"Who da ya think ya are, yellin, at us ta stap messin' aroun'!?" demanded a thug-wannabe.
A short, raven-haired girl with milky white skin glared annoyingly at the delinquents for a few seconds, and then gave a sigh. The thug got angrier when she didn't respond.
"Hey! I'm talkin' ta ya, midget!" The girl's face was then contorted with anger.
The thug took a few more steps closer to her. "Maybeh' we can 'ave so' fun with ah', dont'cha think so fellas!?" the gang behind him began to laugh. "She coul' use a lesson teachin' ey--? !!!"
The girl sprang up and roundhouse kicked him in the face, sending him flying back to the gang.
"What!?" said one of the guys in the group. "Shiro's been beaten!?" Another began charging after the girl.
"Why you little--!" He threw a punch, but she easily dodged it and grabbed his arm, flipping him over onto the concrete. The rest of the gang now looked terrified as they watched her pound his stomach into the ground.
"You all listen up now!!" She beamed, her voice strong and firm unlike the cute-pitched school girl voice. "Tell me, what is that!?" She quickly pointed to a shrine behind her that had words probably written by friends and family on it, but the ink was running and all of the writing was ruined. "You! In the center!"
"M-m-me!?" The man said, dumbfounded. "I-it's a sh-shrine that-that was left f-for the little g-g-girl--" stopped midway, stunned by fear.
"'The Little Girl' what!?" She stepped over the guy she beat up and began to slowly walk towards the crowd.
"The-little-girl-who-died-here-recently!!!" finished the man.
"Hmm" nodded the girl. "That is..." she swung her arm "correct!" And the thug took a heavy punch to the chin.
"Now you," she faced her left side, "what has happened to the poor girl's shrine?"
"We...we decided to remove the ink seal and steam the ink away..." He said quickly yet quietly.
"People like you make me sick!" she kicked him in the stomach and another bit the dust. She then threw the two previous thugs back into the pile and they all were on their knees trembling from her venomous voice.
"I don't know what inspired your tiny brains to do this, but you've ruined something very valuable. Now, apologize to her!" She pointed at the empty space right next to the stone containing the messy ink.
The thugs looked at the space, and then back at the girl, bewildered by her serious face. "Is her mind gone?" whispered one of them.
The thugs shrieked in fear, gave a synchronized apology and ran for their lives.
The girl took a deep breath to relax herself. "I'm sorry for yelling so much, and about your shrine. Did I scare you?" she said sweetly to the empty space.
From it, a girl about the age of 10 wearing a heavy coat with gloves, a beanie, and a scarf appeared. Her eyes were an innocent sky blue and she had light blonde hair that peaked out of the beanie. Oh, and one more thing: She had a chain hanging from her chest.
"No, I wasn't scared." She smiled. "Thank you for making the bad guys go away, O-nee-chan."
"No problem." said the girl. She kneeled down to be level with the spirit. "Did seeing this shrine remind you about how much your family loved you?" She asked softly.
The little girl nodded, slowly. "Is that why you decided to stay?" The girl nodded again. "I know that your parents love you very much, and that they would want you to rest in peace."
"They really do?"
The school girl nodded. "So how about we make everything right and you go on to heaven?" The little girl was moved by her words. "I know it will be hard for them, but finally knowing that you're at peace will help them."
"How?" the curious girl asked.
"I just...I know how it feels, to try and get over a death."
"Ohh..." The little girl was calmer now, feeling nothing but thanks for the person who convinced her to be at peace. "Okay...I'll go then!" She said and smiled, but but a few tears dropped down her face.
"That's my big girl!" She gave the little girl a hug. "I'll be sure to get your shrine fixed as well."
"Really!?" Said the little girl as she pulled away.
"I'll promise!" The little girl stared at the beautiful school girl's sapphire eyes once again, and then closed her own eyes and smiled.
"Arigatou, O-nee-chan!!" And the little girl was gone.
I'm Kuchiki Rukia. I go to highschool. I'm 15 years old. I live with my older brother. Well, actually, my brother-in-law. His wife passed away when I was young. She was actually my older sister... I don't know if how she died is the reason for this, but for as long as I can remember, I've been able to see ghosts.
Rukia does not visit her home right away, she still had time to hang out with her friends by a park. Except she was late. Very late.
"Yo guys!" she sang as she ran towards the group. "I'm finally her--!?"
"You're late!!" Shouted a guy with bright red hair that was tied back. He had tackled her to the ground. Rukia was instantly upset and shoved him away.
"D**mit Renji! Do you always have to be like that when I'm just a little late!?"
"A little!?" exclaimed the guy named Renji. "Because half a freaking hour is just a little late!"
"Ugh!" Rukia groaned. "Always mad about everything.
"You guys should stop messing around. By the way Abarai ate the snack we had for you, Kuchiki."
Rukia's eyes glowed red as the backround became dark. She slowly turned to face Renji. "Is what Hisagi says true, Re-n-ji?"
"Hisagi! How could you betray me like tha--,!?" He was cut off from taking an uppercut to the stomach.
"Hisagi," said a blonde-haired boy sitting across from him "If you wanted them to stop fighting you would have just handed Rukia her snack."
Rukia stopped killing Renji to hear what he had to say. "H-Huh?"
"C'mon Kira!" complained Hisagi. "It's hilarious to see Abarai get beaten to death!"
"I can hear you guys you kn--..."
"What's wrong, Renji?"
"Does anyone else...hear something?"
"It must be in your head." said another woman's voice.
"Oh!" Rukia said happily. "Hinamori here too!"
"Guys," continued Renji "seriously!"
Rukia sighed irritably. "Can you be normal for one..." Her face was instantly serious. He wasn't kidding...
She began to sprint towards the buildings at the other side of the small park.
"Rukia! Where are you going!?"
"Don't follow me!"
She kept running and running, nothing has every motivated her to sprint for so long in forever. It's a strange scream. Could it be some sort of demon?
She was eventually at a busy intersection and noticed that nothing was wrong. As she gasped for breath, she thought Just what is going on...?
And then everything was peaceful. The sound of cars driving along, people chit chatting, walking, your normal city sound.
Crash. An explosion. In an instant, there were car wheels screeching around, shouts of terror, and the footsteps became running.
Rukia saw what it was though, for just an instant, on a building across the street, it looked like it was...slashed by something. Whatever it was...it was invisible.
She then made her way across the steet, jumping over the hoods of cars and pushing the scrambling crowd out of the way and into the dust that was kicked up from the wreckage.
Rukia then saw the little girl again, running like there was no tommorow towards her.
"You haven't gone yet!?"
"I t-ried... I really tried O-nee-chan!" It was hard for her to speak and her slightly transparent face was red from the flush of running. The girl clung to Rukia's leg as the sound of enormous footsteps approached.
Rukia's eyes were wide with terror. What's...happening!?
And then a beast emerged from the dust, walking on all fours with some weird white mask and a large hole through it's chest.
"What is that thing!?" She shrieked.
"I don't know!"
"Whatever just keep running!" Rukia grabbed the girl's hand and dashed away, but the girl couldn't keep up for too long and tripped.
"Hey! C'mon get up! Get up!" She had the girl up to her knees now, but it was too late. The beast had raised a large round arm with katana-like claws.
Rukia was about to shield the girl's body with her own when she was stopped by the sight of a black butterfly fluttering right across her face. It almost happened in an instant.
What looked like a person in a black kimono flew down from the sky, swinging a large sword down. A really tall sword, it was the same height as it's body
It slashed the beast in half with one swing and it then landed right in front of Rukia and the girl.
As the beast was dissolving, it turns out that it was a he. He only turned around at Rukia once, probably to check if they were unharmed.
"Who...are you?" Rukia said. He simply turned around and leaped into the air at an incredible speed. "Wait!" She called after him, but he was already gone.
Rukia turned to the girl, and then smiled reassuringly. "Come with me." she said as calmly as possible. She simply nodded and followed her, the chain from her chest lightly clicking.
Rukia texted Renji that everything was fine and that she'll be heading straight home, that her brother called her and that she need to do chores.
"So, why were you being chased by that monster thing?" Rukia asked softly.
"I don't know. I tried to move on just like O-nee-chan told me to, but I didn't know how..." Her voice gradually grew softer and softer as she spoke. "So I wanted to follow O-nee-chan and ask for help, but then the monster appeared and chased after me."
"Well, I'm sure you'll figure out how to move on soon. Just be careful now. I'll visit you tommorow if you need any help. And if there are other monsters like that, I'm sure someone like that guy will save you. Okay?"
"Okay!" said the girl. "Bye-bye!"
"Nii-san, I'm home!" Rukia called out as she entered her house.
"Okairi." said her brother.
Kuchiki Byakuya, my older brother. He has an amazing sense of judgment and has helped me through most of my social life and school work.
She slipped off her shoes and began to drag herself upstairs.
"Going to bed already? You haven't had dinner yet." said Byakuya; he was in the middle of cooking.
You notice everything don't you? "I'll just rest my eyes for a few minutes. I'm exhausted!"
"As you wish."
Rukia litterally felt like she was sinking into her mattress and she collapsed on it.
"What a day..." she whispered to herself. And almost immediately her mind went to the man..or more like boy that she saw in the town. He looked really young...he looks like he could be in our grade...what is he? Her mind tried to re - picture him: all she was able to get was brown eyes and ridiculously bright orange hair, she could not remember the facial features very well only execpt for thr fact that he was young; everything else was a blur.
And then a black butterfly flew across her face.
unedited chapter
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