It had been about a week since Dan and Phil had come back, but Dan was still putting off Phil becoming a Reaper. It wasn't that he was against the idea, just.....who was he kidding he hated the idea. And Phil wasn't helping him, either. They'd been in a few arguments about it now, with Phil wanting to get it over with, and Dan telling him to wait. Let's just say, Dan had had to sleep on the floor quite a few times.
Right now, they were stubbornly ignoring each other after having another small fight. Dan was sat on his bed while Phil sat in the corner, glaring at the floor.
"I just don't see why you're so against it." Phil said softly, tugging at the carpet aimlessly. Dan sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
"I'm not against it, I just don't think we need to rush into it."
"Dan, its been nearly a week, I think its safe to say we're not 'rushing' anything."
"From my point of view, its very much rushing."
"Oh, and my point of view doesn't matter, does it?"
"No, it doesn't, not in this!"
"Well, thanks for being so understanding!" Phil yelled, standing up from the floor and leaning on the wall. "Some boyfriend you are."
"I'm just trying to protect, for just a little bit longer." Dan said, practically pleading for Phil to understand.
"I don't need you to protect me. I'm not a child"
"Hard to belive sometimes." Dan scoffed, and Phil glared at him, his blue eyes bright with malice.
"Why do we even keep trying?" He said softly, and Dan looked at him confused. "With This relationship."
"Don't you dare say that." Dan said, getting up from the bed and standing in front of Phil, who was still looking at the floor. "You can't....please don't think like that."
"But its true, you know it is. God, we can't even agree on this one thing, that could be life or fricking death! We're being stupid and childish and...its not good, for you or me. We don't need this."
"No, we don't need this, but goddammit, I need you Phil."
"Do you really?"
Dan stared at him, the perfect boy in front of him, who had changed his world from the moment they'd met. The boy with the blue eyes, who loved to read, and didn't have many friends, and stuck his tongue out when he laughed or smiled, the boy who was so innocent and curious. And he loved him, so much. Sure, they'd fought quite a bit since they came back here, but that didn't mean that they had to break up. That definitely wasn't a thought.
"Why in God's name would you think that I don't love and need you, Phil."
He was silent, and Dan sighed, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close. Phik buried his face in Dan's shirt, clutching his arms.
"I didn't mean all that." He whispered, and Dan chuckled quietly, nuzzling his hair.
"I really hope not." It was silent between them, just quiet as they held each other, and never wanting to let go.
"Are you serious?" Phil asked, sitting up and looking Dan in the eyes.
It had been two days since their 'almost' break up thing, and Dan had finally agreed to let Phil become a Reaper.
"Yes." He said, smiling slightly at Phil's contained excitement but still a bit wary. He was still a bit uncomfortble with the idea, not of Phil becoming a Reaper, but of Phil becoming a Reaper. The ritual that he had to take place in was none too luxurious. It was pretty painful, actually, and could take up to three days. That was three days that Dan was not willing to live through, not without Phil. But he either agreed to this, or they went back to the human world, which was sounding a lot better at the moment.
Phil squealed like a kid, jumping on Dan and kissing him hard. Dan laughed, wrapping his arms around Phil's waist, deepening the kiss and sliding his tongue into Phil's submissive mouth.
Dan would probably never get enough of kissing Phil, touching him and.....other things. It was like an aphrosisiac, only making him want more, but not being sated at all. To be honest, he was addicted. And Phil definitely wasn't helping the situation.
Dan rolled over on the bed, so that he was on top of Phil, not once relinquishing the hold on his lips, and pushed his hands under Phil's t-shirt.
Dan had had plenty of, er....relations before, but none of them had ever been anything like what he had with Phil. They were rough, passionate and needy, but could be as soft and gentle when needed. They were so contradicting, like being at a school dance and the music is loud and pumping and you're jumping everywhere, but then the DJ decides to play a slow song, and you have to waltz, but its still amazing because you're still moving.
They were on the bed, moving slowly but firmly against each other, out of breath from kissing, and they didn't have their shirts on, and Dan was working on Phil's pants, undoing the zipper and button and toying with the waistband of his underwear. Phil was making some really distracting noises from underneath him, tangling his fingers into Dan's hair and biting Dan's lip.
They always had moments like this, random make out sessions that had no cause really. Whether it was because one of them had good news, or they were just in the mood, and a lot of the times it led to something more.
Dan had his hand fully immersed in Phil's jeans, scratching his inner thigh lightly and making him groan, when someone knocked on the door.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Dan swore heavily, still breathing hard. Retrieving his hand, Dan stood and opened the door, glaring at PJ who stood on the other side.
"Jeez, did I interrupt something?" He asked, glancing at Dan's shirtless chest and red face, then noticing Phil inside, pulling on his shirt.
"No, not at all. You're timing is just perfect." Dan replied sarcastically, and PJ flushed lightly.
"Sorry, its just...I wanted to see how you guys were. I, uh, hear you guys sometimes. Arguing. Just thought I'd check in."
Dan sighed. He knew that Peej was only concerned about them, and it was actually vey nice of him to care so much but....his timing was truly horrendous. Three times now, he had interrupted Dan and Phil for miniscule things, and it was getting quite annoying.
"Thanks." Dan said, and smiled slightly. "We're fine, really. Just a bit...caught up right now, so..."
"Yeah." PJ said, staring at his shoes. "Uh, I'm gonna go now....see you later."
"Yeah, bye."
PJ waved and headed back down the hallway, and Dan shut the door, leaning against it heavily. Its like this boy lived to seperate him and Phil from any intamacy.
"Guess the mood is ruined then?" Phil asked, and Dan laughed.
"Only awkward people let the mood become ruined."
"In case you haven't noticed, we're both equally awkward. Its why we go well together." Phil said, and they laughed together, because it was so true. "So, when is this.....ritual thing going down?" He asked.
"Whenever you want, really. There's not a set date or anything."
"Can we go right now?" Phil practically begged, and Dan laughed at his eagerness.
"Why are you so impatient?"
"I just want to get it over with. I don't like all the tension its causing between us."
"We can do it tomorrow. But right now, how about we satisfy some of that 'tension'?"
a/n: these chapters are so uneventful so far...and is it just me or do they always have some hot make out scene, without anything further? sorry....
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