🦋Chapter 3🦋

Good news guy!!!!!!

There'll be double update today.... I haven't done this in a long time so Enjoy it!😂

Before you dive in, I know the plot is still building up, but please push that star button and Vote!

Flood my comment boxbox!!!

Love you guys!!!

Chapter 3

Gbadamosi blinked his eyes into reality then he gibed as the temptation before him, he has never heard anyone use those words like that before. Like whaaaaaat????

"Did you suffer severe ear pains over the years?" He asked and she shook her head, "No"

"Are you sure? You know what Brenda? You do need deliverance cause I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with your ears. What part of I'm a Pastor didn't you get?" "Ouch"

"I've been saying it since on Sunday. Can't you get that I don't want...." He trailed off then he exhaled in order not to say more than he should.

"You don't want what Bada? You know if you don't like me, just say it to my face. Ever since I came you've been acting like I'm some contaminated piece of shit, you know what? Screw you Bada, the only reason I agreed staying in this shithole of a country Is because I finally saw you and it woke up sleeping feelings. Well congratulations, no more contamination cause I'll be leaving tomorrow, i'll be out of your fucking hair and you fucking face so you can finally take in a breath of fresh air. Cause I'm nothing but a damn pollution!" She snapped leaving the office in tears.

Gbadamosi hissed leaning his head on the desk, "Lord help me" He exhaled. "I need all the wisdom I can get"

Temi dialed Kilahi's number for the tenth time that day and she finally picked up. "Finally!!! What happened to your phone? First, am I on to Kilahi?" "Yes. Is this POP communication? Oh my God, I've been waiting for your call. I've been refreshing my email all through the week "

"It isn't POP communications"

"Oh" She pouts in disappointment.

"Is it Chrisland College?"

"No! What are these places you're calling?" "Places I applied... Is this the fintech company along Ikeja?"

"No! It's me, Temiloluwa Coker, does it ring a bell?"

Kilahi gasped, "Oh my God! I'm sorry Ma, I didn't know. You only got my number, I didn't get yours. I'm so so sorry". Temi laughed, "I've been trying to call you all day! What happened? Your number has been unavailable, I almost gave up"

"My phone has been on, must be the network. Jesus! Are you sure, my prospective future employers have not been trying to call me?"

"It's like this your village people are strong oh"

"You can say that again." She answered and they both laughed.

"Good afternoon Ma, how are you?" "I'm fine and you?" "I'm fine, I'm just waiting to get called up for an interview"

"Well, you're in luck. " I guess your village people are not strong enough. The foundation that I work with is currently in need of a staff"

"What's the job description?"

"Urh.... It's complicated, it's a human right organization that focuses on catering for people's needs and fighting when rights have been infringed upon so... That should explain it" "Is a secreterial job?"

"There's a secretary, don't worry your pretty head about that. You don't even need any specific course, but if you studied hospitality, it will really help you"

"I didn't"

"It's fine! Are you a computer literate?" "Yes Ma"

"Good. Even If it's mathematics you studied, do you want the job? Should I send your number or you'd rather wait for POP communication"

Kilahi laughed, "Thank you Ma" "Just call me Temi" "No... Let me Ma'am you. I really appreciate this" "I'm not assuring you, that you'll get the job, it all depends on how you do in the interview"

"No problem Ma, I really appreciate this"

"Kilahi what?" "Agbo Ma," "Agboma? Spell it" "It's Agbo.. A-G-B-O" "Oh..." She paused and it made sense why It sounded like Agboma. "You were saying Ma" She hissed, "Take care dear" "You too Ma"

Temi ended the call smiling, "Sweet girl" She smiled sending the number via text to the secretary.

Her name is Kilahi Agbo. Don't forget to send her own invite oh!

What if she doesn't check her text message? Should she make a call instead?

A message came in almost immediately.

Yes Ma.

Gbadamosi called her afterwards. "Hey Cous, what's up?"

Hilary waited for Manny at a cafetaria close to the Studio. She spotted two couples giggling openly and holding each others hands. Awwn, Valentine was around the corner, what did she expect? The owner of the eatery had already designed the whole place in Valentine's theme.

Oppression Choke!

The whole theme made her depressed. She gets that way during this season, to think she thought 2022 was going to be different for her. 2020 looked promising but the Covid made it hell for everyone. Not for her sha, cause she really enjoyed just being in her space all the while.

She gained a few pounds but yet, it was the most peaceful period of her life.

If people find out she tried committing suicide, they'll probably think she's only being stupid, they don't understand her plight. Tears ran down her eyes, this wasn't another story of yet another woman dealing with depression, not because she's single, far from that!

It was much more deeper!

She blinked her eyes as she reminiscence on the incident that broke the camel's back.

So she went to visit her sick fiance at the house, two nights ago. She made diner since he claimed to be so weak to do so, then she took it into his room. Apparently, the guy was clad in nothing but a grey boxers, all those men's seamless shorts that leaves nothing to the imagination.

The whole was just staring at her face! She even looked away. "Chris, what are you doing?" She asked dropping the tray on the bed. Cause how he moved from shivering and being so weak was quite shocking to her.

"The heat, i decided to pour water so that it will calm me down"

"Oh" She believed him, "I hope you're feeling better" "I feel much better knowing you're here, in fact, the moment you walked in, I felt better."


"There's something about your presence that just gave him this instant healing"

"Glory!" She exclaimed causing him to grin. "I cooked chicken pepper soup yam, it will drive out the cold. Come and eat"

Chris moved close to her smiling, "I'm not hungry" "Why?" "I want to eat something else" He answered and she frowned instantly "Don't tell me I stressed myself for nothing, I bought this yam on my way here. If you wanted something else, you could have told me"

"What I want is not within my reach"

"Well, you're going to go into the kitchen to prepare it yourself cause I'm not doing anything again" She said laughing and he arced his brow in surprise, "Really?"

"Yes. See your head, shebi you've seen romantic bride"

Chris wrapped his arms around her and she gasped, "What are you doing?" "What does it look like? I'm preparing the food myself now" He asked licking her lips and she scoffed, "Chris, this is wrong, what if someone comes in?"


"You're the youth Pastor, people come in and out of this place"

"Oh please! The door is locked. Who says being a youth Pastor shouldn't stop me from having fun? The strength of a man is in his youth, we've been courting, let me get to know you better just like the biblical way of knowing. We're getting married right?"

She nods and he moved his lips close to hers, "I'm not ...so sure about this..." She complained but kissed her anyways in as much as she tried hard to fight off the urge, the reminder of marriage made her reciprocate his kiss. After all, it's just sex! Not like she hasn't done it before oh.

She felt his fingers on her buttons, undoing each one, and her heart beat faster. "Just relax, let me make you feel good" He said kissing her lips, all he wanted to do right now was live. To the fullest. He wanted to make love to her.

She could see the hunger in his eyes but her fear rose up, the first was the fear of fornicating and the other was the fear of her body, she wasn't comfortable undressing in front of men.

Not since...

She moved back covering her cleavages with her palm, "I can't do this" "Why?" "This is the same house you conduct house fellowship, aren't you scared God might just pop up and wipe you with a whip?"

"Come on jhoor! Why you dey dull? Not like it's the first time, if He wanted to whip me, he would have done it the first ten times"

Hilary blinked her eyes, "Wait... What? The first ten.... It's not your first?" "I didn't mean it that way" "Oh I know what I heard and I heard it loud and clear. So it's not... Is that how you've been frolicking with girls.... Jesus Christ! I can't believe I'm hearing this... You're supposed to be Pastor Chris"

"And so? Not like I ever slept with anyone while we were courting, come on! We're engaged, let's just do this. I need this, you know I like you" He moved close and she shook her head, "Get married to me then, if you're so much horny, why don't you do the needful and get married to me, my parents are"

"Which parents?"

"My parents, you didn't even allow me complete m statement"

"Who's meeting your parents?"

"What kind of stupid question are you asking? You! Who else?"

"So it's me that will carry my two legs and go to your parents place"

"Isn't that the essence of the engagement ring?" She lifted her hands up and he forcefully held her fingers, "Come on give me that thing!" "Jesus!!" She screamed as soon as he removed it.

"Engagement no be marriage, look at this fat thing I am just managing. If not for the Senior Pastor that hooked us up as par how pathetic you were, would anything have happened?"


"What? You're not even happy that somebody wants to take a second handed product off the market. You're nothing but a fat pig, cow and you're going to die single and miserable"

Hilary slapped him and he slapped her back, she shut her eyes placing her palm on her burning cheek, "Wow, wow Chris" She bit her lips in anger, "You just hit woman" "So it's assault when we do it but it isn't when you do?"

"What happened to turning the left cheek?"

"Leave that to Sunday school. You know what? Get the hell out of my house and the next time you see me in church, act like you don't know me cause whatever we have is over"

"Damn you Chris! damn you to hell!"

Hilary wiped her tears off on hearing her phone ring, it was Manny. She assumed he was close so she looked around in search of him and found him standing by the door staring into his phone.

She waved at him, "Manny!" She called out and he looked towards her direction of the chubby looking woman who was seated dressed in a purple top, he didn't see what she wore underneath.

He flashed a smile at her then he walked up to her. Hilary rose up so he could finally see the long palazzo trousers she had on. "Good morning Sir" "Again with the Sir, you just called me by my name" "I'm sorry it's not everyday we get to see a celebrity on radio"

"Are OAPs also considered as that?" He asked taking a sit just opposite her and she sat down too.

"Yes, as long as you have thousands of fans that tune in everyday, and you're also an influencer. How many followers do you have again? 122 thousand followers"

Manny gasped, "Are you sure you're not stalking me right now, are you out for my life" "Don't worry, I'm just here for the signature" She replied and they both laughed.

Nice start, he thought to himself. He has been worried about how the conversation will look like.

"You're a celebrity. Even if no one sees you as one, I'm your number one fan"

"Awwwn. For real?" He placed a hand on his chest, "I listen in everyday, you're a sort of a motivation for me even when life got tiring"

Manny exhaled, "Okay..... Do you want to talk about why you're tired of life?" "Uh...." She cleared her throat, "Why don't you make an order, I'll pay if you don't mind" "I do mind" "Let It be my treat, it's because of me you're here so...." She trailed off but he disagreed.

"My dear, don't make it sound like we're having this meeting somewhere in Ogun State, my work place is just a stone throw. Besides" He switches into an Igbo dialect, "The African man in me won't agree," He paused and she laughed.

"My Ibo people will be hurt when they hear that accent"

"Hey I tried"

"Hm" She grimaced and he gasped, "Up your game" She added making him laugh. "Now I'm embarrassed"

"I'm just kidding"


"No. I don't want you to feel bad"

"That's exactly how I'll feel if you pay the bills! it's like wounding and shattering my ego" He shot a look at a waiter and he walked up to him smiling,

"Nigeria men and their ego. As if they can exchange it into dollars"

Manny laughed, "This woman, you must be a feminist, I can bet a hundred dollars on it" "Hundred dollars kwa?" "That's about 400 and something k oh" "My point is if you stake that money on me being a feminist, you'll lose oh"

The waiter finally approached, "Good morning Mr Manny, should I bring your usual?"

"Yes, what about you Hilary?"

"Water will be enough"


"Yes Sir, I'm fine" "Okay...." He trailed off watching the guy leave. "Are you sure you want just water, I might not be a good cook like Gbadamosi but I know how a good food taste like and these guys can cook"

"I already ate before coming from home" She lied in order to avoid the topic, when in the real sense, she has been avoiding food, she has been on water and fruit diet to reduce weight.

"I thought you said you were at work"

"Yes work!" She replied shutting her eyes, "I meant work, I'm just nervous. I'm sorry, it's not easy being around a celebrity so..." She cleared her throat and Manny laughed, he knew something was wrong but he had no idea what exactly.

"So you're not a feminist"

She shook her head, "No. There's that thin line between feminism and marriage democracy, that's my believe" "Wow marriage democracy, my first time hearing that." "In as much as there's that equality feature in a democratic state ehn.... There's always an head of state so why shouldn't there be one in marriage? I just believe women have their duties and responsibilities so does a man. God made men as head, hence a woman should not advocate for equality but rather a sense of acknowledgement." She paused in thought.

"I'm speaking gibberish right? Rubbish will be coming out of my mouth"

"No, it's not rubbish... Far from that, I'm mesmerized at this moment" "Wow... People still use that word?"

Manny laughed, "I was about to give a speech" "Let me not stop you" "You have already!" He snapped and she busted into laughter. "Who is Gbadamosi? You mentioned Gbadamosi"

"So, after all your degree in stalking, you don't know Gbadamosi"

"I've never stalked you"

"He's my cousin from my maternal side, my best friend, brother, confidant, name it"

"Husband..." She continued laughing and he laughed, "Wow" "You said name it and I was just naming"

"Naming ceremony"

"You gat it" She winked but it was a failed attempt.

"What happened to your eyes?"

"Another failed attempt at winking"

Manny laughed again, "I was just thinking ... Scratch I am just thinking, why did such a brilliant, lively and loving soul decide she wanted to take her own life? I know this is too fast but.... Do you want to talk? Is there anything you want to tell me or something you want to get off your chest?"

Hilary nods.

"Feel free to tell me, I promise not to tell anyone. When you called yesterday, I was scared, I wish you saw my face at the studio"

"I'm sorry for giving you a scare"

"What happened?"

"Um..." She cleared her throat, "Where should I start from? It's personal" "Anywhere. I'm all ears"

"My relationship ended again"


"Same reason, I'm fat and I'm not comfortable being ....naked in front of them. I wasn't even comfortable with the idea of sex. I have never been comfortable since I added weight so year in year out, it's been one relationship or other and the same excuse but this last one.... It took a toll on me"

"What happened?"

"So.... Two nights ago..." She trailed off, "My fiance, pretended to be sick and I went over" "Don't tell me the punk raped you"

She shook her head while the guy dropped their order on the table. Manny order was a plate of jollof rice and turkey. She drooled a bit on it, the rice looks beautiful, the aroma sef! It was distorting her thought.

Where did she stop at sef in her sob story? Oh yes he asked a question.

Manny noticed her swallowed a bucketful of spit before she continued her story. "No. He didn't, he wanted sex and being that our relationship was match made by the church, a church arrangement, he's the youth Pastor. We were supposed to abstain and he didn't want to, I disagreed and asked him to follow the proper channel and... he had the guts to say he was just managing me, he called me a cow and said I was going to remain miserable, this was where I slapped him and he slapped me back"

Anger flickered through his eyes, "As if that wasn't enough, I went back home and I had a friend I live with telling me it's my fault that I can't keep a man, her friends were there too so they blamed it on my size, everyone keeps looking at me as though I'm one buffalo that has to go through surgery to have a slimmer shape. I've tried everything, slim tea? Diet? Waist trainers! Do you know how hard it is to use a waist trainer? I have been using it, every damn Sunday just to look appealing and slimmer. It's like nothing I ever do is good enough for anyone" She sobbed, "I just got tired two days ago and then I conceived the idea of drinking sniper, I bought it but i couldn't bring myself to do it. So yesterday i ordered a ride to third mainland bridge that was when I called thirty minutes into the show, I just wanted to say goodbye to my favourite OAP before dying and luckily it went through, I don't know how it did but it did."

"Would you have really jumped?"

Hilary nods.

The way he pinned her with his eyes, never blinking with those pitiful expression, made her want to fold in on herself.

"No problem is worth killing yourself over, worst for a man that doesn't deserve it"

"It's about that"

"A thousand horrible relationship should never make you conceive suicide"

"You don't understand! I've been through series of bad luck overtime and I just feel like God doesn't care about me any longer"

"Don't say that"

"It's the truth!" Hilary cried, "Okay.. In 2014 after university, I got married. It was so quick, I wasn't this fat"

Manny blinked his eyes, married? Wasn't she the one talking about a fiance and other bad relationship? How come she got married? Is she divorced?

"I was 21 when I got married, one an half years into our marriage God blessed me with a son, Ossy. One week after I lost my husband in an accident, I was ostracize by my in laws. I was driven away from the house, my boy taken away from me. I didn't want to go back to my parents because of the shame, they warned me against getting married to an Ebonyi man. People were calling me all sorts of names because of his death. They called a witch and I got really depressed, I started adding weights, coupled with baby fats. All these happened two weeks after he died, they took my baby away from me,"

"That's not fair"

"Tell it to those heartless people. They didn't want me to kill him like I killed their son as if I killed him. I didn't cause the accident, I loved him, he was my husband, the man I got married to"

Manny hissed boiling with anger, he could feel her pains.

Hilary sniffles, "I was going through pain, my breast milk was leaking and getting full but there was no baby to suck it. There were times i'll express it you just feel less pain. My baby was.... " She swallowed her sobbing.

"My depression got worst but I had to scale through, sometimes Lagos stress helps me forget"

"And your son?"

"All my attempts to get him back has been futile. I visit him sometimes, he's in the village with his grandmother. All attempts to convince her to let him stay at least for the holidays in Lagos has been futile. I'm a woman going through a lot, I face constant accusation, rejection and body shaming, I've picked up bad habits and let go of them but that day, I just wanted to end it all. If I'm not allowed to be with my son, if the universe thinks I'm too fat, then I shouldn't exist in the world any longer"

Manny dragged the chair closer to her, "You shouldn't care about what anyone says" "Growing up my mom will say, if one person say something and another agrees then they're right" She debated and he blinked his eyes.

"Holy ghost help me" He muttered and she broke into laughter, "Did you just..."

"Trust me, I need Him in situations like this, I can't just speak on my own terms. I need to be sure that by the time you leave, all suicidal thoughts should have left your mind"

"Okay" "You have a nice laugh by the way"

Hilary laughed, "Are you whining me?" "Why will i do that? I'm being serious. You should never allow anyone talk you into believing you're less of yourself, fat or not. God created us specially"

"Actually.... He didn't create me this way, depression is a bitch"

Manny arced his brow in frustration and she laughed, "Sorry, I just thought I should point it out. I was size 8 or so before I got pregnant and...." She noticed his frustrated expression, "Carry on with your motivational speech "

"Motiva.... Wow Hilary"

"It looks like a motivational speech now. Nothing we have not heard before"

"My point is, this is who you are now. Don't try too hard to satisfy man, they are the hardest people to understand. God still doesn't understand us so don't try too hard or you'll get injured. For instance, I come from a family of Reverends, Pastors, deacons, it's a very long list of ministers and they also feel like I need to join the cue, a few of my extended family members didn't get the call at all but the followed the norm. There were lots of opinion but I followed my heart, what is your heart saying?"

"My heart wanted suicide"

Manny groaned and she laughed, "I'm just being honest, that was all I wanted that moment" "Do you have friends at all? I'm not talking about the one you live with, trash that one" "Yes. One crazy friend" "And you didn't want to be alive for him or her" "Him. My heart wanted..."

"That wasn't your heart dear, it was the devil toying with your senses. What do you really want Hilary?"

"I just want my son back, I want to feel like the mother than I am, I want to be left alone, i want to be happy without people talking left and right about how fat I am. I'm not interested in finding love cause I know I never will, yes! It was my Senior Pastor that made that mistake, FYI, i need a new church ASAP. I just want a picture perfect happiness, like the fairytale own, except no men, just me and my son. I'm repeating it right? I tend to be repititive at times"

"You don't think someone can ever love you"

"Nope, Chris was the last relationship I'll ever get into. I need to save myself the mental stress, these guys not worth it!"


"Yes. No offense to you, there are good men but they don't want a fat person, nobody looks twice at me unless it's to sneer. They take a look at my plus-size and start to judge the future ahead, this one, she'll scatter and look like Amoeba if she gives birth to one so my dear Manny, I want to save myself the headache so... I'm tearing off men out of my perfect picture. Having just my son will be more than enough"

"I hope you know you're beautiful"

"Cows are beautiful too but no one keeps them as domestic animals, they serve a purpose, to be milked, sold and killed. I've been chopped several times and shown my meat, I'm better off this way"

"You're pessimistic"

"You won't believe the bad habits I've picked up over the years, pessimism is one of it. You're just saying I'm beautiful as a psychology to make me feel better about myself. You think I don't know"

"It's not psychology, it's reality. You are beautiful, what will light up your face or make you even more beautiful is when you put on that sweet smile always"

Hilary smiled, "I can't believe I just fell for that. Chai! You just pushed my mumu button" "That's the smile, I'm sure the prince charming that God has created for you is going to look past your size and see through your personality"

"I'm not holding my breath sha, i just want Ossy back"

"Have faith. Have you tried getting a lawyer to look at the case? You've been wrongly deprived"


"You should, you should also sue that idiot for hitting you"

"I hit him first"

"It should never give the man the right to hit a woman back. That's physical abuse"

"Leave him to his creator, I have better things to worry about"

"It wasn't a coincidence you called me that day. I hate to sound like Gbadamosi right now but I think God has something special planned out for you"

"You think so?"

"I'm sure. Chris, or any other Chris you've dated, forget about them, they're all douchebags. No guy is worth the stress of you committing suicide" He placed his hands above hers and she chuckled. "Thank you. I guess it was worth coming here"

"I'm glad I could help. Feel free to call me and talk to me anytime, I can be your friend" He replied staring at his food, "Was that why you didn't want to eat?" "I'm on diet" "You're on diet but your eyes were glued to the food when they brought it."

Hilary gasped, "That's a lie" "If eyes can eat food, I'm sure this food wouldn't be on this table again" He teased and she laughed covering her lips, "Why do i feel like i just disgraced my entire generation?"

Manny laughed gesturing to the waiter to come closer and he did, "Come on, make an order, a good one this time" "You better don't run away when I make this order, I like swallow a lot so I try as much as possible to avoid it. This will be my first swallow for the week, if I gain any more pounds, I'll blame you straightaway" She joked looking up at the waiter.

"Do you guys have fufu?"

"Yes Ma"

"How big are your wraps? Are they as big as my hand?" She rolled her hand into fist and Manny laughed while the guy shook his head, "No Ma" "Two or three wraps of fufu, just two, let me not disgrace my destiny and Okro soup" "We don't have Okro"

Hilary pouted in disappointment, "Ogbono kor?" "We have it Ma" "Okro is my favourite but anyways, serve it that way" "Yes Ma" He bowed his head leaving and she smiled at Manny.

There was nothing better than being friends with someone you can be yourself around!

"Won't you start eating?"

"It's wrong to eat when your food hasn't been brought yet."

"Oh." She paused laughing, "What kind of etiquette is that?"

Temi walked into a resort center staring at the receptionist, "Is Gbada is around?" "Yes Ma, Pastor is around" She answered sliding a card through the door and it opened up for her to walked in.

She passed through the basket ball court into the juice bar where he was seated over his favourite, a glass milkshake, french fries with ketchup while watching a football match on the television screen. "Killing you won't be hard at all, anyone that wants to assassinate you will just come to Ivory and do the job"

"The bullet won't penetrate, I'm not done with God's assignment for my life"

"Wow so much confidence"

"Those that know their God" He winks and she smiled, "I'm sure you're burning by now"

Temi sat down pushing the milkshake close then she place her lips on the straw drinking it, "You could have just asked for your own" "Where's the fun in that?" She asked passing it back to him when she has almost finish the whole thing.

"How far? Have you made any order?" She asked picking up French fries then she dipped in into the ketchup.

"This is my own order"

"I meant food, not snacks"

"This is not snack. Besides, I just broke my fast"

"Your colleagues are doing thirty days dry fast on the mountain and you're here doing six hours"

"I didn't eat the whole of yesterday because of today's counselling. I decided to break this fast after counselling"

"With French fries?"

"I don't have the appetite"

"Well I do. Let me go and make order, on your tabs" "Weldon, big woman like you" "Did i call myself here? Didn't you call me?" She rose up walking up to the counter.

Gbadamosi watched her return back after making her order. "Mehn, It's been a long day. How are you? You sounded pretty wounded on the phone. Newsflash dear, Temi is here to rescue, you know i'm the only one that can make you smile."

"You give yourself too much credit"

"Duh??" She rolled her eyes and they both laughed.

"I draw joy from the Holyghost. I just needed your professional opinion"

"Oya talk, your psycholgist is here." "Anyone listening right now will think I have problems. Well first, how's your wedding preparation?" "It's still coming up on the 26th of Febuary so chill. Latest Bride in a bit" She shrugged giggling.

"How was your day?"

"Same old same old, I met up with a guy I had therapy appointment with, then I heard about this case that had me in tears. I cringed in irritation when I heard it. I had another therapy session again and yes, and I also tried getting a job for someone"

"Awwwn. Temi the life saver"

"I do fell like a super hero at times, the only left is a cape. I feel at peace knowing I helped her, " "Who? A friend?" "No. Some girl I met in church on Sunday. We spoke for a while, she's a sweet heart but I sense a deep rooted low self-esteem from her. It was really emitting from her"

"That bad?" Gbadamosi suckled milkshake from the straw, "As in! She doesn't see herself getting married to handsome guys because she doesn't want to have heart attack when he goes out"

"Wow, it's that bad"

"Yes. I remember her talking about a certain head of the church"

He raised his brow in interest, "At this point, you have me 129% attention, what did she say about me?" He asked and she laughed, "Client confidentiality" "Come on! Temi now" He complained and she laughed in mockery.

"Okay First, she spoke about the timing of the service, she was disappointed, she called you a talkative"


"She said those word of knowledge you made was unnecessary and spooky, you might be scaring the person"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Wow, what word of knowledge?" "The one about the suicide thing, NYSC.." "Oh. I just... She probably thinks I'm showing off, some of these things, I don't even remember them. Great! So her first impression about me was that bad, did she say anything good?"

"She did say you're handsome but she doesn't trust handsome Pastors. She was blabbing and nervous, just spilling, I guess it's a mechanism or something, I can't assume quickly like that, i won't want to make rash conclusions"

"What's the possibility she's not the one I was referring to?"

"5 out of 10, wait.. Thinking of it... It might be a 6. But why will she want to commit suicide? She's a sweet young girl, she should be like like 23, 24 or 25 unless it's her small body that's deceptive oh! She said you look like a Pastor that chases after everything in skirt"

Gbadamosi raised his hands in surrender, "I give up. I don't have anything to prove to anyone. Am i suppose to make a formal apology to her? I even explained it at the end of service that we usually don't take long like this."

Temi chuckled, "Why are you bothered?" "It's not as if I'm bothered" He replied and she raised her nose, "Who is this one doing yimmu for? I'll stone you French fries oh" "And I'll open my mouth to eat it"

"Do you have her picture or something?"

"No. It's on the church page, I came across it on my news feed yesterday"

He quickly pulled up the picture from his phone showing Kilahi's picture to her, "This?" "Yes" She replied grabbing his phone. "That's her, Kilahi Agbo"

"I overheard one of the social media team, Tega talking badly about how she spoiled the picture for Brenda. I had to post it myself"

Temi scoffed, "Good job! It's people like him that depletes people's self esteem. Is he a church worker? He should be suspended." She hissed and he chuckled staring at the picture, "I don't have anything to prove to anyone. Every man is entitled to their opinion, so Is she"

Temi smiled looking at him, "Why do you have her picture saved on your phone?" She asked and he struggled through an explanation, "You didn't pull it out from facebook, it's saved.

Gbadamosi grabbed his phone back, "For emphasis" "Define emphasis"

"Check your dictionary" He snapped and she laughed.

She didn't want to push so she picked another French fries eating it, "She said she's never coming again" "Did they send you? I'm trying to encourage myself in the Lord, don't make me feel worse than I do"

"What's your situation?"

"Err...." He paused trying to gather his thoughts together.

"Brenda. She came into the office to seduce me" "Oh. How did 'Mission seduce Gbadamosi' go?"

"She ended up leaving in tears"

"Did you say something hurtful cause I trust you to be direct"

"I asked her if she had ear pain, I keep singing that I'm a Pastor, yet.... See I can't jeopardize my relationship with God because....." He sucked his teeth. "She said she'll leave tomorrow, part of me wants her to leave so I can stop receiving flirts. A little part of me feels guilty. I don't know what to do"

Kilahi got out from the bathroom clad in a pink singlet and black shorts. She was surprised to see Sefa laying in bed. "What are you doing in our room?" "Can't I come in to see my cousin again?" "Sefa, I don't want any headache, I'll cut your red material tomorrow"

"I'm here to apologize for how I spoke earlier on. I feel guilty, I didn't mean it that way"-

"You did. Just like me, you always mean what you say"

"I love being honest. I know I went overboard but I don't want to be 27 and still in my parents house"

"I'm 26 for your information. How old are you?"


"At your age I was already in the university. I served late because of the poor filing system of the university and corona virus. We don't choose what happens to us, shit happens, it's been happening to you but do you see me mocking you for not gaining admission? No! Tor, Maturity will not allow me. You're eighteen, as we grow in life, we learn good morals, we grow sense, sense is supposed to control what you say to people. Words are powerful and piercing, your words have pierced me more times than I can count. I've grown thick skin as bullet proof but I think it's better you know now before someone will remove your teeth outside and you'll say 'no one ever told me'"

Sefa exhaled, "I know I can't take back the words but I just want to say i'm sorry. Do you forgive me? Pretty please" "Whatever" A smile curled at one corner and Sefa clapped, "Yay!!! I'll take that as a yes" She hugged her now staring at the scar on her back then she pulled away.

"Does the scar hurt?"

Kilahi rolled her eyes, "It's been 16 years, the worst scars usually take a year or so" "She stared at the one across her chest and Kilahi felt uncomfortable, " Stop it! I don't like it" "Mehn... I heard you had an open heart surgery, Is it true?"


"Why don't you talk about It and just get It off your chest?"

Silence again.....

"Someday you're going to have to talk about it. It's the way you shut people out that I find annoying, sometimes we're home and it's just like no one exist to you when the five minutes madness comes. It's annoying, look at me, I don't have admission but I'm happy"

"Because you're successfully siphoning money from everyone's pocket"

"Wrong! Because I find time to talk and laugh about it. You have given me your motivational speech, well, this is my own; talk to someone about it, i can't begin to imagine the trauma you went through at that age but don't shut everyone out because of it" She paused then she sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder how your future husband will cope with this body"

"You're doing it again"

Sefa rose up from the bed smiling, "I already sent the picture of the style to you, thank you!" She yelled running off and Kilahi exhaled lifting her singlet to cover the scar then her cousin pushed her head in, "If getting a job doesn't work out, just open a restaurant cause mehn you can cook." She chipped in running off and Kilahi laughed.

Awwn, it's not everyday she gets good comments from Sefa!

Kilahi got a call so she answered it quickly, "Good afternoon, am I on to Kilahi Agbo?" "Yes" "Oh. Great! I am calling from Revive Foundation, You're scheduled for a 9 am interview tomorrow" "Okay..." "You might want to check your email for the rest information"

"Yes, thank you"

"Good luck"

"Thanks" She replied waiting for the woman to hang up, she quickly went to her GMail to check the message.

Revive Foundation

Dear Agbo Kilahi,

Further to your application for, we are pleased to inform you that you have been short-listed for an interview on Wednesday, 09 Febuary 2022.

Time: 9 a.m. prompt (you should arrive 1 hour before your interview).

Sewuese called Kilahi via video call while she was picking out clothes for her interview, "Babe guess what?" "What? I was about to give you an information too" "You go first" "I won't be sleeping in the house tonight. Jamal and I have plans"

"Plan ooh? Just remember that God is watching you."

"Whatever. Guess what I saw? Word Foundation Church is.."

Kilahi rolled her eyes, "Why are you hung up on this church? Are you sure this Pastor has not done jazz for you" "Zip it! They're having Valentine's special." "I'm not going, I already said I am not going again, I don't go back on m words" "Bamidele Jones is coming"

"It's a lie!"

"I saw the post. I know you're a fan of his messages."

"Is Pastor Amazing coming too?"

"The flyer only had Pastor Bamidele. Are you coming? Even Sefa is going with her boyfriend, it was from her I saw the post"

"Oh. That's what she was even talking about. I'll go, or come..."

"I thought you don't go back on your words"

"Wo abeg! I'm not competing with God, that word has returned void"

"The dress code is the usual, red on touch of white, white on red"

"Talking about dress codes....I have an interview tomorrow, the woman from Sunday, the Temiloluwa Coker that I met. She linked me up with a job"

Sewuese screamed, "Jesus, I'm still at work oh." She laughed now whispering, "Oh my God, congrats" "Chill, i don't have the job yet. Tomorrow's the interview" "Still, I'm happy for you. Look at you, who says something good cannot come out of going to the church"

Kilahi laughed. "I don't know what to wear" "Too bad i won't be coming home. Wear that your blue chiffon shirt and a black skirt. It always look smashing on you" "You think?"

"I know. Go and smash the interview"

"Thanks, madam smasher"

Gbadamosi drove over to Brenda's parent's house in the evening after so much contemplation. He had a gift bag with two cards and a wine. He stepped out of the car accompanied by one of the maid who wanted to help him by he refused, "Is Mr and Mrs Arolowo in?" "Yes Sir"

"Thank God" He exhaled in relief.

Brenda laid in bed listened to a sad song when her mother opened the door. "Guess who's here?" "I don't care Mom, I don't want to see anyone, I just want to to back to London and just get myself back"

"Gbadamosi is here"



"What's he doing here?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself"

Brenda rolled her eyes, "I don't want to see him" "Why? This is your future husband oh. Is something wrong with you?" "On second thought..." She sat up edging her feet into her slippers, "I'll see him" She rose up in the crop bra top and silk short she had on.

"Like this?"

"What's wrong with it?"

"My dear cover up! You think this London or America?"

Bimbo walked into the living room after two hours of being stucked in Lagos. "It shall not be well with Lagos traffic!" She snapped seeing Deja sitting over a plate of Ice cream. "Welcome back" "Me that closed by 5, look at the time I'm coming home, almost seven. I paid the uber guy more than what the app stipulated. My body is hot, me that I'm still trying to gather money for rent"

"Thanks God there's icecream in the freezer. Cool yourself with it"

"Hmmm.. Icecream, what's the goodnews?"

"Turns out Pastor Gbadmosi doesn't have anything to with that babe. He called her a friend"

"Every relationship starts that way"

Deja frowned, "Don't make me angry, it was the way he said it, like nothing can ever happen. She has been friendzoned"

Bimbo scoffed, "Your own, what will they call it? Church worker-zoned or Usher-zoned. Which one?"

Brenda stepped down into the living room. She didn't say a word to him, not even a greeting. Gbadamosi who was seated at one corner observed her, she appeared angry, he expected her to say a word but she didn't. He was surprised when she pulled out whiskey from the wine bar and poured it a little into a glass taking a gulp of it. She cleared her throat before meeting him.

"You're so lucky I agreed to see you, if I wanted to act according to how angry I am..." She scoffed watching him rise, "Brenda" "You have one minute to make your apology pitch"

"How are you sure I came to apologize? What if I came to wish you a safe journey back ?" He asked and she furrowed her brow staring at the gift, "The gifts says otherwise"

"It's a parting gift" He replied and she scoffed again, "Okay.... Bye then" She snapped turning her back to leave and he dragged her back, "Let go of me Gbadamosi" She said firmly then he laughed.

"Another failed attempt at my name"

"Let go!"

"I don't want you leaving tomorrow or hating me for life"

Brenda scoffed, "Oh wow... You want me to leave badly, so much you got me a fucking parting gift. You know what Bada, you take your parting gifts away cause newsflash, I'm leaving" She snapped leaving in tears.

"I was joking Brenda, it was a joke, it's not a parting gift. I came to apologize"

Brenda wiped her tears with her fingers before turning towards him. "Really?" "I'm sorry about the way I reacted in the office. I was just pissed you were trying to tempt me" "I just wanted to try my luck"

"It's bad, it doesn't leave a good impression. I'm not the Gbadamosi you knew, I haven't been intimate with anyone in ten years"

"Slap me with a kansas pickle, like 10 years???"

"Yes! And I plan to keep that way till marriage. The only intimacy acceptable is one I have with God. Just like the Jesus frowned at the devil's temptation, I frown at every temptation I encounter and I don't take it lightly"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how serious you were, I thought"

"You thought I'm like the others who compromise? I'm not"

"I felt so stupid right"

"I'm Sorry"

"Bada... I know you see me as a contaminated piece of shit"

"You're not"

"Don't lie! I see the way you look at me and I admit it's my fault, I haven't exactly been Holy since we met, I've acting all slutty. Bada, I've got a confession, when Mom spoke about match making, I hated the idea cause what we had was a long time ago. When I saw you, feelings just came breezing in from nowhere. I know I'm not exactly an Angel, can you just give me a trial? I promise to do better. Teach me to be the woman for you" Her eyes were moist.

"God hasn't said anything"

"I'll wait.. It's going to be damn hard cause you're one hottie and i want to jump into your bed ASAP and do a number on you" Her tongue darted over her lips then she lifted a hand and laid it over his chest, "I want this, I want you."

"I don't want to marry wrongly"

"We'll take it one step at a time, we can start as friends like we were, who knows, we can end up planning our wedding soon"

Gbadamosi exhaled, "Let's start with being friends" "Friends. Cool." She replied then he handed the bag to her. She dropped it on the side stool removing an invitation card to the Valentine programme.

"Oh my... Are you asking me to be your date?"

"No. I'm just inviting you"

"Yes, i'll be your date"


She laughed rolling her eyes, "Just kidding". Then she pulled out the wine observing the bottle, " Non alcoholic wine, so boring" "Really? It's expensive" "The bible didn't say we shouldn't drink" "Well, I won't want to get married to a woman that drinks"

Brenda laughed, "That's so mean" "I've always said you look ugly when you're angry. Yet you'll be getting angry anyhow"

Sewuese knocked on his boyfriend's door after work. She had a grey blazer and skirt on with a black camisole. Jamal opened up the door and she walked in groaning, "I am so tired, work was stressful today. These people will not kill me for my mother, after they retained after NYSc, I didn't know the suffering was going to be this much"

"They should not kill you for your boyfriend" He held her waist and she smiled, "You won't believe what happened"

"I don't care as long you're here, let me rid you of the stress" He answered kissing her on the lips and she kissed him back, "But I want to let it out of my chest, one man made me angry"

"That's why I want to rid you of the stress" He kisses her again and again and again then she returned his kiss grudgingly now placing her hands on his chest. "A girlfriend just wants to get home to her boyfriend, talk to him and feel loved, cared for. It doesn't have to be about sex but with you, it's always about the sex"

"That's a lie, Babe, okay... We won't have sex, If you don't want to okay? Can you come give your boyfriend a real kiss?" He requested and she exhaled parting his lips with hers, at first it was a slow kiss but gradually it moved from being romantic to being forceful from his end. Almost as though he was deeming war on her mouth.

There was that possession in this kiss.

He yanked her suit jacket off and his hands carressed her whole body then twirled her kissing her neck and she moaned in approval then he pushed her towards the wall but she managed to press her hands against it before hitting her head.

"What the hell?" She snapped, "I'm your girlfriend, not a porn star!"

Jamal hissed, "You've started again" "Started what?"

He scanned his face, his own expression closed off. He watched her closely, "Let's not even argue this night, you wanted to sleep right? Feel free to sleep now" "Now you're being childish and irrational"

Jamal hissed sitting on the couch and she climbed on him, "Babe, can we just stop this? It's not healthy any longer" "We are always arguing over stupid things" "It's not stupid, stop treating me like I'm some porn star you can toss left and right. Let's just make love naturally"

"Isn't that what I was doing?"

"Pushing me like that? What if I had hit my head ehn? Let's just be ourselves okay?" She requested and he nodded, "Okay." He agreed and she nipped his lower lip, and with a growl of approval, he responded in kind brushing his fingers underneathe her skirt and she frowned.

"Don't ruin it"

Jamal rolled his eyes. "How was work?" She asked and he responded with a nod, "It was awesome" "Okay.... Guess what? Pastor Bamidele Jones is coming over for a Valentine's at Dennis' church"

"Who is Dennis?"

Sewuese frowned, "Duro's husband... How many times will i... Jesus!" She rolled her eyes, "What's my sister's name?" "Sefa" "My brother?" "It starts with a T, what's the point of all this"

"You're hopeless! I'll be going with Kilahi, guess who's gonna be my plus one?"

"Definitely not me"

"Who else? It's you now, don't be silly"

Jamal clapped his hands, "Wawawwu.... Wetin Musa no go see for gate? You made Valentine arrangement without my consent and you expect me agree"

"That's why I'm asking you now. You're not even happy a girl is asking you out"

He hissed rolling his eyes, "You're the most inconsiderate person I've ever met" "Excuse you?" "At first you talk about travelling abroad for masters what will happen to me here?" "There's video chat, we'll Skype. This is my dream"

"What about my own dream? And now you just made another decision to.... kai God! I don suffer, did you care to find out if I had plans? For crying out loud, it's Valentine's day and I'm the man here, you don't get to make decisions anyhow! You're just so inconsiderate"

"I'm sorry, i didn't think of it that way"

"Abeg, go with your nonsense apology jhoor. You're thoughtless and inconsiderate. I'm angry, don't try to make It better, you'll end up pissing me off"

Aunty Mabel opened the door and Sewuese walked in, "Mummy good evening" "I thought you said you won't be sleeping over. Even though it's wrong for a mother to agree to it, I cannot come and tie you down" "I ...changed my mind"

"Hmmmm hm. You two fought again bah?"

"Mom, I'm having headache already"

"You better be careful, toh, una never enter marriage and him dey make you cry already. When you get married just buy a special bucket for crying cause it's going to be a bucket full of tears"

"Ah han... Is that a curse"?

Now her mother scuttled across the room waving her hands, "God forbid! My point is, all these are red flags already, little red flags that should make you leave a relationship." "Jamal and I have been together for five years now"

"Is it the five years that's making you stay? This five years will not let you open your eyes to prospective in laws not that one you call boyfriend that makes you cry everytime"

"I love him"

Her mother rolled her eyes watching her leave.

Sewuese stepped into the room to meet Kilahi awake reading a book, "I thought you'll be sleeping over at Jamal" "You guys should not make it sound like I left my husband's house abeg"

Kilahi laughed, "He made you angry again bah?" "I know it's not healthy for me, I'm trying to motivate myself. If I leave Jamal, I don't think I'll be comfortable to be intimate with any other person" She busted into tears laying in the bed.

"You know I watched this relationship video on Facebook where a woman was saying, 70% of women who got married to a man because of how long they've been dating, such relationship have 70% chance of failing"

Sewuese hissed, "You didn't watch the one that talked about loving yourself for who you are." "Ouch" "Sorry" "Well, Nigeria has turn everyone to advisors, we can give advice up and down, following It is the hard part but I agree with their notion. Remember Uncle Prince and Aunty Rose?"

"I just love the guy"

"I'm not a relationship expert and i've never fallen in love but people say love can be deceptive ... All I see is a woman servicing a wrecked ship and she's trying to journey with it. It won't go far"

"Madam prophetess, why don't you try seeing into your future first?"

"Ouch again. My life is a crumbling house of cards," "Imagine who is giving advise! Let me just sleep, my head is heavy. I want to cry. Just because I told him about the Valentine plan I had, can you believe he called me thoughtless and inconsiderate?"

"A thoughtless person calling someone thoughtless! He's mad"

"Don't insult him"

"Toh, what should I do then?"

"All he cares about is sex! Sometimes, a girl just wants to cuddle with her man but with him.... "

"I cannot relate. You know what I think? I think you should just break up with him. He can't keep breaking your heart, break him instead"

Sewuese exhaled, "You're right, I'll do it tomorrow" "Good!" "Sorry about insulting you" "I get it, you're going through a shitty night, shittiness is my thing." "Shhh"

"I think when I was a kid doing God's work, the devil came to God and God bragged about me, have you seen my daughter Kilahi?" She paused and Sewuese laughed, "You're insane!"

"True! Everything just happened all at once. I was ten years old when my life came tumbling down, it's not fair on anyone"

What do you guys think about today's update???

What's your opinion on;



Brenda(Does she deserve a chance?)



Please flood my comment box with answers and love😩😩🙏🙏

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