🌵Chapter 24🌵

Happy new month to y'all

It's been a while😷

Thank you for the birthday wishes. God bless you and honour you all for me. 🙏🏼

It's been a while right? Well after 25th, I couldn't do anything... I was blank, I couldn't type, I lost appetite for food.

My eyes were glued to Social media and television to be current with what was happening in the state. My fellow Nigerians... I'm sure I wasn't alone on this table😂🤣

Anyhow sha..

Here is Chapter 24

Another Chapter will be coming up later today.

Keep your fingers crossed 🤞🏼

Vote guys.... Use the star button and motivate me. (The votes are like warm embrace to me, whenever I'm having a bad day, I come online and I smile)

That settled.... Feel free to scroll down

Chapter 24


👆🏼 Detective Garba

Mrs Aisha was neck deep in a conversation with  Detective Garba when Kilahi walked into the room. The thirty six years old man raised his brow on seeing her then he looked away. "Good morning Ma" "How many times will you greet me  Kilahi?" Mrs Aisha asked but she chuckled instead.

"Good morning Sir" She bowed her head respectfully to the man seated and a small smile curved his lips. "Good morning"

"Kilahi meet Detective Garba, he's the one who will  be training you on how to investigate on the field"

"Oh. Nice to meet you Sir, you weren't available yesterday. I was hoping to meet you" 

Garbage scratched his brows, "Yes. Aisha... Sorry, let me be formal, Mrs Bakare informed me, i couldn't meet up cause I had things to do"

"It's fine Sir. I was brainstorming with one of my colleagues. Let me quickly summarize what i was during. I'll be out in ten minutes Sir" "As long as you're not doing make up, I believe you" He replied and she chuckled leaving the office.

His smile instantly declined.

Mrs Aisha creased his brow after she noticed his mood, "What happened? I know that look, what?" She asked, "Nothing" "It cant be nothing, that look can't be nothing. Garba I know you, what is it?" She insisted but the man wasn't ready to disclose.

"It's confidential" "Let's take the office barrier off, speak to me as your cousin"

Garba exhaled, "You had to play the cousin card right?" "Garba!" "I know her" "How?" Her eyes widened in shock, "Oh please! Kilahi is not that kind of person, I know you're a Casanova but you wouldn't have met her that way" "I didnt meet her in the way you're thinking. Her case file passed through me, someone was running an investigation about her, an older colleague actually and the only reason I'm saying this is because I know you to be discreet."

"Why will someone do that?"

"Are you seriously asking that? Don't I run investigations on your workers before you employ them?"

That question managed to silence her, "Kilahi is like a straw berry, sweet inside and out. What did they want to know?" "I can't spill, I'll be breaking the confidence that colleague had in me"


"Do you know her future mother in law?" "No, i don't even know who's she's dating yet." "Well looks like her future mother in law whose name I'm not going to disclose cause if I do, you'll know her, I know her boyfriend too, using boyfriend is an insult to that guy, let me use manfriend instead. She doesn't exactly trust her so well. So she decided to run some investigation on her"

"They won't find anything to use against her. Kilahi is a sweet girl"

"True, no records of immoral or criminal activities she's clean! She did confess to committing suicide" "The only person that knows that are her family, perhaps her boyfriend and this company. Where did they get that information from?"

"If we can get all about her family records within a short period, do you think anything stays a secret in this country? All you just have to do is pay to get the records"

"You paid someone to get it from here?"

"Not me! I didn't do it. I came across all these records because I'm pretty close to this man" 

Mrs Aisha scoffed, "What kind of sick mother will do that kind of thing?" "One that want to make sure her son gets married to the right woman" "Oh please! Kilahi is a good person, can't you tell?" "Hypocrisy is real and I've seen people play it so well."

"You think she's pretending?"

"Not all that glitter is gold. Let me take cognizance myself.  Aisha, don't blame these women, sometimes you just want to be sure the girl your son is engaged to is not pretending or doesn't have an horrible past that will come taunting his future perspective"

"Honestly, that doesn't make sense"

"Until you find yourself in that situation, how old is your first son again?"

Deja sat at her desk while Adufe walked up to her sly smile. She didn't say anything, she just stood in front of her desk with that stupid smile on her face. She only came to tease her about Vincent, maybe put in good words for him but she didn't know how she'll react about it.

On a norm, she would have ignored her as usual but the visit has managed to give her a little confidence.

"What is it? Do have something on my face? What do you want? Don't you know it's rude to just stand and stare at someone. What do you want?"  "Nothing.... I like this your gown oh"

"Thank you." She answered, "Is that what you came here for?"

"Not exactly. I'm just happy you're back sha, after being sick"

"Oh. Thank you. I didn't think anyone will care"

"Truthfully, I didn't initially but the good in me will not make me ignore a sick colleague" "Thank you"

"But ...." She trailed off, "I i know of one person who will be more happy and psyched to see you"


"Vincent" She whispered taking her seat and Deja rolled her eyes. Vincent again???? Why must every topic end with him? All she wanted to do was drown herself in work till she forgets the whole one night stand scenario, her heart break and her fight with her mother and argument with Bimbo.

"He went out to see a client, he'll be back. I'm sure he'll be so excited to see you"

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked and Adufe shrugged and clapped her hands.  "It's no new news that the guy likes you. I don't know why you're not giving him face. Vincent is hurt" "Really? Adufe, we're not even that close to be discussing about this"

"I know but I visited you yesterday now"

"Doesn't make us friends"

"Still... I think you should just give him a chance. At least even if it's one date.  Vincent is a good guy, one of the good guys remaining in the world. Upon all the shege you've shown him, this guy still cares about you. Who can take all these bullshit from a girl?"

"A psychopath who just wants to enjoy the chase and then make me a trophy he can hang on a wall"

"This is not an American movie! If you're right about something it's the fact that he's crazy to be chasing you after all you've done. Why don't you give him a try?"

"Why are you bothered?"

"Just call me a colleague who wants to see him lose his virginity"

Deja widened her eyes in surprise while Adufe broke out laughing,  "Just kidding! I'm sure he's not. He's obviously hung up on you, this guy licks the ground you walk on, he laughs at your insult, he even says they're cute. Who says that??? what other sign do you want nitori Olorun? (In the Name of God) What other sign?"

"What did you say?"

"He's not a virgin"

"After that"

"He's not hung up on you"


"What other sign do you want?"

Deja exhaled, "Oh crap"

After the recess, everyone gathered in the court room and another session continued with Ossy at the witness stand. "Your hon our, he's just seven years old. I'm sure he doesn't know right from wrong" Emmanuel disputes while Aunty Abebi approached the stand, "You can't be the judge of that, he's already on oath. Besides, moral judgment just as maturity is not determined by age. I'm sure the boy has moral judgment than you do"  Aunty Abebi argued.

"Counsel!" The judge warned.

"Your honour we have witnesses" He said pointing to Ebuka, "Oh Wow," The judge answered with a sarcastic tone, "Her first son so we can through the same process again. Without evidence, we are left with no option but to call the boy to the witness stand. I can't make any rulings without hearing the boy's side. Whether he lacks moral judgment or not, it's not for you to assume"

Aunty Abebi took a glance at Ossy then she whispered, "You're going to be fine okay?" "Yes Ma" He replied look over at the judge. "Your honour Ma, can I call you that"   Ossy began just when she was about to speak, "Yes dear, just Your honour"

"I am a stammerer most of the time, sometimes I don't stammer at all but when i do, just know that my village people has entered into the court room" He teased and everyone chuckled.

"I've heard. Thank you for pointing that out." She replied with a smile.

Aunty Abebi grinned, "What's your name?" "Ositadinma Nnamdi" "What class are you in?" "Primary three, I was given double promotion though. I'm the oldest in my class" "Do you think you're smart" "I don't think. I know that I'm smart" He replied proudly attracting chuckles here and there.

"I'm the smartest child in the family, no offense Chinaza" He replied staring at Chinaza who was laughing at this point.

"Grandma said I took my brain from my father who was smart too and became a doctor..." He trailed off, "Even though I just received the news that he was not a doctor" He exhaled sadly, "I don't know why grandma had to lie"

"How can you describe your relationship with your grandmother?" She asked and Ossy exhaled looking upon his grandmother with compassion. Her eyes were swollen and red from the tears. He needed to be careful of what he says.

So not to hurt her further.

Aunty Abebi cleared her throat,  "Are you scared of her? Are you scared she'll beat you afterwards? Is that it?" "No"


"I just feel bad for her"

"Why? Did your mother lie against her?"

"No" Ossy shook his head.

"Then in what way can you describe your relationship between you and your grand mother? Was it good, interesting, frustrating"

"It.. It .. It was..." He paused slapping his face, "Our village people have entered" He joked and everyone laughed except Mama Ebuka.

"At .... At first while growing up, everything seemed normal, I grew up around children who were almost the same age as I was, Chinaza was the oldest. I knew there was a woman who used to visit me everytime and she'll get me gift. I liked her and expected her visit everytime even when my grandmother didn't because she'll always call her all sorts of names when she leaves. She'll buy me shoes, clothes"

"So you liked her for those reasons"

"Yes. I liked her more when i gradually realized she was my mother because then grandma was always treating her in a bad way.... That was the time when i used to see other that other children with their mother and father and I needed one too."

Hilary nods, recalling the first time he called her Mommy, he was almost five years old. It was almost as though a scale dropped off his eyes!

"Did your grandmother ever stop you from coming close to your mother"

"Yes. Sometimes she'll beat me for hugging her"

"Did she ever tell you the reason for all this?"

"Yes. Sometimes my Mom will want to take me out but grandma will not agree, she told me that Mommy was a witch and she killed my father but I then I started to think and observe my gr... Gr.. Grandmother. If she hates anyone, she calls the person a witch. Even Mama Uzoma that sells vegetables who was her best friend, I grew up seeing this woman but the day she offended my grandmother, pooof! she turned into a witch in grandma's eyes. That was the year I was convinced that my mother didn't do anything. I assumed that along the way, something must have happened but I didnt know what."

Judge nods pretty impressed by his level of wisdom and assertion.

"How is her zeal towards your education?" Aunty Abebi continued. "She wanted us to go to school, everyone of us, she doesn't let us stay at home. She'll chase you with a broom"  "Has she ever helped you with.... Say an assignment?"

"Grandma doesn't not because she doesn't want to. She just.... I dont know"

"Has there ever been a time you needed something pertaining to school and she completely pushed you aside?"

"The water color... Isioma broke my water color, for those that don't know isioma, she is my cousin. She broke it so I asked for a new one but Mama told me use Chinaza's make up and eye shadow instead"

A few chuckles persons chuckled, including the Judge. 

"Did you?" Aunty Abebi asked, "No. Aunty Chinaza cares about her make up tools, like I told Mom the other day, if I and her shadow are falling off the roof, she'll catch her eye shadow first"

Laughter broke out this.

"Ahh... So even the oldest grand daughter is guilty of neglect" "No. Aunty Chinaza is.... she's not a bad person. She has a passion for make up, I think she should invest more time on learning than rehearsing scary looks. Who knows, she might end up being like all those make up people that works on movies"

Chinaza smiled.

"Does your grandmother neglect or maltreat you? Any history of domestic violence?"

Richard rose up, "Objection your honour that question assume facts that are inevitable. Every child in an African home faces beatings from their parents. I know for a fact that I was beaten even by my grandmother but that that make it domestic violence?"

"Objection sustained, counsel move to the next question"

"Let me rephrase my question. Have you ever been treated in a way that made you feel like running away from the house. In ways so inhumane that you start to feel like you've been kidnapped, so much you have doubt if truly she is  your grandmother"

Ossy paused in thought, "You said the punishment for abduction is seven years ... Is it in prison?" "You don't have to be scared" "I don't want Grandma arrested or put in prison . She's not a bad person, fine she has beaten me times than I can count but I've seen other children go through the same even worst than mine for something smaller than what I did. She's not a bad person, she's just.... stingy. She doesn't like spending money, even though she said she's saving it for me." He paused now facing his grandmother.

"Grandma, can you once in a while try to ask what we feel like eating? You might not have all the money in the world but once in a while we feel like eating plantain, or yam. Fried yam and eggs, no matter how small it is, so that Isioma will not have to beg from Olu. You said that if we get initiated you'll poison us personally but we can't help but do long throat on other's people food especially when we have not eaten in a long time. Once in a while we feel like eating biscuit too, biscuit that comes from you not from the gifts they shared in church. Instead every time you tell us no. Every time you subject us to eating contaminated food, even when that Ofaku became salty, we still ate it. It wasn't fair, I wasn't eating well that period" Tears ran down his eyes as well as hers.

"I love arts too, I love drawing, but you hate it. I wanted you to appreciate me and what I do.. Grandma I love you and I care about you, I know you love me too. I also love my Mom and I would like to know her better, if Mom agrees, I promise to come visiting every holiday but I don't want to stay here again. I want my Mommy back, I really want my mommy back" He sobbed, and Mama Ebuka cried. 

After another recess from the judge, she finally delivered her judgement.

"Parental abduction is a crime. Howbeit, i have an obligation to act in the best interest of the child. The custody of the child Ositadinma Nnamdi shall be awarded to the mother, Miss Hilary Nnamdi"

Hilary exhales in relief along with her mother who wss pretty noisy about her relief. "In your face! Thank you Jesus!"

"Mrs Obiageli Nnamdi will however be relieved of the charges, if she let's the boy go willingly without putting up a fight. Any interference and she might have to face jail term and I'm sure you wouldn't want that Ma, would you?"

Mama Ebuka shook head.

While Garba drove along the road, he couldn't help but steal glances at her as she talked about her love for the job. Kilahi noticed, "Is everything okay?" "Why?" "You're looking at me funny, which is weird cause you're driving at the same"

"Well... I won't deny that fact. See, I'm a womanizer but it's not in whatever way you think."

"Okay. What way then?"

"I'm just thinking?"

"About me?"

Garba laughed, "No. Do you realized you're flirting?" "I don't know how to flirt, I haven't exactly been in a lot of relationship" "Ashe ke budurwa ce (Are you a virgin?)" "Jesus! That's rather too invasive don't you think? And how did you know I understand and speak Hausa?"

Garba laughed, "Sorry for being invasive... I'm interested in knowing how a 26 years old woman is still a virgin in this era" "I didn't give a reply to your question" "Are you saying you're not?"

Kilahi, "Geskia, you're being too inquisitive" "Toor, it's part of my job description" "How did you know I'm 26 years old?" "Job description" He replied with a grin then he stole another look at her,  "Why were you looking at me In a funny way then"


"Okay... So to be cleared, I have a boyfriend, toor I'm in courtship"

Garba smiled, "I know, I wasn't looking at you that way" "Just wanted to be clear cause I love my boyfriend" "Point taken, you've driven home your point away from the parking lot to my front porch. You have a boyfriend, I get it. Have you ever been to Agege?" "No. I've passed along but no... Should I be scared?" "No. I'm going undercover as Mr Aliu and you'll be playing my wife Mrs Aliu and we'll be going in as couples in search of a house. There we'll get to find out if truly Mr Okon lives there with his family. I don't know why Aisha is making you go along with me. I can do that myself"

"He wants me to learn on the job"

"You better start taking notes to know what your undercover husband likes" He answered and she let out a small laughter. "I don't want to lie, I think you should do the lieing, i hate lies"

Outside of the court building, Dr Kimberly stretched her hands at Ossy who quickly embraced her, "There you go, after seven years I finally embraced you. Too bad I can't carry you like a baby" "I'm not that heavy, you can still do it" "Have you seen yourself, you're a big boy and you did well in there. I have to commend your wisdom, just like your father"

"How much do you know about my father?"

"Not much. I didn't agree with the idea of him until...I met him in person. Maybe someday when your mom brings you to my place, then I can tell you all the good things there is too say about him?"

Ossy agreed with a nod.

Emmanuel shuffled down to where Aunty Abebi was by an hibiscus   flower,  "Congratulations" He said to her stretching out his hands at her but she arced her brow in surprise and winced at his gesture.  "Excuse you?"

"I said congratulations on win, saying congratulations is not a crime is it? I mean the case was quite challenging but still... You won" "Challenging for who? Me or you?"

"My hands are still hanging, you're yet to accept congratulatory hand shake"

Aunty Abebi received his hand shake, "Congratulations" He repeated and she nods realizing how firm his hands were on hers.  "Thank you." She replied pulling her fingers away. "I guess you're going back to Lagos like that" "How is it your business? The fact that i accepted your congratulatory hand shake, doesn't make us platonic. I don't do chit chat so I'll appreciate if you find your way probably bury your head in shame for being such a shame to law itself"

Emmanuel laughed, "I tried my best, you're the one who acting all scary. When you're standing against the mighty, I guess you lose balance and nervous" "Oh wow, i must look like a monster" "I didn't say that" "Not so hard to read in between the lines" She replied and a  chuckled escaped out of his lips.

The fact that he was using his words against him was hilarious to him. It made him feel like they were still in court.

"I guess with you, everything i say will be used against me, not necessarily in the court of law" He replied and she scoffed at what sounded as though he was hitting on her.

She blinked her eyes looking towards an empty space then she glanced back at him. At this point she was trying to guess his age.

"Are you hitting on me?"

"Are you feeling the hit?"

"Okay seriously mister! Get a grip of yourself, you could be my junior brother! How old are you? 37? 38" She asked and he chuckled, "Close. I'm 40 and actually but I'm flattered you think I look younger. That's the best compliment I've received from you" 

"It wasn't a compliment"

"Doesn't sound like an insult to me"

"You're almost my little sister's age mate. I'm this close to walking away right now cause i can bet my life on it you don't have anything meaningful to say. You're only making a fool of yourself like you did in court"

"I lost focus a bit but... I wasn't all that bad. I scored some points"

"Like 2 to 20 points, I had more than twenty, I'm just trying to be modest, not adding more salt to your injury." "I did try my best" "How can I say this most self effacing way? You were a complete mess! Where did you get your law degrees?"

"Uh... From a law school." He grinned.

"I'm sure your lecturer must be proud of you"

"Not exactly but I did my assignment.  I went against the mighty Abebi and I came out unscathed" "You lost that's as scathe as a man can be" "Well... Dont blame me, a man can dream" He answered and she witheld a laughter itching to flow out.

The confidence of the man in front of him was quite different from the one in court. Overall, he's still a clown.

"Sorry it sounded like I was hitting on you. It's not everyday you meet someone like..." He trailed off, "Someone as proficient and adept like you" "Whoa slow down... Do you know the meaning of those words?" She snapped hiding her blush under a serious look.

Emmanuel smiled, "From the bottom of my heart, i  just wanted to congratulate you and probably listen to you educate me on what i did wrong while we have lunch. What I did wrong and what I should help myself before my next case"

"Get a jamb form, start law from the basics, go to law school and get another damn degree. Maybe this time, pay close attention to the lecturers"

He laughed throwing his head backwards then he hovered a palm over his lips, "Okay that funny. That's really really funny, sounds like an insult but still..." He trailed off laughing the whole thing off again,  "I really shouldn't be laughing but its so damn funny. I really don't like arguing, it makes me hungry. I'm hungry from all these debates, I won't be shocked if you're not, legends don't get hungry from a simple case"

There was something about being called a legend that made her feel like Chief Obafemi Awolowo on a five hundred naira note! It made her feel valuable but yet old.

She wanted the respect and boundary, not that kind of respect that made her feel like she's already fifty years old.

Aunty Abebi scoffed, it was his audacity for her though! "I have a flight to catch up with, I have to be In Enugu before three, even if I don't. It's a no"  "You booked a flight already. So... you knew you were going to win"

"Yes. And no, i didn't pay the judge if that's what you were thinking. I never lose a case and I didn't think the defending attorney will be such a mess"

Emmanuel laughed, "Fair enough. So i guess i wont be seeing you again like this." "I don't want to see you or come back either" "Fair enough. Can I get your contact to at least know when you land"


"Fair enough. Safe journey"

"Definitely" She replied watching him leave, he turned back at her but she quickly looked away while Ossy embraced her.  "Oh my" She gasped looking down at the boy before her.

"Thank you Ma"

"You're welcome. Did your Mom send you here?"

"No. I heard her talking to Uncle Osita and Grandma about how you didn't collect a kobo for this. I heard you came through plane"

"Yes dear"


"Helping people who have been cheated or people who aren't privileged to get an attorney is how I derive joy in life. It's.... how can I describe it, it's my oxygen" "So you have joy now"


"What does that mean?"

"Beyond description"

"Oh. Why doesnt it show? You're not even smiling"

Aunty Abebi shrugged, "I don't smile often" "Why?" "You won't understand" "You frown like grandma" "God forbid" "Yes. Did you lose someone you love like she did" "Something like that" "Will the person be happy to see you frown every time if the person was alive to see you?"

She shrugged blinking her tears in, "You won't understand. The bigger you get the bigger your problem" "I may have small problems but I know that your frown will not bring the person back. It didn't bring daddy back and it only made Grandma on the top of people to be scared of in Ebonyi."

Aunty Abebi sucked her lips in, "I do have plenty of enemies" "See! Just like Grandma. Instead people will scared of you. If not that I'm used to Grandma's face, I would have been scared too. Your face looks worst than Chinaza's face on her best make up day and you're not even wearing make up"

Aunty Abebi gasped , she has seen that girl on make up and no one deserves such comparison! Not even her! Suddenly a small chuckle cascade out of her lips. "See! You smiled and it made you look young like a twenty years old woman"

Another chuckle escaped her lips, she was blushing at this point. " "Was I looking old?" "Truthfully?"

"Yes truthfully"

"Yes you were. Thinking of it, frown is the worst kind of make up"

Aunty Abebi smiled squatting before him, "I'll hand that to you, you're smart. How do you feel about the victory?" "Happy and .... a bit sad. I'm more happy than sad" "You'll feel much better as time passes. Now you have your Mom, you'll be coming back to the land where you were given birth to."

"Grandma calls it a land of traffic jam"

Aunty Abebi groaned, "You can say that again. But on the bright side, you have your Mom And now she'll be able to and be at peace knowing you're there with her."

"Yes Ma"

"And now I have to go back"

"To your family?"
Aunty Abebi cleared her throat, "Yes... My uh... my family." "Will I be seeing you in Lagos?" He asked but she shrugged unsure of how to respond to it, "I'm a very busy woman, maybe, maybe not"

Mrs George walked into her sister's house to find her smiling, she had a photograph in her hand faced backwards. "Oh God.... What happened to you, you're smiling" "Is it against God's commandment?" "No. I'm just worried. Are you sure you're not having allergy right now"

"So I'm allergic to smile"


"You frown too you know"

"Not as bad as you do. I count the times I've seen you laugh or smile ever since...."

Mrs Coker glared at her, "Don't even dare." "Teni" "I didn't call you here to discuss the past. If I wanted to, I'll probably we a shrink" "I'm your twin sister" "Are you sure you don't want to leave?" "You need deliverance" "I thought you're going to be a Pastor soon, why don't you do me the honours?"

"I just got out of church. Give me a minute." She teased but Mrs Coker rolled her eyes. Maybe you should see a shrink"

"You might want to follow me on my appointment so you can talk to them too. I'm not the only one with the problem, yet you go around parading and pretending like you're fine. We are both hypocrites."

"I'm having issues with my children, yours is with your children and husband. Have you called Temi?" "Temi that spoke rudely to me on the new month"

"Anytime from now, that girl is going to get pregnant, you can't afford to be at loggerhead with your grandchildren"

"Why don't you take that advise for yourself too"

"My children are not married or dating"

"What about the girl you said Gbadamosi is dating"

Mrs George hissed and sat down on a sofa, "Easy to prescribe the drugs to someone but it becomes pretty hard to swallow it she it comes to your turn." "That's not fair." "You're lucky. I just want Manny to bring anyone, at this point, I don't care. I just want grandchildren, Salome sent me  pictures of her grandchildren. I want to carry my grandchild in arms."

"Will you be willing to love him? Won't it remind you of" "TemiTope! Come on! You don't know how I felt all those years, my children don't like listening. That's the problem I have with them, they remind me of their father, they don't have my complexion. At least Gbadamosi has finally taken the leap. I'm happy for him"

"I found out some things about her?"

Mrs Coker sat close to her, "Was she a hooker?" "No" "Does she have children for different men?" "No. She tried committing suicide" "Wow... You should probably sue her for such a  horrendous crime. I hope you commit me too cause I've lost count of the number of times i tried committing suicide too. Life happens, some of us have short fuse, we can't deal with our problems. No about of classiness can wipe away the errors we made, the ....guilt" She trailed off in tears.

"Teni, I think you should go back to therapy"

"What I want is to go back to the way things were just like this picture" She flipped the photograph showing her their picture together. "Where did you get this from? I thought we lost it. This was before I got married, I don't ever want to go back. I love my husband and I've never regretted getting married to him"

"Well I wish I didn't marry mine"

Garba and Kilahi walked towards a building it was a classic two storey tenement building, one of those that usually have large balconies on the first floor.

There were two men playing draft game just in front of the house so he approached them, "Una good afternoon" He greeted but they paid no attention to him, "Una good afternoon oh" He repeated and both men took a quick glanced at him .

"Good afternoon" They answered together returning back to their game. "Abeg... My wife and I dey find house to rent..Spare room dey to rent inside this place?" He asked.

"Yes but you go meet Landlord but him no dey house"

Deep down, Garba sighed in relief, "Ehya. Na one Mr Okon sef naim direct me come here. Na here him dey live" "Oh" "Yes. You know if him dey house?" "No... Him don waka go hustle money"

"Hustle money as how?"

The man shot him a look, he was beginning to find the questions and interruption irritating. "We dey in the middle of game now" "We fit be your new neighbor oh" Kilahi chipped, "My Oga and I just wan find one small place way we go use start this thing"

The man exhaled a bit calm being spoken to by a woman. "Mr Okon no dey house" "What about his wife?" Garba asked and the man sniggered, "Shey you dey whine me? She don died since oh..."

"Wetin kill am? Mr Okon no tell me oh"


Garba gave Kilahi a look and she nods affirmative that that part of the story was real. Suddenly a young girl walked by sobbing past them. "Kufre, what's up? I hope all is well?" One of the men asked but she was already out of sight.

"Wetin come do this one?" He asked looking at Kilahi, "Na Mr Okon pikin be that oh. If you want know where him dey, go ask her"

Garba busted into Hausa, "I think we should go" "Without talking to her?" "Yes, it's not necessary" "She's crying, if something had happened, the least we can do is ask her." "It's not our job"

"It's the noble thing to do" She replied and Garba rolled his eyes, "I have other things to do, we have other places to check" "You can go ahead, someone is in pain. I can't turn my eyes away from it, you can go without me"

"This one way Una dey speak language like this, una wan sell us?"

Kilahi faked a chuckle, "No... I just want to talk to Mr Okon's daughter, to know why she's crying and how we can find her father" "Go now" "Where's the house?"

"Just enter the corridor, the third door way you see, you go all this sticker with 2022, my year of uncommon breakthrough" "Oh. Thank you very much Sir" She bowed her head leaving and Garba rolled her eyes.

"This is not necessary" He shouted but she walked into the building anyways. Typically, it had rooms grouped around a gloomy central lobby, the structure featured rooms whose doors face one another across the corridor.

The moment she got to the door that matched the description, she stood still knocking on the door. Kufre opened up wiping the tears off her eyes, "Who are you?" "Good afternoon, my name is... My name doesn't matter now. I saw you crying? Are you okay?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm... I came to check out the house" She replied, at least with that response, she can be rest assured she didn't lie. "Don't even pay a dime, the Landlord will sweet talk you and probably assure you that he'll repair the toilet after you pay but in reality, he won't. It's not a bad place but the living condition has been something else over the years"

"Thank you for your honesty. Why are you still here"

"Because life hasn't given me a choice" She replied busting into tears, "Hey... Don't cry" "Can you please leave? I'm in the middle of crying my eyes out and I'll appreciate the privacy"

Kilahi shook her head, "I'm not leaving until we talk about this... Can I come in?" "You're a stranger, I don't know you from Adam" "I know your father" "You do?" "Yes. Mr Okon, he gave the address. Just let me in, I'm your fellow woman, what worse can I do. I'm sure you're even stronger than I am"

Kufre lets her into the sitting room. The room had a smell, it smelled like clay. She sat down with her legs crossed, "Where is your father?" "Out" "Where?" "Looking for money, everybody needs money. How do you know my Dad?"

Kilahi cleared her throat, "I'm sorry about your mother, accept my condolence" She answered and tears poured her eyes. "Kufre right? Please don't cry. I know it must hurt, i know how you feel, i also lost my mother when i was younger but... you must take heart"

"Does the feeling get better with time? Cause it still feels like there's this hole in my heart" "I felt the hole for 16 years, only because I didn't want to let it go. I was still lingering on the past but how you overcome this depends on you right now."

"Mom left a hole, she left and everything fell apart. Our whole life, I struggle to pay school fees, I'm this close to dropping out. I feel like I might drop out next session and this session" "Why?"

"Haven't you been listening? Things are hard, life is hard, I can't pay tuition fees. And the portal is closing, Daddy is doing his best, he's old and .... I can't even buy textbooks. I can't photocopy all the pages, you know what these thieves charge now for photocopies? No one wants to help me for free, I just met someone across the street, this guy us doing well. He flaunts his money on social media but just when I make a request, he wanted me to spread my legs for him."


"The idiot. I refused but he wanted to hold me down, I managed to hit his prick and leave the room. Thank God he didn't lock the door, that's how I would have gotten rape"

There was a knock on the door so Kufre rose up to open the door. "Who are you?" She snapped at Garba, "Mr Aliu, i believe my wife is inside. Can I come in?" He requested and she allowed him in.

"Is he your husband?" She asked and Garba scoffed, "Asking that question after letting me is not the wisest move. If It was a psychopath, you would have been gone"

Kilahi shot a look at him, "Sorry honey" He replied sitting on the arm of the chair. "Kufre here was just telling me about how she can't afford school fees and how she almost got raped by a man she met for help."

"You're not suppose to tell him"

"We're here together, I'll let him know anyways. He's a policeman"

Garba switched into Hausa, "You weren't supposed to tell her that" "She needs help, we need to get the bastard that tried to rape, isn't it your job?" She asked but he sniggered instead.

Kilahi turned towards Kufre this time she spoke in English, "He doesn't like people knowing he's a policeman" "Oh"

"Yes. Who is he? The guy that tried to rape you. Can I get an address?" "Why?" "That's attempted rape, we can sue him, he can then pay for damages" "I don't want his stupid money, he can stuff it into his penis hole."

Garba laughed, "Sorry"

"He's an Idiot! My hate for him just intensify by hundred. For just 20 k oh, that's what this guy wanted to rape me for, 20 k to complete what I have on ground to pay my fees. I'm not that desperate abeg"

"Was that why you were crying?"

Kufre nodded busting into tears.

Kilahi sighed afterwards, "Your sister is serving in Abuja right?" "Yes. She said I should wait till federal government pays them but the portal will close before then." "Sorry" Kilahi exhaled.

She wished there was something she can do about it. She didn't even up to half of that kind of money in her account.

"It's fine. It's my parents I blame, you don't bring children into this world if you can't take care of them" "Haba!" "It's true! Sometimes I just want to kill myself and just make the whole thing easy for Dad."

"Kufre.. It hasn't gotten to that"

"I think of it sometimes, i have ulcer because I don't eat well. Coupled with school stress, on an empty stomach. Do you have any idea how hard it is? Sometimes I want to jump into a moving bus and die"

"Trust me I know how you feel. Mine wasn't hunger, I didn't experience all that hardship, my parents and i mean my Uncle and Aunt, by the grace of God are doing well. Mine was insecurities of being called ugly. Being laughed at for years, segregated and insulted, I wanted to kill myself. I was right in front of the car when I reaized that I still love my life. There's more to life, barely two months after that ugly incidence, my life took a different turn. If I had jumped into that car, I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have met the love of my life, even the friends I have now. Kufre, I would have died with the thought that I was ugly when in reality I'm not. I am beautiful, or don't you think so?" She asked provoking a laughter from her.

"I don't even need your opinion cause I'm so sure I'm beautiful."

"You are"

"Thank you"

"Just that... All these things can be overwhelming" "Overwhelm it too with every positive energy you have in you. Negative energies spread quickly just as positive ones, tap into positivity and affect the negative side. I'm also learning too"

"My brother is in the university too, medicine and surgery. We just couldn't let the admission go after he had it, the guy is suffering, two shirts and two trousers, basically everyone in school knows him for his dressing. Sometimes I blame God too! How can he watch all this happen and do nothing? Mom died and he watched it happen, I prayed" He voice got high pitched.

"I really prayed"

"Everything happens for a reason Kufre, let's not question God. He is seated in heaven and rules the affairs of men. I'm sure God has something in store for you but you have to trust him enough to see it come to pass. You're not going to go anywhere hating God"

"People that are prostituting are making it big time! I see them in school, in the hostel but me, home training wants to kill me, it's because of home training that I'm still broke. You know.... When i went over to his house..  Initially I knew what he'll ask for and I was just hoping to do it! Is it not just sex? But ....I couldn't bring myself down to do it"

"Thank God you didn't." She replied walking toward Kufre then she knelt before her grabbing her hand, "Kufre, I want you to know that everything will be alright. I promise you, in the next three years, scratch that, God is potent than that. In the next one year, you're going to look back at this day and thank God, not because everything is fine, not because you're in youe mansion but because you're already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. You're already seeing the silver lining, so shall it be in Jesus Name"

"Amen" She replied wiping her tears off then she chuckled at how she suddenly felt relieved, "Are you a Pastor in your church?"

"No" Kilahi replied with a soft chuckle. "I feel relieved, I haven't seen my 20k yet but..." "When is the portal closing?" "On Sunday midnight"

"Jeez! " She exhaled looking towards Garba's direction and Kilahi asked in Hausa, "Do you have up to 20,000 in your account?"

"Yes Why?" He replied in Hausa too leaving Kufre confused.

"Can you borrow me now? I don't have any money in my account, calling my cousin will be a long shot but if you can send it to her, I'll call Sewuese to send it back to me"


"Or... I'll collect 20,000 from my salary in advance. Please"

"Why do you want to do that?"

"Because I want to? Are you going to help me or not? I'm dying of shame here"


Kufre cringes, "It's rude to use bust into Language when another person seated does not understand" "I'm sorry..." Kilahi apologize, "I was just telling him to make the transfer instead. Can i get your account number?"


"I want to help"

"Why? I don't know you, you don't know me"

"I know your father. Let me help out, please. Write out the account number"

Deja lingered in front of Vincent's office, she has never for any reason gone in to see him. He's always the one doing the chase. Not like she's chasing him, she only wanted to appreciate him for the night he dropped her off and the gift he sent through the Adufe the previous day.

Even though she hasn't put her home training in to practice in a long time, at least courtesy demands she shows appreciation for it. She didn't understand why she found it so hard to knock or enter into his office. Almost as though there was an invisible barrier.

She finally lifted her hands in readiness to knock. She takes a deep breath, went for the quick knock, pulled down the door knob then entered into the office when she found him conversing with her Uncle.

Finally an excuse for being there! She said within in relief as they both stared at her.

"Just the man I was looking for"

"Adejare dear. I hope there's no problem? See, if  you're feeling too well, you know you can always take an excuse"

"I'm fine" She replied crossing her hands behind then she looked away. Vincent's eyes was fixed on her! If she had something to say, he'll prefer she goes through with it. He wasn't comfortable with her around. He hasn't been able to handle the whole thing well!

His heart was literally breaking! He loved Deja all these while irrespective of how she treated him like trash. It didn't matter because deep down, he felt like she was different and not loosed like other girls.

To think she'll pick sleeping with a stranger over a man that has endured being the dustbin. It made him realize how insignificant he was in his eyes.

Truth be told....

It was an eye opener for him!

If Deja can't he apart of his life, he needs to move on to the next phase without her! It will be hard, very hard! Tears were already building up in his eyes.

"Deja, is there anything you want to let your Uncle know? We were having a conversation if you don't mind"

"Mind doing what?"

"Leaving" His voice was icy, even though he tried to look normal. "I just wanted to confirm his presence" "He is here with me. Now you have, can you leave us alone?"

"Hold that thought" Her Uncle muttered staring at his phone which was ringing at that moment then he rushed out to answer a call.

"Your Uncle just left, that should be your cue to leave too"

"Why does it feel like you're indirectly asking me to leave your office?"

Vincent grinned, "Won't you like that? Won't you rather I evaporate into thin air? Won't you prefer I don't exist at all? I'm just trying to make you comfortable, I know you're allergic to me so, before your allergies starts acting up, I think it will be in your best interest to leave"

Deja nods, he didn't understand why he sounded pissed off but she deserved it. She has spent her time treating him as though he doesn't exist. It's either he's going through challenges or he is intentionally avoiding insults from her.

Either ways... She deserved the treatment.

"I just wanted to say thank you for the other night. You're the only one who knows about my fake illness, yet you kept it a secret despite the fact that I haven't been too nice to you"

"Too nice? Isn't that an understatement?"

Deja rolled her eyes, "Because you're always irritating me with all your love gesture. I don't like you , i never did but still....  You didn't blow my cover, and sent me a gift yesterday. I know I can be a bit rude, but i believe a little appreciation should suffice. i won't want to look like a bad person. I want to say thank you"

Vincent's heart warmed to the appreciation. Somehow he felt like he was being disarmed and pinned against the wall helplessly. "It was nothing, i'll do it again and again if chances arises again because that's who i am. We are who we are and we make decisions based on how we feel. I feel a certain way, you feel a certain way too so...." He trailed off blinking his tears in.

He had to put on his Deja proof all over again, he won't let her break through his wall again. 

"Your message has been passed across, you can leave now"

"Are you really chasing me?"

"No. I really don't want to irritate you so..." "Vincent" "Please use the door, thank you Deja, please"

Her Uncle walked in and she made her way out of the office in shock. She wondered if he has been possessed.

Garba drove quietly back, he was completely lost in thought. Bewildered by her selflessness, she didn't have but she was ready to give even if it meant borrowing from another. "Why did you do It?" He asked breaking off the silence, "I see it as a noble course"

"Hm" He exhaled and she felt uncomfortable, she didn't know if was a good 'Hm' or a bad one.

"I'll pay you back I promise, all I just have to do is ask for an advance on my salary, even though I'll die in shame first..."

"I never asked you to pay back?" He asked and she frowned, "I want to" "Don't bother. Seriously, feels good to do a noble service too. I think it's a good think you did in there, for someone who had nothing... The way you spoke to her, gave her hope in a wicked world.  Makes me wonder why someone like you would attempt suicide"

Kilahi gasped, "Did Mrs Aisha mention that to you?" "No. Like I said, it's part of my job description." "It's a long story, you probably won't understand but I'm a different person than I was then. I have more perspective, I believe in survival irrespective of what I face. I believe that my existence in this world is not a mistake but to help others however I can. So I'm ready to live up to that expectation of what God has deposited in me "

"Wow. Keep believing, I believe you'll get there someday"

Kilahi smiled, "I believe so too." "You're beautiful... Don't let anyone tell you otherwise" "I know that I am. Thank you" "Thank you too. This was a successful outing. At least now we know, he really needs the grants and he wasn't lying about it"

Gbadamosi buttoned up his shirt listening in from the airpod in his ears. He was waiting for Kilahi to answer her call. "Good evening My Choicest choice" "Is that what you finally picked?" "I don't know, although your name just upgraded to choicest, depends on how much sugar you add in. It might get better, you have to bring more effort to the table"

He chuckled, "First name, More, second name effort" He replied provoking a sharp cackle from her. "So More effort, how was your day" "It was spectacular. After I got back, I heard two great news that warmed my heart. First was Hilary's news and the next... Guess what?"


"We just welcomed a twin to the church. A boy and a girl" "Wow.. Congrats to the mother" "I'm so happy, I had to stay and pray during the labour, It hasn't been long I left though. Beautiful looking children, omo I saw those kids and fatherhood started entering into my eyes" He teased putting on a wrist watch.

Kilahi coughed out, "What?" "How was your day my beautiful FBI agent "Mr whiner, avoid me" "You know I can't avoid you now. You don't have to tell me freeze twice, because originally, I freeze every time I see you"

"God... You're such a flatterer"

"Except I'm being sincere."

"It was fine, it's a long story. We'll talk about it at the party. I have long gist for you" "Can't wait to see you" "You too." "I hope Sefa I coming" "Yes. Let me do and prepare, I haven't worn my wig"

"Should I pick you up?"

"No. We'll order uber, I don't want to stress you"

"I live to stress myself for you."

"We'll be fine. Bye, I love you" "I love you more"



Kilahi admired herself in the mirror while positioning a wig to the center point of her head. She had a high neck  knee length armless chiffon gown with black, red and green flowery prints. This your wig has been saving my life since 1902" She joked and Sewuese laughed; She on the other hand had an orange button down slim fit gown on.

"Undercover agent Kilahi"

Kilahi wiggled, "I'm giving autographs if you want one" She moved on to spray a perfume over her dress making Sewuese cringe in irritation, "What's kind of smell is that?" "Oh. It's my new perfume, i got it when i was coming back" "From where? An Aboki store?"

"No. All these make up vendors. When i saw it, i remembered I only use the roll on when I left for work"  "Why didn't you stick with your old body spray?" "How's that my business? You know that I'm not stereotype, today its Smart collection, tomorrow is balila, anyone that comes to my hand"

"This one smells odd abeg"

Kilahi sniffed the body spray, "Odd or not, I just got it. I don't have a choice, as long as it's not smelling like shit" She replied but Sewurse grabbed it from her looking at the product brand. "Are you sure it's not an expired product. Abeg use my perfume"

"Is it that bad?"

"I'm not saying it's that bad.. Just use mine, hopefully it will tone down the damage you've made"

Kilahi gasped, "And you say it's not bad? Be sincere" She asked and Sewuese grabbed her own perfume spraying it all over her.

"Sefa!" Sewuese screamed on walking into the sitting room with Kilahi. Aunty Mabel was seated watching a cooking show, "Oh my God, look at my pretty girls"  "Thank you Mummy" Sewuese replied then she rolled her eyes,  "Sefa, we'll be leaving any moment from now, i'm one minute away from ordering a ride. Where are you now?" She asked and Sefa got out in a singlet and short.

"Babe seriously! Are you not going?" Sewuese shot at her. Sefa folded her hands turning towards her mother who was in the living room.

"Mom...I thought we agreed" Kilahi arced her brow in shock, "Well, I changed my mind" "Mom! I already informed Gbadamosi, Sewuese told Sam. It's already worst enough that you two declined Sam's Invitation"

"I can't let her go"

"We'll be there"

"Are you sure? You'll be with Gbadamosi and Suwese will be with Sam. I can't have her running to meet a guy"

Sefa scoffed, "Teju is in Ghana" "My point exactly! Ghana is a long way from Nigerian. I can't start looking for you" "That's so unfair Mom! How am I supposed to run to Ghana?" "Like you haven't tried it before? How did you end up in Anambra?"

"I was kidnapped"

"Were you kidnapped in your father's house? Answer me! You have done it before, I won't be stupid enough to let you do it again. Once bitten, twice shy and I'm going to make you feel the bite that i felt!"

Sefa cried, "This is not fair! You guys should just buy a chain and lock me up. I think I'll be better off knowing i'm in a jail cell than being in a house where my parents are keeping grudges against me."

"Hey!" Kilahi snapped at her.

"I said I'm sorry already, how am I supposed to beg more than that? How?" She snapped walking out and her mother pointed at her.

"Mom" Kilahi called out, "I can't let her out" She cried out, "I'm scared. I'm really really scared, what If she elopes" "She won't." "She fooled me once, i won't be fooled twice "I was also there that day. She fooled us both but we just need to give her the benefit of the doubt. She's just as affected as we all her. Sefa has always been the free-spirited person, let's not push her to the point of depression"

"She can attend the evangelism tomorrow but she can't go today. I'm sorry"

Kilahi nods, "It's okay Mom. We respect your decision and we totally agree with you" "Thank you" She replied forcing a smile. "You two beautiful, are you both attending a red carpet event or what?"

Aunty Abebi laid in bed studying with a white night robe on. Suddenly she heard her phone buzzed, it was a called from Aisha so she quickly answered it. "Why are you calling?" "Good evening to you too Aunty Abebi" "Aren't you supposed to be angry? I thought you'll probably be wishing that my plane crash" "Why will I do that?"

"So i dont have to drag your father to court"

"I'll never wish that upon you. Why will you say that? You're my elder sister and even though you usually get on my nerve. I love you still"

Aunty Abebi shrugs, "Why did you call?" "To apologize for not calling you. I was busy with work and then some political meetings afterwards. I had to represent my husband" "Sorry. You should be resting"

"In a kind of way, but I'm not, I'm cooking."

"Don't you have a cook for that?"

"Lammy said he missed my food so.. I" She trailed off giggling. Just when she was about to ask why she was giggling, she heard her say, "Geskia I'm on a call with Aunty Abebi, stop it!"

Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "Your husband is just shameless" "He's sending his regards to you." "I bet he Is" She replied, another bland response. "For real, he just did. How was the hearing? I heard from my source it went well and the custody was given to Hilary"

Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "Yiu've heard it all. What else am I supposed to add to it? You know I never lose a case" "Was it easy?" "Yes. Very easy, the defense attorney is nincompoop, a full blown clown" She replied laughing out loud.

"Wow... He must have really made a fool of himself to have you laughing this way" "He did, more times than I could count." "Can you come over to have dinner with us? We can talk more about the hearing"

Aunty Abebi shrugged, "No" "Why?" "I'm okay being here" "Aunty Abebi, you're alone." "Really? I didn't realize it, thanks for the observation" She replied sarcastically. "That sounds like a slap to my face, I've always been alone. I'm okay being alone, it makes me happy, no one to stress me. No headache"

"That's no life to live. No one is ever okay being alone. See, I wonder how you do it. How you manage to stay in that house all alone. I'll run mad if I were you" "Thank God you're not me"

"I'll just die of depression"

"I'm still alive, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

"Please come out for dinner"

"No! Stop insisting! I'm getting offended"

"Why don't I bring dinner there? I'll bring your nephew and niece over"

Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "And make your husband blame me for not giving him access to his property tonight. Besides, they don't like me. Why are you doing this? I feel pathetic" "Have you eaten?"

"I bought Chicken and chips on my way"  "You didn't cook?"

"I'm too tired to cook"

"When last have you had a home cooked meal huh?"

"I swear I'll end this call if you don't."

Mrs Aisha groaned in frustration, "You're so annoying you know. Have it your way!" She snapped hanging up. Aunty Abebi pushed the phone away then she hissed picking the phone to call Hilary.

"Good evening Ma" Hilary's happy voice resounded, "That's the kind of sound I like to wake up to. You sound so happy" "I am actually. Thanks to you"

"If you thank me again.. I'll just go mad"

Hilary laughed, "Get ready to go mad cause I won't stop" "How is your little boy?" "Fine. He's talking to his grandmother as we speak. We're at the house to pack his stuff" "I hope she is not giving you issues" "No."

"Better! Have you paid for plane tickets back to Lagos?" Aunty Abebi asked, "No. We're going by road" "Are you sure I won't sue you right now and take away that custody. Why will you want to put him through hours on the road? I used a flight and I'm still tired"

Hilary rolled her eyes, "I'm spending wisely" "Do you need my help? Just ask" "Thank you Ma but we're fine. Besides it will be a mini excursion and a means to bond even more before we get to Lagos" "Sounds like an excuse of a broke woman"

"I'm not broke. I have savings but I have other plans too"

"Okay. If you say, my regards to your boy"

"Thank you for calling Ma. Good night"

"Good night" She ended the call then she looked down at the textbook she was studying. Everywhere got awfully quiet, she suddenly felt the need to call more people but who should she call?

Kilahi? What will she say to her? Besides, Kilahi already called her before she took the flight and after she touched down. Why is she suddenly feeling clingy?

"Ugh!"  She groaned, blaming Aisha for calling her in the first place. 

Mr George ran a make up brushe across his wife's face. "I hope I'm doing it the right way" "Depends on how my face looks, I hope the powder isn't much." "It's not. So what did Teni say?" "She said... She doesn't care who Manny brings home, as long as it's a woman, she'll give him his blessings. All she wants is to have grandchildren. We're in the same boat"

"Except you don't want just anyone" He replied dropping the brush on a bag. 

"Pass me the mirror dear" "Let me be your mirror, you look absolutely stunning. You know how much I love red lipsticks on you"

"I bet you want some on your lips too" She reached out to pick her lipstick from the dresser table but he held her hands instead, "I want it the natural way" He replied moving his face towards towards her.

"You're going to get yourself stained, then people will start looking at you in a funny way"

"For what? Kissing my wife?"

"People usually find the thought of two old people kissing repulsive"

"I'll kiss that lips, till death do us part"  Mr George kissed her lips and she opened up welcoming her husband's passionate kiss then she withdrew smiling like she just got her best gift yet. "You're the best friend and lover a woman can ask for"

"I love you too"

She wiped the lipstick off, "So... What do you want?" "I'm hurt" "You're my friend and I know you so well, 38 years dear, 38 years. What do you want? What do you want me to sell let me sell it for you? Is it my liver?"


A frown clouds her face on hearing the name, "You want me to sell her?" "No. She'll be coming with Gbadamosi and I want you in your best behavior" "Like a dog who needs to be put on a leash" "That wasn't what I meant. My dear, I don't want you causing any drama, let's just accept her. Be opened  to receiving her and knowing her personality."

"I'd rather not go"

"My dear... Please, I'm begging in the name of God and with the 38 years we've spent loving each other. Do this for me, please"

Ossy looked up, meeting his grandmother's dark eyes with steady purpose. Uncle Ebuka and his cousins were all in the living room. His bag were already packed. "What if you come forget about me?" "Why I go forget the person way make all my shoe no last? Everytime I see my shoe, I'll definitely remember you always throwing it at all of us" He teased then he laughed afterwards the moment he noticed her batting her eyes at him.

"You no fit use better thing remember me shey?"

"You're the first grandmother I had"

Mama Ebuka shook her head watching Hilary walked into the parlor, "Yet you choose your mama over me. If its biscuit you wanted, why didnt you tell me?" "It's more than biscuit, it's the love I get from her even when we were not close to each other"

"What If you go to Lagos and she starts acting different?"

Chinaza walked out of the living room in tears.

"I won't do that and you can call anytime you.."  "Heys!" She snapped lifting her palm facing her direction, "I didn't invite you into this conversation"

Ossy looked up at his grandmother, "Grandma, stop! I'm sure she won't" "Go now! You will say i did not tell you" "I'll still go anyway" His  answer forced tears from her eyes. "So you're leaving me here? Who will be waking your cousins up?"

He shrugged, "Sorry. Don't cry" "It's okay.." She sniffles wiping her tears with the back of her palm. "It's your mother I blame" She sobbed and he hugged her briefly.  "Grandma take care of yourself." He begged staring at his cousins, "Take care of Grandma oh, don't kill her before her time"

Hilary exhaled, "Mama I'm sorry" She apologize but Mama Ebuka batted her eyes, "Send me your account number let me send the money back to you" "Mama you don't have to. You can use it for the children instead, I don't mind"

"As compensation for taking him away bah?" She  hissed walking away, "Your witchcraft don gin all work bah?"

Hilary jacked his bag up. Ossy's cousin were unusually quiet as they stared at him,the reality of him leaving was dawning more on them. "Isioma.... "He trailed off, "Bye bye" He added, "Don't watch too much igbo drama on African magic. Try and watch disney so you guya english can be good. You all don't know how to speak English and I'll miss you all"

The three all gathered him in a quick embrace. He didn't think leaving will be so difficult until that moment! He wondered where Chinaza was at that moment. Soon she got out with her eyes all smeared up in mascara.

She broke up the embrace so she could have him to herself then she squat before him fighting back her tears, "Ehya, play play play play, like this you dey go Lagos"  "Yes. You look like a real masquerade this time" He commented and she busted out laughing, she also cried at the same time.

"Are you laughing or crying, choose one?"

"Leave me jhoor." She sniffles, "Who will be choosing pictures for me?" "Your boyfriend does not have eyes so you have to find another Ositadinma" "Can there be another Ossy who will be honest with me? I'll really miss you oh"

"I'll miss you too"

"What should I do now? Who will save my password if I need to change them, who will help me understand all these computer things, who will explain to me what all this big big words mean? Who?"

"Your dictionary, make him your friend"

Chinaza chuckles in between her tears, "What should I do now that my favorite cousin is leaving?" "Do what you love to do. Follow your ....... heart Chinaza. I can't wait for the day I'll see you on TV" "Do you believe that?" "No but as long as you believe in yourself, i believe you. Even dreams can become real, I used to dream of being with my mom, it's happening today"

She nods happily, "Bye. Take care of yourself" "You too and  take care of Grandma okay?" "Okay"

Garba rose up the moment Aisha entered into the living room. He had a file in his hand, "You're just in time. We were about having dinner" "I'll pass, just came to deliver this to you. It's the information you requested for about TTIF, I asked about the Rose, apparently it's not her first time acting that way"

Mrs Aisha smiled collecting the file, "Thank you. How was your little partnership with Kilahi? Overall, how was her performance" "She is impulsive, acts based on emotions but overall, she's amazing"

"I said it"

"You're right about her. She's a sweet lady, an open book, just a day and it was so easy to read her, she's honest. I stand corrected, there's nothing pretentious about her. And on this note, i won't be working with her again"

She blinked her eyes puzzled about his decision, "Did she do anything wrong?" "No. That woman cannot do anyone wrong. She's the most selfless woman I've ever come across and I've come across a lot of women"

"You're confusing me the more, what's going on?"

"Well... You know that feeling when a casanova finally meets a woman that tickles his fancy. Trust me, there's that tendency to itch the surface but we always know the end result of unnecessary itching. You start to make a mess of your skin and... she's in a serious relationship. I'll suggest you find someone else to train her."

Mrs Aisha rolled her eyes, "It's just a day" "See, that's the crazy part of It all. Just a day and I'm already tickled, she's not even my type but I'm fascinated by her character, it wasn't hard for me to address her as my wife cause she had every quality. She has a man that I know and I have to say he's damn lucky to have her. I guess with this, you have a proper understanding why I can't partner with her again"

What do you guys think about the Update? 😊

Kilahi has unknowingly serve another breakfast oh😂🤣

Las las... Na everybody go chop breakfast😂

What are your take on confidence and relationship? (The relationship can be platonic too)

Does confidence enhance attraction? Please send your comments coming

Mrs George will be officially meeting Kilahi... (Are we safe from Drama?)🤷🏼

What's your take on Garba too?

Vincent is hurting 💔💔. Was his reaction harsh?

What about our Uncle Emmanuel... 😂😂 Uncle Otilo

This chapter should be titled Catching feelings....❤💓

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