Shotaro was 15 when Jaemin was to have Jisung, Nana was 20, they were left alone at home one night, saying that Mama needed to be taken to the hospital in a hurry, he was in labour, so as faithfully as they could they waited and waited, but no one came home, dusk bled into day, only Daddy and Mommy came home with Jisung in their arms. Later on they were said that Jaemin had passed at child birth, Nana took it very hard, he avoided Shotaro who was always very childish like a baby, Renjun turned very cold, it was only Jeno who stayed a little warm. Things were well for Jisung seemed to be very healthy and strong but three years later he died of a terrible flue. Which left the family in pieces, Shotaro was left alone in the house whilst Nana flew to Korea to study, he never came for the boys birthday nor for Christmas.

"I'm sorry I didn't inform you Taro. I didn't mean to hurt you.......I'm so sorry about your mother and brother." Xiaojun hugged the crying older boy, the brunette had been having a headache and slept in that day.

"I-Its okay Junnie." Shotaro tried to smile but failed.

"I'm sure they are watching over you from heaven." Xiaojun smiled.

"All good people go to heaven darling. My dad's there too, so don't worry. It's going to be okay." Chenle had over heard their conversation while he came to scare the shit out of the two boys.

"Your dad's dead?" Shotaro gasped softly.

"Yeah, crashed last summer. But I'm fine, I miss him tremendously yet I know he's up there watching over me. "Common guys!!! Cheer up!" Chenle crushed them both in a big fat hug as they went into the school from the grounds.

That whole day Shotaro seemed quite dull, but he still managed to smile his brightest, Sungchan sighed as he watched those cute small plump lips pout occasionally or even be bitten and munched on. So he did something  he never thought he'd do.

"Uhh Ruby give Flower to Oppa." Ruby innocently extended a pink dahlia at the sad boy.

"Thank you bubu." Shotaro took the flower with a soft smile.

"Fishhhyyy." Chenle chimed in.

"Hmm yeah." Xiaojun lifted his gold rimmed glasses.

"Hey Sungchan!! Man over here." Someone at the back gestured the tall ass giant to come quickly.

"Mom's picking us up!!" He screamed back between cupped arms.

"Ohh then why did Ruby waddle all the way to the school bus to give you a pink Dahlia?" Xiaojun wiggled his eyebrows at Shotaro who had a dust of soft pink on his chubby cheeks.

"S-Shut up." He cutely whined as he shyly looked away.

The bus drove off with Sungchans eyes following that cutie pass by. The tall guy ruffled his little sisters hair, she giggled at her big brother as a fancy Audi came zooming and they got in. Taeyong lifted an eyebrow at his son smiling to himself like an idiot.

"Nothing don't look at me like that." Sungchan groaned at the beauty.

"Whose the girl?" Taeyong smirked at the tall guy.

"Mom!!!" Sungchan hated that his mom read him too well sometimes.

"Is it a boy?" Taeyong giggled at how shy Sungchan got at the mention of the word boy.

"It's.....Uhhh I dont know. Stop it!!!" Sungchan whined with a pout.

"Well it's okay. My friends are coming over.......it's kind of a get together, You know Hendery's parents, Chenle's mom then there's others who came from China recently so yeah. Hopefully you get along well with the kids." Added Taeyong with a smile.

And so Taeyongs house smelt of delicious food, yummy sweets, lights and laughter, Hendery made his fabulous entry with Johnny and Ten, Chenle came his mom Yang Yang and then Xiaojun miraculously showed up with gorgeous win-win, and handsome Yuta, Shotaro waddled next to Jeno shyly as Haechan and Renjun entered the premises. Sungchans heart stopped beating for a  second.

"Awwe Junnie!! Jeno and Haechannie!! I missed you guys so much!!!" Taeyong squeezed the three in a hug.

"Hi Hyung." Haechan giggled.

"Where are your boys?" Taeyong squealed at Shotaro.

"At their dorms, it's graduation soon." Jeno answered the question.

"Your son is so cute." Jaehyun patted Shotaro's cheeks.

"I'm the mother so isn't it obvious?" Renjun sassed.

"Oppa!!!" Ruby ran into Shotaro's arms gleefully.

"Hii." Shotaro giggled as he looked up and...........

Their eyes met, Sungchan stood at the far corner of the room in white jeans and a black loose shirt, his hair messy, his eyes dreamy. The world seemed to stop spinning, as Shotaro's cheeks flushed a dark red at the sight of this boy. Haechan and Taeyong were already planning the unthinkable, it was obvious.

"Ahem!! I'm hungry?" Yang Yang grinned but Chenle shut his mouth.

"Shut up mom." He hissed at the male.

"Omg our children are falling!!!" Jeno whispered yelled.

"Psst! Didn't Mark come home?" Ten nudged Haechan.

"The flight delayed due the stupid weather." Haechan mumbled.

Shotaro shyly looked away, because Sungchan wouldn't, he was so mean by staring at him so intensely. Purposely Yuta stood in-between, Xiaojun was about jump at his father when Win-win held him back. The giant just ran his fingers through his long dark hair, licked his lips and moved so he could see this short cutie.

"Get you a man who looks at you the way Sungchan looks Shotaro." Xiaojun dramatically cried on Winwin.

Shotaro shyly blushed darker and darker, everyone in the room was getting the fact that there was a whole chemistry subject going on between the two. Taeyong had to drag Shotaro away from the room or else they'll just stare at each other until forever ends.

"So it's Shotaro?" Jaehyun wiggled his eyebrows at his son.

"Shut up dad!" Sungchan groaned running up to his room upstairs, he slammed the door shut as he slipped down the door with a shy smile like an idiot.

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