📺 Chapter 30📺
Apologies for not keeping to my promise oh🙏🏼
I didn't foresee some things that happened yesterday. After church service, I didn't rest until eight in the evening!
I'm sorry! 😣
For those that wanted long chapter like @Kumphy.... This was suppose to be the longest chapter ever but... I just had to cut it so I don't disappoint you guys further💔
If I want to divide all these my chapters like some writers do ehn! I would have been in Chapter 75 by now😂🤣
Please Vote, I want to turn on on my phone to see your comments
Thank you
Chapter 30
Deja pulls the door opened and Bella barged in, "Hello darling" "I didn't ask you to come in" "You don't have to" She replied hearing Gbadamosi's voice from the live video of the church service, there was pen and a journal on the chair too.
She swallowed hard and rolled her eyes, "Are you seriously still listening to this man?" "What is your own?" "When you told me you didn't go to church, I was excited, like finally! Someone has finally become wise. I see you're still stupid"
"Please just leave me"
"Do you want me to recount how this man broke your heart? How this man made you wait for him only to choose one unattractive pencil over you"
"I'm angry at you too,do you see me shutting the door at you? Didn't I still reply your chats?"
Bella sat on the table then she crossed her leg, "What did I do?" "Bella, just leave me alone" "What did I do? If I've done something wrong, at least I deserve the right to know. What did I do gan?"
"You left me alone to have sex with a stranger"
"Nothing you haven't done before"
"I'm a Christian!"
"What were you before? You're not exactly a virgin, why are you making a fuss about this?"
"You left me alone!"
"Well, you've never liked threesomes"
"Ugh!" She tightened her fist angrily, "You're either intentionally acting stupid or you don't have my best interest at heart! What if he was a kidnapper or a ritualist? You just left me alone" "You're here aren't you? Why are you angry at me?"
"Bella I had sex! After being celibate, I had sex and it's your fault"
"Was I the one who opened your legs wide to take all of him. Was I there when you were humping him? Was I there when you were moaning and crying in pleasure, why are you blaming me"
Deja scoffed, "I can't believe you just said that! You told me that man was staring" "And so? Did I force you?" "No" "There you have it! I gave you a push and you followed the guy, this is all you, not me"
"Bella you're such a bitch"
"I've always been a bitch and you know it. But I care about you.. I called you the following morning"
"To ask how the sex was. You didn't care if I was forced into having sex, all you wanted to know was how good he was in bed. Such a friend" She replied sarcastically then she scoffed.
Bella hopped on the chair, "I am a friend, all I wanted was for you to loosen up. Babe I've been your senior babe and advisor right from secondary school, I told you what to do when you had your first sex, we've been through shit together, together we've gotten pregnancy test kits, together we've rejoiced over getting negative results, together we've cried over getting a positive results, together we've done the needful. I just want the best for you"
"Having sex?"
"No. Having your life and not being hung up with a man that doesn't give rat ass about you. Babe you need to live your life, you need a man in your life, a man to make you feel like a woman"
Deja exhales, "I've been waiting for long" "Other men will still come. What about Daniel? Have you called him to know if he's still interested" "I already deleted his number" "What about erm.... What's that guy's name, the one that has this cat eye that time"
"He's married. I broke up with these guys, you don't expect me to go back and beg them. The insults that I even gave them"
"Forgive and forget"
"Actually they're the ones that need to forgive me. This Pastor Gbadamosi's case, just made realize how screwed up I am"
"More guys will still come now. You na fine babe"
Deja shrugged, "There's.... There's Vincent, he's the guy who works with me at the office" "The pest?" "Yes. I've been mean to him but he keeps coming back. He brought me back home the other time you had me drunk! You're a terrible friend Bella"
"Right back at you"
"This guy didn't stop calling to check up on me. If I don't pick up, he'll send text messages, except since Friday. I haven't received any calls or messages, will it be selfish to still expect those messages even when I treat him like trash?"
"Is he fine? Any picture that I can see"
"I'll try to draw up something from his Facebook, I've not even accepted his friend request." She left the live video page to search for Vincent's pictures.
"He's all those kind of guys that always snap their photo up close" "Is he that old?" "He's not old like that.... He's mature but he has an old face. What about you Bell? Are you not old enough to find yourself a man?" "Ooooh.. What's the rush? I have my eyes on the price" "What price? Let me guess, another man's husband?" "Actually, let's just call him the ladies men."
"Are you not tired of sleeping with other women's husband?"
"As long as they give me the pleasure or money that i want"
"Don't you also want to get married?"
Bella bit her lips, "I do... I guess every good man has been taken and we just have to manage the crumbs or we take them by force"
Deja hissed on seeing a picture of him, "I didn't even know he has this kind of picture sef, it was taken last year....Oh it's his birthday shoot" She answered showing it to him.
"Okay...." Bella trailed off with a smile, "He's not looking bad. Are you going to let him go?" "I don't know what to do? Friday he was just acting rude to me, I think he's tired and I get it. Even my parents are tired of me"
"So you're going to let go without giving it a chance?"
"If I go after him won't it make me look like I only went after him because I was rejected?"
"Duh??? Who fucking cares? Even Jesus was rejected by the people he came to to die for. The guy is not bad looking, that's all I know. Please where is his home address?"
"Why do you want to know his home address?"
"Why are you being defensive? Ihought you didn't want him."
"He's my last resort"
"You haven't even accepted his friend request, men are now scarce these days.. I could use me a good one"
Deja dragged her phone back, "He's my last resort, find yourself your own! Do and go I need to continue this message"
Gbadamosi stood beside the pulpit with his hands in clasped, "I know the service is over and all. We just celebrated a baby dedication but this message just came in for someone. Online or right here in this room. I don't know the clouds you're chasing, that has resulted to a form of grudges or something against your spiritual head. I don't know who exactly I'm talking about. God is saying you know the right thing to do, he has already given you sign to do the right thing but why are reluctant?" He paused, "I don't know what sign God has given to you but one thing I know is if God is giving you an instruction, obedience is better than sacrifice. It might not look like what you planned or what you wanted but that simple act of obedience can open your eyes to the supernatural provision that God has at the other side. I'm sure the person listening knows his or herself so... That said and done, if I'm the one you're angry with. Just come we'll settle it" He joked and everyone laughed.
"I want to quickly use this medium to thank everyone that came here for today's service. Those who came to celebrate our brother in the Lord, Brother Lewis on his child dedication. Or those gave their life to Christ yesterday and those who came from all units to join the movement, from youths to the women and men department, you all are wonderful, may God reward you accordingly. The GMM... Jesus Brand, REM, Pastor Nath, thank you for yesterday. I've known this man from Anambra, he has been doing Prison evagelism even before i started ministry, don't judge him based on his looks oh, every time I call him, he always makes himself available. Evangelist Kuti, my fire Brand friend was there by my side yesterday. My appreciation also goes to know those that i had to force and some that came even though it wasn't convenient, thank you Kilahi Agbo for coming"
Kilahi shuts her eyes then she whispered, "He didn't have to call my name"
"Thank you for being a friend indeed" He added emphasis to the 'friend', "She called me her friend, no doubt but there's how somehow will call you a friend and you know you've been friend zoned for life." He paused and everyone chuckled.
"Well, thank God my case isn't like that. Brother Timothy will be taking announcement now" He bowed his head leaving and everyone screamed happily while Kilahi laughed bowing her head in shame.
Hilary watched Ossy sit where the first timers sat when her gaze fell on Manny. He smiled then he laughed for no reason. She rolled her eyes knowing he was still mocking her about that morning's incidence.
A message popped on her phone and she glanced at it.
Real mature Manny, real mature
Making fun of my misery right?
You know what? I'm not even in misery
Wait... So you're only going to respond in emojis?
First to do no dey pain
Just say please?
Please what?
Please Your Handsome, beautiful voiced, intelligent Manny, come and stay with me, I need the company
😂Tueh! Talk about the Triple threat
Its not my fault I'm good looking, I have a beautiful voice to die for and I've got the brains too. That explains a whole lot
A whole lot what?
Why you couldn't help it😛
Issokay, revenge is best served cold baby! 🍛 🍽
I love the sound of baby😉
Well you better cause you'll be crying like a baby when I'm done with you
I'm scared.
Manny typing....
A man clad in a navy blue senator wear approached her with a smile on his face. "If someone told me that I'll someday get to meet you, I wouldn't have believed it"
Manny sends his message: I hope you don't mind if I take you and Ossy out? 😊. I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for Ossy😜
Suddenly he looked up only to see the man beside Hilary. He cleared his throat and observed.
Hilary creased her brow wondering why his face looked do familiar, "Oh my God!" It finally hit her! "Wait.... Nicholas! It's Nick" She blurted out. Nicholas gasped patting his chest, "Wow, I'm touched. She still remembers me"
"Oh my God! Why will I forget my night class buddy? I can't believe I'm seeing you" She shrieked then she embraced him. "I forgot I'm in church... Oh my..." "You forgot me sha"
"That was only because I became a married woman, got pregnant and then graduated. I had a lot of my mind. You were the one that stayed away now, you gave me distance as if I had a disease and ever since, I haven't heard from you. What are you doing here?"
"I was invited for a child dedication, this feels like a dream. Pinch me"
Hilary pinches his arms and he smile, "Wow... This Is real. I almost didn't believe it when I saw you giving that testimony. I knew I had to corner you. Mehn... You look beautiful"
"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself"
"I guess the boy you were with... He's Dr. Odefa's son right?" "Yeah...."
"I'm sorry about his death... I never knew, when I heard you say it there, it pierced deep. This is a lecturer we all knew even though he wasn't in our department, I knew him"
Hilary folded her arms, "Really? You never knew? I thought they posted it on the WhatsApp group chat" "I... I didn't see it. If I had, I would have reached out. Come on, I'm not that heartless now. I was no longer following the group at that point, I would have at least showed up for his burial. I'm so sorry for your loss"
Hilary exhaled, "It was sad... I guess one cannot completely get over the loss of a loved one but I guess I'm over it in a kind of way." "Gosh you look beautiful! I must have your number sharp sharp"
Bimbo walked hurriedly towards where the first timer were. "Our seven years old baby" She called out and he smiled, "How am I a seven years old baby?" He asked and she switched into a more Yoruba accent, "Shey, you just did your dedication now, I just say pe I should call you a baby. Baby Ossy"
"I guess i should say" Ossy bursted into tears like a baby and Bimbo laughed, "Welcome to church dear" "Welcome. Can I join the ushering department? Mummy wants to be an usher, I was wondering if I can join"
"Wow.. That's quite ambitious, it's not everyday you hear children say they want to be ushers" "So you have a normal voice and another kind of voice"
"O ti get e!"
"What does otigetyeah mean? You know I'm still a Village boy"
Bimbo chuckles, "It means you're right. Does your Mom know how to speak Yoruba?" "Zero, she said she does not know how" "Why don't I teach you then? Lagos is a jungle, before someone will call you 'Ara Oko' (Village man) and you'll be telling them, thank you in return"
"What does that mean?"
"Village man"
"Ara.. Oko"
"The Ara Oko, that you are calling now, is the 'body of the husband' but don't worry...you'll get there"
She handed Ositadinma a bottle of juice and a nylon, "That's yours" "No. Someone has given me one already" "Oh Wow... That's weird, some kids wouldn't have mind"
"You're right, in my church, that's how you'll see women collecting more food after stuffing like three in their bags, they will still say they've not collect oh and it's In church oh. What's the need for it, the donut might be sweet but it will not satisfy my generation either so what's the use of lying because of it? Cause it will pain me when I go to heaven and when they will now be checking my record they will now not let me pass because of donut"
Bimbo chuckled, "That will be terrible, it won't look good on your heavenly resume" "Resume?" "Like a CV" "Oh, i know CV. I am being careful, they say I have bad mouth already, i can't do daylight robbery"
"What's your name?"
"Your name supposed to be Oseefardinma cause you're seeing far or maybe Wisdom"
He laughed and she gave him the nylon instead, "You can keep it as a souvenir for being a good boy." She winked at him and he smiled shyly, "Thank you. It's like the people in this church are nice, can I also come out next week as a first timer? I think I like this first timer thing"
Bimbo laughed, "No. It's like you've forgotten heaven so soon" "No. I didn't, just playing. What about the usher thing?"
"Oh. I'm trying to imagine pe someone will enter the church and hear one small voice said welcome to church and the person will be wondering pe, who is speaking, God, I know you like to speak in a still small voice, is that you? abi pe it's the Holy spirit only to look at the ground to see a little angel on surface level repeating welcome to church"
Ossy chuckled, "I'm not that short... I'll be taller in the future" "Weldone Uncle Tola that can see far into the future. I'll forward it to the Chief Usher, you can start with the children's department first"
"Okay Ma. Thank you"
"You're welcome dear"
She moved away and Chioma moved towards her, "Usher Bim" "Usher Chim, hope no problem, this one you've shorten my name like this, Can I hear the full of gist?" "You're like the Acting Chief Usher"
"Who gave me that position? Papa's Chief protocol is back from his long journey oh. Whatever you want, direct it to him. Wo Usher Chioma as you as see me, if you look at me from up to down, I'm ushering and at the same time, I am rushing. My eyes is not here, it's doing investigation in Papa's office. There's a target I'm trying to meet, if I miss that target like this, I won't happy"
"Yes Ma"
"Thank you" She lifted her hands zooming off.
"All women will be meeting briefly" The Women President announced to one of the women when she sighted Kilahi pass beside her with a bottled water. , "Sister! Excuse me" She called out running after her then Kilahi turned towards her with a smile on her face.
"Do you recognize me? I was the one from yesterday"
"I remember you. Good afternoon Ma" She greeted slightly bending her knees, "Good afternoon dear. My name is Elizabeth Akabueze, women President of this church. Since we have no Mama, I've been the one filling that shoe for years now, the women in the church will not want to appoint another President so... Here I am. I'm just happy Papa finally found a woman to fill that vacant seat beside him. Welcome Mama"
Kilahi bowed her head feeling uncomfortable, "I'm not Mama yet" "Did he force you to court him?" "Of course not!" She replied blushing, "So why are you shy? Why shall you shy? Are you not a people?"
She never knew people still use that line? She thought that joke died four years or five years ago!
She had to laugh compulsorily, "Don't be ashame, my dear it's fine. Shebi you were the one that wore the same color of dress with Papa that Sunday shey? White bah?"
"Yes Ma"
"You two looked fine together. I was like, who is this one? But my mind did not go to that side cause I know that if Papa want to make that kind of decision, he will let some section in church know. You are a beautiful woman my dear"
She blushed, "Thank you Ma. Ma, but are you happy for real? Are you not concerned about calling a small girl like me Mama?" "Why will I be concerned about that? Why? I have a daughter that has a small stature like you. So if the Future President of the country decides to be serious with her tomorrow, will I say no because of her small body? Or will the small body prevent everyone from addressing her as First lady when she comes out. My dear, your body is perfect, there is room for you know... More after one or two children but irrespective of all that, you're still my future Mama and I will accord you the same respect I will accord the first lady of the country. For all I know, you're the future first lady of the church."
"Thank you Ma"
"Officially... We'll Introduce you to the women next week Sunday. We the women have to meet first"
"You women can take your time, two weeks, four... I'm shy please"
The women President laughed,"Eweh... Don't worry, you'll get used to it. I know you probably have your own church but I believe God didn't bring here at this time for nothing. Our HB' 22 is around the corner. It's our women annual conference we usually hold in March, it's always a big one and I think it will be nice to stick around these weeks to know how we usually host this thing"
"Ma... We're not married yet, we're only courting"
"Married or not.. You're our future Mama and a lot of responsibility will be shouldered on you, no pressure oh but I think you should stick around, I'll even get your phone number, perhaps I'll call you during the week to let you in on some information and perhaps get your opinion"
Kilahi exhaled, "Is that necessary Ma?" "Very necessary." She snapped her fingers as though remembering something, "That reminds me, the uniform for the conference is available. We are making use of customized adire material. I'll show you before you leave"
Kilahi could hear her heart pounding in fear, she has not even paid for Adiya's aso-abi and now there's another expense before her that she can't say no to. Adire materials are usually expensive, how will she pay?
"But you don't have to pay at all"
"I don't know... But God is just placing it in my heart to give you as a welcome to the women group gift and this isn't me trying to be political because I might need your favor one day. I am not that kind of person, i'll pay for the material"
Kilahi almost sighed in relief. This was just another scenario of what God cannot do does not exist!
"Thank you Ma." She clasped her hands and Presido held her hands, "It's nothing.. Please don't make it look like I did anything."
"God bless you Ma"
"The Lord will take away anything that will cause shame to you, he will cause men to support you and your vision"
"Amen. See our Mama already praying for me, I have received my first blessing from Mama"
Kilahi smiled then she noticed Ade wave at her, "Excuse me Ma, I was waiting on the line to see Papa, I only just went to get a bottled water" She lifted the water up. "That's fine. You can go. See you around" She replied watching her leave.
Then the VP approached the Women President, "I thought it was going to Deja now, we were vouching for her" "You and who? Vouch what?" "I didn't know that Papa will leave the church to search elsewhere. I don't have anything against her oh, I'm just surprised it ended up not being Deja and I was promising her on Wednesday. Na wa oh, how is our future Mama like? Is she a Pastor in her church?"
"Does she have to be a Pastor?"
"Who is fighting with you? I just want to know"
"She looks like a nice woman, respectful and well taught. If it was Deja, anybody for don see road today? She for no raise shoulder up block e everybody eyes? Anybody way call her Deja, she for no carry pen commot the person eyes? This one is humble"
"Time will tell. Have you mentioned the conference to her?" "Yes" "And the material? It's pertinent that she gets it oh"
"She will get the material definitely, we have it all settled. This our future Mama no get wahala"
Kilahi approached a few person who were waiting, "Is It my turn?" She asked, "Yes" Evangelist Mannasseh replied, "You can go in and see your friend Ma"
She noticed that emphasis on the friend so she laughed it out.
"Evangelist Mannasseh, avoid me oh, he's a friend now. Abi is he not a friend?" She snapped playfully then he bowed his head respectfully, "It's nice to see you again Ma and apologies once again. Who knew I was doing gragra for my future Mama, please forgive me Ma"
"Stop it now, I'm serious. We already dealt with this yesterday"
Ade steps out of the office, "You can go in now Ma" He smiled watching her go in then Bimbo and him entered too.
Gbadamosi almost laughed on seeing the both of them, "I don't understand, when did you guys turn into Kilahi? I asked Kilahi to come in" "We just want to come in and make a request" Bimbo answered giving Ade a look.
"What kind of request?" Gbadamosi asked watching Kilahi take her seat.
"It's a future request Papa, on behalf of the ushering unit. We are not selfish people we always look out for our sisters and brothers, let it not look like we are on different page. Mama, we crave your indulgence"
Kilahi widened her eyes, "What does this have to do with me like this?" "Wo, it has everything to do with you, boya gan, you even have everything to do with it" Bimbo answered giving Ade the go ahead to continue speaking.
"Papa it's concerning the wedding" Ade paused. Before Gbadamosi could ask any question, Bimbo picked it up, "Papa you see this wedding like this ehn! They will collect wotowoto, left and right, you see the ushering unit like this, we will all wear one uniform, one aso-ebi"
"Wow" Gbadamosi engaged them, "What color are we looking at it like this?"
Bimbo smiled waving her fingers, "I was thinking pe, something like elephant blue and white" "Pele oh, I did not that that we're advertising Omo detergent that day" Ade snapped, "Elephant blue wo? (Which elephant blue)"
"The elephant blue that you know"
"It's you that know and your next of kin that knows that one oh. All I know is that I won't go out looking like elephant or OMO detergent, olorun maje! (God forbid). We should kukuma wear hippopotamus brown and and custard orange, let's kukuma look like LASMA and be stopping wedding guest that day, rubbish" Ade snapped, "What did I throw and what are you throwing back at me, kini mo gbe, Ki le ju.. Simple elephant blue, you've abused my next of kin."
Kilahi witheld her laughter.
Ade faced Gbadamosi, "We've not reached a conclusion on that yet but I think white will be perfect"
"The angels in heaven, they are still asking God, what color can we wear apart from white? The angels will be wearing white, the bride will be wearing white, we too will now wear white, are we ghost? No offense to the bride of the day but are in competition with the bride? Somebody will now see me now and start asking where my husband. That is why I wanted us to use elephant blue to compliment the white"
Kilahi bursted out in laughter at the show before her, Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "So you guys thought I was serious" "Papa it's an opinion, even God said come let's reason together, we are trying to bring forth our strong reasons"
"When you use the word of God that way, you leave me with no option than to say... No. Can you two excuse us?"
"Paposh Sir... We have more reasons, I was just thinking since we are the first partaker of this relationship, I think we should have reserved seats" Ade suggested, "We should kuku make you the master of ceremony"
Ade shook his bead, "I'm not doing, MC don't eat at events, all they do is talk. I am all about the talk but you see the food, o se pataki (It's important). Even the bible says that a way to man's heart is through his belly. Out of the abundance of the heart of a man, the speaks, so food in a man's belly equals a happy heart, a happy heart equals what the man speaks. That's the only balanced mathematical equation I know in this life"
"The bible now said out of the belly shall flow rivers of living water. I believe I speak on behalf of myself when I say if Mama wants to have my heart, food is the channel that will cause all my spirit, my bowels to open up for her. No wonder our elders say, an hungry man is a happy man, wise people!"
"Rhema" Kilahi nods in interest.
Bimbo continued, "Ma, it's not as if you don't have our heart, you have mine already, i even think pe I forgot my heart in your hand that day on Valentine after you gave me that gift. If not that I am attracted to men, I would have thought pe, I'm in love with you. You have captured my heart but if you provide reserved food for us lasan! Yei! I will detached one part of my lungs, my capillaries, one part of my kidney and my liver for you"
"You will not give my your intestine too?" Kilahi asked with all seriousness. Gbadamosi couldn't believe that she was playing along with them too.
"The food has to pass through somewhere Ma"
"Most importantly and I say that with utmost emphasis, let there be Igbin barbecue in one corner specially for the church usher" "Yei! Brother Ade, 10/10" "Ah, the things I can do for Igbin, Esau did not do more than that, I'll sell my birthright, give you my NIN, PVC, abi what am I using it for? Take it and give me snail any hour of the day, morning, noon, night, mid night, even inside the dream, I'll still eat it"
"I'll wake up a drink water too" Bimbo chipped in, "And that's on a period Ma, thank you Ma. So with this few point of ours, we hope to have convince you about your wedding plans"
Gbadamosi scoffed, "It's your kind that will betray someone for thirty pieces of Silver" "Who needs silver, just a snail exchange rate, I don't want much, just 10 pieces of snails pere! (only)" He replied and Kilahi laughed.
"Is that all? Or you guys want more?" Kilahi asked while Bimbo lifted her hands, "Another one, we want small chops too" "In this case big chops" Ade backed up.
"I always have problem with Nigerian small chops, especially our puff puff, we don't want 20 naira puff puff that they always put. We know that flour is costly but kilode, you will open the take away and you will be looking for the puff puff. The puff in the puff puff will have already disappeared, you will now be thinking, boya puff puff is now drinking slim tea. That one did not always pain like the meat, they will now put naira meat inside the take away. The last wedding I went to, the toothpick did not I enter into the meat, I had to ask for a special toothpick to eat that meat. Kanipe I use magnifying glass gan, someone will still not see the meat. Awon bakers, they need to step up. Let the meat be big"
"And the Samosa must be big too"
Bimbo smiled, "You see as I blush like this Ma, even if i give birth today like this, I can name my daughter Samosa, that's how much I love Samosa. It's also the most important part of any small chops" "Big chops! We don't want small chops" Ade corrected.
"Exactly... Samosa must be big too"
Gbadamosi laughed, "Wow... I'm sure the take away must be big too" "Yes Ma, boya we can order customized take away" Bimbo replied, "I have a plug" Do you have a socket too?" Gbadamosi asked and they all laughed.
"Will you guys still have stamina to eat again after all these food?" He asked they both gave a nod.
"Papa,all these are just side dish, just exercise for the main dish, we're just using it to do pressed up" "Yes Sir... We'll now use the Ewedu, gbegiri, amala and Jollof rice to do pressed down" Bimbo chipped and Ade smiled at her.
"You are speaking my language. So Papa and Mama, what's your response?"
Kilahi nods, "I've registered it in my head, it's a proposal, Papa and I will think about it. After I get proposal, where are are you guys getting ideas from?" "We'll put you two in prayer" "How are you guys working in the same ushering unit?" She asked and they all laughed.
"That reminds me, where Deja? Why isn't she here? It's strange. I wanted to ask about her during the morning prayer"
Bimbo scoffed, "She... Didn't she call you" "She only called yesterday, something about being with her Mom. Is she still there?" "I don't know" "Didn't you come from home?" "Papa I don't want to lie so let's just do as if she's not feeling fine."
"Is everything okay with her?"
"Papa... i think you and our future Mama have a lot to talk about." She replied running off and Ade followed.
"Is it just me or Bimbo is hiding something?"
"She is. It's concerning Deja.. The usher whose wig you removed" "Oh. I still owe her an apology. Is she okay?"
"I don't think she is. I'll call her later" He replied smiling at her. "Thank you for coming today" "It's nothing. Thank you for the broadcast, now everyone has their eyes on me"
"Probably because you're beautiful"
She chuckled softly, "I had to put on something sewn by myself, I didn't want to embarrass you" "Shh... I wasn't embarrassed yesterday" "I didn't want people judging their future Mama based on what she wore the first day. I'm sure there are people judging me already for looking thin, you know that people can talk"
"You look perfect"
"Thank you. There are people waiting for you. I only came to tell you that I'll be following Hilary home" "Oh" "Yes. Any problem?"
"I was planning on saying Hi to my spiritual father. I already had the plan, I thought... It's okay, I'm sorry"
Kilahi exhales, "You want me to go along with you right?" "Not anymore. I've stressed you enough, we'll fix another day during the week but he's a busy man"
"Who is your spiritual father"
"Bishop Caleb"
"You can't be serious, for real?"
"Why will I be joking? He has this Conference in Jos next week, but we can find some other time" "No. Today is fine"
"I insist.. Have your rest, be with Hilary and Ossy, have your moment. Tomorrow is another work day for you"
"I also insist"
Gbadamosi groans, "I feel like I'm already taking so much of your time already even before marriage" "I'll get used to it. Besides, it will be an excuse to be closer to you and I'll be getting to meet a wonderful man of God that I only see on TV. I'll be outside waiting"
Gbadamosi's lips curled in a smile, "Thank you for understanding" "Why are you thanking me?" "I'm just asking once again like lovers do, how I got so lucky. This your wife material ehn! The yards are scaring me"
"Be whineing me"
"I'll get Williams to call you, he was my chief Protocol. He's been out of the country, that's why I've been having Ade drive me around. He won't be staying for long though, but for now... In case you see him lately"
He handed a schedule note to her, "What's this?" "My possible schedule for next week, I kind of have work, before I bury myself in that and ministry. You deserve to know. If there'll be changes, I'll let you know as soon as possible"
"Why do you look pressured?"
"I'm about to enter into a very busy week, I'm praying for strength, God is my priority, but at the same time, I don't want to screw up and neglect you. I don't want to be that Pastor"
Kilahi chuckles in understanding, "You're not that kind of man, I trust you. See you later" She answered leaving the office.
"God forgive me if this sounds like gossip. Omo Papa's what.. Looks small oh" Sister Peace from the chior announced while they were heading out of the church and Sister Joke rolled her eyes, "You know if na small body structure she get?"
"But why Papa go cast this thing before proposal?"
"There might have been a secret proposal"
"There wasn't. You know that my husband is a Pastor, so...." Another said.
"She looks small to be Mama" The first one said and the Pastor's wife hissed, "Nothing is by age anymore oh. What we should be praying for is for her to be the right one"
Sister Joke scoffed, "Papa has waited this long, you think he'll make a choice and it won't be the right one. Me, I'm just happy for a lot of reasons, one, it wasn't who I thought it was going to be. You know that some people were already carrying this thing on their head before... I'm not going to call names"
"I know already but make we no loud am" Sister Peace chipped in and Sister Joke chuckles, "This one doesn't look like a bad person. Two, i'm happy that people will stop complaining that my Papa doesn't have a wife. I feel like the wedding should be next week sef, I can't wait for a mega mega proposal and a mega wedding. My Papa is off the market"
"Don't you have to be engaged to be off the market? There's no ring on her hand"
"Papa making that not so direct announcement is like a Pre-proposal already."
"But mehn... If I'm the woman, I'll be smiling till my lips touch my ears, she's even still acting calm. Humility overload! Abeg! Papa don carry eyes go market! Him don buy better wife material"
"Do you guys get?" Sister Joke asked and they all chuckled.
Ossy sighted Sefa sitting alone sadly then he sits close to her, "You're back to frowning" "I wasn't smiling before" "You smiled when I said ideology. Smile makes you look younger, frown makes you grow old quickly. Why can't you press your phone? Watch video to take your mind off that thing that's making you sad"
Sefa pulls out her phone from her handbag. "You mean this phone?" "Half bread is better than none, do you want me to prove it?" "Do you talk this much?"
"Yes, you?"
"I used to talk very much... Almost like you, the truth is when I do, I always said bad things, my mouth does not have control." She exhales, "You're still sad. Should I tell you a story"
"Is it going to stop me from frowning cause you'll only be flogging a dead horse"
"Why will I flog a dead...." He paused in realization, "You're the dead horse, so if try to make you laugh, you won't. Why?"
"Well welcome to adulthood" "If adulthood makes you frown, then I don't want to be an adult"
"Trust me, I've been there, you evolve with time. Adulthood is worst kind of hood ever! It's like a very complicated street and I'm lost in it, I can't locate or retrace my footsteps. Childhood was easy but with Adulthood, you have to make hard decisions, parenthood Is the worstedest!"
Ossy laughed,"You said worstedest" "I'm serious" "Even children make decisions, sometimes we decide whether to steal or not. Even though we haven't eaten biscuit for long, its not an excuse to steal. It's not hard to do make a good decision"
"You're speaking as a child"
"I chose my Mommy instead of Grandma. You think it was easy leaving a village I grew all my life in, it wasn't. I care about my cousins and I miss Chinaza too, who will be walking around now looking like a masquerade?"
Sefa exhaled, Ossy was beginning to win the argument. "With adulthood comes adult mistakes and sometimes you live with it" "They always say happiness is free, you don't buy it with money, I cannot let one mistake stop me from making people happy"
"Were you always happy when you were in the village"
"No but I find ways to make myself happy and other people around me. My teacher says i have a wide imagination" He said stretching his hands to describe how wide It is, "I think it's wild imagination, like wild animal, not wide"
"Anyone fits. Cause in my mind I'm like the king of the jungle, the way I think is wide too... So big that people will be wondering how old is he so, anyone fits, whether it's wild or wide"
Sefa chuckles, "Can I call you Lion king?" "As long as it's Mufasa, I'm fine. I don't like Simba" He answered provoking a loud laughter from her. She assumed as a smart child, he probably had his reasons. She wasn't ready to go into details.
"Do you want to know why I don't like Simba?""
"Maybe some other time"
"With this few point of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that happiness is free of charge" "Cute... But you don't know what adults go through, not when you're still wearing pampers"
"I don't wear pampers"
"You get my point shey?"
"How old are you?"
"You're still a teenager"
"I'm eleven years older than you." "Good point" "See, I was kidnapped and i escaped, I am going through a lot" "Oh.How many years were you kidnapped?" "Just a day, I escaped that night"
"I was kidnapped for seven years by my grandmother, beat that"
Sefa laughed, "You this boy! It's not the same, I was subjected to charms, I saw things" "I've seen things too" "Adult things" "Have you eaten a food that big cockroach has entered into?"
"Iew! Gross"
"Story of my life,"
"Really?" "Yes. Grandma doesn't like wasting food. I think the problem with adulthood is that you guys always carry things on your head" "You will understand when you get older"
"You can be sad but smile too, there's how you will be sad that even your shadow will be running away from you cause it doesn't recognize your face again" He exaggerated and she laughed shaking her head.
"That's not possible"
He smiled looking up at her, "Frown and see it happen. Oya smile" He urged and she chuckled. "There you have it. Are you happy?"
"Sister Sefa!" One of the protocols yelled, Gbadamosi was ready to see her. "You're supposed to remain seated at that spot" the guy complained "I wasn't feeling too well, I'm sorry" She rose up looking down at him, "Get to Aunty Kilahi or Your Mom"
"I'll stay with him" Manny volunteered, "Oh. Good afternoon Sir" "Good afternoon dear. I hope you're fine"
"I am. Thank you Sir" She replied running off.
Ossy smiled at Manny, "Can I sit with you?" Manny asked and the boy responded with a nod then he said, "Yes Sir"
Manny sat down, "I hope you enjoyed service today?" "Yes. They said they will be taking me to the children's church next week that the only reason they allowed me in is because I'm a first timer"
"I don't want to go. I want to be an usher here"
"Wow.. Are you sure?"
"Are you looking down on me?" He asked and Manny laughed, "You're a very tall man Sir, I dare not look down on you. I'm looking up to you, you're the hope for tomorrow."
Ossy laughed, "They gave first timers jam donuts and juice, the nice usher lady gave me another donut. I asked her if I can always be a first timer?" He asked and Manny laughed, "Wait... Because of Jam donut?"
"Yes." He passed one of the paper bag that had the donut to him, "No thanks" "You don't have to fear, I didn't put witchcraft in it. It's not poison" "Come on! You know that's emotional blackmail right?" He asked grabbing the paper bag then he took a big bite out of the donut.
"Are you happy?"Manny asked munching on the donut when Ossy grinned, "Yes. What's your full name incase I want to call you at night from our witch coven?" He asked and Manny busted into laughter then he coughed from being choked.
"Sorry Sir" He handed the juice over to him and then he arced his brow, "I'm fine" "I've already initiated you, I can't initiate you twice" He chipped and Manny laughed hard.
"Seriously Ossy? Don't do that when I'm eating. I almost died"
"You don't want juice?"
"It's yours and .. I don't want to be initiated twice too" He replied and Ossy chuckled. "Aren't you eating your own donut" "I have to ask Mummy first, I always ask grandma first"
"Oh" Manny looked towards Hilary who was laughing at this point with Nicholas.
"But I'm just joking oh, I don't have witchcraft. Although I think if I was a witch they would have dismembered me"
"I would have asked them why they don't use their power to create good road and electrical supply. If they can fly at night? Why can't they make NEPA leave the night for twenty four hours? Abi is their power only for doing evil things? Or Is it when they will be robbing the street, witch that will hear gun and hide, is that one witch? Instead, their own is to use their witchcraft to suck people's blood and destroy life. They would just dismember me"
Manny laughed, "True. Thank you for the donut"
"You're welcome Sir. In my church, the only thing they give first timer is handshake and pamphlet, they will now sing 'you are welcome in the name of the Lord'. They only share biscuits on special celebration and it's always all these big Cabin biscuit in one pack but sometimes I won't eat it"
"Ikechukwu will scratch his nose with all five fingers then he will now start selecting which biscuit he wants as If they're not the same size."
Manny squeezed his face, "That's gross" "Sometimes I'll pick where he didn't touch, other days I'll lose my appetite" "That's gross, in my primary school, the closest I've been with anyone irritating is a girl who used to play with spit. She was my seat partner, that girl tormented my life, the whole desk will end up smelling like spit, she made my life miserable. She's married now with children"
"I'm sure now that by now, if her children play with spit she will claim she was the cleanest person in the world at that age"
"That's parenthood for you"
"So all parents must lie"
Manny chuckles, "I didn't say that" "I'm sure when isioma grows up, she will tell her children that she always sleep straight, that's if she does not sleep on them first"
Manny chuckles, "In the house, that's how they will put paper In their bumbum and then fart inside they will now put it in someone's nose nose"
A grimace spreads across Manny's face, "We did that as kids. I never knew your generation still involve in that kind of thing" "Like Grandma will say, It's by the mercy of God that I'm surviving. Every Sunday when the choir sings 'I'm the one that you have shown mercy', I will just look into the heaven and I know that song is for me cause in my room, I always tell them that we are not breathing in oxygen, it's Carbonfartoxide"
Manny laughed and hissed, "So what are you guys now breathing out" "Our survival now depends on what we breath out cause you can't breath in fart and survive. We need to breath it out to survive"
"Don't you retaliate? Those days, we'll turn it into a fart war, na them go taya"
"Retaliate? Spell it" He requested and Manny swiped to the dictionary in his phone then he handed to him. "It means revenge. R-E-TALI" "ATE" He completed looking into the phone, "Retaliate, to do something harmful to someone because they have harmed you"
"Yes like i said, more like revenge"
"Me, I don't like doing revenge cause if i channel the anger in my system, they will not like how my mess will smell"
Manny laughed almost falling to the floor, "Jesus... This boy will not kill me" Tears were literarily coming out of his eyes. "So you were going through survival of the fittest there in that room." "I'm a surviver" "It's survivor." He corrected then Kilahi walked up to them, "Can I join you guys or it's just boys to men alone?"
Manny looked down at Ossy, "Do you want this woman here?" "Geez! For asking that question sef! I'll invade your conversation! What rubbish sef?" She snapped playfully turning towards Hilary who was still speaking to a man.
"Is it just me or Hilary has been speaking to that man for a long time now?"
"Thank you very much. I thought I was the only one who noticed" Manny snapped, "Ever since service ended oh, these two have been talking. She hasn't even answered the last message I sent her on WhatsApp. What are they talking about?"
Kilahi placed two of her fingers on the side of her forehead, "Give me a minute let me channel my super hearing ability to hear what they are saying" She answered sarcastically and Ossy laughed.
"Well play. I get your point but can you help me find out?"
Her palm rested on her waist in an Akimbo stance, "What? I certainly cannot interrupt them"
"But you interrupted Ossy and I"
"That's different. That man is a stranger"
"And that woman is your twin sister. What if she needs your help? What if... What if that man is not trustworthy and she probably needs your help"
Kilahi glanced back at Hilary, "She doesn't seem to need our help. Actually she seems to be enjoying the conversation" "Isn't that strange? Kilahi, as the twin sister, I think you should take the fall for Ossy and I and interrupt that conversation. At least know if she's fine"
She folded her arms and gave him a look instead, "What?" He asked in guilt, "Did I say anything?" "Your eyes are doing the action and it's speaking louder than words" "So what are they saying?"
"You're wrong. We just need to be sure that she doesn't need to escape from the man. You know that moment when you're talking to someone and you just need someone to interrupt the conversation so you can have a breathe of fresh air?"
Ossy smiled, "Like when one our teacher was encouraging me to continue doing well in school, she was talking directly into my face, all I wanted was for someone to come and drag me from that place because I was trying to understand the kind of food she ate before leaving home that morning, whether it's beans or raw ogiri, anyone of them, it was smelling like something that came out of Isioma's bum bum"
Manny laughed while Kilahi gasped, "Ossy, remind me never to talk to before my teeth" She answered and the little chuckled, "It's not like that oh" "But wait..." Manny paused, "Is it everything that you've experience?" "I heard they always ask for experience if you want work? I'll tell them that I have experience a lot"
Kilahi laughed, "I wish it was that easy" "Uncle Manny, i can meet Mommy for you, if only I have a good reason." He paused and Manny grinned, "Do you want to have lunch Ossy?" "I have my donut?" "More like real food or pizzas."
"I've never eaten pizza before, Yes! I'll interrupt that conversation with immediate effect" He rose up running off and Manny laughed meeting Kilahi's glare.
"You just asked a seven years old to do a dirty job for you"
"It's for the safety of his mother"
"You're jealous"
"Wow... Is it written on my forehead?"
"Yes! I can see the inscription, the green light alert is all over you." "The guy has been talking to her for close to 45 minutes and you see that look," He nods his head towards their direction.
"That's not a friendly look. Look at his body movement and the smile... That's not a I want to be a friend smile, that's a 'I miss you' smile. I can bet he's an old friend"
"Did you just profile him?"
Manny nods, "Yes." "It's not a bad thing if the guy sees her that way." "I can't believe you just said that" "Manny, Hilary deserves the attention, she's a pretty woman" "I know she is, I just don't know how I feel about it. I must be honest"
Kilahi exhales, "Manny, what are your feelings for Hilary?" "I'm in love with her" "Why can't you do the needful then?" "During Temi's wedding, my family showed you a tip of the iceberg, during the dinner, you saw the whole iceberg. Trust me, you don't want to know how that family looks like during winters, Mom is cold and I don't want Hilary or Ossy caught up in all this" He laughed nervously.
"I don't want her catching pneumonia"
"Why don't you let Hilary worry about that? Why don't you two have a talk to sort this thing you guys have going on."
Ossy finally approached his mother, "Mommy, Uncle Manny wants to take us out. Let's go" "Hey boy" The man called out and Ossy smiled at him, "Good afternoon Sir, can you excuse my Mommy? We want to go out"
"Oh. Your Mom and I were having a chat"
"So we should wait for you?" He asked and Nick laughed nervously, "Seems like the right course of action"
"Ossy," Hilary called out, at this point she had to break the tension between these two, "Baby meet Nicholas, you can call him uncle Nicholas, he was one of my friend during my university days. We were in the same department, those days, Nicholas was like that hand bag I take everywhere I go to"
Nicholas chuckles, "Ah!" "So Ossy... Say hi to Uncle Nicholas" "Hi" "Nice to meet you Ossy"
"Okay" He replied, of course he knew the right response would have been 'Nice to meet you too' but it just wasn't coming out freely the way he wanted it to.
With Manny it came naturally, with him.... Nah!
"You're supposed to say Nice to meet you too"
"I'm in church, I don't want to lie" He replied and Hilary gasped at his honesty. She actually underestimated her son's level of sincerity.
"Ossy, apologize to Uncle Nicholas right now. That's not a nice thing to say" She glared at him and he sucked his lips in, "Mommy, i'm sorry ... I just didn't want to lie"
"Apologize to him, not me"
"No it's fine. I'm sure he's just feeling territorial with a man beside his mother. Children feel that way, I have nephews too and I've studied them quite well"
"He still needs to apologize, Ossy I'm waiting oh"
He looked up at Nicholas and gave him a pouty babyish look, "I'm sorry Sir" He replied then he tugged at his mother, "Mummy let's go"
Hilary pouts at Nicholas, giving him a look that shows she has to leave with her son. "Rain check? You have my number, you can give me a call" "Better yet. Maybe we can have lunch or dinner one of these days? What do you think?"
"Sounds fine."
"I'll give you a call"
"Sure. Bye Nick" She waved at him and Ossy dragged her away.
"Bye Hilary" He whispered then he grinned.
Gbadamosi watched Sefa drum on the desk nervously while she recounted her Evangelism experience. "There were records of a few persons who gave their life to Christ. Some said they are awaiting trial, some said they have no one to help me, Pastor Nath said God can help them, at first, it seemed stupid to me. How can you tell Prisoners that God will help them? When I saw that girl and when she spoke about how she got kidnapped... I just had this hate for all prisoners! Deep down, I wanted them to rot in jail"
"Past tense.... What happened? Has your mind changed?"
"Kind of. I still want Buchi caught, I want him caught badly. This morning I was just... Can you believe Mommy and Daddy are still mad at me?" She asked in tears and Gbadamosi exhales passing an handkerchief to her.
"I'm sorry. Sometimes, the African in them always override their ability to show the compassion they want to. Doesn't mean they don't love you, trust me when I say this. I have my own share of the African mother drama but... All I know is they love you"
"I don't think they do anymore. The argument this morning was so hot"
"Who started it?"
"Because I wanted her to talk to me, it started with Mom, she wanted me to lie about to lie about how my phone got lost to my grandmother. I told her that I won't because I'm trying to live a new life, she flipped and recalled how I lied to her face." She hissed, "She does everything to remind me of that day, the only left is for them to paste it all over the walls. Then I told her that I reminded her of that old things have passed away scripture that was when I realized I had judged the prisoners wrongly. They agreed to accept Christ, doing that.. It means they don't have to go back to sin, the sin is already their past even if it's a day. Being Anger over those souls in prison is just like acting like my parents, I've made my decision to stay true to God and they don't trust me still. Is this how God feels about me? Does he trust me?"
"You build your relationship with God overtime, little by little. The question is, do you even trust God?"
Sefa shrugs, "I don't know" "See! What happened afterwards?" "I told Mom that I got kidnapped, at least I didn't get pregnant" "Jesus Christ!" "Mom gave birth out" "So I've heard. You shouldn't have..." "I'm sorry" "You should be apologizing to your Mom"
"I was angry"
"Best thing to do at that moment keep quiet or you speak with wisdom so much if someone wants to pick a fault from what you said, they won't find any."
Sefa dabbed her tears, "I apologize to her but she was insisting we go to church so I told her that I wasn't going. Why will I go and pretend like everything is fine when they're not even speaking to me? Being in the car will be so weird, I reminded Mom of how she got pregnant and how grandma drew her close, they didn't ostracize her but me..." She heaves in hurts as teara flowed down.
"What did they do afterwards?"
"Mom just sat down and cried, Daddy went out of the house. When we heard the horn, she and Sewuese left. That was why I came with Kilahi"
"I have to say I was surprise when I saw you. Are you okay? Is everything okay with you?"
"Apart from the drama? Yes"
"Don't lie to me" He snapped. This time Sefa exhaled rubbing her own arm, she suddenly felt cold. "I'm not okay..." "What's going on?" "Sir... Every nnight... Every damn night I dream and I see myself back in that place. I see him, Buchi, he comes up on me and rapes me.. I wake up in the morning to see myself all... I don't know who to tell, i don't know how they will handle It. I mean they're are already mad that I had sex. How will they feel when they find out someone is having sex with me in the dream? I feel it when I wake up. He said he doesn't lose an investment and it's so true."
Gbadamosi shut his eyes, "No, he has lost this one. Does Kilahi know?" "No. I'm supposed to tell her today"
What do you guys think of this update?😁
Will be dropping the next one later. NEPA just decided to disappoint me sha🤦🏼. (The Chapter is fully ready but there's no battery on my phone to post)
So we have a new character, is Nicholas going to be a problem?🤷🏼
We'll see!
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