Chapter 3

After school Nitrogen was in one of the many rooms of the castle with her friends as they all got ready for the party. She had changed her clothes a black skirt, fishnet leggings, usual combat boots, she had ripped shirt on, it had a crown in the middle of it. She changed hair, so it flowed past her shoulders as a top knot sat on the top of her head. 

" I certainly know who is going to be the fairest of them all tonight," Albert smirked as he stared at himself in the mirror.

" Between you and a toad, the toad would win," Clova said as she walked away from the mirror.

" Hey!" Albert cried out.

" Listen up runts," a voice ordered, they all turned to see Queen Narissa standing in the doorway looking dissatisfied.

" Mother," Nitrogen said.

" I am going to set rules for tonight," Queen Narissa said as she glanced at a chipped nail.

" We know," Edwin said. " Escort Evie to hell-raiser."

" Make sure she has a good time," Werner added. 

" Let her make out with one of us," Nitrogen added. 

" And then she will be in the most fearsome gang on the island," Clova added.

" And with another fearsome member, leads a path to island takeover," Truda recalled.

" Marvelous," Queen Narissa sneered. " I have changed my plans....once we take over, you six kids can have this castle all to yourselves, as us adults take over bargain castle."

" Sounds fair," Clova said. " We do about all of your dirty work."

" Any place away from my father is an award," Werner said as he turned back to the mirror.

" Whatever." Queen Narissa ordered. " After we take over the Isle we will come up with a plan to sneak one of you to Auradon and start the take down from there."

" Got big dreams to be crushed mother," Nitrogen noted as she turned back to the mirror. " There is no way off the Island of the leftovers and you know it."

" Once I take over Auradon, you will be the first prisoner," Narissa growled.

" I look forward to it," Nitrogen said before her mother left. Soon they were at the Castle Across the Way, Evie had just left the house.

" What took you all so long?" Evie demanded a bit angrily.

" Had a bit of sharpening to do," Clova answered as she pointed to her horns.

" Right," Evie breathed.

" Come on Mother Gothel would be proud at us for being," Albert said.

" I guess," Evie shrugged as they walked down the street to Hell Hall.

" She does," Jay called as she held a blue cape.

" I do? What do I want to do?" Evie asked.

" Evie, sweetie!" Mal smiled. " So glad you could make it as a plump boy with neon green hair and brown eyes handed Nitrogen a cup of spicy cider. " We're playing Seven Minutes in Heaven! Want to play?"

" Uh, I don't know," said Evie nervously.

" You want to be my friend don't you?" Mal asked.

" You want me to be your friend?" Evie as was lead to the closest. 

" Why not?" Mal asked as she opened the door.

" Doesn't a boy go in there with me?" Evie asked Mal shoved her into the room, she glanced at Albert hopefully.

" Did I say Seven Minutes in Heaven? " Mal cackled. " No, you're playing Seven Minutes in Hell!" as people scattered in fear. She slammed the door shut.

" What are you doing?" Truda asked.

" Playing a dirty trick-what does it look like I'm doing?" Mal asked.

" You can't leave her in there! Remember what happened to us?" Carlos asked angrily as hr motion to two distinct white scars on his leg. " I'm going to have to clean up that mess! My mother will freak out!"

" Fine, go get her," said Mal with a sly smile. There was a scream from behind the doors, Nitrogen gave the cup back to the boy.  " You want her? Go get her out," Mal wiped her hands.

" Did you not like your drink?" the boy asked nervously.

" It was wicked," Nitrogen said looking at the boy. " Andre, son of LeFou right?" The boy nodded. " I'll see you at school tomorrow if I go." She then left Hell Hall, took a long way, and went into the weedy backyard of Hell Hall. She was standing at a treehouse when a candle came closer, along with two other people.

" Nitrogen!" Evie gasped. " How did you get back here?"

" I have my ways," She shrugged.

" Want to come up to the treehouse?" Evie asked.

" Or you could just stay down here," Carlos hoped.

" I wanna see what's up there," Nitrogen insisted as Carlos started to climb up. " It's been awhile since I've been up there."

" It's my lab," Carlos informed. " I have to keep it all in my treehouse. I'm afraid if my mom is going to get some big ideas and turn my chemicals into makeup and hair products." The two other girls's scrambled up the ladder behind him. The lab changed from the last time Nitrogen saw it, the walls lines with shelves of glass breakers, vials and jars containing neon-liquids. IN the corner sat a small, old television with about fifteen different antennas strapped to it.

" What is all this?" Evie asked, picking up a jar.

" It's Sodium polyacrylate," Nitrogen answered as she pulled out a couple of empty vials and started to sneak some chemicals into them.

" This what I wanted to show you," Carlos told Evie. He pulled out a wire-box contraption. " I think I got the battery to work." There was a high pitch sound before it died. " Thought I had it."

" Maybe try connecting the wires to the black box," Nitrogen suggested as she finished collecting.

" How could you see with your back turned?" Evie asked.

" Random guess," Nitrogen shrugged as she turned around, Carlos switched the wires. A powerful electric burst shot out of the box, sending Carlos, Evie, and even Nitrogen flying back. She landed on her ass and stared at the beam blasting a hole in the tree house.

" Maleficent!" Carlos cursed.

" Oh, my goblins!" Evie screamed. " What just happened?" They scrambled out to see the blast went up to the dome, they scrambled back in to hear a sound either of them has heard before.

" Is that box thing on?" Nitrogen gasped, the screen of the tv was flashing different scenes. Carlos screamed at the sight of the dog.

" Look at these different television shows!" Carlos said. " I knew it! I knew it! I knew there had to be other kinds!" Evie laughed.

" So what exactly happened?" Nitrogen asked as the box in Carlos' hands went dead and the screen went dark. 

" I don't know. I think maybe it worked? It penetrated the dome for a second, didn't it?" Carlos theorized. " Promise you two won't tell anyone what happened, especially about the dome. We could get in real trouble, you know."

" We promise," the two girls promised, both with fingers crossed behind their backs.,

" Good," Carlos said.

" We should go back," Nitrogen advised.

" Do we have to?" Evie asked.

" Good point," Carlos agreed. " And that show you like on Auradon News Network, the one that features the Prince of the Week, is going to be on in five minutes."

" Excellent!" Evie breathed

" I'm gonna head back," Nitrogen said leaving the treehouse once more. When she reentered Hell Hall, her crew came up to her.

" Where were you?" Truda asked as she slipped her arm around Nitrogen's arm.

" Stealing," Nitrogen answered.

" What did you steal?" Albert asked.

" Chemicals," Nitrogen answered. " I'm probably going to leave the party."

" You're going to leave?" Andre asked.

" I got more important things to do than be present at this rager," Nitrogen said.

" If you leave then this party is a bust," Edwin groaned.

" I'll stay for ten minutes," Nitrogen said. " After that, I'm bouncing." Ten minutes flew by and Nitrogen was on her way home with her crew.

" So what are you going to do?" Werner asked.

" Make a new potion possibly, plan my scheme," Nitrogen said as the rounded to the castle.

" What's your evil scheme?" Clova asked.

" Not telling a dead soul," Nitrogen said, " See you freaks at school."

" See you in the morning," the others agreed before walking away, Nitrogen slipped in and headed to her lab.

" Where are you going?" Queen Narissa asked as she stepped out into view.

" To my lab," Nitrogen answered.

" Think again," her mother hissed. " You are going to bed, can't get a man looking like a wretched."

" Is that why you never got a man?" Nitrogen asked.

" And what do you think your father is?" Queen Narissa asked.

" Some scumbag you had a one night stand with," Nitrogen answered. " If you didn't think you could fall any farther on this leftover island, you did by slutting it down with him."

" Is that how you are to speak to me?!" Queen Narissa squealed angrily.

" With evil," Nitrogen sneered. " Now excuse me, if I want to be successful, I can't be around my disappointing are the reason that we are here on the dirt land." She then walked around her mother and up to her lab. 

" I'll find you a devil man if it's the last thing I do," Queen Narissa growled before storming down to her chambers.

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