

Phil's POV

Phil was restocking shelves when Dan burst through the door. He almost dropped the stack of books sitting in his arms, turning around quickly to see who the hell had slammed the door.

Dan looked kind of a mess. His hair was messy, and starting to curl up from the steady rain outside. He was breathing hard, like he'd run the whole way here, his clothes were ruffled and he smelled like alcohol and sweat.

And he was crying. That was really the only thing that registered in Phil's brain.

"Dan? What the hell is wrong with you?" Phil said, setting the books down and moving over to Dan. He didn't have time to say anything else before Dan launched himself at him, wrapping his arms tightly around Phil's waist.

Phil didn't protest, hugging him back, not caring that his shirt was getting wet from the water dripping from Dan's clothes.

They didn't say anything to each other, just stood like that for a while, and Phil could feel fan shaking in his arms, whether from the chill of the rain or some other reason.

What was up with him? Sure, they'd known each other for a considerable amount of time, and would be considered friends, but Dan was never touchy-feely. Phil was always keeping his distance not sure how the other boy would react. But now he was clinging to Phil, as if he were the only thing holding him up.

"I'm sorry." Dan muttered against his shoulder, and Phil cringed at the sound of his scratchy voice. "I don't mean to be so desperate-"

"It's fine." Phil said, pushing him away slightly and staring at him in worry. His eyes were all red and puffy, and his face was all wet. "I just want to know what's happened."

Dan wiped at his face, still sniffling slightly and not meeting Phil's gaze. He looked so damn sad, an Phil wanted nothing more than to know how to make him better because he didn't like this, seeing Dan anything but happy and smiling.

"PJ." Dan said stiffly. "We-we went out tonight, and we were h-having fun, you know? Dancing and stuff, and then this guy comes up. I thought he was some ex boyfriend or something, cause there was all kinds of tension and shit, and it's so damn awkward, an then the guy, Chris is his name, he wants to talk to PJ. A-and they leave me all alone, so I go and see what's taking so long, it's been like twenty minutes, and he's cheating on me, Phil, the bastard." Dan chokes off, coughing slightly.

And Phil is shaking with anger.

He swears, the next time he sees PJ he's gonna rip his throat out. He has no right in the world to go tossing people around like this, and he promised he wouldn't, wouldn't do this to Dan.

Dan is starting to calm down, breathing starting to slow. He looks less angrily sad, and more withdrawn. And it's kind of horrible, seeing him recede into himself like that.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and he knows it's a stupid question. Dan laughs humorlessly.

"Do I fucking look okay?" He says. "I mean I didn't even like him that much, that's the whole problem. But it still hurts, being not good enough."

"Don't say that." Phil says. "You're perfectly fine, Dan."

But Dan shakes his head. "I'm not, really." He says. "I can't hold a decent conversation to save my life, I don't know how to talk to new people. I can barely order a coffee without fucking up. I don't have any friends, and I'm not good enough to date. I'm not what people want, Phil."

"You're what I want." Phil says, and Dan pauses, staring at him. Phil is swearing in his head, fuck I shouldn't have said that, he doesn't care.

And then there's a pair of lips on his, and he realizes Dan is kissing him, in this bookshop after PJ broke his heart. And he kisses back, wrapping a hesitant arm around Dan's waist.

This is a really bad idea. It doesn't matter how much he's wanted this, he knows they should stop, cause surely nothing good can come from it.

But they just go deeper. Dan has his fingers tangled in Phil's hair, and is moaning into mouth hotly, and Phil fucking loves that sound. His hands are pushing under Dan's shirt, caressing the warm skin under his damp shirt, grazing his hips and holding them tightly.

Dan opens his mouth wider, letting Phil slide his tongue, and he tastes delicious, like toothpaste and something fruity. Dan presses against him in all the right places, and Phil can't help but slip his hands higher, touching his chest and running over his nipples lightly, smiling when Dan whines in pleasure.

Dan just probably wants to forget. About PJ and everything that's happened to him. He's probably using Phil as some distraction, to take his mind off of it. But Phil doesn't care, because he's hard, and so is Dan, and he should probably put the closed sign on the door.

Phil pushes Dan back, against a table behind him, and they continue making out. Dan takes off his shirt, throwing it in some unknown corner of the store, and Phil is kissing down his neck to his chest, and Dan is panting, gripping Phil's hair tightly.

"Phil." Dan moans, and Phil looks at him in question. "Please."

Phil nods, because he knows exactly what Dan is asking for, and he knows he can give it to him. He can help him forget for a little while.

It's a struggle, getting out of their jeans, especially since Dan's are still damp, but soon enough their only in there underwear. Phil had locked the door, so that no random customer would come in and catch them. Phil kinda needed this job.

Phil Is laying on the table with Dan on top of him, and they're kissing and grinding against each other, each spark of friction sending Phil into white noise pleasure.

Dan isn't a virgin, Phil knows because it's one of the many things they've talked about in the last month or so. But he also isn't very experienced, and so Phil is trying to slow it down, so that Dan doesn't end up hurt.

"Wait, wait, Dan wait." He says, panting because shit, he's so turned on at just the sight of Dan grinding on him like that. "Dan, we need to slow down."

"Don't give me that bullshit." Dan says, also out of breath. "I know what I can handle."

"Dan, really, I don't think-" but he's cut off as Dan kisses him roughly, and then there's a finger in his mouth, and he can't help but suck on it, watching as Dan's face clouds with lust.

And then Dan is fingering himself, and fuck, Phil almost comes at the look on his face. He's moaning loudly, and Phil's runs his hands up his thighs which are on either side of him, watching as Dan prepares himself.

He's never done this. Phil has never in his life been in this kind of situation, on the middle of a fucking store with a guy on top of him, muttering fuck, oh shit, yes, into his ear, and he's never enjoyed foreplay this much.

And he sure as hell has never had a guy ride him. But Dan practically tears off their underwear, bracing himself on Phil's chest and slowly pushing down onto Phil's dick, moaning, until he's sitting on Phil's hips, tense and unmoving, trying to get use to the feeling.

And Phil has to restrain himself from grabbing Dan's waist and slamming into him, because he's so warm and tight and he's making these filthy noises that only make him light headed.

Dan is shaky at first, moving cautiously and grimacing, but he doesn't hesitate before sliding back down, and breathing out heavily.

"Fuck, you feel so good." Dan groans. He starts moving faster, fucking himself onto Phil's cock in long pulls, and Phil can barely breathe because this is so good, so much better than he could have ever imagined.

"Shit." Phil gasps out, holding onto Dan's thighs tightly, and he can't hold back the small thrusts up into Dan, matching his pace evenly and making him swear.

They're sweaty and out of breath, and it's starting to smell like sex, but everything is hot and and messy and so fucking amazing. Phil wouldn't be surprised if anyone walking by could hear them, because he sure wasn't holding back, moaning and swearing as Dan rode him harder, and Dan was about five times worse. He couldn't keep his mouth shut as Phil fucked him, whining and keening in pleasure.

"Oh, fuck!" Dan yelled, gripping Phil's shoulders hard. His arms were staring to shake and his movements became more erratic. And he looked right at Phil, his eyes shining with carnal pleasure as he came undone.

Phil was close too, his stomach starting to tighten in anticipation. There was a warm coil twisting in his stomach, and he was becoming dizzy.

And then they were both shouting, fuck!, Oh shit! fuck me!, As they came together, and Dan was still panting in his ear as he got lost in the haze of his orgasm. Phil was clutching him tightly, his entire body was buzzing with adrenaline.

But the only thing running through his mind was that, this was a big mistake.

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