⏱⏱ Chapter 29 ⏱⏱
Good day ya'll
Only a few persons knew about this- I wasn't feeling too well so I had to take care of myself.
Sorry this is coming late🙏🏼
Is it just me or NEPA stopped being nice after the gubernatorial election?😂🤣🤣
I have tried to channel strength in typing.... Please channel the excitement you got from seeing this update in voting. Use the star option.
Just press it. Thank you😘
Let's go!
Chapter 29
0:20 pm
Kilahi who had been on a long call with Amazing in the bathroom finally made her way into the room. She was clad in a pink singlet and a black shorts, which appeared a bit damp because she didn't wipe her body dry in the bathroom before putting them on.
"Ma, It was that bad. My only guilt was what I said afterwards" "You didn't say anything inappropriate or insulting, like i said, BamBam and i never had any major obstacle in terms of parental obstacle or women coming in between us. Well apart from Benefit who didn't want me to be happy. We never had those clash, I might not be able to speak out of experience but I don't think you said anything wrong, except you're keeping things to yourself."
"No Ma! I didn't add or subtract anything. I told her I was disappointed in her"
"I am also disappointed in her! She's about to be made a Pastor. She didn't even speak or act like a bencher in church, sorry to say this but benchers act better. How she opened her arms for the devil to use. I'm sorry about what you had to go through, when Gbadamosi mentioned it to BamBam I was angry in my spirit."
"I don't even know what to do."
"You need to be angry in your spirit too, be angry enough to change things. This is the devil trying to bring a stumbling block to your early celebration"
Kilahi blinked her eyes, "I don't understand Ma" "I can't start going into details but this isn't Gbadamosi's plan. See, one day I was stuck In traffic and God started to open my eyes to life traffics, ministerial, Marital, academic traffics, name it all. Sometimes we don't see them happening but one way to avoid these traffic is to prepare ahead of time. Your wedding is not supposed to take long at all. If he doesn't get his mother's approval in time, there's going to be a delay and you need to tackle every delay in the place of prayer"
"I'm praying."
"Then you need to intensify it"
"Pastor Amazing... Has Gbadamosi mentioned anything to you guys about a... wedding?"
"That's not important. Have you started praying concerning the wedding, your future home, your children?"
"I pray for Gbadamosi, the church, his family. I pray generally"
"Start praying for your marriage even though you're not married yet. Pray for your children unborn, pray for their future. It's not too late to get on your knees and bring your future mother in law to her knees. We are women of faith, not fear, when we get to a dead end we create ways, we don't run out of ideas because we are the seeds of Abraham. If herbalists can call forth someone whose name is written into a piece of paper to do things, how much more we that carry the very life of Christ. We call things that are not as though they were, we go into our war room and we make things happen, we shift the atmosphere and policies of the world to favor us."
"Yes Ma"
"How is your sister Sefa?"
"She's... I think she's asleep"
"This is where I call a night dear. You now know what to do" "Yes Ma. Thank you for this call, I really appreciate it"
"You're welcome. Are you free on the 8th?" "No. I have work" "There's this women conference coming up and I'll be speaking, it's not a Christian conference though, there are a lot of speakers coming, strong women from financial experts, technology experts, including women that will encourage other women to be beautiful despite their body shape and all, Dara Funsho Duncan, does that sound familiar to you?"
"Oh my God. Wow"
"I have a free pass to bring a plus one,well Apart from the person who's going to be with my children. Are you up for it? Just let me know if you can squeeze in some time"
"No problem Ma. Thanks" She ended the call sitting tiredly on the bed then she watched Sewuese clank continuously on her laptop.
"That reminds me oh, I have work to do. I had Moni forward some documents to me via email." "So you just going to act like your future in laws didn't just embarrass you" "Am I supposed to carry It on my head? Apologies if I'm not"
"That wasn't what i meant. Shey I warned you about the perfume." "I used yours to tone it down like that day.."
Sewuese quietly shook her head, "She didn't abuse you well, you went to go and kill mosquito in someone's house" She teased and Kilahi threw a pillow at her, "She should have been happy now, I was doing humanity a favor" She replied and they both chuckled.
"See, I brought my hatchet, let bury the topic, I'm trying to be at peace with myself before I'll lose sleep all through the night." She paused rolling her eyes.
"Sorry. Chai! I'm wondering how Sam's parents will look like, I'm scared"
"It wasn't even the perfume, the woman didn't like me from the start. She staged the whole dinner to..." Her phone rang and she thought twice on answering it when she realized the caller was no other that Gbadamosi's Dad.
"Hello Sir" She said after the struggle. "How are you dear? Should I bother asking? I'm sure you must feel awful. I should have called earlier but I was nursing this shame. I'm sorry about what my wife said to you"
"It's fine Sir"
"Is it? I don't think it is oh"
"No, it's not but... I can't hold it against her, I'm sure she has every right to her opinions about me. Although I didn't expect it to be that bad..."
"I am so sorry"
"There's no need to apologize. I'll be fine, Gbadamosi and i will be fine. I'm sure in time, she will get to like me"
"Thank you for understanding. Please pray for her, your future mother in law needs prayer" "Yes I will Sir cause whether she likes it or not, I don't have any other mother in law than her"
"That's a positive spirit speaking"
She chuckled, "I hope you're not thinking too much about this" "I haven't been able to perfectly concentrate on studying the bible, I'm trying to get the anger off before 12 noon, I've never been angry at my wife enough to last the following day. This one is a deal breaker"
"Forever for worst Sir"
"Not that kind of deal breaker." He replied and they both laughed.
"Please try to forgive her cause as it is right now ko, i want to start praying for her" "Please do, I'll be praying at my end too" "Perfect!"
"Thank you my dear"
"For what Sir?"
"To having an Amazing soul"
"Thank you Sir for showing me love and respect. God bless you Sir, good night" "Good night" He replied ending the call.
She dropped the phone and picked her Bible, "What are you doing?" "Taking my future mother in law to God. Wanna join me?"
11: 34 pm
Tired after another drive back home, Hilary knocked on the door but no one answered. She looked over at Manny who had Ossy in his arms. He has been sleeping right from the park, the little boy has not even seen his face.
He pitied Manny for a while knowing Ossy's weight must be telling on him.
Meanwhile Jennifer was wasting time to open the door. She finally opened up with a frown on her face. "Finally!" Hilary exhales, "Finally? Is that the thank you you're supposed to say? Even though we live in the same apartment, we have different keys couldn't you have just used your keys rather than knocking"
"My keys couldn't pass through, obviously you left your keys in the hole. Thank you."
"You just had to disturb my beauty sleep with your elephant hand knock. I mean everywhere was literally shaking, I was wondering what was going on?"
Manny instantly became irritated, her ranting almost woke Ossy up but he managed to pathim back to sleep. "Jennifer, I don't have the time for this abeg!" Hilary pushed her away walking in and she gasped.
Manny walked in too, taking off his shoe just at the entrance.
"Is this what I get for helping you?"
"Jennifer, thank you, I already said thank you. A journey of how many hours just turned into something else, I am tired and drained. I don't want to transfer aggression"
Manny entered with Ossy and Jennifer ran her gaze to observe the boy. "I guess this is your son" "Yes" "She locked the door and took out her keys, "If you're going out again, use your own keys, don't disturb me" She snapped going into her room.
"How do you deal with this woman?"
"Ignore her" Hilary answered leading Manny into her room where he carefully laid Ossy in bed then he rose up staring at him. "I'm sure he's tired" "He is actually. Thank you" She replied dropping her bags on the bed then she proceeded to taking off his shoe.
"You're welcome"
"As much I am relieved you came to our rescue, you know you shouldn't have bothered yourself right? I could have ordered an uber" She went ahead to take off his trousers, he now had a short on..
"I wouldn't have been able to sleep well"
"I'm sorry." She apologize looking up at him, "Should I take his bath? I should" "Don't wake him, he's tired already. Someone that's stressed out"
"He needs to bathe, all that sweat in the bus"
"Did he rub faeces on his body? Don't disturb that boy oh"
Hilary laughed lifting her hands in defeat, "I've heard. Thank you. I'm sorry for making you so worried today, I'm sorry for.... how I reacted on several issues raised.. I just wanted you to understand me"
"And I want you to understand me too!" He snapped now leaning against a cabinet by the side of the room, "I'm sorry for how I spoke to you earlier on, the attitude and all. I just wish you can treat me more like a friend"
"Manny you're a friend"
"I don't think so, you don't just trust me enough like a friend will"
"I do... Just not enough to collect things from you"
"I want to help you and this boy in anyway I can, financially"
"I can't accept. I'm sorry" She replied sucking her lips in, " Do you want something to drink? Like water, I'm sure Jennifer has finished every drink I have in that fridge"
"I'm fine" He replied clearing his throat, "I should be going" "It's late" "It's just..." He glanced at his wrist watch, "11:54, I still drive around Lagos even at 1 am"
"Sleep on the couch instead at least till tomorrow"
"I have work tomorrow before church"
"I'll wake up you by 4 or 5"
"You'll sacrifice your precious sleep to wake me up"
"You sacrificed your day for Ossy and i, it's the least I can do. I can go into the kitchen to fix you something, maybe fried egg so you can eat with the bread I bought"
"They are still in the car."
"Even though." She chuckled then she shrugged, "I just had dinner"
"Oh that's true... You spoke about the dinner, what happened?" She rose up moving close to him but he click his tongue defiance, "I don't want to talk about it"
"Was it that bad?" She asked, "Mummy was harassing Kilahi" "Your Mom?" "No. Gbadamosi's Mom" "Oh. How is Kilahi? I should call her"
"I couldn't stand it so i walked out"
"Do you feel bad about it?"
"No. I just feel bad for her, for Gbadamosi too. I don't understand why they didn't leave even when I was telling them to. Kilahi was just being adamant" "I think the word is respectful, I wouldn't have left either. Do you know the impression it would placed in the heart of people there?"
"My dad, Mr George were the only innocent party in that planned coup, I'm sure mom was aware. I can bet on anything. I feel this anger towards my family, I wish I had another"
"Hey" She called out placing her palm against his face, "I'm sorry but you can't say that" "Those women are messed up in their own way, all they see is other people's mistakes and error not theirs" A lone tears ran down his eyes so she quickly dabbed it which her thumb.
"You can't drive in this condition"
"I can. Gbadamosi doesn't stay far, I'll crash at his place, probably put on his dress to church, although his trousers are usually tighter. That guy does not have yansh" He snapped and they both laughed.
"I don't really mind going home, I'll be fine"
"I insist, let me quickly get your some clean bed sheets for the couch. I'm not promising you its going to be a smooth and comfortable night but at least I'll be sure you're safe here"
He smiled raising his brow up as uncertain thoughts flew in and out of his mind. "Are you sure you're not doing this intentionally because you just want me around" "Really?" She arced her brow too and he sniggered.
"Well I miss you too"
"Hold your horses. I didn't say I miss you. I just want you to be safe that's all. Should I get the bed sheet or not?"
Manny agreed with a nod, "Yay!!" She waved her hands, walked to the wardrobe, picked out a clean bed sheet then she slowly approached him, "I hope your flat mate doesn't end up waking me with a taser tomorrow"
Hilary laughed, "She won't. She wakes up pretty late" She replied stretching the bed sheet to him but he refused to collect, "Take now, do you want or not?" She asked and he smirked.
"Why are you giving me an evil smile?"
He grabbed her hand and pulled her close then he wrapped his arms around her waist. Her fingertip grazed the wooden cabinet pushing a cream container to the floor which woke Ossy up.
Shivers ran down Hilary arms as she felt his chest against hers. "You're not going to do this again. You promised" She whispered. His mischievous eyes flashed to her before he answered, "I'm not doing anything am I? I just want to have a look at you up close"
"Is this close enough?"
"No, you can be more closer. I really kiss you, sorry I wanted to say I really miss you. I guess we can call it slip of tongue"
Hilary chuckled, "Slip of tongue my ass! I haven't even brushed my teeth after hours of being stuck in the road . I ate abacha and my mouth probably smells like crap" "I don't care about the crap, I just want you to admit you miss me in action than words"
"Gosh you're such a tempter" She sucked her breathe feeling his forehead against hers then she leaned in her lips almost against his and he laughed. "Are you seriously going to kiss me in front of your son? I mean he's just there Ma, what kind of mother will that make you huh?" He asked and she gasped angrily seeing how he just played with her feelings.
He gave a satisfying grin.
She pulled her head back and looked at him while a laughter escaped her lips.
"God I hate you right now"
"So you also want to kiss me as badly as I want to and you'll be there doing shakara. Sorry, my lips are off duty today because one, I'm a responsible man that can't be see kissing in front of a little boy, two, have you checked your time? It's Sunday morning already. I don't want to commit"
Hilary rolled her eyes, all the while he was saying this, his arms were still wrapped around her waist. So much for not committing!
She bit her bottom lips to stifle a laughter before slipping completely out of his arms. Manny grabbed the bed sheet from her, "Whatever you're doing, whatever this is. Just know when you'll want it, you're doing to be begging for it" "Are you taking it personal?" He laughed in excitement, he was enjoying her anguish.
"No oh. It's your time to shine, enjoy while it last" She replied turning towards Ossy whose eyes were already shut. She finally took picked the cream from the floor placing it back on the cabinet
"What time should I wake you so you don't have to miss work?"
"5 sounds okay."
"Okay. You can excuse me now, i need to freshen up. Good night"
"Good night" He answered leaving the room.
4:58 am
Sefa jolted out of her sleep, exhaling loudly then she lifted her bed sheet staring closely. "Oh my God, it looks like...." She trailed off, "Not again!" She laid back bursting into tears.
Ossy laid in bed staring at his mother sleep, he has been awake for more than thirty minutes he pulled his mother's phone to check the time, when he saw it was almost 5. He suddenly remembered how his mother had promised to wake the strange man by 5 that morning.
Beyond doubt, he was sure it was Uncle Manny.
He wanted to wake her but then he'll have to explain how he got to find out about it. Won't he get into trouble if his mother finds out he was eavesdropping? He knew it was wrong, but he had no choice! Was he supposed to detached his ears or stick in wool to hinder his hearing?
Although he had little understanding about what they were saying but he was able to deduce that maybe his mother and Uncle Manny may be more than friends.
He checked the time again, 5:01
He finally made up his mind to do it on his own! He might get into trouble for It. But if he doesn't, he will have to miss work and it will be on him! He lifted his hands to wake her up but the peaceful moan that escaped her lips made him have second thought.
"She's tired and needs to sleep" He exhaled walking towards the door, "You that you're going out, do you know where you're going to?" He whispered to himself pulling the door knob down carefully then he stepped out. He thanked God the doors didn't make unnecessary creaking sounds like the one in Ebonyi!
He looked surveyed the passage then he pranced straight into the sitting room where Manny was laying on the couch asleep. He slowly walked up to him then he tapped him on the arm. "Waky waky" He muttered and Manny slowly opened his eyes.
"Hm?" He mumble, "What's going on?" He added wiping off a drool from the side of his lips, his eyes were not fully opened.
"Good morning Sir" He said with a wave then Manny sat up scratching his eyes, "Hey little man," "Are you Uncle Manny?" He asked to be sure. Manny nods, "Yeah" He replied and he hugged him tightly.
"Easy there" He answered not sure about his reasons for that embrace.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine"
"Why are you awake by this time?"
"I couldn't sleep again after four, I woke up and started to look at Mommy's face. I played game on her phone because I didn't want to sleep off and forget"
"Forget what? You need the rest"
"But you told Mo... Mommy to wake you up by 5"
That was enough to remove every sleep from his eyes, "H.. How did you hear that?" He stammered through, "I heard it, I don't sleep deep. Something fell and I heard it" "Did you hear any other ...." Manny cleared his throat, "Any other thing?"
"Is there something I'm supposed to hear?" He asked and Manny nods,"Good point. Where's your Mom?" "Still sleeping. I didnt want to wake her. She looks tired"
"You should be resting too. Oya little man, i'll be leaving soon, but someone has to lock the door so technically, your Mom has to wake up and you need to go back to sleep"
"I'm not feeling sleepy. I guess I'm used to it, that's how I always do in the village. You need to be awake every second so that you can survive every night"
Manny arced his brow in surprise, he found it alarming that he had to stay awake to survive each night. "Does something bad happen at night?" "Bad is an.... und...d..derstatement. Terrible things" "Like what?" He asked with full interest.
"You have to be awake so don't wake up and see yourself in heaven because Isioma's has used your nose as pillow"
Manny blinked his eyes and laughed out loud, his thought had traveled far with all form of negative imagination. "Really?" "You will not understand. Do you know Isioma?" "One of your cousins right?" "Yes... I already told Mummy the story but I can still repeat it again. I don't always sleep well because Isioma always practice tai kwondo every night on my face. Her leg is always kicking everybody, one minute she's sleeping in Ebonyi and the next she's waking up in with one of her leg in Anambra and the other in Aiwa Ibom."
He laughed shaking his head, "There was this time I woke up with red lips, people were wondering if our village people came to kiss my lips at night they don't know that i am living in the same house with the village people."
He couldn't stop laughing, "Please don't... It's too early" "This boy has suffered, should I bring your shoe?" He pointed already walking towards the door where Manny pulled off his shoes. He picked it taking it to him.
"So you guys never ganged up to like tie her leg up or something" "I always imagine it but I didn't see anything strong. The worst part is that she can sleep for Africa, if sleeping is a competition, she will win hands down cause she does not even like waking up. Waking up and Isioma are enemies."
Manny fell back on the couch at this point, he couldn't stop laughing. He wanted him to stop so he can at least catch his breath but Issy didn't, rather he pressed on. "If i want to wake her up, I'll have to drag her leg to pull her out of her dream and she talks in her sleep too. After playing in real life, she will always continue the play in the dream. You will hear isioma shout, wait for me, wait for me now, that time, her leg is pounding your face"
"I can imagine"
"Then you'll hear, wait make I piss small, by this time, the whole bed is soaked with pee. Even your body will be smelling like pee"
"Oooh... That's messed up"
Ossy exhales shaking his head, then he hissed. Suddenly he broke into laughter, just like he did when he was reeling off the story to his mother, "Now whenever I hear her say, wait make I pee, I'll just stand up with speed and slap her face. There was one day that she woke up crying, I told grandma that I was trying to kill mosquito on her face"
Manny threw his head backwards in uncontrollably fits of laughter, "You just offed me there."
Hilary laughed from behind, she had a navy blue night robe on. "I see he's already telling you the story" "Yes he is... Your son is funny, he's just like you. I haven't laughed this much since you made me laugh... What happened to you humour again?"
"Better behave yourself, I always beat bald people oh"
Manny laughed, "Who's your Mom calling bald? I think you and your twin sister are attending one special Agbero lecture. You guys want to start oppressing me" "Mummy said she has a twin" "I hope you know they're not real life twins"
"Yes I know. So that means I can pick my own twin too when I see him"
Hilary shrugged, "I can't say. Except he's a person that influences you positively to do better in life" "Okay" He replied nodding thoughtfully, Hilary doesn't even want to know what he was thinking about that moment before it will spring up another story.
She had to change a topic before another question comes in.
"Did Ossy tell you about what happened on Valentine's day?" She asked and Manny shook his head, "No. Is it as interesting as the one he just said?"
Ossy shrugged, "I don't know. It's real life story, not something I made up" "Okay, what happened?" "Are you not late? Its past five o clock" He asked facing him.
Hilary's eyes widened in surprise, "Manny did you say anything to him?" "No. He ...heard" "Baby, when did you hear it and what did you hear exactly?" "Is there something I'm supposed to hear?"
"No baby but... I'm just curious" She moved closer and he hesitated, "Um...Sleep carried me away to where I didn't know but I know that I heard 5 o clock or else he'll miss work and I didn't want him to miss work"
"Oh. Awn.. That's sweet" She cooed but she was in doubt seeing his hesitation, so she brushed her fingers against her neck nervously now looking at the wall clock, "Manny it's 20 minutes past five already. I'm sorry I slept off"
"Its fine." He smiled facing Ossy, "At least this little man here was available, thank you Ossy. It's nice to meet you in person" "Nice to meet you too Sir" He replied embracing him again.
Manny had to clear his curiousity, "Why are you embracing me like I gave you some kind of gift?" "Thank you for making me see my mom"
"I... It wasn't me, I didn't do anything. I think that's on Aunty Abebi, Kilahi and your Mom" "Why are you being modest?" Hilary asked, "What did you tell him?"
"Mommy didn't say anything. You allowed me hear my her voice when I thought it was not possible. I was happy that day" He confessed and Manny nodded in understanding.
"Ossy, it was nothing, I would have done that for anyone. No one deserves to be away from his or her mother and your mother wanted to speak to you too"
Ossy smiled, "And you made it possible. God bless you Sir" "Amen. See you church little man, I might be coming in after Praise and worship but I'll definitely see you. Protect and take care of your Mom and she'll take care of you too okay? If she doesn't, report directly to me"
Hilary laughed, "Wetin Musa no go see, minister of children affair" "Yes Ma. Don't be scared of her, if she doesn't take care of you. Just let me know okay, Uncle Manny will deal with her the way he knows how to"
"And .." She trailed of folding her arms across her chest, "How does he do that again?"
Ossy slowly glanced at his mother and then at Manny then back at his mother, there was just something weird about these two that he couldn't wrap his fingers around. Maybe he doesn't understand because he's new. He'll soon understand the relationship between them.
"Don't look at your Mom's face, don't be scared. Just report to me, you still have my phone number right?" "Yes Sir. I'm sure she'll take care of me"
"Yay!!! That's my baby" She pulled him close laughing then he looked up at her happy to see such undiluted joy. "Don't forget to bring our bread out from your car oh! We're taking tea this morning" Ossy smiled, "I feel like today is my birthday, eating tea and bread yesterday and today again. The only thing missing is a birthday cake"
Kilahi knelt down in bed praying, the fear of rejection by her Mrs George made her lose sleep. "According to your word, the king's heart is in your hand and just like the rivers of water, you turn it wherever you will. Your word also made me understand that when Esther encountered an enemy in the person of Haman, she fasted and prayed just before she entered into the inner court of the king, just before she obtained that favor. Father Lord I pray this morning once again and I enter into the heart of Mrs Temitope George and I ask that you turn her heart once again to you. Not for my sake, but for you. Turn her heart, open her eyes to see, open her ears to ear, reconcile her back with her children. You hardened the heart of a king and I know in your hand lies the power to soften their hearts too. Soften her heart so you can penetrate into it, I refuse to enter into a broken home. I refuse to have family issues, I refuse to go into a family where they all can't sit and have a proper meal. Let this be resolved oh God, let it be resolved" She instantly bursted into tongues.
Mrs George cross her leg in the living room waiting for her husband to come down so they could leave for church. Then she suddenly felt weird, wasn't he angry at her the previous night?
Will he still be angry?
"Honey.. We are going to be late for church" She groaned then she heard a knock on the door.
"Can someone get the door? Anyone? Where are these people? Did everyone suddenly disappear?" She rose up opening the door to see a man at the door, he was dressed in a native attire. "Good morning, how can I help you?"
"Good morning Ma, I'm glad you opened up"
"Do I know you? "
"I came to see you"
"Me... I think you have the wrong address"
"Aren't you Mrs George?"
"I believe I'll know you if I've met you before so I'm sorry I have to go." She pushed the door almost to a close when the man quickly requested for a minute of her time, "I promise i won't take more than a minute"
"You have taken more than a minute already"
"The time starts counting when you give me your undivided attention"
"Undivided attention is what I can't give right now. I don't have a minute. Today is Sunday, don't you have a church service to attend? If you don't, we do. Come back some other time, maybe then I'll give you my undivided attention" She snapped almost shutting the door.
"Temitope" He called out and she left the door slightly open, "I'm sorry but I don't think I know you enough to for us to be on a first name basis"
"That's an element of pride don't you think?"
"Ooooooh my God! See Mister Man I'm not having the best day, last night wasn't my best. Please leave, I might have to shut the door against you and I don't want to be rude"
"You no longer recognize me but your husband does. Once upon a time you wouldn't think twice before opening your arms wide to welcome me in but now, all you do, you even intentionally shut me out"
"There has to be a mix up somewhere. I seriously don't" "When last did you study your bible?" He interrupted her, "I study everyday when I ready devotional. What point are you trying to prove?"
"When last did you study the book of Proverbs last?" "I studied it in January" "Did you study other place apart from Proverbs 31:10-12. That's always the central focus right? How a good woman should treat her husband"
"Where is this heading to?"
"What does Proverbs 14 verse 1 say?"
"A wise woman builds her home while a foolish one destroys it with her hands. Why are you asking?" "Do you think you're wise?"
"Excuse you? You won't come to my house to insult me"
"Pride is a blindfold, it stops you from seeing the truth and hearing instructions. You wonder why you're imperceptible, moving without progress. Why don't you take your time to read the whole chapter, there's a message there for you if you care to look. I shall take my leave now"
Mrs George shut the door then she leaned against it in thought, "Why will...." She paused in realization, "Wait.... Oh my God. I know that man" She muttered opening up the door but she found no one. "What have I done? Temi what have you done?" She stepped out of the house in search of him.
"Hello!!! Father! Please come back... I didn't know it was you... Please come back, I'm sorry I didn't know" She said bursting into tears, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry please come back, I'm sorry I didnt know... I didnt know it was you.... I didn't know" She cried sitting on the floor.
"What have I done to myself, I didn't know"
Mrs George woke up in tears, "I didn't know" She muttered, "I didn't know..." She paused then she realized she was only dreaming but her face was already covered in tears. That was no ordinary dream!
She got off the bed falling on her knees. "What does this mean? What does this mean?" She took her phone going through the whole of Proverbs 14 on her mobile bible app.
1- Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
2- He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.
3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them
16- A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.
29- He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly
30 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.
32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known
Memories of the previous night flashed through her mind:
Well except your dislike for me is greater than your foresight to see God's will then you're somewhat shortsighted and bias about your opinion too, don't you think so?
Temi, first you need to ask God for forgiveness cause I'm sure whoever will be ordaining you as a Pastor needs to think twice before pouring that oil on your head"
How dare you call me wicked, because of her?"
"You might want to quickly search the dictionary for the meaning of wicked. This is the worst thing I've ever seen you do, what sin has that girl committed to deserve such hate"
What is wrong with you? Where is the woman I married? That woman was the most considerate and passionate person I've ever known. She was never concerned about class or how dirty a person looked, she'll rather dust the dirt off you and give you new clothes. That was the woman I fell in love with.
You need to go back to the drawing board, back to the foundation where we pray and ask God everything pertaining to life, our children, their career. Kilahi was right, as a mother, you should know God's will.
Mrs George busted out in tears, "I have wronged God. I didn't think i was wrong... My wisdom has failed me, help me Lord. Talk to me, I know i haven't listened for long while and so sorry... please talk to me. Don't keep silent on me, i've gotten your message clear, I need to hear your voice... Please, I need your guidance, what should I do from here?"
Mrs Coker woke up startled by her husband snore. "My God! Put a sock in it" She picked an handkerchief close to the bed then he pushed it into his mouth. He continued sleeping, she picked her phone dialing her twin sister's number.
Meanwhile Kilahi's voice replayed in her head.
If drama is the way you love as a mother, maybe this is the reason why there hasn't been family dinner here in a long time
It rang but there was no response, so she scrolled over to Temi's number. She dialed the number then she ended the call almost immediately.
The snore resumed again, this time loudly. She glanced at her husband to realize the handkerchief was already out of his mouth. "Jesus Christ!" She screamed waking him up from his sleep.
"What happened?"
"You're snoring like a pig, can you please leave the room and find another pigsty to sleep in"
"The person sleeping with the pig is no different from being a pig too."
"There are more than five rooms in this house, can't you find another to crash in?"
"For the one millionth time, no. This is my room and I'm not leaving it for you. Rather than sleeping in other rooms again... I'll sleep outside"
"Are you not an expert at that?"
Mr Coker hissed, "I don't even want to start up any unreasonable argument with you this morning" "Take your snoring elsewhere or put a sock in your mouth" "I've been snoring all my life. Remember when this snore was like music in your ears"
"Who was deceiving you?"
"You didn't complain"
"Because I didn't know the extent to which you were a pig"
Mr Coker exhales, "This is not working out for the two of us. We're just cohabiting, there's no joy in our life, our children barely have joy, I don't blame them. We can't exactly give what we don't have, thank God for Alade. I just hope Temi has the best home, hopefully they doesn't end up being like us. Do you want a divorce?"
"Is that what you want? That will make you happy right?" She asked looking up at the ceiling.
"No. More than ever I want our marriage to work but it's not going anywhere... If a divorce will make you happy" "So i can be a sample of mockery. What about your position as Reverend?"
"The only reason you stayed back was to save our face. I've apologize for what I did, 28 years Teni! 28 and it's just back to the way it was when that mistake happened"
"You can't even put your infidelity in proper words"
"I was not proud of it and I'm still not proud of it"
"You've found another replacement right? Is that it? That's why you want the divorce"
"Oh please! You've start with your nonsense again. Which one is replacement? In which world will i remarry? Did my wife die?"
"You can as well kill me, that will make you happy right? If I had died"
"God forbid! You're my wife, and I am a faithful husband, for crying out loud, I'm a man of God"
Mrs Coker scoffed, "Man of God my foot. Does the name Odun ring a bell?... what's her full name again, Dr Demokun Odunayo, first class student, Medicine and Surgery, your new employee."
Reverend Coker scoffed, "Wasn't she your date for the Health Awareness Program held in Abuja?" "She was an escort" "Didn't you guys lounge in the same hotel?"
"Jesus Christ! We didn't stay in the same room"
"Really Badejo? Really?"
"We didn't. Didn't your private detective say something about that? Or it's just the incriminating part he knows how to tell"
"Are you saying, you guys didn't spend the night conversing at the hotel park . You left exactly 11:20 pm, you didn't want to go, she didn't even want you to go."
Mr Coker scoffed, "Wow, this is serious. Nothing happened between Odun and i and I'm sure you know it. Nothing is happening" "Are you trying to deny the fact she's trying to seduce you"
"I'm not denying it and just like I've been saying to the others. I am a man of God, I can't cheat on my wife."
"Like you haven't."
"It was a mistake, just hear me"
"Why are you leading her on?"
"Mi o le lee pelu ẹgba, atipe, o ti ma n rojọ ju, (I can't chase her away with a long cane, she loves talking). It's more like an addiction she can't stop. She's an extreme extrovert and... She's funny, she makes me laugh and just like every unhappy married man, she makes me forget all the sorrow you put me through. I am not cheating, I'm tired of going on and on about this. I just want this to be over!"
"Hence the divorce"
"No. I just want our family back together"
"Your children make it difficult"
"My children?"
"Yes! They don't listen... They've never listened to me, not once, even as teenagers, which insane mother will be happy about that? They are just like you, you don't just listen. Technically, I didn't ruin this family, I did my part to pick the crumbs but you already destroyed it, I did my part and they did theirs. We all have a big part to play in this crumbling house of cards and I'm not going to apologize for all rhe insults I've received from my children, no!"
"You we're absent even when present"
"It was better that way! I had my reasons and plans but you had to intercept as always"
"Visiting my children every time was a plan I wasn't ready to stick with"
"But bringing them to an angry woman was perfectly fine for you right? You get to be the good father and I became the monster" She scoffed getting off the bed. "That wasn't the plan and you knew it! You don't always believe me, you never give me the benefit of the doubt, neither do you give your children"
"What did you do the only time I did? Didn't you screw up?" She snapped walking towards the bathroom, "Temi will be back today.... Should we see her?"
Mrs Coker scoffed not bothering to face him, "I thought reverse was supposed to be the case?" "Temi is still angry that" "Well I am too!" She snapped then she entered into the bathroom slamming the door.
Mr George knocked on the guest room door, "Good morning Baby... I know you're awake. I can hear your voice, I can hear you crying. Can you come out? Let's talk about last night with calm head. I'm a lot more calm"
She unlocked the door then she opened up, "Good morning to you" "First... Let me still keep up with the tradition by saying, Happy birth month to you." "Thank you"
"Further more, I am sorry for everything I said last night"
"Why are you apologizing? You poured out your mind."
"Eitherway, one party has to make compromise for a healthy marriage" "I just wish you spoke up earlier. I don't know how I feel about the fact that my husband was keeping grudges against me"
"It wasn't a grudge.. I've been creating excuses for you, i even advised Gbadamosi to create excuses for you too, hoping you'll come to realize your wrongs but you didn't. You became worst by the day"
Tears rolled down her cheeks, "I feel like I've failed as a wife as a mother...." "You'be not failed.... Where are all this coming from?" "You said it last night, maybe not in that way but that was how it sounded like .."
"I said all I said out of anger. You're the best mother any one can ask for but you changed."
"I'm sorry. I dont know how I got so lucky to find a man like you"
"We can talk about how awesome a husband i am over breakfast, i made something for us to eat; something to eat before going to church"
She groaned regretfully, "I'm sorry... I can't eat" "Why?" "Well, I think I'm like that dog that doesn't remember his owner's voice anymore and I'm lost. I had a dream and I couldn't even realize early that it was God sending me a message. I've forgotten how God's voice sounds like and it's funny that i didn't even realize it until I shut the door against him. I feel so stupid, he said there was a when I could recognize him... Honey I think I've made God my enemy too" She cried out and he embraced her.
"You're right, what happened to those times when i didn't make any decision only if i recieve instructions from God. I didn't even know my children are engaged, what kind of mother have I been?"
"You owe your children an apology, you owe Kilahi an apology too"
"I don't feel like it. I must be honest, I can't, I don't know how I'm going to bring myself to do it and it's Pride and I know. I need to find myself back first, I need to kill the selfishness in me. It's funny how you wake up one morning to realize you have so much pride in you when you've never seen yourself as that kind of person. I wasn't this way"
"I know."
"When did I lose myself? When? I don't understand anything... I'm just In a confused state. I need to hear God speak again, I need kill this selfish part of me, even if it takes a dry fast the whole month. I need to stop putting myself and age first for once and start acting like the servant of God and the mother that I am" She replied slipping out of his embrace. Then she went back into the room.
He shut the door and small smile crept his cheeks. "That was fast"
Gbadamosi's phone rang as he drove to work, he had an air pod on but so he answered it because it was Temi calling. "Hey Temi, I'm kind of driving right now" "Oh. I'm sorry, i woke up to Manny's message. I just can't believe your mom will do that to Kilahi" "It will be fine" "It's not fine! Let's not keep shut over this anymore" "We should take It to the street bah? Raise a placard and revolt against them. The best we can do is make our intents known to them, pray about it and then leave the rest to God"
"How long must be pray about two people who are adamant to change? Can you believe Mom hasn't called me still? Not even an apology for how she spoke or for the wedding? Am I suppose to be the one to apologize?"
"Someone must take the fall for it, according to Dad. Someone has to apologize, I don't know how Dad did it all these years. I don't think I have that old man's patience"
"You're shockingly patient too"
"Not like Dad. This man has worked with God over the years, he has so much tapped into that fruit of the spirit 100%"
"Marriage can also do a number on you too. You need a lot of patience, it's just a week with Alade. The whole ground is dripping with water already, he's been coming in and out of the bathroom, forgetting things and I hate wet floors. How is Kilahi? I'm ashame to call her, I'm ashame of my family, for real!"
"She's fine. I'll be needing your help when you get back, Kilahi won't accept my help but... I'm sure you can convince her better" "What help?"
"Temi, I'm driving"
"You have your airpod on. I'm sure of it and you only need one ear to hear a car horning"
"Kilahi's coming to church, I'm casting her today, not a public announcement though, I'll section it for now"
"Awn. Just do and propose already jare! What are you waiting for?"
"Very soon. Don't tell her please, it's going to be a surprise proposal"
"I won't, I hope it's not today"
"No. I'm still making plans, I need the right venue and the perfect moment. Temi bye, I can't talk again"
"Bye. Sha Include me in your plans. See you when I get back!"
Kilahi stood in front of Sewuese clad in a long off shoulder ankara gown which had a slit all the way to her knee. She exhales heavily from being nervous, she wasn't too sure about the dress. She wanted to look her best.
"You're fine abeg! Let us rest" Sewuese snapped playfully, her attention on a small mirror while she highlighted her face with contour. Kilahi laughed, "Look at the dress very well oh, Is it good?" "I already said it's good"
"I just want to hear you say it again" She replied and Sewuese rolled her eyes, "I go stone you pillow oh" She threatened and she laughed then she heaved a sigh.
"This is the seventh, if not eighth time you're doing that thing. You'll be fine as long as you don't use that perfume again"
"Never ever! Even in my dreams, if I use that perfume in my dreams, I'll shout Holy ghost fire and wake up!" She joked while laughter escaped their lips.
"God forbid."
"No use it!"
"Abeg leave me alone! It's only perfume I used, I didn't kill anyone's child. It's only mosquito I killed" She continued and they both laughed.
"But mehn... My only fear is that.. Just like Mrs George, some people are going to inevitably frown at Gbadamosi's choice." "They can frown if they like, their Pastor chose you! Anyone that can't deal with It, should do as he or she pleases. You can't please everyone oh" She advised using her make up brush to blend the contour.
"Hilary always say the same thing but I don't know why I feel the need to these days. I'm just so nervous"
"Don't be, everything will be fine, be positive. Your people will have no choice but to like you"
"Amen oh! Amen"
"Yesterday's drama didn't even allow me give you gist on that video from the Art exhibition. Omo.... who knew you'll go viral like this?"
"I've not even checked. I've not had the time"
Sewuese "You won't believe that nonsense girl... They said she did live video and in the same live video, she wanted to play the victim card and name you as someone just searching for fame, suddenly she started to contradict herself, she painted herself for who she truly was. She's an Art influencer, Art collector and a designer. There were a lot of disappointing reviews about her, people even unfollowed her"
"Haba! Ehya, she must be devastated, I'm sure she has another reason to hate me now"
"The video of the what she said is trending although she deleted it but you know Nigerians now"
"What are people saying? I'm scared to look at the comments"
"Babe... I think you should. There are more than a hundred nice comments here, what about other people's Facebook pages? I was even shocked at some commentaries. They are really nice" She passed the phone to her and Kilahi sat down going through comments on Facebook.
"This isn't something new, the funny thing is that an average so called 'Ugly girl' pardon my language, goes through this and everyday. I'm a guy but I'll never bring myself to the point of calling someone ugly. Can I create a person? No! What this beautiful lady said is something we need to remind ourselves again. Beauty is not skin deep, character and character development matters. Thank you very much Ma.
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Imose Osagie
Please who knows this lady? I'm interested in meeting her. I want to give her a big hug for this❤❤. No one deserves to be body shamed!
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Ngozi On u oh a
If you watched this video more than once gather here
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Sewuese Adzer
For those who want to know who this lady is, Her name is Kilahi Agbo, Facebook name, Kilahi Ago, Instagram handle... Kilahi_Agbo
Kilahi's gaze left the phone screen back to Sewuese, "You gave my handle out. You just sold me out" "You can thank me later, people are finally seeing you for who you really are. That my dear, is a good thing for me"
Hilary knelt before Ossy while arranging the collar of his shirt, "That's my handsome boy" She complimented. He smiled feigning shy as he covered his face. "Mommy I'm blushing"
Jennifer barged In. "Why is there sand in the living room close to the couch. Did someone put on shoes to that place? Was it your son?" She pointed at Ossy whose hands fell weakly.
How long has he been here to be accused so quickly?
"No, it wasn't him"
"Was it ... Wait.. Did that guy sleep over? A guy slept over and you couldn't tell me. What if I had walked naked into the kitchen to get something?"
"I'm sorry. I was too tired, it was late, i couldn't let him leave"
"That's your problem! You should have made him sleep in your room! That's not an excuse, you're violating house rules"
"I never knew we had one"
"Now we are going to cause I don't want issues especially now that you've brought in another baggage to this house" "Baggage? I never knew we had one before"
"Obviously, you've not been paying attention."
"What's wrong with me bringing my son to this house?"
"I don't want the sitting room littered." She snapped batting her eyes at him then she snapped her fingers, "Hey you!" She called out, "Ma?" "You better not be like all those local children" She gave off a stank face while waving her hands, "All those local children that go around scattering the house. If I see any thing like paper on the floor, you'll use your mouth to pick it"
"I need to make things straight, before we'll have issues"
"The kitchen is out of reach for children but if you eat and can't wash your plate, keep it in your mother's room"
Ossy kept quiet then he faced his mother, he didn't understand why the woman was shouting. "Tell me she's not the woman you live with and this one just visiting?" "Yes she is" "I didnt know you were living with grandma number two" He commented and Jennifer scoffed, "Did he just call me grandma?"
"You remind me of Grandma, with the way you're shouting"
"So i look old is that what you're saying?"
"I said you remind me... Although anyone that frown always look old. Today is Sunday, it's not good to go to church angry. Aunty smile, when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, the bed did not disappear, there's still space so you can always go to the right side of the bed, you get?"
"Excuse you? It's as if you and I will have problem"
"I will not have problem in Jesus Name"
"Ossy... Shhh" Hilary shushed him up, "I'm sorry, he can he too forward and honest" "Let him shove his honesty down his ass cause I won't take it. I won't take any insolence from any child"
"Did you really wake up on the wrong side of the bed? You're usually cranky but not this cranky"
"The sand in the living room is enough to make me angry"
"I'll sweep it. I'm always the one cleaning the house just how many days of doing the job and you're already monitoring what touches the floor"
"We are going to put rules cause... I don't like that way you knocked yesterday. I'll still emphasize on it, you almost broke the door with your elephant hand, my head was banging. I'll work some set of rules and have you review them" She hissed, "No problem. Ossy and i will do well to abide by these rules. I brought bread, in case you want"
"You know i only eat one kind of bread" She hissed walking out of the room and Hilary rolled her eyes.
"Why is she talking to you like that?"
"That's just her person."
"Why do you live with such a person?"
"We share rent, it just so happened that at one time when I needed someone to pair with, Osita's friend linked me up with her. It's hard paying house rent alone in this Lagos... I have to share with her"
"She's not a nice person. She called you an elephant"
"No, she said elephant hand"
"A goat can not have elephant hand, a sheep cannot have an elephant hand, only an elephant and we all know what an elephant looks like. Is she one of the people that always say you're fat?"
"It doesn't matter, ignore her. She's one of those people who try to make others feel worst than they feel especially when they're not having the best time. When you see her, just greet and avoid her"
"Only if she avoids me,"
"You will be the one to avoid her like I've been avoiding her, I don't want problem"
"If she abuses you again. I will tell her that I don't like it, Uncle Manny said I should protect and take care of you. The Aunty that's calling someone elephant, how will she feel it I tell her how her hand looks like and she was waving it left and right as if there's something she wants us to see apart from her multi colored hand"
"You noticed that?"
"She does not know that her hand looks like plantain that they did not fry well. One place got burnt and the other one still yellow"
Hilary laughed, "Shh! Ossy!" "She should not call you elephant hand again. It's not nice" His eyes moistened, "You've not seen people call me worst and you're acting this way" "Tell them that the time that they always bully has passed, tell them that your superhero son is now here to protect you"
"What will you do?"
"I'll...." He gave it a deep thought, "My superhero power is talking."
"Mummy you're fine and I like this your red gown, it looks fine on you"
"Thank you." She pouts kissing him on the forehead, "Now Mummy has to sweep, I thought I'll be able to escape that one this morning. I'm tired"
"Let's do it together you'll hold the broom, I'll hold the packer. Let's go, we don't want to be late for church." He quickly glanced at his mother's phone screen, "Mommy It's 6:23, won't be late for church?"
"My accurate time keeper! No we won't..."
"Let me do like grandma, Osiso Osiso (quickly), the floor will not sweep itself. Let's start sweeping" He said rushing out of the room, "You'll clearly miss this your grandmother oh!" She screamed and then laughed.
Ossy pushed his head in witholding his laughter, "Ozugo oh... (Enough), are you doing make up, Osiso! The floor is waiting for us" He whispered causing her to laugh even more.
Kilahi entered into Sefa's room to see her all dressed up for church. "Hey there!" "Hey... I heard about the perfume incident when you were telling Mom and Dad. Sorry" "It's fine" "See as you're looking like one Pastor's wife. Oh shoot! You're about to be one"
Kilahi faked a laughter, "Haha very funny" "You're not wearing make up" "I'm doing natural things today abeg! Gbadamosi is casting me today" "Oh for the role of Mama" "Yes. I'm just so nervous"
"Who won't be? The Church is about to meet their new level, one of best Mama in the world"
"Awn. Thanks for the motivation. How are you today?"
"I'm fine. Why?"
"Is it a bad thing to ask? How was evangelism yesterday?"
"Did anything special happen?"
"No I didn't lay hands on the sick"
"I wasn't asking about that... I just want to know what you think about the evangelism. For me, it was worth my time. Was it worth yours?"
"I found out something... Not pertaining to evangelism but I think we should wait till you get back before discussing it" "What did you find out?"
"One of the police station we went to... A girl was filing a complaint about how her friend was kidnapped. It was the same Sienna, they saw mode of operation, they placed something on her head, just like they did on mine"
"And you didn't deem it fit to tell me. Does Seweuse know?"
Sefa shrugged, "Yesterday we were just talking about positive things. She told me Sam wants her to work her Visa and I was ... Just in that happy moment. I didn't want to ruin it" "You're keeping things to yourself and its not cool at all."
"I was planning on doing it after Church"
"Are there other thing you wish to tell me?"
"After Church"
"Please... I can't say it, I'm not even sure what it is"
Aunty Mabel pushed the door open, your father is about to make his way to the car and you all know what that means. Kilahi glared at Sefa, "We'll pick this up later" She said sternly leaving the room.
"Mommy" Sefa called out to her mother who was about to leave too, "What?" "Good morning" "Good morning" She replied then she exhaled, "Your grandmother called, she wanted to know why your number hasn't been going through. I told her your phone got spoilt, in case she tries calling you now"
"Isn't that lying?"
"Do you want her to have a high BP the way you almost did to your father that day? I don't want to have this conversation. Get ready for church" "Why will she have one when I've been found already? I'm trying to live a new life, I can't just lie to grandma and act like it's a good thing"
"But you can lie to my face right?"
"That was in the past"
"That was ten days ago"
"If any man be in Christ, he's an old creature. I never knew being a old creature has do with how many years you've been one. I thought even though you've spent just a day outside your sin, the previous day you spent in your sin is the past. Why must I be condemned forever over a sin I committed ten days ago?" She snapped then her mind breezed back to how she didn't see the need to preach to the prisoners because of their past sins.
She's just as guilty as her parents!
"Because you broke our heart and we are disappointed"
"I got kidnapped I didn't get pregnant!" She snapped in anger.
Aunty Mabel scoffed, her heart wrenched in hurt as her fist tightened to hold off her anger. So it has gotten to the point where Sefa was now using the fact she got pregnant out of wedlock as a point against her.
"Today is Sunday, God knows that I would have given you a dirty slap. We'll be in the living room" She snapped leaving the room and Sefa bursted into tears.
Pride welled in Uncle Adzer's heart at the sight of Kilahi stepping into the sitting room. He thought of the small withdrawn sixteen years old ago and the lady before him. "What?" She asked slightly uncomfortable with the stare.
"Nothing..." "Nothing? That look is something, what did I do?" "You haven't done anything. At all, the only crime you committed all these years was just keeping to yourself and not flying and shining as you should have"
"Yes. You allowed your problem weigh you down. You know there was a time when I'll be thinking if we should have taken you for therapy, the way you'll just stay alone and only talk to Sewuese only. Kai, I'll be thinking what to do, what topic to use in starting a conversation with you. The only thing that brings us together is your special Egusi soup, God just blessed you with that gift. That will be my only excuse to start up a conversation with you"
"I'm sorry" She apologize laughing, "After Tuesday.. Every time I see you, it's a reminder that one day you won't be here again"
"You make it sound like I'm dying"
"No. You're going to a better place"
Kilahi arced her brow in horror and they both laughed, "As much as I'll love to go to heaven, I'm not ready yet" She teased and they both laughed once again. "A better place, your own home, not heaven. The certainty is dawning, it's almost looking as if he'll take you away tomorrow"
"I'm still here Daddy"
"I'm proud of you Kilahi, I just want you to know that, I am proud and you look beautiful"
"Thank you"
Aunty Mabel walked in fuming, "Where's Sewuese, let's leave" "She's still.." Kilahi noticed her mood, "Mommy are you okay?" "Yes" "Are you sure?" She asked and Sefa made her way in, Kilahi could spot tears on her face.
Sewuese walked in with her shoe in her hands, "I'm ready. Let's go" She announced.
"Mommy I'm sorry" Sefa apologize and all eyes became fixed on her, all except Aunty Mabel wondered what she was apologizing for.
"Please let's go" Aunty Mabel answered snappily.
"I didn't mean it"
"What did she say?" Uncle Adzer asked, "She didn't say anything, let's just go to church"
"I'm not going" Sefa replied and her mother scoffed, "Is this girl trying to test my patience?"
"Sefa you can't be serious right?" Sewuese asked.
"I'm serious. What's the essence of going to church when my parents are so angry with me. What are you guys going to do in church? How can you pray freely with this kind of grudge in your heart?"
"Sefa watch your mouth this is a Sunday morning" her father warned sternly, "Exactly the time we need to settle this because it's a Sunday"
Sewuese and Kilahi approached her with utmost speed, "What are you doing? Are you high?" Sewuese whispered, "Are you trying to get them more angry?" Kilahi asked. "We'll settle whatever needs settling when we get back"
"No. They are not the only one that can get angry, I am angry too"
Kilahi exhales, "Can we talk about this later? I'll be late" "No. Cause I'm not following them to church, they'll have to tie me up and drag me cause I'm not going anywhere"
Aunty Mabel looked up to the ceiling as though questioning God then she took her head scarf off her hair, "Sefa, I swear to God if you make me angry, I'll beat the hell out of you. Are you mad? Have you been possessed?" "Mommy please!" Kilahi faced her.
"Let's all take a deep"
"Mummy no I'm not mad. I wish I am cause I'd rather be in an asylum than be here!"
"Get your bags ready Sefa, you're leaving Lagos tomorrow" Uncle Adzer declared and Kilahi gasped, how did the argument get to this point?
"Daddy, it hasn't gotten to that, let's just think this through. Let's all take a deeo deep breath like Kilahi said" Sewuese advised, "You can't send her off that way, where will she stay?"
"I hope I'll be going to Grandma's place cause I'm sure she'll show me more love"
Sewuese glared at her, "Why are you adding fuel to this matter?" She whispered, "I don't care. I just want to leave this place, rather than being with parents who no longer care about their daughter all because of one mistake"
"Are you raising your voice at us?" Her father asked and Kilahi snapped, "Sefa shut up! We are trying to handle this situation and you're making it worst"
"I don't need anyone of you to handle the situation. I want this to get out of hands, let them beat me if they have to. Daddy beat me, let it leave your chest, after all I am the only child in this world that has disgraced her parents. You guys should put me on all newspapers cause you're the only one going through a lot. I am going through a lot too! I escaped from kidnappers, God gave me a second chance at life, my mind is not coordinated, I am having nightmares and my parents are not helping me. You're supposed to be my parents for crying out loud!" She screamed in tears.
"So what are we? Woods? Walls?" Aunty Mabel asked.
"The only thing you guys are doing is giving me the privilege to stay in your house. So fine, I broke you guys heart and I'm sorry but I wont be the first to break her parent's heart, neither will i be the last. Mummy you broke your parent's heart too, she certainly didn't treat you this way did she? I know the story so well, we all know the story. You got pregnant, she didn't alienate you, she supported you then you and Dad got married but I get persecuted for just a sin I started in December. I made a mistake. I admit it! Do I deserve punishment, yes, do I deserve my parents acting like as though their 18 years old daughter is no one but a stranger? No! I've seen other children do worst, I've seen other children abort but do their parents didn't treat them this way? I am wrong I know... I deserve to be beaten, I know." She sobbed, "I don't want to feel like i'm living with strangers in my house. I want my parents back. I want my parents support, I can't go through this alone again... I can't" She cried and Kilahi embraced her, "Shh, it's okay"
"It's not okay.... Aunty Kilahi, it's not okay at all. I'm tired, I want to leave"
Aunty Mabel sat on the couch weakly, tears running down her eyes.
Word Foundation Church
Hilary stood afar off waving at at Kilahi who was with Sefa. She approached her and Ossy with a big smile on her face, "There is he!" She squeaked stretching her arms wide, "Come and hug your Mommy's twin"
Ossy embraced her then he looked up at her, "You and Mommy are like word and opposite in size" "Yes but the nearest in meaning when it comes to ideologies and some experiences"
"What's ideologies?"
"In a simple sentence, they are Ideas that makes sense" Kilahi replied and Hilary exhaled in relief, "I was going to hand him by phone to just check it himself. Do you know how many words I've had to define for him?"
Kilahi brushed his combed but thick low haircut. "Smart boy." "That's what happens when you leave an environment where the people around feel comfortable speaking in their native language. It's not a bad things to speak native languages but too much of everything is not good. We need to know how to speak our native language as well as English too that's why I love watching Disney junior so I can learn"
Kilahi smiled, "That's smart. The way you thought of that point right now, that's amazing" "Yes and it's also part of last year November's debate competition that we did against primary 3, 5 and 6"
"You guys went head on?" Kilahi asked in surprise. "Yes." "Who won?" "Primary 6, second to my class" "And that's?" "Primary three and they only gave Primary six because they didnt want to shame them. It would have been bad if our class have won instead of Primary six"
"Aren't you the confident one?"
"I saw the scores... Our teacher showed me and encourage me to do better. she told me that they didnt want the senior class to cry because we beat them so.."
Kilahi lifted her palm, "Hi five" She said and he slapped his palm against hers. Hilary finally glanced at Sefa, "Hey Sefa dear" "Good morning Ma" "How are you doing?" "I'm fine"
"That's good, thank God you're getting over the trauma"
Kilahi cleared her throat, "Sefa can you take Ossy with you, I'll be right behind you" "Yes Ma" She replied holding Ossy away. Hilary gave Kilahi a look, "She doesn't look fine"
"If you know the drama that happened at home ehn.. It was just too much. That's why I'm late, sorry you had to wait for me" She heard the blaring sounds of speakers so she smiled happy made it before praise and worship.
"Welcome to Church" Usher Chioma said with a smile and Ossy smiled too, "I like your smile Ma" He compliments and she chuckles attracting a surprise look from Sefa , "Thank you handsome" She replied and they both walked in.
He looks up at Sefa as they both made way into church.
"Just before we commence this opening prayer, Welcome to another Family Thanksgiving service, look at your neighbor left and right and say something nice to him or her" The Pastor handling the opening prayer said.
"I would have said something nice to you, that's if you've not been squeezing your face like someone that has hard poo stuck in her anus" "Excuse me?"
"What's wrong with you? Why are you frowning?" "I'm not frowning" "You are frowning" "Don't you frown?" "I don't like when people are sad around me. My agenda is to make them smile"
Sefa chuckles, "You're using big words for someone who didn't know what ideologies mean until now" "I play word games, although not every time but i use it to learn words quickly" "Oh. I thought seven years old are only supposed to know how to spell and know small words"
"Is that your own... ideology?" He asked and Sefa laughed then she nods her head, "Okay... Okay... Now i see how you pick up pretty fast"
The church was alive that Sunday, the air electric with pure bliss- Perhaps because it was a thanksgiving service. The atmosphere bubbled with music and people. Smiling women in different attire and colourful headscarves, some without any.
Kilahi, Hilary, Sefa and Ossy sat on one row. Kilahi did all in her best to avoid eye contact with Gbadamosi. Although she noticed him turn back one in a while doing the praise session to steal glances at him; probably trying to compensate for ghosting her the previous day!
🎶Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee, How great thou art, how great thou art🎶 The congregation echoed while Bimbo walked up to the altar. She picked the microphone signalling the instrumentalist to round off.
"Sorry to take you guys out of the spirit but we must move to the next item on the list so we can quickly get to item seven which the favorite item of the day. That part where we get to consume the word of God. I know that some people's heart would have jollificate on hearing Item 7, but the word of God is our necessary food, apologies to those whose mind have traveled far to Iyan (pounds yam) and Jollof rice." She apologized and everyone chuckled.
"Hallelujah, it's testimony time, if you know there's something that God has done for you, whether in the past, whether in the present, whether in the future, or past tense or past participle, this is the right time to line at the.." Before she could finish her sentence a long list of testifiers where already standing.
Kilahi and Hilary quickly rushed to the front, they were third and fourth on the queue alongside Ossy who was in front of Kilahi.
"As I'm looking at the queue like this, the queue is longer than the time it will take awon Arsenal to win Champions league."
A section of the church broke out in laughter.
"Sorry to Arsenal fan, I was just joking. ... Someone should not come and beat me after service. So the Lord has been been faithful to all of us, I am aware that those from yesterday's evangelism are here too. Please let's do well to summarize our testimony. We don't want Ile a su ile a mo (The sun will set, the sun will rise) testimony. If in you're coming opening the door in your testimony, we don't want to know the color of your key holder, or the color of the key. Straight to the point. ... Your favorite testimony police Is here, if your testimony is transcending like pe, it wants to have sequel tabi part 2, you will have to give the part two another time. Let's do well to keep our testimony short and simple"
The Women Fellowship Vice president who was the first on the line frowned at her, "Now you're talking into our testimony time"
Deja folded her leg on the chair watching the service live. She frowned at how disorganized the testifiers were. "Are there no ushers to arrange these people? Where is Chioma? Where is Ade? These guys want to mess the whole arrangements because I'm not around." She picked her phone dialing Chioma's number.
She wasn't even listening to the VP's testimony anymore. Suddenly she saw Ade walk up the testifiers to arrange the line. "Eh hen! Who knew this one had sense. Gosh I miss church"
Word Foundation Church
"That was how my daughter got saved, I don't know how the handkerchief for missing or what evil she wanted to use the handkerchief for. I just want to give the glory to this God that seeth in secrets and controls the affairs of man because after what seems like years of waiting...." She paused in tears of joy,"I can proudly say that I'm no longer in the league of people that only buy aso-abi from others, but now people are buying mine for my daughter's wedding."
There was a loud shout of celebration accompanied with applause. "I want to thank God for blessing us with a man like Papa, I still remember when I started the church and people were like you wan go church of man way never marry. But I saw something, and I pray for strength to carry you on Papa, I pray that God blesses you and continue to anoint you with never drying oil in Jesus Name. The woman that will help this ministry march on, may God open your eyes to see in Jesus Name"
VP dropped a seed in an envelop on the altar then she passed the microphone to Funbi.
Kilahi who was standing behind Funbi wrapped her arms across Ossy's neck. She looked behind at Hilary then she smiled.
"My name is Falola Funbi, I'll try to make this short as possible. I want to thank God for my family and all God has been doing, they are immeasurable. So last week our semester result came out and I had missing scripts. I was so devastated, I went directly to church. Thank God Papa was around, I prayed and he prayed and he spoke about an intervention. In my mind I was already wondering what kind of intervention can happen cause when I went to all the lecturers that handled the course they were so indifferent about the missing script, one even said it's a lie, that i didnt write the exam. A few of my colleagues were already discouraging me, telling me I might have to write the course again. They said I should not fight for the result but God fought for me behind the scene. Fast forward to Monday when I was home, the spirit of God moved me to take a stroll to the school, should I remind you that ASUU already went on strike and the only people in school were non academic staffs. Lo and Behold I saw a new A4 paper pasted on the notice board. When I approached I saw my reg number then with my result" She paused in tears, "I don't know how I God did it, even when I'm not faithful God was faithful to his word and the word of his servant. March is truly a month of possibilities for me, Hallelujah!" She waved handing the microphone to Kilahi.
"Halleyah" Bimbo screamed looking at a notebook on the pulpit, "If you're celebrating that testimony, I think you should do better because as we tap into this testimony, whatever good thing missing in out life shall find it's way back to us in Jesus Name"
Kilahi exhaled avoiding eye contact with Bimbo and even Gbadamosi. "Good morning church" She began and some session of people applauded her to her shock.
"Advocate for beauty and logistic!" A lady shouted.
"Beautiful inside and Out!" Another screamed, the applause was getting loud. People who didn't understand what was going on, assumed she was a celebrity.
Kilahi chuckled, "Um... Thank you.. Good morning Church. Okay I already said that" She chuckled feeling uncomfortable and they applauded her again.
"I really don't want to waste time before Usher Bimbo arrests the microphone from my hand. My Name is Kilahi Agbo. I don't know how to give testimonies, I am quite bad when it comes to facing the crowd. I want to thank God expressly for the salvation of my soul, for his love, guidance , sufficiency, protection, over the week I traveled and I'm here safely by His grace.Hallelujah!"
"Also.. Last week, was a significant week, if you're in tune spiritually, there was a portal of possibility that opened up last week, it felt like the water was stirred and people who saw the signs jumped into it. This is not relevant, I don't know why I'm saying it but that's how I feel. Last week my sister was kidnapped, I was at Pastor Gbadamosi's cousin's wedding when I got the news about her being missing. He was there at that moment with me, thank you Sir. He followed me to the police station where we went to file a missing report but we were not getting any progress with the policemen and honestly, they were making us angry. So we went outside the station and there Pastor Gbadamosi tried encouraging us, lifting our faith. Then he prayed and declared a 12 hours miracle. There was this relief that I felt deep within that I didn't feel before the prayer, my faith received the right kick it needed. I could finally laugh about other things"
Gbadamosi chuckled.
"Within that stipulated hour, my sister escaped from the den of kidnappers with me holding her hands and mind you she was taken to Anambra and I was in Lagos"
The congregation murmured in surprise.
"I was shocked too. According to her statement and our analysis. I held her hands and stayed with her through out the night and I also held her hands till she got the help she needed. It was after she got the help that she started looking around in search of me. She was asking the people around, where is kilahi, where is Kilahi?" She paused and everyone screamed in excitement.
"We saw the scripture come to live in the book of Isaiah when God said, For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you. It wasn't me that held her, it was just God. It's just mind blowing what God did, afterwards we went to retrieve her and all the while Pastor Gbadamosi was there, being a wonderful friend"
Bimbo managed to keep a straight face.
"He was supportive and prayerful. I think you guys have the most Amazing Papa"
Everyone screamed again.
Kilahi blinked her tears, "I'm trying not to get emotional. I just want to thank God for being faithful even in our unfaithfulness. Thank you God and thank you Sir" She bowed her head handing the microphone and Hilary pulled Ossy close.
"My name is Hilary Nnamdi, I'm going to go straight to the point. I'm still very much new in church. Last week I came to church depressed because I was cut off from speaking to my son but you probably won't know if you're not close to me. The custody of my son here was illegally and forcefully taken away from me right from when he was a baby. My late husband's family took him because they felt like I had something to do with the death of my husband. Fast forward to last Sunday, Papa said something you've lost for seven years will be returning back to you. I was really casual about it but my best friend Kilahi wasn't. She kept encouraging me and then she linked me to a lawyer and I decided to take custody back and God did it. After seven years, my son is back with me" She cried holding him close and everyone clapped.
Bimbo felt her eyes become heavy, "Can someone make a loud sound to God! I don't think you guys understand what is going on here, the first testimony was a missing handkerchief, second was missing script, third, missing sister, forth a son that was taken away, let's call it missing son. Boya it's your missing five hundred naira since last week oh, boya it's a missing husband, God is bringing it back to us in Jesus Name"
Hilary was about to leave she Gbadamosi mounted the altar, "Please Sister Hilary, don't leave yet. Everyone will give their testimony, I promise you. I was just seated and God gave me a message. Some people are about to jump into their season"
Everyone rose up screaming Amen!
"What Sister Bimbo said night sound like a joke but there us a deeper meaning to it. Whatever you've lost, be it a spouse, you're trusting God for marriage, job opportunities, God is locating them back to you"
"While Sister Hilary was testifying, God was speaking to me about the spiritual custody in warfare that we go through as believers. I have a leading to hand this boy into the custody of God. There are things that have been done in his life, festivals he has attended out of ignorance. God said separate this one, dedicate him, not as a Pastor perse but because he was never dedicated in the first instance" He stretched out his hands and Ossy held him then he pulled him close to where he was. Then he poured an Olive oil on his head. "Today we dedicate you Ossy, what's his full name"
"Ositadinma Nnamdi"
"I dedicate you Ositadinma Nnamdi in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy spirit. You will love God, you will not be a reproach or a menance to your society, people that gathered to say let's see what will become of him, let's see if the mother will do better, God will cause them to be amazed when they see the light of God shine in your life. You shall bring honor to your parents. Nothing will take you away from God, where your parents couldn't reach, Ositadinma, you'll get there"
"That glory of the Lord come upon yoy, the spirit of God descend on you. Recieve the grace to walk in alignment to the great purpose destined upon you. in Jesus Name we've prayed."
'Amen' They all chorused and everyone clapped.
What do you guys think about the Chapter?☺
We'll be diving into what happened in Past soon (Both for Kilahi and Mrs Coker)
Good news coming soon💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
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