Chapter 2

The next morning Nitrogen had put her teal hair up in space buns, she wore black lipstick, teal eyeliner. Her clothing options of the day were cropped top black hoodie, black leggings, a teal flannel tied around her waist, combat boots and a chocker. She was currently getting ready to the castle Across-the-way.

" I want you to bring her into your group," her mother began. " Because more-"

" More the subjects to order around, the more power you have, and the more power mean domination of this island," Nitrogen finished. " I will rope blueberry princess into the friend group, we will teach her the ropes of cruel pranks, and together we will rule the island." Her mother coughed. " With you on top."

" Once we rule, we will transfer Maleficent and her daughter to the Castle Across the Way, we will then take their castle. We will share it with Chernabog, and Prince John. Then the Sandersons, Edgar and his son, and Hans can get our castle."

" Or we can exclude Mal and her mom from a castle in general," Nitrogen suggested.

" Splendid!" her mother cackled. " Now off!"

Nitrogen rolled her eyes and left the castle, her friends immediately joined her at the sides.

" What's the plan today chief?" Werner asked. 

" Go to Castle Across the Way and retrieve the blueberry princess," Nitrogen answered.

" That's your mother's plan," Albert points out as he checked himself out in a broken mirror. " What's your plan?"

" I'm working on it," Nitrogen huffed. " Maybe your five should add something."

" We could pants one of the gastons," Albert suggested.

" We could light Anothny Tremaine's hair on fire," Clova suggested.

" We are already going to prank Carlos, maybe we should work out that plan," Truda suggested.

" And what exactly do you have in mind Truda?" Edwin suggested Truda made a thinking face.

" We could strip him of his jacket," Truda suggested.

" That jacket is practically his only dignity," Werner pointed out.

" So let's strip it," Truda insisted. " Then strap him to the plank on one of the pirate's boats, put dog food on him and say dogs are coming from him." They had just reached the other castle.

" Sounds a bit intense," Albert noted.

" Let's do it," Clova said as Nitrogen knocked.

" I agree,"  Nitrogen answered. Minutes later the door opened revealing the Evil Queen and a perfect blueberry princess.

" I don't want her ruining her face," the Evil Queen ordered.

" of course My lady," Nitrogen said as the others nodded. " We will do anything so nothing could ruin your daughter's perfect face."

" Go along," Evil Queen ordered, Evie stepped out and the door closed. The seven started towards Dragon Hall.

" So what classes are there at Dragon Hall?" Evie asked.

"We have weird science," Nitrogen said.

" Selfishness 101," Truda answered.

" Advanced Vanities," Albert informed.

" Wickedness," Werner said.

" Evil Schemes and Nasty Plots," Edwin answered.

" Enrichment," Clova answered.

" Unnatural biology," Nitrogen said. " Along with P.E.and Orchestra."

" You did get a schedule didn't you?" Edwin asked.

" I just wanted to make sure it was a real," Evie admitted as she blushed. " But I would like to switch a class."

" Dr. Failicer," Clova noted. " Nitrogen is on her way their as well."

" I can get you there," Nitrogen nodded. " By the way my name is Nitrogen, that's Truda, Clova, Albert, Werner, and Edwin."

" How wicked to meet you all," Evie said. They soon entered the school, the dark gloomy school. The others broke off as she and Evie started for the office.

" Ah, look what cat dragged in," a voice said, they saw the Gaston twins walking over to them.

" Hello dumb and dumber," Nitrogen greeted with a fake smile. " How's stupid doing?"

" You think you're so funny," Gaston the third growled.

" The funniest," Nitrogen said. " We are on our way to the Headmaster."

" So the rumors are true that another princess would be joining the school," Gaston Jr said as they looked at Evie. " Follow us. Gaston at your service...and this is my brother Gaston."

" Thank you, uh, Gastons," Evie replied, the boys led them to the office. 

" Dr. F you got a couple of visitors," Gaston Jr said.

" I want to open it," Gaston the Third insisted.

" After you princess," the first Gaston said as he punched his brother back and opened the door. The headmaster looked up at them, he frowned at Nitrogen.

" I see you decided to make an unpleasant return," Dr. F groaned.

" Bothering you is my duty," Nitrogen smirked, Dr. F rolled his eyes before turning to Evie with a smile.

" Evie, welcome to Dragon Hall. It's a delight to see you again child. It's been too long. Ten years, is it? How is your lovely mother?"

" She's well, thanks," Evie nodded. " I was wondering if I could swap Wickedness class for Advanced Vanities?" The man frowned. " It would mean so much." She batted her eyes and pointed at his necklace and bow tie. " That is so cool!"

" Picked it up in Bayou d'Orleans right before I was brought here," Dr. F smiled. " Consider the swap done."

" I'm in that class," the Gastons said at the same time. " It's on Tuesdays right after lunch."

" I forgot mine!" Evie slapped her head," You can share ours," the twins offered. Evie then looked at Nitrogen. "What did you need from here?"

" Dr. F I am dropping classes," Nitrogen. " P.E. and Orchestra."

" What makes you think I will do that for you?" Dr. F asked.

" Whk makes you think I care you do or do not?" Nitrogen mimicked. After that, they were now in the classroom. Nitrogen sat by her friends as Evie took a seat causing everyone to gasp. Nitrogen glanced over to see Evie looking up at a partly painted baby blue and pink paint girl. All her friends all snickered.

" I'm Evie," Evie greeted trying to flatter Mal. "  What's your name? By the way, your jacket looks amazing? All those patches. And the blue paint really makes your eyes pop."

 " Girl, that's her cauldron. You should bounce," Yzla whispered.

" I had no idea this was your desk, I'm so sorry!" Evie apologized. " It has such a great view of the lecture."

" Yes it does," Mal agreed. " And if you don't move your blue-haired caboose out of it, you'll get a kind of view, all right." She nosily plonked her bag into the cauldron.

" Sit with us, Evie!" Nitrogen called out. Everyone gasped.

" How did she get connections to be friends with her?" Sammy Smee asked as Evie walked back and sat down in a desk in between Carlos and Nitrogen. " Or group in general?"

" Kicks me," Gaston Jr groaned.

" Is that who I think it is?" Evie asked. 

" If you mean Mal, you're right," Nitrogen confirmed.

" I would stay out of her way if I were you," Carlos advised.

" Mal," Evie trembled.

" Yeah, Her mom's the Big Bad around here," Carlos said as he made horns on either side of his head with his hands.

" Don't get in her way if you're alone," Nitrogen advised. " Not just yet."

" Nitrogen always tends to kick Mal's ass," Truda whispered. " She's a real ruler."

" You'll be okay," Carlos said as he looked up from his contraption. " Mal likes to be left alone."

" What about you?" Evie asked.

" I don't have game unless you consider getting beat up and pushed around a game," Carlos answered before turning back to his thing.

" Who is that?" Evie asked Nitrogen.

" Carlos De Vil this Evie," Nitrogen said as she picked a rubber band off the ground. " Evie this is Carlos De Vil."

" I was at your birthday party," Carlos said as Nitrogen fixed the rubber band, pointing it at Anothny Tremaine who sat on the opposite side of the classroom.

" I don't remember much except how it ended," Evie admitted.

" He does live in Hell Hall," Nitrogen pointed out as she released the rubber band, smacking Anthony in the neck. He let out a yelped as he touched the back of his neck.

" I thought it was just some crazy and her dog," Evie said.

" Don't say that!" Carlos ordered. " It's a triggered word."

" Woof," Albert sounded, Carlos jumped and Nitrogen and her friends snickered.

" How do you fit in the crate at night?" Evie asked Carlos glared at her. Nitrogen and her friends all looked each and nodded their heads approvingly.

 " Have I taught you nothing about being fashionably annoyingly late to every engagement?" Mother Gothel growled as she stormed into the class and collapsed on the chair, then she jumped up. " Ah!" She turned around and picked up a pin and glared at the class. " Who?"

" Nice work Albert," Edwin smiled as he clapped Albert on the back. They studied the portraits of evil with Cruella as the face. After class students filed to their next class.

" Why if it isn't Carlos De Vil?" Mal asked.

" I see you are looking rather flowery," Nitrogen said as she peeled a flower off of the girl's forehead.

" Some hag threw it on me," Mal said causing Truda to growl.

" Tell me who this gorgeous hag is, I will have to pay my respects to her," Nitrogen replied, Mal rolled her eyes and looked at Carlos.

" Hey Mal," Carlos greeted. " What's up?"

" Your mom's away at the spa this weekend, isn't she?" Mal asked as she elbowed a snickering Jay.

" Y-yes," he answered uncertainly.

" What's it to you?" Truda asked.

" I can't exactly have a party at my house without my mother yelling at everyone, not to mention the whole crockery issue. And we can't have it at Jay's because his dad will just try hypnotizing everyone into being his servants again," Mal answered. Carlos nodded. " Great. Perfect. Party at your house. Tonight."

" Tonight?" He blanched.

" I sure your mother's furs can wait," Albert said.

" Spread word the news. Hell Hall's having a hell-raiser," Mal ordered. " Activate the twilight bark."

" Bowwow," Jay barked, he glared at the three of them.

" There's a party?" Evie asked.

" Eavesdrop much?" Mal snarled.

" She's is standing right there you blind bat," Nitrogen snarled back. " Or is the paint still blinding your vision."

" So this party?" Clova asked.

" It's a real rager," Mal answered. " Everyone's going to be there."

" Sounds awesome," Werner noted.

" I haven't been to a party in a long time," Evie added.

" OH, I'm sorry. This is a very exclusive party, and I'm afraid you didn't get an invitation," Mal raised an eyebrow.

" If she doesn't go then nobody will," Nitrogen ordered as she stepped up to Mal. " I can always host my own party...let's see who shows up to who's party"

" I-I will think about it," Mal stuttered as she stepped back.

" Answer by the end of the school day or Hell Hall will not have rager," Nitrogen ordered, Mal nodded her head and scurried away with Jay into the class.

" Guess she's not over the paint spill," Truda noted.

" It's wonderfully dreadful," Nitrogen snickered before her gang entered the room, they all took their normal seats in the corner of the room. Everyone came into the class.

" So sticking up for our next prank person and blueberry princess?" Albert asked.

" He'll never know what hit him," Nitrogen answered. " Besides you heard my mother, we need to recruit blueberry head."

" Hello, you dreadful children," Lady Tremaine as she entered the room. " Today we will embark on our annual class project: Crafting the Ultimate Evil Scheme." She eerily wrote in cursive on the chalkboard The Cinderella Story: Once Upon A  Broken Glass Slipper. " As you well know my manipulation of Cinderella was my greatest evil deed. For years I kept her in the attic and treated her as a vital servant. If not for the horrid meddling mice, one of my daughters would be queen Charming Castle right now, instead of that ungrateful girl. And so,  the goal of every teacher at Dragon Hall is to train the new generation of villains not to make the same mistakes we did. You must learn to adapt, to be faster, more cunning, and wickeder than ever before. The student with the best nasty trick will win Dragon Hall's Evilest of the Year award." Everyone nodded their heads. Nitrogen immediately began writing down as many schemes she could think of, she could use it on anyone, including her own mother. The bell rang, she closed her notebook and left with the group.

" Hey Evie, I did some thinking," Mal said, Nitrogen and her crew walked over to them.

" So am I holding the rager or you?" Nitrogen asked.

" I will," Mal assured. " I was kidding earlier, of course, Evie is invited."

" Are you sure you want me there?" Evie asked.

" I don't want anything more in the world," said Mal. " Don't miss it." They then all left the classroom except Jay and Mal.

" So we are going to the party?" Truda asked hopefully.

" Sure, why not," Nitrogen answered. " More people to plan on, and a good time." 

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