♨ Chapter 23 ♨
Here you have it, Just as i have promised
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Stay safe guys!!!
Have a blessed night!
Chapter 23
Kilahi folded her legs along with Caroline on her bed. They were both munching on plantain chips from a plate. Caroline was happy to share her experience in school. "That was how they nominated me as the deputy president for the Press club. I asked why they chose me and they told me that they don't know but they believe that I can do it. He said he believes in me too. Even when I've stayed away from school"
"Can you run with it?"
"Philippians 4:13, I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me. That was what today's devotional said, the one you sent to me. That reminds me, you said you'll send me the devotional"
"I'm sorry... After my sister got kidnapped, it ruined my plan. I'll get it this Sunday and I'll stop by to give you"
"Thank you. The only thing left is to prepare my manifesto, speech and plan my campaign program"
"Caroline for President of Nigeria"
"I will knock some corrupt politicans down" She laughed making Kilahi smile. Her resilence and determination to move on with life despite the set backs is something to emulate.
"And ..." Kilahi trailed off darting suspicious glare at her, "And what?" "What about the boys in school, toor I hope they're not trying rubbish."
"I have pepper spray and I walk around with it"
"Are you close to anyone in particular, I mean you said he said he believes in you"
"Ah! Just my friend Bolanle, don't worry Miss Kilahi, i won't be deceived so easily"
"Good" She replied and Caroline shrugged, "This house is still up for sales oh, the agent said the buyers are calling outrageous prices as if we're desperate. I told mom not to rush"
"Are you not bothered about the memory you get?"
Caroline exhales, "I've changed my room, all the bed sheets have been burnt. I'm fine, I don't want mom rushing to sell the house at a low price. We already found a house we want to get, mom showed me the picture, it's not big but its beautiful"
"The picture is on Mommy's phone. Remind me to show you before you leave." "Sure"
"I miss Miss Temi" "Mrs.. Temi" Kilahi corrected and Caroline broke out laughing, "Mom has been correcting me all week. Its funny how your name changes so quick. One minute I'm Caroline Ogar and the next it might be Caroline Akpan"
Kilahi gave her a suspicious look, "Who's the Akpan in your class?" "No one" She confessed and Kilahi tickled her, "Confessed" "No one! I promise you! Its no one" She yelled laughing to herself while laying in bed tiredly.
"I won't even marry an Akpan"
"Coming from a Cross riverivarian"
Caroline propped herself on one elbow, "So your name will change from Kilahi Agbo to.... Kilahi Akpan" "Kilahi Gbadamosi George. Who's Akpan? Like really? For real?" She asked, her gaze meeting a surprise one from Caroline.
"Miss Kilahi, you didn't give me the gist" She gasped pulling her fingers to see of there was any ring, "There's no ring, we just started dating" She picked a plantain chips up dipping it into her mouth. "Is he going to get married to you?"
"By God's grace"
"Do you want him to get married to you?"
Kilahi blushed, she pressed her lips together then a smile formed on her face. "Yes now stop asking questions that will make me feel uncomfortable. I love him" "Have you known him for a long time?"
"No. But it feels like I've known him forever"
"Is he a good man? You deserve a good man not someone that will destroy your life" "Yes inspector Caroline. He's a Pastor.. I know it doesn't matter because of today's wicked world. He's the one whose devotional you've been reading"
"Awwn. So you're going to be a church Mama"
"Shh..." Kilahi whispered, Caroline chuckled dipping a chip into her mouth, "Make sure he's the best before you jump into it. Dad was also nice before...." She trailed off.
The disappointment in her tone was heartbreaking.
"Caro dear"
"I'm fine. Toor, I want you to be fine too"
"By God's grace. Did you just say toor?" "Sounded weird to me too. I don't know how you do it!" She paused picking up another topic.
Talking was a mechanical defense that prevents her from dwelling on her circumstance.
"So, Mrs Temi went to our village without carrying me along. One day, we'll go to Obudu and you'll follow us there" "By God's grace"
Caroline laughed, "Is that a new phrase?" She asked swinging her leg off the bed, "I just remembered something!" She snapped her fingers, rushed out of the room then she walked back in with some A 4 sheets"
"I'm making a calendar for a project and I'm using pictures and the significance of those months and possible dreams for the rest of the month using biblical references. It just popped into my head" She said handing the A 4 sheets to her, the first was the month of February which had her Mother's picture, little sister and her, Kilahi and Temi."
"Where did you get this picture of me from? It's my NYSC picture"
"From Facebook. I even liked it"
Kilahi laughed, "Jesus! Now the whole world will see the picture again." "The Month of February signifies the month God gave my life meaning and blessed with treasures. You Miss Temi, Mrs Aisha and ...." She whispered, "Mrs Abebi"
"It's Aunty Abebi oh. If she hears that she'll kill you"
Caroline laughed, "She low key cares. She doesn't like showing it. She calls me everyday to ask if any man has tried anything on me, she said she'll cut their pee pee if they try. She doesn't even sugar coat it. Has she mention it to you ?" "No. She doesn't talk much"
"See! She Low key cares!"
Kilahi chuckles, "She's sweet" "Yes she is. Thank you all for coming into my life. My life is not yet balance but... I owe my confidence to face life because of you all. You all gave a second chance at life and I don't want to mess it up"
"No. Thank you for teaching me whole lot too, I started having clarity after this job. Caroline, you've influenced my life in such a short time and I think you're the bravest little girl I've ever met"
"Awn. That's nice, let's take pictures."
Kilahi exhaled, "On a norm, I would have said no but what the heck. Let's do this" She lifted her phone up swiping it to Camera then Caroline crawled behind her giving a frowny face and Kilahi laughed, "What's wrong with this one?" She asked taking pictures. "Oh my God, even with a dull camera, who are these pretty girls and where did they get them from??" Kilahi asked in admiration and Caroline smiled.
"Let's use my phone instead but one more picture first. God we're so beautiful. Why nah? Because we're Children of God and citizens heaven. Peace" She lifted her peace fingers pouting her lips.
"Taking pictures without me in it?" Mrs Ogar asked rushing in and they all laughed.
Hilary paced left and right in her room praying towards the hearing for the following day. She whispered prayers while she read the bible in her hands.
Her phone rang countless times but she ignored all the calls.
Bimbo entered Into Deja's room. Her gaze fell on her flat mate who was in laying in bed, clad in a white singlet and blue jean shorts . "You left the door open" "Cause I wanted to go into the house. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the way I spoke to you" "I think the person you should be apologizing to is Mummy"
"I dropped her a message. She's not answering"
"How long will you apologize? O mbe lara e! You better change for good. Are you okay? Have you taken your bathe?"
"Am I smelling?"
"Where were you last night?"
"How can you be nowhere? You smelled like crap, you obviously drank the previous night or this morning"
"I went out for a drink with ..."
"Let me guess who you were out with, Bella. I called her, why didnt she answer her call?"
Deja shut her eyes, "I don't know. When i heard that Pastor was with .... I felt hurt and betrayed" "No one betrayed you, It was your brain that betrayed your heart" "What are you saying?"
"It's deep things for straight thinkers! I'm not surprised you don't understand"
"I've been waiting for five years Bimbo!" "Technically, that was all on you! You won't blame one stupid mistake you made on him"
"Two actually.. Two mistakes." She shut her eyes in guilt. "I had a one night stand with a stranger"
"Is it that one where you stand with the guy for one night or the one you literally end up in the guy's bed or the one you literally end up sleeping with him on the bed?"
Deja raised her brow, "I was naked when I woke up" "Jesus... And you were not ashame" "I was! Gosh, I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. After three years of being seriously celibate, I broke it for a complete stranger"
"Ah! So you had a one night stand, it's now in the morning that you're sitting to realize you did a bad thing. What is wrong with you Deja?" She crawled on the bed staring at her while on all fours.
"I don't understand you"
"Nothing! I was just angry at him! He wasted my life"
"He did not waste your life! You wasted you own life!" She yelled now kneeling, "Did Bella put you up to this? Did she advise you to let the steam off by finding someone to have crazy sex with cause i know that sounds like something she'll say." Bimbo snapped, the reaction from Deja made her realize that her guess was right.
"So this is partly her fault but more of your fault because the power of choice comes from you. You could have said no"
"I said no. I was drunk and angry, I swear when I saw the guy this morning, my hangover left... Like literally, my eyes opened. I had to cover my nakedness"
"Pele Adam and Eve"
"What should I say? I just hope you haven't carried STD"
"I went to a gynaecologist afterwards"
"HIV won't show immediately"
"God forbid! Please don't joke about that. I'm just so angry at Pastor Gbadamosi right now" "Tell me why? Did he force you?" "He led me on" "How?" "All those advise to work on myself first when he had eyes on her. When did she even come to the scene? What did he see in her? I am beautiful, more beautiful that her. I know the church practices and ways, what did he see in her?"
"Number one, home training, cause girl yen has one! She's not proud, you were not even the Mama and you were stepping on our heads, this girl knows she's the future Mama but she's not breaking and breathing against our neck because it! You know I can list a whole lot of things that she has that you don't!"
Deja rolled her eyes, "Oh please! I'm sure she's pretending" "Pretense isn't hard to whiff. You're not just the Chief Usher, you're the Chief Pretender" "And you wonder why I talk to Bella concerning these issues more than you"
"Dej," Bimbo paused clasping her hand, " I'm not perfect, my life has never been perfect but when it comes to separating my craziness with real life, there's a thin line. You need to find your thin line. You can't be acting all spoiled all the time, let go of this delusion you have about your senior Pastor and move on. There's Vincent, it's obvious he likes you, give him a try"
Deja rolled her eyes, "Oh please! I don't want" "Remember what Papa said yesterday" "I don't like him, it's Papa that I love." "Don't make the same mistake all over again! It won't pay you, that message was expressly for you and you know it!"
Tears began to pour down Deja's cheeks without control, "I'm so angry. I can't think right now. I'm so hurt" "There's evangelism on Saturday" "So? How is it my business" "Start from there"
"I'm not going"
"It will be suspicious"
"Who cares? What am I evangelizing? Do you know how dirty I feel? I went back to a life i swore to leave behind. Apart from this whole bullshit! Bimbo I feel... I feel worst than a slut"
"I can't tell you sorry. It's your fault, you got what your were looking for"
Deja wiped her tears then she hissed loudly, "You don't have human sympathy at all. I'm going through shit"
Bimbo switched into a playful accent, "Even someone that's walking through valley of the shadow of death gan, God said He's gonna be with them. Your own is shit"
"I expect hugs and love"
"Go and meet Bella now"
"Can't you be some kind of banner?"
"Pele oh, cause when my father named me, he called me Bimbo Nissi, you better go and find your banner. Ode! When you were drinking, you did not know. Then you went to go and find banner under a man's bed sheet. Now you're feeling like crap and you want me to hug away your sin. No baby! I'm not Jesus and I so don't want to be infected with your sin "
"Yes! Wow!" Bimbo confirmed then she noticed a gift pack on her bed. "What's that? Did the guy send souvenirs?"
"Oh please! Don't joke about that. My colleague from work came. Her name Is Adufe, I didn't know her name until today sha. She came with gift" "Awwn, at least someone likes you enough to bring gifts"
"It was from Vincent"
Bimbo scratched her neck, "Issokay..." "What's issokay?" "What other sign do you want from God? You'll be praying that God show me a sign, God will be be shinning torchlight yet we'll be the one closing our eyes saying the light is too much! How much sign do you want?" She asked rising up from the bed.
Deja hissed.
"No problem now. I hope you at least thanked him for the other day"
Deja shook her head, "I've been busy" "Under a man's sheet" "Don't taunt me with this" "With what? You had better do the right thing or else it will be you and I in this house. Talking about the house, you better start saving our house rent since it will be just the two of us"
Deja cried, "I can't believe I thought I'll be moving to Pastor Gbadamosi's house" "Ehya" Bimbo laughed at her, "Deep down I'm sympatizing with you ehn... Pele. All is well" She cackled loudly while leaving the room.
Kilahi knocked and pushed Sefa's door then she held on the door. "Hey" She waved at Sefa who was reading a Bible. "Aunty Kilahi Good evening" "I hope I'm not disturbing you?" "No! Come in" She gestured and she made her way in.
"I was trying to read Galatians but I didnt understand anything frankly so I decided to read the stories of the Israelites. So that when Pastor Gbadamosi finally calls to ask if I've studied the word, I won't have any excuse"
Kilahi chuckles, "You're not serious. So are you reading It for him or yourself?" She asked sitting and Sefa shrugged, "I don't know" "So when you take in food, does it reflect in my system?" "No"
"The word of God is our necessary food to boost our energy in faith with Christ Jesus and even our immunity against fleshy desires that may want to corrupt our spiritual system. Unless you start seeing it that way than just a means to an end like you usually do, everything for you is strategy, let me just do it and escape this wahala. Is it not just to apologize?, You'll apologize if only it get you out of trouble. Sefa, don't see the word of God as a means to achieve something or just a story book to read or else you'll miss the whole essence of it."
"I don't know if I'm capable, I don't see what Pastor Gbadamosi sees in me"
"Why don't you start seeing for yourself how God sees you" "What's that?" "Isaiah 43:4, you're precious to him, read it in MSG version"
"I don't have a phone and thy lovely servant is stuck with this King James bible" Sefa complained lifting up her Bible and Kilahi laughed, "Whose fault is that?" She snapped playfully then she scrolled through her phone pulling up the Bible verse then she handed the phone to her.
That's how much you mean to me! That's how much I love you! I'd sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you.
"Awwn. This is really sweet" Sefa said unconsciously, "I know. The first time I saw that, I had doubts because of my insecurities but now.... I'm just so in love with God and I want you to fall in love too. Take that as a love letter from him, you're precious. He left the ninety nine and went after that one sheep that got lost. It shows how precious you are"
Sefa suddenly became emotional, "Thank you. Look at me hating on the Israelites for being so damn stubborn. Unfortunately I've been acting like them, I knew God but I still chose my own way."
"It happens to the best of us. Who would have thought you'll be reading the bible? I'm sure the angel assigned to you will be folding his hands wherever he is in surprise"
Sefa laughed throwing her head backwards, "Abi? Just like your new found confidence. How was work?" "Fine oh" She exhaled covering her lips as she yawned, "I'm so tired. I had to stop by to see Caroline, what about you? Have you eaten?" "I don't have the appetite. Everyone Is just carrying face, from Dad to Mom and Aunty Sewuese, is even her own that's paining me. She's not a saint either"
"Shut up! The more reason she thought you could have opened up to her. She's hurt! Give them a break"
"How long?"
"Don't ask me, I'm not God. Just keep putting their heart in prayer"
Sefa embraced her, "Thank you" She sobbed and Kilahi smiled pushing herself backwards, "What happened? For what?" "For everything. I can't begin to count, when my parents deserted me, you, the one who i used to pick on stood by me."
"It's fine. Oya go and eat, I know you don't play with food"
"I don't want to see Daddy's frowning face, he must be watching news"
"Let me quickly go and take my bathe, I'll bring in the food then we'll eat okay? I broke my fast with plantain chips, I am so hungry"
"No problem" She nods and Kilahi smiled placing her palm on Sefa's cheeks, "You'll be fine. Oh, Gbadamosi send his greetings"
Hilary finally decided to put a call through to all the calls she missed. She called her mother first, "Mama good evening" "You dey Ebonyi you no fit tell me shey?" "How did you find out" "Are you really asking me that? You know how I take feel when the person tell me? I tell her I knew oh. Why will my daughter travel without telling her mother? What about work? Did you get another week off?"
"I was fired"
"Whaaat???" Her scream almost ruined her eardrums. "Let me just reserve this wonderful comment building up. You got fired to purse a fruitless chase"
"Ossy is your blood too"
"Mummy.. I knew what you'll say already that was why I didn't let you know. You'll tell me to give up but I can't give up on my son"
"Yes and because you journeyed in the night too, you know I will complain. Hilary, so you will rather endure embarrassment from that Mumu woman? The devil's junior sister than face reality" "Yes! Am I supposed to move on with my life and pretend I don't have a son"
"It won't easy but if you get married. Thats why I've been telling you to get married. Your body is falling I hope you know, the more you get old and fat the more complications you'll may likely have during child delivery. I reject it in your life but that's medicine for you. I have dealt with cases, I have seen cases, I have directed married woman to specialist that will help them carry out IVF and the rest. I've seen fats form in women's body, I've seen the worst! So when I start to advise you, I know that in your ears it sounds like blah blah blah, you're probably used to me complaining cause I know that complains are not new to your ears, in fact you have so much gotten used to it. Complains are like pairs of earrings"
"The earrings actually keeps the complains from blocking my ears"
"See what I'm talking about, you're so cool about this"
"Do you want me to get angry?"
"I don't know what I want anymore. Honestly, I've lost my point, where was I? Yes! Ositadinma is my grandson. The grandson i never saw" "Because you chose work" "That's not fair, I had surgical appointments from patients that trusted in me"
"And what was I? The only reason you didn't come was because you were avoiding his family. Period. I wanted you to be there to do my omugwo"
"Your were size 8 already"
"Size 7"
"Whatever makes you sleep at night. As you like! Oddy died, I was sorry for it but she took the baby, they refused to give it because they were thinking the customary way and they were right. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told you years ago. Move on cause that witch is not going to buldge"
"We'll be going to court tomorrow.I have a lawyer who is good"
"Hm! I'm not going to have hope"
"I have faith in God, Mama can do all she likes"
"Who are you calling Mama? If you see your mother won't you recognize her? That rubbish thing with a face of guinea fowl. The hatred I have for that woman, she can go to hell with her stupid sourvenirs"
Hilary rolled her eyes, "We were not talking about souvenirs here" "I just I got the Memo that my future in law would be so daft except Oddy, Oddy was a darling. What does she have that she's raising her shoulder over? I am a registered medical doctor, registered in quote. She's only a registered grand mother. I heard she had the whole full of them"
"How are you getting this your information?"
"When you hate someone you'll want to check on them regularly to know if their life is better than yours" "That's petty, even for you"
"She was petty first!"
"So you're rolling on the dirty floor with her"
"She pushed me first"
Hilary laughed. "I'm shocked you're not sobbing and crying over this" "I have confidence in God and I'm sure he's working behind the scene. Plus the lawyer is really good too" "Oh my God! I might just be present too, let me check my schedule and I'll let you know. What time is the case?"
"10:00 am"
"I'll get back to you. If you don't get him back, I'll punch that woman in the face, whether she ends up meeting her ancestors or not and then I'll have the joy of saying I told you so in your face!"
"It's not too late to stay back"
"I'll let you know how it goes. Bye dear"
"Bye Mom, greetings to Dad, tell him I'm fine"
"I'll tell him you lost your only means of lively hood." Her mother ended the call so she chuckled softly. She called Manny afterwards.
He answered after the fourth ring, "Hey" "Hey... Good evening Manny. Sorry I missed I couldn't answer, I was in between a conversation with God"
"The prophetess herself"
Hilary hissed, "Avoid me right now." "I'm praying for you, we're all praying for you" "I know. I just don't know how Ossy will handle the whole thing. I just have a bad feeling, I don't want this having any effect on him, i mean the court experience. I wish the situation didnt have to end that way but what can I do? Mama was still being irrational"
"I believe Ossy is a strong man, he'll pull through"
Hilary exhales, "I hope oh. Talking about Ossy... Guess who came to stand in as witness in case Mama wants to lie against me? Osita is here" "Your best friend"
"Yes. I'm so happy"
"Are you two together?"
"Should I remind you that Osita is a best friend that's married. Why are you suddenly jealous?" "You know why."
Hilary rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, "I heard Ebuka will be traveling in for the hearing." "You heard?" "Small town gossip, I got a call from one of the neighbors who wanted to confirm if truly I was taking Mama to court"
"Wow... Nollywood really doesn't lie"
She laughed and nods, "Yes. Except with gun shots and punches flogging and ghost movies" She replied and they both laughed. "Maybe she's Mom's mole" "Your Mom's mole?" "I spoke to my mom, she knew I was in Ebony I. She said she might be coming but I'm not holding my breath. Mom can disappoint, she can. Really well"
10:34 pm
Kilahi propped her elbow in bed while on a video call with Gbadamosi. "Hey beautiful" He said with a slightly cracked voice, "Hey handsome" "You know how you know someone that God has blessed with so much beauty? They don't need filters, they are beautiful even the worst camera in the world can still make them look pretty"
Kilahi laughed, "I'm trying to bask I the compliment and see beyond the fact that you just insulted my phone camera" "Me?" "No, me!" "Did you pour powder on the screen"
"Really? Wow"
Gbadamosi laughed, "You're still pretty sha, the only miss world in the world and my world" "Hm! Continue. What happened to your voice? I feel like I'm speaking to an Agbero " She asked so he cleared his throat.
"Issokay. An Agbero that stole your heart. It was an afternoon and evening service. The... speakers had issues, I wasn't hearing myself so it was making me shout and we had power night so there was a lot of shouting too"
"Toor, sorry"
"It's nothing. I bought honey, I've taken it already, I wish you heard me like an hour before now I was croaking like one frog from Igede"
Kilahi laughed and coughed then he joined in, "Oh Wow so the frog isn't from Lagos" "Lagos frogs have levels" "What about Igede girls" "They sure know how to steal hearts especially those from Lagos" He replied and she smiled covering her face with her free hand.
"This guy. Have you eaten?"
"Yeah... Mama B cooked, you know I'm staying in the house of my Pastor friend. He insisted, I couldn't say no" "It's fine. At least its an home cooked food"
"Yeah... A nice semo and Efo riro"
"Wow... Enjoyment, me, I had dinner with Sefa"
Gbadamosi smiled, "That's nice. How is she?" "She was studying the Bible" "I'm proud of her" "She said she couldn't understand Galatians so... She had to read Exodus" "I'm still proud of her, nothing you can do to convince me less"
The network disconnected and reconnected.
"Can you hear me?" Kilahi asked and he nods, "Yes I can. Every territorial network jamming my me time with my baby, fire in Jesus name"
"Fire!!" She replied slapping her bed then she watched him chuckled, "How was your meeting?" "It was glorious, we give thanks to God for grace"
Kilahi grimaced from a pain she felt across her waist, "Why are you squeezing your face. Did you fart?" "How can you say fart?" "Don't you fart?" "I do but we don't talk about it"
"You don't talk about your fart with Sewuese?"
"Sewuese is different"
"And I'm what? A spoon in your life?"
Kilahi laughed, "Toor, you're the spoon to my plate" "Please jhoor! You're using short cut to my heart. I know you have the blue prints just walk over me all you want"
"You sure have lines, I'll hand that to you"
Gbadamosi grinned, "You bring out the lines in me." "Where were we?" "Farts" "Jesus Gbadamosi" "Soon we'll be both end up inhaling our farts so what's there to be ashamed of?"
"Some of us have shame, we'll use the convenience"
"Wait every time? Let me just tell you in advance love. Get ready to smell my fart, it's a warning in advance" He warned and she gasped, "You just shook me... Not shock oh! Shook... You shook me! The earth quake you just caused ehn!"
"So you heard it from there?"
Kilahi gasped, "Gbadamosi! Jesus!" She whined covering her face then she dropped her hands watching him laugh. "I was wondering why my hands were vibrating, I didnt know you were planning on destroying the State"
Gbadamosi laughed, "Just kidding. I didn't fart, I just... I don't want anything weird between us. I don't want us finding topics as simple as farts or poo embarrassing. What's bothering you?" "I just felt this sharp pain, I think my period is around the corner or something" "Oh. Do you have cramps?" "Yes but not major ones, they are most of the times mild"
"You're one of the lucky ones. See, Just like you talk to Sewuese about these thing, I want to be the brother you feel free to talk to about anything; your best friend"
"You're already my best friend, you're my love"
"I'm all ears"
"Ohaha nyme (My love)"
"Ohaha yam? What's that?"
"Igede for my love"
"I might as well propose at the end"
"I don't mind. After all, you asked me out too"
Kilahi bit her lower lips, "You're my choice, if I'm asked to make a Choice all over again and pick who I want to spend my time loving, you'll be my choice, you'lol be my choicer and choicest"
Gbadamosi covered his face, "I'm shy" He teased then he took his hands off and she giggled. "Kilahi" "Yes Choicest" "I love you" "I love you too"
Then he exhaled, "Now that we have confessed love each other can we now move to our prayers?" "Sure" "I hope your bible is close, Philippians 1:6"
It was the switch for her!
Sewuese made way into Sefa's room after her date. She didn't expect to see her awake, she was hoping to leave at the very sight of her asleep. "I thought you'll be sleeping" "I couldn't sleep" "Why?" "I'm thinking" "About what Teju? Or sex?"
"No" She replied and her sister shot her a look, "Okay... Partially, I mean why won't I think of him? I love him, teenage love or not, I love him so forgive me if I can't help but think of him"
"Duh! Its your stupid lie that's annoying. Must you lie?"
"Cause I didn't want you to judge me"
Sewuese rolled her eyes, "I'm your sister, there are things you should never get scared to tell me. I might not be the best role model but I have experience more than you. You're not permitted to go through life on your own"
"I've learned my lesson" Sefa sat up and keptt her legs crossed in bed while Sewuese folded her hands in doubt. "Have you?" She snapped.
"Yes. That's part of what I was thinking of too, I was thinking of my phone... God i miss WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram. I miss calls, I miss visiting, I miss Mom and Dad and I miss you"
Sewuese sat with on the bed then she rolled her eyes, "Whatever" "Does this mean you've forgiven me?" "Sam said I should talk to you"
"Yay!!" She hopped wrapping her arms across her sister's neck in excitement. "Kukuma strangle me" "I have the best future brother in laws in the world" She confessed kissing her on the cheek.
"Your mouth smells like crap abeg what did you eat?!" She shoved her away slightly but she continued planting more kisses all over her face. "I'm sorry nag"
"I've heard... don't kill me with fish breathe" She groaned rising up, "God I'm so tired. I can't wait to get married" She held the door open.
"Awn. God when"
"Pass Jamb first" She snapped shutting the door then Sefa gasped then she chuckled to herself happy that her sister was talking to her.
The door opened slightly and Sewuese pushed her head in, "Can you low key find something to wear tomorrow for the Art exhibition? Sam said to come along with you, mom and Dad."
"Sure. Thanks" She replied and she shut the door.
Sefa clasped her hands looking at the ceiling, "Thank you Lord... Thank you" She shrieked joyfully then she blew kisses at the ceiling.
9:10 am
Mrs George rushed out of the church after a women's prayer meeting when the General Overseer's wife called her attention. She was with another lady. "I hope there's no problem"
"No. You seem to be in a rush"
"Yes. I have an appointment to catch up with"
"Oh. Portia just drew my attention to something Ma, Ṣe o le fun wa ni iṣẹju kan? (can you give us a minute of your time?) "
Mrs George faked a smile, deep down, she hoped Salome hasn't been spreading rumors everywhere. "Why not?". Portia picked up from where she left off, "Mrs George, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you so much for your advise. Ten years in marriage, I was having issues with my husband and children. The last conference we held during the January fast when you asked us to hold fast to God in our request and how to turn our marriage around. How to be attentive to God's instructions, how to be submissive to our husband, how to pray for our children so they can do whatever we want them to do according to God's purpose. It seemed slow initially but gradually I saw God entering into my marriage. Tunji and I no longer argue as we used to. He travels back frequently lately unlike when he'll stay for more than a month before coming back."
The same meeting where she was advising her fellow women never to impose marriage on their children. She didn't even know what possessed her that day.
"My husband traveled back to South Africa last week only to come back yesterday because he claimed he missed me. You told me ...." She paused feeling awkward, "You told sex, show of affection, appreciation was an essential part of marriage and I have... I just want to say thank you for that January advise. Its like God sent you specifically for me. My children now... they don't obey fully, its better than It was, I believe God will perfect it. My marriage was failing but God brought you to save it. God bless you Ma"
"Amen. Glory to God, let's give him the glory. Whatever happened that day was not entirely me"
"Portia has always been like a daughter to me" The General Overseer's wife noted, "When she mentioned this along with a few women, I just couldn't help but think you should bless us during the women's day meeting on the third Sunday of this month"
"What will I say?"
"God that gave you utterance that day will give you utterance. Besides, it will mark your first message after your ordination as a Pastor."
"Sure... I trust God" She exhaled turning towards Portia, "God bless you dear, may God continually water this beautiful garden you've planted"
"It will not wither or dry off"
"I should get going... The appointment"
"Oh" The G.O's wife paused with a smile, "Safe journey Ma" "Thank you" She scurried away into the car when she slammed the door with so much anger.
"Madam, are you okay?" Salami the driver asked and then she shut her eyes blinking her tears back in. "Why?" She whispered, "Why are you not listening to me? Why?"
Hilary paced left and right outside the court while a proceeding was on going in the courtroom. They were next on the list!
"If you're not careful you'll have a nervous breakdown which kills faster than cancer and it's not even a medical condition." Dr Kimberly announced attracting her daughter's attention.
"For that's one ehn.... I'll definitely sue that woman's ass"
"Hey." She muttered embracing her daughter then she observed her body. "Did you add weight?" "Really Mom? The hearing will start any moment from now"
"You've added weight. Start going to the gym oh"
"Where's my grandson?"
Hilary shrugged, "Not yet here" "Are you sure they've not run out of town?" "God forbid" "You'll see now. It's drama that I came to watch, if drama doesn't happen, I'll cause drama"
"Where there's smoke there's fire sorry I left my fire extinguisher at home so there will be no quenching of fire"
"Good thing i came with mine" Hilary held her mother's hands towards Aunty Abebi who had been staring, "Aunty Abebi, my Mom, Mom, she's the one representing us" "Oh."
Aunty Abebi stretched her hands at her, "I'm Barrister Abebi Salami, otherwise known as Aunty Abebi" "And I'm Dr Kimberly Nwankwo, otherwise known as Dr Kimberly Nwankwo, we women of title can be entitled if you know what I mean."
This forced a chuckle out of her.
"Sometime the title goes into the head but it's sweet abeg. Hilary what's your title?"
Hilary looked around then she noticed Mama walking with the lawyer, Ebuka, Chinaza and Ossy. "They're here" She announced and all eyes remained fixed on them. "Is it just me or Ebonyi state is stucked in 2035 cause this woman looks older than her age already."
"Be forming as if you were not thinking of it. That's what wickedness does to a woman. Because of this woman I haven't taken holy communion for eight years now" "Why?"
"Cause I'm not an hypocrite, I can't pretend to God that I have forgiven her like everyone does. I don't want to drink to damnation either" She let out a long hiss looking at Aunty Abebi.
"Barrister, what are the chances of a win?"
"I don't ever lose"
"Expect anything from that woman, she might be coming up with lies to make my daughter look bad, lies like she killed her husband when then cause of death was an accident."
"There's no need to fret, like you said earlier on, Where there's smoke" She pointed towards Mama Ebuka's angle, "There's definitely fire" She pointed at herself, "And some people are going to get burnt."
"I didn't bring any fire extinguisher either so... I won't mind watching them burn." She laughed staring at Hilary, "You're right, I like this lawyer. She's speaking my language, violence"
"For a doctor?"
"I'll sew up their wounds and stop internal bleeding, as long they're bleeding inside I'm fine" She joked forcing a laughter from Aunty Abebi.
Court room
10:13 am
Aunty Abebi turned to the judge, "Permission to approach the witness, Your Honor." She requested with a icy and calm look. The judge granted her the permission so she turned toward Emmanuel who was biting his nails then she approached the witness stand where Hilary was.
"Miss Hilary Nnamdi, who are you to Ositadinma Nnamdi?" "I'm his mother" "Biological?" "Yes. What's your relationship with the accuse?" "She's my late husband's mother" "How was your relationship with her, was it cordial?" "No. It was all but cordial even though i tried my best"
"Why was it so?"
"She never liked me from the first day my late husband introduced me to her. She accused me of using charms on him.They didn't want Odefa getting married to me, we went against all odds to plan our marriage. This hatred continued till our wedding day, it was a near disaster."
"My husband's family refused giving souvenirs to my family,"
"Not even one!" Dr Kimberly yelled and everyone turned towards her. "Continue" She mouthed.
"There was a fight between our families, my husband and I had to leave the party. We escaped back home on our own wedding day. However, it didn't end there, the hatred continued till after the wedding, even after I gave birth, even after she took my baby away"
"Can you please tell the court, how was your baby was taken away from you?"
Hilary exhaled then she explained her ordeal. The Judge's face looked like it fell into a pool of sympathy as she couldn't hide her expression, especially when Hilary spoke about the pains she went through until she stopped lactating.
"Every mother knows how painful it can be, now imagine something she had to go through just a week after the birth of her son. What Mrs Nnamdi, the mother of the deceased did was without sympathy which begs the question of what my client must have done to receive such inhumane treatment." She paused facing Hilary.
"Did you at any point do anything that resulted to his family taking your son from you?"
Hilary shook her head, "No. After I gave birth, my husband and died and my mother in law assumed that I was responsible for his death. She wanted me to drink the water from his washed corpse. I refused! My husband died through an accident while I was home nursing my baby. How could It have been me?"
The judge cleared her throat, "Is there anyone that can attest to the fact that your husband's death was not caused by you?" "Osita can" She pointed at Osita, "Everyone can! He had to attend an inaugural lecture in Abeokuta. The accident occurred on his way back"
Aunty Abebi exhaled, "How was the child taken?" "While I was sleeping, they snuck in to take him. I heard my baby crying so I got up to realize he wasn't by my side. Innocently,I assumed my mother in law had carried him to pet him or something. I entered into the sitting room to find Ebuka, Mama, what's his name again. My baby bag had been carried, I asked what they were doing but they ignored me unity when I tried to collect my baby back they pushed me to the floor. I fought back, i fougbt for my son, i begged but they were stronger. I fought, I really did" She sobbed.
Ossy's eyes watered, it was his first time hearing the real story. He was moved with pity, thoughts ran through his mind.
Why did they hate her relentlessly?
Aunty Abebi stared at the judge, "Just when my client was vulnerable from all stress of giving birth and mourning her husband, they abducted the child, without her permission, they even assaulted her and took the child to Ebonyi"
Emmanuel rose up, "Objection my Lord" "On my what ground?" The judge asked, "My .... My client didn't abduct the baby"
Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "She didn't permit her to take the child and that's called abduction. You might want to use the dictionary once in a while counsel" She snapped now glancing at Emmanuel who still standing.
She quickly turned towards the judge, "Section 27 of the Child Rights Act 2003 stated that ‘No person shall remove or take a child out of the custody or protection of his father or mother, guardian or such other person having lawful care or charge of the child against the will of the father, mother, guardian or other person. Where the child is unlawfully removed or taken out of the State in which the father, mother, guardian or such other person who has lawful care of the child is ordinarily resident, the offender is to be imprisonment for a term of ten years. Mrs Nnamdi here unlawfully took Hilary's son despite her pleas."
"Miss Hilary, did you try to get your son after he was taken from you?" The Judge asked tapping a pen on the surface of the bench.
"Severally but she didn't give me a chance. When I tried to fight against it, they chased me away, my late Husband's brothers will chase me away with whatever they can find. It wasn't convenient but gradually I took my stand, I let them understand that I'm not going to stop seeing my son. Till the point I paid Ebuka to let me be!"
"It's a lie!" Mama Ebuka yelled from where she was seated, "You did no such thing! You are a witch and a liar!" "I am not a liar" "You are a God forsaken liar!"
"My daughter is not a liar!" Dr Kimberly, "If you're looking for someone that's God forsaken is your children that God forgot about the moment Odefa died. Your oldest son be looking like a mechanic, oh wait.. He is a mechanic"
The judge's gavel hammered against the wooden bench frame but Mama Ebuka continued, "Madam Judge you don't understand, my son is shameless but will never bring himself down to collect money from an Ekwensu who killed her husband, his own brother"
"Her husband his, own brother, is it not the same person?" Dr Kimberly whispered. Ossy turned back to glance at his grandmother whose picture he has only seen from his mother's phone.
"I didn't kill my husband!" Hilary snapped back despite her resolve to remain calm. Meanwhile the judge banged and banged, bringing the noise in the courtroom to an abrupt halt. "Counsel control your client." She twisted to face Hilary.
"This isn't a village square or the set of Papa Ajasco and company. It's a court room and order must be maintained"
"I'm sorry your honour" Hilary apologize. "I am not lying, i paid the eldest brother. Ebuka is right here why don't we ask him!" She snapped stretching her hands at him and all eyes turns towards the man whose facial expressions betrayed him.
Mama Ebuka gasped, her breath catching in her throat. She tightened her fist turning back at her son. "You be Mumu! Onye na-enweghị ihere! (Shameless person!)"
"Mrs Nnamdi!" The judge called out and Emmanuel whispered to her but the angry woman still turned her back at her son, "I'm sure you sold your birthright too!" "Mrs Nnamdi!" The Judge screamed attracting her attention.
"Any more misconduct from you will not be tolerated"
Tears welled up in her eyes as she lifted her hands in surrender. A cold chill settled in her bones, she was beginning to have fears of losing her grandson.
"Continue Miss Hilary"
"I've been making request to get my son back, all to no avail."
"How's your relationship with your son from Lagos?" Aunty Abebi asked, "Good"
"Does she make you speak to your son frequently?"
"No. According to her rules, I can call unless Saturdays which are my off day but in reality, she only gives the liberty when she feels like it! Even when she does, I don't speak to him for long because she's always ends up disrupting the call."
"Has there been a time you went against the rule?"
"Yes! Just once! I was missing my son and Osita my friend" She pointed at Osita, "He came that evening and so we used his phone in making the call. Mama caught us so she punished me" Hilary busted into tears.
Ossy felt emotional, tears were trickling down his cheek so Osita handed him an handkerchief then he whispered into his ears, "Be strong, be a man, your mother needs you to be strong"
"Can you let the court know the kind of punishment she gave you"
"She took away my call priviledges for month. I can't talk to my son for a month. This was 20th of February, she said if I dare her it will be forever"
The judge kept a straight face, even though she was disgusted by the response. It actually intrigued her, she yearned to listen to Mama Ebuka's testimony in order to know the real reason for this kind of hatred or to know whether Hilary was being truthful or not!
"Did she keep to it?" Aunty Abebi pressed on, "Yes" "So... Technically, tomorrow will make it the second week of not hearing from your son"
Hilary exhaled torn between telling the truth and lying to win favor but what legacy will she be transferring to her son? Lies only? "Saying Yes will work for me because neither Mama Ebuka or anyone knew about this but I finally reached my son this week from a friend of mine" She stared affectionately at Ossy.
Mama Ebuka's face fell. How? She pondered.
"I had to do it! I couldn't stay without hearing from my son. My heart was breaking" She sobbed blowing her nose into an handkerchief and Aunty Abebi moved closer to her.
"It's okay. You're doing great" She exhaled moving away from the witness stand, "So why do you want your son back?" "First, he belongs to me, two, I want to take him to a good school, give him a good education"
"Are you saying there aren't good schools here?"
"There are but I want to monitor him like a mother should, help him with his assignments and projects, give him the basic tools and facilities money can get"
"Are you saying he's not getting the facilities here?"
"Yes! Because on several occasion my son has complained about not being given things when he needs it, I buy him packs of pen and pencils but they don't last him a term because his cousins usually misuse it. I don't have anything against it but when he makes request for things like pen, drawing books, note books, crayons and water color. It's always one excuse or the other with my late husband's mother"
"Don't you pay for your son's upkeep?"
"I do. I do every month"
"Hmmm... Interesting"
"I just want to take my son away from an environment and atmosphere that isn't conducive for him. He's not comfortable here"
"What makes you think so?"
"He says it to me! Severally he has ask me to come get him, I don't know the real reason, if he's always been maltreated. I don't know cause the last time we spoke" She swallowed hard, "Before we got caught. My son was craving for fried plantain which I was eating as at that period. He said Mama wants them to wait till the one in the compound gets ripe. A child has needs sometimes, even if we can't satisfy all, we need to try our best so they don't get tempted when they go out. Mama make all the children ate spoilt ofaku. What kind of grandmother does that? My son wants to leave that environment and I personally don't think it's in his favor to remain here in Ebonyi"
The judge cleared her throat, "Will you be capable of taking care of him on your own?" "Yes your honour" "What's your job?" "I'm a professional interior decorator"
There were no further questions and cross examination. Frankly, Emmanuel had no question to ask Hilary since her testimony was quite convincing even to the judge. Even he himself was convinced Mama was guilty.
He still has to do his job! He watched as Hilary he stepped down from the box.
Emmanuel gazed at Mama Ebuka dramatically, "Can you tell us the story of how your son died?" He began and she gasped clapping her hands in wonder, "Because I was in the car when the accident happened right? Which kain lawyer Ebuka find for me like this? Which Kain question you start with. You know see as that woman take do?"
He moved close to her whispering, "You know what I mean" "What you mean kill you for there!" She whispered now looking at everyone in anger as though she was angry with all the souls seated that morning.
She finally spoke up, "The greatest mistake my son, Odefa made was to get married to this opportunist that only wanted to reap where she didn't really sow. How? I was seated on my own when Odefa brought this girl to me, I knew there was something wrong about her when I found out she wasn't an Ebonyi State girl. I have stayed in her village before, I know how their people are, they are prostitutes, only out for money and most of them are witches."
Dr Kimberly turned toward Ebuka's angle then she whispered, "She's talking about your village people"
"I warned him but he didn't agree because Hilary here already charmed him"
Aunty Abebi rose up, “Objection, Your Honor. The witness has no personal knowledge or proof to ascertain such claims”
"Can you prove it?" The judge asked but she kept quiet, "Ma... This isn't the only case I have today. Answer the question!" She snapped, "No but my son was acting strange and she was so young! Odefa was more older than her"
"That doesn't mean she charmed her, it might just mean they were both in love"
"Madam judge is it your testimony? Am I not entitled to my testimony?" She snapped making the Judge roll her eyes, she knew this hearing was going to take a long time. She just hopes she doesn't have to adjourn hearing.
“Your Honor. I move that the witness’s testimony about the charm be stricken from the record because the witness has been shown not to have proof of the matter.”
The Judge agreed permitting them to continue with the process. Then she glanced at her wrist watch.
10:44 am
"They got married, one year passed, no baby! It was half of the next year that she now took in. Shortly after she gave birth, my son died in a car accident. Odefa didn't deserve that death but yet she took him away from me. How? You may ask; Odefa and I had a fight after Ossy was born, he wanted to attend his colleague's inaugural lecture but I told him not to because I had a bad feeling. I had a bad feeling but this witch here" She pointed at Hilary gave him the go ahead because she has already prepared him as a sacrifice"
Hilary shook her head in tears, "I didn't kill him" "You did! You sent him off! If he has just listened to me and not be a stupid lecturer, if he had just listened to me by marrying another or staying put in the house, none of this would have happened. Hilary killed my son!"
"You son died from a car accident and at that time, your daughter in law wasn't with him was she?" The Judge directed to her but she disapproved, "No! You don't understand? It's spiritual"
"This situation can happen to just anyone, you can blame anyone randomly for it unless you have proof"
"Hilary is bad luck! In my heart she killed my son who made the greatest mistake but at the end he gave me a great gift before he died"
"I guess that was what fueled your desire to abduct her son"
"All these abduct you're saying that's making it sound like kidnap. Can you kidnap something that belongs to you? She's a woman and her husband died leaving older brothers, so if they say they want to take the child, what right does she have to say no? That is the custom"
"When the child was still sucking, didn't you think of the consequences it might have on the child?"
"Judge, its like you have judged me already"
"Your statement leaves little to be desired. Counsel continue with the questioning"
Emmanuel cleared his throat, "Why did you take him away? I'm sure there were reasons apart from the fact you she killed your son"
Aunty Abebi rose up again, "Objection my Lord, Counsel is" "Objection sustained" Emmanuel replied waving his hands then he turned towards her then he whispered, "Dey calm down now"
Why person go dey show herself too much?
"I knew you will object that is why i sustained it"
Aunty Abebi witheld her laughter, no really.. Where did this man get his law degrees from? She has never seen anyone so unscrupulous and unethical!
First time she'll be seeing a lawyer sustain her objection! So funny!
At this point he was sweating so he turned towards the Judge whose brow was arced in shock, "Apologies Your honour" "First case?" She asked but he shook his head glancing at Mama Ebuka who was batting her eyes at him.
"Answer the question Ma"
"The mumu question way you ask" She whispered, "All the best for you, answer if you like. Shebi you say she kill your pikin like say you see her with proof. How I for take know say you get connection for witch coven way you use take get the information."
"I for find another lawyer"
"No, you for find witness from the witch coven way you get the information from"
The Judge rolled her eyes again, "Counsel" "I'm waiting for my client your honour. Why did you take him away?" "Because it was what was best for him, no child had ever died from not sucking breast milk. I take care of him like I take care of his father."
Dr Kimberly scoffed, "Take or Took?" She whispered enough for Hilary to hear.
"I nurture him till this point, spiritually, educationally, err even careerically."
Emmanuel arced his brow, what's careerically?
Kimberly busted into a loud laughter then she faked a cough afterwards.
Emmanuel picked up where he left off, "Basically you've been a mother to him, you two have grown bond which doesn't need to be severed"
"Your honour, my client is also worried about her grandson's education? Taking him away will mean he'll have to stop his education, leave his friends"
"I don't have friends!" Ossy yelled. Emmanuel rolled his eyes and cussed under his breath.
Which kain case I carry so? Shey the boy no fit just allow me flow as I dey flow? Case closed! Court dismiss, I don taya!
He maintained composure, "Still... Immigration or inter State moving usually have adverse effects on children especially minors like him. My client is concerned about the emotional and educational wellbeing of the child"
The judge sighs and nods.
Emmanuel concealed his smile under a serious face.
I don score point!
"And also his scholarship." Mama Ebuka shouted, "My grandson has been given a scholarship from primary to University"
Ossy gasped at the exaggeration, "Grandma" "Mechi onu!" She snapped and the Judge pounded the gavel again, "This is not a village meeting, it's a court hearing and should be treated like one. You're all lucky I'm lenient. Carry on!"
"He has scholarship and.... Yes! We don't want him to be corrupt in Lagos with all the Immoral things the mother will be doing in there, moving around with men. I'm sure she had plenty since she's not married"
"That will be all your honour, no further question from me"
Aunty Abebi soon cross examined her, "You don't scare me oh" Mama Ebuka snapped, "Even if you strong face, I'm not scared"
She chipped in her first question,"How do you feel about your daughter in Law?" She asked with all intent to irritate her, "God forbid, she's not my daughter in law" "She is, maybe not legally but by reason of last name" "I don't even want to hear that"
"Sounds more like hatred to me. You hate your daughter in law so badly you will do everything to hurt her so much you hurt her where you knew she'll feel it the most. You took her son away from her, not because of the love you had for him but because you knew it will make her angry, make her unhappy, miserable and depressed"
Emmanuel objected but the Judge overruled his objection. Since he didnt have a strong ground.
"I knew it will make her angry, I knew it will make her depressed. What mother won't be depressed but what I did was done out of love, I didn't want to lose my grandson the way I lost my son because of that woman"
"You saw the son you lost in this baby so you decided to abduct him for yourself with your other children as accomplice"
"Go to hell"
"Mrs Nnamdi!!" The Judge slammed the gavel again, "Last warning. Control yourself or I'll hold you in contempt"
With an effort, Mama Ebuka forced her voice to remain calm. Her face twisted in terror, terror of losing her grandson.
Aunty Abebi pressed on, "You said you nurtured him Spiritually, educationally and career-cally" Aunty Abebi noted turning towards Emmanuel who was upstanding to object him, "Before I get objected for mockery, I'm directly quoting your client's word for word"
Emmanuel sat down and a broad smile curled her lips as her gaze swept across the room back to Mama Ebuka, "How did you help your grandson seeing that you couldn't provide the necessities he needed?" "I won't answer that question" She replied fuming while with holding her tears.
"What class he is in?"
Mama Ebuka felt insulted, "Have you ever helped him with his assignment? Yes or no"
The Judge requested for an answer so she shook her head, "No I haven't" "So how did you help him career wise? He hasn't gotten to that stage yet" "I encourage him to be a doctor"
"More like forced it upon him"
Emmanuel Objected, Aunty Abebi was being unreasonably argumentative! This time his objection was sustained.
"How are you sure he wants to a doctor? What if... He wants to be an artist"
"God forbid! He can't be a painter! He will be a doctor! I will monitor him"
"You mean use force on him? Your honour, will it be advisable to leave this poor boy, Ossy to be in the hand of a woman who only wants to impose a career choice on him even at this tender age. The woman only wants him to pursue a course she couldn't enforce upon her own son"
“Objection, Your Honor. Counsel is asking the witness about matters that did not come up during the examination" Emmanuel noted and the Judge once again sustained his objection.
Mama Ebuka gritted her teeth, "A mother knows best, my son had the best result in the whole of Nigeria in his Waec, he had scholarships but he wasted it to pursue lecturership, abi PHD in the university. I don't even know the name of the course he studied. I know they kept him after school, but all I know is he would have averted his death if he had chosen to be a medical doctor. My medical doctor"
Issy arced his brow, he was lost... Wasn't his father a doctor?
His grandmother wanted him to be a doctor like his father, at least that was the lie he was fed with!
"What are the odds that the same thing wouldn't have happened to him?"
Mama Ebuka cried, "A mother knows best" "Are you admitting to the fact you want him to be a medical doctor only because your son didn't meet up to your expectation" "Because I know what's best for him. I just want the best for him"
"I couldn't help notice the presence of four children yesterday when I stopped by at the house. Who are they?"
"My grandchildren"
"Do you have others that don't live with you?"
"The ones with you, are you baby sitting them?"
"I don't understand"
"Let me rephrase Ma, do they come in seldomly to visit you or you take care of them fully?
Emmanuel rose up, Objection, Your Honor. This testimony is not relevant to the facts of this case. I move that it be stricken from the records,”
"Objection overruled. Mrs Nnamdi, answer the question directed at you" The judge replied, she was also curious to know where Aunty Abebi was heading.
Aunty Abebi gave a victory smirk waiting for the accused to reply, "Only one comes visiting sometimes" "So the others stay with you why?" "None of your business" "Where are their parents?" "I'm not answering"
"You're under oath to answer the question Ma" The judge spoke up and Mama Ebuka exhaled, "They are all alive" "That's not an answer. Why aren't the mothers taking care of their children?"
"Because they are not capable of doing it"
"Really? All mothers not capable of taking care of their children. Or did you also grab them forcefully like you did my client's son?"
"Objection your honour! Counsel is being judgmental and she's leading the witness"
"Sustained, Counsel go straight to the point and tone it down. You're not the judge of this case"
She nods and presses on, "Did you grab them a week before after their birth?"
"You think I kidnapped them?"
"The legal term is abduction"
"Well when you have wonderful children like mine that don't have eyes for good women, you have no choice but to take the children for yourself"
"Are you sure cause I believe we're looking at the situation of someone obsessed with taking her children's baby and hoarding them for herself. I heard your oldest Grand daughter is nineteen years. She was given birth in 2003 if I'm not wrong"
"You are not"
"Can you tell the court why your nineteen years old grand daughter isn't living with either parents?"
"Rita is a witch that's why!"
"The same way my client is a witch, I'm sure all mothers of the grand children who live with you are witches too once you don't like them."
"A mother knows best"
"Do you also force career on them"
"They're not like Ossy"
"Do you or do you not receive allowance from my client?"
"I do"
"Then why does your grandson lack the basic things he needs, why can't you provide him things as simple as water color? What kind of grandmother puts his grandchild through that? I'll tell you one, one that isn't fit to take care of one."
"One that is saving up for his medical school!" She snapped in tears, "I didn't want to start hearing that one problem or the other happened and I couldn't afford to pay for his school. So what if they don't have the food they feel like eating, it was my son's futures that I cared about! His future!" She snapped busting into tears like a baby and Aunty Abebi moved away.
"Your honour, what we have here is a situation of a woman who has wrongfully and intentionally tortured my client for seven years. Hilary and her son are victims in the claws of this woman. You've heard the mother, Ossy isn't comfortable with her and soon we'll find out from the horses mouth. Section17 of the Matrimonial law Acts states that, in awarding custody of a child, the Court will consider the care of the child’s person; morally, physically, and mentally. Hence, the welfare and the interest of the child must be paramount. The defense attorney stated that it will be in the interest of Ossy to be with the grandmother. Undoubtedly, i think leaving Ossy in her hands will be a tragedy in the making, God forbid. Obviously from all we've heard, if he continues to stay with his grandma, it will be detrimental not just mentally and health wise but also in his education as she doesn't want him choosing a course of his choice. These choices usually have adverse effects on children. We've seen it play on and on, we've seen children become rebellious, mentally unstable and then nuisance to the society because of his parents negligence. This shouldn't be repeated on this poor boy, this can be averted if the court makes the right decision to transfer full custody to my client, Miss Hilary"
"You will not make it look like I hate my son, I love my son! I love my son!"
Aunty Abebi arced her brow, everything finally made sense to her, it was obvious the woman needed help psychologically!
"Your son? I thought he was your grand son. I see what's going on. You had a fight with your son before he traveled and you didn't get to say goodbye to him or reconcile with him after he died so you took his own son to raise out of guilt because you felt like that was your magical wand to make the whole thing better!"
"Objection Your honour, Counsel is not a psychologist to ascertain that"
"I just wanted the best for my son!" Mama Ebuka cried out, "If he had just stayed back! I can't let my son make that mistake again" She exhaled and the Judge hit the gravel. It was clear the woman had some losed screws from her repeated use of 'Son'.
"Objective Overruled"
Ossy who was seated felt bad for his grandmother. Just when he couldn't take it anymore, he spoke up, not like he'll be arrested for speaking up, "Can we go for a break? I can't do this again" He requested in tear and the Judge called for ten minutes recess.
What do you guys think of the Chapter?
The end part was emotional for me, I felt bad for Mama Ebuka
Who did?😐
What are your thoughts on what she did, if possible, your conclusion on the whole thing!
Did Aunty Abebi take this to the extreme??
Who likes the Lawyer defending Mama Ebuka?😂🤣. I think the guy is a clown.
Who noticed Kilahi's growth???? I'm proud of ma gal😍
NEPA have been so generous since yesterday! Unlike days when I have to wait🙄🙄🙄. There was light throughout the day!!! Well... I spoke too soon! 😂🤣
They've changed! That was why this part delayed a bit.
There's this laziness that comes on me after dropping a chapter. Pray It doesn't come on me😂😂
Take care guys
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More coming.....
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