Dan had a massive hangover the next morning, but he didn't regret anything from last night. He'd had fun, the most fun he'd ever had in his life.
And he'd kissed PJ. He remembered his dream, when PJ had kissed him, but last night, it was way different, and so much better.
But what about Phil? Don't you want to be with him?
Of course he did, ever since the dream. He loved him, even if Phil didn't know who he was.
So why are you with PJ?
Dan shook his head, trying to get rid of these troubling thoughts, which was a mistake as his head started pounding. He groaned as he got out of bed, and headed into the bathroom to find some aspirin.
Most of last night was a blur, the only things that really stuck out were the kiss and Phil coming to pick them up. He'd gotten home, and immediately went to bed, not even changing out of the clothes he wore.
He took off the jeans and button up shirt, and strolled around in only his boxers. It's not like anyone else was there. At that moment, his phone started ringing, and he grabbed it off the counter, smiling as he saw PJs name.
"Hey." he said casually, as he answered the call.
"I have the worst hangover, so please tell me you do too, or else I'm going to hate you and your abilities to control alcohol." This was the first thing PJ said, and Dan laughed at his directness.
"I also have a horrible hangover, don't worry."
"Thank goodness, now I don't feel so horrible. And do you also remember us sucking face last night?"
Dan blushed at that, but still smiled at the memory. "Of course I do. I'd never forget the things your pretty little mouth did to me."
"Oh, there's so much more they can do, honey." PJ giggled. Even though that was the most sexual thing Dan had ever been told, he still thought that PJ was adorable.
"And I can't wait to see what those things are."
There was a pause, as their laughter died down.
"Hey Dan? So, like, what are we? I mean, are we just friends still, or...?"
Dan smiled. "Peej, do you honestly think, after all that happened last night, that we're still just friends?"
PJ laughed too. "Yeah, you're right. So Dan, will you be my boyfriend?"
"I don't know, Peej. I don't think we've done enough kissing for me to make up my mind."
"Oh, we can change that right now, if you want." He actually sounded serious, and Dan laughed at his eager tone.
"No need for all that this early in the morning." he said. "Yes, PJ, I will be your boyfriend."
"Aw, but I really wanted to kiss you." PJ said sadly.
"Maybe later. Do you want to hang out again today? Minus the alcohol."
"Of course. And then I can kiss you?"
"Yes, then you can kiss me." Dan said, laughing. PJ was really cute.
"Okay. I'll see you later."
"You too, bye." And they hung up.
The smile on Dan's face stayed there all morning, as he took a shower and prepared for the day ahead. Thoughts of PJ kept running through his head, but no matter how happy he was with the other boy, Phil was still in the back of his brain. And he did nothing to get rid of those thoughts.
Phil's POV
Phil hadn't gotten to sleep last night until almost midnight, and he wasn't especially happy when he was woken up at 9 am by PJ banging on his door.
He groaned, but out of bed anyway, going to open the door for his insistent friend.
"What do you want, it's too early." he said. PJ ignored him and pushed past him, into the living room. He sighed and closed the door again
"Please tell me you have some aspirin. My head is killing me." PJ said. He did look like crap, his hair was all tangled and messy, his clothes rumpled and he gray circles under his eyes.
Phil went to his bathroom and got two of the little white pills from his mirror, along with a glass of water. He headed back into the front room, handing these things to PJ.
"Why did you come all the way to my house for aspirin?" Phil questioned.
"I ran out. Plus, I wanted to fill you in on all the details from last night. I had an amazing time, Phil." His eyes got all dreamy and he smiled, making Phil roll his eyes.
PJ launched into a very detailed monologue about everything that had happened last night. His eyes got all lit up, and he was talking very fast, his words blurring together as they rolled off his tongue. He talked about everything, from what the restaurant was like, to what Dan was wearing.
Normally, Phil just tuned out when PJ went on about his dates and one night stands, but this time, he actually paid close attention, at least to the parts that involved Dan. He didn't know what it was, but something about that boy made him want to smile. He hoped that he would see him again, and not because he was making out with Peej.
"Phil, pay attention!" PJ interrupted his thoughts, waving his hand in his face.
"Sorry." he muttered.
"Anyway, I have to go. Dan and I have plans today, but I'll talk to you later, yeah?"
"Yeah, alright. See you." he waved as PJ got up and left. And he was alone again.
He had to work tonight, but not until way later, so he had some hours to kill. He usually just sat inside all day, the computer and television his only company, but he was too anxious to be cooped up all day. So he grabbed his jacket, along with his keys, phone and bag, then walked out the door and headed to the book shop. The manager would let him hang out there until his shift started.
Phil had been sitting in the back of the store, reading a book and waiting for his shift to start. That wasn't necessarily true, he'd also been thinking about Dan, for some reason. That was a lie, the reason was that he liked Dan, like PJ liked him.
But he wasn't supposed to, because he belonged to PJ. He had no right to be having these thoughts, but that didn't stop, not at all. He barely paid attention to the words in front of him, cause Dan kept intruding into his mind.
"Phil?" said a tentative voice behind him. Phil turned around and saw his fellow coworker, Becky, standing in the doorway to the room. "Um, your shifts about to start." Phil nodded and she left, blushing slightly. She was a weird one, that girl. He stood up, stretching his arms over his head, and headed out into that front.
The store wasn't too busy at this time of night; not too many people were thinking of buying books at 5 pm. That's why Phil liked his job, because he didn't have to deal with customers drama, and he just spent the whole time sitting on his phone and reading.
He sat behind the counter and sighed. This was going to be a long night.
For the next hour, Phil tried his hardest to stay focused on the present, but he couldn't when those brown eyes kept flashing through his mind. He had no idea when exactly he'd decided that Dan was worth his time. At first, he'd been an entertainment, some stranger who was a bit fun to play with. Maybe it had been when he found out that PJ was interested in him.
You did see him first, Phil. He wanted you before he wanted Peej.
What the hell was he thinking? He'd never break his best friends heart for his own selfish reasons.
It was at that moment that the front door opened, and Phil's gaze connected with the warm brown eyes that he'd been thinking of all day. Dan immediately blushed and looked down, hurrying in between the stacks if books to get away from Phil's stare. Phil was glad he at least had some kind of affect on the boy. He was also glad that he had showed up in the first place.
Dan peeked around the corner, most likely trying to be inconspicuous, but failing. Phil smiled and shook his head.
This continued for about twenty minutes before Dan shuffled to the counter, carrying a single book and setting it on the surface in between them. Phil smiled at him kindly, but he was too busy studying his shoes to see. Phil decided to make a move.
"Hey there. You remember me?" Dan's face only flushed darker when Phil spoke.
"Y-yeah. You picked me and PJ up last night, right?" His voice was quiet, so quiet that Phil almost didn't hear him.
"Right. Nice to finally meet you. PJs talked all about you."
Dan looked up, his eyes wide. "He has?" he asked. Jesus, he was adorable.
"Definitely." Phil laughed. "Hey, don't break his heart or anything. He's very sensitive."
Dan laughed at that, and Phil saw that he had a dimple when he smiled.
"I'll try my hardest." he said, his voice still so soft. "I'll, uh, see you later than, Phil?"
Phil smiled as the other boy said his name. "I hope so." he replied. Dan waved as he left the shop, his book tucked under his arm.
At least he had finally come out of that shell. Phil hoped that they would become friends, so that they could talk all the time.
The rest of his shift went by quickly, and when he finally got home at 10 pm, he went straight to bed, dreaming of shining brown eyes and that, somehow sexy, dimple.
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