🌳 Chapter 20 🌳

Good morning all!!!

See ehn! This update has been long overdue! I had a busy week last week, some failed interview here and there😩.

I'm supposed to post two chapters but the other chapter needs a little brushing and my phone battery is low😩

You know why!😪

So... Hopefully if they decide to surprise us with light, another Chapter will be dropping today too!💃🏽💃🏽

Incoming Double update!!!

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Don't stop dropping comments because of it!

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Chapter 20


Revive Foundation

Senator Lamido Bakare stealthily entered into his wife's office and Mrs Aisha raised her brow at the pleasant and romantic surprise. Since his arrival is usually accompanied by sounds of police sirens. "What are you doing here? Moni didn't mention a thing to me" "Cause I told her not to" "I didnt hear any sirens, didn't you come with your escorts?"

"No. I didn't need it. I wanted to surprise my wife and take her on an afternoon date"

Mrs Aisha smiled, "Wow, thanks but...." "You're not more busy than I am my dear, I'm not here to take no for an answer. We've been busy this week, it's Wednesday already. Our marriage doesn't have to suffer for the country and people's problem and I mean that in every nicest way possible"

"I know" She replied laughing then Aunty Abebi walked into the office. She hissed and rolled her eyes on seeing him, "Look who's here? I didn't get the memo there was a politician in the building" "I wasn't under the impression that I'm supposed to give you a memo"

"You know my hate for lying, thieving and corrupt politcians and the fact remains that politicians are not far from cheating on their wives. How many times have you cheated?"

"I'm a man who loves his wife. You know what Abebi, the fact remains that you're going to have an heart attack soon if you don't cut on your bitterness. Remember you've not started life yet"

"I am a successful lawyer"

"Technically, the life of every woman begins when she gets married and starts giving birth. You better start thinking of your future"

Mrs Aisha lifted her hands, "Cut it out the both of you! Za ku biyu za su daina husuma? (Will you two stop bickering). Why don't you just pick a sword and duel then. I'm in between a family cross fire. Don't add your war to my problem"

Aunty Abebi laughed, "What cross fire?" "You are number one on my list! Baba said he can't give you what you're asking for?" "He'll see me in court then. " "And I'll be representing him! So it's going to be me and Baba against you"

"May the best lawyer win"

"Aunty Abebi"

"Don't Aunty Abebi me! I should be the least of his problem. I heard his precious son Danjuma has been arrested"

Mrs Aisha rolled her eyes, "I'm not leaving Lagos for him, Kai! I'll let him cool off a day or two in the cell" "Awwwn. Looks like I'm rubbing off on you" "You're not rubbing anything on me. I guess I'm starting to realize that our father has spoiled these children because they're male children"

Aunty Abebi's face contorts in disgust, "Did you just say our father? He's your father, not mine"  "He's our father" "A man who abandoned my mother because she's Yoruba and left us in the cold hand of poverty while his other beloveth wives and children basked in riches"

"Geskia Hakan bai dace ba (That's not fair)"

"What's not fair about it? You guys had it good in life, i didn't"

"It wasn't our fault"

"I was cheated and I'm not blaming you or your mother, its the excuse of a father that I blame that's why he needs to pay in full for his sins." Her eyes watered, her voice broke as she spoke, she managed to blink her tears in.

"That's our father you're talking about"

"Stop calling him my father" She slammed her hands on the desk, "What did he ever do for me? Was he around when Mom died? Did he pay my university bills? Mom and I suffered, we suffered, Did he pay for law school?"

"Because you didn't even give him the chance to! Should I recount the story? He wants to see you, Baba is old and"

"He can as well die if he wants to"

"Allah ya kiyaye (God forbid)"

"I don't care! He better gives me what's due to me before he dies. And over my dead body will I see him" She declared with tears pouring down.

"Wow" Tears trickled down Mrs Aisha eyes. There was a knock and Kilahi stepped in smiling, her smile disappeared when she saw her boss in tears. "Get out!" Aunty Abebi screamed turning her back at her while wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry... I thought"

"Another time Kilahi" Mrs Aisha sniffled wiping her tears off with an handkerchief and then an angry Aunty Abebi turned to her frowning, "What do you want?" "Hilary is here.. She's the"

"I remember"

"I'll just tell her it's not a good time"

Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, trying to gain composure, "Where is she?" "At the lobby" "Have her wait there, I'll call Moni to let her in when I'm ready"  "Okay Ma."  "Good afternoon Kilahi" Senator Lamido greeted and Kilahi gasped, "I'm so sorry Sir. I was distracted, good afternoon Sir"

"I understand."

"Thank you for the help"

"Oh please! It's no big deal. Nice to to meet the Kilahi that my wife has been talking about" "Nice to meet you too Sir" She bowed out of the office.

Senator Lamido glanced at Aunty Abebi, he had a mixed expression on his face, one of pity, concern and scorn. She swung her finger at him,  "Oh please save those judgy looks!" "Abebi, I think you need help"  "Save it, you're not invited into this business"

Senator Lamido lifted his hands in defeat while his wife sucked her lips, "Aunty Abebi, I've been spending years apologizing on his behalf." Mrs Aisha continued from where she stopped before Kilahi interrupted them.

"You weren't the one who abandon me! Quite frankly, you were the only person who cared about me!"

"Take my share of the properties, I don't need it. All I want is peace in the family and a peace of mind. Is it too much to ask for? Should I kill myself?" She asked sobbing and Aunty Abebi zoomed out.

Senator Lamido walked close to her embracing her from behind. she turned towards her husband, "Will I kill myself?  Na yi iya kokarina amma na gaji (I've tried my best but I'm tired)"

"Don't give me on her, it's going to be fine"

Kilahi sits with Hilary at the lobby, she tried to push off the fact she just saw her boss and Aunty Abebi crying. She never saw Aunty Abebi as that vulnerable enough to cry in a work place. Turns our she's not invisible!

"What's up?" Hilary noticed her brooding look, "Nothing serious. She'll be with you shortly" "Okay." Hilary sighed, her box was still on her lap. "Thanks for your help." She added, "I just hope she'll be nice to me"

"Well... She's strict but I'm sure you'll be fine. Sorry about your job"

"I think it's that kiss that has managed to jinx my day" "What kiss?" She asked and Hilary whispered, "Manny and I kissed" "Oh my God!" She blurted out then she covered her lips afterwards.


"Yesterday evening"

"And you couldn't tell me. Wow.. So much for being your twinnie"

"I was ashame of my actions and I was hurt too. He said he likes me" "Tell me something I don't know" "But we can't be because his mother will never consent to him dating a widow and someone who already has a child"

"Ehya, I'm so sorry"

Hilary shrugged wiping a little tear that has escaped from her eyes, "I'll be fine. I don't want this weighing me down. Someone said I look prettier when I'm smiling than when I'm sad" "Manny?"

"No, a colleague at work.. At my old place of work." She whined, "I'm going to miss work"  The uncertain reality dawned on her then she brushed the thought off.

"Ehya. Sorry"

"Let me not contaminate your own joy jhoor. You know what they say, bad energy can be quite contagious. Congratulations on your first ever relationship. How will you wash it for us?"

"With soap and water now. What else?" Kilahi answered and they both laughed.

"Excuse Ma?" Moni called their attention, "You can see Aunty Abebi now"

Hilary exhaled dropping the box on an empty chair, "I'm scared" "I have lunch with Pastor AmazingGrace. I'm not going to take long. We are meeting somewhere close by. Just wait here when you're done, it's not as if you have a job to hurry to" They both laughed and Hilary clapped her hands, "Well done"

"Anyhow sha, see you later"

"Who's going to show me her office?"

"Do I look like your secretary?"

"Come on, move before I move you!" She rose up pointing towards an empty space and Kilahi laughed leading the way as she prepared to confronted with yet another reality; the possibility of getting her son back.

Brenda sat in the car waiting for her father who was still inside the salon.  She was admiring her hair that were packed into a bun. While a soft and curly variation fell acrss her face. Just then she noticed Ugo standing beside a car. So looked away then she started to have the nudge to apologized for how she spoke earlier on.

As much as she hated the idea, she had to yield to it in order to have peace. She can't just remember Nigeria as a place where she made enemies.

Just fucking apologize to him, not like you'll be seeing him again. You're leaving tomorrow! She rolled her eyes, got out of the car in her natural hair then she walked toward him.

Upon waiting for Shalewa who was taking forever to make payments. A sharp groan escaped Ugo's lips, does he have to wait for her? He can just get into the car and drive off right? She's not a baby, she'll find her way out.

Another reason for her to beef him for life! Only God knows what he'll be doing to redeem himself this time. He lets out a groan hating the good side of him!

His expression formed into shock after Brenda walked towards him, he had to look around to make sure there wasn't anyone around. He took a few seconds to observe her up front, her melanin was literarily shinny as she approached him. His eyes narrowed as he studied her for a second was trying to figure her out.

She was a natural beauty! Black and beautiful! Her hair was packed, it looked natural and It also looked artificial too! One of those wedding hairstyles.

He tried hard to hide the excitement and shock on his face. Why was he even excited? The babe has a sugar Daddy with her! He had to look left and right for the second time.

"What are you looking for? Your girlfriend?"

Ugo chuckled at her misconception, "Um... Not exactly, I was looking around to be sure you're coming here because of me" "What other reason will I be here?" "You tell me? Or wait, did I park in your space? I won't be surprised if that's the reason why you're"

Brenda scoffed, "You do realize i was here before you so if that was my parking space, I would obviously parked there. What's my parking space? I don't exactly own the place even if I did. There's nothing like a permanent parking space. Everyone is entitled to park everywhere they want"

"But they're not entitled to speak whenever they want to right?" He snapped and she rolled her eyes, she knew he was referring to how she responded to his girlfriend! Isn't that the reason she's here?

To apologize for it.

She folded her hands as the apology seemed not to leave her tongue. She swallowed hard, she probably swallowed the apology too!

"That's a different situation"

"Wawu interesting, humour me"

"I don't have the time for that" "Why are you here then?" He asked and her hands found her hair, why was she suddenly feeling nervous as though the man was holding up a cane to flog her if she didn't speak up. 

Brenda cleared her throat while his gaze remained on the twisted ball on her hair. "Are those your real hair?" He asked then he chuckled, "Did I say that out loud" "Yes you did"  "So are they real?" "Down to 5the tips" "Wow... You must have been keeping it forever" "More or less"

"I know a few thing about hairs and i just want to say it looks good on you"

She blushed, "Oh.... Thanks" "Are the accents real?" He asked and she laughed, "Why does an average Nigerian find it hard to believe that my accent is real?" "UK bred?"


He smiled in thought,  "Do you remember me?" He asked afterwards and she scoffed finding that line cheesy, "Really? Fuck it, i'm supposed to let that slide but dude! You have a girlfriend"

"I'm lost. I just asked a harmless question"

"Was that your weird way of hitting on me? I should have known when you gave the damn compliment. You know what, I'm just going to leave before another angry girlfriend drama starts up"

Ugo scoffed and laugh, he didn't understand what she meant by another angry girlfriend but he couldn't help but laugh. The whole scene was playing out in a hilarious way.

"Wait..." Each time he tries explaining himself, laughter escapes instead, "Wait...This is a misunderstanding"

"Does your girlfriend know you're nothing but a two timing douche bag?"

"Douche.. Is this how you usually jump into conclusion, maybe I should just call you Miss Be-be-scout" "What's that?"

"Look it up on google! It's a terminology for people who jump into unreasonable conclusions. Shalewa is just a girlfriend,  a girl that's a friend"

Brenda folded her arms underneathe her breast, "Hm, like we havent heard that before. Do I look like a fool". Ugo scoffed, "And you? Hanging out with your Sugar Dadddy"

"He's my father"

Ugo laughed sarcastically,  "Yes like we haven't heard that before" "You know what? Fuck you. I don't owe you any fucking explanation. Think whatever you want,  it's your fucking headache, I'm sure that's how parade all over Lagos looking for fuck thrills. Your girlfriend doesn't deserve a two timing... Scratch that, I might even be the fourth one you're hoping to pitch your lame lines on. She doesn't deserve a multi timing ass of a boyfriend"

He plunged his two hands into his pocket, "Looks like it's the two of us that will be having the fucking headache anyways cause you're obviously delusional to think that I was trying to pitch a romantic line to a bad market. If you're a product, I'm certain that no one will buy you, I won't even pitch shit to get you off the market. Products like you stay old, gets expired and dumped in a refuse"

"Fuck you!"

"Oh wow. I don't reply to rebels, I'm quite civil if you've noticed"

Brenda gasped and placed her palm against her chest, "Why don't you have this" she lifted her middle finger at him. "For civil" She snapped walking away. So much for apologizing!

Why did she even bother?? Thank God she's leaving the damn country!

He hissed rolling his eyes. Shalewa got out shortly shaking her head, "Why did you take so long?" "I'm sorry. Wasn't it that stupid man? Wonders they say will never cease in this life. Can you believe that Aristo man offered to pay my bills"


"Will I lie? The shameless Sugar daddy be looking for another bitch to jump on. He even gave me his card" She lifted the card, "Mr Arolowo Anifowose"

Ugo creased his brow, "I know that name" "A and A law firm. I'm sure it's an acronyms for Ass and Assholes law firm. Rubbish!" She hissed throwing away the card. "Don't throw it away oh, you don't know when you might need a lawyer with this your behaviour"

Shalewa laughed, "I definitely won't be calling him! How far? I saw you talking to the Babe" "Abeg! She's just black and beautiful with zero character!" He entered into the car and she joined him his in car then she shut the door.

"What happened? Oga give me gist"

"Good morning" Hilary greeted on entering Aunty Abebi's office. "Good morning dear, have your seat" She stretched her hands at a chair and she carefully sat on it. She seemed tensed and Aunty Abebi noticed.

"I know my reputation preceeds me, did Kilahi mention anything about me being a bitch?" "No! Kilahi isn't that kind of person, even if you are she wouldn't make it sound that way " "I'm not going to bite. Just relax"

Hilary exhaled, "It's hard to when I'm having a bad day" "You and me both. Is it pertaining to your son?" "No. That too but I just got fired from work for asking for a week off" "Did you at least get a severance package?"

"No. I'm guessing she'll send it in"

"Did you deserve being fired? Were you cheated?"

"No I wasn't and i didn't deserve it. I've given my all, I've worked my ass for the company. My boss doesn't really like giving leaves or off days, you'll have to beg to go for maternity leaves, who does that?"

"Your boss sounds like a bitch,even I, I'm not that wicked. Well you know what they say, life isn't fair. Kilahi told me your story but I'm going to need a more detailed and comprehensive version from the horse's lips.  Please permit me to use mother in law, I can't keep up with the mother of your late husband."

Hilary nods then she continued, "Custody cases are usually emotionally draining on both parties but your case, it's you against the wicked mother in law and she might not want to give up your son so easily so I'm going to need you to have that same zeal. You've been cheated for seven years. He's seven right?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Now the case is going to be a closed hearing, my sister will pull some strings" She rolled her eyes at the thought of going back to beg her for favors. "I'll get her to pull some quick strings that's if you want it early. From now till friday, we'll can fix an appointment for a closed hearing and you can actually be the one smiling home with your boy"

Hilary smiled, "I can? So early?" "Depending" She replied scratching her neck, "If Aisha agrees to make the call....." She trailed off, "I'm not a people's person, I have enemies round about me. She's everyone's sweetheart and she has the connection nationwide. She can pull up some strings all the way from here for us to have the hearing"


"Do you want it now? Or..."

Hilary suddenly remembered, Pastor Gbadamosi's words and how she had said Amen obliviously without knowing the word was for her!

What has been lost for seven years is coming back to you. God is giving you the push that will enable things fall in place

"Even if i have to go to ends of the earth like right now, I will. I want my baby back" "Good! I love that spirit. I get this rush when my clients have that push. Now you're quickly  going to tell me from the very beginning from the day you got married, if there has ever been an altercation between you and your mother in law; the situation surrounding the birth of your son and the death of your husband"

Hilary shut her eyes and Aunty Abebi exhaled, "This might be like opening old wounds but one thing I hate in court are surprises springing up to ruin my case, I have never lost a case" "Um.." She opened her eyes nodding, "It's fine Ma, you can be rest assured of my honesty. I have nothing to hide"

Kilahi chuckled while watching ErinOluwa Inumidun and OreOluwa eating chips.  Inumidum was munching on a chicken, her hands were already oily. "Don't stain your dress, if you stain it you'll wash it" Amazing threatened.

"I'll was it" She replied and Amazing shook her head, "No! She'll definitely come to assist me but will end up pouring water everywhere"

"Won't she forget?"

"Who? Inumidun? As little as she is, she doesn't forget things easily. Try offending that's when you'll know that even babies can keep grudges"

Kilahi smiled, "Babies are the cutest" "Trust me they are cute in the first six months but when they start crawling and walking everywhere. They stop being cute, imagine when they are actually three of them " She paused noticing the glow in her face.

"Awn. You're having the glow" Amazing said scooping a spoon of rice into her mouth. "What glow?" At this point Kilahi was confused, Amazing chewed and swallowed, she reached out to a bottled water taking a quick sip.

"Relationship glow, have you spoken to Gbadamosi today?"

She blushed and giggled, "So that was what you were talking about" "Yes." "We spoke. He even invited me for service this evening" "Oh. He's probably going to do a brief introduction" "Don't scare me"

"I'm happy things are falling into place. Do you any question you want to ask me, or is there anything bothering you? I'm sensing it"

Kilahi nods, "How do you cope with resistance against your relationship? How will I explain this... This is about Brenda. When I was praying this morning, she flashed through my mind and I prayed for God to heal her heart and convince her that I didn't do this intentionally. In as much as I have Gbadamosi" She exhaled, "There's this guilt that I still feel"

"Don't worry yourself about anything. Every love story has those kinds of people. There will always be that girl that had a thing with your boo in the past and they'll start hating because they  felt like they're going to be the one that will end up being the wife or those girls who loved your husband but couldn't bring themselves down to say It but when he finds a woman, they start to hate on you. You'll be shocked that even in the church, there'll be people who will be disappointed because they thought Gbadamosi will choose them. It happens everywhere! That's why sometimes when a youth Pastor finally gets married, some ladies will definitely leave the church."

Kilahi gasped, "Now I'm scared. I really didn't look at it that way" "Gbadamosi is an attractive man. I'm sure he must have ladies crushing on him. In my own case, it Efua. Oh she didn't like me. She had been with Bamidele for donkey years"

"Like Brenda"

"Don't let it bother you. Efua was angry initially, Murphy was in love with her but she loved Bam Bam instead"

"Awwn, did she later get married to this Murphy?"

Amazing laughed, "You wish! She got married the same year I got married, that's 2020 to Danso, a Ghanaian man; an old friend actually. Give Brenda time, she'll come around. It might be a year after her your marriage or months. After Efua's marriage, she started to experience delay in getting pregnant. Five months passed, six and then she reached out to me. We spoke and became prayer partners. This is someone who hated prayers, she hated Christianity as a whole because It took her Bamidele away from her. Efua has changed, as we speak now, she's a different woman, heavily pregnant and happy with a husband that respects and supports her. An happiness she wouldn't have gotten if she had being married to Bamidele, just like I would have been unhappy if I had gotten married to Aboh"

"Your ex, I've heard about him on your online messages"


"How is he handling things now?"

Amazing smiled, "Uh... Aboh got married last year, his mother got him a village girl from Benue but he sent her packing" "He sent his fellow Benue person packing. Wahala oh" "He's too busy searching for me in the face of every girl he meets but the truth is, he's dealing with denial and acceptance. I usually put him in prayers too"

"And this Murphy?"

"Still single and blaming God for breaking his heart. Bam Bam doesn't want to give up on him yet, we are praying for him"

"BamBam" Inumidun called out looking around, "Dada"

"Dada is not here dear"

Kilahi shook her head in thought, "Why is he blaming God? Toor, time and chance happens to everyone, there is a time for everything, all we just have to do is jump in at the right time. He can't spend his life blaming God or else he's going to be 57 years and still blaming God if he doesn't make a step to search for the right person"


"Imagine if I hadn't said yes to Gbadamosi out of fear. I might probably see a pre-wedding  picture of couples and still say, awwn God when, when I can actually take a step, say yes to him and see if what God has for that relationship." She paused laughing to herself.

"I'm sure sometimes, God just looks looks down at us from heaven and shake his head like when will we learn? The problem is not God but we ourselves. Gbadamosi is all I ever dreamt of in a man and more and I can't believe I said no to him initially. These are the best few hours of my life, right from yesterday till this moment, there's this new confidence that I have like God washed something over me after I said yes to Him. The only thing I want to be found doing is his will from now henceforth"

"Congratulations love. Thank you taking the leap and opening your arms for God to use . For now, leave Brenda for God" 

Kilahi smiled staring into plate of Chips, then it occurred to her to get Aunty Abebi some as a form of appreciation. "How much does the Chips and Chicken cost?"

Hilary embraced Kilahi at the lobby, tears of joy trickled down her eyes. The fact that there's a possibility of getting her son back was a joy she  couldn't contain. "I feel like I'm going to wake up and find out it's all a dream"

"This isn't the time to apprehensive. It's raining congratulations, we don't need umbrellas for this kind of rain. We are dancing inside this shower. Hilary, you'll smile you way in and out of Ebonyi State"

"Amen. I'm just a bit skeptical"

"Hm hm," Kilahi shook her head, drop the white customer nylon was holding on to on a chair at waiting room.  Then she held Hilary's hand, "Don't be skeptical right now. Push all manner of skepticism, yes! This is coming from the former CEO of the skeptic organization of the whole world."

Hilary chuckles.

"God has stamped it, it has been signed and sealed by the host of heaven and God is delivering Ossy to you." She paused to think for a moment, "You know what Hilary? I want you to take a step of faith. Get to store and buy Ossy some clothes, including Sunday dress cause I already see the both of you giving testimony on Sunday. To or, I don't know where this is coming from but.. there's this confidence deep down in my heart. Pastor said it on Sunday and God is bringing it to past, whatever he has to move out of the way or take out of the way to make this a success, he will do it."

Hilary smiled, "Amen. You're speaking as the Pastor's wife that you're going to be" "Stop it!" She laughed suddenly feeling shy. "On a serious note, i seriously don't know where this is coming from but the book of Isaiah popped up in my head and i want to believe that's a message for you. God is saying, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Hilary, can you not perceive what God is doing? Smell the aroma of a new thing"

Hilary nods.

"Feel It! Cause I can feel it. He said he's making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Hilary it took seven years of waiting and God spoke it through his servant and this God is saying he's giving you an answer even before the seventh day. No one can convince me that this isn't the move of God. Toor, remember when David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this people? will I overtake them? And God answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and recover all. Babe, you're recovering your baby back and I will be here rooting and praying for you and my nephew"

Hilary chuckles and embraced her once again,"Thank you and God bless Pastor Amazing for bringing you into my life." She withdrew tears pouring down her face then she looked into Kilahi's face, "I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you so much"

"You're welcome" Kilahi replied then some clients walked into the lobby.

Aunty Abebi sat in her office inhaling and exhaling, probably to let the steam off. Deep deep down she was hurting, she felt empty and her life was pathetic. She wanted to cry her eyes out but she had to remain strong.

Her sister's insistence on her dropping her father's case managed to  invade her mighty walls. She just hated conversations pertaining to her father! What she hated the most was the fact that everyone usually make her to be the monster when in reality her father abandoned her and her mother.

She thought of Hilary and how she needed to puts a call through to her sister. She exhaled for the last time before putting the call through.

Mrs Aisha had left the office along with her husband.  "Hello" Mrs Aisha answered coldly, "Is there any one who wants to see me at the office?" She asked and Aunty Abebi shook her head. "Not yet. I've managed to lay the custody case of Hilary Nnamdi upon myself and i'll have to leave for Ebonyi tomorrow if possible"

"You want a favour"

"When you put it that way.. " She trailed off shutting her eyes in shame, "I want you to use your influence to squeeze in a closed hearing for Friday. I have the influence but a lot of people don't like me and I hate to beg"

"It's funny Aunty Abebi"

"What exactly? Cause I don't hear anyone laughing"

"Your tenacity when it comes to been easily moved by other people's problem but when it comes to those who are your real family,you act like a complete stranger to them."

"Oh please! Quit with the disquisition, I'm frankly not in the mood for scolding. All I ask for is a simple favour, I just want Hilary back with her son and all that's due to her. She has been cheated for too long "

"Well I also want a favor too, drop father's case"

Aunty Abebi scoffed, "Forget that I called, we can move the hearing till the following week so we don't have to rush anything."  "Wait... I'll make the calls and let you know" She replied ending the call and Aunty Abebi dropped the phone on the desk exhaling loudly.

Kilahi knocked.

"Come in!" Aunty Abebi yelled and she stepped into the office with a half smile , "Good afternoon Ma" "You sure have a way of making an entrance at the wrong time" "Sorry Ma, should I check back?"

"No. What do you want?"

She smiled dropping the bag on the desk, "I don't know what you love but I had this leading in my spirit to get you chicken and chips at this 'Chew' fast food close to the foundation" She pulled out the paper bag from the nylon.

With a pungent arrogance, Aunty Abebi looked up at her then she glanced at the customer nylon on the desk. Then she took another glanced up in time to catch the worry that riddled Kilahi's eyes.

Her smile was slowly disappearing, the atmosphere was getting tense. Is she supposed to show some form of appreciation for something she didn't ask for?

A lot ran through her mind that instance, how did she get to find out about her love for Chicken and Chips, Chips generally! She must have made investigations but from who? The only person who knows her preference is Aisha!

Was she working hard to get some sort of approval from her? She might have warmed up to her sister easily but does Kilahi think buying her chips will make her like her?

She's still very much angry, Aisha chose her over Wunmi! She remembered how she had to explain to Wunmi's mom why her daughter wasn't chosen. Funny, she wasn't the kind to dabble in giving explanations!

Not like she hasn't been doing her job well! She makes a fine errand girl too! Obedient and stoic to a fault!

Why is she trying so hard? Is it a form of guilt trip for walking in on them during a heated argument?

She tore her attention from her then she glanced at the laptop screen in front of her, she wasn't looking into anything in particular, she only wanted to be dramatic. "Guilt trip perhaps?" "More or less" Kilahi replied in all honesty.

See.. That was another thing she finds amusing about her, her inability to lie! Just like she came out clean about almost committing suicide!

Aunty Abebi cleared her throat, "You didn't have to" "Toor, It's also an appreciation for helping... No, not helping, taking time to even listen to Hilary. You didn't even let your bad mood hinder you from doing the right thing. Thank you Ma and God bless you"

Aunty Abebi looked up at her, "Are you done? Or do you want to 'chip' in a sermon?" She asked laying emphasis on the 'chip', as she rocked back in her chair. Kilahi arched her brow in surprise, was she trying to make a joke out of it?

Embarrassment spreads through Aunty Abebi's face, she wondered why she had to say that. It was supposed to be a joke but no one is laughing. "Was that supposed to be a joke?" Kilahi asked and she felt worst.

A terrible headache sets in almost immediately,"Why will you ask that?" "No!" She replied chuckling then she sucked her lips in, "It was funny though, I was not sure" "If it was funny, it would have prompted a natural reflex action called laughter. Can we just pretend this didn't happen?" 

Kilahi chuckled, "What's funny?" Aunty Abebi shot her a look, "Sorry Ma. I'll leave now, do you want my help?" "Looks like you're jobless, I could use a cup of coffee from the kitchen. Black coffee, no milk."

"Won't it be bitter?" Kilahi asked and she arced her brow at her, "Black coffee coming right up!" She replied leaving the office. Aunty Abebi pulled  the paper bag close while wondering again how she knew about her love for chips.

Then she brought out a disposable dipping cup from the nylon, it contained the ketch up sauce for the chips! She has always been stereotyped about where she gets her chips but in this case, she won't want the chips to go to a waste!

With a big smile on her face, she picked a potato stick dipping it into the sauce then she munched on it, "Hmm" She moaned in satisfaction, "Not bad"

Hilary sniffles again as she works herself into sobs and Manny handed a blue handkerchief to her. "I shouldn't mess this good news with tears" She complained and Manny rose up from his seat, "All these happened and you couldn't mention it to me" "I've been too preoccupied to say anything"

"I'm sorry about your job" He apologized turning her chair towards his side then he bent in front of her looking directly into her eyes.

For a moment, the kiss they had flashed into her mind and she looked away from him before one stupid spirit will enter her body and make her kiss him.

She hissed, "It's the years i've put in working for that woman that's annoying me" "They paid you salary all those years shey?" He asked and she frowned at him then she snorts out a laugh, "You're right aha but I deserved better" She pouts and brace her forehead on his desk.

"Sorry" He apologized rising up then he leaned against his desk.

Hilary lifted up her head at him, "I'm not crying because of Madam T oh. It's my effort that went without bonuses, promotion that I'm crying about." "You can sue her" "I'm about to take my mother in law to court, now you want me to sue Madam Tatiana, kukuma call me Sue Hilary or Hilary Sue"

Manny laughed, "At least you didn't sue me when I casted you on air" "You're just lucky I like you that's why" It wasn't until she said that out loud, she realized how stupid it sounded.

There was a brief silence.

He cleared his throat thinking of a way to cut through the tension in the room, "At least  you've dealt with the hard part" "What hard part?" "Talking to Aunty Abebi" He confessed laughing and Hilary gasped.

"That's a horrible thing to say. She's not bad a person, she's actually sweet. I think she's one of those people that went through things in the past, maybe someone played her or scammed her or one heartbreak that doesn't want to heal. It takes a broken person to understand a broken person, do you understand? She understands me just like I understand Kilahi, you get that kind of relationship" 

He shrugs, "All I know is that she scares the crap out of me." "She's not bad jhoor!" Hilary waved her fingers chuckling softly. "The thought of having Ossy at the end of the week is like the icing on the cake, sugar on sugar, it's sweetening me"

"I'm glad you're now happy. Please stop tainting your face with tears,  you deserve all the happiness in the world" He passionately looked down at her biting on his lower lips.

"Your beautiful face is not meant for tears" "Well except tears of joy cause that's what will happen when we win this case"

"I wish I can come with you"

"Oh please! For why now? As per what?"

"To protect you in case your mother in law tries to play funny or try to make you look bad"

Her heart clenched, she need to run away before she will do something stupid,  "Hey! You have work and I'm jobless. I'll be fine" She replied rising up, it seemed like a perfect time to leave. "I need to start leaving so I can prepare ahead of tomorrow. I still need to get my son's Sunday cloth"

"Sunday cloth?"

"Kilahi told me to take a step of faith"

Manny smiled, "Speaking like a true Mama she was meant to be" "Same thing I told her" She chuckled and he captured her hands. "Let me know of every development. If there's anyway I can help, I mean any... way" He slurred giving her a look she understood to be financial help.

"Any way" He repeated.

She cocked her head and gave him a sarcastic stare. "I think i heard you the first five any way" She snapped and they both giggled, "Thank you"" She embraced him and pulled away slowly.

Their eyes met in the most intense way!  The moment Manny leaned his face forward, she knew this man was going to kiss her. She just knew it ! But what shocked her was the fact she wasn't doing anything about it. She only held her breathe and waited for the same kiss that made her cry her eyes out the previous night.

Is she even okay??

His fingertips grazing along the edge of her jaw and she closed her eyes in anticipation. before she knew, his mouth was on hers.  He kissed her and her lips parted consciously and voluntarily over his.

His hands found her waist while he kissed her with the same intensity as the previous night. Tentative at first, but gradually turning bolder, learning every inch of her mouth in slow, deep kisses.

She shouldn't be doing this but why was she doing it anyway? She was even curling her hands behind his neck while pressing on his flesh. But seriously, Manny can kiss oh!  His lips and tongue was hot and had the right precision, oh gosh!

When she finally pulled away, she exhaled in the bid to catch her breath, "Manny... This is getting sickening" "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist the thought of kissing you since you walked into the office. I don't think I can ever be in an enclosed place without kissing you"

"Oh wow"

"Yes wow"

Hilary laughed nervously, "Have you forgotten what you said yesterday?" "I haven't. I'm seriously drawn to you Hillary, i think it might have something to do with that Egusi soup you gave me. Did you put something in it?"

Hilary shot another sarcastic glare at him and he chuckled, "Sorry, just kidding" "Manny, as I am, if you don't want issues, I also don't want issue." "So if I want issues,you'll also subscribe to the issue?" "That wasn't what i meant but the decision of the man matters the most in these kind of situation. My in laws never liked me but Odefa kept me going, just knowing he loved me and he'll protect me, kept me going. See, I don't want you to get used to kissing you cause it's quite tempting and I don't want to end up with an heartbreak when I end up seeing your wedding card that won't have my name on it. Which I will eventually. Can this just be our last kiss?"

As painstaking as it was, Manny nodded in agreement.

Her phone rang and she quickly took it out of her bag to check the caller ID, it was Osita. "I have to go. Bye Manny" She bowed her head leaving the office.

Word Foundation Church

Gbadamosi sat in his office, dialed Feyi's international number and then he fixed his airpods into his ears. "Good evening Sir" Feyi's voice resounded and a smile curled up his lips. "It's still afternoon here in Nigeria. After several times of trying your Nigeria line all to no avail, I knew i had to call your UK line."

"Oh. Sorry"

"You didn't tell me you were traveling"

"Actually, I didn't tell anyone that I was traveling except my Pastor and Zhara. Dad and Ere doesn't know, it was more of an impromptu business meeting."

Gbadamosi smiled, "God when, you're living the life now" "Who is this one trying to whine?" "How is ministry?" "Ministry is pushing, yours?" "Great, God is doing wonders. Uh... Mom called"

"I knew you were getting there, if you're calling to talk about that woman, I'm not interested"

"That woman?"

Feyi groaned, "I'm sorry but you know how she gets under my skin" "Irrespective, she's still your Mother and you don't get to call her that woman for any reason whatsoever"

"Yes Sir"

"This call has been long overdue, I was supposed to call on Saturday but something came up and I had to leave for Anambra on a Sunday afternoon." "For ministerial meetings?" "No. I um.... I went for emotional and spiritual support" He replied clearing his throat.

"Is there a woman involved?" He could tell at this moment that his brother was smiling, "Yes"

The guy busted into laughter, "Nice way to shoot your shot, old school but still fine. I hope she said yes" "She said no at first but then again, I'm irresistible so.." "Oshey! So my brother finally made the move. When are we going to meet our wife?"

"Heys Oga, who's your wife? You have your wife"

"Abeg! Which kain territorial man be this? When are we going to meet her jhoor?" "Unless you have plans to come over to Lagos"

Feyi clicked his tongue, "No can do." "Is there a masquerade chasing you away?" "Oh if it was a masquerade I'll cast it away into a sea but I possibly can't cast my mother away can I? See, can't you bring her to Abuja? Let's just chill and have a picnic, the three of us with our women. Don't say no, just think of it, my house is big enough to accommodate all of us"

"Kilahi have work and I have Church"

Feyi smiled busting into Hausa, "Dam boro uba! You're dating an Igede girl. Ere told me about the argument you had with Mom, will she agree?" "No, she prefers Brenda" "That woman is just...." "Watch it Feyi"

Feyi scoffed, "You're dating an Igede and I'm dating a Kaduna girl. I feel like God is really ganging up against her cause she'll flip when she finds out" "She called, she said you haven't called her"

"Because there's no reason to"

"Unblock her!"

"This is the analogy that best fits this situation, if your eyes make you sin, remove it"

"Haven't you sinned Feyi? Have you removed your eyes?"

Feyi exhaled, "Not literarily. See, blocking her stops me from saying things I shouldn't say to her. Sometimes i wish i can go back to the way it was before i turned thirty, before we all turned thirty!  All I want is for my mother to call me and ask me how I feel for the first time in four years! Four years now and mom hasn't called to ask silly questions like if I've eaten even though I have. I miss her showering me with love and prayer like she used to"

Gbadamosi heard his brother sniffle, "Where is that woman brother Gbadamosi, where is she cause I honestly don't recognize her anymore and it hurts that the woman I once loved has turned into an enemy. All she cares about now is her age and marriage. I miss my mom"

Gbadamosi exhaled, "I get your point" "Unless she comes back, I'm not coming back to Lagos" "She's throwing a birthday party, you can't miss her party" "I'll be busy that day" "Hey! What about my wedding"

"Have you proposed?"

"Not yet?"

"What are you waiting for? With all the years you've waited. For you to have finally make this decision, I've always imagined you getting married within two weeks of dating"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Haba now! It will be fast but not that fast" "Oya send us number let's welcome her" "I've heard" He smiled seeing a call from Hilary.

"Feyi, I have an incoming call, I'll call you back"

4:40 pm

Hilary arrived Jibowu car park after she booked a seat in a night bus going to Onitsha and Abakaliki route. She entered into the luxurious bus then she clutch her bag exhaling loudly. She was having butterflies knowing she'll see her son the following day.

She suddenly felt guilty for not telling Manny and Kilahi about the impromptu journey. She knew they won't consent to it. At least she told Pastor Gbadamosi. She exhaled and took out her phone to call Manny.

"Hello Hilary"

"Hey Manny"

"Are you home?"


"Why? Are you still shopping for Ossy's cloth till now?"

Hilary exhaled, "I already did that. I'm in a bus" "Heading home" "No. A bus heading to Ebonyi" She replied and he laughed. "I don't understand" "I'm taking a night bus to Ebonyi?"

"Night what? Do people still do that?"

"Yes, you don't have to worry, it's safe. It's what I use every time at least I'll get to the house before twelve tomorrow. It's a comfortable ride in a luxurious bus, there's AC"

"Who cares even if it comes with a personal room reservation and room service? Luxurious buses attracts kidnappers, no way! It's not safe! Hilary, get off that bus. Go tomorrow"

"I'll arrive late, by the time I arrive I won't be able to do anything or even go to the family house. Aunty Abebi will be in Ebonyi too tomorrow to do some legal stuff. I thought things through so if I want to do this, I need to be present."

"Use a flight to the airport. Don't they have airports?"

"It's under construction, unless it's a two way journey from Lagos to Enugu or Asaba first. That's not my business, I'm already in the bus.  I can't afford to use money like that when I'm jobless, I still have to think of school fees"

"What part of 'anyway' didn't you get? I want to help out"

"As what?"

"Ouch, here I was thinking we're friends"

Yes, kissing friends!

"No offense Manny but I don't need your help" He groaned at her stubbornness, "Night buses are not safe" "Don't speak evil into my journey. It's not my first time, I've done it like ten times. I'll be fine"


"Bye Manny, I'll be there before you know it."

"In two hours?"

"Am i going to Ibadan? Even if it's Ibadan."

"Let's think this through, when did you leave my office and you're already making this rash decision. Come on!"

"Bye Manny, airtel has warned me"

"Wait, I'll call back"

"Don't bother. I promise you, i'll be fine. Bye Manny" She added hanging up. Then she called Kilahi but the noise from the other end prevented her from hearing a thing.

"Can you call back? I'm in the market right now with Sewuese" Kilahi answered as she walked through the rowdy market with Sewuese. "I can't hear you" Hilary screamed and she screamed back, "I said I'm in the market, I'll call you back. Thank you!" She screamed and Hilary ended the call.

"Keep your phone well before they steal it" Sewuese warned and Kilahi quickly threw the phone in her bag while looking at direction of Sewuese's old customer who was screaming his head off.

"E don sele oh!! Na here e dey sele!! Uk product don land Nigeria, even the Queen dey call me to tell me say mistake she make give me oh! Selem pay selem pay!!! Before i go carry the cloth go back UK oh. Or as my France people go talk, Etude de pemte de france meaning say Na who wear cloth dey shine like gold. Make Una come oh!!! Uzo don spoil market, I don spoil market oh"

5:35 pm

Ade walked grudgingly into the church, he was exhausted. He pulled a seat and then sat down exhaling loudly. "Jesus, when you said on the cross that it is finish, you did not add suffering to it cause clearly Iya yi to poju (this suffering is too much). Fine boy like me will be stuck in traffic, shebi I would have had one private jet or one car that i will just press the button piiiim... That will fly above all these principalilties and powers called traffic but no, mo joko ninu traffic, (i sat in the traffic) bobo driver yen... didn't have the decency to turn on AC,  O ṣii window, he said I should enjoy natural air conditioner. As if that one was not enough, o fe fi so pa mi! Ah! Before i will start soliquizing, abi it's soliloquizing, wo let me not bite my tongue,  Let this world just kukuma end let me go and stay in my own mansion in heaven. Period! Kilode? I have mansion in heaven and I'm here paying rent!" 

Deja walked up to him, "Should we get a rope?" "Who's destiny do you want to tie down?" He snapped and she sneered at him. "It's almost time for service and you're sitting down as though you're in your father's compound" "I am in my father's compound alright, after all I'm a heir of his kingdom"

Deja blinked a headache back, she didn't have time to start going back and forth with his silly comments.  "Shouldn't you be standing to welcome members?"

"By this time?"

"What other time?"

"You sure have a way of giving the warmest greetings. You cannot even say, Brother Ade, welcome oh, are you fine, what will you like to drink? You cannot mistakenly say good evening to me but I don't blame you, this kind of character is common among people that don't have brothers"

Deja scoffed, "If you're in your right senses, you would have realized that I'm quite older than you" "Darling you don't need to publicize it, isn't it obvious from your wrinkles that are already growing old. Better start doing something before your turn 50 next year"

"I'm not even 35 years old"

"Oh you're not? I thought you were older than all my ancestors added together. Courtesy demands you greet people before nagging" He clicked his tongue then she scoffed, "You will accord me the respect I deserve. I'm the Chief Usher"

"Ah! Thank God it's not Chief Security of Nigeria or Second in command to the President cause I'm sure you have apprehended me. Why are always feeling high and mighty like you hold some kind of power in this church?"

Deja shook her head, "Very soon, I bet you Ade, very soon, you won't be able to speak to me this way" "You mean when you become the Mama of the church" "Mama and more" "Papa and Less kor. Keep on dreaming"

"You'll be shocked when it happens"

"No, you'll be shocked when reality slaps you in the face. I hope you've bought your shock absorber cause it'll be electrifying when you find out Papa likes another. Don't worry, when it happens, you might still be the one to usher her in on their wedding day"

"God forbid!" She snapped, suddenly why Ade was so confident about that information. "What do you know?"

He rolled her eyes in response, "Hanty, how old will you be this year? How long have you been waiting? I say this will all seriousness and concern; Get your head out of the cloud before you end up having a Humpty Dumpty fall with no one to pick the shattered pieces of your heart" "We'll see then. I hope you have your own shock absorber"

"Oh trust me, i won't be needing one cause i know how the story is going to end already. Bi a ba ro didun ifon, a o hora de egun. ( If we think of the pleasantness of scratching the itch, we will scratch to the bone.) A word is enough for the wise"

"You're preaching to the wrong congregation"

"Ah! I almost forgot, if they are counting wise people, you won't even make the ist I million on the list"

Deja tightened her fist, "I'm going to let that slide because of God. Get up and do your job" "See! Chief Usher, I am tired, my eyes have seen shege today, my nose have smelled shege. I just want to rest first"

Her eyes darted across the auditorium, "Get up! People are already entering" "Oya mi o se mo (I'm not doing it again)" "Ade" "The number you're trying to dial right now is temporarily not available or the ATM machine you're trying to use is temporarily not available"


Ade clapped her hands, "Ani mi o se mo! (I said I'm not doing it again) Period, thank you very much. Ti mo ba faint bayii they will say it's anointing that touched me, they won't know the truth." "Did you faint at work?"

"You're preaching to the wrong congregation too"

"What account will you give to God on Judgement day, that you're too busy to do his work"

"Wow" Ade scoffed swiping his phone screen then she went through his gallery. He paused showing the picture Bella posted, "What account will you give to God concerning this" "How did you get that?" She asked with a surprise and embarrassed look and he folded his hands.

"When you make God the center of everything, he puts you at the center of all information. Gist lover and CNN have nothing on me. Unless I don't want to know oh, there's nothing I don't know in heaven and earth. Paa paa, even if it's the  judgment day date that you want to know, I have the right plug"  He exaggerates and she mellowed on seeing the women Vice President walk towards her.

"Sister Deja Deja my dear"

"Good evening Ma. You're welcome to church"  She greeted bending her knees, "God bless you dear, you see why l like you. Very hardworking, respectful, a core lover of God, upright to the core. Someday ehn!" She trailed off giving her a familiar look.

"You know that I'm rooting for you shey?"

Awon rooters club!

Ade witheld his laughter, he definitely didn't need to he told what was happening. He just didn't understand how people could actually be blind to Deja's ugly character.

"God when will somebody root for me too" He teased attracting their attention. "Good evening Ma" He greeted and the VP smiled at him, "Ade Ade!" "Congrats on your daughter's forth coming wedding Ma" "Ah Han! Something that I haven't publicly announced. Thank you dear" She smiled walking to her usual seat.

Deja glanced down at Ade, "Those pictures were from my past" "I don't care if they're from the present or future. I'm not going to use It against you. I'm not that guy again. You don't get to pretend you're righteous, removing spec from people's eyes when your own eyes are full of it. All these eyes service you're doing, to what gain Sister Deja? The annoying thing is you paint everyone to be the demon in your story, meanwhile you act like the only saint. You'll be shocked pe when rapture happens right now, I'll disappear to meet my father while you will remain here to usher the rest people in church that missed it"

"God forbid you!" She snapped her fingers and Bimbo walked up to them smiling, "Am I late?" She looked at the big wall clock hanging on the wall. It was just 5:55 so she sighed in relief.

"I can explain myself. I was stuck in traffic, truck kan lo ni fault (A truck had fault) in our front. I finally experienced what the bible meant when it said the isrealites were stuck between the Egyptian and the red sea. Oh choke! Let me even explain it very well "

"Please save your story and carry on with your duty." Deja snapped and Bimbo scoffed, "Ouch"

She rolled her eyes as guilt pinched her, "I'm sorry, Bimbo it's .." She glanced at her wrist watch, "Four minutes before main service besides, sometimes you just have to read people's facial expression to know when they're in the mood to listen to you "

"What are we friends for then?"

"I wasn't thinking straight"

Bimbo snapped her fingers, "Ah! Abalajo! (No wonder), It's now that it's coming to me. Mo de so oh! (And i said it). I'll be like kilode gan that you always speak out of context and acting like somebody that did not have sense bi eyan ti won tele e lati ile was (like someone they're following from the village). It's like they just did Oyela for me now. And then i'll be like, what is it gan that always make this girl talk like this, even imbecile that someone gave birth to normally have sense more this one. Asepe you were not thinking straight before nii, when people's sense will be looking up, your own is always looking at the ground bi adiye to n sa ile fún oúnjẹ, (like a chicken that's looking at the ground for food). Pele Chick flick. Unknown to me that opolo e has curve, (your brain has curve), as in downward sloping curve that's changing gear to towards a diminishing state cause God forgive me oh, God forgive me even someone that has down syndrome has sense more than you cause kanipe you're thinking straight courtesy would have demanded of you to act nicely to a friend despite your foul mood"

Deja rolled her eyes, "I apologize" "Save it" She snapped walking away while Deja glared at Ade, "See what you've cause!" She hissed walking off.

"Hallelujah!!" A Pastor yelled testing the Microphone.

Manny called Ossy's grandmother, he thought it will be nice if Ossy gets informed about his mother's journey. While the phone rang, he took time to think of his decision, should he keep it as a surprise?

"Hello Mr Achufusi" Her voice resounds, "Good evening Ma"  "Kedu ka ị mere?" She asked and Manny smiled, that was basic Igbo so he knew the response to give, "Fine and you?" She asked and the woman started busting into stories in Ibo.

It sounded like she was lamenting about something but he completely clueless. He thought of ways to escape the conversation without raising suspicion.

"Sorry to cut you off Ma, I'm on my way to church. I only want to speak to Ossy concerning a new development" "You did not see him in school today?"

"I did. The scholarship board notified me about a pending issue, I just feel the need to inform him"

"This one I'm hearing issue like this, I hope you're not taking the scholarship away"

"No ma'am"

"You better don't oh. I have already announced It to the community"

Manny laughed, "Is Ossy close by?" "Yes. You too, your English is too much, are you not bearing an Ibo name?" She asked but he laughed in response, "Ossy!!!" She screamed.

Soon Ossy received the phone, "Good evening Sir" "Good evening dear. How are you?" "Fine" "Have you had dinner?" "Yes Sir" "Are you sure?" "Yes Sir" "I told your grandmother that I'm called based on some information I got from the scholarship board"

"The scholarship board?"


"What information Sir?"

"Your mother is currently on her way to see you"

"Seriously?" He asked joyously, he couldn't even hide his joy. "She'll get there tomorrow" "I know that's how it always is"

"She's coming to get you back"

"I'm happy about this, this is the best news I've heard all day" "We're supposed to be talking about an issue and hey.. You didn't stammer" "Because I can't hide my joy Sir" He sniffles, "Are you co.. co..coming?" He stuttered and they both laughed.


"Thank you Sir for everything."

"I haven't done anything Ossy. You can tell your grandmother that the registration was successful but the board has issue with their computer system. I feel like this bad parenting 101, teaching a child to lie, I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault Sir, I appreciate this call. I'll give the phone to grandma"

"No. Don't bother before she confuses me with more ibo. Goodnight Ossy" "Goodnight" He replied laughing hard after which he ended the call.

Gbadamosi leaned against the podium while preaching when he noticed his father walk in. He paused for a moment watching Bimbo usher him to a seat. For some spilt seconds, he wondered what must have happened to have him showing up on a service day like this!

"In that vein" He continued from where he stopped, "Be careful not to be the reason for your problem in life cause in as much as you're praying to God to end your problems, you might just be the problem that needs to taken away. I don't know who this message is for but I feel God laying it strongly in my heart."

Deja passed a note to Bimbo and she walked away opening it. It was an apology note.

I'm sorry. PS, you know i can talk anyhow so I don't see why you're angry. You owe me an apology for seeing me worst than an imbecile, a down syndrome personality and a chicken! How dare you? How can you be keeping grudges in church?

She raised her nose at her forcing a smile from her. She knew she had been forgiven already!

"God is merciful" Gbadamosi picked up from where he stopped, "Imagine waking up one day to find out Sister who has died, having being consumed by fire from heaven only because she prayed for her problem to be consumed by fire."

Chuckles broke out all over.

"No seriously! May God help us not be our own problem"


Kilahi stepped into the church,  "Good evening" She whispered to Deja who frowned at her, she fought hard to keep with her smile but couldn't. She wondered what could be the reason for her unfriendly countenance.

  "Good evening and welcome to church" Bimbo took over leading her to sit with Mr George.

Gbadamosi almost laughed on the both of them on the same seat. "Media put up, Psalms 139 verse 22 from message bible"

"Good evening Sir" Kilahi greeted and Mr George smiled at her. "I feel bad, Gbadamosi is going to complain" She muttered to herself while taking out a small bible and note from her hand bag.
"I'm late" She whispered to Mr George who she was clueless about. "If it makes you feel better, I came late too" He replied and she chuckled softly.

Gbadamosi looked at the screen, "Psalm chapter 139 verses 23 to 24 from message bible reads; Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me,  get a clear picture of what I’m about; See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong-  then guide me on the road to eternal life. " He looked away from the television screen. "So here David was telling God to search his ways if there are any evil ways. Personally, there is a need to examine ourselves really well, it's not always your village people that are following you oh, some times it's we ourselves that are causing the problem. Examine yourself, what is it am I doing wrong in my spiritual life that doesn't make me hear expressly from God, what is it am I doing wrong in business or in that relationship. God might be speaking to you to leave that Uncle and move on the one he has prepared for you but because we are so used to imposing our will on God we are deaf to his voice. He might have prepared your life partner for you but just too blind to see it." He paused exhaling loudly.

"Ride on Sir!" Bimbo yelled and waved her hands while glaring at Deja.

"May God open our ears to hear from Him and eyes to see the next level he has for our lives, spiritually, ministerially, business and career wise even maritally"

Amen! The congregation echoed.

"How do your eyes get opened? It opens after accepting God's will for your life, but if you choose to impose your will on God, you're only going to keep living life blindly. A blind man cannot walk far because he or she has limitations. When your eyes remain closed, you're only going to remain on that same level for donkey years and we all know how annoying and infuriating it is to be stuck on a particular level especially on a game."

Yes Sir!

"Those days playing all these word games on my phone, when I get stuck on let's say level 134, I become frustrated. For a moment, you start to doubt your capabilities, you start to judge your mental capacity, you start to say, see this simple word oh and I don't know it. You have D-E-O-N- U and you're supposed to piece these words together. You start to wonder if you actually did english in school."

The congregation chuckled.

"Do I have a witness?" He asked and a good number raised their hands. "Sometimes you're tempted to use cheat online but pride and shame will not let you. Oh God! That's how it is in reality when we refuse to hear God's voice and we end up staying on a particular level. You start to ponder am I not beautiful enough? Why Isn't he popping up the proposal question? Am I not good enough? Sister he might not be the one God is directing you to. God is too merciful, he doesn't want you to miss it maritally so until you start opening your eyes, nothing will happen, you'll remain there. God is your only cheat out of that situation, so the reason why you're stuck thinking that man will get married to you. I don't know why God is leading me towards this angle. The only reason is because you've failed to see the signs"

"Yes Sir! Drive with speed Sir!" Ade screamed while Deja tightened her fist over the notebook in her hands. Then she bats her eyes at him.

Gbadamosi exhales, "Am I falling some people's hand? I feel like some people will beef me after this message." "Feel free Papa!" Ade yelled and he laughed. "Ade this one you're excited about the message like this.... " He trailed off and everyone chuckled.

"Well that aside, I'm not going to sugar coat this, I'm delivering God's message. If this is for someone here, I pray you receive spiritual clarity in Jesus Name"


He kept quiet flipping through the Bible, "You have missed the first one, the second,the third and now you want to miss the fourth because you're waiting for one man. Kai! After when you end up being fourty and unmarried, you start to blame God for it. If this has been your story in the past and you're probably waiting on God now, I hear the Lord say he's controlling time to favor you"


"He's restoring the years the cankerworms and Palmer worms have eaten"


Deja felt her heart cringe, her legs became weak on hearing the prophetic word from him. She has actually said no to three other men, Vincent was the fourth. Tears were building in her eyes, it possibly can't be her!

She was meant to be with Pastor Gbadamosi! That has been her dream! This can't be happening, the message can't be for her!

"When the scripture asked us redeem time, e get why" He paused, "There is a set time for everything, we wait and at the same time, open our ears to hear from God and open our eyes to possibilities through faith. Sometimes God places nudgings on our inside and all we just have to do is take a step. That's something I learned of recent in a particular sphere of my life. Something I was trusting God for, an area I've waited years to hear from God." He paused staring at Kilahi then he looked away.

"At first I was scared because I didn't know how it will look like, there are somethings you'll want to do especially when you're a man of God and you'll paused and say, a whole Pastor, nah! but I took the step and the remaining testimony will be coming up this Sunday so stay tuned." He paused and every cclapped as though they knew what he meant.

Gbadamosi laughed shaking his head, "I don't understand, why are you guys clapping now?" He asked then he cleared his throat. "Take a step in life, take a step and leave that relationship if God is asking you to leave, that might be the problem you've been asking him to take away. Sometimes you need to dessociate yourself from some company before God can speak to you. Look at your neighbor and tell him or her to take a step"

"Take a step" Mr George said to Kilahi while Bimbo walked over to Deja, "Step ti slow ju... Take a long jump!" She whispered to her while she rolled her eyes.

Her heart was breaking, her fears were playing out right in front of her! What stupid step is she supposed to take over something she has been waiting so long for??

Fuck that step!

What do you guys think of today's update???

One advise for Deja abeg?😂

Pray for electricity oh so I can update the other one! Thank you!

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