Chapter 3: Wager

Ruby sat alone over the edge of a precipice while she gazed at the flowing lava pouring from an Abyssal volcano. This event which would usually be dubbed as a disaster is actually beautiful to watch if you're not in its line of danger. The flowing lava appeared to her as a marvelous crimson river that conquers everything in its path.

When Dyrroth first brought her to this nice isolated spot to watch the magma flow, he told her that she's like the lava: red, hot, and dangerous. The comparison made her chuckle but now it made her want to attain more of its intangible aspects. The lava is unstoppable and can decimate those who stand in its way. She's quite envious of how formidable it is but then again, once it stops moving it just hardens. It loses its fire and vibrant color turning dull, it eventually becomes cold and sometimes even hollow. She figured that if she stays longer in the Abyss she'll be just like that. She will lose the fire burning in her soul and will be just a dull stone.

Ruby sighed inhaling the pungent odor of sulfur. The atmosphere is quite hot yet she had learned to cope with it through the course of her stay since she's been here for more than a month already. Thousands of thoughts passed through her head as she broods her current life and reminisce her moments out in the sun and under the starlight which had all but faded from her memory.

The Abyss is so deep the light of day doesn't even bother to extend its radiance to this place and a glimpse of the night sky is nonexistent. There's not even a small whiff of fresh air since death, decay, and sulfur dominates the arid atmosphere. Her body and mind had almost forgotten the meaning of safety as danger lingers in every corner especially since the Apocalypse Queen is out for her blood with only Dyrroth standing in her way.

Alice had gone out of her way to poison her twice but thankfully Sorca had a very keen sense of smell and swiped away the tampered drink she was about to consume. She had numerously ordered demons to ambush her and take her purity so that the prince will be repulsed of her but the Demon Queen had underestimated her own capacity to defend herself.

Dyrroth had made every effort to put an end to his mother's hostility and made it clear that he will usurp her power to forcefully abdicate her from her throne and personally execute her if she doesn't end her attempts on Ruby's life. This placed a stand down from Alice and her minions since Dyrroth is a demon of his words and his mere threats made even her tremble. However Ruby saw it fit to always keep her guard up in case the vampire queen tries something new.

Luckily it was only Alice and not Thamuz as well who was plotting her death since the Lava Lord will be a far more difficult opponent than the vampire queen. Ruby figured that the high and mighty Fire Demon considered it below him to elaborately plot the demise of a simple human girl when he should be focusing more on strategizing their next plan of invasion. She just hopes that Alice does the same instead of bothering her. Then again that would be very selfish since more lives will be in danger than just hers however can she really worry about others when her own life is at stake?

With regards to her own escape, Ruby was able to gather more reconnaissance about her place of captivity. Her knowledge of the Abyssal geography had expanded since she was allowed to freely roam the Abyss only with the company of Dyrroth or Sorca and her newly appointed squad of female demon guards. Even now a number of them are in standby with her which is probably for the best since she wants to brood while not worrying about her safety.

There are still places forbidden for her to access and Ruby knew better than to be curious and stupidly explore so she takes the advice of her guards before heading somewhere new.

So far, Ruby is starting to figure out their pattern of operation and the rotation of the soldiers guarding the exit yet their system is quite formidable that any plan she had drafted will easily be crushed. Of course, there's also her friends who are trying to break her out from the outside however she wasn't able to communicate with them and Dyrroth made sure of it that she will learn no further information about their actions keeping her in the dark.

Escaping the Abyss seemed almost impossible however Dyrroth had recently brought something up that will do just that; to make the impossible happen and the conversation they had a few nights ago is the primary reason why she's out here brooding.


"Ruby let's make a wager." Dyrroth suddenly suggested while they stay together in his bed. Or their bed rather since her new room turned out to be actually his because he wanted to be closer to her in a literal and more intimate sense. Just too intimate for her own taste.

His room is actually a very spacious cave with polished dark stone walls and his own pool and bath. Large light-producing gems protrude from the walls illuminating the room although still a bit dim since Dyrroth doesn't really like brightness. There's also a large king-sized bed covered in crimson sheets and numerous fluffy pillows. The first time she arrived in this room there were even rose petals and scented candles which she threw away before the Demon Prince arrived to thwart his plans.

Surprisingly, even though Dyrroth would sexually harass her ever so often, he never made any serious moves to actually make love to her which is still a mystery to the girl. He would only cuddle with her and leave bite marks on her skin to mark his territory and there's also the occasional blowjobs and kitty eating she was semi-forced to participate in.

"A wager? But I don't have anything valuable with me so I can bet you nothing." Ruby replied curiously as she lowered the book she was reading and looked down at the demon laying on her lap.

"What are you saying? Of course, you do."

"And what might that be?"

"Your body of course." Dyrroth said playfully. Ruby slammed her open book down on his face making the demon grunt in pain.

"You just want to rape me by tricking me into a game so it will appear fair and square and you won't feel too guilty." Ruby concluded looking down at him in displeasure. Dyrroth flipped over and wrapped his arms around her waist before nestling his face between her boobs and rubbing on them affectionately. She had also learned to tolerate his harassments and advances without blushing or being affected in the slightest bit.

"It's not like that. Don't you want to hear my full challenge before you judge it as a mere perversion?"

"You're rubbing your face on my breasts, how is that not an perverted? But, I can't really stop you if you want to tell me whatever it is, so might as well listen to it anyway."

"Very well." Dyrroth sat up straight and met her eye to eye with an unreadable smile.

"I'm offering you your freedom." This certainly got her attention leaving her speechless and wide-eyed.

"What do I do to win it?" she asked carefully assessing his words and intentions. Certainly, there's an ulterior motive or a hidden agenda within it so she waited for his reply to formulate her game plan.

"For 365 days I will do everything in my power to make you fall in love with me and I will also abstain from having sex with you to reserve your first time when you finally fall in love with me, but any other intimate actions are still allowed. If you learn to love me within the allotted time you will be mine forever in this life and the next. But if you still don't have the slightest bit of affection for me, then I will set you free myself and ensure that you get back to your home safely. That way if you end up staying here... it will be your own choice to be with me." Ruby was silent after this, contemplating his offer and its implications.

If she accepts then she'll have a chance to leave this place peacefully without any of her friends getting in danger however she needs to spend one more year here if she does, but perhaps it's better than forever. But what if it's only deception so that he can play with her feelings and give her false hope? She searched his face for any signs of bluff or deceit but only found seriousness in his eyes as he gazed back at her.

This is a very difficult decision to make however it's the only chance she'll get for freedom. Any plan she made will only lead to being recaptured or being killed since the Abyss has only one entrance and exit point that she knows of and that place is crawling with guards that will overpower her once she reached that place.

Ruby pondered this decision thoroughly weighing the pros and cons of answering positively and the opportunities she'll lose once she declines his offer. Meanwhile, Dyrroth stared at her face patiently waiting for her answer while having divided feelings regarding this whole set up. He really wanted to kiss her face right now but he restrained himself. He perked up when he figured that she finally made her decision and waited patiently for her answer.

"Before I answer, I want to know why you want me to fall in love with you?" she demanded maintaining a poker face.

"Well, you could say that I'm curious about what love really feels like. I think I felt it before for some girl before you but I'm not very sure that it's love. But with a flower-faced girl like you, it's obvious that you're brimming with love and joy and I want that. I want to understand why people would go through hellish lengths to protect love. So how about that?"

"I guess... I'll have nothing else to lose if I accept and everything to gain when I win. I accept your wager." Ruby said firmly, holding her hand for him to take. A huge smirk stretched across his lips as he accepted her smaller hand in his.

"Let the game of love begin. I will make sure to make you fall in love with me even before one hundred days pass." Dyrroth declared inching his face towards her for a kiss but Ruby blocked him with her fingers.

"We'll see about that." she smirked already feeling her victory. Who will fall for a demon like him?


Her trip down memory lane was interrupted when Sorca arrived. Ruby lifted herself from the edge and faced the demoness walking towards who was surprisingly accompanied by Selena who she had grown closer with after their talk about beauty hacks on the bath springs. Dyrroth doesn't really like them interacting but Ruby decided to make some friends of her own. Sort of, since she doesn't really trust Selena which is a good decision given the elf's nature. In fact, her only true friend here is Sorca who is blunt and upfront with her.

"Ruby we've got news~!" announced the elf playfully.

"What is it?" she asked in curiosity raising a brow.

"We have a surprise for you."

"I was ordered to deliver you to his majesty's current location. We should depart immediately." Sorca rephrased ignoring the witch. Ruby only nodded before following after the demoness. Selena walked beside her making small chat and telling her about this Lunox girl that she's quite fond of.

"So where are we really going?" Ruby tried questioning.

"It's confidential until we get there." Sorca replied while Selena revealed "To the stables." making the crimson demoness glare at her.

"What are we going to do there?" Ruby tried prying further but this time Sorca covered the elf's mouth before she can reveal anything else.

"That's confidential as well. We should move forward because the prince is not known for his patience." Selena was no longer able to accompany them as Sorca ordered her squad to drag her somewhere else. There seem to be more guards with her that they were able to fully surround her this time which is quite unusual.

When they reached an Abyssal congregation area, Ruby didn't fail to notice the commotion going on among the demons. They were fully armored and ready for combat making her wonder what it was all about.

"Sorca what's happening there?"

"Nothing noteworthy Ruby, the demons are only having a tournament which is a common thing for those ruffian bunch. We should increase our pace so we don't involve ourselves with their quarrel. You wouldn't want an ax flying in your head, would you?" Sorca answered with indifference but Ruby feels like there was more to it than just that especially since the demoness used her name.

"I suppose so."

As they passed further from the location, Ruby couldn't help but feel like she was supposed to do something and it bothered her as it kept getting louder and louder. Her body wanted to break away from her demoness guards and charge towards the fully armored demons. Her hand had been itching to summon her scythe for some unknown reason and it probably has something to do with what her intuition is telling her to do. It was a very difficult battle of will with herself but she managed to restrain her body from acting irrationally.

It was a tedious walk with so many ascents and descent however Ruby finally reached their target destination when she saw Dyrroth waiting for her with a blindfold. Sorca and her squad left afterward leaving her alone with the prince who had a huge smile on his lips when he saw her. Ruby carefully approached the demon and paused a meter away from him to put some distance.

"If you're going to Fifty Shades of Ruby me, please don't tie me up."

"I don't know what that means but I'm not planning on tying you up. Just a little cover for my surprise." Dyrroth said excitedly.

"In the stables? I didn't know farm sex is also your fetish. What happened to your temporary vow of celibacy?" Ruby questioned looking at him weirdly.

"What?! No! It's not like that! I'm a demon of my words so just shut up and let me blindfold you." Ruby was still skeptical about his intent but she cooperated nonetheless. Dyrroth tied the blindfold behind her head before leading her into someplace.

"Uhm, how much further?" she questioned after a minute of walking. She's afraid that he's going to push her off a cliff or something.

"Aww, are your tiny legs hurting already? Want me to carry you?" offered the demon teasingly.

"Shut up."

It took them another five minutes and a lot of tripping before they reached their destination.

"Are we there yet?" Ruby asked impatiently.

"Yes, we're here." Dyrroth removed the cover from the maiden's eyes and Ruby blinked a few times to regain her full vision because of the blur.

"What am I looking at?" she questioned.

"It's a flying lizard. A dragonkin known as wyvern." Dyrroth answered matter of factly. The wyvern breathed out feeling offended due to the insulting name the prince called it.

"It's pretty but what am I supposed to do with a wyvern?" Ruby inquired stroking the beast's snout.

"It's my surprise for you."

"You're giving me a dragon?!" Ruby exclaimed in excitement making her eyes shine brightly as she had a huge expectant smile on her lips.

"Not really because I know that you'll only try to escape. But we are indeed going to ride it to go somewhere that's the real surprise."

"Aww, but I would really appreciate being given a dragon. I don't really get many gifts you know." Ruby gave him her best puppy eyes making the prince scowl.

"So you want me to pamper you like a trophy wife?" Dyrroth teased.

"Not really. I just want to be given something very valuable for once. Like a dragon perhaps." Ruby convinced solemnly as she gently pets the wyvern who is actually rather nice to her.

"Fine you can have it but you can only use it when I'm with you. I'm not taking any chances." Dyrroth agreed caving into her charm.

"Thank you." The maiden exclaimed hugging the dragon's neck in happiness.

"Shouldn't you be hugging me instead of the lizard?"

"I'm calling you Skywynne because you're blue and you can fly in the sky." Ruby declared to the beast once she pulled away. The wyvern seemed to be pleased by his given name since he rubbed his face against her cheek in affection.

"Shouldn't you be naming him with a Demonic name like Dormos or Mephistopheles since he's Abyssborn?"

"He's mine so I get to name him. Come on let's go to where you're taking me already." Ruby said as she tried to mount the saddle with great difficulty due to the wyvern's height.

"You're being too hasty. It's almost not like you but it's very cute. I find it charming to see more sides of you." Dyrroth commented as he helped her up on the saddle before mounting behind her and grabbing the reigns to control the beast.

He whipped the reigns and the dragon took flight making the maiden yelp as her back collided with his chest. Dyrroth secured his hold on his wife as the wyvern ascended through the smoke and fog of the Abyss.

It took a solid five minutes before they were able to leave the chasm. Ruby was still a bit traumatized considering where her last flight ended but also because of her little fear of heights. She's not really afraid of high places but of the thought of falling however, Dyrroth was able to somehow... make her feel safe in his hold.

They flew over the crack of the Abyss towards the fading light of the horizon. The look of joy on Ruby's face is unparalleled as she finally got a glimpse of the sky, a smell of the fresh breeze, and temporary freedom from the Abyss. She spread her arms as Dyrroth led the wyvern over the ocean where towering islands protrude from the water. He maneuvered the dragon through the obstacles and did a spin to add some flair making her scream and laugh at the same time.

After a few more tricks to impress the girl, Dyrroth allowed the dragon to glide softly over the water. Ruby leaned down and the demon held her waist to keep her in place as she dipped her hand on the water. She was startled when a dolphin suddenly popped out of the water before diving back followed by more of its majestic kind. A cute laugh escaped her lips as they ride over the sea while a pod of dolphins plays about around them. Surprisingly a few mermaids and mermen also joined in around them giggling merrily with their odd visitors and splashing them with water.

"Oh Dyrroth, look at them. They're beautiful!!" Ruby exclaimed in amazement.

"Yeah, they're alright but you're much more marvelous." flirted the demon which was only ignored by the girl who was too distracted by her surroundings.

Ruby indulged her eyes with their wonderful appearance and harmonious voices. Their tails are very vibrant and colorful making her amazed. One cute looking mermaid waved at them happily before using her powers and ordering the water to make an arc over them. The other merfolk also copied this and soon enough they are flying under a beautiful tunnel of water arcs.

"Wow, they're very cooperative. This is so romantic." Dyrroth commented wrapping his arms around a very happy Ruby.

When they reached the end of the arcs, a beautiful red-tailed mermaid threw a clam at Ruby's direction which she successfully caught.

"Thank you!" Ruby happily waved them goodbye as the mermaids started diving down from the surface.

"Up we go." Dyrroth announced ordering the wyvern to take them higher.

It was already sunset; painting the sky and the clouds with warm summer colors and Ruby couldn't help but marvel at the serene look of the heaven that seems to accept both of them its comforting embrace. Excitement and immense happiness dominate her chest as she relished the smell of the breeze and the feeling of freedom completely forgetting about her company.

Dyrroth satisfied himself with his partner's profound happiness as she basked in the beauty of the world. The scene is beautiful and he's happy to see her so ecstatic but it's also sad how he can never make her smile like that while they're in the Abyss. Seeing her miserable like a wilting flower is breaking his heart. Perhaps a gem like her truly doesn't belong in a chasm where she has no light to shine.

Dyrroth pushed those feelings down and ordered the wyvern to take them higher into the clouds. They reached an area of the sky bordered by clouds above and below while the sunset unfolds in front of them. Dyrroth grabbed a puff of cloud and gave it to Ruby who looked at it with childlike wonder, giggling softly as they played with the cotton-like substance.

"It's beautiful up here." Ruby softly said as she pressed her back on his chest, resting her head on his shoulder.

"It is." Dyrroth simply replied as he relished her scent and contact.

"Wanna go higher?" he offered, wanting to see her smile some more.


The dragon gained more altitude and burst through the higher clouds. They were surprised to find the dark starry sky that greeted them but more so on the bright pink and green lights that danced above them. The colorful aurora moved like a beautiful fabric dancing in the wind. Dyrroth hugged Ruby tighter as the phenomenon touched something soft inside him.

"This is impossible. We're not that far south are we? Why's there an aurora?" questioned the maiden as she gaped in wonder.

"Who knows and who cares? It's perfect."

The two lingered longer in the heaven before descending back to land on a distant island. They landed on top of a mountain's clearing which is surprisingly lit by torches on carved monoliths.

Dyrroth stepped down from the wyvern before helping Ruby to dismount the saddle.

"Uhm... why are we on an island?" Ruby questioned utterly perplexed of their destination. Why didn't they return to the Abyss and went here on a secluded island?

"You told me once that you miss the smell of pines and camping. You said you wanted to see the night sky again and watch the sunset and sunrise... well, as a good suitor your wish is my command. Didn't I tell you that I will do everything in my power to make you fall in love with me?"

Ruby was... speechless. He went all out just to give her a taste of her old life and experience it with her regardless if it was forbidden. Even though he's basically her captor, no amount of words of gratitude will be enough to express to him how much his gesture touched her heart.

"Thank you... For everything."

"That's what I do. You must be hungry now. Care to join me for dinner?" he offered, taking the basket from the wyvern's side.

"Of course." Ruby smiled gratefully before helping him set the picnic blanket


Ruby fell down on the grass and rolled over it in happiness while Dyrroth munched on a piece of meat in the picnic blanket watching her silently in amusement. Somehow, the two of them seemed out of character but it doesn't matter for the demon as long as he makes his princess happy.

"I miss the sight of flowing water instead of lava. Ahh, it's so cold!" Ruby exclaimed as she washed her face on the small stream flowing on the mountain.

"Don't get too attached. We're leaving after sunrise to go back to the Abyss."

"Then we should stay up all night to do whatever we want!" Ruby suggested cheerfully making the demon chuckle. She laid down on the grass gazing adoringly at the infinite stars that stretched above them.

"If I stay up all night to do whatever I want then you won't be able to walk tomorrow." joked the demon with a mischievous smile. She heard the splashing sound of water and figured that Dyrroth must be washing his hands and face in the stream.

"Our contract, remember? No sex for about 82 more days. That is if I fall in love with you which is as unlikely as you being a prince charming." She reminded as the demon lay down beside her with a bit of space between them

"Are you doubting my capability to enchant you? I have my own version of charming that's greatly different from those boring fairytale princes and I assure you that my ways can make you happier than any fucktard in tin foil can."

"Ohh exciting. I think my vagina just tightened." Ruby said sarcastically making the prince chuckle.

"Well, I can loosen it for you if you want. Just say the three magic words and your wish is my command." Ruby ignored his words as she gazed at the sky with a distant look.

A momentary silence settled between them as the maiden became more reserved. It was so silent that the only noise they can hear is the chirping of the crickets and the soft whisper of the gentle breeze.

"Ruby, am I... making you happy?" The demon suddenly asked as he gazed at the sky with her.

"I... don't know. You've been good to me which I really didn't expect, but I can't really-You... you did a lot of things that didn't make me happy: attacking Moniyan, destroying homes, killing the innocent. I watched your demons burn down a lovely community that had been so nice to me. It's unforgivable and it made me very upset. I don't particularly hate you because you're the enemy of the empire and that is simply war but I just can't forget all the lives lost because of your kind." The pain and anger in her voice made him scowl as his heart constricted with a foreign emotion.

"I've been separated from my friends, fell into an evil chasm, and was instantly attacked and ambushed by demons. And then my stay in the Abyss has been the worst. I've been imprisoned, starved, violated, humiliated, and raped."

What is this? He shouldn't be feeling this? A terrible terrible regret that swallows his heart.


How is this little human able to make him feel such a terrible emotion? He had been called by the worst names, the most damnable curses, and the most poisonous insults anyone could ever think of but why do the pained words of a simple little girl feel so fucking painful?

"I can't really say that my time with you has been the best part of my life but... it certainly is the most memorable highlight of my mundane mortal life." Ruby said with a gentle smile.

"How so?" Dyrroth questioned giving her a curious side glance.

"I fell into the most dangerous place in the whole breadth of the land by riding a dead bird, battled a horde of demons, and fought their prince with a very terrible reputation. I was imprisoned in a stinky cell and fingered in the throne room." Ruby enumerated jokingly making the prince laugh.

"Is that all that you remember? What about all the nice things I did for you? Especially the good fingering." Dyrroth asked lightheartedly.

"When I was a young girl, I dreamed differently than my peers. Other girls wanted to be princesses, fairies, mermaids; they want to fall in love with handsome knights and live in castles. They wanted great things but me... I just wanted to lead a simple life like my grandparents. To have a warm home, to eat delicious meals, to grow up strong and tall, and maybe even marry a village hunter; those were my dreams. But now..." Their eyes met as Ruby poured out her emotions out in the open. It's so relieving that she can confide to him and let him in on her deepest feelings.

"A crazy Demon Prince is in love with me and he took me in a whirlwind tour of the Abyss, protected me from his murderously deranged mother, and made me experience the joy of riding a dragon. We soared into the heaven, flew over the sea meeting dolphins and mermaids, glided into the sunset, watched the aurora beyond the clouds, and then landed on a deserted island with only the two of us and nature." Ruby paused as she smiled due to the fond memories they just had.

"My point is, I can't erase my bad memories with you... but we can make more good memories as people or... as friends."

"Really Ruby you didn't even say lovers. I knew you were gonna say lovers."

"Don't push it. I'm just a little drunk because of the mead you brought so be grateful that I'm this honest."

"Fine, fine, but I would love that. I would like to make more fond memories with you." Dyrroth said earnestly as he twisted to face her. Ruby turned her head to meet his gaze, waiting patiently for his next words. However, the prince didn't say anything further and inched his face closer to hers until their lips met.

Dyrroth kissed her lips with gentleness and sweetness. His hand went to caress her stomach before cupping her cheek and deepening the kiss to be more passionate and heartfelt. Ruby only kissed him back knowing that reluctance is futile so might as well go with it. She had learned to build quite an immunity with his intimate gestures however... why does her heart beat so rapidly in her chest right now?



Dyrroth walked alone on the shore in the dead of the night. He was careful not to be noisy because Ruby had long gone to sleep and Skywynn has slithered somewhere to do whatever wyverns do. His only company are the silent song of the ocean and the shining stars blinking down on him.

Soon enough a mermaid emerged from the water and beaconed him closer with her finger. "Prince," she said to him "I am in here."

"What the Hel was that? I thought I said I wanted a rainbow. Where was the rainbow?" complained the demon, seething with annoyance. The mermaid rolled her eyes.

"What do you think we were leprechauns? We are mermaids as you can see." The other mermaids poked their heads above the surface and repeated what she said. It seems that they feel very offended when being compared to leprechauns. "Anyway the payment?"

"Here. Dragon scales and a hundred golden coins." Dyrroth materialized two treasure chests using his magic. The mermaids greedily opened the boxes to see the sparkling gold and treasure.

"You said it was a hundred and twenty! Where is the twenty thousand you promised?"

"And you promised me a rainbow but I didn't get one. And the clam you gave my girlfriend was so tacky. If your performance was a I bit better maybe I could have gotten more than one kiss. Maybe even have shameless sex on the beach but since I didn't, you also don't get full payment." yelled the demon back.

"Cheepscake!" yelled the mermaids.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

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