🍁Chapter 13🍁

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Chapter 13


The trip to the police station was beginning to look like a waste of time. The policeman at the desk was only interested in knowing how they came to arrive at the conclusion that Sefa was missing, "When you see her last?" He asked for the fifth time.

"You already asked now!" Suewese yelled but Sam held her back. "Calm down" "These guy can be annoying!" She whispered.

Uncle Adzer exhaled before answering for the fifth time, "Yesterday evening" "And you say she go meet with her boyfriend" "Yes"

"E no reach to assume say she miss"

"So we go wait till ten days before we go agree say she miss" Aunty Mabel asked, "After one day don pass, you know how these things they go"

"Oga police your regulations says within 24 hours. We know our rights, don't come and talk to us as if we don't know what we are saying, we know our rights!" Uncle Adzer snapped while the policeman at the counter kept quiet staring at him.

"Oya carry your right go look for her now, shebi you dey shout right. Carry the right along with everybody here, put am for your head, go look for her"

Kilahi shook her head at how insensitive the man was about a sensitive issue like this. Anger was swirling up in her, she just didn't want to react but Sewuese on the other hand groaned, "That is why I don't like you people, always inefficient"

"You know I fit arrest you for that thing way you talk?" Another police man threatened, "Arrest who?" Sewuese asked, "Who una wan arrest, me? For wetin" "Sis, calm down!" Terdoo begged.

"We're still dealing with Sefa's possible kidnap, let's not add an arrest to it"

"Why will I be arrested? I didn't say anything they're not"

"Your mouth way dey run, jail go cool am for you" The policeman hissed.

"Na your pikin go jail"

Gbadamosi glared at her, apparently it managed to keep her in a good behaviour. He cleared his throat just before turning to the policeman, "Oga police, please, Is there anything you can do to help us with? You fit help us just run this thing? They are just worried parents, you sef if you dey their shoe, you fit do worst. Can you please look into this?" He asked and the man exhaled, "Na because say I know say you be Pastor oh, if not"

"If not what?" Uncle asked and Kilahi rolled her eyes, another argument. "Uncle please" "No, look at the way he's saying if not as if he's the DPO. Who are you?"

Aunty Mabel looked at the policeman in tears, "Na my pikin we dey talk about oh?" "Madam, tears no go solve this matter. Shebi you say she go her boyfriend place when she supposed go church. What if say she don waka go another man place, you know these rotten children of nowadays"

Aunt Mabel shut her eyes in shame, she has never felt so embarrassed in her entire life!

Sefa Jane Adzer!!!!! She screamed within. She couldn't even counter it, what will she say?

"How can you say that?" Sewuese yelled at the policeman, "Wetin you want make I talk? You want make we discharge police for the whole of Lagos to go dey look for Babe way we no know where she dey? Who know if she dey collect joy for one man hand, na we go dey suffer carry torch light dey find her because say na we no get work do. Rubbish, na we be sufferhead now"

"You sef rubbish! If no be as Nigeria bad reach, you for dey garage day load passengers!" She snapped back and Sam held her by the arm, "Stop this" "All of una life na rubbish sef"

"Na Police you dey follow talk like that?"

"Who else dey here?"

"Oga you better hold your girlfriend before we go throw her put for cell make her head for calm"

Sam held her out of the police station, "Police is your friend indeed! Waka! All of una na the same thing! They are all the same incompetent fools" "For God sake Sewuese, calm the hell down"

"I can't, my sister might be in trouble. I can't"

"There's nothing we can do about it if we're hot headed, let's just calm down and hope for the best. Okay?" "Why will she do this? Why will Sefa.. I know I haven't been a good sister and she blamed me for being the bad sheep she took after but I've never done this before. Never!"

"Hey" He pulled into a tight embrace. There was the sting of tears on her cheeks, he had no idea what she was talking about but it was the least of his worries. All he wanted that moment was to embrace the sorrow away.

"It's okay" He whispered and she continued sobbing.

Teju held his phone in hands, he contemplated whether to call Sewuese or Kilahi. His mother was at the edge of the bed staring at him. "Have you eaten at all" "I'm not hungry"


"Mom can you just leave me alone?"

She sighed tapping his thighs, "She'll be fine, it's not your fault. Don't be too hard on yourself" "Mom" "It's your father I'll kukuma call last last" She mumbled leaving the room.

The memory of how Sefa's father reacted replayed. How his face twisted in disgust like he was staring at a vomit. That gritted teeth, the clenched fist, he was lucky to have escaped without getting a punch from him or Terdoo.

Uncle Adzer's voice replayed in his head, "Get out of my house" "Please Sir, I'm sorry" He tried to beg but his voice came fiercer and louder, "Get out!"

Hot tears welled into his eyes.

Manny walked up to Hilary again, he noticed Kilahi and Gbadamosi were no't around- Sam too was missing. "Have you seen Kilahi?" "She left with Pastor Gbadamosi" She replied and he arced his brow, questions springing up in his mind.

"Did something happened?"

"Yes. Kilahi's younger sister is missing"

"Jesus! Any news?"

"They went to the police station to report the case. I'm just waiting to get an update"

"Thank God at least Gbada is there"

Hilary shrugged, "Is he a policeman?" "No but at least Kilahi will have all the spiritual support she needs. You know how she can be now"

Kilahi got out afterwards with Gbadamosi, she was awfully quiet. "What did they say?" Sam asked her but she shrugged in response, "What can they say? Those people are useless" Sewuese hissed.

Tears ran down Kilahi's cheeks, she has been trying to fight it from coming down, "God, this wasn't part of the agreement" "Kilahi" "It wasn't part of it!" She screamed angrily stomping her feet on the floor.

Gbadamosi hastens his step towards her, "Don't say that, just calm down" "Calm down? Did you just as calm down? Where did you get your Pastorate degree from? Do you hav sisters?"

"Kilahi!" Aunty Mabel screamed from behind, "Does he have sisters?"

"I don't have a sister, not directly but I Pastor more than 700 congregations and I have Temi so I know how it feels to have little sisters, more than twenty mothers, children and grandchildren all spread across the world"

"My sister is missing!" She screamed, "I had this bad feeling, I knew something was wrong"

"And it's not his fault that this happened" Aunty Mabel answered, "You should be grateful to him for being here not transferring anger at him"

"I'm not transferring anger. Toh, I just don't want anyone to tell me to calm down" Her voice was fuzzy and disoriented. "I just want to cry it out. It's like every time things are going smoothly, something scary will come up"

Gbadamosi exhaled, it broke his heart to see her that way. Sewuese rushed to embrace her.

"Let's pray" He stretched his hands at Aunt Mabel, "Sefa will be fine, let's have faith" He assured. Then he called out to Sam and Sewuese and they all held hands in front of the police station.

While they prayed, Uncle Adzer and Terdoo got out of the police station and joined in. "Lord, the confidence we have in you is that whatever we ask you in your name, that is what you'll do. Your word says by faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of God, so that things which be not seen, were not made of things which do appear. Sefa we might not see you now but we call you forth by faith."


"Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives of the just be delivered? For thus says the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the prey of the terrible will be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will give safety to your children and ease them. I don't know why this scripture was given but I ask for deliverance. Lord we're giving you the next twelve hours to sort this out. Bring Sefa back and let all glory be ascribed to you and you alone. Amen"


He forced a smile, "Let's be hopeful" he clapped his hands, "Sefa will be fine" "Thank you Pastor" Aunty Mabel clasped her hands, "Thank you for coming" Uncle Adzer added and Gbadamosi bowed his head while staring at Kilahi had proceeded to resting against his car.

"It was ...nothing"

The policeman walked up to Uncle Adzer, "Oga, can I see you for one minutes?" He requested and they both went inside.

Aunty Mabel hissed, "What does this policeman want again? Haven't they proved their uselessness enough? I just pray that these children don't end up sending me to an early grave" She shrugged tracing his gaze to Kilahi.

"I'm sorry about what Kilahi said" "She didn't mean it" "She didn't?" "Well.... She did in a way but I hope you understand that she's hurting. We are all hurting"

"I understand Ma. I don't hold it against her"

"Thank you. God bless you" She answered walking towards Kilahi's direction.

Brenda scattered her eyes across the the wedding venue in search of Gbadamosi, she hoped he'll come back so she can confront him but he didn't. She poured herself another drink but her mother held by the hands.

"What are you doing? You'll get drunk"

"Maybe I want to get drunk"

"What has gotten into you?"

"You guys shouldn't have let me stay back! It's all your fault!" She screamed attracting attention then she bolted outside the reception in tears. She leaned against the wall, tears trickling down her cheeks down to her dress.

She didn't care that people were passing, she needed to get rid of the pain in her chest. She has never been the jealous type, she wouldn't have been in this mess if her parents didn't indulge her in the first place.

Mrs George went after her, "Brenda... Are you okay? Why are you crying? What happened in there?" She asked, "Why don't you ask your son?" She snapped staggering off. "Brenda you're drunk, you cant go in this state. What did Gbadamosi do? Let's talk about this"

"I'll order a ride." She replied leaving. Mrs George dialed her son's number. It rang but he didn't answer.

A message pops in immediately

I know you probably want to chastise me for leaving without. I'm sorry Mom. There was an emergency I had to attend to.

Sefa blinked, she was In a dark and moving containment with other women and young girls. The only light was the one that penetrated from the a small hole. The room was hot, she was sweaty and fused together with sweaty people too. There were bags of milk surrounding positioned by the left and right side of the containment.

She tried to understand where she was at first her memory was still fuzzy, slowly she began to gain understanding like a baby.

She wondered why there were many people around are, why are they all females? Why was she here? Is she supposed to be here? Who is she? She creased her brow as though trying to recollect.

Good morning Aunty Sewuese,Good morning Aunty Sewuese, Aunty Kilahi. Mom asked me to inform you to get ready for the wedding. Dad is in the living room watching news but don't be deceived, he has already taken his bathe, he might be ready before two minutes. You know how he can be shebi?

"I'm Sefa..." She muttered, "My name is Sefa.... I have a family....yes I do. We are ten ... No three ... No four, Sewuese, Kilahi, Terdoo and Sefa... And Sefa, that's me, that's me Sefa. I have a house" She looked around the dark room, "This doesn't look like this my house" She cried and Alonso, the only man in there with them crawled up to her.

"Wetin do this one?"

"This is not my house, I want to go back to my house"

"Shit!" He muttered, she's not supposed to remember anything, "How the fuck do you know your house? Calm down, you dey your house"

Sefa shook her head, "Don't argue with me, it's not something to debate over. My house has a lemon curtain, where is the curtain, where is our black and white window blow blind, where's daddy's pile of newspapers at the side stool. Where is the television? Why is Daddy not here or Mummy? Where am I?"

"Omo, this one be like problem oh" He removed his phone in order to call his partner but there was no network.

"Fuck!" He rolled his eyes staring at Sefa, he didn't even have the stone on him. "Babe, calm down, na your mind dey imagine things, you dey house"

"No, i was home before... Teju, yes Teju..." She paused remembering the how some men got out of the Sienna and captured her.

"Kidnap" She paused looking at the guy, "It's you!" She screamed and he pulled out a gun pointing it at her, "I hope you remember this one too, it's called a gun. Make a single noise and I'll fucking blow your fucking brains off"

Terdoo approached Gbadamosi in gratitude while rubbing his hands on his neck, "Good evening Sir. My name is Terdoo Adzer, the only brother in the family" He stretched his hands and Gbadamosi smiled receiving it, "Gbadamosi George"

"You didn't add Pastor to it, I celebrate your humility Sir"

He gave a hearty laughter while shaking his head, "Why do I sense you're one too?" "We are following behind people like you Sir. You might want to dash us small anointing." "Hehehe" "Jokes apart. Thank you for coming to support us. My sis doesn't even go to your church, yet you're here"

"Anyone would have done the same"

"Not just anyone" He replied and their gaze travelled down to where Kilahi was with Aunty Mabel, "Are you guys friends?" "I don't know where we stand. Kilahi is a special woman" "You don't have to say it twice, I know Sir" he nods with an understanding.

"Sefa will be fine"

"I know, I just have questions. I was invited for a teens meeting and while i was praying to God about it, he showed be Sefa sinking into a hole. I prayed against, isn't the prayer enough to counter the whole thing. I pray for people and I see God manifest. I know I shouldn't question but this leaves me questioning"

Gbadamosi laughed, he could actually relate. He has once been in that situation before. "You've done your part Terdoo, it doesn't mean that God filtered that prayer point. I'm sure he has a plan for her, I have a feeling Sefa is not going to be the same after today"

Terdoo scoffed, "You don't know my sister like I do. She's sturbborn"

"You should apologize to him" Aunty Mabel advised, "I know and I will. I just want to clear my mind." Kilahi sniffled, she couldn't control the downpour of tears. "I didn't expect it, to think I was there laughing with him when Sefa has been missing"

"You didn't know. Me that was at home watching the television to get my mind off the issue, even though it didn't work." "Where's Teju?" "Your father drove him out of the house"


"Yes. The poor boy was so scared, your father doesn't want to see his face again. I wanted to slap him too but then I remember the kind of daughter I have... It's not worth it"

"Why will she do that? Lie in the name of Church"

"No be yansh dey scratch her? See wetin don happen. I just hope she's fine where she is. Sometimes I expect my children to let me in with what's going on in their life but the don't. Am I that much of a bad mother?" Tears ran down her own eyes this time.

Kilahi rubbed her arm, "Mom... You're not" She replied and Aunty Mabel wiped the tears off then she exhaled, " Honestly, you go now and apologize what you said isn't fair"

"I know. Don't make me feel worse"

"Is he the Pastor that can sing?"

"Seriously mom,"

"I'm just curious now, I want a distraction" "Why make him your distraction topic" She asked stealing glances at him then she flipped her hair.

"See, you don't like talking to me"

"Haba, that's emotional blackmail now. Okay Yes he's the one"

A smile curved her lips, "And you said you were laughing with him before this whole thing" "How is that important to what Is going on?" "He dropped you guys off, he looks like a good man."

"I think he is too"

"What happened to your cloth? Why did you change? Did they give you another asoebi?"

"No. Long story, my cloth got ripped at the back and he bought it for me"

Aunty Mabel smiled, "Aunty Mabel, you're smiling in a situation like this" "You heard the Pastor, twelve hours. I'm willing to hold on to that twelve hours. Your cloth ripped.." "He saw my pink pant and then rushed to tell me. My bride price has reduced"

"That's if he's the one paying it" She teased letting out an annoying laughter, "That's the craziest thing I've ever heard Mom, why will he?"

"Because he's here" She whispered, "And what does that even mean?"

Kilahi's phone rang, she looked at the callers ID, it was Hilary so she answered it. "Hey, what's up? Have you guys heard from her?" "Not yet" "I'm sure you will, nothing will go wrong"

"I hope"

"Manny is here with me, he's saying hi"

"Hey Kilahi" Manny's voice resounded, he already grabbed the phone from Hilary. "Hey" "How are you?" "Are you seriously asking that?" She and Hilary asked at the same time.

"No wonder you guys twins. Be hopeful dear, think positive. I'm sure she's fine ehn... God will not let us mourn over anyone, we've never mourn, we can't start from now"

"She has!" Kilahi heard Hilary muttered, "Ouch" Manny groaned, "I didn't know" He whispered but not too quiet for her to hear. She could practically hear what they were saying.

Kilahi laughed, they were acting like love birds.

"Manny, my airtime!"

"I don't like dealing with poor people." He snapped and Kilahi threw her head backwards on hearing him cry out in pain, "Ouch. I need to run away from this woman. Um... kilahi, Sefa is going to be fine, okay"


"Bye dear. Be strong"


"Bye before this woman strangles me because of 20 naira airtime" he ended the call and she laughed staring at her phone.

Uncle Adzer got out of the police station to where his wife was, "They said I should bring that boy Teju for questioning that he might be an accomplice to her disappearance. Rubbish talk jare, Let's go home" He announced.

Gbadamosi and Sam begged to go with even after several refusal from Aunty Mabel.

Manny handed the phone back to Hilary, she hastily checked her account balance. "2 naira left, uncle weldone" "I tried now" "Just say hi to her, you finished the whole thing" "I don't associate with poor people"

Hilary hissed, "Sorry, Otedola's son" She replied then she exhaled staring at the bouncer she was stationed with. "Let go back to my duty" "You're really taking this thing serious oh" "I know how to take things seriously, trust me it's my strong point. I'll send my aza, courtesy of Manny"

Manny scratched his ears, "If I say Ibo woman now, you'll say I'm tribalistic. Let me just in peace" "Peace abi vawulence ?" She asked but he laughed leaving. Then she exhaled biting on her lower lips then she shut her eyes in guilt.

"We're not flirting Hilary, we're just having conversations like two adults. Right?"

6:15 pm


Buchi the leader of the holding a rifle stood at the back of a the truck, he was dressed in a black singlet and a crazy faded blue jean trousers. His arm covered in tattoos and charms. He was smoking a cigarette. There were three others positioned behind him.

Two men inside the truck ushered women out from the truck, they were from the ages of 14- their mid thirties. One after the other they got out while another man made count.

"You better come out from this container before I blow your head. You well so?" Alonso yelled inside, "Na Alonso be this one, I go I go blow your brains oh" He threatened. "I'm not coming out" Sefa yelled and the man flung his hands slapping her on the face and she cried out.

"Wetin dey happen there?" Buchi yelled, "Who dey threaten my investment" "Na one bitch oh, she nor wan come out" "How that one possible?" "E shock me too. Na since for road the girl come dey remember her house. I don manage silence the bitch but now she no wan come out.

"I'm not coming down.... I don't know where I am. Take me back to where you saw me"

Buchi threw the cigarette on the floor, then he climbed into the trunk, "Una no use the stone?" "We use am" he replied and Sefa moved backwards on seeing his face, the man looked scary that the Alonso guy and he haf obvious charms all over his body. When she finally hit an end point of the truck she looked away.

She was scared as hell.

He lifted a gourd chain dangling from his neck then he placed it on her forehead but it didn't seem effective. "Lord help me" She cried out and Buchi scoffed, "When you dey fuck yesterday, you no remember. No now you dey shout God help me. Fucking hypcrite"

Sefa widened her eyes in shock at the same time she held her breath, his breath was acidic, it smelled like dead meat, cigarette and alcohol. "E shock you? E get why them dey call me Lord Buchi, I be like God around here, nothing dey pass my nose, nothing far way my eyes no fit see. I no know all your past but one thing way I know na you future. You go fetch me millions" He replied seizing her braids angrily and she screamed in pain and even though she tried to suck in as much air as she could, each toxic breath against her face made her dizzy.

"Let me go, please" She kicked her legs but he dragged her braids instead up to the edge of the truck then he flung her to the stony ground.

Sefa screamed glancing at her bare arm, it had been bruised.

Buchi clapped his hands jumping down , "Lord, wetin we go do with her?" "The usual. I no dey get bad investment, throw her put with the other ones. She go either join sex factory or baby factory" He threw his head backward in laughter then he knelt down before her. His face deepened with a scowl.

"Since na fuck carry you put for here. I hope say you sabi well"

Tears ran down her eyes, her hands trembling in fear of what will become of her.

Manny snuck up behind Hilary while she helped Aunty Toyin pack some things from a room. "Are you not ready to go?" "I'll be leaving anytime from now" "Thank you so much oh" Risi clasped her hands in appreciation.

"I appreciate very much. Is Kila not back?"

"No" She replied, "And you're welcome" "When it's your turn someone will do it for you too"


Aunty toyin approached them with two big gift bags the had the couples pre-wedding picture on it. "Dont go yet oh" She begged, "I will not say you did not try. This is my compensation for your work" She handed the bag to her and Manny widened his brow in shock.

"You don't have to give me"

"No oh. I don't do my things that way oh. You delivered your duty and you are not like all those ojukokoro (greedy) people that would have taken two souvenirs for themselves. Take this, I insist"

Hilary collected the two.

"Don't allow anyone to see this gift in your hand oh. Just hide it and don't think it's for you alone oh. Abi do I look like father Christmas?

Manny whispered into Hilary's ears, " Well, if we're looking at her tummy and shape, she might pass as one" He teased and she laughed slapping his arm. "What about me?" She whispered and he scoffed.

"What is happening? Do I have something funny on my face" Aunty Toyin asked glaring at Manny who cleared his throat. "Nothing Ma, continue" he replied but she gave him a suspicious look. "Also give the other one to Kilachi" "It's Kilahi" Manny and Hilary corrected in unison, this was followed by a lilt of laughter. "Kini mo so? (What did I say?)"

"Nothing, don't mind Manny Ma. Stop being silly"

"Just take one and give her one, I hope she's okay"

"Her sister is missing so she had to leave."

"Ehya, that's sad. Anyhow, make sure you give that souvenir to her oh. Don't carry it oh. She has tried"

"She has tried Is not thank you" Manny snapped and she raised her nose at him then she mimicked him, "She has tried is not thank you. The thank you, will she eat it?" "The thank you, will it make you melt too?"

"Pele, melting point, icewater" She hissed, "Are you two dating or something?" She asked.

They both shook her heads, "No!" "Siooor! Instead of finding wife, you're finding thank you. As if thank you will help you see your future wife. Siiooor" She left and he scoffed shaking his head, "I seriously dont ... This family ehn! That's why I don't like her and Mom. Every single thing is about marriage"

"Wait, you don't like your Mom?"

"I didn't mean it that way"

"Are you sure?"

"We're not exactly the closest in the world. We don't see eye to eye. I don't visit, when I do, it always turn out to be a tug of war so I stay away and I'm fine the way I am" He confessed.

She could hear the pain in his voice, she held his arm and he looked away. "Manny" "Can we go? Let me drive you home? Do you happen to live around that shopping mall axis I saw you the other day?"

She knew he was avoiding, she just had to let him be. "My street is just the estate after" "It's like I'll be spending the night at Gbada's so... Let's go"

Kilahi got out of her father's car, she needed to urinate but Aunty Mabel gave her a look to apologize to Gbadamosi. "I want to urinate" "How many minute will it take for to apologize? Because he comes into the house, talk to him"

Gbadamosi got out of his car while Kilahi grudgingly walked up to him, Sam followed the others into the house. Terdoo locked the gate and entered the house too.

"Good evening Sir" "Yeah... Good evening, that's a good start judging from the fact you were angry earlier on" "I'm sorry" She apologized now pacing left and right. "Can we have go for a walk?"

"Um... Sure, but not now"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. No, I'm pressed" She blurted out and he laughed, "What are you waiting for?"

"Am I forgiven?" She asked waving her fingers nervously, by this time her legs were crossed. "I wasn't holding any grudges in the first place, now go and stop acting like a baby!" He replied and she bolted off like a little child. He leaned against his car laughing.

Sefa got pushed into a room, she whimpered busting into tears, there were a few pregnant women there, all seated on the mat. The didn't even provide proper beds for them. The stench in the room was horrible, it smelled like dried blood mixed in poop.

It finally made sense what the scary man meant by baby factory. She crawled up to a woman who was looking morose. She seemed like someone in her thirties. "Good evening Ma," She greeted but the woman said nothing.

"My name is Sefa, what's your name?" She asked but the woman said nothing still.

She crawled to the next, "Good evening Ma, I'm Sefa, what's your name? How did you get here?" She asked then she rose up looking at all the women in the room. Then she busted into more tears. "Is there anyone in this room that can actually speak?"

"There is" Pepper answered closing her first aid box while looking towards her direction. She had a blue gown on. Sefa exhaled in relief, "Thank God, do you have any idea where this place is? I was abducted on my way and I found myself here. Where am I?"


"Jesus... How did.. I was in Lagos"

"Even if you were in Abuja" She laughed, "Distance is not a barrier" She replied and Sefa moved back in fear, "You're one of them"

"Yes I am Sefa"


"I heard when you were telling this machines"

"Machines? Is that what you call them?"

"What do you call lifeless little things used for production? Machines. Baby making machines."

Sefa wept bitterly, she found it irritating that such response was coming from a female.

"My name is Matron Perpetual, they call me Pepper. Sefa, what kind of name is that? Yoruba?"

She ran to the door banging it, "Open up! I don't belong here" "This one is going to be a problem oh, I guess that's why they brought you here. Don't worry, Dibia will come and treat your fuck up, you won't remember shit anymore. You'll turn to zombie like these ones here"

She kept on banging and scratching, "Madam you're going to need your strength for something else oh. Just calm down"

Sefa faced her, with a clenched fist and gritted teeth she asked, "Calm down? What the hell is this place?" "Well... It's a ritual factory" "Huh" "Yes, you heard me right"

"What do you do?"

"Well, im not supposed to tell but... Your memories will be gone soon. Let me satisfy your curiosity. We harvest organs for rituals or for good purpose, people that needs organs for surgeries and all pay good money for it"

"That's illegal, it's wrong, you're killing innocent souls"

"You don finish?"

"So this place is you guys baby making factory"

"Yes for those that need children or those needs babies for their rituals, we sell foetus, we sell placentas"

Sefa almost gagged from irritation and the woman laughed, "What is doing this one?" "You're a woman" "It pays for my bills and my children's bills"

"What will you do If these were your children"

"God forbid it can never be my children"

"Help me oh!!! Somebody help!!!!" She screamed, "Babe, save your strength. You might be made to stay here, either way you'll need your strength to carry the investment till full term, you're going to need the strength for delivery or.... You might be taken to the sex factory, that one is a different level of strength"

"Sex factory?"

"Yes Baby, there perverts will pay huge sums to fuck the hell out of you"

She widened her eyes in shock, these at things she watches in movies and reads on the news.

"You'll be more surprised the amount these sadistic motherfuckers will pay to just sleep with someone immobile or what they'll pay to fuck someone to death"

"Shut up!"

"E be things oh. It's the country"

"Don't blame the country for you wickedness, they're are other alternatives!" She screamed, "You know one day, when they run out of women to use, they'll use you too"

"Abeg! Join the queue and lay curses there's no one I haven't heard before"

"Don't you have sisters?"

"I do that's why is advise them against walking at night, following strangers and attending stupid parties" "It was this morning"

"Were you coming from a vigil?" She asked and Sefa hesitated, "Oh. That kind of vigil, was it worth the stress? Was it even good?"

"Oh save your little question!"

Pepper laughed, "Whatever, so if you were getting it good, why are you here? This place is for the stubborn heads, because we can't use them, we keep them and use the baby till they die of course!"

"How can you be saying this without remorse?" She asked looking up, "God, if get out of this alive, I won't have sex again, I promise"

Pepper laughed at her, "Na you know"

Sam, Sewuese, Kilahi, Terdoo, Uncle Adzer, Aunty Mabel sat in the living room watching the news on television. "It's like they should just show a news about Sefa" Aunty Mabel wished then she laughed at her own imagination.

"Na wa oh. Sam, won't you guys leave or take a rest for the day?"

"I'm waiting for Gbada, I'll leave when he does" Sam replied.

Uncle Adzer rose up, for the first time, watching the news was boring to him, it had no information whatsoever on how to find his daughter. "I better retire for the night?" "So early?" Sewuese asked, "Yes oh. Samo, thank you for coming, God bless you, you've been supportive" he said shaking his hands.

"Samo?" Sewuese asked and her father ignored her and entered into the room, he wasn't in a chatty mood, she felt bad for him and embarrassed at the same time.

Even though he's trying to be all cool and strong about it, she knew he was greatly affected by it. Aunty Mabel forced a smiled now holding Sam's hands. "There's food in freezer, or Sewuese or Kilahi can just make something for you sharp sharp like plantain"

"It's not necessary Ma" Sam replied.

"Thank you again" She added leaving her and Sam alone in the living room.

Aunty Mabel entered into the bed room where her husband was kneeling in tears. "Honey" She called out sitting close to him, "Honey" "Where did we go wrong?" He asked, "Where?"

"I don't understand"

"Is it because we didn't do the right that's making our children go wayward? Is Karma repaying us for fornicating all those years before we married?" "No! We did our best, we tried to raise these children them the Godly way but they made their decision, how were we suppose to know? I ask her every time and she tells me she's Mom I'm pretty much in tact, was I suppose to push her legs apart and test. We don't influence their decisions, didn't we raise Kilahi and Terdoo also? Why are they different"

"I dont trust anybody again, we can just wake up and receive the shock of our lives that Kilahi isn't a virgin"

Aunty Mabel laughed, "That one is funny oh" She paused and he laughed too, "True, we'll just assume the world is having another Miracle birth" "I swear" She paused wiping his tears off with her fingers, "It's not everyday we see you cry"

"I just want my baby back home in one piece"

"She'll come back" She assured and he rested his head on her laps. "She'll come back" I've lost one person in life, I'm not losing another"

Buchi pushed the door open, he signalled for Pepper to leave and she did. Sefa moved backwards and he followed her, "Na so you want do am?" He ran after her dragging her by her hair down to the floor then he groaned in pain.

"Let me go!" She cried out, hysteria sprinkled over her voice.

"I no dey let investment go"

"I'm not your investment. Let me go! I have a family"

"Look around, no be only you"

"Let me"

Buchi slapped her on the face and she screamed even more. "You know wetin I dey do stubborn bitch like una?" He asked holding firmly to her while she whimpered in fear.

"I go fuck you till you faint"

"Please, I'm just 18"

"Even better. After I don fuck you finish, i make sure say you go sex factory go start work" He ran his hands on her breast through her gown and she pushed his hands off.

"Your mouth stink and you make me sick!"

"E be like say this your mouth" He reached out unzipping his trouser, "I wan hear you scream my name, you go beg me to stop and" The man was already aroused already.

One of his men pushed the door open.


"Na who be that?" He snarled disappointingly, "Dibia.. Dibia dey here"

"Argh!!!!" He screamed glaring at her, he wanted to have her when she was fully conscious " "Tell him I'm busy"

"He said he's in a hurry too and we have clients that want to see you"

"Argh!!!" He gritted his teeth, "E be like say, your people for house they pray for you. Them never pray reach. See you later, you scream my name before I go stop" "I don't want to see you again!"

"Well you don't have a fucking choice" He rose up walking towards the door then he turned back, "I have eyes even at the back of my head, no try shit" He warned walking out and Sefa cried even more.

If she had known, she wouldn't have left home. "God if you can get me out of here. I promise to remain steadfast, I know I haven't been in my best behaviour, I'm sorry I lied but help me"

The Dibia, walked in chanting words, in one of his hand was a totem and the other was a lantern that removed smoke and a horrible- smelly incense.

Sefa slowly closed her eyes till she fainted.

Temi who was clad in her reception gown, sat on the toilet seat crying. Alade who was clad in boxers walked in, "Babe!" He called out in fear then he knelt before her, "Are you okay? Is it Kilahi's missing sister, did something happened?"


"What happened? Did you received a news?"

"No. Can you believe that on my own wedding day, my mother could not be happy for me. Other mothers will stay and pray with their daughters but all she did was pretend and frown at me for what? Being an adult and making choices for myself"

"Hey" He paused rubbing her arm, "Your mom has been that way from the onset, I'm surprised you're even reacting"

"Couldn't she have been happy, instead Mummy Gbadamosi had to play mother figure. If she didn't pray for me, no motherly figure would have!" "Don't make her ruin this night for us. It's our wedding night baby, what she feels doesn't matter, all that matters is that the whole thing is over. You're mine now and I'm yours forever, our love has surpassed all odds " He pushed his face towards her kissing her lips and she kissed him wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Thank you"

Mr Coker took off his agbada then he shook his head at his wife who was was seated on a stool wiping her make up off with a face wipe. "Your own daughter's wedding turned to a burial for you bah?" He complained with a click of his tongue.

"Ignoring you"

"Okay now"

"Did you invite Tanimola to the wedding?"

He scoffed, "I should ignore you too but what kind of rubbish question is that? Doesn't he have Temi's number" "Im the one asking rubbish questions" "Are you not the one who said you were ignoring me."

"You're trying me oh"

"Me I'm trying you."

" You know what? I don't know what's more irritating, the fact that you're insensitive or the fact that i still have to perform my wifely duty to a pig"

"Even your body is not firewood Teni." He snapped then he exhaled sitting close to her, "You know I hate us fighting" "Get out, I'm not performing any duty till further notice"

"I wasn't talking about duty, let's talk about our children"


He rolled his eyes, "Teni" "Get out please" "I leave you for God"

"Me too I leave you for God!"

Sewuese exhaled, "My parents are just trying to be strong. This is devastating enough" "You're already sinking into depression" He held her by the shoulder shaking her, "Shake it off" He advised. She chuckled and he embraced her running her hands through her hair.

"I can't imagine what you're going through, nah. I just wish I can take the pain away"

Sewuese looked up at him, "I'm embracing a man in my father's parlor"

Sam scrunched his brow pulling away then she sat on the couch. "What's there? It's a harmless hug" he argued joining her. "Welcome to Nigeria, you don't just hug that way, except he's your husband or brother" "Whaaaat?" "Yes Sam, just like the way you guys kiss people on the cheek and see it as warm greetings, it's not feasible in Nigeria. I see people do it in these new Nigerian movies oh but I really don't know if it's real cause you can't come and be kissing my cheeks when you're not my boyfriend"

"Wow, that's the most archaic thing I've ever heard. If kissing a girl on the cheek mean you're her boyfriend. I must have had lots of girlfriend by now. Come on, it's a harmless culture, you embrace and leave a kiss on the cheek, nothing intimate"

Sewuese rolled her eyes, "Nothing intimate?" "Yes. You know what the definition of intimacy is, a kiss on the lips, the ears, the neck, all over your lover's body and also sex. That's intimacy, kiss on the cheek is a brotherly kiss" "Oh, brotherly kiss you say, so I can kiss you on the cheek and you'll think it's a brotherly kiss"

Sam laughed, "Because I like you, I might feel greedy to kiss you on the lips" he confessed and she exhaled, "My point exactly, you don't know people's intention, you don't know those whose feelings are everywhere. A kiss on a cheek can do more damage than good, that's my debate"

"I guess you win then"

"Or you're just letting me win the argument"

Sam bit his lips, "You do put up strong points" He blinked his eyes, "Sorry" he cleared his throat, "For a moment I forgot about your boyfriend" "There's no boyfriend. We broke up" She confessed to his shock, "What?"

"Sorry, I didn't mention it. It's like Valentine's day all over again"

Sam smiled and she raised her brow in surprise, "Why are you smiling?" "Deep down, deep deep deep down I'm trying to be sad, ignore this smiling face." He replied and she laughed at the fact he coudn't contain his joy. "When did it happened, "Valentine's day" "Oh. Now I'm lost, you said you had a boyfriend that evening"

"I did until I went over to his house and found him cheating. Apparently I've been dating a serial cheat"

"I'm sorry. For real, I am"

"Five years wasted on a man I thought was going to be first and last." Sewuese busted into tears, "I gave everything to Jamal, I defied my parents, endured all the arguments, the tears and they were lots of tears" She hissed wiping her tears, "The idiot is still making me cry for him"

Sam moves close and lifts her chin up, "It's his loss, when one door closes, another one opens. It can be in form of a blue eyed blonde named Sam" He smiled then she busted into laughter, "You're so silly and cheesy... You're Sheesy"

"I can't hide my joy, I'm sorry. It feel like I just won a jackpot, I know this isn't the right place or time to say this but I've been thinking of you for the past 12 days after Valentine's day, today makes it the 12th day after Febuary 14th when we met. I haven't stopped thinking of you, I've been silently praying to see you, at least once before I leave"

Sewuese blinked in disappointment, "Wait, you're leaving?" "Huh.... I don't exactly live here and in between spending the nights In hotels, Gbada's place and the art gallery, it gets kinds tiring. Not when you've got your own place"

"I hope not too soon though"

"I really don't know about that, I've got schedules but all I know is I'm excited about today, irrespective of the whole situation... Do I sound selfish right now? I'm sure I do. This Is the best news I've heard all day" He exhaled, "I hope I'm not imposing"

"No, nothing you're saying that I don't like just like while the valentine service was going. The way I led you on, i would have told you i had a boyfriend but i didn't because i liked the attention you were giving me. You were growing on me and I need a break away from my experience with you, that was why I went over to his place. I'm glad I did cause I would have being held down in an unhealthy relationship with a cheat"

They both gazed at each other then she exhaled, "Will you kindly make me your rebound?I want to make you forget every hurt he ever imprinted in your heart and paint it with love" "Guys hate being rebound" "If you've noticed, i'm not most guys" "No, you're not"

"I want to make you forget him"

"So.. Are you not going to invite me for your art exhibition next week?" "Jeez! How you know?" "Well... I saw it on the newspaper"

"Would you have come over?"



She shrugged, "So that it will look as though I'm only coming back because I found out you're popular. I have shame" "Then I guess you didn't want to see me as much as I wanted to" "Of course I did. I searched Sam Thompson on Facebook, I went through all the search results and then I searched Samuel, Samson"

Sam busted into laughter.

"Don't laugh oh. I even removed the H from the Thompson, I went through shege bansia!"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. On Facebook it's Sam Thompson bracket, The refiner, you probably saw the page it but my picture isn't there. Instagram it's the same"

"Is the full name Samuel or Samson?"

"Just Sam, no Samuel or Samson, just Sam"

Sewuese exhaled rising up "I really suffered" She walked close to the window then she looked out. "I wonder where they are." "Just let them be, it's been long overdue" Sam replied and she faced him smiling.

"Long overdue? Is there something I should know"

"Nothing you don't already know, unless you want to act clueless about it" He answered and she chuckled, "Okay.... What do you want to eat?"

"You don't strike me as someone who knows how to cook"

Sewuese gasped, "Sewuese, you don suffer, how do I look like? Oyinbo tell me, how do I look like?" "Beautiful" He complimented and she blushed. "You've said that a hundred times today"

"Not nearly enough. I know this is a bad time but after this, when we find Sefa. Maybe we can go on a date, if it's fine by you, if you're not still grieving over Jamal"

"Who's Jamal?" She asked and he laughed, "Will you be my date to the exhibition?" "Yes. So, should I fry up plantain or plantain?"
"Wow, tough choice. I'll go with anything you want"

"Plaintain it is"

Gbadamosi walked through the quiet street, "The place is quiet. I like it" "It usually is" She replied then he had a nudging to pray. Kilahi heard him mutter in tongues for a while then he chuckled stretching his hands at her.

"Hold my hands", "What are you doing?" "Prayer walk," He smiled, "Call it a leading in the spirit" . Her hands snatched on to his hands and they both walked muttering tongues. "You know for the native doctors, incantations are their way of invoking spirits but the bible says in the book of Jude 1:20, building yourself in your most holy faith"

"Praying in the Spirit"

"That's our own permit me to call it incantation"

"Why are you saying it?"

He smiled at her, "I don't know, I'm just following instructions. For we know not what to pray for..." He gave her hand a squeeze, "Have mercy Lord" he added then he lets go of her hands. "You know... I've been having this instruction from God to pray for three things, one for Caroline, a girl in trauma, work related things. Then Sefa and the youths of the nation. I never knew why I was praying for Sefa. Maybe this was the reason, maybe I didn't take it seriously"

"There's victory already. There's no need to feel bad about it. Sefa is fine, we'll hear from her tomorrow, have faith" His phone buzzed and he answered it, "How can you be" "Mom, not now. I'll call you back" He promised hanging but he ended up putting the phone on silent.

"I'm sorry about the way I overreacted. I'm apologizing again"

Gbadamosi nods plunging his phone into his back pocket , "Apology accepted, I understand, although I'll have to say I was shocked at first. For a moment, I started to began to think of the Bible college I attended" He paused laughing, "I'm sorry, I was so scared and worried" She covered her face with her palms again.

Gbadamosi hissed, "Kai, that brochure is not here again. I would have given you." "I'm sorry" "Don't mind me. I get it, but your faith almost wavered right here" "Caroline asked me why bad things happens to good people. Not in that context but I answered and made her feel better, now i find myself asking the question. What if something bad happens"

"Nothing bad will happen"

"Toh, Not like it has not happened before" She busted into tears and he held her hands looking down at her, "Hey! I don't know what must have happened in the past but.... I'm sure it must have left some scars and fear. You just have to trust God"

"I do, I really want to but when I remember, when the image comes flashing" She placed her hands on against the side of her head, "When It comes, there's always that voice that says, if it happened to them. If God can let the devil take them away.... Who else can be exempted"

"Silence the voice Kilahi. You silence it, whatever we go through in life, it's all a phase. You're more than you think you are, you can beat this"

She nods then she exhaled, "Tomorrow is Sunday. Don't you have preparations to make" "Good thing I'm not the one ministering tomorrow." "You need rest and gain back strength from today's stress"

"Am I complaining? Did I complain?"

"No! But I'm complaining on your behalf" She replied and they both laughed. "For someone who stressed herself for a family she has no relation with. You're worth the stress Kilahi"

She blushed folding her hands, "You only saw me at wedding reception" "Apparently i was looking for you after the church wedding so i asked Hilary and she told my family people decided to use you"

"Why were you looking for me?"

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about"
"What's that?" She asked and he shook his head closing his eyes from headlights of a car that lit up towards their direction. The car drove past them. "Now is not a good time so don't worry about how tired I'll be, you're worth the stress. Besides I don't want to leave you so I can cast and bind every negativity out by fire" He puffed his breath against her face and she scrunched her nose appalled by the depressing and disappointing stall breathe.

It was no longer fresh as it was, it wasn't that bad either.

"Your breath is not fresh again, It wasn't obvious initially until that devastating and suffocating move you just made"

Gbadamosi laughed, "None of our fresh is brea... " "Yes, none of our fresh is breath anymore" "Come on, cut me some slack! None of our" He picks up but Kilahi laughed cutting in, "I get It now, none of our fresh is truly breath anymore. We should probably teeth our brush"

Gbadamosi shook his head, exploding from laughter, his neck knocking backward from the intensity of Kilahi's mockery. "I'll remove your wig" "That's assault, I have many things I'll sue you for oh" She replied and they both laughed. "What's the first? Looking down at things below?" He asked and she shut her eyes in shame on recalling the incident.

"You're mean. Urgh! You just had to remind me again. Just when I was trying to forget that thing. That reminds me, I didn't finish my milkshake"

Gbadamosi removed a mint candy from his pocket, opened it and went ahead to put it in his mouth, "So you're just remembering"

"Yes. Wait, you walk around with mints"

"Yes, I talk to people a lot. I'm always conscious when I eat vegetables. Do you want?"

"No, thank you"

"Don't worry, I get you another milk shake"

"You don't have to. Why will you?"

"I know of a place that do home deliveries"

"Oh...toh , that will more than buying from the counter"

"Yes and no! I'm not using church money"

"Jesus! Did I say you're using church money?"

He shrugs giving a killer smile, "I'm just trying to play safe oh. With a mind like yours, who needs bomb?" He asked and she laughed placing her hands on her chest, "I'm offended, comparing my mind to a bomb"

"It's a ticking time bomb, if you can channel it to doing God's work, you'll be a force to reckon with. What do you do for God?"

Kilahi shrugged, he understood his question and she didn't want to beat about the bush. "Nothing" "Why?" "In the university, I joined the prayer unit cause someone said it was my ministry but then it reminds of the past...."

As much as he was tempted to use the opportunity to push, he didn't. "Do you want to pick it up?" "No." "Why?" "I don't really like my church all that much. I'm not comfortable going there, it's orthodox in it's way. Not like there's anything wrong with it, my job is to go and come back. I don't feel like I belong there, everyone is in their niche but... I'm usually out of place."

"You've never tried other places?"

"And break my Uncle's heart"

"Uncle's heart? I'm lost here. Isn't he your father?"

"No. He's my Uncle, Aunty Mabel is my...." She exhaled, "My mom's sister" She replied slowly, he didn't need to ask about her parents. It wasn't hard to piece the whole thing together.

Her parents death was probably the past that keeps dwindling her faith.

"Since my parents........" She trailed off, "I think It will really break his heart when he finds out I don't feel like I belong to his church. That's why Sewuese and has refused joining anything, She was a chorister in school fellowship but here"

Gbadamosi takes a deep breath, "I guess Sefa doesn't do anything too" "No" "Okay...." He paused in thoughts, "Mom doesn't do anything too, she only belongs to women fellowship. We're all sitting members maybe that's why Sefa went astray"

"No. Trust me" He laughed, "Going astray is a personal decision, I speak from experience. It's not by how spiritual you are or if you're from a Christian home. The devil gives you a push that comes through pleasures and sweet words and you jumped to it. Jesus was tempted with all the sweet words but he overcame, personal decision and how much you hold God in high esteem" He paused pressing his belly while she listened keenly.

"We can't turn back the hands of time, what's done is done. Maybe you need to find your niche" "After I get married, except the man ends up coming from there" "No!" He snapped while she scrunched her brow in confusion, "I meant no, you shouldn't limit your thoughts ever to negative thinking. Think big, there might be one handsome man somewhere falling in love with you"

Kilahi laughed throwing her head backwards then she covered her lips, "Pastor, are you whine-ing me?" "No. I cast and bind that negativity out" He blew the breath again and she ran away laughing at him.

"I think negativity just entered into my eyes"

"It's positive energy. I'm licking mints! See as you're laughing"


"I'm funny" He cuts in but she laughed and her eyes watered automatically, "Whaaaat? No, because... What did I want to say again" She paused in thought and he laughed, "That I'm damn funny?" "No!" She waved her fingers chuckling, then she sucked her teeth in thought.

"It's settled! Your breath has managed to give me amnesia, so much for positivity. Yay!!!" She waved her hands, laughed and moved close to him. Gbadamosi puffed his breathe against her face, "You're assaulting me with your breathe oh. I'll blow my own, I don't know who you're doing deliverance for" She paused then she exhaled afterward.

"What do you do for a living or are you a full time Pastor?"

"I am a full time Pastor"

"How do you earn a living then?"

"Not from church tithe and offerings"

Kilahi chuckled, "Okay... I was thinking of it small" "I work" "Then you don't do full time" "It's a full time ministry. I'm just like Bamidele, i work from home. Yes I receive gifts from members and non members but I have a work" "What work"

"You want to know?"

"Do you sell body parts?" She asked and he shook his head, "Sorry to disappoint you but no"

"Oya, speak now" She scratched her neck then she dragged his arm, "Oya Sorry. You don't sell body parts, stop the suspense"

"Well... I need drum rolls for this one,"

Kilahi imitates the sound of drum rolls with her lips watching him smile in satisfaction. Suddenly she changed it humming the Nigerian anthem then she laughed. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me this night"

He smiles happy to see this playful part of her. "It's nice to meet your playful acquaintance Miss Kilahi. I really don't mind the National anthem, that's what you play for Very Important Personalities like mine."

"I just fed you a plate of ego"

"And I'm satisfied. Feel free to call me Arc Pastor Gbadamosi George" He lifted his shoulder in pride and she coughs, "God resists the proud" "Not this one, God and I are like 5 and 6"

"I covet your grace to be proud and still be five and six with God. Toh, you're handsome, you are the best, only you an Architect and a Pastor"

"I am that awesome. Admit it. Why does it sound like you're jealous right now? What did you study again? Fish farming?"

Kilahi gasped, "Good one. I studied Philosophy, we're are the mother of all sense, principle and knowledge" "With all your sense, principle and knowledge joined together if we don't build a place for you to stay, rain and sun will beat you senseless" He replied laughing at her and she kept quiet frowning at him then she hissed.

"My eyes has been activated in 3D mode. Things that I'm doing to you in my head are pretty wicked but In reality, I'm only respecting your Pastorship not your Architectorship.. or whatever" She replied then she yawned afterwards as his reply washed over her again.

"You're mean, so mean"

"You want to follow a whole Architect and argue." Gbadamosi sighs, "How do you juggle full time ministry with it" "Um... I was still on the job before God called me full-time. I had no choice but to leave it, I only do the job these days as a favour. I call it a favour cause I'm not charging what I should for it based on my qualification. I don't say that out of pride."

"So.. Pastor Gbadamosi"

"Call me Gbadamosi"

"I can't do that"

"Why? I thought we were becoming friends"

"Still... There should be boundaries, you're a Pastor, a convener of a church and you deserve the respect Sir. So... Did you like it?"

"What? My job? Of course I did! Not as much as my love for God. My duty to God first, all other things follow" "Is that why you're not married yet?"

He nods.

"You should get married"

"Why do you say so?"

"So that people that think like me don't look at you and assume you're a womanizer"

"It's actually on my next plan"

"Wow. Have you found the one?"

"I think I have"

Kilahi's heart deflated, was that disappointment she just felt? What did she expect anyway? It's like she's beginning to let the conversation get to her head.

She yawned for the second time, "It's either you're really sleepy or you're hungry" Gbadamosi guessed, "I'm tired and hungry. I haven't eaten anything since morning" "Really?"

"I'm serious. I should have turned it into a fast.. Oh.... I sipped Milkshake"

"We can go back to get the car, I'll buy us dinner."

"Or I can go home and eat" She commented, "Good point" He replied then she looked at the woman that sells Bole and fish at the bus stop. There were two customers patronizing her. . "Damn it! I would have bought.." She trailed off and he pointed at the woman who sells bole.

"Do you want it?"

"I'll buy it when I go back in"

"Why bother? I'll pay"


He walked up to the woman, "Sir!" She called out stomping his feet. He ended up buying two bole and fish for himself and Kilahi. When she became too tired to walk, they both sat down on the long bench at the stand to eat the bole.

"The bole is nice right? Mama Boma made me finish all my savings from national youth service with her original Port Harcourt Bole" "It's really nice. Have you been to port Harcourt?"


"How do you know it's original PH Bole?"

"Leave me to my narrative, I'm quite imaginative if you've noticed"

"I have"

For a moment she began to wonder if he has also been there.

"You, have you been there?"

"Like countless times for ministrations"

"Wow. But the Bole is really nice. Sefa won't even let me eat it in peace, it was the only the time, she'll act nice to me then" Tears ran down her eyes and then she leaned against his shoulder, "Can I lean on you? Toh, I know I've leaned already but can I?" She asked in tears and he nods.

He wanted to embrace her and pat her but it was too public, "It's okay Kilahi, God has taken over". Her phone rang so she picked it, "Good evening Ma, please don't hang up, I know that you guys are angry at me. it's me Teju"

"Hey, what's up" She wiped her tears off, "I can't sleep. Any information on her?"

Manny pulled over in front of Hilary's gate while she was recounting her wedding experience. "You know I was still in the university when we got married. He was quite older, he was like don't worry about the money, I'll sponsor the wedding. His parents thought I was out for his money. He was even the one rushing me, I wanted to finish school first but he insisted. The wedding was good, souvenirs didn't get to my side of the family"


"My mother in law hid them. The two sides fought that day, there was a fight between my elder brother and Odefa's brothers. They threw punches on my wedding day"

Manny grimaced, "That bad?" "Yes but when Odefa and I went back home, we laughed over it. The man didn't have issues, he was just free spirited...." A lone tear dropped on her dress and she quickly wiped her eyelid. "Whoa!"

"I'm sorry"

"At least I left you guys party with a souvenir" She joked laughing to erase the sad thought. "That's why I understand family drama more you can think. You're not alone on the Mom quarrel story. My Mom practically calls me to remind me that I'm getting old and that I should remarry. I know how you feel. The truth is i've cut off some ties to my family because one, they keep blaming me for getting married to Odefa. Two, they have this never do well notion of me, i mean my siblings. That's why when Kilahi came into the picture, I jumped for joy because God finally gave me the sister I've been dreaming of, someone that understands me"

"My Mom... I don't know what her problem is, she's always angry, getting angry at everyone, dad" He paused and she rubbed his arms in a comforting manner. "I don't even know why I'm saying this to you"

"It's okay Manny, you can talk to me about it. Unlike you, I won't let the whole world know" She joked making him laugh then he pointed at her giving her the 'you this woman' look.

"You know... She wasn't that way from the start"


"As a little boy, I knew my mother as a sweetest woman. She'll smile and play with us, at least that was what I used to remember. Then it changed, that was when we had to move back to Nigeria"

"Where were you guys in?"



"We stayed for a few years before we moved back. She was so sad, she'll cry and cry, whenever we bump into her, she'll scream at us. It got worst everyday, I couldn't wait to run away, I had my admission so I went over to meet Gbada over there, he was already a student . It was the best period of my life. When I got back, I moved out of the house, she didn't approve of it, but I left anyways"

"Did your Mom come for this wedding?"


"Which of them? Describe her

"The twins"

Hilary gasped, "Yes" "Wow" "Double trouble, that's your Aki and Pawpaw in female skin" "Wow" "Yes and when"

Jennifer knocked on the windshield attracting their attention, "Evening handsome" "Sorry, do I know you?" Manny asked and Hilary rolled her eyes. "It's my flat mate" "I see you found yourself a hot one this time around, I hope you lose weight before this one will slip again" She hissed making her way in and Hilary tightened her fist.

"Sometimes I just want to break this girl's bone"

"Is that how she speaks every time? Hilary, you don't need this kind of people around you"

"I'll be fine, I'm used to her nonsense"

Bimbo walked into the sitting room blushing from arriving home after a date with Lanre. Deja was watching a movie on the TV with her leg crossed turned towards her direction. "Madam welcome" "Thanks"

"How was your date?"

"It was great"

"Where did you guys go to?"



"Hm hm, jollof"

"That's too cheap now, he couldn't make a better choice. Did you at least buy you wine, I don't think they have wine there"

Bimbo hissed, "Where was he supposed to take me to? A Chinese restaurant? Me that they carried to jolly, I did not complain, you that the did not carry, you're the one carrying it on your head."

"God forbid, they cannot even carry me"

"Nobody can kukuma carry you cause your mouth has weight than even your body. Shed the weight in your mouth"

Deja scoffed, "Just because I'm trying to give my opinion" "I never asked for it in the first place for crying out loud. Who gave you my bucket of water to put on your head? Cause I am not understanding"

"Any guy that cannot take me to an expensive restaurant is not worth my time. Do you know how much a plate of chinese rice cost in Palm Grooves Delight? That's my kind of man, I wasn't born to suffer with a man"

"I'm okay with Lanre, at least he notices me"

Deja scoffed, "God makes everything beautiful in His time, I already downloaded the pictures of my wedding gown and I've been praying on it. Guess what? Today was Temi's wedding"

"You know we have like six Temi in church"

"Papa's sister jare! I completely forgot! It was Tega that now posted the picture that made me remember. It's not as if I did anything special today, I would have spent time with him" "Let's just hope the time you've been spending so far is not a waste, you know it's easy to spend time but you can't buy back time. Be wise Deja and figure your life out. Papa doesn't like you"

"Good night Bimbo"

"You better take m advise, Papa might be in love with another person like that. I'm saying this because I care about you"

"Good night. Don't worry, he who laughs last laughs best. I'll remind you on my wedding day"

Mrs George dialed Gbadamosi's number, "Why is taking so long and why is he not picking up my calls? This is past ten. It's getting late and I don't plan on sleeping here." She complained staring at Manny who was eating a cereal.

"Should I make you some?"

"No, I cooked already. Go and eat something good"

"It's late"

"Shebi assuming he's married, there would have been a wife here to welcome us" She complained and EreAdura rose, "Good night Mom"

"You're not going anywhere"

"I'm tired and sleepy, why did I even come here sef? If I knew you were going to come, I would have just slept at the hotel"

Mrs George scoffed, "You have your parents house, yet you're sleeping in hotel" "Apparently, you get to sleep soundly without hearing complains every now and then"

"Wow... In other words, I nag"

EreAdura gasped, "Did I say that?" He asked and his mother threw a pillow at him, "I'm tired, I have an early flight and a third service in Abuja to catch up with " "The conversation concerns you too"

"I'll throw a penny if it's something I haven't heard before"

"You guys don't care about me, not you, not Gbadamosi, not Feyintola, that one Is the worst" Her voice broke and he rolled his eyes, "All these emotional blackmail sha.. I'll wait and sleep on the couch, wake me when Big bro comes back" He laid down and she scoffed.

"Everything doesn't have to be emotional blackmail you know" He muttered hovering an arm across his forehead. Mrs George turned towards Manny, "If you were married too, you would have spoken to him but you all are all birds of the same feathers, flocking together"

Manny quietly ate his cereal then she hissed, "Where this Gbadamosi, he's not picking my calls. Why? Did I lose the right as a mother somewhere that I don't know?" She asked, "You cannot answer"

"Cause I don't know how to answer"

"How's work?"


"Thank you for supporting your sister today. God bless you" "If I don't support her, who will?" "Did you see the way your mother was acting? Who is fighting with her? Who left a battle and handed the baton for her to continue a fight? Marriage that we have been waiting for and she couldn't put on a good smile. I've already told her that behaviour will not take her anywhere"

Manny laughed since they both had the same character, except that in Mrs George's case, she's quite expressive. His mother was number one in keeping quiet and bearing grudges.

"You guys are the same"

"God forbid!" She snapped her fingers then she shrugged, "Mo ko, eleda mi ko, (I reject it). I use my body and soul to ko. Whaaaat? Somebody that i've been praying for our face to change since. I don't understand why we're still alike. Your mother's behavior is like someone that's tying blindfolds and walking around blindly. O ma ja si gutter ni now, (she'll fall into a ditch). I don't frown like that... If not for..." She paused staring at EreAdura who was already fast asleep and snoring peacefully quietly.

She rose up pressing his lips together, "How can you snore on the chair that's not comfortable, so if you're on the bed now. Nobody will hear word, how can you keep a woman with this nonsense snore" "Hm Hm hm?" He opened his eyes seeing his mom above him then he hissed and closed his eyes shut again.

"Every time! Since he was a child, snoring without control" She complained making snore noises that made Manny laugh.

"Maniola" "Ma" "Use your own phone to call Gbadamosi. Maybe he's avoiding me"

"I'm charging my phone upstairs"

She glared at him and he quickly ran away with the cereal to get the phone. "And get me a duvet for this big baby here!"

Just as Gbadamosi drove into his house, Opulent approached him, "Sir, your mom has been around for more than four hours" "Thanks" He turned back seeing the paper bag that contained Kilahi's cloth at the back seat. His phone rang so he answered it smiling, "Hey Kilahi"

"Hey... I just noticed I forgot my cloth in your car"

"I just noticed too"

"How will I get it? Tomorrow's Sunday"

"Will you come over? Or I'll come over"

"I'll come over" She cleared her throat and he smiled, "Perfect. See you tomorrow" "Good night Sir"

"Good night" He replied and she ended the call.

Kilahi exhaled looking up the ceiling then she tapped Sewuese from her sleep, "Sewuese" She tapped again and she finally responded, "Let's Pray"

Gbadamosi entered into the house, he knew she was going to give him a earful. He was sincerely ready for it. His mother quickly woke Ere-Adura up. "Good evening Ma" "Wake up!" She yelled and he opened up his eyes slightly, "I did not carry it, I kept it on the shelve" "Which shelve?" "The one that..." He returned back to sleep only to receive a loud slap on his arm.

"Jeez!!" He shouted in pain.

"So you're still doing this rubbish thing, at 31 years old?"

"What did I do?"

Gbadamosi laughed, "You said you didn't carry it, you left it on the shelve" "I said that?" "Yes" "Because you don't wake a grown up man when he's sleeping. You don't beat a grown up man either"

"Sioor, grown up and not married. And what's that horrible snore? Gbadamosi, do you snore?" "No. I don't. I don't record myself when I sleep but I don't think I do"

"If I was in my condo in Abuja, nobody would have disturbed me" EreAdura muttered.

"Gbadamosi, sit we need to talk"

He exhaled taking his seat on the same chair with EreAdura. "What?" "First, can you believe your brother came to Lagos, didn't inform me o your dad and and he also lounged in a hotel" "Because they'll be more peace there not"

Gbadamosi gave him a look and he exhaled, "I don taya" He mouths at him. "So me, I don't give peace, I give war Is that what you're saying?" "Not exactly"

"Your Feyi, I think he has blocked me for the day, the way he always do. He'll block me for the day and unblock me the following day. Why didn't he show up? Did you ask him as the big brother?"

"I haven't had the chance to but I will"

"You're supposed to be an example for your brothers to follow, if you're not doing anything with your life, what do you want the rest to do?"

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused. Get married so that your brothers will follow suit"

"You're equating marriage to all important things in life. So my ministry is not important"

She looked away, "I didn't say that" "Oh, please enlighten me Mom cause it sounded that way"
"Why did you ignore Brenda today? She wasn't happy" "Is that what you came for?" "Yes and more"

Gbadamosi exhaled, "Mom, I can't be with Brenda" "Dapada! What's I can't be with Brenda" "I think that word is self explanatory as can be. If you want a sentence nearest in meaning, nothing can go on between Brenda and I"

"You talked about marriage"

"Not with her!" He snapped and Mrs George hissed in realization "Don't tell me it's that girl from the party, the girl... I think I saw her serving" "She was helping out"

"To win our hearts shey?"

"She doesn't even know I like her. I'm planning on doing it soon, today didn't seem like a good day"

"No day will be a good day to confess that kind of stupid thing"

Gbadamosi scoffed, "Mom, that's a curse" "And so? What do you think you're doing, you want to put your hand in my eyes while I'm awake. Have you given Brenda a try? No! Just because she's who I want, you want to annoy me by saying otherwise. Well, nice try but I'm not falling for it"

"Mom, I don't feel jack for Brenda"

"And you feel jack for who, that girl?"

"Her name is Kilahi"

"She's not even Yoruba"

EreAdura gasped, "Wow, tribalistic Momsy, weldone" "Shut up" She and Gbadamosi snapped at the same time, "I am not tribalistic, who is she? Have you investigated her?" "She's the woman I've fallen in love with. Mom, I like her, screw it. I've fallen in love with her. She's a good person, you can ask Temi, she works at the foundation. I have never felt this way about anyone ever! You need to believe me."

"Me I don't know"

"You can get to know her, all I want for the first time in a long time is tour support"

"I don't know her but let me tell you someone I do know, Brenda Arolowo, daughter of Anifowose and Daniella Arolowo. From a good background, the future of your church and family will be sorted out completely, not having someone that earns what? 60 k or how much"

Gbadamosi shuts his eyes rising up, "Mom, I'm not complaining, I have a job" "Who are you deceiving? When children comes in, will you take them to inferior schools? God forbid you take my grand children to an inferior school because you and your wife can't afford school fees. Think ahead Gbadamosi, don't let what looks like love gaslight you into making a terrible decision. It's Brenda I know, better the devil I know than an angel I don't"

"Are you done?"


Well Kilahi is my choice"

"Oh please! You're only doing this because it's my choice, the three of you love doing it! Don't do it, you will do it, don't leave your job, you left it. You'll be a parent someday, I'm telling you and your children will do the same"

"Stop saying that as if I'm doing a bad thing. Even all those my years of living the bad boy life, you never chastised me this much as you have since I decided to answer God's call. At first it was my decision to cancel my redeployment, then my decision to leave work, you complained as though I forced myself to do it, and ever since then, you've been on my neck to get married, now i've found someone i think i'm falling in love with, someone i want to make my wife and the mother of my children, still you complain. What do you want me to do?"

"The right thing"

"This Ma, is the right thing. Mom, you call yourself a leader in church but have you ever cared to ask God what he wants for me? When last have you sat down to inquire from God what he wants from this family? From your children, when? All you care about is yourself, it's always you, your 60th birthday party, your age, your grand children. I'm tired, what about what i want? Or what God wants? What if Kilahi is who God wants? I told you from the start, I won't appreciate you meddling with my life. With all due respect Ma, if God says it's Kilahi, no man can say no to it, not even you"

Mrs George suddenly felt weak. She grabbed her bag, tears heavy in her eyes. "You just ... Because of a woman. Good night you hear, good night" She added leaving the room and EreAdura rose up, "I hope she's not the one driving" He ran outside then came back in to find Gbadamosi seated with his two palm against his face.

"Salami Is with her"

11:03 pm

Buchi burps after eating a meal. Quickly with a toothpick, he picked out food remains in his teeth. "How far, she still dey there?" "Yes, she been dey sleep the last time I check" Alonso replied. "Wake her up " He laughed then he cleared his throat.

"Bring her come room"

"Boss Boss!"

Buchi laughed rising up.

Alonso found the door slightly opened and a guard sleeping by the side. He walked in, wyws sweeping across the room in search of her. There was no trace of her." He walked out tapping the guard on duty "Where the babe way them just bring?"

"She dey inside"

"She no dey. I find the door open, how e dey open?"

The guard pulled out a key from his pocket, "See key here now" "Sure say you lock so?" "I swear I lock am"

"If that girl for miss, we go see hell for earth" He dug out his phone from his pocket calling some guards outside.

"Check the perimeters guys, look around. E be like say one bad investment don escape. Find her and bring her in alive"

Sefa walked along the bush tracts like a zombie walking hand in hand with someone that looked like Kilahi.

What do you guys think about the chapter?

Are you guys shocked?

I will shedding more light in the next chapter. The ending part is emotional for me cause this exact things almost happened to my twin sister until i held her hands back home. (This was her testimony). I was in Anambra as at when it happened while she was in Akwa Ibom.

I'll let you know the rest of the story in the next chapter.

But will she escape this den???

Let your thoughts and opinion flow in😁

What do guys think is wrong in Gbadamosi/ Manny's family?

This one that Gbadamosi's mom wants to pose as an embargo like this. Wahala wan brew🤦

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