⚖⚖ Chapter 40⚖⚖

Chapter 40 is here!!!!

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Chapter 40


19th March


Grandma Aladi, Kilahi's grandmother entered into a room where Kilahi was; she had a small sized bell in her hand. She held on to the pendulum so it doesn't swing side by side or make unnecessary clanging noise.

Kilahi who was laying in bed turned her head , "Sewue... Oh... I thought it was Sewuese. Grandma, good morning" "Good morning." She replied and Kilahi quickly glanced at the time on her phone.

5:37 am

"I thought we were supposed to start coming out by six"

"Yes but I didn't exactly come in here for that"

Kilahi glanced at the bell in her hand.  This jogged her memory! Her grandmother will always ring the bell to gather everyone for morning devotion; especially when there's a full house!

"Morning devotion?" She asked pointing to the bell then her grandmother nodded her slightly. "Yes, it will be a very short one. I want to talk to you first" She replied pressing her buttocks on the bed while adjusting the wrapper she tied upon her night dress then she flashed a smile at her grand daughter who sat up with her legs folded.

"I hope all is well"

"All is well. Sewuese told me you were praying earlier on, I was worried about interrupting you"

"I ended a while ago"

"I can see. I felt the heat when I walked in, it shows that someone has been praying. You know, there are people that silently shake the world with their prayers, not just the world, they silently shake the kingdom of darkness with their prayer and see that grace upon you. There is an intercessory anointing on you, I don't know if you've been told"

"I know. I didn't initially, but overtime talking to Gbadamosi and Pastor Amazing, i got to know this"

"Good. Your mom had the same gift, Kai! That woman can pray" She paused shutting her eyes wistfully, "To think I didn't see the death of my daughter coming, she didn't see it." She shook her head painfully then she sucked her teeth.

"God knows best. I believe God understands all. My consolation is that they knew God and I'm certain someday we'll all meet in heaven"

Kilahi's eyes got heavy with tears, as much as she tried to withold, it trickled down without control. "I'm sorry for bringing this up. Every time I see you, you constantly remind me of your mom. Her kind heart, her loving soul, your mother and father did charitable things, gave charitable donations. Till today, your mom's good works still speak for her."

Kilahi sobbed quietly and her grandmother embraced her, "I still don't understand why I'm still talking about this. I know you don't like to talk about it" It's fine... It's completely normal for me to get emotional when people talk about her. I'm not going to sink into depression or some traumatic experience again"

"Have you told your fiancee?"


"Tooor," Grandma Aladi rubbed her cheeks, "My baby has grown" "To think I warned them not to go that day. I just felt like something bad will happen but... Dad was adamant. I've had my days where I asked God why but I'm grateful that I made it alive and it's all by His grace. The scars on my body, they are constant reminder of God's grace on my life, every stripe, every line, every deep hole on my body is a constant reminder that God spared me"

Grandma Aladi flashed a proud smile at her, "Your parents would have been soooo proud of you if they were alive" She answered wiping tears off Kilahi's face but the tears continued to trickle down. 

Kilahi withdrew then she wiped her face with her palm. "How are you?" Grandma Aladi asked as though she was just seeing her" "I'm fine" "How was your night?"

"Grandma, it was fine!"

"I hope the mosquitoes didn't deal with you much" "A few bite but I'll live" She replied and they both chuckled. "How's our Pastor doing? I can't pronounce his name correctly I'm sorry"

"It's Gba-da-mosi"

"Our Pastor is enough, abi let me just call him your choicest"

Kilahi blushed, "Shebi that's the name I saw when he called last night" "Grandma! You were looking as though you were not looking" "Abegi! How is he?"

"He's.... He's fine. He should be preparing for church today. He said something about joining the youths In cleaning the church" "Wow, I'm glad to hear that he's also participating in that. It's good" She nodded continuously.

"Very very good."

Kilahi blinked her eyes, "Grandma is everything okay? Stop beating about the bush. I feel Gbadamosi isn't the topic, I suppose this is heading somewhere, don't keep me guessing" "He's part of it. I hope you're getting to know him better before marriage?"

"Yes Ma, we're working towards that." "Good.... It's very necessary." She paused then she let out a deep sigh staring deeply at her grand daughter.

"Grandma, Is everything okay?"

"Yes. While I was praying the early hours of this day,  God gave me a message to you" "Oh." "Yes. From the book of 1 Peter 5 verse 5 and James 4:10"

Kilahi blinked trying to recall the familiar passage, "Of I'm not wrong,  James 4:10 is humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you up" "Good! And 1 Peter sheds more light on why we need to humble ourselves, because God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Your humility has brought you grace and favor in ways you can't begin to phantom. What God revealed to me is wonderful, he said he's going to bring you before great men, he said you're going to eat at the table of people you never imagined. Where God is taking you to, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard but you need to humble yourself. The warning is for you to constantly remember where God brought you from even when you become the Mama of the church. Don't let the 'Mama' get into your head"

"It won't"

"I'm not saying it will but it's a fair warning for you to take heed in order to curb pride whenever it tries to rear it's ugly head. There's no one that is above that feeling, it can come in different ways, it can come from you feeling the need for your bag or items to be taken from you by the ushers to the Pastor's Wife seat. It can come in form of self glorification or self appraisal. It's a warning so you can be watchful"

"Thank you Grandma. I'm even more worried now, I don't want to ever entertain pride into my life"

"That's why you need to be watchful. You're welcome. I am absolutely proud of you baby girl" She nudged her then she embraced her.

6:12 am

Deja opened her eyes and reminded herself of her target to work more on her personal spiritual life rather than focus on eye service. "Thank you Lord" She muttered then she yawned and sprawled on the bed.

"I'm not going to touch my phone, I'm just going to spend time to communicate with God and ask him to help me cause my life needs help as it is. Then I'll get up, bathe and go to church for sanitation. I'm not going to check Vincent's status to see whether he posted anything or not. From today henceforth, I will be more focused, more driven about what I want for my life. I seek to rekindle my relationship even more with God, I refuse to feel envious, lie, backbite, keep malice or sin. I am not going to sulk over anything, I'm not going to complain at all, I will be grateful at all time. I will maintain self control at all time. I won't  be intimidated by anyone's success story, instead I'll take it in good faith and work towards mine. My standards have gone high, I will walk above expectation and I will achieve my goals! I am determined" She declared to herself rolling over on her belly.

She exhaled clasping her hands to pray, "Eternal Rock of Ages, I am grateful for this grace to see a day such as this. I am not better than those in the hospital, I am not the most humble out of all the people you've created but you've counted me worthy. Lord...."I just don't know what to do again, I need your help. I'm so confused, how hard can it be to be happy and feel at peace?" She asked realizing she had just used ten seconds to violate about three things on her check list.

Being more focused ❎

No sulking ❎

No complaining ❎

"I'm sorry for complaining, it's just that... I'm having the worst month of my life. I can't wait for this month to end. It feels like I have been trapped in four months!!! To think march is not even over!! How many months are in March? I want to be focus but how can I be when the days keep creeping. God, I know you're the author and finisher of of.. Of our fate but when will the story get to the good part? I've been flipping since! I know half of it is my fault, 20% my parents fault cause they spoilt me, and I'm not blaming you for any. Okay maybe 2% of the blame! You should have spoken to me all these years I was falling for Papa. Okay fine! I know you spoke to be through different ways but.... It was not loud and clear at all. I'm just sick and tired, Vincent is not even looking at me anymore, just good morning and that's it. I feel like I'm working with a stranger, i feel like I don't know him anymore. Okay fine, I never knew him! He's not the man I used to know" She paused clicking her tongue.

"In everything give thanks. Even though he doesn't find me attractive anymore, I'll still give thanks to you cause I'm still pretty. Or.... Is It that no longer looking pretty, has someone done something somewhere. But who? Whoever has carried my picture to make me appear ugly in front of men" She said snapping her fingers when she heard her phone ring.

I am not going to be distracted..... I am not going to be distracted.

She opened her eyes to see the caller ID,

Nomsu Abuja calling......

Nomsu was her friend who resides in Abuja where she lived before coming to base in Lagos.

Why would she be calling so early in the morning?

Her thoughts were running deep. At this point she had forgotten what she was praying about.

"Lord..." She trailed off, "I'm not going to be distracted. The call ended so she continued in her prayer.

"I ask for forgiveness of every sin that I have committed"

The phone rang once again and she answered the call, "Morning Nommy..Can you please" "Before you end the call, just know I'm angry at you" "For what?" "For being a very bad bestie"

Who is this one's bestie? They haven't even seen in years!

"What did I do?"

"You forgot my birthday yesterday"

"Oh my God... I didn't get any Facebook notification, I would have called"

"Whatever. I just woke up in a good mood"

"This is rather too early and I was"

"Guess whaaaat???" She asked screaming, "I just couldn't wait to tell you. Didn't you see it on the Alumni group? I noticed you didn't even say anything" "What?"

"I'm getting married" She announced squeaking to Deja's poor ears, "You are?" She asked with a bland tone. "You don't sound happy"

"I am... I was praying before you called"

"Oh. Sorry for the disturbance. I just wanted you to know the traditional wedding will hold in Nasarawa while the church will be in Abuja" "When?" "August"


"Yeah Baby! That's why I'm announcing it in advance cause my aso-ebi isn't gonna be easy. From the Bridal shower to the wedding, we are going to paint the whole Abuja red"

"Yay!!!" She waved a single hand in the air, "That's... That's good" She swallowed hard then she sighed in defeat, "I'm happy for you. Who is the man you're getting married to? Is it Yusuf?"

"No! I dumped that loser seasons ago!"


"No! His name is Rico, he's that oil magnet I told you i met now!" She snapped angry at the fact Deja forgot that information, "Or weren't you the one i told?"

"I don't think so"

"Oh. Well that's his name. So, what about you now?"

"What about me?" Deja feigned as though she didn't understand where Nomsu was getting at. "Is there any marriage plan? You're always talking about that special man in your life. Is he not going to propose?"

"Well, we are taking our time. We don't want to rush things you know...." She bobbed her head, "The divorce rate these days is something else so we're getting to know each other." She sighed in defeat! Another thing has been crossed off her resolution list.

❎I will not be intimidated by anyone's success story, instead I'll take it in good faith and work towards mine.

❎I refuse to lie

"It's necessary. Rico and I have been together for two years. I wish you luck" "Thank you and thank you for calling." "No problemo. Whatever detail you need is online. I sent it on the group chat, I posted how we met and how everything started. Just keep your money down baby, we'll be painting Abuja as usual. Let me leave you to your prayers, pray for me too baby" She concluded ending the call then she groaned stomping her feet on the bed.

She that hasn't even prayed enough for herself!

Paint Abuja kor, paint Abuja ni! It's not only Abuja, she'll paint the whole Nigeria red! She'll even paint the flags too!

She hissed within.

She knew Nomsu will choose an expensive aso-ebi! She that still needs to renew her rent and now she wants them to paint Abuja red! Only if Abuja will pay her for painting the town. She doesn't even paint, much less brush to paint any city!

There's no money to waste! She wants to be more responsible and independent, even it means not asking her parents for money!

❎ I refuse to Envy

She hissed again pulling her phone close then she went on WhatsApp to her Alumni group chat where she saw about 1254 messages. A lot of it had congratulations, memes and stickers. She quickly sighted a photo of a ring on a finger.

She lets out a envious sigh then she swiped to status. The first she saw was Vincent's Status. 5 minutes ago.

It's world Mercedes day!🎉🎉 Happy birthday to a woman who has been there for me in good times and bad. A woman who doesn't ever want to see me hurt. Trouble in human clothing! 😂

That was how she woke me up this early as though it's my birthday; then she forced me to type this thing😂. She has taken me hostage guys.😂 Happy birthday love. Wishing you more sense😜

Deja dropped her phone as her mind pondered who the lady was to him! Anger surged through her as she couldn't deal with the curiousity any longer!

❎ I will maintain self control at all times


Kilahi held a knife to a huge sized tomato and gently she sliced it into thin pieces. When she sensed someone walk into the room, she turned back to see a dark woman.  The woman who was above 40 years placed her hands on her chest in fear then she hissed loudly.

"See as you almost scared me. I was even about to ask what Victoria was doing here. Jesus Christ!" She leaned against the wall to gain balance, "I was so scared" "Good morning Ma"

"Good morning. What are you doing?" She asked while Kilahi's gaze fell on the obvious action. "I'm slicing tomato" "I'm not stupid, I know what you're doing but why?"

"I was asked to make breakfast for the children present before the church wedding."

"I'm also a child oh. You will add my own oh" She teased. Kilahi wasn't even sure if she was joking or being serious.

"I don't even need to ask who you are, you're Victoria's daughter. The one that survived the accident" She answered moving close to her. "You look like your mother, only her face oh cause your mother was fatter than this. Not fat but she had body, i think she's finer than you too" She added scanning her entire body for fault.

"She had bigger breast and bum bum than this" She added looking at Kilahi's  breast. She wasn't wearing a bra at that moment so she felt uncomfortable.

"You don't always eat abi? All these weight watchers. Abi what do you always eat in Lagos? You did not come let's feed you with better pounded yam" "There's nothing wrong with my body Ma"

"Eeee! Are you serious?"

Kilahi smiled looking at her body, "I am absolutely beautiful Ma, there's nothing wrong with my body" "That's where you're wrong oh, you don't even have body. You should eat more ehn... Something that will make your body come out, something that will add flesh to your body" She advised bobbing her head.

Kilahi chuckled, "I believe I'm fine" "Don't get me wrong oh, I'm not saying you're not fine oh. Shebi it's 1995 they gave birth to you right? It was after your mom gave birth that my own elder sister gave birth that your aunty also gave birth. you're almost 27 and you're still like this. My daughter is just 21 but toor, if you see her like this, you'll even call her Aunty Benita"

Kilahi maintained all manner of comportment as she tried her very best not to roll her eyes or laugh. She felt like the woman just shot herself in the leg! She returned back to slicing the tomato.

"The good thing about having small body is that, no one will ever mistakenly call you grandma or Aunty when you're not. No one is getting excessively fat any longer Ma"

The woman kept quiet for a while as though giving what she just said a thought. "Ehn.... When people look at her, they know she's eating well. But this advice is for the future. Okay, like now, your cousin Adiya is getting married. I hope you know Adiya looks older than you and how old is she? 23"

"Ma, marriage should be a decision we make at our own pace not based on age or peer pressure. Even if we're 35 and we knows it's not the right move to make, I feel we shouldn't jump into it because society wants it to be that way. Marriage is not a child's play, or a do or die affair, it's an institution ordained by God and not by people. Humans may officiate it, but as far as I'm concerned, if God is not the foundation of that relationship or if God isn't the benchmark on which the relationship is laid on, one might just be planning to fail in that marriage." She stopped for a second to glance at the woman.

"That's my philosophy Ma, I'm not going to jump into marriage because you people want it. No, I'll do it on my pace and according to the leading of God Ma" She replied.

"It's because you're not dating or engaged that's why you're trying to give yourself hope"

Kilahi glanced at her fingers, then she remembered she took the ring off because of the manual job she intended doing that morning. Does she even need to brag about her engagement or the fact that she'll be getting married the following month?


"It's well Ma. You've only met me like fine minutes ago"

"I knew you as a child. I'm not trying to fight with you, neither am I imposing marriage on you. My own is for you to add flesh so that your husband will see you! The man might be walking past you and might not be seeing you."

Does being thin make you invisible? What point was she driving at?

"He might think you're in secondary school mah. Before you two will date for three or four years, you're already thirty something. Even sef, after you get married, the flesh will make him enjoy you more when he touches your skin."

Kilahi laughed, what won't she hear??? What should she title this message? The importance of having flesh.

"I've heard Ma."

"Toor, you really grew up to look like your mother oh. Chei! Sorry ehn, coming from Lagos for your small cousin's wedding. Diya that just clocked 23 how many months ago. I know it must have been hard for you to come here"

Why does it sound more like mockery?? Kilahi asked within then she moved on to slicing peppers.

The woman was sent to show her pepper she wasn't going to bow to the circumstance. She's just 27 oh!!!!! What's the world turning into? Fine, she does make a fine point about starting relationship early but why mount so much marriage pressure on women that are not even that old?

What if she was 30 or 31? What would their reaction have been?

"Don't worry ehn, God will do your own, the man will come, but you first do something to your body" She advised patting her on the back,"What is wrong with her body?" Grandma Aladi snapped entering into the kitchen then her attention fell on the woman beside her grand daughter.

"Ah Mama... Good morning Ma"

"Oloture, I asked you a question. What is wrong with her body?"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way oh, I was just telling her to take good care of herself so that men can be seeing her" "Did she tell you that men aren't seeing her before?"

Oloture shrugged, "No oh. I'm just advising her as a friend of the family. She needs to you know and take care of her body," "How do you know she's not taking care of her body?"

"She's not looking like she has crossed 26, look at Adiya"

"Adiya is a different person, this woman beside you has a different name and a different personality. Her name is Kilahi and not Adiya, her stature should be the least of your worry."

"Men are going to think she's still young. Look at her now, Mama look at how she looks like a secondary school student. If not for the resemblance she has with her mother and the fact that I knew the year they gave birth to her, I would have been asking her if she was still in secondary school"

"Is it a bad thing?"

"Ah Mama, it is! She's going to 27 and she doesn't have a boyfriend and we all know that sometimes relationship can take two years three years, even five. Imagine the year she'll give get married or the year she'll start giving birth. I already explained to her that I'm not pressuring her, no! God forbid! It's the truth"

"Did she tell you she doesn't have a boyfriend?"

The woman shrugged, she look away and then cleared her throat,  "I did not ask" "So you just assumed. Look at me in the face when I speak, don't be rude Oloture" Grandma Aladi snapped and she turned facing her.  "Toor, when I was talking to her, why did she keep quiet? It only means she doesn't have"

"Well, the Kilahi you see here is not just in courtship, she is engaged to be married next month"

The Woman's eyes widened in shock while Kilahi avoided the woman's gaze completely. "Oooo! She did not say anything oh. Baby girl, they don't do things like that" "Did you care to ask?" Grandma Aladi asked with her hands behind ber back.

"Hm!" The woman forced a sigh then she faced Kilahi, "Well my dear, I did not know. I hope you don't take it to heart ehn? I didn't know oh"

Kilahi lifted her head to face her direction, "No problem Ma. I'm sorry for not mentioning it on time" "It's me that should apologize. Congrats oh, you hear? Congratulations. What's the date?"

"22nd Ma"

"I'll put it in mind. Wow, I didn't know oh"

Ossy started at video call in bed while Hilary sorted the laundry to be washed from the laundry basket.  He smiled when he saw Manny waving from the phone screen.

"Daddy good morning.  Is it morning there?" He asked and Manny chuckled, "It's morning, Nigeria is one hour ahead of Ghana"

"Oh. How is Ghana? How was the program you went to.... anchor?"

"It was awesome."

"I miss you"

"I miss you too. Apparently, your mom doesn't miss me cause she's not even here to see me.  Where is she?"

"Sorting laundries"  Hilary replied then she jumped tiredly on the bed facing the phone screen then she waved at him with a smile, "Morning baby"

"Morning beautiful. You have no idea what that smile just did to my soul. You just blessed my day"

Hilary laughed then she notice the video feedback was coming in show motion so she switched to voice note then she put it on loud speaker. "Hey Baby, the network is bad" "I thought as much" "Baby we'll talk later, I just want to do one or do laundries before going to church" "For what?" "Sanitation" "Oh" He paused, "Yeah. I'll be leaving you with Ossy" a Hilary dropped the phone on the bed then she walked back towards the laundry basket.

"Daddy, I'm going to church too" Ossy announced, Manny could hear the excitement in his voice.  "What will you be cleaning?"

"I'll be removing the cobwebs"

"As per the tallest boy that you are shey?"

He giggled and scratched his hair, "Daddy, do you know I'm the shortest in my class?" "No" "I'm the shortest boy and Isaac kept laughing at me so i told him that i accept that I'm short but my brain is taller than him" He snapped and Manny laughed.

"Manny it's not funny! Don't indulge him" Hilary shouted from where she was.  "It's funny" "Baby!!"

Manny cleared his throat, "Ossy that wasn't a nice thing to say. Your mom is right, you shouldn't have said that" "He called me a can Malt, he said I'm not worthy to be called Amstel Malta, that my relative the Maltina bottle is even looking down on me."

Manny laughed, "Is it the boy that calls you Mr Kalolo (stammerer)?" "Yes." "Was that what he said or you're exaggerating? How old is he again?" "He said it. Isaac loves to prove that he can yab someone but do you know what I told him?" Ossy asked while Manny held his breath in anticipation.

"I told him i heard the ancestors they named him after were looking for him, they want to change take back his name. Isaac in the bible was sensible, Isaac Newton is a sensible discoverer, the one in my class is Isaac Oldton. The only thing he wants to discover is bullying and nonsense but me, I cannot let someone bully me with words. What happened to my mouth?"

Manny chuckled, he sounded more like his mother!

"How was school yesterday? Sorry I was too busy to ask. The show went on till past 11. You were already asleep when I called your Mom"

"Yesterday was interesting, a lot of interesting things happened. So... We will be having our career day next week so after school while we were waiting for school bus, Isaac started asking our classmate what they wanted to come as. Racheal said she wants to be a vet doctor, do you remember Rachel?"

"The one that has window teeth in front of her mouth?"

"That one is Divine, Rachel is the one that likes hissing"


"Yes. She said she wants to be a vet because her Dad is a vet. Aldrick said he wants to be a doctor but Isaac as usual started to feel himself. He said he wants to be like his father who is a NEPA official so that he'll be taking light and bringing light whenever he feels like. He even said that he'll be listening very well that when the people shout up NEP... He'll turn it off and laugh to himself. I was just looking at him with one side of my eyes, I didnt want to say anything"

"But then you said something right?"

"He was the one that asked me what I wanted to be so I told him I want to be a policeman so I can arrest him for saying that kind of thing. Everyone in class laughed, do you know what he now said? He said if everywhere is dark that even the police will be scared to come out"

Manny and Hilary laughed at the same time. She already heard the story from the previous day, but she still found the boy's response funny.

"He now said that he's sure that people's phone will be down because he hasn't given them light in two days so they won't be able to call the police in case of emergency."

Manny continued laughing, "So he won" "For that moment. I was so angry, I didn't even know what to say cause he was already growing wings and bullying everyone. If eyes can injure somebody, they would have been carrying him on a stretcher into the emergency ward. That was how he started to brag that being a power supplier is the best occupation in the world that without it we cannot survive. I told him that thank God for fuel and thank God for God that if God was like him, there wouldn't have been day and night,it would have been night mode only and Adam would have probably invented torch light. I told him that assuming his father had supplied enough light the day he was born, maybe his complexion would have been different and his brains would have formed fully." 

Manny gasped.

"That was where we ended the conversation. I dropped the mic and told him goodbye then I entered into the school bus"

Manny busted into another round of laughter afterwards. "That's the highest level of savage" "I don't want to answer him but if you don't he'll be bullying everyone. It's only when I answer him that he keeps quiet."

"I hope he doesn't get physical"

"No.Daddy, when are you coming back?"

"Today. I'll come over"

"We'll come over instead, you'll be tired" Hilary answered moving close to him. Manny groaned tiredly, "Let's just see how it goes"

Sewuese ran a powder brush across Kilahi's face. They both had the bridesmaid dress on and a silver head band on. Kilahi noticed the sad lines on her cousin's face then she poked her stomach.

"This one you're carrying strong face like this. I hope all is well"

Sewuese hissed, "Yeah" "Are you sure? Did someone make you angry?" "No. Sam hasn't called me" "Oh. He might be busy. I'm sure he's busy" "He hasn't read my messages on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram. It's unusual"

"How long?"

"Since on Tuesday, the last I heard from him was Tuesday morning" She paused shutting her eyes, "I don't know what to think"

"I'm sure he's fine. Nothing is going to happen to Sam, God is going to protect"

"Not that!" Sewuese snapped, "I'm worried about the obvious. Long distance relationship can be really hard. What if he got tired? He read my message on WhatsApp and didn't answer. I'm scared"

"Have you asked Gbadamosi?"

"No i haven't asked Pastor Gbadamosi, I'm just trying to remain calm" "It's been almost four days, you should have asked him. You didn't say anything to me" "Because I didn't want to appear scared. What if"

"Shh. Let's not assume yet"

Sewuese busted into tears, "I don't know what I'll do if it's true" "Sam loves you" "I know... But for what other reason has he not been replying my messages? What if he's not okay? What if something happened during the tour? I haven't been able to sleep well for nights now"

"Ehn! You? You that won't even feel anything if I used a wood to hit your face"

Sewuese busted into a small laughter, "Leave me jhoor" "If that's the sleepless night you've been having, then I wonder how your sleepful night will be" She added provoking her into laughing.

"Cheer up. All is well"

Sefa entered into the room stretching Sewuese's phone at her. "Thank you for the phone" "You're welcome." She replied wiping her tears, "What's making you cry?" "Nothing you should worry about. Who called you?"

"Monik.... The one I said Geraldine linked me up with" "Oh. What does she want?"

"Her show holds every Monday evening, I'm supposed to meet her to go through our topic and questions with her before we go live"

"Are you ready?" Sewuese asked, "If this goes live, your life might not remain the same again. You need to think deeply if you really want to this"

"No. But I have to do it, I'm at peace with my decision cause I feel it's the right thing to do"

8:34. am

"What are we cooking today?" Muyiwa's voice resounded from his phone. He was watching a video he made with Sharon.
"So today we'll be cooking pounded yam and owo soup, my mom's favorite soup. Instead using poundo yam, I'll be doing something really interesting. I'll be using the mortar and pestle to pound us some yam" She replied with a cute shrug.

"I hope that's not an excuse to stress yourself and escape the dragon"

"Your mind is always on another menu every time"

"What's a party without item 7?" He grinded his crotch against her back and she turned towards the camera that was positioned towards them then she laughed.

"Are you trying to make porn?"

"Let's give them the proper view then" He teased getting a slap on his arm, "Aw! Shey I told you to stop beating me with that iron hand?" "And I told you to stop acting naughty in front of the camera" She snapped pushing her tongue out then he pushed his tongue out too.

She laughed shaking her head, "God, you're childish" "So God is childish" "Gosh! It's you! You and your coconut head" "Coconut head with banana tools that makes you scream in bed"

Sharon screamed and turned to the camera again. "God! What kind of person are you? This thing is still on camera" "Who cares?" "I think it's more like plantain and not banana"

"Shey you see?"

She laughed covering her face, "You're such a bad influence Muyiwa!" "I'm an influencer" "Influenzer oshi! Move away from here jhoor." She snapped moving away from the camera but he could only hear her voice.

"Muyiwa, remind me never to use your phone again!" "Why?" "Just because someone is using your phone for good video quality, you'll be disrupting my videos" She finally appeared in the video again holding on to a bottle of cold water.

Muyiwa lifted up his hands up, "On behalf of the association and the Republic of Romantic men, I promise to stop disrupting your videos" "Yimu! I, Sharon yimu in style cause you and disturbance are five and six. Unstoppable twins from the pit of hell. You that can disturb for Africa"


"No, me? Abeg shift jhoor. I'm sure they buried your placenta in the market square" She snapped and he busted out laughing. "Or maybe when they were burying your placenta, it didn't enter into the ground well, it was out in the open for everyone to see"

"It's my placenta you're insulting"

"Oops, I hope your placenta doesn't get angry and disturb me oh. Oops, you're doing the already"

He moved close to her but she moved back laughing, "Don't touch me. Please can I just make this video in peace. I'm not even using this one again" "Why are you using mortar?"

Sharon gasped, "I just want something unique for the audience, you get? Something that people will see and start to measure how much wife material I'm worth" "Hm... Opooor" "Hundred yards"

"I'll swear for you! So you measured me and finish and gave me just hundred yard. It's that pestle I'll use on that your coconut head"

Muyiwa laughed, "I have a better idea" "Oh God" She slapped her face as though she was expecting something unserious, "This better be good" "Haba, you underestimate me" "Oya I'm sorry Mumuyiwa, let's just assume you have sense"

He laughed throwing his head backwards, "Spill. What's your big idea? Ah God, if this turns out to be rubbish, I'll throw you out of this kitchen, you'll see." "It's something serious, I'm always serious minded" He answered grabbing her waist.

"I was thinking, why don't we convert this pounded yam plan into a more physical exercise where I use my pestle on your mortar and I pound sense out of you?" He requested and she screamed in shock.

"It's over!" She waved her hands, "It's a sure thing! You just don't have sense." She bit her lower lips, "You're crazy honestly!" "And you're thinking of it, I bet you're so hot right now"

"Gosh! Is that the only thing that rings in your mind when you wake?" "It's a good plan" "I have a yam to pound, that's my own plan" "We could be pounding something else"

She glared at him and he pressed his fingers on his lips in the bid to keep shut then he lifted his fingers off.  "What should I help you with?" "Don't touch anything without washing your hands, only God knows what that hand has touched"

"Or where the hand has been to" He noted giving her a look and she widened her eyes turning towards the camera, "Muyiwa! Turn that thing off now! And delete it! Gosh, you're rotten like a ten days old beans, I should trash you out"

Muyiwa paused the video laughing to himself then he hissed groaning in regret. "What the fuck am I doing?" He asked himself then his phone rang. It was his friend Bolu.

"Hello" He mumbled.

"I don't understand, are you still in bed?"

"What do you think?"

"Why are you asking me what I think? Am I there to see you? I asked a fucking question, the least you can do is give a fucking straight reply" "I'm in bed, now you've known, do you want to join me?"

"Abeg! Wait... Guy we have plans now, are you going to stand us up like you did last night? We already made a reservation in your name, Nova is coming" "Nova is coming? Which Nova?" "Did you hit your head hard on the wall? How many Nova did I tell you will be coming?"

"Oh. I'm not really..."

"What's wrong with you? You've been acting strange."


"If you say... How far, are you coming? Dave and Chris will be there. Should we wait?"


He picked his phone and made a google search.

How can I feel less fucked up?

9:20 am

Word Foundation Church

Gbadamosi mopped the floor, his phone buzzed and then he answered it. "Hey Lanre, how far?" "I already sent the flyers samples to you" "Thank you , I'll check it when I'm done with what I'm doing and then I'll give you my keyboard.

After an hour more, Gbadamosi puts on his data to check the samples when he saw three messages from Kilahi.

Have you seen a fine bridesmaid today?

Hey Choicest❤❤

How are you?

How was sanitation? I wonder what you cleaned though. You that cannot hold mop😜

Gbadamosi laughed and types back;

Someone looks breathe taking💓 This is peach right?

I would have love to see your face more, I don't know what you're looking for on the floor sha😂

It's the tiara on your head for me, Queen Kilahi 👸🏼

And Yes! I mopped with so much passion. You can literally see your reflection on the floor

A message popped in from Kilahi:

Reflection kor, did you rub Vaseline on the floor? I hope people didn't slip and fall

You're underestimating me bah?  You've not seen this husband material in action.

Whey you've bragged heaven and earth about your cooking skills. I'm counting down now😂

Shouldn't you be in church?

For where?? Adiya's make up artiste came in late😂. Sewuese already did the make up for her but she ended up cleaning it when the artiste came 😂🤣. Sewuese has been boiling since. I'm laughing in secret😂. She took about an hour to do the make up oh

Why will she do that?

Women can be very complex a times. Maybe she wanted a 360 degree brow arc, I don't know! Don't ask me, Sewuese is this close to taking off the bridal dress😂

You're still laughing. I'll send her screenshots of this message.

And i'll send her more embarrassing photos of you.

More? Wait, you have more?


My brothers are snitching on me. Which one do you have?

Calm down. Don't start having a heart attack you hear? I'll drop it like an album, it's gonna be a hit

Now I'm scared.


PS, It's gonna shock you sha.



The church wedding has not started yet. Although, the church is not far from home.

How many Benue men have been eyeing you?

Are you whine-ing me?

Or how many have you noticed?

I think I noticed one handsome farmer

Get me a cutlass and a hoe! I think I might have to change profession?


The best part is the free yams, plantain and farm supplies i'll be getting. Plantain and eggs everyday😍

How can I compete with yam and plantain?😭😭
Yam has taken my love from me? Yam is your new choice now😓

You're such a clown!

Pacify me


Yes 😫💔

Choicest nau!!!

Are you calling me or your new found farmer or should I say yaaaam 😭😭😭

He typed laughing to himself then he paused waiting for her reply.

❤ My Missing Ribs ❤ typing......

Well, if it makes you feel better. Cause I know you're just clowning🙄!  I haven't taken notice of any farmer, a hundred farmer isn't compared to the man I found in you.  You're all that matters and occupy MySpace😉

I love you more

It's not a tiara, all the bridesmaid are wearing it. It looks childish right?

No. I just wish I was there to take a picture with you on that dress.

☺☺ Bluuuuurshing


Will your meeting with Pastor Noah still hold?


I'm worried. He's already angry at the fact I'll be missing church service tomorrow and also next week. What if he postpones it?

He won't. Have faith.

Have you eaten?

Not yet. I'll order something

Please do. I have to go, bridesmaid duty calling

I pronounce the blessings of God in all your do today. May God's face shine on you love.
Later my love❤

Mrs Arolowo paid Mrs George a visit, she entered into the house with a studied deference. Mrs George shut the door and then motioned towards the main sitting room. She gestured toward the sofa. "Have a seat" She said with a smile and Mrs Arolowo did.

"Thank you" She whispered placing her hand bag on the side stool. "It feels good to be here again" "Really? I have to say that I am particularly surprised you came this morning. I can't even hide my shock. I thought you were mad at me"

"For what?''

"After what happened to Brenda" "Oh." She paused and waved if off, "That's in the past, i was angry at Gbadamosi initially cause Brenda told me he said some pretty nasty things to her but then again, I know the daughter I gave birth to so.... It's all in the past. The only reason I haven't been here is because I've been busy with work"

"I thought it was because of Brenda"

Mrs Arolowo hissed, "Even the Brenda we're talking about, she's there's touring around Africa as we speak"

"She hasn't gone back to the UK?"

"No. She has been in south Africa for a while, she called just yesterday only to tell us she's in Ghana." She paused shaking her head as though she was trying to get ber facts right.  "What am I saying gan? Something I saw on her status! I was the one who had to call her before she informed me she was in Ghana."

Mrs George laughed, "You know these children we have these days. They don't tell us things anymore" "Brenda is the worst! I've never seen anyone as secretive as her and yet it's our money she's spending oh"

"Maybe she's trying to get over the heart break"

"That's just Brenda for you oh, it's not any heart break"

"Let her enjoy the freedom while it last. Is it when marriage comes in that she will be touring? No! She'll have other priority."

Mrs Arolowo shrugged, "Hey! That's my fear oh! Which husband will agree for his wife to still tour around the countries of the world. What's annoying me is that it's not even for business trips oh... It's only for pleasure.That was why I was hoping for someone like Gbadamosi to handle her for me" She exhaled wistfully and Mrs George instinctively felt bad.

"Don't worry. The one God has made for her, the one that will handle her and treat her right will come someday"

"What if it's an Oyinbo person? I don't want it!"

Mrs George laughed, "Your prayer every morning should be; God, let your will be done. I underestimated this prayer for years, I tried to control my son's life, I tried to imposed some things on him but it just wasn't God's will."

"How's your birthday plan coming up?"


Bella's PA walked into the Bella's office clutching a notepad against her chest. "Excuse me Ma" She called out and Bella who was typing on her laptop lifted up her head forcefully, "What? Is it Regent Alliance again?" "Nope but what are we going to do about them suing our client?"

"They want to play dirty, well Bella doesn't stop until they're soiled in the mud"

"I guess you have plans then"

"Why are you here?"

"There's someone outside that wants see you." "Who?" "He said his name is Tega; should I tell him you're busy? The way the guy is looking ehn!"

"Oh." Bella paused grinning, "Please let him in"

12:02 pm

Halo Lounge

Muyiwa held his phone in view checking out Sharon's statuses.

Saturdays are for weddings. Congratulations Gbemi! Sharon turned up!😍

He paused the status from moving on to the next then he zoomed it closely. A smile escaped his lips but he quickly cleared his throat when he noticed his friend, Dave looking into his phone.

"Is she not going to see you checking her status?"

"She won't"

"Oh. You're shadow trailing her"

"Who is shadow trailing? I just happened to bump into her status"

"The babe way you for don mute abi block since. Na wa to you oh!" He hissed shaking his head, "But mehn... This Sharon girl can choose ugly colors oh! She doesn't know what can fit her. Who uses brown? See the style she even sewed. Who chooses these things for her?" He asked and Muyiwa arced his brow in irritation,  "What's wrong with the color?"

"It would look good on someone else other than her. She should know her color and stick to it. Look at the color and how it almost blend with her skin... Almost the same, she now stood at the back of a brown ugly background. Haba now! Even the person that took the picture should be arrested walahi!" He joked and everyone laughed.

"Make I see the picture" Bolu demanded but Muyiwa quickly slipped his phone into his pocket. He felt like he was the one being disregarded rather than Sharon. He's not sure if he could take any more insults from them!

He grabbed a glass half filled with whiskey then he gulped it all.

Bolu laughed, "Good riddance to that bottle opener sha. We should drink to that". Bolu laughed, "Him say Bottle opener... But..." He trailed off lifting up his fingers, "I sha miss her small... Maybe just tintinli.... cause during the week that i got tipsy and couldn't drive home. There was no food. Nothing at all!"He snapped pointing at Muyiwa.

"This Mumu did not cook anything!"

Muyiwa's heart jumped on hearing Dave call him 'Mumu'. Sharon will always call him, Mumuyiwa!

"Assuming the babe was around, there would have been at least two different stew in the freezer and at least two different soup"

Bolu smiled, "At least the girl was useful for something except sex" He teased and everyone laughed while Muyiwa tightened his fist around the glass. "Mehn... I'd rather stay single than have a two minute babe like her oh! Chai! God forbid!"

Four girls walked to the pool clad in bikini wears. Nova sat on Muyiwa's lap, "Hey Baby, did you miss me?" She asked biting her lips.

Not as much as he missed Sharon!

"Excuse me" Muyiwa gently rose up, "I need to use the rest room." He added leaving everyone.

Nova blinked a bit perplexed about his behavior, "What's wrong Muyiwa? I'm not just feeling his vibes today?" "I don't know" Bolu replied wrapping his arms across one of the girl's waist.

"Na him sabi"

Tega sat opposite Bella, his eyes roamed across her caramel skin, especially her cleavages. The shirt she wore was unbuttoned so there was enough to feed his eyes. She noticed but she was willing to use it to her advantage.

"So.. Do you want anything to drink?"

"I'm fine. I will be rushing out soon. Saturdays are always my gig days but you requested to see me, that's why I'm here. I just had to squeeze myself. I hope there's no problem"

"Not exactly. I was looking for the pictures you sent to me and I was wondering if you'll like to work for me one in a while"


"I'm sure you must be busy and all"

"Nope. Yes I am but not too busy to make extra money now"

"Really? That's superb, there's this photoshoot coming up in your Pastor's parents house"

He looked up from the paperwork on her desk then he arched one eyebrow in curiosity and leaned back in the chair.

That definitely got his attention! Why was she suddenly talking about his Pastor?

Bella straightened up in her leather executive chair and pinned him with his gaze.  "You look shocked" "Yes.... How? I... How.. Why will you..."

"I was hired by his mother to cover the event on my blog" 

"Wow. Okay... Now it makes sense. I was surprised oh"

"Have you been there?"

"The parent's house? No oh"

"What about his house?"

"Yes. Plenty of times oh"

"Really? Has any other church members been there?"

"The Pastors, and a few others but Papa doesn't accept anyhow visit oh. His security man Opulent will never let you go past the gate if he doesn't get order from Papa" "Why? Is there something he's hiding?"

"Abi something is protecting. Papa is strict with the way he relates with females in church and even outside church. When you listen to his preaching, you'll understand better. The man no dey slip at all, he's most times careful"

"Most times? Are you trying to say there has been a time he slipped?"

Tega laughed, "I didn't say that oh" "So what were you saying then? Come on! I'm not stupid, it's okay if he slipped once, I mean not all these men of God are that innocent." She said in the most sensual way running her fingers on her exposed chest, "But who are we to judge, I mean after all they are men, not gods!" Her hands brushed some part of her shirt revealing more flesh.

Tega's eyes remained glued on her chest, "True ... True sha"

She expected him to bring up the topic of how he caught him going into the toilet with Kilahi or maybe some other secrets to alleviate her hope on getting Gbadamosi; but he seemed hesitant.

Bella bit her lower lips,  "Body no be firewood now, I mean once in a while a man must do what a man has to do" "Yes but you see Papa, he's not your regular kind of man. I know of people that have tried and failed, they will come to me and narrate how they've been eyeing Papa but... That man is a stone is his own way. His life is out in the open for all to see but yet he's secretive. You know that kind of thing"

"So he has no secrets"

Tega chuckles nervously, he quickly found a way to avoid the question.  "So when are we doing the photoshoot? I'm sure Papa will be shocked to see me sef" "Do you think your church needs a PR manager, I can be one"

He laughed scratching his head, "Can we afford you?" "Oh please!" She snapped waving her hands, "I'll be doing it for free, I mean, after all, I'm now a church member aren't I?"

Tega gasped at the reality in front of him, "Say whaat?" "Welcome your new Church member" " Like really?" "Yes! There's just something about last week's ministration that really got to me. It spoke to me, almost like God speaking to me to join the church! I like your Pastor"

"Ah! If it's that one, that man has this way of speaking to you like he can actually see the life you're living outside the church. Na me no want repent"  He joked laughing nervously and she forced a laughter too.

"I have some ideas and I'm planning to join the Media department, I hope you won't mind having extra hand" She asked running her fingers in her hair, "There are a lot of ideas to share"

"Omo... That one will make sense, only that Lanre can be too entitled" "Who's Lanre?"

"Our Media Head, with his holy than thou character, especially with that his nonsense and rude usher girlfriend as if he's not knacking her in one corner"

"Is it Bimbo?"

Tega raised his brow in surprise, "Wait.... How do you know Bimbo?" "Let's call her an old friend that I don't like. I see you don't like her too" "To say I don't like her is an understatement."

"What's your story?"

"Someone that will be using style to insult you! A whole me? Warri guy like me, she go look me finish insult me to the point way I no go fit talk and she'll be carrying her shoulder as if she's better than everybody"

"Now I remember the Lanre. I saw him at her house the day I went visiting"

Tega smirked, "See! They are fucking yet they will go around acting all innocent, especially that Lanre guy. Meanwhile I get painted as the bad one when I make simple comment like, that babe hot or 'see that babe yansh'"

"I guess she and her Lanre were meant to be"

"As in ehn...." He hissed watching her rest both cheek under her palm. "You're welcome to the department. We've always wanted someone hot in the department." "I feel welcomed already. I hope Pastor Gbadamosi feels the same way"

"I'm sure he will"

"So... Is it not possible to have a shoot in his house. I had this idea with his mom"

Tega clicked his tongue, "He won't agree," "Can I at least ask him?" "If you have his phone number" "Eeesh..." Bella groaned regretfully. "I don't have it, can you please..." She trailed off shaking his head, "Forget it, I'll get it from his mother instead"

"I can give it to you oh"

Bella feigned surprise, "You will?" "Sure thing... Just that, you won't let him know that I had anything to do with it" "Lips sealed" She whispered with some form of gesture and he smiled pulling out his phone from his pocket then he forwarded it to her via WhatsApp.

"Check your WhatsApp"

Bella pouts placing her palm on her chest, "Awn. I feel like giving you a big kiss right now" "Awn" He replied scratching his head, "That one for no bad" He chipped and they both laughed about it.

Bella clasped her hands, "That should be all for now Tega, I know you have gigs to get back to. Thank you so much for coming, I'll let you in with any inform possible. We'll chat and maybe talk about how much we both hate Bimbo"

"No qualms now" He replied rising up, "See you another time" "You too" She replied winking at him then she watched him leave.

"Idiot" She muttered picking up her phone to glance through Gbadamosi's contact. She saved the contact and finally gave him a call.

"Hello" He answered and she quickly cleared her throat, "Hello to the hottest Pastor in the planet "

Gbadamosi' face contorted into a frown, "How did you get my contact?" "Is that a hard thing to get? I can certainly get that from your Mom, or anyone. Not like you're the President of the country." "What do you want?" "Will you chill for a bit? Life is not hard, see, I'm not trying to be in your face. I just want to say I'm sorry for the way I reacted the other time at the gallery. I hated myself after that day. That was why I was waiting the other day in church to see you. I wanted to apologize but you didn't want to see me. I was really disappointed to get such a response from a Pastor. Will God reject me? Does God push us away because we're sinners? No, I'm not a preacher but I certainly don't think he does"

"Is this an emotional black mail?"

"Tag whatever name you want on it. I don't care. All I know is that I was hurt... Really really hurt"

"And it took you six days to talk about it"

"I was processing it and I have forgiven you. Unlike a certain person, I am quick to forgive. Are you aware we have a photoshoot appointment on Tuesday? Have you been informed by your mother?" "How is it possible that of all event planners, you happened to be the person planning my mom's birthday"

"I'm not the event planner but... Maybe God is saying something"

"Like what? Please humour cause he clearly hasn't said anything to me"

Bella laughed, "I'm not the enemy here, on the contrary I can be a good PR for the church" "I'm sorry but the church doesn't need you as a PR, we have the media team" "Welcome your the newest team on your Media cause I'm starting afresh. I've given my life to Christ"

My life to you!

"I was reflecting after Sunday service and .... I feel there's more that God wants me to do"

Gbadamosi kept quiet, he wasn't sure whether to believe her or not. "Ten of best media team isn't as good as one of mine but I'm not here to boast. Why don't we see this as truce? Let's sit and talk about your mother's wedding" She paused and shut her eyes in shame, "Did I just say your mom's wedding?" She asked and a chuckle escaped his lips.

Bella laughed, her heart kicked with joy at the sound of his laughter. How can man make her feel hate and love at the same time?

"I meant birthday. Let's have lunch on me" "No" "What about next week" "No. I just want to make peace and be friends with you. Perhaps make you a spiritual head over me, that sounds like a plan"



"I just don't trust you or women generally"

"You're getting married to one"

"One that I trust"

"Why don't you give me a benefit of the doubt then? Just one simple lunch" "And end up putting myself out be slaughtered or trolled by the general public. Thank you very much but I'll pass." He ended the call and she laughed rolling her eyes.

"I've never met anyone so careful, stubborn but still hot in my life!" Then she bit her lower lips. "I don't know what this idiot has done to me but I won't stop, I won't stop until I have you Gbadamosi George, even if it's a one time thing. I promise I won't stop."

What do you guys think of today's update?


Who is Mercedes? Has Vincent Moved on?

One word for Muyiwa

Please drop your comments and vote!

Thank you. 😀

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