🌹Chapter 35🌹

Hello everyone

I missee you all. Who missed me?

Mehn.... On Monday I had hopes to drop an update soon but then I was given a job that required me using my phone and the deadline was to submit before Friday. I didn't have a choice.

As it is, I haven't closed my eyes since midnight😂🤣

I'm feeling sleepy...

So please utilize that orange button and vote for this girl. I have tried.

Will the drop a short Chapter tomorrow 😎

Chapter 35



Mrs George got out up with a regretful smile on her face then she held the pillow close praying quietly.

Kilahi held her bible in her arms pacing and praying in the room when she heard the sound of rain drumming on the roof and she could hear more like a whisper in her ears. 'Showers of good surprises'

"I receive in Jesus Name"

Mr George walked into the kitchen to a frying sound. He arced his brow in surprise, "Wait.... You're cooking? How?" He asked then she turned her head at him smiling, "Good morning Honey. I didn't even notice you when you walked in."

"Good morning" He replied moving close to see the tomato and pepper paste sizzling in the pan. "You're cooking.." "Of course" "Aren't you fasting again? I thought...."

"Well... I now know what I need to know"

"You must be tired and weak. You should rest, I'll cook"

"I already had bread and tea before venturing on this journey so you don't have to worry about me. I have enough strength now, I just wasted a good number of it on a stupid quest."

The shock expression remained glued to Mr George's face. "When did you wake?" "Past five and then i prayed for a while"

"Is the fast over?"



"Like I said I know what I need to know now and honey I'm so sorry for being a thorn in your flesh"

"Shh" He shushed her moving close to her, "Let's just out it in the past" "I wasn't there on Tuesday where I needed to be with my son and future daughter in law"

"Did you just say future daughter in law?"

Mrs George nods with a smile then he asked, "What happened?" "So, I've been asking God for a confirmation and i had this one this morning. Three different confirmation, the first I was in a gathering, my entire family were all there and I didn't know what was going on. That moment in your dream when you don't know what's going on but you steadily await to be clarified. It wasn't a wedding, it was in Gbadamosi's house. Toyin came up to talk to me and meanwhile my mind was just blank and then I saw children come up to hug me, there were plenty. Almost the same height, they were really many." She swallowed, "And then I saw her walk in and whispered something into Gbadamosi's ear and there I heard a voice say that is my will, and all I needed to do is accept his will and have everything, my family back and then I woke up prayed, slept and had another"

Mr George smiled looking up the ceiling, "Thank you Jesus" He muttered then he grinned, "Now that the fast is over, so I guess i can do this now" He wrapped his arms across her waist then he kissed her on the lips.

"You couldn't wait to do that"

"All week. Besides I'm glad to have my wife back.... The real you back, now you can stop nagging me"

Mrs George gasped, "You bet I will! Can you help me call Gbadamosi?" "Why can't you do it?" "I'm ashame of myself, I've been a bad mother" "This is the time reconcile with them all, or will you ask me to call Feyi too or Ere?"

"Will Feyi pick my call?" She asked rubbing her neck, "Make an attempt, you'll never know if you don't try"

Gbadamosi ran through the wet road side alone when he heard his phone ring from the airpods. He halted, tapped the airpods to answer the call while trying to catch his breath "Good morning Gbadamosi" His mother's voice sounded and he exhaled.

"Good morning Mom"

"How are you?"

"I'm doing very well thank you and you?"

"Fine. How's the ministry?"

"We thank God for having his way..." He replied arcing his brow in a confuse manner, he wondered what was prompting him mother to ask the question.

"Um... How are you?" He repeated, "I'm fine"

"How's the house?"

"The house?"

"I can't really gather my thoughts together, I really don't remember the last time you used such a calm tone in speaking to me. I'm surprised, give me a minute to think of questions to ask"

"Is it that bad?"


"Your mother has become a stranger that you don't know what to ask her"

"I smell some good old nagging around the corner" "I'm not going to nag" "Mom... " He paused and swallowed. The truth is, I know the next conversation is going to end with emotional blackmail, It always ends that way so... Forgive me if I don't know what to say now"

"I'm sorry"

"Huh?" He asked in surprise, "I said I'm sorry"

"I heard, I'm just.... In shock. Mom are okay?" "Yes I am, I'm sorry it took seven years for my eyes to open up to how much I pushed my children away because I wanted nothing but grandchildren." She said apologetically while sobbing over the phone.

"I never had the grandchildren but i ended pushing the ones that will give me the children and I'm so sorry"

Gbadamosi suddenly felt his eyes become heavy, "Dad said you were on a fast and from the look of things, it's like Abba has given you another call" "Yes. I heard you tried calling me during the international women's day but I couldn't answer it. I needed to rid myself of the distractions and finally hear Abba for myself away from all the noise. Sorry I didn't answer, your father saved a screenshot of your lovely message to me. I love you too Gbadamosi"

He smiled nodding his head, "I guess I have to apologize too. I know I'm not the most submissive son and I've been difficult too, all I want is to make my own decision" "You've always been that way. I'm sorry I tried to impose Brenda on you. How is Kilahi?" She asked and he laughed.

"I feel like I'm in a dream right now? Did you just say Kilahi without getting irritated?"

Mrs George groaned regretfully, "I have wronged you and most of all I've wronged her and I hope she'll find it in her heart to forgive me" "Kilahi doesn't hold it against you"

"Oh please! Who wouldn't? After all I did and said to her? I was really rude to her, my attitude towards her is reprehensible." "You don't know Kilahi like I do"

"I'm sorry I wasn't around to witness the proposal. I wouldn't mind getting to know my daughter in law from a close range." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "And this isn't a ploy to mess with her again" "No dear"

Gbadamosi exhaled looking up to the cloudy skies to tiny drops of water on his face.

Thank you Lord! He said within.

"What do you say we have dinner tonight?"

"Sure.. That sounds fine"

"Perfect. I'll make your favorite"

"I'll like that"

"But can you not inform her yet about this... I'll let her know at my pace" "That's going to be hard right now judging from my excitement right now"

"Jo oko mi, (Please my husband), i'll let her know later on"

"Okay Ma"


Feyi ran through the estate along with his fiancé Zhara both clad in sweat pants and round shaped T-shirt. His phone rang then he slowed down taking it out from his pocket. He hissed plunging it back.

"Is it work?" She asked and he responded shaking his head.

"Who is it?"



"What? She's going to complain, I'm in a good mood today. I don't want anybody ruining it for me" "Anybody? This is your mother" "The way you support her is baffling as if you've seen her"

"I've not seen her in person but she's my future mother in law and with the way things are the future looks very long and dim" She snapped walking away and he followed her.

"What do you mean?" He asked and she paused lifting her fingers, "That I'll soon become the Lady of rings soon enough if you continue this way" "So it's my fault now" "If you continue this way." "I suggested registry wedding, you said no"

"Registry wedding? Really Feyi? Is that what i'm worth? Is that even godly"

"We are not doing anything wrong. There's a Pastor, all we need is two family members, viola, we're legally married."

"Are you sure you're a Pastor cause your behavior makes it questionable" "Excuse you" "You are excused cause geskia (truly) you have to be the most unforgiving man of God I've ever met! God forbid! " "Are we going to do this again? We're in public, in your estate"

"Exactly! Let's forget about the exercise, I'm going back home, I'd rather be around the good energy of my family than being wrapped in your unhealthy bad energy" "We are always fighting about Mom"

"We're always because of how you respond to the whole situation. My mom and I fight too, doesn't mean that when it's her birthday or a women's day celebration, I won't call her. I give her the respect cause she's my mother. Where is your respect?"

"Wednesday till Saturday, you had this in your chest and you're just saying it now"

Zhara shrugged, "Feyi I love you but I want to know if I'm doing the right thing waiting" "Are you tired? Is that it?" "No! But I'm tired of you! I'm tired of waiting for a man that doesn't want his mother to be part of his life" "A lot of girls will jump at the opportunity"

"I'm not them! Don't ever compare me to any other woman! (Taba!) Never! We're going back and forth, this relationship is becoming unhealthy by the day. Can't you see it? You're turning me into a nag and I'm not this person." She complained breathing fast then she shut her exhaling loudly.


The phone rang again and he pulled it out staring at the callers ID. "Who?" "Mom" "Answer it" "Baby" "Answer it now or I'lol hand this ring to you now and go back home" She threatened, "I'm serious? ba daidai ba? (What's wrong with you?)"

Feyi answered the phone, "Good morning Mom" "Good morning OluwaFeyisayo" "You haven't called me that in...." He trailed off, "What do you want? Or what complain do you want to give now?"

Silence followed.

The silence crackled and burned.

"I'm not here to complain"


"Feyi I know... I know I haven't been a good mother in a long while, I know.... I know I've disappointed you and I've pushed you away and I haven't been the mother you want me to be." She paused bursting into tears, the hate in his tone made her emotional, "I just want to say I'm sorry. I have no excuse for being a bad mother all these years, I thought I was doing good. I allowed my need to be a grandmother blind me from the actual truth that I'm supposed to be supportive of my children. Feyi i love you, you know I love you and my children are my world and you're my world and I just want to say that I'm sorry and whatever decision you've chosen for your life, whatever you want, whoever you wanna date, I'll support your choice. I just want to be your mother again, that woman you speak to about everything, I know it's not going to be easy to regain the trust but I'm willing to give it time"

More silence followed from Feyi. He couldn't believe his ears! He felt like he was dreaming.

"I know I have to earn your love, I just want you to say something. Even if it's an hateful comment, I'll take it in good faith and as an action I placed upon myself. Just say something, please"

"I love you too Mom" He confessed wit tears overflowing down his cheeks, "And I've missed you too Mom, I've missed you so much it hurt"

Zhara smiled as she felt her eyes get heavy with tears. Feyi sat on the dry ground and she joined him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" His mother apologize, "I lost myself thinking life is all about the grand children, I pushed Gbadamosi away, I pushed you and EreAdura. I'm sure if Gbadamosi could travel back to Anambra he would have, you guys ran away"

"Yes we did, i didn't want to have to go through what my big brother went through physically. Mom I had to leave"

"I'm sorry"

"I don't regret leaving though.... I met Zhara here"

"Is that her name?"

"Yes Mom.... She's a good woman, I didn't know how to tell you that I was getting married to an Hausa woman. I knew you'll disagree" "I would have because I didn't know better, I completely forgot there's God's will and permissive will of man. I wanted to impose mine you all and I'm so sorry for it"

"Mom it's fine, that's should be in the Past already. The Past was ten minutes ago"

"Thank you. How are you?"

"I'm fine"

"Bawo ni se? (How is work?)"

"Great, I just got back from South Africa yesterday. I bumped into Brenda" "Really?" "Yes. She was complaining about um... How Gbadamosi broke her heart. It was an awkward discussion Mom, I didn't even know what to say"

Mrs George laughed, "She's heart broken but everyone has their way of dealing. She just have to deal cause she's obviously not God's will for Gbadamosi. I'm sure her God's will is out there" "Definitely"

"Have you eaten?"

Feyi chuckles, more tears trickled. His mother hasn't asked that question in a very long time. "I was jogging with Zhara, it's still very early" "Didn't it rain over there?" "It didn't" "It drizzled here. But really Feyi? Do you want to faint? Is that it? Are you trying to make the enemies mock me? At least put something in your belly, even as little as a slice bread cause I know you don't like eating. That's my problem with you, Feyi you need to eat, eat something! Let it not sound like I'm nagging again"

He laughed, "That's a good kind of nagging. I've missed that part, and I've missed you Mom" "Me too" "Zhara is here. Do you want to talk to her?" "Oh. Sure"

Feyi handed the phone to Zhara, "Good morning Ma" She greeted anxiously, "Good morning dear. How are you?" "I'm good and you?" "I'm doing very well, how is the weekend going dear?" "Great. Feyi and I have the weekend planned already. He's free finally so we have one of two things planned out"

"That's very good and how are your parents"

"They are fine Ma and how is Dad?"

"He's fine. I guess you're familiar with him already"

"Yes Ma"

"Don't worry, I'll get your number so we can getting chatty about an upcoming wedding " "Oh my....." Her literally skipped. "Yes Ma, that will be great" "Please take care of Feyi, he doesn't like eating. I've always been forcing him right from time. You're his woman, you need to force him"

"Maybe we'll start blending his food so he can drink" Zhara joked and Mrs George laughed, "It comes to that, please do it. Thank you being with him, take care of him"

"I will"

"And most importantly, take care of yourself"

"Yes Ma" The call ended and Feyi laughed, "You want to blend my food" "If worse comes to worst"

People passed by staring at them, "They Probably think we're mad" He chipped and she held his hands, "Let's be mad together" She replied and they both laughed.

Zhara squeezed his hands gently, "I'm proud of you" she muttered and he scratched his head, "Thank you, all it's thanks to you" Tears poured down his cheeks and he laughed, "Look at someone that didn't want to talk to his mother. You melted the moment you heard her voice. Mummy's boy" She snapped and he giggled.

EreAdura snored in bed when he heard his phone ring. With his eyes closed he searched for his phone where he finally looked at the caller ID.


"Hey Cupcakes"

"Mister man, wake up! You're sleeping" "I'm not sleeping" "Your eyes is still closed, you don't want to open your eyes. Shebi you said I should wake you up? Your alarm don come, oya wake up!" Adesuwa yelled.

"Give me one minute, oya call me in one minute time"

"Weldone, you don see alarm clock way you go snooze shey?"

"It's like I woke up with a building on my back"

"Ere, get your lazy ass out of bed! If I get there and you're not ready. I go leave you and you know say I no dey joke, Ere stand up now!"

"Fine! Let me find something to eat and then..." he trailed off sleepily, "Bye" He chipped in ending the call.

Mom💓 calling......

He groaned answering the call grudgingly, "Good morning Mom" He greeted with a rough voice, "Tell me you're not still sleeping" "I'm not still sleeping" "Ere! You're sleeping"

"If I'm sleeping, I won't be talking to you right? Simply logic"

"So I'm the stupid one that doesn't understand simple logic"

"You didn't hear it from my mouth. Mommy want do you want?"

"You can't even ask me how I am"

"How are you?"

"I'm.... I'm sorry"


"Ere, I'm sorry. For everything I've done. I know you don't like to visit because of my nagging and I'm sorry because of it" "Mom"

"No, let me speak. You're only 31 years old but ever since your brothers turned 30, all I've done is nag you all to get married and give me grandchildren. I'm sorry my baby"

"Mom calm down, are you dying?"

"I'm not dying, my eyes are finally opened to the truth and I now see how much of a wicked and heartless Bitch I've been" "Mommy stop it, don't say that"

"I know that's what you think of me. That's why you don't visit" "I've never seen you as heartless, never! Maybe intrusive, yeah, compulsive and controlling, yeah... Not heartless."

His mother sobbed, "Do I have your forgiveness? I already spoke to your brothers and they forgave me" "Well play, so you called them first before me, that's not fair. I'm always the last"

"You will never be the last"

"You know what I mean Mom, i'm always the last person to get information, because I'm the last born shey?"

"I gave birth to three handsome boys, you certainly don't expect me to call you first" "You had me at handsome but you lost me at the second part." His voice switched into a baby tone, "Me too i deserve special treatments too"

His mother laughed out loud, "I cant believe i almost forgot, O ma jowu gan! (you get jealous easily). Well your brothers are the hardest nuts to crack" "Me I'm biscuit bone shey?" "What's me I'm biscuit bone? What has happened to your grammar? You used to be sound"

"Well... It's a long story."

"So when were you going to talk to me about Adesuwa? Or were you ever going to?" She asked and he stalled, "How in the world did you find out about Adesuwa? Did Dad spill? Of course he did!" He groaned and rolled his eyes, "Is there something you're ashame of?"

"No! I love Adesuwa and I'm not ashame of it! But I'm so sure you won't agree"

"I'm sorry I made you all feel that way. The shock when I found out about it! At first, it was like your father sprayed pepper on my face. When I thought deeply about it, this is all I ever wanted, you all settling down with women you love. Your Dad speaks well of her"

Ere smiled, "Yep, that woman has stolen your son's heart" "I'm jealous and I hope to meet her someday" "Sure. I'm sure she'll love that, I'll..." He trailed off witholding his tears, "I'll love that too"

"Have you eaten? Why am I asking a foodie if he has eaten? I'm sure you've had like breakfast and lunch this morning"

He laughed shaking his head, "No. I woke up feeling lazy, I'm tired of my food and I'm tired of eating out. Maybe i should employ you to come and cook one of those your delicious meal"

"My salary is above your pay grade?"

EreAdura laughed, "I'm a big man Ma, I feel insulted. What's your pay?" "Nice to hear you laugh this way, I haven't heard you laugh this real in years. God I've missed my children" "Mom.." "What?" "I want to ask again, God forbid, are you sure you're not dying?" He asked and then she laughed.

"The old me is dead. I needed to kill that selfish woman that almost drove her sons insane. I want to be a new person. I hope to see you guys soon"

Sewuese smiled staring at her laptop as she waited to connect on a video call with Sam. "Hey" She said the moment she saw his face. Her heart fluttered in joy, "Hey there" He said and she chuckled.

"Good morning. Is It morning over there too?"

"Good morning to you too. It's 12:12 am here in San Fransciso but past 8 in Nigerian time"

"You should be sleeping, you have a wedding today. You don't want to go with eye bags fixed on your face."

"I wanted to see your face. I've missed you"

"Me too. I hope you're already working on the visa for a vacation. Can't wait to see you physically and introduce you to my family. Mom said she can't wait to see you."

"Really? When? How?"

"The wedding! It's her niece's wedding, she possibly can't miss it. She chipped in the whole wedding topic and wanted to play a little match making move but I had to stop her. I told her I had someone I wanted to make my wife"

"Does she know I'm Nigerian?"

"Do you think I'll keep that detail? Of course not! She can't wait to see you. Whenever you come to London, I'll take you to the family house, there you'll meet Grandpa Thompson, My Dad, Uncle Wyatt. You're going to love It there"

Sewuese cried, "I wish I can hold your hands right now" She placed her hands on the laptop screen and he placed his hands on the screen too. "I love you Sewuese" "I love you too"

"So... Any gist dey for this Oyinbo?" He struggled through saying the word and she busts into laughter. "Oyinbo, which kain gist you want?"

"Any kind. Make e sweet"

"Oh my God...I've got one"

Gbadamosi heard a knock on the door then he opened it to see Muyiwa with one of his hands plunged into his pocket. "Hey" He said with a low voice and a sad countenance. "Are you taking a run today?" "I already did. I was about to head to church for sanitation and a meeting. Are you okay? This one your face be like who lose bet. Don't tell me you lost a bet"

"Can I at least come in before you kill you with questions?"

"Sure" Gbadamosi replied then he walked in and he shut the door behind him. "What's up?" He asked walking behind him then Muyiwa turned towards him. "Do you have a strong drink stashed somewhere?" He asked and Gbadamosi glared at him.

"Uncle, do you want to kill me with your eyes. Even Jesus turned water to wine, the bible didn't said fruit juice, abi did it?"

"Are you here to argue the alcohol content of the wine shared at the wedding in Galilee or you're here for something important"

Muyiwa rolled his eyes, "I just needed someone to talk to and.... Manny is forming Mr Busy, he said he doesn't even have time for himself today that he can not give me face and I just need to get this out of my chest and my guys.... they're just making me angry. Partially I'm just mad at them but I can't even express my anger cause I'm acting all cool about it but I'm not"

"Did you lose a bet?"

"No. Much worst. I did something terrible that might have to live with me for a while. I didn't expect it to be this way. I've been praying for it but..."

"Sharon left?"

Muyiwa laughed nervously, "Flesh and blood did not reveal that to you my brother" He replied and Gbadamosi frowned. "This is not a Joke" "Well.... Shit happens and this shit just happened to occur within time and space"

" What did you do?" "You can say I fucked up real bad. Mehn I fucked up oh," He paused scratching his short hair.

"I fucked up"

"What did you do?"

"So..... I threw a party at the house and the guys all came with their girls," "And you came with another"

"Pastor Chill..."

"I didn't invite anyone. Sharon was my plus one. She did everything, cooked and served them. And then someone told someone... I don't know how it slipped but Sharon found out I've been telling the guys about how she doesn't last in bed and how she deprives me most times. Can you believe these talkatives"

Gbadamosi shuts his eyes in precognition, "I knew this was going to happen. This your mouth" "I didn't come to be chastise but of course you're like the king of it! See! I couldn't control the events but when she came to me crying last night, I knew deep down that I had fucked up." He snapped taking his seat.

"There's no ..... There's no going back from this. She packed her stuff last night, every one of it and left the house"

"Because you hurt her. What do you want me to do? You have your wish, wasn't that what you wanted?"

"I didn't want it to be this way"

"Have you apologize to her?"

"No! She's not answering my calls"

"Go to her house"

"She'll probably throw a knife at me or pour water or acid on me. She was really mad last night"

"What do you want?"

Muyiwa scoffed, "I just want to talk to a friend, and I'm talking about a real friend not those idiots! How could they say that to her and feel it's a joke. They had the nerves to laugh when she was leaving and I couldn't even do anything. They called her names, I couldn't even defend her"

"She must be hurting"

"Definitely. I woke up this morning expecting to have breakfast made already. Then I remembered she left already"

Gbadamosi exhales, "If I am to give an advise as a friend, I'll advise you apologize to her as soon as possible. If she pours whatever on you, I'm sure she won't take It that far, endure it. If she slams the door against you, take it in good faith. At least make the attempt"

"Hell has no fury like a woman's scorn. I don't have that strength"

"So what are you going to do?"

Muyiwa shrugged, "Chill till she's more calm, I'm sure she'll come out it"

"Good morning beautiful people, and we are back from the commercial break, it's still your favorite show and if you're just tuned to 98.7 Realm Fm at this time, stay on the dial cause it's not a mistake. We are currently talking about the role Parental consent play in Relationships? Is It really necessary? Should two love birds go ahead with marriage if their parents have not consented to it. I know of a friend of mine whose fiancée refused picking a wedding date because the guy's parents have not consented to the relationship. And i also know someone who isn't ready to start a relationship with a woman he loves, because he knows that his mother will not agree and in order to save the for from the unnecessary stress African drama, he holds back from starting anything with her. Even though he loves her very much and she's the only woman he thinks of." He exhales sharply and his co-host Geena arced her brow in suspicion.

Manny continued, "So, does Parental consent matter when you want to consider a relationship where the two loves each other? It's a controversial topic but we'll like to get your views on this one. The phone lines are opened, you know the numbers to call or send your text message but first Gee na, what do you think!"

Geena shrugged and laughed, "In my opinion, I feel the world has gone past the whole, "If I don't get my parent's blessing, I won't go on with my marriage. Everyone has their view but I feel this way because we've seen relationship hang on for way too long because of this so called, permit me to say, so called parental consent. There's this cousin of mine that"

A call interrupts them and Manny answered it, "Hello what's your name and where are you calling from" "Na Chididi dey call" "Hey... Chidi what's up my man and happy weekends to you and the family." "Happy weekends Manny my main man. E get as this your show they do me for body, the topic way you dey address. As I dey so, I am ready to learn from people"

"Thank you Sir. You heard the topic right? So what are your thoughts concerning it?"

"On to this matter... In as much as we want look say parental blessing no important. For me oh, e important and I expect my children to see am as important too"

"Why Mr Chidi?" Geena asked, "There must be some sort of reason"

"Because I know wetin Parental consent do for my life. Like they say, what an old man sees standing from an iroko tree, a young man cannot see even while standing on Kilimanjaro"

Geena laughed, "That's a first, Mr Chidi had landed with his famous quotes and Proverbs" "No... No be funny matter, this na serious issue and my true life story. The first wife way I for marry, my parents no accept. Na later I come find out say the girl get things way she dey hide. This na after I don marry my second girlfriend."

"So you had two girlfriends" Manny asked and the man laughed, "No now. The first relationship being pain me but e just happen say as them no accept I just let am be. This babe way I for marry na devil but you see the one way dey my house now, na angel. My parents no argue when them see am. I feel, parental consent goes a long way to determining how long the relationship last" The line went dead.

"Wow." Manny muttered, "Thank you so much to that wonderful opinion. We have another caller, what's your name and where are you calling from?"

"My name is Folu, I'm a first time caller"

"Yay!!!" Geena screamed clapping her hands, "Nice to have you on the show dear, where are you calling from?"

"I'm calling from Lagos, specifically from Ikorodu. I just want to say I love your show and I'm happy to finally reach the phone line"

"Awn" Manny smiled and everyone laughed, "What are thoughts on the topic" "Yes! Parental consent is something I feel we shouldn't place as compulsory over love. Love is the primary thing in the relationship. This matter has sent some relationship to hell, it has left some women depressed. One way or the other we've seen cases where this consent thing destroyed relationships and when these two find other partners, its just not the same and" The call ended.

"Oh my God.. We just lost that caller but at least we got what she was trying to say"

"Exactly Manny and I agree with her, 100 %. Just like I was going to say the other time about one cousin of mine"

Manny gave an apologetic look beforre answering another call but the static sound filled the station instead. "Can you please move away from your radio?" He requested but the call ended still, "Too bad we lost that one. Please do call us back but this time, move away from the radio." He added while Geena read a message from the WhatsApp line. "Moses from Ajalekoko... our regular caller.. He said, Personally, parental consent helped me this far , I would have fallen into a bad relationship if not it. It determines how long a relationship last in that, when parents consent to relationship and marriage and issue arise afterwards. It will be easier for the parents to intercede and deal with the matter than the ones that didn't get the blessing of the family. You get?" She paused staring at Manny.

"That's a strong point there" She pointed out, "But I still stand to my opinion that it shouldn't be a bench mark to which relationship should be based on"

Manny answered another call, "What's your name and where are you calling from" "Na Oga Craig on the line calling from Cement." "Oga Craig, how far? Do you subscribe to parental consent to relationship"

"I say this as an happily married man, I don't care about the content, abi consent rather. Sorry, my blood dey boil. Like what Geena was saying, yes! I agree. One year relationship today has turn ten years on to, consent things. Some parents usually twist their feelings for selfish needs . Some will tell you I had a dream that you should not marry that woman when they didn't even sleep at all."

Manny laughed.

"True talk oh, like now my mother said all manner of things before I got married to my wife. No marry that Calabari woman, them dey do this, do that but I knew what God wanted for me. I'm not trying to be religious but I saw my wife in her and I did the necessary and married her. Ten years down the line and she's now my mother's best friend. Imagine I agreed to what mom said. Erm, you said something about your friend that wants to pick a date. Let them pick a date or else they won't marry this year"

Manny laughed, "The consent has been given today, that was what prompted me ask the question." "That one good but for that your other friend way like person way dey put him Mama feelings first... Except he's a Mommy's boy oh, let him do the needful before he loses a good woman. If she's a good woman"

"She is" Manny replied sharply, "According to my guy but the Bible says you should honour your parents. Shouldn't going against their will means dishonoring them"

Oga Craig chuckled, "Yes the bible says we should honour our parents but not to damnation. I am going somewhere. Make Una no end the call come lie say na network oh" He snapped and they all laughed.

"I honored them by telling them about my girlfriend and wife to be. What they say afterwards is their opinion, after all, everyone is entitled to one."

"Oga Craig!" Geena screamed, "Always saying his undiluted opinion" "Always oh!"

Ossy walked into his mother's room, "Mummy is after 10, they've started Uncle Manny's program. I almost forgot" He announced to Hilary whose leg were folded in bed, she had a single airpod in her ears, "Huh?" She asked facing him and he climbed the bed.

"Are you listening to Uncle Manny's program?"

"Yes. They are on break"

"Can I listen to it?" He asked and she nods disconnecting it from the airpods then the sound played directly from her phone.

"And we are back from the commercial break, it's still your favorite show and if you're just tuned to 98.7 Realm Fm at this time, stay on the dial cause it's not a mistake."

A wide smile formed on his face on hearing Manny speak. "Uncle Manny's voice is still the same even on radio!"

Hilary chuckled at his excitement, "So it's because of Uncle Manny you're suddenly happy" "Hm" He nods now paying vlsoe attention to what he was saying.

"Necessary? Should two love birds go ahead with marriage if their parents have not consented to it. I know of a friend of mine whose fiancée refused picking a wedding date because the guy's parents have not consent to it. And also someone who isn't ready to start a relationship with someone he loves, because he knows that his mother will not agree and in order to save her from the unnecessary stress African drama, he holds back from starting anything with her. Even though he loves her very much and she's the only woman he thinks of."

Ossy noticed his mother's lips curl into a smile after Manny said those words and then he creased his forehead in thought while staring at her. "What's Parental consent?" "Um... It can be in form of an acceptance or blessing from parents on a relationship heading to marriage"

"Just like you didn't get Mama's consent but Dad married you still"

"Yes. What was Daddy like?"

Hilary smiled, "Now?" "You can tell me after the show" "You know what?" She paused rushing towards the wardrobe where she pulled out a box then she dropped it on the bed opening it up. This is my life with Odefa in a box" She exhaled taking out a wedding picture of the both of them.

"That's your Dad and I on our wedding day. One of the most controversial moments of my life, food didn't go round and our families were fighting but your father and I escaped, all he cared about was the fact we were together.I remember him saying, "At least we took pictures" She laughed to herself.

"Your father was a very funny man, he was a good person, loved by a lot of people, he had this charm. He was that invigilator that will walk into the exam hall and say, I'm not telling you to be quiet but at least reduce your voice"

"Whaaat?" Ossy asked in surprise then he laughed, "He was that friendly lecturer in his department. After he left, I thought It'll be hard to fall like I once did...."


"Fall in love"

"So you have fallen?"

Hilary cleared her throat, "Erm... We should return back to the program" "Who pushed you? Uncle Manny?" He asked and she shrugged picking another picture. "This was our honey moon in Abeokuta... We went to Olumo rock" She quickly switched the topic and Ossy folded his hands.

"Mommy you are changing it"

"Changing what?"

"I was talking about the person who pushed you till you fell in love"

"Can we avoid this topic, you're smart enough to know I'm trying to avoid it"

Ossy pouts, "But I don't want to" "Ossy... Biko (Please)" She begged, this was followed by a call from Nicholas.

He frowned the moment his saw the caller ID. "Noo!!!" "Stop that behavior, it's rude" She snapped answering the call. "Hey Nicholas" "Hey wonderful. Are we still having that lunch? I hope it still stands cause Nancy can't wait to meet you"

"Wow. Sure! The lunch is still on! Definitely, Ossy is excited about coming too"

"I'm not" Ossy replied with a grimace on her face while Hilary shot a look at him leaving the room. "I miss you" He confessed and she shut her eyes, "What? How long has it been since we saw?"

"Four days... That feels like four years already, Hilary I don't want to push you away or feel like I'm insisting too much, I'll really like you to take my proposal into deep consideration. I want to wake up to see you everyday in my life"

"I've heard. I just need time okay?"

"No problem dear. Can't wait to see your beautiful face"

"See you there" She answered ending the call. She then paused the blaring comments from the radio storming back into the room with a frown and a folded hands. "Ositadinma Nnamdi, you're not a spoilt brat, stop acting like it! Let this be the last time I say something on phone and you make a side comment that will make me look like a liar"

"But I didn't say I was excited"


"But Mummy I"

"Shh... I was just looking for something to say. We are going to meet Nicholas today, whether you like it or not. If you like frown from now till tomorrow, you'll still go." "But.... Can't you call Uncle Manny to baby sit me?"

"Manny has his own life"

"Aunty Kilahi"

"Has her own life"

"Aunty Sefa"

Hilary tightened her fist then she exhaled, "Issy, don't test me" "Mummy I don't mind staying at home, even if it's with Aunty Jennifer. It's that bad" "You're going and that's period. You better be nice and I'm serious Ossy, you are going to be in your best behavior capeesh?"

Ossy nods, "Capeesh" "I don't like when you make me act like this!" "Is Uncle Manny still coming to help me with my Yoruba assignment?" "That will be later in the evening. He has a busy schedule today"

"Can I listen to him on the radio now? Please?"

Nicholas danced while Nancy scoffed shaking his head, "Brother, one question" "If its a stupid question, save it! I'm not interested" "Why are you bent on deceiving this woman?" She asked but he rolled his eyes, "I don't have the time for this today Nancy, just respect yourself and keep quiet."

She hissed and scoffed, "I should respect myself, abi you should respect yourself and do the right thing" "What's that right thing?" "Leave this woman alone!" "I love her" "Mbanu! (No) You don't! That woman is just a trophy for you; a woman whose son you can't accept is not worth you starting anything with. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record of late. There are a million girls out there"

Nicholas rolled his eyes, "Are you going to see her or not?" He asked and his sister nods, "You know I'll like that but..." "Then keep quiet and don't ruin things for me. Instead be a good sister and support your brother. Put in a good word for me"

Geena pushed her head into Manny's office with a wide smile, he found him typing on his laptop, "Hey Manny, I and the gidi were heading out to get lunch. Wanna come with?" "No. My hands are full, I have to get somethings delivered, some emails to sort and I have deadlines and all so... Raincheck?" He asked taking his eyes away from the screen to the door.

"No problem. Should we get you something? Pizzas?"

"You know I love to eat my pizzas hot now"

"Die hungry now!" She snapped and he laughed, "Why are you taking this personal?" "Manny" She called out now entering into the office and he lifted his head concerned at her serious tone, "Good show today"

"I should say the same for you too"

"For some weird reasons, I don't know" She shrugs, "I feel you were talking about yourself in there about that guy holding back. I know you're secretive and all and like to keep to yourself but guy and I don't want to intrude but whether that guy is you or your friend for real, I just want to say that you shouldn't hold back from a chance at love for anything in the world. If you love someone and the person is all you think about but you're holding back because you don't want her to experience one African drama. You might just be unfortunate to watch someone fill your shoes and trust me, attending the wedding will just as hard because all you'll see when you look at her will be a woman you could have made yours. You only live to fulfill life once, the question I have for you or that person is , is the person living for himself or his Mom. He might not just know, but he might he a Mommy's boy in disguise"

Manny cringed, "I'm not a Mommy's boy" "Then do the needful and change the narrative. Whether Mommy likes it or not! Take a step! And see what she has to say about it" She advised then she left the office.

He covered his palm over his face in exhaustion, "God!"

12:03 pm

Kilahi knocked on the door and Aunty Abebi opened up clad in a ugly brown pyjamas. She was shocked to see her, "Surprise!" She yelled waving her hands, "What are you doing here?" "I felt it in my spirit to pay you a visit"


"I don't know"

"Okay" She paused folding her hands and staring at her, "Can i come in or Is it a bad time?" "Um.... No, not exactly. Come in" She replied clearing her throat and Kilahi walked into the small modern living room.

"Sorry... I'm really not used to having anyone come around except Aisha. Even I don't accept her visit if it wasn't planned"

"Oh. I'm I hope I'm not imposing"

"I thought that's what friends do? Even though I still don't understand why they bother" She replied with a confuse look on her face then she rolled her eyes and waved her palm backwards as though she didn't care.

Kilahi smiled, "Someone was taking note" "It somehow stuck to my memory." She replied taking her seat then she watched Kilahi stand waiting to get permission before having a seat.

"If you're waiting for me to politely tell you to sit, you'll be standing for a long time"

Kilahi gasped then she slowly took her seat. "It's only proper to tell a friend to have her seat" "Since you imposed this visit on me, you can as well impose on the chair too or feel at home but don't take the chair home" She replied then she watched her arc her brow in thought.

"That was supposed to be a joke."

"Oh" Kilahi widened her eyes then she laughed, "Great! You're laughing at the fact that my joke didn't even make it to the stand up Mic" "Not exactly. Okay... Somehow toor it's a bit funny oh"

Aunty Abebi closed her eyes in shame, "Don't rub it in. The shame is already worst than an injury" She replied then they both laughed. "How's your family?" "They're fine. Dad extends her greetings and he said he'll love to have dinner with you again"

"Are you sure your Mom won't end up pouring hot oil on me?"

Kilahi laughed, "That's not the case. Haba! Geskia, the man loves to argue politics, if you're a person that can talk about the intricacies of politics backed up with facts, he automatically calls you a friend and a good nationalist." "My regards to him too"

"He'll definitely hear"

"How is the newly engaged woman doing?" Aunty Abebi shut her eyes when she realized she didn't offer Kilahi any drink, "Forgive my manners, not like I had one. What can offer you? Wine, juice?"

Kilahi shrugged, "I'm fine Ma. I went over to Caroline's house, they offered me something already." "How's Caroline and her little sister and her Mom?" "They are fine. They'be started moving things into the new apartment you helped them with"

"Oh yes. I had to get a contact of mine to hasten the process. it was taking too long and I just feel the little girl shouldn't be in that environment for that long."

A smile curled Kilahi's lips, "How's the weekend going for you Ma?" "Boring as every weekends that I don't have anything or event to attend" "Weddings?" "Weddings gives me the itch" "Why?"

Aunty Abebi shrugged, "It's just one of those things you know can never happen to you" "Why will you say that?" "Do you know my age? I am in my mid forties" "Even those in their mid fifties still get married. Toor, there's nothing impossible for God to do"

"Can we not..." Aunty Abebi exhaled, she didn't want to get angry at her or sound rude and end up feeling guilty about it. "Can we not talk about this? What do you know? You're 27, you're not even 27 yet and you're already engaged."

"I don't know how you feel but I do how it feels to be hopeless. I remember just like it was yesterday. I felt so hopeless like my life made no meaning... Like nothing good could come out of me but in a snap, things turned around and the strength came to carry on. My hope and perspective got this ignition it needed in the first place. I think you should open your mind to the impossible"

Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "Possibility of falling in love or having a man fall in love with me? That's like trying to squeeze water from a stone?" "Why?" "Have you met me?" "Yes!" Kilahi replied moving to sit close to her, "You're a good person"

"Before you knew I was a good person... I appeared scary. I know I'm scary, I don't smile often and every man wants a woman that can smile"

"Because you're acting it"

"Men... Men..." She exhales, "Men are naturally primal and they feel the need to be controlling and oppressive while you submit and I don't want that. I don't want that, I don't want to go through the same thing...." She trailed blinking her tears then she lets out a deep breath.

"The same thing what?"

"The same thing my ... My mother went through. She kept quiet all the while she was cheated on by man she fell in love with"

"I'm sorry Ma"

"My mom gave her all for a man, she was so in love with him. She got pregnant but he refused to take responsibility because he didn't want his father to know he had gotten an Yoruba girl pregnant, a daughter of an Akara seller, because of the religious, ethnic and class discrepancy. She kept quiet, spent a long pregnancy period alone, she said it was a long one. A really long one cause she was made public shame. That conception led to me but he had the nerves to marry Hajia, I'm not angry at Hajia, she's a good woman but it's just the fact he got married to more wives after that. That's the real pain, if mom had given birth to a son, I'm sure he would have jumped to claim me as his. God I hate that man!"

"You can't say that"

"I do hate him for making me feel like less of a child that he couldn't father. I hate him for making my mother and I suffer"

"Didn't he try to..."

"I don't care! All I know is that I'm getting back every penny from him"


"In a law suit"

"Against your own father?"

"Because of him Mom died early... I know death is uncertain but its his fault and I don't want to see, I don't want to hear from him him... I just want him to pay" She sobbed and Kilahi drew closer to embracing her.

"Ma it's fine. It's fine"

Hilary and Ossy stood in front of Nicholas' front porch waiting for him to open the door then she looked down at Ossy. "Smile now, see as you're carrying your face as if I'm selling you off to him" "Feels that way"

"You know I love you and I'll never do anything to hurt you"

Ossy nods, "I just don't want to be here, you know I don't like him" "What did the bible say about loving your neighbor" "Thank God he's not my neighbor" He replied and she rolled her eyes then he chuckled.

"Now you're laughing cause you know what you just said"

"Can I just stay outside?"


Nicholas opened up with a smile on his face, "If it's not my two favorite people in the world" He blurted out and Hilary faked a smile, "Good afternoon Nick" "Good afternoon Sir" "Good afternoon Ossy Ossy, how are you?"

"Fine" He answered, then they all entered into the house. "I hope you're not stressed from school stress"


"Sorry that I'm taking you away from home when you should be resting"

"I wanted to stay at home too but Mommy said no"

Hilary cleared her throat, "I'm here anyways, I cannot come and go back. It's not as if I know the way home" He replied and Nicholas faked a laughter, "This your boy is very mature and funny. I like him"

Nancy got out of the kitchen with an apron on and Hilary smiled, "Oh my God, look at Nancy" She gasped, "Good afternoon Ma, welcome to my brother's humble abode. Hope you're fine" She asked and Hilary nods.

"I am."

"Good afternoon Ma" Ossy greeted and she smiled, "This must be your cute son Ossy, awn" She moved closer to him, "My brother has said a whole lot about you" "Really like what?" Hilary asked Nancy rolled her eyes.

"Trust me you don't want to know" She answered and Nicholas cleared his throat. "Is the food not ready yet?" He asked and she faked a smile at him, "It is." She replied then she faced Hilary.

"You're welcome Ma. Please make yourself at home"

Kilahi watched Aunty Abebi return back to her seat then she blew her nose into an handkerchief. "Pardon me" "No problem Ma" "I haven't cried this much in...." She trailed off inhaling and exhaling.

"Do you have to sue your Father"


"You said he's old"

"He can as well die, I don't care"

"Really? You don't?" "It's just hard to look into his face and not see the man who abandoned me. I'm sure the narrative would have been different if I was a male child. All his male children are special to him and now they are all spoilt brats!"

"They are your brothers. You have your father's blood running in your system. Whether you like it or not, I'm sure you took something from him"

Aunty Abebi shrugged, "I don't know. I've never known in person" "You've never spoken one on one, why?" "Not like the opportunity hasn't presented itself but I just don't want to hear him make excuses for his failure. He still wants to speak to me but I know he's only doing that because I'm suing him for negligence"

"Why not try to speak to him"

"Never!" "The spirit of unforgiveness is epidemic, it spreads and doesn't make you grow. Your resentment for your father has spread so much that I'm sure you probably don't trust men"

Aunty Abebi exhaled again blinking the tears in her eyes. "I don't hate men, i just.... I hold on to the notion that men are not worth it and I'm not going to let any man silence me"

"Did someone break your heart?"

"Oh that man hasn't been born yet!" She replied and they both laughed it off.

"I left the relationship at the time"

Kilahi widened her eyes in surprise, "You were in a relationship?" "Yes! Wait, you don't think I'm virgin do you?" She snapped and they both chuckled. "I saw what men can do to women even in secondary school like I once explained so I decided that I was going to be meticulous before starting a relationship. Which I did in the university. The relationship got sour, he was always complaining about one thing or the other, my dress, my ardency in my studies, I was studying law for crying out loud! And there was this time I caught him cheating. It was an unhealthy relationship that I needed to get out of in order to gain sanity. And I did and ever since.... I've been unavailable, scared that every man will be like the idiot."

"A whole Aunty Abebi is scared"

Aunty Abebi chuckled, "What can I say? Even Lions have their moment of weakness. All men are scum but some are more scummier than that others and I've had my share. I don't want another serving me another piece. I'm happy the way I am, doing what I'm passionate about"

"Don't you want to fall in love?"

"Love is an imaginary thing when it comes to my state right now. Why do you think I'd rather be called Aunty Abebi rather than Miss? Cause I know it spares me the imagination of being called Mrs Abebi some day or being reminded that I'm single every time someone calls my name. Who will love a person like me?"

"Anyone can! You're beautiful! And I'm not trying to kiss ass... Look at me staring at a beautiful woman dressed in her Peejays on a Saturday afternoon."

Aunty Abebi smiled and waved her fingers, "Stop it!" "I'm very serious Ma." "I haven't even taken my bathe" "All you just need to do is be more flexible, smile more at events you know.... Thid is coming from me, someone who hated smiling. Cause I'm sure one man is out there falling in love with you, just waiting for you to smile so he can shoot his shot but you're chasing him with all that seriousness."

The thought of Barrister Emmanuel suddenly popped into her head and she laughed.

"I'm sure someone must have asked you out"

"They can't. They don't have balls to. Well except...." She trailed off and Kilahi moved closer, "Except who?" "No one.." She replied, "Forget it!" "Thank God I don't have amnesia, I'm not forgetting anything Ma. You must spill, I refuse to be held in suspense"

Aunty Abebi bit her lower lips, "It's just a man I met in Ebonyi... The lawyer that represented Hilary's late husband's mother. He asked me out to have lunch" She paused throwing her head aback in laughter. "After the mess he made in the court room! I wish you saw him"

"Ossy did his best to mimick him"

"It was worst and funny than that. I spent the first two days laughing off the whole event that happened in court that day. After all that, he still had the balls to ask me out. It was the nerves for me!" She paused then Kilahi smiled.

"Wow... He looks like an interesting man to me"

"He's forty years old."

"And so? My baby is 10 years older than me"

"He's a man, I'm a woman"

"This sounds weird but do you at least see him as someone you can give a try"

"If I was six years younger. There's that question of what his family might think about him getting married to an older woman. There's also the chance of being fertile and giving birth. It's all too much to think of it"

"Don't you want to?"

Aunty Abebi shrugged, "I do. I just know if I'll make a good wife as well as a good mother" "You will Ma, or you'll learn eventually" "I've always felt like that path isn't for me" "You're a pretty determined woman. I'm sure you can move whatever if you put your mind to it" She advised and Aunty Abebi groaned.

"He's in Ebonyi, I don't have his contact and I don't know how in the world I'm going to get them... I can't even start something with someone that lives that far. My life is here" She clicked her tongue, "This is mission impossible. Let's just drop it, it's not possible."

After lunch, Nicholas, Hilary, Nancy and Ossy sat in the living room watching cartoons. "I don't know why all children loves cartoon, I think something must be done against it cause we might be sitting in our rooms not knowing our children have been brainwashed" Nicholas opined and Nancy cringed at his opinion.

"Cartoons are children's love!"

"Didn't you love cartoons too as a child?" Hilary asked and Nicholas hissed, "Not like the way these children do these days. There need to be a regulation of cartoons or let the parents regulate the cartoons. If it's not cartoon, it's PS 5"

Nancy rolled her eyes, "Hilary, I just want to say that I was surprised when my brother mentioned he met you in church. I was amazed, like wow, this must be fate judging from how he liked you those days"

Hilary smiled, "I was surprised to see him too" "I'm sorry about your husband's death, I remember that year when Nicholas mentioned about it and they were contributing to the burial on the group chat and"

Nicholas glared at her blinking his eyes for her to stop talking, "Wow..." Hilary trailed off, "So Nicholas mentioned it" She added and Nancy nods, "Yes oh" She replied turning towards his brother who was still blinking his eyes.

"Brother is there something wrong with your eyes." She asked she tapped Hilary on the laps, "Ehn hen, as I was saying. It's very sad. He couldn't even come for the burial but I don't blame him though, you know he was still hurting from you getting married to the young lecturer and then it now looked like the lecturer made you a widow so... He couldn't attend the burial"

He tightened his fist finally realizing that she was doing it intentionally.

Hilary nods facing him, "Hilary I can explain" "You said you never knew about Odefa's death until you heard my testimony" "That's the truth, i swear to God" "Ah! Brother!" Nancy snapped. "You better don't use God to swear"

"So your sister is lying"

"Yes! Nancy has a rare mental illness"

"Really? You want me to believe that" She asked then she rose up, "Ossy, let's go" She said and Ossy smiled rising up from the seat.

"Hilary wait first" He said shutting his eyes then he moved close to her, "I can explain" "This must be interesting, what explanation do you have for this lie"

"I didn't lie.... Okay fine, I knew about Dr Odefa's death but I'm sure that Sunday I didnt say that I didnt know about his death."

Hilary slapped her forehead, "So I heard wrongly, or I'm the one lying or perhaps I also have a rare mental illness that makes me mix up information" "We can put that into consideration" He replied and she rolled her eyes.

"Who are you and what have you done to Nicholas? This isn't the man I knew"

"Well you turned me into this person! You did!" He screamed, "I mean I loved you from year 1, you were my friend and I helped you, from your term papers, attendance, I wss there for you but what did you do when a lecture sprung out of nowhere? You left me for him"

"I didn't leave you! I wasn't even dating you, it's not my fault Odefa had the balls but you didn't"

Nicholas tightened his fist, "No wonder you stopped being close to me and then you blame it on me being married. Shame on you!" "He stole the woman of my dreams, did you expect me to be happy? Nine years now and I still mourn over losing you."

"So when you saw me in church, you thought you could win me over right?" She asked in tears. "You thought you could probably get married to me and place me as trophy in your home to boast about how you finally got back the one that got away. Nicholas, Screw you to hell! Look at me thinking you were that man I once knew! Ossy!" She called and he held by her wrist, "You're not walking away from me Hilary! You did that once and I won't allow it. If all this doesn't tell you that I'm in love with you then you're stupid Hilary. I took you on a date, I treated you specially, I've even gotten a ring for us, I tried to endure your stupid offspring you got from Odefa and his rude behavior and you just want to walk out without giving me a chance and hearing me out"

Ossy pulled his hands, "Leave my Mommy alone" He groaned and then he pushed him away till be landed on his buttocks. Hilary slapped him on the face with her free hands and he quickly lets go of her, "Never you lay your filthy hands on my son or I swear you'll have me to contend with"

Nicholas' hands were almost up to slap her back, "Do it? Nicholas i dare you to raise that hands on me, do it and I promise you someone is going to end up on the floor and it's not going to me on my son"

"I'm sorry"

"No. I'm sorry for not seeing it soon, I'm sorry for not listening to my son who never liked you from the first day! Don't ever call me again," "Hila" "Don't text me, you're not welcome to my house."

"Mummy let's go" Ossy said and they both walked some steps away then Hilary walked back towards Nicholas whose eyes twinkled in joy. "I knew you'll have a second thought"

She left him speechless with another slap, "That one is for everything, for being a horrible friend, for lying to me! Nicholas you deserve worst" She snapped leaving with her son in her hands.

Nicholas tightened his fingers staring at his sister, "I didnt see that slap coming but brother you know you deserve it" "Get your things and get the hell out of my house"

Nancy sighs rolling her eyes, "Trust me, I already did that. At least now I can sleep well knowing you're not deceiving somebody's child. This is the best thing I ever did since I came" "Get out!" He yelled throwing a pillow at her.

"You need help me! Serious one!"

"Come on get out of here! Idiot!"

Hilary paused recalling out she had walked out of her ex's house the other time. How she got slapped for giving him a slap and here was another woman beater. Tears ran down her eyes and Ossy who noticed gave her hand a little squeeze.

"Mommy don't cry"

"I don't want to but ..." She paused kneeling before him, "I just.... Mommy has been through a lot of things, bad men and all.... I'm just tired, all I want Is a good man"

"Uncle Manny"

"Manny.... Is not even.... Let's not even go there. It's complicated. I'm sorry for not believing your guts"

Ossy shrugged, "Shey I told you the Holy Spirit was talking to me" He teased and she laughed, "Now I believe you." "Are you sure Uncle Nicholas will not go and check his ears? I don't think he'll be able to hear anything in the next one week"

She busted into laughter, "Serves him right. Baby are you okay? Look at the way he pushed you" "Yes I am." "Let's order a ride home"

Deja laid in bed reading through unanswered messages from Vincent-

Hey Deja... Hope you're fine, have you eaten? Do you mind having lunch with me? I was about to have lunch?

I love the dress you wore. I just want to say you look beautiful.

You look beautiful today. Just like always😊
Do you mind having lunch with me?

The day you'll reply my message, I'm sure that day will be the most happiest day of my life😂. Anyways... I'm still open for lunch any day, any Time!

Deja shut her eyes swiping to a more recent message then she click on the message bar typing a response.


Vincent immediately comes online and a smile curled her lips. She suddenly became scared and thought of all topics to begin with. She waited for a response but didn't get one.

"What's going on?" She whispered, all her attempt to get his attention has proved futile. Is he no longer attracted to her or does he have a new girlfriend? Could that be the reason?

Gbadamosi knocked on the door and Aunt Mabel opened up and a wide smile curved her lips, "Good afternoon Ma" "Good afternoon Pastor. What a pleasant surprise, Kilahi didn't mention anything about you coming over"

"Because she doesn't know. I only came in to surprise her"

"Ooh.... She's in the kitchen, you can go in" She invited him in. He could hear Kilahi's from the kitchen telling a story. Her voice was loud. Uncle Adder smiled on seeing him, "Ah.. Pa"

"Shh" Aunty Mabel whispered and Gbadamosi bowed hs head with a clasped hand then he mouthed a greeting, "Good evening." He replied then he pointed towards the kitchen area. "She's inside"

Gbadamosi walked in, "That was how, the woman went from shouting that her child was missing to announcing him being found" She sniffles a familiar perfume, "Ehn hen!" Gbadamosi replied with all interest then she turned screaming at him.

"What are you doing here? You didn't send notice"

"Your PA was not on duty"

"Come on! Have you heard of phone? Mommy, Daddy! Did you guys set me up with this man?" She asked and Gbadamosi laughed, "Chill, they didn't know I was coming. They only just played along with the surprise. I wanted to surprise you"

"Another secret proposal again?"

Gbadamosi, "What am I proposing again?" "Toor, with you I won't be surprise, you can kneel down right now and ask me to choose a wedding date. I should just start calling you surprise" She teased and he gasped poking her arm.

"Don't poke me again or I'll scream"

"My mama is threatening me"

She laughed then she returned back to removing the gills from the head of the cat fish. "What's the gist about that I heard your voice from the gate" "Kai! Pastor that's lying" "What's the gist"


"Accepted, oya drop gist"

She smiled then she cleared her throat, "Was it necessary to clear your throat?" "It helps the free flow of gist" "Its like you've been doing this amebo business for long" "I'll keep my gist, what's all these insults for? You seem excited. What's up?"

"There's something I've been itching to tell you but I'm under strict orders not to do so... I'm sorry baby"

Kilahi arced her brow, "I don't understand" "Oya give me the gist now" "Choicest... What's going on?" "Nothing serious" "Choicest Boo... My sweet, sweet sweet love, my boo now and forever"

"Save it till the wedding day. All these hype will not make me spill, I made a promise and I'm a man of my word"

Kilahi pouts, "Look at me thinking I was you love with all of your heart" "I love God with all of my heart" "It's not bad. We've not done the wedding oh, confession Is spilling already." She chuckled then she exhales.

"I hope everyone is okay"

"I'm in a good mood. Everything is okay"

"Okay... So Dad called me that he got catfish from a colleague of his that sells at Epe so I went to the market to get some stuff for the pepper soup. This woman started shouting that she can't find her five years old son, I was worried and deep within I just prayed that nothing should go wrong. Like I cannot come and buy something and someone's child will be missing. No way! Before I left she found the child is one Aboki's shed. The man said he saw the child wandering and then had him sit on the chair because he thought it was dangerous"

"And you waited to get all these gist"

Kilahi kept quiet, "No now... It's a question. You waited" "I was partially worried now. I'm not saying anything again... Go away!" "Wait now" He pleaded giggling then she lifted his bloody hands at him.

"I'll stain your polo with Fish blood now" She threatened lifting up her hands and he moved back in fear. "Look at the fear in your eyes" "Who? Me?" "No me" She chuckled turning on the tap to wash her hand. "How was your day?"

"Great. It's been amazing"

"What happened? You said something about going to church. Did something happen?" She asked and he laughed at her, "Just say you're looking for how to draw the gist of out of me. Gist transfusion"

Kilahi laughed, "Babe now. Why are you doing like this ? This suspense is not good for my heart, you know how my heart gets when you're around and now this suspense" She pouts and he continued laughing.

"I'll let you know but not now"

"What if you tell me over Catfish pepper soup? I'm about to make my super irresistible cat fish pepper soup. Today you must eat it, no force on earth will make you say No."

Gbadamosi shuts his eye while a low groan escaped his lips, she already knew what that meant. "You have other plans right?" "Yes. I'm sorry and it also involves you but you can cook It alright, I'm not going to come into your Uncle's getting his favorite from him his favorite cool. I'm jot going to deny him of that"

"What's going on?"

"We're going out"


"You'll see when we get there"

Kilahi laughed, "Really? Another surprise, well done Sir" She hissed and rolled her eyes, "At least promise me you'll have a taste. At least a taste" "Sure"

"Thank you" She smiled embracing and he gasped, "In your father's kitchen" He whispered and she laughed, "It was done unconsciously" "Now I'll smell like fish"

Kilahi held his shirt smelling it, "Your fish hand" Gbadamosi groaned, "I've washed it" "You can't get the smell off that easily" "Is it poison, I'll even put it on your face" She lifted her hands towards her face, "I'll bite you oh" He pretend as though to bite her and she giggled moving away.

"I rebuke you"

Mr George pushed Mrs George out of the kitchen, "Take you bath and get ready to welcome your daughter in law" "I want to see to the cooking till the end. I don't want the rice getting unnecessarily soft"

"These women have been the one cooking It since"

"Turn off the gas on that soup, I don't want it over cooked! Oo ooh!" She groaned in frustration while her husband sucessfully pushed her out. "This night is a special night and you're inviting your family too, i don't want the food to be messed up. I want everything to be perfect, I ruined the last dinner for her, I want to make it up to her"

"You will, go and take your bathe and dress up"

Mrs George exhales turning towards her husband, "I'm nervous" "Everything will be fine" He assured lifting her palms and she kissed his palm, "Thank you honey" "You're welcome" He answered then he watched her leave.

Ossy dashed towards the door on hearing a knock on the door. He knew it was Manny, so he opened up ans embraced him tightly, "Hey champ" "Uncle Manny good evening!" He greeted breathing fast, "What were you doing?"

"I ran from the room when I heard the knock"

Manny turned towards Jennifer who seated watching television. "Good evening" He greeted and she faced him waving her hands, "Hey" She replied then she turned her head at Ossy who was now whispered to him, "She even answered you. She didn't answer me when I"

"What are you saying?"

"I was telling Uncle Manny you didn't answer me when I greeted you"

"When was that?" She asked then she rolled her eyes. Hilary stepped out with tray containing fufu and soup. She was clad in a night shirt that had cartoon figures on it. "Welcome from a stressful day" "Thank you. Good evening Hilary"

"Good evening" She replied placing the tray on the table then she took a quick glance at his tired face. "Pele"

Manny laughed, "At least you can say correctly" He snapped and she frowned, "I'll just vex and speak this Yoruba for you now" "Please vex... I want to hear you vex" "No. Uncle Manny, let her use the vex to teach me my Yoruba assignment" Ossy chipped in and Manny laughed bumping fist with him.

"Good one"

"Look at this people, you're still telling him good one. Don't worry, we'll see. Ossy, I hope you know that Uncle Manny will come and go but your mother will remain with you. Be picking sides well"

Ossy chuckled while Jennifer sat where she was rolling her eyes. The conversation was bothering her.

"Manny love" She called out to Hilary's surprise, "I listened to your who this morning and I must confessed I really love the topic you raised. I love the fact you're able to talk about controversial topics and I think you should have a seat with me so I can talk more about my opinion on parental consent. That certainly has to be important than this"

"Sorry I didn't come for you but we can talk about it another time. How about that?" He snapped to her shock. She couldn't believe Manny will choose Hilary and Ossy over having a conversation with someone as hot as her.

Why is he constantly hanging out with her? Does he like her? Can someone as hot as him even like someone like her?

Ossy laughed giving her a look and she frowned knowing the look was to mock her.

"Suit yourself" She answered returning her gaze back to the television.

"Uncle Manny, should I bring my homework?"

"Uncle Manny has to eat first. I'm sure he hasn't had anything good"

"I had rice in the afternoon but I'll like to go through the assignment first if you don't mind"

Hilary nods and Ossy rushed into the room. "Gosh you look so tired" "You can't imagine, i had reports, emails I needed to respond to. Things I left hanging that I thought were going to sort themselves out. I had to do it today, I was in the office all day"

"You could really use a massage"

Manny smiled, "Are you sure you didn't just read my mind?" He asked and she laughed then Ossy got out with a notebook and a pen in his hand. "Uncle Manny, Uncle Manny" "Huh?" "Guess what?" "What?"

"We have a boy that has asthma in our class. His sister is always forgetting to put his inhaler in his bag. Mummy was the one that told me the meaning of asthma. They don't let him run but he likes running"

"That's sad"

"He's my friend now, we follow the same school bus"

"How many friends do you have now?"

"Just that one with Asthma, his name is Audrick. The other ones are under evaluation" He answered and Manny laughed, "Who taught you evaluation?" "The same question I asked him!" Hilary replied.

"So Audrick sister came to our school and....and when she saw me. She was like hey cutie l, where is Audrick and... and instantly started to stammer. Those people there now started laughing at me, one of the pupil now said he will like to call me Mr kálòlò (Stammer) but I told him that I don't like the name that it sounded like something from the pit of hell but he said it means, Mr Intelligent"

Manny scoffed, "Primary school is still as mean as I left it. Kalolo means stammer" "I knew it was from the pit of hell. He's the one that's a Kalolo. See why I said the other friends are under evaluation. Me have just deleted his name" He sat on the floor and then Manny joined him while Ossy flipped his boom to where the assignment was.

Manny grabbed the book smiling, "Your Mom should know this one, what mẹ́ẹdógún?" "Um..." Hilary's eyes squinted in thought, "That's a number right?" "Yes" " Um... Ogun means 20... Even it my Yoruba is bad... I know Ogun means twenty and mée means... Is it cow? Cow maybe 20 cows"

Ossy and Manny busted into laughter, "Ossy what do you know?" "I dont know anything but I know the Yoruba teacher Oruko.. Was talking about numbers only. Where did you see 20 cows" "It's Oluko" Manny corrected.

"Oru...luuuu" He trailed off trilling his lips and they all laughed.

"Its 15..."

"You two do your thing, while I clean up the kitchen." She paused staring at Jennifer whose focus was no longer on the movie again. "Jennifer, should I serve your food?" She asked but she hissed leaving the sitting room.

Hilary shrugged and walked into the kitchen. Then Manny picked a pen writing on a jotter, "Do you know the basic of Yoruba, numbers. Stupid question! Of course you don't. One is Okan, two, eji"

"Do you like Mommy?" Ossy blurted out to Manny's astonishment. "You can tell me the truth" "What do you think?" "I think you do. I told Aunty Temi and she said I should ask you"

"When was this?"

"On.... Wednesday"


"Do you like Mommy?"

"Yes I do"

A smile formed on his face, "I knew it." "How?" Manny asked in wonder. He knows Ossy for being smart but this one.....takes the cake!

Ossy shrugged, "I just knew and my first night here, i saw you and Mommy" "Oh my God. I'm guessing that was how you heard about the time I planned on waking up. How much did you hear?" "Everything. I didnt understand at first but everytime I keep thinking and with the way you two have been.... You look like all these couples in movies"

Manny chuckles, "I can't believe you were awake that night" "So the woman you were talking about on radio was Mommy. She knew so she smiled, it was when she smiled that it made sense to me" "She smiled?"

The little boy nods.

"So why don't you want to be with Mommy?"

"It's complicated"

"Is it because of me? Because she has a son"

Manny scoffed, "No! Why will you say that? Why do you two keep saying that? It breaks my heart! I'm not that kind of person, I don't care if Hilary has children. I love your mother and the truth is I see you more as a son and a friend that I can talk to no matter your age. I don't mind making you my son cause I love you as much as I love your mother"

Tears ran down his eyes and he wiped it off, "Thank you" "It's just complicated because" "Parental consent. Mom explained it to me. So your parents don't agree." "My mom will not agree and I don't want your mom to through the same thing again"

Ossy cried, "I'll really like it if you end up being my Dad, I never grew up with one but ever since I came to Lagos, you've been the one that made me .... That made me feel like I have a father and it's not because of the pizza and ice cream"

Manny laughed in between tears, "I know" "You even came to teach me my home work even though you're tired" He paused embracing him then Manny pats him while he quietly sob.

What do you think about the update???

The last scene of sort of emotional or was everything emotional?

What's coming next?????

A big reconciliation and ...... Guess what?💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Guess?? 😎


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