✒✒ Chapter 39✒✒

Happy new month 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

I pray this Month brings blessing and opportunity your way. Amen🙏🏼

Chapter 39 is here guys...

Please Vote

Have all my people deserted me???

The vote is discouraging.... 333 read to 89 vote. My heart broke in 3D when I saw it yesterday. I had to encourage myself to type😂

Guys..... It's still 98 vote.... Haba, and now those set of people will still hop on this chapter to continue from where they stopped but they still won't vote.

If you cannot have mercy on me, at least have the fear of God.

Fear God!


Please vote

Love ya!!!!

Chapter 39


Deja knocked on a door and her mother opened up. For a spilt second she admired the ankara butterfly gown my mother wore. She remembered those days of always sewing matching clothes with my her mother or how she'll go into her bag to take one of two ankara material because her mother had them in excess from the ones she had gathered in ages past.

Her mother took off her reading glasses shocked to the bones to see her daughter by the door. For a fleeting moment, she was happy to finally see her face after the backlash they had but when she remembered the disrespect she faced that day, her heart boiled with anger.

Maybe she's here because she ran out of money, she assumed then she hissed out loud.

Even though it's a kobo....

She held the door to shut it at her face but Deja pushed it back open, "Mummy please." "Shebi I told you that I've washed my hands off everything concerning you. Leave my front porch and go back to yours" "Mummy please I'm sorry" Deja apologize slightly bending her knees.

"I'm so sorry" She repeated, this was followed but a loud sound of sob while her mother's eyes widened in fear and surprise.

"Adejare, is everything" Before she could complete her sentence, Deja leaned against her mother's shoulder pouring out her tears.

Her mother embraced her in tightly.

Aunty Abebi listened to a woman rant about her daughter, while she sat in bed with documents on it. "You won't believe she has been fired from her new place of work. I don't know how she does it but o jo bi'pe won ti ṣepe fun (it looks like someone has placed a curse on her). All my connections have run out, I sent her to your foundation but she didn't last days because she lied about her qualifications. The other day, the shipping port company that she finally employed her fired her for misconduct, they said she lacks character. Can't you try and convince Aisha to at least employ her again, even if she employs her as a PA or PA to PA. Let me just find a way to send her out of the house? This house has become too small for my daughter and I. Someone that does not have a job will have mouth to order for clothes and she will use my credit card. You must find a way to talk to her or get her from my house"

Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes flipping through a document, "I'll see what I can do" "Please see oh. I am completely tired of that girl. Look at the way she disgraced me yesterday at Popoola's wedding. Eh hen that reminds me, I didn't see you at the wedding"

"I was busy"

"You are always busy when It comes to all wedding. I was looking for you yesterday, guess who I saw?"

"I'm in no mood to guess" She answered coldly.

"Professor Folorunsho"


"Ah! We spoke at length and you know the man is very much single and fond of you." "Don't you have to be close to someone to be fond of him? The only relationship I have with that man is a professional relationship"

The caller hissed, "Wo Abebi, you are not a baby. Wo, you should understand what I'm saying." "That man is over sixty" "He has grown up children already so he doesn't have to disturb you with all those responsibility. The man doesn't have much strength so you don't have to worry about a man that will go four fourty or ask for children. He might be old oh, but who need young men, it's not as if you can find any young man that will"

"Mummy Wunmi" Her voice came out cold and fierce, "Ehn?"

"You're overstepping it"

The woman swallowed hard, "I just said I should at least" "I never said I was searching and clearly never made you supervisor over me" "I'm sorry oh but" She chipped in but Aunty Abebi ended the call. She tightened her fist around the phone then she exhaled beating her body on the bed where she sat.

"How is my life anyone's business? Why can't everyone just be like me and mind their business? Whether I choose to stay alone or get married should be my decision." She snapped letting out a loud hiss.

She scrolled through her phone then she dialed a number. "Good morning Jemima" "Good morning Salami." A mature voice echoed from the other end, "What a surprise, the last time you called was two weeks ago. You don't call twice in a month, unless you want a favor"

"Um......" She trailed off clearing her throat, "The lawyer.... The lawyer I went against in the custody case against Hilary and Mama Ebuka......what's his name again?" She paused in thought. At this point, she was pretending to rack through her memory for the name.

"Yes!Barrister Emmanuel. I almost forgot" She almost choked on calling him a barrister. "Do you happen to know him or have a contact that knows him?" "No..."

"Can you help me get someone to check the records for his personal phone contact, company contact if he works with any"

"There has to be a dozen Emmanuel"

"From March 4th? Really? I know you can pull some strings for me"

The lady exhaled, "I'll see what I can do. Why are you so interested?" "It's a follow up case and ..." She trailed off clearing her throat. "Well... They are personal motive and I'll like to keep it that way if you don't mind"

"No problem. I'll call you when I get something"

"Very well, thank you so much"

6:34 pm

Kilahi watched Mrs George sip a wine from a glass, she has been in a chatty mood right before dinner; even now as they sat in the living room. They've switched through two different topic already! Mr George only joined the conversation some minutes ago.

The conversation took another turn, they were now talking about her job. They wanted to know if she enjoyed working at the foundation or its something she forced on herself because of the economy.

Gbadamosi on the other hand has been busy answering and making calls.

"I know that the Nigerian economy sometimes forces you settle for any job but personally, I don't think this one is that kind. I am not settling; this job was God sent, with it, It makes me feel purposeful, I feel like this is God putting me on a field I never dreamt of to make me a key player. I'm not working in the foundation as a spectator, no! I am working as a player cause I have an incredible boss that makes everyone feel important"

Mrs George smiled and faced her husband, "There's just something about Kilahi that gives off the Proverbs 31 woman, she had God as her source and has clarity about what she wants to do about her life. I remember how she responded to Salome during the what's it called again.?"

"Sam's exhibition"

"Exactly!" Mrs George snapped her fingers, "I was satisfied from the response even though I was been bitter myself" "She's a wise woman" Mr George noted grabbing his wife by the hand.

"There is no uncertainty about that"

Kilahi covered her face with both palm, "I'm blushing" She muttered and they all laughed afterwards. She dropped her on her lap trying hard to hide how flushed she was.

She looked back in search of Gbadamosi, he was out of sight but he could hear his voice on a call. He was dealing with network issue.
"Lanre, can you please call me on your Glo, I can't hear a thing and you're making me shout"

She grabbed a glass of juice and stared into it. It was funny how she was sipping the juice here when she would have taken the whole glass in one gulp if she was at home.

"I'm guessing you really love your job" Mrs George continued and she nod expressively. "This job has really opened my eyes to a whole new experience and adventure but the stress that come with it is some times minimal and sometimes great. Having to move within Lagos to pay visits to clients and all. For instance we went to Isale Eko to oversee a project on Friday then we went back to the office. I got home about past 8, going towards 9 or so. Sometimes I wish I can have my own rest but like I said, it's a whole new adventure. There was a time I wss jobless, who am I to complain?"

"Yesterday was Saturday, you must habe had plenty of rest"

"I had to pay visits to friends and acquaintance"

"And here you are on a Sunday, heading straight to the house after another stressful day." Mr George hissed facing at his wife. "I told you to postpone to next week, we shouldn't have bothered her"

"I didn't think of how much pressure I'll be mounting on her" She replied feeling awful about the stress she had to go through. She cast a glance at her, "I am so sorry"

Kilahi chuckled, "It's fine that I came today. Next week wouldn't have been an option cause I'll be making plans for my cousin's wedding in Benue" "It's raining weddings in Benue State"

"Yes it is. I haven't even sown my dress" "You sew?" Mrs George asked and she gave a gentle nod.

"You should make me something someday."

"I'll like that"

"I Pray that God uplift you in your place of work, at the appointed time, may you receive appointments to positions you are not qualified for"

"Amen" Kilahi replied, "Where your parents couldn't get to, where others use their certificate to get to, where others struggle to get to, may the grace of God catapult you with speed"


"Kilahi you are favoured beyond measure"


She paused in thought, "You will call on one, ten will answer, you will not lack men to favor you in life" "Amen" "In North, South, East and West, you'll be favoured" "Amen"

"Your marriage is favored"


"Your home is favored"


"God will cause you to shine in the eyes of people in Jesus Name"

"Amen" Kilahi and Gbadamosi replied then she turned back watching him approach them while his eyes remained fixed on his phone. "Feyi and company are already home now." He announce typing on his phone then his mother lifted her right hands in a short wave, "Olorun o seun oh! (Thank you Lord). Who called you? Was it Ere or Feyi? " She asked but he was no longer paying attention.

"Gbadamosi!" She called out and he looked towards his mom. "I'm sorry... I'm dealing with church business." His phone rang and he quickly excused himself to answer it.

Mrs George glanced at her husband, "He better takes it easy on himself" She whispered and Kilahi cleared her throat, "He had to leave church early and from there we went over to visit Ossy at the hospital"

"Who is Ossy?"

"My nephew but we're not related by blood. He's the son of my twin sister from another mother. It's a complicated relationship but he got sick so we had to visit him. He has a lot of things to vet and decisions to make so pardon his movement."

"I understand. Is he not my son? I've been there! There was this period he completely ignored me and acted like I didnt exist. When it comes to giving his all to God, Gbadamosi is best at it but he finds it hard to balance his relationship with the rest of the world."

"Mummy Gbada!" Her husband cautioned but she rolled her eyes, "Am I lying?" "Gbadamosi won't like it of he hears it"

"He doesn't know how to balance, one suffers for it, I just pray God helps him out in marriage"

"Amen!" He answered, "God will definitely help him out. He can't be there for everyone and let's not pretend we don't know the real reason he ignored you but all that is in the past dear"

"Gbadamosi that I know? That man that can ignore someone when he's busy. Remember the conference he invited us to, did he see us after it?"

"He was busy. Honey... can we change the topic? I already said it, if he hears this he won't be happy."

Kilahi forced a smile, "Gbadamosi is really trying his best, I feel he's a focused person. The day we had evangelism, he barely acted like he saw me, except for the time he winked at me but I understand. After that meeting, we met at Ivory where we had a long conversation. He made time for me, that's balance for me. He's doing fine, I have never had any reason to think otherwise or feel he's not paying attention to me. This is the same man who paused every plan on his schedule to follow me to Anambra, even when he gets busy with work, he tries his best to call." She blushed as she spoke while her palm rested on her chest.

"I don't know how he does it but I give him a lot of credit for it"

Mr George nodded impressively, "Have you heard?" "I'm sure you two have had lot of dates already" Mrs George shot at her and Kilahi cleared her throat, "Um.... Just one, which was the day he proposed to me"

"That's bad for someone that was usually romantic."

"We are taking cognizance of the fact he's a Pastor and"

"Nothing.... Ministry or not, a man should have time for his woman, a whole lot of things that happens in courtship determines how the marriage will look like. The son that I know, if you don't open up to tell him you don't like something, he'll continue and you'll end up dying in silence. Brenda was not spiritual, I still don't know what I was thinking when I chose her, my spiritual eyes were closed, I was spiritually blind but I knew she will be able to make him open minded especially to romance. I'm not talking about the worldly romance but someone that will wake up the desire in him. Suggest another date night to him once in a while or he that one time will be the only time before marriage"

"I'm not complaining about the dates we don't have. Dates are stressful for me, I mean you have to start searching for clothes to wear and you'll be more concerned about who is looking at you when you're eating"

"Do you know what Gbadamosi hates, what he dislike and likes?"

"No but I can guess from our conversation"

"You two haven't discussed about that"

"We are usually occupied with a lot of topic"

Mrs George laughed, "Gbadamosi hates a whole of things and if you two don't sit to talk about it before marriage, God forbid, it might pose as problem. What's his favorite food?" She asked and Kilahi shut her eyes.

"I think Jollof... Wait.. He said he loves soft food"

"What's his favorite color? Does he know yours?"

Mr George touched his wife's shoulder, "Honey you're making her uneasy" he muttered but she kept her gaze on Kilahi who was still holding on the glass of juice. She hasn't even had the breathing space to drink it.

"How does Gbadamosi like his egg? Half boiled, when I boil everyone's egg I have to take out his own so it doesn't overboil or else he won't eat it. What are his bad habits? He has a few and i love that you see all these good in him. Wonderful! My son is a good man, I wouldn't have wished for a better one but it's obvious you've not seen the bad part. To think you have a month to the wedding. If you don't see the bad part because of the short courtship, speak to him, let him tell you so that when you see it, you won't be too surprised. Kilahi dear, i hate to sound like i still hate you or that i'm trying to plant evil seeds in your heart but it's my piece of advise to you"

Mr George exhaled, "My wife is right even though I don't agree with her methods" He agreed putting his hands over her shoulder. "You and my son need to speak deeply away from the whole sweet talk. No man is perfect"

"It's a fresh relationship Sir, maybe we should extend the wedding date" "That won't be necessary my dear. Whatsoever you need to know about him, you can start now then you can figure the rest in marriage. There's always going to be something to find out trust me" He advised and Mrs George laughed on recalling an event that occurred after their marriage.

"Like that time when..." He trailed off but his wife covered his lips with her palm. "Please don't say it" She begged and they both laughed it off.

Gbadamosi approached ending a call. "I'm sorry I had to answer that call. Mom, what were you asking me?" "I wanted to know who informed you about the safe journey to Abuja" "Feyi did. He was happy they arrived early even though their flight was delayed"

"I wanted to call but I didn't want to for fear of looking like an over bearing mother. Seeing that my children are allergic to care, you care too much, they call it overbearing"

Gbadamosi laughed and rolled his eyes then he perched on the arm of the chair where Kilahi sat, he was still fiddling with his phone. "That's not fair Mom" "What's not fair, is it not true? That thing is synonymous to African homes, when the mother cares too much, it starts to look bothersome" Kilahi answered and he laughed taking his eyes off the phone then he looked down at her with a wide smile, "You're supposed to have my back."

"It's your neck I want to have, not only your back"

"For better for worst remember?"

She ran her fingers across her face revealing the ring on her finger, "Sorry choicest but the last time I checked you only engaged me" She replied and Mrs George laughed, "You just stole the words out of my mouth"

"Great! You two are reading your minds now abi"

"Toor... It's not easy" Kilahi replied looking up at him then he winked at her, "You and this your unholy wink." She whispered slapping his chest playfully. Then he grabbed the glass of juice downing the whole drink and she gasped in shock.

"Does it look like your own?" She pouted and he laughed, "There is love in sharing" "Who said I love you?" "You don't have to say it, I can feel the love from all the way here. It's written in your eyes"

"You don't mean it. Who's deceiving you?" She asked and they both laughed then she watched him dropped the glass.

"My throat is already dry, I've been talking since. Network is making me shout too." He complained clear in his throat, "Sorry but refill my juice for me"

"There is love in sharing"

Kilahi sucked her lips, "Esope? (You say?). Who is doing that kind of love with you? My juice please, thank you very much Sir, you're welcome" She snapped playfully and laughed so hard throwing his head backwards.

"You're not going to use laughter to make it go away. You think I don't know your trick?"

Mr and Mrs George smiled seeing their son in a state of undiluted bliss, it felt like it was just the both of them in the room and they were just invisible!

It gave them joy to know Gbadamosi found a woman that can bring out the joyful and playful part of him! In contrast to his serious past.

"Pastor Gbadamosi, do you realize you're sitting close to me? Don't you know it's a sin?" She asked and he hissed and then he busted into another round of laughter on recalling now Pastor Noah reacted when she stood close to him.

"I'm sitting close to my fiancée, I'm not doing anything wrong"

"How do you know? How are you sure that your being close to me is not doing something wrong to me?" She asked and he gave up debating then he added, "Good point" "I'm just kidding but Papa Noah had a point though but I think when the Holy Spirit engulfs your mind, you think less about how much you want to kiss the man but more on how much you can walk righteously. Remember there was this time I wanted to kiss you right?" She asked and he chuckled with a nod.

"Right now, you're sitting close to me, but in my mind I'm thinking, yes he's fine and all but at the center of all the fineness, it's God's will that I see so I'm careful lately not to allow corrupt thoughts come in. I will bind and cast it until the day I say I do" She explained watching him blush.

"What's wrong with this one?" She added and a smile curved his lips, "Have I ever told you that I love you?" "I think 124 times" She replied, "I guess i haven't said it enough then" He replied and she giggled, now staring at Mrs George.

Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "Mom, permit me to introduce you to the woman of my dreams" "Oh please! I have my own man right here with me." She leaned against her husband and they both giggled.

"No, I'm just saying it for emphasis sake. Yours is old school love, ours is new love. We can actually teach you a few things"

His father laughed pointed at him, "Look at who wants to teach an old dog new tricks, abi you should be asking is for tips. 38 years against a less than 38 days relationship" Mr George snapped at him watching him mellow in humility.

He sucked his lips in silence while Kilahi silently laughed in mockery, "Why do I feel like i just got served with a humble pie. This man has been humbled. You guys are not taking easy on me this night. But really , less than 38 days or not, I still I love Kilahi and I'm sure I'll still love her 38 years from now" He confessed making her feel hot inside.

"Amen to that" Mrs George nods with a smile, "We can all see and feel the love in the air. Too bad i was blind all along. I apologize once again" She said in a wistful tone. "Ma, you already apologized, it's all in the past" Kilahi complained.

The guilt trip was no longer necessary nau!

"I wish it had been different, when I remember the dinner and the things I said...."

"It's okay" Her husband interrupted her, "Let's leave that in the past, let's talk about other things like future plans"

Mrs George smiled, "True. So how many grandchildren are you two planning on giving me?" She chipped in and Gbadamosi laughed shaking his head, "I hope I am not being too forward. Please you two should not wake up that night and say you want to give it time"

Gbadamosi chuckled, "What are we waiting for? Who needs the time? Is it me or Kilahi? Although, Kilahi and i are yet to have that conversation but I'm sure she has a number in mind"

Kilahi shrugged, "If Jesus tarries, maybe two, a boy and a girl" "Two?" He asked and she nodded, "Yes." "Three is better" Gbadamosi argued, "Three is a perfect number" He continued, "But if we have one male and female, we can stop there"

"We can just add another female, I've always wanted two girls and a boy. I never had the opportunity of having a biological sister. At some point before Aunty Teni came to London with Manny and Temi, I needed a sister. I had three brothers but I felt lonely. The girl might feel lonely"

"And when the but feels lonely too we'll go another round and make it four right?"

Gbadamosi laughed grabbing her palm, "No. Three is nice"

No one gives birth to much children these days! Didn't he ask for her opinion?? Why is he not accepting it?

She blinked her eyes and cleared her throat, she wanted to debate it but Mr George had to interrupt her, "I guess you'll both cross that bridge when you get there. Your mom wanted two but look at the number we ended up having"

Mrs George laughed, "Only because I wanted a girl but I ended up having a boy again. I remember the way I prayed during that pregnancy. I didn't check the sex of the baby, I wanted the it to be a susprise. I already had a name for her, EreAdura because I earnestly prayed for it. In between the last week, God started to reveal things to the both of us. I was disappointed but I didn't change the name cause the God we serve does not make mistakes. I couldn't have asked for a better son and now I have there beautiful daughter in laws, what more could I ask for? When you both will begin the exercise of bearing children, only then can you reach a conclusive agreement."

Gbadamosi and Kilahi agreed with a nod.

Mrs George shrugged, "Pertaining to the wedding, i showed Kilahi various colors of asoebi, I had Iya Mariam send it to me" "Already? Within the space of last night and this evening?" Gbadamosi asked and she scoffed, "The wedding is next month. We need to pick a color today so we can get a material within tomorrow or Tuesday. Iya Moria will need to make bulky purchase of the material. I chose some colors but from your fiancee's face, it wasn't had to know she didn't like them even though she tried to pretend"

Kilahi chuckled.

"However, we finally agreed on some colors. We've not reached a finally agreement yet, she still need to speak to her sisters and friends"

"Is that so?" He asked looking down at her and she smiled, "Yes. I love the idea of Burnt orange, it has been trendy lately"

Gbadamosi busted out in laughter, "Which one Is burnt orange for crying out loud?" "It's a color" Who burnt the orange for you to know how a burnt orange look like? Have you ever seen a burnt orange?"

Kilahi laughed and covered her palm over her face, "Avoid me." She snapped playfully then she dropped her hands, "What do you think?" "I'll have to see the color first..." "No problem. I'll have it forwarded to you when i get home"


Mrs George cleared her throat, "What do you couple think if we hold an engagement party to commemorate this beautiful union being that the wedding is around the corner already. We can have a little house party, we'll call a few of our family and friends and we"

"No" Gbadamosi replied sharply.

Mrs George frowned, "It's not as if" "No" "Just a few" "No" "Why don't you try to reconsider this, I have spent years dreaming about an engagement party before the wedding party. I promise you there won't be"

"No Mom. You can experiment that during Feyi and Ere's wedding"

"I didn't witness the proposal, wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to have an engagement party?"

"Well, the proposal you missed is not on me. You chose not to come"

"Gbade, I was fasting and I didn't intend going out"

"You wouldn't have in the first place cause I can bet by that time, you still weren't in support of our relationship even though God was secretly dealing with you" He replied point blank and his mother sucked her lips speechlessly while Kilahi gave him a sharp look.

"What? I'm just being honest" "You didn't have to say it that was" She whispered while he gasped blamelessly. "What did I say?"

"No oh... Leave him, that's one of the bad habits I was talking about. It's always about what he wants, every other suggestion is usually being pushed under the rug" "Mom, you can't just come and impose an engagement party on me. I don't want any party except our wedding party and that's all. You can invest the money you'll spend on the party on something more charitable than something unnecessary."

"It's well" His mother replied, "But there are more ways you could have painted it but for you it's easier to say No quickly than yes. You didn't even consider it Gbadamosi"

"Cause there was nothing to consider."

Kilahi gasped, she hated to be sandwiched in between that intense squabble but Gbadamosi wasn't even trying to be subtle! The man was just giving his honest opinion. For every gbas there was gbos!

She wanted to speak but Mr George's look kept her quiet, almost as though it was a normal thing between them.

"Can we not have this argument right now?" Gbadamosi requested then his father cleared his throat, "Engagement party or not, as long as the marriage holds, it's fine by me. That should be our focus right now ehn." He noted feeling his wife's gaze on him.

"In as much as I want a small party just like you suggested, we can't open his mouth and shove it into his mouth like a bitter pill. So... when are we going to officially meet our Benue in laws to receive our list?"

7:24 pm

Manny walked out of the hospital ward to answer a call from Temi, "Hello Manny" "Hello. This one you're calling in the evening before game time" "What stupid game time? I'm at the house" "Where else are you supposed to be?" "I meant the house... Not my husband's house, I'm with Mom" She revealed to his shock.

"Is everything okay? Is... Is Mom okay?"

"I don't know. She has been crying! I just left the room for a while because i couldn't take the tears. At this rate she'll get sick and I'm worried" "If she's down with any sickness maybe you guys should just take her to the hospital?"

"She looks fine but... Manny I think you should be here"

"You know how Mom gets when she sees me! It's like she made a deal with the devil to always frustrate me" "I know and I feel that way too but I really think you should be here."

" Ossy isn't feeling fine"

"Please! Mom needs us."

"Where was she when we needed her?" "I want an answer to that question as much as you do. But first thing first, let's be here for her. I wish you can see her right now. Mom is a mess"


Mrs George sat on the hospital bed with her twin sister. "I came as soon as I could. Badejo said you haven't said a word since the evacuation." She paused watching her sister shut her eyes in tears.

She mopped at her face with her fingers, "Speak to me, I'm your twin. You'll get sick if you keep this up, please speak to me. I know you're hurting but you can tell me anything" "I lost my baby" "God gives and he takes. He can give you again"

"This one was a miracle"

"God never gets tired of performing miracles."

"What if I don't give birth again"

"You have Manny and Temi. You're speaking as though you don't have kids, they are your children" "They took after their father, I just wanted one that will take after me" "How are you sure the one you lost was going to take after you?"

"Now we'll never know"

"What are you saying? Your children needs you okay? Temi misses you, the only reason she's not feeling it too much is because she has her brother and her cousins with her. What are you going to do about your husband and the baby? I spoke to him, he said you want to put him up for adoption. Why don't you adopt him for yourself? It's your husband's child. No one has to know that. You'll just simple tell the world that a woman lost her life while giving birth, you took sympathy and adopted the child. Just maybe, this is what God wants, you need to put that into.consideration"

"Or maybe this is God punishing me for planning to adopt him. I was in a thick of argument yesterday about him when this happened. It feels like God's fault and it also feels like that boy's fault too"

Mrs George shook her head while waving her fingers in disagreement, "Hm Hm! Don't blame that innocent child, he hasn't done anything to you. That boy needs to be showered motherly love! He just lost his mother! I've seen the boy, very cute thing, you should see him too"

"I don't want to"

"See this as God's plan"

"Is God this wicked enough to make me lose my third child?" "Don't say that. His ways are not the ways of man! Let him be your third child" "Easy for you to say! You had it easier than I did, you got married earlier, you gave birth with ease, I was the one who had to wait,"

"How long did you wait? Was it up to a year?"

"I was the one who had to deal with three miscarriages before Manny came"

Mrs George scoffed, "I feel like slapping you right now. You're lucky you're not feeling fine cause I really would have! We are twins but we have different lives, your life doesn't have to be like mine! When is this copy cat behavior going to end? I got married, you couldn't wait to get married and you jumped on the first bus you saw. You wanted a God fearing man like my husband and you got Badejo. Just because we made London our residence, you had to move the children there without the consent of your husband."

"Shut up!"

"I had three children, you had two but no, you couldn't wait to add the third to it. You even have a girl child that I don't but do you see me going crazy because of It? No!"

"Get out!" Mrs Coker yelled at her sister but she refused to leave, "I am not going anywhere until you hear me out! You don't like to hear the truth right? Oh, because I've been quiet for 10 years right? I am tired of having to always encourage you every time things don't work out the way it worked in my life! I am tired! O ti sun mi! My life isn't better than yours"

"But you got the perfect husband right? Mine cheated, my husband cheated, do you know how it feels? I have the opposite of your life, am I supposed to be happy about it?"

Tears ran down Mrs George's face, "I'm sure you would have been happy if you were married to my husband instead, if he had asked you out instead of me, you would have been thrilled and I would have been happy for you but reverse was the case"

"Don't say that. I respect George... You two are perfect for each other and I'm happy for you but I wish Badejo didn't have to cheat"

"It was a mistake. You think George and i don't go through rough patches too? We do but you coveting everything I have isn't the way to go about this! You could have gone back to Nigeria when Badejo asked you to! Instead of staying back against his will. Mo sofun e, iwo lo ko lati gbo,O ṣilẹkun gbagada fún èṣù lati wole (I warned you but you refused to listen. You gave the devil a chance to come into your home"

"Oh please! A cheating man will always cheat! Even though I was in Nigeria with him, I'm sure he would have cheated still"

"What are we going to go about the boy?"

"Can you believe Badejo already has a name for him?" "It's his son, irrespective of the way he came into this world. He shouldn't be blamed for his parents sin. What do you expect? He can be your third child."

"God forbid! I can have more"

"Why don't you see this as God's will too? His word says, all things works together for good for they that love God and are called according to his purpose. Tanimola can help you heal."

She hissed and cried.

A nurse stepped into the room holding on to the baby, "Good evening Ma. How's the patient doing?" She asked but Mrs Coker gave her a blank look. "She's fine" Mrs George replied, "I am here with the baby as demanded"

"Thank you" Mrs George rose up and grabbed the baby from the nurse. She watched the baby suck his lips, "The cute thing wants to suck" She smiled, "Abi. Too bad his mother is dead, I wonder who will take care of the boy now" The nurse exhaled now staring Mrs Coker.

"Sorry for the loss Ma, it is well." She advised then she left the room. "Who asked for your prayers?" She snapped batting her eyes at the nurse, "Will you get out this instant!" She barked.

The nurse left speedily.

Her sister shot a glare at her, "That wasnt necessary" "Let everyone mind their business!" She screamed and rolled her eyes. Mrs George held the baby out to her twin but she refused to carry him. "I don't want to" She replied casting her gaze away.

"Just take a look at the boy" She begged and Mrs Coker glanced at the innocent boy smack his hungry lips. He had her husband's nose and lips but his complexion was different fair, perhaps he took that from his mother.

"He has Badejo's face, except his complexion"

"Same thing I said when I saw him. Your husband has a very strong gene"

She laughed, "I've never seen a man with a strong gene." "This one will still get black. This one is fake oyinbo, wasn't Temi a bit fair from birth?" Mrs George joked to lighten the tensed atmosphere.

Her eyes fell on her sister's breast, "Are you milkng? The baby is hungry" "I'm not! I was barely four months gone!" "But if you" "Temitope... Not now! Please!"

Mrs George was still holding the baby out for her to carry, "At least carry him, I know you've lost a baby and you're sad" "I'm not sad, I'm devastated. That's the word" "Just carry him even for a minute"

Mrs Coker grudgingly agreed to carry the boy. She watched him suck his lips, "He's hungry, he needs to get some formula" "Is that a yes? Are you keeping him?" Mrs George smile but her sister faced her quickly with a frown.

"I'm not agreeing to adoption. How are we going to travel out of the country with him within the week?" She asked stretching the baby back to her sister who quickly carried him.

"You're not still planning on leaving are you?"

"The children are already settling there"

"Your husband"

"Bade can cheat all he wants! He already did it once" "Are you.... going to file for a divorce?" "So my enemies can mock me right? No way! I don't know what I want now, I need some time out to think. I want to kill him for this, I want some time away from him but what will people say? They'll blame me for sure! I'd rather just travel out of the country."

"The right thing is to stay back and fix your home!" "I can't" "What if we all come back to Nigeria, will that make you happy?" She asked watching her sister's eyes widen in surprise.

"You'll do that for me?"

"Anything to man you better. You're going to need me closer to you than ever" She replied holding her palm with her free hand while the other gripped the baby tightly. "George.... will he agree? The children, they're citizens and...." "I'll speak to him, It might not be easy to convince the boys but.... I'll do it. I can't leave you now. Together we'll get through this as one big family. In the next years, what am i saying, in the next months, it's going to be a thing of the past. We'll laugh over this"


Temi entered into her mother's room holding on to a tray. On it was a cup of tea and two slice bread. Her mother was now seated leaning against the headboard. Her hands were folded. Her eyes were swollen from crying too much.

Temi placed the tray on the bed then she lifted the cup stretching it out to her. "I made tea" She said out loud and it sounded strange cause this was the first tea she has ever made for her mother. Mrs Coker grabbed it and then slowly she took a slow sip.

"Thank you" She muttered and Temi smiled finding balance close to her mother, "This has got to be the first time you're telling me thank you" "Because this is the first time you're actually doing something nice for me. I have to admit that I'm scared of the tea" Her mother replied and Temi chuckled.

"It's not poisoned. If I wanted to poison you I would have done that years ago. I just realized I've never made tea for you, do you know how my food tastes?" She asked and Mrs Coker nodded, "Those time you came cooking for your father when I was indisposed. It wasn't bad"

"Mummy taught me how to cook. I mean Mummy Gbada"

"I know. It's no news she's Mom of the year"

"Um... well you tube was useful at a time too"

"I'm sorry"

"For what?" She asked watching her mother shrug.

"A lot"

"Thank you and I'm sorry on the same day, are you sure the world is not coming to an end anytime soon?" She chipped in and her mother forced a smile. On hearing that she dropped the cup on the tray then she returned to her melancholic state.

"I called Manny"

She scoffed in disbelief, "And you think he'll come? The boy doesn't care about me" "He does. Mom, I was worried about you, what happened with the baby? What broke you?" She asked in tears.

There was a quick knock on the door.

"Come in" Temi yelled while her mother disagreed. She didn't want anyone except her daughter seeing her in that sorry state especially her daughter's husband.

"Mom it's fine, i'm sure it's not Alade"

Mrs Coker lifted her head in shock on seeing Manny walk into the room, "You really came" "Good evening Ma" He greeted bowing his head slightly. "Good evening" She greeted recalling her sister's advise earlier that day.

"I am not fooling God. I am accepting fate and His will for my family. I made peace with my children and they came visiting after a long time. You can make peace with yours too"

"How? With Gbadamosi, it was about his choice of woman so you needed to do was accept his woman and there you have it! With Maniola it's just....pure hate for me"

"That boy doesn't hate you. It's the same thing! Every dinner he ever walked out on you, it was always because of your insistence on him getting a wife, or something relating to his job. Someday,he's going to make that decision, but first thing first, you're going try to be a mother to him, accept his decision even it means waiting for him. God's time is the best! I remember how sad you were after i got married but you were still single. A year later, God sent you your own"

Manny faced Temi, "Is she alright now?" "She's more relaxed, she's no longer crying" "Good then, good night then. I have somewhere to be" "Maniola" his mother called out.

He cussed within looking away, "Mom I have somewhere to be. I only came because she called me" "Thank you for coming. Even though i can e you're clearly irritated by my sight, at least I know for a fact you'll show up even it's for my burial."

"I'll take my leave"

"Can you sit for a moment." "I have somewhere to go" "Please. Give me ten minutes of your time to clarify things. It's high time you and your sister know the truth about everything" She exhaled watching him sit at the other side faced back.

"You want to use ten minutes to explain more than twenty something years of negligence."

Mrs Coker scoffed, "The tens minutes is a proposed time because I know you might probably leave before i end the story. It's not promising to be sweet story by the way. I didn't know how to tell the two of you, i was waiting till i was strong and sane enough to reveal it; the opportunity never presented itself. I still don't count myself as sane enough or ready to reveal this truth but I guess the day has come. You father should be present"

Temi disagreed, "Dad is not the problem here, he would have revealed whatever this is if you had given him approval" "True but he has the biggest share of blame"

"Dad said you had two miscarriages before having Manny and me and then you lost another one. Is that what this is all about? " Temi asked.

Mrs Comer scoffed, "Not entirely. I did have miscarriages, but God ended up giving me Manny. It was one of the happiest day of my life." She smiled weakly then she looked over at Temi.

"It was one hospital check up with you but you were a strong child, I was operated on before they could pull you out. It was either i got tid of you or I lose my life but I chose the both of us instead. I love the both of you, although I was jealous of the fact your father's gene was so strong. You even loved your father more than me. So I wanted another another baby that will take after me, and also because my sister had three too. It was the most childish thing ever but I didn't care, I was determined. Against doctor's report, I got pregnant and I got a news that almost made me mad. Your father had gotten another woman pregnant" She confessed and Manny's eyes shut in disappointment.

He never imagined him to be the kind to cheat on his wife. Wasn't he a man of God? But then again he thought of the temptations that came with ministry and how welcoming his father has always been.

Could it be a moment of weakness?

"By the time I got back to Nigeria, this woman was already dead but her son survived. I had another miscarriage while your father and I were arguing over whether to put him up for adoption in a motherless institute or bring in him into the house under adoption"

Temi shut her eyes in realization, "Is it Tanimola?" "Yes" Her mother replied with a nod then she lowered herself sinking her face into into her palm. "Shit!" Manny muttered rising up then he lets out a low groan, "How could you not tell us Tanimola was our brother?"

"And bring shame to this family? Do you know the length I went through to hide this? You two wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret"

"Okay fine, it's understandable you kept it away from us as kids; what about after we grew up? Why didn't you speak?"

"I was protecting the family image"

"Oh please!" Manny snapped, "The only image you were protecting was yours! The only thing you've ever cared about Is just you! You've always been selfish, always thinking about yourself and what people will think about you. That's all I ever heard from you! It's always 'what will the people say' 'what will the neighbors say', what about what we think? Mom have you ever sat for a second to think about our opinion" He snapped blinking his tears in.

"When are you ever going to put us into consideration? We deserved to know Tanimola was our brother. Is he aware?" "Yes! I also didn't want you looking at your father as a cheat"

"I'm sure it was a mistake, we would have gotten over it"

"With him it's a mistake but with me it's not! Because I'm the monster right? He made the mistake and i had to suffer and pay miserably for It but he gets to be the first to be exonerated! Wow!"

Everything finally made sense to Temi, why Tanimola couldn't visit and why he had to leave quickly during the wedding. "Did you in anyway instruct him not to come close to us?" "It wasn't that way"

"No wonder Tanimola couldn't stay for my wedding. He kept on acting as though he'll be in trouble if he got caught and I was so worried for him! I never knew it was because of you. That boy grew up with us! He was like a brother! He called you Mom, i treated him like my own brother but you had him pushed away like that! How could you? Why did dad agree to something like that?"

"For my sanity.... I was going through depression, I didn't want to get help because I was scared of what people will say when the news go out."

Manny rolled his eyes. If there was something prevalent about their mother, it was her constant concern about what people will say about every decision she makes! Almost as though she was living her life to please people.

"It was either I let go of him or he ends up dead in the bathtub. I was losing my mind! Sometimes I love the little boy and sometimes I wanted to drown him to death. It wasn't healthy, I didn't want to commit murder so I had him taken away. I didn't want to keep transferring my anger at my own children so I stayed away till I felt I was okay."

Manny scoffed, "Those times you pushed us away. Mom we needed you, I needed you but you had us live with Mommy instead! Thank God she was more of a mother than you ever were"

Mrs Coker sobbed so hard she thought her body would break with it. She took a cloth from the bed and blew her nose into it, her shoulders shaking as she continued in tears. "Everything I have ever done was out of love! You guys might not remember but there was this time I was so angry with Temi's whinning while I was taking care of Tanimola. I pushed you away and almost broke your arm. After that, I realized I wasn't fit to take care of anyone so I sent you two off to stay with your Aunt at least till I got over the depression. I stayed away until I felt I was okay mentally to play the role of a mother but you two rejected me and made me even more bitter. There's no day I don't feel guilty for not being the mother I should have been"

"Did you at least get the necessary therapy?" Temi asked, "No? You didn't?" "I didnt feel comfortable with these guys listening to my story and feeling like they know all about me. I couldn't bear it, even when I tried committing suicide, it didn't change a thing." She whispered and Temi felt sorry for her mother who still needed therapy.

"For someone that hasn't been a mother to us, your mistake was stepping in to make choices for us! All we wanted was some sort of explanation and love from you. You didn't sit down with me to ask me what my prospect was, no! You only dictated."

"I didn't know how else to be a mother, you didn't even make it easy. If I decide that everyone will be wearing white for thanksgiving in church, you two will come dressed in something else. The rebellion was driving me insane and because I knew it was intentional, it made me more angry! Medicine seems like a nice course to study but no! You chose something else! It wasn't just the course that annoyed me, it was the rebellion! The fact you guys only did it to annoy me! Don't deny it cause i know if I didn't suggest it you two would have chosen something else"

Manny sat on the bed, he was as guilty as charged. "Then why did you keep insisting? Don't you know it aggravates the soul?" "That was why I kept complaining! I was expressing the hurt I felt." "You could have supported us! Mom have you ever tuned in to my radio channel? Have you ever listened to my programs? People love it but the one woman I expect to listen in doesn't want to be associate with a disgrace. Do you know how it makes me feel to know you're ashame of my job?" He asked wiping off his tears.

"Or mine?" Temi asked.

Mrs Coker sobbed saying into her palms, "I know i can't undo this error. I know i can't fix it. I can't fix any of the horrible things I've done like how I reacted at your wedding. I was just so angry that I failed to consider that it was your wedding" "It was just a one time thing buy you had to pretend all through. Mom, you didn't even pray for me, you didn't even dance with me. A day that was supposed to be the happiest day in my life didn't feel like it cause I felt like I didn't have your blessing. In as much as I try to act like you don't matter, all I've ever wanted was your approval"

"I can't.... I can't fix this but I want to make up for it. It might be too late but I'm tired, Temi I am tired of this war between my children and i. My heart can't take it anymore"

Temi moved close to embracing her mother, "I am tired too, I really don't want my children growing up in this toxic environment". Her mother withdrew looking down at her belly and she laughed. "I'm not sure I'm pregnant, it's still too early to tell. Alade even threatened to pause all plans to have children until we've settled this beef"

Her eyes widened in shock in between the tears, "No oh! He shouldn't do that, I need to have my grand child at the right time. What will people say? That after one year anniversary they haven't heard baby cries. They will talk."

Temi rolled her eyes, "You're doing it again" "What?" "Caring about what people say more than my opinion" "I'm sorry. Do you...." She trailed off as her heart thomped in fear of what her response will be. "Do you want to have children anytime soon?"


"Thank God!" She exhaled in tears and Temi laughed, "If I had said yes, what would you have done?"

Her mother shrugged, "I don't know. All I know is that I want my children back and my grandchildren around me" She replied then she folded in her mother's embrace. "I pray the Lord bless you, the Lord that gives children bless your womb"

"Amen" She responded in tears holding tightly to her, "May you be fruitful, may your marriage be fruitful. No man no woman will out asunder to your home"


"You will carry children in your womb and in due time, you will give birth to them. More than I loved you, your will love your children. The length your father and I couldn't go to show our care for our children, you shall exceed it"


"Your children will heed to your voice, whatsoever negative words I've spoken into your life" She halted busting into tears, "I nullify it, they cease to operate in your life." "Amen" May God in his infinite mercy keep us long enough to witness your home bloom into a wonderful one."


Mrs Coker withdrew rubbing her daughter's cheek, "Everything will be fine" She whispered wiping her tears with her palm, "It will be fine" She repeated to console herself. She turned her head at Manny. "My love, I'm sorry for not being there. A mother never stops loving her children, I love you, you have to believe me. Everything I did, I thought I was doing it for everyone's good. Yes! Mo n gbiyanju lati lati (I was only trying to..to..".... She stammered searxhing for words, "To protect my reputation. Yes! I might have been selfish most of the time but.... a mother's love fir her children doesn't change no matter the tribulations she has faced"

His tears poured constantly even as he wiped them off, "If you need time, I'll give you time or I can give you a hug if you want one. I could use one right now" She joked. He laughed in between the tears then he shook his head.

"I'm sure you would have preferred if I came out fairer"

His mother laughed, "I'm guilty as charge but I love you still as much as I would have loved the fair one" She replied and he smiled. "So... I know I've been absent and we can't exhaust all conversations now, I'm sure you still have questions but when were you going to tell me about the child you have?" She asked looking towards Manny's direction.

At this point he was confused, he didnt want to believe she knew about Ossy. If Temi had slipped, she would have given him a heads up. "I don't understand"

"There's no point pretending. Salome called me about a son you took to the clinic to get tested" "Oh" Manny paused and a smile crept his cheeks, that was all his mother needed to know there was really a son. "So I have a grandchild all these while you and two were stressing me and hiding it from me. How old is he?"


"Seven years??? So you two kept It away for seven years. Thats worst than a crime"

"I only just met his mother recently"

"Oh. Did she hid it from you? Have you at least conducted a DNA test to be sure?"

"I don't need to"

"Who does he look like? You or the mom? Your father's gene is very strong, I'm sure he must look like you for you to defy having a DNA done"

Temi sucked her lips, "Mom!" "What? Forgive me if I'm excited about having a grandchild. If you had gotten married to Alade when he proposed years ago instead of carrying his ring all over the world for years, I would have at least had two grandchildren, two" She noted lifting two fingers up in her face.

"Mom! E ti beere (you've started)"

"Sorry... I know we are letting bygones be bygones but I'll be the only sixty years old woman celebrating her birthday without a grandchild" "There are some sixty years old still looking for children" Temi answered looking away.

"God didn't allow that to be my portion, even with the miscarriages i had, he gave me children. God will also give you all children" "Amen but mommy you get my point shey?"

"The tables have turned, I now I have a grandson. Legally or illegally, I don't care, all I know is that I can't wait to meet him and post a picture of him while I wait for Salome to view the status"

A half hearted chuckle busted out of Manny's lips. How was he going to tell his mother that the grandson she was already daydreaming about is not even related to her?

"When should I be meeting him?" She asked then she frowned on remembering the school factor. "I'm sure he must have gone to school but I can see him aver school. He must be tired but he can be rest assured that I'll spoil him with kisses and I'll try to be on my best behavior. What's his name?"


"Is it a short form?"

"For Ositadinma"

"So his Igbo mother gave him an Igbo name? That's not bad, we'll give him a second name, something like Tejumola." She chipped in then she laughed, "I'm starting to sound like your father, he's inspiration for names is ola... It has to end with ola... Except Temi. Oh wait, I named you Temi, not him" She rambled nervously.

"He's not my blood but I've taken him as my son" He announced while he watched how the smile on his mother's face gradually fade. It was as though someone pricked a floating balloon with a needle. "We're not related by blood. I'm dating his mother Hilary. She's the woman I love and want to be with"

"You want to date someone who has a child, probably from being promiscuous"

"She's a widow! She lost her husband shortly after giving birth. She's a good person, she makes me happy. I love her and I love her son too. I promise you, you'll love him when you get to meet him"

"Mom that's the truth. Hilary has a wonderful soul and Ossy is a brilliant boy" Temi buttressed as she crossed her finger in a shrinking faith that maybe, just maybe her mother can have a double take on it.

Mrs Coker shook her head, "It doesn't change him from being someone's child. Don't make the same mistake I made, don't suffer that poor boy because you feel you can do it. Do you think it's easy taking care of a child that isn't yours? Do you think you'll be able to love him more than your love your own children? What will happen when you start having your own children. Will you love him still or will you put him through a lifetime of wishing his mother never made the mistake of getting married to you?"

Manny scoffed rising up, "I'm not going to sit and listen to this" "You can ad well stand and listen then! Stop this madness before it destroys you like it destroyed me" "Mom I'm not you, I love that boy like he's my own son, from the very first day I heard his voice. I'm not going to push him away like you pushed Tanimola. You didn't just push a child that wasn't yours away, you pushed your children too. Being a mother or father isn't a right, you earn it, Dad earned his own and I'm earning mine in the life of that boy" He snapped leaving the room.

Mrs Coker busted into tears, "Maniola!" She yelled and Temi rolled her eyes. "You shouldn't have said that. Manny loves that child" "But i'm telling the truth. I tried to... I tried" She sobbed leaning against her daughter's shoulder. Temi rubbed her back to console her.

Kilahi waved her future in law goodbye as she walked towards the car with Gbadamosi. "I wish I can just land on my bed right now. I'll sleep and snore" "You snore?" He asked and she shook her head. "Of course not but toor... judging from how tired I am, anything is possible." She paused and arced her brow at him.

"I rebuke that possibility." He replied and she laughed, "Why?" "I had this friend that snores... Oh my God... Nah!" His face twisted into a wry grimace.

"Wait... what if I snore?" She asked, arms akimbo. "An heads up will do, so I can get an ear morph in advance"

She laughed throwing her body unconsciously against him, "You'll have to get used to it eventually but no, I don't snore or have any sleeping habits you need to worry about" "Great." "Can I say something real fast?"

"What?" He asked and she hesitated but then she picked up again.

"The way you responded to your mom, it.... I feel it wasn't nice and maybe you should apologize"

"I did It because of... you don't know mom that's why"

"I think you should listen to your mom about the whole engagement party." "Did she put you up to this?"

Kilahi nods, "Yes. It will really make her happy and you know she missed our proposal so... I feel we should honor her and just agree to the engagement party."


"Even your dad agrees to"

"No. My answer is final and nothing is changing it, even if she goes to the mountain to pray about it, my no is no."

She was shaken by the response but she hid it under a playful pout, "Not even me" She asked running her hands across his shoulder.

"Not even you"

He noticed the hint of disapproval on her face. She scoffed downheartedly, he clearly lacks the appropriate response to give! "This is your Mom's request oh, she's even begging you" "We are not even married and she's already making request to influence my decision, what will she do when we get married, whenever she wants me to wear a blue shirt, she'll call you to make sure it's done. I already made my decision, there's no turning back"

"I already made my decision no turning back" She mimicked him and scoffed afterwards, she was no longer masking her disapproval. "How can you say that so conveniently? "


"Why are you acting so rigid?"

"How rigid?"

"Like 'no one can influence my decision' rigid! Even God isn't this rigid so I wonder who you're trying to be like!" She rolled her eyes moving close to the car then she tried to open the door but it was locked.

"I don't understand" He blurted our completely puzzled, he didnt understand why her mood suddenly changed.

"What part? The meaning of rigid or the entire sentence I just made?" She asked folding her hands then she pressed the door knob again, "Please open the door"

Gbadamosi blinked, "Why do you sound angry? Have I done something wrong?" "I'm not angry"

"You are angry"

"Please open the door, I'm tired and I need to get home and I'm having a slight stomach upset"

"I'm not opening it until you tell me what i did?"

Kilahi folded her arms, "So you can't guess" "I don't want to assume"

"And your behave in there?"

"I was just being myself, mom knows that. She was just trying to push my button." "Oh really?"

"Should I fake in front of you, is that what you want? I was just being myself"

"You were being yourself"

"And that's a bad thing right?"

"Not when the character is a bad one, let's call a spade a spade"

"I don't claim to be perfect Babe. If you find a flaw you don't like in me, maybe you should speak up rather than bottle it up and then blow a normal conversation out of proportion"

Kilahi exhaled, "Out of....Isn't relationship supposed to be about compromise and understanding?" "Where is this question coming from?" "Answer it, yes or no" "It is" "Then if it is, then what are we doing here? Choicest, what are we really doing? I mean if I can't walk up to yoy someday and convince you on a particular matter because you already have your mind fixed on doing It your own way. What kind of marriage am i getting into? God forbid will I be the kind of wife that fold her hands and watch a man silence all her opinions"

"I have never silenced your opinion"

"What about now?"

Gbadamosi rubbed his forehead letting oit a low grunt, all he wanted was to find a quick way to quench the fire, however way but started! "The engagement party wasn't even your plan" "But your mom requested it and you spoke rudely to her. I suggested you apologize but your claims are almighty so what you did doesn't matter cause based on the 'almighty' that you are, no one can make you see your mistake"

Gbadamosi, "That's not fair" "I begged you and you said no without blinking. Gbadamosi, you didn't even think of it. It broke my heart, let me just be honest, it was as if you shred my heart with a grater." Her voice trembled as she spoke, it wss obvious she was close to tears. "There i was thinking I'm special so i can at least creep into his heart with sweet words but no oh! He said the no as if she's nothing to him. Dan boro uba! Like! Ah! It made me so scared. You looked into my face and said no."

"I'm not always going to agree with everything you say"

"This was the first Gbadamosi.." She snapped quietly lifting up her finger, "The first and I think it's going to be the last cause.." She trailed busting into Hausa, "I don't think I have the strength for that kind of heart break again"

"If I agree, Mom is always going to bring up ideas that she will want you to speak to me about. If I say yes to this, what's the possibility she won't bring up something else that I'll still have to force myself to do"

"That's where you're getting it wrong. You can say no but It was the way you said it! It's sounding like, If you've made a decision, no one can change it. Mr. my yes is my yes and my no is my no! Maybe something like, I'm sorry baby but I'll have to say no to that. Or some reason, it doesn't have to be concrete, at least some effort that won't be make feel like I'm getting married to an Almighty. There are nicer ways you could have said that instead of being dictatorial." She paused blinking her tears, "Relationship is about compromise, you're not going to say yes to everything but you're going to reconsider some. I'm shifting boundaries dear! I'm shifting every boundaries, I'm doing things I never used to do! I'm stressed in ways I can't explain. You requested out of the blues that we meet your mentor and I agreed and many more. It's not convenient for me but I'm doing it, why? Because that's what every mentor and preacher always say about relationship, you shift boundaries and reach a consensus. I know It wasn't my suggestion but your Mom's and I was only acting on her instruction out of wisdom so when she asks me, I'll have something to say to her rather than lie but the way you responded was too bad and this is the first time I've ever asked anything from you! The first time! This one thing I ask, this one thing, but you had to refuse it because no one can influence a decision already made by you. What will happen when we get married and I make a request for something you've already made plans for, will you give it a second thought or will you say no the way you did today? Only because you've already made plans so you can't compromise. I mean look at you debating over how many children we want without considering how I might feel about it. I said something oh but mine did not count, why?"

Gbadamosi shut his eyes in guilt, "I was just joking" "Really? Cause it didn't sound that way" "I didn't know it made you feel that way" "Because you're making this relationship more about what you want than what I want. Your mom was right, even though this relationship is fresh, I don't know a lot about you. Choicest, please open the door, it's getting late, I need to go home and relax. My head is aching me"

"Okay...." He trailed off as his heart raced fast in fear and uncertainty. He opened up the car and she pushed her door open then she entered into it letting her tears flow freely. Gbadamosi felt his heart become heavy; he has never seen Kilahi that angry before.

"Holy Spirit help me" He muttered taking a deep breath before getting into the car. "Babe..." He called out shutting door to himself. "Can we just have a quiet drive home. Please, I just want to let the steam off"

"I don't mind, just let it all on me. Even if it burns me, I'll take it all. Anything but silence"

She gave him a dramatic stare then he noticed the tears on her face, "God, my love" "Not now! Please, I'm begging you, I know we need to talk but please just take me home. I would have preferred ordering a ride home but what will people say? Just take me home" She begged then she sobbed quietly.

Gbadamosi nodded gently , fixing the keys into the ignition. The roar of the engine resonated in the car when Kilahi looked away from him. He has never felt this guilty in his life, except the guilt of being a sinner which he had in that initial Christian stage. He watched her avoid any possible eye contact with him, he didn't want to go against her wish, he has been accused for being self-centered and authoritative. He didn't want to do anything more that will affirm that accusation.

10:19 pm

Manny watched Ossy sleep then he ran his hands over Ossy's neck to check his temperature. "It's much better" Hilary whispered then he sat back on the chair. She knelt down before him clasping his hands. "Thank you for this.. I really don't know how to repay you"

"I'm glad he's fine. That's all I care about"

"Thank you"

"You do know I care about Ossy right and.no matter what happens, I'll still love him as much as I love you right?" He asked in tears and she suddenly got worried.

"Manny are you okay? Is this about your visit to your Mom's place? Is she okay?"

He nods affirmatively then he leaned forward with his fingers interlaced.

"What happened?"

"Our reconciliation went wrong when I told her about you and Ossy. She heard I had a son from Aunty Salome, the lady from earlier on. She was really excited to meet him. She said I can never truly love him but here I am staring at a boy that isn't my blood but I can't do anything for. A boy that has stolen a part of my heart, a boy I'm ready to go extra length for but she couldn't even take care of Tanimola. It begs the question, Is she even human? Does she even have human sympathy?"

"Baby I'm lost" She expressed her confusion while trying to catch his wandering gaze but he grunted painfully instead, the words were too heavy for him to spew. "Dad cheated years ago... The Tanimola I watched grow is my father's son, hence.... my brother and she kept it away from us"

Hilary got him behind him in a quick embrace while he muffled his tears in order not to wake Ossy or the other patients up."Shh... It's going to be fine, shh"

Gbadamosi pulled his car over outside Kilahi's compound just a few metres from the gate. There were two men in front of the gate, he could hear their conversation about football and their loud cackle from where he was. He finally exhaled looking towards Kilahi who had been typing on her phone throughout the drive.

It had been a guilt trip all the way to this place! They haven't been this quiet before, except after he asked her out in Anambra!

She looked over at the red gate in surprise. She didn't even realize they had gotten home. "Oh" She muttered glancing back at her phone then she typed.

I'm outside the gate. Come and open up, I don't want to stand for long. There are two guys outside.

I'll be there. How is Pastor Gbadamosi?

Kilahi shrugged, then she typed...

I don't know.

Are you sure you two don't have to discuss about this thing in the car?

What's there to discuss?

So you two will be quiet about it? Is that even mature? You're more mature than this Kilahi

This isn't about maturity
I'm hurting💔
Really hurting😭

I know but this is going to be your husband in the next month.

That's what scares me the most. I've never made request for anything and today I just got to find out his priority supercedes others. What if I make a request in the future and he refuses?

It's not all request that a man accepts jhoor

You get my point

I do but I still think you two should talk

Gaskia, I'm not in the mood. Come and open the gate jhoor

She typed turning off her data then she returned back to her home screen. She shoved her phone into her handbag, grabbed the bag tightly ready to get out of the car. "Good night" She whispered and then he scoffed.

"Really?" He asked and she quickly turned her head to him with an innocent look on her face. Her eyes were reddish and swollen too, he could see that she was some minute away from crying her eyes out again.

He did that to her.

He hated it!

"What?" She asked in the most subtle and controlled tone ever! Almost as though she wasn't even the least bit angry at him.

"Are you going to leave this way? Sleep comfortably being angry at me? Am I supposed to sleep comfortably too? What is really going on? How did that conversation build up to the point you're saying good night to me without barely looking at me? Hours ago we were happy and talking about where you snore or not and now we're this close to ignoring each other. Hours ago i could swear you're the woman I want to spend my life with and now you're acting like you're six minutes away from breaking up with me"

Kilahi blinked, "I didn't say anything about breakup" "You were going to leave without us talking this out and settling it" "I wasn't in the mood to speak, gaskia, I'm still not in the mood to speak "Even though, we'll find a way to settle it that's what couples do"

"Oh now you know what couples do" She shot back at him and he widened his eyes in pain.

"Do you ...." He trailed off sucking his lips, "Do you know how I feel right now? Do you even care how i feel right now. My entire mood suddenly went from being good to this! My love, I am sorry for not considering your feeling when you said you wanted two children only, I am sorry for the way I spoke to you. You're right, I love to have things my way and I don't like when people try to influence my decisions especially when it pertains to my personal life, especially when it's coming from Mom cause she's just so used to getting involved with everything. She might have changed her orientation but she's still the same woman that will walk into my room without knocking. I'll be getting married to you and I'll want my privacy"

"She loves and care about you irrespective"

"That's the same woman who hated you days ago"

"What's your point? You want me to be the kind of daughter in law that will hold grudges against her mother in law. Is that it? She has changed. It doesn't rule out the fact she loves you."

"I know but I'm a man who enjoys his privacy..." He trailed off witholding his tears. "Well you need to be more open minded to the fact that you're about to lose that privacy to your wife. She will want to know more about you, she will want to support your dreams and will also want you to support hers too."

"The reason I disagreed to the engagement party was because I thought I was protecting you from her. You wanting to please her!" "It was the way i begged you and the way you refused. I know she meddles, it's not hard to see that part and i'm not just trying to please her, i'm only applying wisdom here. Your mom didn't know I'll be busy today so I honored her invitation. We've spoken about my schedule for the week now she knows I'm busy. Do you think she'll call me to come over for an impromptu meeting? Even if she does, I now have an excuse? If I can make it, I will, if I can't she can't hold it against me. Even if she does, it won't be on my conscience. I'm not being stupid. You on the other hand could have said it differently not throw that response at my face like my opinion didn't matter"

"I'm sorry. I see that I'm wrong, and i apologize. I know you're concerned about the future and.... Babe, I know I can be a difficult person a times, most times. Just know that I'll never intentionally treat you badly, if I ever do, before or after marriage, just call my attention to it and I'll adjust. I'm sorry for all this and all the stress I've put you through indirectly and directly"

Kilahi eyes glistened with tears, "It's fine." She replied wiping one that was already trickling down. Then she looked over at the gate which was already slightly opened. She could see a silhouette of Sewuese holding on to the gate from the semi dark corner.

"Sewuese is here. Good night" "Good night and i love you"

Kilahi felt her heart leap, she wasn't certain if it was fear or excitement. "This isn't the right time for this. I'm not even in the right frame of mind. I need to just be on my own and think" "My love"

"Gbadamosi, it's fine. It's okay, i've listened to your explanation, i'm just really emotional right now. Good night" She added for the last time then she pushed the door open and got out of the car.

His phone rang afterwards, it was his father but he wasn't in any mood to receive any call that moment. "Hello Dad" He muttered watching her enter.

"Hello. Your Mom was just..." "Dad, I'm sorry but now is not a good time" He interrupted. This was followed by a long pause. "What happened? Have you dropped her off?"

"I just did"

"Is everything fine?"

A lone tear trickled down his cheek then he sniffles, "I was just taking a turn" "That wasn't the question I asked, what are you hiding?" "Kilahi and I had a fight" "Well, It happens to the best of us." "She's really mad at me" "Your mom shouldn't have brought up that topic about babies."

"How did you know?"

"Am I stupid? Why did you think I quickly stepped in? It was to arrest the situation before it got out of hands. Was it just that or there's more?"

Gbadamosi exhaled, "It's not a conversation to have on phone" "Will you be coming back?" "No" "Let's have it on phone then. Out with it!" He demanded and more tears flowed down his cheek.

"Is it not mom who suggested the engagement party and also requested that Kilahi convince into having the party." "And you said no"

"Of course I did. She begged me but I... I didn't agree. I didn't think she'll react the way she did"

"And as usual, you expect everything to go your way"

"Dad, that's not fair" "But it's the truth. One of the characteristics of being an adult is making your own decisions but with you, no one, not even I can influence what you do. For instance, your birthday, remember I called you over and you gave all the excuses in this world. Even though the church threw a party, you said no to my request, not because you were too busy but because you didn't want to see your Mother. The only time we've ever forced anything from you was the dinner we had at your place with Brenda and her parents. You even told you mom that it will be the last time. That's not a way to live as a man who is planning to step into the marriage phase. It takes two for marriage to work and if compromises are not made, it's going to be a difficult experience, can two walk together except they agree? No! Look at the situation that happened right in our presence, she said she wanted two children, you debating over it is a normal response from any male but at the same time you need to pay attention to the expression on your partner's face. She was scared at the thought of having three"

"I was just giving a honest opinion"

"No my dear, you were not giving an opinion, you weren't even suggesting! You were on the imposing side and marriage doesn't work that way. You are not to impose rules on your wife, she is your help meet, not your house maid."

"I've never had any reason to treat her that way. Never! I love her."

"I don't doubt that. Sometimes we hurt the ones we love unknowingly."

"What should I do. Should I go in and speak to her again?"

"Till tomorrow"

"She has to go to work and I have a busy schedule, I might be up all night just thinking about what happened." "Give her time"

The next voice he heard was his mother's voice, "I overheard your father's conversation. I shouldn't asked that question" "Mom" "How angry is she?" "Well... She didn't say she love me back" "I think I remember a few times j do that to your Dad. I'm sure she'll get over it. The truth is, if she says she wants two, accept it... She might have a change of mind, it might even be one"


"You've not heard of post partum stress? It works differently for all women but you need to prepare your mind ahead for these things." "That's not even the problem, are you not the one who asked her to insist on the party. She insisted and I said no. Now she's angry"

"Jesus Christ... Iwo naa... (You too)"

"That's the update oh... Thats the wahala you've stuffed me into" He clicked his tongue, running his palm over his face.

"Should I call her?"

"No. Thank you, you've done enough" He replied scratching his brow, "Don't go and add fuel to the fire" He added and she laughed. "I don't even understand how the conversation blew up out of our control"

"Sorry. I can still call her oh"

"Hmhm... I'll deal with it"

Kilahi propped on a pillow in a navy blue pajamas. As she flipped through the pages of 'Who switched off my brain', she felt the door open and Aunty Mabel walked in. "I hope I wasn't interrupting you"

Of course she is! She knew she had no option but to say, "No Mom" "Great cause your father is waiting in the living room for you" "Why? What happened? It's almost 11"

Aunty Mabel shrugged, "Why don't you see for yourself?"

Uncle Adzer turned off the television while Kilahi sat beside him. She noticed the worry on his face, probably because Aunt Mabel already gave him the full gist.

"Daddy we're not breaking up if that's what you think"

"I hope what happened in church wasn't part of the argument you two had?" "No Sir! It was more personal" "Couples have their up worst and best moment. Just don't let it affect the taste of the relationship " "I honestly didn't think Gbadamosi and i will end up having one in courtship. This man is the most sweetest man I've ever met"

"What about me?"

"Daddy!" She pouted and they both laughed, "He's caring, he's all I want in a man but I'm suddenly noticing a bad side of him and it's just hard to overlook." "We are all not perfect, did you expect him to be perfect?"

"I didn't even think he was perfect in the first then I started to"

"Marriage is the coming together of two Imperfect people to make a perfect home."

"My mistake was thinking he was flawless. Daddy, Gbadamosi can be so perfect, so so perfect, he does things and says things that gives you a different perspective about men. He changed my views on some issues, he made me fall in love, he makes me feel things I've never felt, he makes me feels special and this one time i decided to ask him for something, he refused!"

"It doesn't make him a bad person,"

"I know! He holds on the ideology that once his mind is made on something, no amount of conviction can change It. We argued and I hated it, it broke my heart!"

"He's not always going to say yes to your request. I hope you know that cause if you're entering into marriage with that mentality, you're very wrong"

"I know! Dad I know but this was my first time"

"The first fight your mother and I had after we got married was because of the toothpaste. I loved sucking toothpaste directly so whenever she dees the spit bubbles coming out. She gets mad and screams my full name." He revealed laughing from the way Kilahi's cringed.

She was clearly disgusted!

"Iew... Why? You can just press the toothpaste"

"It was a bad habit that have been part of me since my secondary school and trust me, just because you found a flaw in him doesn't mean he won't also find a flaw in you. See, we learn new things everyday in marriage, some we adjust to, some we correct. I never used to like someone leaning on me and your mother loved leaning and laying on my chest. Even while we were together before marriage, I complained about it. If she does not use someone's body as pillow, she won't sleep. Over 26 years now and my body has adjusted to being used as pillow. I love my news time and your mom had soap opera she loved watching then, we had to shift boundaries that caused her to respect my time and i respected hers. That's marriage for you, be ready to accept and accommodate your spouse's weakness and also work on it. For every wife and husband material sewn, evrry tailor make sure there's an allowance to accommodate future contingencies. Create an allowance to accommodate any future contingencies. Oh I had a lot of weaknesses but God blessed me with my own who understood how to work on me. That woman fixed me and I fixed her too."

Kilahi groaned, "That's my major fear and my wedding is just a month away. I'm scared, I won't lie." She confessed in tears, "It's normal. All these I'm saying was what your father said to me when I made the first complaint about your Mom. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to tell it back to you"

She smiled cleaning her tears, "Thank you Sir. I won't forget this in a hurry" "I know you won't. I'm proud of you Kilahi, I'm proud of who I see you becoming." "Thank you Sir" She replied leaning against his shoulder. "I'm sorry about Pastor Noah" She apologize.

"Ah.... That one is another topic on it's own. I should be the one apologizing. If you didn't like the church, you could have told me. You're old enough to make your decision"

"I didnt want to disappoint you and besides we didn't used to talk much, it was just all about us getting into the car before you drive off." "I'm sorry. Now you have to move your wedding date"

Kilahi laughed shaking his head, "Gbadamosi asked us to be positive, in his words, our wedding will still be holding on the 22nd, no mountain can stop It, not even Papa Noah" "Wow.. My Father in Lord is now a mountain" He replied and they both laughed.

"Gbadamosi has faith and I connect into that faith frequency and I say 22nd is the day I say I do to him. Mehn it's so close, Jesus Christ! My surname is about to be changed an my first name in church to Mama.... The reality is scary" She confessed letting the tears fall in between her laughter and Uncle Adzer laughed too.

"Daddy it's not funny" She complained pouting, "But you're laughing now" "Because I'm scared" She answered and they both laughed.

"You'll be fine ko? You'll do just fine"

11:37 pm

Kilahi stepped out from the bathroom still in her pajamas then she laid in bed groaning in pain. Her period started after the conversation with her Uncle. Cramps was beginning to deal with her.

It finally makes sense why she was so darn emotional and moody that day!

She grabbed her phone to check the time, it was twenty one minutes before mid night. A message came in from AmazingGrace.

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. --- Col 3:12

📌 Communication is key!

📌 Your in laws were not wrong when they said you need to know more personal stuff. We'll talk more when we meet in person. This isn't a phone discussion.

📌 Be prayerful! Be very prayerful, God is working behind the scene to produce that wonderful Movie called "Union of Gbadamosi and Kilahi". It's gonna premiere on the 22nd and the whole world will watch in wonder of what God is going to use the two of you to do.

You had better not sleep with any grudges.Good night😌.

What grudges Ma? Such words don't exist in my vocabulary.

Good night Ma. God bless you for your wise words❤🙏🏼

She had emails to respond to so she quickly turned on the laptop and started to go through emails from the secretary:

Good day Ma trust your Saturday is going well. I was asked to forward this to you. There's an attachment, click on it and register. Mrs Bakare will fill you in with the details later on. I sent you a spreadsheet on another email. You've not viewed it yet cause I've been waiting for feedback. I'm sure you have 1023 unread emails already. Mine is already 120. Be reading your emails, who knows, Guinness might just be giving a record for the person with the sweetest heart.

Kilahi chuckled softly then she groaned regretfully, "Oh God" She muttered rolling her eyes.

She clicked on the attachment and the image showed along with a link for registration.

How far can you walk to support a girl child? Can you go extra miles?

She didn't understand what she was registering for. She thought of giving Moni a call even though it was an ungodly hour but then again she concluded she would rather do it when she meets with her at work the following day.

Her screen light blinked so she unlocked her phone to a message from her heartthrob.

Sweet dreams💓

She clicked on it, then she stumbled upon the message he sent after they got back from Anambra.

You apologized for wasting my time earlier on, i wasn't sure if you meant the time I spent waiting for you or my time in Anambra. If it's the later, then here's my chance to correct that impression. There was no time wasted Kilahi, I cherish every moment. Every minute and second i spent with you made up hours of pure joy and happiness

Hours I still can't get out of my head.
Happy new month and have a blessed day ahead

Kilahi blushed then she remembered how hurt he was when she didnt respond to his love confession so she decided to surprise him with a text.


Within a minute, she received a reply:


She laughed then the thought of calling him came in strongly so she did. She faced the ceiling dialing his number, she bit her bottom lip as she listened to it ring. "Hello Babe" His smooth voice washed over her and her lips curved into a smile.

"Hello dearest, hello sweetest, hello heartess, hello Choicest choice that I'm not sure about"

"Someone seems to be in a good mood" He chuckled softly, "Well someone isn't asleep yet and I wonder why" "I couldn't sleep, not with all the drama playing in my head" "Starring who?"

"Gbadamosi and his missing ribs"

"Geez i wonder what happened"

"Gbadamosi acted like a complete douchebag and he made his missing ribs angry" "I hope she's not missing now"

He laughed, "Same thing on his mind, he's looking out for her forgiveness." "Wow...how did the drama end" "You tell me. That was why I decided to take some time to study." "Oh. I guess i should leave you to it then"

"It's fine. I'm already distracted as it is."

"It's not fine. I'm distracting you from studying"

"Normally, I usually put my phone on flight mode during my study time. I didnt this time because I was waiting for this call. Scratch that, I was praying to God for this call. I didn't want to bother you. Baby I'm sorry"

"Shh, you don't have to apologize again. I think it's my turn to apologize for getting angry for no reason." "It wasn't for any reason. I did something wrong" "Shh.... I shouldn't have handled it the way I did. This is..." She checked the time and quickly placed the phone against her ear.

"This is ten minutes before 12. I believe I should make this right before a new day. Choicest I'm sorry, you're the man of my dreams, I've seen you on you different shades of good. I didn't expect you to have a bad side"

"I've always been told that I'm a stubborn man, I always love things to be done in my way and for a moment I let my ego override me" "I was scared for myself, I remembered our wedding was the following month and it felt like I didn't even know the man I'm getting married to. Fear is a bastard! And i might have exaggerated the anger and it finally makes sense this night why I did."


"My.... period came irregularly. I can swear that I'm not supposed to see it yet. It feels like It came just last week and it's here again"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Why do all women feel that way?" "Do you know how it feels having to wear pads for three and the half straight days" "Three and half" "The last day doesn't flow as much as the first and second." She answered clearing his throat then she shut her eyes in shame.

"Awkward. Why am I even saying this?" She asked and he chuckled, "I'm getting educated here, continue" "Educated kor, close your ears. Do you know how it feels to always have your eyes at your back, always trying to find out whether you're stained or not. You men don't because you've had easy in life. Even if you're pressed all you need to do is find the nearest bush or gutter and you're good to go. You can step out of your car and do you thing but you us girls... We can't do it anywhere, worst if you're on your period. What about the emotional rollercoaster that we go through? Toor! You literarily pray for the three day to pass by with speed so you can be free again."

Gbadamosi laughed, "Do you usually get angry when you're on your period?" "It has always been depressing for me. My depression usually double, I guess this one was because of the stress of the week." "Sorry. Do you have cramps?"

"Not every time. But right now, It's like someone is grinding pepper and tomatoes on my back" She groaned, "I'm sorry. You can use hot water treatment. I heard it works"

"Look who knows the drill, oya start confessing. How did you know?"

"From Temi and.... other ..... Do you have cravings?"

"Yes." "What cravings are you having so I can get it delivered at work"

Kilahi chuckled touching her belly, "I'll have to ask my baby" She replied and he busted into a sweet laughter, "That sounds beautiful. That should be us in the next three months, that's if you want. I won't want to impose my choice on you" "I don't think women have cravings till first trimester"

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes. I want Parfait and chocolate Bread" "Really?" He asked and she nodded, "Or yoghurt too, something that's not sugary will be fine"

"Your wish is my command."

"And flowers" She chipped and he smiled, "The delivery won't come in early like the rest"

"I don't mind. What's your favorite color?"

"Where is that coming from?"

"Turns out I don't know these little things about you so what's your color?"

"Definitely not burnt orange" He answered and she laughed, "You women will just sit and complicated your lives with colors" "Must all men complain about it?" "No now, which one is burnt orange, who has seen an orange get burnt?"

"I'll send you sample"

"Before you know, people will be holding onions around the market because they are looking for the same shade of onion purple" "It's onion pink" "No, I'm talking about the color inside the onions, onion white and purple"

She giggled shaking her head, "Seriously?" "Very soon we'll hear coffee gold" "I'm not minding you right now, its clear you're looking for attention, aw!" She groaned then she switched position to lay on her belly.

"Sorry. Go and boil water"

"It will pass"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. So what's your favorite color?"

"I don't know. I look good on anything, I'm the perfect model for anyone's cloth. Even though the material is not nice, all you just need Is to make me your model and it is finished. God completed his work on me when he created me. I dare you to argue that"

Kilahi's silence made him laugh, "Even my missing ribs is missing her voice, I just left her speechless, she can't debate it now. But really, I don't have a favorite color. Yours?" "Same here but I have colors I don't like, green, purple.. They don't look that great on me"

"I doubt that. You're a finished work, no finished work is permitted to look bad on you. I'm sure you'll slay in green"

She blushed biting on her lower lips, "Thank you" Her voice pitched higher and nervously, "I'm in the mood for roasted corn or bole ad fish" "It's..." She trailed off to check her time on her phone screen, "12:11 am, your village people better not feed you roasted corn in your dream"

"I dare them to" He replied and she heaved a sigh like she didn't want to end the call but she had to. "I better leave you to study, I also have a lot emails to respond to."

Gbadamosi exhaled, "Shouldn't you be resting?" "I will. Good night, toor... good morning and i love you"

"Uh.... I'm really not in the right frame of mind to say that"

"Choicest!" She screamed and he laughed hard, "You had better tell me you love me too or you'll see shege pro-max! You will not even sleep in peace"

Gbadamosi laughed at her threat, it was funny and cute too! "I love you" She repeated adding a babyish tone to it, "I love you too always. Happy?" "Elated."

"Now let's pray"

Kilahi laughed and he wondered why, did he said something funny? "What's funny?" "It's your switch from being a lover and friend to a Pastor" "Is it bad?" "No... It's..." She trailed off in thought and the only word that popped was "Hot".

"It's on point, you do it well"

"Okay. Let's pray then "

What do you guys think of today's update? 😂

Did your heart break during the fight? 💔

Who experienced the most heart break? Kilahi or Poor Gbadamosi?

Is it normal for couples to have issues during courtship? What effect does it have on marriage if they don't have issues at all? Let me know your take on this.

Who thinks Mrs Coker needs therapy?
Me: ✋🏽

Suggest a therapist😂

The scale on Deja's eyes is gradually falling off or is it momentary?

What's Manny gonna do?🤔

Thank you all so much.
Please Vote...

Silent readers..... I pray you recieve grace to vote and comment! 🙏🏼

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