Chapter 22: He Could Die

Matt knelt down beside the grave and placed a simple bouquet of flowers next to the stone. "Hiya, freckles," he laughed sadly. "I never thought I'd see you again."

His phone began to buzz. "Ashley and Scarlett are in trouble," read a text from Cath. "CPS doesn't have them."

"If you want them to live," a woman's voice said softly, "I wouldn't answer that phone."

Matt spun around. "Who are you?"

"Matthew Collins. She tried so hard to keep you out of her little world, didn't she? To protect you...Only to have you standing here."

"Whatever you want, leave the girls out of it. They didn't do anything."

"Oh, but they love you, don't they? That's enough. I thought I had gotten rid of you at long last. Always blind to the obvious, weren't you, Collins?" The girls voice changed. "Run," she whispered.

"Why would I run?"

Caroline stepped out from behind the stones. "Her father ruined me, Collins. Ruined my life, my reputation, my mind."

"Don't you dare touch Catherine," Matt said firmly. "Do whatever the heck you want to me, but don't you dare hurt her."

Caroline's eyes filled with tears. "You try my patience. The old man was supposed to die that day, and if you had stood where you were supposed to, everything would have worked out perfectly." She choked back sobs. "See," she said hoarsely. "Now you've made the girl upset. How is she supposed to say what I want when she can barely breath?"

Matt ignored her. "Where are Ashley and Scarlett? What have you done with them?"

"They're safe. Don't worry," Caroline said through tears, but you need to follow each of my words exactly.

"Fine, just don't you dare lay a finger on them."

Caroline looked around, trembling terribly. "Matt, run," she whispered.

"Why?" He questioned. "Where?"

The small red dot appeared on Caroline's shirt. "Don't be a hero, Matthew Collins," she said softly. "If she says one word I don't want her to, goodbye. If you take one step I don't want you to, those two girls disappear. I'd listen carefully."

Matt turned and ran as fast as he could. He decided that Catherine's apartment was the only place he could go.


"Carlos, hurry," Catherine urged.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He questioned.

"We agreed to meet back at the apartment. I'm just praying that he's there."

The two quickly made their way to Cath's apartment. She was relieved to find Matt already there. She immediately wrapped her arms tightly around him. "I don't know what happened to the girls," she said shakily, fighting tears. She promised herself she wouldn't cry.

"It's okay. Don't worry. I-I think I just escaped getting shot," Matt stammered. "Where's Josh?"

"Oh my god," Catherine gasped, pulling him in tighter. "He was reporting Ashley and Scarlett's kidnapping to the police when I left."

"And Mari?"

"With Josh."


Mari fixed her bag and looked around the police station frantically. "I'm sorry," she said quickly to an officer at the front desk. "Has a Josh Taylor come in here?!"

"I'm afraid not. Can I help you?" The officer replied kindly.

Mari shook her head. "No, that's alright."

"Okay," the officer nodded.

Mari tried to steady herself. She felt like sobbing hysterically and hiding somewhere. If she lost Josh- "Excuse me?!" She stopped another officer. "Have you seen a young man, tall, brown hair and green eyes, he had a plaid shirt on over a white t-shirt?"

The officer thought for a moment. "Yeah, I saw him walk in a few minutes ago. He went that way."

"Oh, thank god. Can you take me to him?!"

The officer nodded and led Mari over to Josh.

"Hey," Josh sighed. "Still nothing on the Daei girls."

Mari grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly. "I thought I'd lost you," she cried out pitifully.

Josh wrapped his arms around her gently. "I didn't go anywhere," he said softly, kissing the top of her head.

"Josh," Mari said softly, barely able to get her words out, "I'm terrified."

"I am too," he sighed. "Look, we need to go to Catherine's. We need to make sure her and Matt are safe. Especially Cath. Whoever this was went after Ashley and Scarlett, so there's a chance that she's the next target."

"Right," Mari nodded. God, what kind of wimp would he think she was? She bottled up any fear or emotion and shoved it away just like she'd been doing her whole life. Hiding the pain and horror with a smile and joke. "How fast can we get there?"

"About seven minutes," Josh shrugged. "Hurry."


"Matt, I'm frightened. What if something happens to them?"

"We'll get them back, I swear, Cath. I just need to help Caroline right now," Matt sighed.

"Why would you help her?" Catherine asked in confusion.

"I have a theory, Cath. She's in danger," Matt nodded. He turned to leave but swiveled on his heels and put a hand to her cheek, leaning in gently and kissing her. "Whatever happens, know that I will make it back and that I love you. More than you'll ever possibly know."

Catherine let a tear fall. "I love you too. Please be careful, Matt. I can't lose you."

"I know, Honey," Matt said softly. "I'll be back, I swear, or I'll die trying. Tell Josh I went to set things straight."

Catherine nodded as he left.


Matt entered the big empty warehouse. "You told me to come here. Leave Caroline out of this and show yourself."

Caroline's father stepped out from the shadows. "You're right," he nodded. "This isn't a game any longer, is it, Collins?"

"Tell me what you want."

"The same thing I wanted the first time," the man laughed. "I want Jacob Steele dead."

"So, what do you want with me?"

"I want you to finish the job," Caroline's father said sternly. "Or the nice threat I used on my daughter earlier becomes the cause of death on those silly certificates they write out before they put you six feet under."

"I won't," Matt said firmly. "I refuse to kill him."

"That's what your wife said," the man sneered. "Idiots. Both of you. He's an old man. Are you willing to risk two young lives for his? Truly? He'll be dead within five years as it is. Why wait?"

"Exactly. He'll be dead in a few years anyway. You've already torn his family apart. Just let him finish his life in peace."

"The Steeles took everything and gave back nothing!" The man shouted. "And it is my duty to see that they pay for it. You will fulfill my orders, or they will suffer the consequences. You will suffer the same fate as your wife."

"I won't murder Jacob. He's done nothing to wrong me," Matt said through gritted teeth. "Why me? Why do you want me?"

"Because he trusts you. Because I know there's a darkness within your soul that's capable of it." The man raised a hand and the sniper gun aimed for Matt's heart. "And I knew with proper motivation you could be persuaded. We wouldn't want our poor Cathy a widow, now would we?"

"Leave her out of this," Matt choked out.

"Do you know what she said," the man chuckled darkly, "before she died? The police didn't get there in time, but the camera on her dashboard...she was brave, I'll give her that much."

"Shut up," Matt sneered. "I know what you're doing and it's not working."

"Let's see if remember," the man smirked. "'Matthew it's so cold. So cold. So dark and alone.'" The man took a step closer tauntingly. "That's when she started crying, of course."

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but bringing her up doesn't affect me."

"You're right. Bringing her up is trivial. Much to plain- predictable...perhaps you'd like to hear her? Yes. That might be some...proper motivation?" The man didn't notice the figure that slipped around the back corner.

Matt's demeanor remained calm, though inside he was being torn apart.

"Ah," the man smirked. "I see. That changes things, doesn't it? I'll ask you one more time, Collins. Will you kill him?"

"No. Especially not now."

The man retrieved a voice recorder from his pocket and clicked it on.

"Matt?" A young girl's tired voice whimpered. "Matt, it isn't your fault, Honey, okay? Matt? I-I can't see. It's so dark. Are you coming?"

"She starts to lose her bearings from there," the man said coldly. "Starts to forget things. People. Places."

"Mel loved her father. I won't kill him. That's your answer. Either way I chose, I cannot win, so go ahead and shoot."

"Then maybe some pain would motivate you." The man raised his arm to the air and a scream of horror came from a shadow that quickly maneuvered in front of Matt.

Matt stood in shock as someone grabbed him by the arm and dragged him forwards and away.

"Josh, what were you doing in there?!" Matt snapped angrily as they got into the car. "I had it covered. God, you're so stupid."

"Drive, Matt," Josh said weakly, leaning his head against the window. "Drive."

"What were you thinking?! You could have gotten both of us killed. I mean, he wasn't actually going to shoot."

Josh closed his eyes and held a firm hand to his abdomen. "I said drive, Matt."

"I could have handled it! Mel was my wife, Josh. I have some remnants of responsibility to fulfill. And dealing with some psycho is part of that- Josh, do you hear me?!"

"Turn left."

"Home is right, you moron."

"Yes," Josh said pointedly. "And Jack is left. Turn left."

Matt did as his friend instructed. "Josh, why do we need Jack involved in this? He has a girlfriend. He has people who could get hurt."

"It's nothing. Just drive," Josh grunted, banging his head against the side window.

They soon arrived at the apartment building and the two went to Jack's door.

"Josh, what's wrong with you?!" Matt snapped in frustration.

Jack opened the door and frowned. "Josh?"

"Help," Josh whimpered before collapsing onto the floor.

Matt stared with wide eyes in horror. "What happened to him?!"

Jack dropped to his knees and rolled Josh over. His white t-shirt was completely stained with blood.

"I need towels!" Jack screamed. "Now! Josh- Isaac- stay with me man, okay?!"

Juliette had heard the commotion and quickly came over with many towels. "What else do you need me to get?"

Jack was crying heavily. "I-I don't know. Um, something. There was- Juliette, call an ambulance. I don't know what to do- I don't know."

Juliette placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "He's going to be alright. You hear me?" She quickly called an ambulance. "They'll be here in five."

"Matt?" Jack whimpered. "Matt, can you hold this towel down? My hands are shaking too much."

"It's okay, I got it," Juliette shrugged, kneeling down. "I have experienced with gunshot wounds. Get a towel wet for me, will you?"

"Since when?!" Jack gaped.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Matt said softly.

"He got shot, Matt," Jack said plainly. "He might die."

Juliette rolled her eyes. "Don't be dramatic, Jack. He's not going to die. He'll be in pain for a while, yes, but he won't die."

"Don't lie to me," Jack said pointedly. "It's an abdominal wound. Chances of survival dwindle in the twenties."

"I wouldn't be here right now if the chances were that low. Shut up and go wet this towel. Trust me, Jack. This is crucial. Now, hurry!"

"There's so much blood," Matt said weakly as the sirens were heard wailing down the street.

"It's fine," Juliette said calmly. "I've seen two cases that were way worse and both women survived."

"But?" Matt said slowly.

"But I'd send for close relatives," Juliette nodded.

"Just Jack, that I know of," Matt said softly.



"Best friend?"

"Right here, unless I can get my hands on a computer."


"I could call Mari."

"I can call Catherine for you. She's with Mariah now," Juliette sighed. "Let's get Josh in the ambulance first."

"How do you know Cath?"

"We work at Alex's together," Juliette nodded. "But this isn't the time for that."

Matt nodded gravely as a paramedic team rushed in the stretcher.

Once everything was settled and Josh was in the ambulance, Juliette called Catherine.

"We're on our way," Catherine replied quickly, hanging up.

"What's going on?" Mari asked with concern.

"We have to go to the hospital. Josh was shot. Juliette says he's going to be okay, but she wants us to meet them anyway," Catherine said hurriedly. She quickly exited the apartment and banged on Carlos's front door. "Carlos, I need to borrow your car!"

He opened the door and handed her the keys. "Don't damage it."

"Josh was shot," Catherine said, turning on her heel and running away with Mari behind her.

"Damage it if you need to!" Carlos called after them.

"I will!" Catherine called behind her.

The two made their way to the hospital where they caught up with the group.

"How is he?" Catherine asked worriedly.

"He's lost a lot of blood," Juliette sighed. "They're saying his chances are about fifty-fifty."

"Well, that's okay, right? I mean, you were forty-sixty and Ali was thirty-seventy and you guys both made it," Catherine reasoned.

"He wasn't in the best shape to begin with, though. He hasn't been eating right and that's taken a toll on his immune system."

"Let me see him, please?" Mari begged.

"He's in surgery. They'll let us see him once he's out," Juliette nodded. She moved over to Cath. "You might want to go talk to Matt. He's really upset."

Catherine nodded and went over to her boyfriend. "Hey, Babe. How are you holding up?"

"I'm not," Matt moaned, pulling her in close.

Catherine wrapped her arms around him. "He'll be okay."

"He better be," Matt sighed. "I need to go to the police, Cath."


Mari waited until Cath was completely immersed in the conversation and then bolted past the double doors.

"So, I- where does Mari think she's going?" Catherine moaned. "I'll be right back."

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