💕 Chapter 15 💔

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Chapter 15



While Sefa had her bath in a small spaced bathroom. Buchi's voice resounded in her head. So she squats in the bathroom sobbing quietly.

"I no dey let investment go"

"I'm not your investment. Let me go! I have a family"

"Look around, no be only you"

"Let me"

Buchi slapped her on the face and she screamed even more. "You know wetin I dey do stubborn bitch like una?" He asked holding firmly to her while she whimpered in fear.

"I go fuck you till you faint"

Her loud sob attracted other people from other room. They didn't know what was wrong with her so they had to inform the sisters Coordinator.

Mrs George held Mrs Coker outside the church. "Thank you for saving me from that woman, she was suffocating me with her breathe. I had no choice but to smile" Mrs Coker exhaled staring into her sister's indifferent face. "Okay.... Is this about yesterday?"

"I don't want to discuss about your ill-manner, I have pressing needs. I want to make an investigation on someone"

Mrs Coker scoffed, "And I'm what CIA" "Don't ask stupid question, you know why I'm asking, isn't that your specialty? See it as an apology for the stupid thing you said yesterday" "Is everything okay?"

"So if it isn't do you look like someone I can tell my problems to?"

"Ouch. That's not fair, I'm your twin"

"When have you ever been fair Teni? When last did you play a role as my twin? When? I don't have the strength" She waved her fingers and shook her head.

Mrs Coker swallowed hard, "I'll send you his number. He's efficient but very expensive" "I'm not poor?" She snapped walking away while Mr George approached her, "Ah... There you are Teni, I've been waiting for you. I saw you talking to Iya Agba Osun State. I didn't want to come close"

"Does it have anything to do with her bad breathe?"

Mr George frowned and she laughed, "Sorry, thank God for my sister who rescued me. I owe her my life" She replied and he folded his arms staring at her, "If anyone sees you, they'll think you don't have teeth but now you can laugh"

"Have you seen the mother of the bride?"

"Are you joking?"

"I haven't seen her since yesterday"

She frowned, "Daddy Gbadamosi, you know I respect you. I don't appreciate this comment. Who else is the Iya Iyawo ? I feel insulted" "Why didn't you act like It yesterday? You only pretended, who were you fooling cause you didn't fool Temi and that girl didn't deserve it"

"Temi is a stubborn girl"

"And you? What are you?"

" They are taking after their father not me"

"Your husband is a good man"

Mrs Coker scoffed, "This bitterness won't take you anywhere. I won't stop saying it. You and Temi. Have you spoken to Temi after the wedding or today?"


"What about your in laws?"

"I will."

4:23 pm

Kilahi entered into the Sister's Coordinator's room where Sefa was all curled up in tears. Church service which usually starts by three was going. She could hear the loud sound of keyboard and drums coming from above the building.

"Sefa?" She called out and Sefa sat up shaking her head in guilt, "I'm sorry." She apologized and Kilahi embraced her.

"I didn't go to any vigil"

"I know dear. I thought I'll be angry," She pulled away looking at her, "Are you hurt?"

"Not as much as I deserved. I almost got raped, Aunty Kilahi, they almost raped me"

"Shh... It's fine" She embraced her again, "It's fine, you'll be fine" "Is Teju fine? I hope they didn't harm him"

"No. Too,  the guy has been worried sick about you. He was the one that came to tell Mom and ...Dad"

"Did Daddy do anything to him?"

Kilahi shook her head, "No, they only told him to leave. Teju is currently in his black book and you on the other hand need to brush your teeth" She snapped and a chuckle bust out of Sefa's lips.

"Mummy and Daddy?"

"They are happy you're alive but apart from that, they're disappointed. I must say the truth, we all are."

Kilahi stepped out into the sitting room afterwards to find Gbadamosi discussing with the president of the organization. She walked close bowing her head in gratitude. "Thank you very much for your hospitality Sir" "It's nothing Ma." He said with a northern accent while staring at Gbadamosi.

The President was from Plateau state. An unsure smile curled his lips as he returned his gaze back to Gbadamosi, "I hope you don't mind my asking Sir, is she your wife?"

Kilahi shook her head, " No! We're just..." She trailed off, "Friends" Gbadamosi completed. "You can say that"

"Oh. You two look like couples, you're both wearing white and black"

"Coincidence" She answered.

"I'm sorry for asking. When we received the call this morning. We were shocked when we heard Gbadamosi George, we were like is It the same Gbadamosi George"

Kilahi became confused, the guy had an northern accent, how in the world did he know him? Is he that popular?

"You know him already?"

"Yes, he's one of the father's in this fellowship"

Kilahi blinked, "I don't understand" "He's my great great great great great great great grandfather" "I'm lost"

Gbadamosi pats the President on the back, "Don't confuse her anymore, I'll take it from here" "Okay Sir. Let me return back to the service" He bowed his head running along towards the stair case.

Gbadamosi held Kilahi's hands to the wall of generational pictures from the 90's till present. He pointed at the 2011 generation where a young version of him was pictured with five other people.

"That's you"

"Yes. I was once a President"

"Wow. You look darker here, did you use bleaching cream?"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Nigerian sun wanted to finish my life. Orientation camp experience was horrible!"

Kilahi couldn't agree more!

"Since it's a family house, when you hand over your position to another, you become a 'Gee' or a father. You have the right to call him your son and he'll call you father"

"Oh.... Wow"

"How is Sefa?" "She's a bit bruised" She paused reducing her voice, "She was almost raped, she was just in tears. I managed to put her to sleep" Tears filled her eyes but she fought it from pouring down.

"I really pity her"

"After the service, the sitting room is always crowded. We'll take a stroll and talk somewhere more private. I know a place around the corner. Let's hope it's still as private as it was!"

Kilahi's phone rang and she groaned, calls have been coming from everyone.

5:38 pm

Gbadamosi and Kilahi both strolled to the primary school behind the family house. They sat in front of a class room to have their conversation. "Why did you decide to stay in a place like this? I'm not saying it's bad. During my service year, the aim was privacy, I didn't want to share the room with anyone for personal reasons?" She asked slapping her lap, the whole school compound was infested with sand flies!

"You don't like sharing?"

"I was doing to protect my self esteem. Thank God house rent was cheap, you won't believe i payed 30k for the whole year. Didn't you think privacy was key? Did you ever try to redeploy?" Kilahi asked, she had no idea why she was asking.

Gbadamosi smiled, "Feels like an interview" "Answer, stop feeling yourself" she teased and he chuckled, "Yes. I didn't need to pick any form. My parents had the connections, direct connection, there was no doubt it will work. The wanted me to move back to Lagos so I can work in Gloth Construction"

"It didn't work?"

"Are you kidding me? You don't understand the kind of connection I mean, it worked but I rejected it. I felt like God had something else in plan for me. When I came here, I was at a point where I was struggling with a whole lot. I needed God's help, I grew up in a Christian home but it didn't stop me from going wayward. I had my first sex when I was eighteen, I wasn't fully eighteen yet. I planned out m life and it fell exactly how I wanted it. My first year in college, it was a freshman party and I was drunk, I had no idea how she looked like. I woke up wasted and.... I guess the fact that I had sex was quite evident. I did crazy things, even when I'll come back for holidays. There's always someone else in my bed. Crazy times" He paused stealing glances at Kilahi to see her reaction.

There was none, she was indifferent which was unlike her. "I expected to see a judgemental face" "Stop it, don't make me feel bad about myself" "Sorry." "Do you want to continue? If you don't want to, it's fine"

"People know all about it, it's not a secret. I was struggling with sex and sexual urge. When I turned twenty five, I decided to rededicate my life and stop fornicating but it was hard for me. I will come back from church, go in doors and satisfy myself, since I didn't want to fornicate any longer. If the feeling presses on for too long, I'll pick my phone and call the nearest girl friend. I had a few of them"

"Didn't you have a stable girlfriend?"

"We cut ties. It became a long distance relationship even though we were in the same country. We had different perspectives, she wanted to have fun and travel all around the world and I as at then, I didn't know what I wanted then and I guess we outgrew each other. We were fond of each other then, our parents concluded we'll get married"

Brenda! She assumed rubbing her hands over her legs to chase the flies away.

"I managed to overcome my addiction shortly before NYSC but the thoughts came in. It was hard because I relied on my strength, my first night here in Anambra, I stepped into the Orientation camp feeling like crap. It was supposed to be Lagos, somehow i was posted to Anambra and I was pissed. The first night here, I heard a music from the tent, there was no musical instrument just a lady singing. I was led to go, on realizing there was no keyboardist, overwhelming love was the song she was singing. I can still remember it, I decided to play. " He paused shutting his eyes reliving the memory.

"When the General secretary took hold of the microphone, he spoke about accepting God's leading and purpose. I cried while playing the keyboard, after the service, I rose up without control of myself. I had an encounter and I started having second thoughts about staying. Mom got angry when i cancelled my relocation. That was where our squabble started"

"I'm sorry. You're not on good terms with her? You said started"

"We don't see eye to eye on issues, we even had a big fight last night"

"Why? Sorry I asked" She asked and he waved his hands non challantly "It's nothing, it's a decision I made but she wanted to impose on mine. Mom can be very controlling" "Aren't all African Mom?"

"It's annoying, i'm 37 years old, i can make my decision"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. I don't regret my actions, it was the beginning of Gbadamosi George, that was the beginning of my life for me. With God, things became easy! 2011 I began ministry proper, after service, I went to Bible college and five years later, God gave me a mission to start WFC"

Kilahi nods, "That's quite a motivating story except your mother's part. Did she agree with ministry?" "Yes, we have a covenant of priesthood in the family so she wasn't shocked when I told her or when I was officially ordained Pastor. She was only pissed about me quitting my job. She wished I didn't leave London"

"Huh? London?"

"Yes. That was where I schooled and where I was given birth to"



"How long did you stay?"

"Ten initially then we returned for a reason I didn't quite know and I did my secondary school here, went back to the college afterwards"

Kilahi looked into his mouth, "What happened to your accent?" She asked making him laugh, "I knew you were going to ask" "I'm serious, this is a serious issue. Let's treat as important. What happened to your accent"

"I'm a real and patriotic Nigerian, it was dissolved and nationalized" "Toh, So It got lost in transition"

Gbadamosi clicked his tongue, "It's like you know this thing" "What about Manny and Mrs Temi?" "Nigerians to the core, they came over but they didn't stay as long as I did. We left after they did" "Wow.."

"Yes. You're staring at a citizen, sitting close to a UK citizen, you should pay money"

Kilahi laughed, "Have you ever sat close to an Igede woman before?" "No" "Start paying, consider it a honour" "Have you ever seen snow before?" He asked and then he slapped his face playfully, "Oh wait, today was your first time of entering into a real plane"

Kilahi flipped her hair withholding her laughter, "The only reason I'm not doing what I should do now is because you're a Pastor" "What do you want to do?" "Strangle you" She gestured and he smiled at her, "And i'll remove your wig too"

"Hehehe! My wig again."

"You're right, I haven't seen an Igede woman before. Tell me about Igede people?"

Kilahi shrugged, "I don't know... Why are you asking?" "Someone said i should make my findings, I'm making my investigations now" "I hope it's a good one before I get arrested"

"It is" He assured.

"Well.... There's always a good part and bad part in every tribe so... let me settle on the good. We're hardworking, industrious, smart, beautiful, a good number of us are, Benue girls are usually beautiful"

"But very black"

"Black beauties. Toh, we have fair skinned people too, beautiful too. Some of us were just born unlucky to share in that beauty"



"Are you kidding me? Forget all those negative things you've heard people say; that photographer, I'm sure the guy was having eye pain that day." He paused reaching out to his hands.

"When I see you, I see someone beautiful. Kilahi, you walk into the room and everything freezes, time stops and the only thing that matters is the pretty one in the room; you. I speak as a mouthpiece of God when I say He beautifully and wonderfully made you, don't let anyone tell you other wise"

Kilahi's heart was getting out of control, she had to place her hand on her chest in order to control it.

Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "Your name is beautiful too, Kilahi. What does it mean?" He asked, "It means.." Her voice came off cracky so she cleared it, she was nervous at this point.

His look scared the hell out of her.

"Um.... What do you think?"

"Something like beautiful or Princess or a Queen like Ade said"

She chuckled shaking her head, "It means Moving forward or um... Advancing... towards something" "Wow, that's even more better that I thought" "Really?" "Yes." "Thanks." She appreciated watching his hand still clutch against hers.

He stopped for a moment shutting his eyes, the moment had come to give the speech. Does he need to give a speech?

"Kilahi, remember I said there's something I wanted to say but I wasn't sure if was a good time"

Kilahi exhaled, "Yes" Her heart raced in fear, Can it be what she's thinking? "Can we go back in? It's getting dark, there are sand flies here and the breeze is becoming too much, can we go. I'm not feeling too comfortable" She confessed, truly she wasn't comfortable. The compliment was bringing down the walls so already built before coming.

"I'm sorry. Are you sure you're not coming up with something, coupled with the stress of yesterday"

Yes she's coming up with something alright! It's called Gbadamalaria! a serious and fatal disease caused by a parasite called Pastor Gbadamosi that commonly infects humans like her.

Common symptoms: Weakness in the knees, blushing, red cheeks syndrome even when you're not fair, laughing gas activation, he doesn't have to say anything funny in particular, slow motion and eye staring activation mode every now and then, gummy body, dancing hearts, beating hearts, heart palpitations, heart attack, yes! Cause at this rate she knew heart attack was near judging from the way her heart deflated when she heard he already had someone in mind.

She couldn't believe that this was happening to her for real.

Gbadamosi placed his palm against her neck and she jerked up, "Let's go before cold will finish me" She replied laughing nervously.

Abi the cold hand of love!

Gbadamosi rose up then they used a short cut, "It's almost my prayer and study time. Let me go and squeeze myself somewhere and study" "Except you're more of a lone ranger. Why don't we study together? We'll share ideas"

Kilahi fought back rolling her eyes, she thought he was joking, until she noticed he was dead panned. "Like seriously?" "Yes" "Are you trying to intimidate me?"

For real? Just when she wanted to be alone so she can gather her thoughts together. The man doesn't want to give her breathing space.

"How am I trying to intimidate you?"

"You're a walking bible"

"We Learn everyday"

"Even Pastors?"

"God's word Is new everyday. You'll be shocked the things that God can say through you" He smiled, "Are you up for it?" He asked.

No, she replied within, she needed to stay away from him for some moments. They've been together throughout the whole day, she won't blame herself for having that malaria! Abeg! She's not accepting. Just tell him no! Let every man go to their tents.

"Yes" She replied and he smiled reaching out to her and she held his hands.

Hilary called her mother in law's phone number, it rang severally but she didn't pick. She wanted to hear her son's voice badly.

Mama Ebuka 📞.....

She quickly checked Kilahi up on whatsapp but she wasn't online.

Hey... Do and come back online oh. I didn't get the memo you were going for honeymoon😂😩

Look at your last seen?

I need to talk to you twinnie. I'm missing my son, I want to hear his voice

She scrolled down her chat list to Osita, the guy was not online which made sense for a family man. Manny would have been the perfect option but she was just using wisdom to avoid being too clingy.

She pressed her thumb on his name not sure whether to click or not. She knew their friendship was beginning to grow wings and cross boundaries. She was seeing him in more light that just a fan crazy over him.

A message popped in from him! It was a picture and a message. Excitement embraced her body, as if someone hugged her and said, 'Recieve it!'

She clicked with speed.

It was a picture of her in the church that day. Her hands we're lifted in worship.

You came?

How did you get that?

From the church page

You're staring at the new member💃💃

Wow. So you now attend my church

Your church?

Yes now

You were not here

Sorry. I had to stand in for a sick friend. He almost had an asthma attack

Oh my God😳😳

Did you notice I didn't need to ask you before you gave me full gist??




How is he or she?


Manny now!

I'm not saying a word

Please now. She sends in a voice note, "Ejo nitori olorun, mo fi Olorun oba be e" They she laughed before sending it to him.

I just struggled to speak Yoruba. Give me my answer.


I stopped that halfway. My ears were beginning to bleed

Your ears will not bleed in Jesus Name... Be positive

😂🤣🤣. That's funny coming out of your lips

Are you trying to say something?

No Ma. God forbid!

Good. 😂, ishi! How is he or she?

She's fine, I visited her at the hospital her friends took her to. These guys had only one chair but her mom was sitting on it and the nurses didn't want to us to lie on the hospital beds without covers.

😂🤣🤣 Ehya Pele.
Thank God she's fine. And you? How are you?


Go to your usual!

Nah! I'm craving some home cooked food. I miss Temi already, she was my plug. How am i going to survive without my sister???

Oga cook!

Soup is not really my specialty, if it's spagh, beans, fine, ewedu fine! Whenever i cook, i inhale the smell till i'm satisfied then I end up not eating the food at all or eating a little

🤣🤣🤣. Works that way for some people, not me!

Going home is not even part of the plan so I'm home cooking beans. The beans is taking forvever!

Beans and what?

Beans and spoon. I forgot to buy bread, going outside Is like travelling to Borno right now. My tayad is tayad😪, the massage is long overdue, I can feel some tension packed somewhere between my neck and every bone in my body.


That reminds me, your work starts tomorrow

I know.

So how are you too?

I'm just there oh. I miss my baby's voice. I tried calling my late husband's mom but she didn't pick. I'm so tired!!!😭😭😭

Tears rolled down her eyes.

We'll talk tomorrow okay? I can smell something burning. My Beans. Gotta run

Recipe has changed, it's now burnt beans and spoon

Thanks to you!

Are you seriously blaming me?

Yes. I was chatting with you, you distracted me

Manny... You're still chatting with me


Sefa curled up on the floor, she noticed she was back at the baby factory. Suddenly sighted Buchi step into the room with even more charms on his body. "I tell you say I no dey lost investment" He echoed, suddenly she saw Kilahi, Gbadamosi and her family gather around her.

Sefa woke up sweating profusely.

Soon Gbadamosi and Kilahi were in the Open Heavens, which was the last floor where services are regularly being conducted. They were few in there.

He played the keyboard with his eyes shut while Kilahi flipped through the Bible struggling to read with the dim red light.

"Any Rhema for me?" He asked and she frowned at him, "Stop distracting me" "What has God said to you while reading that? Don't be stingy share some" "I'll hear it when you stop interupting me" She snapped playfully and he laughed.

"Why do you think she saw me in person? I mean Sefa? I'm still in shock. Why me?"

"When God sends help that way, most time, he uses those he knows they'll trust that moment or an intercessor"

"Why not Sewuese? Toh I mean up until Valentine's week, I was her least favourite. She always have nothing good to say about me. She won't even give me a good comment."

"You said God instructed you to pray for her. Before Terdoo received the warning about yesterday, you already received it. You stood in the gap, the first intercessor. It actually makes sense. I've had several testimonies where people see me come in their dream, lay hands on them and the get their healing just after I had prayed for them. It's one of the advantage of intercession. There at times I stay awake all through the night interceding for all the members. I'm always amazed when the call and testify that they saw me wiping a demonic masquerade that came into their dreams. It shows the power of God which is without limits of expression! If you carry out a survey among intercessors, this event happens!"

"Just like Caroline saw me in her dream after seeing me once."

Gbadamosi smiled.

"She said I held her hands and prayed for her. The following morning, she woke up fine and speaking after going mute the whole week. Pastor Amazing spoke about the possibility of me having a calling as an intercessor"

Gbadamosi gave a proud grin, he knew there was something special about her. It could be more than this but she's bottling her gifts. "It's possible, seek God's face" "He's been quiet... He's not speaking expressly as I want him to" "Because he's not pleased, you can't mix fear and faith and expect him to be pleased with you." "Because without faith it is impossible to God, whosoever come to him must believe that he is and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him"

"You're preaching with me" He comments and she smiled, "Take note of diligently, not that when something bad happens, God forbid! You begin to get angry and start blaming Him. Diligent means hard work, just like every hardwork there is a reward. When you please God, you don't beg him to speak to you or show you hidden things. You walk in his will, he starts to open up to you, show you things" He shut his eyes lost in each chords.

"He starts to decode kingdom codes, he starts to unveil kingdom mysteries. Kai" He bit his lips, "I'm tired of doubting, I want to spend my life pleasing God"

"Pleasing is a daily culture, it's an act of taking on the cheerful culture Jesus admonished us to take on. Be of good cheer, irrespective of the tribulations"

She exhaled, "I feel this peace here, like you can literarily feel God's presence" "I know, I can relate. Men for decades have raised altars here." He continued playing, this time his eyes were opened looking side way to see Sefa. She approached the both of them, "See who's awake. Good evening Sefa"

"Good evening Sir, Good evening Aunty Kilahi. Can I join you guys?" She requested pulling a chair sitting opposite the both of them. "How are you? Are you hungry?"



"The look of the food made me lose appetite" "Force yourself. That was what I ate, you don't want to end up having ulcer. Did you eat through out yesterday at all?"

She shook her head, "I'm not so sure. I was only my self for some hours..." She tried to block out the memories of Pepper and Buchi's voice in her head.

"Thank you Sir. Aunty Kilahi told me about all you did"

"I didn't do anything, don't listen to her. It was God"

"She wasn't talking about that part. Ignore this Pastor, he's just trying to be modest"

Gbadamosi nods, "Okay what did I do?" "He drove us to the police station, prayed for you and supported us till past 9 or to nine in the night, that was when he left. We were devastated and he gave us the emotional support humanly possible."

"Thank you Sir" Sefa said and he gave Kilahi a look, "Have you seen what you've caused" "What did I cause? Someone just told you thank you. It's rude to leave her hanging. Be acting as if you're that modest, if I haven't seen you basking in pride, I would have been deceived"

Gbadamosi laughed while Sefa tried to make out what was happening. When did they become friends? Has she been gone for over a year?? When Kilahi mentioned that Pastor Gbadamosi was around too, she thought that perhaps he was there based on spiritual reasons or something. She never knew they were this chummy.

On a norm she would have made comments but now she was just too tired and repentant to talk.

"You're welcome Sefa" He smiled glancing at Sefa then he glanced back at Kikahi, "Are you happy?" "Satisfied. So your face can look this gentle because of Sefa. I'll leak your secret"

"What are you even saying?" Gbadamosi laughed staring at Sefa, "Are you even a good sister, see as you're sidelining your younger one"

Kilahi glared at her, "You couldn't be modest for five minutes ehn?" "Sefa, How are you doing?" "I'm fine, I woke up to the coordinator praying in tongues. The room was literarily on fire!"

"Wanna talk about it? The times you were yourself? I noticed you hesitated."

"No sad topics."

Kilahi watched as he played chords beautifully with a warm sound and minimum effort,"Were you ever a chorister?" "Why do you ask?"

"I think you can sing small"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Small?" He asked in unison with Sefa. "See, I have a supporters" "Okay fine! I can't even lie, you have a sweet voice. The day you sang Jireh.." "Ah, my song. That's my jam, morning and night." He answered switching to playing the chorus.

🎶You are Jireh, you are enough🎶

Kilahi was there just smiling uncontrollably. Her heart was was racing out of control, she didn't have control over the brakes any longer. It was looking like an accident will happen sooner or later!

See as you're shinning teeth like a burning goat! It's official, this one Is not compliment, she just had to admit to herself that she has already made herself like him.

"Sing" He employed but she disagreed, "You want me to spoil it with my voice shey? Sewuese Is the singer"

"That's a lie, she sings too" Sefa chipped causing Kilahi blink at her, "I don't sing well, you've call my voice frog voice before" "Because i was always trying to annoy you." She replied staring at Gbadamosi, "She's not Sewuese but her voice is not bad either"

Gbadamosi raises a part, 🎶I don't wanna forget how I feel right now
On the mountaintop
I can see so clear what it's all about"

Kilahi sings an alto parts with him, 🎶So stay by my side when the sun goes down. Don't wanna forget how I feel right now🎶

Sefa quietly stared at the two of them, it was no longer looking like gospel song any longer from whole eye contact and all. It was looking like a romantic musical.

"Whoa! Not bad, just a little flat" Gbadamosi cautioned and Kilahi frowned and laughed, "I'm not singing again"

"Jireh, You are enough" Gbadamosi nudged her to sing, "Jireh, You are enough. Sefa join in" He employed and the all sang the chorus till the end.

🎶I will be content in every circumstance
Jireh, You are enough 🎶

He end the song with some riffs and runs and Kilahi raised her nose, "I hate that thing, it makes us that don't know how to do it feel like God did not give us voice" "Jealous much?" He asked with a grin and she exhaled clearing her throat.

Take that Funbi! Who said a Pastor's wife don't know how to sing. She's not Kierra Sheards but she sounds nice for someone who isn't a chorister and he's not saying that because he likes her.

"Can we move to praise now?" She joked clapping her hands and he laughed. "Were you a chorister?"

"No. I only joined the bathroom choir. You?"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Which one is bathroom choir again, this your cousin ehn! Yes I was a chorister and keyboardist before leaving Nigeria" "Your parents must be so proud of you. Only you, different talent"

"Just say it"

"Say what?"

"That I'm awesome" He stopped playing while Kilahi ran her fingers on the keyboard, Gbadamosi lifts her wrist looking at the scar on it. She retrieved her hands quickly. "How did you get the scar?" He asked and she flipped her hair.

"From an accident when she was a child. She doesn't like talking about it" Sefa replied looking at Gbadamosi, "Don't bother yourself, she won't talk about it. She has never spoken to anyone about it" She added meeting Kilahi's glare.



"You heard Sefa, I don't talk about, never have. I'll appreciate we just push this away"

Sefa exhaled, "I want to talk about m own. It's sad but.... The period I was awake was horrible, I just wished I didn't have to remember it. I don't want to shield this and end up looking like you Aunty Kilahi..... No offense I hated it when you did. I started getting my memories in the moving vehicle, all these big company vehicle for moving goods. It was when I got out that I noticed it oh. I wasn't with wrist watch so I didn't know the time. It has to be in the afternoon cause light was reflecting from this hole. Apparently, the charm they used initially had worn out. Slowly i started remembering who i was, I wanted to scream but this guy was there pointing a gun at my face" She cried and Gbadamosi passed an handkerchief to her.

Sefa exhaled, "That gun was on my face until we reached the place. It was just like the movies, the leader was annoying and hot tempered, he threw me out because I didn't want to come out" She lifted her arms showing them the bruises.

"Sorry" Gbadamosi and Kilahi muttered at the same time.

"Then they kept me in a room, I met this woman named Perpetual otherwise known as Pepper. She told me all there is to know, it was a ritual baby, and sex factory, they sell organs, they kill people there. There were pregnant women there! Pregnant women who had no idea where they were! The were lost! I cried, knocked the door, no one opened. No one! Then Lord Buchi came, said he was going to have his way with me, that's how he treats stubborn people like me. He said he won't stop until he I beg him to stop, he said he was going to take me to the sex factory. He was going to make me a prostitute without consent. He was already removing his belt when one of his men walked in. He left then this herbalist walked in, there's no difference between how they look on home videos and in reality. He came in and I went blank, the only memory I have now is after Aunty Kilahi spoke to me on phone. I would have been made a prostitute Sir"

"God didn't allow it"

"I really don't feel like I deserve to be alive. In as much as I prayed to get out. I don't feel like i don't deserve his mercy. I feel .... I feel horrible, I feel dirty. I didn't think it was going to turn out badly I swear, Teju tried to warn me. None of this is his fault, even at the church that day after I took the picture, a man walked up to me. He told me not to go, it was weird, he had this PokerFace. I thought he was a Pastor, now I know it wasn't" She paused busting into more tears.

Kilahi stretched her hand towards Sefa and she grabbed it, Gbadamosi caught another glimpse of the scar again. "If only I had listened." "Hey... It's okay to feel bad. Next time you won't try it again"

"I hate myself right now"

"Hey!" Gbadamosi cautioned, "I'm not telling you not to regret your actions. That's all that's important, the fact that you actually do regret this is a milestone. I'm sure if this didn't happen, you would have left the following Friday for another fake church vigil, for what? One hour, two hours of pleasure. Am I right?"

Sefa nods, "Okay. It happened anyway and i'm glad you regret it but don't beat yourself up about it. The deed is done, you went there, you saw and you conquered, that Sefa is your testimony and what to choose to do with your life after this matters"

"I already promised God, I swore abstinence. I'm not having sex till thy kingdom come"

"Because you promised? Or is that a personal decision? It's like saying you won't steal again because your mom caught you and punished you. When the pain of the punishment goes, you somewhat end up going back to it. Don't change because of you ran out of luck, don't only seek God because you feel guilty for lying against him cause that's what you're doing Sefa. I don't know if you understand"

Sefa nods, "I understand. I had a dream right before coming up here, there my whole family an you were there around me. He was there too... He was there, Buchi... Trying to get to me but he couldn't. It's not because of me that I'm am alive, it think if it was up to me, if it was up to me, I would have died if not for you guys praying for me, blocking me from the harm " She busted into tears.

"God blocked it. We only interceded"

Sefa sobbed, "This is a second chance at life. All I've ever been concerned about is Teju, getting admission, friends, sex" "You didn't add family" Kilahi chipped in, "She didn't add family"

Gbadamosi witheld his laughter.

"Sorry. I love my family too, I never gave room for God. I don't like church but I lied at the first opportunity to go. Can you ask God to forgive me, I'm ashamed of myself"

"Heaven is throwing a party right now over this decision you've just made. I hope you realize that"

Sefa shrugged, "I don't know" Let's pray" Gbadamosi smiled holding Kilahi hand and Sefa with the other hand. Kilahi grabbed Sefa's hand. "Father I thank you for this day, I thank you because of your daughter here. We join the angels and rejoice over this soul, this prodigal one, that has finally come to her senses. We thank you because your overwhelming love and mercy found her. We thank you to the speakings of your blood over this one. Your mercy said no! For this one is mine, we ask that you take Sefa as your own"


"We bring her into union with you, in union with that word that said if any man be in Christ. We ask that old things pass away all things become new, the ability to make this possible, we ask that you give to her. Her old life is gone and gone forever. Bring your daughter into the power of resurrection and the fellowship of your sufferings that she might know you more, be like you and do your will."


He took his hands off, "Glory!! Whoa!" "Thank you" Kilahi exhaled, She couldn't thank him enough. "Thank you" "It's fine" "I better retire for the night, what about you Pastor Gbadamosi?" Kilahi asked picking up her bible.

"I'll stay back and pray"

"Oh. Good night then"

"Good night Sir"

"Good night Sefa"

Kilahi climbed the bed watching the sisters coordinator who was already asleep on the floor. She felt bad that the lady had to sacrifice her space for both her and Sefa.

"Do you like Pastor Gbadamosi?" Sega asked and she shrugged, "Why do you ask?" "There's a love chemistry between you two. You like him"

Kilahi ignored her. She finally remembered that she hasn't been online for hours! Who needs to go online when they have a gist partner that takes your boredom away?

She quickly turned on her data and messages popped in from different corners

Terdoo: How are you sis? How's Sefa?

Fine and you? Sefa is doing fine.

Teju: Is there a number I can use in getting through to Sefa 3:23 PM

Aunty Kilahi?? 4:54 PM

Seems like you're busy 5:00 PM

Please call me, I want to hear her voice. Is that possible? 5:02 PM

Hey Teju

I'm sorry for now replying your messages, I've been busy. Sefa is fine, you can stop worrying.

Pastor AmazingGrace: I'm glad your sister is fine. How many scriptures did you study today?

How many times did you pray?

Here are some PDF files for you to read and review.

I studied.... Not a lot but Gbadamosi was distracting me asking for Rhemas😂. It's not an excuse but with a Pastor like that around, who needs distraction again?

I have prayed. Even though 80% of my time was spent with Gbadamosi. We prayed too, even studying the word together and all, we prayed. Does that count?

How's the family Ma? How are the triplets?

Thank you for the files Ma. When am I reviewing them?

Mrs Lota: Your school bag is still with me oh. How are you going to get it?

I'll get it when I get back. I'm in Anambra.

What are you doing in my state?

Why are you awake? Shouldn't you be resting?

My baby decided to use this night to play ball. Even my son and husband, they're watching her move in my stomach.

I haven't seen that in a long long long time

Back to my question. What are you doing in Anambra?

Didn't you hear? Your people kidnapped my sister

Mrs Lota: Jeez! How is she? I hope it's not her body parts they found

No. She's fine

Anambra people are not all that bad oh. Ritualism is everywhere

You're right Ma

Anambra men can take care of their women sha! Don't worry, maybe someday my brother will take you to Nnewi before you guys wedding

You're still on this topic


She quickly slides into Sewuese's DM.

Sewuese❤: I'm still particular about my knock on Sefa's head oh😂

Ignore the emoji, I'm not laughing.

How far now? You haven't been online. Are you still talking to him?

Issokay. Let me hear you say you don't like like him again, I'll knock you on your head😂.

Good night. Sleep is catching me

Kilahi laughed on stumbling on the messages.


Give her the knock yourself

Madam who gave you knocking anointing? Better go and knock Jamal😂

You're lucky that sleep is that one catching you, me it's feelings that's catching up with me. What am I saying? Feelings have caught up with me already. Babe... You know I said if anything happens, you'll be the first to know.

I think.... I think I might just be falling in love wit Pastor Gbadamosi and it scares me but the pit is very big and it's like there's the force that's pushing me to fall deep.

Good night.

She quickly switched to Hilary's message:

Twinnie Hilary: Hey... Do and come back online oh. I didn't get the memo you were going for honeymoon😂😩

Look at your last seen!

I need to talk to you twinnie. I'm missing my son, I want to hear his voice

🤣😂😂. Which one is honeymoon again? You know we both went to get Sefa. He had his special reason for going too

She won't deny that he was 90% the reason why she hasn't been online! Hilary response comes back very quick.

Have you heard that song 'Special special?'

What kind of song is that?🙄

My point exactly! What kind of excuse is that and you too, you believed it

He's a man of God, what am I supposed to do and besides, he wasn't lying.

Hilary sends in a sticker


You didn't tell me you guys have sit at homes on Mondays. Now we're stuck till Tuesday

Wow.. It's a complete honeymoon

Kilahi calls her via voice call, "Madam!" Her voice breaks, "The network is not pure" "Is it not your village network?" "Touche... You just decided to hit the nail on my head right?"

Kilahi laughed, "Yes" "How's the honeymoon, sorry rescuemoon going?" "Ehn hen... Is that how we want to play it, two can play the game oh" "Madam, answer the question"

"Fine... I'm in the sister's cord room, I can't say much and Sefa is here"

"Oh. Is it feelings related?"

Kilahi nods, "Yes. I never wanted it to... Something i have been curbing" "I get your point. Trust me, I'm going through my own, I'm falling in love with Manny, even when I'm trying to just be on my own"

Kilahi hissed, "I already knew you liked him from the first day" "I also knew there was something fishy about your story when you spoke about Pastor. I just wanted Ossy to be the only man in my life"

"Now Manny is going to be the man"

Hilary waved her hands, "I'm still a size 10" "Manny doesn't look like that person. I thought we were dealing wit our insecurities" "This is not insecurity, it's the truth that will be staring at him in the face forever. I'm not going to put him and myself through that. Ossy on my mind"

"Twinnie, we need to get him back for your mental health, it's not fair! A week has gone already oh!" "I thought I was the only one counting"

Kilahi exhaled, "When I get back, I'll make my findings, even though I have to get it from Aunty Abebi." "Your boss' evil sister?" "Well... Mrs Aisha did say something about meeting her. You have to be ready to get your son back"

"Will it work? I don't want anything that will get Mama Ebuka angry and make her take my son from me forever"

"I'm sure that'll be illegal. I'll make my findings. Do yours too!"

"No wahala now. Good night twinnie"

"Good night" She ends the call seeing Teju's message pop in.

I can't stop worrying Ma

Kilahi laid in bed staring at Sefa who was clearly still awake. "Do you want to speak to Teju? He wants to hear from you" She asked and she nods. Kilahi calls his number and hands the phone to Sefa.

"Aunty Kilahi?"

"It's me Sefa"

Teju exhaled, "Hey Babe. You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice. I'm been worried sick. How are you?" "Fine" "I'm sorry you had to go through all that shit. I've never felt so guilty in my entire life!"

Monday began with a jingle that woke everyone up by 5:00 am. Soon they convened at the Open heavens, all 52 corp members, Kilahi, Sefa and Gbadamosi excluded.

"This morning we want to tap of the ancient wells of this fellowship. It is with a great privilege that I present one of my fathers" The President paused, "Apart from the fact that he was one of the ancestors of this fellowship, I never knew the great impact he had in Lagos and across the nations too. I had to start doing my findings. A few of the corp members here said they've been under his ministration and their lives not been the same. It is will this privilege I bring forth our father the GGGGGGGGGG Papa of this fellowship, Pastor Gbadamosi George to bless us this morning"

The whole room busted in applause while Gbadamosi walked up to the altar embracing the President. Then he smiled staring at everyone still standing . "Thank you very much. God bless you Sir, may God reward your labour of love. I made a single call to your Papa and he immediately rushed him and the TOS man (Transport secretary) of this fellowship to help a young girl that needed help. God bless you Sir"


"You can all have your seat. I'll be taking fifteen minutes only so..."

Everyone sat down, "I just want to use this fifteen minutes to admonish you all, do a little impartation as I've been directed by God and then... " He paused chuckling to himself, "I said fifteen minutes right? Uncle and Aunty don't worry about time keeping, I have a time keeper here, she'll keep the time for me"

Kilahi laughed shaking her head, "Heavenly we bless you for this day, an opportunity to dine in you, an opportunity of a delicious breakfast with you. David said early will i seek thee. Oh what a good way to start our day! What a good way" He paused bursting in tongues.

"This is a time of refreshing, a time where you promised to pour your spirit on all flesh and raise men for yourself, for the manifestation of your glory. We ask as your word come forth, let the transformative power in it be felt in Jesus name


"Thank you having me here on this exalted altar, men have labored here. Generational sweats have dropped here, even the mops you use to clean cannot wipe the sweats off cause they grew roots. Men were made here, some were made and then marred when they faced the outside world. This place your Zion, I heard some batch A already left and you have new sets of executives now except for the Papa and Uncle who will be staying till maybe June or July" He paused laughing.

"To some, it's because of this house you abstained from sex for a year and you feel like mehn if I can stay away from sex for a year, it means I can go outside and no girl can shake me. I can go and no man can move me to the point of falling. You lie! I hope I'm talking to mature people in the house"

Yes Sir

"The gift of salvation is free, when you receive salvation, you get a free deposit on God's spirit in you. You know all those bet app, where you use a celebrity promo code and you get some deposit. Yes, all we just have to do is use the Promo code, J-E-S-U-S and we have a free deposit. This one is the real deal. A sure bet for eternal life." He paused and everyone clapped.

"This house is a data slash information bank. Some of us came empty and then we tap and subscribed according to how much we wanted. Daily subscription is good but some of do daily subscription that cannot last a day. All those 100 mb daily subscription that don't even last one minute. Just turn on the data and all the apps in the world are already popping up with notifications. Those apps represent things you don't need, things that draw strength from you instead of giving you strength. Sin is there drawing strength, there's depression, there's addiction, so tell me, tell me. How can your 100 mb subscription last you the whole day? If you are to subscribe daily, let It be a big package, those daily data plan that you can't exhaust even though all the apps in the world pops up." He paused laughing.

"20 gig daily" He chipped in and everyone chuckled. "Those kind of data plan that usually have carryovers when you don't use it. I can't remember the word for it, those plans that by the time you check your data balance. You're amazed and you're wondering what year will I exhaust this kind of data? That's the kind you need before you get out of this house, so that when those useless apps come to drag you down, when they come to slow you down. You'll still be able to stand cause they will come. The very week I left this house, I took a flight to Lagos, I had this small apartment then. I got a friendly visit from a friendly neighbour, one fine lady like that" he paused and everyone laughed.

"You all know where the story is heading to right? It was in the morning, she had a night robe on, it showed everything it needed to show. She said she just parked in newly, she wanted to borrow my iron. I went in to get it and the next thing I knew, aunty was inside my house" He paused laughing.

His laughter made everyone laugh.

"I just left the family house as the Papa oh and there was this big temptation before me. Then Matt 4 dropped in my spirit. After Jesus was baptized, he got tempted, i was like okay. Let's do this! Aunty has removed her robe already



"Shey? What I did was crazy, don't ever try It if you don't have the strength. I walked up to her, held the rope of the robe. She was smiling, the same smile the serpent had when he saw Adam eating the apple. I held the rope, helped her tie it. She was in shock, I was in shock too cause I knew it wasn't me. It was the Spirit, it was as a result of what I tapped in the realm of the spirit. You can subscribe to several data subscription but what you convert this data into matters. I don't know If you understand my analogy. What information and contents are you ingesting? There are some of you that lived in Babylon, you've sinned and lived the sinful life before coming to Zion that is Christ. When you go back to Babylon, how will you maintain your salvation when you're void of spiritual data and information?

Apps don't pop in when you have no data! It means the devil is not interested in kpagolo! There is something we call kpangolo, empty barrels. When you're not carrying anything, when you're in darkness, when you're doing the devil's will, he doesn't do much to bother you cause he knows you're not a threat to darkness, you're exactly where he wants you to be"

Hei! Some guys rose up placing their hands on their head while others prayed.

"Exactly where he wants you to be. But the day you give your life to Christ, the day you encounter light, cause he knows that your light can't destroy darkness, he knows that if he allows the free gift of salvation and the deposits in your spirit man to grow, you'll be a threat to him. Eweh! All the apps notification will pop up. Temptations will come to drag you away from the knowledge of Christ but I admonish you to tap now, yearn to dig deeper in him, subscribe for more. That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. When you go back, there are some applications you'll have to delete, friends you have to leave behind. I had the lots of them. They didn't understand the vision initially but soon they did when the evidence started showing forth. Your friends might sneer at you because of your passion for things of God, don't stop. Press on, God will uphold you" He paused looking at the Papa's direction"


"I believe my fifteen minute is gone"

Talk to us Sir!

"The intricacies and complexities of spiritual subscription is connected to the mindset you hold as a believer. It becomes complicated if you are small minded, a small minded person will only subscribe small. Just as you can share your data subscription to another person, you can also share but the topic will be a next time things. Can we all be on our feet" He requested speaking in tongues.

People rose up groaning and praying, he didn't need to raise a prayer point.

"That's it. His help is all you need, I never get tired of asking God for help. Psalm 139 verse 10, even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. He shall from falling, hold when you're weak. I see the spirit coming down afresh to help you. Oh oh oh oh. I see it coming on 1, 2, 3, 4"

People screamed including Sefa and Kilahi held her.

8:30 AM

Kilahi's phone buzzed while she was mounted then she answered it. "Hey Sewuese" "Hey Babe... I saw your message. My baby is in loooooove!" "Stop! I don't know what to do, I'm confused, I don't like the way I'm feeling"

"I like it!"

"Pastor Gbadamosi and I have plans for the day, he wants me to follow him"

"This man has been turning on green light since on Saturday." Sewuese screamed, "I need to chat Jaiye up. We are so winning our bet"

Realm FM

11:23 am

Hilary climb a ladder making a measurement using a measuring tape while a young boy watched her. Manny walked in with a cup of coffee, "You better don't fall" "You'll give me cow now" She snapped climbing down.

Manny looked around the scattered office, "You have disfigured my office" "And I'll disfigure your face if you come back here. You're not suppose to be here" "I can't help it" Manny rubbed his hands across his neck, "I need to book a session with a masseuse. This thing is becoming annoying, I feel like I need someone to step on my back, you know that feeling"

Hilary smile removing some money from her bag handing it to the boy. "Get me pizza, pepperoni pizza and use the balance to get anything you want for yourself"

"Thank you Ma" He bowed his head leaving, "That's a long journey" "I know. It was intentional" "Why?"

"Sit" She demanded and he arced his brow in confusion "Sit and don't argue" She demanded and he did then she moved behind him, "Is this how I die?" He asked forcing her to laugh.

"Oga chill! I'm just trying to save you from wasting money at the masseuse place. You can just do the transfer to my account"

Manny laughed shaking his shoulders and she tapped it, "Stay well before I'll break your bones" She demanded slowly rubbing his shoulder, "Jesus I think this I how I..." He kept quiet and groaned.

"Just let me know the point" She moved down pressing his back, "Yeah yeah yea" Manny groaned, "That part.. That part. God you're good, where did you get your experience from?"

"My late husband"


"Although I learned from watching a friend, I gained experience after getting married. I prefer using my elbow for the back, then you'll hear all the bones making cracky noises then you'll be sure that you're making progress"

Manny nods and groans "This is progress enough. Was that why you sent him away?" "Yes. It will be totally unprofessional to do this with him around. He's still learning." "This feels.."

Hilary twists his neck slowly and he screamed, "Ouch!" "Sorry" "I hate that thing" "I'm sorry" She apologized laughing at him, "This is wickedness" He smiles realizing the neck pain was gone.

"Whoa... I" He touched it again, "Wow, you're good. I should pay" "For what? It's not as if it's a full body massage. I hate full body massage on Odefa. Do it and he won't do anything again, if he promised to fix anything, he won't do it again. You'll have to beg and then he'll have the guts to tell you, na me ask you make you give me massage?" She asked laughing.

"Can you believe him? Then he'll say things like you've paralysed me with your hand"

Manny forced a smiled, "You loved him didn't you?" He asked and she smiled sitting on the desk, "Yes. The man was my first love" "How did you two meet?" "Uh..." She paused laughing.

"I met him in my second year in school, he was a young lecturer"

"You married your lecturer"

"It's not as bad as it sounds. He was in another department, he had everyone trailing me, even my friends, I didn't even give him face initially. I was playing hard to get. I hated the fact that he was so direct, he'll look at me in the face and say, woman, no be chop and run I wan do, I want to get married to you. He was so audacious, I hated it and liked it at the same time. In my third year I accepted his proposal and we got married within a short space of time even though our families didn't agree. I was already in love with him! We moved to his house, Odefa had plans, he was so smart! This guy went through school on scholarship from primary to secondary. He was the only one in the family that had everything working for him, they had to cut him off" She cried and Manny rose up embracing.

"I'm sorry"

"And now that woman wants to cut me off from hearing my son's voice"

Manny pulls out his phone from his phone, "What's her number?" "Don't! I don't want to piss her off" "You need to talk to him" "She won't agree. She'll end the call if she hears my voice except you'll be calling to pose as a teacher from school"

"Done. Will he be in school?"

"No. It's Monday, sit at home, it's serious in some parts there. Don't do it. If this goes wrong, she'll get mad"

Manny stretched his phone at her, "Please don't do this" "Number, now". She rolled her eyes and inputs the number. He dialed the number putting on loud speaker, after the second ring, he heard the woman's voice.


"Good morning Ma"

"Good morning, how can I help you?"

"Is Ossy home?"

"Yes. Who dey ask?"

"I am a teacher at Ossy's school" "Which teacher?"

Hilary mouths, "Arts"

"Art teacher"

"Ooh! You! That's always disturbing my grandson about water color" "I have an important news to give to Ossy" "Abeg Abeg! I no get your power"

"It's about a scholarship to an advance school" He chipped in shutting his eyes, that was the only lie he could tell. "Scholarship? Wait... Fully funded or half funded?"

"Fully funded"

"Ah! This boy don come dey resemble him Papa oh"

"Details will be sent in later but I'll like to talk to Ossy who is going to be the recipient of this scholarship"

"Ossy!!! Ossy!! Your arts teacher wants to talk to you oh"

"Good morning Mr Achufusi" Ossy greeted, "Hey Ossy, I'm not your art teacher" "I know." "Can you move elsewhere?" "No Sir. I have to stay put, imagine there's a little boy on the call and my grandmother's eyes is drawing a painting of me. Because I love painting "

"Smart boy. You can't leave because she has her eyes on you"

"Exactly Sir but I'll try to paint in ways you'll understand even though Grandma doesn't want to give me water color"

Manny and Hilary laughs, "Wow... It's not on loud speaker right?" "No Sir" "I lied to your grandmother about a scholarship" "Wow, a scholarship? Grandma what's a scholarship?"

Manny paused, "Grandma said I should ask you what a scholarship is" "You don't know what a scholarship is?" "Explain what you want to say Sir, it's just something to buy time"

"Your mother Is here with me"

"Really?" He could hear the excitement in his voice. His heart broke, why will a kid be deprived from speaking to his own mother?

"I'm happy to hear that" he added.

Manny gave the phone to Hilary, "Hey baby. Don't say Mom" "I'm not that stupid" "I know you're not. God I miss you" She confessed busting into years, "Yes Sir" "I miss your voice so so much. This week has been torture"

"It has been worst from this other end. Transportation fees has increased"

Hilary laughed, she could hear his grandma's voice, "Tell them oh! Anybody that wants to give scholarhip should ad transport to it" "Does the scholarship include transportation?"

"I wish I can get you back"

"When then are you going to do that?"

Hilary cried, "You know your grandma, I don't want her to run with you." "It's better than being shipped to work spare parts in Onitsha" "She said that?" "Yes. The call is becoming long and i waa doing something. I'll explain it to Grandma and she'll make the decision"

"Don't go yet! Please, I know it might look suspicious but I miss you so much"

Manny nods at her, "He's trying to be careful" He tried grabbing his phone but she moved back in tears, "Wait.. Baby I love you" "Thank you Sir, I will give the phone to Mama now"

Hilary handed the phone to him crying, "Hey Ossy" "This is his grandmother" "Oh." "It's fully funded shey?" "Yes and it covers transport too, there'll be free school bus to convey him from home to school"

"Now you're speaking my language. I hope I don't have to pay to collect form"

"No Ma, I personally bought form"

What kind of.... He rolled his eyes.

"Gbam! It makes sense now! I don't give birth to dull children, his father may his soul rest in peace was a scholarship holder, primary school till university all on scholarship! If not for one witch, one ekwe..ekwe...ekwensu that killed him"

Manny tightened his fist, he felt like he was watching a Nollywood movie, except this one was playing in his very own ears. "I'll get back to you Ma, I'll be calling frequently"

"Call, I will answer"

"Good. Have a nice day ahead Ma"

"You too Mr Achufusi" He ended the call staring at Hilary who was still sobbing. "Come here" He stretched his arms embracing her. "It will be fine"

Gbadamosi visited the home one of the founding fathers house along with Kilahi. He needed to take gifts but Kilahi suggested he makes it monetary with a little wine out of respect, since the man was really mature.

Papa Micheal was in his late seventies but his memory didn't fail him, he remembered Gbadamosi as though he had left the previous day. "Is this your wife?" "No Sir" He replied, "Don't tell me you've not gotten married?"

"I will soon"

"Is she your soon?"

Gbadamosi laughed, he couldn't deny it this moment. Not his presence, he didn't say anything, Kilahi wondered why he kept quiet.

The meeting turned out to be interesting as Kilahi found the old man funny. Afterwards he asked the both of them to kneel down then he prayed for both of them.

Soon they went to the nearest eatery to have lunch. They both ordered a plate of fried rice and chicken since they couldn't eat the beans they prepared that morning. "I gas a lot when I eat beans. I can't control it, toh it always smell bad"

Gbadamosi laughed, "I don't eat beans that I didn't prepare. I can count how many times I ate bean while I was serving as Papa, I substituted it for noodles" "It's not protein"

"It's better than gassing out like some people"

Kilahi hissed chewing her food, "This life, you tell someone one small secret then they'll be using it against you" She snapped and he laughed.

"I love your ministration today"

Gbadamosi blushed, "Thank you. I thank God" "So you just decided to leave us in suspense, when are we supposed to hear the part 2?" She asked and he laughed.

"Thank you for the food" "Uh...." He paused raising his head to observe her, "You're waiting for me to say, i thank God so you can jump on me shey?" He asked and she laughed in shock covering her lips.

"How did you know?"

"I've been observing you"

Kilahi paused, Papa Micheal's question replayed in her head.

Is she your soon???

Why didn't he reply?

"Why didn't you say anything when Papa Micheal asked if I was your soon?" She blurted out and he chuckled, "You're doing it again" "Doing what?" "Laughing so that it will go away"

"Was keeping quiet a bad thing"

"No but you said the other day, you had marriage in mind, keeping quiet when you have someone you're courting already"

"Here she goes with her assumptions again"

"Why will you have marriage in mind when you don't have someone"

"I do have someone but I'm not courting her yet"


"Yes." He smiled watching her swallow hard, he wondered why the topic suddenly made her jittery. "Kilahi... Can I ask you a question?"

"Uh... Sure"

"Can... Can we make your name a reality?" He asked and she furrowed her brow in confusion. "I don't understand" "First... I have to apologize in advance, I don't usually do this. I haven't done this in a long long time" He exhaled, fear enveloped him.

"Kilahi... Where should I start from? Okay, on the 30th of January, I bumped into one of my media crew bad mouthing your picture just before the Sunday post was made. I ended up posting the pictures, including your picture and ever since then, i haven't been able to get your face out of my mind. When I saw you on Valentine's day, I froze just like I froze when i saw you with Manny that day. My heart ached because I thought you two were an item. I didn't understand why you were laughing. I wanted to be the one beside you, I imagine being the one beside you" He paused laughing to himself.

"I was clearly jealous and when he told me about the outcome of the date. I was so happy and I've been planning on shooting my shots for a while now. The other day at the office, I came with a flower to shoot the shot but you left and I panicked too."

"Have you been the one that sending the flowers?"

"Yes. I'm sorry if you were spooked. See there's just something you do to me that gets me all nervous, at first I thought it was fear, now I know it's love. Kilahi, I'm 90% in love with you and i think it's God leading me to you. Scratch that I know it's God. I feel there's a lot God wants to me to do. When I said I had someone, it was you, it has been you all along. Do you want to give this a try, let's Kilahi and see what God had to do"

Kilahi froze, she couldn't believe her ears. Did this really handsome man, who has managed to have her heart beating just ask her out? It all made sense now.

Yes Kilahi! Say Yes!

Her heart raced in fear, she didn't know what to say. Then she thought of Brenda who was clearly in love with him!

Fine she likes him but.... She's not ready to be sandwich into that awkward situation. She won't want to look like a Boyfriend stealer.

Kilahi you're not stealing anyone's boyfriend...technically they're not dating. Be rational!

But she promised to help Brenda grow spiritually, how will she do that when she has already captured the heart of the person who she wanted to become spiritual for in the first place! Urgh! Such dilemma!!!

Why her? Why did she even decide to help her?

Then the reality of ministry dawned on her, then she remembered what Pastor Amazing said and how she had rebuked being a Pastor's wife. How can someone like her be a....

No way!

"Kilahi?" Gbadamosi called out, the silence was as startling as noise, causing him to tense all over.

Say yes! Say yes!

She shook her head, "No" She answered.

Did i just say no???

"I meant..." She exhaled, "I don't think you're being lead right" "Why?" "Have you met me? I'm trying to pick my life up, I'm trying to build my relationship with God. How can I be with you? How can the Mama of a church have insecurity and traumatic issue she has not fully battled with?"

"I want to help you through it, I want to be the shoulder you lean on, a physical rod and staff"

"My life is a truck load of crap"

"Let me be your crap loader, it comes with the job description. I want to help you, I can't if you don't open up."

Kilahi shook her head, "There has to be others" "They don't make me feel the way you do" "What about Brenda? She loves you" "How do you know Brenda?" "We met and spoke at bridal shower. She's now a friend, I can't do this, she wants to grow spiritually because of you and I volunteered to help"

Gbadamosi exhaled, "I don't like her, it's you" "Was that why you did all this? Being here for me?" "Whaaaat?" He felt hurt, "No! Why will you say that? I would have done this even if you're a friend"

"Sir, I'm sorry, I can't do this. I can't be anyone's Mama, I'm not ready to go through that... I'm sorry, it's a no" She replied scurried off leaving him broken hearted.

She returned back in tears, "I... I really don't know the back home" "S...sure" He stammered.

What do you think of the chapter? ❤💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

Kilahi don break heart oh

Hilary's scene was quite emotional

Next Chapter will be coming up
..... I don't know when🤣😂. My hand is paining me, It need small rest. Charging and typing with small cord no be small thing😪. The way I will position myself so that the cord does not shake 🤣😂.

But something nice will be happening, that I promise you 😁

Have a nice day people💃💃💃

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