
Dan's POV

Dan woke up the next day, smiling as he remembered the details of last night.

He'd talked to Phil, actually talked to him. They'd had a decent conversation. He had no idea why this made him so excited, but it did.

He rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. It was a bit early to actually get up and do something productive, so he just laid there lost in thoughts filled with blue eyes and pale skin.

But what are you going to do about PJ? his stupid brain asked.

What was he going to do? They'd only met, what, two days ago? Then again, him and Phil had only spoken for the first time last night, that wasn't any better. And it also didn't help that the two were friends. What would Peej think if Dan just dumped him for his best friend?

All this thinking was too much. He had no idea what he was going to do, about either boy. But he needed to make up his mind quick, because he didn't want to string PJ along, and just end up breaking his heart.

He just had a..... connection with Phil, or something. He didn't know what it was, but he felt like they were supposed to be together. No matter how stupid and cliche that sounded.

Dan sighed and rolled over again, onto his side. He didn't know what to do, he'd never been in a situation like this. Jesus, he'd never even dated anyone before. It was a lot more complicated than it seemed in the movies and books. One thing he knew for sure was that he loved Phil, and he loved PJ too, just not in the same way.

Was Phil even anything like he was in that dream? That had never occurred to Dan until right now. What if the real life version of Phil was completely different from the dream Phil? What if he was a douche bag who would never even think of talking to someone like Dan again? What if he wasn't even in to guys? That would suck.

But Dan would never know unless he tried. The only problem was not letting PJ find out.


Phil's POV

There was no denying it, Phil had feelings for his best friends boyfriend.

Phil couldn't help but to like Dan, he was adorable, with his constantly red face and shy attitude. It just made Phil want to kiss him. And he was also pretty cute, with his brown eyes and awkward smile.

They hadn't really said much to each other last night, but he was sure that Dan would visit him again, soon, and he would get to know him then.

But PJ.....

Dan and PJ obviously liked each other, and what kind of friend would Phil be to tear them apart, for his own selfish reasons.

He sat there for some time, thinking about what the hell he was going to do, when someone banged on his door. It was most likely PJ, no one else would want to see him at six o'clock in the morning.

"Coming." he said, standing up from the couch he'd been sitting on and heading to the door. When he opened it, of course, PJ brushed past him and into the living room. "Yeah, sure, come on in." Phil said sarcastically. He shut the door and joined Peej, both of them sitting on the couch.

  "Have you ever met someone who changed your world completely? Not in a good or bad way, just changed. And you find yourself doing the weirdest things because of them, or you just find yourself thinking about them randomly. You want talk to the them constantly, not even to have a decent conversation, just to hear their voice." PJ said out of the blue. His eyes were unfocused, staring off into space with a thoughtful expression. "I sound like a bloody idiot." he muttered.

  Phil smiled at his friend. He knew exactly what PJ was talking about, because he felt that way about Dan. It was wrong, he knew that, because he knew that PJ was also talking about the same person, and it made him jealous that Peej could have him and Phil couldn't. Which was stupid really.

  "You really like Dan, don't you?" Phil asked. PJ was silent for a minute, thinking.

  "Yeah... Dan." he muttered. "I have to tell you something, Phil. But you can't tell Dan, you have to promise." PJ said suddenly, looking Phil in the eye desperately. Phil stared at him questioningly, wondering what the hell he was going on about. And what did he mean don't tell Dan?

  "Yeah, sure, promise. What is it?"

  PJ breathed in slowly, closing his eyes briefly. "Okay." He paused again. "Okay, I love Dan. I do. So the other day, we were hanging out, you know, having a good time. We were holding hands and talking and laughing. And then this waiter guy comes up, like they do, and Jesus Christ, Phil, I don't know what happened, but it's like something inside me just.... exploded or something. He just looked at me, and I wanted to tell him everything, about me, about the things I liked and didn't like. And I was kinda staring at me and he was kinda staring at me, but Dan noticed, and when I looked away, it was like this..... connection between us broke. And honestly, it was like the worst feeling. I don't know what it is, if it was just the way he was looking at me or something else....

but it's not so bad really. And so then, we were leaving and I dropped Dan off at his flat, but I didn't go home after that. Fuck, I don't even know why I did this.... so after Dan left, I just thought I'd go back to the shop, just to see if this..... feeling was long lasting, I don't know. And the same thing happened, that connection. We started talking, and he asked me about Dan. I did the stupidest thing, I told him we were just friends, I fucking lied to him about being in a relationship And I just kept it up, like I didn't have a boyfriend, and the whole time, I was guilty, I still am, but..... Phil, I think I have feeling for him. That waiter. And I don't know what to do, because I love Dan too. I'm an idiot." He said all of this really fast, and Phil had to listen closely so as to catch his every word.

  "So, what you're telling me is that.... you're cheating on Dan with some twat you met in a coffee shop, while on a date with Dan?" Phil asked, his hands balling up into fists.

  "I only talked to him once, Phil, it's not like were banging each other in the bathroom." PJ replied.

  "Yeah, well, you have a boyfriend, Peej, I don't really think that just 'talking' to another guy and shagging him are too different in that situation."

  "I just told you, I don't want to hurt Dan. But if he finds out, I won't be able to help that."

  Phil was getting angry at PJ, what the hell made him think that this was okay? Oh, as long as Dan doesn't find out. The thing was that Dan didn't deserve this kind of treatment, being used and lied to while his 'boyfriend' went sneaking off to other guys behind his back. It was vile, and Phil didn't want that for Dan.

"Why don't you stop dragging him around like some play thing, and just tell him that you don't want to date him anymore. Instead of going and whoring yourself out to every guy you meet."

  "What do you mean, whoring myself out? I've barely talked to the guy, and-"

  "But that's it!" Phil interrupted. "You've barely talked to the guy, and your already doubting your feelings for Dan. He doesn't deserve that, PJ, you know it."

  "Why do you even care so much about Dan!" PJ shouted.

  "Because you're supposed to be dating him, Peej! And you're just using him, he really cares about you! He may just be some toy for you to use, but he's a friend of mine, and I don't like my friends to get hurt."

  "You don't even know him. You've met him one time."

  "That you know of. He came to the book store last night, and you know what he talked about? You, PJ. Only you."

  PJ looked a bit shocked at this, and he stopped yelling. His eyes were a wide, his mouth hanging slightly open. "He did?" he whispered.

  "Yeah. You look like an ass hole now, don't you?"

  PJ looked at the floor, shuffling his feet and wringing his hands together. He looked extremely guilty, and Phil was happy at that.

  "I have to go, Phil." he said, and he headed past Phil, to the door.

Just as he was about to leave, he turned around and said, "You're not going to tell Dan, right? You promised."

  Phil knew that the right thing to do would be to tell Dan everything, that PJ didn't like him like he did and that he was being disloyal. But Peej was his friend, his one and only friend since high school. And he didn't want his feelings hurt as much as he didn't want Dan's hurt.

  "No, I won't tell. But you have to promise me something. Promise me you won't go see that guy again, or at least break up with Dan before you do. I don't want either of you hurt."

  PJ stared at the wall, not saying anything before nodding. And then he left, shutting the door behind him and leaving Phil by himself.

  It was too early for all this drama.

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