Dan's POV - 3 hours before
Dan was in the middle of taking a shower when his phone buzzed with a new message. He picked it up and saw that PJ had texted him the place they were supposed to meet. Dan smiled when he saw that it was the coffee shop where they had first met.
He kept reliving the events of last night in his head. He was glad, happy even, that he had met PJ. Dan wasn't the type if person who enjoyed the presence of other people, he was just used to being on his own. He didn't mind it, really. He preferred it. But PJ was different. He just..... goodness, Dan couldn't articulate it, he just liked having him around.
And he'd finally met Phil, properly. They hadn't spoken too much, but Dan was glad he at least knew about him.
Why are you thinking about Phil when you're dating PJ, Dan? You're a right twat, you know.
But the thing was, he didn't like PJ, at least not in the boyfriend kind of way. Those feelings were reserved for Phil, not that he would ever know that. He was dating Peej, sure, but only because he was lonely, waiting for Phil. And if that made him a horrible person, he didn't care.
He'd been standing under the warm water of the shower for some time now, these thoughts battling through his thoughts and only giving him a headache. He shut the water off and stepped, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.
He'd needed to figure out which side to pick, PJ or Phil, and also be prepared for the consequences of his choice.
Twenty minutes later, Dan had left his flat and was making his way to the shop. It was colder than usual outside and Dan wrapped his jacket closer around him, stuffing his hands in his pockets to keep those warm too. The cold wind helped to clear his head of any thoughts of Phil, and anything involving him.
He was glad when he finally reached the coffee shop. He saw PJ through the window, sitting near the back and away from the crowd of other people. It was actually a pretty busy place at this time of day.
Dan pushed the door open and headed over to PJ, who smiled as he sat down.
"Hey there, gorgeous." PJ said. Dan blushed at his words. He was very bold, always seeming to say what was on his mind.
"Hey." Dan said. "Sorry I'm late, it took me longer to get ready than I planned."
"Don't worry about it, babe, as long as you show up."
After ordering their drinks, the rest of their time was spent just talking and laughing. They'd only met each other two day ago, but they were comfortable with each other. No awkward silences or pauses in their conversation.
At one point, PJs hand slipped into Dan's under the table, and stayed there. Dan smiled at him and held on just as tightly. They really were getting on quite well.
Their waiter came over to see if they needed anything, but they both declined. Dan looked back over at PJ and frowned slightly. His boyfriends gaze was still fixed on the male waiter that had just left, his green eyes a bit lower than Dan was comfortable with. Dan coughed, and PJ turned his attention back to them, blushing softly.
"Sorry, he just, uh..... he, had an interesting... shirt, yeah." he laughed uneasily, trying not to seem guilty. Dan didn't want to seem too possessive or anything, so he smiled too, deciding to just let it go.
For the next half hour, PJ continued to throw glances in the waiters direction, trying to be discreet, and Dan pretended not to notice. Even though he didn't have serious feelings for PJ, he didn't like the idea that he might be replaced by some other stranger. Dan was relieved when their date ended, so that he could get away from the thick tension and just be alone again.
"I'll call you later?" PJ said, when they had left and were standing in front of Dan's front door. He reached out and held Dan's face, pulling him closer and connecting their lips. The minute they kissed, Dan forgot all about PJs interest in the coffee shop waiter, and lost himself in the feel of PJ.
The kiss intensified, as he wrapped his arms around PJs neck, pulling him closer. PJ grabbed Dan's hips, softly grinding them against his own and causing Dan to moan. Their tongues were gliding together, and Dan dug his fingers into PJs curls to prevent himself from completely losing himself in the lust and groaning loudly.
They were both breathing heavily when PJ pulled away, realizing that they were in public and were getting some weird looks. Dan grinned and reluctantly untangled himself from Peejs embrace.
"I'll see you later." he said. PJ laughed and kissed Dan again, quickly, before turning and walking away. He looked back once, and waved before continuing on.
Dan was happy and light hearted as he unlocked his door and stepped inside the empty flat. He never wanted to let this feeling go, and even though he knew that this relationship wouldn't last forever, he was okay with how it was now.
At five o'clock, Dan had made the decision of going out and visiting Phil again.
It's called 'stalking' Dan. Don't try and sugar coat it.
He thought that, now that they at least personally knew each other, maybe they would become friends. Or at least talk to each other.
He felt kinda weird, because he'd barely gotten in from his date with Peej before he was going to see some other guy, even if it was just in a friendly manner. There was even a good chance that Phil wouldn't even remember him from the night before, so there wasn't much to worry about.
As soon as he walked in the door and looked into those blue eyes, he knew that conversation was out of the question. Dan blushed deeply and scurried to the back, out of the gaze of that lovely boy.
Why did he think this was a good idea? It was just like any other night, Phil being all cute and perfect, and Dan being a complete prick, staring at him and daydreaming of things he knew would never happen.
He picked up a book at random, flipping the pages and pretending to be interested in the words.
After five minutes of this, Dan looked up and saw that Phil was looking at him, a smirk playing across his lips. Dan flushed again and retreated further into the store, out of sight.
Jesus Christ, this was way too awkward. There was no one else in the store, they were alone, and Dan couldn't help but let his mind drift off to the various things that could be done between two people alone in a dark store.
Pull yourself together, Daniel! He was losing control of his feelings, and he didn't want that to show, especially not in front of Phil.
He grabbed a book from the shelf above him and walked up to the counter, trying his hardest to keep the red from his cheeks. Everything was okay until Phil spoke, and it took all of Dan's willpower not to roll on the floor in excitement.
"Hey there. You remember me?" he said, his voice low, but still so loud. Dan was quiet for a moment, not believing this was actually happening.
"Y-yeah." he stuttered. "You picked me and PJ up last night, right?" Of course he did, that was a stupid thing to say.
"Right. Nice to finally meet you. PJs talked all about you."
Dan was surprised that PJ actually talked about him, for some reason, and his eyes widened. "He has?"
"Definitely." Phil laughed, and Dan smiled slightly too. Phil had a cute laugh, and his tongue poked out of his mouth when he did. "Hey, don't break his heart or anything. He's very sensitive." He was still smiling, but his eyes had a serious look to them.
Dan laughed still, and said, "I'll try my hardest. I'll, uh, see you later than, Phil?"
He saw the other boy smile, and nod. "I hope so." Dan waved and walked out of the store. He was smiling like an idiot, but he didn't care. Things might have finally been going his way...
As soon as PJ was out of sight of Dan's flat, he headed back the way they had come, to the coffee shop.
He knew it was a douche canoe move, but he had to go and see that waiter again. He didn't know what it was, but something about that guy left PJ..... wanting. That was the only way to describe it.
And PJ loved Dan, but he wasn't in love with him. He knew that it was unfair, to use Dan's feelings like this, but he couldn't help himself.
He had reached his destination at this point, and he looked through the window, glad to see that the waiter hadn't left.
When PJ had first seen the guy, he was instantly attracted to him. He had green eyes, almost the same as PJ himself, and light brown hair that constantly fell into his eyes. He was tall and slim, wearing skinny jeans that really showed off his, uh, assets.
PJ pushed open the door and stepped inside, his nerves a bit shaky. He hadn't really had a plan, no idea how to approach this person. He just decided to wing it, say whatever came to mind. He was usually very confident, always the one to make the first move, but this guy, he had an affect on PJ that he wasn't sure was good or bad.
The waiter guy, or Chris as his name tag read, looked up from wiping the counter as PJ approached and smiled. PJ smiled back, even though his heart was going a bit crazy inside his chest.
"Hey." Chris said. "Weren't you in here earlier?" PJ was strangely happy that he had remembered him, and he nodded.
"Um, yeah, I was. I just, I came back because I, uh.... because you, I mean.... oh god." he couldn't even form a complete sentence. His face was deep red, and he scratched the back of his neck. He was bombing this.
Chris was obviously amused at PJs nervousness, and he laughed. "Did you come back here just to talk to me, then?" he said. PJ nodded, smiling.
"I did, come back to talk to you. You seemed pretty cool, I don't know."
"Weren't you here with another guy, though? It seemed like you guys were together, because of the hand holding."
He'd seen that? PJ didn't even know why he was disappointed about that, it's not like he was trying to cheat on Dan or anything. Was he? God, no he wasn't!
"He was just a friend." Where the hell had those words come from? "We have a, uh, complicated relationship." He hated himself so much for saying these things, but it was like he had no control. He wanted Chris to like him, no matter what he had to say or do.
"Oh. Okay then." Chris looked a bit relieved at these words, and he smiled again.
"Chris, stop flirting with the customers and get back to work!" said one of the other people behind the counter. Chris blushed and looked down at the counter.
"I have to get back, but I'll talk to you later?" he said, and PJ nodded enthusiastically. Chris grabbed a napkin near him and a pen from his apron, then scrawled his number in it, handing it to PJ.
"I'm PJ, by the way." He said, realizing that he hadn't told him before. He had just been about to leave.
"See you later, PJ." Chris said, waving.
PJ walked home, smiling and barely paying attention to where he was going. He had this weird feeling in his stomach, and he didn't know if it was happiness from meeting Chris, or guilt from lying about Dan and going behind his back.
okay, so all the details about Dan from the last book are still true in this book. yeah.
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