🌾 Chapter 38 🌾
Seriously unedited!!!
I am sorry.... I haven't been in this world in a long time😢
NEPA wahala , coupled with work!!! I haven't had the time for myself or time to even watch a movie!
I celebrate those that actually still watch movies😂🤣
My exam questions were given back to me so i had to re-do it too! That one took my night and sleepless night cause I felt like my job was on the line😫.
Chapter 39 is ready but no time to complete Dom Conversations and scenes!!!
Please bear with me🙏🏼.
Don't hate me for this. For those that worried about me, God bless you!
I love you all.
Chapter 38
Deja gathered the members of the ushering unit in the children's church. She walked into the place holding on to a hard cover note, where she overheard a few of the ushers complaining about staying too long in church. "Make Una reason am now" Usher Obim pointed out, "We've been in church since 7... How far? Na 3 one almost knack so"
"Shame on all of you!" Bimbo snapped playfully, "No, you all should be ashame, where else do you rather be than the house of God?"
"My father's house!" Chioma yelled, "Ah! And God is your what? Great grand father? After you will open your mouth and sing leave me at the altar with my father." She teased and the other ten ushers seated laughed.
"Or... I wanna be where you are!" Ade sang the bridge to 'For your glory', "I gotta be where... Wo! Any usher that I see singing that song from today will have me to deal me. The way I will lock you in the church, yes! Be where God is"
"But God is in my heart now, I carry him wherever I go" Usher Obim laughed and the rest agreed, "You're even MTN in the spirit realm, Issokay! " Bimbo emphasized shaking her head and Ade clapped his hands in awe, "You guys will be the one shouting 'Leave me at the altar with my father' but when church dismisses, you'll be the first to carry your bag out of the church. I'll be the angel of cane, dishing discipline in this unit, what rubbish!" He snapped and everyone continued laughing.
Deja cleared her throat moving in front of everyone. "Good afternoon guys. I apologize for keeping you all waiting, I had to attend to some things. I believe all the protocol officers are here except Usher Hilary who had to rush her son to the hospital"
"Eh ya.. I hope it's not a serious case. I literally saw the boy playing this morning" Usher Chioma replied. "I haven't called but we can make out time to call. If you don't have her number, I'll add her right now to the platform so we can all reach out to her"
"Better." Bimbo answered, "Please let's all do well to reach out. We all know she's apart of this wonderful family"
"The other day I got sick, no one called me oh" Usher Jerome complained and Bimbo gasped, "Who did not call you?" "Okay... You called me" "Ah... I was beginning to think boya it was ordinary malaria that caught you that time or cerebral malaria. Me that called you with my last airtime"
"True! But Chief Usher did not call me, Chioma called me by mistake"
Chioma laughed, "Did you have to cast me like that? But at least I called now" "Okay point taken!" Deja chipped in rolling her eyes, "I'm.... I'm sorry for not calling but let's dwell on calling Usher Hilary, show her love"
"What's the essence of this meeting again?" Ade asked drumming on the chair.
Deja shrugged and Protocol Michael rose up standing beside her. "So... As the Chief Protocol officer of the church, for the male, Sister Deja invited me here to witness this um... change in regime. Can we call it that?" He asked staring at Deja who cleared her throat, "Thank you Sir for coming and I want to use this medium to thank everyone that came here despite not knowing why I called. I'm sure you didn't want my problem that's why. I took on this ushering job, five years ago, until I became the chief Usher. It has been wonderful and stressful leading this unit. Stressful most of the time but it was worth the while."
"Chief Usher has want to Japa from Nigeria"
"Japa kor!" Bimbo snapped, "The essence of this speech is to let you all know I'll be stepping down from the position of Chief Usher of this unit"
Bimbo arced her brow in surprise, to think they slept in the same house and she didn't even mention it. Ade busted into a playful cry and a few joined him, "Our Chief Usher is going. Who will now be scaring us?" "Chimo! How are we going to survive without fear?" Usher Obim added.
"Who else will be threatening us again?"
Chioma laughed, "You guys should go and check yourselves, you're not okay!" She snapped looking up at Deja. "I won't even try to hide my excitement. Big ups but.. Mehn, your rule was despotic, we're talking about the real Abacha and to think we endured it for years"
"We are the ones that need certificate of survival the most. If someone can survive in this department, where in the world can they not survive?" Ade asked and the some guys shrugged, "My brother oh"
Michael exhaled, "One house guys. So as the usual tradition, when the old Chief Usher leaves, the people get to say nice things about her and advise for her as she takes a next step in life. Lets start with Sister Chioma"
"Whoa! This will hard!" She exhaled then she shrugged, "Mehn... Where will I start? Okay, I like your smile, I feel you're a beautiful woman with a beautiful body and a nice smile." "True!" Everyone agreed.
"See! We unanimously agree to that fact but the truth is we as a unit don't see the smile, you smile oh, it's more of a smile for the public not for the unit"
"True! Sorry for cutting you off" Ade lifted his hands, "It's more like we the unit want to see her smile but we don't but she spares the smile for the congregation just because it's the job description as an usher"
"Exactly! Put simply, hypocrisy. That's why, most time I feel like you're a hypocrite. I've called you one plenty of times I won't lie. The hypocrisy is so annoying and we have to come everyday and submit to that same authority." She paused looking up at Deja.
"But I have to say you taught me survival in a kind of way. I do make up and I meet different people so just the way Papa encourages us to submit to authority and not disobey it. You taught me how to be resilient, can I use resilient?" She asked then she waved her hands, "I didn't study English abeg! But you guys get my point shey?"
"Yes!" Everyone agreed except Deja..
"Another thing I like is your efficiency when It comes to getting things done. Even though it's Highest level of eye service, efficiency is still efficiency. I celebrate you for you that but things I don't like about you supercedes the one I like. I can literally write a book on it. The way you boss people around without consideration, your pride, I have pride oh, but my own pride is still learning work! So... That's basically all I have to say"
"What should she work on?" Michael asked and Chioma waved her hands, "On her attitude, cut the pretense, be original and smile often because your smile Is a reflection of who you are that communicates to people without words"
Ade snapped his fingers, "Hanty has dropped quote" "I'm a make up artiste, I love smile!" She replied with a shrug, "Life is not hard, smile!"
Michael looked over at Ade, "Ade" he called out.
"Well well well... Chioma has already said almost everything. There are times we act and we don't know there are people watching us. Every move you make, every little thing you do, people are watching. A lot of people say I'm too playful, a lot says I'm lazy but all the same I'm working on it"
Bimbo laughed, "Don't lie in the church of God, you're not working on that Lazy part" She snapped and he chuckled, "Is it your working? I'm trying to be serious, don't let me lose my seriousness. By the way guys, this is going to be my posture when I get to heaven, for those that will enter, you'll be shocked to see me all serious"
Chioma laughed, "Iffa hear" "Look who's talking, I don't think you'll be going to heaven, even though I see you in heaven, I might not even know gan, o ma ti ko gbogbo make up soju (She would have filled her face with make up)" He chipped in and everyone laughed.
Ade cleared his throat, "On a serious note, what we do to people matter. I might be lazy and all but I'd rather be known as that playful and lazy guy that cares about other people's wellbeing than the hardworking guy that bullies everyone because he feels more powerful than them. Even children are scared to come close to you. It got to a point that i made it a motive to come to church to keep you frustrated everytime because of how you frustrate us. You speak out of turns and without regards, when we come in tired and we decide to take a rest, instead of sympathizing with us, you boss us around. We all love this job as much as you do but you make it look like we don't!"
"Exactly! Like everything we do is not good! If we tell the members to stand this way during anointing service, we are doing it wrongly! You're a perfectionist who doesn't seem to appreciate anything we do" Chioma snapped.
Ade glared, "Shebi they've given you your own opportunity" "Shebi you used out of my time now." "Well... As i was saying, Instead of teaching us how to do some things, you end up doing it in a way that makes us lose interest. But one of the things I like about you is your dedication and efficiency like she said. If Deja doesn't come for a program, you literally feel it, as much as I hate to admit it, like last week. I felt it during the testimony time, even before it, there were some things that wasn't properly put in place, like the positioning of ushers. So when Bimbo signaled me during the testimony time, I quickly moved to the front to organize the whole thing. I feel you need to change your relationship with every person generally. If the way you speak to us is the way you speak to the men in your life, you might not even get married. It's not a curse"
"That one na true talk oh! No man will want to stand insults"
Deja shut her eyes as the thought of Vincent flashed into her head. She just lost the only person that has managed to put up with her.
"That's all" Ade concluded and Deja nods then Michael's eye darted across the room, "Who else has something to say?" He asked and everyone kept quiet looking into the face of one another.
Usher Obim lifted his hands, "I don't have much to say, they already said everything. For me, it's the way she'll be acting like boss like the next Mama" He chipped in and Chioma laughed, "Wait you noticed?"
"Yes now. I even swore that if you end up being Mama that I will leave the church. If you can plant such a thought in my head, it means you might have to work on yourself, and will it kill you once in a while to apologize for something wrong that you have done? We all have our buts oh, but as we are talking about this one now. I say I should just air it, there was this time you accused me wrongfully and you didn't apologize. I hold no grudge against you oh but once in a while, apologize to people"
Deja nods in agreement.
"Bimbo" Michael called out and Bimbo shook her head, "Whatever I would have said I've been said more times at home. I live with her so if there's anyone that knows her and has advised her, it's me."
Michael looked over a Deja, "Any last word?" "Which one is last word again Protocol Michael, she is not dying oh" Bimbo complained and the man laughed. "I know" "No oh, we need to be guided, we don't know the angel that's passing" She whispered.
Deja cleared her throat, "The woman who handed over to me, Sister Winner Ezeani, she did that shortly after her wedding. A lot of nice things were said about her, Protocol Michael can bear witness to that. People literarily cried when she left the position and I thought I'll live to that expectation but looks like I failed her and I failed God" She paused fighting off her tears.
"I'm sorry everyone; for bullying you all, for being such an unapologetic bully. Apologizing has been something I've been battling with. I don't know how to apologize"
"Its bad oh"
"I haven't even apologized to..." She sniffles on remembering her mom and how she had spoken to the morning she arrived after sleeping with the stranger. "I've heard all you've said and I'll try to work on myself. I'm sorry for the constant bullying when I should have been a leader. That's why we'll be picking a new leader today."
Chioma lifted her hands up, "Count me out! I'm a make up artiste. I carry God and beg you all" "As you're counting people out, count me out too" Bimbo chipped in and Chioma widened her eyes.
"Chioma eh, Chioma, Chioma eh Chioma" Bimbo echoed and she frowned, "Please let's pick Bimbo. She's super friendly, she's super nice, even though she can unserious some times, but this is that one person you can call to cover up for you that will, that one person that you'll tell your problems too and she'll advise you on what to do, if you judge her based on her playfulness, you might just miss the whole wisdom she carries. She's that one person that already has my respect so respecting her will not be a big deal."
Bimbo turned to her, "Aunty they did not ask for speech. What about you?" "I'm a make up artiste, after standing all through and working on customers face and my students , I come to church and stand again and I'm always coming late a times, I feel leadership should be given to that one person that we know is fit for the job"
Obinna laughed, "You think we fit choose you before?" He asked, "This one that likes money, one day we'll just wake up and find out they've sold choir unit to the prayer groups" "Abeg Abeg!" Chioma hissed and waved her hands, "Prayer unit will not have the money to buy you guys, I'll sell the department to the choir unit" She replied and they all laughed.
Usher Obim smiled, "But really, my choice is also Bimbo, for no reason, I just like her."
Chioma clapped her hands, "Yay!!! Two Bimbo" Ade lifted his hands, "I choose Bimbo too. She's my personal person, my partner in craziness"
"Esope? (You say?)" She chipped in sucking her lips, "I will not partner in craziness in Jesus Name, edakun let's be mindful of the words we use in church. Angel Gabriel is passing"
Michael smiled, "All in favor of Bimbo say Aye"
"Aye!!!" Everyone shouted including Deja, "And all not in favor of her say Nay" "Nay!!!!" Bimbo yelled frowning at everyone. "You guys should allow me say my mind now. Why I shouldn't be made the Chief Usher"
Ade hissed, "Ogbeni sit down, the crown is already on your head" "Crown wo, where is the crown? I don't see anything guys"
"The ayes have it!" Michael declared and everyone clapped while some rose up dancing for joy.
Bimbo rose up standing in akimbo watching everyone. "Do you have anything you want to say to your people" "Okay" She paused clapping her hands, "I have seven point Agenda as the newly elected Chief of this unit, my first point of assignment is beards! Every usher in the unit that has beards, yes! Awon beard gang that always used their beard to intimidate girls. Get ready to cut it,"
Everyone clapped with all manner of seriousness except Ade, "Beard that I've been trying to connect for years" Ade answered, "You don't know how God did this miracle" "And for your hair on your head, the irun on your Ori, everyone will go on afaridan, male and female to celebrate our culture, no make up again, we'll be coming to church as we came into this world" "And clothes kor?" Ade chipped.
Bimbo sucked her lips, "That one is not included, you just find leaves and privatized your private areas" She joked and every laughed. "And men will no longer be permitted to use lip gloss" She added staring at Ade.
"I knew you came for me. You should kukuma carry AK47 and just shoot me cause as you see me, I have already willed it down, on my burial day, they say, nothing you brought into the world, nothing you will carry. They should just carry lip gloss and put it my hand. If I now go to heaven and I realize the lip gloss did not follow me, I will go heaven's shopping mall, and tell them I don't want the AC in room, they should kukuma carry it and give me lip gloss, and that's on a period. Thank you"
Bimbo smiled, "On a serious, note, I just want to say that, I don't know how I feel being given this job. It looks so big and I feel like the least that deserves it. Ushering is not a one man's job, I've tried it and I gotta be honest, ko o easy! It's not easy rara (at all). That's why you can be standing afar off and a signal from one person can settle whatever is going on at a particular section of the church. Ushering requires, strength, precision, accuracy and intuition. You need God to lead you like he led Philip to the Eunuch to explain things to him."
"Hmm!" Ade nodded his head.
"That one deep!" Usher Obim added and she laughed. "Make una just leave me. For this reason we need to continuously work together, there's no 'I' in Usher, it's a Team work guys. We are not running a one man army, we'll be running a team of well efficient men in the body of Christ who's goal in every service time is to execute that which you have been called to. We should not be slothful, we shouldn't take advantage of others, me personally. I know that I'm everybody's personal person but for the sake of the work to run smoothly, we gonna need to drop the personal for personal moments. You get my point?'" She asked and they agreed with a nod.
"Um.... What else?"
Deja forced a smile, "I'll say my closing speech but you'll say your opening speech which is the opposite of whatever I say." She answered sighing loudly, she didn't feel like letting go of the position.
"My name is Adejare Lewis, signing out as Chief of Usher of Word Foundation Church. It was nice serving you" She declared handing the notebook to her. "My name is Bimbo Momodu, signing in as the Chief Usher of Word Foundation Church."
"Welcome. I wish you the best" She wished and Bimbo embraced her, "Deja it's fine" She whispered and she instantly busted into tears.
A female doctor pressed Ossy's bloated stomach, "Do you feel any pains here?" "No" "Okay..." She moved below his abdomen, "What about here?" She asked and he laughed, "That place is tickly" He replied and a chuckled bursted out of her lips.
"But no pain"
"But you can feel pains inside there" "Yes. It's doing me as if I should go to the toilet"
Hilary who seated on chair faced the doctor, "I already took him to the toilet but there was nothing coming out" "The poo didn't come out"
The doctor nodded, "Okay, what did you eat when you woke up?" "Toast bread, Fried eggs and tea" "Have you taken any soft drink, might just be gas" "No he hasn't" Hilary answered.
"I was even planning on giving him gestid or maybe buscopan "
"It's not advisable to self medicate"
"Gestid has been saving lives since 1900, that's like saying don't take paracetamol when you have headache"
The doctor laughed shaking her head, "It's still self medication. It might be malaria, typhoid or celiac disease" "I'll pick malaria to that disease even though I don't know what It is!" "I said Celiac because of the bloated stomach"
"I don't know what it is but I reject it. Lord let it be malaria" She confessed and Manny laughed at her, "Are you seriously saying that right now? You're a cruel mother" "Mummy, you just said let it be malaria" Ossy pointed out and she laughed.
"Malaria I know, typhoid I know, what's celiac? What i don't know will not affect my son" She pouted touching Ossy's head, "Baby you're healed okay?"
"Ma'am when last did you treat your son for malaria?"
Hilary shrugged glancing at Manny, "I don't know, I might have to ask his grandma" She answered knowing fully well Mama Ebuka won't even pay attention to her! She returned her gaze back to the doctor. "I just got custody of my son so I really don't know the last time he treated malaria"
The doctor gave OS's a questioning look, "I don't know when but...Grandma always use traditional herbs to treat us. It works, or maybe it's cockroach that always fall into it that makes it works faster"
Manny and Hilary laughed then they both stared at the doctor, "You probably don't get the joke" Hilary chipped in, "We can't do anything or embark on any treatment until we get test results. Hey cutie, I'll be back okay?" "Please don't come back with injections the nurses lied when they said I won't feel anything. I'm still feeling it"
"Unless the test comes out negative dear, but I promise to handle it myself and it won't be painful"
"Same thing the nurse said"
"Well I'm a doctor and that's what we do, we give hope"
"So you lie that the injection will not be painful to save lives"
The lady smiled, "The pain is in your mind" "Then why am I feeling it in my body?" He asked and she laughed, "How old are you again?" "Seven" "Your son is quite outspoken for his age." She replied turning towards Manny and Hilary.
"Normally, when I speak to children, they whatever I say to them"
Ossy chuckled, "But how am i supposed to believe the pain is in my mind when i'm feeling it?" "The pain will subside" "But.... If the test comes out positive, you'll still use the injection on me that means I'll still feel pains."
"Just a pinch"
"Even pinches pains"
Hilary laughed seeing the frustration on the doctor's face, "Ossy!" She snapped and he laughed staring at the ring on her fingers, "Ma, you're married" "Yes, how...?" "The ring on your finger"
"Many children don't know that"
"Do you have children?"
"Yes. Before you ask me, I have two children, a girl and a Boy.I'll be leaving you now. You're in good hands and you'll be fine. I'll leave you to your parents" She said moving to another patient in the ward.
Gbadamosi laughed in the car as he drove Kilahi to the hospital. "Look at me wondering what was going on, I never knew you guys already sabotaged my coming" "It was all Mom's fault, and I warned her not to insist. I mean I had no idea how the conversation went from has he touched your hands? has he kissed you? You need to attend discipleship class to this!" She turned towards Gbadamosi who was still laughing then she laughed too.
"Why are you laughing?"
"So he asked if I've kissed you before? What did you tell her?"
She rolled her eyes, "I said yes to him. What else was I supposed to say? Of course I said no" "It's a normal question any man of God should ask, I've asked it before but really, Papa Noah has trust issues. I just remembered when he asked you to leave my side."
Kilahi laughed, "Deep inside I was like, why? But I kept calm. I really don't know what to do now oh." "Did you see how he pushed everything on me? It was funny, it reminded me of a Pastor I used to know. Pastor Oyewole of blessed memories, a very strict man!"
"What are we going to do? To think he already agreed with the date before when he suggested a two weeks workers training and now he wants it to be a whole month. This means our wedding can't hold on the 22nd any more"
"It will"
"We'll take it to God in prayer and I'll speak to him later. I'm sure Pastor Noah is just angry, trust me, we men of God have that ego especially when someone makes that kind of suggestion. No one will agree to it, not even the meekest Pastor. Now will not be the right time to insist on anything; maybe later. If he doesn't want to change the venue, it's fine, we'll have our wedding there, even if everyone has to squeeze themselves in there" He said with a convincing smile that warmed her heart, "They'll do it out of love but you see that wedding date? Nah! We'll hand this whole thing into God's hand. Lets not act like it's our way or nothing else, your mom shouldn't either. It will only make him angry, we need to apply wisdom."
"True." She replied plunging her hand into her handbag then she took out her phone. "Let me chat Hilary up and find out the update. Didn't you see Ossy in church? I did for a spilt second, that was before service began. When I went over to the children's church. He looked okay"
"I hope he's fine"
"I'm sure he'll be"
"I haven't had the time for that boy and I'm supposed to be his Aunty. I feel horrible" "You're trying your best, you can't be there for everyone. That's one thing ministry have taught me. That's why we have phones and prayers, our prayers are more than enough to reach them no matter how far they are. If you're trying to be there for everyone while neglecting yourself, you're only going to breakdown. You've tried your best, last week, you visited the secondary school, Caroline and her Mom and Aunty Abebi, I'm sure next week you'll be planning to rotate it to reach others"
"Benue.... Diya's wedding"
"See! My future wife is a superwoman, always trying to make everyone happy. It's a good thing, just try not to be hard on yourself"
Kilahi exhales in relief, encourage by his words then she scratched her neck, "I just need to lean on the bed and just sleep for like two hours. I partially miss my old life where the only thing I do on Sundays after church is to sleep or use the sewing machine and sheep. God! How did i get so busy? And to think tomorrow is Monday! How? It's like I didn't rest all weekend and Monday is around the corner already and I have to get into a 12hours journey to Benue "
Gbadamosi laughed, "Sorry. After the hospital I'll drop you off at home so you can sleep" "Your Mom asked to see her today" "But she saw you yesterday now. If you can't, just tell her you can't" "I can't do that" "My love, you don't have to try to satisfy anhone," He advised, "Well, except God and me" He joked and they both laughed.
"I already said yes to her"
"Tell her your plans changed or that you won't be available. You can't please everyone, rest is important for the body. If you feel the need to take a rest, do!"
"It's concerning the wedding, she won't be seeing much of me this week so..." She shrugged leaning against the window then she smiled staring at his concerned face, "Why are you carrying your face that way?" "You're stressing yourself and I don't like it. I'm serious, I don't like it"
"Baby I'll be fine! You don't have to worry about me." She answered with a small smile and a giggle bust out of his lips, "It's the way you call me baby that gets to me you know. It's not your regular and when you do call me that, it gives me this joy. This should be like the third time you're using baby on me"
She chuckled shaking her head as his mile grew wider like a child that has been handed a candy. She almost rolled her eyes.
Wahala! because of baby again?
"See, i'm not counting. What about choicest?"
"Choicest is unique, it's a stamp that you choose me and I couldn't be any more happier. Baby hits another note"
"Which of the note? Soh or doh?"
Gbadamosi blushed, "All. Should we do small karaoke in the car?" "No! Avoid me and my cockroach voice cause I'm sure you're just going to replay Jireh" "How do you know?" "How do you know?" She mimicked playfully and he laughed.
"How are you going to make it to church on Sunday when you'll be in Benue on Saturday?" He asked and she groaned, "I didn't even think of that one." "Book a flight ahead" "It's not on my budget" "Okay, I'll help you book one"
"I'm serious Choicest, don't"
"Dey play. Me that I've made up my mind already"
Kilahi frowned, "I said no" "And I'm saying yes, how are you going to meet up?" "I'll cancel" "You won't. I'll help you book a flight to Abuja or Enugu and that's it" "So my opinion doesn't matter" "Not on this issue. Aren't you the one complaining about the stress? I'm helping you lift one. You have one less stress this week."
Kilahi exhaled, she didn't like his response and at the same time, she didn't want to argue any further. "How was service today? I really wanted to come over oh. The women President asked me to come over"
Gbadamosi paused recalling Bella's visit but he wasn't sure about making it the first thing to tell her. "It was powerful, I had to dash out on everyone, I couldn't even see everyone that was waiting for me. The traffic was mad! I didn't even think I'll catch up" He said laughing and glancing at her, she was literally imagining him on slow motion each time he spoke.
She almost didn't hear anything any longer, she was lost in his handsome face.
"And that was how this danfo bus just came out of nowhere. I'm sure he's under some influence"
Kilahi blinked, "Danfo what? What bus? I'm lost" "I was talking about the drive from the church to... " He trailed off noticing that she hasn't been listening all along. "Um.... ET phone home. Wait, what planet where you already on? Saturn or Mercury? No, It has to be like another realm, another dimension where you're literally hearing from God or were you in Benue already?"
She laughed rolling her eyes, "Uncle avoid me! I was..." She trailed off covering her face in a shy manner "I was just staring at your handsome face! I blanked out for a moment" She confessed taking off her hands and he blushed, "My head is swelling now, I feel like a superhero whose superpower is to make you blank out" He bragged and she raised her nose in disbelief.
"Come off your pride horse!"
"You look beautiful too, the only reason I'm not so distracted staring at your beautiful face is because I want the both of us to get to our destination safely" He answered and she giggled biting her nails.
"So what is it about the Danfo bus?"
"This bus came from nowhere driving one way while I was driving, I didn't expect it."
Kilahi rolled her eyes, "Those guys are the own law makers, they break rules without conscience! Did he scratch your car?" "No. I checked. Guess what? Muyiwa came to church today, Bella also did"
"Whaaat? Why?"
Gbadamosi shrugged, "I don't know. I honestly didn't give her the chance." "Wow. Sister Deja said something about her planning Mom's birthday" "She is?" "I haven't had the time to confirm that. I've had a lot on my plate"
"Why do I suddenly feel uneasy?"
Kilahi exhaled, "I don't know. She followed you to church, it doesn't sound right" "For a moment, i thought the message God gave was also for her and she'll repent or fall under the anointing but she didn't. It was that look of complacency on her face while I preached"
"Whatever her plans are, I assure you that I won't fall for her seduction."
"I'm not worried about that. I'm just really unsettled hearing she came over, that sounds like a woman ready to go to any length to get what she wants." "Whatever her plans her, I promise you it won't work."
Her peered out the window when she noticed a big mall away from them. "I want to get Ossy something, we can't go to the hospital empty handed" "Yes Ma."
Sharon slammed the door then she walked into her house in tears, her mother got out of the kitchen with a knife and a onion in her hand, "So it's you. I was beginning to think a thief entered into the house" She said noticing the tears on her face.
"Is that water or tears"
"What else?"
"Is it me you're asking what else?"
"Mommy what? Kai!"
Her mother creased her brow in worry, " Did something bad happen at the dedication? Didn't you say you were going to take long?" "Nothing happened. I couldn't stay"
"Are you sure? Is the baby okay?"
Sharon stomped her feet on the floor, "Mommy that's not it" "Then what it is? Or what is it? Don't allow my to bite my tongue you this child? What has happened?" "Wo... Mommy" "Wo Mommy... So why did you come here? Why didn't you go to your own house? Is it not to talk to somebody?"
"I don't feel like talking" She hissed taking her seat on the couch.
"If you don't talk to your mother? Who will you talk to?" She answered sitting close to her, "What happened? You know you can tell me anything." "I saw him in church?"
"Who, Jesus?"
Sharon rolled her eyes, "I meant him!" "The him does not have...." She trailed off in realization, "Oh you mean that useless man?" "Mommy don't call him that, that's a curse" "Eh hen... Biko educate me my dear, what should I call him? A good man, a blessed man? I should call him Pastor now, or Daddy."
"Can you believe he had the nerves to speak to me?"
"Nerves? That man has nerves written all over him. He even transferred some nerves to you too. That church you went to, didn't you say that it's the same church his friend pastors in?"
"Abi you should just say that it was your body that was itching to see him."
Sharon scoffed, "I didn't know he'll be there!" "Rubbish" Her mother sneered, "Be deceiving yourself, so why are you crying now?" "It brought back memories of all he did. Mommy, all men are scum"
"Eh hen! It is you that went to gutter to look for a man, what did you expect to find in the gutter?" She snapped. Sharon gawked her mother, "Mommy!" "No now... Answer me, what did you expect to find in the gutter? Scum now!" "There are scums even in the church"
"But you had to find your own scum in the club, I still don't understand what a child of God, a child that I raised was doing in a club" "It was my first time!"
"And you now decided to use that first time to catch scum in the gutter, you were attracted to scum. Well done, you turn yourself to scum magnet! That one no pain me oh, you come on top of am, carry your bag go live with am,"
"I wasn't living under you guys roof"
"I know, it was the nerve you had to tell me"
"You always say i can tell you anything"
"Like say him pay your bride price, you then decided to lose your virginity to that same man." Her mother shut her eyes in pain swinging the knife at her.
"That one... That's the one that annoys me the most. Home training in the mud, I raised you better than that and now you're crying over that same guy. Will you wipe that tears off before the devil uses me to poke this knife in your eyes?"
Sharon sniffled, "That's why I don't like telling you anything, if someone does not say anything, you will be the one to complain, someone will end up revealing things to you but you'll end up using it against the person, it's not fair." "Ehya sorry. You want me to sympathize with you? No I won't! I do feel sorry for you but not this moment so suck it up, wipe your tears because if your dad comes in and sees you crying, you better have a tangible explanation for it" She snapped walking back into the kitchen.
Sharon wiped her tears with the back of her palm then she saw her mother come out, "I'm making Oha but there's beans and plantain in the house, you should eat something so that you can join me in the kitchen. Who is the servant that will cook when you're around? Not me oh! Just don't let me see any tears on your face if it's that idiot you're crying about" She snapped walking back in and Sharon laughed at her mother's expression of care.
"You'll be fine Sharon, you don't need him, you'll be fine" She whispered and then she took a long deep sigh.
Alade and his wife Temi drove along the road when his gaze constantly shifted from his wife and the free road. "Alade focus on your driving! Really Babe, I know I'm a spec but I don't look good on bandages" She snapped playfully and he chuckled. "When you say it that way, I lose more focus" He glanced at her and she screamed.
"Watch the road!"
Alade laughed throwing his head backwards, "What's the time?" He asked and she quickly tapped on her phone to check the time.
"2.....18 pm"
"Shit!" He muttered putting leaving one hand on the steering while the other turned on the radio. "I completely forgot about the Sunday yarn show" "Which one is sunday yarn show?" "On radio" "Why is it suddenly important today?"
"You know I hate missing the show"
"No you don't."
He didn't need to tune in between frequencies, the radio show was already on!
"In order to buttress the point the caller just made" The presenter from the radio said, "We need to learn the act of forgiveness as a whole. Cause I know a lot of people go to their place of worship nurturing hatred and resentment for others. What's the essence of going? Which God do you worship? The same God you call on after sinning and he'll hear you. Wahala for people wey no get Abba father spirit. People will offend you but the grudge makes you feel bitter and brings out a part of you that shouldn't exist at all!"
Alade groaned, "I missed the topic. I wonder what they're talking about" "I think it centers around forgiveness" "Hm! Just half way they already know the topic" He teased and she puffed up her bottom lip, "Stop it! I was just guessing." "I wish I started from the beginning, I forgot about 2:00, I had other things on my mind" He answered and Temi stared at him in a suspicious way.
He wasn't acting natural at all. "If you're just tuning in, this is Sunday yarn. So the matter on ground is about an unforgiving daughter who hates her mother"
Alade arced his brow in disgust then he scoffed, "Does that kind of person exist? Can someone really hate her own mother?" He asked and Temi kept quiet. "All these shows on radio, sometimes I wonder where they get their topics from. Like your brother! Did you listen to his program just yesterday? Mehn... It was educating. Good thing he has taken a step to finally ask the woman out. I guess Gbadamosi's wedding is not the only wedding we should be preparing for"
"All my cousins will be getting married"
"Including your brother."
Temi smiled, "That's if mom doesn't frustrate the hell out of him" "Be positive!" "Positive? Mom is negative" "Be the positivity that charges the negative to life. Like a car battery" "Some car batteries have no hope, as in Mom's case"
Alade cleared his throat thinking of a way to avoid the topic. "Well, for me, based your brother's topic, I feel women as a whole should be celebrated. My world would have been incomplete if it never had you" He teased her in order to get a smile from her, "Come on! You're a tease"
"How am I a tease?" He asked increasing the volume of the radio.
"Today's issue stems from a place of love of a concerned husband who wants his wife to forgive her own mother."
Alade froze at the spot. Temi slowly turned to her husband while he fixed a pretty serious gaze on the road.
Serious and unaware mode activated!
"According to my source, his wife has been on loggerheads with her own mother for a while but during their wedding, her mother wasn't so thrilled about some decisions she made so the woman decided to limit her participation in her wedding. One of those women that will be like, if you want to go ahead and make decisions that doesn't sit well with me, you can as well go ahead with the wedding but you'll do it without me. I'll be there but you won't feel my presence; that was what happened at the wedding"
"That's bad oh" Her cost host replied, "A mother is a mother for crying out loud, it's her daughter's wedding day, no matter what the bride did, I feel you're supposed to let It go. 85% of brides if not 90% usually end up getting into arguments with their mothers and family members... It doesn't stop the wedding or joy. I won't say because my daughter annoyed me or made some decisions, of course it's her wedding, so I won't use that as an excuse to not be a mother on her wedding. I will dance, I will scream my head off in joy and after the wedding we can table the issue and discuss it not on the wedding day, no!"
"Exactly. Let the calls come in, i want to hear all you have to say about this issue?"
"For the husband to be concerned enough to speak up, I'm sure this thing is posing as a big problem to the marriage." "Actually it is" "Perhaps they already have children and he doesn't want his children to grow in that kind of family. You get? It takes a good man to want such a thing"
Alade cleared her throat, "The story sounds familiar, almost like someone I know who's having issues with her mother." He laughed nervously and she sucked her lips, feeling tears build up in her eyes "On the scale of one to 10, how stupid do you think I am?"
"0" He answered chuckling nervously, "This isn't funny Babe, how much did you pay them?"
"What?" He asked faking a surprise face, "Don't play dumb with me! You're not good at throwing surprises, you're not even good at lying, how much did you pay them to air my life on air?"
Alade exhales in defeat as he approached a traffic light, "Okay Okay.... I'm guilty as charged, you can sentence me only after the hearing." "What stupid hearing? Do you take this as a joke?" "No! I.... Baby, I just thought, maybe if you heard it from someone else, other people's opinions and mine, you'll change your mind and be more forgiving " "More..." She trailed off, "So you had to put our lives out there"
"She doesn't even know it's you"
"Like it's going to be hard for her to realized that! See... I'm not going to do this with you right now"
"I just thought I was doing the right thing" He answered observing the light which was still on red.
"For who? Me or you"
"For us!" He screamed, "Babe, you're raising your voice" "I..." He exhales, "I'm sorry but there's no me or you any longer. Baby we're married and I feel this is one of the hurdles we're trying hard to jump over. I talk about my family but when it comes to yours, the only thing you want to talk about is Manny. What will you tell our children?"
"I'm a psychologist, I'll figure something out"
He scoffed, "Like it worked out trying to figure your mother out" "Jesus Christ" She exclaimed hurt by those words. She wondered what had gotten into her husband, was there something she did wring, maybe unconsciously?
He responded with a careless shrugged, "I'm sorry but a psychologist that cannot even work out her relationship with her mom, how will will your figure something out with her children. First of all work out a methodology that can help fix your own family, instead you go about fixing other people's problem when you have yours hanging on a tiny thread. You're not going to let my children grow in an unhealthy environment. If this is what you want to do, maybe we should chill on the idea of having children for now"
"I can't believe you just said that"
Alade exhaled, "All I want is the best for this family but you're making it difficult!" He made a turn in opposite direction of their own home. "Why are you passing here?" She asked and he shrugged.
"We're visiting Mom"
"We just visited your Mom and tho isn't the route to your Mom's place"
"I meant your own Mom"
Temi scoffed turning off the radio , at that point, she was angry with the radio presenter who already knew what was going on in her life and marriage and also at her husband for making such plans without informing her ahead . "Did you just ssy...." She scoffed again, "Did you care to inform me ahead or ask whether I want to see her or not?" "She's your mother! We just got back from seeing my parents and you didn't complain, why are you complaining about our own parents"
"Dad isn't even home yet. He should be in one of the Pastors meeting" "He's home already. I called him while we were leaving my parent's place"
Temi clapped sarcastically, "Well played. You had this planned all along" "Your mom's birthday is coming up soon, what plans have you made? You don't even want to talk to her. As her son in law, I want to know her plans and support her"
"You're speaking like you don't know mom. She won't talk"
"An attempt will suffice"
"You can't compare my Mom to yours; yours is normal"
He scoffed, "And yours isn't" "I didn't say that"
"Well, sounded that way to me. God forbid my daughter wakes up one day to say that about me" "Stop twisting my word! Why are we always fighting about her? The only time we ever argue is when we're talking about her. Why? Dad is normal, but with Mom there, it's a different ball game! I never grew up knowing a mother's love I never grew up seeing a mother's love for her husband. I grew up in a messed up home! It took the grace of God for me not to be messed up too"
"Are you sure you're not messed up? Look deep within and ask if you're not just as messed up. I want you to do the right thing! The more we argue, the less productive this marriage becomes" "Can we just go back home, there's nothing I want to say to her"
"You said you wanted to ask if she ever got pregnant. That's a topic! You can start there." "No" "We're going to see your Mom whether you like it or not" "Wow... now you're trying to impose your decisions on me"
"I want to see your Mom, you can get out of the car if you want. I can just pull over, you'll get a cab and head back home. What am I suppose to tell your Dad?"
Hot tears rolled down her eyes, "If I knew marriage was going to be this hard, I would have just preferred we stayed dating. You were much more understanding." "Yes I was and I wasn't pretending, no! I should have done something about this a long time ago, instead keeping quiet"
Tear ran down Temi's eyes, "Maybe what you should have done is to get married to someone else who didn't have a complicated family history like mine" She snapped wiping her tears off.
Salome entered into the ward where her grand daughter was clapping her hands. "Wonders dey say will never end in this life" She snapped ger fingers pulling a chair to the back before sitting on it. She looked over at her daughter Tatiana who had her eyes glued to her phone.
"Won't you ask me why I said wonders will never end?"
She lifted her hands sending a voice note to one of her workers. "If they're requesting for Hilary, don't you know what to say and do? Do you want me to teach you how to do your job huh? Can't you send someone efficient to do the damn job? If you send me any message other than good news, prepare to be fired cause I won't take any more bad news again Capiche?" She concluded ending the call.
Salome squeezed her face, "What is it again?" "I don't want to talk about it" "Let me cheer you up now. You won't believe who I saw"
She lifted her head in surprise, "Same Manny? Like Maniola Coker?" "Yes." "It's the hospital, anyone can come in, unless you saw him pregnant. I mean, with you there's no news that's entirely dismissible"
"So I'm a bearer of fake news"
Tatiana rolled her eyes, "What is it? What did you see Manny do?" "Manny has a son" Her mother revealed and she blinked her eyes in surprise, "Wow... How is that possible?" "Beats me too. To think his mother never mentioned anything about it."
"Maybe it's a secret"
"Exactly why I called her" "What was her reaction?"
"What do you expect? She avoided all the question and ended it with thank you for calling as a diversion."
"So technically, she's already a grandmother but she just doesn't know"
"Abi. Why is your daughter still sleeping?"
"I don't know!"
"Have you asked the doctor?"
"What do you want me to say? Personally, I prefer her sleeping that being awake crying and almost making me go crazy! I am going through shit and this girl is stressing me!" She snapped pointing to the girl on the bed.
"I am not cut out for this stress! I have a lot on my plate already"
"Shh!" Salome shushed her, "Your voice is too low, Kuku carry microphone and public address system to announce your problems to the world. You will not be the first mother, neither will you be the last. This was the same way you stressed me, every mother gets this stressed!" She whispered and Tatiana broke down in tears.
"I am tired! Mommy I'm going through a lot and these children are not making easy on me, my husband Is the worst! I'm losing my mind and the worst fact is that I'm supposed to keep quiet and act fine about it"
"All marriages are not perfect. There's no perfect marriage. If I was searching for a perfect marriage, I would have left your father long ago. You endure the pain, that's what you do in marriage. It's for better for worst"
Tatiana exhaled, "I don't know, I just feel incomplete. Like things would have been different if I had ended up with someone different from Ken" "By someone else, you probably mean Gbadamosi" "I didn't mention anyone's name, I'm just thinking our loud. I wish I didn't have children"
"Take that back!"
"Why? It's the truth! No one is loyal, not the nannies we hire, not the men in our lives, not even my client. I'm going through a whole lot right now and I'm this close to getting Hilary back"
"The girl that left"
Tatiana rolled her eyes, "The one I fired, they keep making demands for to oversee projects and I seriously don't know what to do. Other clients she worked for have made referrals pointing her as the project manager of the company. She's unofficially the face of my company and now I'm losing clientele."
"I already told you to tell your client that she left, or cook up something that will mirror her as a bad person, that was why you had to relieve her of her duties"
"To think of all the things I did for that ungrateful idiot!" She sucked her teeth, "I can't wait to have her out of my hair for good!"
Kilahi and Gbadamosi arrived Polity hospital at about 4:30 pm after being told the room Ossy was. Kilahi held on to a customer bag that had bread in it. They both strode along the hall where they bumped into Ugo.
"Is my eyes playing tricks on me? Kilahi?"
"Hey!" She replied surprised to hear him call her name, she couldn't even remember him name. The only thing that popped into her mind was the fact that it was a popular Ibo name. She quickly she ransacked her memory. While flashing a smile to cover up her guilt.
"How do you remember my name?" "Who forgets a beautiful name?" He asked and at this point Gbadamosi stood like a invisible figure sucking his lips.
"Ugo!" She called out and he moved forward embracing her, "Did you just remember my own name?" He asked and she gave a nod, "Kind of." She confessed with a half chuckle. "I was stuck in between Chinedu and Ebuka"
Ugo laughed, "What finally gave it away?" "I have a good memory but we only met once" "True. Wow, it is nice to see you again" "Same here! You didn't even call me" She snapped and he lifted his hands in surrender, "I am guilty but you're also guilty too so we are guilty party to this offense."
"I just wanted to dish the whole you didn't call me before you did." She replied looking back at Gbadamosi, "Gosh I am so sorry. Um.. Choicest.." She trailed off pointing at Ugo" "This is.." " "Ugo I know him, I'm just shocked he didn't even pay attention to me but I don't blame him, one cannot behold an angel and not forget other people" Gbadamosi answered and Kilahi blushed.
"See as I'm blushing"
Ugo smiled, "The one and only P G" He paused and they both shook hands. "Shebi you forget I was standing, now you're hyping me"
"I'm sorry. How things now? How is the ministry?"
"We thank God" "Is that a unanimous response all pastor give or you guys go to Bible school to learn it. Every time you ask a Pastor how is ministry, it's always we thank God. Anyways sha... We thank God for God"
"How are you now? How's everything going? How's Lota? I haven't heard from her since she came into my office to send me on an errand. I'm sure the next time I'll be seeing her is when she wants something done"
Ugo laughed, "Lota will always be Lota, it doesn't matter who you are or how old you are, my sister will still send you on an errand. But everything is fine oh," "You work here? "Yes. Yes Sir "Wow. Small world" Kilahi chipped smiling at Ugo then she scratched her neck.
"Remember that certain man of God i told you of"
"Yeah I do, it's this man here now.. Pastor G"
"So... I finally decided to give him a try oh" She shrugged provoking a laughter from Gbadamosi and Ugo turned to him, "I hope he has been treating you well"
"Ehn..." She trailed off bobbling her head, "He's trying sha, he's still under trial" She teased noticing how Gbadamosi's eyes widened at her response, "Wow" Gbadamosi replied and Ugo laughed.
"Just kidding. He has been amazing, I've had the most amazing time of my life with him" "God when?" Ugo asked and Kilahi laughed, "Don't worry, as cheesy as this sounds, God will send definitely send yours your way"
"Hopefully he does so Lota can stop trying to match make me with every girl in Lagos. In the mean time Pastor G, abeg, what kind of sound did you play that had her heart beating? The day we spoke, she said"
Kilahi gasped in horror, is he doing when she thinks he is? "Don't say it!" She snapped sparking up interest in Gbadamosi, "What did she say?" "She said Zyou made her heart dance. You made it flip, then it did back flips like uncountable flips"
She slapped her forehead, "Now you're exaggerating!" "Finally you now made it skip a beat. That kind of love where you like a person but you don't realize it. I saw the love through her eyes. Please tell us the secret, what song did you really play?"
Kilahi folded her hands, "That's supposed to be confidential! Ugo you're such a snitch!" "Do we swear on it?" "Avoid me jare!" She pouted playfully watching Gbadamosi glow with pride, "Ugo, what kind of doctor are you, you can't keep a secret, now this man will start feeling himself"
"Pastor G, ja wa si now! (Let us in on it), What did you play?"
"My brother It's God, when he took my ribs and placed it in hers, there's no how she'll look at me and not hear sounds. It's not possible" "Ah.." Ugo snapped his fingers, "Rhema.... I catch that one Pastor" "Originally, the ribs cover the heart but God took one out of me and placed it in her. There's no how a woman will not fall in love after such a strategic surgery. Whether she likes it or not, she'll continue hearing the sound until she says yes, even if she's in Kafachan! She'll still hear the sound"
Ugo nodded, "I believe Sir".
Kilahi folded her hands staring at the both of them, "If I call the both of you clowns, they'll say I'm abusing people that are older than me, so because of home training, I'll just let you guys go"
Ugo smiled at her, "I guess you two were heading somewhere before I stopped you. It's really nice to meet you two as a couple" "Nice to meet you too" Kilahi responded, "And Pastor G, before I go, I just want to say that your woman has an amazing soul and it doesn't take someone the whole year to see it, all you need is two minutes to see how awesome she is"
Gbadamosi nods, "All It took was a picture" "I'm happy for you two and I pray when the wedding date comes out," "It's April 22" He interrupted to Ugo's shock. The look on his face switched to an excited one. "Congratulations man. Wow.. I pray the bones of my bones be like her,"
"Pray for her to be more better than me" Kilahi replied.
"I have my flaws oh"
"I'm sure your good side overshadows it. I know it's rather too early but I wish you two the best and a very happy home. See you around"
"Sure" They both replied and then Kilahi raised a brow at Gbadamosi, "You told him 22nd" "Yes." "But what if" "No ifs with God. It's 22nd of April, there's no mountain that can stop it, not even Pastor Noah. It will be sorted out in no time"
"If you say so."
Ossy was placed on drip. The drip had been properly positioned on an iron stand by his side while he complained bitterly about how he might have to miss school the following day. "How will I submit my home work?" He asked looking towards the door to see Kilahi and Gbadamosi"
"Aunty Kilahi!" He screamed and Hilary turned, "Where?" She asked finally seeing her. "Oh my... Papa good afternoon Sir" "Good afternoon Hilary, how are you?" He replied and she shrugged pointing at Ossy.
"Exhausted but I'll be fine when he is" She replied then he looked over at Manny. "Daddy Ossy" He called out Manny laughed, "Hey"
Hilary faced Kilahi placing her hands on her chest "Awn, you came" "If I don't come to visit my nephew, who will?" She answered causing Hilary to frown.
"So you didn't even come for me?" She asked walking up to her whjole "Why do I want to see you? Is there something you're keeping for me?" She asked and Hilary embraced her laughing then she whispered, "Thank you for being here"
"Feels great to see you again" Kilahi replied exhaling tiredly then Hilary withdrew placing her palm on her cheek, "Babe, i saw the message you dropped about the Pastor on WhatsApp. We have plenty gist but you should have just taken a rest. Tomorrow is work day, me I'm still jobless, i can still sleep till 10 in the morning but you?"
"I'm fine. I still have to see Gbadamosi's Mom today"
Hilary gasped then she whispered, "Shey you guys reconciled yesterday" "Yes so we are meeting to talk about the wedding plans, aso-ebi and all" "But there's the whole of this week and you're tired. I can see it in your eyes" "Let's not even go there." She whispered then she raised her voice.
"Please, I came for someone else, stop trying to be like matter, occupying my space and all" She teased in attempt to walk past her and Hilary blocked her.
"Pass now"
Kilahi and Ossy laughed, "Ossy, you better warn your Mom. Hilary, don't look at my structure, I have inner strength" "Oya pass with your inner strength"
Kilahi laughed weakly as Hilary allowed her pass, "Your mother did not play when she was a child, I'm the one she wants to use to do experiment" She joked touching his cheek. "His temperature is still high oh. Ossy, you should be resting"
"I don't want to rest. If I rest, I'll feel sick and I don't want to feel sick"
"You're healed in Jesus name but you still need to sleep. Have you eaten? I brought bread" She heard the door creaked then she noticed a kid playing with the door that had been wedged with a stone. A lady walked up to lift her away from the door.
"Thank you Ma but... Daddy got me food"
Kilahi creased her brow in perplexity when she finally looked over at Manny who was still talking to Gbadamosi, "Oh. I almost forgot you have a new Dad. Awn, that's thoughtful of him but you'll still eat my bread though" She replied dropping the customer bad along side the other side while walking over to Manny and Gbadamosi.
"Good Afternoon Manny. Oh, forgive me, I meant Daddy Ossy" She moved close embracing him and he laughed, "Are you two using me to catch cruise"
"Catch cruise? I don't even have a ship" She replied and he laughed even more. "Good to see you Manny. When last did i even see you? See as you're shinning, " She teased and Gbadamosi added, "Even his head is shinning"
"I think it's a new hair cut oh" She chipped in knowing Manny has always been on a back hair cut.
Hilary laughed, "Are you guys mocking my baby? You guys should leave my guy alone. His head is shinning but i love it that way" "No oh! Leave them, all i just have to do is called my son to come and beat the two couples together" He threatened and they all laughed disturbing the peace of other patients and visitors in the ward.
A woman laying on the bed beside them lifting a finger up, "Please can you guys keep it down?" She requested and they all apologize for the noise.
A nurse stepped in, walked to the bed where Ossy was, she complained about the number of people that came visiting at once then she politely asked that at least two should wait outside. "If the doctor comes in to do his round, he won't be thrilled seeing this much visitors" She buttressed.
Manny lifted her hands, "We the men association volunteer to leave" "There's no need for that, Kilahi and I have a lot of catching up to do. We'll step out for you boys to chat"" Hilary answered watching the nurse inject a syringe into small bottled drugs. "I hope that one is not for my bumbum" Ossy said in fear getting a smile from the nurse.
"Its not for your bum bum. You won't even feel anything"
"I'm still feeling the last one you did"
"Ossy!" Hilary snapped at him then she Kilahi a look and they both headed for the door. The nurse Injected something into the drip and Ossy stared in awe, "What are you putting inside?"
"Don't question me to death, you've started"
Mrs Coker crossed her leg on a phone call with her twin, who invited her over for dinner that evening. "I'll really wanted you to be here, your nephews and their fiancees were here, you were not even bothered about coming to see them."
"What would i have done? These children don't know me. Temi I'm happy for you, really, I am. I just didn't want to come there and be nothing more than an lamp post cause, what am I going to say? These children are practically strangers to me"
"I invited Kilahi over. You can come see her"
Mrs Coker shut her eyes, "For someone who hated her a week ago, I remember a certain woman planning a dinner to sabotage her 9 days ago. How does hate switch from hate to love in such a short time?" "Through God, when you accept God's will, there's an expression and identity of love that gets stamped upon your heart. It's what God wants and yesterday was enough revelation to make the whole clear that God wants this."
"You no longer care about her committing suicide"
"You also attempted one at one time"
"Why didn't you think of that before the dinner. Are you sure you're not pretending so that God can be pleased. You can't fool God"
"I am not fooling God. I am accepting fate and His will for my family. I made peace with my children and they came visiting after a long time. You can make peace with yours too"
"How? With Gbadamosi, it was about his choice of woman so you needed to do was accept his woman and there you have it! With Maniola it's just....pure hate for me"
"That boy doesn't hate you. It's the same thing! Every dinner he ever walked out on you, it was always because of your insistence on him getting a wife, or something relating to his job. Someday,he's going to make that decision, but first thing first, you're going try to be a mother to him, accept his decision even it means waiting for him. God's time is the best! I remember how sad you were after i got married but you were still single. A year later, God sent you your own"
"Why did he cheat then?"
Mrs George exhaled, "It was a moment of weakness" "If you were in my position, I doubt you'll be speaking this way." "My point is, let's learn to accept our children's decision, especially when they're adults like they all are. We've done our part to raise them, our part as mothers is to cover them in prayer"
"I don't know how..... " She replied busting into tears, "I don't think i know how to be a mother, every time I try to be one I screw up, I don't think I remember what it feels like to be a wife and a mother"
"Start somewhere. Start by talking to your children, fix a meeting, even if it means talking to the both of them. God has placed these children in our hands and we've pushed away for too long. You need to draw your children close, who knows, you might get to meet who Manny is dating"
"Manny is dating?"
"You weren't aware?"
Mrs Coker shook her head in between her tears. "They never tell me anything. How did you find out?" "He stopped by yesterday, I heard it from Ere that big mouth told me. We haven't had the talk yet, he left very early, today being Sunday. Talk to him! Marriage might not be in his plan unlike Gbadamosi but it's a step"
"Does Manny have a son?"
"Since I barely know anything about my own son, I seek to have a little clarity on that topic. Does he have a secret child that I don't know of?" "No. Manny is not that kind of person"
"The man is not even a virgin"
"Neither is Gbadamosi but these are children I can vouch for. Why will you say that?"
"Salome called me yapping all about seeing Manny in a hospital. He called a boy his son"
"And you believe that liar? Salome will say anything to make us feel bad. We all know her intentions are not as pure as she makes them. Don't let what she said weigh you down"
"It didn't sound like she was making it up. She sounded convincing"
"Why don't you come over? Let's have this conversation one on one and maybe we can pray together. We haven't done that in many years, Teni, I can't remember the last time I held your hands to pray. We've been busy with our problems, we forgot there's a God that can tackle the problem only if we hand it all to him. Come over so we can pray together and seek God's face concerning a whole lot of things"
"I .... I can't"
"I'm not emotionally stable to be around anyone"
"I know you don't want to feel vulnerable but sometimes..." "Taiye, I'm happy for you," She cuts in, "I really am. I mean you have your children back and you want the best for me but.... Not everyone was meant to have an happy ending"
There was a knock on the door and she wondered who could be knocking. "I have to go now, I'll call you" "No you won't" "Bye" She ended the call and Temi stepped into the room to her shock.
"Good evening Ma" She greeted, "You finally remembered you have a mother. The world must be coming to an end" "What happened to the conventional, 'good evening to you too' response? Is it so hard to be a mother?"
"Not when you have two stubborn children who are out for you life"
"Funny you say that cause that's exactly how I feel" She snapped exhaling loudly, "Alade is in the sitting room, Dad asked me to call you. I supposed you two are fighting as usual" "When you start to bear children and they disregard and speak to you the way you're doing now; only then will you understand why I act the way I do"
Tears built up In her eyes, "Don't say that like you regarded us in the first place. We practically lived our life without the love of a mother and suddenly you wake up to think you can make decisions for us? Sorry Mom but you came into the picture late and that's one thing I'll never do to my children. I will be there for them! I will gibe birth and my children will regard me"
"They won't cause you can't cheat Karma. It will surely come back bitting ten times than you did"
"You think I want to talk back at you? You think I enjoy it? I don't but annoying us all you ever do! You've never supported me, not once! Mummy not once!" She snapped busting into tears. "You having married women on your train is not something we've not heard before but having two pregnant women? Do you know what people said that day"
"I don't care and I don't want to know! Those women are my friends, I didn't want strangers on my train but you had ideas of pushing it some spoilt bratty elite into it and I stood my ground and said no. Where did I go wrong? Mummy where did I go wrong? It was my wedding and not yours. Did anyone force you to do anything against your wish on your birthday?"
"No but I listened to my mother's suggestion. That's what every normal children does but you and Manny, you're not normal"
"Just like you've never been a mother. Maybe if you had been a mother, we would have listened to you. No! You locked us out of your life, you left us to grow and figure life out ourselves. Did you give advise me about womanhood? No! Who gave me my first pad? It was not you! Who gave me my first tutorial? Not you! Who represented me at every PTA meetings and parties? Not you! Who took me to write my jamb, not you! Who was there during my matriculation, not you! You weren't there"
"Maybe if you had studied what I asked you to! You had the nerves to choose psychology!"
"Cause I wanted to study you! I wanted to study the Human mind, just maybe I can understand why you're the way you are!" She snapped busting into tears but I can't seem to understand you. Mom I don't know what you went through that made a mother abandon her own children"
Tears poured down her mother's cheeks, "I never abandoned you two" "That was exactly how we felt! You were around but we never felt your presence. We wanted a mother but we got a monster instead" "Shut up! Shut the hell up! It was for your good"
"What good? Where were you when I needed a mother?"
"You won't understand"
"Were you raped?"
Mrs Coker scoffed, "How dare you?" "There has to be something. Was that how you got pregnant?" "Oh please! You're both biologically your father's children." "The other pregnancy" She stated watching to see the reaction on her mother's face.
Mrs Coker arced her brow in surprise and there she had the answer she needes, "So there was a pregnancy" "Who have you been talking to?" "Did someone rape you? Is that it?" "No one raped me"
"Denial won't help you get over it, it will only"
"I wasn't rape!" She screamed then she lowered her voice, "I wasn't raped, I was never raped" "Was it Dad's?" "What kind of stupid question is that? Whose will it be?"
"You lost the pregnancy.... that's not enough reason to ignore your children"
"Temi get out"
"Get out!"
Bankole Hospital
Mrs Coker stood at a distance staring at the body of the young lady her husband cheated on her with. The nurses wheeled the body past her and she felt her legs go weak. Her husband placed his two hands on his head, how will he explain it to her family? "What are we going to do?" He asked and she shot a look at him; anger blaring in her eyes.
"We? Did you think of me when you cheated?"
"Should we tell her family?"
"Do you know her family?"
"She spoke about a sister."
She quickly pulled a chair close and sat on it. "Jesus Christ. That girl is dead, do you know what the family will say or do to you?" "Not like I asked her to use a local place." "It was your child she died delivering, they'll pin it on you!"
"Someone has to know what happened to her! Her family will be worried"
Mrs Coker shut her eyes in thought when she heard her husband clear his throat, "What we going to do with Tanimola?" He asked and she questioned him with her look. "Who is Tanimola?" "The baby"
"Oh great... You already named him" She replied sarcastically, "What should we do?" "What else than to put him up for adoption?" "That's crazy!" "Crazy is you sleeping with another woman when you have your own wife, crazy is this situation right now. I'm just trying to apply discretion right now"
"This is my son you're talking about"
"You have Manny"
"I know but this one is also my blood. He's our children's sibling, their brother." "Don't you dare!" She snapped touching her belly, "You see this one in my womb, you can call him their sibling, not that one cause there's no way I'm bringing that boy in.There's no way he's isn't living under my roof as your son, we'll put him up for adoption"
"Not when I'm alive"
"You might have to kill me first before bringing him in"
"Don't be unreasonable" "You're the one who's being unreasonable! What will the church say when they find out you cheated? what will the neighbors say? You haven't thought of it have you? Have you?"
Mr Coker exhales, "I can't put up own blood up for adoption. You have to understand" "Choose one, him or us" "Don't do that" "Don't do what? So if that woman had survived you would have brought her and her son in"
He scoffed shaking his head, "Thats a different situation. She would have taken care of the boy" "But you will have to constantly visit her and probably continue sleeping with her like in the soap operas"
"Oh please! It was a one time thing!"
"Thank God she died! Maybe that was a punishment from God for sleeping with another woman's husband" "Don't say that. That's not fair!"
"Was sleeping with my husband fair? She crossed the line"
"She is dead and her son, my son needs your help. Honey, please help me out. We don't have necessary take him as my son. I can just tell people that I decided to take care of the boy because his mother died." Rev Coker pushed a chair close to her son then she sat close to her.
"Honey.... Just think of it"
"No! You might have to pick between us and the..." She trailed off feeling a liquid splash on her panties, it was a familiar feeling. It was the same thing that happens each time she had a miscarriage in the past until she has Manny and Temi.
When she thought of how she'll have to go through another painful evacuation, tears flowed down her eyes. Rev Coker rolled his eyes, he thought she was only trying to resort to emotional blackmail. "There's no point crying. It might not seem right but that boy is my blood just like Manny, Temi and the baby in your womb. I won't push him away, I won't"
She slowly dipped her hands underneath the gown she wore, she pulled it out revealing blood on her finger, "I think we've just lost our baby"
Hilary and Kilahi moved to the hospital's parking lot to have their conversation because of the nurse that couldn't control herself from listening to them. The woman didn't even hide her interest. They taught they were having a private conversation until the nurse chipped in her own opinion on the discussion:
"Don't do anything to satisfy mother in laws oh! You see those set of people? Those are the witches that have been separated to haunt this generation and it's the fire of God that will burn all of them!"
Kilahi laughed as the thought crossed her mind. "See me thinking we were having a private conversation" "That's how nurses are, its like the moment they put on that uniform, the spirit of busy body, the spirit of being rude and the spirit of gossip comes upon them" Hilary concluded rolling her eyes.
"That's the same bias generalization people have against mother-in-law"
"Yours was bitchy to you before God touched her heart. Mine made my life a living hell and took my son away from me" "Not all mother in law act that way. You're also going to be one when Ossy finally brings a girl home"
Hilary chuckled, "I promise not to be a bitch about it, well except after having observe her, I realized she's not worth it" "Exactly what I'm talking about! Then the girl is going to assume you're automatically being a bitch then the circle continues."
"Aunty what's your point?"
Kilahi laughed, "My point is..." She paused in thought, "Toor! You've allowed me forget my point" she snapped shutting her eyes in thought, "Me? You better blame your village people" "They can't try it" She replied then she snapped her fingers after she remembered the point she was trying to make.
"The point is you don't know what you're capable of until you're faced with a situation that makes you react that way. Gbadamosi's mom is a sweet woman by nature and she reacted that way because she felt I wasn't the right one and Gbadamosi was just doing It to annoy her. She said Gbadamosi can be stubborn and I've not really seen that part of him though. The guy is just too good to be true"
Hilary smiled, "And chai! We're planning a wedding soon. Have you planned colors?" "I have a range of ideas but it will come to me. What were we talking about before the nurse interrupted us?" "We were talking about how your mother in law asked you to see her despite the fact you're tired"
"She doesn't know that I'm tired"
"Then tell her! You won't want to start your relationship with you trying to satisfy her. I hope this doesn't man me sound prejudiced or like a saboteur. I feel any healthy relationship should not start with you trying to satisfy a person's needs"
"I get your point but haba! Ba zan iya ki ba (I can't refuse). I just can't refuse" "Is it me you're speaking hausa to?" Hilary asked and she chuckled rolling her eyes, "Gbadamosi said the same thing, I just want to hear what she has to say. Besides it's not as if I'm going there for something unimportant. It's my wedding we're going there to discuss"
Hilary sighed deeply, "Okay. What are you going to do concerning your Pastor?" "We're handing into God's hands" "The date?" "Still holds, according to Gbadamosi" Kilahi replied exhaling loudly.
"Awn. So very soon you'll know man and you'll be leaving with man"
"Shhh...that's my worry. I'll be leaving where I've know since .... To a strange environment. Just us and the walls of his house." "That's marriage for you, then the education begins, you'll start to study, know what he likes. How he loves his eggs fried or boiled, how he loves his pepper, how he loves his soup. Trust me, coming from someone that has been married once, it can get overwhelming, he's might not end up being 126 % perfect like you expected him to be. Just know that it's up to the both of to mould your marriage however way you want it to be. Too bad death had to take Odefa away"
Kilahi rubbed Hilary's shoulder, "Sorry" "It's fine, i'm fine. Kilahi, I know you might be slightly worried about your body, I know for a fact that it sometimes pops into my head."
"I already love my body the way it is"
"And I'm sure he will too. There's nothing to be anxious about, God is going to give you the grace"
She nods and smiled at her, "Congratulations on your own good news! Toor, you two should wash the relationship for me now. Buy me wine" "It's Ogogoro I'll buy." "Any wedding date yet?" She asked and Hilary gasped, "Haba you sef! Ship that just started sailing. I still have a business to establish so it might take a while and besides, his mother is still there. I told Manny to let me worry about whatever opposition might come up. God forbid one but if it does come up? If she says she won't accept me and my son what can a mere mortal like me do?"
"Pray to God, he's the only one we have to look on to at this point where all these things are coming up."
Temi bursted into the living room where her father was conversing with her husband. They both looked up at her while her father smiled. "The conversation lasted more than I thought it would"
She frowned instead,ready to confront her father about the pregnancy!
"Dad, i'm going to ask this question and i demand an real answer or I swear, I'll leave this house and never come back!" She snapped with tears running down her eyes. Her father rose up in shock. "What is going on? I hope you realize you're speaking to your father"
Temi stomped her feet on the floor, "I know! How do you think i feel about this?" "What is really going on?" "What really made mom lose her pregnancy?"
Rev Coker rolled his eyes, "Temi I'm sure" "Dad I'm serious and I'm not going to take silence for an answer!" She cuts in, "You can feel offended all you want but I won't leave here until I get an answer!" She screamed and her husband gave her a look.
When she starts puffing up that way.... There's always no way to control her! Until she gets what she wants.
"What's the secret for? Mom lost a pregnancy didn't she?" "Yes" Rev Coker replied "How?" "I can't go into details, you should ask your mother" "Was she raped?"
"Then why will she be affected by it? Why make it a big deal? Or is there something else?"
Rev Coker moved closer to her, "I understand your anger but i can't speak without your mom's approval"
"But she doesn't want to"
"Temi!" He barked at her, "Iwo naa farabalẹ, Àìfarabalẹ̀ ojú ni kì í fi rí imú bọ̀rọ̀; bí ojú bá fara balẹ̀, á rí imú. (The hurried state of the eyes is why it is unable to see the nose). I've told you severally, you need to exercise patient with your Mom. She is annoying, yes but still, she's still your mother. I hope you remember"
"I can't do this anymore Dad." She sobbed wiping her nose with the back of her palm then she shook her head turning towards Alade. "I'll be in the car" "Baby can you just..." "I can't" She muttered walking away then her father sighed.
"She had a miscarriage" He confessed and she halted without turning to face her father. "The circumstance didn't make it easy on her"
"What circumstance?"
"I can't say without your mother's approval but I want you know that Teni loves you two even though she doesn't show it. Your mother wanted to have three children but had two miscarriages before you and Manny. Your birth almost took her life but tge perfectionist in her who already had plans was determined to have another to fulfill her life long plan but she lost it"
Temi final faced her father, "But that doesn't explain why she neglected us" "At this point, what she needs is the two of you helping her as much as possible" "How? When all she does is say annoying things and make life difficult for us. We need her too but what did we get in return?"
"You and Maniola have failed to realize that the one who really needs the attention and all the help in the world is your mother and earlier, the better"
Mrs Coker sob rose in the room like a tidal wave. Temi walked back in and she lifted her head surprise to see her come back into the room."What do you want? Just get the hell out of my house and go back to your husband's house! What do you want from me? To insult me again?"
"No! I want the same thing I've always wanted right from time, to talk to you but you've never counted it important! We are not important right?" "Can i just be alone?" She asked sobbing pathetically. The weakness in her tears moved her.
"No! I'm not leaving until i get some sort of explanation! I am tired, tired of constantly fighting with my husband because of you! I am tired of making assumptions, I want the truth. Mom, I can see you're hurting but I don't know why, let me in, let us in. It's been more than twenty five years I had a mother" She moved closer then she knelt down before her mother.
Temi's fingers grazed her knee, "No matter what it is, I can't help you ubless you let me in and you're not going to feel okay until you let it out. She looked up at her, this was her first time seeing her mother so vulnerable! "Mom.... Please"
Mrs Coker threw herself on the bed in an explosion of loud sob.
What do you guys think?
Is Mrs Comer going to break?
What do you guys think about the issue raised in Kilahi and Hilary's conversation?
Should your first motive as a newly engaged be to satisfy your mother in law to your inconvenience.
Let me know in the comments.
Love you all!
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