Ch. 30: Breaking the News

Later in the evening, you're going down the road. William's driving. You're in the passenger's seat. You're on your way to your parents' house. You were going to break the news to them and let them know they will soon be grandparents.

You look down at your still flat stomach and you sigh and smile. William peeks over at you and he says, "Excited?" He looks at the road. You say, "You have no idea, babe. I'm waiting for the family's reaction too once they find out. I messaged Fantasia just a few minutes ago to come to their house, too." 

He sighs and he says, "One thing I regret from the past." You say, "What's that?" He says, "Stabbing my own daughter from before... I didn't want to do it, but it had to be done. The one person I truly cared about and she turned on me. She looked at me with those eyes saying, "Dad." Right after I drove that knife into her stomach. She could be dead for all I know." 

You say, "You sound like you're getting to something, William." He says, "I am... I'm going to make it all up to this one. My new child. Remain the murderer that I am but love them unconditionally. Be there for them at all times. Maybe... influence them to be like us. Murder runs throughout your family history too, sweetheart." 

You look at him and you smile saying, "Awe, Will. I'd like that. Something tells me our baby will look up to you. We'll teach them our ways, together. You and me, baby." He smiles. You grin. He says, "God, I'm glad you're the woman I fell for the moment I saw you at the attraction while I was still Springtrap. You're perfect, baby." You say, "So are you, baby daddy.~" He grins. 

You get to your parents' house and William parks right outside. You both get out and you walk up to the front porch. You knock and you wait. The door opens and there's your mom. She sees you and William and she smiles and says, "Hey, baby." You say, "Hey, mama." She says, "Both of you get in here. You're just in time. I made dinner." You and William walk in and she shuts the door.

She says, "Fantasia's here." You say, "Already?" She says, "Baby. Fanty lives closer." You say, "Right. Good point. Um, mama... There's something William and I need to share with you guys. I'll reveal it during dinner." She says, "Alright, baby. Come on into the kitchen. Both of y'all." William smiles and says, "Gladly, Mrs. (L/N)." She looks at him and says, "William. You know you can call me Nelly, right?" He says, "Right." You follow her into the kitchen.

A moment later, you're all sitting around the table. Your grandma's there, too. You're glad she's there too because she also needed to know. Your dad says, "I hope y'all are hungry. Girls, your mama made a good meal for all of us." 

You say, "I sure am. Um... Pass the green beans. Please?" Your dad picks the big dish of green beans up and you take it. You say, "Thank you very much." You dig out a big scoop and you plop it on your plate. The others look at you. William just smirks. You say, "The mashed potatoes, as well." You get handed that and you say, "Thank you." Another big plop.

Fantasia says, "Goddamn, sis. You hungry as shit, ain't ya?" You smile and you say, "I guess I just recently have a huge appetite." Your mom says, "Baby. Is there somethin' going on with ya?" William looks at you and he says, "Go ahead, babe. Tell them." Everyone looks at you. You look around and you smile and say, "I'm eating for two." You eat your dinner.

They all look at you for a second... then it clicks. Their eyes widen. There's a bit of screaming of joy. Your mom, especially. She yells, "Oh my god! Baby, you did it!" Fantasia says, "Fucking yes! About goddamn time!" Your dad says, "My god. Baby. C-congrats." He smiles. Your grandma smiles and says, "We knew you could do it, (Y/N) baby. A great-grandbaby for your old ass grandma." 

Your mom, dad and sister get up and they all come to you to hug you. You sigh and you smile. Fantasia says, "Fucking, thank you. You're the only one who can do this shit, (Y/N)." Your mom says, "Ooh, my first grandbaby. I can't wait." 

They pull away. Your dad says, "Congrats to you, baby. Your sister's right. You're the only one among the two of you who was able to do this. Conceive a child. And you've carried on the legacy of murderers in the family." 

You say, "William and I had a talk about that on our way here." Everyone sits back down. You eat your food and you say, "We both decided that after their born and they grow a bit, we'll teach them our ways. Keep up the family legacy. William agreed to influence them since he's killed longer than I have."

Your grandma says, "Well, that's good. Get your sexy stud of a man to influence our baby. I can't blame ya for gettin' him with you, constantly. Intimately." She chuckles. William looks away and shivers whispering, "I forget she sees me that way." 

You smirk and you whisper, "It's because you're a fucking dilf, babe. Deal with it. I get that from HER." He whispers, "Yeah. But at least YOU are still young." You whisper, "Okay, I'll give you that. But at least respect my grandma... For me." He sighs and whispers, "I'm doing this for your sake. And you're pregnant with my child." You smile.

Fantasia says, "I call dibs of babysittin'. This is MY niece and or nephew being brought to us." You say, "Fanty. I'm having all of you babysit anytime William and I have to work. I don't trust some daycares. Too expensive and... some don't give a rat's ass about the kid's well-being. I'm not risking that with MY baby." William says, "Neither am I." 

You look at your parents and you say, "They can learn from you guys, too. Teach them their history. We'll find a decent preschool in a few years until they start Kindergarten." Your grandma says, "Please tell me your sendin' your baby to a public school." You say, "I am. We all went to a public school, did we not?" 

Your dad says, "Cheaper?" You say, "Less judgmental." He says, "You got me there." Fantasia says, "Plus, we got to wear whatever the fuck we wanted in public school. Not them damn uniforms every goddamn day. I've dealt with some judgmental Catholic school bitches back durin' girl scouts. I left immediately and said fuck that shit." 

You say, "I would've only done that for the cookies." Fantasia smirks and says, "Hell yeah. Only good thing out of it for ME, especially. Thin mints and peanut butter, especially." You all eat your food. 

Your dad says, "(Y/N). Baby. Weren't you in some clubs in high school?" You say, "Yeah. Five of them." William looks at you and says, "What were you in?" You say, "Cooking, Art, Creative writing, Drama and Anime." William says, "Drama?" You say, "Yeah. I actually did some acting of plays during high school. One of them was Phantom of the Opera." Fantasia says, "She was Christine." 

William looks at you and says, "Hold on. That means... you sing." You look at him and you say, "I haven't really sung too much since that play, though. But they loved me. The teachers I mean." Your mom says, "She's got a good voice. She should have a go, again." You say, "Ugh. Mom." She says, "Just saying, honey. You do. You just sort of gave that up." 

You say, "There were too many stuck-up cunts around me. Phantom of the Opera was the last play I wanted to be in after that." Fantasia says, "Can't argue with that." You use a slightly higher pitched mocking voice and you say, "Ooooh. (Y/N), you're so pretty. If you didn't dress so scary or love all that creepy stuff, we'd make you popular like us." 

William snorts a little at your remark. You say, "Fuck that. At least I had the part of Christine, unlike those snotty bitches." You eat your dinner. Fantasia smirks and says, "I taught you well with the clapback, little sis. Or... little mama." 

You look at William and you say, "Babe. I never did ask this question to you." He looks at you. You say, "Did you go to a public or private school? Just wondering." He says, "Public." Fantasia says, "More in common added to the list." 

You say, "William and I are going to raise this baby our way. Teach them our ways. I'm keeping up the legacy of murderers in the family." William says, "Couldn't agree more." Your grandma says, "See that you do. You were our only hope, baby. Keep it comin'. Influence your baby that way, you two psychopaths." You say, "Thanks, grandma." You all eat and talk the rest of the time.

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