Gbadamosi's beard, "You own is still better, you'll see Pastors using church to do fine boy, fine man. Why won't the church chorister fall in love with you?"
Gbadamosi laughed raising his hands as the thought of Deja came playing in his thought, "But we can't look tardy because we're trying not to make the choristers fall for us. Whether we dress in sack and cover our faces with ash. The ones that will chase will still chase"
Pastor Noah paused in thought recalling a time in the past. "It's true oh. This thing you just said brought back this memory of Jezebel during my early bible schooI days" "They named her Jezebel?" "No oh. It was me that changed her name, I hope she has repent now. This girl will chase after any Pastor in training. Whether you fine, abi you no fine, this girl will chase you. Then I was not even as fine as this oh"
Gbadamosi laughed.
"When you look at me, I am a definition of wine that taste good after years. My younger version was looking somehow, I didn't even know how I looked but that girl will chase me all over. She was selling groundnut in front of our campus with that one trousers that she likes wearing"
Gbadamosi witheld his laughter, Pastor Noah was low key savaging someone's daughter..
"Fine I no fine, money I no get and I'll be wondering why she was still chasing me." "Maybe she saw you the way God made you, beautifully and wonderfully made"
Pastor Noah laughed, "True oh. Maybe she saw revelation of the future. True, but I fear youth Pastors oh. Even my youth Pastor, I threaten him everyday because the way I see him laugh with young girls" "Threats won't do anything, what it takes is you yielding everyday to God's will, purposing in your heart not to defile yourself and self control. Very important! The temptations will come, but your ability to overcome them shows how much you've grown in God. I say the every time!" He paused and looked around the room, "I just love this place, because of serenity when there's no one around and also the milkshake"
"Are you sure the temptation doesn't come from here? Generally, I flee from places that will being temptation. I choose my gathering well"
Kike walked up to the both of them then she bowed her head at Pastor Noah, "Good afternoon Sir, you're welcome. Pastor Gbadamosi, can I take the order now?" "Yes" He replied pointing at Pastor Noah.
"I won't be eating. Today is not the day for eating"
"Oh" Gbadamosi nodded in understanding then he gave her a familiar look. She have a nod and walked away. "I'm sorry Sir" Gbadamosi apologize, "It's not a big deal. You didn't know. So what did you do today?"
"I just got back from church sanitation"
"Did you join?"
"Yes Sir"
"Wow.. Good, very good."
"How are you Sir? How is the family?"
"We are fine, my wife traveled to Anyingba for a wedding just like your fiance traveled to Benue State. She has skipped one week like this"
"I'm sorry about that and I'm also sorry she'll be missing another week"
Pastor Noah hissed, "That's two weeks out of one month discipleship class" He reiterates as a reminder to him. Gbadamosi lets out a soft chuckle. "The women leader invited her to come see how the meeting is usually being held. Home Builders Conference is an annual conference which she will start chairing from next year. It's only understandable that they want her to see how it's done. To think she came into my life in a time like this shows this is not a mistake but a divine orchestration from God."
"She has been in your church for weeks...."
"Yes and trust me Sir, I understand where you're coming from as a senior Pastor myself. Last week, I wasn't part of everything that transpired. I noticed you transferred the anger on me" He laughed nervously.
"If someone comes to me to suggest moving the church wedding elsewhere apart from my church. I won't be happy, I'll feel offended. You're not even angry as you should be and I'm not saying this because I'm trying to warm up to you. You have every reason to get mad but the wedding date Sir, we'll have the wedding at the church but the that date is of the Lord."
"Every bride as long she is of the church must go through discipleship class"
"All I ask I for you to reconsider this Sir. If you choose to say no, I won't hold it against you"
"I'll have to think of it first"
"No problem."
"What is it you saw in Kilahi? Cause if someone looks at her, you won't see anything. I was talking to my wife during the week, eiither Monday or Tuesday. She was using her phone to search about online, I was just asking her. How did this happen? What did you see in her?"
"God's will. That's what I see each time I look at her, each time I hear her speak, I know I'm speaking to God's will, for every moment we share, I know it's God's will and I know if Jesus tarries, it's going to be a very long time fulfilling God's will"
Pastor Noah sighed impressively as a scripture dropped in his heart.
For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men!
Mrs Coker opened her eyes from having a dream, Manny just gave a wedding announcement, said he'll be bringing his wife and son to me meet me. She sighed in great relief, it was dream!
Suddenly she remembered he now a new found son. That part wasn't a dream! Can she call even call it a dream? Isn't it going to turn into a reality cause if she knows Manny so well, he's not going to try to please her one bit!
Her eyes remained glued on the ceiling fan, she wished it falls on her and maybe end her life. Staring at it long enough made her imagination appear real, when the fan finally felt like it was going to fall off the hinges, she ran out of the bed breathing in an out quickly as though someone had chased her out of the bed.
One, it made her realize how much she still treasures her life even though she imagines taking It.
Two... She realized how messed up she was in her head. She was steadily losing her mind.
She wore a slipper then walked out of her room, heading towards the living room. Slowly, a sweet smelling aroma began to penetrate into her nose. Could the woman they hire to cook be around?
Except she was having some sort of olfactory hallucinations, it had to be Efo Riro!
She entered into the kitchen to kill the suspense. She found her husband standing side by side with Temi by the sink. They didn't even realize she had walked in.
Mr Coker👆🏼
"Your mom is still sleeping till now. Are you sure she's fine?" He asked washing a Croatian fish skin with lemon, "This one you're asking as if I'm living with you"
"Are you not her therapist?"
"Are you not her husband? I don't sleep on the same bed with her and aren't you the doctor?"
Rev Coker laughed, "Daddy leave the fish, I'll do it" "I want it properly grilled, you're going to cut open some part and make sure the pepper penetrates" "You want it peppery?" "Yes. So I can taste all the pepper your mother has shown me" He joked laughing to himself.
Temi laughed, "Daddy sha... I'm not even going to put my mouth into you guys business" "Grill it well" "Daddy, if you repeat grill it well again, I'll just hand it over to you to grill or you'll wait for your wife to grill it for you"
"That one will show me pepper"
"It's the two of you that know how you'll do it"
Rev Coker pressed his fingers on his lips, "I won't say anything again" "Better." She replied firmly watching him wash his hands. "Your mom is still not awake, are you sure you're not going to check of she's still alive?" He teased and Temi laughed, "Daddy!" "Well I'm still alive and kicking, sorry to disappoint you my dear" She answered and they both turned towards her.
"Hallelujah!" He said nudging Temi with his elbow, "Your mom is alive, i'll go give testimony in church" He teased and she sucked her laughter in. "Someone thinks he's funny"
"I don't think I'm funny, I'm just in a good mood. My daughter has been coming more than usual. That's the best thing that has happened this year" He said holding her close. "Daddy, your fish hand!" She cringed and he laughed.
"Forgive my excitement. Shebi I washed it now"
"Without using soap" She complained then he moved away turning towards his wife, "Good afternoon dear, you slept for hours. I was beginning to think you're snow white, boya we should find your Prince charming to wake you up with a kiss" He blew kisses to her and she hissed quietly.
"Daddy still got lines"
"You don't know how I wooed her that's why"
"Who did you woo?"
"Woo Fang Chu?"
Temi and her father laughed facing her mother, "You two think it's funny" "No. That was not funny but we can give Dad E for Effort"
Rev Coker rubbed her shoulder smiling, "That's Mt daughter" He commented getting another cringed facial from Temi. Again with his fish hand! "Sorry" "Daddy kukuma use soap" She whispered taking out the two Croatian fish from the sink.
He went ahead to use the soap.
"Well, to those who care to hear, i wasn't sleeping all through, I was reading a book intermittently"
"You should read the bible more often"
"Yeah, like that stopped you" She snapped.
Rev Coker rolled his eyes, sprinkling the water from his hand and some splashed on Temi's face, "Really?" "Mom!" Temi snapped, "And Dad, there's more water on my face than there is on your hand."
"Trust me, your father's clumsiness didnt start today"
"Well, clumsiness if a reaction of love and that's a good thing from my interpretation" "Do you ever shut up? Your father talks a lot, if anyone needs to buy a parrot, they shouldn't go far. We have one here, bald. I won't even charge much"
Temi gasped.
"Well, you turned me into a talkative"
"Mom... Dad, I'm sensing some chemistry between the two of you"
"Chemistry ewo? You mean a love that has gone through filtration and distillation"
"We can osmotize it from a less and lower concentration to a more concentrated solution until both our solutions are of the same concentration. When it is evenly distributed, we'll have enough love to diffuse"
Mrs Coker raised her nose while Temi laughed, "Is that the practicals you do with Dr. Demokun Odunayo?" "Jesus Christ! You just had ruin tbe mood! She's just a colleague, how many times do I have to say it. Maybe someone will get a paper tape to tape your ears so the information does not filter out, since filtration is the only experiment you're performing"
"Who is Dr. Demokun" "Your father's new colleague, he calls her Dr. Odun" "Oh my goodness! That's her name, what am i supposed to call her. You will just allow someone to talk and talk"
Temi gave him a suspicious look, "I am Innocent of all charges" "Not all charges!" "That was in he past! Should I let you know that your mother has been having my every move followed." "Dad, who is Dr. Odun?" "Are your ears also filtering? I said she's my colleague" "Ask him why they spent the night together at the hotel in Abuja"
"My God, Teni I told you we slept in separate hotel room. Don't make me look bad in front of my daughter. I am not cheating on you, apart from the mistake I made, I have never cheated on you"
"Mommy.. You've heard Dad, he has never cheated on you"
"I know you'll support him"
Temi opened her mouth in shock horror, "You two are my parents I won't want to involve myself in couples fight." "You're already involved darling" "I un-involve myself Mom, at this moment"
"Leave your mother, she's just jealous"
Mrs Coker scoffed, "Jealous of who? That tanbolo that can't see without using her glasses?" She snapped and Rev Coker busted out laughing then he clapped his hands, "I applaud your investigator, he is good at what he does."
"I'm here because i perceived an aroma, I hope it's not your father cooking poison"
Temi laughed, "It's weird you two are not seeing the chemistry that I'm seeing. You guys are cooking chemistry in this kitchen" "Chemistry kor, physics ni. Who's cooking?" She asked and Temi smiled, "I am cooking your sister's special Efo riro recipe, if I teach you this recipe. I might have to kill you afterwards Mom"
Mrs Coker laughed nervously, "This one you're all planning to kill me, your father even said you should go and check if I'm alive, I hope I am safe" "He was just joking"
Rev Coker scoffed, "That word does not exist in your mother's vocabulary anymore. Does she even know what the word means. Teni," He called, "Did someone just call me?" "What does that word joke means"
"Lọ beere lọwọ baba rẹ. Oun yoo dahun ibeere yẹn (Go and ask your father). As I was saying Temi before I got interrupted"
Temi's phone rang, her mother picked her phone. The caller ID was Tanimola so she handed the phone to her. She went out to answer the call.
Rev Coker exhaled, "You know I was joking right?" "Didn't sound like it" "Come on!" He hissed moving close to her, "I assisted in the cooking you know. I was about to make the amala" "I heard you talking about grilled fish"
"We've prepared the soup already. Okay, Tami did most of the work but I assisted as father of the year. I'll make the amala" "Can you make amala?" "Of course I still remember how to make my amala"
"You know how I hate the ones with lumps in it"
"Swallow It, when has a lump ever killed anyone? It's not like it's cancerous."
"Leave the cooking for people that can do it"
"Hey! I cooked for you all those while"
"Maybe that was one of the principal reason I remained depressed" She answered bluntly and he laughed throwing his head backwards then he held her hands, "Honey, can we...can we be the way we were before all these happened? Before all the drama. I love you and I want to do by you, now you're warming up to the children let's rekindle what we once had back"
Temi walked in and Mrs Coker moved away from her husband, "Was I interrupting anything?" "Nothing special" She replied. Rev Coker laughed, "Your mother just called my love speech nothing special. Ko o buru (Not bad).. I'm not angry" He shrugged.
"It's funny how Nigerians will say Ko o buru when they are clearly offended. Even If you are" She replied and Temi groaned placing her palm on her forehead and her father held her by the hand.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yes. I just felt a bit dizzy. Probably because I haven't eaten since morning, it will pass" She answered meeting her father's glare on her, "What?" "Remind me, when was that your wedding again?" "Dad!"
"Your father's right, you can't overrule the possibility" Mrs Coker agreed and her husband grinned, "I'm always right" "Oh please get off your high horse" "It feels like my birthday and we're having a grandchild coming"
"Dad! We're not sure, you guys should not blow this out of proportion. I haven't had any reason to think I'm pregnant"
"Have you seen your period?"
Temi gave it a thought.
"How can you ask her that question?" Mrs Coker snapped, "I'm her father aren't I?" "I'm her mother, I should ask her" She paused staring at Temi, "Have you seen your period?"
Temi laughed, "No. You two should free me, I feel like I'm been strangled right now. I need air" "So I'm having my first grandchild then" Mrs Coker said with a smile while her husband waved his finger in disapproval. "Second grandchild"
The happy look on her face changed into a sour one. "If Manny is making that boy his son, his our duty to accept him and see him as our first grandchild"
"Get out"
"Badejo get out now" She snapped watching him walk out of the kitchen. "This man has a way of entering into my skin. Didn't he say he was going to make the amala?"
"You've chased him away now."
Mrs Coker hissed.
"Sorry I had to answer the call, it was Tanimola" "I saw it" "I have plans to see him today" "No problem" "When will you talk to him?" "And say what exactly?" "I don't know. I just feel if you have a conversation with him, it will lift up the guilt you feel for not doing well by his side all these years"
"I never said that"
"Well, as your therapist I believe so and that's going on records. Mom I think speaking to Tani will be a big leap to forgiving yourself and accepting Hilary and her son" "Temi"
"It's going on record Mom, you need to do this. I'm not speaking as your daughter right now, I speak as your therapist and you need to do it"
Tears trickled down her mother's eyes then she embraced her. "I don't know how to. Please don't make me do this, please" "Mom you have to... It's going to be fine, you just have to hm? It's going to be a step out of many hurdles"
Manny sighted Brenda with a big cap sipping on a juice. She wore a buttery yellow dress and some hammered metal earrings that twinkled whenever she turns her head. He approached her with a smile on his face.
"If it's not Brenda Arolowo"
Brenda turned heads in surprise, "I'll be damned, Manny Coker." She said in her British accent then she rose up embracing him, she didn't think she'll be seeing any familiar faces there. It felt nice to see someone she knows. Manny on the other hand didn't expect such a reception judging from how she left Nigeria with a heartbreak and dislike towards his own cousin.
He expected a little transfer of aggression instead.
"Oh my God. It's so nice to see you, I never thought I'll bump into someone I know" "Same here. What are you doing in Ghana? I thought you were in South Africa"
"I was... I got bored so I decided to see Ghana"
"God when?"
"Oh please stop it!"
"I guess from Ghana to the UK"
"I don't know about that yet, I'm kind of uncertain about my movement. What brings you to Ghana?"
"A friend hired me to anchor an award ceremony"
"As an MC?"
"You're not funny"
Manny patted his chest in hurt then she laughed, "Ouch." "Sorry" "The consolation is I have a voice to die for" "You're right about that though. You can join me if you're not too busy" "Nah I'm not... I was just coming out here to wait for a friend before leaving. I have a flight to catch up with"
Brenda sat down stretching her hands to a free chair, "You're leaving today?" "Yes." He replied taking his seat. "Awn, not me looking for a company" "Why are you looking for one? I thought you should be used to meeting with all kinds of stranger since you're a tourist. I don't even know what country you're from, you're a little bit of every ethnic group in the world"
"I'm an English woman with a Yoruba descent"
"Lailai! You're a Yoruba woman, both your parents are Yoruba"
"And I can't even pronounce my surname correctly" "Shame on you" "I was born in the UK, at least that I can defend and that's the Lingua Franca that connects to me not some Ngbati Ngbati"
"Some Ngbati?"
"Don't get me wrong, I love my culture, I love the diversity but Yoruba is really hard to learn"
"No it's not, you're not putting your all into learning it"
"It is"
"No it's not. It's been barely two weeks and Ossy is getting a hang of the simple ones. I'm sure he speaks better than you" "Who in the world is Ossy?"
"My son"
"Slap my knee and call me pickle!" She exclaimed with her lips opened, "Manny Manny, you've been a very bad boy" "Madam Chill... It's not what you think"
"It's not what I think? Oh wait this better be interesting," She paused dramatically putting a finger to her chin, "Hm! Did the boy fall from the sky or did some alien fall from the sky and asked you to adopt their son?"
"Hahahaha... Very funny" Manny replied and she laughed, "Please humour me" "My girlfriend has a son who is automatically my first son"
"Oh. You're adopting him"
"As my son. I already see him as my son, why not?"
"You'll do that?"
"Yes. I love Hilary and I love him too"
Brenda smiled, "Wow... Where are you guys seeing this love from? All men are scum but some women are washing the scum off them" She shrugged picking up her orange juice the. she took a sip.
"All men are not scum" He disagreed.
"I beg to differ"
"Gbadamosi is not scum"
Brenda exhaled, "Can we not call that name here please? I'll do anything to avoid that name. Thank you!" She snapped dropping the glass on the table. "You're still angry at him" "Manny"
"Why Ghana?"
"Why not Ghana? Maybe cause I'm looking for my African King. Africans are really hard to deal with or please. If I get an African man, I'll need to learn how to cook, how to do the laundry. Maybe I should stick with a foreign guy"
"I suppose you won't be coming back to Nigeria anytime soon"
"I will for your Mom's birthday party"
Manny arced his brow in shock, "Wow... I didn't think you'll be coming." "Why? Because of Bada?" "You just called his name" "You know, screw Gbada" "Gbadamosi didn't do anything" "Well fuck him for not doing anything"
"Brenda! Come on, what was his crime? What was really Gbada's crime? Not loving you back? Is that enough to spur hate"
"I don't hate him"
"I beg to differ. Doesn't sound like it"
"At a time, Gbadamosi made coming to Nigeria feel worth it, he made me imagine being married to him, he also made it feel like it's all a big mistake. Bada made me want to repent from my ways, he made me want to take a different turn in life meanwhile he was there screwing with that fucking hypocrite"
"The idiot he claims to be in love with"
"I don't want to hear that bitch's name either"
"Hey! I won't let you insult that innocent girl. She has got nothing to do with this" He whispered tapping the table. "Absolutely nothing"
"She has everything to do with this, she messed with his head, she knew all along that she was in love with Gbadamosi, she knew she was dating him yet she looked me in the face and lied about it when I was confessing my feelings to her"
Manny exhaled, he was pretty confused at this stage. "When was this again?" "At Temi's bridal shower! We spoke and for a while I thought I found myself a new friend cause we connected. I told her how I felt about Gbadamosi and she fucking kept quiet then she fled to Anambra with him, probably fuckinv him"
He scoffed shaking his head, "All these doesn't sound like Kilahi" "Well I was fooled too!" "I was never fooled. Kilahi is has a good heart" "And I'm a fairy god mother" "Well she does have a good heart and you're not a fairy god mother"
She rolled her eyes on disbelief.
"This is the same girl I went on a date with even before Gbadamosi got to have a conversation with her"
Brenda scoffed, "I see why you're supporting her right now. She has you guys on a hook." "Yes with her beautiful soul. Wait... You thought Gbadamosi was sleeping with Kilahi?" "What will they be doing together in Anambra?"
"Then you don't know Gbadamosi, he'll never compromise his belief for anyone. He doesn't do premarital sex! That was why he sent you away all those while you tried to seduce him"
Brenda raised his brow, "You know about it?" "Sorry. Gbadamosi isn't sleeping with Kilahi" "So they went to Anambra to chill is that it?. You know, I'm angry at that bitch for" "Her little sister was kidnapped that Saturday that was why they had to leave the party. It wasn't planned for!"
"Oh my God" She muttered dropping the flute glass on the table.
"Gbadamosi followed her to the police Station to show her support. Of course he liked her then but nothing happened between them. He was just shooting his shot as a man. They got information that her sister was in Anambra so they went"
"Oh my God. Has....has she been found?"
"Yes. They brought her back to Lagos"
Brenda shut her eyes in guilt then she opened it back up. "I didn't know." "Cause you didnt ask. If I know you well, you've always been Impatient and impulsive." "He could have explained it to me. I snapped at him on a call, I told him that I thought he was holy yet he was messing with her. I ended the call but he could have explained things better"
"Did you answer his calls?"
"No!" Brenda thought for a minute. She didn't even give Kilahi the chance to explain herself either. "Shit... I didn't know"
"At least there's a lesson to learn here. Always make confirmations before jumping into crazy conclusions."
There were groans------Muyiwa's---and moans---Nova's---and nails scraping against his skin. She was close to shattering in ecstasy and she heard him whisper Sharon's name.
Oh no he didn't just call another girl's name while she's on top of him!
She jumped off lifted her head at him then she scoffed holding a bed sheet to cover her chest, "Sharon really?" "What?" "You called me Sharon" "I didn't say Sharon" "My ears must be in pains then. You fucking said it twice" "It rhymes with Nova"
"No It doesn't!"
"Okay. I said It, big fuck up! I don't understand why you're fucking angry about this. The last time I checked, I'm not dating you, I'm only here for the fuck as usual so i don't get why you're getting personal about it"
"You don't call get to call another girl's name when we're together"
"No, you bullshit! I'm not asking to be treated specially. You're a fucking douchebag and I know what to expect from you. But you calling that bitch's name, that tops it!"
"Don't call her a bitch" Muyiwa snapped, "Or what?" "Nothing! Sharon is all but a bitch. If you're looking for a bitch, look at yourself in the mirror, not Sharon. She's an angel"
"Why are you defending her? I thought she was only a two minute girl" "Well if I wasn't picturing her as you, my tools wouldn't have functioned. So much for a two minute girl" "Well maybe you should go and check yourself cause it's either you're becoming impotent or"
"Maybe you're not so hot anymore"
"Muyiwa Fuck you! F-U-C-K, fuck you!"
"Exactly what I was doing before"
"Muyiwa, you're sick in the head, I know you're a douchebag but now i know you're so messed up! You said you don't like her, you say she sucks in bed but now you're calling her name in the middle of a love session" "No sweetie... It wasn't a love session, it was never a love session, I literally had to force myself into this. I should be shouting rape, Nova you raped me"
"Screw you!"
"And why are you getting angry over this? It's not as if we're dating. This is not our first time"
"Ugh! I just wasted my time! Look at the excitement I felt when I heard it was you that requested for me! I left what I was supposed to do."
"Oh... Are you angry because you didn't get to finish right?"
"Shut the fuck up! See, I'm angry as it, don't piss me off!"
"We can start the race again"
"And listen to you call me Sharon no way!" She snapped rolling her eyes then she hissed glaring at him. "I thought you said you don't like her"
"I don't like her!"
"Doesn't look like it"
"I said I don't like her!"
"Abeg! Go and figure yourself out! Perhaps someone has carried your image to her village and as we're speaking her elders and ancestors are cooking beans on your head. You know how long beans take to cook"
Manny laughed, "That's not funny. Sharon is not diabolical" "You're supporting her. You broke her heart right? You think you'll break an innocent girl's heart and she will not swear for you? Even me, I'm this close to cussing you" She paused laughing.
"I can't believe you said I raped you"
"I should sue you. You'll hear from my lawyers soon"
"Fuck you! You're not funny abeg!" She rose up walking towards the toilet, " Let me sort myself out" "Whatever happens in Rome stays in Rome" He noted and she faced him.
"Just know you're going to pay sha!"
Irene folded her legs staring at Vincent who was nervously drumming away on the table, "Mister Man," She called out placing her palm over his fingers. "Chill, calm down. I'm not going to bite" "Is it obvious that I'm nervous?"
"A little bit,at least I notice"
"I'm sorry"
"Hey... You don't have to apologize for anything. It's okay to get nervous in front of a hot girl like me. I mean, I'm hot like damn! But I'm telling you to be free with me. Don't feel pressured. I know Mercedes didn't inform you before now but.. She really cares about you and I heard you're a mess when it comes to speaking with women"
"Not all women... Just the ones that are really hot and the ones I like"
"Vincent.. I feel you're a very hot guy and trust me I want to explore all possibilities with you. I'll lay emphasis on all but I want you to know that I'm not pressurizing you. I just want to be a friend. I can be crazy, I can ask crazy questions but I want you to see me as a friend you can talk to"
Irene took off her fingers then she folded her hands flashing a smile at her, "So... I want to hear all about her" "Who?" "The girl who broke your heart" "Um.... I'm sorry. I'm careful to talk about this with others. I won't want people seeing her as that person.."
"Awn. He still cares about her. Can I see a picture? Is she fine?"
Vincent nods, "Very" "I'm fine too now" She teased watching him fiddle with his phone. Soon he showed her a pictures of her.
"Oh my God" Her eyes widened, "Omo... Na this Kain thing we dey call pillow. With this kain machinery who needs pillow"
Vincent laughed in a shy manner and she caught him, "Tell me you don't think of it" "I... I don't look at her that way" "Are you a virgin?" "No! Why do you guys ask that? Once people meet a man who is responsible, the first guess is he's probably a virgin"
"Okay fine! That settled, you're not a virgin, you're a full blown man who had had sex before. Point taken so, what do you see when you look at chest?"
Vincent laughed, "Why will you ask that?" "My head is not correct oh. Mercedes should have mentioned it." "She did. It didn't register until now." "What do you see when you look at those voluminous chest, if you look at those chest, they come in volumes like...." She widened her eyes for emphasis.
"I don't see her that way. Don't get me wrong, she's really really attractive.. Really really... Really.. Really attractive"
"Slow down on the really" Irene said chuckling softly, she could see the love right through him. The guys was still caught up in the love web!
"Just ignore me, like i said I'm not well in the head"
"I don't sexualize her in my thoughts, I've always seen her as this responsible lady. She works as an usher in her church, I saw her as that woman that loves God and the woman I want to... " He paused switching into past tense. "I wanted to spend my life with"
"Ehya... What did she do?"
"Didn't Mercedes fill you in?"
"I wish! She respected your privacy to some extent." "Where is she?" Vincent asked looking around.
"Somewhere around. You were not dating her right?" "No" "Then why the hurt? What happened?"
"Are you a shrink?"
"No. I'll make a really sexy one right?" She asked biting her lower lips and he laughed not giving a response to the question. "So what's her name?"
"Adejare... Deja"
Aunty Abebi stepped into a wedding reception clad in a wine lace gown and a short black wig on. Her eyes scanned in search of Wunmi's mother who invited her to come tame her own daughter. She scanned through the glamourous décor to the bride who were seated, the MC who was busy doing his thing, and the live music band. Then she finally sighted her doing her best thing in the world- talking and laughing loud above the band.
Aunty Abebi cringed as she made way towards her. She hoped to God she doesn't cause a scene that will make people look towards her direction. After Wunmi's mother noticed her, she left the people she was with to meet her.
"Look who came for a wedding party"
"I didn't come willingly. Where have you been? I've been searching all over for you. I thought we agreed to meet outside, I have been calling your phone all day"
"Haba. Abebi, easy on the exaggeration. I know you must angry but my phone was silent that was why you couldn't reach me. AbebI Abebi" She joked poking her on the belly.
"Don't Abebi dear me. You know how I feel about weddings!"
"I know but at least you wore something nice to this one"
Aunty Abebi glared while the woman looked away from the burning eyes. "Our agreement was to meet outside with Wunmi but you breached it by making me come in here"
Iya Wunmi lifted her hands, "I apologize, you can sue me later for breaching the agreement. At least now you'll get to feel the music inside a bit. " She smiled dancing downwards, the typical Yoruba signature move.
Aunty Abeni frowned, "Doyin!" "Hey! Iwo naa...(You too!) Farabale, life is not too hard" "Where's Wunmi?" "Wunmi?" "Yes! You said you two had an argument and you needed someone to speak to her on your behalf. Doyin, what's going on here?" She folded her arms squinting her eyes suspiciously at her.
"Tell me you didn't drag me all the way here in pursuit for attention cause if I"
"Calm down Abebi. Take a deep breathe ehn... Life is not all that hard, you can't keep on staying in door all in the name of 'I don't like going out' or I don't like weddings. Should I remind you that you're heading to fifty oh, fifty and it's rare to find a man at that age"
"You're overstepping it again"
"Yes! Let me overstep! Even if you like get angry! I'm one of the sincere people who genuinely care about you in this Lagos. Do you know what people are saying about you?" "I don't give a damn"
"They even said you're a lesbian"
She widened her eyes in shock, "Yes!" Iya Wunmi nodded her head vigorously, "You don't know? Stay there! I wanted you to come out of that shell. I might have lied about Wunmi, although the complaint I made the other day was not a lie but I needed you to come out and there was no way to drag you out except I use that lie and I know you've always had that motherly instinct"
Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "I don't have a motherly instinct" "You can fool others but you can't fool me. See, you might get angry at me, refuse to pick my calls again but just know that I'm doing this because I care you. Abebi I really do"
Aunty Abebi shut her eyes, "Oh my God," She muttered opening them up to gaze upon that mischievous face, she knew something was wrong with that apology, she just wasn't sure where to start! "What have you done?" She asked when she heard a familiar voice from behind.
"Good day Abebi" The man said in an almost English Nigerian rich tone then she tightened her fist shooting a frown at her. "I'm sorry" Iya Wunmi whispered flashing a smile at Professor Folorounsho. "I better leave the two of you together. Enjoy!"
Abebi turned towards the 62 years old man with a force smile, "Good day Professor" "It's nice to see you again" "Judging from the circumstances, I can't say that back. There's something about schemes and deciet that doesn't sit well with me. I was brought here by deceit in which you consented to"
"Deceit?" He asked then he smiled in understanding afterwards he lifted his hands, "I am not part of the deceit, neither did I consent to it." He answered folding his arms, "I didn't even know she tricked you into coming out here but I can imagine why she did it"
"One, maybe because she knows you're the most difficult woman in the entire universe"
Aunty Abebi chuckled, that was definitely came from within, "And our people will say, A kì í gbón tó eni tí ntannije. (One is never as wise as the person deceiving one.) She had to do, probably because I really needed to see you. Can we talk somewhere more quiet?" He requested.
"There's no place that isn't noisy. We can as well make do with this place. I'll be going anytime soon" She noticed an empty seat then she sat on it along with him. Professor Folorunsho placed his arm on the table then he flashed a smile at her.
Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "I supposed we didn't come here for a staring contest or did we?" She snapped and he laughed. "You know I've always admired something about you Abebi"
"And what will that be?"
"Your adept and proficience at what you do, and your maximum honestly is second to none"
"I supposed i should ask you how you're faring and all that. How are you Professor?" "Can you just drop the whole Professor thing, you're not my student. Call me Folorunsho" "How are you?" "I'm fine" "And the children?" "Doing great"
"How's work?" "Wonderful! I'm about to publish my tenth book" "Wow. You professors find joy in publishing books in complicating your students life. I'm sure you're forcing it all your Masters Student"
Professor Folorunsho laughed, "Someone must buy it of course! And these masters student, some are lazy, they don't want to work or read so we make them buy textbooks! You must have read Politics and Powerplay, you were there during the launch"
"I don't read books that applaud the capitalist and looks down on masses"
"Was that the only thing you saw in that book?"
"I shut the book when you appraised the bourgeoisies and also saw the gap between the rich and poor as normal social order that births balance. How can the poor read that and smile?" "Not everyone can be rich, the rich exist so the poor can be poor. The poor exist so the rich can be rich that's the normal social strata."
Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "There you go again! Trying to put arguments as though it's a good thing." "Everyone can't be rich, even God can't make everyone rich, if you want to follow me through history, you realize there have been these gap between the rich and poor right from time. Abraham in the bible had servants! Why didn't God make all of them rich? Because he himself knows that everyone can't be rich. Imagine if everyone in Lagos own a car, we won't even have spaces to park cars or even spaces to walk anymore. Remember the 1990's and early 2000's when only the few privileged had cars, we could drive to orile in thirty minutes. Now that people are getting cars, we now have traffic"
"Bad roads is one of the factor"
"Patently but imagine if the lower classes aren't buying cars. Imagine the less traffic we'll have. Social stratas exist so there can be social balance that was the argument I was raising in that book. You should complete it instead of making conclusions from a half read"
Aunty Abebi scoffed, "I'll do well to continue the book perhaps in my next life. Certainly not this one!" She snapped watching him bust into laughter. "Abebi.. Well, your honest is...something else. How is work for you? I mean juggling the foundation with your personal side jobs. All the pro bono cases, commendable dear!"
"It's fine. If there's something I'm good at, it's multi tasking"
"I don't want to beat about the bush dear, there's something I want to talk to you about. Something that will really please my heart if you agree to it"
Aunty Abebi cleared her throat and feigned as though she had no idea what he wanted to say to her. "It's been Three years since my wife died and I've been thinking of remarrying and the only option that crosses my mind each time is you"
Option??? It made her seem like some sort of last resort.
"Why do you think I've been inviting you to all of my book launch?"
Was that supposed to be some romantic gesture to keep her swoon? Well she's swooned alright!
"See, you don't have to worry about giving me a child. I won't stress you on that part, no! Instead you'll be the mother of my children. Afolabi is already married, Kemi is planning her wedding soon, Deji is in the States, Tiwa is in the college abroad. It will just be us so you don't have to worry about clash of interest. My interest and yours will be met"
"Sounds more like a business deal than a relationship to me"
Professor Folorunsho laughed, "It's a relationship of interest, I like you Abebi, very much. In your interest, you don't have to worry about going through the stress of giving birth to children or having to take care of little children if that has been my case but no, my children are grown up and you'll get to have my last name and all that belongs to me"
Aunty Abebi shut her eyes, he does make a strong point! Not satisfactory but strong!
"I'll have to think of it"
"What's there to think of?"
She lifted her brow arrogantly at him, "You expect me to take a life changing decision in what? Seconds! Just because you brought it up, it doesn't work that way. I'll remind you that I'm not that woman"
He nods and smiled, "I was just trying to add a little pressure" "Don't. I don't react well under pressure, someone might just get burnt" She replied and a grinned formed on his lips.
"Okay. I'm going to give you time, I will praying you say yes"
"Can I leave now?"
"Do you care for lunch one of these days? Maybe next week Monday" "I'll check my schedule and get back to you" "Please do. Thank you for your time" "You're welcome" She replied leaving the party.
She groaned on entering into her car there she exhaled leaning against the chair. As the possibility played in her mind.
Can she possibly be married to someone as old as Professor Folorunsho? Not like she's young herself but why was all this happening all of the sudden. Marriage wasn't even on her plan and now suddenly the opportunity was presenting itself.
To think she doesn't have to worry about the stress of child birth. Or finding out how fertile she is! Professor Folorunsho was offering her that on a platter!
But she clearly doesn't like the man! Is she going to enter into marriage with a man she feels nothing for? She knows she can be overbearing but how much overbearing will she get especially living under a man she doesn't like.
She doesn't even feel attracted to him!
Her mind suddenly drifted off to Emmanuel then she opened her purpose to remove her phone. Then she placed a call to the lady she requested to find out information about Emmanuel.
"Hello Jennifer"
"Oh my God! I completely forgot, it was until I saw your call that I remembered"
Aunty Abebi slapped her face, "So you haven't gotten the number" "No. Actually i did that during the week but I've been pretty much preoccupied."
"Preoccupied you say?"
"Why does that sound like angry tone? You surely should understand my line of work now? Okay accept my apologies, it was an oversight." "For seven good days" "Technically five days cause I only made a request for it on Monday, you should be lucky i even remembered that Monday. A whole Monday"
"Can I get it now?"
"Yes, I'll forward it now but i should have you know that i couldn't get a personal number" "What did you get then" "It's the law firm's number, he works in ABC law firm" "ABC law firm? What sort of name is that?" "It's a very small law firm here in Ebonyi State. Wait till you hear their motto"
She couldn't get the grimace off her face, "I seriously don't want to know right now" "Wait for it.... We crack case codes like ABC" "Wow.... That should attract a lot of clients" She replied sarcastically and Jennifer laughed.
"I was supposed to put out a request for this Barrister Emmanuel's phone number but truthfully I forgot but you can either wait for me or do it yourself"
"I'll do it myself. I won't want to wait another eternity"
Jennifer laughed, "Oh common! I gave you the best of my time" "Oh please, if this is your best, I wonder what your worst would be" "You know I never disappoint" "I know. Thank you" She replied with a smile.
"Awn. But really Abebi, what do you need that number for?"
"I thought I told you to butt out of my business and mind yours" "It's really hard minding it when all you've ever done is mind your business and of course, yours and your client's business but here you are minding another business that isn't your client's business. It begs the question, what is Abebi up to? Are you trying to get this guy arrested? Did he step on the tiger's tail?"
"Who's the tiger?"
"You of course!"
"I told you already, it's a follow up"
"Hmmm... If you say. Me too, I'll be following up"
"What do you mean?"
"Is it not this Ebonyi? I'll have the number forwarded to you but please, don't divulge your source"
"Do I look like an idiot?"
"No. Bye Abebi"
"Goodbye and thank you once again"
"This one you're saying thank you to me twice, are you sure you're not dying anytime soon?" "No" "And you're sure you've not caught COVID?"
Aunty Abebi hissed and ended the call then she rolled her eyes and turned on her data in expectation of the number. She quickly sends Jennifer a message.
If you make me wait another eternity for this number. You'll find me in Ebonyi and I certainly won't be smiling.
Madam Chill😂
When have you ever smiled? I'll send the number now
You do know now means the present right?
ABC law firm.
She cleared her throat dialing the number. stared hard at the bedroom ceiling, feeling the anxiety rise like a tide in my chest, the doubts looping through my head. H"Good morning, who am I speaking to?" "Um... Good morning to you too. Am I unto ABC law firm?" "Who is asking?" The voice asked and Aunty Abebi creased her brow in confusion.
"Someone who wants to make an inquiry"
"Oh God... Tell me you're not from IRS?"
The woman let out a loud sigh of relief, "ABC law firm, who am I unto?" "I already said I what I wanted" "You haven't dropped your name" "I don't think it's necessary" "What do you want Ma?"
"Barrister Emmanuel, I think"
"Full name please"
"We have two Emmanuel working in the firm"
"Oh.... I don't know his last name, I can't remember"
"Okay Ma... We have Emmanuel Umeh, Emmanuel Okeke"
"Um.... I don't know"
"How does he look like Ma?"
"He's fair... He doesn't keep hair, I think he has sideburns"
"Oh. Emmanuel Oliver, he's not around for now. He's currently at the police station" "Was he arrested?" "No Ma, charge and bail" "Oh." "Yes and I don't think he'll coming back to the office but if you want to see him, you can come on Monday or you can block him in court on Monday too. Are you even in Ebonyi State?"
"No. Thank you for the information, that would do"
"Do you want any other thing, like his contact information?" She asked and Aunty Abebi shook her head, "No. I'm fine with the information" "If you have a message for him, I can drop it and let him know when he comes back, if he comes back"
"That won't be necessary"
"Who should I tell him called?" She asked and Aunty Abebi quickly ended the call then she shut her eyes, disappointed at the fact she even made attempt to call him.
Charge and bail??? She asked within then she shook her head repulsively.
Is that who you're attracted to? Someone who does charge and bail for a living? You're a prominent lawyer for crying out loud! Get your head out of the clouds!
What's your take on Today's Chapter?😄
What are your favorite scenes?😂
Waris Aunty Abebi going to do?
Deja is going through a lot of unforseen pains🤣😂.
I don't know about you guys but personally, I laughed through each scenes😂🤣
When I started the first scene of this chapter, I was going with the flow until a character popped into my head. Modola Osifuwa.
Face reveal for Emmanuel coming soon! 😎
Thank you for reading
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