
  When Dan woke up the next day, he wasn't surprised to find that his body was a bit sore from last nights escapades. If he felt like this, he didn't even want to imagine what Phil was going through.

  He glanced over at his sleeping boyfriend, smiling because Phil always looked like a little kid when he was asleep. It was really adorable, and Dan restrained himself from leaning over a kissing him. He'd been through a lot these past few days, he needed the sleep most likely.

  He slowly untangled himself from the sheets and Phil's arms, and was heading to the bathroom when something caught his eye.

  Phil was laying on his stomach, and the sheets covered everything from the waist down. And on his side, near his ribcage, was a deep looking scar that disappeared between his stomach and the mattress.

  Where the hell had that come from? He didn't think they were that rough last night.

  Dan walked over to Phil, and gently pushed him so that he was laying on his side. And he nearly lost it.

  It was only about six or seven of them, but Dan was ready to kill whoever had done it. The same kinds of scars were scattered across Phil's chest and stomach, standing out sharply against his pale skin. They looked pretty damn new, too.

  "Phil?" Dan said quietly, gently shaking his arm to wake him up. Phil groaned and rolled onto his back, his eyes cracking open and squinting at the light.

  "Hmm? Wha'tisit?" He said sleepily.

  "These scars, on your front. Where'd they come from?"

  Phil sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He touched the scars lightly and winced.

  "They're from the ritual. You know, when they're, 'draining' you, I suppose."

  This was news to him. Since when was slicing into people apart of their 'sacred ritual'. All they'd done to him was chant some bullshit and inject him with a needle, no knives were involved.

  "No, I don't know. They sure as hell didn't do it to me."

  Phil looked confused. "Well they did it to me. Trust me, I'd remember."

  Dan stood up and started pacing the room, while Phil just sat there, trying to figure out what was going on.

  "Why'd they do it to me, if they never did it before?" Phil asked. He stood up as well and grabbed Dan's arm, hugging him from behind to stop him from pacing.

  "That's what I'm trying to figure out." Dan sighed. He turned in Phil's arms and hugged him back, trying not to squeeze him too hard and hurt him. "You know your not wearing any clothes, right?"

  Phil pulled away, blushing as he tried to cover himself a bit, but not being very successful. Dan laughed at him, for the moment forgetting about the problem at hand. He leaned over and kissed Phil's cheek, before grabbing him and pulling him onto the bed next to him.

  "I missed you, you know?" He whispered, nuzzling his face into Phil's neck.

  Phil sighed, tangling their fingers together. "I missed you too. So much."

  It was pretty late, maybe three or four in the afternoon. They lay there in silence, just relishing in each other's presence after being seperated for the last few days. It seemed kinda stupid that they were pining after only three days, but Dan had gotten so used to always having Phil next to him.

  They spent the rest of the day like that, wrapped in each other's arms and just laying there, occasionlly making mindless conversation, and once even getting into an intense make out session. And Dan had never been happier.


  "I want you to meet my parents." Dan said, and Phil choked, spewing coffee everywhere. Dan patted his back until he'd calmed down, laughing at his reaction.

  They were sat in the dining area, which was pretty empty since it was about five in the morning. Dan hadn't completely forgotten about the scars that were covering Phil's chest, but he didn't want to start any drama so soon. He'd deal with it when the time came.

  "What? I can't- are you serious?" Phil spluttered.

  "Yes. One hundred percent serious. I mean, we're boyfriends. Its what's supposed to happen, right?"

  The truth was, Dan was just as hesitant about the whole thing as Phil was. Him and his parents were still in a bit of a rough spot, and he didn't really know if springing the whole 'this is my boyfriend, yeah the one I ran away with' thing on them was such a good idea. And he really didn't want them to hate Phil, just because they thought that he was the reason that Dan had left. But it had to happen at some point, and he couldn't really think of any other time that would be more suitable.

  "But like....when? Not right now, right" Phil asked. He was staring at the table thoughtfully, trying to process everything that had just happened.

  "No, not right now, calm down. They won't eat you. That's my job." He winked, and Phil blushed, shoving him.

  "Shut up." He twisted his fingers together, still not looking at Dan. "But when? I want to be mentally prepared."

  "I don't know. Maybe tomorrow?"

  "Tomorrow?!" Phil exclaimed, snapping his head up and staring at Dan. "That's not enough time."

  Dan sighed, wrapping his arms around Phil and kissing his neck softly.

"I know its a bit sudden babe, but I promise it'll be okay. I love you, and I want them to like you too. They don't have the best impression of you, what with the whole running away for year thing. And I want you to like them too."

  Phil was silent, but after a moment, he turned and pecked Dan on the lips, smiling a bit. "Okay." He said quietly. "But only for you. I love you."

  Dan smiled kissed him, hard. "I love you too."

a/n: Its short, I know, but I've been a bit busy so sorry. I've also started writing another phan fic, which is stupid I know, but you should check it out, please? Its called Discovering Love. Alright, peace!



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