🌶 Chapter 28🌶

Good morning my people

Chapter 28 is up!!!


Thank you hauwa8 for forgiving me. I felt awful for the misunderstanding last night 🤦🏼

Apologies to all the Northerners that must have felt offended when i used 'Smell' instead of 'Scent'

I'm so sorry🙏🏼

I hope I've been forgiven?

So many amazing comments yesterday. Thank you all.

I love you🙏🏼

Please Vote before reading 😂...

Hit the vote button nah

Thank you 💃🏽


Chapter 28



Seated on a booth seat in the restaurant, Kilahi who sat adjacent Manny looked up at the waitress who just brought in three smoothie in a tray. She smiled and dropped it on the table.

"Thank you" Kilahi muttered.

"You're welcome Ma. I will be taking your orders now Ma. What will you like to have?" She asked and Kilahi shrugged, giving a blank look.

She was completely clueless. Isn't she supposed to wait till they are complete so they can all eat together?

"I haven't made a choice. Maybe when the person we're waiting for comes" "Well, we already received a call from Pastor Gbadamosi, he already placed his own order, he specifically requested that we ask you what you want. You might want to place your order now so we can cook it together before he comes"

Kilahi widened her eyes, "Oh. So It's not already cooked" "It's not Ma, we cook based on order. Should I get you our menu?" "Don't stress yourself, what do you think I'll like?" She asked and the lady laughed.

"Everything on list is special and delicious" "Wow... " She smiled turning towards Manny, "She's confident shey? but I can't have everything can I?"

"We cook all kinds of rice you can think of including international standards you can think of, from Chinese"

"I don't want that" She replied turning towards the Chinese guys with singlets and shorts by her side. "No offense" She whispered returning her gaze back to the waitress . "Sorry, I'm tired of rice" She complained rolling her eyes, "You can try our fried plantain and egg or our stirred fried noodles"

"Better. I love eating other people's noodles other than the one I cooked myself. I'll have that, thank you.

"You're welcome Ma, what's your choice of protein Ma?"

Kilahi shrugged, "I think fried egg is enough" She answered and Manny scoffed, "Give here the same protein Gbadamosi is having"

"What if he's having pork?"

"It's turkey Ma"

Kilahi smiled, "I'll have that" She replied and the lady chuckled turning towards Manny. "So.... Mr Manny, what will you like to have?" She asked smiling at him. Kilahi could tell they were pretty close.

"Wo... I'm okay with the smoothie oh, once Pastor Gbadamosi gets here, I'll leave" "Okay Sir. I hope you have both have a nice time" She answered leaving and Manny laughed.

"She probably thinks we're on a date like that oh" He joked and Kilahi laughed, "Like the last one was better" She answered dragging her milk shake close. Manny gasped in surprise, "Wow... Wow, so the date we had was that bad, so I didn't try at all"

"That wasn't what I meant"

"Oya explain yourself cause if I want to analyze it, I took you to a romantic place, not just a romantic place, a romantic spot, do you remember that I was the one that pulled out your chair for your to seat"

"It's okay, it's okay. You tried small... I actually meant it ended up with me serving you hot breakfast just when you were about to pull a kiss move" The laughter that escaped her lips caused him to laughed.

He looked away and hissed, "You just had to remind me of that" "Sorry" She laughed covering her face, "You did go down in my history as the first guy I served breakfast" "It was also the first breakfast I ever received actually"

"This one that i'm making history like this, I even entered into your history book."

"Who's giving you pride to eat?"

"Your cousin" "Like that's what every guy wants to go down in history as" he answered sarcastically but she continued laughing anyway then she heaved a sigh.

"Sorry, but I'm not mocking you"

"What are you doing then?"

"I'm laughing at you"

Manny chuckled the he remembered their date and all the things she said about Gbadamosi, he lifted his finger in the air then he changed his voice to imitate her, "I just don't trust the man... Something in my gut is telling me he's a womanizer"

Kilahi gasped, "I don't sound that way." "Well... Look at you today, courting the same womanizer. I guess you were saving that first kiss for him after all"

Kilahi's eyes softened then she felt herself blush, "Maybe" She leaned over kissing the straw and taking a sip of the milk shake. "See as she's blushing like a baby." He replied looking at the straw, "You know thinking of it, straws are lucky, they have better chances of kissing girls even before us"

She bursted into fits of laughter that caused her to cough afterwards. "What made you think of .... God this guy" "I was just thinking out loud now" He replied pulling out his phone to look through the message that popped in.

"So have you heard from Hilary? Gaskia, I haven't called her since I did before i left the house. That was after the bus moved"

Manny kept quiet going through his messages, "Manny!" She called out and he hissed slapping his face, "Sorry. I was lost, work messages" "You can go if you want to" "I can't. I promise Gbada already that I'll keep you company. How's Sewuese coping with Sam leaving her?"

Kilahi exhales in confusion, "She's not happy about it, she cried herself to sleep. She woke up so early to be with him. How come you guys are not escorting your best friend on his last days. You and Gbada are bad friends, if I'm Sam, I'll beef you guys"

"I can't believe you just said that. You're just coming from the same evangelism oh. Sam understands and we don't do all those girly escortion abeg!" "So escorting a loved one is a girly thing. God help me the day that i'll be travelling even if it's to Cotonou, you'll escort me to the border"

"Look at this woman, am i your boyfriend?" He asked laughing at her, "Toor... Okay....." She trailed off resting her chin against her palm, "You don't know that when a woman enters a family, she has not only married the man but his family. You'll escort me oh, by force by fire"

Manny nods, "Thank God she's showing her true colors now before marriage. Let me know what to warn Gbadamosi about" He teased and she laughed clapping her hands.

"How are you generally Manny? How's your relationship with Hilary, not relationship, just... you know know what I mean right? You guys complicated, relationship"

"Yes" He sucked his teeth letting out a frustrated sigh, "What's wrong with that your twin sef?" "What did she do?"

"I want to know what's wrong with her cause I don't understand and I know you guys think in similar ways, maybe you can explain to me better"

"What did she do?"

"Okay... Initially when she suggested traveling I was of the opinion that she uses flight that I'll help her but she refused. Can you believe she took a bus back to Lagos"

"She told me"

"And you couldn't advise her"

"Yes advice her with the 2,120 naira that I have in my account. I can't even help myself, how will I help her?"

Manny widened his eyes, "You have only 2,120 in your bank account?" "That's not the issue at hand, we were talking about Hilary" "Yes... Hilary..." He paused still dazed about the 2120 naira in her account.

"Uh... 2,120 naira"

"Move on!"

"Yes we were talking about the bus. So when i questioned her she said she had other plans for her money. I remind her of the offer I made and she said I'm not a charity organization and she's not ready to take charity donations either. Can you believe that? I don't know what she thinks, does she think I'll be like those people will ask for something in return if I help her"

"I'm sure she doesn't think that way"

"Hilary doesn't trust me Kilahi, I get it; We haven't exactly known each other for so long but i expected to be given a benefit of the doubt. Is it because I screwed up at first when I spoke about her on air? Is that it?"

Kilahi shook her head, "No. I'm going to answer this from my perspective. I don't like receiving financial help, every proposal to help me financially makes me feel pathetic. I'm sure that's how she feels, not like she doesn't trust you. Sewuese is my cousin but most times, It's like, I'd rather die than take five naira from her. The only thing I leverage on is her wig, apart from those little thing, asking for money is a no no for people like Hilary and i"

Manny exhaled, "That's messed up" "We are independent women" "Independence will make you broke." "I'm not broke, I am rich in the Lord" "You have 2,120 in your account. If you were to pay for one of this milk shake, you won't have anything to use in paying your way back home."

Kilahi chuckles, "Is it your 2,120 naira?" She asked planting her lips on the straw." "Kilahi.. When does you next pay come in?" "I don't need help, I have my Uncle and Aunt to help me, my parents they'll help if I need one"

"You and your twin sister"

"I can't wait to see Ossy in church tomorrow or this evening. Depends on when she arrives" "That boy must have been through stress already, shouldn't he sit tomorrow out and rest?"

"Baba born boy! Jesus!"

"I don't like the stress that boy has gone through, from court case to bus stress, he'll be inconvenient"

"It's road transport not a death sentence"

"It's his first time traveling that far, apart from when he was a baby." "He'll definitely have cramps but I'm sure he'll survive. I wish you can see your face right now, you haven't even seen him and you're already having fatherly affection"

"Which one is fatherly affection? I believe children should be given all the care in the world. I guess that's what I ended up learning from the love I didn't receive"

Kilahi exhaled, "Manny..." She called out when she heard the door open. She turned to see Gbadamosi as his broad shoulder fits through the entrance. He chuckled at her, held a hand up high and waved her from where he was.

As he approached, she blushed deeply over her cheeks and temples; and the blush spread quickly to her ears. "Good afternoon" He greeted and Kilahi looked over at Manny, "Is he talking to me?"

"I believe he was"

"Wow..." She replied looking up at him, "So now I'm no longer a ghost, he finally notices me" She added and he laughed throwing his head backwards, he finally understands what she meant.

"No now... I was busy"


"Which one is Toor again.." "You that were ghosting me, gaskia..." She paused, "Toor, I was about to burst into Hausa when I remember, you probably won't understand." "Speak... The spirit of God will minister understanding to me"

Kilahi witheld her laughter facing Manny who was laughing at their drama, "Who's playing with this man?
Manny, I was hurt, this man ghosted me today. I never knew I was a ghost until today, it was as i was never there"

"Gosh I'm in trouble. Manny what should I do?" Gbadamosi asked sitting close to her.

"Don't involve me, Manny is a ghost right now"

"Ah.... So it's a ghosting something now"

"Toor, you started it now" She snapped playfully looking away while sipping her milk shake.

Gbadamosi smiled, "You look cute when you're angry" "Cheesy line! you might have to do better" "You saw me now, I didn't even have a breathing space to myself, you already cut off the oxygen supply from just being in that room. I was stealing glances at you most of the time, you were not looking, the only time you looked, I had to throw in a wink and I took a lot of risk"

Kilahi finally gave him a glance, "Is that an excuse for ghosting me?" She tried not to laugh, "I didn't want the distraction even though I was still distracted still by your beauty"

Manny clears his throat watching Kilahi laugh, "I'm takings note from the Almighty Gbadamosi, continue" "Your services are no longer needed, Uncle you can leave now" "So its me you want to ghost after helping you. Kilahi, make him suffer" He advised rising up and Gbadamosi laughed.

"Are you leaving?" "Yes. My part is done, I need to skedaddle out of here" "Thank you. I think you should take easy on Hilary, try to see things from her perspective"

"No qualms."

"Thank you" Gbadamosi nods and Manny smiled happy about helping him hold the forte. Speaking to Kilahi has always been refreshing, almost like speaking to an old friend. "Anytime. Still make him suffer Kilahi" He requested picking his cup of milkshake.

"I will. Bye" She replied watching him leave.

Gbadamosi quickly switched to seat opposite her, "So you started the smoothie without me" "Me that was beefing you" "I'm sorry for ghosting you. I wanted to walk up to you and tell you that I love the dress you wore, even when you wore this T shirt you're still wearing on it, it still looks oddly beautiful on you. It hurts that I wasn't able to say it, now I have the opportunity to."

Kilahi bit her lips, "I was just joking about beefing you, of course I understood why you couldn't meet me. I should have met you instead but I respected your distance. I dropped you gazillions of messages on WhatsApp."

"Ugh! I haven't gone through my phone, the only time i did was to send a text to Manny. I have more than thirty missed calls that I have to return including from Dad" "Your Dad? Call him back now"
"After I break my fast. Thank you for coming, I thought I'll be picking Sefa at the church only for Barrister to tell me Sewuese took her away"

"Yes. I also explained that to you on WhatsApp" "Ugh! I'm sorry" "I guess that's the perks of courting a Pastor," "It doesn't happen everyday" "I know and it's fine."

"Is it?"

"It's not something I can't manage" She pushed her tongue out and he smiled feeling his heart pump with more love for the woman in front of him. "I wanted to speak Sefa, to know if she's already reading the book I gave her, I'm intentional about monitoring her spiritual growth"

"Sewuese took her out to retrieve her Sim, soon you'll be calling her on her kpalasa phone"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Can't your parents change their mind about the phone. I have one that I'm not using, I've been thinking of who to give it to, i usually give members my old phone, that one has just been with me since someone got me this one."

"My parents won't agree. They're still punishing her"

"This sounds wrong and weird but do you want? I only used it it for two months, someone got me the new one on my birthday do technically I've only been using this new one for three months, or you can take the new one"

Kilahi looked down at the table, how quickly the tables turned to her side, just when she just finished having a conversation with Manny about gifts. "Does it make you feel uncomfortable?"

"Yes" She replied lifting her head, "I'm sorry but my camera quality may be bad but... sorry I can't take any gifts from you.." "Okay..." He nods giving her a serious face then he smiled, "No gifts... I'll have that in mind after we get married so that on your birthdays, I won't bother getting you anything"

Kilahi gasped, "Don't even try me. I didnt meant it that way" "Don't start what you can't finish" "And you too, don't start what you can't finish" "I've always love giving, trust me, it's one thing that has always come naturally with me even before I gave my life to Christ. I'm not saying this to sweet talk you, i take It you probably don't like receiving things from anyone, just like you declined when I wanted to get you bole... How much is bole and fish but you said no. I can bet you don't even collect from Sewuese"

"Are you psychoanalyzing me?"

Gbadamosi exhales, "I think the only thing you love receiving is milk shake and flowers" "Toor, and Sewuese's wig too. That has to count as something" "My love, I want to help you in anyway I can"

"Did Manny message something to you? I spoke to him in confidence"

Gbadamosi brought his phone, "I haven't even checked my message. What did you say to him, maybe it's God that's laying something in my heart" "I'm fine... Choicest, I'm fine. I'll deal with whatever I have. Don't get this the wrong way"

Gbadamosi pouts and she stretched her hands grabbing his hand then she squeezed it gently, "I'm sorry. I'm not with you for this, although I could use a milkshake everyday, I'm not in this relationship because of ....your fame, status or money"

"I know" He replied then she lifted her hand off looking around at a few people that were around. She felt bad for holding his hands in public, "I'm sorry"

"It's fine" He replied. "I just touched the hands that God used to perform those miracles, I'm not washing my hands ever"

Gbadamosi laughed throwing his head backwards. "Nice. You sure know how to break the ice" "Thank God I walk I with an hammer in my tongue" She replied chuckling, "I know that one was not funny at all" She chipped and they both laughed out.

"Evangelist Mannasseh gave me a load down of everything that happened" "That man must have exaggerated, I'm sure"

"He said you humbled him. In my mind I was like, yes! That's the woman I'm getting married to"

She blushed looking away, "Avoid me" "Your head Is swelling" "It's about to burst so leave me let me nurse my growing pride to the point of humility" She replied sniggering then she gazed at him, "I seriously don't know what happened there. I was just talking to making references and she told me, she already experienced it in 1999"

"Word of Knowledge"

"So fast?"

"What's so fast? It happens for some that way" "Weeks ago, I couldn't hear from God except through directions on what to do and what not to do and now..."

"Now what?"

"He asked me to pray concerning Sefa, something about death, about some sort of sickness and like some sort of darkness following her. I couldn't really understand a thing, I just prayed as lead"

"You'll get a hang of it as time passes, you'll come to understand someday"

"Is Sefa in trouble?"

"God will shield her, that im sure of. I wish I spoke to her. Let's constantly put her in prayer" "I'm scared, I think she's hiding something. Sefa is hiding something, meanwhile she's acting like everything is fine and the only thing she cares about is Mom and Dad reconciling with her. I want her to go into therapy when Mrs Temi comes back."


The waitress came in with a plate of stirred fried noodles, and jollof rice and Turkey for Pastor Gbadamosi. "Thank you" They both appreciated then the lady smiled, "The only people I know are Miss Temi and Mr Manny" She chipped and Gbadamosi laughed.

"Amebo, why can't you be direct? Kike, meet Kilahi Agbo, Kike works here. She has been disturbing me about getting married so I can be bringing my wife and kids here." He pointed out and her eyes widened In realization.

"Thank God. Congratulations to the both of you"

Kilahi lets out a soft chuckles, "We are not even married yet" "Enjoy your meal Sir and Ma, awn" She bowed her head leaving then Kilahi sniffles over the food. "This smells good" She sniffles, "Welcome to the only place you'll find me apart from home or when I'm running ministerial errands"

"Oh. It's a nice place, they have a basketball and tennis court"

"Do you want to go?"

"I saw some Chinese people there, I don't want to disgrace my ancestors, thank you."

"Do you want to do us the honours of praying over the meal?"

Kilahi smiled shutting her eyes, "Lord we bless you for this meal presented before us. We thank you for this provision, let the source not run dry, we ask that you bless this food and make it nutritious to our body. Amen"

"Amen" He replied digging into his food, "How did you come to know this place?"

"My old company benefits, I still do consultation for the firm and other firms but I'm still entitled to free meals and leisures. This one is solely on their tab" "But you're not working for them"

"What God cannot do does not exist. They renewed the benefit over the years"

"Wow. I celebrate grace but we have a whole lot to talk about. About you, your family"

Gbadamosi rolled his eyes, "Is it about yesterday?" "Yes. I want to know about your parents date of birth, your brothers date of birth." "That's true oh, what's your date of birth of birth?"

"See! A lot we need to know about each other... There's so much" "You look like an April Baby" He guessed but she raised her nose in disapproval, "April Baby kor.. I'm an August Baby"

"August children are..."

"Are what? Complete it let me hear you...."

"What date? Before you'll raise sword and wage war against me on behalf of all August born"

"August 13th"


"Yes.. August 13, what happened?'

Gbadamosi grinned, "Bamidele's birthday" "Pastor Bamidele Jones?" "Yes. Now I see the connection, you know Bamidele had the gift of word of knowledge very early in his ministry? You two have a similar ministry pattern. I won't be shocked if God starts ringing a bell for you to go around evangelizing"

"Oh my God, don't scare me, I'm sure He won't"

"Be careful of what you say cause that bell might start ringing tomorrow" He teased and she laughed, fear resonating with each laughter. "She's scared" He sniggered and she exhaled.

"Choicest you're not nice at all"

"So tell me something else I don't know about you?"

Kilahi creased her brow in thought then she whispered, "I'm a virgin" "I think the whole 'I wish I can have my first kiss with you' on Tuesday evening kind of gave it away, even though I had my guess already "

"Do you know I made a deal with Sewuese and Durojaiye that if I get married before the year ends, then they get to pay me a million naira and Durojaiye will have to name her daughter after me"

"Wow and if you do get married?"

"They get my life savings and I'll get to name my daughter after Durojaiye" "Nah... I don't have Durojaiye in mind... It's not a bad name. I want a covenant name"

"We already canceled it after she found out about us. Okay... What else don't you know about me?"

"The accident" He chipped in and she immediately went into a recluse mode. "You don't want to talk" "Not here" "Where? Cause we're not going to get closer than this" "I don't want to start crying"

"I guess i have to wait till we get married then"

"I'm sorry" She replied blinking her tears in, "I just wish I can enter into your head right now" He chuckles nervously, "Toor, that will be better, I won't have to go through the pain of recalling how i saw my parents dead body lying upside down in the car" She paused wiping some tears at the tip of her eyes then she started hyperventilating.

"Baby take a deep breath"

She inhale and exhaled, "I'm sorry for insisting" "It's okay, I should tell you but the memory is bad.." Faintly smiling, she stared at him thoughtfully. She was thinking of a happy topic to talk about in order to avoid this one. "I'll be going for my cousin's wedding in two weeks"




"Her name is Adiya.. She sent me her asoebi this morning. She wants me to be on her train" "Two weeks before the wedding? Isn't that late?" "She didn't want to offend Sewuese and I"


"She's 23 years"

"Oh now I see"


"So early?"

"It's a normal thing from my maternal side. We dont usually stay up to 26 in my family. Trust me, we count it as a blessing. It's a family covenant that grandma broke at that time, she's the prayer warrior of the family."

"She's still alive?"

"Why won't she be? There's nothing wrong with her, Grandma Is still 69 years old and kicking" "69 and she has you as a grand daughter. I think now I understand why mom Is angry.."In the past, i heard people stat unnoticed till they're forty and forty five before they get married but Grandmother broke the pattern through prayers and God's intervention. She made a covenant with God against marital delay so...ever since then God has been faithful. My real mom was 24 when she married Dad. Aunty Mabel might have been out of wedlock but still she got married early. We get married early, latest 25 that's why they consider Sewuese and I as the oldest. In some family, you wait till 30 before they start staging marriage intervention but me, when youre 25 and unmarried, they start to suspect maybe the marital delay is from your father's side. Grandma prays for us every time"

Gbadamosi laughed as his phone buzzed in his pocket. "What?" "Welcome to my family" She answered. At this point, other topic like the trending crossed her mind.

"Excuse me, it's Dad again" He lifted a finger answering the call while she continued eating.

"Good afternoon Dad or is It evening?"

"It's past four already. How are you?"

"I'm doing great. I'm sorry for not answering your calls. I was in between the evangelism" "That's true, I forgot, how was it?" "It was great. We give glory to God. I hope everything is fine"

"Yes. I spoke to your mother about us having dinner today. Are you up for it? You can call up Kilahi"

Gbadamosi groaned looking at Kilahi, "I can't" "Why?" "You know why" "I already spoke to your mom and she promised to be in her best behavior okay?" "And you believe it"

"Don't speak that way about your mother, you need to learn trust her once again"

"Trust is earned"

"Let her earn it today. She gave me her word and I'm willing to bank on it. Why are you counting your words, Is there someone there with you?"

"Kilahi is here with me"

"Oh. Perfect, you two can come over from where you are, you don't need to be on shirt or fancy gown. Come as you are, I'll be on joggers if I have to"

Gbadamosi laughed, "We're having lunch together, we probably won't be hungry again" "Let Kilahi answer that question for you. Give her the Phone" "Dad ... you're trying to use Kilahi against me. That's beneathe you."

Kilahi lifted her head facing him, "What?" She mouthed.

"Let me speak to her"

He groaned then he passed the phone to her. She cleared her throat, "Good evening Sir" "Good evening dear"

Sefa laid in bed playing a soduko game on her phone, "God I miss android phone.. All these button sound can make someone go deaf"

Teju called came in almost immediately then she picked it wondering how he knew she had retrieved her sim. "How did you know I retrieved my Sim?" "I didn't know, I was just randomly dialing your number, like I do, every day"


"Hey Babe... How are you?"

"I'm.... I'm fine and you?"


" How's your dad?"


"How was the wedding?"

"It was fine, can you believe these guys ended up having the whole Nigerian and Ghana jollof rice war on someone's wedding day?"

Sefa laughed, "African mothers can be dramatic" "As in ehn... The wedding was fine, I left the moment I got bored"

"Why were you bored? There's music, there are people, girls, guys"

"There's no Sefa"

"Because you didn't look closely. I'm sure if you had asked"

"You know what I mean Babe. I miss you, I miss your trouble and I miss you distracting me every time"

She shut her eyes, "I miss you too but you know the deal... I can't.. I want to start afresh." "I know but come on, we can still be in a clean relationship, no sex, which is fine by me. I'll miss it but, babe, I love you more."

"I think we should be friends till I sort myself out."


"Please! Can we not talk about this? Today has been stressful, I went for an evangelism before retrieving my sim. I took hours at MTN office, they even said they had no network initially. Imagine! If not that Aunty Sewuese has a friend there ehn, I would have suffered"

"Ehya... How far? Someone posted something about Jamb on their status, how are you preparing?"

Sefa rolled her eyes and hissed, "Am I the only one in this world, I'm preparing myself for Jamb so it does not jam me again, I'm preparing myself to learn how to study the word, I'm trying to read some book Pastor Gbadamosi gave to me, I'm preparing myself for rapture, am I the only one?" She asked and he laughed hard.

"God i've missed you. You know you just have to do it, it's this year or never. I know you can do it."

"There are so many things I'm trying to do but I don't have superpowers for them and I wish I do." "If talking was a super power, i'm sure be the best at it"

"You're not serious"

"But, no cap, i believe in you. You have no idea how much I've missed you. ASUU hasn't said anything about cancelling this warning strike. Dad says I'll stay if that's the case"

"I think it's for the best"

"Whose best? I want to see your face, should we switch to video call?"

"I'm using a button phone, I don't know where the keypads are I want to reduce it, its like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode."

"Jeez! A whole Gen Z . That's messed up, what if I tell Mom to"

"Are you trying to get into more trouble with my parents? It's their ideal punishment for me, they're angry Teju, Dad is the worst, he doesn't want to speak to me"

"This is all my fault"

"Stop taking the blame. You didn't do anything, i brought up the stupid idea" "I should have said no at least, I should have said no! So now... what are you going to do?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. All I want is God to step in make everything go away, I've been having nightmares, I even think I'm being..." She trailed off then she shook her head, "You're being what?"


"Sefa... I know you, that can't be nothing, it's definitely something. What's happening? Are they following you? If you think your life is in danger, tell your parents, Aunty Kilahi or Sewuese"

"I'm fine."

"What should I send to you when Mom comes back?"

"You know I can't collect anything"

"Mehn... Damn! I really pity you"

Sefa laughed. "I pity myself too but I'll survive"

6:20 pm

Sir Alamo drove into the George's compound then he pulled over. Reverend Coker stared at his wife, "Are we going to pretend like we're a lovely couple in front of your sister since they know the situation"

"The house helps don't know so.. don't worry, I'll play the part of the lovely wife you don't deserve" She replied faking a smile. "Let's go dear" "Ladies first... I need a breathing space" He answered and she shrugged, "Your call" She muttered leaving.

A car drove in.

Tears ran down Reverend Coker's eyes then he stiffled silent sobs. "You need to take it easy Sir. Ilera é ṣe pàtàkì ni akoko yi. O ni lati mójúto oro ẹjẹ riru e (Your health at this crucial age is not something you play with. You need to be very careful of your blood pressure)" Sir Alamo advised, "Alamo... you won't understand"

"True but I've been your driver and a friend since the 90's and I've faithfully served you and your family"

"So o ro wipe Teni ma dariji mi? (Do you think Teni will ever forgive me?) Do you think there's hope for us? Or we're just grasping at nothing"

"There's hope for a living dog than a dead Lion. Personally, I still wonder why your wife is still angry over this matter. It was worth getting angry over several years ago but 10 years,15, 20, 25, 27, 28 years, 20..."

"Can you talk to her for me"

"I have my place Sir, she knows that and you do too. I only speak when requested to speak."

Reverend Coker hissed, "This life we're living is not healthy at all. Not to me, not to her, she needs to go to therapy" "You know she hates having her dirty laundry out in the public. More than anyone you know your wife is secretive"

"I know but it's her health and my health that's at risk. I am not comfortable in church again. Living a life of pretense among other Reverends. Being asked to preach and your life is not near perfect. I go back home to arguments with my wife."

"What Mrs Teni needs to do is get it out of her chest that what happened, happened in the past. Clearly she hasn't forgiven you but we can only hope on God"

"With how stubborn she is. I'm sure that God has gone on a long vacation on her case, you can't actually force water into a closed jar. That woman has locked her heart, I don't know who can"

Manny knocked on the window and his father turned towards him smiling. "Look at my son" He muttered stepping out of the car. "Good evening Sir Alamo" He bowed his head at the driver who waved at him.

"Good evening Dad" "Good evening Son. I didnt know you will come, did you just drive in?"

"No. I've been around, I went out to answer a call when I saw you drive in. I didn't know you and Mom were coming either" He pulled out his phone, "What are you doing?"

"Calling Mummy Gbada to cancel" "Don't" His father begged holding on to his hands, "Please, let's just have dinner. I'm sure Temitope will put her in her best mood, let's just hope on God ehn? Let's just go in an enjoy the dinner"

Aunty Toyin bent her knees towards Reverend Coker, "E k'role Sir" "Ah Ah Ah.. Toyin, you're here too" "Yes Sir" She said faking a smile.

"Bawo ni?"

"Dada ni" She replied batting her eyes at Manny then she bent her knees towards his direction, "Good evening Sir" "I'm sorry Ma, good evening Ma, I was waiting for you to finish your conversation with Dad"

"Siiiooor. How are you?"

"I'm fine Ma"

Duro sibe ko ma so fine...O ni lo se igbeyawo, ma se fine. Gbogbo ẹgbẹ e ni won ni wa nile oko pelu awon omo meta. Ma ṣe fine, siiiooor (Be there doing fine... You will not go and marry, be doing fine. All your mates are married with three children. Be doing fine)" She hissed leaving and Manny laughed.

"This woman will not ceased to surprise me. I'm waiting for her children to get to marriageable age, the shege that I'll show this woman ehn!"

"She's your mother's sister"

"You mother of oppression. I'm just waiting sha, I won't be staying for long though. I have to be at the park"

"What park?"

"Motor park"

"Are you expecting a package?"

Manny shook his head, "A friend is coming in and... I need to pick her up" "Oh. A girlfriend?" He asked noticing how his eyes lit up, "No" "I know we haven't had time to see and talk since you left In between dinner on 29th of January. Is it a girlfriend?"

"No. Just someone I'm falling in love with"

"It's good you're being honest with your feelings. It's a good thing so.... What's stopping you from doing the needful? Is she estranged?"

"No. She's a widow and she has a son"

"Oh. Now I see why you're hesitating. If Boaz had considered Ruth's status before getting married to her, if he had considered the fact she's a widow... He probably wouldn't have married her, David wouldn't have come from that lineage and..."

"I don't care about the fact she's a widow or the fact she has a son. Hilary is an Amazing woman, better than that most girls I've dated. It's Mom that's the problem"

"Oh... Jesus Christ, that one na another wahala, she won't agree. Not in this world, not in another, except in her next life" He replied plunging his fingers into his pocket then he leaned against the car.

"Exactly why I haven't done anything. I don't want to put Hilary and her son through that" "So you'll choose to be unhappy in order to please your mother. I won't ask you to go against the standard of having your mother know about your relationship but I also won't stand for an act such as you giving up your happiness because of a woman that hasn't been able to make herself smile for years. I won't stand and watch you sacrifice your happiness, you're young, it's your time to sprout, your time to shine and have joy. You deserve to be happy just like anyone."

"I'm not trying to please Mom, I'm avoiding drama. I heard she said that I can bring anyone at this moment but I'm sure anyone for her doesn't involve a widow and a mother"

Mrs George held Mrs Cokers' hand affectionately then she kissed her on the cheeks, "Welcome dear" "Thank you. Is she around already?" "Not yet, I promised George to be in my best behavior. You look ravishing"

"I always look good, you look good too"

Mr George stepped out clad in a white polo and checkers shorts, "I specifically told you all not to dress too serious. We won't want Gbadamosi feeling uncomfortable. They're not dressed for dinner"

"I possible can't leave the house not looking my best" Mrs Coker complained.

Aunty Toyin stepped in bending her knees slightly towards Mr George, "Good evening Sir." "Toyin, good evening. How are you, your husband and the children?" "They are all fine. " She replied with a smile then she looked towards her sisters. "E k'role eyin aunti mi (Good evening to my sisters)" then she bursts into a song.

"If you're born in March stand up, stand up" She sang rubbing her buttocks against Mrs Coker who groaned pushing her away.

"You invited her?" She asked and Mrs George nods giving her a familiar look.

The moment Mr George left, Mrs Coker spoke up, "What's going on?" "I already gave Toyin the load down of my plans. If i have to be in my best behavior, i trust Toyin to be in her usual crazy self. No offense"

"Not taken." She replied then she whispered, "You guys should not worry, I will not let my nephew get married to a sucidal woman. She's clearly not in her right sense, trust me to make her life a living hell this night. She will regret knowing Gbadamosi, she will be the one to use her leg to run from his house. Trust me!"

Gbadamosi and Kilahi arrived fifteen minutes after but she refused entering out of fear. She had already taken off the T-shirt and was only clad in the gown. "Are you going to go in or not" "Wait now.... Let me do spiritual press up and gain some stamina fess"

"For someone who hates exercise, I'll like to see you do one push up"

She witheld her laughter, "I said spiritual press up, the things I can do in this my mind ehn... I can even swim" "I'm very sure" "I'm scared. I dont want to mess things up, what if she asks me about her date of birth, 27th of March"
"Babe! You're not going for an interview."

She heaved such a deep sigh, "Let's go" She blurted out in a strangulated voice.

Mr and Mrs George, Mr and Mrs Coker and Manny were all perched comfortably on the chair, chatting about an occurrence on the news. Aunty Toyin was in the kitchen.

"When we look into the international scene and you want to do a comparative study with this country." Reverend Coker said but Manny interupted him, "Let's not even go far, international is far"

"We are nowhere near departing from being a third world country. It's not a curse, this just basic economics, if there Is a group called the fourth world country, we would have fallen into it. Look at the Giant of Africa in the mud! What's the value of our money again?" He snapped, "It's only God that can help us at this rate, look at the ASUU strike now"

"Good everyone" Kilahi greeted attracting everyone's attention. Mr George rose up, "Welcome to our lovely abode" "Thank you Ma, Good evening Ma" She embraced Mrs George who face contorted into a stank face from the scent of the perfume that couldn't do much to hide the stubborn smell of Okirika dresses.

What's that horrible smell? She asked within but she obviously didn't want trouble with her husband so she moved away quietly.

Mr Coker smiled rising from the chair "Ah Han! So it's this young girl that helped us during Temi's wedding that our Gbadamosi found"

"Good evening Sir" Gbadamosi bowed his head then he watched him move close to her after which he shook her hands.

"Welcome to the family my dear" He said to her then he proceeded to shake Gbadamosi's hands, "Congratulations. I knew It will happen eventually, and she's a hardworking girl oh. It's not the size, she's good" He testified facing Mr George, "I'm serious. Out of everyone, it's only she and Risi that helped moved souvenirs" He lifted his fingers to demonstrate.

"Only she and Risi." He turned his gaze back at them, "Don't worry, we are just starting. Grand children will surround our table very soon"

Kilahi chuckled softly, why did she find it funny?

Aunty Toyin walked into the sitting room surprise to see Kilahi, "Kila Kila.... What are you doing..." She paused in thought looking at Gbadamosi then it hit her, "So it's you" "Aunty Toyin" She screamed in excitement then she ran to hug her.

She wouldn't have believed she will be this excited to see the woman.

Aunty Toyin frowned,"You that left that day without telling someone" "I'm so sorry... There was an emergency" She withdrew with a wide smile.

"It's true oh. I heard your sister was missing"

"Yes Ma"

"Missing like how? What happened?"

"Long story. She was kidnapped Ma"

"Jesus... Is she okay?"

"We found her the next day"

"Ehya... The world is a wicked place, next time let her to be careful" "Yes Ma" "Did you get your souvenir"

"Yes Ma. Hilary mentioned it"

"That's good" "If i didn't get it, what would you have done?" "Wo.. I would have gotten Hilary's address, she would have seen me tomorrow morning"

"She mentioned it Ma"

"I didn't even know that she will be a good person with the way she was doing face that day. She really helped me." "I knew she will"

She paused clapping her hands in awe, "What a small world we live in. So it's you that my nephew chose, when did he make the choice was it after he pushed you to the ground or when he raised you up"

Kilahi laughed staring at Gbadamosi, "Ask him, he should be in a better position to answer" "Wasn't that when you met?" "It wasn't oh" "So you guys were acting that day, deceiving my head. Ah! This one is not good oh"

Kilahi shook her head laughing, "No. Aunty Toyin, it's a long story. That time we haven't even had a decent conversation"

"When will you give me the gist?"

"Any day Ma. I didn't know I'll be this happy to see you again" "Because I'm a monster abi?" Aunty Toyin asked but she gasped, "Because you almost used me to death that day but it wasn't a bad experience all together"

"How is your friend Hilary?"

"Hilary is.."

Mrs George cleared her throat as though reminding Aunty Toyin that she was invited to cause trouble, not to play catch up. "Don't worry.." She whispered, "We will gist later, let me go back to the kitchen" She added leaving then Kilahi went ahead to glance at Mrs Coker whose legs were crossed.

"Wow... You and Mrs George look so alike. I hope for God sake that I'm right and the person I hugged is Mrs George"

"It was Mom you hugged"

Kilahi sighed in relief, "You two look so alike Ma..." "It's funny you're just noticing me, don't you find it rather rude"

Manny took a quick glance at his mother then he returned his gaze back to his phone, deep down, he wondered when the dinner was going to start.

"I'm sorry Ma." Kilahi apologize, "I got excited when I saw Aunty Toyin. Nice to meet you again Ma, Good evening Manny"

Manny waved and smiled at her, "I thought I was a ghost now" He replied then she laughed and rolled her eyes. "You know I can't ghost you"

Mr George smiled walking up to her, "You know people usually mix my wife and her twins up. They look so alike, at a point, I did too. Good evening Kilahi" "Good evening Sir. You have a very nice home" "Thank you. Take my hands let me show you something" He curved his hands and Kilahi cuffed hers in then they both walked a distance away from everyone to view pictures on the wall.

Gbadamosi folded his arms and watched Kilahi talk with his father, "Is that who you're planning on getting married to?" Mrs George asked, "What do you see her in? She's not even attractive, she doesn't even stand a chance if she's placed side by side with Brenda" Mrs George whispered.

He gritted his teeth to control his anger then he clasped his hands looking towards his father who was now pointing at some pictures on the wall, "Mom"

"Mothers knows best. You should listen to your mother" Mrs Coker chipped in.

"Aunty Teni... With all due respect, i'm sorry Ma but butt out of this." "Okay" Mrs Coker mouths.

"Gbadamosi how dare you? Are you aware you're talking to your Aunt?"

"I apologize"

"And that's supposed to make it better. Just like you insulted me because of her. I'll still ask the same question, Is she really the right one?"

"Mom Please" He returned his gaze back to his mother, "I am begging you, please... Let's just have this dinner peacefully. Don't make me regret bringing her here"

Kilahi laughed at a picture of Gbadamosi in one of their old family picture up on the wall. "Sir you still look as young as you did years ago" She teased, "It's the ever young grace that i transferred to everyone"

"Look at the way Gbadamosi looks here!" She points, it a prize giving day picture where he appeared darker.

Gbadamosi snuck up behind them, "Are you guys gossiping about me?" He leaned in. She felt his breath against her neck, "Why will we?" "Isn't that your MO?" He asked and she gasped slapping his chest playfully then she giggled afterwards.

"Now you're going to make your Dad think I'm a gossip" "You're not just a gossip, you're the Chief officer for Assumption and gossip, that's who is she is"

"Gosh, why are you casting me like this? I've always been good to you oh"

"I've always been good looking too you know."

"He took it from me" Mr George chipped and the three of them laughed over it. "Even as a child, i was still cute. You can touch that picture and just kiss it, you should see my baby pictures. That reminds me, I'll have to collect some of my pictures for when I start up the family"

Kilahi suddenly felt uncomfortable, her eyes lingered on him. With all the talk they've had about children and starting a family. It kept making her heart jump in fear.

Not like she wouldn't want to start up a family but the reality of how soon it will be was dawning on her.

He winked at her and her heart skipped, she almost went numb.

Mr George clapped his hands, "That reminds me also, Kilahi, since he's casting you. I have some embarrassing pictures of this man here in our family photo album, something you can use against him in the future."

"I am so interested, I need it"

"If you see those pictures and you decide to still stay with him, then I'll know for a fact that you truly love him"

Mrs George rolled her eyes, "We didn't come here to remiscence on family pictures. We came for dinner and dinner we shall have"

Two sumptuous meal were served on the dinner table, Efo elegusi and Jollof rice and Chicken. While Manny and Kilahi had rice, the rest downed the beautifully prepared Egusi and pounded yam garnished with huge chunks of chicken, pomo and meet.

"I know that Benue people love pounded yam. How are you guys coping with the kind of yam you see here and the cost. I have a Benue friend complains every time about yam in between political and health discussions" Reverend Coker said getting a cold stare from his wife who didn't like people talking while eating.

Kilahi laughed, the person her was making reference to reminded him of Uncle Adzer, "My Dad will always compare, according to him, what are we using yam to do in Benue. We just have to get used to the fact that we're in Lagos"

"Abi, Gbadamosi I hope you're ready to pound yam. It's Benue men that pound yams for their wives oh"

Gbadamosi chuckles, "There's nothing I can't do now. My parents didn't raise a lazy man" "Wait... So women don't pound" Aunty Toyin asked, "They do in some places but the men take pride in it"

"Assuming I wasn't married, I would have been shinning my eyes for Benue men" She teased and everyone laughed.

Dinner was going well than Gbadamosi anticipated, perhaps his mom was beginning to accept Kilahi or maybe not. His mother has been unusually quiet, something seemed fishy?

Should he be bothered or not?

Mrs George gave Aunty Toyin a look to start up the protest but she tried her best to ignore each look. "Aunty mi can cook! Mummy Gbads, you are a chef" She compliments meeting her sister's frowny face.

"The food is Amazing Ma" Kilahi quickly chipped in.

Aunty Toyin cleared her throat, "So... Gbadamosi... How did you meet Kilahi?" She asked and he sighed staring at Kilahi who was sitting close to him. Her eyes also met his then she blushed.

"Is the story on my face?" She whispered and he grinned, "I heard my one of my media guy talking badly about my missing ribs picture sometime in January. He didnt want to post her picture because he felt they were not good enough but I posted it anyway. Ever since that day I saw her picture, I haven't been able to get it out of my head"

"I didn't know this Uncle was stalking me."

"I wasn't stalking you stop feeling yourself"

She chuckled heaving a sigh, "I think we officially met on Valentine's day, but we didn't have any meaningful conversation until Mrs Temi's wedding day. I used to think Gbadamosi was a womanizer, but everything changed that very day" She paused and they both stared at each other.

"My dress ripped and he noticed and managed to get me into the toilet"

"At that point she was still accusing me of being a womanizer"

"Because he was behind me telling me to get myself to the toilet. What was I supposed to think?" She asked and everyone found it funny except Mrs George and Coker.

"I guess that was the day we started falling deep"

"Speak for yourself. I was already in love with your from Day 1" He winked at her and she felt her heart fluttered, this guy has come with this his ungodly wink.

"You have come with this your ungodly wink" She whispered and he laughed into her ears.

"The only thing remaining is a church wedding. You may kiss your bride at this point" Reverend Coker blurted out and everyone laughed, except Mrs Coker. Although Mrs George managed to fake one.

"Awn. That's a beautiful love story" Aunty Toyin complimented. "It reminds me of Aunty Tope and Mr George's love story. It was love at first sight" She replied finally turning towards her elder sister.

"Love at first sight, no woman or man rose up to stand against it oh. Everyone gave the love a chance to grow and blossom now they're counting thirty eight years in marriage"

Mrs George got her message clearly. Her sister has grown cold feet because of her affinity with the girl.

Kilahi smiles.

She had to step in to salvage what Aunty Toyin couldn't. "So... Kilahi, you claim you love my son"

Kilahi cleared her throat, "I don't claim Ma, I do love him" "What's your opinion on children respecting their parents decision?"

"I think it's paramount, depending on the circumstances, the bible encouraged us to honor our parents" "You believe, there's a circumstance for honoring and dishonoring"

"I dont know the context your attacking on but I'll say Yes. A child cannot honor his parents when it involves him putting his hands in the fire to show them respect."

"Shouldn't that be considered to be loyalty?"

"With all due respect Ma. That's not loyalty, that's stupidity, there's a place of honour and there's that place of looking before you leap. I won't honor my parents if the instruction they're giving to me is to stealing from someone or put someone in harms way or go against God and everything good thing I believe. That's like a kind of honour that leaves you with bad integrity and dishonor nonetheless."

Mrs George pressed her glass of wine to her hand then she took a sip from it dropping it on the table, "You studied philosophy right?"

Kilahi swallowed hard, at this point she couldn't eat anymore. "Yes. Yes Ma" "You probably think everything you say is right and wise?" "No. I say things based on my point of view, my foresights and perspectives can be myopic or hypermyopic and they are subject to reasonable correction, all I have to do is give ears and digest the wisdom from others. One thing I've learned over the years in philosophy is that, there's nothing like superiority of opinion, every opinion counts. I hope I'm not being too truthful Ma"

"Oh. I want you to be truthful cause i have a lot of question"

Mr George laughed half heartedly, "Honey... This isnt a job interview, we can skip that for the night" "Honey" "We'll skip it for the night..." He faked a smiled, "Maybe some other time" "No. My son just picked a wife out of the blues and you feel i as the mother should not ask questions. Is that fair Kilahi? Should I be silent over my son's choice of woman?"

She swallowed hard again, she was beginning to feel tensed. "Uh.... No ma'am... It's normal. My parents asked Gbadamosi questions too the day we started courting" "Your parents came back from the dead? I thought they're dead, you've said your parents on this table like thrice now""

Gbadamosi tightened his fist, "Mom what's all these?" "My parents ....are still dead but I guess you know already. Uncle and Aunt Mabel are my parents now. So... I totally understand your need to ask question."

"It's not cool, don't act like you're cool about it" Gbadamosi snapped but she grabbed him by the arm to calm in down.

"Choicest it's fine" She whispered in a soothing voice.

"Are you not bothered that he's ten years older than you? Almost eleven, you're not 27 until August 13th"

Kilahi and Gbadamosi blinked in surprise, she glanced at Gbadamosi questioning him with her eyes. How did she know when Gbadamosi only just found out about it. "Mom... How did you know? I haven't exactly mentioned it to you. How did you get these information?"

Mrs George scoffed, "I asked a question Kilahi, are you going to answer or not" "She's not entitled to answer anything, Mom." "It's fine" Kilahi answered chuckling nervously then she cleared her throat, "At first I was bothered by the age difference but who am I to say no to God's will"

"How are you sure it's God's will. Did God send you a confirmation or was it Gbadamosi's word you took for it? Cause my son certainly loves doing the opposite of everything I ask him. He doesn't honour me"

"Honey..." Her husband trailed off, "Can we talk for a bit" "In the middle of dinner and an interesting topic as this, no"

Kilahi exhale, at this point she finally understood that Gbadamosi's mom was out for her life, she doesn't like her. But why?

"Ma.... Have I done anything wrong?"

"No darling I'm just trying to make sure that my son gets the best woman and you dear are on the hot seat"

Manny rose up, "I'm seriously not listening to this anymore. Gbada, Kilahi, let's go" "Maniola sit down" His mother ordered, "Why?" "It's rude to leave when people are eating"

"When have I ever cared?"

Kilahi begged him with her eyes, "Your Mom is right. It will be rude to leave now" "I don't have any problem with that. Gbadamosi, are you guys coming or not"

"Yes" He answered but Kilahi disagreed. "Please now" She whispered to him, "This will leave a bad impression for me" "Like she doesn't have a bad impression of you already. I knew this whole charade was fake, it's fact I allowed myself be pushed into it that's annoying"

Manny rolled her eyes, "Are you guys coming or not? Cause I'm not going to stand anymore insult from anyone"

"Please" Kilahi begged.

"Bon appetite to you all" He snapped storming out.

Gbadamosi's eyes moistened as he gazed steadingly at Kilahi, "Let's just go" He muttered, "No." She replied forcing a smile at Mrs George.

"Any more questions Ma?"

"Do you think you'll make a good mother?"

Kilahi exhales, "Yes. I think so, by God's grace, strength and wisdom" "Wow... Do you think any mother in her right sense will allow her son marry someone that tried committing suicide once in her life?"

"From a surface level, any mother will frown against it but we all know there's always more to the story"

"A woman drowns her child due to depression, so you think there's a deeper story to it than just a mad woman that needs to be locked in a psyche home"

"If every depressed Nigerian is locked up, im sure we won't have much people walking on the street cause one way or the other, these are things people experience and manage on daily basis. A lot of people manage depress so it doesn't get in the way of their activities, not every man on suit and tie is sane. That's one I've also learned"

"Why did you attempt suicide in the first place? What happened that made you conceive the idea of suicide?"

Kilahi swallowed a lump in her throat, she looked at Gbadamosi, she wasn't sure how she got to find out about this.

"That's a ridiculous question" Mr George snapped, "I think we shoo talk about" "Let her answer the question dear. Did you or did you not try to commit suicide?"

"I did"

"And now you're wondering how I knew these things. You think I'll accept a woman from only God knows where without carrying out proper investigation about her. I hired a good private investigator"

Kilahi paused and the only person that popped into her mind was Garba.

How did you know I'm 26 years old?

Job description

Did Mrs Aisha mention that to you?

Like I said, it's part of my job description

Moments passed in silence.

A pause.

Kilahi's lashes swept across the table as she looked down, bit her lip nervously.

"Why did you do it?"

"Mom that's enough!"

"I did it because i was depressed and at that point I was going through some insecurities about my body"

"Kilahi, stop answering her question"

"So what do you think will happen after you get married, when you have more responsibilities, you'll have the church women to think of, you'll get pregnant and still feel insecure about your body, you'll give birth and feel insecure, probably fall into post partum depression. What will you do by that time? Commit suicide?"

Tears ran down her eyes, "I realized I didnt want to at that spot, it was a mistake. Haven't you ever made a mistake Ma?"

"But you did made the attempt. That means you're prone to do it someday."

"Have you ever made a mistake Ma?"

"What kind of stupid question is that"

"I answered yours Ma"

"So my questions were stupid"

"I didn't say so. Have you ever made a mistake?"

"I never tried committing suicide, you did. Gbadamosi i ask again, Is this the kind of wife you want to marry?"

"I am not that woman again... I've grown"

"How? You think because you have a little smart mouth, that's enough to be my son's wife?"

Tears poured down even more down her cheeks, she didn't have anything to say again.

"Gbadamosi, If you want to get yourself a woman... at least get one that won't be wearing cheap perfumes and seconded clothes. I almost gagged from the smell, Listen to me Kilahi, I believe you're smart enough to digest this, since you love digesting facts and opinions, well this is mine. You're not good enough for my son. I know he's stubborn and likes doing everything to annoy me. News flash Gbadamosi, I'm annoyed!" She barked now turning her head at Kilahi, "My dear, you are not welcome in this fanily, if there'll be a wedding, you're not getting my blessing cause I don't like you. Are you aware that I was insulted because of you? Yes my dear, I was. My own son insulted me, that was the day I grew this dislike for you. If you know what to do, go elsewhere and find yourself your God's will cause you've not seen one yet"

Gbadamosi lowered his head against the table.

Kilahi nods in understanding, she rose up walking out then she turned back at her, "If this was the reason you called for this dinner Ma, then I'll have to express my disappointment cause it feels like something straight from a Mexican soap opera. I'm in love with your son and I found God's will in him. I might not be a mother but I believe a mother should know better about God's will for her family and children. Well except your dislike for me is greater than your foresight to see God's will then you're somewhat shortsighted and bias about your opinion too, don't you think so? I thought the first impression I made was my fault, now it's clear you just didn't like me. But Ma, all these drama to what end? To make me look bad? I don't think I'm the bad person here, instead I feel like a victim of a coup. If drama is the way you love as a mother, maybe this is the reason why there hasn't been family dinner here in a long time" She snapped leaving the room and Mrs George scoffed.

"You've not seen a wife Gbadamosi. You should be grateful to"

He raised his head up, blinking his tears in "Mom I begged" "She's not presentable. I could whiff the cheap perfume and sweat" "May God help you Mom... That's all I can say, I don't want to sin against God. Thank you for being the best mother in the world. Thank you for all the support you showed me when I needed it, just like a mother should support her own child" He wiped a single tears off the the back of his palm before walking out of the room.

Aunty Toyin rolled her eyes, "Sister Mi, that wasn't necessary. What was that for? What point were you trying to prove?" "Didn't I call you here for this?"

"Igba yen kor? (And then?). When I saw that the person in question is a good person, what did you expect me to do? That girl is a good person" "Why? Because you've known her all your life"

"No. All i need is one day to know a person's behaviour. Anyone that doesn't insult me, anyone that can bear all my excesses for a day has my blessing and she does. 37 years, you dont understand you own son. So ti ri ki Gbadamosi sukun? (Have you ever seen Gbadamosi cry?) He congratulated you as a supportive mother that you're not, that's a curse if you don't know and you're there smiling"

"Am I suppose to grovel and beg him?"

"Eyin le mo. I should be on my way, let me package my food and go" She rose up going into the Kitchen.

There was a dead silence at the table, Mr George silently watched his wife continue with her food as though nothing had happened, "Reverend, Teni... Good night" He bowed his head leaving the dinning. Reverend Coker washed his hands, "I'll be outside my dear, Good night Temi"

He hurried out of the house leaving the two sisters alone.

"Your husband is angry" Mrs Coker stated washing her hands clean.

"It won't last, tomorrow we'll make up but at least I've driven home my point"

"True but if you ask me, I don't think she's bad at all, except for her bad taste in smell and dressing. It's workable, she looks sweet if you ask me"

"Dont get me started with. Has she bewitched you too? What's special about her that everyone so Interested in her. They're making me feel like the witch here. She's not fit, she tried committing suicide"

"Yes Sis. In case you've forgotten, so did I" She replied dabbing her lips with a table napkin, "Good night"

Kilahi placed her phone against her ears while tears ran freely down her cheeks, "To what do I owe the call this evening" Garba sounded off and she exhaled. "Good evening Garba,"

"Are you okay? You don't sound fine"

"I have some questions for you, the old me would have assumed but I just want to clear my doubts and I want you to be honest with me. Did you in anyway conduct any investigation on me because of someone"

Garba paused, "I never conducted any investigation on you" He replied, "How did you know so much about me then? If Mrs Aisha didn't tell you, who did?" "I can't tell you that"

"Okay... Do you know Mrs Temitope George?"

She could hear him sigh, "Yes I do" "All I wanted was a simple honest reply. Why did you lie then? You know what Garba, good night!" She snapped ending the call then she exhaled sobbing loudly.

"I'm sorry" She heard Gbadamosi apologize from behind but she didn't turn to face him. "How long has your mom hated me?" "My love"

"How long have you known?" She snapped now facing him, her phone rang but she ended the call angrily. "For weeks now, we've been going back and forth quarreling about you"

"More reason for her to hate me. You should have told me! Was that why you requested that I excuse you when you were talking to your Dad on Wednesday evening? Toor... That was the reason right?"

"That was why I declined... Baby, I was avoiding this"

Kilahi sobbed and he pulled her in for an embrace, "It's fine." "Not it's not." She replied looking up at him. "This is the most humiliating day of my life and I thought I've been through worst" "Babe"
"You mom doesn't like me, what's the essence? This was too good to be true anyways, i can't be in a relationship where I can't get your mother's blessings. Maybe we should end this"

Gbadamosi scoffed, "How can you say that?" "You're right, that sounds stupid, I can't believe I just said that. I don't want to end this, I love you too much to end it but your Mom"

"Have you forgotten so soon, we promised to take everything to God's court and settle every issue there" "You heard her, she said she won't give us her blessing"

"I don't care"

"I care! I'm not going to have a wedding or a relationship without my mother in law's blessing. I'm not ready to go through all those soap opera dilemma like the part one she just gave me"

A small laughter escaped his lips, "She said part one" "Isn't it part one? I don't want to know how the sequel will look like. You heard her, she said you insulted her because of me, she has a lot of personal reasons to be angry"

"That was the argument I told you about in Anambra, the one I told you about mom and I not seeing eye to eye on issues in a long time. Just ignore her, she's just being dramatic" "I should ignore my future mother in law bah?" She scoffed shaking her head.

"Yes until God changes her mind. We were meant for each other and not even her can stop what we have. You're my missing ribs"

She sniffled, "Are you sure you won't start looking for another ribs?" "Well... You're irreplaceable" He replied and a small chuckle escaped out of her lips then he wiped the tears off with his fingers.

"Assuming i knew there was going to be a dinner, I would have brought another cloth along to change into something. I just bought this gown from that Okirika guy, why did I wear it today of all days? I even thought the perfume did a good job hiding it, but it ended up choking your mother"

"It's not... that bad"

"Really? Be honest Gbadamosi, does my perfume smell bad?" She asked and he kept quiet, "Not bad" "But bad. Sewuese and Sefa complained about it but i was too stubborn because I already bought it and I didn't want it to go to waste. I brought this upon myself. Sewuese will slap my head"

Gbadamosi shrugged, "I don't really care" "You smell nice, you always smell nice and you don't care. Why did you ask me about the smell yesterday?" "Because i noticed it was a different smell. Don't think too much of it"

"I can't help it! I'm still building my life, I might not be as rich as Brenda but I try my best to look good from what I sew but I chose a bad day to wear Okirika. I just didn't know .... I should have used Sewuese's perfume. God! Your mother had just added perfume to the list of things to be insecure about" She exhaled wiping her tears off.

Kilahi started to pace left and right. "She had to use the suicide attempt against me... That was in the past. Will I be a good mother? Does motherhood depend on age? Some younger people are good at parenting than some older people and vice verse. Its just maturity and God's wisdom that's important." She paused pointing her fingers at hIm.

"This looks like it's all about class to me cause if we want to put Brenda on the scale of attitude. Why will she prefer her to me? I'm talking too much, let me just keep quiet. God! I feel like I have just been accused of having body odor"

Gbadamosi lifted one hand in the air then he place his finger on her lips and shush her. "You don't have body odor, you smell nice until you changed your perfume from the floral one to... "

"This insecticide right? Sefa said so, I'm sure all the mosquitoes that came in contact with me have all died"

He laughed throwing his head backwards, "You're becoming good at this icebreaking thing oh." "You know what?" She exhales, "I'm not going to cry again, I'll take your mother to God's court. I'll table it before God, if we're meant to be, let God change her mind and take the glory, if not.. Let her will be done but I know God's will superceded all will so. If I am God's will for you, then he'll make this crooked way straight"

"That's my baby" He pulled in for a hug, he ran his fingers lovingly through her hair. She giggled shyly, as she did, her phone rang again but she ended the call quickly.

"Who's that?" "The guy who gave the information to your Mom. He's a private detective, the one i told you i was working with on Friday"

"Oh your FBI partner"

She chuckled faintly, "I'm trying to be serious here. His name is Garba. We met and he knew everything about me, from my age to the suicide, to the fact that I'm dating."

"Wait.... Garba Dantata?" He asked and Kilahi nods, "How do you know him?" "Yea.... One of the people I stayed away from. He's a chronic womanizer, except he has more control than Muyiwa"


"Same way I know Aunty Abebi, same way i know Mrs Bakare, same reason why Temi works there, apart from the fact she came highly recommended, it's a close relationship that has existed over time. Except for Aunty Abebi, It's God that will help her"

Kilahi chuckles, "I thought he was reasonable because..." She trailed off. "Forget it" "What happened during the investigation? I know Garba, he has control but he doesn't have a type. Did he say anything funny?"

"Are you jealous?"

"No because you're already mine" he teased softly, sending ticklish chills down her spine.

"Aren't you too confident? Well.. Mr Okon's daughter needed money to sort out her school fees. Like 20 k, so... I begged him to borrow me cause I didnt have it. I was planning on getting an advance from my boss. He said I shouldn't give him back, I didn't know he was running an underground investigation for your Mom."

Gbadamosi smiled, "You were going to get an advance to help someone? Wow" "She needed to pay her fees. I wanted to help in any way I could.." "Just like what you did at the family house"

"What did I do?"

"The money you sent to the account of the Sisters Cordinator. You think I didn't notice?"

Kilahi hissed, "That was nothing" "My love, you're a good woman, you have a kind heart, you'll make a great wife and a mother. If Mom doesn't see that, then her loss!"

She buried her face in his chest. "I'm sorry about the things I said to her"

"Hey... It's fine, nothing you said was far from the truth" He whispered in her ear.

Just as Manny drove to the park, a call came in from Hilary, "Hey... I don't think you should bothered coming to the park just yet. We might take longer time to get there"


"The bus broke down again"

"This night? Are you guys parked in a safe place?" "Yes. The driver said it's a minor issue, twenty minutes ago. We're this close to Berger"

"And you call that Safe"

"Its Safe in Jesus Name. We even have some touts helping to move the bus. God is in control, I didnt want to tell you cause i knew you were going to pull the 'I told you so' card but I had to because I also didnt want you getting mad afterwards."

Manny nods, "Thank you for telling me. Anyway, I'll be waiting at the park for you" "Okay. Are you okay? You don't sound, is this about the bus? Manny, we are fine"

"It's not that"

"Then what?"

"Forget it. How's Ossy?"

"Sleeping on my lap, he's so tired. I'm tired too"

"Whose fault is it?" Manny asked then she ended the call angrily.

Mrs George entered into her room to find her husband studying the Bible. "Sorry the night I had to end that way. I had to tell her how I felt" "Is sorry supposed to make it all go away? Is It supposed to change the way that poor girl felt?"

"I was being honest"

"Its true when the word said, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. I've been here going through the Bible to see where its wrong to get married to someone whose class doesn't match up to her mother in law's expectation"

"This isn't about class"

"Keep lying to yourself, very soon you'll believe it"

"That's rude dear"

"Rude is how you behaved towards Kilahi. You still had the mind to continue eating"

"I'm not having this conversation with you. I just want to take my bath and sleep"

"So you'll be able to sleep after this... The wicked doesn't sleep"

"How dare you call me wicked, because of her?"

"You might want to quickly search the dictionary for the meaning of wicked. This is the worst thing I've ever seen you do, what sin has that girl committed to deserve such hate"

"I don't hate her, I don't think she's right for our son. Those are two different things"

"You lie to yourself so much you're starting to believe your own lies. I don't know who you are anymore TemiTope. You couldn't do your dirty work so you called your sister to do it for you. Turned out your sister had a conscience but you, who did you sell yours to?"

"Excuse you? I won't agree to you calling me on first name basis, I'm your wife"

"Exactly the point I'm trying to drive at. There were several qualities that made me fall in love with you right from the start. If you had been like this, I probably wouldn't have looked at you twice. What is wrong with you? Where is the woman I married? That woman was the most considerate and passionate person I've ever known. She was never concerned about class or how dirty a person looked, she'll rather dust the dirt off you and give you new clothes. That was the woman I fell in love with. Women see you as a role model, they look up to, they thank you to the advise you gave that turned things around for their family when your own family is crumbling down. Doesn't that tell you there's something wrong somewhere?" He asked and she stood still in tears.

She couldn't believe her ears.

"Temi, first you need to ask God for forgiveness cause I'm sure whoever will be ordaining you as a Pastor needs to think twice before pouring that oil on your head"


"I'm being honest. You need to go back to the drawing board, back to the foundation where we pray and ask God everything pertaining to life, our children, their career. Kilahi was right, as a mother, you should know God's will. All these things, those days we knew their career before they made their choice because God showed us. Seven years ago, you derailed, ever since our boys turned thirty, it's been from one complain to the other. What am I saying? More than seven years, remember when Gbadamosi decided to stay back in Anambra? Did you stop to ask God why Anambra? Why should he stay? Just like we usually do? Because you wanted him to serve in a big company in Lagos. Ahhan! What about when he left his job for ministry work, you flared up"

"Like every mother will"

"Like everybody that doesn't understand the intricacies of the will of God. Ephesians 5, Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. You knew about his calling but you willingly delivered yourself to an instrument to the Devil's use that period. You almost frustrated that young man. It's funny now cause that period, I'll create excuses for you but no more! This one is inexcusable, I need my wife back. Your children needs their mother back. You've turned yourself into a stumbling block, an enemy and a principality. It's because of you they won't come and I don't blame them"

"How can you say that? All I want is for them to be responsible and get married? Rather they chose to remain single"

Mr George laughed, it sounded almost as though he was making jest of her, "Breaking news dear, God blessed us with responsible children and they are all engaged, well except Gbadamosi"


"Yes. Feyi and Ere are engaged in Abuja. Feyi is engaged to an Hausa girl from Kaduna, Zhara, that's her name. A beautiful and sweet soul, she doesn't talk much, humble to the bones"

She scoffed, shaking her head in doubt at her husband's shocking confession, she couldn't believe he had been pretending to her all these years. "You think you know your husband after 38 years! How long have you known?" "From the beginning, when it started. I wouldn't have hidden it from you, I hate hiding things from you but i made a promise to them. Ere is engaged to Adesuwa, she's funny, an extrovert but beyond that lies a sweetheart. We prayed for our children to meet women they'll find Gods will in and God answered our prayers. Feyi can't get married because he's sure you won't agree to his choice and I don't want him holding a secret wedding either cause he would have"

"You really think you know a man"

"No. You think you know your wife until she starts ruining your family with her own hands. Don't play the victim card, It's about time I speak sense to you."

Mrs George cried, "I'll sleep in the guest room, you can have the room yourself" She snapped leaving the room and her husband covered his palm over his face. Slowly he dragged it down looking up at the ceiling.

What do you guys think of today's update?😎

I know you guys will be confused with Mrs Coker's response, like what WTH is going on?

Pick a side,are you for good or evil?

Hilary and Manny be having couple fights😂

Who has ever been in an unfortunate heart wrecking journey like the one Hilary ventured on? 😂

Me: ✋🏽

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