{5} - Graduation

andyblack                                                    1/2


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andyblack happy graduation, Peanut. I'm so proud of you and everything you've accomplished. In my mind you're still that little girl. And even back then you looked ready to take on the world. bennyharris

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user1 she's so pretty😍😍
bennyharris thanks 🐼
remingtonleith happy graduation kiddo
user2 omg she was so cute!!!!
user3 awwwww happy graduation 👩‍🎓
jinxxed4life happy graduation kiddo!
innapittza happy graduation beautiful!!!
user4 I'm still so confused about there relationship
user5 same here


After almost an hour sitting in uncomfortable folding chairs the diplomas were passed out. When her name was called Bethany walked across the stage to accept hers. She shook the principal's hand and looked at the crowd of people. Andy smiled at her from near the back, both their parents beside him, grinning, waving and taking pictures. she walked off stage and sat back in her chair as the rest of the diplomas were passed out.
"Congratulations class of 2018!" The principal said. Everyone clapped and caps were thrown in the air. On her way to find her family Bethany ran into Claire and Luke. They were holding hands. Bethany, of course, already knew they were dating, Claire had posted a picture of the two of them the same day Luke had broken up with her with a caption about them celebrating their anniversary. Seeing them pissed her off. She hadn't seen him since he broke up with her, so she took this opportunity to give him a piece of her mind.
"You couldn't even wait to break up with me before dating someone else? You fucking asshole." Bethany spat.
"What?" Claire seemed genuinely confused. "Luke and I have been dating since freshman year." The horror Bethany felt when she realized that she was in fact the other woman.
"No." She whispered. Claire grinned.
"Yep. He saw you, thought you were hot and he wanted to bang you. When you were only willing to have a serious relationship he tried it. I didn't really care. I mean, I've known since I was a sophomore that when I graduated I would go to New York. I knew we would break up." The urge to vomit coiled in Bethany's stomach. "You wouldn't believe how many times he complained about how boring you are and how much you rant."
"You liar!" Bethany snapped. Claire grinned.
"I'm not lying. Ask Luke." Claire pointed behind Bethany. Bethany turned to look at Luke, who shrugged.
"I wasted two years of my life on you! How could you?!" Her breathing got ragged. "Peanut?"
"You better run." Bethany hissed. "Because when I tell him what you did he's going to kill you." Luke didn't seem bothered by this.
"Do really think I care? At all?" Luke asked.
"You must have. You spent two years with me!"
"You were a good fuck." He shrugged nonchalantly. The urge vomit pushed up Bethany's throat and she ran. She didn't know where she was going. She just ran. She wanted to cry and scream and vomit all at the same time.
  She ran right past Andy.
"Peanut?" She didn't respond, just kept going, "Peanut!" She ran until she couldn't. She found herself in a park. She sat down on one of the swings and began to cry. She sobbed into her hands for a solid five minutes before realizing she needed to talk. She tried Sebastian first. He answered on the second ring.
"Hello?" The minute he spoke she broke down. "Bumblebee? What's wrong? Bumblebee? Talk to me, please?"
"I was the other woman!" She sobbed.
"I was the other woman! L-Luke and Claire have been dating since freshman year!"
"What the-?"
"He used me. He said he never cared. A-and that I was just a good fuck!" Sebastian could barely understand her. She was having trouble breathing. She closed her eyes and had flashes of the accident. Blood, broken glass, screams. She cried harder and opened her eyes.
"Bumblebee?" He could hear her struggling to breathe. "Bumblebee! Breathe! Please, take a deep breath!" She tried, but her lungs refused to cooperate. "Remington!" Sebastian yelled. "Bumblebee, where are you?"
"Because you need help. Remington is trying to get ahold of Andy, but I need to know where you are."
"P-p-park. A-a-across from a S-St-Starbucks." She whispered. Breathing was getting more difficult and, if not for the swing chain, she would have fallen backwards.
"Breathe. Deep breaths. It's gonna be okay." Sebastian said softly. Bethany tried to breathe, but the accident was all she could focus on. Blood. Glass. Screams.
"Peanut!" Andy's voice seemed distant.
"Panda. . ." She whispered. Her grip on the chain loosened and she fell backwards.


"How was school, B?" David asked, glancing in the rear view mirror.
"Yeah? Do any fun science experiments? Play any games?" She shrugged. "Aw, c'mon there must've been something exciting?"
"Not really." She shrugged again. Next thing she knew a car had rammed into them. Glass went everywhere, there was blood coming out of multiple cuts on her arms and face. She watched as David's head hit the steering wheel. The car slid off the road and rolled twice. She hit her head on something and everything went dark.
"It's okay, sweetie. We're gonna get you out, okay?" The man cut her seatbelt when it wouldn't come undone and then carefully pulled her from the wreckage. Two more men were trying to get David out. Bethany was taken to an ambulance.
"Peanut!" That wasn't right. Andy wasn't there.
"Sweetie? Can tell me your name?"
"Okay, Benny, no don't look over. Focus on me." The man turned her head so she couldn't see David. She started to cry.
"Peanut?" She watched as David was taken from the car, still unconscious and placed on a gurney. His head was bleeding.

+end of flashback/nightmare+

"Peanut!" She opened her eyes and met Andy's piercing blue ones. She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck as she continued to cry. She didn't know why she was crying. The accident, the whole thing with Luke and Claire. She didn't know.
"Bumblebee? Andy? What's going on?" Sebastian's voice came from her phone, which still lay on the grass. "Hello?" Bethany took a few deep breaths and wiped her face on the sleeve of her graduation gown. She grabbed her phone.
"Thank you." She whispered and ended the call.
"Are you okay?" Andy asked. She nodded. "That was . . ." Andy didn't know what to say.
"Yeah. I'm okay. Thank you." She gave him another hug.
"Of course, Peanut."
"We should probably go find and Mom and Dad. I'm sure they're wondering where we are."
Andy nodded and stood up. He offered Bethany his hand. She took it and let him pull her to her feet. She dusted the back of her gown and smiled at Andy.
"I'm a high school graduate with physical proof." She held up her diploma. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"You sure are, Peanut. Great job." He would ask later. They walked back toward the stage. Their parents were talking to some of the other parents.
"Oh! There she is! My graduate! Oh baby, I'm so proud of you!" Their mom said as she pulled Bethany in for a hug.
"Thanks Mom." Her phone vibrated and she glanced at the screen. One text message.

Sebster - you're welcome. Glad you're okay. Happy graduation.

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