🧘♀️ Chapter 37🧘♀️
I'll be posting this chapter directly so the scenes may be merged!
Manage it for me!
Seriously unedited! 🤣😁
Don't ask how I ended up posting😂🤣
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Chapter 37
4:23 am
Aunty Mabel woke up sat still for a moment in deep thoughts about Kilahi's wedding. When she couldn't hold it in any longer, she woke her husband with a gentle tap. "What?" He asked in a raspy tone, "Is it five already?" "No." She replied stretching her hands to pick her phone, after which she checked the time.
"It's just 4:23 am"
"Honey," He hissed in disappointment, "Let me sleep a moment"
"Honey I hate to interrupt your sleep but we need to talk"
"Is it a bad dream?"
"No. Please sit up"
"Can't it wait till tomorrow?" "Tomorrow?" "I mean two hours time at least"
"I'm really bothered"
Uncle Adzer sat up scratching his eyes, "What happened?" "Kilahi's wedding" "What is it with It?" "In between the whole excitement of finally having a wedding date, the reality of the planning is quite unsettling"
Still confused, he prodded, "What's unsettling about it? Okay I know she only just started this job and doesn't have much but we are parents will be there to show her the support and love she needs. Her parents would have done the same for us without thinking twice. Whatever she needs, we might not be the richest people in the block but we serve a God who is more than able to provide. God has gone this far to help her, do you think he'll forsake her now? No! That's why she has her family, is it pounded yam that will be the problem at her wedding? Instead we'll empty the barn in village and send them down to Lagos. The yams we will bring, I'm so sure that no member of Gbadamosi's family would habe seen such yam before.
Aunty Mabel laughed, "How did this discussion move from Kilahi to yam?" She asked and he laughed too. "I don't know but on a serious note, when we bring our yams they will know there's a difference between yam and Benue yam. We are not called the food basket of the nation for no reason. " "My concern Is not particularly about the food, that one will sort itself out, it's where the wedding will hold that's my problem right now"
"In church now or are you referring to the reception?"
"No the church. Our Church that can't hold even three hundred members, I'm not insulting the church. God forbid! But my question is, who is going to sit the wedding out and who will attend? Have you seen Pastor Gbadamosi's church members? I'm not talking about the church size, the members who will want to come for their Papa's wedding. Who will come and who will stay back? Not to talk of his family and our own family. I just woke up from a funny dream where people were all standing outside meanwhile the inside of the venue was already full"
Uncle Adzer exhales, "They'll attend the reception" "Really?" "What do you want me to say? You want Gbadamosi's church to be used as a venue? Where is that done? The man takes the woman from her church to his own church. That's the tradition, except of course, they attend the same church but this is a different case honey! Kilahi has her own church, even though she doesn't participate in activities, it's still her church!"
"We should give Kilahi the opportunity to make her choice this time" "When has she ever not made her choice?"
"I'm just saying. This is her wedding, It's not a situation where we are left with no choice but to enter into into the car and zoom, we're in church. She needs to make her choice" "You're speaking like I've been imposing on her! Mabel, what's your point?"
"I was not suggesting Pastor Gbadamosi's church! I was suggesting another venue that has bigger space"
"If we choose a bigger space, more money will be spent on rent. Won't we rather move that to other budget that really needs it"
"So we'd rather have our guests stand that day"
"We don't known for sure"
"You were not in the dream that's why! If only you saw how embarrassing it was. People couldn't go in to see their Pastor say I do to their future Mama. It was heart wrenching. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me."
Uncle Adzer shrugged, "I don't think Papa Noah will agree to having a wedding elsewhere. You know how dogged he can be" "So we'll make do with 100 from the church, 100 from Gbadamosi's church and maybe 50 from our family and friends and 50 from his own family and friends. What about his Pastor friends?"
"The church hall can try and take 400"
"So we'll all sandwich ourselves in the room like sardines in a can right? "
He scratched his head in thought, "I completely agree with you honey but personally, I don't think Papa Noah will agree to it"
Hilary walked into the room holding on to a tray containing two toast, fried eggs and a cup of tea. She expected Ossy to be awake but he was still asleep so she dropped the tray on the bed moving closer to him. The moment she tapped his arm to wake him, her heart jumped in worry as a result of how hot his temperature was.
"Ossy!" She called out and he opened his eyes slowly, "Baby get up it's almost 5:30, let's get ready for church."
"Mommy, good morning" He whispered managing to sit up, "Are you okay?" "Yes"
"Are you sure?"
"Your temperature is high, are you having any weird feeling?" "No." "This one you're sleeping till now" "Maybe I'm just tired, I'm fine"
"I'll give you paracetamol to reduce the temperature, if it persist, I might have to take you to the hospital" "No! I want to go church so I can see Uncle Manny." He said with a smile as he remembered the previous night. He couldn't quite place it if It was a dream or not. "Mommy, was i dreaming or you and Uncle Manny?" He couldn't complete his sentence as he held his breath in anticipation.
Hilary laughed, "Maybe you were dreaming, you tell me" She replied teasingly then he blushed exhaling in relief, "Is he going to marry you?" "I think so, it's too early to say" "Am I permitted to call him Daddy before the marriage? I know he permitted me already but I want to know if you're fine with it."
"Awn. That's so mature of you to ask." She replied placing both palm on her chest emotionally. "This really makes you happy right?"
Ossy nods, "I don't know how it feels to have a father but Uncle Manny make me feel that way. I want to call him Daddy, can I? Please say yes!" He begged giving his mother a puppy dog eye that could melt any mother's heart. She chuckled touching his cheeks, "Sure you can. Anything that makes you happy" She replied instantly getting a literarily warm embrace from him.
"Geez! You're burning up. Come and eat so I can give you drugs" She pulled the tray close, "I don't think i'll like drugs, Grandma has made us used to traditional Herbs" "It's just panadol and you'll be good to go. Go and wash your hands"
"I've not prayed first"
Hilary grimaced, "Ossy! I don't want to be late for workers prep" "Mommy just two seconds" He begged covering his face over the pillow while clasping his underneath.
"Two seconds gone"
Ossy turned towards her, "Mummy, I haven't even said Good morning to God" "You said two seconds" "Oya five minutes" "Workers prep"
"Sea green should be nice or what do you think?" Sefa suggested while wearing a black low cover shoe In Kilahi's room. "Aunty Kilahi, this shoe looks good on me, it makes my eyes pop"
Sewuese cringed in response, she has never liked green on Kilahi, "Even if it makes her head pop, don't give her. Green doesn't look good on Kilahi" She blurted out unconsciously then she sucked her lips in, she felt bad for saying it out that way.
"I'm sorry, I wish there was another way to say it"
"I think another color that is not green will look nicer on you" Sefa replied taking off the shoe then she sat on the bed. "Look who's learning manners? You that would have said rubbish" Sewuese snapped and Kilahi laughed, "Sefa that we were planning on selling that month. She'll just enter into the room and say something like, Aunty Sewuese you look like, Aunty Kilahi.... You can do better and part of you will just be like who is this small rat?" She asked and Sefa covered her face.
"I'm sorry. I always hate myself when I remember those moments. I'm sorry Aunty Kilahi"
"It's fine. Well I've never been a fan of green too so you guys should pick another color or I might just have to ask God to show me something In my dream."
"Purple is nice" Sewuese suggested, "Purple and onion pink" she added but Kilahi disagreed. "Purple that we wore on Durojaiye's wedding"
"What about peach and something emerald as an accessory?"
Kilahi shrugged, "I don't know! You guys should not confuse me" "Babe you only have the rest of this month to make your choice, what am I saying? Barely the remaining part of this month. After all, people need to purchase their material and sew whatever they want"
"The only thing I'm thinking of right now is Diya's wedding this week and how I wish I don't have to stay 12 hours on the bus to Benue"
"Easy, call your future husband and tell him to book a flight" Sewuese suggested playfully and Kilahi faked a laughter while she busted out laughing, "Very funny" "What did I say?" "What didn't you say? Avoid me!" "It's just a suggestion"
"I hate that suggestion, the fact I'm in a relationship with a man doesn't mean I have to leech on him."
"I was just joking"
"I didn't like it. So as I was saying, Diya's wedding is the pressing thing on my mind. I'm trying my best not to think of how sudden my wedding is and just believe that God knows best and he's more than able to make provisions for it"
"Somebody say amen" Sefa teased and Sewuese lifted her hands, "Amen, hallelujah"
Kilahi laughed, hissed and then shook her head, "You two need help!" "But Kilahi, are we going to have your church wedding in our church?" Sewuese asked, "Yes. Where else?" "Who is going to attend and who will stay back?" She asked Kilahi thought of it.
"Toor, what do you want us to do? Use Gbada's church?" She snapped notiving how quickly Sewuese smiled in acceptance.
"Dan boro uba! Haba! That's not acceptable! Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, that's the church I grew up in, that was the church I attended" "Grudgingly attended" "Even though! It was my church even before I met Gbadamosi. Whether I like it or not, they'll be the one to do the final rites"
Sefa scratched her neck, "The parking space is not enough, that's why dad has to leave the house early so he doesn't end up parking it at the fast food center six buildings away from church. Imagine when Papa and his church members come, where will they park their cars?"
"You, you're even going far? What of his family? Where will they sit? In that 300 ani 320 capacity building" "It sounds like mockery right now and I don't want to hear it"
"Ba komai! da ƙarfi ne ba? (It's okay. is It by force?) I already said I don't want to hear it!"
Sefa exhales, "So like this, Aunty Kilahi will be getting married this year, Aunty Sewuese will be traveling out of the country for the first time" "Madam I travelled to Kotonou, don't insult me!" She snapped playfully and they all laughed It off.
"Afterwards, you and Sam will get married"
"Is he your mate?"
"He said I should call him Sam, Oyinbo people don't have problem, it's we Nigerians that are carrying seniority on our head and it's not as if we have more than the oyinbo" Sefa replied and Sewuese frowned, "Sorry. But good things are happening this year"
Kilahi smiled, "Yes. You genuinely rededicated your life to God, your bad mouth is taking good shape and you'll definitely get into the higher institute this year" "Amen oh" Sefa answered casually. Kilahi arced her brow, "What kind of weak Amen is that? Are you sure you're reading? Wait, God works miracle but you're going to have to do your own quota, faith without work is dead"
"Yes Mama, I know but I'm just scared okay? There's still that thing telling me it's going to be like other years and I should just give up and be a journalist"
Sewuese slapped the back of her head, "Ouch! Ah Han Aunty Sewuese " "Good for you! What kind of rubbish talk is that? You don't say negative things in this room again" Sewuese pointing to the sticker.
Don't be scared to dream, all things are possible!
"I will be doing my masters abroad, by God's grace which has been a dream and I never knew how God was going to do It, but I had faith. Kilahi will be getting married next month and you will get into the university as a law student wearing your white and black all around, oppressing us with pictures"
"Me that don't have phone.
"When that time comes now. You will even oppressing the kingdom of darkness and populating the kingdom of God" Kilahi chipped in and Sefa laughed, "Our future Mama will definitely make everything sound spiritual" "I'll konk your head now, look at her big head! Our future lawyer" She replied and Sefa continued giggling, she was completely encouraged.
"Why are you guys whinning me now"
"Sewuese, we better start looking for trouble in advance" Kilahi teased and Sefa crawled on the bed and embraced her, "Thank you Ma" She whispered witholding her tears. "I'm jealous, i started the motivational talk" Sewuese pouts jokingly and she moved to embrace her too.
"Thank God for sisters like you two, I don't know how my life would have been" She moved away sniffling then she smirked staring at Kilahi, "There's something I forgot to mention that will also happen this year"
"What?" Kilahi asked with interest, "Kilahi will not just be a Mama but will definitely be an upcoming mom cause Pastor Gbadamosi will definitely knock her up!" She blurted out laughing from how interested Kilahi was to listen to her rubbish!
"Jesus Christ!" Kilahi screamed, she pulled Sefa by the dress then she climbed on her. "I hope you know you're not serious! How can you be thinking of that kind of thing?"
Sewuese laughed, "It's an inevitable truth. Awn, from the 23rd of April Kilahi will ceased to be a virgin" "Stop it now!" She warned but the duo couldn't stop laughing.
Aunty Mabel walked in shaking her head at the position they were all in, "Well done! You all are playing on a Sunday morning. You're not dressed yet for church, if your dad gets ready, you'll all be wearing your dresses in the car" She snapped and they all laughed then Kilahi got off.
"You think it's funny until it happens. What's going on here?"
"Can you believe your daughter? She said I'll get pregnant?"
Aunty Mabel laughed, "Won't you get pregnant before?" "Mommy, you're not helping issues" "Madam, your wedding is next month, you had better start preparing your mind towards the inevitable before that day will come and you'll start telling your husband, you're not ready"
"Or turn off the light" Sewuese chipped in. Kilahi gasped watching Aunt Mabel laughed as the others joined her.
"Laugh now! Feel free to have your fun" She continued pouting and the cringe on her face seemed to settled there.
"On a serious note Kilahi, it's inevitable"
Sewuewe shrugged and widened her arms, "Exactly what i was telling her" "Exactly what I was telling her" Kilahi mimicked raising her nose at her. "I know it's..." She trailed off twitching her fingers, "Inevitable but we'll cross the bridge when we get there. Let's change the topic"
Aunty Mabel cleared her throat, "Talking about bridges, there's another bridge we might have cross too" "Which bridge again?"
She exhaled entering into the room then she sat on the bed facing Kilahi, "Well... I was just thinking about the wedding. You know it's in less than six weeks time and we need to make plans including a venue for the church wedding. I was telling your father that..." She trailed off turning towards Sefa, "What are you still waiting for? Won't you go and get ready?"
"And leave the gist?"
"Is it your gist?"
Sefa frowned and left the room, "I was telling your father that, the church will be too small to contain everyone" "Thank God I'm only thinking that way!" Sewuese added rolling her eyes, "It's just the same thing I was saying to her"
Kilahi snickered, "What are we going to do about it? Do it in another church? Our other branches are smaller" "No. I'm just talking about another wedding venue, like an open event center"
"That's another expenses, who is going to foot that bill?" "We don't mind doing it, that's why we're your parents" "Mom, no! It's pointless"
"So it's better to have your guest come in to the church sandwiching one another in church. I can't" "Haven't other people been having their wedding there?"
Sewuese rolled her eyes, "All the wedding experience has not been good, I remember that one time, an usher tapped me to rise up for a guest to sit just because I'm a church member. I had to become an usher"
"Or that time, some wedding guest had to stand outside till the end of the wedding ended because they were not informed about the size of the church. Or the car crash that happened. Kilahi was still serving in Oyo State then, so you didn't experience it. It has been one embarrassing event to the other, even though at the end we still have to give God the glory, the story has not been nice"
"We can't start adding expenses to.... Mom I don't have that kind of money"
"Don't worry about it. We don't mind, your mother would have ..." She dipped her fingers in her mouth in search of comparisons. "She would have gone to the end of this world to make sure that day becomes a success. Even if it was my wedding, she would have done more. I am not complaining, God forbid! All we just have to do is talk to Papa Michael about this whole plan while we're formally informing him about your wedding date. Let's hope he'll agree"
"I don't know" She replied then she heard her phone ring. She answered the call smiling. "Good morning Twinnie" "Good morning. How are you?" "I'm fine, how's my boy?"
"You didnt even ask of the Mother. I'm jealous"
"You're a big woman, rest! How is he?" "He's fine, he's bathing. He woke up with an high temperature, he gave me quite a scare this morning" "Has I reduced?" "I already gave him panadol, he should be fine. Although he didn't finish his food, just two toast and fried egg. His stomach is somehow big. I told him that if it doesn't reduce, I'll just use one of those popular drugs for it"
"Well done! Doctor Hilary, don't use my nephew to practical-ize what you didn't study"
"Please oh! Take care of my nephew, I don't want to hear stories"
"What about me? Who will take care of me?"
"Do you want me to say it again? His name starts with a M and ends with a Y"
Hilary laughed, "Aunty you're not serious" "Let him be your doctor, me I studied philosophy" "And he studied medicine bah?" "Toor! Wasn't he the one that used to make you feel better all those years on radio. I thought he had cough syrup, vitamin C and all the balance diet in his mouth. Let him take care of you!" She teased and Hilary laughed.
"I miss you"
"Aw. Same here"
"What is same here? Oya before I snap my eyes open that your cockroach mouth and tell me you miss me"
"Thank God I don't kukuma have cockroach mouth. You're the one that knows the cockroach mouth that will say those words" "Eh hen?" "Oya, I miss you too!" "See! Cockroach mouth!"
Kilahi laughed, "What insect can I classify you as now? How are you going to wash this relationship for me?" "With soap and water, the way you washed it for it" "All I'm asking for is milk shake or parfait! Shikina!"
Hilary laughed, "Do I look like your parfait plug? Go and meet Papa!" "Ah!" "Shebi when I asked who will take care of me, you said I should meet my radio plug. You go and meet your milkshake and parfait plug" "Eye to eye is not good Hilary! The bible says"
"Abegi! Let me hear word! Shebi parfait shey?"
"You can just add chocolate to it"
"Should I add flowers too?" "You can throw in a kiss too, Ishi!"
"Isi gị (Your head!). I have to go"
"Me too, I have to go. I'm literally late for church. I just feel so reluctant because it's not word foundation. Take care of my baby for me" "Sorry. I can't take care of Papa" Hilary replied then she laughed in mockery.
Kilahi scoffed, "Whatever! I'll do my own back" "Eye to eye is not good!" "I'll still do my own back. Give Ossy my kisses and take care of him and yourself too" "Sure. Greetings to the family too"
"They'll hear. Don't worry, maybe today... I don't know if I'll have the chance, maybe I can come over so we can discuss about the business" "Abi but if you're not chanced, don't sweat it. I know you're already tired"
"You can't imagine! Take Care dear!" "You too" Hilary ended the call then another call came in from Mrs George so she answered It.
"Good morning Ma"
"Good morning beautiful. How are you and I trust you slept well"
Deja paced around with her hands behind her back, "Usher Bimbo, can you kindly inform Usher Hilary the drill of being an usher in training?"
Bimbo smiled, "Simple but somehow difficult. If God did not call you into this job, walahi, you'll be slapping church members anyhow... Cause the one you will tell to sit here, will go and sit down in another place, as if they put her plate and NIN number there. Some people have their original seat, as If they brought It from home. No matter how much you tell them to go to another place, if the Holy ghost does not minister to them to stand, they will remain there! First, you need tolerance and a lot of it. If it was before 2020, God knows the blow that I'll be rushing people but thank God for the salvation of my soul. Hallelujah somebody"
Ade laughed, "We should kukuma do thanksgiving service for you now. They say tell someone the rules, you have turn it into testimony, let's add prayer to it, say the grace and go home." He added and all the ushers laughed.
"Brother Ade, you know that o ma mbe, on a normal day, you should be calling me Aunty Bimbo"
"Oya Aunty Bimbo, ma binu, come and start. They'll soon start opening prayer and I need to take position close to the AC"
Hilary held her laughter, "You'll get used to them eventually" Usher Chioma chipped in and she chuckled afterwards.
"Bimbo!" Deja called out with a frown.
Bimbo cleared her throat, "Sorry... Let me clear my throat, so that wisdom will flow freely. First rule, an Usher does not sleep, any usher that you catch sleeping, just give the person an Holyghost hot slap cause there must be something wrong with the person. An usher does not doze off, if you're dozing off, it means you need to stay away from the AC or fan or your village people want to capture your blessing for that day. An usher does not wear heels, that one is not compulsory but me I don't wear heels, shey I want to wear heels and catch someone under anointing ni? Me too will fall and they will also think that I also fell under anointing. I don't wear heels! But if you're on heels, just know that you won't be sitting but if you want to sit, you can do it codedly. An usher does not close her eyes when others are closing it . You can worship God with your eyes open, he or she does not close her eyes when others are praying; anything can be happening. You need to be alert at all times! You need to be looking at everyone's face, your eyes need to be spiritually sound like airport scanner so you will be able to identify those with bad spirit even terrorist spirit. An usher must smile every time, even though you're having mouth and jaw pain, even though you have not paid your rent, o gbodo (you must) smile, even though you don't like church members that just entered, you are gonna look at his face and tell him welcome to church, we are glad to have you here. Your heart does not have to be glad, let your face be glad. The God that sees in the secret will reward each and eveyone of us in the open. Amen"
Deja exhaled looking at Hilary, "That will be all for now. We'll talk more after service. Welcome to the ushering unit Ma" "Thank you"
Ade lifted his hands, "Is it just me or Queen Deja looks unusually calm today." "I'm not here again!" Usher Chioma lifted her hands leaving the room. "No now, someone that her high tension that would have started burning me already. Abi did NEPA visit you yesterday?"
Deja rolled her eyes moving close to him, "Usher Ade, go and take position" "I'm standing close to Medusa and I've not turned to stone yet. Glory be to God" He chipped in and she frowned, "You better leave before you get burnt"
They all left the room then she turned back fighting off tears from her eyes. She didn't understand why the tears were building? Was it because of Pastor Gbadamosi or Vincent? Or the decision she wants to make? She was just confuse!
Hilary walked in and heard her sniffling. "I'm sorry..." She apologized, "I'm sorry... I didn't...." She trailed watching Deja shake her hands without saying a word.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes I am"
"Okay Ma" She replied leaving the room then Deja wiped her tears off.
🎶Oooh I feel alright
Got the power and the spirit in my life
1, 2, I feel alright🎶
Hilary ushered Muyiwa to sit beside Manny during the praise session. His first reaction was his brow that arced in surprise to see him, Muyiwa rolled his eyes. He didn't expect to be position close to him!
"What happened?"
"What happened? Like how?"
"What are you doing here?" "Is it a crime? Have I done something bad?" "We both know you haven't been to any church since the time of John the Baptist, I'm sure I'm not the only one turning head right now. Even the angels in heaven are shocked right now"
"Hahaha very funny"
"Did you miss the address?"
Muyiwa rolled his eyes, "Don't make me feel guilty before God. He knows that most Saturdays are not always good and I'm always hung over" "Wow! What an excuse! Sure, life hasn't been fair with you, with all the partying and booze. You should probably be given a certificate of exemption from church gatherings, you deserve it" He replied giving him a tap on the back.
Muyiwa laughed, "You don't have to be sarcastic" "Sarcastic? I'm only sympathizing with you" "I try my best to be a good child" "You also deserve heavenly awards, God's recognized son. I'm sure God doesn't recognize your voice. When last did you pray?"
"Is it your prayer?" "If I know you well, you wouldn't be here unless there's a reason. Which unfortunate soul did you follow here?" "Everything doesn't have to revolve about women" "Wow" Manny laughed, "Coming from you. That's a shocker! I'm sure you didn't come to Praise God"
"I didn't come chasing after women either."
"Then what are you chasing?"
"More like who is chasing me? Okay, maybe I came for a woman. I actually thought it was stupid coming here initially but, I just had to do it. Guilt flogged me out of my bed" "I'm lost" "Sharon is here"
"Where?" Manny asked scattering his eyes all around then Muyiwa pinched him, "Guy calm down, not cool. She had been talking about her friend's dedication and how she has been dying to meet Gbadamosi personally. I promised to do the whole introduction, she was really excited about it."
"Man... you really screw up"
"I know. I only came to talk to her, apologize. I know I said I won't bother but, I haven't been able to be at peace with myself since yesterday. I just want her to say, she's not mad at me so I can go my own way"
🎶Agidigba oh oh oh Agidigba oh🎶
Manny scoffed spreading his arms apart, "That's the most selfish thing to say. Of course she's mad at you" "Unless she wants to print it on cover Punch newspaper as a kind of affirmation that proves it. I can't walk about feeling guilty, this isn't me"
"Then make thing right?" "How? Should I hang myself on a stake to prove that? My peace has been taken away, just merely being in that house reminds me of how guilty I am. I just want to clear the air and just go my own way abeg!"
Gbadamosi leaned against the pulpit, he had a head microphone on, he lifted his head raising a song. 🎶I enter the holies, i enter into the blood of the lamb..... For your name is Holy🎶
"God is Holy and those that come to him should come in the same immensity and dimension as his personality. Don't come to him in pretense, worship him in spirit and in truth. Ask him to circumcise and saturate your heart"
The congregation echoed the song.
🎶For your name is Holy, Holy Lord🎶
"I sense God dealing with a whole lot of troubled spirit today, I know we have cares of life and all but these are trouble spirits worried about their wrong and sins they've committed. They are searching for relief, some sort of redemption. Some of you didn't want to show up at all but you felt a leading in your spirit to come in here."
Manny looked over at Muyiwa and he mouthed, "What?"
"Till you got into the church, you didnt even know, and those online, you find yourself streaming this service, you find yourself glued and you don't know why. I've come to let you know you're not here by mistake, online, onsite, you're not here by mistake. God brought you here and today's service is specifically for you. First thing first, I want to welcome the Labourers unit who made it today's meeting in preparation for our Global Workers Conference which is still far behind but you know how we love to prepare ahead of time."
There was a loud round of applause then Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "Halleuyah!"
" Last night I was at my parent's house and it was a busy night but I already had a message I wanted to give but them God opened my eyes to somethings in between my prayer, God gave me another message and I'm sure you'll all be blessed one way or the other. Can we rise as we read God's word in Matt 11 verse 28 to 30. It's a popular verse. Media, can I get it in Message version and I want everyone to pay close attention to the message. Can we all chorus it, one, two, go!"
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. "
Gbadamosi paused exhaling, "You can be seated now in heavenly places, far above principalities and power. Amen!"
The Congregation sat down then he flipped through his bible, "We all know this scripture, but there is something we need to reiterate herw. This is God beckoning on us, this call is not secluded to a particular people, it is for everyone. As long as you're human, you're bound to get tired and worn out. Humanly we are bound to get tired but because we do not operate by physical strength only, we enjoy spiritual strength which renews us. When when the bible says , those wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. For the strength to be renewed it means at some point, you must have come to a friction, a point of wear and tear where the energy you once had needs to be renewed. Our life has it's balance from the constant renewal of strength and when we don't renew we become weary and tired. That's when you feel cumbered with all the problems in the world. But by the virtue of your knowledge and relationship with God, your strength is automatically renewed daily so in the book of Matthew 11 verse 28 , God is calling on to every believer to come onto him because if there's refuge where we can truly find rest, it's only in him. When we are outside him our problems looks magnified but when we dwell in him, those problems bow to mightiness of God. They start to look tiny. They might be there but your stance to remain in the rest of God puts your mind at rest. No wonder a believer can have zero naira in his account and still come to church dancing like he just received a bountiful alert on his phone. No wonder a woman can still be expecting the fruit of the womb but still find hoy deep within her. That's what you get when you dwell in the rest of God. There is comfort in his rest, there Is strength, sustainance, there is protection. In the verse 29 of that chapter, God speaking said, Get away with me, because he's the only escape route away from all that burden, He's not just taking you on a weekend get away, no! It's a journey of eternity, a journey of peace, a journey where your weaknesses and your weariness gets exchanged into strength and rest. A relationship where you stepped out of that shaky foundation where you can't sleep with your two eyes closed into a solid one where you can sleep peacefully knowing your father has everything under control. They can go ahead and call you names, go ahead and sneer at you, Daddy has it under control."
Deja called Hilary and Ade then she pointed at Ade to move towards an angle and he gasped, "Ah! See all the people there, anyone that falls under anointing is on their own. Iron sharpeneth iron not wood, if any of those women fall on me, opari niyen! (It Is finished), service will just end there and everyone will go back to their house"
Hilary laughed, "I'll take that angle, you do the work of God and hold wrapper incase of emergency" "You make me feel emotional with love, I want to hug you right now" "Really?" Deja asked watching Hilary leave then she scowled at Ade then she busted out laughing.
"You need Jesus"
"I have Jesus, what i need is one Eba and hot okro soup with five round about and kpanla inside" He joked and Deja gasped, he had just managed to inplant the imagination in her head. "If they now add Ogufe to it, it will make it perfect" She whispered and he laughed in surprised.
"Did you just..."
"Do your job. If you don't want to usher, just stand and look pretty"
"I can do that very well Ma. Thank you" He answered watching her leave.
"Oh God.... " Gbadamosi continued his Message, "I see people that have forgotten the address to locating the rest, you're asking how... I've already given up on God but here is he saying come. All you just need is to incline your heart to him, make room for him to come in!" He paused and the congregation murmured prayers.
"Whoa!" He paused shutting his eyes. After waiting two minutes he continued from where he stopped. "What will happen when you get away with him? There's no one that doesn't love a weekend getaway, that escape from work, it's not a weekend if you're still working shey? But in this case, you're working spiritually. Everything about our spiritual race deals with work, we're encouraged to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, faith without work is dead. It's a two way thing, work with God, believe on him, seek him continually and just let faith do the remaining part. In this get away, you will recover your life, you will recover lost paths or find your path to God. Something might have been lost in your life, it might be your peace, your sanity, your consecration, all this will be restored the moment you agree to come into that relationship with him, the moment you decided to walk and work with God" He trailed off on seeing Bella In the crowd.
"Have you lost your consecration? God is standing with his arms wide open to accept you. It doesn't matter how far gone you are. I tell people this that as enjoyable as sin may be, the truth is you can never truly find peace from it. I've been there, I've been in situation where I sinned and also situations where i got tired and wanted to end it. And i also got tired of going back to sin so much that the whole confusion made me decided to just enjoy the whole sin at once. I still couldn't find the peace I wanted because there was a beckoning. You might want to say, the reason I had the beckoning is because I've been called to be pastor a church but I've come to inform you this morning that we've all been called, both young and old. Not necessarily to start a church, no! We all have the mandate to preach the gospel of Christ, depopulate the kingdom of darkness and populate God's kingdom but sin tries to hold us back from fulfilling this mandate. Some of us are fulfilling this mandate but yet still living in sin, we're so called preachers of the gospel still dwelling in sinful acts..." He trailed off, "Still fornicating and you can't seem to get out of it and you're weary so much you've decided to make it a norm since you can't help yourself out of the problem. You've opened your heart for sin to take over and you cover it up in pretense. Holyghost filled brother with tongues of fire, no one will know! This Is God this morning saying come to me, he created you, he knows you're tired and he's there offering His help, you've been trying to do it on your own but he doesn't want you to do it on your own. Not by power, not by might but by the spirit saith the Lord God of host. It's time to enter into the rest God has predestined for you.Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which can never be shaken, never be moved. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people, now and forever. He wants to make you like mount Zion that cannot be moved by anything, even sins. 1 John 2:17, And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. There is something that happens the moment you admit you're helpless without God, the moment you invite him to take over your burdens, he sustains you. Psalms 55:22. Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Many of us believers are locked in this situation of sin because we invited it into our lives. I was chatting with someone one particular year, he's now one of the many men i'm mentoring now." He paused laughing.
"I shouldn't be laughing but it was funny when he told me. He said Papa I thought I was spiritually strong enough to withstand a woman being in my house, so his neighbor came in and he didn't want to be rude. After all the bible said, love your neighbor as yourself, that was what he said to me" Gbadamosi paused and everyone laughed.
"So this woman came in and he invited her in to charge her phone. The woman left there charging more than her phone" He paused and everyone broke out into more laughter. "And after the whole charging event, he ran to my office crying about it and all. He said Papa, were you not the same person who held that woman's robe and closed it? Why wasn't I able to to stand her temptations? He said Papa I tried but I couldn't help it. The book of 1st Corinthians says flee fornication, there's the first part of resistance to it but he should have fled by not letting her into his house in the first place. That lady years ago let herself in, I didn't think in my wildest dream that she'll come into my house and that thing I did was me making a bold statement to her and the devil who sent her to conduct that enterprise that I've been sold out to God and no lust of the flesh is going to make me quaver."
"Is doesn't work that way for everyone. Don't say because Papa held her robe, you should go and hold someone's daughter's robe. It should not be heard that instead closing you were doing the opposite" He warned and everyone laughed.
"Jokes apart... Flee! Avoid it! Run away from any ploy of the devil to tempt you. You see this relationship with God? I hold it dear and I employ you to flee from sin too. So yesterday I visited my fiancée because there was a surprise dinner at my parents house so I had to go over you know she lives with her family. If the tables were turned, I won't dare make the move of going to see her, not because my mind hasn't been fortified enough to withstand temptation but because scripture encouraged us to flee and my meat is to do the will of he that sent me! I will never do otherwise. I am not willing to risk losing the presence of the Lord because of sin. His eyes doesn't behold iniquity and I'm not ready to have him look away from me, I want to constantly behold him and I constantly need his eyes to be on me too. Sin drives His presence away and what am I without His presence? Really? What am I without his presence? I don't want to only cast out demons using his name, I also want him to be pleased with what I do. That's my essence In life to please God constantly. I hear people say, Papa it's not easy, the moment she grabbed my clothes, I lost all form control, oga sorry but you never had control in the first place. You have to fellowship with God to the point you are filled and strengthened with his word and all form of godliness so much that you lose every fragment of worldliness. The wisdom that is profitable to direct will direct you when the time comes. It will warn you ahead of time not to make some certain decisions when temptation arises. What if you never planned for it and the temptation catches up to you! I just heard someone ask that in my spirit. God is ever there to help as long as you ask for his help and you're constantly relying on him, he wants to know you're depending on him. He wants us to grow and be spiritually sound but not to the point where we feel we don't need him again, no! We grow and grow on him like David did! My God! No wonder, God called him a man after my heart. There was something David touched, there was something Abraham touched that man God become his best friend to point he couldn't make a decision without him! These men were so much dependent on God, they so much grew on God and God instructed them on everything they do. A man dependent on God, receives instructions at each passing moments. So when you're in a difficult situation, he gives you and instructions, he filled you with wisdom or he makes provision to pull you out of that mess you're in. My God!" He exhales looking across the cameras.
"This scenario just played in my head, So I went to a party recently and i got into the toilet and some girl followed me" He paused and laughed.
"I was stuck in between the devil and the deep blue sea or is it the red sea? The devil comes with temptations to test how much of God you've trapped in your life. The sole aim of her coming was to seduce me. I needed to leave but I also didn't want a situation where I'll be seen and associated with such situations but what If she shouts rape and there I was begging to leave and she wasn't ready to bulge"
Bella rolled her eyes and laughed sarcastically.
"She kept blocking the way each time I try to leave and I couldn't push her. A man should never forcefully lay hands on a woman, so I couldn't push her and I was in a fix, just wondering what to do next. Within me I was asking God for help and then God made provision, a man came out of nowhere from one of the toilet and that was my way out. God is always with us, ready to help. The reason why we don't receive help In such situations is because the moment the girl comes into the bathroom, our thoughts start to fly with corrupt imagination. Omo, if I can just have her, who will know?" He asked and everyone laughed.
"Be sincere! So now, instead of asking God for help, you're indirectly inviting sin to dwell in your thoughts and when your heart starts to accommodate those nonsense thoughts, opari niyen! (That's all). All we need to say O ti lo, except for some divine intervention that will immediately restructure the thoughts of that man. I'm serious!" He added with a shrug.
"When you take a look at the book of psalms, you will hear David say, i called on God in my time of trouble and in my time of distress and he heard my voice. Uncle, Brother, didn't you know you were in distress when the temptation came? Or was the lust was more than the distress? Or You think it's only when someone presses your neck at night that you call on God and cry for him to help you?" He asked and a few of the congregation chuckles.
"I'm not talking about that kind of warfare right now, this is a different spiritual warfare against the flesh and our mind and we must continually fight till the finish. We can't allow the flesh win over our thoughts every time. If you're in church, you're thinking of Falila and your last moments together in bed, you need help. It's not wrong when the thought of a loved one flashes into your head. I've actually thought of someone about three times already but not the kind that flies through some members mind. Sisters, Brothers, Pastors, Deacon and Deaconess, if that's the thought that runs through your mind in church, you need to fight this warfare and it's only God that can help a man that's why he's asking us this morning to come! Come! Come to me! He doesn't want the weight of sin pulling you down cause that's what it does. It weighs you down, no wonder Paul speaking in the book of Hebrews asked us lay aside these weights but i tell you there's a weight that comes upon a man and lifts him up above sins, above principalities, it's the weight of His glory. It comes on a man and transforms him, the weight is here this morning, he wants to place his burden on you, he want you to abide in him. The weight of sin makes you weak, it weakens a man, Jesus knew the consequences of yielding to temptations, he wouldn't have been able to fulfill purpose and the devil knew this. Daniel knew this, no wonder his reason for consecration. What about Joseph? No wonder even when Portiphar's wife held Joseph by his robe, he fled too. If we check Egyptian calligraphy and pictures, it's clear to see that this women were extremely beautiful and their dressing were quite enticing too so we can imagine the dilemma Joseph was in but he wasn't ready to destroy what he had with God, that relationship, he had an understanding that his body was a temple of God and he didn't want it defiled. When you let sin override your system, it limits what God Is supposed to do in your life. To young ministers that are already Pastors, when you let sin override your ministry, if you're the kind that finds women to be your weakness, you're building a ministry on a faulty foundation that will crash sooner or later. I've seen men of God who can't maintain members because of it, people leave, his choristers are tired, his choir directors are tired because every woman in church feels married to the church head so everyone has power in their own vein. They struggle every time to fight the flesh and on that glorious day, when they're called to give account and they'll say, in your name we casted out demons, we healed the sick and God will say, I know you not, depart from me, ye workers of iniquity. If there's any part of the Scripture that scares me, it's that part. This is common among some believers, you're sinning but you're still healing the sick and you feel, all is still well. After all, if God was angry with you, he shouldn't have hearkened to your voice to heal that man . Don't be deceived, he honours his name when you call on him. He doesn't want to fall hands, but the scripture calls you a worker of iniquity, and we all know the end of every sinner but this morning is a wake up call to every man, every woman, every child to flee from sin and wait upon the Lord so that your strength can be renewed by God the source of our strength. Isaiah 40:28 to 30, Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD" He paused jumping, "Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." He paused almost in tears.
"So there is a renewing that comes from the source of all strength when you stay in the place of waiting. You're not going to stop thinking of sin just like that, wait and give God time to work on you. Let him perform the surgerical procedure he needs to but you need to walk and work with him too. Build yourself up in your most Holy faith, I'm sure this message coming this morning is for many ministers l, many believers that is starting to see sex as a norm in the society but yet they come and act all Holy ghost filled deceiving the crowd. God is not deceived, i don't know who you're serving, man or God but you had better make your choice cause the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light is demanding a life of genuine consecration. Media, can you put up the book of Jude verse 18 but do it in message version. Thank you very much" He requested using his handkerchief to wipe off sweat off his face then he exhaled.
"Whoa! Thank you God, thank you Jesus!" He exhaled again looking at the screen. "In the last days there will be people who don't take these things seriously anymore. They'll treat them like a joke, and make a religion of their own whims and lusts. These are the ones who split churches, thinking only of themselves. There's nothing to them, no sign of the Spirit! But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!" He paused shutting his eyes.
"Let's reexamine our lives once again. Let's go back to the drawing board where our love was hot for him. A life unto consecration for Him who called us when we were in the dark but now you've found ourselves in the dark again and you're searching for that light, a hand to drag you out of that pit of sin. The devil is a liar! He tries to fight your faith, to make you think you can't do without sin, makes you think it's a normal thing, sex is a normal thing, lie is a normal thing, murder is something you can get away with. That's a lie from the pit of hell! You can live above the lifestyle of sin. God is saying, Son, daughter, you've been wearing this garment of sin for too long, it's time to take them off and he's just there stretching his hands to give you the strength to take off cause the garment of sin can be a heavy one to take off. You can't do it on your own, this is the time to draw near. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. This is a time for exchange, the burden lifter is here, you need his strength in
Muyiwa rose up leaving the auditorium and Sharon turned her head back at then she creased her brow in suspicious on whether he was the one or not.
Shortly after the service, Muyiwa walked back into the church, literally reeking of alcohol and cigarette from sitting with some drunk in a nearby local club. Bimbo laughed on seeing him, "I think the world is ending, Uncle Muyiwa is it not you I'm seeing? Are you just coming? You are too early, boya you should have come two hours later when the service will be starting" She teased but he stared at her utterly confused.
He doesn't even recognize the weirdo? Who's playing with this one?
"Do I know you?"
Bimbo moved back closing her nose, "Uncle you literally have spirit coming out of your mouth and I can swear it's not the Holy Spirit. Kilode, did you empty the bar? See all different kind of spirit to jade (that came out) out of your mouth."
Muyiwa rubbed his forehead, "Are you one of the girls I've" "Olorun ma je! (God forbid!) Even God cannot allow me to be one of the girls. I knew your story now! You want me to have 150 kinds of infection? As you are like this, you must be a carrier" "I'm not a ...." He trailed off hissing loudly.
"How do you know me?"
"Let's just say, I was someone who used to live in the club years ago. Now the church is my second home, I know your works very well, i they say someone like you can go to church, I would have beaten my chest and say it's a lie but if God can change me, there's no one he cannot change. We should give God the glory"
"Aunty save the speech, I didn't come to be saved. I don't need saving, what I need is"
"Toothbrush and toothpaste, the smell is bad cause even if you want to ask God to forgive you right now. He's gonna first cover his nose cause the spirit he deposited in you does not smell like the one that is coming out of your mouth" "It's not ....." He trailed off watching her leave.
Then he tightened her fist turning his head only to see Sharon speaking to a friend. A smile etched around the corner of his lips then he walked up to her smiling, "Good afternoon ladies" He said smoothly and Sharon cleared her throat turning towards him then her smile turned upside down.
This only confirmed her suspicion but the hoy and anger she felt from seeing him made her angrier! Why will part of her be happy to see a douchebag like her?
"Hey Sharon, nice to meet you. Mind introducing me to your friend?"
Sharon cleared her throat now whispering to the lady beside her, "Kelechi? Can we converge later?" "Okay, no problem" The lady answered leaving then she glanced at him with a frown.
"You think I'll stupidly introduce you to another girl so you can make her life miserable ehn? No!" "Sharon" "Don't you dare call my name! Muyiwa, we're in the church of God and I really don't want to get pissed off so, can you just let me be? Can you?"
"Trust me, I don't have plans on letting you be. Can we just talk like civilized people? Like two adults, don't be childish"
"Oh Wow"
"Yes. I know I messed up"
"Messed up doesn't even begin to quantify it"
"Okay I fucked up"
Sharon widened her eyes, "You're in church! have some decency!" She snapped and he chuckled, that spark in her eyes when he says something he's not supposed to say, especially something naughty it makes him laugh everytime!
"What are you doing here?" "Maybe God brought me here" "Lies!" "Maybe I came to see Gbadamosi" "Lies!" "Talking about Gbadamosi, shall I make the introduction?"
"What are you going to introduce me as? The bottle opener?"
Muyiwa blinked his eyes, "Whaaaat??" "You came because you knew I'll be here! I've been talking about this all through last week and you knew!"
"I thought we could have a sensible conversation, not like the one we had on Friday. You just left that way" "I don't recall us having a conversation" "My point exactly! You just left"
"What could you have said? Not like you spoke up to support me or anything, you know what Muyiwa, the more I remember, the more angry I get. How could you Muyiwa, how could you?" She asked fighting her tears.
"Apart from the whole you don't last in bed, what crime did I really commit cause if I remember vividly, that was the only crime I committed. My friends did their worst!"
"Really? Is that all?"
"Should I refresh your memory on what happened Friday and how I stressed myself preparing three dishes?"
Two nights ago
Sharon pointed at each covered dish on the dinning table, "Jollof rice, fried rice and egusi soup, done and dusted. I'm so tired" She exhaled and Muyiwa wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, "I can imagine"
"What can you imagine? What did you help me with? Abeg shift" She cringed turning her head at him then he pulled away leaning against the chair, "You didn't ask for my help"
"Because I don't want to end up looking for the salt jar because someone decided to help. Thank you very much but you're a liability in the kitchen"
He gasped touching his heart in hurt then she laughed, "Sorry but it's the truth! You can't cook to save your life" "My beans is a hit and a banger" "That's the sound I'll make when I end up rushing to the toilet. I don't want to start singing tracks in the toilet all in the name of my beans in a banger and a Hit." "My chest" "Even your noodles taste like crap and don't even start bragging cause I still have the picture of that mess you cooked. Seriously Muyiwa, don't you have shame? You're shamelessly a bad cook"
"And you're spoiling me!" He teased bitting her ears and she laughed finding it ticklish, "Because I don't want you to waste your money buying stupid food outside that doesn't even compare to mine"
Muyiwa laughed, "Bragging 101, I'm still learning work when it comes to your kind of bragging. You brag with utmost humility" He teased and she chuckled yawning. "But seriously! I'm tired and this is me saying it in advance before you start trying to wake up a dead engine or you start doing funny things under the sheet; there won't be any sugar tonight, i'm using God to beg you. I'm full on Agbo ijedi tonight"
"Not bad. Agbo works magic too"
Sharon frowned at him, "Thank you very much Oga, just stay away from me this night. I'm seriously tired" "I'm sorry for the stress, I should have helped you"
She smiled with a gentle shrug, "It's nothing really. You stress me every time so I'm used to it. When are your friends coming? I'm just super excited about being your plus one"
Muyiwa scoffed, "Then you went in to dress up, you were completely fine and well behaved"
"Then i started acting like an animal shey? Those were the good part!"
"What was the bad part?" Muyiwa asked and she scoffed. "Does bottle opener ring a bell to you?"
"Did anyone ask for bottle openers?"
Two nights ago
"Where's the bottle opener?" One of Muyiwa's friend, Bolu asked holding on to a bottle of beer and Sharon searched the table in search for it. She remembered bringing it out but she couldn't recall where kept it. "Baby have you seen the opener?" She asked and Muyiwa shook his head, "No. You don't misplace things"
"I must have kept it with my left hand" She replied leaving the room then she stopped on finally recalling where she kept it. The moment she turned back, she heard Bolu laughed. "Why is she leaving to get an opener when she can use her teeth to open the drink?" He asked and Muyiwa scoffed and she scoffed too on hearing him ask the question.
"Haba! That's not nice now"
"Guy.... Wasn't that what you used to say? Remember that first time you showed her to us? You told us her teeth was the perfect bottle opener, you used to call her bottle opener that year now"
Muyiwa slapped his face "I completely forgot." "But guy... How far? This one you're still with her! I thought she was just a play thing" "I can't answer that question like this. The babe no wan leave my house, wetin I go do?"
"But she dey take care of you sha oh, see as your cheeks dey swell anyhow and she cook die! I have to hand that to her. Abeg where opener make I go play tennis with the other guys jare!"
Sharon walked in faking a smile, "I finally remember where I kept it" She moved over to the cupboard close to the kitchen door then she picked the opener up handing it to him. "Enjoy"
Muyiwa shut his eyes in regret, "Fuck! You heard that?" "No, it was my shadow that heard It! I was even trying to act like everything was fine when i overheard Bolu telling the guys how badly I perform in bed, how I barely last and how i deprive you. You even had the nerves to tell him that you won't be getting any action that night!" She whispered fighting off her tears.
"Shit! Bolu and Dave were drunk"
"But you told him! He couldn't have said it if you didn't tell him. Why didn't you stick up for me when they laughed at me when I was leaving, why? You just kept quiet and acted like the whole thing was cool. Probably because you wanted to get rid of me, well! Good news! You did!"
"I didn't know"
"Well... There you have it! I'm out of your house for good so you're free to live your life however way you can" "Come on! Don't be like that!" "Don't be like what Muyiwa?"
"I just want us to talk this out like adults and work things out so I can finally stop feeling guilty and go my own way"
"Muyiwa, you're the most selfish man I've ever met in my entire life and I pray to God that you find whatever peace you're looking for. My worst mistake was falling in love with a bad boy and giving up my virginity to you. What in the world was I thinking? That you'll change and settle for me!"
He held her and she slapped his arm off, "If you touch me again, I swear I'll slap you in front of this congregation. Don't call me, don't text me, don't follow me, don't ever come looking for me. I pray you really find that peace Muyiwa and I wish you the best life has to offer, have a nice life!" She snapped leaving him and he groaned regretfully.
Manny entered into the children's church, the moment Ossy spotted him, he ran to embrace him. "Good afternoon Uncle Manny" He greeted and Manny felt his heart break, "I was expecting to hear something different"
"I wasn't sure if ... Good afternoon Dad"
"Hey" He answered smiling from ear to ear, "How was children church today?" "It was fine, we learned about why children are important to the kingdom of God"
Manny touched his cheek, "You're burning up. Are you okay?" "I just have a little headache" "Since when?" "Not long. Where is Mom?" "Busy with ushering duty. Have you eaten?" "Yes and I'm feeling cold too"
"I need to go get your Mom"
Bella sat at a corner taking pictures of herself when Deja approached her, "Hey" "Hey" She answered looking up at her, "You look a mess" "Life of an usher, I just want to take off my wig right now and just let my hair breathe." "Is it just that or it's your Papa that's making you look a mess"
Deja gasped looking around, "Will you watch it?" "Kini? (What?) Did I sat anything far from the truth?" "Yes! I'm this way because I'm tired from working, did you see the number of people we had to hold down? Sometimes I just hope my retirement package in heaven will be a handsome one cause one cannot go through this and end up in hell"
Bella laughed, "You really do think you can make heaven" "Why do you think I can't?" "I don't know.... With you screwing a stranger, I mean, if that's a passport to getting in there then I'll be damned!" "Oh please!" Deja snapped looking around in shame.
"We're in church and that was a one time thing, stop making look like I killed someone"
"No. I'm not making it look like you killed someone, you're the one exaggerating the effect on your own! Look at the way you're all fidgety. I can bet everyone here is not holy"
"That's what makes it a church, we are not all perfect. We're all trying to be"
Bella scoffed, "Pretenders?" "What's your point? The only reason I'm this is because...." She trailed off remembering Vincent's voice note. "Because of what?" "I think Vincent has a girlfriend" "I thought you said the guy likes you"
"Same thing I thought but the guy has been giving me attitude and yesterday he posted this picture with this beautiful lady." "Don't jump into conclusion"
"He sent in a voice note later in the evening after I messaged him. He was with the girl, he answered my message pretty late and this girl was with him. I felt so stupid!" She blurted our slapping her face and Bella laughed receiving a disapproving frown from Deja.
"Sorry... I'm sorry just that your luck is sour. First your Papa and now this one.... You know what you need right now? A strong drink and a" "No!" Deja replied shaking her head, "I bind you! For real Bella, I bind you cause I'm not going that way again. I don't think I'll be able to take another heart break of waking up in a..." She trailed off lowering her voice, "In a stranger's bed. The last one almost messed with me" She exhaled rolling her eyes then she sighs with a faint smile.
"Why are you even here? I'm shocked you stayed till the end" "I guess I had no choice" "Why aren't you leaving yet?" "Well, I want to speak to your Pastor" "You can't be serious! What do you want to say? Don't tell me you want to go in there and make a scene" "I'm a public figure, I have more dignity that"
"Why then are you here?"
"Maybe I want to sow a seed"
"You hate this man"
Bella laughed, "Actually, I came so that we can talk about his mother's birthday plans. I really want to get to know his opinion on some ideas I have for the...." She trailed off pressing her lips then she let's go of it, "Oops, I'm not supposed to divulge"
"Very well then. Just go to the waiting section, you'll be attended to." "Why don't you pull some strings and maybe get him to see me? How about that?"
Deja rolled her eyes then she made her way to Gbadamosi's office knocking on it before entering. He found him conversing with two of the Pastors" "Oh I'm sorry Sirs" "No problem Chief Usher, we just concluded the conversation" The both rose up walking out of the office and Gbadamosi glanced at her.
"Sister Deja"
"Yes Sir. Um, there's one of my friend out there, she wants to see and..." "You want to help her cut line? I don't do that and you know it." "She is the one planning your Mother's birthday party and she has plans she wants to execute but she needs your idea"
Gbadamosi arced his brow in suspicion, "What's her name?" "Bella" "Really?" "Yes" "I won't be seeing her" "Why?" "Let's just say I'm not ready for a scene" "She's not with the press, she's just a" "I won't be seeing her, can you inform her discretely ?"
Deja exhaled, "Okay Sir" She replied turning back then he cleared his throat, "What about what we discussed on the last time?" He asked and She nibbled the side of her lip, averting her eyes from him. She wasn't ready to have that conversation with him so she shut her eyes in shame.
She returned her gaze back to him, shame- faced.
"Is that shame I see in your eyes?"
"Come on change that face now! I hope you're start in to work more on yourself and your anger issues?" "I'm trying.... I went the whole week keeping to myself even at work. Except when I spoke to my Uncle or Vincent who has been ignoring me by the way. I just don't feel like he likes me again. Yesterday he posted a picture with a lady"
"Oshey! Assumption gang! Might be his cousin or friend"
"Friend that was in the room with him at 11... Yes! That was when he replied my message but I received it late. I heard this girl speak in his voice note and I felt so stupid once again and I was just beginning to open my mind to the possibility." She heaved a sigh shutting her eyes in tears.
"I just feel so unlucky. Why am I so unlucky with men? This guy literally pushed me away all week. Was it because of her?"
"Don't say that. Have you asked him personally?" "How?" "With actual words, find out from him, don't make assumptions. I already told you, first thing first is to work on yourself before thinking of relationship. Even if you get into any relationship, your character might destroy it. Work on yourself, don't focus on starting a relationship for now, focus on your relationship with God and make it affect the way your think and your attitude to people. No man wants to get married to a woman who gets angry excessively or one who lacks manners but only pretends outside"
Deja nods.
"I think you should speak to this guy first and let God sort things out for you."
"I'm about to make a decision, I just want to know if I can go ahead with it"
Bimbo walked towards the waiting room, she widened her eyes in shock when she saw Bella waiting. Then she slowly approached her, "Ah... How did I usher today that I did not spot you? How? I thought my eyes was paining, I said no! I need to move to see if it's true. Asepe you sef are here" She said but Bella ignored her.
"The last time I check, it's human being I'm talking to, not the wall"
Bella rolled her eyes looking up at her, "Oh. Were you talking to me? I almost didn't hear" "Apologies Ma, my fault, no oh, ebi e ko (It's not your fault), when I saw you, I was like, has God finally done it? Boya your heart has changed, I completely forgot that you're...." She trailed off rolling her eyes, "I really don't want to stop to your level right now"
"You really can't stoop to my level, you can never be on my level Bimbim"
"Ehn hen? Wonders will never cease! Onise ki I fise e sile re ibi, o nre ajo o mu ise e lowo girigiri (The owner of a habit will not go on a journey and leave his habit at home, when he goes, he takes it along with him) So I won't say I'm surprised, this one has not tear my mouth enough. It's the fact you're sitting here that's quite a thing of concern. Do you know what they do here?"
"I want to see the Pastor"
"What's the purpose? Is it for deliverance?" She snapped and she scoffed rolling her eyes then she whispered, "Why don't you make yourself useful, go in there and tell your Papa that I want to see him urgently"
"Okay Ma. But don't you think there has to be like hundred pigs so they'll have to transfer all the demons into it"
Deja walked up to the both of them, "Look at you two talking like civilized people" "I've never been the savage one, we all know who was born and bred in the village" "I thought you two were having a good conversation"
"With who? Bimbo, you help is no longer needed, you can shu away"
Bimbo turned and noticed a man walk into Pastor Gbadamosi's office then she exhaled. She'll just have to wait and then use her usher privilege to see her Pastor before Bella.
"What did he say?" Bella asked, her eyes shinning in anticipation, "He said.... He's really busy and he won't be seeing you" "So he said no" "Not exactly."
"Will he be seeing everyone?"
"Most likely"
"Then I'll wait then"
"Why is it so important?"
"I already told you. I don't have to explain myself again, I need to talk to him concerning some very sensitive topic relating to his mother's birthday. I'll wait for him"
Deja exhaled, "When Papa makes a decision, it takes the grace of God to change his mind. If he says he won't be seeing you, then he won't." "You know me Deja, I don't give up easily" "Okay.... If he ends up not seeing you, I just hope you don't end up getting mad or creating a scene"
"I am not as savage as that...." She glanced at Bimbo then she huffed and hissed.
Ade stared at the woman still screaming, "Who is going to tell this woman that service ended thirty minutes ago?"
Hilary laughed watching Manny walk up to her with Ossy, "Hey Babe" He called out and she instantly gave him eye signal. "Church mode" "What's church mode?" "Same thing I was asking myself" Ade asked walking over to the woman on the floor.
"Ossy's temperature is on the high side"
"What's still? Was he that way?"
"I gave him drugs and he was okay?"
"Looks like it's back and he says he's having headache now" "I think there's more panadol in my bag" "Hm Hm... Doctor Hilary, it's okay" He chipped in laughing, "Why don't we let an expert sort this out?"
Ossy grimace, "My stomach is now paining me too" He chipped in and Hilary exhaled, "Let me quickly tell the chief usher that I have to leave" She answered rubbing her son's cheek, "Jesus.. Are you sure we shouldn't tell Papa to pray for him?"
"Let's get him check him out first in a hospital, we'll conduct a few test and see if he needs to treated. Gbadamosi probably has his hands full now"
"Okay" She replied still rubbing his cheek, "You'll be fine okay?" "Yes. I hope you can stand" "I can try"
A woman got into a car slamming it shut then she quickly pulled out her phone calling Salome. "Salome darling, good morning and happy Sunday" "Good morning my dear. How are you?" "I'm fine and you?"
"I'm currently at the hospital, my grand daughter got ill and... . as the grandmother I had to be there" "I'm sorry about that. How is she?" "She's doing well" She turned staring at her six years old daughter on the hospital bed then she picked an orange squeezing it into her mouth.
"How will we do? We will not come and die. It's the joy of motherhood is continuation. I mean there are some praying this kind of problem so who am I to complain? When you look at people like Temi ans Teniola, you will thank God for the problem you have"
The woman rolled her eyes in disbelief, "We are still praying for her aha" "Abi. Well, the second service in my church just ended, you know we're preparing towards our women's day celebration so.... You won't believe who stopped by?"
"I heard Grace mistakenly got pregnant after nine years break"
"Oh this isn't about Grace. This is about the George's family"
Salome smirked hoping it was something juicy to fill her appetite, "Okay spill? I hope it's nothing bad, you know how I always pray for that family as the peace maker that I am" "That's why I am here giving you this news as the joy giver that I am too " "Please carry on"
"Can you believe Feyi and Ere are in town?"
"For real! Those children came in last night, I was shocked to see them and they attended church service and guess what? They didn't come alone, they came with their fiance"
Salome choked, she might have swallowed an orange seed. "What did you say?" "You heard me right! Fiancees, they are both engaged, scratch that, they are all engaged, from Gbadamosi to the last. I wish you could see how beautiful Temitope's future daughter in law look, they are nothing short of perfection. I think maybe God has finally heard your prayer point"
Salome frowned, "Hallelujah! Thank God for intercessory prayers, finally she can have her dream grandchildren" "Abi. Guess what again? A wedding date has been fixed for Gbadamosi, it's next month on the 22nd" "So soon? Are you sure that man has not gotten that girl pregnant?"
"Who am I to judge?"
"Are you sure Temi is not faking it? What if she brought them here so she can prove a point?"
The woman shrugged, "How am I supposed to know? All I know is that, she seemed so happy and that's the happiest have seen Temi in a long time so I think it's genuine and personally I'm happy for her. I mean to think we haven't seen the children in years and here they are with their future wives, it's a thing of joy"
"Abi oh... Joy all the way! We will sing a new song to the Lord. Thank you so much Ngozi for this wonderful news, I'll still be putting them in prayer. No gate of hell shall prevail over the wedding" "Amen oh"
"Cause its one to set the date and its another thing for the date to be set... You get my point"
"Hm!" She nodded, "Let's continually put them in our prayers. See you later Salome, I wish your daughter safe recovery. Bye" She concluded ending the call.
"Let's all be deceiving ourselves. Prayer warrior in deed!" She chipped in laughing. "We shall give God the glory! After all he can't share the glory with any man but really..." She shook her eyes starting the car, "I am shocked to my bones and I'm sure Salome is too"
Salome dropped her phone on the bed, "Did I just heard right? Wedding date okwaya? Fiancées not just one fiancee? Where and when did this happen? Isn't it just when that .... This has to be a joke. I must call someone else" She picked her phone thinking of who to call.
Bimbo made way into Gbadamosi's office, "How bad is the queue?" "You don't want to know" "I have to be in Kilahi's church and I'm thinking of how I'll beat traffic and all" "Traffic will always beat a man in Lagos, no matter the anointing you carry. That's why we are praying for physical Elijah of this time cause Kanipe Elijah was in this country that time with this level of traffic, boya he would have said before this tomorrow, there will no longer be traffic in Lagos State cause the traffic is something else"
"Elijah that would have ordered for chariot of fire to carry him out of the traffic. Elijah was not a dull ng prophet, he will just use heaven hotline and just order heavenly uber"
Gbadamosi laughed looking through a complaint file on the table.
Bimbo exhaled, "Well Papa, the person that I don't understand why she's waiting is Bella" "You know her? Oh, I almost forgot she's a social media personality" "Really Papa? Is that one popular? Even if they're counting top 100 celebrity in Lagos, not Nigeria, se wo ma ka si (Will they count her among?)."
"Oh." Gbadamosi paused lifting his head, "You thought I knew her from social media. My knowledge of her goes a long way and it's not a friendly one. She's friend from my past now turned enemy"
"You're not supposed to have enemies"
"Shebi someone that is not friend is your enemy. Even the bible say we should pray for our enemy so that means it is inevitable for there to be enemies, some people are just going to hate you for no reason and that's the case of Bella so... I really don't understand why she's waiting."
"I won't be seeing her. Can you diplomatically send that message to her? I already asked Deja to do that for me"
Bimbo had questions and Gbadamosi could see through her, "Don't ask why" He added and she respected his decision so she nodded leaving the office to where Bella was seated with her legs crossed still pressing her phone.
"Bella can we talk in private?"
"Please I'll like us to talk elsewhere, it's really important" She requested and they both walked away from earing distance. "What?" "Papa said he won't be seeing you"
"Well, I'll be seeing him"
"You can't"
"Why? Because he says so? I have every right to see the Pastor as much as everyone here. Unless your Papa wants me making a scene, he better gets ready to see me" "Is that a threat?"
"No. Who am I to threaten the man of God? I'm going to pull up my phone, go live and complain about a man of God who is impartial about who he sees, trust me, I can add a few juicy details to spark up the Internet. Something like, maybe it's because I'm not paying him money like the others are"
Bimbo scoffed, "Go ahead! Go live right now, your so called fan base don't know much about you but i do so I dare you Bella, go live. You will see were (madness), you will not believe it. Wo, unless you want to see crazy, go live!" She threatened and Bella scoffed. "You don't scare me Bimbo"
"Neither do you. I'm not going to fold my hands and watch you rub my Pastor's name in the mud, not when he hasn't done anything" "And him refusing to see me isn't something bad"
"I'm sure he has his reasons! Papa wouldn't have said no if it wasn't for a good reason. Why are you really here Bella? If I know you any better, you wouldn't have been here if not for an ulterior motive."
Bella folded her hands, "Well, if you're not aware, I'm covering the event for his mother's birthday party. I'm only here because.... Because I need his idea and opinion" "So you're organizing someone's birthday and you are now asking the person that isn't the celebrant for opinion"
"It's an opinion poll"
"Pele oh! Political scientist slash event celebrity, duro naa oh, (wait), my head is doing calculation cause If I know you very well, this dance you're dancing, it's like someone is playing music for you. Kòkòrò tó ńjó lẹ́ẹ̀bá ọ̀nà, onílù rẹ̀ ńbẹ nínú. There is more than meet the eyes in this situation. How well do you know Papa?"
"None of your fucking business"
"Well watch your language Madam you're in church"
"You have no right to"
"Well as an usher in this church, I have every right to scold you to properly control your speech. I know you've been doing doing sina (fornication) for a long time but you can't have been in Papa's past."
Bella grinned and folded her hands, "What if I was?" "Eleven years? That's how long Papa has been doing ministry and that's how long he's been in consecration. You must have been like what? 20 years?" "What if your Papa lied?"
"And you think I'll believe you? I know you, you're nothing but a lying selfish...queen! If there's anyone that can see beyond your treachery its me!"
"Wow. O try! Just get your Papa to see me or else I'm not leaving"
Bimbo scoffed, "Why bother? You don't bother yourself on..... Wait.. You like him, is that it?" She asked and Bella hissed, "Have you gone raving mad? Of all people to like" "Really? The last time I checked, you don't have a spec, anything with something dangling in between it's trousers is good for you"
"This is none of your business Bimbo, butt out!"
"Please, I want to make it my business! You go around advising Deja to stay away from Papa. Does she know you like him to?" "Know what? You're just being delusional"
"Why are you being uncomfortable then?"
Bella scoffed, "You know what? I only came here to do what I am being paid for. If your pastor doesn't want to see me, he can fuck off. I'm out of here!" She hissed leaving Bimbo to her thoughts.
Bella walked over to her car then she slammed her hands on the surface, "Fuck!" She muttered tightening her fingers, she was hoping to speak to him privately in the guise of a professional event planner and then apologize for how she behaved at the exhibition!
Tega walked up to her, "Hello" He waved at her with a smile and she rolled her eyes, "What?" "BellaAfrica right?" "What do you want?" "I noticed you during the service, I even took pictures of you incase you want one to make a Sunday post"
"What's the catch?"
"No catch. For a pretty woman like you, just call it a Sunday gift. It's not everyday a celebrity gets to post a picture of mine. You can just add photo credit; by Tegas shot, I do pictures and video coverage for events incase you want a videographer, I can be your plug"
Bella turned heads at him, recalling how Deja had spoken about getting the compromising pictures of Gbadamosi and Kilahi from a guy named Tega, "What did you call that name again? Is it your name?" "Oh... Yes, the name is OgheneTega Irorokpaka. You can call me Tega, the media and technical operator in this church, every picture and video goes through me"
"Interesting. You know what Tega? I think we should be friends, you seem like a nice guy" "Really?" "Yes." She replied flipping her hair, "You know what? I'll have that picture you took of me and also your phone number, what do you say about that?"
Tega blushed, "Issa lie! Just like that?" "Call it your lucky day"
Eternity Hope Assembly
Sefa laughed on seeing a video post Sewuese was watching on Facebook. They both sat behind the church after service ended thirty minutes ago! . "Gosh, I miss Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram" "You can use my phone" Sewuese replied stretching her phone at but she shook her head.
"No need. For how many minutes?"
"Maybe you should beg Dad"
"It's a punishment"
"You've learned your lesson." "You know Gertrude called which day" "I don't even want to hear that name. Can you believe she literally blocked me" "It wasn't her fault really. She said something about me making awareness about this whole thing and she's right. I can't help but think these guys might be out there kidnapping some other girls. People need to informed about their mode of operation, people need to be warned to be careful and I'm just hear keeping quiet. I check the newspaper everyday to find out if there'll be any news but nothing still! It's annoying! People's children are still at the risk of getting kidnapped by these men"
Sewuese nods, "Do you want to make a live video or what?" "Getrude said something about one of her friend who handles this podcast on YouTube, she has a good fan base so...." "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. I want to help people in any way possible. God didn't make me survive to wallow in fear. I believe it's to help others and also help myself. But I'll need a phone" "Don't worry about the phone, I'll sort It out. Let's just worry about telling Mom and Dad first"
"Will they agree?"
"I don't know. This means you'll be putting yourself out there, they may be scared, heck! I'm scared, what if these guys you escaped from sees you? It might not be funny"
Sefa's heart began to race in fear, "I didn't think of that part" She confessed and her elder sister held her by the hand. "I didnt mean to make you scared. I just want you to think deeply on it, if this is what you want to do. If It is, you'll have my support and prayers. Just make sure you're not doing it for that part of that loves attention"
Sefa nods.
Uncle Adzer, Aunty Mabel and Kilahi, sat in front of the General Overseer of her church, Pastor Noah. He had been fully informed about the reasons for Kilahi's disappearance due to the events that had happened over the weeks, including her introduction to the church members of Word Foundation church.
Although, the sudden fixing of date came as a shock to him. "Are you pregnant?" The man in his fifties asked in TIV language and she gasped, even though she couldn't speak the language, she understood what the man said.
"No!" She replied in irritation. It took a lot of strength to keep her eyes from being rolled.
Uncle Adzer laughed, there was a mix of uneasiness in his voice, "She's getting married to Gbadamosi George so that can't happen" "I know that man of God, I just want to be sure. We have seen things that our mouths are too heavy to say so don't blame me for asking. I'm just shocked that you'll fix a date so soon for a relationship that hasn't been up to a month yet. It's quite unusual but yet again we serve a God that does unusual things to prove his power to men so..... This is me expressing my shock, just like everyone will, I must be honest but I guess congratulations are in order then. Congratulations daughter"
Kilahi nods, "Thank you Sir" "But we have a women monthly prayer coming up that very day so... but we can tell the women to reconsider changing the date for it." The church secretary walked in interrupting the conversation with a urgent situation that needed his attention.
Manny walked over to the nurse clad in a blue top while Hilary and Ossy sat in the lobby. "Good afternoon Ma" "Good afternoon Mr Comer, how may I be of help to you" "You cannot be of help to me. When a receptionist at an hotel say, how can I be of help to you, it's nice but not you" He joked and the lady laughed.
"Injections and all, is that one help?"
"You barely get sick. AA people"
"It's..." He stalled stretching towards Ossy, "My son, he needs urgent care. He isn't feeling too well," He noticed the lady's eyes raise in surprise, knowing Manny for so long, he has never seen around children but she didn't ask him any questions.
Not like It was any of her damn business!
"Is Doctor Phil around?" Manny asked and she shook her head, "No. You know I'll have to send him to an expert" "Please do whatever you have to do"
"I'll make some calls, he'll be attended to immediately Sir"
Salome moved close to him, "Maniola" She called out and he almost rolled his eyes, "Good morning Ma" He greeted bowing his head. "I'm surprised to find you here? Are you fine?" "Yes Ma" "I am here because my grand daughter is here and you know children and how we have to be there for our children." She made emphasis o the 'children'.
"Tatiana is here but I couldn't help but overhear you"
"I wish her quick recovery in Jesus Name. I believe you have important things to say, but I have important things to do so... Nice to see you again Ma" He replied returning back to Hilary.
"Who is that?" She asked and he rolled his eyes, "One of my Mom's arch enemy, she loves to brag about how good her life is with grandchildren" "So cheesy"
"As in! She was already making fun of me for not having children. If only she knew" He replied touching Ossy's head.
Salome turned towards the nurse, "Is it just me or I heard him call that boy his son?" "That's confidential" "That's confidential" She mimicked hissing, "Small answer, confidential" She hissed again looking towards Manny then she whispered, "So Manny has a child. Wonders shall never end"
Eternity Hope Assembly
Pastor Noah finally returned back to his conversation with Kilahi and her parents. "Next week, I'll have to inform the church formally along with your husband"
Kilahi cleared her throat, "That won't be possible" "It's a tradition of the church to show the man to the congregation" "Gbadamosi will be in his own church" "Let him fix someone in his stead and quickly make it here."
"I won't be around next week"
"Again? This better be good? What is happening next week again?"
"There's this annual women's conference in the church and I've been invited so I can learn how it's usually been done and also.." "You have no business with the church as long as you've not been married yet. Why are they making it your business?"
She kept quiet and the man laughed, "I heard he had done the necessary introduction. Fine! A woman does not have any business with her be church until after marriage, for now, you're still our member, so next week then"
"I'm sorry I'll have to refuse Sir. I already promised to go, I already have the uniform the women will be wearing which I didn't pay for by the way and it will be rude of me to decline and change plans now. I am very sorry Sir"
The man scoffed, "Children of now a days, you don't know how things are done" "Please forgive my mistake Sir, I actually thought I was doing the right thing, just like a man who learns driving before getting a new car, I thought It was ideal. I'm sorry" She apologize trying to be as polite as possible.
The man exhaled, "This is a different case from a man that drives before buying. We need to go back to the Orthodox method, I tell my children these every time! Those days when you dare not hold a man's hand before marriage, you dare not! Have you held your fiancé's hand before?"
Kilahi nods and the man clapped his hands in disapproval, "Look at what I'm saying! Have you embraced him?" He asked and she stalled,"Yes" "See! Oh God! A man of God embracing his fiancée? O wrong now! That's wrong" "I ... was crying, it was an empathetic move from him"
"Because we are failing to understand that a man should not touch a woman. See, I remember during my time, the kind of slap my Pastor gave me the day he saw me removing something from the collar of my wife's shirt that year, when we have not gotten married. I received sense! Whether you're crying or not, he shouldn't have hugged you. Have you kissed him?"
"No Sir"
"Have you seen his house?"
"No. Neither have we had sex! Gbadamosi holds certain principles dearly and purity before marriage is one of it"
"And he's embracing you"
Aunty Mabel gave her husband a look like she was going to speak up but his look begged her to keep quiet.
Kilahi exhaled, "I am sorry. I also apologize on behalf of Gbadamosi" "Are you a virgin?" "Yes Sir" "So where is he right now? I thought we were supposed to have this meeting with him?" "Yes Sir. He called, he's stuck in traffic"
Aunty Mabel cleared her throat, "Daddy, we are also here to beg you to consider a suggestion we have before our husband comes in" She chipped watching Pastor Noah's arc raised in interest.
"What suggestion?"
"The crowd we are expecting might be a large one, my family side that will come for the ceremony should contain half the church. We don't joke with joining people for their celebration irrespective of the distance. Not to talk of the husband's side and the church. I think the venue should be moved to another place. So we will not be embarrassed that day"
Pastor Noah laughed, "The first wedding we have this year should be done else where. Mama Sewuese, are you listening to yourself right now? The first.... Will Kilahi be the first to have a wedding?"
"No but"
The Pastor interrupted her, "Other people that have had their own in this church, are they not humans? Don't they also have friends?" "We don't want the same embarrassing situation that happened last year June during Toyin's wedding. Where a car crashed against another because the parking lot was jam packed and"
"That was a miscalculation done by the ushers"
"So if people come with cars, where should they park?"
"They should park it outside the church compound. We have a parking space for at least eight cars. Only eight cars will be allowed in" "That means only the church member cars only" "And the bride"
"What about the groom?"
Pastor Noah gave it a thought, "I don't think it's all the church members that will come so there'll definitely be space" "What if there isn't?" "Why are you so insistent on this?" "Because I want you to see reason with us Sir. Where will the family park their cars?"
He shrugged carelessly, "Anywhere they like, I am not agreeing to another venue." He snapped turning towards Kilahi, " Oh... So now you have a wedding with a big man of God, you now remember that the church is small."
Why was he now looking at her as though she was the one who suggested the whole thing? She didn't even bargain for this much drama! And she has seen a lot already!
Aunty Mabel shook her head, "I didn't say the church is small." "No, Sister Mabel, what are you insinuating? You're just trying to be stubborn and that's it. You've always been stubborn, you this woman"
"How many times have I begged to join a unit in church?"
Aunty Mabel scoffed, how did this discussion turn to be about her? Does he have a grudge against her? "Is that what this is all about? If you have something against me, don't cut through corners, say it directly to me."
"Honey" Uncle Adzer called out and the Pastor replied, "I'm a man of God, I don't hold grudges"
Her husband held her hands and she exhaled in frustration, "I belong to the women unit" "That's a unit by default, a baby cannot belong to the women's unit. What about belonging to the Choir unit?" "You expect me to join a unit whose second hobby apart from singing is gossip." "Every chorister gossip, the devil likes to sow seeds there"
"I can't pass without being scared of what they'll say. They don't like to take correction, they minister off key every Sunday and when they manage to get the song right, it's only because a special person led the song. God may accepts their praises but if only you know what they do to our ear drums every Sunday"
The man opened his mouth in shock, "At least they are serving God, Mama Sewuese, what are you doing for God? I ask again? What are you doing for God?" "I serve God with my finances and by praying for the church in my secret place"
"Which one can we see?"
"Didn't the bible acknowledge us not to do things like the Pharisees who do it only for the public eye?"
The Pastor hissed, "Toor! Mama Sewuese, that was not the point in that verse, it was In prayer. You are just trying to justify yourself. There's even sanctuary unit, we have the currency counters unit, you are found wanting in all of them. Let's leave you now and focus on the bride, even the future bride here does not do anything in church. You are not a worker, in fact you act like a ghost, if it's not your father, I wouldn't have known you at all" He snapped.
Kilahi folded her hands, "I'm sorry Sir" "What's your excuse? You're following your Aunty's step whey?" "No Sir" "Then why? I want a reason and it better be a good one" "There's no good reason that justifies this" "I want to know cause a lot must be cleared. I don't see how you're getting married to a man of God as popular as that man and even the wife is not a worker in her previous church. It doesn't add up, it's either the man didn't see well or you have hidden potentials but I am as well interested in knowing your excuse for not joining any department"
Kilahi shook her head, "Wisdom is profitable to direct, I'd rather not speak this truth" "We are all in the office, speak. Why is it that a whole future Mama of a church is not in any unit in her previous church. What are you going to teach the people in your church? That it's good to sit and not do anything for God"
"Not like I didn't want to"
"Then what?"
"I....." She trailed off, "I didn't like the church"She confessed to Uncle Adzer's surprise. " I'm sorry Sir, I only attended because.. One, It's my father's church and I felt we all had no choice but to attend. I was dealing with depression all those years and the church was not helping me get better, I didn't feel better about myself. I'll have to go back to listen to other sermons, something to lift my spirit"
Pastor Noah exhaled, "How old are you?" "26" "Are you not old enough to make your own decision? Even if you're 20, if you're not comfortable with a church, or if a church doesn't help you grow. Discuss with your parents and leave the church. There was no point forcing the church upon yourself, even after NYSC, you could have discussed with your Uncle, he's like your father"
"I didn't want to disappoint him." She replied turning her head towards Uncle Adzer, "You could have told me" "That we don't like your church, how will that have sounded? The best part for me has always been leaving after the church. I listened to other people's message and I wish the church wasn't so stiff, there were a lot of comparison in mind but I've come to accept that some doctrines are hard to shift away from."
The Pastor sighed, "You need to join a unit, we only wed workers and you must undergo discipleship class starting from the last week of this month" "I'll just the prayer and evangelical unit" "So you can evangelize and you've burying your talent. It's not good"
"I'm sorry Sir"
"There's no problem, you must commence marriage counselling too"
Aunty Mabel cleared her throat, "Daddy, you've not said a word yet." "Concerning what?" He asked feigning oblivion, "The venue of the wedding" "What venue?" "We are trying to make you see reason why the venue should be changed but you're being difficult now. It's not as if I'm trying to tell another person to officiate the event, you're the one handling it but it will be in a open center"
"Without an altar to stand on. Its a no from me, we are not moving the wedding elsewhere Aunty Mabel, you can't impose a white man's ideology on the church. A wedding away from the church, no! You should have kukuma tell us to go and do it inside her fiancé's church"
"Case closed! If there are no other important things to talk about. Let's just"
A man dressed in a white shirt and a big red bow tie ushered Gbadamosi in. Gbadamosi bowed his head greeting everyone in the room then Kilahi rose up for him to seat, "There's no need" "Sit! The woman has gotten up for her future husband to sit, don't you know she's exercising what the bible instructed her to do. To submit to the man"
Gbadamosi sat down and Kilahi stood beside him, "Move away from him" Pastor Noah instructed, "Even in the church, in my office, you still want to stand close to him" He complained and Kilahi moved away behind her Aunty Mabel then he exhaled looking at Gbadamosi.
"Pastor Gbadamosi George, you don't have to introduce yourself. You are popular figure already so... I can say I know you already and it's nice to know you're ready to take things seriously with one of my daughter in the church even though she's not someone I'm close with I must admit"
Gbadamosi nods, "Well, welcome to the church of God. Eternity Hope Assembly but I must inform you that your plan to impose moving the church wedding away from this church has failed, whether small or tiny, the church wedding will be held here and I propose a change of wedding date too as Kilahi will be commencing discipleship class and she must conclude this so she can be issued certificate before her wedding. Unless you have any topic contrary to all I've just said, we can forge ahead but if it goes against all I've just said, I'll suggest me eh this topic right now"
Gbadamosi gaped in surprise, he had no idea what the man was talking about. He seemed like he just walk into a war room.
On arriving at her house, Mrs Coker's phone rang.
Salome calling.....
She rolled her eyes almost out of her socket before answering the call.
"Hello Salome, beautiful afternoon to you" She said getting into her living room. "Beautiful afternoon to you too. I hope you're fine" "Yes, why will you ask in that manner?" "I mean your grandchild is sick, shouldn't you be worried! I mean to think you didn't even mention it to us that you have a grandchild. Anyhow..."
Mrs Coker paused, any tiny slip can make her vulnerable, "How are you?" "Well... I was in the hospital taking care of my grandchild when Manny came in with a boy In his arms, he called it his child and the mother was right there but I assume you already know so I just want to say, congratulations in arrears, no child is not a child. You should have at least publicized but anyways.... It's still part of the prayer we've been praying. May the Lord perfect it for you. Amen"
Mrs Coker faked a chuckle, "Thank you for calling." She added ending the call. She was lost, she had no idea what Salome meant and she had absolutely no idea how to confirm the news.
What do you guys think of today's chapter???
Salome can be very annoying!!!! She annoys me too 😠
Pastor Noah wants to change our wedding date... We no go free💪🏽
Has anyone ever been in this kind of situation? (Kilahi's situation). What will you do? How will your reaction have been? Was Kilahi dulling or being wise?
Let me know below!
More chapters coming.... It's brewing in my head but NEPA ehn!😓
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