In My Dreams (Up All Night sequel)

  It had been two weeks since Dan had found the boy in his dream, Phil. And he was freaking out. He'd been going to that book shop almost everyday, just to look at him, but he wanted Phil to notice him, not just ring his books up.

  He'd bought a lot of books. He didn't want to seem like creep, he'd had to buy something. They were all over his flat, in the corners and stacked on the tables. He hadn't even opened them.

  Phil was so oblivious to Dan's constant appearance (stalking, he might as well admit it.) He just happily smiled as he handed over Dan's change. And Dan loved that smile.

  He was so pathetic. He couldn't just go up and talk to him, no, he was way too socially awkward to do that. So he had to settle for admiring from afar.

  He was surprised that Phil hadn't noticed what was going on. He was always caught up in those books, Dan supposed. And he was really adorable when he was reading, his face scrunched up in concentration, his tongue slightly sticking out of the side of his mouth.

  He was too damn good for Dan.


  It was almost 6:30 pm, and Dan was doing what he usually did at this time. Creeping on Phil.

  He'd just headed out the door, pulling his jacket on and stuffing his phone and wallet in his pocket. He wanted to hurry so that Phil didn't leave before he got there. That's right, Dan knew his hours.

  He hadn't been sleeping the last few days either, his mind was too much of a mess to allow that. He was used to not sleeping at night, but lately, he hadn't been catching too many hours, 3 at the most.

  Dan headed over to the local coffee for some much needed caffeine. He was yawning every two minutes and could barely keep his eyes open. He pushed open the door and walked up to the empty counter. The shop wasn't very busy, only about 10 other people.

  Dan had just gotten his drink and was turning around to leave when he ran straight into someone. The coffee in his hands spilled all over the other person, staining his jumper.

  "Jesus Christ, I'm sorry." Dan said.

  The guy laughed, wiping his shirt with his hand. "Don't worry about it, I wasn't watching where I was going. Could you, uh, hand me some napkins?"

  Dan grabbed some towels off of the nearest table and handed them to the guy, blushing at his clumsiness. He looked up at the guy, looking at him more closely. He had dark hair, that was curly, and looked extremely soft. His green eyes sparkled with amusement as his slender fingers carefully wiped away the liquid on his jumper. He looked so familiar.....

  "Let me buy you another coffee, mate." the guy said, bringing Dan back to the real world.

  "Oh, you don't have to do that, I can buy it." Dan blushed again. This guy was way too kind.

  "Really, it's no bother. I'm PJ, by the way."

  And now Dan knew who he was. Was everyone from that dream a real person? He hoped so. PJ had been one of his 'friends', along with Chris and Phil. He's been in love with Chris, actually, who had rejected him. And he'd... kissed Dan. Man, this was awkward, but only for Dan.

  "Oh, uh, I'm Dan. Nice to meet you."

He'd been openly staring at PJ, still not believing he was real.

  "You too. I'll buy you that drink now."

  "We barely even know each other and you're already offering to buy me a drink?" Dan was surprised at his own sarcasm and he looked at the ground. PJ raised his eyebrows but still laughed.

  "What can I say, I can't resist a pretty face."

  Well this sure is going somewhere. Dan thought. PJ had turned to the counter to get the drink, so Dan could stare at him without any guilt.

  The real life version of PJ was more... attractive than the dream version. His features were much more detailed and he just seemed more lively. His eyes were greener, his hair curlier. Dan would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit attracted to him.

  Dan wondered if this PJ was friends with Phil in this world, too. He wasn't going to ask, though, he would seem crazy.

  "Here you go." PJ said, handing Dan a steaming cup of fresh coffee. Dan smiled at him as he took the cup, and blushed as their fingers touched.

  "Thanks." he mumbled. He had no idea what to say.

  "Are you, um, leaving now?" PJ said, breaking the silence between them.

  "Oh, yeah. It was nice meeting you, and thanks again for the coffee."

  "No problem."

  Dan waved at PJ, then headed towards the door. He had to hurry, he'd been here longer than he expected, and he didn't want to miss Phil. He was halfway down the block when he heard someone calling his name. He spun around and saw PJ running after him.

  "Dan!" he said when he had finally caught up. He was out if breath and sweating slightly. "Sorry I was just wondering.... uh, sorry. You think I could have your phone number? It's just, you seem really cool, and I don't want to lose any possibility of a friendship." He was red faced, and seemed extremely nervous, running his hands through his curls repeatedly.

  "Don't be so nervous, Peej." Dan said, and instantly realized his mistake. He wasn't supposed to know about his nickname. PJ gave him a curious look, but brushed it off.

  "I'll call you later then?" PJ asked, after he had programmed Dan's number into his phone. Dan nodded. PJ smiled widely and started walking away, looking back at Dan every now and then.

  Dan stood there for a minute, staring at PJs retreating figure and smiling faintly. He was interrupted as someone bumped into him.

  "Oh, sorry." the person said, looking at him apologetically. With deep blue eyes. Dan stared at him, at Phil, not replying.

  Phil gave him a weird look, then turned and kept walking.

  Stop acting like a weirdo, Dan. You probably scared him off now.

  There was no point in sticking around anymore, Phil had left. So Dan walked back to his flat, still clutching the coffee that PJ had bought him.

sequel is out! hope this was okay.


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