Chapter 52: The Exciting Part

Warning: Smut ahead. Feel free to skip this chapter if you don't appreciate explicit content... but if you do please enjoy 😘

Ruby walked through the forest path carefully making sure that she doesn't trip on the random roots here and there. She had a drawstring pouch that carried a set of clothes and a towel she borrowed from the dwarves. Thankfully, the dwarves were kind enough to lend a towel even though they could only cover so much of her body. She might not be able to conceal herself with them, but at least she could dry her skin more efficiently. 

She's heading to the nearby river to bathe and clear her head. Dyrroth had gone before her earlier so she assumed that he's already done by now and is heading back to their little camp

Walking in silence allowed her to gather her thoughts about what Hela told her and then about how Ophis called her Nefer. It was odd, to say the least. Isn't that what Anubis called his adopted child? Maybe it's a term of endearment. Dyrroth did say that it meant "beautiful, good, and pleasing." Maybe the white Egyptian wolf was hitting on her. 

She shook her head. 'Don't be too full of yourself. Not everyone likes you.' 

Finally, Ruby reached her destination. The river was clear and peaceful. There were mini waterfalls and some boulders where she could lie down to rest. She placed her things down between some rocks and began to strip her clothes before diving into the water. 

The feeling of cold water invigorated her senses. She stayed still for a few seconds, letting the water envelope her body in a comforting hug. Holding her breath underwater and letting herself get carried by the slow current is one of her favorite things about nature. It makes her feel like a part of the river, a drop among many others. It was tranquil and comforting, washing away all her worries and letting them become mere drops in this river. 

Her mind suddenly thought of the white Egyptian wolf and how he called her "Nefer". Is it a term of endearment? No, they've just met and he doesn't seem to be a flirty individual. Perhaps it has something to do with her connection with Fenrir or maybe even being Dyrroth's wife. What if it means missus? In any case, she shouldn't dwell on it too much because there are more important things she should be concerned about. 

After a while, Ruby surfaced to get some air. She discovered that she didn't need air as much as she did in the mortal realm so she was able to last longer underwater. 

She made her way through the current and found herself in a round pool where the waterfalls cascade from the cliff. She decided to explore the falls and see if there is a cave behind it with hidden treasures like what she reads about in books. 

To her utter dismay, she found a certain demon prince instead of shiny golden treasures. Well, with his wealth Dyrroth is a literal walking wallet. Her walking wallet. 

"Hey, Ruby." He greeted with a hint of sultriness. He leaned against the rocks, resting his arms beside him. 

(He is giving off Katra vibes)

(Art not mine but this masterpiece inspired me to write this chapter. Please tell me the name of the artist if you know them so I can give credit.)

He grinned, throwing her one of his signature smiles. He certainly knows how to make a woman's pantie drop and he used it mercilessly against her. Flirty demon. 

He was hot, to say the least, and she may have felt her heartthrob (and something else) with the way he looked at her. "Join me, little wife." 

"Nope." Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, demon daddy! She covered her breasts and squeezed her legs shut, doing her best to be modest despite being completely naked. Dyrroth smiled at her confidently even though he was also completely naked. How can he be so confident all the time? She knows that she'd seen him bare before but she's still a shy lady who is not used to presenting herself naked to a ravenous man/demon. 

'Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down.' Her mind screamed and she was almost sure that he could hear her thoughts due to his daunting smile. 

His sigil on her chest began to hum. There was electricity between them, something raw and untamed. She could feel his want, she could hear the thousand words he wanted to do to her. The dirty things he would whisper to her ear. 

Ruby tried her best to suppress the weird feelings rising in her stomach. Dyrroth is hot and that is an understatement. Water dripped from his silver locks cascading down the fine lines of his robust body. The numerous scars that littered his skin looked beautiful and divine. He wore them with dignity and pride like a true warrior. 

She never had scars. The power of the wolf always made sure to heal her wounds but she always thought that scars were cool. 

She could imagine resting her head on his arm while he strokes her hair. She would trace the beautiful scars on his chest and he would tell her how he got them. And because he is Dyrroth, he would constantly steal kisses from her and she would let him. 

This is getting out of hand. 

"I'm just gonna go and leave you to do your own business. Bye, darling— I mean Dyrroth... Uhmm... Your hotness— I mean your highness!!!" 

What the Heck is wrong with her?! They have already done the deed but why is she still so socially awkward?! This doesn't make any sense! It was totally uncomfortable, she should leave. Immediately. 

Before she could swim away, Dyrroth pulled her back and rested his chin on her shoulder. Her back was pressed to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. She could feel his body heat warming up her own. 

"Won't you join me a little longer, Ruru? I really need a recharge." he whispered, nuzzling his head against her neck. His hair tickled her sensitive skin making her bite her lips. 

A chill went down her spine. She knew what he wanted. It's been so long since their first time, given 1 week isn't very long but still... After tasting the forbidden fruit of pleasure it's quite hard to stop, especially with such an expert partner. The pleasure was exciting and the sensations were overwhelming. But of course, a forest, much less a river, is not an appropriate place to do lewd things. 

Dyrroth began kissing her nape while running his fingers delicately over her shoulders. Ruby whimpered, the cold (his hand) made her instantly weak and vulnerable. She swears it's black magic. This demon definitely used black magic to seduce her. It's definitely NOT his abs or gorgeous face nor his broad shoulders and muscles. Nope, she's not shallow. Definitely not shallow. 

"The ham earlier was delicious but I really think that I'd enjoy a different kind of meat this time." He wrapped his arms around her waist and began to lick and suck her neck. 

"D-Dyrroth, someone might see us!" 

"Wouldn't that be exciting?" he replied, cupping her breasts with his hands. "And besides we're husband and wife. This is natural." 

"... Just be quick. We're going soon." 

"Do you really want that? Sex should be savored, not rushed. We're not animals breeding to reproduce. We're lovers intertwining to make love." 

"You're always so poetic when you're horny, aren't you?" 

"It's because your body is an art and you are my muse. Now, then. Why don't we start savoring each other? My friend here is definitely ravenous today." 

"I can already feel his excitement." 

Ruby looked down, and just as he said, he was indeed fully erect and excited. "How can you be this hard? We barely did anything? Naughty Dyrroth." If he's going to tease her then maybe she should return the favor. She grabbed his shaft and began stroking it slowly. His throat rumbled as he groaned. Her hands were slightly warmer than the water and it tormented him how painfully depraved he is for her warmth. He can't wait to feel something a bit warmer and softer than her palms, that's for sure. Ruby squeezed him between her fingers and smiled at him sensually. 

"Mhhh..." Dyrroth purred. He played with her nipples and captured her lips. He ravished her and pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Her lips are so soft and cute, it's practically a crime not to share them with him more often. Kissing her is like a drug that releases chemicals in his veins, invigorating his senses and overwhelming his sensibilities. Ruby is utterly irresistible which is why he could never control himself around her despite his better judgement, especially during the first few months of their interactions. Lords, he couldn't keep his hands to himself whenever she was near. He swears it's witchcraft. 

He kissed her again this time with more tongue, more aggressively. Ruby did her best to match his expert movements. Dyrroth is really experienced with this and it makes her jealous that he had practiced a lot with other girls. Of course, he would do it with other girls. He's super hot! He's seductive and gorgeous. Everyone with a hole would beg Dyrroth to fuck them. 

"It seems this big bad wolf found his cute little prey. I shall savor every bit of you with pleasure." Dyrroth ensnared her in his arms and began biting her neck. 

"Oh what a big mouth you have, Mr. Wolf." 

"To better eat you with, my child." 

"Oh please no! Mr. Wolf, don't eat me! I'm just an innocent little girl lost in the woods." Ruby said dramatically, playing along with his game. 

He lifted her onto a boulder and knelt between her legs. "The big bad wolf" began to take his fill of the lovely little girl. His lips began to taste the soft pink flesh between her legs and the girl could only moan and whimper while he devoured her. 

"Seems like this innocent little girl is just as sweet as she seems." Dyrroth commented, peeking at her face between her legs. 

Ruby couldn't help but moan helplessly at the pleasurable sensations he sent her way. She could feel warmth pooling between her legs with his mouth exploiting all of her weaknesses. It was Dyrroth's specialty. The first sexual release she ever had with a man was through this. Doing this with him reminded her of their intimate throne room "playtime". She could feel her knees shaking when he finally inserted two of his digits inside her core. They were... Big and the familiar feeling of fullness was present but she didn't feel as full as when his other... thing was inside her. 

Ruby could feel him moving through her folds, spreading her insides wider, and preparing her for something bigger. She gasped. Dyrroth knew perfectly well where to go and what rhythms to use. It doesn't take very long for him to find all her erogenous zones and melt her. She was like an instrument that sang with every movement of his digits. He was very generous with the pleasure and made sure to keep her satisfied while still hungry for him. 

She could feel the euphoria building up inside her stomach while her chest bloomed with warmth. All the universe seems to fall into place when she finally received that sweet sweet orgasm. She could feel her hips shaking with undiluted bliss while she squirted all over his fingers. Her eyes rolled back while a huge smile stretched through her cheeks. 

His name left her lips several times and he liked his name even more. He left kisses on her face and patiently waited for her to gain her senses. Her breasts were heaving with every rapid breath and he decided to pull his fingers out of her and clean them with his mouth. 

"How can you like eating that thing? It probably tastes disgusting, doesn't it?" 

"Actually the smell of your hormones makes me really hungry so I don't mind the taste that much." 

Ruby gave him a look of confusion. "My hormones?" 

"Yes, most creatures secrete hormones when having sex. Yours are just making me more ravenous than anything I've ever had before." 

"Ravenous means that you're just incredibly horny?" 

"Yes, and it makes me want to fuck you senselessly. Ruby," He breathed out her name as if it was a spell, an enchantment. "Only a string's breadth of self-control is holding me back from doing everything I did to you in my room right here, right now." 

"If you can last longer than five minutes then maybe I'll show you the things I've read about in that Sultan's depraved library." 

"Oh, what a lovely little scholar you are. Perhaps it's time to put your knowledge to good use." He placed her over his lap and kissed her lips with wild passion. Ruby could feel him pressing against her tummy, finding him to be very hard. While he busied himself with playing with her breasts, Ruby decided to stroke him. Their lips never parted when she lifted her hips and took him in. 

Dyrroth's growl was a beastly rumble. Ruby's core was slick with wonderful juices smelling incredibly erotic. She was incredibly tight. And warm... And beautiful. And the moans that she made were so!!!! Fuck... Ohhh that was such a nice one! Good girl. 

The huntress was bouncing on his lap like an eager bunny. Lords of the Abyss, she really knows how to ride, doesn't she? Ruby is typically restrained and decent. She is often resistant to his advances. He is like an incubus coaxing her to do sinful things while she is a pure principled virgin. Seducing her was so fun. It was a worthy game. 

For once he found some use for Alice's lessons, besides the war stuff. His vampiric mother taught him how to use charms and charisma to enchant women of power and easily manipulate them to do his bidding. It was the same method she used to bring about the downfall of Vexana's husband and kingdom. 

All the whores his mother let him practice with were so basic and boring but Ruby was something else. She was not a whore, she was a wolf. She was sweet and kind and had real love to give. But she was also dangerous. Oh, so dangerous. Despite how much he loves her, he knew that there was someone else who loves her and he gave her power to make her such a terrifying creature. 

He smirked. Their children would be formidable monsters that's for sure. Beautiful, scary monsters. 

"Slow down there, wild girl. You need to savor it." He whispered, teasing her ear. He tucked a strand of hair behind her face and kissed her again. This time she went slower but deeper. It was damning how she strokes every line and nerve with such perfect precision. He can hear her cute moans between each breath. What a lovely sound.

Ruby dug her nails into his shoulders. She felt so full and yet she still wanted more. She should have tried this much sooner with Dyrroth, as shameful as that sounds. 

She felt him caressing her thighs. Despite how many times he teases her, she knows that he is utterly obsessed with her thighs. Well, he is obsessed with her. Extremely. She could feel his fangs grazing against her skin, threatening to draw blood. As a Lifesteal user, blood is his favorite delicacy and yet only her blood could give him so much pleasure as to drive him to the brink of absolute bliss.

Having their first climax did not take very long. With Ruby's vigor and Dyrroth's skills, the precipice of euphoria was easy to reach. He released his load inside her in rapid succession, his tail coiling around her small waist possessively. Ruby did not even try to contain the luscious sounds that escaped her lips as his warmth flowed inside her. Dyrroth slapped her ass earning a sharp yelp from her, making her squeeze him tighter. 

"I love the new Ruby who doesn't deny her desires. Lust is a good color on you, well second to white of course." Dyrroth mused, wiping the cum staining her cheek. 

"You are a bad influence." Ruby sighed, feeling content. She rested her head on his shoulder and he immediately nuzzled his head in her hair. His arms remained tightly around her body and she could feel his rapid heartbeat. 

"Of course I am. Round 2?" Ruby could feel the mark on her chest igniting with a pleasant feeling. There is a connection between them now and whenever they become extremely passionate it would always burn, yearning to be satiated. She could feel his want, his desires and he could feel hers. They could understand each other without even saying words. It's like they are connected by silver wires that conduct electricity between the two of them. It has never been more powerful until now. 

"How can you always be up so quickly?"

"To fuck you better with, my child."


After Dyrroth's libido had been quelled, the two decided that they'd had enough bath and returned to shore. The demon couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear while Ruby dressed herself obviously exhausted. 

"I'm so tired! You just couldn't stop yourself, could you?"  she complained, puffing her cheeks like a hamster stuffing its face with nuts. 

"It's not my fault that you're so hot! Plus, wasn't it mutual? You literally snapped my neck when you sat on my face with your big fat butt. I thought I was gonna die a second time. Thankfully I still have Lifesteal here." 

"It... It was an accident!" Ruby blushed profusely, subtly touching the bite marks he left on her neck to replenish himself. Who knew Lifesteal could be used like this too? 

"Hey, little birds!" Regn called. The two turned to the Fossegrim who approached them with a friendly smile. Luckily, both of them had been fully dressed when they strode in. 

"Hi, Regn. What's up?" Ruby greeted with an awkward smile. 

"Gorgeous as always. So, I've never been formally introduced to your paramour. Dorothy, the Abyssal Prince, yes?" 

"It's Dyrroth actually, he's my demon slave and nothing more." Ruby introduced making the demon glare at her. 

"Correction, I am her sex slave and not someone who does her chores for her just to clarify." corrected the demon with a smug smile. This time it was Ruby's turn to glare at him. 

Ruby punched his arm but was the one who got hurt in the process. Damn his spikey armor! "You didn't even deny it!"

"I live to tease you."

"Aww, the two of you are just too cute. I remember my Ophelia so much with the way you bicker. Anyways, congratulations by the way for winning all of the queen's challenges. I won a lot of money because of you. I always bet that you would win and you did! I was so impressed. The way you slew Fafnir was fantastic." 

"You two know each other?"

"Not really, I've only seen them play during my fights. They also attend all the banquets I've been to. They seem close to Queen Hela, that's why they're always welcome to all her parties, I guess." Dyrroth explained. 

"I'm close to her majesty because I am the best musician in the entire realm. No one can even come close to my skills." Regn chuckled and led the two to the settlement of the dwarves. Along the way, he told them about the things they can and can't say when interacting with the dwarves as well as the proper conduct to maintain. The dwarves are quite old-fashioned so they value the rules of hospitality. 

"Why are we visiting the dwarves? Is there something Queen Hela wants us to do?" asked Ruby. 

"No, it's just that your clothes are not suitable for this environment so her majesty asked me to send you to the dwarves to get you nice clothes and gear for your travels."

"I see. Wait... So we're getting stuff made by the dwarves?! That is so amazing! I always wanted stuff made by the dwarves!" 

Ruby's eyes began to sparkle with stars. The huntress has always been fond of weapons and their utility and design. Dyrroth remembered that she spent most of her allowance buying fascinating weapons during her stay in the Abyss. She was a hoarder. Her favorite room in the Abyss was his personal arsenal even though he gave her a garden and a library. He really thought that would work. 

That stupid book Beauty and the beast lied! If you want your tiny human girl to fall for you don't give her a stupid library, give her a sword or anything sharp. 

"Why are you so fascinated by the dwarves? The Abyss has equally talented craftsmen."

"Not even close! Dwarves created Odin's spear, Freyr's flying ship, Sif's golden hair, and the incredible chains that bind Fenrir! Originally it was Thor who created the first two chains to bind Fenrir but each time they tied him up, Fenrir always broke his bindings. That is why Odin commissioned the dwarves to create a chain so strong it would hold Fenrir for eternity and it did! The chain was called Gleipnir and it would only break once the world ended."

"So we're going to the dwarves to get bondage chains for you?" teased the demon. 

"Nope, I'm gonna ask for a shovel so I could bury you alive." 

Dyrroth grinned at her. "Live burial? You certainly know how to turn me on."

"Love birds, keep it in your pants and panties till after our schedule. After that, you can be as dirty as much as you want."


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