Shadow of malevolence part 2

Narrators point of view

The bombing squad came out of Hyperspace and arrived at nebula , It looks like a very thick brown fog in the middle of space . In reality it was a bunch of gas is formed together to create the nebula still have the dreary effect of fog and because of popular movies represented in outer space izuku was getting nervous

Izuku getting a bad feeling: listen I know I'm new to space travel but I don't think we should go in there

Skywalker laughed over the cones: what's the matter greeny you're scared of a little fog

Izuku: no it's just... If this was One of my world stories we'd just be entering the part where people would say don't go in there turn back, also this whole nebula thing practically screams death awaits here

Skywalker: relax greeny we just need to go through my shortcut and we'll be fine

Master pro: A nebula can be quite unpredictable. I advise caution

Clone pilot in another bomber: don't worry about us Sir shadow squad can handle it right boys?

Eventually the clones responded with different enthusiastic terms, fully confident that they would live through the mission. But first they need to get through the nebula

Ahsoka finally getting the chance to speak: does anyone care what the Padawan thinks?

Skywalker sarcastically responded: of course we do, snips, but we're still going to the nebula if you're nervous you should've let me be your pilot

Ahsoka rolled her eyes her master was still sort of annoyed that  she was piloting herself instead of being his Gunner. also probably wasn't helping that she disregarded his belief that izuku in a space battle but she couldn't let him go do something this severe this soon in his training He was now just starting to get used to the idea of being speaks he still needed some time to adjust to the idea of actually flying one

Izuku: if it's any constellation ahsoka I value your opinion

Ahsoka blushed as she smiled: thank you izuku

The fighter is then entered the nebula. Meanwhile at the medical station the evacuation was underway however it was slow going Slow I just couldn't get enough injured in the other ships and the overall amount that had been of activate it was only 50% and general grievous and his prized warship was closing in

Back with skywalker and his team they drove through the nebula uncertain and unsure what it could bring but Skywalker remained his positive yet naive self. Still believing his plan was for proof. His Padawan and her new friend weren't so sure

Ahsoka turned off cons so that the two of them could have a more private conversation: izuku is it just me or does it seem poorly thought out to you?

Izuku agreed: yes I do agree with you ahsoka I mean I'm no stranger to being reckless but this just feels... Wrong, I mean it's going well so far but being here in this nebula thing filled with gas it's like we're asking for trouble.

The Padawan couldn't help but agree, flying through the nebula was not only dangerous but practically stupid. She knew her master was... Ambitious to say the least but she wasn't sure that he had fully thought this plan through, the shortcut was a nice touch to get ahead of grievous but she wasn't sure that a small group of bombers could take down a monster ship like the malevolence

Izuku was checking the scanners but they were essentially useless because of the gas: well the scanners are useless with practically flying blind, how are you doing ahsoka?

Ahsoka: not much better I can barely see right now I'm just following master skywalker and the rest of the squad but if we lose them I think we're gonna end up getting lost

Izuku looking outside: this is just creepy, I'm half expecting a monster to suddenly just pop out and eat us

Ahsoka intrigued by the motion: is that what happens in one of your... Stories

Izuku explained: well yes I know, well I know it's about your galactic society you don't have stories in the same context as my society. For example we have stories that we call fairytales their stories that we know aren't true but we still enjoy reading them

Ahsoka confused: why would you want to read a story that you know isn't true?

Iuzku: well it's a bit hard to explain I guess One of the main reasons it's probably because fairytales teach kids lessons like for example there is one called Little red Riding Hood about a girl going into the forest and meeting a wolf she talks to the wolf and even later is a trap for her and gobbles her up don't worry she's rescued by the huntsman but the fact remains the story has a lesson don't talk to strangers

Ahsoka agreed with that on the most part but to her that's only a bit dark: that's a bit dark for a child story isn't it?

Izuku: well fairytales were originally horror stories but they downplayed it a lot so that it was more appropriate for children. But it's not just fairytales that we have we have movies that are filled with action, adventure, sci-fi stuff and even horror . Some stories are based on true events or are inspired by true events but the majority of movies are mostly made up . It's just a form of entertainment besides it's really kind of fun, like in horror movies you can get the thrill of being scared without being in any real danger at least that's what one of my friends say... She would love this right now we're kind of living one of her sci-fi horrors

Ahsoka: okay... Just a quick question what exactly happened in this sci-fi horror of hers , Just curious since it sounds like it's similar to our situation

Izuku: Well a number of things could happen the gas could cause a power failure and we are all left adrift in space.  Or A giant space monster comes out of the fog in cobbles all of us up, or finally the least favourite of the options we find an abandoned ship that's giving out a distress beacon

Ahsoka confused: how is that the worst one?

Izuku explained: well because when we go into the ship we find that all the crew have been killed and there are alien creatures with Sharp claws in even sharper tails they've got acid for blood and they pick us off one by one by capturing all of us and bringing them to their nest where they'll be eggs of that young that will jump on our faces and use our bodies to warm themselves as they hatch only for them to burst straight out of our stomachs or chests

ahsoka almost vomited at the image of that gruesome scene: you have people make something like that for entertainment?!

Izuku defended: hey it's just made up it's not like anything like that exists... Right?

Ahsoka thought about it for a moment: Not that I can think of but I think if we ever come across a ship like that we don't approach it unless the distress beacon is followed by someone speaking on the other end

Izuku nod: yeah, you're probably right

The to continue to talk about the differences between the culture and society if nothing else it was to ease their minds about the uncertainty that the nebula brought. Meanwhile General Grievous and his prize ship work drawing ever so closer to the medical station

Droid number one: General the computer says we only have 1 parsec left before we reach the medical station

General grievous chuckled: good we will maximise our casualties with this attack

Another droid: Sir we are receiving an urgent message from Count Dooku

General grievous returned to his post ready to receive his message from the leader of the separatist alliance. Truthfully grievous did not care much for the former Jedi but The good leader kept providing him with battle droids and battleships to destroy his enemy the Jedi so as such he did I see was told... For now

Count  Dooku The hologram: General grievous I have just received some information from Lord Sirius, The Republic has launched a small band of bombers to attack the malevolence

The general in his pride boasted: let the Republic come our ship is unstoppable!

The leader of the separatist shake his head: do not underestimate them, Skywalker is leading them do you will not be taken down so easily but that is no matter. I have full confidence that you will be able to defeat him

General grievous: then why are you calling me?! If you have faith in my abilities

The count explained his reason: Because master Yoda is a new apprentice is amongst the fighters, my master has taken an interest in this young boy as a vibe if possible I wish you to capture him alive I want to know who he is and where he is from

General grievous grown up, he was in the interest of eliminating all the Jedi not capturing one and giving him away as a present: why does the dark Lord of the Sith require this I thought he was able to get information quite easily from the Jedi

The fallen Jedi stroked his beard: according to my master of the Jedi are being unusually secretive and around the mysteries of this new and mysterious Padawan, they have given him a story that he is from Tatooine and suffers memory loss but my master feels there is more to the story than that. Aside from that my assassin told me of his... Abilities apparently he wiped out three tanks with nothing but his bare hands and he had this strange energy pulsating from his body And to top it all off when he was close by I felt a great disturbance in the Force as did my master we're not sure entirely but we think this new Padawan Has done something to the force, disturbance is unlike anything I thought before it is neither in the scales of light or the dark this is unsettling that is why I want to know more about him capture him torture him if you have to just find out who he is and where he is from

General Grievous chuckled, even though he hated the idea of having to catch a Padawan instead of killing them he ravished in the idea of being able to torture a Jedi: it will be done my lord

That with the Anakin's team they were still going through the nebula even though they had been in it for at least an hour but there was still nothing to be seen except the endless abyss of the nebula and its gases

Ahsoka asked on the comms: so sky guy how exactly did you hear about this shortcut?

Anakin responded: smugglers on Tatooine talked about it

Ahsoka shocked: smugglers!! Oh great

Anakin with a smug smile: they call it old menorah run

Master pol shocked to hear those words: Namorar run!!

The scanner in izuku bomber began beeping, he turned to it and read out the readings: hey... There is something on the radar something very big

The Jedi master strongly protested: Skywalker listen to me! We have to turn back!

Anakin disagreed: we can't not with grievous so close

Izuku another reading on his radar: there's another reading this one is much larger

Master plo: this nebula is the nesting get ground of the-

The Jedi knight couldn't finish because he was interrupted by the screams ofizuku Who had the unlucky experience of meeting one of these creatures face-to-face, it was ginormous its mouth could swallow the entire ship in one go and to make matters worse there was more than one of them there were thousands

Skywalker giving orders: take a face of action

Master plo: don't shoot all the panic

Ahsoka narrowly avoiding a collision with one of the creatures: they'll panic I'm about to panic!

izuku making a movie reference to try and calm himself down: we're gonna need a bigger ship

Everyone took evasive action narrowly avoiding collision with the creatures in which wasn't easy they were over thousands of them each one varying different sizes one small crash would cause the whole pod to panic which would only cause more problems for the rest of the squad but by some miracle they made it out the nebula without a single loss of life

Izuku breathing heavily: just a quick reminder that was supposed to be the easy part

Skywalker: and it was we didn't lose anybody

Ahsoka: but we nearly did it that was too much of a risk

Master plo agreed with the young ones: your Padawan is right Skywalker that was too close

Skywalker defended himself: but master we didn't lose anybody we still have a-

The Jedi knight was interrupted by the sound of everyone's scanner going off there was something massive coming out of hyperspace it was none other than General Grievous and the malevolence

Iuzku point of view

Oh God the malevolence, even though it's a fair distance away I can see it clearly and it's still a huge. No I'm definitely not on board with this plan how exactly are a bunch of bombers going to take out a ship that big. Grievous must've noticed us because he sends out fighters an hour in the sky fight or is it space flight?

I when we go to the photos all the others spread out and take evasive action, I grab hold of the gun and try shooting some of them, I'm not a great shot but I'm very least I can provide some covering fire for ahsoka and the others besides shooting something like this is kind of like this old arcade game I used to love when I was a kid of course now I don't have three lives I've only got one

Ahsoka: keep shooting them keep them off me!

I called back to her: i'm trying!

I managed to get at least three of the photos off of our tail, but that moment of relief doesn't last long when the ion cannon blasts and the ring of energy is coming straight for us

Skywalker: everyone engines Max Power get over the energy field!

That's what everyone does they booster engines to the maximum power narrowly avoiding getting caught in the energy field but broadside engine explodes from some damages he received back in the nebula he takes out one of the ships with him as he explodes. me and ahsoka make it over along with master skywalker and master plo as well as seven other fighters but to three others got caught in the blast

I still can't believe it we lost people, I was training to be a hero but my training didn't prepare my photos especially during a war no shake it off izuku you can moan later right now there's still a fight going on

And there is still the medical station to protect, General Grievous is he's aiming his ion cannon directly at the medical station we need to hurry. No wait, we need to rethink this even if we get to the bridge on time there's no way we'll get there before he fires off the Canon even if we get grievous that will still mean over 1000 clone troopers die and that's not something that we should be taking was supposed to protect lives not further in danger of them

Skywalker still leading the charge to the bridge: everyone fall behind me we still have a chance to get to the bridge

I interject: No! We can't go to the bridge it will be too late, ion cannon is already charging back up and it's in the position to attack the medical base even if we get to the bridge there is no guarantee that will be able to stop the cannon from firing we need a new plan!

Thankfully I wasn't the only one that felt this way,ahsoka agreed with me: He's right master you can make it but everyone else is getting shut down, we were sent here to protect the medical station not use it is an opportunity to get rid of general grievous

Skywalker argued: but we might not get another chance like this we have to take it!

I've had enough: Anakin listen! I know you want to get rid of that monster, I felt the same way about some of my enemies as well but I had to put the people first because that's what heroes do we put the people safety above our own desires! That's what the Jedi should be doing as well please listen we need a new plan

Masterplo thankfully had one: if we do enough damage to the ion cannon it will malfunction and explode when grievous tries to fire it!

That's the best plan I've heard all day, and right now it might be our only chance to do a critical hit to grievous but most importantly it will save the medical station all we need now is for Skywalker to agree

I plead with him one more time: please Master skywalker listen to reason there will be another chance to get grievous but there won't be another chance to see those people please!

He was silent for a moment and the suspense was killing me, The Canon was getting charged up and we will be losing more and more fighters by the second he needed to make a decision

Finally he made one and thankfully it was the right call: fighters format but we've got a new target the ion cannon

Oh thank you God, we fly just passed the bridge and then we both get a quick glance at General Grievous in the side just a small glance but I can tell he is hideous and, in that split moment our eyes locked I could see it just for a moment he recognised me I don't know how but I saw it in that fixed moment I saw a face of recognition but how?

Whatever it doesn't matter right now we're heading over to the ion cannon the fighters are still on our tail and the guns are still shooting at us but they still think we're going after the bridge they have no idea where we are really going, we get to the ion cannon and we are unleash the torpedoes because some explosions in the ion cannons I just hope it's enough as we fly away the ion cannon fire spread it backfires just as Master plo said it would and the ship is now in flames but it's not destroyed

Ahsoka cheered: yes great job for convincing master skywalker to change his target izuku

I smile at her praise: thanks but we wouldn't have made it this far without your incredible flying ahsoka

He sounded happy by my praise: oh... Thank you that means a lot you know maybe you and me should-

Suddenly we stopped moving, at first I thought The engines had malfunctioned but it was much worse than that much worse

Ahsoka: this is not good we've been caught in a tractor beam ! They're pulling us in

Oh great just when I thought truffles were over the universe decides to put me in a greater danger, I'm going on board the malevolence

And that is it for this chapter sorry it took so long I had other things occupying my mind, anyway I hope you've enjoyed please don't forget to leave a vote and a comment because it really shows support. I will see you all next time

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