Clarity Parker
"Fiancé?" we heard someone ask. I looked behind me and saw Cisco and Caitlin standing in the doorway of the Cortex. "Clarity, you were engaged?" Caitlin asked. I nodded.
"But you left us on a cliffhanger, man," Cisco whined, "what was the other thing?" I chuckled.
"Fine. I'll be nice and tell you," I teased. Suddenly my smile fell into a frown as I remembered the memory of that night. "I, um, when I was rushed to the hospital I could still hear everything going on around me. I couldn't see, but I could hear. I heard one of the nurses become distressed and worried. And then I heard it. The words that killed me inside: the baby's gone." Caitlin gasped. "I was two months pregnant. The lightning bolt killed the baby. I lost my fiancé and my child. I don't think speed could ever make up for that big of a loss," she finished. Suddenly Caitlin wrapped her arms around me, surprising me a bit.
"I'm so sorry, Clarity. When Ronnie died I lost only Ronnie. I didn't have a child growing inside of me. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I can't even imagine what it was like," I whispered. She nodded.
"I never thought it would happen to me until it did," I mumbled. Barry wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. He kissed the top of my head and I heard Dr. Wells enter the room.
"Ms. Parker, Joe says you're needed back at the precinct." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Something about Singh saying a spot opened up early." I grinned and started squealing. I turned back and look to Barry.
"It opened up early! He left earlier than planned!" I squealed. Barry put on a smile, a grin.
"That's amazing! Go! Talk to Singh! Get that position before he changes his mind!" Barry exclaimed. I kissed him before speeding away towards the precinct. I stopped right before entering and walked over to Joe's desk.
"Rumor has it you're gonna be our new detective," he told me. I nodded, glancing in Singh's office. It was empty.
"Where's Singh?" I questioned. Joe shrugged.
"Ms. Parker, glad you got here so fast," I heard Singh say. I turned around and saw him walking towards me. "Sorry about that. My fiancé had to give me my lunch I forgot at home." I chuckled. He sounded like such a kid. "Walk and talk to my office." I nodded and followed him. "So as Joe probably told you your spot opened up early."
"He did," I replied.
"And how soon would you like it?" he asked. I shrugged.
"When would be the best time for me to take it? I'm ready anytime. You just have to tell me," I said. He nodded.
"What about the situation with Allen?" My smile fell. "Ms. Parker, I just don't want to risk anything happening." I nodded, running a hand through my blonde hair. His eyes widened slightly. "Your nose is bleeding." He handed me a napkin that was on his desk. I touched my nose and saw the blood. I held the napkin to my nose.
"Sorry. I think I'm just under a lot of stress right now. It's not the job. It's just...Barry. Captain Singh, I don't think I can break up with Barry."
"Very well then. Just keep your relationship on the downlow then." I breathed a sigh of relief. He handed me a badge. "You start tomorrow. Enjoy your last day in Forensics." I grinned.
"Thank you, Sir." I stood there awkwardly, not knowing if I should leave.
"You can go." I basically raced out of the office. Joe looked up at me, eyebrow raised.
"Well?" Eddie looked up from his phone, probably texting Iris. I held up my badge.
"I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning," I said. Joe hugged me, and I gave him an awkward side hug. He pointed to my nose in confusion. "Random nosebleed." He nodded. Eddie smiled.
"Nice job, Parker. To be completely honest here, I didn't think a spot would open up for you," Eddie teased. I punched his arm and he clutched it. I just smirked. "Damn. You know how to throw a punch," he muttered. Joe chuckled.
"I taught you well, didn't I?" I nodded.
I walked into STAR Labs a few hours later and Barry looked up at me. "Well? Why were you called there?" he asked, walking towards me. I grinned.
"I got the job."
"You got the job."
"I got the job!" I squealed. Barry hugged me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you, Clarity!" he told me. He almost convinced me that he was. Almost. But I could see it in his eyes.
"What's wrong? Why do you not want me to have this job?" I asked softly, place a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged, running a hand through his hair.
"I just..It'll be lonely in the Lab. It was amazing with you there. More fun. Someone to talk to," he said. I frowned slightly. There's more to it. I can sense it. "You also can't go out to calls with me as The Violet Flash as often anymore. You're gonna be working and constantly responding to calls. Figuring out crimes. I want to be with you more," he told me. I saw Cisco and Caitlin frown.
"Barry, you'll still see me. We're in the same building. We'll still be working together as vigilantes. I don't see how you'll see me any less," I said. He sighed. "But this isn't about seeing each other, is it?" He shook his head. "Why do you really not want me taking this position?"
"It's dangerous, Clar! You may be a metahuman but you can't always outrun a speeding bullet. And you can't reveal your powers out in the field. What happens if you go to a hospital and they find out about your powers? Or worse?"
"Barry, nothing is going to happen to me. I promise. And it's not like you're going to propose soon. We've been dating for a few weeks," I told him. He chuckled. "I'm going to head to my apartment and see if Holly's back yet. I'll see you later," I told everyone before speeding to my apartment. I stopped outside the front door before opening it up. "Holly," I called out.
"In my room!" I walked towards her room and saw her on her computer, Blake walking around. I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Clarity, I know the rule. No boys in my room. But the door is open."
"But you two were here alone." I eyed Blake, making him shrink back a bit. "I came home because I have news," I said. She grinned.
"You're pregnant? We're getting a dog? You're pregnant, aren't you?" I chuckled and shook my head. "Then what is it?"
"I got the position I wanted at work. I'm a detective now." Blake paled. "Yeah. Don't be committing any crimes or I'll make sure it's Joe that arrests your ass. He doesn't take kindly to hoodlum teens," I told Blake.
"Clarity," Holly hissed. I chuckled.
"Kidding." Relief flooded his face. "No. But seriously. I will kick your ass if I find out you do something illegal. And, Holly, we have guests coming over for dinner. Please clean up your room a bit."
"I didn't realize dinner was being held in my room," she said sarcastically. I glared at her. She raised her hands in surrender, getting up off her bed. "Okay, okay. Geez. I'll clean it up," she muttered. I smirked and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water just as my phone rang.
"Ms. Parker, are we still coming over for dinner at your place?" Dr. Wells asked. I nodded and pulled the bottle away from my mouth.
"Yes. I hope you're okay with Big Belly Burger. I don't have time to cook anything."
"Don't let her cook!" I heard Barry yell in the background. Wells snickered while I rolled my eyes.
"Don't listen to him. I only spilled hot butter on him once. But yes. In about an hour. You already know my address."
"I'll see you in an hour, Ms. Parker," he told me.
"See you in an hour, Dr. Wells," I replied before hanging up. Holly and Blake came out of their room as I cleaned up a little.
"Anything I can help with?" Blake asked. I stopped wiping down the counter and looked to him with a raised eyebrow.
"Let me guess: trying to be a suck up?" He smiled sheepishly, making me chuckle. "Why don't you and Holly go out on a date? I'll give you some money. I don't think you two want to stick around discussing work." I grabbed my wallet and handed them fifty dollars. "Have fun." Once they left I cleaned up using my speed. I was done in less than a minute. I sighed and sat down, waiting for the big belly burger to arrive.
"Are you having some type of party?" the delivery guy asked as I paid him for the food. I shrugged.
"Something like that. Keep the change," I said before shutting the door. I set the Big Belly Burger on the counter just as the doorbell rang again. I looked at the clock on my phone. Right on time. I opened the door and saw Dr. Wells waiting by the door with Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry. I stepped aside so they could all come in. Cisco let out a low whistle.
"Sweet place, Clarity. I see you've cleaned up," he told me. I laughed and nodded, shutting the door behind them as Barry kissed me quickly.
"I did. I sent Holly and Blake out on a date so we could talk freely without prying ears. If Blake found out who we are I have a feeling it wouldn't be kept secret. Please, make yourself a home. Me casa es su casa."
"You took Spanish?" Barry asked. I nodded.
"I mean, I pretty much failed it, but in South Florida you needed to know at least some Spanish." They all chuckled. "I communicated with Hartley that way sometimes. Even Ronnie." Caitlin cringed at the name Hartley, making me laugh.
"I smell me some Big Belly Burger," Cisco sang. I put the bags on the table.
"Eat. We can't have leftovers. Holly will eat it all and apparently I can't feed her junk food or fast food," I said, glaring at Barry. He shrugged.
"Like once a month she can have fast food," he argued. Dr. Wells raised an eyebrow.
"Barry, I didn't realize you're helping Clarity take care of Holly. That's very nice of you considering Clarity would probably kill her," Wells said. I rolled my eyes.
"That is not true!" I defended. Caitlin chuckled.
"Clarity, you managed to kill Bamboo. Do you know how hard it is to kill Bamboo? It's a grass that's basically a weed. It never grew back after you killed it!" Caitlin exclaimed. I sighed. Yeah. She's right. Barry and Cisco burst out laughing.
"How do you manage to kill Bamboo?" Cisco managed to say between laughs. I rolled my eyes.
"Ha ha. Laugh all you want. That means I could kill you if I wanted to," I told them both. They immediately stopped laughing and I smirked.
"Anyways, Clarity said that she wasn't ready to take care of Holly on her own so I offered to help. We go grocery shopping together so I can keep her from buying all of the junk food for Holly. I-" He stopped speaking and stared at the cabinets, eyeing them. He got up and pulled the box on top down, turning to look at me. He held up the box. "Really?" I shrugged.
"What? I like Fun Dip and York Patties," I defended with a shrug. He shook his head and put it back up on the shelf.
"I rest my case," Barry said, sitting back down to eat. I just rolled my eyes and started eating my second burger.
"You know, I'm still not used to seeing a girl eat so much," Cisco muttered. I glared at him, food still in my mouth, before I grabbed a bunch of fries and threw them at him. He smirked, eating a fry. "Mmmmm. Salty." I wiggled my eyebrows, making everyone but Barry and Cisco cringe. "That came out wrong."
"So what did you want to discuss?" I asked Dr. Wells. He put down his burger, wiping his hands with a napkin.
"The Man in Yellow." The table fell silent. "He's been visiting you a lot lately." I nodded.
"He has? Why didn't you tell me?" Barry questioned. I sighed. "Clarity, he's dangerous. He can't be trusted. He killed your parents and my mom."
"We already went over this, Barry. He didn't kill my parents. The Flash did," I said. Cisco's face fell.
"Barry killed your parents?" he whispered. I nodded. "How do you know that?"
"When the Man in Yellow first came to visit me after I'd gotten my speed he explained everything. He explained how he's not my enemy, but my ally. He explained how Barry was my enemy and how Barry killed my parents. Looking back on that night, I realized he was right. Barry tried to kill younger me. The Man in Yellow saved me. He's the one who sped me to where younger Barry was. We ran in opposite directions to our houses, both greeted by the sight of our dead parents. He's not my enemy, he's yours," I explained. They all exchanged glances before Barry stood up and walked out of the apartment. I chased after him. "Where are you going?" I demanded.
"You just told the whole team something can't possibly be true. Why would I kill your parents and try to kill you?"
"Something may have happened in the future, Barry. Something bad. I don't completely trust the Man in Yellow but I think he's right. I told them so we can stop it from happening again."
"You know what I think? You're treating me like a child, Clarity. Here I am, trying to help you and you're putting me down. This isn't what a relationship is supposed to be like," he yelled. I sighed, taking a deep breath so I don't scream at him.
"We are talking about work. Flash work. Our relationship is solely based outside of work. As Flash and Violet Flash, we are partners. As forensic scientists, we are partners."
"You're not a forensic scientist anymore," he pointed out. I groaned.
"You're not helping! Look, I'm sorry I did that. But I don't want it to happen. I only want the best for you and your future. Hell, maybe even our future. I love you, Barry. I don't want you to hate me," I said. His gaze softened.
"What did you just say?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Did you just say that you love me?" I nodded.
"I always have. I have since you first started talking to me in elementary school, but you were so blinded by Iris that you never noticed. And it hurt, Barry. It hurt like hell. And when you kissed me in the grocery store that first time and said it was only for the old lady it felt like you fucking stabbed me multiple times. So don't you dare say that I'm bringing you down. You've been doing it since day one," I snapped.
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he whispered. My eyes widened.
"Why didn't I ever tell you? When are you going to tell Iris that you love her?" I shouted. He fell silent. I realized that the front door opened just as I said that, and then someone said my name. I looked and saw Holly and Blake.
"Barry, is that true?" Holly questioned, still holding hands with Blake. Barry looked to me for help. I shook my head.
"You got yourself into this mess," I told him, choking back a sob as tears streamed down my face. I stormed inside, pushing past Cisco and to my room like a teenager. I heard Barry calling my name but I only slammed the door, waiting for them all to leave.
A few minutes later there was a knock on my bedroom door before it opened up to reveal Caitlin. I glanced at her before continuing to stare at the wall, clutching a picture frame to my chest. "Clarity?"
"Please just go away, Caitlin. I'm not in the mood to talk," I said. She nodded, but sat down on my bed anyways. "You're not going to leave, are you?" She shook her head.
"We heard the fight. You guys were pretty loud." I nodded.
"I figured as much. The look on Cisco's face said it all. I'm sorry you had to hear how pathetic I am," I muttered. She sighed.
"You're not pathetic, you're hurt." I frowned slightly. She eyed the picture frame. "Who is that?"
"Will Park, my dead fiancé," I said simply. She nodded.
"He's quite the looker." I nodded. "I can see why you love him."
"And he's dead," I said. She shook her head.
"I'm not talking about Will. I'm talking about Barry. He fights for what he believes in, and right now he's venting to Joe about the fight and Joe just called me saying that Barry is pissed that you won't answer your phone." She grabbed the phone from the dresser. "Because you turned it off. Smart." I nodded as she set the phone back down. "You should talk to him." I shook my head, setting the picture of Will back on my nightstand.
"He's in love with Iris. Until he admits it I'm not speaking to him. I don't care if I'm acting like a child. I can't stand to get my heart broken. Not again." Caitlin placed her hand on mine.
"I know, and I understand. But what are you going to do on calls as The Violet Flash?" I shrugged. She sighed.
The next day I walked into work in the midst of throwing my hair up in a ponytail. I saw Barry waiting for me by the stairs but I just headed straight to my desk. "Hey, Clarity," Eddie greeted. I smiled at him before sitting down at my desk. Barry walked over, coffee in hand and hot chocolate in the other. He set the hot chocolate in front of me. I pushed it to the side, logging into my desktop.
"Listen, can we talk about yesterday?" Barry asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the desk I was sitting at, completely ignoring Barry.
"Joe, do you know where my case file went? I left it on my desk yesterday and it's not here," I said. He nodded and got up, handing me the file.
"Sorry. I forgot to put it back. I was looking through it since Singh wanted us three working on the case. You don't have a partner yet so he figured you'd want some help," Joe explained. I nodded.
"Clarity." Barry snatched the file out of my hands, placing it somewhere else on the desk. I went to grab it when he grabbed both of my hands in his left one. "Listen to me." I pulled my hands away.
"There's nothing to talk about. Now why don't you go do your job and let me do mine," I snapped. Eddie raised an eyebrow and exchanged glances with Joe. Singh walked over to us.
"Is there a problem over here, Ms. Parker and Mr. Allen?" he asked, looking between the two of us. I shook my head, keeping my glare on Barry.
"No. Everything is perfect," I replied. He nodded and walked away. Barry gave up and walked away, storming up to his lab.
"Don't you think you were a little harsh on him?" Eddie questioned. I looked up at Eddie, raising an eyebrow.
"Barry's in love with another woman while dating me. I have every right to be harsh on him. I'm not speaking to him until he admits that he loves her and tells her," I explained.
"Well, who is this woman?"
"As much as I would love to tell you, it's not my secret to tell. You'll just have to wait and find out." Joe frowned towards me, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Don't give me that look. He's your son, not mine. If you want to talk some sense in him then be my guest. But Barry is merely a guy I work with right now. Not a childhood crush and best friend." Joe nodded and looked back down at his computer screen, secretly glancing at Eddie. "Eddie, stop staring at me," I said as I focused on the file.
As I was just about to tell Joe that I thought I solved the case, my phone buzzed.
Dr. Wells
I'm working. Barry is on break. He can handle it himself.
It was a group chat between the five of us so I knew that Barry could see it. I wasn't being a bitch or stubborn, I was busy working. I didn't want to get fired and I had told them that I wouldn't be able to respond to calls in the daytime as much anymore.
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