✨Chapter 36✨
Hello everyone🙈🙈
I know that a lot of you have refreshed and refreshed. I didn't have the time that's why I couldn't post. This Chapter is 12,000 words. Something that takes me 3 to 4 days before is now taking a week plus. Whew! 😪
Enjoy and Vote
Comment too... Whenever I need strength to type, all I do is go back to comments. I haven't even replied any. I promise to respond. Please drop more! Let me know you thought on each scenes! 😊
Thank you all for you patience. 🙌🏽
I love you
Chapter 36
Immediately after downing fufu and vegetable soup that Hilary cooked, Manny washed his hands in a bowl of water then he dried with a table cloth while Hilary packed the plate, "You don't have to do it, I can do help out" "There's no need for that" She replied turning towards Ossy who had fallen asleep from watching bluey on Disney.
"Ossy!" She called out but there was no response from him.
She then sights Manny smelling his hands, "Really?" "The last fufu smell lasted a week" He quipped provoking a chuckle from her then she returned her gaze back to her son, "Ossy! He has been waiting for Jennifer to leave the television so he can watch his favorite show but she didn't. Now he final had the chance too, sleep didn't permit him. You certainly can't cheat nature"
Manny nodded in agreement, "Yes you're right. Hilary, can we talk for a bit?" He requested and Hilary raised her brow in thought, "Why? Is everything okay?" "Yeah... I have something on my mind that I'll like to air out"
"Let me drop these plates real fast. I'll be back in a giffe" She dashed off into the kitchen, all the while thoughts streamed through his mind as touching what could be on Manny's mind. Then she returned to sitting close to him at the table. "What? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. I just.... wanted to..." He trailed off, searching his thoughts, his initial plan was to air out his true feeling and break whatever barrier that exist between them.
I want to discuss about what I spoke about on radio and I just want to let you know that I don't care about my parent's consent....
Those were the free thought that flowed through his mind but when he opened his lips to speak, the reverse was the case. "I want to discuss about your search for a good location for your business" "Our business, you're technically a partner" She corrected and he forced a chuckle.
Did he just chicken out? What is he really scared of? Is it fear or anxiety?
"Any luck?" He asked clearing his throat then he watched her shrug, "Well..." She stalled reliving the stress of the week then she groaned rubbing her fingers against her forehead. "Well, apart from the one we were asked to pay 10 million rent as if we're buying a land, there hasn't been any."
Manny laughed, "Alahun (Stingy person)" "That means stingy person right?" "Oh wow, have you started taking Yoruba lessons already? Hilary goes to Ile-Iwe" "Haha, very funny but this is not the matter of being stingy or anything. Stingy is when you have the money but you're not ready to spend I don't even have 10 million, what am I saying, I don't even have one million naira. 10 million is not 10,000 naira oh"
"The location is a good one so we need to put that into consideration"
"Is it located in heaven? Cause I don't understand why a rent should cost that much? Or was it angels that built the house? They should let me know cause when I stand to compare house rents in the Island and those in the mainland, sometimes I wonder if it's not the same cement and sand they use in building the house. Abi do they use heavenly granites in the Island, they should let me know whether they are importing materials from heaven so we'll know the worth we're paying for"
Manny leaned his head on the table laughing uncontrollably then he raised it up shaking his head at her, "What kind of analysis are you making?" "Realistic ones" "These land lords bought the land at a costly price, you don't expect them to sell it cheap"
"No! They should kukuma kill us with the price. Manny, do you pay rent?"
Hilary hissed, "That's why you're talking now, you don't know the anxiety of working to pay rent" "I have bills" "I'm talking about rent, not bills" "I paid rent during my NYSC" "We'll be paying 10 million naira for ordinary rent, please! I don't even want to remember it. Whenever I think of it, this strange headache hits me from nowhere. With that money, I'll pay my house rent like 10 years and half month"
"Let's talk about the location here"
"No! When we all get to heaven, I'll go stay in my personal mansion made of pure gold, for now... Let's find another alternative. There are other places we can get with good location and lesser cost. We still have to paint the building to our taste, decorate and get materials. We can't afford to jump to that offer when there can be other places. I'm yet to get another call from the agent but I'm positive. It's a fresh plan so what's the rush?"
"Truen. Dare is good at his job, I'm sure his delay is only because he wants to get you the best." "It better be spacious and affordable" "Good location are not always affordable, just prepare to have an heart attack from the price you'll be told but there's room for negotiation still"
"Definitely." She replied watching him rub his neck in pain then she glanced at Ossy again, "Ossy!" She screamed and he jerked up looking around while scratching his neck, "What happened?" "Nothing... Go into the room before you start complaining of neck pain and pray before you sleep"
He quietly got up and walked out of the living room. She glanced at Manny only to catch him staring!
"You didn't have to shout that way. You're slowly becoming an African Mom, those people shout for a living except my own mother. Miss classy Coker will always try to remain all elegant than engage in loud arguments with anyone, especially in public."
"What's the basis of your argument? Would you have preferred her as the usual African Mom" "Strangely, I would have preferred that African Mom, irrespective of the noise and the rods they use in disciplining you. At the end, they pull you close and bathe you in love." He paused in a state of continued frustration then he rubbed his neck again.
She could feel the hurt in his tone! She grew worried for him, the wound is still fresh just like the consistent neck pain he was having. She could tell from the grimace on his face!
She slowly moved behind him and then he instinctively turned his head, looking up at her, What's going on?" "Relax" "Why?" He asked feeling a soothing touch of her hand against his neck. "Relax, I'm not going to bite you" She replied chuckling then she gentle pressed his neck.
"Aw" He flinched and groaned in pain while she laughed at him then she apologized, "Sorry" "You're saying sorry, but you're laughing. Kind of hard to believe" "When you're acting as though you used the neck in fetching water"
"You don't use the neck in fetching water is the head"
Hilary dug into his shoulder with a gentle touch and he shut his eyes allowing the moan sink back into his throat. He tried to hide his emotions with a tired look. "Anyone that has fetched water from a far distance will know you make use of the neck rather than the head. Trust me! You won't feel head pain, nah! It's your neck that carries more of the weight." She replied continued the massage Just let me know where to focus on, I need to know if I'm hitting the right spot"
"You're definitely hitting the right spot, just continue" He confessed with a gratified moan and she smiled. "If you need a Job as a chiropractor or masseuse, I can hire you as one" He added then she pinched him.
"Shoving the reality of this jobless in my face" She hissed and a chuckle escaped his lips. "But for real, you're good. I can't dispute that fact. Like..." He shut his eyes in pleasure.
"Thank you but I'll pass on the offer. I'm a better designer" She took her hands off and he groaned in disappointment but he couldn't make a personal request for continuance.
"How was your lunch meeting with Nicholas," He asked and she rolled her eyes. "Don't ask" "Why? Any update?" "What kind of update?" She asked but he shrugged cluelessly. "What happened? Was it interesting?" He answered and she rolled her eyes again.
"Really? What's the point of pretending? I'm sure Ossy must have given you the full gist when I left you alone"
"We talked but not about your date. I didn't even remember about it until now. Did something bad happen?" He asked looking up at her while she sighed folding her hands. "Let's just say I got to find out who Nicholas truly is"
"I don't understand. Did he try anything funny? Didn't you say his sister was going to be around too? Was it a trap? Don't tell it was a trap"
"Oga calm down before you have a heart attack. It wasn't a trap, his sister was there okay?"
He finally sighed in relief, "Then what happened? Are you trying to raise my BP or something. Cut the suspense" "You're the one raising your own BP with your over anxiety on the outcome of the lunch date" "Okay what happened?" He asked and she sighed again.
"See! You're doing the whole Nollywood suspense- filled- sighing effect. Just tell me what happened in real words that I can understand"
"So what?"
"Nicholas knew about my husband's death and didn't say anything to me about it, no words of encouragement, no condolence because he was mad at me for picking Odefa over him. The whole I lost your contact thing was all a lie and a stupid act! Just like his concern for Ossy, he doesn't like my son. I finally saw him for who he truly is, a phoney"
Manny sighs, "I never really liked that guy, there was just something about that I couldn't place my finger on" "Ossy never liked him, the worst part was when he pushed my baby"
Manny blinked, "He did what?" "He was holding tightly to my arm then my baby comes in to save me but Nicholas pushed him instead and he landed flat on his ass." "That punk" He snapped banging his fist against the table.
"Who pushes a child?"
"I slapped him for it though, I wish I did more"
"Serves him right"
"At that point, his hands were raised to slap me back, it felt like John all over again" She paused shutting her eyes in hurt, "Did he?"
Hilary stalled.
Slowly he rose from his chair and moved closer to her. Then he slipped his hand into hers, "Did he raise his hands on you. I swear if he did I'll..." "Chill Manny," She cuts in before he could conclude on his threat.
Then she added, "He didn't!" "Are you sure?" He asked, his palms roamed her cheeks while she responded with a nod, "Yes".
"Are you really sure?" "Yes! I took my son and I left his house." "Who is raising these excuse for men? Who lifts his hands to hit a woman. No matter how annoying a woman is, a man should always have self control."
Hilary clicked her tongue in regret. "For a moment, the whole memory of John and his assault on me out of my desperation to feel loved and get married, it all came flashing back and you know what? I'm done with all of this, for real?"
"With what?"
"Relationship, with men! It seemed like there was a glimmer of hope even though I didn't like him that way. Now, I'm sure the only relationship I want to build now and the only successful relationship I can have is with my son"
Manny felt his heart break from her decision, "Don't say that" "What am I supposed to say or do? Venture on another fruitless relationship journey. I have to wake up and accept the reality" "What reality are you talking about?"
"That no one can really love me for who I am the Odefa did"
"That's not fair"
"What isn't fair?"
"You making that conclusion"
"Why? Does it bother you?"
"Of course It does and it bothers me cause it feels like you're picking up a knife and piercing it through my heart" "I didn't call names"
"Well you didn't need to."
"It's the truth! A man who loves a woman will go all the way for him, against the wind, against the storm, against all odds"
"Did you listen in to this morning show?' He asked and she kept mute, "Did you?" He repeated then she cleared her throat. "Yes and so?"
"I guess you heard what I said"
Hilary rolled her eyes, "Can we not start up another awkward conversation about this? I was only buttressing a point on why I need to remain single. No man is worth the stress" "Ouch" " Can we drop this topic? We both know where it's going to end so stop it!"
"Stop what?"
"This rollercoaster of speaking about feelings that can't grow, feelings that I'm fighting to erase because someone isn't ready for commitment"
"Those are not my words"
"Sounds the same to me. Only a man who isn't ready for commitment sets other things as priority and honestly Manny, I understand your plight but at the same, I've said it a hundred that I don't care, that I'm ready only if you are but what have you done? Nothing! And I'm tired of this rollercoaster of me feeling embarrassed and then trying to repair this friendship we have going on. It's too much for me to take in" She fought her tears from pouring down then she licked the seam of her lips as if her mouth was suddenly too dry.
"It's really too much. How many nights ... How many night have i had to cry myself to bed?"
"I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry too that's why I don't want to talk about this. I might have to ask you to leave in the name of"
Manny bent his head to cover her soft lips with his. To her mortification, she melts into him kissing his back with the same vigour. The kiss took away all the stress and fear afloat in him and then filled him with hope and joy.
Hilary pulled away slapping him on the his right cheek then she exhaled, "You need to leave now" "Hila" "Please leave!" She demanded on top of her voice while streaks of tears lines her cheeks. "What part of no kissing didn't you get?"
"Is that what I am? Is that what you see me as?"
"No. Can you just let me speak"
"Tell me something I haven't heard already. I like you but my mom this and my mom that. Let this be the last time you kiss me Manny cause the next time you kiss me, you won't like my reaction"
"I can't promise that. Hilary, I can't promise that cause if there's any lip that I want to kiss for the rest of my life, till I die, it's yours. I want to wake up everyday to your lips and always sleep knowing I got kissed by that same lips." He confessed letting out a loud sigh.
He continued, "I realize i was acting like a child then, it's time for me to be a man and make my own decision. Hilary, I want you, I want us. I know it's not going to be easy with Mom but I'm willing to begin this love story. I love you and I'm sorry for all the times I made you cry, it was never intentional"
Hilary didn't say a word, she only swallowed hard and stared at him in shock, "Ossy is part of my life, we are a package. One can't go without the other. You must be willing to accept him" "Ossy is already part of my life, I care about that boy like I will my own child. I have never fathered any child but with him, he makes he feel like one and I'll strive to be better at this whole fatherhood thing and I'll strive to give him the best and all the love he deserves,"
"You will?"
"I promise."
Hilary's blinked his eyes, "And you're never going to complain or call me seconded handed product or wake up one morning to realize you're only managing me" "I'll never say that. I'm not him Hilary, I know you've been down that road a lot of times but I'm not them and you know it. I love you for who you are, you're beautiful inside and out. I know I can be handful and I'm really the one you'll have to manage and who better than you? Are you ready to take this step with me?" He requested wrapping his arms around her waist and she exhaled staring unbelievably into his eyes.
"So..." He trailed off biting on his bottom lip, "Do you wanna do this or not? I'll understand if you say no but I really really, really really want you to say Yes"
Manny paused then he exhaled in disappointment, "Okay..... I guess you probably need more time to think about this" "I really don't need any time to think of anything" "Come on! You're all I think of, Hilary "It's not enough to think of me" "Right from that day we met till now, there's not a day I regret meeting you. Hilary I love you and I just don't want to be your business partner, I want to be your life partner"
"It's not enough to love me. This Is a decision I'm making, not just for myself but for Ossy..." She trailed off watching his face contort in disappointment as his hands freed her from his grip.
Suddenly she broke into a wicked cackle now throwing her head backwards, "You should see your face right now" She answered leaving him confused. "What's going on?" He asked then she folded her arms, "Well, you can call that pay back for all the times you broke my heart and made me feel stupid"
Manny sighed in relief, "You almost had me fooled there. Why will you..... Why will you do that? See, touch my heart" He lifted her palm, then he placed it against his beating chest, "I swear my heart stopped for a moment, i was this close to crying"
"Maybe I should have pressed on a bit"
"You probably would have had a dead man in your arms"
"God forbid!"
"I'm serious. I was broken for a while there"
"What happened to, I'll understand if you'll say no"
"I was just making a speech, of course I didn't think you'll say no" "Oh why?" "Come on, I know you're into me just as much as I am"
"That's what you think"
"No" Manny answered moving his lips close to hers, "That's what I know" "It's the confidence for me" "Hmm hm... Confidence you almost crushed" He replied and they both laughed.
"If I had said no, Ossy would have killed me like literally."
"Are you doing this for Ossy?"
"I'm saying Yes for a whole lot of reason, it's not just because of Ossy, I mean I know he'll want this, but most importantly, i know you care about him too and I'm sure you'll make an amazing Dad and I love you too, you'be just gone from being a man of my dreams to being the one i want to spend eternity and reality with" She confessed while her lips hovered over his in irresistible advancement.
He slid a hand around her waist and pulled her closer while his lips did a number on hers. They both stopped on hearing Ossy clear his throat. "Shoot!" Hilary gasped shutting her eyes in regret then she moved back, "Ossy, I thought you were already asleep"
"I... I f...forgot something" He stuttered sucking his lips in while laughter danced across his cheeks.
"What did you forget?"
"To say good night to Uncle Manny."
Manny nods with a smile, "Good night champ" "Good night" "Did you see anything?" Hilary asked, "Like what? You and Uncle Manny kissing" "Ossy I can explain" "I'm listening"
"Manny please explain"
He gasped and laughed, "No way." "There's no need for that. Mummy does this mean you are now with Uncle Manny?" Ossy asked and his mother responded with a nod and a wide smile formed on his face.
"Yes!" He exclaimed in excitement then he turned towards Manny, "Does this mean you and Mom will get married in the future?" He asked getting a nod from Manny.
"Yes! Good night Sir" He replied leaving then he turned, "Uncle Manny?" He called out, "Does this mean I call you Daddy? Or Dad?" He asked crossing his fingers behind his back.
"Anyone is fine"
"Yes!" He exclaimed rushing to embrace him then he embraced his mother. "Mommy Good night, Daddy good night" He said and Manny felt his heart melt in love. "Good night champ" he added with tears in his eyes as he watched Ossy leave the living room.
Hilary chuckle running her hands through her weave. "He's so excited" "I can tell" He replied letting his tears flow down, "Today has got to be the happiest moment of my life, I just became a father in a day. I couldn't have wished for a better son"
She pulled him close. Suddenly his arms went around her, hugging her tight. She snuggled against Manny then she felt his lips brush her hair.
The moment Gbadamosi drove into his parent's estate, Kilahi turned her head at him. She was clad in a red gown, the same one she wore to the valentine's day programme "Isn't this your parent's estate? Is that where we're going to?" "Yes" He replied. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed the fear that engulfed her afterwards.
"Choicest, why? I don't want trouble and I certainly don't want your mom getting angry because me. Let's just turn back"
"We need to face this"
"I know but at the same time, we need to give her time"
"Last week Saturday was one of the most horrible moments of my life. I know you're eager to fix a wedding date but Baby, I'm willing to wait till she comes around. Let's not just go when her anger towards me Is still hot and then she'll start giving me this mother in law look like I'm trying to destroy her relationship with her son" She ranted off then she watched him laugh.
"Gbadamosi, this isn't funny. I'm serious! I don't want argument and I certainly don't want to come in between you and your Mom"
"Awn, that's sweet" He cooed to her annoyance, "Choicest, please let's just go back" She begged but he kept on driving, "Baby... My Love, It's going to be fine"
"How are you sure?"
"O ye of little faith, have faith." "I know that God already told me it will rain surprises today but this one is scary... I know that with God there is not variableness, neither is a shadow of turning"
"Rhema!" He teased and she nudge him with her elbow.
"It's going to be fine"
"Are you sure?" She asked and he nods winking at her, "Yes" He replied coming to a stop then he horned for the security to open up the gate.
Mrs George's heart stomped nervously as he heard that car drive in. "They're here!" She announced turning towards her husband, "Why am I so nervous?" She asked taking a deep breath. "I'm so sure she won't be happy to see me."
Her husband held her by the hand, "Shh" He shushed her, "God has placed the key to change that in your hands. Today is a chance, God will have his way and make this meeting a success"
Gbadamosi knocks on the gate while Kilahi's heart raced in concern. He watched her pray silently then he laughed, "Stop it!" She pouts shoving his shoulder then he moved close to her, "It's going to be fine Babe. You don't have to worry about Mom doing anything funny. I'm not God but i'll be here to protect you, shield you and be that fortress you hide in. You have my full support, any day, any time"
Mr George opened up smiling at the two couples. "Good evening love birds" He greeted and they both giggled facing him. "Good evening Sir" Kilahi greeted bending her knees and head while Gbadamosi bowed his head, "Good evening Dad"
"Please come in" He invited them in and they both made their way in.
"How are you today Kilahi?" "I'm fine" She replied in a High pitch tone. He could denote the anxiety in her voice. "I trust you had a nice day"
"I did." She replied clearing her throat, "I did Sir"
"Calm down dear, no one is biting you"
"Well the last visit wasn't exactly rosy" She blurted out loud before she realized it.
"And I have to apologize for that" Mrs George answered then she walked towards her. "Hey dear" "Good evening Ma" Kilahi replied bending her knees, "I never knew you were there. I'm sorry about what I said, it's just"
"I understand. You were being sincere" She interrupted then a smile curled her lips, "I wasn't exactly nice to you last week and I understand where the anxiety is coming from. If it makes you feel better, I'm anxious too"
"Well... " She trailed off holding both her hands. This action left Kilahi shocked to her bones. She couldn't believe her eyes, Gbadamosi's mom was holding her hands like a mother will hold on to her child's hand. The look on her face was motherly too!
"Apart from anxiety, we can call it shame too. Kilahi, I'm sorry for the way I treated you last week, it was rude, it was inhumane and you didn't deserve it. I take full blame, i didnt know better."
Kilahi literarily felt her legs go weak, she couldn't believe her ears. Talk about another what God cannot do does not exist scenario! Again, she remembered the message she received that morning about 'Showers of surprise'.
"It's fine Ma. It's was the devil trying to plot his ways into our life to stop God's will from coming to past"
"I didn't know better but my eyes are more opened and it's clear you're God's will for Gbadamosi and I'm sure you'll make him happy and help his ministry grow from Glory to glory."
Mrs George smiled hearing a car horn from outside, "God bless you dear and Welcome to the family" She added embracing her, "God will make you a blessing to nations,"
"May God continually pave way for you, Kings shall come to your rising, your home will be blessed with all peace, joy and prosperity, the love of God will reign and you will raise godly seeds for God"
"Amen" She nods, "Thank you Ma"
She withdrew staring at Gbadamosi then she embraced him, "God bless you." "Amen, you will knock on one door and thousand good doors will open! I take back whatever I must have said in anger, the ones I can recount, the ones I can't. You will raise godly children and they will listen to you. None will go astray, your future home is blessed"
"Amen" He replied nodding in agreement to each prayer.
Mrs George moved back wiping her tears off with the back of her palm then she faced Kilahi. "You're in good hands dear, I'm sure my son will treat you right. I raised him well" "You can say that again Mom" He said in a bragging tone then he sniggered standing close to Kilahi who was shaking her head.
"Ma, you're feeding his ego. So this was the surprise"
"Yeah. She called me in the morning"
"And you couldn't even give me a heads up" She folded her hands while a scowl formed on her face then he laughed again.
"I'll take the blame for that too" Mrs George answered. Kilahi's eyes watered, then tears trickled down her cheeks, "Who is cutting onions. This looks too good to be true"
"Well, It's as real as this handsome man standing just away from you" Gbadamosi placed both palm against her cheek wiping her tears with both thumb.
"Let's leave the couple alone" Mrs George suggested holding her husband's hand, "Our guest are here. I heard them drive in. We need to start..." The door bell rang before she could continue.
"Someone finally used the door bell. Those must be them"
"I better welcome them in" Mr George answered making his way towards the door while Gbadamosi faced his mother, "So Mom, what did you cook?" He asked and his mother rubbed her palms together.
"Something special, varieties of meals all cooked by me, I didn't see to the end because of your father but I cooked it with three crazy ingredient, love, guilt and appreciation to God for the quick acceptance I got from my children. I didn't think it will be easy, especially Feyi"
Kilahi arced her brow, "Is Feyi harsh?" "He's not harsh, he has a sweet attributes... But he has principles, just like Gbadamosi but his own is worst, Feyi's heart is harder than Gbadamosi but in between all that seriousness, he's an amazing man. I miss him, I miss his smile and laughter. Feyi has a wonderful smile and an infectious laughter."
"Awn" Feyi replied and Mrs George turned her head towards the direction she heard the response only to see Feyi and Ere along with two women beside them.
"Mummy this is not fair, what about me?" Ere asked and Feyi scoffed, "Dude, why are you always jealous?" He asked and Gbadamosi laughed. "That's like asking why he's dark, it's part of him"
Ere frowned, "Well done! I'm back and you guys want to return back to picking on me. Mummy say something" He requested but his mother couldn't say a word. She still couldn't believe her eyes. Her eyes darted from her husband back to Gbadamosi and then to Feyi and Ere.
"Didn't I call you this evening?"
"You did"
"How could I have missed it? You all lied to me, even you" She paused pointing at her husband.
"It's your children's idea, not me" He answered lifting up his hands to exonerate himself.
She returned her gaze back to Feyi and Ere, "My children are here together, right here in this house" She cried. "Am I dreaming?"
Feyi embraced her then he whispered, "No Mom." He answered overwhelmed in emotions then she gripped him tightly sobbing quietly.
"It's okay, me too I want to hug" Ere tapped Feyi laughed who pulled away taking out an handkerchief from his pocket to wipe off tears from the edge of his eyes. Ere embraced his mother, "I miss you Mom" "I miss you too handsom" She confessed placing her palm on his cheeks.
"See as I'm blushing." He replied turning towards Adesuwa and Zhara, "This woman used to be my girlfriend that year oh. " He joked and they all laughed.
Mrs George turned towards Zhara and Adesuwa, "Good evening Ma" They both chorused.
It wasn't hard for her to differentiate between Adesuwa and Zhara from the attire they wore. Zhara was dressed in a gold Abaya gown while Adesuwa wore a knee length blue gown.
She held Adesuwa by the hand, "You must be Adesuwa" She paused getting a nod from her then she held Zhara by the hand, "And you Zhara"
"Yes Ma. It's nice to meet you Ma"
"The pleasure is all mine. I'm really emotional right now, my children and future daughter in laws are gathered here under the same roof with me. Something I never saw happening anytime soon but God made it possible. How are you two doing?"
Feyi and Ere motioned towards Kilahi, "This must be our wife" "Good evening Sir" Kilahi bowed his head and he laughed, "Please call me Feyi" "And I'm Ere, the unserious one the one they always pick on. Are you aware you're dating a bully?"
Kilahi shook her head, "Ah! Time will fail me to tell you the tales of this your future husband" "Tales by moonlight ni!" "My big brother can bully you with anything, even his eyes, he'll look at you with one look and you instantly know that you are to keep quiet."
"That's called damage control"
"Oshey! Who is the damage you're controlling. See, Iyawo wa, that's how they pick on me"
"Who picks on this one?" Gbadamosi asked, "Don't let his innocent face deceive you, this man you see is the trouble maker of the house." He added and Kilahi laughed, "Who am I supposed to believe"
"The last born." Ere answered.
"This last born made our lives a living hell" Feyi chipped and Ere laughed, "How? Explain. Come on! I made you guys life interesting. Without me, your lives would have been boring"
"Who? Maybe you mean Feyi, I've always been the life of party" Gbadamosi snapped and Ere sneered, "Abi the party pooper, wait... That's Feyi's job. You're the assistant Party pooper" He teased and they all laughed.
Gbadamosi gave him a strict look, "I hope you're aware I can still beat you" "See!" Ere said with a shrug then he turned towards Kilahi, "You see the evidence right in your face. They are always bullying me and it's not fair. When I'm around these two, they have this way of making me feel like the last born"
"You're the last born!" They both snapped, "Bullying ayeraye. I swear if you guys don't go to heaven with a first born and second born sticker stamped to your forehead, I'll just get angry. God must prepare a sticker for the two of you"
"Break it up, you three musketeers! Wo ti beere! (They've start)" Their mother voiced out then she faced Zhara and Adesuwa. "Trust me girls, they can be a handful sometimes"
"Nothing we can't handle" Adesuwa replied and Ere flashed a smile at her.
Mrs George smiled, "It's dinner time, we better start digging in before the food gets cold"
Deja woke up yawning, she didn't even realize she slept off. She must have slept off while waiting for Vincent's message. She picked her phone glancing at the time;
7:12 pm
She suddenly wondered why Bimbo wasn't back home. Then she remembered Vincent and then quickly rushed to check her message but there was nothing excerpt the blue check mark that showed he has read the message.
She felt her heart break. She almost died of shame! Then she deleted the message she sent to him.
She quickly checked her status where she saw an upload by him. She raised her thumb to click on his status then she shut her eyes recalling she wasn't using GB whatsapp so he'll definitely know she viewed the picture but the curiosity was more than her shame.
Regardless, she clicked on it viewing the images on his status.
Wedding guest! Can someone's Best man be as fine as this?🤒
Trouble in human Flesh😂. This one disturbed me before the wedding, can't someone be in peace again? Thanks for always being there for me Mercedes! ❤
A faint smile formed on her face, the girl looked really pretty, she had a pretty smile too. He seemed happy too. She was right all after all! There's another girl!
Bimbo walked into the room, "Aunty, good evening" "Good evening" She replied in a low voice, "This one that your voice is on one bar, I hope everything is fine" "Yes" "You left the door opened" " I'm sorry. I slept off, I didn't intend to, I was waiting for..."
"For who?"
Deja hissed, "Forget it!" "Forget what? You pulled the trigger but now you don't want to shoot the target. What happened? Kilode? Any gist for your girl?" "Forget it!" She placed her head on the pillow looking away then Bimbo settled on the bed.
"It's in the eyes that you speak words. Oju Loro wa, so if you don't want me to give you one hot slap, Aunty, you better start spilling"
Deja turned her head, "You're resorting to violence" "Since in the time of John the Baptist, the violence has been taking it by force. One slap for every delay, you just try me!" She snapped then she exhaled.
" What happened?" She asked then Deja lifted her phone.
"Did you phone spoil?"
"No! I don't know what this guy's deal is"
"Tani? (Who?)"
"Vincent! I mean, how can I send him a message, he reads it but doesn't reply? I know I haven't responded to his own messages but this... This is the highest level of immaturity I've ever seen! He's been acting funny at work. He avoids me any chance he gets, he doesn't want to be in the same room as me, he treats me like an epidermic and it's so sick!"
"Sounds familiar, wasn't that how you treated him, why don't you have a taste of your own medicine?"
"Is revenge his motive? Is that what this is? Some sort of way to get back at me?"
"No ask me! Shebi I look like Vincent in your eyes?"
"I'm just tired okay. I've been acting silly in front of him all week, I've been going to his office all for nothing! For someone the doesn't hesitate to ask me out to lunch before, he doesn't say much again, he looks at me funny but when it comes to others, he's happy. If he sees me, it's like his mood changes."
"Are you sure you didn't do anything bad to him?"
"I've done a whole lot! I've said horrible things to him yet he keeps texting me and wishing me a good day. What could I have done to make him so angry. Babe, I can't think of anything. Was he just pretending?"
Bimbo shook his head, "I don't think so. I don't know the guy but I know that man that came to drop you off, the look on his face when he dropped you on the couch, the way he stared at your horrible drunk looking face before he left. Even after you vomitted on him. He took the perfume of your vomit out of this house."
"Then what happened?"
"Why don't you suck it up and ask him? You have something to say, ask him and don't ask me"
"Ask me, shebi I look like Past question!"
Deja chuckles softly then she hissed, "Let me not dump my sorry life on you. How did the visit go?" She asked watching how Bimbo lightened up. "It was....it went well" "How was Lanre's parents like? Were they nice to you?" "His Dad is just like Lanre with an extra Lanre on the cake but you see his Mom, she's different, more outspoken and a lovely personality. These people almost forced me to stay over. His sisters kept calling me Iyawo egbon me, i know it's not a Criteria, even the ones that crossed the marriage bridge and took on the Iyawo title have lost their crown. But, for a moment, I felt i was married to him already. I don't want to raise my hopes up but, with each passing day into our relationship I fall deeper in love which is scary cause if I don't end up with Lanre, the story is gonna be tragic, like it's only God that will be able to pull me out of the Ikoto (pit) of love. It feels too good to be true"
"Awn. I'm jealous of you"
"You have someone who loves you back the way you do. Meanwhile, all I ever get is people who don't love me back, no matter how hard I try. It almost feels like I've been charmed by someone I've insulted."
"You've not been charmed. Vincent likes you"
"He posted a picture with a girl on his status, the girl looks pretty"
"Are you jealous?"
"Why will I be jealous of someone I don't like"
Bimbo laughed, "A small child does not know herbs, she's calling it a vegetable, Omode o mo ogun, o n pe l’efo. Reality will soon dawn on you" "What reality" "This reality! The reality that you're beginning to like him. The girl might just be a friend"
"A friend that's pretty"
"So me that I'm pretty like this? Am I not someone's friend? No oh, talk! Cause if I stand with a guy to snap picture, automatically the whole world should just assume he's my boyfriend. Amoye (countless!), the number of boyfriend they would have said that I have. My point is you can't give up without finding out some things for yourself."
"What If it's his girlfriend?"
"What if it's not"
"What if it is?"
"An tori oja ja, oja sope talo nja lenkule ohun (We are fighting to save someone, but the person is asking who is fighting at my backyard). Look at the person who's spirit I'm trying to elevate and rejuvenate, you can't afford to give up without a fight or inquiries in this case"
"What kind of inquiry?"
"Why haven't you responded to my green lights? Why didn't you respond to my message, have you moved on. That's the main question you're going to take to him"
Deja rolled her eyes, " In order words, you want me to make an official fool of myself" "Opelope fun Olorun, (Thank God) that you used official, cause even you know that you've always been a fool" "You're stupid!" Deja snapped playfully and they both laughed. Suddenly she took her phone showing her the pictures.
"Hmmn hm! He looks good here"
"Not that one" Deja hissed and rolled her eyes as Bimbo sets her eyes on the picture of Vincent and the lady. "Oh.... She's fine" "See!" Deja frowned dragging her phone back.
"She might just be a friend or a relative"
"What if she's not, I really don't want to start giving myself useless hope. Really ehn... I can't."
"The wise will say, If the eyes calm down, it will see the nose. Bi oju ba farabale, oju a ri imu. Patience is key Deja, you were patient with Pastor Gbadamosi until you received the blow of your life, you can be patient for this one"
"What if I receive another blow? I'm scared okay? Vincent is not my spec, although he's starting to look appealing to me. I don't want to, start something and end up crashing like it happened with Papa."
"This one likes you, you've talked about how many times he"
"I don't think me likes me again"
"Patience. I mean while I look at our past and where we are currently, how much we have grown. Sometimes I feel like Jesus Christ after they said can anything good come out of Nazareth. There's no one God cannot change and there is nothing he can't turn around or anyone he can't change. Why don't you stop your seduction move and talk to him, get to know his opinion"
Tears ran down her eyes and then Bimbo pulled her close for a hug, I'm tired! I'm really tired" "Shh... It's okay, it's going to be fine."
Laughter broke out as everyone ate at the table, "Ere you're going to kill someone, really? Have you heard of table manners?" Adesuwa snapped picking up a fork and knife to pierce through the fried chicken on her plate. He laughed shaking his head as though being unaware of the term table manners!
"Table manners shey? I'm not the only one talking." He replied rolling his Semo into his plate of Efo then he proceeded to swallow it.
"Ogbeni you're still talking" Feyi snapped, "Maybe it's the excitement from seeing Mommy" Zhara replied, chewing slowly and thoroughly. "Maybe." Adesuwa agreed, "Can you believe that Ere couldn't help smiling through out the day."
"Same with Feyi!" Zhara chipped and Feyi chuckled, "They all miss their mother, even though some people's ego didn't want to make them admit to it" Kilahi replied and Gbadamosi chuckled, "Some people huh? Just look me in the face and say it, don't go through corners"
"Who's cutting through corners, do I look like a thief?"
"Yes"He replied and she swung around and faced him, mouth wide opened, "Yes. I'm unapologetic when I say that you're a thief and I can boldly tell everyone why." He paused as his eyes scattered around the room, "Mom, Dad... everyone in the room, i can't explain how it disappeared but i'm still looking for my heart; " He paused now staring at her.
"The one you stole" He replied and everyone chuckled.
"That's so cheesy" Kilahi giggled bowing her head in shame.
"Awn, it's cheesy but we love it. Girls love cheesy things, no matter how cheesy it is we still blush about it. Awn again" Adesuwa blushed, "God when" Ere added to her surprise, "Which one is God when again? I'm lost, the one we're doing, Ere I'm suspecting you" She snapped playfully and everyone laughed.
"Kilahi" Feyi called out, "I heard you speak Hausa" he added and a smile escaped her lips, "Yes I do"
"Zhara speaks Hausa too"
"Is it Igbo she's supposed to speak before?" Gbadamosi asked and Ere shrugged, "Abeg my brother, the answer taya me too"
Feyi laughed, "Wow, I didn't get the Memo that you both are now Kilahi. I wasn't speaking to the two of you" "Do you speak Hausa?" Mrs George asked and Kilahi responded with a gentle nod. "Wow... That's impressive, what about Yoruba?"
Kilahi paused, she didn't want to be discredited but she obviously can't lie! No. But I do understand it" "Adesuwa speaks French, Hausa, Edo and Yoruba" "Uncle Ere is not a competition" Gbadamosi chipped in and Kilahi's mouth opened up in shock.
"Choicest, it's okay" She mouthed and he laughed quietly. "No leave him, he's just being a big bully... Sorry, big ...brother." He quickly slipped in and she laughed.
"You all are the same cloth from the same material"
"My point is..." Ere trailed off, "Despite the diversity among the three future bride of this family, you three have a common language, English and Hausa"
Mr George pointed at him, "Ere has a point" "Daddy you can say that again, I always tell people not to underestimate me. I am a very wise man"
Feyi laughed shaking his head, "Wise like that time when you were ten and you" "Ah!" Ere screamed cutting him off, "Don't cast me" "And he what?" Adesuwa's eyes lit interest watching Mr George and Gbadamosi laugh in reminisce.
"Aproko! This my baby can do amebo for Africa"
"And Amebo we shall do. Feyi, what happened? This is a chance to get something dirty on this guy, don't deny me the opportunity"
Mr George patted his free hand on his chest, "If you want to know know anything dirty on them, ask me any day and I'll tell you. Even if you want embarrassing pictures of Ere when he was little"
Gbadamosi let out a bark of laughter in realization, "Now I know the culprit who gave Kilahi those pictures" "I'm also guilty too" Feyi lifted his hands, "Bunch of Judases eating on the same table with me" He replied and everyone busted into laughter.
Mrs George sipped water and then lifted a finger up, "No jokes again, I know you all miss me but no one wants to get choked with pepper okay?" "See who is having pride" Gbadamosi replied watching his mother raise her shoulder.
Kilahi chuckled, "In a kind of way, you do look like your Mom" "Of course he does, I gave birth to him" "And they all took the good looks from me" Mr George added and everyone broke into another fit of laughter.
"Let's talk about wedding date." Mr George continued, "You're right honey" How I've agreed no clearing his throat, "We need to start making plans so this two can get married and hop on to give me grand children. No pressure" She replied receiving a look from her husband.
"I said no pressure" She pulled a glass of wine close sipping it. Gbadamosi turned towards Kilahi and they both stared at each other. She instantly grew shy and bit on her bottom lips. "Stop staring" She whispered, "I can't help It" She replied throwing in a wink.
Mr George continued, "The two also need time to enjoy each other's company before venturing on the baby journey. Before pregnancy symptoms will spoil the whole thing. I remember during Gbadamosi's pregnancy"
Gbadamosi laughed, "Daddy don't use Gbadamosi's pregnancy" "What will I use? During Temi's first issue, she had the worst symptoms in her first trimester" "I did, I'm guilty as charged." "They need to enjoy each other's company. At least two weeks break away from everybody, maybe you two can go out. Gbadamosi will spoil her"
Gbadamosi returned his gaze back to her, "You heard Dad, I'll spoil you" He whispered and surges of electrical waves ran through her skin, the hairs on her body stood upright then she exhaled.
"If looks can get someone pregnant right now. Mummy you would have already been a grandmother" Ere blurted out and everyone laughed. "Don't say that to our Pastor" Feyi said then Gbadamosi laughed.
Kilahi looked away while he whispered into her ears, "Where would you like to spend our honeymoon?" "Really? Right now?" She mouthed and they both giggled.
"When will the wedding be coming up?" Mr George asked, "Gbadamosi told me it's a day in April, have you two finally made your choice?"
Kilahi shook her head, "No. I didn't want to make any choice without Mommy's blessing"
Mrs George gave a proud smile, "God bless you dear. God bless you ladies too. I've heard of how you all support me despite all odds, I pray God grants you all the support you need when the need arises for it"
"Amen!" They all chorused.
"April 21 seems okay, is that fine by everyone?" Kilahi answered "Its shorty after Easter"
"Perfect!" Feyi answered then Ere added, "Even if we have plans, we'll definitely cancel it. It's our brother's long awaited wedding. We'll paint this town red"
"Feyi and Zhara, any date in mind?" Mrs George asked and Feyi felt his eyes get heavy with tears, "Um... We haven't decided" He exhaled staring at Zhara, "This is something Zhara has always prayed for. Baby, does May sound too early?" "It's just a month after your brother's wedding, we can give it time"
Gbadamosi shook his head, "You don't have to do that. If we have our wedding in April, you can have yours in May and Ere can as well have his in June. You've all waited this long, it's our year of celebration"
"Your brother is right Feyi, it's going to be a back to back wedding preparation just like the grandchildren will come in back to back too" She teased and the ladies laughed.
"It's going to be stressful but who gets tired of celebrating? From our birthday to wedding preparations, my mockers are about to be put to receive the shock of their life" Mrs George answered.
After the dinner, there was a short prayer for the couples, after which the girls moved to a corner to discuss.
Gbadamosi watched Kilahi laugh along with Zhara and Adesuwa at a corner where they were all seated on the floor discussing mostly switching from English to Hausa.
Kilahi caught him staring severally then she glared at him.
Wasn't he having a conversation with his father and brothers? Why does he keep staring.
"What?" She mouthed and he mouthed back with a shrug. "What?" "Stop staring" "Never" He answered and Adesuwa turned back staring at him, "You know Pastor Gbadamosi has always been a major concern for Ere, I can't begin to count how many times Ere expressed his concern about his singlehood and how he hopes he doesn't die a monk"
"Feyi too!" Zhara added sipping from a glass of wine, "My question is how did you meet him and how did this love fly? I mean if I didn't have my man, you would probably been giving me the whole 'God when' vibe."
"Exactly! I can feel the love between you and to think this relationship hasn't been up to three weeks. You won't believe Feyi's excited when he found out. He screamed finally! He said that monk will finally get married!"
Kilahi blushed, "Well... We met on Valentine's day" "Awn" "It's not as it sounds.. It wasn't all rosy. This was the dress I wore. I actually thought he was one of those single Pastors that sleep around with their choristers. He kind of overheard me but at that moment, I never knew. He was completely cool telling me bless you as though I had a sneeze"
Zhara laughed, "We met again on my date with his cousin Manny" "You went on a date with Manny?" Zhara and Adesuwa asked in unison, "He asked me out on Valentine's day. After the date, I rejected his proposal. It didn't feel right with him but with Gbadamosi..." She bit on her bottom lips staring at the men who were in the thick of their discussion.
He suddenly caught her staring then he glared back at her, "Stop staring" He mouthed and she giggle mouthing back, "Avoid me". He winked and laughed.
Another unholy wink that had a way of making her get goosebumps all over!
"Are you for us or against us, Brother G, pick a side" Ere asked and he arced his brow at him, "Brother G, Brother Gbads Brother Gbada... Pick a side too! And wait... If you're asking me to pick a side, you think I'll choose you"
Ere slapped his palm against his chest, "I'm hurt. For real, Pastor Judas Iscariot. Just know that before woman was man, your own brother" "Even Cain betrayed his brother" Feyi noted causing a sharp laughter to escape from Gbadamosi's lips.
"I can't believe you just said that. A whole Pastor Feyi George"
"I'm just making a point, betrayal started right from start, it won't be a new thing if Pastor Judas betray you" He teased getting a playful glare from his elder brother. "This so called Judas is leaving now... I have to take Kilahi back home. How long will you guys be staying?"
"Till tomorrow evening"
"No problem now, we'll see before you guys leave" "How far the stuff way I we talk about?" Ere asked making him rack his brain, "Which stuff be that?"
Mrs George stood behind the ladies, "Am I invited in your conversation?" She requested and Zhara nods, "Yes Ma. We were just talking about Kilahi's love story" "Oh" "Why are you all talking about my own love story, I'm sure you both have you own interesting love story. I'm also interested in knowing how you met Feyi"
Mrs George sat on a chair, "This has to be interesting cause Feyi has never been that interested in women" "Well...." Zhara trailed off, "We met in a church program, Feyi came with his Senior Pastor as a plus one to our church, with my father as the General Overseer" "Wow"
"Yes. I never really knew his name. I knew him as that man that kept looking at me from the choir seat where I sat until the end of service. I'm not sure he heard a what his Senior Pastor preached that day" She confessed and everyone laughed.
"That was in 2019, so... In 2020, he came again with his Pastor and that was when he blocked me after service. He was like, I won't let you go unless you accept to go on a date with me" "Oshey! Jacob number two" Adesuwa teased and Kilahi laughed and nod, "On a serious note, that's a nice line, sometimes in life when you meet an angel, you need to wrestle to get what you want."
"Good point. I'll definitely drink to that" Mrs George agreed.
"Angel Zhara, what did you do afterwards?"
"Gaskia! I accepted. I've been speaking to God about it and there it was, something that could be an answer to my prayer. Initially I was avoiding the whole Yoruba Demon drama, I didn't want a cheat but I have no Idea how I got so engulfed in love with him! We became friends and the rest is history. He proposed and we've been engaged since then" Zhara answered running her fingers on the ring.
Adesuwa smiled, "Same with Ere, I was scared of dating a Yoruba demon. He even has that Flirty eyes and I was scared to even say yes" "How did you two meet?" Mrs George asked and Adesuwa laughed. "It was first in a resort. My friends and I sat on a reserved table shortly after a political gathering and then some men from an organization came to send us away. I almost scratched their eyes out if I wasn't for Ere who was begging on behalf of his colleagues. I know this might sell me short as a perfect daughter in law"
Mrs George waved her palms, "Oh please! I'm sure you wouldn't have done it if it wasn't necessary. I'm in no position to judge you" "The truth is, I can be patient, I can be sweet but i can also get mad at the sight of injustice, if you want to see me angry, let me see you step on a little child or push one without apologizing. I will fight you till you apologize. Like for real! The second time we met was in another seminar where I was the interpreter. From there... We became friends and then moved to been more"
"Define more." Mrs George requested, "You and Ere are not...." "No! We are not intimate! I'm not surprise, when people see us they think the same thing but.. Chastity is the goal and we're keeping to it. It's been difficult though, i won't lie, especially when you go to his house. Sometimes i have to go with my niece to help the emotion. I don't know if you can relate" She said giving Kilahi a look.
"I have been alone with Gbada... Not in his house. I don't even know how the house looks like and I don't think I will until after our wedding"
"Lucky you!" Adesuwa replied, "If you're dating someone like Ere, you'll need the grace of God, his home keys and full strength cause Ma, girls just imagine when you have an outing with him on his lazy day and he tells you he is still in bed. You'll have to enter his room"
Mrs George laughed, "Does he still do that?" "Ah Mummy! That your son ehn.... Sometimes i always ask him, is it you that jazzed me or i jazzed you cause... Urgh! Cause the way I love him is unbelievable. You'll have to go into his house and drag him out! Real life story of a 31 years old man. The temptation I get in is real but God has been helping us this far."
"You're all dating good looking men and you all have to keep your hands off and wait till your wedding night before you can be served dinner" Mrs George chipped in, "I admit that my children are handsome men but i'm employing you all to wait still, I mean in a matter of months you'll be tied in Holy matrimony. I also want to thank you all for coming here to be my guest. The house has not been this busy and cheerful in a long time."
"I believe i'm saying this unanimously when i say, it's a pleasure to be here Ma" Kilahi replied and the girls agreed with a nod.
Gbadamosi walked into the conversation with his fingers lifted. "Sorry to have to interrupt, I'll need to drop Kilahi back home and its getting late" "No!" Mrs George disagreed, "I thought you all were going to sleep over. It's 'late and your brothers are sleeping over"
"Mum, there's church tomorrow"
"And so? Can't I just have my three children and my daughter in law for the night?"
Gbadamosi groans, "Mom... I never made that agreement with Kilahi's parents" "Should I call them?" "Mom... Some other time okay?" He asked and she stretching her hands to hold on to Kilahi's hand. "Feel free to come in any day of the week so we can talk about the color for the day and wedding plans as well as my birthday plans"
"That will be splendid Ma" She replied rising up, "Good night Zhara and Adesuwa they've come to drag me away" "Toor!" She and Adesuwa replied and three laughed. "We'll chat"
She went ahead to embrace. After which she greeted Mr George, Feyi and Ere before leaving.
"Your Mom really wanted you stay. I know there's church and the stress of you know, going back and forth but i think you should go back and sleep over there. You guys can even pray as a family after so many years" She suggested and Gbadamosi gave it a thought, "That ... That sounds like a plan" "It's a good plan and I really wish I can be part of it" "It wasn't my agreement with your parents, I took you out. I need to drop you off and apologize for bringing you this late. It's almost ten pm"
"We can just call Mom and Dad and just tell them"
"No! We would have made that as a plan, I would have mentioned it to them. I don't want to be in a bad place with your parents" "They won't complain, they know where I am, we already called them"
"My integrity is important here. I made a promise to bring you back and I have to keep to It" "Okay" She answer with a quick shrug, "What? Did I say something wrong?"
Kilahi blinked her eyes, she didn't even know what to say at that point. She just felt like he was being difficult but can she fault him for trying to maintain his integrity?
"What? If you have something you want to say, just say it"
Gbadamosi laughed shaking his head, "Nah... You have that look" "What look?" "Like you want to say something" "Nothing really" She replied then they stared at one another and then he held his hand out to her. "Come"
She gazed at it for a moment before grabbing it. They both walked towards the place he parked his car. "My love, if you have something to say, why not say it. We're getting married next month, we have a wedding to plan in a short time. I'm not perfect but whatever you feel the need to tell me, just do it. We can't afford to be secretive, I am outspoken about my opinions, I know you are too but I don't want you to withdraw on any account"
Kilahi exhaled, "Toor, you're right. I shouldn't be witholding anything, its scary to think its happening next month. Hey God! Its your fault oh!" She snapped slapping his chest and they both laughed.
She exhaled now letting go of his hands, "I'm not witholding anything serious. But... I still haven't told you about my parents and..." She sighed again. At this point she was hyperventilating. "Okay stop... I didn't ask for that
" "No..."
"I know how it makes you feel"
"Irrespective, you're my fiancé and you deserve to know what happened." She decided and they both leaned against the car. "I remember that morning before the whole thing happened. We were at our Abuja house. Dad had this meeting he had to catch up with. We were running late and I didn't want to go cause I had a bad feeling. I told him but he brushed the whole thing off and said nothing will happen to us. He promised me he'll get me a new sets of toys and I too brushed the feeling off. Mom and Dad were at the front seat while I sat at the back. They were having a conversation when out of nowhere, this mighty truck clashed into us. The car pitched, rolled, and tumbled off a maybe a 10 -foot drop. I opened my eyes and I saw myself laying on the floor feeling unimaginable pains and away from me was...." She shut her eyes in tears, "Was the tumbled car. Mom and Dad were still the car, still strapped to the seat belt. I screamed but people held me back and I then I blacked out and woke up later. My neck hurt, my arms, my legs, my face. I had bandages to my head and on my entire body. People were surprised to see me alive, they didn't even understand how I survived the accident or who pulled me out of the car"
"It's God"
"I asked to see my parents then they broke the bad news and requested for a number they could reach out but at that moment, i wasn't coordinated. They got the number from Mum or Dad's phone and they reached Grandma. And she came" She paused wiping her tears off.
"The days were sordid, the pain I felt. There were times i threw up repeatedly, maybe because of the drugs or...the memory of my parent's dead body just hanging, I still see it in my dreams. I was immobilized for days, it was when they took off the bandages that I realize my hair has been shaved. Mom... Aunty Mabel and Uncle came and they... volunteered to take me in. It wasn't easy. I have scars all over my body and I've received a lot of insult. I couldn't change in front of people. There were times I'll stand and just forbid getting married because I'm always concerned about.."
"Shh" Gbadamosi held her hands then he touched the part of her wrist that had the scar, "I don't care about the scar"
"Mehn... I didn't even make it easy for my parents, Uncle Adzer and Aunty Mabel. Deep down I wished I died in there with my real parents. I miss my parents everyday, I miss Mom's pancakes," She trailed off fighting her tears, "I miss her jolly rice, it was a special recipe that I loved instead of jollof rice. She called it jolly rice because she knew I loved it. I was a picky little girl" She opened her mouth to speak, but the only sound she could make was a sort of miserable croak. Her self-control shattered completely, she could no longer play strong.
Gbadamosi gripped her firmly, deeply, into his embrace. "I'm sorry"
She shook her head and choked on more sobs, and the more she tried to stop them, the worse they became. "It's okay to be hurt, it's okay to feel the pain but I want you to know you are just as unstoppable as you were then. The devil saw something glorious in you and he tried to silence it. Even when you survived he tried to mess with your mind to stop you from fulfilling purpose but you've risen above it.
She withdrew slightly looking up at him, "I bind the devil" "Exactly!" He agreed wiping her tears off. "You'll rise even more, eyes have not seen Kilahi Gbadamosi, neither has ears heard what the Lord has in stock for you. My love, you're a shinning light, a city set upon the hill that cannot be hidden or quenched. Nothing will quench this fire burning in you, no tribulation, no pain of the past. Your path is like a shinning light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. You've taken the first step of healing to talk about it, it's going to be fine in Jesus Name."
"Amen. I hope you're aware you're spraying your Efo breath all over my face. Efo anointing"
He laughed throwing his head backwards, "It can't be that bad" "It's mixed with locust beans, it's bad but I'm not complaining" "Sure you're not" He replied brushing her hair behind her ears. "The way you make me happy every time, how did I become get so lucky to meet you? Gosh, I love you" He confessed and she chuckled, "I love you more"
"I love you most. Let's get you home"
Manny plunged his hands into his pocket while Gbadamosi walked up to him, "Hey Manny" "Hey. I guess congratulations are in order for you. April 21 she?" "Yes. Congratulations to you too. You finally took the leap. How do you feel?" "Like a man. Ossy called me Dad, it was like a movie. Gbada?"
"Better start respecting me oh, I have a seven years old son. If you try anything funny, I'll just call him up to deal with you" He joked and Gbadamosi hissed. "You love the child"
"I'll do anything to protect him and provide for him"
Gbadamosi nodded, "Thank God you finally took the leap. When are you going to tell your Mom?" "I don't know. No idea." "They'll all come around, nothing can come in between God's will." "Why will you guys fill all the whole month, April, May and June. When will I fix mine?"
"Oga has not gotten digger, you'll already planning on mining gold"
Manny laughed, "Small thing... The important is that I've seen the gold already"
11:43 pm
Deja got out of the bathroom in her nighties then she picked her phone scrolling through her message. Her eyes widened when she saw a message from Vincent; it was a voice note.
🎙 Hey. I saw your message and I realized I clicked on it mistakenly when I shouldn't have. I've been busy and I'm still busy right now.
Deja rolled her eyes, GB WhatsApp users!!! Even after she deleted the message!!!!
A voice instantly interrupted Vincent's voicenote,
🎙Vince I'm waiting now
Vincent's voice came back on;
Is there something you want to say to me? I might not be available to come online this night to respond but I will as soon as I get the chance to
Deja quickly p layed back the lady's voice at the background to be sure she heard well.
Vince, I'm waiting now
She tightened her fist and then shut her eyes in disappointment.
What do you guys think about today's update
If you're to give one emoji or a word for Deja..... What will it be?
Manny has finally done it! Who's💃🏽💃🏽excited?
April 21st... Let's start choosing color of day oh😂
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