Go Agent Go 💚💙🤍🧡💖

Requested by unknown_loverrr

Jonathan is on a mission to save a little kitten from an evil Professor, but is being followed by a spy leader trying to assassinate him.

Would they have to team up or fight to the death?

I'd say they'd be older in this one, to be safe, Sherwin is 18 and Jonathan is 19.


It was a nice sunset evening, a young man walked out of the bathroom after a nice warm shower, a hard days in college and work. Suddenly heard the sound coming from his phone...knowing someone must be calling him.

He walked over to the phone and pick up. "Hello?"

"Agent J.P...we have something for you and it's big...come down to my office immediately..."

The boy looks at the clock, knowing it's pretty late, but its better worth the time. "I'm on my way."

After putting down the phone, he went to his closet to grab his black turtle neck and black jeans, black boots and a mysterious brief case that'll be used for special mission.

He goes down to his car, putting the case besides him on the passengers seat, and drove down to the secret place where he'll meat his administrator.

Until he gets a call, he pressed a button and it appears a hologram of his assistant.

"Sorry for the late agenda Jonathan...but the administrator has a top secret mission just for you." A girl said and Jonathan nodded.

"Of course, analysis for me Sunny." He told her and she begins to explain.

"A little kitten by the name "Little Miss Muffet" has been kidnapped by the evil Professor Kevin, using the poor thing for his sickening experiments to gain riches. We need you to bring back Muffet before it's too late."

(Jonathan's PoV)

Okay, not too bad, saving animals is always my thing.

"I'm on it Sunny."

"We'll just so you know...in the small town by the Lab, it's surrounded by spies...so be careful who you talk to Jonathan, they'll kill you as soon as you arrive."

Well I dealt with ninjas and possessed monsters, spies would be a piece of cake.

"Thanks for the heads up Sunny."

Sunny nodded "your supplies and clothes are already sent at the back of your car. There's a party going on there, so Id thought you'd blend in, be careful out there Jonathan! see you soon with Muffet."

Soon she ended the call and I have to deal with Professor Kevin. Let's say he has a history of being the most infamous scientist of America...sure I know where he is, but I didn't know it's near a small town...

Just the thought of that sick man experimenting a kitten?! Who the hell does that?

"Turn left on Marilyn Street."

My car told me, so I begin following the directions until I made a stop by the town.

Looking around the town, it seems there's a big party going on into town square.

So I parked my car and unlocked the back to see what they've sent me.

It appears to be a costume...so it's a costume party, looking at the people, they're all dress in crazy colorful characters.

So I went to put on my costume which is just a tuxedo. I checked myself in the mirror and slicked my hair back, adding a certain style.

Then headed over to the towns party, seeing people laughing and playing games, Sure it looks fun, but I remembered what Sunny told me. Either most of them are spies, or it's guarded by spies.

"Jonathan?" I heard Sunny call from my ear pierce.

"I'm listening." I said softly until a young lady offered me some punch.

"I see that you finally made it to the town, try not to spend too much time there."

I chuckled to myself "don't worry sunny, I know what I'm doing, How long do I have until it's too late?"

"2 hours...we need to get this done."

I nodded and took a sip of the punch. Until I noticed there's a gate at the end of the town. Looks like I gotta sneak up there before being seen.

"I'll get it done on time."

"That's the spirit." Soon she cuts off and I try to search to see that everything is clear.

Until something caught my eye, or shall I say someone~

I noticed a young woman looking over at me while sipping some punch, the way she's looking at me is quite frisky~ maybe having a little bit of fun won't be too bad~

The redhead walked over to me, seeing how tight that red dress wraps around her hips. Making me bite my lips.

"What is a beautiful thing like you doing here all alone without your daddy's permission?~" I asked with a smirk and she looks up at me with that seductive tone.

"Aww why can't a girl have some fun for once~ am I under arrest?" She walked up closer, placing her hands on my chest.

I looked around the area and back to her. "Oh you want fun huh? if you want, I'll give you some actual fun~" I purred against her ear and she giggled while biting her lips.

Damn, this is already getting me hot and bothered~ my first time getting laid with a sexy mama.

"Whats your name chicita~?" I asked and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"You can call me Shirley~" She told me and that's a really cute name.

"We'll Shirley, what do you say we ditch this party and find a good place for some fun Hm?~" I lift her chin up, staring down into those stunning brown eyes and natural beauty. She really is a stunning ginger.

"Come with me Agent~I know a place." She pulled on my tie and I followed her to a hotel which she might've rented or lives.

This is actually gonna happen.

Soon as we made it to her room. It's a nice room no joke, a wonderful atmosphere, a big king sized bed and it's organized.

"Make yourself cozy Mr, I'll be right back with nothing on~" She walked over to the bathroom and I start to untie my tuxedo and remove my shoes, I checked on my watch to see it's been 15 minutes since I got here.

Maybe some sex won't take too long. I feel like James Bond all of a sudden! *sighs* I'm living the life.

After taking off my shoes, I looked around and saw a few people in black holding guns in front of my face...

Crap..I should've listened to Sunny...

I raise my arms up until I saw Shirley walking out with shorter hair and tight black outfit for an odd reason, look-


"We'll we'll well, Agent Jonathan Perez, we finally meet, I know you come here to stop my father from experimenting on the most useless people on earth. And wanting to expose his genius mind."

He pulls out a gun from his waist pocket and loads it...For an odd reason...he looks WAY hotter than before...

"Hold on wait a minute...I don't get the whole backstory...who are you and he is your father!?" I asked...god I was so brainwashed from the sexiness, I forgot to ask for his real name...

"It's Sherwin M.G...Spy Leader and a Proper Assassin, these are all my followers...we keep an eye on trespassers like you trying to break into my dads lab~" Oh okay that makes sense...son of an evil doctor. Classic...

"And now we got you captured, there's no hope for you now Jonathan." He aimed the gun on my head...I need to break out of this...

And I know just the way~

"Any last words before I shoot your brains out Agent Perez?~"

"Alright then...you can shoot me...but before you do...I never had my first kiss." I told Sherwin, using my big blue eyes as a weapon, making anyone resist my cuteness and break into someone's brain to grow soft.

I call it the "Resistance Charm"

(Sherwin's PoV)

Gah...looking into those eyes...those big...beautiful..luxurious eyes...Jee...the first time seeing him from the party...he really is handsome, how he spoke to me and the way he looks at me...

Maybe sharing a kiss with him won't be too bad, after all, I really do like him in a way~

I unload my gun and placed it back in my pocket waist. "Boys, leave the room, but guard the door." I demand my spies and they head on out of the room.

After they left, I slowly make my way over to his lap, looking deep into those resisting ocean eyes.

"Lucky for you, I never kissed anyone before." I told him while removing my black gloves.

Then he chuckled and bit his lips "Looks like it's our night to shine~"

Oh my...why do I feel soft all of sudden...? This is strange for me....

I looked up and slowly leaned closer his face to press my lips against his, gently brushing our lips together, then I cupped his face, pulling him a little closer.

God this feels like heaven...~

I could feel his tongue enter my mouth, so we both swirled them around while I felt his hands roam down to my hips.

Until I feel his lips go down to my neck, it makes my eyes water how pleasurable this feels, something I have never felt ever~

(Jonathan's PoV)

I slowly picked him off my lap and dropped him on the bed.

I crawled on top, looking down at his curvy body. "Change a plan~" I undo my tie and I lean down to French kiss him while I tied his arms on the bed post, where I make sure it's tight.

"J-Jonathan~ I wanna change plan too...I always heard how hardcore you are, finally meeting you and how sexy you are in person, such a delicious man saving adorable animals arouses me~" Sherwin squirms under me...wow...he's actually a fan?

Great...now I feel bad...maybe it's for the best, hopefully we could makeup after saving little Muffet.

I lean down to his ear "let me get myself cleaned up, soon, I'll rock your whole world~" I whispered and gently blew into his ear, making him shiver which was so cute~

"Oh god...~"

So I walked over to the bathroom, after closing it. I noticed the window is open, I went to take off my costume, fixing up my clothes underneath, putting on my vest and put on my tracking sunglasses. Showing me the way to find the professor.

I make my way out of the window, jumping on top of the roof. Making a few long jumps on each building to reach for the gates.

(Sherwin's PoV)

Mmm, I can't believe it's happening, gonna be ravaged by my ultimate crush~

However...something doesn't feel right...it's been almost a few minutes and it went so silent.

"J-Jonathan?" I tried to sit up but I couldn't...pulling my arms out but I'm tied up real good...

Don't tell me...

"Boss!!" One of the spies broke into the room.

"Agent Jonathan escaped!"

I KNEW it...He used his good charms to trap me so he'll escape...

"Get me out of here!" I demanded and they chopped the bow tie off from my arms and I rushed over to the bathroom...

Seeing his clothes scattered around the floor and the window is open...

"Hmm, so the race is on~" I walked back to my room and grabbed my brief case.

"You want us to go after him boss?" One of my boys asked me.

"No, He wants to play cat and mouse, this little kitty ain't giving up~" I put my rifle together and Amos for my mini guns.

On my way over to the gate.

(Jonathan's PoV)

Climbing the gate wasn't too bad, technically landed in a lake.

I swam over to see that there is no guards outside...turning on my glasses, there is indeed guards inside the building. Which means I need to find a way to get rid of those guards.

I climbed on an open window, leading to an empty room, which is a good start!

Looking out in the open, I see the guards roaming around protecting a caged critter held inside...that must be Little Miss Muffet!

And I know how to make these guards slack off~

I pulled out my darts and load them in my mini bibi gun, shooting them to each of the 6 guards, watching them fall to a deep sleep that'll last 5 hours.

I head down to the table, hearing the soft meows coming from the cage.

"Don't worry Little Muffet...Daddy's come to pick you up-"

Then I heard a clicking sound coming from behind me.

I heard that click from somewhere.

"So needy aren't you Shirley~ couldn't wait like a good boy?" I teased.

"You really thought you could get away from me like that? I'm an assassin, I'll kill you right now with no feelings..." Sherwin told me, coming closer to me.

"Oh yeah..? I don't think that kiss was a fake, the way you lust for me, being a fan, you really do like me, you just didn't want to admit~" I smirked and turned around to face that adorable snarling face he's making.

His face turns red after saying so~

"S-shut up!! It's my way to lure you in! I have you all to myself now...you'll never expose my father...turning the most evil criminals of America into lab rats...looks like you'll be one of them next~"

He placed the gun under my chin, looking up at me like a cutie he is.

"Do you even see your fathers experiments? Do you see any humans?" I asked and he blacked out.

(Sherwin's PoV)

To be honest...I barely see any lab humans in here...usually my father told me not to look at his projects because he kept them hidden...

But I shook that off and lift the gun up to his chin.

"What a silly question Agent...now, any last, final words before your shot?~" I bite my lips and clicked it, getting ready to pull the trigger.

Until I heard a meow...

"H-huh...?" I put down the gun and went to look at the cage...pulling off the sheets and it reveals to be an adorable kitten...

H-how...? How is there a kitten in my fathers Lab...?

"W-what...h-he couldn't..." I said softly and I looked at Jonathan, giving me that...'I told you so'

"This is what your own father is experimenting! Helpless little animals for riches! The things he bought you is because of this! This is the truth Sherwin! I'd say, we take Little Miss Muffet out of here, or let it die."

I-I'm in a loss for words...my father is torturing animals...right behind my whole life...?

Then I looked down to the kitten, reaching for my hand. I begin to pet the cutie, hearing it purr...

Tears begin to flow down to my face...seeing the truth of it all...I opened the cage open to hold it close to my face, letting it muzzle my cheek.

H-he's right...he's been right all along...such a caring handsome man Jonathan really is.

"J-Jon...I-I'm so-"

Then I heard a few doors opening and close behind me...

My father is coming!!

I turned to Jonathan and hand him the kitten.

"Take her with you! And quickly! Before my father sends out more guards!" I demanded him but he looks down at me.

"Your not coming with?" He asked me...I wish I could...I lean up to kiss those tasty lips of his, and pulled away.

"Don't worry about me, now go!"

Soon, he makes his way out of the building with the kitten in hand...then I see my father walking in with his preparations...

"Now! It's time for little Miss Muffet to become little mis—Sherwin...what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be guarding the town?" My father asked and I cross my arms...

"I have so many questions to ask you..."

He gave me a big gulp and he knew what's up...just by looking behind me.

—Back in the Administration—

Jonathan walking down the halls, holding little Miss Muffet in his arms, suddenly saw Sunny walking by.

"Jonathan! Thank goodness your here! Oh!" She saw the kitten and fangirled how adorable it is!

"You saved her!" Jonathan nodded and then spotted a little girl, talking to the administrator, looking really sad, this must've belonged to her...

"Be right back Sunny." So he walked up to the two and the older one was surprised to see him.

"Agent J.P...you arrived quite so soon." She told him and Jonathan chuckled nervously. "I guess I'm getting quicker and quicker."

He looked down at the little sad girl, it appears shes been crying...he kneels forward, and handed her the little kitten.

"Little Miss Muffet! Your safe!" The little girl hugged the cat where it purrs in joy.

The young man smiled and the girl kissed his cheek as a thank you.

This made the administrator smile by this heartfelt moment. "Mission accomplished Agent J.P, and a new saving record!"

"Heh yeah, I'd do anything for a child's happiness."

Soon, the staff sends some positive notes to Jonathan until he went on home after the little celebration, saving a little girls kitten is always an easy job for him. He couldn't wait for more assignments sooner tomorrow.

—Back in Jonathan's Apartment—

He puts away his brief case and changed out of his clothes, decided to take another shower.

It was indeed a crazy night for the young agent.

After the steamy shower, drying himself off with a towel, but entering back inside of his bedroom...he received an unexpected visitor.

"Hey there Mr~"

Jonathan smirked and chuckled to himself, leaning against the door.

"What are you doing here Shirley?" He asked and then the other young man held the tv remote, demands him to go watch the news.

"Breaking news from Professor Kevin Laboratory! who's been exposed by illegal experiments on poor helpless animals and marketing them in the deep web, selling mutated hybrid animals to third world countries for that extra cash, he is found arrested and will be sent to prison-"

Jonathan was surprised that this actually happened...he couldn't wait to tell his staff about this.

"You actually did it." He turned to Sherwin where he got up from the bed, walking up to the tall one, gently caressing his fingers against his bare tones chest.

"Anything Id do for a sexy animal life saver~"

The Latin knew where this is going, he couldn't wait this long ever since they met. They looked deeply into their eyes and shared a passionate kiss where things get steamy.

"Let me make it up to you, this time I mean it~" he whispered into his ear, blowing it where Sherwin giggled softly, wrapped his arms around his neck. Jonathan carried him onto the bed, where they got busy under the sheets as a celebration for a successful mission.

The End!


This was so much fun for write! Thank you so much unknown_loverrr For the fun request! I hope you enjoyed it yourself. I may not be too good on this sort of theme, but it's still a creative one UwU

Here's some sketches I did of the two lovers and thanks for reading!

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