🎉 Chapter 18🎉
I can't write anything cause I had to borrow power bank to man the post sharp sharp!
Vote oh ⭐
Chapter 18
Seriously unedited
🎶Shey footballer ni to n gba balli kiri
Shey telescope ni e to n wo omo kiri
Toju re ba fo o don't blame it on Nini
To ba wa di lale you come to me within🎶
Deja screamed excitedly and danced in front of a man, she was drunk but not too drunk to the man's disappointment cause each time he tried touching her below her waist, she flinches.
The church girl in her will not allow her.
Vincent hissed staring at her, he didn't take his eyes off for a moment. "See! he's touching her again and she doesn't want it" he complained to his cousin who just walked up to him. "Oh God!" His cousin who just hissed shaking his head, "How that one come be your business? I brought you here so you can loosen up, see there are two girls for that corner, one of them is really interested in you"
"You don't understand, I've watching them, whenever he takes his hands down, she will remove it but the guy is repeating it! The stupid guy!"
The guy rolled his eyes, Vincent was not even paying attention to him. "You dey rake, Vincent, you get mind to dey On top babe way no send your face"
Vincent hissed, "Even though" "Oya, come dey do dey go, I brought you here to get out of your shell but you're still in it" "I'm not going anywhere until I'm sure she's safe" "Hei! I no understand this your obsession for this babe oh! Shebi this na full blown adult, why she go go dance for the back of stranger if she no like am. See the way she being shout for your head that time"
"It's because of that man she keeps loving, it's not healthy but she keeps doing it anyway"
"Your own healthy?"
"I'm not leaving her until I'm sure she's fine. Even though she stays till twelve midnight"
His cousin laughed at him, "See who wan stay till twelve midnight. Bini man way no get liver, common cockroach go dey make you jump up" "Stop it!" He shot a look at him then back at Deja.
The man ran his hands slowly down her waist and she turned towards him shaking her head.
"Come on now, loosen up" He grabbed her ass and she slapped him, "Are you mad?" She screamed, "It's like this one does not know me" She paused slapping him again, "Are you crazy?"
The man grabbed her by the arm, "Na me you dey slap like that?" He asked and people around them stol glances at them. Vincent immediately came into the scene, "Will you let go of her this instance!"
"Let go of me!"
The man glared at Vincent, his hands still tightly holding on to Deja. "Ogbeni commot for my side"
"You think I haven't been looking at you? How can you touch a woman without consent?"
The man left Deja and grabbed Vincent's shirt and his heart beat in fear, "Guy wait. I think you just grabbed on of my chest hair" "E bi like say you wan collect bah? You no get power you dey put mouth for fight" He tightened his fist.
"Guy, we can solve this amicably without fighting"
Vincent's cousin smashed a bottle on the man's head and the whole crowd burst into uproar.
Gbadamosi and Kilahi sat side by side while they waited for Uncle Adzer to get into the sitting room. Aunty Mabel on the other hand sat down watching a drama on the television while trying to hide her smile.
When they informed her that there was something they needed to inform she and her husband. She had her guess but she didn't want to show her excitement. She creased her brow wondering why her husband was taking so long.
Not like he was sleeping when she called her.
"Sorry for keeping you all waiting" She heard him apologize. Then he glanced at Gbadamosi, "I hope there's no problem" "None Sir"
Kilahi cleared her throat, "Uncle, I think you have you seat" "Oh" He paused giving his wife a look, "What's going on?" He whispered in TIV. "I'm also in suspense"
Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "Must you clear your throat?" She asked and he laughed unconsciously then he raised his brow, "Sorry. Clear it well" "You're spoiling my smooth roll" He whispered, "God forbid" She whispered laughing then their eyes suddenly noticed that Aunty Mabel and Uncle Adzer's eyes were on them.
He cleared his throat and Kilahi copied him, Gbadamosi threw a look at her and she laughed, "It wasn't intentional. Sorry" "Um Sir, good evening once again"
"Good evening."
"I have come to declare my intention towards Kilahi"
"What kind of intention"
"A courtship to marriage kind of intention" He replied holding her hands, "She's the woman I'll love to have and hold as my wife"
Aunty Mabel smiled looking at her husband, "Are you sure of this, don't start something only to end it because you suddenly realize that ehn.. Ehn.. Maybe she doesn't have the qualities of being the Pastor's wife. Kilahi is like my daughter, I take that back, she is my daughter and I love and cherish her, I want to see her happy, see her do well, see her grow In life and I won't appreciate any disappointment"
Gbadamosi shook his head violently, "No Sir" He replied looking at her, "I don't think there'll be any disappointment. I love her and I also want to see her grow and do well in life. I promise to always make her happy and never to disappoint her"
Kilahi blushed.
"Kilahi, do you recognize this intentions? Have you agreed?"
"Yes Sir"
"Honey... Do you agree?"
Aunty Mabel raised her brow, "Of course i do. You did not see how she's glowing? See how he's making he glow"
Kilahi laughed, "Who's making who glow?" She asked and he mouthed, "Me" "Pastor Gbadamosi can... Sorry... This man can pretend, in front of people he'll be acting all calm and humble and in my front he'll he showing pride"
"Do you want to cast me?" He asked and she laughed nodding, "Yes!" She replied turning towards Uncle Adzer, "Sorry Sir" She apologized and a wide smile curled his lips, a proud father's smile.
"You have my blessing Pastor"
Gbadamosi bowed his head, "Thank you Sir" "Congratulations, you want to take my chief cook from me" He teased and Kilahi laughed, "It's not as if we're getting married like next month" "Really?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing" He replied looking at Aunty Mabel, " Chief cook ehn?" "She is the one sharing my kitchen and husband with me oh, my husband doesnt let m cook his Egusi soup except Kilahi cooks it"
Kilahi laughed.
"So you can cook like this"
"Don't even offend me, do you want to taste my fish pepper soup"
"That one Is just water, spice, pepper and fish. Try something harder, like that egusi now, egusi is not even hard sef, then we can talk about your bride price"
Kilahi laughed, "Can you do better?" "I cook the most finger licking food you've ever tasted, ask Manny or Temi" He bragged and she bit her lips staring at him then she blushed looking at her Uncle.
Gbadamosi bowed his head at him, "I'll take my leave now Sir, Ma" "Ehya, let me escort you" "I'll do it" Kilahi volunteered, "Hehehe, this one that you're being territorial like this, I already told you that I have my husband" She joked and everyone laughed.
"Thank you you will still leave my husband's house to your own" "Is that so? He has not engaged me yet and you're chasing me away"
Aunty Mabel finally noticed that Kilahi wasn't wearing her wig, "Kilahi, where is your wig?" Aunty Mabel asked and she gasped in realization "Geez! My wig is outside," She paused turning towards Gbadamosi, "You forgot it"
Gbadamosi gasped, "Me? Was i the one wearing it?" "Are you not the one who took it from my head?" She asked and he smiled rising up. "Good night Ma, good night Sir"
"Good night Pastor"
"Good night Mommy" Kilahi laughed throwing her head backwards and Aunty Mabel smiled, "Good night oh"
She walked out with Gbadamosi.
Uncle Adzer wiped his eyes, "Is that our Kilahi?" "Shey?" "This year is a good year oh" "Definitely." "Have you called Sewuese? What's keeping her so long?" "She went to see Sam"
A frown formed on his face, "She's on her way home. See as your face change" "I don't want the same thing happening again. That was how she started dating that one and she stopped sleeping home. If she wants to live that kind of life again, let her just start looking for another house cause I'm not going to take any child's indiscipline again" He snapped whizzing back to his room.
Gbadamosi held her hands, "Good night" "O isreal to thy tents. I don't want you to your tent yet. Good night" She leaned in for a hug then she pulled back waving at him, "Good night"
10:13 pm
Vincent opened the door of his car and Deja got out staggering. "Deja" He called out but she stumbled dizzily against his chest and held to his shoulders until the world stopped spinning around her.
Deja squealed and clung to him, her weight fully against him. He noticed a man sneering at him, he assumed it had to be the Landlord cause he had one of those landlord faces.
"Deja wait." He held her tightly and placing her arms across his shoulders, "Where is your house?" He asked and she pointed to the door. "Are you sure?"
"If it's not, we can try the other door" She replied giggling while Vincent struggled to the door with her dead weights. She was even adding any effort to assisting him.
He knocked and Bimbo opened the door with speed, she gasped on seeing Deja, "Jesus! What happened to her?" "She got a bit drunk and a guy wanted to molest her" "Ah!" She bit her index finger, "Where is the guy? Let me not even bother about that one, who are you?"
"Vincent. Her colleague at work"
"Oh the Vincent"
"I thought she hates you...."
"Wow...that's reassuring"
"Wait.. Ao you took her to have a drink together. Are you sure you're not the guy trying to molest her? What were you thinking? That no one will be at home so you can take advantage of her?"
"No!" Vincent cringed shaking his head, "I'll never do that."
"Are you sure?"
"I met her at the club, tried getting her attention but as usual she insulted me but I didn't keep my eyes off her. I wasn't the one trying to molest her."
"Oh. Sorry, i thought"
Vincent groaned, "Can you please take her in?" "You and who? If you weigh her weight and you weigh my weight, who should be carrying who? I am an usher in church, I cannot be an usher in the house." She tightened her fist then she hissed and volunteered her own shoulder too, soon she was in the living room.
Lanre took a headset off his ears rising up to assist but it was too late, they already placed her on the couch.
"Jesus what happened?" He blurted out looking at Bimbo who had an askance look, "I know it's a stupid question but it's Deja... does she drink?" He whispered and he trailed off "Not since...."
While Vincent was trying to lean her head properly against the pillow, Deja puked on his shirt. "Shit!" He muttered. She vomited again on the floor and Bimbo shut her eyes knowing she'll have to clean it.
Sefa heard a knock on the window, she opened the curtains to see Teju smiling at her. She instantly opened the window , "Hey! I thought you should be in Ghana already" "I couldn't leave without saying good bye to you"
"How did you get past the gate?"
"Um.. When you're in love, you'll be amazed at the things you'll do for love"
Sefa blushed, "Once again, i'm sorry for what you had to go through because of me." "Water under the bridge. You know I can't keep grudges against for so long. I'm just glad you're okay. Feels nice to see your beautiful face"
"Are you okay?"
"No. Dad is angry with me, so also Mum. He hasn't spoken to me" "This is all my fault" "How? Teju it was all me! If I wasn't so damn persistent!" "I should have stood my ground. If I had said no, all these wouldn't have happened"
Sefa exhaled, "It's aunty Sewuese I'm scared of. I don't want to see her at all. I know she'll slap me, I just feel it my guts she'll slap me" "Sefa" She heard Sewuese's voice call out.
"That's Aunty Sewuese's voice oh, Teju hide. Let me pretend I'm sleeping. She must not see me awake or else...."
Sefa suddenly felt a slap on her buttocks, "Ouch!" She screamed jerking up from her sleep, she opened her eyes looking up at Sewuese, crap! She almost rolled her eyes at a dream that seemed so real.
"Teju hide shey? Teju hide? You're still seeing Teju in your dream,"
Wait... was she almost sleep- talking?
"I just hope they don't kidnap you in that dream. Your big head!" She pushed her head walking watching Sefa whose hands were still on her buttocks.
"You're lucky that you were sleeping, I for knock that head rubbish!" She answered and Sefa fought hard to stay quiet, she had several retorts but she managed to stay silence because she knew she deserved it.
The moment Sewuese left the room, Sefa beat her body on the bed, then she leaned against the pillow.
Bella knocked on the door and Bimbo opened up, "What are you doing here?" "Water and garri make eba for your wedding day" She snapped pushing her way into the house then they smell of antiseptic, alcohol and vomit hit her nostril, "My God what's that horrible smell, you can't keep a house clean" She turned towards Lanre who was set to leave the house.
Bimbo laughed sarcastically looking at the ceiling, "2020, 2020... Okay!" She exhaled walking back in.
"Good evening" He greeted and she smiled, "Good evening and who are you?" Bella asked, "Ignore her" Bimbo snapped.
Bella knelt before Deja, "Thank God she is alright, I was beginning to wonder where she must have gone to after some guys are the club called me. Why didn't you pick your calls Deja?" She asked rubbing her long fingers on her face.
"If your eyes are not paining you, does that look like the face of a person that can pick call. I should have known if was you that lured her into this"
"Oh please! You say it as if I asked her to do a bad thing"
"Ehn hen? You got her drunk, she was almost molested according to Vincent"
"Who is Vincent?"
"Ma bi mi (Be asking me) He's my grand father's uncle's sister's cousin! Who knows what else would have happened if that guy didn't show up" "What guy are you talking about?" "Saying, water and garri make eba for your wedding day is way too good and realistic for you cause I'm sure pe, something like you cannot have a wedding"
Bella scoffed.
"Oh wait... You thought you're the only one that can be childish"
"Oh please, you've my dear, have always been childish"
"Ladies" Lanre called out getting in between them. "Uncle please butt the fuck out!"
"Aunty leave him out of this if you don't want us to enter the same sokoto." "Your boyfriend?"
"Hm hm, my girl friend"
Bella laughed, "Look what we have hear and you have the audacity to act all holy when you're fucking Uncle here in this small house." She turned towards Lanre, "Uncle, iwo naa, e o try now!"
"I only came because"
Bimbo tightened her fist, "Lanre, you don't owe her any explanation! Bella abi Bellarina or whatever they call you, come and be gping. You've suceeded in doing your worst to Deja, now leave" "I'm not moving an inch from this place. Deja invited me, she's not fine and I'm going to stay till she wakes up"
"Where were you when I was cleaning the vomit, you didn't come, now you want to form best friend." "Why are you always jealous of me? O nse ojowu bayii, Kilode gan ti o ma n jowu? (why are you jealous?)"
"Tani? Who? " Bimbo looked around, Wura ati fadaka. You of course" "No, i think there is a mistake somewhere" She got on her kneels looking under the chair, "Cause I am looking for the person that just spoke and I can't find"
Bella scoffed, "Ojowu yen lo ma pa iwọ ati iran e patapata, tori lakoko o feran lati ma ri awọn eyan to n yege (It's that jealousy that will kill you and your entire generation cause one, you don't like seeing people suceed)"
"Ta lo n yege? Se iwọ? (Who is suceeding? Is it you?)" She asked rising up now clapping her hands, "Mo ma ro go oh, so now Bella, if they are calling people that made it in life, you will also come out"
"Duh?" She ducked her head.
"Duh? You should kukuma bark as per that bitch that you are.Ta lo n tan eleyi? (Who is deceiving you)"
"Oh please, you're probably wondering why Deja called me. Yes she called me, she called me because she knew you couldn't be trusted to give her the proper advise she needs concerning life"
Bimbo laughed, "I can't believe you just said that with a straight face. Wow Bella" She hissed pointing at the floor, "Something of yours just fell on the floor" She bent as though picking it, "What's that?" Bella looked down.
"It's your brain cause it's obvious you don't have sense" She stretched her hands at her, "Take it, I'm unleashing the prophetic in me, better take your brain cause, as you like this, you dont have one sense. It's like they're walking on your brain, they're using your brain to do red carpet rug. Celebrities are stepping on it and you are happy"
Lanre held her arm, "Bimbo it's fine" He her a look, "I'm leaving. You can escort me to the car" He added and exhaled walking towards the door with him. "Aunty Ode" Bella snapped and she shut her eyes.
"Ignore her"
"She calls me that everytime"
Bimbo turned towards her, "Take it back now!" "Take what back? Aunty Ode!" "Bellarina, you are really trying my patience"
"Kosi lọ jare, mi o ráyè osi (Get off, I don't have time for your rubbish). You think i'm scared"
"Ah!" She turned towards Lanre whose eyes were begging, "Did she say she's not scared, oh because I have not shown you my red eyes in two years shey? Bella you know me now, you knew me before 2020, you know how I always do people like you. O o raye oshi? You are not in luck cause thank God that in my schedule list, if you open my schedule lasan and you look down there always a space for oshi, even gan, you can add rada rada on it. Cause today I will show you that oshi!" She charge towards her and Bella rose up moving backwards towards the door leading to the rooms.
"O dabi o ti ment! Look at the stupid girlfriend you're keeping! O o ti ri iyawo oh! (You've not seen a wife, keep searching!)"
"Stop this Bimbo!"
Bimbo gasped, "Are you listening to her?" "Ignore her"
"Don't come near me or I'll tear you" Bella threatened lifting her fingers, "Pele tear gas, awon karashika league..." She paused shutting her eyes in guilt, "The promise that I made to God just appeared in the fore corner of my mind. Bells, leave this house before I lose my cool and descend on you"
"I'm leaving!" She snapped, "Not because of you but before I have self respect unlike you!" She huffed walking out of the house.
Lanre gave her a disappointing look.
Sewuese quietly sat on the bed kicking off her shoes then she removed her wig, "Mehn I'm so tired" She complained pinching Kilahi's leg.
Kilahi, who was flipping through the bible rolled her eyes. "You're late, don't tell me you're already having sex with him" "No! You think so low of me"
"I just wanted to be sure." She replied sitting up, "Why is your lips somehow..." "Somehow?" "Like you licked block, it's swollen"
Sewuese bit her lips, "We just kissed okay? Nothing happened. I had to stay a little longer because he's going back on Sunday"
Kilahi's eyes widened in sudden interest, "What?" "I was shocked too" "Why didn't he tell you?" "He only heard of it yesterday. It's quite disappointing, to think I just started a relationship with him"
"Ehya... How long will he be staying?"
"Three months, although he'll be back for Pastor Gbadamosi's mother's birthday" "Oh. When is that?" "This month" "Oh. Guess what?"
"I said yes to Pastor Gbadamosi"
"Are you whine-ing me"
"Why will I joke about something that serious?" "Jeez!" She screamed then she quickly embraced her, "Why are you hugging me?" "Because" She pulled away then she swallowed hard, "Because my dear.... We just won the bet"
Kilahi laughed in mockery, "Which bet? You're saying it like we're getting married like right now. People court for two years" "I know of someone that courted... Is there anything like courted? Wo, she was only courting the guys for like two months when he proposed. I have faith that Pastor Gbadamosi will pop the question like April soon"
Kilahi laughed unbelievably, "We just started courtship and you're talking about marriage." "Don't be small-minded. Think big" She screamed holding her by the arms then she shook her violently. Afterwards she pointed at the sticker.
"Anything is possible, hasn't God proved that enough? God has brought good things our way, things way past our expectation. Who knew that I will be dating a whitie, who knew Kilahi will be dating now. If you can remember the last conversation we had after Duro's wedding, who would have thought."
Tears poured down Kilahi's eyes, "God has been indeed good to me" "Yes" Sewuese laughed in between her tears, "He has, even when we're unfaithful, even when we don't deserve it. I know for sure that I don't deserve this but he's still doing good"
"Your wedding can come up this year, have faith"
"There goes my plan to be a millionaire before the end of the year" She rolled her eyes playfully, "Just know that I don't have money to give you guys sha"
Sewuese laughed, "I don't care, as long I dont have to touch my savings for masters. Let's call Durojaiye," "This night?" She asked then she hissed after realizing she wasn't in the country. "Shoot! She's not in Nigeria. Don't cast me now"
"I'll cast you, i'll even announce it on my status"
"Please oh!"
"It should be morning in Canada"
"Check first, I hope you have airtime"
Sewuese scoffed, "Me that want to tell her to come online so we can have video call" She dialed the number placing it on loud speaker. Durojaiye answered at the third ring, "Hello" Her voice sounded rough, this was followed by a dry cough.
"Are you sleeping?"
"Yes! It's five in the morning. Is everything okay?"
Kilahi hissed then she yelled, "Abeg get up jare! Five and you're doing as if someone woke up by 2 am". This forced a hearty laughter and cough from Durojaiye. " Come online oh, I have sweet gist"
"No, tomorrow! Madam come online, let's do video call"
Sewuese instantly turned on her data clicked on whatsapp when a video call came in from Durojaiye. She had just her nighties on, "Hey girls" "Hey!!" Sewuese waved and Kilahi knelt behind her.
"Awwwn, Look at your Canada face!"
"This Kilahi sef! Which one is Canada face again? Me that sickness almost killed yesterday" "What happened?" Sewuese seemed alarmed, "I'm not feeling fine, I slept with headache, I have catarrh and cough you can hear it from my voice now"
"Ehya.. Are you sure it's not corona Virus?" Kilahi asked and Sewuese laughed, "It's you that will have Corona Virus!" Durojaiye spat, "I reject it in your life sha. Are you sure we're not expecting Kilahi?" She asked and Durojaiye laughed, "Well... Booboo wants us to settle in first before baby plans but I've not seen my period sha" She whispered, "My husband is bathing. I just hope not oh cause he's going to freak out"
Sewuese laughed, "Didn't you plan it?" "Well... We did, we've always been careful. Babe, tou know i've always been careful. Just that when you're married without any risk you're insuring against. You have that full assurance for him to.." She trailed nodding her head.
"To what?" Kilahi asked and they both laughed. "Oh" she paused in realization.
"Why is sex so complicated? That's one thing in this life that I don't understand"
"Don't worry, Pastor Gbadamosi will make you understand it" Sewuese chipped and Kilahi slapped her head, "Ouch. The only reason I'm not doing my own is because of the months you used in senioring me"
"Sewuese, madam seems to be in a good mood, what did she eat?"
"Love that she's scared to reciprocate"
"Good news Jaiye... We won the bet!"
Durojaiye blinked her eyes, "I don't understand... Kilahi is not even dating" "She finally said yes to Pastor Gbadamosi" "Wow" "Yes Babe, wow" "When? Why am I the last to know?"
"Technically you're the fifth person to know"
"Who was the first and second?"
"Mom and Dad"
"Awwwn... She just called Aunty and Uncle Mom and Dad... I'm so emotional right now" She wiped some tears off and Sewuese scoffed, "Babe... I think you're pregnant"
"Who's pregnant?" Her husband's voice resounded, "Hey dearie, guess what? Your Pastor is getting married to Kilahi" "Jesus Christ!" Kilahi yelled, "We just started dating! You guys should stop now!"
"She's dating your Papa"
"I can't show my face now, send my congratulations to her"
"I can hear you!"
"Baby we'll go right? Wo, I'll go for the wedding oh. I can't miss my baby's wedding, she doesn't have much friends"
"Think again" Sewuese snapped, "Kilahi is beginning to have friends even more than me, she's now director of Socials in this Lagos"
Durojaiye opened her mouth in surprise then her lips formed into a small smile, "Kilahi, you didn't tell me. What happened overnight?" "Call it self discovery. I finally met people who don't judge me by what i look like" "No! Babe, you've been the one judging yourself" "Was I judging myself she that photographer you guys hired said trash about me when I was about taking picture with you all at your wedding reception?"
"What? Was that why you left? Why didn't you tell me"
"It's all in the past"
"Is it that big headed dark guy... That Bini guy that was just everywhere. Even my mom complained about him, booboo, what's his name sef?"
"Tega, he's Urhobo"
"Yes! Tega. He's from the church" "I know. The same church I'm supposed to be Mama over, the irony of life"
"Truly! If I'm the one, I swear I'll show that guy pepper. What exactly did he say to you?"
"Nothing serious"
Sewuese clapped her hands in readiness to offload information. "He said she should leave the group picture that he will snap her alone as the special human being that she is. See insult, I rake for the guy that Sunday ehn!"
Durojaiye shut her eyes, "So... The guy said that rubbish to you and you kept quiet about it. Booboo, do you have that Tega's number?" "Jaiye!" Kilahi snapped, "Ooooooh! Let me call him and ask him what right he had to say that to my best friend. Who knows who else have must have said that trash too. Oh God this headache is coming back." she exhaled in frustration.
"It's fine!"
"No! Because of him I don't have pictures of you on my wedding day. The only picture I have of you are the ones Sewuese posted on your date. Babe start snapping pictures, your life is about to change for good and you're going to be in front of the camera frequently"
"Don't scare me. I haven't even thought of that"
"Who says there's no God?" They watched Durojaiye drop the phone and danced. "After all the bad mouthing, las las he'll still use that his smelling mouth to call you Mama" "You get?" Sewuese screamed in joy.
Kilahi shook her head, "What are you guys making a fuss about? I'm still scared of this reality that's dawning on me. See, what said was painful at that time, I was angry. I wished I slapped him but thinking of it now, he's right about something"
Sewuese rolled her eyes, "If you say another nonsense, I'll slap you to sense," "He's right about the fact that I'm a special human being, created specially, moulded beautifully by God. I was seeing myself from people's bad opinion and I've been ignoring you two for years. I'm sorry cause it took a better opinion of other good people and mirror of from the word of God to realize I'm a hot cake radiating in God's glory"
"Preach on baby!" Sewuese snapped her finger with her free hands while the other held firmly to her phone.
"Who says I'm not beautiful, I served three guys breakfast, only me oh in less than a month. Three hot guys... Including Gbadamosi."
"Awwwn. She's calling him by his name" Durojaiye interrupted her, "Sorry, continue" "So, anybody that tries to say that I'm not fine, I'll take the person personally to have an eye check and I know I made this decision sometime in January where I said I'll personally baptize the person in gutter water. I'll drag the person to an eye clinic cause if they're not seeing this beauty, what else are they seeing?" She asked and Durojaiye clapped her hands and busted into tears of joy.
"I am so happy for you. This means you're beginning to have self worth. Thank God we didn't have to set you up with a strange guy" "Whaaat?" "I was considering it oh but that aside, I've never been more proud of you dear. I hope he'll be proposing soon oh so I'll keep my money"
"I don't kukuma have money to give to you and Sewuese even if I get married"
"You'll still get to name your daughter or son Durojaiye" "I'm sure Gbadamosi will have something else in mind" "You'll still do the live broadcast of how you overcome depression and low self esteem because of us"
Kilahi smiled, "I owe this journey to alot of people" "The point is... We've won" "I'm not married yet" "The marriage is sure, I'll even chat the man up and congratulate him in advance" "You won't do that"
"Try me. After all he's my Papa by marriage"
"Jaiye.. Don't do anything stupid"
"Try me. Let's discuss Aso Ebi"
Kilahi shook her head, "It's not me, I was studying before you guys interrupted me" "Future Mama is learning quick. But seriously, let's talk about our Aso-Ebi, Sewuese, how you take see am?"
Lanre leaned against his car staring at Bimbo who was dying of pure embarrassment. She was convinced deep down that he'll definitely break up their relationship after seeing the crazy stunt she pulled in there.
"I'm sorry" She apologized, "Before you break up with me, I just want to say that I'm sorry. I allowed Bella get the best of me" "Who said I was breaking up with you"
"Your looks do! You haven't stopped giving me that look like you've just seen another version of me that you don't like and I totally understand. I should have controlled myself when you asked me to"
"Why didn't you?"
"Because she has this way of making my skin crawl. She's not my favourite person, ever since I gave my life to Christ and I started familiarizing myself with church services. There's no insult I haven't received from that... Papa will say turn the right cheek, turn the right cheek but if you want to be turning the right cheek for someone like her, wo! It's ambulance that will carry you body cause she'll definitely take advantage of it. Sometimes I'll try to ignore her and just mind my business but she makes it so hard. Wo, if not for 2020, ah! If not for 2020, ma ti..." She clicked her tongue, "I would have fried her ass sunny side up, nobody will be able to do anything"
Lanre laughed, "Who was Bimbo before 2020?" He asked and she exhaled, "Bimbo was rugged" "You're still rugged" He chipped in and they both laughed, "True but imagine me being ten times rugged than this, that was Bimbo of the past. I had this life where friends call me to fight for them. If you need someone to stand up for you, all you just have to do is call me. I was always high from smoking and drinking. That was how my paths crossed"
Lanre's eyes widened, "E shock you?" She asked, "I was abusive too! It felt like a blessing then, there's no tongue wagging war that anybody can win as long as I was there. I was friends with Bella at first, then I became friends with Deja who severally invite me to church but I never honoured her invitation until one day. That day that changed my life..." She paused as tears rolled down herself.
"Papa preaching and it was as though he was talking to me. I cried like I have never cried in my life and I felt awful about how I was living, I wanted to please God. He called for the altar call and I came out, I was so moved by that message that I had to get the message directly from the media"
"Yeah... That was the first time we spoke"
Bimbo smiled, "It hasn't been easy but God has been helping me and I owe it to Deja that's why I put it upon myself to make her see her wrongs, make her change. She's not a bad person, she's just misguided, she has always been misguided by her so called classy friends and Bella. You see that Bella, right from the day i decided to stop partying, there's no insult I haven't received"
"Ignore her, Jesus received worst, did he retaliate? No! Would you have been happy beating her up?"
Lanre laughed, "Help me out here, I was expecting you to sa no" he laughed nervously now staring at the Landlord who was peering at them, Bimbo traced his gaze back to him.
"Must all Landlord act this way before you'll know they're Landlords"
"How did you know?"
"The other day I dropped off after our get together.... He's creepy" "Shey? Man has been reminding me of rent" "Already? Isn't is suppose to expire four months from now?" "Problem everywhere."
Lanre shook his head, "Very soon, all this stop in Jesus name" "Amen, after I pay my rent" She replied and he smiled. "Good night dear" "Good night. Thanks for coming"
"No problem"
Gbadamosi scrolled through whatsapp messages only to come across Durojaiye's message.
Good morning Papa
I'm fine Sir, Canada is where it is, fine sha. My husband is fine. Sorry my response is coming in late, i didn't realize you sent me some messages. Although my husband usually extend your greetings to me"
Thanks for always checking up on us.
I hope you know that i'm the best friend of your future Mama. I heard the good news so I've come to say congratulations💃💃💃
Kilahi is a gem 💎
She had issues oh but she's stil priceless to me.
Not like I'm pushing but I'll like to be notified early on wedding plans and miscellaneous so I can plan my journey back to Nigeria.
Thank you Sir
Looking forward to you reply
He threw his head back in laughter then he watched Manny walk in groaning tiredly, "Good morning Gbada" "Good morning. I noticed you and Muyiwa were asleep already in the living room when I came in, I didn't want to bother you"
"We slept off waiting for you."
Muyiwa walk in with just his towel on, "Guys, good morning. Gbads, I fit see one shirt and trousers borrow for your hand?" "You've not returned all my shirts you've borrowed in this life" "I'm still enjoying the anointing from some of them"
"Knock yourself out! Why are you here in the first place?" He asked as he watched him opened his wardrobe, "Sharon didn't let me sleep" He answered exhaled and Manny furrowed his brow in thought.
"Wait, like the Sharon, the one you said my short conversation with Mom reminds you of? The one you have short sex with"
Gbadamosi smiled, "I wasn't aware you're dating" "God forbid! She's just one of those lingering pest that my pesticide can't kill. There's nothing I haven't done to chase her away. She knows i'm not serious, yet she's still there, she has her use sha... The girl cleans my house, cooks for me, sometime with her money but I usually refund before she will use it as legal tender for marriage abeg! It's not she's bad like that, she's one of the good girls"
Gbadamosi sneered.
"Oga wipe that sneer off, she's a good girl. I seriously don't know how she got entangled with me. She literarily lost her virginity to me, real life virginity, I drilled into it"
"We get it!" Manny and Gbadamosi yelled.
"I think that's one of the reason she's lingering. She was having menstrual cramps, after the foot massage I gave her and the hot water I boiled for her to drink because she demanded for it. According to her, it works like magic. This babe was still crying, I told her to take drugs she said no, that she doesn't want her body system to get used to drugs during cramps. Women and their problems, it's from her that I started seeing women with actual pads on. She's comfortable fixing the stuff on her underwear in front of me!"
Gbadamosi waved his hands, "We don't need that information. I hope you don't go around talking about her like that with your other guys?" "What's there?" "It's wrong. It's obvious you care about her"
"What gave you such hint?"
"He way you almost tore my head open when I sneered"
Muyiwa hissed, "I care about her but she's not my type. She can't do past a round, if you put her in an uncomfortable position, she will stop, say good night to you and sleep. Nothing you do can convince her to go back. After she working in the kitchen, she'll do ho many minute and just.."
Gbadamosi glared at him and Manny asked, "Are you sure you don't like her?" "No. Sharon is stubborn! I don't know how my path crossed with that girl. Now I don't take girls to my house again, I have to take them my other place. The worst thing Is that I can't even tell her to her face to leave! Maybe it's because of the free food and the feeling of walking into a clean house every time. You know I love a clean house but I hate cleaning" He returned his gaze back to searching for a cloth.
Manny shook his head at Muyiwa's denial! He finally picked a white shirt, "Gbads, where were you and why did you stay out so late?" H asked turning back at him, "Abi you don dey do one or two?" He sniggered hoping to get Gbadamosi angry and he did cause Gbadamosi scowled at him.
"Sorry now, I'm sorry" "Where were you?" Manny asked sitting with him on the bed, "I had to see Sefa" "Who is Sefa? Is that still someone's name or a currency?" Muyiwa asked but they both ignored him.
"How is she?" Manny groaned stretching and yawning, "Mehn I need a full body massage. So how is she now?" "She'll be fine"
"Oh. I see the angle now, you went to see Kilahi right?"
"In a kind of way.... She finally said yes, we are currently in courtship" He opened up and Manny smiled, "Didn't you say something about her meeting Lota's brother?"
Muyiwa smiled, "I don't understand, why do I feel like I'm in 2005? You that have not... So you finally took a step and spoke to her finally. So did you die? Did the angel of God come down to wipe your ass with long Koboko? All these religious processes sef, toasting is toasting, there's not Christian toasting. Now you're talking about courtship"
"I love Kilahi"
"Which is what is I find surprising cause, you haven't given any girl attention in a decades and that day you said you're not in love with her that we should get out of your head. Manny you remember bah?"
Gbadamosi blushed.
"This girl better be hotter than the sun. See as she's making a grown man blush" "She's hotter than the sun" "Hotter than that Kitty Kat girl?"
"Ten times"
Muyiwa's hands rested on his waist in an akimbo stance, "Who is Sefa?" "Her sister" Manny replied, "Do I know this Kila.. Kila what?" "Kilahi" "Yes Kilahi. You and Manny have always love them with big ass. Show me her picture. Do I know her from somewhere?"
Gbadamosi frowned, "God forbid, you can't know her from anywhere" "That's..." Muyiwa hissed then a chuckled escaped from his lips., "That wasn't what I meant. Don't be scared, I know you won't want her meeting this handsome prince cause I might just end up charming her"
"That's if you don't end up being on the list of the breakfast collectors of which I am also a partaker of"
Muyiwa smiled, "Omoh, I want to meet this babe. She must be fiesty and hot, show me picture now, do I know her?" He repeated the third time! "She's the one I went on that date with" Manny chipped in.
"Oh. The one that served you breakfast?"
Manny nods. "Finally! A woman will be swimming in Gbadamosi's pool for the first time. Tell me you at least gave her some good kiss?" "No!" "Booooring! That's why I hate all these religious dating, it pisses me off. So I'll be looking at a girl's lips and I won't be able to eat it. It's like serving one delicious soup in front of my and I can't eat. I can't imagine the torture. I feel for you my brother"
Gbadamosi hissed and searched through his gallery for Kilahi's picture. He managed to dig up one from the previous Sunday service then he passed it to him, "That's Kilahi, my future wife" He said with a smile and Muyiwa blinked swiping to the left, "I think you've removed the picture"
"I didn't. The girl I showed you that's Kilahi"
"This one on white... Is it top or gown?"
Muyiwa swallowed hard, "You said she's hot" he blurted out and his eyes jammed Gbadamosi's glare. "I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry. It's true what the say, love is blind and when you finally fall in love, the person whom you'll fall in love with will shock the life out of you"
"Looks like you're speaking out of experience" Gbadamosi and Manny said at the same time then they laughed over it.
Muyiwa scoffed, "Unlike you buzzos, I'm not in love. I have my head straight in this game. You, Sammy and Manny wants to leave this bachelorhood gang. Issokay, we die here!" "Manny?" Gbadamosi asked with a mixture of confusion and excitement.
"You secretive son of a gun, what are you hiding?"
Manny lifted his hands in surrender, before he gets judged to death! "Don't accuse me just yet, that was why I came here last night to talk to you about it then I saw this Uncle at the gate. Opulent didn't want to let him in so I gave him permission"
"Screw that your security man sha! The guy is too loyal!"
"What happened between you and Hilary?"
"We kissed"
Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "Okay... What else?" "I apologized and told I can't date her" "Why? Because she's a widow and has a son?" "No! Gbada, you know me more than that! I don't care about that. You know the kind of family we have, you know the kind of mother that I have. She has gone through a lot with her late husband's family. I didn't want to put her through that again"
"Bullshit!" Muyiwa yelled buttoning a shirt, "Pure bullshit! You're a fucking grown up man! You can't be living under you mother's shadow" "I'm not!"
"You are"
"How long has it been since we've fist fight?"
Muyiwa rolled his eyes.
"I hate to say this but Muyiwa is right" Gbadamosi agreed with swallowed pride. "Oh Happy day" He sang dancing and Gbadamosi laughed at how shamelessly silly he was behaving.
"Mom doesn't agree with Kilahi but I still made it anyways"
"Your mom is actually more reasonable than mine. I'll exchange my Aunt any day for my own mother. I don't want to see her hurt, is love enough? What about repercussions? She'll be hurt and shamed. She deserves better"
"She must be so hurt" "She didn't look that way. She was cool about it, she didn't want us to act all weird about it like you and Kilahi did after you asked her out"
Gbadamosi laughed reliving the moments again.
Kilahi wore in a wine colored shirt that had a white love print all over then she tucked it into a brown colored trousers. She smiled at Sewuese who was also dressed up for work too, "Remember how much I bought this top that year? 500 naira"
Sewuese laughed, "Why are you remembering that kind of thing?" "It's just funny that if someone wants to check the worth of everything I have on right now, it's not up to 3,000 naira, even if you add my underwear to it" She joked provoking a loud cackle from Sewuese.
"You're not serious. Mehn, you're cheap. This your color combo can blind someone's eyes"
"Is It bad?"
"Not that bad... It goes in a kind of way, if you're trying to make a fashion statement" "Should I just wear black skirt on it?" "Black skirt??? I think I prefer this one"
Kilahi motioned towards the mirror looking closely at herself then her gaze landed on how her buttocks looked on the trousers. "This one you're looking at yourself with all manner of seriousness, are you seeing him today?"
She hissed, "No. I'm just admiring myself small. Is it that a crime?" "No oh. Please continue admiring your 500 naira cloth" "I'm economical, people like us ehn... We divert money into other things." She walked away the mirror.
"When will you be chanced to we can go out to buy clothes?" She added and Sewuese smiled, "I thought you'll never ask! I'll take you to the boutique today"
"I'm talking about either going to the market or that your Okirika customer, the one that sells Oke dress"
Sewuese gasped then she switched to clapping her hands in amazement, "I haven't met that guy since after after uni days. His products are nice but as I began to advance in life, I realized all these mentality will only take you backward. It will make you feel stingy towards buying good things for yourself. It limits you, sometimes you just have to close your eyes and buy something good. All your clothes cannot be 500 naira clothes now"
"Ouch. Are you still not wearing that your 200 Jean trousers from 2018? All those your 50 naira bum shorts"
Sewuese hissed, "That's my point! Sometimes we need to upgrade" "Most of these boutiques buy from the market, iron and hang" "That's the mentality that kills us. Buy at least three good gown from the money"
"Money that remains like 27 thousand"
"I've paid my tithe and I contributed to human service, let's just drop the matter. If I buy like three good gowns, how much will be left?" "Not good gowns like that...." "Let it not be all those Aba gown you'll see on hundred people's body the moment you step out of your house"
"Let's just say 15k"
"My transport for the month kor? Won't I give Mommy something?"
"What do you want to give? From that money? Just close your eyes, she'll understand"
Kilahi rolled her eyes then carried her hand bag from the bed now hanging it across her shoulder. "She didn't close her eyes when she had other expenses and things to cater for. She took me in, paid my fees. Why should I now close my eyes now?" "Babe... Okay.. I don't mind footing the bills for these things but as usual, you'll say" "I don't want. I'm contented with all I have"
"You're contented, you're contented, that's why you didn't add any clothes to your collection through out your service year"
She scoffed, "Yes I did, I added a new cloth" "I'm not talking about your Khaki oh" "Does my crest vest and white short count?" She asked and Sewuese rolled her eyes.
"I bought under wears"
"All those pampers and shower cap you bought"
Kilahi laughed, "They're new! That's my point. Stop insulting my shower cap!" "Can you wear it outside?"
"They are exclusively for the eyes of my eyes of my husband!" "I reject it! I'll personally lay upon myself to buy you new pants! His eyes will not see that ugly thing again, in Jesus Name, say Amen!" Sewuese snapped causing Kilahi to laugh till the point she fell on the bed.
"In my defense, the day I wanted to get clothes from the boutique for a send forth party, the man that attended to me automatically chased me away because he felt like I didn't belong there. He thought I won't be able to afford his clothes so I jejely carried myself out. I've had that fear for a while now"
Sewuese hissed, "It's God that will judge that idiot, let me not use punish!" "Sewuese, I want to buy new shirts, one palazzo at least and gowns so... Can we just put a rain check on that boutique plan?"
"Thanks. Call me when you reach the guy, I don't want to go alone so he'll give me discount just by being with you" "No wahala. Oya let's go and take pictures"
Bimbo got out of her room fiddling with her phone then she came across Bella's WhatsApp status:
Just decided to give you a morning dose of beautiful Bella❤. Don't be scared to drool! And Feel free to lick the screen too 🤤
The next status!
Say hello to miss Sexy that year😘😍
And the next!
Nice hanging out with this crazy one, I've missed you sugar boo😘
Bimbo lets out a long hiss, "Siiooor! (Shame)"
Deja woke up in the living room with a horrible hammering headache. Being awake for an hour, she waited for some sort of relief but it got worst! She couldn't even stand cause she felt so dizzy. She began to wonder how she got home, she laid there piercing the events together, bits by bits.
Bimbo walked into the living room looking into her hand bag, she was already dressed for work. She heard Deja groan, after which she looked down to notice she was awake. "Sleeping Beauty is awake, how was your journey?" "You're shouting, my head is banging"
"Banger kor! How many sound have i made that your head is banging. Your head has not bang yet, I'll give you, another banger" She paused clapping her hands continuously.
"Bimbo what's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me abi, what is wrong with you? What kind of Chief usher are you, o pe ara re ni Chief Usher... You could not usher yourself to the church, o lo si club! (You went to a club). As if that was not enough, you came back drunk! I pity that poor guy that brought you here, you vomited on his body and even vomited on the floor. I used my two both hands to wipe your vomit, you did not smell the perfume emanating from the house, that's your crap that I cleaned"
Deja hissed, "I didn't ask you to, you could have just left it for me" "So that Lanre and I will be inhaling your digested food" "Lanre... Was he here? Why will you bring a man to the house" "Hold your horses, wasn't it because we were worried about you. I called a hundred times but you didn't answer"
Deja shut her eyes, "Did he see me drunk?" "Hm him" She shook her head sarcastically, "Ko ni oju, afọju ni (He's blind). Of course he did! I was so ashame!" "Why did you let.... God, how will I hide this shame?" She lifted a pillow to her face.
"That's what you get for letting Bella take the lead. What did you expect?"
"I just wanted to feel like my old self again"
"Well newsflash Deja, you did! You're better than this, Bella is a misguided fool and you're following her blindly, you'll only fall into pits. Have you seen her post about you, she posted old pictures of you and made it look like"
"Arrrggg! Can I have some peace and quiet? Just because you packed my vomit, am i supposed to be indebted to you for life, please just keep quiet or i'll leave this place for you"
"Leave now! There's a reason why it's called the living room, you always leave the room, you can either leave it to the bedroom or leave it to outside world where you experience life but it's obvious that you are yet to learn from life. If life was a real life course, wa ti ni carry over meje! Cause I don't know what you are learning, they when life beat you down, you dust yourself back up, you are walking around with that dirty cloth when you should dust yourself"
"What's your point"
"Your problem is not far from Papa and I'm sure of it. Give up before you end up getting hurt"
"Give up for who? That okpelenge, that cockroach leg that isn't even half as pretty as i am. Abeg... You can eat the living room" She rose up grabbing the bedsheet, "Let me have a peace of mind!" She screamed walking away.
"Pele oh, rest in peace. Alaru to n je buredi! It's your heart that will kukuma break"
Sewuese knocked and entered into her parent's room. She found her father in bed reading a bible. "Permission to interupt you?" "Permission granted" He replied and she sat on the bed with him.
"Good morning Daddy"
"Good morning"
"Mom told me you want to see me, I don't want to be late for work"
Her father nods, "What is it? Is everything okay?" "Are you already having sex with Samo?" "No! We only kissed" "Na there the thing they start!" "Dad!" "I'm serious? How did Jamal's own start? I'm telling you because I'm a man and the same thing happened to your mother and I. I remember my toasting years with your mom, when I was still peeping to see her from under the gate that year. The gate was rusty and chopped, I even had an injury on my fingers one day while I was passing love notes to her. It started with hugs, from there it advanced to kisses before you know it... We were already doing it. Sewuese I'm not claiming to be righteous but I wanted more than anything to have children whose life wasn't life ours. It broke my heart when you started sleeping over at Jamal's. It's a painful thing to sleep in a man's house when you're still in your father's house. Look at you junior sister? Look at how she embarrassed her family, is it good?" He asked blinking his tears in.
She could see the hurt inside in eyes, it even resonated in his voice, "I'm sorry. I didn't ... You didn't say anything" "Because I felt like I was guilty of it too. I felt like you were an adult capable of making your own decision"
"Daddy i'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way. To think I wanted to stay back with him yesterday, I'm so sorry"
"How long before you'll follow the same footstep?" "Sam is leaving Nigeria on Sunday" "Why?" "Business" "Doesn't mean you should sell yourself short. I want you ending up with a good man not people that only likes you as a sex symbol"
Sewuese smiled, "Sam is a good man. He was even the one who sent me away last night when I wanted to stay back" "Stay back and do what?" "It's not what you're thinking" She pouts wrapping her arms around him then she leaned on him.
"I'm sorry"
"Do you like him?"
Sewuese nods blushing like a little child, "Tell Samo to send me an official what can I call it sef" "I will. What's it with Samo, he's name is Sam" She answered looking into his face, "Samuel?" "No" "Samson?" "No" "Samsonuel?" He asked and she laughed, "Which one is Samsonuel?"
"Expect anything from these whities, are they not the ones bearing Pepper?" He hissed and she continued laughing, "So if not for your mother, I wouldn't have gotten any gist that you're dating, na wa oh"
"I'm sorry now. I'm sorry okay? Am I forgiven?" She asked and he smiled, "Permission to leave, it's getting late. What are you still doing at home by this time?"
Sewuese gasped then she chuckled kissing on the cheek. "Goodbye Daddy" "Goodbye dear"
God is preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies. Enemies will try to shake this table but it will not break!
You're unstoppable baby! More hurdles to jump pass💃
Sewuese posts on her status on entering into the ride she ordered.
What do you guys think about the chapter?
See you guys after repairs... Hopefully🤞
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