
  a/n: I just wanted to say that,  I was listening to this song while writing this, and I think it fits the whole thing perfectly. Its called Cute Without the 'E' by Taking Back Sunday. Just saying. Okay. Enjoy.

PJs POV (Two weeks later)

  PJ was officially cheating on Dan.

  He had taken Phil's words to heart, but even then, he just couldn't resist going back again and again to see Chris. He was addicted, you could say, and nothing could break it.

  Chris, of course, had no idea about Dan and Dan knew nothing about Chris. It ate away at PJ, because he did love them both, and he hated hurting them the way that he was, but he couldn't stop it and choose one of them.

  Right at this moment he was on a date with Chris, and everything had been going lovely until Dan had called. They hadn't really hung out in some time, maybe that's why he was calling, but PJ just couldn't face him right now with the guilt he was feeling.

  "What about Thursday? I just haven't seen you in a while, Peej. I just wanna hang out, catch up. I'm feeling kinda lonely." Dan was saying. PJ was looking through the coffee shop window where Chris was sitting alone at their tadble, but sighed and looked at his feet.

  "I know, and I miss you. Just....I've been really busy lately, family matters and other things, and I'm sorry. Thursday....I'm sure we can do something then."

  He could practically hear Dan smiling through the phone, and his stomach twisted, as he looked at Chris again.

"Great. I'll, um....see you then?"


  "Okay. I love you."

  " you too." And then he hung up. He shoved his phone into his pocket, heading back into the building and smiling at Chris as he sat down.

  "Was it important?" Chris asked.

  "Kinda, yeah." PJ replied, his throat tightening at the lie. "Family issue, everything's okay now."

  "That's good, then."

  They sat in silence for some time, PJ still feeling weird about Dan's call, and Chris trying to figure out what was making PJ all tense. It was kind of awkward, not suffocatingly so, but still there.

  "You sure everything is okay, PJ? You just seem kind of off today. You can tell me anything, you know."

  "Yeah I know. But I'm fine, really. Just preoccupied."

  Chris reached over the table, tangling their fingers together, and PJ blushed slightly at the contact. They rarely touched each other, seeing as they'd hadn't known each other too long, but every time they did, it was electrical. Almost magical, as cheesy and cliché as that sounded.

  "I know we haven't been going out for too long," He said, "and its weird, but I feel like I really know you. And I know that something is wrong. You don't have to tell, I trust you, but I wish you'd trust me enough to at least admit it. Its okay, really, just....I feel kinda left out." He laughed, shaking his head a bit, then looking PJ in the eyes.

  "I'm sorry." PJ said, squeezing his hands slightly. "A lot of stuff has been happening lately, all kinds of stress and guilt. I would tell you everything, I just....its really personal."

  "I understand, okay? Thanks for letting me in a little."

  PJ forced a smile. "No problem."


  Dan's POV

  Sure, Dan hadn't been with PJ for a bit, but that didn't mean he was too broken up about it. Because for the last two weeks he had been frequently visiting the bookstore, and Phil. The only reason he'd made plans with PJ was because he felt kinda bad about his actions, and wanted to make amends to himself. Because he wasn't just going to leave PJ for Phil.

  And even as he got off the phone with his boyfriend, he was heading to Phil's work place to see him. They had gotten on very well, and even had decent converations now. Dan didn't even need to pretend to but books anymore, because they'd become close enough where Dan could just casually drop in for a chat. And drop in he did.

  Phil ws reading a book when Dan walked in, and didn't even notice his arrival. It was something that Dan found really cute about him, that he liked to read so much and probably wouldn't notice the apocalypse if he was interested enough in the storyline.

  "Good book?" Dan asked, and laughed as Phil jumped at the sound of his voice.

  "Yeah. Sad, really. Guy just died of cancer, and this girl was madly in love with him."

  "Sounds depressing."

  "Yeah, but its great. So what's up? Haven't seen you since yesterday."

  Dan blushed, because Phil was always joking about how much he was here, but he never seemed to complain.

  "Nothing too great, really. Holed up in my room amd overdosing on Netflix."

  "What about you and PJ? Haven't heard much about you two."

  "Oh, he's been busy lately. Haven't seen him too much."

  Phil had a weird look in his eyes, but Dan didn't question it much.

  "Oh." He said.

  "Yeah, but we have plans for Thursday, so. What about you, how you been since yesterday?"

  Phil laughed and held up the book in his hands. "Just been caught up in the world of fiction. Being a nerd and all."

  "As usual." Dan said, and Phil laughed again


  "Of course."

  The rest of of the night was spent in mindless chatting and endless joking and laughing. There was the occasional customer that interrupted them, but then they just resumed where they had left off. It was routine, hanging out like this, and Dan was never bored with it.

  It was almost one a.m. when Phil finally got off, and him and Dan left at the same time.

  "So I'll see you later then?" Dan asked, as Phil was locking up the door.

  "Definately." Phil smiled at him, and shoved his keys into his pocket.  "Have a good night Dan. Or good morning, really"

  "Yeah, bye." Dan waved, and they headed off in different directions.

  It was weird, but every time Dan was around Phil, all the worry and guilt about PJ just seemed to disappear. And he didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.


a/n: I am in the middle of writing three stories, but I am having so much fun doing it. Thanks for reading, hope it was worth the wait. If you haven't already, check out my other stories, Grim Reaper and Discovering Love. Alright, peace. :3



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