🥀 Chapter 12🥀

Good day y'all

Seasons greetings.

To those that celebrate Christmas how was it?

Me: Busy

Today was busy too😪

Spoiler: Here, you'll be getting to see a bit of Gbadamosi and Manny's side of the family.

Enjoy guys and Vote!!!!

The vote on the last chapter was discouraging😩

Chapter 12


Aunt Mabel turned on the light in Sefa's room, feeling uneasy. She picked her phone calling Geraldine's number, "Are you guys not done with the vigil again?" "We just finished, Sefa should be on her way"

"Okay.... I just felt bothered, are you guys okay?"

"We just concluded a vigil Ma, we are more than okay Ma, we've been impacted" She laughed nervously, "Thank God, maybe finally God can teach her to stop sharpening her mouth anyhow pa pa pa like a parrot"

Geraldine laughed nervously still, "Amen oh Ma, Amen" "I think you guys should wait first till it's dawn. I understand your church is close to your house, even though i don't know the house. Let her relax there"

"Yes Ma, I'll let her know"

"Why is her number switched off?"

"It is? I'll ask her why"

"Can I speak to her?"

"She's not... Sefa! She won't hear me Ma. Later"

"Okay. My regards to her"

"Sure Ma" She replied hanging up then she looked up to the sky, "God forgive me, I don't know why I involved myself in this." She frowned calling Sefa but the number was switched off so she called Teju, "Hey" "Where are you guys?"

"On our way, only me though"

"Why? Where's Sefa? She said she'll come here"

"I left her at the bus stop, I didn't come out to meet her waiting for me. I think she left without me"

Geraldine noticed church members getting out then she moved away, "Without telling me?" She whispered, " The deal was to let me in on everything. Her mother called me like right now and I told her we just ended the vigil which was real. I can't believe I'm doing this, that's why I don't like involving myself in all this shady things and God knows it's my first time. Quite frankly, I regret ever posting this programme on whatsapp and also inviting Sefa, I thought I was inviting a human being" She hissed angrily.

"She shouldn't have involved me at all"

"I'm sorry dear, we owe you one"

She rolled her eyes, "You guys better marry in future and name your first girl after me, if it's a guy, name him Gerald" "Sure" Teju laughed.

"I'm sha blocking her mom and sister after this.. I don't have that power to answer questions and go to hell"

"Geraldine!" Her mother yelled, "See, I have to go, my parents are calling me already. Sefa do whatever she likes abeg!"

7:20 am

The make up artiste positioned herself in front of Temi drawing her brows. Every brides maid were already dressed in an onion pink gown and blue fascinator except Temi who had a white robe on while a Lady did videography of the whole moment.

"This wedding go pepper!!!" Lota screamed, "I hope they told the live band to sing, Wasiu's Awon aye"

Dami danced behind her, "Hey! Elenu razor oh!!"

Brenda zipped up Kilahi's gown then she faced her flashing a smile, "Thank you" "You're welcome dear. I love your dress, so simple and chic" "Thank you. The way I was rushing to sew it, the sewing machine was giving me headache and jumping threads"

Dami grimaced, "I hate that thing! Take it for servicing now" "I'm planning on doing that next week Saturday. I'll manage it"

One of the distant family of Temi knocked and walked in, Risi was dressed in a yellow top and blue jean, she was holding on to a blue colored aso-oke auto gele. "Aunty Temi Temi, iyawo wa, good morning oh, everybody good morning oh" She greeted with a thick Yoruba accent.

"Good morning" They all answered. "Is there anyone that's free here?" "No!" Lota answered, "No available hand?" "None!" "We just need all the possible help"

"Well, you have come to an impossible place"

Temi blinked turning towards her, "Why?" She asked looking at the make up artiste, "I'm sorry" She apologized now glancing back at Risi. "That's why we pay people to do the job" "Wo, this one is... O ti koja pay oh (It's more than paying)"

"We want to move some of the souvenirs, the one at the house to the wedding venue"

"I thought they we got movers for that?"

"They took it the first time but they said they won't be coming back. Aunty Toyin got into a fight with two of the movers. Wo ti fe na shege yo lara e (they almost beat the life of her) If not for me that was there"

"Didn't we pay them? They can't say they won't come back"

"We paid half already, we were supposed to pay the rest afterwards but they said we should keep it. Technically, it was Aunty Toyin that first of all told them not to come back, then they now said they will not come. I made some calls for people on the estate to do it but they won't go because of her, one of the even told me that if he goes in, he won't leave until he beats her black and blue."

Lota laughed, "They should allow him go, Aunty Toyin needs it" "So who's moving it now?" Temi asked already developing headache, "All hands are busy with make up, I've been calling, no one wants to answer, they say it's impromptu and they have make up and hair plans"

Temi shut her eyes, "So... What's the way forward?" "If we don't make the move, souvenirs will not go round and we are anticipating a lot of people" "On my own wedding? It's like Aunty Toyin wants me to get angry. If I get to the house" She rose up and Lota pushed her back, "Sit down jhoor, it's your wedding. What are you thinking of doing?"

Temi felt her eyes get heavy with tears, "That woman is so annoying, must all the women in that members be so annoying?" "Babe, chill it's your family, you mom is there too"

"My point exactly! Right from the inception of this wedding, I've been avoiding her intentionally. I need to put Aunty Toyin in her place" "No allow devil use you. Your wedding day is the most sensitive day ever! A little mistake can cost you your life"

Kilahi agreed, "Toh, that's true. Mom always say the same thing. There was this wedding of a distant distant Aunty of mine; Aunty Juliet. She got angry at a man in public. Fast forward to ten years later, she couldn't give birth and it wasn't the man that caused it, someone used the angry as a means to settle personal score but for ten years, she kept on believing it was this man that was responsible for her bareness. Till today, she's still praying for something as bad as a miscarriage"

"That's a scary story" Dami scrunched her brow, "I know but it's real" She gazed towards the direction of Risi, "Can i go with you?". She smiled in approval but her excitement was cut short by Temi who screamed, "No! Don't do it, that's suicidal"

"More suicidal than standing in front of the road looking for an available to hit me?" She asked and Temi rolled her eyes.

"My family is a nut case, they'll use you. Aunty Toyin has an obsessive compulsive disorder"

Kilahi laughed, "Have you met my extended family?" She asked, "Don't worry about me, at least I'll be doing something to keep myself preoccupied before I go to church" "Wow, you sure know how to slave away" Brenda chipped in and she laughed.

"It's called helping"

"Thank you" Temi pouts.

Kilahi nods again carrying her hand bag and phone, "My clothes from last night is there in my school bag, incase" "Don't worry, we'll get it across to you" Lota assured. Soon, she was outside the room with Risi.

"Thank you for volunteering"

"No problem. Do you speak Yoruba?'

"Not fluently"

"But you understand right?"


"What's your name?"



"The number you're trying to call is currently not available at the moment" The network provider blared on speaker while Sewuese did her make up. She tightened her fist around her powder brush.

"Great, now you guys have changed mouth to it's not available. Is it that there's no light that she cannot charge her phone or borrow someone's phone to call. This Sefa can annoy me" She complained to herself while Terdoo walks in clad in a blue shirt tucked in a black trousers.

"Sis, I don move oh"

"Sure" She replied turning towards him, "Hmmn! Someone's looking peng! My handsome brother. We are too fine in this family jare. Careful before teenagers will start falling for you"

"Ha! I'll lay my hands on them and deliver them from that spirit. It's not every Dick and Harry they see that they fall in love with, what's wrong with teenagers these days, drug, you'll find them, sex, the are there. Sometimes I want the world to end sef so I can rest with my Father"

"Speak for yourself. Not everyone is ready" She snapped.

"That's why we're trying to capture your heart to Christ. Let Jesus capture your heart not men!" He snapped and she laughed throwing the powder brush at him and he dodged smiling at her.

"If Sefa comes, let me know"

"How? I dey go wedding"

"You look absolutely beautiful by the way"

"Thank you" She replied watching him leave. "Won't you pick the brush for me?" "Who asked you to practice javelin on my head?" His voice resounded and she laughed.

"Oga, i senior you with two years oh! Come and pick before I vex flog your yansh, e be like say e don tay small way I beat you"

He returned into the room, picked up the brush and handed it to her. "Thanks love"

Mrs Coker who is Mrs George's twin sister, sat in room while her personal Make up artiste, Usher Chioma made her up. "It's a wedding day and not a burial ceremony" Her husband blurted out while looking at his face in the mirror.

His wife frowned, "And you feel this is the right moment we can have this discussion, why?"

"You're not happy"

"Chioma, can you excuse us for a bit" She requested and the lady walks out.

"What do you think you're doing"

"Correcting this face before we get to church"

"Better yet, why don't you pay to have a reconstructive surgery done on my face? That will last more" "Isn't that what the make up artiste is being paid to do but no amount of make up will make you stop squeezing your face"

"Badejo get out"

"This is our daughter's wedding, put on a smile"

"Whose fault is it that I'm frowning?"

"You're the one that knows"

She scoffed, almost sounded like a laughter, "I'm the one that... You know what, get out!" "Honey" "Get out!!!!" She screamed and Aunty Toyin walked in, "Reduce your voice. Do you want everyone to know you're shouting at your husband?"

Mr Coker scurried away and Aunty Toyin pulled a chair close to her, "You too get out" "I'm not getting out, feel free to hold me out if you can, we'll just fight here, I'll ruin your gele and make up"

"I'm your big sister"

"When have i ever cared? Remember our first fight?"

Mrs Coker rolled her eyes, "I actually dealt with you" "But I gave you a mark, you can't forget in a hurry" "You say it like it's a thing to be proud of, go around and teach your child that it's good to fight with their elder ones" "I was trying to make you laugh"

"Well, your story wasn't funny"

"What happened with your husband?"

"How is it your business? Aren't you the grumpy Queen?"

"Someone will not grow up with sisters like you and Aunty Tope and not be a grump. This is your daughter's wedding be happy for her, she's getting married to her heart throb, isn't that all you've been asking her to do all these years? Alade is not doing bad, the man has an IT company"

"Alade is not the problem here, it's Temi, She's not taking my suggestions, they're just like their father and I'm suppose to do what? smile? I'll smile at the wedding venue, I am in my house, let me frown all I want. Don't I have the right? God! Where should I start from? Is it the color of the aso-ebi or the lace I picked out? She said it's too expensive, people will not be able to afford it. Okay, let the wedding be by invite so we don't have large population, no! My daughter is invited everyone, from the university, to her work to the street, even the dogs and cats, rats on the street have all been invited"

"It's a Nigerian wedding"

"Is it bad to add class? Don't get me started about her bridal train, can you believe she didn't add the ladies I specifically told her to. Instead, her friends are doing it. When has It ever been done? Who has done It before? She said it's unique but I blame social media. The other day on Instagram I saw men posing as a woman's train"

"You're making a fuss about this"

"Fuss? Fu.... Is it Manny that I want to talk about? That one is.... I think it's better I just die and leave them alone to do what they want. I'm tired, let everyone live their life" Her eyes watered and tears poured down.

Aunty Toyin👆

Kilahi walked around the house listening to Risi complains, she was low key admiring the beautiful interiors and painting. "Everyone left very early because they were avoiding work and Aunty Toyin. I must warn you that this woman has bad mouth, is not as if she's a bad person oh." She hissed thinking of a way to put it.

"She's just misunderstood, she likes every thing being in order."

"I guess that's why Miss Temi called it OCD"

Risi shrugged, "Just calm down, it will be over before you know I" She knocked on a door then she entered finding Miss Coker with Aunty Toyin in the room. Miss Coker dabbed her tears off glaring at the both of them.

"Risi, are you daft? How can you just barge in with a complete stranger"

"I'm sorry Ma, I just wanted to say that I brought someone that... Sorry Ma" She replied shutting the door. "Everybody is just mad in this family"

Aunty Toyin screamed at a man, "Carry the thing well oh, it's a breakable gift sent all the way from Canada, if it breaks, you will use your liver to pay for it" Then she turned towards Kilahi who was carrying a bag along "Kilishi, abi ki lo n pe e? (Or what do they call you)"

"Kilahi Ma"

"Can't you carry that thing well? Why is your hand so tiny? " She asked answering a call. "Hello?" She paused signalling Kilahi to follow her. She had no choice to drop the bag and follow her"

"Ma I don't want to miss the church wedding and I invited my cousin to keep me company"

Mrs Coker who was walking behind with her husband rolled her eyes on hearing her say that, "Great! Temi invited her but she invited her cousin, who knows who her cousin is also inviting. I said it, everyone in the world is coming!! You guys better get more souvenirs" She snapped leaving Kilahi speechless.

Then she zoomed off angrily.

"I'm sorry about that" Mr Coker apologized, "God bless you my daughter for volunteering to help out. God will reward you"

"Amen" She replied and he left her.

Kilahi gave Aunty Toyin a look, so she covered her phone with her palms, "Ma binu oko mi, (Don't be offended), you will not miss it. Just come with me" She returned back to the call.

Mr Coker entered into the car shutting the door, "Did you need to react that way?" "React what way? I was soliloquizing?" "It looked bad" "And your daughter inviting the whole world is fine"

"John 2, during the marriage in Cana. Jesus was invited and he came with his disciples, who knows if it's twelve of them that came"

"Thank you Reverend Coker, but if I want to listen to your sermon, we might not meet up with the wedding. Sir Alamo, move this car!" She demanded and the old man nods.

"Yes Ma"

As at 8:30 a.m, guests were already trooping into the church. Temi sat in a small hall in the church holding on to a rechargeable fan, while chatting on the phone with husband to me with her free hand. A message pops in:

I'm nervous 😂. I'm about to get married to the woman of my dream

She chuckled dropping the fan on a table then she picked the phone responding back:

Me too! Family drama here and there

It will pass soon, shebi it's just today

Thanks for always understanding, I know my family hasn't made it easy

Why are you giving the speech? Don't cry and ruin your make up oh😂

I just want to say I love you

I love you too, Iyawo mi❤❤❤. I choose you and it'll always be you

She chuckles.

Mrs George walked in smiling then she requested for the bridal train to leave including Dami the maid of honour and they did. "I'm sorry I sent them out, it's not everything you say in front of these people" "What is it they don't know?"

"They don't have to know everything, even if they are you friends. You'll learn that in marriage. I'm just so excited, today is the happiest day of my life. Almost as though my own daughter is getting married"

"I am a product of your twin, I can pass for your daughter"

"Abi. I just wish Gbadamosi can be serious about his life and just get married. Brenda is there, let him rush things"

"Why do you guys want to rush us into Marriage, mom did the same to me, Manny is facing worse" "When you have children and they choose to stay till 35 before they get married, how old do you think you'll be at that age Temi?"


"With no grandchildren. It will hurt, I'll be turning 60 soon and I don't have female daughters and all the son God gave me have purposed in their hearts that they want to baddest bachelor ever liveth. I get depressed when I think of it, am I not old enough to have grand children. I've gone past it"

Temi exhaled, "I don't like involving myself In the opposite side of your wife hunt. I helped with Brenda from the beginning but I think you should give Gbadamosi more time" "Is there something you know that I should know?"

She cleared her throat looking away then she noticed a guy walk towards them, "Oh my God! Tanimola!" She gasped in surprise, "Tanimola wo?" Mrs George asked turning towards the guy who was clad in an ankara top and trousers"

"Good morning Mrs George and good morning to the beautiful bride" He walked closer. Temi rose up hugging him, "You've been on and off" "I'm sorry but I'm under restriction"

"From your work?" She asked and he laughed.

"From a higher power" "Are you in trouble"

He laughed staring at Mrs George, "I might be if they know I came" "Tani, are you in trouble?" "No."

"What are you doing here?" Mrs George asked through gritted feet. "I came to see the bride who is like a sister to me, Is it a bad thing?"

"No!" Temi answered, "I appreciate this gesture, I love you for coming here"

"I won't be staying for long, I'll be leaving soon"


Sir Alamo opened the car for Mrs Coker, who got of the car smiling. She stretched her hands at her husband. Then they walked hand in hand. Female Pastors in the church approached to greet them both, "E ku inawo oh"

"Ese Ma" She replied

"Iyawo o ni meni. A bi ako a bi abo(the wife will not be barren, she will give birth to both male and female)"


"Ki Olorun se ni iyawo alubarika ( God will make it a blissful marriage)"

"Amin Ma, Ese Ma" She replied bending her knees slightly then she detached her hands. "Where's Temi?" "She's in the workers meeting hall"

"Okay, thank you" She replied walking towards the hall. When she got in, she heard her sister's laughter along her daughter's. She frowned on seeing Tanimola then he smiled tapping Temi, "This guy has to bounce"

"It's not fair. This is my wedding Tanimola"

"I have an important business meeting, that was why I had to come. Have a lovely day"

"You too. Break a leg"

He laughed leaving then she finally approached them, "Good morning" She said to her twin, "I think you should give a more flexible smile, this one is too fake, people will see through it" "I'm not in the mood for your advise, I greeted you, courtesy demands you respond back"

"It's your daughter's wedding, you didn't even compliment her dress"

"At least she's getting married"

Temi frowns while Mrs George scoffed, "Wow Teni" "Mom!" "

The camera men rushed inside "Family pictures" "Oh" Mrs Coker smiled standing close to her daughter who was still seated. She sighted her husband away then she waved at him, "Honey come close"

"Yeah" He moved close to her and then she wiped crust of pap off his lips, "You have something on your lips." She whispered, "I'm always cleaning after your dirt every time"

"Well I didn't ask you to"

"Awwwn God when, I love when aged people are romantic" One of the Photographers comment.

"Talo age?" Mrs Coker and Mrs George asked.

Manny who was clad in an onion pink suit and a blue tie, noticed Hilary motion towards the church entrance, she was dressed in a purple knee-length gown.

He excused himself running towards her, "Hilary!" He called out, she already dug out her phone from her black purse to call her. "I was about to call you" She replied smiling, "Someone looks handsome"

"You look amazing yourself"

"Thank you. Shall we go in?"

"Huh..." He paused, "There's a problem" "What? You guys have like a family table shey?"

"No. I'm the best man" He confessed regretfully shutting his eyes then he clasped his hands. "When I asked you to come, I wasn't thinking. I wanted to tell you but..."

"You invited me, you didn't tell me to be your date. There's no need to explain, I just didn't want to end up being alone with practically strangers"

Manny felt bad, "I'll meet you once I'm done with my best men duty" "Who is ever done with best man duty? Don't bother, I'll just try to enjoy my myself"

"Manny!" His friends called out.

"Go, your friends are calling you"

A Lady at the door handed the wedding bronchure to her, "You're welcome Ma"

"Thank you"

Sewuese sat down in the church placing a wedding bronchure on the chair saved for Kilahi. A woman came to sit but she shook her head in disapproval, "I'm sorry, there's someone sitting there" "Oh. Sorry" She replied leaving and she exhaled in relief, messaging Kilahi,

Babe, where are you?

In the car

Which Car?

Aunty Toyin's car. I'll be there soon

I'm saving seat for you. It's because of you I came oh, don't make me regret it

I'm sorry. I didn't think they'll keep me this long

Sam sat close to her then she glanced towards him in shock, she wanted to give the same excuse but she was left speechless that moment. How in the world???? "Good morning, do I have the permission to sit close to the African Queen?" He asked and she blinked.

"Oh my God"

"Same thing I said when I saw you walk through the door. I just couldn't believe it, for a moment I was like calm down Sam, I know you wanna see her badly so stop making up her face in people's face to make yourself happy. When I saw that woman almost sit here, my heart crashed. I was glad you sent her away. Is this sit taken?"

Sewuese cleared her throat, taken for where? She sees Kilahi 365 days in a year, 366 in a leap year. She can go and sit somewhere else, she will not die!

"It was supposed to be taken"

"I guess that's Nigerian for No"

"You're catching up" She replied with a smile and he chuckled.

"I actually came here to ascertain for myself if you're a clone or real. That smile and look in your eyes tells me a whole lot"

Sewuese laughed, look at her that was angry about not meeting Kilahi in church. Thank God Kilahi invited her and thank God she didn't show up early! It's today she finally understands that the ways of God are not the way of man.

She didn't realize how much she missed this English man's face until this day!

"Yeah... " He shook his head, "You're so not clone! A clone wouldn't have that same sweet laugh" He added and she giggled, "Neither will it sound that way, that's not a robot giggle, that's good music to my ears"

She blushed, "You're sitting on the wedding programme" "Huh?" He asked looking below, "Shoot! Sorry, the brochure?" He lifted his buttocks and she dragged it fanning herself. "I know but it's either to call it wedding programme"

"The programme is written inside, you guys cannot generalized everything like you call all noodles indomie" He laughed and she hissed, "You guys"

" I actually think it's cute though. Are you feeling hot?"

"Yes, the whole room is hot"

"Probably because it's emanating from you" He chipped in then he paused, "I'm sorry, at this point, I'll shut up. I don't want to offend you"

She widened her eyes, "No.... Why?", she wanted him to talk till her ears get tired. She missed his endless rants. The wedding has not started yet and just seeing him made it look like her day just started.

"First, can I even sit close to you. Your boyfriend might be coming and I don't want you having issue"

Which boyfriend????

"I don't think there'll be any issue"

"Oh." He sighed in relief. "I was desperately hoping you'll say that. It'll be a big honour sitting close to an African Queen, you look ravishingly and breathe-taking in that dress by the way" "You haven't seen the full length"

"And I'm already blown away, God knows you're a masterpiece, his work of art" He stared down at her while biting his lower lips from speaking further, "I'm sorry. I'm going out of line right? You have a boyfriend"

Sewuese shut her eyes knowing Jamal is going to be a problem. She can't start telling him they broke up. She'll just break into tears!

She faked a smile, "Wow, on valentine's day, you were so expressive with your thoughts, didn't you think for a moment that I might have a boyfriend, that i could be engaged or even married"

"I was hoping not" He replied with all sincerity then he exhaled, "But the sad part of life Is that we always don't get what we want." A half smile curled across his lips.

"Can we all rise up for the procession, a we recieve the groom"

Sewuese stood on her feet and Sam whispered into her ears, "You look even more breathe-taking with the full length" "Thank you" She replied bowing her head.

Kilahi walked in tiredly.

While some eyes turned back in view of the groom and his best man, Gbadamosi noticed Kilahi walked in. She was rubbing an handkerchief over her face. He couldn't help but notice she looked really tired.

He smiled knowing he had something to use in start a conversation after the wedding service.

Shortly after the church wedding, Aunty Toyin scattered her eyes in search of Kilahi, "Girl yii da? (Where is this girl)"

Brenda held Gbadamosi's hand, "Hey, can we talk?" "Not here Brenda" "Where else? I won't take long" "I have things to do" "Are you avoiding me?" "No. I'm looking for someone"

"See you at the reception then"

"Yeah" His eyes sweeping across the crowd, his eyes straining to catch a glimpse of her.

She was out there somewhere!

"Where are you?" He muttered then he sighted her afar off talking to Hilary. He cleared his throat and made a move towards them.

"Kihali oh! Abi Kilachi ni" Aunty Toyin called out tapping Kilahi and she in turn faked a smile at her, "It's Kilahi Ma" "Ise si wa oh (There's still more work to do)" "Again??" Hilary asked in surprise.

Her face moulded into a frown, "Se ko si? (Hope there's no problem)"

"We have plans" Hilary replied, "Am I asking you? Shebi this is the Kihali that I'm calling"

Kilahi exhaled, again with the Kihali instead of Kilahi, "Okay Ma, I'll meet you but I should probably drop a message to..." She trailed off, she only wanted to talk to Sewuese before following her. "The bus Is outside, you're following the bus this time cause, ko s'aye mo (there's no space). Please be fast oh." She paused turning towards Hilary, "I need hands oh, if you'll be free. This one that you're doing face as if i have put the world on your head. I don't like people that frown, if you don't want to go, soro soke, (speak up) i won't use cane and flog you. We'll move anytime soon"

"Yes Ma" Kilahi replied with a nod watching her leave while Hilary rolled her eyes, "The woman is annoying. This woman only wants to use you" she complained, "I know but I don't want to disrespect and.. She reminds me of my distant family, Granny Adah. Nobody likes working with her during parties except me. There's no bad character and bad mouth that I've not encountered. I'll be fine or do you want to join me?"

"I don't think I can stand that much exploitation, she reminds me of my mother in law"

"Bye now, I'll call sewuese and let her know" She walked away and Gbadamosi finally approached Hilary after being stopped by several others who wanted to greet him too.

"Tell me she's coming back"

"Who? Kilahi?"

"No. She's assisting the family, your family I suppose"

"With what?"

"Wedding plans.. She has been busy with it all morning, she said she came directly from Manny's house down to the church courtsey of one Aunty Toyin"

Gbadamosi rolled his eyes, that explains why she looked tired. "Aunty Toyin just wants to use her" he muttered pulling out his phone, "Exactly what I told her but she left anyways. You know what? I think I should just follow her instead to protect her"

"Are you a friend?"

"Her twin sister"

He raised his brow and Hilary busted in laughter, "I'm sorry Sir, I enjoy getting that look. Good morning Pastor Gbadamosi" "Oh. You know me" "I've seen your face on posters, i only knew your name during Valentine's day Sir"

"You were there?"

"Yes Sir"

"Wow, i hope you were blessed"

"I was"

"Good. Feel free to drop by, i know you must have your church"

"Actually.... I've been looking for a church to attend since i can no longer attend my old one. I will be coming tomorrow" "Glory to God, God bless you Sister.. It's only fair i know your name too"

"My name is Hilary Nnamdi"

"Manny's Hilary?"

Hilary laughed, "Why does that sound like I'm Manny's possession?" "I meant friend, I've heard a lot about you" "I hope it doesn't deal with me doing something crazy" "Well..."

Hilary rolled her eyes, "You know about it! Oh God this guy can't keep shut"

"He didn't say it like it's a bad thing... He was diplomatic about"


"It was even before you two reconciled, he wasn't happy about it"

Hilary folded her hands hiding a smile in between the frown.

"Family of the Bride! Family of the Bride it's time for your picture" An announcer yelled, "Family of the Bride!"

"That's your cue" Hilary chipped in, "She'll be at the reception venue right?" "Yes Sir" "Okay. Nice to meet you Hilary"

"You too Pastor" She smiled watching his calling Kilahi, "Tell me the bus has not moved yet"

Aunty Mabel heard a knock on the door then she quickly ran to the door to open up hoping it'll be Sefa. She was so disappointed to find Teju at the door. "It's even you, I thought it was Sefa"


"Yes, come in"

"No Ma, I only came because of Sega"

"Oh, she went for a vigil last night. She's not back till now, her number is switched off, her Geraldine's number is not going through. Did she go there after the vigil? But why isn't she back. I'm so confused right now, she should at least give me a call"

Teju's heart kicked in fear. Did something bad happen? Perhaps she was kidnapped while he went in to get his phone.

"Sorry for dumping all this on you. I'm just worried, should I go to the church, I don't know where this girl Geraldine lives, do you?" "No Ma. I... I should be heading home"

"No problem. If she reaches out to you, do well to inform me okay?"

"Yes Ma. Bye Ma"

"Bye" She shut the door and Teju shut his eyes in regret, "I'm screwed"

1:02 pm

The wedding reception kicked off 12:40 pm in a large event hall. Onion pink draperies with peach cords and tassels framed the glittering reception. Refracted gaslight turned the crystal shades of the sconces to diamonds. While the live band entertained the crowd with Fuji music.

🎶Awon aye Elenu razor oh🎶

Temi and her husband had the most craziest entry with her pregnant and non pregnant hype bridesmaid. They knew it was going to break the internet sha!

Mrs Coker rolled her eyes, "She's just making a fool of herself" She whispered to Mrs George who widened her eyes at her, "Why are you talking to someone who's children have not gotten married?" She whispered back and then she hissed afterwards.

"I was angry"

"Now let me also get angry in peace" She retrieved faking a smile and her husband whispered to her, "I can tell you two are fighting" "Tell her to explain to me why she said my children are not married, honey, I don't want to get angry so don't let me think of it"

"Baby, it's fine" He assured and she smiled at him, "You don't call me baby every time but when it comes to making me feel better or calm down, the name pops out like that."

"So that you won't get used to it"

Mrs George laughed, "You're one manipulative husband. Thank you" She moved back rising up from her chair then she walked towards Temi dancing with her.

Brenda scattered her eyes in search of Gbadamosi, "Where in the world can he be?" She asked and Lota looked around "I'm sure he's somewhere around, I saw him in church"

She was hoping to apologize to him.

"Exactly! Where can be then? This is the best time to bond with him"

Kilahi handed her handbag and phone to Sewuese, "Please hold it for, I don't have money to buy phone if I lose it while serving" "Babe, you are not a server. Dont allow this people use you"

"So I'm supposed to be you third wheel, after abandoning me for him" She snapped looking at Sam, "No offense, Good morning Mr Sam" "It's Sam. Nice to meet you Kilahi, ive heard a lot about you"

"What did this big cousin say?"

"You being a good cook"

Kilahi blushed pushing Sewuese's head, "You'll ruin my make up!" She complained watching Kilahi leave.

Gbadamosi stayed outside, he didn't want to be ushered to sit along with other Pastors and their wives. He didn't want to be reminded again to get married. Frankly, he didn't want to sit with anyone he knew.

Well, except Kilahi!

He sighted one of his brother come out laughing, "Mom is doing Zanku right there, I got embarrassed, I think I'm leaving the party" he joked and Gbadamosi laughed. "Why is Feyintola not here?"

"I don't know"

"You guys reside in Abuja"

"We don't live together"

"So you guys could not travel together"

"Big bro, I cannot come an drag my elder brother now. I can't really say the reason he's not here but I have my guess. I almost didn't come on, if not for my love for Temi"


"Yes Sir, her wahala ehn. You no enter?"

"Abeg, I nor want make them usher me go Pastor's seat"

EreAdura laughed, "Sorry, I'm going back in though. I think the dance is over. See you around bro" The shook hands then he walked back in grabbing a glass of wine from Kilahi.

"Thank you" He smiled walking away.

Aunty Toyin placed her hands on Hilary, "Please, you are my bulldozer, you know that you look like a bulldozer" "I don't look like a bulldozer" "Omo yibo!!! (Igbo child) It's this your vex that I like, that's why I put you here. See, life Is like a party, if you don't open your eyes for some people, if you don't shine you eyes, people will step on you and carry ten souvenir home in the name of I'm a family member or I've not carried before."

"Is that a life lesson?"

"That one is your business, take it however way you want to"

"Don't let anyone enter into the room where the souvenirs are, don't let them touch the one in that red bag, those are m sister's own for her guest. They are expensive please, all these bouncers, if someone just breast and rub them, they'll give way. You'll walk hand in hand with the bouncer. You see that I'm not giving you work, you can carry chair and sit down. Be comfortable, your only job is to squeeze your face and bounce anyone that wants to enter. Let my face be the only face you allow in"

"Yes Ma"

Just when Gbadamosi felt it was the right time, he walked in clashing into Kilahi who was holding an empty tray in her hand. She fell flat on the floor, the tray made a loud clanging sound attracting a few attention. "Oh my God I'm sorry" He apologized and she exhaled looking up at the person who pushed her.

It's even him! While she struggled to rise, he pulled her to himself then he pulled away when he realized he damn too close.

"I'm sorry"

Aunty Toyin walked into the scene "Jesus! Gbadamosi, are you trying to break her waist? Somebody that I even borrowed, Egungun melo lo ni ti o fe pari gbogbo e? (how many bone does she have that you want to finish everything?) What were you looking at?" "Aunty Toyin, lt wasn't intentional" He replied, he still had a sorry look on his face.

"I am very very sorry" He said calmly and she kept quiet still lost in her gaze.

She couldn't say a word, she was lost for words to say. She didn't even know whether to get angry or act all calm in between the shame.

"Apology accepted?" He asked and she shrugged, "What does it matter?" She asked tiredly. He could see that she was really tired, they've used her! He wanted to collect that tray from her and tell her to have a rest.

She needed it.

"It'll be on my conscience, please accept my apology" His lips curled into a smile and her heart danced again.


"Okay what?"

"Really?" She asked rolling her eyes, "Apology accepted" She answered walking away quickly to avoid the awkward way she felt. "Wait!" He called out and she looked at his direction, "What?" "Can we talk?"

"I'm busy Sir and i said i've already forgiven you." She replied leaving.

His gaze met Aunty Toyin's own, "What were you looking at? Instead of looking for wife, you are pushing people's children. You better carry your eyes and find wife this year" She snapped walking away.

Gbadamosi shook his head then he found himself a perfect seat close to a large flower vase. There was no one seated there, which was perfect for him! He sighted Tega taking pictures, he bowed his head showing him the camera in his hands.

It wasn't the church camera!

Brenda sat close to him, "Hey handsome" "What?" He asked and she shrugged, "Let's talk" "Not here" "But you said...." "Not here, I just want to be alone okay?"

"What have you been up to?" Sam asked but Sewuese shrugged, "Nothing much, just work and work. My boss is this kind of person that will make you work for every five kobo"

"That's brutal"

"I actually thought after I get retained there be more respect but it's the same as it was when I was a corper"

"Oh. You did your youth service in the company and got retained"


"Was there a higher incentive"

"Yes, my salary was increased, it covers my HMO too so... I do it for the money not for the recognition. I'm just doing to get the right amount I need to Japa"

"Ja...pa, that's leaving the country"

"One point to Sam Thompson, I'm beginning to suspect you have Nigerian blood running in you"

Sam chuckled, "You want to leave the country" "Yes. For my master, my long long long dream has been to do my masters abroad." "Have you applied?" "A few scholarship but none has clicked but, I'll keep trying, I don't give up easily"

"What's your field?"

"Business and Marketting"

Sam gave it a thought, "Sounds superficial right?" "I didn't say that" "See, even if I'm 35, I'll still try, there's this sticker in my room that says, don't be scared to dream, all things are possible. I look at that sticker everyday believing I'm one step away from my dream"

"That's beautiful"

Sewuese smiled, "God, you're beautiful, in and out" he blurted out, "Your boyfriend might have to forgive me for the day but I can't help this feeling, being around you"

"You don't know me, you can't make that assumption just yet. What I'm a mean bitc that's just pretending in front of you" "You're not pretending" "How can you tell?" "From the first day we met, you could have possibly act all nice to win the heart of an Oyinbo man but you didn't. An hypocrite would have used me as a mugu to probably suck out money from me, whether she has a boyfriend or not but you didn't."

A slow cover version of style plus If I could run away played while the bride and groom danced slowly to it while the spot light focused on them.

🎶I could search for a million year🎶

"Wanna dance?" He rose up stretching his hands at her and she refused, "No! It's for the bride" "Not like we're stealing the spotlight, the spot light is on them, we'll just be doing our thing"

Sewuese shook her head in disagreement, "Don't keep my hand hanging, may I have this dance with you Sewuese?" She reluctantly held his hands and rose up, "I can't dance all these slow dance" She breathe in slowly in fear.

"You'll do fine" He replied as he threads his fingers through hers. Closing the distance between them, one of his hands held her at shoulder height between us while the other hand moves nervously to the curve of her waist.

He held her with the knowledge he was touching another man's girl. If only he knew!

They both sway left and right in rhythm with the music. Her brow bunches and she looks out at the people that were giving them judgy look.

"I'm going to die of shame here, they're looking at us"

"Ignore them, just imagine it's just us, just the two of us, they don't matter " He replied softly. Her lungs grew tight, and her heart stops for a second.

She shut her eyes and leaned against his chest in careless abandon, just whiffing his perfume. It reminded her of Valentine's day. By this time she was wordless, she wasn't sure of her moves but Sam made it easy.

"I notice you haven't called me Oyinbo today"

Sewuese laughed lifting her head and staring into his face, his blue eyes peering down at her. "Do you want me to call you that?" "Kinda. I guess I kind of imagine that will be the first thing you say when we meet, like hey Oyinbo"

Her shoulder danced too as she giggled. "You didn't call me Sam that day" "I did" "I don't recall, and that's funny cause I remember that night like it happened yesterday" "Me too" "Just when I thought I found myself a wife, I found out you're taken. I guess that was the heart-wrenching highlight of the night"

She kept quiet, she could feel the hurt in his voice.

"I just never thought we'll meet again or I'll have a chance to dance with you. I'll cherish this moment for the rest of my life"

Sewuese shut her eyes.

Manny walked up to Hilary and she frowned folding her hands, "Heys, Mr Man, what are you doing here" She asked in a thick tone while he arced his brow in surprise. "You're not allowed here" "I'm not going In"


"What are you doing here?"

"I'm a party bouncer"

He chuckled shaking his head, "Can you seize to amaze me?"


"Why are you?"

"Well, one, you're the one who chose to leave me with a talking partner so I guess it's entirely your fault"

"I think I should just change your name to Miss grudge"

"Two, I needed the distraction instead of sitting around and delving into depressive thoughts"

He moved close and she waved he fingers, "Sir, I might have to bounce you if you move closer. The only person allowed is Aunty Toyin, except you're willing to wear buba and wrapper, put on a make up ans bear the name Toyin, be my guest. I'm on bouncer mode, I'm not smiling" She chipped quickly and he smiled.

"Aunty Toyin is stingy, she won't even say thank you"

"I'm not doing it for the the appreciation, like i said, it's for the distraction"

"See you later"


Kilahi passed by Gbadamosi holding a tray of food, his eyes trailed closely at then he noticed something pink right at her buttocks. On a normal day, he personally fights the urge of looking down at a woman's side but this one was completely not out of lust.

It was more of curiousity, pink wasn't even on the asoebi and he knows a wardrobe malfunction when he sees one.

Thank God he did cause he noticed when he did. He needed to help her out before another eyes notice it. He looked around in search of female ushers but the were scattered all about so he rose up standing behind her where she was speaking to a woman.

"My son needs bottled water that's not cold please"

"Okay Ma"

"Hey Kilahi" He whispered behind and she rolled her eyes, thinking of what he wants from her. "Um... There's a tiny issue" "Okay" She wanted to turn but he whispered in form of a scream, "Don't turn!"

"Why? I hope all is well"

"There's a toilet at the extreme left of this hall, you might want to go there to fix this emergency"

Kilahi scoffed in disbelief, to think he was beginning to think he isn't a womanizer. She moved away from the table holding on the tray so they don't have to listen to her. Gbadamosi had no choice but to moved with her, "Shame on you Sir" "What?"

"Can you just leave my back before I get more angry than I am right now. Just step back and we'll pretend we never had this conversation"

"Wait, what conversation are you talking about?"

"Miss Temi, Mrs Temi will be so disappointed in you, to think she said all those nice things about you. Good my foot, you're nothing but one of those womanizing men of God who go around chasing after everything in skirts. And I'm not that attractive, kai! That means you don't even have a type"

Gbadamosi swallowed hard, "Ouch" "As If you're hurt, are you disappointed that I caught you red handed? Or would you have preffered we go into the toilet and do those immoral things people do"

"Okay gross"

"Look at his mouth like gross, toh wasn't that what you were suggesting?"

"Can you just let me speak cause I'm sure you'll be embarrassed after now. The toilet is not for the both of us, it's for you only" "Oh, wow, he's trying to maneuver his way out of the reality that he's been caught. Bring it up, I'm all ears"

"There's tear"


"On your buttocks"

Kilahi widened her eyes in horror, "What was your eyes doing there?" "Really Kilahi, there's a big malfunction and all you can worry about is how my eyes got there." "Is the tear bad?" "I..." He cleared his throat, "There's something pink that's not part of the Asoebi color"

"Jesus!" She panicked, "What should I do?"

"I'll walk you to the toilet area, just make you way into the female's toilet. Try and act natural"

"Is it so glaring?" She asked, "No no no no! Don't look at it again" "I wasn't planning on it" "Promise me you won't look at it" "I promise"

She slowly passed the tray to Gbadamosi who dropped it on the the floor. Then they walked towards the toilet.

Mrs George watched them.

After they both got in, Kilahi turned placing her hands over the tear. There was a woman wiping juice off her child's cloth.

Kilahi couldn't even look at him in the face, she was dying of shame. After all the accusations and defamation he was still staring with a smile and concern on his face.

"If you want to sue me afterwards, I don't mind. Toh, I'll wholeheartedly plead guilty. I'm sorry"

"That's not important now, what are you going to do, you can't come out this way. Did you come with any change of clothes?" "They're all in the hotel. Can you meet Mrs Lota, Mrs Temi's best friend. Or better yet, my sister Sewuese and ask if she has needle and thread. She's with Sam"

"Sure" He smiled leaving.

Sam watched Sewuese slowly and carefully dip a spoonful of Fried rice into her mouth while she giggle over something the MC said. "Mad oh" She screamed while he smiled lost in the view.

Stop it Sam, she has a boyfriend! Stop drooling, what you feel is not real, she's in a serious relationship. Don't push it or make her feel uncomfortable!

She turned her back to him and put the spoon down on the plate. "I am still dying of shame." "Why?" "The dance now"

Sam laughed, "What's there? So if I hold you and dancing on the street, you'll what faint?" "Yes." "Wow" "Yes!" She pouts then Gbadamosi approached her.

"Hey Sam, I take it you're Sewuese"

"Yes Pastor, Sir. Good afternoon" She bowed her head in honour. He gets that everytime! "Kilahi has a little dress emergency, she's in the toilet" he whispered, "She needs thread and needles but I think it's crazy"

"I didn't come with it" She checked Kilahi's hand bag too"

"Why don't you keep her company while I get a dress with Sam. I won't want to be seen alone buying a woman's dress"

"True, or let me get it myself" She replied rising up, "I think you should leave it to us men" Sam replied and she laughed, "To get her something oversize" She joked and they both laughed.

"I'll go and meet her. Where's the toi.."

Gbadamosi points and she rushed into it.


"I'm here oh! Madam I'm here, welcome. After abandoning me for Sam, we'll sort this matter at home. Your head like I saved a sit for you!"

Sewuese laughed throwing her head backwards, "E be like say this thing really pain you oh. I'm sorry, you know I love you" "But you love Man more" "Why are you para-ing?" "By the time I leave this toilet, I must have gained weight from inhaling Nitrogen, protein and Carbohydrate from people's shit."

Sewuese laughed closing the distance between them, "Isn't that what you've always wanted?" She asked and Kilahi hissed. "That woman that said I should bring water for her son, ehya" "Is that all you can think about right now? You're not even a waiter"

"I feel horrible! The way I was accusing the man when he came to me and asked me to go to the toilet. I called him a womanizer, I said shame on him. Now the shame is on me"

"Jesus! Kilahi, you shouldn't have assumed"

"I've learnt the hard way. Have you heard from Sefa?"


"Do you know where Geraldine lives?"

"No. How bad is tear?"

Kilahi turned and she laughed staring at her back side, "So it's this ugly pampers you allowed him to see" Sewuese snapped and she turned with her arm crossed, "A man has seen my pant, Sewuese my bride price has reduced"

Sewuese laughed, "You can say ridiculous things ehn! You should never be caught unfresh, look at the thing you allowed him" "It's a boxer pant"

"Boxer pants kor"

"They are comfortable than G strings, I wonder how you're walking now"

"G- strings are actually quite comfortable" A lady said getting out of the toilet then she washed her hands stretching her hands under the hand dryer, "Thank you!" Sewuese replied. Kilahi watched the lady leave.

"Who called her in?" She whispered and Sewuese laughed. "Don't laugh" "It's funny" "Do you have needle and thread?" "No" "Help me look around now, ask people. I should have asked that lady oh"

"Why will I go around doing that kind of thing, in this kind of party?"

"Babe... I think I sighted a fashion designing shop. Buy one needle and one thread, even though it's 500 naira they want to sell it"

"Pastor Gbadamosi has gone out with Sam to the rescue" "To do what? Please give me my phone jhoor"

"Buy you cloth now"


Teju lost peace after getting home, he tried watching some movies and football but nothing was working. He was seriously conflicted, stuck in between doing good which could result to him being blamed for Sefa being missing and doing bad by keeping it to himself.

"God!" He muttered clasping his hands then he clasped his hands, heart beating in fear, fear of what might happen if he chooses to do good. He can even get arrested for it.

As if he knew something bad was going to happened! Why did he even agree to her crazy idea? Ah God! He complained slapping his face. If Sefa had listened to him, they wouldn't have left Dotun's house so early.

Dotun was right about the church jinxed!

Part of him prayed for Sefa to be safe but the other part told him to prepare for the inevitable. The whole thing looked like kidnap.

His mother was in her room so he thought to get a second opinion on the issue. He knocked on the door and walked in, "Mom, are you free?" He asked his mother who was watching a movie on the laptop.

"I'm just Netflixing and chilling. What's up? Are you okay?" She asked and he walked close to her in fear, "Mom can I talk to you about something?" He asked and her eyes widened in fear too, "Uh... Sure... Sure" The words forcefully got out as though she had something stuck in her throat.

God, let It not be that this boy has gotten that his girlfriend pregnant.

"Promise you won't get angry"

"My God, did you get your girlfriend pregnant?"

"No! It's worst..."

"You guys have done abortion and there was complication"

"No! Let me speak. So, um... Don't get angry, I went out last night with my girlfriend, it wasn't to see Dotun" "Continue...."

"We left Dotun's house together to the bus stop, I forgot my phone so I went back in, I came out and didnt find her, initially I assumed she left without me, now, not so much"


"Her number has been switched off all morning so I finally decided to check her out at the house, her mother said she hasn't been back since"

"Maybe she went to see another man"

"No Mom! Sefa is not promiscious" "You guys are already having sex, there's nothing more promiscious than that" "Mommy! Argh! That's why I don't like talking to you, you'll just blow things out of proportion" He sucked his teeth making his way out.

"Oya, ki lo fe kin se ni si? (What do you want me to do now?"

Teju faced his mother, "I think she's missing, something happened to her when I left" "Am I a police woman?"

"I want to tell her mother the truth"


"If Sefa is in trouble, they should be able to do something to find her now, the more I withold, the harder it's going to be" "When did you become a detective? You're not going anywhere"

"Why? She's my girlfriend and it's all my fault, if I didn't suggest us meeting..."

Teju's mom got up from the bed, moved close to him exhaling in fear, "Sweetheart, I need you to take a deep breathe" "I can't take a deep breath mom, I can't! This reality is dawning on me and you expect me to fold my hands to watch it, no! I'm going to their house, no matter how scary it is and I'll tell her parents the truth"

"What If they arrest you or accuse you of kidnapping their daughter? Ah! Let's just sit and wait, maybe she went somewhere"

Teju frowned at her, "Not a guy's place necessarily. Sefa can walk very well, she knows people, she can visit ten people on our street just on a visit to see you" "Mom!" "Let's calm down, I'll let your Dad know so we can figure this out together, together as a family"

"It's getting late, I haven't had peace"

"Wait now!" She begged holding him by the arm. Just chill, they can arrest you, my brother's wedding in Ghana is next week, if you get arrested, they might not let you go until they find their daughter"

"So be it, after all, it's my fault we're in this mess" He answered walking away and she quickly dialed her husband's number.

Mrs Coker held a glass of wine sipping it when one of her friends stood beside, "Congratulations dear Teni on your daughter's wedding" "Oh. Thank you, I appreciate"

"I mean it's an answered prayer for everyone. I mean after how many years in one relationship, I prayed oh. After my second daughter's wedding, I had to put her name into my new year's prayer point. Do you know thst morning online prayer, there are times I'll type, God do it for Teni too.
I was like God has to do it and look at it Teni, he did it"

Mrs Coker stood still she didn't want to risk any sudden movements. One wrong move, she knew she'd be hurling the glass at her head, if not the whole bottle but she has class.

"One down, one more to go. Don't worry Manny's name was also on my prayer request. God will do it too"

Mrs George laughed, "Wow, apparently you don't have better things to do with your life" "Oh Tope, I mean that's the life of people that don't have problems, we make other people our prayer points"


"Yes Tope, don't worry God will visit your sons and make you grand mothers like us" "Wasn't it the pregnancy that made Nancy get married. I heard her husband works from home, yahoo yahoo" Mrs George asked and her husband rolled his eyes.

"At least she's married. I heard about your sixtieth birthday party. I promise I won't miss it for anything. Too bad we won't be hearing baby cries o seeing children parade the place. Congratulations once again Teni, I'm sure your congratulation is coming Tope, have faith" She chipped in walking away and Mrs George tightened her fist.

"Salome is a fool"

"The best answer was silence, you didn't have to rub yourself in the mud with her" Mrs Coker snapped.

"You also didn't have to call her a fool" Mr George noted and she scoffed, "Did you hear the insult?" "Mummy Maniola is right, you should have kept quiet"

Aunty Toyin walked up to Hilary, "Have you seen Kilachi?" "It's Kilahi" "Wo! Leave me, have you seen her? Is she okay?" "Do you really care or you're just bothered about the decrease in workmanship?"

She bats her eyes at Hilary then she hissed, "Sioor" "I'm sure she's around" "If you see her, let me know okay?"

Aunty Mabel ended a call staring at her husband, "That was Sharon. No no one has Geraldine's address, wow! They said her family parked to their personal house last year. How in the world am I supposed to know my daughter is fine?"

"Sefa too dey open eyes" Terdoo complained. He was still in his shirt, he only arrived a while ago. "How can you go for a vigil and not come back by this time? How do you expect to build trust? She no dey reason. Let me just use my eyes to see her"

Aunty Mabel bit her fingers, "You know.... Kai! Sefa, this will be the last time I let you go anywhere! She'll be lucky if I let her leave the front door. What's going on?"

"Honey calm down, I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she decided to stay back" Her father chipped in, "Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel like my daughter is not fine? Sefa Adzer, if this is your doing, I'll ground you till you gain admission! Was I being a bad mother by letting her go to church? She showed us picture, what am I saying? She went there! Where is she now?"

There was a knock on the door and Aunty Mabel jumped in excitement, she rushed to the door only to see Teju again. She hissed in disappointment, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting you again"

"Can I come in Ma?"

"Sure but Sefa is not yet back oh"

Teju walked into the room, heart racing in fear. He was having second thought about his plan to let the cat out of the bag. His girlfriend's dad was beginning to give him a look, he wasn't sure what it meant but it sure was beginning to scare the living daylight out of him.

"Good afternoon Sir"

"Good afternoon"

"Good afternoon T" He greeted and Terdoo smiled, "Hey Teju, how far?" "I'm cool" He cleared his throat knowing he'll definitely get punched when T finds out he's been having sex with his sister.

He wished there was a way to edit the story without the sex part!

"Honey, remember Teju, senior boy at the secondary one time. He anchored the Christmas party one particular year, when Sefa was in JSS3 abi"

"I don't remember"

"Teju, you can have your seat" She said taking her seat.

"Ma I didn't come here for that"

"What for then?"

"I .... I have a confession to make" .

Kilahi stepped out in a black gown along with Sewuese taking Gbadamosi's breathe away. Brenda noticed her then she smiled on seeing how beautiful she looked on the gown. She wanted to ask why she changed her dress, she rose up when she traced her movement to Gbadamosi's angle.

"Wow, I told you she'll look great in black" Sam muttered, "She'll look good in all color" "Good job Gbada" He patted him, "She looks beautiful"

"I know. She wore a black gown at the dinner date"

"You should probably make your move"

"I know"

"Whoa.." He exhaled and the ladies walked towards him, Kilahi had the gown she sewed folded into the paper bag. "See you later Kilahi" Sewuese left with Sam then Kilahi pursed her lips like a baby

"Can I sit?"

"Sure, why not?"

Kilahi exhaled fresh air at last, I have sucked in balance diet from everybody's poo and fart in that toilet. All the excreted Carbohydrate and protein diffused into my system" She complained and he laughed despite how gross it sounded.

"If not for oil perfume ehn! I have gone through a lot today"

"First I think you look amazingly beautiful, there were other colors, this black looked like your perfect size. I wasn't sure it'll fit."

She took her seat opposite him looking at the milkshake and bottle of Pepsi on the table. "It did. Almost as if you have twelve years experience in it"

Brenda takes back her seat, watching from a distance.

"Ahh.... As per the womanizer that I am now, since I go around buying dresses for my choristers or wait.... What was that word again... You don't know the number of choristers I'm sleeping with"

Kilahi gasped, "Oh my God, you heard that" "Yes and when I asked if you were talking about me you lied" "I didn't lie... We were talking about phone numbers before..." She trailed off covering her face with her palm but he lifted the wedding brochure handing it to her.

"Your hand is not big enough to cover this shame, use this one" He replied, his grin turning downright mischievous. She dropped her hands and found herself busting into fits of laughter.

"You're mean"

Gbadamosi gasped, "I am mean? I'm not the one that has been going around calling people's Pastor womanizer," "It's just you" "And that's convenient, because you have a video or you caught me red handed. I'm pretty sure you've reported me to the whole world"

"Not the whole world, just Pastor Amazing, Manny, Mrs Temi, Sewuese, and my mom "

"Ah, great. Your mother will probably think that.." He paused shaking his head, "Did you also report me to CNN?"

She chuckled waving her hands, "I just didn't have right connect" She replied and he laughed, "Wow, and you call me mean" "Funny thing is that, everyone always end up supporting you for reason I don't even know, even Mom" She scratched her forehead finding it weird the way she was being comfortable with him.

Gbadamosi smiled, "I serve a living God" He pushed a milk shake in a plastic cup to her. "I got this for you and no I didn't drug it" "I wasn't thinking of it" "The things that goes on in that your head"

She grabbed it, "Thank you" "You're welcome." "I didn't know which flavour you'll prefer. I got my favourite, chocolate, i hope you like it. It's not really a place I patronize"

"Are you kidding me? Who doesn't like this? Thank you. I don't deserve all this nice treatment, for someone who accused you of womanizing when you were in fact trying to help me. I can't hide by face in shame enough"

He lifted the wedding brochure again then she chuckled shaking her head, "Not enough to hide my face" She replied and she watched him scattered his eyes around, "Will a projector board do?"

She pushed her lips into a frown and he laughed, "Sorry, I'm just kidding around" "Have you accepted my apology?" "I don't really holds grudges. All that matters now is that no one saw you with the malfunction"

"Ugh! You can't be so sure. I'm not a bad tailor, I'm not a top designer either but I did rush work yesterday and coupled with the stress of carrying things, I've been bending" "And I pushed you too"

"Yeah... I'm so embarrassed"

"You don't have to feel that way, at all. Can you for this few moment forget I'm a Pastor. Let's talk as friends"

Aren't they doing that already? She asked within as her lips caught the straw poking out of the glass then she took a few sip. She loved it! "It's good" She commented and he thanked God that.

"What was your eyes doing there?"Her voice came out scratchy and cracked so she cleared her throat, " Where?" He scrunched up his brow, "Below"

"You with this question" he laughed looking away.

"Yes now, you're a Pastor, your eyes are supposed to be above, thinking about heavenly things not on things below, looking at people's backside up and down" "You're lucky I brought my eyes below for that 10 seconds or else you would have been parading around and flagging a color that's not even the aso ebi material"

Kilahi laughed, "Wow.. I insist Sir, you're mean" she snapped and he laughed too.

African queen beat played and there was Temi on the stage dancing in the arms of her lover again. "It feels just like yesterday Temi was little jumping all over the place with her bebelube sef. She was a chubby kid but this girl will manage to jump on me every time. Sometimes I wonder how I survive her bullying those years"

Kilahi chuckles, "Wow... That means you guys have been close way back" "Yes, my family has this unity perspective, irrespective of the...." He trailed off, "We all know and have relationship with our cousins, even distant ones. There might he quarrels but we respect family moments"

"Probably because they don't have bad character"

Gbadamosi laughed, "Even with the worst character, they're still family. It's the mentality we were raised with." "Mine are... Should I say the worst, they find every reason to pick on you, toh every meeting with my family is a pepper them thing. It's all about what job you have at hand, are you married? Do you have kids" She trailed off, "Why am I saying this to?"

"I told you mine"

"But." She paused glancing back at Temi, "She seems in love" "She is actually, she and Alade go way back. Cool guy oh" "Awwn, you guys have the best cousin in the world, I'm talking about Mrs Temi"

"Being the best is a kind of family thing" He sucked his lips in pride and she raised her nose in disbelief, "Pastor that has Pride, what's the color of your pride? Miss Temi is good, Manny is sweet, you?"

"Me what? Me that saved you"

"Oh please! It's not as if you washed away my sin" She caught the tip of the straw while withholding her laughter.

"Ahhhh, wow."

She looked up at him, "But seriously. I respect her, she looks so beautiful in that gown"

"Come on, looking beautiful Is a family trait, we just know how to the kill the looks, if God's call wasn't heavy on me, I would have probably been juggling my career with modeling"


"No. Just kidding, I'm just trying to intensify that pride to annoy you. Did It work?"

"Yes" She nods and they both chuckled afterwards. Their gaze met and she sucked in a gasp of sir. He smiled wistfully. He just couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Finally! He was going to be having conversation he has been scared of!

With speed, she returns her gaze back to Temi, "She's just simply awesome and if you make any comment about it running in your family, I'll channel the little agbero inside of me and break this on your head" She picked up the half drunk bottle of Pepsi, stretching it at him.

"Wow, with a bottle of Pepsi, not your regular Agbero huh?"

Kilahi laughed.

"You want to ruin my fine face with plastic pepsi bottle" "You'll be shocked the damage the lid of this bottle can do. Just one on your head and you'll be struggling to remember your name. Your brain will reset"

"Ah... Awon omo onijogbon, you must have received this on your head like 120 times in your lifetime" "I think it was just once"

Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "You mean once everyday" he teased and she gasped, "You're not mature, I don't know how you're pastoring anything." She complained and he laughed. "I'm people's earthly Shepherd"

"Exactly, I think that's what fits you" She caught the straw again and sucked, "Taking care of sheeps" She snapped busting into laughter and coughing at the same time. Gbadamosi laughed, "God is always fighting my battles"

"You're wicked" She snapped playfully touching her chest.

Brenda couldn't stop but glance at the both of them. There was something, is she the reason he has been dissing her all day? It can't be!

"I'm sorry about the cough, how do you feel?"

"Like hitting his pepsi thing on your head"

"I might have to throw that thing away, this one you're repeating it like twice. African mother wanna be"

Kilahi chuckled, "My mom used it once on me...." "When? Last year?"

She looked around, "I'm looking for something else to throw on you" "Oooh, see, the gene is showing. You'll make a mean African mom" "Take it back, that's a curse from a Pastor's lips"

"I'm sorry, i take it back. You'll make a great mother Kilahi" He rephrase and her heart stayed afloat on hearing those words, she didn't want to question that possibility but just knowing the man whose devotion she follows and says amen to had just made that declaration, she didn't even know when she said "Amen."

Apart from the Fuji sound now playing in the background and the whole noise coming from families who were joining the couples in their dance, there was a moment of silence between them.

Just their eyes doing the speaking.

Gbadamosi cleared his throat, "When last were you beaten with a pepsi bottle?" He asked and she gave it a thought, "2005..." She paused, "I was...." She trailed off, "What?" "Nothing" "Nothing? But you were about to say something" "I don't like talking about it"


"It's my past which is none of your business" She snapped angrily then she shut her eyes, "I'm sorry but, I don't like talking about it. Can you just respect that?" "Sure." He said firmly and slowly, his eyes drilled through her with compassion and care.

He had questions..

Lots of it!

At first he wondered what she must have gone through over the years to have her so withdrawn and how the negative came in. He wanted a chance in her life, either as a friend or that man courting her, anyone will be okay.

"Gosh, I just made you frown. My head probably deserves to be broken right now" He pushed his head forward, "Is that close enough?" He asked and she laughed watching him push his head further towards her face.

"Or should I bring it closer"

"Stop it!" She said pushing his head away.

Mrs George who was dancing fixed her gaze at the two, no matter how much she tried to dance, she couldn't get her eyes off the two of them.

"So that your church member will arrest me for assaulting their Pastor"

"I'll let them know that I deserve it for wiping that beautiful smile off your face"

Kilahi blushed.

Her heart was all over the place by this time. It's official! Compliments are responsible for these dancing hearts, why doesn't her heart get that way when Sewuese or her Mom compliments her???

It can't be associated to infatuations, she can't be having infatuations, he's a Pastor. Kilahi snap out of it! He's just pushing your mumu buttons.

God! I hope I'm not already entertaining the idea of liking this man like this!

"Are you whinning me?" She asked detaching from her thoughts.

"No. I feel horrible for making you lose that smile, the light on the table literarily quenched when you frowned and I'm sorry for pushing and I totally understand if you don't want to speak yet"

"It's not your fault, it brings bad memories"

"I'm sorry" He placed his fingers above her palms then he gave it a squeeze and met her gaze. The gentle touch instantly dissolved her. "God is taking control"

There was just something about his hands on hers, there was no way to describe the feeling that enveloped her that moment. That assurance in his voice and that look in his eyes. It was reassuring and electric, she was beginning to have goose pimples.

She wanted his hands to remain there while his voice wash over her with soothing words but at the same time, she felt uncomfortable. She liked it and at the same time, she didn't like feeling.

How can one man's touch make someone so confused in life. She has always been confused, not this confuse!

"Whatever it is, it's okay if you don't want to say it now. It may still hurt but God can heal this hurt, I hope you know that"

She pulled her hands away and she almost heard this part of her heart cry out in disappointment. What the hell Is happening to me? She asked within.

"Oya smile"

Kilahi shook her head, "No. I smile unconsciously, you telling me to smile is like making me conscious of it." "You're supposed to be conscious of it" "When people take pictures with me in it, they'll be like, reduce your smile, then you pause and see everyone opening their teeth and you wonder what you did wrong and when you try reducing the smile, they'll say.. no no no, don't smile at all." She paused then she scoffed.

"I'd rather smile unconsciously. Haven't I been smiling since?"

"Smile or I'll force you to"

"How? Are you going to tickle me?" She asked hiding a smile, "If that's what it takes"

She gasped, "You're going to put your hand under my armpit that's close to my hm hm hhm, they're going to arrest you. I'll sue you"

Gbadamosi laughed and she laughed too, this time covering her lips, something she wasn't doing before. "Where are you really from? I can't believe you right now?"
"There are no two ways about it, you're a womanizer" "And look at me trying to redeem myself" "There's no redemption for you Sir." She laughed pointing her phone at him.

It rang and she answered it, "Good afternoon Aunty Mabel" "Are you still at the party? The music is loud" "But i can hear you Ma" "Okay, I didn't want to get you worried but... Teju just walked in a while ago, Sefa is missing." "Aunty Calm down and take it slowly. What do you mean?"

"That stupid Sefa didn't go for any stupid vigil, she went out with Teju"

"It's a lie"

"Teju said he left her around what time at the bus stop but by the time he got back he didn't see her again"


"We are on our way to the police station sef"

"Which police station, we'll come over"

"The one close to Omotosho estate gate"

"I'll be there" She rose up and Gbadamosi held her hands, "Are you okay?" "Yes" "You don't look okay?" He added and tears ran through her cheek so she wiped them off quickly, "I need to go now"

"I couldn't help but overhear you say police Station. I could drive you there"

Sewuese and Kilahi stepped into the car angrily, "I swear if I just catch that girl ehn! Nothing better happen to her cause I'll personally flog her! I'll squeeze her give her one clean slap" "Let's hope we find her first" Kilahi clasped her hands mumbling a short prayer while Gbadamosi drove off.

A closed van trailer drove through Sapele along with some travelling buses then the police waved the trailer to a stop and the driver pulled over. "Oga police, good afternoon oh"

"Good afternoon. Wetin una carry?"

"Goods, we na distributors"

"Of which good?" He asked and he laughed, "Milk" "Where una dey go?" "Anambra" "En hen... Na expired milk shey?"


"Which brand?"

"Lili milk"

"I never hear that name before"

"Na popular milk for Anambra"

The police man laughed, "Oga come down show me the goods" He snapped and the guy got down moving close to him smiling, "We get delivery to make so..." He pulled out a bundle of money handing it to him, "I really appreciate una way dey stay inside sun to secure our lives. Why you and your boys no use this one hold body?"

The man's eyes widened in amazement and greed, "Na now you day understand the language. Which one be the nonsense way you being dey talk before?" He hissed struggling to dipped the money completely into his pocket.

"Make una milk sell oh"

"E go sell, client sef dey wait. Thank you Oga police"

"Anytime... Police is always your friend" He tapped his pocket twice and then the guy hopped on staring at the driver, "Move!"

The guy drove off.

What do you guys think about today's update?😶

What are your thoughts on Gbadamosi and Manny's family?

Gbada and Kilahi finally had that conversation 💕

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